Scenario for a step aerobics class in a dhow. A child and a children's aerobics program: a set of exercises


According to the degree of influence on the child’s body, all types of health-improving physical education (depending on the structure of movements) can be divided into two large groups: exercises of a cyclic and acyclic nature. Cyclic exercises are motor acts in which long time the same complete motor cycle is constantly repeated. These include walking, running, skiing, cycling, swimming.

In acyclic exercises, the structure of movements does not have a stereotypical cycle and changes during their execution. These include gymnastics and strength exercises, jumping, throwing, sports and outdoor games. Acyclic exercises have a predominant effect on the functions of the musculoskeletal system, resulting in increased muscle strength, reaction speed, flexibility and mobility in the joints, and lability of the neuromuscular system. Types with a predominant use of acyclic exercises include morning exercises and rhythmic exercises.

Morning exercises help to quickly bring the body into working condition and maintain a high level of performance in during the day, improving coordination of the neuromuscular system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. The peculiarity of rhythmic gymnastics is that the tempo of movements and the intensity of the exercises are set by the rhythm of the musical accompaniment. It uses a complex of various means that affect the child’s body. Thus, a series of running and jumping exercises primarily affect the cardiovascular system; bending and squatting - on the musculoskeletal system, relaxation and suggestion methods - on the central nervous system. Exercises on the ground develop muscle strength and joint mobility, running series develop endurance, dance series develop plasticity, etc. Depending on the choice of means used, rhythmic gymnastics classes can be predominantly athletic, dance, psychoregulatory or mixed in nature. The nature of energy supply, the degree of enhancement of respiratory and circulatory functions depend on the type of exercise. A series of ground exercises (lying, sitting) has the most stable effect on the circulatory system. Heart rate does not exceed 130 beats/min., i.e. does not go beyond the aerobic zone. Thus, work on the ground is predominantly
aerobic in nature. In a series of exercises performed in a standing position, exercises for the upper extremities also cause an increase in heart rate to 130 beats/min, dance exercises - up to 150, and global exercises (bending over, deep squats) - up to 160 beats/min. A series of running and jumping exercises have the most effective effect on the body.

In health-improving classes, the choice of tempo of movements and series of exercises should be carried out in such a way that the training is mainly aerobic in nature (with an increase in heart rate within the range of 130-150 beats/min.). Then, along with improving the functions of the musculoskeletal system (increasing muscle strength, joint mobility, flexibility), it is also possible to increase the level of general endurance, but to a much lesser extent than when performing cyclic exercises.

The forms of health-improving physical education in kindergarten described above (using acyclic exercises) do not contribute to significant growth functionality circulatory system and level of physical performance, and therefore are not of decisive importance as health programs.

The leading role in this belongs to cyclic exercises, which ensure the development of aerobic capabilities and general endurance in children.

Aerobics is a system of physical exercises that provide energy through the use of oxygen. Aerobic exercises include only those cyclic exercises in which at least 2/3 of muscle mass. To achieve a positive effect, the duration of aerobic exercise should be at least 20-30 minutes. It is cyclic exercises aimed at developing general endurance that are characterized by the most important morphofunctional changes in the circulatory and respiratory systems. Differences in individual types of cyclic exercises, associated with the peculiarities of the structure of the motor act and the technique of its implementation, are not of fundamental importance for achieving a preventive and health-improving effect. Experience working with children preschool age shows that all of the above forms of health-improving physical education have a positive effect on the child’s body. But the most effective is aerobics.

Aerobics classes give children great pleasure. In order to make the classes more interesting and rich, we made individual equipment for the children - steppes.

A step is a step no more than 8 cm high, 25 cm wide, 40 cm long, lightweight and covered with soft leatherette.

Step aerobics classes are always accompanied by cheerful, rhythmic music, which puts children in a good mood. Step aerobics can be done in various ways:

In the form of full health-improving and training sessions with children of senior preschool age, lasting 25-35 minutes;
- as part of a lesson (duration from 10 to 15 minutes);
- in the form of morning exercises, which enhances its healing and emotional effect;
- in demonstration performances of children at holidays;
- as step entertainment.

One set of step aerobics, as a full lesson, is performed by children for three months; some exercises can be modified and become more complex as they are mastered.

When distributing exercises, it is necessary to correctly dose physical activity, i.e. heart rate should not exceed 150-160 beats/min.

Health-improving and training step aerobics complexes
directions for older preschoolers

Complex No. 1

In a well-ventilated room, step dances are laid out on the floor in a checkerboard pattern. To the accompaniment of cheerful, rhythmic music, children enter the hall and stand behind the steps. (Children in light clothing, barefoot.)

Preparatory part

1. Walk normally in place. (Children must feel the music, catch the tempo of the movement, tune in.)
2. Walking on the steppe.
3. An additional step back from the step to the floor and back to the step, from the right foot, vigorously working with the hands.
4. Added step back from the step, forward from the step.
5. Walking on the steppe; hands alternately forward, up, forward, down.

Main part

1. Walking on the steppe, alternately drawing large circles along the body with your hands, fingers clenched into fists.
2. Step onto the step - from the step, using your hands, drawing small circles alternately along the body.
(Repeat 1 and 2 three times.)
3. Side step on the steppe left and right, arms straight, simultaneously lifting forward and down.
4. An additional step on the steppe to the right and left with a half-squat (step - squat); hands, bent at the elbows, - towards the shoulders, down.
5. Walk on the steppe, raising your knee high, while simultaneously clapping with straight arms in front of you and behind your back.
6. Step to the step - from the step with clapping with straight arms in front of you and behind your back.
(Repeat 3, 4, 5 and 6 3 times.)
7. Running in place on the floor.
8. Easy running on the steppe.
9. Run around the step.
10. Running in all directions.
(7, 8, 9 and 10 repeat 3 times.)
11. Regular walking on the steppe.
12. Walking on your toes around the step, alternately raising your shoulders.
13. Step sideways from step to step.
14. Walk on your heels around the step, simultaneously raising and lowering your shoulders.
15. Step sideways from step to step.
16. "Cross". Step from the step - forward; from the step - back; from the step - to the right; from the step - to the left; hands on the belt.
17. The same when performing dance movements with your hands.
18. Breathing exercise.
19. Regular walking on the steppe.
20. Step from step to step, arms up, towards the shoulders.
21. Walking around the step on half-bent legs, hands on the belt.
22. Walking in all directions while clapping overhead.
23. Step onto the step from the step.
24. Changing lanes in a circle. Walking on the steppe in a circle.

25. Swing a straight leg up and forward (8 times).
26. Snake walking around the steps (2-3 laps).
27. Swing a straight leg up and forward, hands on the belt (8 times each).
28. Running like a snake around the steps.
29. Outdoor game “Circus horses”.
The circle of step steps is a circus arena. Children walk around the steps, raising their knees high (“like horses in training”), then at a signal they switch to running with their knees raised high, then to walking and when the music stops they take a step (“stall”, there should be 2-3 fewer steps number of children). The game is repeated 3 times.
Children put the steppes in a certain place and take a rug, which they lay out in a circle and sit on them.
30. Relaxation and breathing exercises.

