It's time to act: the best exercises for cellulite on the thighs. Exercises for cellulite on the priest and legs Cellulite on the inside of the thighs exercises

Cellulite is a big problem for women. Firstly, it is terribly ugly, self-esteem goes down sharply, and there can be no talk of any simple female happiness. Secondly, it is dangerous for the body, especially for bones and joints. How to get rid of this problem? All kinds of ointments, massages, body wraps, special diets - there are a lot of ways, and they all require a lot of effort and expense, but the result is not always pleasing. Or happy, but not for long. Cellulite is insidious, it is not easy to fight it even with the help of physical exercises. However, with a great desire and effort, it is possible to say goodbye to the hated "orange peel" even at home.

In the fight against cellulite, it is important to choose the right exercises. There are special complexes for the legs, buttocks, hips, which restore skin elasticity, correct the shape of problem areas and reduce the volume of subcutaneous fat deposits.

It is better to get rid of cellulite at the very first stage of its manifestation, but in this case, physical activity should be regular. Ideally, home workouts should be done every day or at least 4-5 times a week. With such a frequency, the result will already be noticeable in two weeks, and after a month, significant improvements in the skin condition can be observed.

Cellulite is a change in the structure of adipose tissue. Due to malnutrition, drinking regimen and an unhealthy lifestyle, metabolism is disturbed, the volume of fat cells increases, and the molecules enter the intercellular space. Accumulations of these molecules form micronodules under the skin. They are filled with lymph, which accumulates toxins in itself when it stagnates. It is these micronodules that form the so-called “orange peel”, and toxins poison the body.

5 basic rules for doing cellulite exercises at home

  1. Classes can be any time, but it is believed that early exercises are more beneficial for the figure, especially before breakfast. Morning is also the best time to form a new habit.
  2. You need to start anti-cellulite exercises with a light warm-up. It is necessary to warm up the muscles. The first exercises are performed smoothly, slowly. It can be simple tilts, turns and swings.
  3. Do not be zealous in the first days of training, it is important to gradually increase the load. Don't stress too much in the future. Home exercises should be a pleasure, your favorite music helps a lot if you turn it on in the background.
  4. It is necessary to periodically change exercises so that the body does not get used to and always receives the right load.
  5. It is important to combine physical activity with proper nutrition. In addition to home gymnastics, other methods of dealing with cellulite will be useful: massage, body wraps, proper drinking regimen.

Leg exercises

The most effective from the "orange peel" on the legs are jumping rope, deep squats and leg swings. The technique for their implementation is simple, but you need to know some nuances:

  • during jumping rope, almost all human muscle tissues are involved. When performing jumps, the elbows must be pressed to the body, landing only on the toes. Traditional jumps can be replaced with alternating right-left ones, when they land either to the left or to the right, while increasing the "span" of the jumps. An equally effective way is to jump crosswise, when the right foot is placed in front of the left, and in the jump they change. Rope exercises against cellulite on the legs should be performed in 2 sets of 15 repetitions;

  • deep squats are performed in 2-3 sets of 20-30 reps. There are different types of this exercise that help get rid of cellulite on the legs. This is a regular squat and deeper. But the most effective will be the exercise "chair". Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart with your back against the wall and your arms down. Then gradually lower yourself until your knees are bent at a right angle. Fix in this position for a while. First as much as you can, then a minute or more. Over time, you can perform squats with a load - pick up dumbbells or a barbell;
  • classic leg swings are performed from the “on all fours” position. First, straighten your right leg and swing it up, then do the same with your left leg. The back must be straight. At the first stage, it is enough to do 3 sets of 25-30 times for each leg.

Gymnastics for the buttocks

Cellulite appears primarily on the buttocks. This is one of the most difficult areas, because the largest fat layer is formed here. The same squats and swings will help get rid of cellulite on the buttocks (see description above).

5 effective exercises for a beautiful priest

    Raising the pelvis, lying on the back. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body. Start lifting your pelvis as high as you can. When descending, it is important not to touch a hard surface. Perform the exercise clearly, be sure to quickly rise and smoothly lower. 20-30 lifts in 3-4 sets are enough.

    Complicated leg swings. These are swings with dumbbells or special devices - leg weights, which are sold in sports departments and stores. The load can be gradually increased, for example, start with 1 kg and increase to 5 kg and above. How to do the exercise? Hold the dumbbell in the hamstring and slowly lift the leg with the load up. The number of swings is 10–15 times, and approaches are at least 3. Dumbbells and special weights can be replaced with a rubber expander. Fix the expander with the knee of the supporting leg or hand, and swing with the other leg, pulling on sports equipment.

  1. Lunges. To get the most benefit, they are best done after squats. Pay attention to the technique of the exercise. The leg that extends forward during the lunge is bent at a right angle, the knee should not go beyond the line of the fingers. The back is straight. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.
  2. Walking stairs. You can tighten the "fifth point" with this simple exercise. Only every day you have to go through 500 steps, this is comparable to walking up to the ninth floor twice. You can take dumbbells with you. Gradually increase the pace.
  3. Walking on the buttocks is the most popular exercise for girls who want to get rid of cellulite. Runs within 5-15 minutes. To achieve a quick effect, it is advised to do it 2 times a day. Keeping your back straight is a must in this exercise, but over time it is not difficult. It is also necessary to monitor the elbows, they should be bent at a right angle. To complicate the task, hands can be removed behind the head. The exercise has a lot of positive feedback, but you still need to know that it is not able to deeply work out the muscles of the buttocks. For best results, it is advisable to perform it in combination with other exercises.

Video: how to walk on the priest

Hip Exercises

Another problem area is the inner thighs. This part of the body becomes flabby, because in everyday life it is practically not involved. The problem can be fixed with the following exercises:

  • crossing the legs, lying on the back. Performing "scissors", not only the inner surface of the thighs is worked out, but also the muscles of the abdominal cavity. It is necessary to do at least 20 crossings in 2-3 approaches;

    Technique for performing "scissors": A - raise the legs about 20-30 cm above the floor and stretch out the socks; B - vigorously spread your legs 20–30 cm and cross them back

  • pinching the ball with your knees. Repeat 10 times in 2-3 sets. As in the previous exercise, the load goes to the press.

