Comic horoscope: what fruit are you according to your Zodiac Sign. Picture test: choose your favorite fruit and we will guess your character


This simple and fun test will show you the most direct connection between your favorite fruit and your personality.

Depending on the fruit you choose, you will discover what your choice means from a psychological point of view.

So, choose your favorite fruit from the list below and see what it says about your character and overall personality:

Psychological test in pictures


If you choose the pear, you are a person who is filled with enthusiasm at the beginning, and then easily squanders it along the way and loses interest in what is happening.

You can easily succeed in what you have planned if you finish what you started and don’t lose your initial passion. This means you have to want something really bad! Well, and most importantly, be patient.


You have a friendly and sincere personality, although you can be quite stubborn at times. You are passionate, open to new and interesting things, and you like to believe that life is wonderful, even when it convinces you otherwise.

Positivity is the word that best describes you.


You are a very correct and loyal person, and you like to maintain a certain calm and equanimity. You are refined and elegant, like real expensive wine.

You sometimes exhibit some negative traits, such as an explosive temper, but these are caused by truly intolerable situations.

You are attracted to ordinary people because you yourself are always honest and like to call things by their proper names.

Character by fruit


Your life is not very easy, and you are often faced with very unpleasant life situations. You are skeptical and won't believe what you don't see for yourself.

You tend to distrust people until you are given the facts. However, people around you appreciate your kindness and sincerity. Don't forget that you are a good person!


You are not a very romantic person, and are most likely endowed with healthy pragmatism.

You are a person who always looks for the benefit in things and situations and does not allow yourself to be deceived. In your circle of friends you are known as a very active and insightful person with well-developed intuition!

Choose a fruit


You are a peaceful, calm and sensitive person. You often care about others, so they may take advantage of these qualities and even abuse your kindness and warmth.

One piece of advice: put yourself and your own desires first more often.


The apple is a symbol of dedication, love, spiritual exaltation, perfection and ecstasy.

If you chose this fruit, you are a person who likes to be the center of attention. You are an extravagant personality who always leaves marks. And although you do not have good organizational skills, you can be a good leader.


You are a lively and cheerful person, almost as bright as the orange itself.

You like everything simple and clear, for example, nature. It is in the fresh air that you are filled with strength and are able to feel like an absolutely happy person. People around you are drawn to you and simply adore your optimism and spiritual beauty.

You are someone who loves and appreciates freedom, and at the same time wants the right soul mate to be with him.


You are sensitive, passionate and sometimes somewhat unreasonable.

You love beautiful things and know how to enjoy life. You appreciate every minute, every moment and you yourself know how to turn life into a real holiday. Laughter for you is the best cure for all adversity, and love is something without which you cannot imagine your own existence.

Aries is a peach. Narcissism and self-esteem flow out of him over the edge like peach juice. And the bone is so hard that you can’t bite through it. Just like the Aries character!


Taurus is a peanut. Closer to the ground, to reality, to reliability and stability. But sometimes it’s very difficult for him to get out and see what’s happening above the ground.


Gemini is an apple. You'll never know if it's sour or sweet until you take a bite.


Cancer is a garnet. And the color is the same, and the specificity. Look how many berries there are in a pomegranate. Cancer has just as many relatives and friends with whom he tries to surround himself throughout his life.


Leo is a juicy orange. Sweet, bright, festive and positive. And the juice splashes out of it like pride and greatness from a Lion.


Virgo in the comic horoscope appears in the form of a persimmon - she knits. She also sews, embroiders, does all the housework and manages to do everything everywhere.


Libra - Mandarin. The scales are constantly divided into slices, each of which has its own opinion and ways of solving the problem. How many slices are there in a tangerine, how many doubts does Libra have?


Scorpio in the comic horoscope is a pear. It hangs, but you can’t eat it. Scorpio is the same - he is often in the zone of inaccessibility, both in the physical and mental sense.


Sagittarius is a banana. It always huddles with its brethren; it is almost impossible to meet one alone. Outwardly he seems firm and persistent, but inside he is still soft in nature.


Capricorn - coconut. It is very difficult to split it. Almost impossible without a coconut opening guide. A hard, secretive and at first glance inconspicuous fruit. But the inside is the most delicious, and not many people get it.


Aquarius - pineapple. At first glance, you won’t even understand what it is in front of you - an original cover, a crest, a strange silhouette. By the way, it's not very sweet inside. Not for everybody, in general.


Pisces are grapes. This fruit is soft, sweet, but with its own problems, just like Pisces. If it ferments, it turns into a riot of emotions.

What fruit do you personally associate yourself with? We are waiting for your comments and do not forget to click on the buttons and

In the last article we discussed an interesting one. More precisely, about the continuous growth in the popularity of tests among people and why almost all of us love taking them so much, and also what may be hidden behind this. Today, just in continuation of this topic, we will not only talk to you, but also go through a very interesting psychological test called "What is your favorite fruit?".

Psychological test "What is your favorite fruit/berry"

They say, and quite rightly so, that in order to find out, if not everything, then very, very many interesting things about yourself, sometimes it’s enough just to point your finger at what you love. This is exactly what we will do now. Feel free to point your finger at the fruit (berry) that is most desirable for you and read about yourself some, unfortunately not all, but still very important, primary and positive features of your character. So, dear friends, be bold and do not deny yourself anything :-)

What your favorite fruits can tell you about us

You are generous, magnanimous, proactive - yes, yes, it’s all about you! Well, traveling gives a special flavor to your life. So don't limit yourself in your ability to learn about the world around you.

You are a friendly, tolerant person who can find a common language with almost everyone. Don't ignore and try not to lose this innate gift.

The favorite berry of gourmets, fine connoisseurs of art, and lovers of luxury. You, like no one else, know how to find beauty even in everyday and banal little things.

These berries are preferred by discreet people-philosophers who value trust, know how to carefully keep other people's secrets and, accordingly, value the same qualities in the people around them.

Your innate talent and subtle intuition. Your inner voice can tell you the answer to any question, so be sure to learn to listen to yourself!

You are a practical, hardworking and “vocal” person. People around you often do what they feed off of your passion and positive energy. It's fun to be with you!

You are gentle, soft, “fluffy”. People around you appreciate your kindness and ability to always come to the rescue at the right time. There is one small but important piece of advice just for you - try not to let yourself be ridden!

You are a strong, active person who has only one drawback: a tendency to worry about trifles. But, fortunately, if you want, you know how to pull yourself together.

Watermelons are a favorite delicacy of purposeful people who don’t give up halfway. You can handle any (even magical) tasks, just learn to always and in everything believe in yourself and your strengths.