Complex No. 2

The steps are arranged in a chaotic order.

Preparatory part

1. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, straighten your arms up, unclenching your fists, look at them; arms to shoulders, hands clenched into fists.
2. Step onto the step - from the step, vigorously working with your hands.
3. Simultaneously with walking on the steppe, swing your arms back and forth with clapping in front and behind.
4. Walking on the steppe, turning around yourself with free arm movements. (One way and the other.)
5. "Cross". (Repeat 2 times.)

Main part

1. At the same time as walking on the steppe, cross bent arms in front of you, simultaneously slap your left hand on your right shoulder and your right hand on your left shoulder.
2. Step from the step to the side, alternating with a squat, raising your arms forward.
3. At the same time as walking on the steppe, raise your arms up through your sides and clap above your head.
4. Step from step to step, raising and lowering your shoulders.
5. Walking in random steps, performing dance movements with your hands.
(Repeat 2 times.)
6. Sitting on the steppe, legs crossed, hands on the belt. Lean right, left.
7. I.p. - Same. Swinging your arms forward, quickly stand up and return to the starting position.
8. Kneeling on the steppe, hands on the belt; lower on your heels, arms to the sides, return to the starting position.
9. Walking on the steppe, vigorously working with your hands.
10. Rhythmic squats and straightening on the steppe, arms in free movement.
11. Spin on the steppe, arms to the sides, to one side and the other.
12. Repeat number 10.
13. Spinning with your eyes closed.
14. Step to step - from step.
15. Running in all directions while performing hand tasks.
16. Repeat No. 1.
17. Light jogging on the steppe alternates with walking 2 times.
18. Jumping, standing sideways on the steppe, hands on the belt; legs apart on the floor, legs together, return to starting position.
19. Step to step - from step.
20. Repeat No. 18 on the other side.
21. Walking on the steppe.
22. Outdoor game “Physical education-hurray!”
Children carry steppes to play different places, placing them in two lines on opposite sides of the site. There is one less step on one side. They themselves stand where there are more steps, two people per step. This is the starting line. On the opposite side is the finish line. The guys say:

“Sport, guys, is very necessary.
We are strong friends with sports,
Sport is a helper!
Sport is health!
Sport is a game!
Physical training!"

With the end of the words, the children run a race to the finish line. Those who did not have time to take the step lose. Those who are among the first to take the step win. (Repeat the game 3 times.)
23. Games and relaxation exercises.

Complexes for morning exercises on the steppes can be compiled using the above exercises. For example, a complex of morning exercises on the steppes ( for older preschoolers).
The steps are laid out in three rows

Part 1.

Walking and running in a column one at a time around the steps.
Walking and running like a snake around the steps. Walking with stepping over steppes. Rebuilding in threes to the steps.

Part 2.

1. I.p.: standing on the steppe, arms down. Simultaneously with walking in place, swing your arms back and forth with clapping in front and behind (10 times).
2. I.p.: o.s., step to the right from the step, arms to the sides, return to the starting position; the same to the left. (5 times.)
3. I.p.: standing on the steppe, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Turns right and left with free arm movements (10-12 times).
4. I.p.: kneeling on the steppe, sit down and stand up without helping yourself with your hands (10-12 times).
5. Sitting on the steppe, legs crossed, bend over to your right and left knees, touching them with your forehead (help yourself with your hands).
6. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe, swing your straight leg forward, clap under your foot (10-12 times).
7. Regular jumps on the step alternate with walking 2 times.

Complex No. 3

In a well-ventilated room, step boards are laid out on the floor in three rows. (Children practice barefoot, wearing lightweight clothing.)

Preparatory part (1st musical segment)

1. Tilt of the head to the right and left.
2. Raising your shoulders up and down.
3. Normal walking in place on the steppe.
4. An additional step forward from the step to the floor and back to the step.
5. Step back.
6. Extended step to the right (left) from the step, return to IP.
7. Added step forward and backward; right-left.
8. Leg back, behind the step board - arms up, return to IP.
9. Lunge forward with your feet, arms to the sides.

Main part (2nd musical segment)

1. Right leg to the side, behind the step; right hand to the side. Left leg to the side, left arm to the side. Return to i.p.
2. Place your right (left) leg forward on your toes before stepping, and sharply extend your right (left) arm forward. Return to i.p.
3. The same to the right and left of the step board. Back from the step board.
4. Place your right (left) leg sharply forward; right (left); back and return to i.p.
5. Semicircle. Draw a semicircle around the step board with your right (left) foot; return to IP
6. Side step on a step board with a half squat (repeat exercises twice).

(3rd musical segment)

7. Turn to the right (left), leg back behind the step board, arms to the sides; return to IP
8. Standing on the floor in front of the step board, place your right (left) foot on the step, arms sharply up; return to IP
9. I.p. Same. Lunge with the right (left) foot onto the step, palms on the knee; return to IP (repeat exercises twice).
10. Leg lunges to the right; left; back while standing on a step board.

(4th musical segment)

11. "Wiggles."
12. Running exercises.
13. Half squats with circular movements of the arms.
14. Running exercises.

(5th musical segment)

15. Jumping exercises.
16. Spin on the step board to the right and left side around you, arms to the sides.
17. Jumping exercises.
18. Walking around the step board on half-bent legs, hands on the belt.
19. Leg forward, behind the step board, arms sharply to the sides; return to IP

(6th musical segment)

20. Normal walking in place.
21. Step forward; step back; place your feet wide.
22. Rebuilding with steps in a circle. Walking on the steps in place.
23. Holding hands, take an extra step to the right in a circle.
24. I.p. Same; four steps back and forth.
25. Exercises to restore breathing. (Lesson duration 30-35 minutes)

A set with small-diameter balls for pre-school children

1st musical segment. Introductory part.

Exercises against the wall for shaping correct posture(3-4 exercises). Walking in a column alternating with running; walking on toes, heels, the outside of the foot; running like a snake between step boards and jumping (stepping over) them; walking along correctional paths (while walking, children take a small diameter ball with their right hand); rebuilding in three links to step boards (pre-arranged); walking in place: turn to step boards.

Main part is divided into four musical segments. Exercises on step boards with a small ball:

2nd musical segment.

1. I.p.: standing on the steppe, the ball in the right hand. Step forward from the step, transfer the ball over your head to the other hand; return to IP
2. I.p.: the same. Step back from the step, transfer the ball over your head to the other hand; return to IP
3. I.p.: the same. Step forward, step back, transfer the ball over your head from hand to hand.
4. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe, the ball in the right hand. Bring your right (left) leg forward onto your toes before the step, at the same time bring your right (left) hand forward with the ball; return to IP, transfer the ball to the other hand.
5. I.p.: o.s. The same movement is performed to the right (left) of the step.
6. I.p.: o.s. The same - back from the steppe.
7. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand. Lunge to the right (left) from the step, three swings, return to IP, transfer the ball to the other hand.