    Technique for pinching the ball with your knees: A - lie on your back, pull your knees up to your hips, squeeze the ball between your knees; B - squeeze the ball with your knees as much as possible, while raising your hips

  • Plie is a favorite exercise of ballerinas. The wider the legs are apart, the more effective it is for tightening the inner side of the thigh. And be sure to have a straight back. Do 10-15 squats, 2-3 sets. Over time, you can do up to 30 squats or pick up dumbbells.

    Plie technique: A - stand up straight and spread your legs as wide as possible, socks to the sides; B - squat as low as possible, trying to get a line parallel to the floor

Video: how to get rid of cellulite in 2 weeks

Cellulite trainers

You can also get rid of the “orange peel” with the help of simulators. In addition, they will also help strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize the functioning of the respiratory system, make the body more resilient and healthier.

What exercises will help in the fight against cellulite?

  • Treadmill;
  • exercise bike;
  • stepper;
  • ellipsoid;
  • exercise machine massager or vibrating machine.

It is difficult to determine which one is more effective, because any physical activity is already the path to success in the difficult struggle for an ideal figure. The most popular are the exercise bike and the treadmill. They help improve microcirculation in tissues, burn excess calories, and, therefore, do not allow fat deposits to gain a foothold on the hips and buttocks.

Well eliminates congestion in the subcutaneous fat layer with a stepper that simulates climbing stairs or uphill. This is a very useful exercise for women. It is more difficult to train on it than on the first two simulators, but no less effective. For a noticeable result, from 5 to 30 minutes is enough, depending on the initial physical preparation.

Ellipsoid is a three-in-one simulator. It combines an exercise bike, a treadmill and a stepper, which allows you to alternate one exercise with another every day.

Vibration simulators are no less popular, since classes on them do not require much effort. While standing, the vibrating element massages problem areas. Vibratory movements accelerate the process of splitting accumulated fats, stimulate blood circulation and tissue nutrition, restore metabolic processes in cells, and this is all that cellulite is afraid of.

Without exercise, cellulite will not give up its positions! Not a single method of getting rid of cellulite will have the desired effect if it is not backed up with special anti-cellulite gymnastics. What exercises against cellulite are effective?

Most often, manifestations of cellulite abound on the thighs. Against cellulite in these places, physical movements such as jumping rope (at least 15 minutes daily), exercises with a hala hoop (gymnastic hoop) help well. But it is best to fight cellulite with the help of anti-cellulite gymnastics. The set of exercises proposed below burns fat well in places where cellulite appears. Experts suggest using the following optimal training program. Beginners to train - 15 repetitions of exercises in 1-2 sets; more advanced practitioners - 15-20 repetitions in 3-4 sets.

Cellulite exercises for the outside of the legs

Cellulite most often appears on the outer side of the thigh, in the area of ​​the so-called "riding breeches". To get rid of ugly fat deposits in these places, it is important to use the so-called abductor muscles located under them with the help of exercises. So, anti-cellulite exercises for the outer thighs:

Exercise one. Standing leg raise
Starting position - standing. Stand in front of a wall, lean on it with both hands. Raise your right leg through the side and lower again. Both legs remain slightly bent at the knees. Do the same on the other side on the left leg.

Exercise two. Leg raise through prone side
Lie on the floor, on your side, on your left side. The head lies on the left hand extended forward, the right hand is in front of the body as a support. Bend the leg lying on the floor, and straighten the other and lift it up. Now slowly raise and lower your leg, while the toe of the leg is slightly turned down. Perform the same movements, but only in the other direction.

Exercise three. Side leg raise (option 1)
Lie on the floor, on your side, on your left side. The head lies on the left hand extended forward, the right hand is in front of the body as a support. Take the knee of the leg lying on top to the floor, now stretch the leg up diagonally. Repeat the movement on the other side.

Exercise four.
Side leg raise (option 2)
Lie on the floor, on your side, on your left side. The head lies on the left hand extended forward, the right hand is in front of the body as a support. Bend your top leg (heel pulls back until thigh and calf form a 90-degree angle). Now slightly move your hips forward. Raise and lower your hip. Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercise five. Emphasis on the forearms on the side
Starting position - lying on your side. Lean on your forearm, lift your pelvis slightly. Raise your upper leg 20 centimeters off the floor, count to 10, lower your leg. Perform the same movement on the other side. Do 2-3 repetitions of the exercise on each side.

Exercise six. Stretching for the riding breeches zone
Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your left leg at the knee, and place your left hand on the floor, preferably at shoulder level or whatever is comfortable for you. The right leg lies flat on the floor. Now grab your right hand with your left knee and gently pull it to the right side as far as possible. At the same time, the shoulders do not come off the floor. Hold this pose for 15-20 seconds, then slowly return to the starting position. Do the exercise on the other side.

for the inside of the legs

The inner part of the thighs also gives women a lot of trouble, since in this place the elasticity of the skin is lost early and fat begins to be deposited, which is why cellulite appears over time. To tighten the adductor muscles of this zone, special anti-cellulite exercises are offered:

Exercise one.
Leg abduction (standing)
Starting position - standing. Stand in front of a wall, lean on it with both hands. Standing on your right foot, raise your left foot, then slowly move it in front of you to the right and back. Both legs remain slightly bent at the knees. Now do the exercise on the other leg.

Exercise two. Stretching for the inside of the legs
Starting position - standing, legs apart and widely spaced. Transfer all your weight to your right leg, bending it at the knee. Put your left foot on the heel and pull the toe towards you, set your buttocks back, while keeping your back straight, and the body slightly forward, stick out your chest. Fix and hold the pose for 15-20 seconds. Do the exercise on the other side.

Exercise three. Leading the leg to the side (lying)
Starting position - lying on your side, head resting on an outstretched arm. Place one foot on a pillow or roller, slowly lift the other and lower again. Turn to the other side. Repeat the same on the other side.

Exercise four. Lesson with the ball (option 1)
Lie on your back, pull both knees to the body, pinch the ball with your knees, count to 10, breathe freely. Now relax your legs. Do 3-4 repetitions of this exercise.

Exercise five. Lesson with the ball (option 2)
Starting position - the same as in the previous version, on the back. Straighten your legs up, while holding the ball between your feet, pull your heels up and pinch the ball with your heels. Count up to 10. Do 3-4 repetitions of this exercise.