3rd musical segment.

1. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe, arms forward, ball in the right hand. Turn to the right (left), rising on your toes and moving your right (left) hand with the ball back. Return to IP, transfer the ball to the other hand.
2. I.p.: the same. The same turn to the right (left), but place your foot behind the step board alternately. Turn right - right foot: turn left - left foot.
3. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe. Lunge forward with your right (left) foot behind the step board; hands forward; move the ball; return to IP
4. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe, the ball in the right hand. Take your right (left) leg back beyond the step and place it on your toes; raise your hands up and pass the ball; return to IP
5. I.p.: o.s. before step, ball in right hand. Step onto the step, move the ball over your head; return to IP

4th musical segment.

1. Run in place, on a step board.
2. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe, arms above your head, the ball sandwiched between your palms. Spin around on your toes, while simultaneously “rubbing” the ball with your palms.
3. Run around the step board to the right and left.
4. Repeat exercise. No. 2.
5. I.p.: o.s. on the steppe. Throwing a ball up and catching it after clapping.
6. The same, sitting on a step board, legs to the sides.
7. I.p.: o.s. on a step board, ball in right hand. Throwing the ball on the floor and catching it with one hand, alternately with the right and left hands.
8. The same, sitting on a step board, legs to the sides.
9. I.p.: o.s. on a step board, ball in right hand. Toss the ball from hand to hand, shifting from foot to foot.

5th musical segment.

1. I.p.: o.s. on a step board, ball in right hand. Jump - legs apart, behind the step in different directions; transfer the ball to the other hand; jump back into IP.
2. Walking on the steppe, “rubbing” the ball in your palms.
3. I.p.: right foot - on the step, left - on the floor to the left of the step, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand. Jump to change the position of your legs, transfer the ball to the other hand.
4. Repeat No. 2.
5. Walking in place, on a step board.
6. Line up one at a time, put the ball in place.
7. Rebuilding in three sections to step boards. Take steppes.
8. Formation into a circle. Place step boards in a circle.
9. Walking in place on a step board.
10. Step back and forward.
11. An additional step to the right in a circle until returning to place.

The final part.

6th musical segment (music for relaxation).

Meditation game “By the Lake”. The circle of steppes is a lake. Children “splash” in it, “cool down”, “splash”, put their feet down and relax.

To strengthen the health of children Help optimize growth and development of the musculoskeletal system Increase performance and motor activity Form correct posture Promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems Develop the need for systematic sports

To improve psychomotor abilities Develop motor qualities: muscle strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination abilities Develop a sense of rhythm, ear for music, memory, attention, the ability to coordinate movements with music Develop a sense of self-confidence

The importance of step aerobics Persistent interest in physical education Developing confidence, orientation in space Developing general endurance Improving the accuracy of movements Developing physical qualities: agility, speed, strength, flexibility, plasticity Efficiency of physical activity

The program is built on generally accepted principles The principle of systematicity and consistency - continuity of material and its repetition The principle of gradualism The principle of individuality The principle of accessibility The principle of alternating load The principle of clarity The principle of consciousness and activity

Keep your shoulders turned, chest forward, buttocks tight, knees relaxed Avoid overexertion in the knee joints; Avoid excessive arching of the back Do not lean forward from the hip, lean with the whole body When lifting or lowering, always use a safe lifting method Facing, lift using your legs, not your back

Rules for the technique of performing step training Perform steps in the center of the step platform Place the entire sole of your foot on the step platform when ascending, and when descending, place your foot from toe to heel before taking the next step When descending from the step platform, remain standing close enough to her. Do not step back more than the length of your foot from the step platform Do not start teaching children how to use their hands until they have mastered the movements of their legs perfectly Do not rise or fall from the step platform while standing with your back to it Take a step with ease, do not hit the step - platform feet

Classification of exercises: direction of vertical movement (up or down), steps up (Up Step), steps down (Down Step) of the leading leg from the same leg with a change of legs, presence or absence of rotational moment around the longitudinal axis, which allows you to divide elements into the following two types without rotation with rotation of the presence or absence of the support phase, which allows you to classify movements into steps, jumps and jumps


On modern stage development of society, a trend towards deterioration in the health of children in different regions Russian Federation. No more than 14% of children are born physically mature. Up to 60% of children suffer from chronic diseases. 25 - 35% of children entering 1st grade have physical disabilities or chronic diseases.

The World Health Organization views health as the complete physical, mental and social well-being of a person. The health of a child depends on a number of factors: biological, environmental, social hygienic, as well as on the nature of pedagogical influences. Among the various factors influencing the health and performance of a growing organism is physical activity. Physical activity has the most beneficial effect on the body, being within the optimal range.

The age and individual characteristics of children’s motor activity are largely determined by both the conditions for organizing the activity and its nature and content. The role of purposeful management of the motor activity of children brought up in older age groups of kindergarten is especially great. This is due to the fact that by older preschool age, children, having a high need for physical activity, cannot always realize it at the proper level. It should be taken into account that the independent motor activity of children in the fifth to seventh year of life is increasingly limited by the created conditions in kindergarten and family (the duration of educational classes with a predominance of static poses increases), as well as by the growing cognitive interests of children (computer games, designing, viewing TV shows and videotapes, etc.). In this regard, it is precisely in children of this age that they can already develop bad habits sedentary lifestyle. It should also be remembered that older preschoolers do not yet know how to correlate their desires with their true capabilities, which can lead to an overestimation of their strengths and lead to undesirable consequences (overwork, nervous overexcitation, injuries). All this indicates that it is necessary to ensure a rational level of motor activity for children, which can be achieved by improving the motor regime in a preschool institution.

Thus, we can distinguish contradiction: on the one hand, the need to organize optimal motor activity for preschoolers, and on the other hand, the tendency to increase the number of sedentary games and activities for children of this age.

It follows from the contradiction problem: how to organize optimal motor activity of children in the conditions of modern motor education.

Getting out of the problem topic sounds like this: the development of step-aerobics as one of the optimal conditions for improving a child’s motor activity.

Object of study– the process of development of motor activity.

Subject of research– step – aerobics, as a means of developing motor activity.

Hypothesis: if used step aerobics when organizing motor activity for children, this will contribute to their physical development.

Target: determine the importance of step-aerobics in the development of motor activity in children of senior preschool age.


1. Study the theoretical and methodological literature on this issue

2. Determine the main directions for instilling step aerobics skills in children.

3. Develop a system of activities for the use of step aerobics with children 5-7 years old.

4. Develop musical game complexes for step-aerobics.

5. Organize work on interaction with the music director, teachers and parents.

6. Determine the effectiveness of the developed system for the use of step aerobics.

Chapter I Theoretical aspects of the development of motor activity in preschool children

1.1.Theoretical justification of step-aerobics in kindergarten

Step aerobics is gradually gaining its place in physical culture. This is facilitated by the positive emotional background of classes, mandatory musical accompaniment, unusual combination movements associated with unusual item– platform. The effectiveness of step aerobics lies in the comprehensive development in children of motor qualities in a beneficial effect on the human body (on the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system). The specificity of step aerobics is a combination of basic exercises with elements of dances of various styles, a close connection of movements with music and rhythms, high dynamism and variety of movements and, therefore, enriching motor experience and increasing the culture of movements.

Step aerobics is health aerobics using a special step platform with adjustable height. The platform is made of a dense polyethylene or wood frame that supports the load and allows you to step, jump on and over it in various directions. In the partner part of the lesson, the platform is convenient to use for developing strength. The movements are based on basic aerobics steps and dance stylization of exercises. Such movements are accessible to almost everyone. Thus, people with disabilities can study in the same group at the same time. different levels preparation, and physical activity will be individual for everyone.

It is necessary to follow the rules of working on step platforms, which ensure the safety of classes. These rules relate to the height of the platform, posture, technique of performing a step up and step down, hand movements, music, etc. (see safety note in attachment)

Equipment for step aerobics is a platform 10 cm high, 20 cm wide, 40 cm long, leg height 7 cm, leg width 4 cm. The rules of step aerobics are aimed at preserving and strengthening the musculoskeletal system of children.

Lesson structure and musical accompaniment.

An aerobics class has three clearly defined parts (each consisting of sub-parts).

The first part of the lesson is an aerobic warm-up (from 4-5 minutes) at a musical tempo of 118-120 beats/min. and preliminary stretching lasting from 10 to 15 seconds. For one muscle group.

The second part of the step class - aerobics - aerobic part (15-18 min.) This is a set of exercises with gradually increasing intensity and necessarily a gradual decrease in intensity (the pace of movements slows down). In addition, strength exercises based on muscle groups not used in previous work are included.

The third part of the lesson is the subsequent reduction in load. These are slowly performed flexibility exercises (3-5 minutes). Their goal is to increase the length of the working muscle and accelerate blood metabolism.

The structure of the lesson may have different options in the content and duration of both individual parts and the entire lesson.

In physical education classes, a bench-step can be used:

  • In the introductory part: walking on and between benches (to form correct posture);
  • When performing general developmental exercises to music: strengthening the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, developing coordination of movements;
  • In the main types of movements: jumping, running, etc.;
  • In outdoor games: “Stork and Frogs”, “Homeless Hare”, “Day and Night”, “Hunter and Hares”, “Cat and Birds”.

Basic steps in step - aerobics.

All steps in step aerobics are divided into basic ones - with one leading leg, and variable ones - with alternating leading legs. Full cycle the main step is from 2 to 4 counts, the variable step is from 4 to 8 counts.

The arrows indicate the direction of the feet when approaching the platform.

Designations for description: R – right leg, L – left leg.

1. Basic step - basic. Approaches - from the front, from above, from the end, from the side, from the corner.

Execution: P - up, L - up, P - down, L - down. The cycle of the main step (with one leg) is 4 counts, the alternating step (entering the platform with both legs is considered) is 8 counts.

2. Added step at the top - bottom. Approaches – from the front, from above, from the end, from the side, from the corner.

Execution: P - up, L - put on top, L - down, P - put at the bottom. Cycle – 4 counts.

3. Added step at the top. Approaches – from the front, from above, from the end, from the side, from the corner.

Execution: P – up, L – put down, L – down, P – down; then on the other leg. Cycle – 8 counts.

4. Added step at the bottom. Approaches - from the front, from above, from the end, from the side, from the corner.

Execution: P - up, L - up, P - down, L - put, then from the other leg. Cycle – 8 counts.

5. Vi – step – main and variable. Approach is from the front.

Execution: P - up apart, L - up apart, P - down together, L - down together. Cycle – 4-8 counts.

6. Step with knee lift - basic and variable. Approaches – from the front, from above, from the end, from the side, from the corner.

Execution: P – up, L – raise the knee, L – down, P – down. Cycle – 8 counts.

7. Varieties of leg lifts (sideways, crosswise, shin overlapping).

Performing the variable and main step from all types of approaches.

8.Step with rotation - variable. Approach - from the side.

Execution: P - up, L - up diagonally, P - down with a turn on the left side, L - down, put to the right. Cycle – 8 counts.

9. Through the platform - variable step. Approach - from the side.

Execution: P - up, L - up, P - down, on the other side of the platform, L - down, put it on the right leg.

10. Lunges. Performed on the floor, on the floor back on top of the platform.

11. Step apart upward - basic and variable.

12. Step apart downwards - main and variable. The approach is from above.

Execution: P - down apart, L - down apart, P - up to the platform, L - up to the platform. Cycle – 4-8 counts. The approach is from the sides.

Execution: P - apart up, L - apart up, P - down apart, L - down apart. Cycle – 4-8 counts.

13. Flight – main and variable. Approach - from the end sideways.

Execution: P – jump up, change legs, L – jump up, P – down, L – down. Cycle – 4-8 counts.

14. Triple knee lift - main and variable. Approaches – from the front, from above, from the end, from the side, from the corner.

Execution: P - up, L - up knee, L - down, L - up knee, L - down, L - up knee, L - down, P - down. Cycle – 8-16 counts.

You can increase the intensity of a step aerobics class by increasing the height of the platform, increasing the tempo of the music in the main part of the class; increasing the lever of movement; increasing the amplitude of movement.

Visual commands.

During step aerobics classes, gestures (visual commands) can be used, which increases the organization of classes and their motor density. Specific gestures explain the direction of movement and the number of repetitions. Facial expressions also help – nodding your head, smiling. For example, moving up (to the platform) - hand with palm up; forward across the platform - circle your hand above your head and forward with your palm to show the direction forward; down (from the platform) – hand with palm down; number of repetitions - show 1 or 2, 3, 4 fingers of a bent elbow or raised arm; back - show with your arm bent at the elbow, your toes in a fist, your thumb pulled back and showing the direction of movement; around - a circular movement with the index finger above the head; first - an open palm above the head; to the left - (mirror) right hand straight to the right, palm forward; attention – two hands are raised up, palms inward.

Basic rules for musical accompaniment of classes.

When providing conventional signals for the beginning or end of physical exercises performed to music, the leader must keep in mind that the signal to begin the exercise is given at the end of the musical phase, so that the beginning of the next musical phrase coincides with the beginning of a new exercise. The end of the exercise should organically coincide with the end of the musical work or part of it. Failure to comply with these conditions disrupts the rhythmic coordination of motor actions and reduces the effectiveness of the lesson. When compiling musical phonograms, it is necessary to take into account the gender and age of the students in order to avoid the undesirable impact of musical works on the technique and behavior of the students. Each specific program of musical accompaniment is compiled in accordance with a detailed plan - lesson notes. The phonogram is recorded taking into account all the increases and decreases in the intensity of the planned work and the number of repetitions.