Anti-cellulite exercises for the front of the thigh

Exercise one. Side Squats
Starting position - standing. Without straining your muscles, slightly spread your legs to the sides. Putting your hands on your hips, move your buttocks slowly back, as if you are going to sit down and also slowly return to the starting position. No need to squat too low - keep the angle between the thigh and lower leg at least 90 degrees. Keep your back straight.

Exercise two. Bending the legs at the knees
Starting position - standing. Take a step back and lower the knee of your back leg to the floor as far as you can. The upper body remains upright, the abdominal muscles are tense. Raise a little and then lower again (slowly and smoothly). Perform the same movements on the other side.

Exercise three. Sitting leg raise
Starting position - sitting on the floor. Put your hands back to rest. One leg is bent, lift the other off the floor and slowly stretch, pulling the toe towards you. Raise your leg 20 centimeters and lower it again, but do not put it on the floor. Perform the same movements on the other leg.

Exercise four. Lying leg raise
Starting position - lying on your back. Bend your legs and press them against your stomach. At the same time, straighten both legs up, but the toes of the legs do not stretch. Now slowly bend your legs and straighten again.

Exercise five. Stretching for the front of the thigh
Lie on the floor, turn to the right side, stretch your right hand forward and rest your head on it. Bend your left leg, and bend your right leg for greater stability. Now grab the ankle joint of the left leg and pull it towards the buttocks. Gently push your hips forward (legs at hip level need to be closed). Hold this pose for 20 seconds. Now do the exercise on the other side. Repeat the movements on each side once.

Cellulite exercises for the back of the thigh

The following exercises for the back of the thigh strengthen the muscles of this zone and the connective tissue of the back of the legs and get rid of cellulite in this area.

Exercise one. Abduction and elevation of the leg
Starting position - standing. For stability, you can grab the back of the chair with both hands. Take your left leg back and at the same time lift it 20 centimeters, and pull the toe slightly towards you. Now slowly lower your leg, but do not put it on the floor. Repeat the same movements, but in the other direction.

Exercise two. Stretching the foot and pulling the knee
Lie down on the floor. Place your right foot on the floor as close to your buttocks as possible. Raise your pelvis and pull your right knee towards your stomach. Maintain this pose for a few seconds. Repeat all movements on the other leg. Perform 2-3 repetitions on each leg.

Exercise three. Foot pressure
Starting position - lying on your back. Bend the left leg, the right one lies relaxed on the floor. Bend your right leg slightly at the knee and lightly press your right heel on the floor. Maintain the pose for a few seconds. Perform 2-3 repetitions on each side.

Exercise four. Stretching for the back of the thigh
Starting position - standing on the floor. Bend your knees slightly. Put the right heel forward, hands are on the left thigh. Now slowly push your buttocks back, and move your upper body forward, also take your shoulders back, and move your chest forward. Hold the pose for a few seconds, breathe freely. Repeat all movements on the other side.

The advice is to do exercises against cellulite regularly, otherwise they will be of little use. You need to know that cellulite does not “give up” immediately and leaves the body rather slowly. It takes some effort and patience to get rid of it. But after a month of intensive training and similar daily exercises, you will see that cellulite is finally receding and losing ground.

Starting position and posture

Good posture and starting position tighten your figure, and this makes you visually thinner, and in addition, it has a positive effect on the course of physiological processes. Poor posture disrupts the normal flow of oxygen in the body, creates tension, causes various pains and ailments, and causes damage to muscle tissue. It also reduces muscle tone, causes displacement of internal organs, disrupts the normal course of digestive and excretory processes, and also negatively affects blood circulation.

To develop the skill of good posture, you should draw in the stomach, and keep the chest elevated. If this succeeds, then everything else will fall into place.

Therefore, always try to walk, stand, and sit at attention. This will ultimately affect your vitality, appearance and, of course, your figure.

Anti-cellulite exercises that correct the shape of the body

Correction of the figure includes, among other things, the build-up of muscle mass in those places where the muscles are flabby and their tone is weakened. The proposed physical exercises will really give an effect, since they act in isolation on certain muscle groups in the "problem" areas of the body and give visible results in a relatively short time. You'll slim your hips, tighten your buttocks, flatten your stomach, and even shape your arms. Cellulite exercises, correcting the shape of the body, have an isolated effect on certain muscle groups, sometimes forgotten and "irrelevant". Moreover, despite the fact that these exercises are of a strength nature, they tighten and tone the muscles without increasing their volume, that is, without causing the appearance of unwanted “muscle bumps”. And the end result is a great slender figure and no cellulite!

As the muscles get stronger, you can increase the hold time from 5 to 10 counts per rep, but this should be done gradually.

Front thigh stretch: Putting your hand on a support (stand, crossbar, chair), bend your leg back, grab your foot with your hand and pull the heel to the buttock. Hold this position for up to 10 counts. Do not arch your back and do not touch your buttocks with your heel.

Cellulite exercise for the muscles of the outer thigh:

Lie on your right side, bend your knees and pull them towards your stomach so that the angle between your torso and thigh is 90 degrees. Without releasing the foot, to maintain balance, raise the hip as shown in the figure. Hold one account. Drop your hip. Repeat 5-10 times. Raise and lower your leg at a slow pace, controlling muscle tension in both directions. Turn to the other side and do the same with the other leg. You can vary the angle at which the thigh is in relation to the body to find the moment of maximum muscle tension.

Stretch outer thigh: Sit cross-legged, grab one foot with your hands and pull it towards your head as shown in the figure. Hold 10 bills. Do the same with the other leg.

Exercise against cellulite for the muscles of the inner thigh:

Lie on your right side, bend your arm at the elbow, rest your head on your hand. Bend your left leg and place your foot on the floor as shown. Keeping your right leg straight with the toe pointed out, lift it a few inches off the floor. Hold and slowly lower. Without touching the floor, lift your leg again. Repeat 10 times. As you build muscle strength, you can add 10 "pulsating" swings to the last movement. Do swings at the top of the trajectory. Then hold your leg and count to 10. Turn to the other side and do the same with the other leg. Bring up to two approaches when performing this exercise.

Stretch inner thigh: Sit with your legs crossed as shown. Connect your feet, press your knees to the floor with your elbows. Hold 10 bills.