It should be remembered that different physical fitness of those involved can be compensated by increasing or decreasing the amplitude of movements.

Requirements for optimal necessary equipment for the physical development of children

A variety of physical equipment and aids are integral part general subject-game environment of preschool educational institution. In the process of optimizing the motor activity of children, the correct selection and rational use equipment helps to more fully satisfy the motor needs of each child, contributes to the formation of basic skills and abilities, increasing the functional capabilities of the child’s body, developing motor qualities and abilities, nurturing interest in various types of physical education classes. Along with this, tasks are being solved aimed at strengthening the health and harmonious development of children, at nurturing moral and volitional qualities, and at developing many mental processes and personality traits.

Items of physical education and sports - play equipment in a preschool institution must be selected taking into account the age characteristics of children. A variety of equipment is needed to equip physical education, physical education and music, gyms, swimming pools, sports and group playgrounds in the areas preschool. You also need to take care of purchasing equipment for specialized rooms intended for therapeutic, preventive and physical education work. You also need to have measuring instruments which are necessary for diagnosing physical fitness, comprehensive assessment of motor activity, determining physical activity and the functional state of the child’s body.

A rational selection of physical education and sports and gaming equipment will help ensure the implementation of the content of a wide variety of physical education classes.

But it is less important to have the necessary set of equipment to optimally ensure organized and independent motor activity of children. The presence of different types of equipment and aids will allow them to be used most rationally in various types classes, create a variety of exercises for morning exercises, motor warm-ups, exercises after naps, outdoor games, obstacle courses, etc.

The effectiveness of using physical education equipment increases with its rational placement. Most of the facilities are usually located in the gyms. The distribution of benefits depends on their purpose. Small physical education equipment It is advisable to place them in sectional cabinets.

In order to create a large space for children’s physical activity and maintain their interest in various aids, it is important to store most of them in additional rooms.

The equipment should be located in such a way that children can freely approach it and use it independently. The middle of the hall should be free so that a variety of objects can be placed on it.

Physical education equipment must be kept clean. It is necessary to provide fencing of windows with different grilles and nets. When equipping a gym, you need to remember about the aesthetic design.

In older age groups, physical education equipment and aids can be located not only in sports halls, but also in group rooms.

Necessary sports and gaming equipment for the development of motor activity: a gymnastic bench, a gymnastic set (hoops, slats, sticks, stands, clamps), a short gymnastic stick, a short jump rope, skittles, a bag with a weight, a weighted ball.

Equipping the territory of a preschool institution with sports and play equipment is of great importance for the health and development of children.

Currently, there is a wide variety of physical education and play equipment for kindergartens.

Chapter II Features of organizing step aerobics with children of senior preschool age in a kindergarten

2.1. Analysis of the health status and physical development of children of senior preschool age

Working with children from 2006 to 2007, I carried out the organization and methodology of testing physical fitness and measuring indicators of children’s physical health.

I highlight one of the most important factors ensuring overall health potential, physical health, characterized by indicators of conditioning physical fitness and physical development. It is the indicators of physical fitness and physical development that can be directionally improved without any medications, by satisfying the natural biological need body in movement.

Table 1

Children's morbidity data for 2006–2007.


2006 – 2007

Number of children of senior preschool age in kindergarten

Morbidity per 1 child per day.

Cold incidence per 1 child, day/day.

Infectious morbidity per 1 child, day/day.

Other morbidity per 1 child, day/day.

Recently, there has been a slight decrease in colds in children; there are no cases of infectious diseases.

Table 2

Dynamics of the level of physical development of children of senior preschool age

Shuttle run, 10m.,

Standing long jump

Raising the body from a lying position

Equilibrium statistics

Dexterity of movement


There is stability in the development of basic movements, an increase in the number of children with more developed physical abilities and physical qualities.

2.2. The main stages of teaching children step - aerobics

Step aerobics training is conditioned by the formation of motor skills and takes place over a certain period of time. In my practice, I distinguish three stages of training:

  • The stage of familiarization with the basic movements of step - aerobics;
  • Stage of learning basic movements;
  • Improvement stage

The stage of familiarization with the basic movements of step - aerobics in the lesson I solve the following tasks: I create in students an idea of ​​​​the main basic exercises, I interest them in conscious and active mastery of the exercise. In the process of forming ideas, I conventionally distinguish three interconnected links:

  • understanding the learning task;
  • understanding the project for its solution;
  • an attempt to perform a basic exercise as a whole or a separate part of it.

By comprehending the learning objectives set by me, children should understand the objectives for the entire series of lessons devoted to the study of specific exercises. Children try to understand the basis of the technique and determine the leading link of the exercise being studied. The children and I learned the basic details of the technique at subsequent stages of training. A project for solving a learning problem is created by the child based on my recommendations, understanding of the problem, previous knowledge and existing motor experience.

The project I have compiled is reinforced and often corrected during the first attempts to perform the exercise by testing it. Depending on the complexity of the exercise, I test it as a whole or in parts. At the stage of familiarization with the exercise, verbal and visual methods, as well as methods of learning in whole or in parts, but only in terms of preliminary familiarization with the basic exercise being studied.

At the learning stage, I set tasks for the formation of a motor skill and its further improvement until it becomes a skill. The formation of a skill is based on the process of repeated repetition of individual movements and motor action as a whole. In this process, I distinguish the stage of formation of motor skills and the stage of its improvement. At the stage of motor skill formation, I teach children:

  • basics of technique and leading movements of motor action;
  • eliminate changes in muscle and mental tension when performing it;
  • prevent unnecessary movements.

At the stage of improving motor action, the formation of the main version of the exercise is completed and some signs of motor skill appear. With the relatively high complexity of individual movements, their accuracy in space and time, motor action at this stage of learning is easily disrupted. Therefore, the main task of training is to consolidate the fundamentals of the exercise technique and achieve its stability.

At this stage of learning a motor action, I widely use verbal and visual teaching methods, but practical methods have an advantage here - learning in parts, as a whole, etc. At the stage of improvement, I form a motor skill, which is characterized by the consolidation of a motor action for constant conditions of implementation, when the automaticity of performing movements does not interfere with the solution of a motor task.

2.3. The main directions of work with children on the development of physical activity (within the framework of step aerobics)

2. Using exercises in class. I try to select special physical exercises, methodically correctly organized movements and complex types of motor activity. The exercises are based on active motor actions of a voluntary nature; such exercises have a beneficial effect on the physiological functions of the child’s body, help to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, and enrich the child’s motor experience. (see appendix).

3. Musical game complexes step - aerobics. I direct each complex to teach children different types of movements, consolidate acquired skills, and develop the child’s physical, moral and volitional qualities.

Maximum efficiency of implementation of complexes within academic year I ensure that I work taking into account the principles of systematicity, clarity, accessibility and individual approach, as well as a gradual increase in the requirements for children’s understanding of the program material.

Musical complexes with step platforms provide me with invaluable assistance in developing different muscle groups and strengthening muscle tone. In the process of using all forms physical education I create variable conditions for fulfillment physical exercise. At the same time, children show dexterity, speed of reaction, and endurance.

The musical play complexes I offer may change and vary depending on where they are held, as well as on the type of physical education classes.

The structure of the complex is determined by the tasks I have set and the characteristics of the child’s body. During the exercises, significant changes occur: the preschooler’s performance increases, the functioning of all organs and systems of the body improves, a certain rhythm of activity is developed, muscle tone is strengthened, endurance develops, and the emotional state increases.

During musical play complexes, children learn about the surrounding reality and at the same time receive “muscular joy” (see appendix).

3. Independent use of step-aerobics elements by children in free activity. Independent motor activity of children is organized in different times of the day: in the morning before breakfast, between classes, during play hours after naps and during walks. Active actions of children alternate with calmer activities. When working independently, I take care of creating a physical education and play environment where children can use various aids, including steppes. Children also use elements of step-aerobics while walking, where they independently organize play activities.

Features of interaction with educators, parents and specialists

The effectiveness of physical education work in a preschool institution is largely determined by the interaction between me and the medical staff, music director, teachers and parents. I plan joint activities on the basis of the annual plan of the preschool institution and draw it up in the form of plans: consultations for educators, speaking at pedagogical councils and medical-pedagogical meetings.

Consultations for educators.

I provide assistance to the teacher on various issues of physical improvement of children. The main ones are:

  • selection of exercises for morning hygienic gymnastics, physical education minutes, invigorating gymnastics, organizing games between classes while walking;
  • equipment for a physical education corner;
  • organization of independent motor activity of children in a group and on a walk;
  • preparation of recommendations for parents on organizing the physical activity of children in the family.

Pedagogical advice.

For pedagogical councils where the health issues of preschool children are discussed, I prepare either my speech or materials for the speech of my colleagues (doctor, kindergarten methodologist, etc.). I coordinate the topics of speeches with the general topics of pedagogical councils at the beginning of the year. At the same time, I select specific topics that are relevant and interesting for discussion by all participants in pedagogical councils.

Medical and pedagogical meetings.

In modern conditions, the full upbringing and development of a healthy child is possible only with the integration of educational and health activities of a preschool institution and, therefore, close interaction between teachers and medical workers.

The main problems between me and a medical professional in joint activities are:

  • physical condition of children attending preschool education;
  • compliance of the content of physical exercises with the physical condition of children;
  • optimization of the motor mode of children in preschool education;
  • organization of activities in the motor rehabilitation system;
  • prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyle in children;

My interaction with parents.

Family and kindergarten, having their own special functions, cannot replace each other. Most parents are ready to actively participate in the physical development of their children, but this is hampered by their lack of necessary skills. This is why working with parents is an important part of my work. I try to properly organize work with parents in order to help improve their physical and valeological literacy.

Parent meetings.

Parents receive the bulk of information about the physical education work I do at the preschool, its results and ways to improve it at parent meetings. When planning the topic of speeches, I must determine the optimal amount of general information and specific information about the results of children’s motor activity.

Consultations for parents.

Consultations for parents are an important part of my work. At parent-teacher meetings I always have the opportunity to talk about all the children. Moreover, in some cases I have to discuss information about a child only with his parents. This purpose is served individual consultations. I have to set aside time in my work schedule to talk with my parents. Information about the consultation is brought to the attention of parents in one form or another.

In addition to consultations for everyone, I can specially invite some parents to a conversation. Most often, I invite parents of those children to such consultations who, for one reason or another, cause me concern (inadequate reaction to physical activity, low level of physical qualities, constant lack of shape, etc.). It can also be the other way around: the child’s significant progress in physical education classes or his obvious motor talent.

The fact of the consultation was recorded by me, after analyzing the effectiveness of the work performed at the final pedagogical council.


I believe that in the course of the work I did, the goal and objectives were achieved. In the process of developing motor activity, children got to know themselves, their bodies, and also studied movements in the spatio-temporal environment. The children became more independent, they gained self-confidence and a feeling of satisfaction with the results achieved in the process of overcoming difficulties, and also received an incentive to perform the sets of exercises offered to them. Children of senior preschool age are ready to perform movements at different tempos, with different amplitudes, showing significant speed and speed-strength qualities. Based on the improvement of all types of movements and the development of physical properties, a qualitative transformation of the motor sphere of children occurs.

Having analyzed my work on this problem, I outlined a future perspective:

1. For more successful work with children in step aerobics, it is necessary to create interest in rhythm.

2. Continue to study new methodological literature on this issue, adopt the experience of other physical education leaders and implement it into your teaching practice.

3. Teach children to come up with musical and game complexes of different shapes, making them more interesting.

4. Enrich children’s facial expressions by using visual commands indicating the directions of movements and the number of repetitions.


Step - aerobics is a health aerobics exercise using a special step platform with adjustable height.

Motor activity– this is a natural need for movement, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the comprehensive development and upbringing of a child.

Step - aerobics- this is a combination of basic exercises with elements of dances of various styles, a close connection of movements with music and rhythms, high dynamism and variety of movements and, therefore, enriching motor experience and increasing the culture of movements.

Health– the body’s ability to quickly adapt to various living conditions and resist the effects of harmful environmental influences.

Exercise– specially selected, methodically correctly organized movements and complex types of motor activity.

Physical culture- part of universal human culture and is considered as the basis for the formation healthy image child's life.


1. Beresnevoy Z.I. Healthy baby. Children's health program in preschool educational institutions. – M., 2005

2. Volosnikova T.V., Filippova S.O., Moskolenko V.I., Lebedeva N.V. Physical education in the family, preschool educational institution. – M., 2005

3. Glazyrino L.D., Ovsyankin V.A. Methods of physical education of preschool children. – M., 2005

4. Osokina T.I. Physical education in kindergarten. – M., 1973

5. Health aerobics. Physical culture. – 2004. - No. 6 – p.29

6. Runova M.A. Motor activity of a child in kindergarten. – M., 2002

7. Runova M.A. Movement day after day. – M., 2007

8. Bench - step. Hoop. – 2003. - No. 2 – p.33

9. Step – aerobics and its components. Physical culture. – 2006. - No. 3 – p.37

10. Stepanenkova E. Methods of physical education. – M., 2005

11. Tarasova T.A. Monitoring the physical condition of preschool children. – M., 2005

12. Filippova S.O. The world of movements of boys and girls. – S-P., 2001

13. Filippova S.O. Companion to the head of physical education of a preschool institution. – S-P., 2005

14. Fitness – aerobics. Hoop. – 2005. - No. 6 – p.38

15. Yakovleva L.V., Yudina R.A. Physical development and health of children 3-7 years old. – M., 2004

What are the advantages step aerobics before regular aerobics? "Step" translated from English language means "step". Step aerobics does not require excessive concentration and concentration of thoughts on the correct assimilation of certain movements. All you need is to be able to move beautifully.