Cellulite exercises for the muscles of the buttocks

Pelvic forward movements: Stand with your feet about 30 centimeters apart, bend your knees slightly and pull your stomach in. Put one hand on the stomach, the other on the buttocks; Squeeze your buttocks as hard as you can while moving your pelvis forward. Hold this position for a slow count of three. Relax for 1 count. Repeat 10 times. This is one approach. Gradually work up to two sets. Stretch your glutes between sets by bringing your knees up to your chest one at a time and holding them for 2 counts.

This exercise also trains the muscles of the inner thigh and lower abdominals.

Raising the pelvis: Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet slightly more than hip-width apart. Hands can be placed on the floor along the torso or on the buttocks to better feel muscle tension. Squeeze and tighten your glutes as hard as you can and lift your pelvis up as shown. Pause and tighten your muscles even more. Lower the pelvis, stretching the muscles and, without touching the floor, raise again. Don't arch your back. Repeat 10 times. Do two sets of this exercise. As your muscles strengthen, you can add a hold at the "peak" point for 3-5 counts. In between sets, stretch your buttocks by pulling your knees up to your chest.

Then put your feet a little wider. Perform the exercise also, but straining the gluteal muscles, bring your knees together. “Open” and “close” your knees 10-20 times. Try to resist the movement by tensing your inner thighs as you “close” and your outer thighs as you “open” your knees.

When performing the last repetition of the movement, at the top point, placing the feet at a distance equal to the width of the hips, lift the pelvis even more up, squeezing the buttocks with all your might. Hold. Relax your muscles slowly and repeat 20 times.

Squeezing the buttocks: Get into the kneeling position as shown in the picture. It will be even better if you lean on your elbows. Without raising your head and keeping your back straight and your stomach pulled in, place your left knee on your right calf. Tightening your buttocks, raise your left knee to the level of your pelvis, keeping your toes straight. Pause and tighten your muscles even more.

Then slowly lower your leg back to the starting position, being careful not to relax your muscles. Repeat 10 times. Perform the exercise with the other leg.

Final stretch: Get into a right kneeling stance, place your hands on the floor on either side of your left leg so that they are parallel to your shins. The knee of the left leg should be exactly above the foot. Slide your right foot back as far as you can while keeping your left foot stationary. Press your pelvis towards the floor. Hold 10 bills. Then try to straighten your left leg, but only as far as possible. Don't overstretch your leg. Keep 10 bills.

Return to starting position by bending your right knee and gliding with your left foot. Press your pelvis towards the floor. Repeat the movement.

This exercise stretches not only the gluteal muscles, but also the thigh muscles.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

Lower Abdominal Exercise: Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet apart shoulder-width apart. Place your hands behind your head or simply place them along your torso. Firmly pull in your lower abdomen while pressing your upper back to the floor. Raise your pelvis slightly. Hold position 3-5 counts. Relax. Repeat 10 times. Gradually work up to 30 repetitions.

Make sure that only the lower abdomen is working. The head is on the floor or slightly raised. You can exhale deeply to emphasize the pulling in of the abdominals even more.

Upper Abdominal Exercise: Sit on the floor, bend your knees, rest your head on your chest. Stretch your arms forward or cross them over your chest. Draw in your lower abdomen and round your back. Feel this position and try to maintain it throughout the exercise. Slowly lower yourself onto your back as far as you can. Then, tensing your abdominal muscles, slowly return to the starting position, keeping your back round. As you lean back, you can exhale as this will help tighten your abdominal muscles even more. Slowly count to 3-5, leaning back, and return to the starting position in the same way. Repeat 5-10 times.

For a change, instead of lowering and rising, you can perform 10 “pulsating” movements with the body in the lowest position or pause in the same position for 10 counts. Repeat 5 times. All this movement should be performed only with the abdominal muscles.

Note. Do not lie on the floor, otherwise you will relax the abdominal muscles. Muscles should be tense throughout the exercise. It doesn't matter how low you lean, it's important to get the movement right. Make sure that all movement (lowering and lifting) is performed only by the abdominal muscles. Perform the movement smoothly and without jerks.

Exercise for all abdominal muscles: Take the starting position shown in the figure: hands behind the head, elbows apart, the right calf is on the left knee. Pull your stomach in and press your back to the floor. Tightening your lower abdominals, lift your legs off the floor as shown. Breathe out. Raise your upper body and lift your shoulder blades off the floor, tensing your upper abs.

Keep your stomach pulled in. Keeping your upper body elevated, exhale again and bring your right knee up to your right elbow. Hold 5 bills. Slowly lower yourself to the floor. Start with five repetitions and increase their number. Repeat all with the other leg.

The specificity of this exercise is that all the abdominal muscles work: the upper part, the lower part and the lateral (oblique) abdominal muscles.

Final strech: Lie on your back, pull both knees up to your chest and grab your “own” knee with each hand. Pull your knees up to your chest without lifting your head off the floor. Hold this position for 10 counts. This exercise relaxes the abdominal muscles and stretches the muscles in the lower back.

Cellulite exercises for arm muscles

Push ups: Stand facing the support (stand, sofa back). Lean on your hands and place them at a width equal to the width of your shoulders. Keep your arms straight, do not arch your back, pull in your stomach. Slowly bend and straighten your arms as shown. Repeat 5 times. Do two sets.

This exercise targets the upper body muscles: biceps, triceps, chest muscles, and upper back muscles.

Exercise for the biceps of the shoulder. Take a leg stand position, slightly bend your knees. Press your elbows into your body. Bend both arms at the same time. In the "peak" phase of the load, tighten your muscles even more and pause. Slowly lower your arms and repeat all over again. Bring the number of repetitions to 10. Do two sets of 10 repetitions.

This exercise is good to perform with weights (dumbbells). Start with a weight of 1.5-3.0 kg for each arm. You can perform the exercise in various ways: first raise one hand, then the other, etc. If you are not working with weights, then clench your hands into a fist to create self-resistance.

Exercise for the triceps muscle of the shoulder: Take a leg stand position, clench your hands into fists, take your bent arms back, straighten your arms so that they are parallel to the floor. Pause for a second and slowly bend your elbows again. Repeat the exercise. It is very important that the movement is performed slowly so that you can control the tension of the muscles when working in both directions. Repeat 10 times. Do two sets.

You can use weights (wristbands, light dumbbells), but their weight should be less than with the exercise for the biceps brachii. Control the correct technique for performing the exercise: do not allow swing movements.