Master class

"Step aerobics in preschool educational institutions"

Currently, the problem of physical education of preschool children occupies a central place in modern society. It is during this period that the foundations of health, proper physical development are laid, motor abilities and interest in activities are formed.

The volume of health-improving exercises currently used in the practice of our kindergarten is very large. Exercises are varied in form, content and degree of impact on the child’s body, but according to diagnostic results over the past two years, there has been a decrease in the level of development of physical qualities, especially coordination of movements, and the number of healthy children is catastrophically decreasing.

At the same time, senior preschool age is the most important period for the formation of motor activity and favorable for the development of many physical abilities, including coordination, as well as the ability to perform cyclic actions for a long time in modes of moderate and high intensity.

In conditions of increasing volume of educational and cognitive activity, physical activity began to occupy a more than modest place in the life of a modern preschool child. He spends more and more time computer games, watching TV shows.

Target my master class: Dissemination of pedagogical experience in working with preschool children in conducting step aerobics.

Tasks: - To convey methods of methodological techniques for children to master the basic steps in step aerobics;

- create an atmosphere of openness, goodwill, and co-creation in communication.

Step aerobics for children is a whole complex of different exercises varying in tempo and intensity, all muscles and joints work at the base, which involves rhythmic ascents and descents using a special platform - step. It is performed to rhythmic music and combined with movements of various parts of the body (arms, head). Attracting with its emotionality and consonance with modern dances, step aerobics eliminates monotony in performing movements and supports wellness child, his vitality.

What are the advantages step aerobics before regular aerobics? “Step” translated from English means “step”. Step aerobics does not require excessive concentration and concentration of thoughts on the correct assimilation of certain movements. All you need is to be able to move beautifully. Step aerobics is interesting and varied; there are many elements of descent and ascent in the movements. As a result of systematic training, children receive a harmoniously developed body, excellent posture and develop beautiful, expressive and precise movements.

Step aerobics can be done in various options:

In the form of full health-improving and training sessions with children of senior preschool age, lasting 25-35 minutes;

As part of a lesson (lasting 10 to 15 minutes;

In the form of morning exercises, which enhances its healing and emotional effect;

In children's demonstration performances at holidays;

Like step entertainment.

Step aerobics classes cover the following: tasks:

  1. Health promotion:
  • Help optimize growth and development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Increase performance and motor activity;
  • Form correct posture;
  • Promote the development and functional improvement of the respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  • Develop the need for systematic exercise.
  1. Improving psychomotor abilities:
  • Develop motor qualities: muscle strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordination abilities;
  • Develop a sense of rhythm, an ear for music, memory, attention, and the ability to coordinate movements with music;
  • Contribute to improvement mental state, stress relief;
  • Develop skills of expressiveness, plasticity and grace of movements;
  • Develop a sense of self-confidence.
  1. Increasing emotional level, psychoregulation:

Progress of joint motor activity

"Fun step aerobics"

Part 1. Children enter the hall. Alignment.

Host: Hello. I am very glad to meet you!

Stand in order, pull yourself up, don’t be lazy!

Attention! Attention! I hasten to inform you.

I would like to invite you to step aerobics.

Host: Guys, a letter has been sent to the kindergarten’s email address. Let's read it.

Slide 1 (letter text):

“Guys, I’m sick. I didn't drink or eat all day. I didn’t play, I didn’t have fun... I ask for your help.” Klepa the Clown

Host: Guys, why do you think the clown Klepa got sick?

You are right, guys, Klepa got sick because he moved little and did not exercise.

And without any doubt there is a good solution.

To be healthy, everyone needs full physical education.

Physical education will give you a slim figure.

You guys will help me, teach me everything about Klep. Shall we help?

The guests will film us, we will send the video to Klepa.

Even if everything doesn’t come right away, everyone will have to try!

Is everyone here? Is everyone healthy? Are you ready to study?

My back is straight.

I'm not afraid of bending over.

I straighten up, bend over.

I turn around.

Walking “snake” between rows of steps.

Walking on your heels, hands on your belt.

Walking on toes, hands on belt.

Walking, going around each step with a “snake”.

Running with the shins whipping backwards (show your heels).

Running with straight legs thrown forward (show your toes).

Walking in a circle, around the steps.

Part 2 (on the steppes).

We have step platforms, we will show a master class!

To Barbarika’s song “Kindness”

Jump. Tilt and turns of the head.

Alternately place your toes on the corner of the step, hands on your belt, 4 p each.

Step onto the step with arm movements forward, up, to the sides, down. 2 rub.

Step walking, swinging your arms, tilting your head. 2 rubles each

Step forward from the step, hands on the belt. 2 rub. right foot, 2 rub. left.

Step back from the step, hands on the belt. 2 rub. right foot, 2p. left.

Step from the step to the side, arms to the side, etc. hands to shoulders.

2 rub. to the right, 2p. to the left.

Step onto the step, hands up, step off the step, hands down. 2 times on each leg

Step from the step, heel on step.2p

Step onto the step knee, hands on the belt. 3 times on each leg

Step onto the step, lunge to the side, arms to the sides. 2 times on each leg

Step onto the step, throwing your knees up, arms bent at the elbows. 3 times on each leg

Standing with your knees on the steppe, rest your hands on the floor in front of the steppe,

extend your straight leg back. 4 swings up with your right leg, 4 with your left.

Sitting on the steppe, leaning behind with your hands, alternately

raise and lower extended legs, with a clap under the knee 8p. + “bicycle” with your legs.

Jumping, alternating with walking.

Place the steps in a circle and stand on them.

Host: To test your dexterity, you need to play urgently.

Low mobility game. Passing the ball on every downbeat. Music “Italian Polka” by S. Rachmaninov (children sit in a circle on the steps).

Presenter: In order to become an agile athlete, we will hold a relay race.

You stand in columns and pull yourself up a little.

Is everyone ready? Good morning, let's compete now!

Steps are placed in 2 rows of 4 steps.

Girls stand in one column, boys in another. (Music).

Jump over the steps with the ball in your hands, roll the ball back along the floor and pass it to the next person, stand at the end of the column.

Run like a snake around the steps with the ball in your hands, go back straight, pass the ball to the next person and stand at the end of the column.

Part 3. Relaxation “The back is resting.”

We worked out, played and got a little tired.

Let's sit together in a circle and relax with you, my friend. (Music)

Stop rocking your back

We need to lie down and rest.

I'm lying on the rug, looking straight at the ceiling

Heels lie straight

Shoulders, spatulas,

The back is smooth, straight and will always be like that!


Host: Guys, were you interested in practicing on the steppes?

Well done, everyone tried their best! Did everything work out for us right away? So we need to train more! What new things have you learned?


Watching you in the process of our work, I can say with confidence that you have mastered the technique of mastering step aerobics.

You are all flexible, slim, fit. You can send the video and watch it yourself.

Now, I would like to know your opinion. Anyone who considers the master class I conducted to be fruitful, stand on the steps.

Well, come out together and you will surprise me!


Kuzina I. Step aerobics for preschoolers// Preschool education, 2008 №5

Kuzina I. Step aerobics is not just fashion // Hoop 2005 No. 1.

Dolgorukova O. Fitness aerobics // Hoop 2005 No. 6

Belova T.A. Using a step platform in recreational work with children // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution 2009 No. 7

Barabash T.L. Speech motor gymnastics “Step to the word” using steps // Directory of a senior teacher of a preschool institution 2011 No. 12

Langepass city municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

“General developmental kindergarten No. 3 “Firefly”

Project Description

"Magic steps to health"

(step - aerobics in kindergarten)

Langepas, 2016

Statement of the problem.

The main value for a person is his health. Preschool age in a child’s development is the period when the foundation of his health, physical development and culture of movement is laid. The development and health in subsequent years of life depend on how the upbringing and education of a child is organized, what conditions are created for his growing up, for the development of his physical and spiritual strength.

However, recently there has been a deterioration in the health of children; we live in Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, there is an acute lack of movement due to climatic conditions, both in adults and children. The problem of reducing the health indicators of pupils poses the task of searching for specialists of the institution modern approaches to solve problems to change the current situation. From our point of view, the most effective way is to use modern health programs and latest technologies, use of non-traditional equipment.

Among the many forms of physical education of the younger generation, today a certain type of fitness occupies a special place - step aerobics - an effective physical education and health technique.

The peculiarity of step aerobics is that it uses a complex of various means that influence the child’s body. Children develop stable balance, develop spatial orientation, general endurance, and improve accuracy of movements. It develops agility, speed, strength, endurance, and therefore the body’s resistance. But the most important achievement of step aerobics is its healing effect and positive emotions for children.

The use of step platforms allows children to develop a strong interest in physical education and their achievements, which is one of the most important conditions for developing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Step aerobics will be used in various ways: in the form of full health-improving and training classes with children of senior preschool age as part of the work of the sports section; as part of direct educational activities in senior and preparatory groups; in children's demonstration performances at holidays and entertainment.

The institution plans to create a family club “Let's walk together!”, where parents and their children will do step aerobics in the gym at the kindergarten.

Classes in the “Relieve Stress” series will be organized for the teachers of the institution, where teachers, with the help of step platforms, will not only increase their physical qualities, but also their resistance to stress, because physical activity accompanied by music allows you to free yourself from tension and anxiety, promotes emotional stability and resilience, as well as uniting the teaching staff.

Thus, the introduction of step aerobics in kindergarten will contribute to the creation of a unified educational and health space for teachers, children and parents.

Project goal : strengthening the health and developing the physical qualities of children, parents and teachers through step aerobics.

Achieving the goal is facilitated by the decision project objectives:

  • To create conditions for improving the health and development of physical qualities of children, parents and teachers through step aerobics.
  • Develop motor abilities and physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, joint mobility, agility, coordination of movements and balance function to train the vestibular system).
  • Strengthen the respiratory, cardiovascular system of the body, develop the skill of correct posture through exercises on step platforms;
  • Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude and sustainable interest in physical education and independent motor activity, a sense of self-confidence.
  • To increase the competence of parents and teachers in issues related to health, a sense of personal responsibility and enjoyment of physical exercise;
  • Increase stress resistance of teachers and parents;
  • To promote the dissemination of teaching experience using step aerobics.

The implementation of the “Magic Steps to Health” project is carried out block by block through various directions and forms of work.

Project implementation work plan

Name of events


Full name event performers

Source of funding

The first block is working with students.

Sports section “Magic steps to health”

Functioning of the section using step aerobics “Magic steps of health”

September 2016-

May 2017

I.V. Kvasha

  • The use of musical and game complexes of step-aerobics in direct educational activities on physical development with pupils of senior and preparatory groups.

September 2016-

May 2017

I.V. Kvasha

Extra-budgetary funds of the institution, 150 thousand rubles.

(purchase of step platforms,set of interactive equipment)

  • Sports entertainment "Magic step"



I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

Performance by students of the section in LG MADOU DSOV No. 5 “Thumbelina”, LG MADOU DSOV No. 9 “Sun”

April, May


I.V. Kvasha,

O.V. Burkova

No source of funding

Physical education festival “Step to Health”



I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

The second block is working with parents of students.

Family club “Let's walk together!”

Family club meeting on the topic “How to improve health or what is step?”



I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

Joint classes of parents and children with step platforms in the family club “Stepping Together”


I.V. Kvasha

Extra-budgetary funds of the institution, 150 thousand rubles.

(purchase of step platforms,set of interactive equipment)

Master class “Preparing step platforms at home”



I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

Presentation for parents “Inspiration from step aerobics”

November 2016

I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

Day open doors"Step class"

January 2016

I.V. Kvasha,

O.V. Burkova

No source of funding

Wall newspaper “In the world of health”

February 2016

I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

Presentation of family videos “What we learned”

May 2017

I.V. Kvasha

Extra-budgetary funds of the institution, 100 thousand rubles.

(acquisition set of interactive equipment)

The third block is work with the teaching staff.

  • Consultation for teachers “Industrial step - aerobics”

September 2016

I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

  • A series of classes using step platforms “Relieve stress”

I.V. Kvasha

Extra-budgetary funds of the institution, 150 thousand rubles.

(purchase of step platforms,set of interactive equipment)

  • Master class for physical education instructors “Step – aerobics in kindergarten” within the city pedagogical community.

April 2017

I.V. Kvasha

No source of funding

  • Making booklets “Do step aerobics and you will always be healthy!”

May 2016

I.V. Kvasha

Own funds

Project Management Structure

Expected results.

At the child's level:

  • The motor abilities and physical qualities of children will develop (speed, strength, flexibility, joint mobility, dexterity, coordination of movements and balance functions to train the child’s vestibular apparatus);
  • The health of children will improve - the respiratory, cardiovascular systems of the body will be strengthened, and the skills of correct posture will be formed;
  • Children will develop the ability to rhythmically coordinate simple movements to music.
  • A stable interest in physical education and independent motor activity and a sense of self-confidence will be formed.

At the level of parents of pupils:

  • Parents' competence in issues related to health, a sense of personal responsibility and enjoyment of physical exercise will increase;
  • The responsibility of children and parents for their health and physical condition will increase;
  • Stress resistance will increase (physical activity will allow you to free yourself from tension and anxiety, and will contribute to emotional stability and resilience).

At the teacher level.

  • Professional competence in the field of health programs and the latest technologies of physical development will increase;
  • Physical qualities and stress resistance will increase.

At the institution level:

  • The openness of the institution will increase, conditions for organizing effective educational activities to improve children's health will improve, and a unified educational and health space will appear for teachers, children and parents.