Final strech: Put your right hand up, bend it and grab your elbow with your left hand. Gently and gently pull your elbow to the left behind your head, pause and slowly count to 5. Repeat with the other arm.

Home workouts on simulators

Currently, you have the opportunity to exercise at home not only on an exercise bike and a treadmill, but also on cross-country skis. Despite the fact that a number of factors that are essential for health are lost when exercising indoors, nevertheless, such training has significant advantages over exercising in the fresh air. At home, you can afford to exercise both in the snow and in the rain, both day and night. Therefore, I suggest that you take into account all the pros and cons of outdoor and indoor exercise, and then settle on some mutually beneficial combination of the two.

Do you want to achieve slender toned legs, but the fat on the inside of the thigh does not allow you to get closer to your desired goal? We offer you a unique selection of exercises for the inner thigh without equipment + completed lesson plan which can be performed even at home.

On the inside of the thigh are the adductors of the thigh (adductors), which are most effectively worked out with the help of isolating exercises. But in order to lose weight in the inner thigh, in addition to strengthening the adductors, you must also eliminate the fat layer that is located above the muscles.

Ready-made training scheme for the inner thigh

We offer you a ready-made training scheme that will help you not only work out the adductor muscles qualitatively, but also enhance the fat burning process. This scheme includes 3 types of exercises for the inner thigh:

  • Standing exercises (squats and lunges)
  • Cardio exercises (with an emphasis on the inner thigh)
  • Floor exercises (lifts and leg extensions)

Those. your workout should be divided into three segments, roughly equal in time. For example, if you train for 45 minutes, then give each group of exercises 15 minutes. If you train for 30 minutes, then each segment will last 10 minutes. Thanks to this scheme of exercises for the inner thigh you will tighten the muscles, reduce the fat layer, improve the lines of the legs.

Below are illustrative pictures of exercises for the inner thigh and ready-made execution schemes. You can take our version of classes, or you can create your own own program. But before we go directly to the exercises, let's clarify some points on the features of training on the inside of the thigh.

Essential Questions and Answers for Inner Thigh Workouts

1. What if I am a beginner?

If you are just starting out, then allocate no more than 15-20 minutes a day. Take breaks, keep a moderate pace, and gradually increase the time of the sessions, the number of repetitions and the complexity of the exercises.

2. What if I don't like cardio?

Cardio exercises not only help burn additional calories, but also enhance the fat burning processes in the body, so you should not neglect them. Without cardio, the effectiveness of exercises on the inside of the thigh decreases many times. It is not necessary to perform cardio exercises to the last of your strength, keep a moderate pace that you can handle.

3. What to do with diseased joints and varicose veins?

In this case, jumping, lunges and squats are undesirable for you. If there are contraindications or discomfort during training, then it is better to perform only exercises lying on the floor - they are the safest.

4. Is it possible to lose fat on the inside of the thigh without changing the diet?

As you know, the body begins to consume fat when it receives less food than it needs for energy. Therefore, without reasonable dietary restrictions, you will only strengthen the adductors, but the fat on the inside of the thigh will remain intact.

5. How can the proposed exercises be made more difficult?

You can easily make your inner thigh exercises more difficult by using leg weights or dumbbells. (although dumbbells are not suitable for all exercises) . You can also use a fitness elastic band - this is one of the most effective devices for strengthening leg muscles.

6. How often do I do inner thigh exercises?

Exercise no more than 2-3 times a week. On average, it is enough to devote about 1 hour per week to the problem area. It is also very important to train not only the adductors, but also the quadriceps, hamstrings, muscle corset and gluteal muscles. It does not make sense to deal with only a separate muscle group - you need to train the whole body as a whole. Be sure to check out:

The first segment of the workout: exercises for the inner thigh while standing

During squats and lunges, watch your posture, your back should remain straight, the knees should not go beyond the socks. Also, try not to tip your back forward and do not bend your lower back, otherwise the load on the muscles of the legs will decrease. If you do not have enough eversion in the hips (knees do not look in opposite directions) , that's all right. Choose the most stable position possible for you. Do your inner thigh exercises to the best of your ability.

If you have trouble keeping your balance in a plie squat (with legs wide apart and feet turned) , then you can use a chair as a support. This selection of exercises will help you work out not only the inner side of the thigh, but also the gluteal muscles and quadriceps.


2. Plie Squats with One Toe Raise

Execution scheme:

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 6 exercises that are repeated in 2-3 circles. Rest between exercises 15-30 seconds. Rest between rounds 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times 20-30 times 20-30 times 10-15 times on each side

Example 2:

  • Plie squats with one toe raise (right leg): 20-30 times
  • 10-15 times on each side
  • Plie squats with one toe raise (left leg): 20-30 times
  • Lateral lunge on toes (right leg): 10-20 times
  • 20-30 times
  • Lateral lunge on toes (left leg): 10-20 times

Example 3:

    20-30 times
  • Side lunge (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • 20-30 times
  • Side lunge (left leg): 15-25 reps
  • 10-15 times on each side 25-35 times

You can alternate between the 3 inner thigh combinations, choose just one, or create your own exercise plan. After completing the squat and lunge segment, move on to cardio exercises for the inner thigh.

The second segment of the workout: cardio exercises for the inner thigh

Plyometric (jumping) training is one of the most effective ways to burn fat in the lower body and shape lean legs. If you have no contraindications, then cardio training should definitely be part of your fitness plan.

The presented cardio exercises for the inner thigh are formed level from easy to hard. You can choose only a few exercises that suit your level of difficulty or alternate groups of exercises with each other. Perform exercises only in sneakers!


3. Plank jumps with leg extension

Execution scheme:

An example of a cardio workout for the inner thigh for beginners:

  • Plank jumps with leg extension

Exercises are performed according to the scheme: 30 seconds of work + 30 seconds of rest (e.g. Jumping with arms and legs 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, then move to Plyometric Side Lunge - 30 seconds, then 30 seconds rest, etc.) . We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, in the second circle we perform a side lunge on the other leg. 1 minute rest between rounds. This type of cardio workout will last 10 minutes.

Advanced Inner Thigh Cardio Workout Example:

  • Plank jump with leg extension

Exercises are performed according to the scheme: 45 seconds of work + 15 seconds of rest (e.g. Jump into a wide squat for 45 seconds, then rest for 15 seconds, then move on to Jump in the plank with legs apart - 45 seconds, then 15 seconds rest, etc.) . We repeat the exercises in 2 circles, between circles 1 minute of rest. This type of cardio workout will last 10 minutes.

After cardio exercises, we move on to exercises for the inner thigh on the floor.

The third segment of the workout: exercises for the inner thigh on the floor

These inner thigh exercises are done on the floor. They are low-impact and do not put a load on the joints and blood vessels, so you can perform them if you are worried about your knees or varicose veins. While exercising, try to keep your leg muscles tense and your stomach toned.


Thank you youtube channels for the gifs: mfit, Linda Wooldridge, Jessica Valant Pilates, Christina Carlyle.

Execution scheme:

We offer you 3 options for combinations of exercises for the inner thigh to choose from. The number of repetitions is indicated next to the exercise. If you are a beginner, do the minimum number of repetitions.

Your workout will consist of 8 exercises that are performed in 1-2 circles. Rest between exercises 15-30 seconds. Rest between rounds 1 minute.

Example 1:

    25-35 times
  • Inner thigh leg lift (right leg): 15-25 reps
  • Leg lift for the inside of the thigh (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 30-40 times

Example 2:

  • Circular movements lying on your side (right leg): 15-30 times
  • Circular movements lying on your side (left leg): 15-30 times
  • Shell complicated (right leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-25 reps for each leg
  • Shell complicated (left leg): 15-25 times
  • Raise of the closed legs (right side): 10-20 times
  • Raise of the closed legs (left side): 10-20 times
  • 15-25 times

Example 3:

  • Adduction of the thigh lying on its side (right leg): 20-35 times
  • Adduction of the thigh lying on its side (left leg): 20-35 times
  • Shell (right leg): 20-30 times
  • 15-25 times
  • Shell (left leg): 20-30 times
  • Leg raises with a chair (right leg): 15-25 times
  • Leg raises with a chair (left leg): 15-25 times
  • 20-30 times

You can alternate between the 3 inner thigh combinations, choose just one, or create your own exercise plan.

Basic rules for exercises for the inner thigh

1. Always start your workout with a warm-up and end with a stretch. Never train without warming up, otherwise you risk injury!

2. During the exercises for the inner thigh, you should feel the target muscles. Hold your body collected and concentrated , do not exercise thoughtlessly and laxly.

3. Try to periodically change exercises, do not constantly perform the same exercises. Don't let your muscles adapt to the load.

4. If cardio exercises are especially difficult for you, then you can start your workout with them, and not with squats and lunges. But do not put cardio at the end of the session, exercises for a local zone are best done after aerobic exercises to increase blood circulation in the target area of ​​​​the body.

5. Remember that the inner side of the thigh will only decrease with general body weight loss therefore, a prerequisite for getting rid of fat in this area are reasonable dietary restrictions.

6. Isolation exercises for the adductors are very useful for eliminating the problem area on the inner thighs, but do not forget about exercises for the rest of the muscles of the legs and core. With a balanced work on all muscle groups, you will reach your goal much faster.

7. Remember that fat does not melt in the part of the body that you pump hard. The whole body is emaciated. But you can help him eliminate the problem area by doing interval training and working on body tone.

8. If you like to use ready-made video workouts, then be sure to see our selection :

For modern girls, cellulite has become the number one enemy. Most often, the cause is a sedentary lifestyle, and therefore the best way to get rid of the orange peel will be exercise. Which of them are the most effective in the difficult battle with cellulite?

What does cellulite look like and why does it appear?

Cellulite begins when cells accumulate fat, toxins, and excess water instead of excreting waste products. This reduces the circulation of blood and lymph in the body. Outwardly, this manifests itself as those very unpleasant bumps on the skin.

There are four stages of cellulite:

  • At first, the skin on the buttocks loses elasticity.
  • In the second stage, when compressed, seals are visible on the skin, tuberosity appears.
  • On the third cellulite becomes very noticeable. Seals and fatty bumps increase so much that blood circulation can be disturbed. The ability to naturally contract muscles is lost.
  • The fourth stage is the most neglected. The skin becomes cold and tight, and may take on a blue tint. Blood supply is disturbed, nerve endings are injured, muscle tissue atrophies.

Stages of "orange peel" in the photo

Blood supply is disturbed, muscle tissues atrophy Cellulite becomes very noticeable When compressed, tubercles appear Skin loses elasticity

Of course, it is better to get rid of cellulite at the very first stage, but it is often simply not noticed. On the first two, exercise and metabolic recovery (proper nutrition) can be effective. On the third and fourth, in addition to them, you will have to add a power anti-cellulite massage and body wraps.

Any sports will be useful, but not all are equally effective in the fight against cellulite.

Not the most effective exercises to remove cellulite

  • A vibrating machine, a roller machine, as well as a massage, and everything that promises beautiful buttocks without effort on your part, is good to use only in combination with physical exercises. By themselves, they will not bring the desired result.
  • Swimming is a very healthy sport, effective in combination with other exercises. In it, the load is smoothly distributed throughout the body, the problem areas have an insufficient amount of it. But at the same time, the effect of “friction” on water is created, which has a beneficial effect on the skin.
  • Cycling will be effective if carried out in a sport mode, at a fast pace, like on an exercise bike. If it is a leisurely relaxing bike ride, cellulite is unlikely to go away.
  • (gymnastic ball) improves coordination and flexibility, is good for the spine, but it will only help in the initial stages of cellulite with multi-repetition workouts.

Activities that help

It is logical that the best results will be brought by those exercises in which the main load goes to problem areas (legs,). This includes strength training, cardio, and stretching. Before classes, it is strongly recommended to consult a medical specialist in order to know in advance about those exercises and loads that can bring potential harm to your body, and avoid them, replacing them with approximately similar, but safe ones.

Strength in the gym

Exercises with extra weight, like no other, make our muscles work. They pump up, get a beautiful shape and replace body fat.

It is important! If you are going to the gym for the first time, be sure to take at least one personal training session with an instructor to learn how to perform the exercises correctly and avoid injury.
This moment is especially critical for those who already know about the presence of injuries or other health restrictions. Such a trainer will help you choose a safe weight and method of doing exercises, which will save you from sometimes irreparable consequences.

The barbell squat is one of the most effective exercises

Squat with a barbell with a video on how to squat correctly

The barbell squat is the most popular exercise. It perfectly works out the muscles of the legs and buttocks. Put the bar on your shoulders not too high so that it does not put a load on the cervical vertebrae. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Arch your lower back. Begin to squat as if you were sitting on a low bench behind you. Squat down so that your thigh is parallel to the floor or lower. Rise to the starting position. For a better study of the gluteal muscles, try to put pressure on the heels and the outside of the foot when lifting.

Attention: during the exercise, always keep your back arched! Otherwise, the load will be transferred to the back instead of the legs, which can lead to injury. Keep your knees slightly bent while lifting. Do not unbend them to the end so that the load from the weight of the bar remains in the muscles, and does not pass into the knee joints.

Romanian deadlift + technique video guide

The deadlift is another good exercise that can develop the bottom muscles. The most gentle and at the same time more effective in terms of working out the buttocks and hips is its variety - Romanian. The classical deadlift loads all the muscles of the legs, but the Romanian specifically those areas that need to get rid of cellulite.

Deadlift works out the muscles of the legs and buttocks

Put the bar in front of you. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Slightly bend at the knees. Bend down so that your hands reach the bar. At the same time, be sure to bend at the waist. Start lifting the barbell while keeping your lower back arched. The movement should be due to the legs. Just like when squatting, do not fully extend your knees and keep your lower back arched all the time. The load must not be lifted above the surface of the legs. You can also use dumbbells instead of a barbell for this exercise.

Squat exercises with a barbell and deadlift are contraindicated for people with diseases of the spine, knee and hip joints. In this case, free weight exercises can be replaced with exercises in block simulators.

Bending the legs lying on the simulator for the perfect priest (with video tips)

Exercise pumps up the back of the thigh

Lying leg curl is performed in the simulator. The load falls on the back muscle of the legs and buttocks. Lie down on a bench, put your feet under the roller and start lifting them up to a 90 degree angle. The knees should not rest on the bench.

How to choose the right working weight for them

In the barbell squat and deadlift, light weight is taken first. At the first lesson, you can take an empty neck. The main thing is to feel the correct execution technique. In the block simulator, you also need to put a minimum weight. It must be increased gradually, but systematically. When you feel that the exercise has become easier, add weight. The fact is that the muscles get used to and adapt to the load. And in order for cellulite to go away, they must feel strong tension at every workout. The number of repetitions is from 10 to 15 times, depending on the weight. Do 3 sets for each exercise. Training for the legs and buttocks should be done 2 times a week, and when you can take more weight (from 20 kg excluding the neck) - 1 time per week so that the muscles have time to recover. Muscle pain after a workout is not only normal, but even good. This means that the muscle is restored and strengthened.

Attention! Classes in the gym have many nuances and some contraindications, therefore, in the presence of certain diseases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and supervise an experienced trainer. These are diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, kidneys, high blood pressure, varicose veins, epilepsy, pneumonia, a recent infectious disease, and vision problems. Also, you can not train with weight within a year after surgery, after pregnancy. It is strictly forbidden to engage in the gym during pregnancy. Strength training during menstruation is not recommended, even with light bleeding.

What can be done at home

These exercises can be performed with or without additional weight (at the initial stage). You will need dumbbells for weight, and if you don’t have them, take bottles filled with water.

Lunges will help get rid of flabbiness

Lunges - this exercise is interesting because each leg is worked out separately. Take dumbbells in your hands. Put one foot forward, take the other back and put it on the toe. Bend your front leg at the knee until parallel with the floor. Make sure that the knee does not go beyond the toe, otherwise the load from the muscle will go into the joint. Keep your back straight, do not lean forward. Perform on one leg, then on the other. The exercise cannot be performed by people with back diseases (scoliosis, osteochondrosis) due to uneven load on the spine, as well as with problems of the knee and hip joints, with weak ligaments, with varicose veins, problems with the cardiovascular system.

Do lunges alternately on each leg

Plie squats

Plie is an exercise that came from ballet. Put your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your socks and knees as far as possible to the sides. Keep your back straight. Squat down to parallel with the floor or below, so that your knees look to the sides. Don't lean forward, keep your back straight. For weighting, you can take a dumbbell. Exercise is not recommended for people with diseases of the hip and knee joints, spine (including scoliosis, sciatica), varicose veins, high blood pressure, problems with the cardiovascular system.

Plie - exercise of ballerinas

Bent leg raise

Get on all fours, lift one leg, keeping it bent at the knee, lower it back. Do the maximum number of repetitions on each leg. Make sure your knee is bent at a 90 degree angle. For a better study of the muscles, hold the dumbbell with your foot.

Exercise works the buttocks and back of the thigh

Straight leg raise

Get on all fours. In this exercise, the arms are not straight, but bent at the elbows. Raise your straight leg. In this version of the exercise, the upper part of the gluteal muscle receives a good load.

Exercise works out the gluteal muscle

Side leg raise

Lie on your side, rise on a bent arm. Bend the opposite leg at the knee and place it on the foot. Keep your leg on the floor straight. Raise and lower your straight leg. Pull the toe towards you. This exercise works well on the inner thigh. In normal life, this muscle receives insufficient load.

This exercise works the inner thigh.

Mahi leg up lying on the side

Lie on your side, rise on a bent arm. Raise and lower the opposite leg. Keep it straight and try to lift straight up without leaning forward or backward. Raise your leg as high as you can. This exercise targets the outer thigh and upper glute and stretches the inner thigh.

Exercise works out the outer thigh

Swing forward

Lie on your side, put your hands behind your head, legs straight. Keep your top leg straight, lift it up and forward, then take it down to the floor and back. Make sure that the second leg does not come off the floor and remains straight. This exercise works and simultaneously stretches the gluteal muscle, as well as the back, inner and outer thighs. When taking your leg back, bring it to the floor, but do not put your foot on the floor, otherwise the effectiveness of the exercise will decrease. This exercise involves the back, twisting movements occur in the lower back, so it should not be performed by people with diseases of the spine, in particular, with scoliosis.

Exercise is effective for the buttocks and thighs

Lifting the pelvis from a lying position

Lying on your back, bend your knees, place your feet hip-width apart, parallel to each other. Hands lie along the body. Raise the pelvis due to the tension of the buttocks and legs. Try to feel muscle contractions.

Exercise pumps up the buttocks

For best results, do all the exercises slowly, trying to feel the tension in each working muscle. Start with 15-20 reps for all exercises, including 15-20 reps per leg on the appropriate exercises, gradually working up to 50. For exercises with additional weight, do 12-15 reps. The number of repetitions should indicate how you feel. If the exercises are too easy and you do not feel good tension, you need to increase the number of repetitions or add additional weight (for exercises where it is used). All "asymmetric" exercises (on each side separately) should not be performed by people with diseases of the spine, including scoliosis, as well as diseases of the hip joints.

Cardio training at the gym and at home

With any active exercise, blood circulation improves, toxins are removed, and, most importantly, excess fluid leaves the cells.

A good way to get rid of cellulite. These exercises will raise the tone of the body, tighten the body, improve well-being and definitely cheer you up. In addition, when you make quick movements in the water, a hydromassage effect is created. And this has a good effect on the condition of the skin and destroys the hated cellulite. Contraindications: epilepsy, allergies, intolerance to chlorine in pool water.

Water aerobics will bring not only benefits, but also a good mood

Horseback riding

Riding a trot perfectly works out the inner part of the thigh and buttocks. The horse is a living simulator for fighting cellulite. Of the contraindications, serious diseases of the nervous system, such as epilepsy, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, problems with the knee joints.

Stepper and step aerobics

Step aerobics is like climbing stairs. Not a bad way with the right training. Rise to the platform should be only due to the legs. The back should be kept straight, and the foot should be placed on the platform completely. Make sure that the load falls on the legs and does not go to the back.

Climbing the step platform is like climbing stairs

The stepper also simulates climbing stairs. It helps a lot with problems with cellulite due to the load on the buttocks and legs. But the simulator has contraindications - it is not recommended to use it for problems with the spine.

Elliptical and exercise bikes

The exercise bike perfectly develops the muscles of the “bottom”. The legs receive good blood flow and sufficient exercise.

Ellipsoid (elliptical trainer) is one of the most popular. It combines the advantages of an exercise bike, a stepper and a treadmill. At the same time, there are no contraindications for exercising on it, except for general physical exertion: high blood pressure, heart failure.

Combine ellipsoid activities with watching your favorite show

Running and walking

Running is considered to be a very effective remedy in the fight against cellulite. It tones the muscles of the legs and buttocks, strengthens the body as a whole, increases endurance, but at the same time, a large load falls on the knees. Therefore, if there are problems with the joints, it is better to abandon this type of training. For persons weighing more than 100 kg, the safest will be sports walking: shock loads during running can damage the joints!

jumping rope

The jump rope is very popular in the fight against cellulite. When exercising with it, the legs and hips receive a large influx of blood. You need to jump with a rolling pin from 15 minutes. If it seems difficult right away, take breaks. But during them, do not sit, but move - for example, walk slowly.

Twerk for working out the buttocks and abdominal muscles (with a video example)

Twerk - "booty dance" - came to us from the African-American regions of the United States. With such “wild dances”, the gluteal and abdominal muscles (stomach) are well worked out. Of the contraindications - problems with the spine.

General contraindications for cardio training are heart disease, high or low blood pressure, epilepsy. If there are health restrictions, it is better to choose individual cardio training, rather than a group session. Thus, you will be able to control the time and intensity of the load yourself, while in group classes everyone is engaged in the same rhythm.

Please note: in order to achieve a high result before cardio training, rub a suitable anti-cellulite remedy into problem areas, and perform training in special thermal shorts.

A set of stretching exercises

In stretching exercises (Pilates, yoga), the effect is possible with high-quality performance. The fact is that stretching is a rather painful exercise. Many feel sorry for themselves when they feel pain and stop reaching further. But a little pain in the muscles when stretching just says that you are progressing. If you do not feel how your muscles stretch, then training will not bring benefits.

Basic rules and precautions for beginners

It is important! Before stretching exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles. To do this, spend at least 15 minutes of intense cardio exercises (dancing, squats, treadmill). Leg swings are also good. It is ideal to start your workout with cardio, strength or fitness exercises and finish with stretching. Do not do stretching exercises in a cold room - this can damage the muscles. The temperature should be room temperature, comfortable for you.

The result of stretching exercises does not appear immediately - you need to be patient. There are also a number of contraindications in which classes are highly undesirable:

  • rehabilitation period after fractures, torn ligaments, dislocations, etc. (up to a year after injury);
  • stage of exacerbation of diseases of the joints, osteoporosis, arthrosis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system (varicose veins, thrombosis, etc.);
  • pregnancy;
  • with caution in hypertension;
  • in the presence of sharp pain in any area of ​​the body during exercise.

The last paragraph indicates that there is a clear problem and it is important not to delay in contacting a doctor, and not to engage in amateur activities.

For inner thigh

Place your legs wide and bend one at the knee, keep the other straight. Sit as low as possible, while making sure that the stretching leg does not bend at the knee, and the pelvis does not turn to the side.

Exercise will help you sit on the twine

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs as far apart as possible. Keep them straight! Stretch your body first to one leg, then to the other. Try to lean as low as possible while keeping your legs straight. This exercise stretches the back and inner thighs.

From this exercise not far from the twine

Put your feet together. Bend down trying to reach your toes. Gradually try to put your palms on the floor completely, and then put them behind your legs. At the same time, keep your legs in place straight, do not bend at the knees. This well-known exercise comes from yoga.

Exercise well stretches the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh

For front

Stand straight, put one leg forward and bend at the knee. Pull the second back. Try to sit as low as possible and gradually straighten your back leg. Keep your back straight. This exercise stretches the front of the thigh and also captures the inside. It also involves the back of the thigh of the supporting leg.

This exercise stretches the front and inner thighs.

A good stretch is the ability to sit on a twine. Strive for this, and you will get rid of cellulite, and your legs and buttocks will become toned and slender.

How to sit on a twine for beginners (video)

For girls and women just starting the fight against cellulite, fitness channels with training complexes from Anita Lutsenko, Tanya Fedorishcheva (TGym), Yougifted and BeFiT channels will be useful. Here you can find useful tips for gymnastics, exercises and full workouts in the gym and at home.