What is my zodiac stone. Complete information by date of birth

Natural stones impress us with their striking visual appeal as well as healing properties. Since ancient times, people have believed in their ability to heal a person from any pathologies and attract happiness, luck, and material wealth into his life.

Gems are filled with secrets, they can protect their owner from any negativity, but if worn incorrectly, they will cause harm. In order for everything to be good, it is worth using certain tricks and choosing stones according to the signs of the Zodiac.

Astrology experts believe that the magical abilities of precious stones depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and other planets and in which zodiac constellation.

Minerals of various signs of the Zodiac perceive the vibrational flow from the Cosmos, which in turn generates a charge of very strong energy.

That is why, since ancient times, there has been a tradition when jewelry was selected for a person, taking into account his date of birth.

How talismans can help in life

If a person wears jewelry with stones that are in harmony with his zodiac sign, they will have a positive effect on him.

  • make their owner immune to the effects of negative energy;
  • strengthen his immune system, become protection against various pathologies;
  • filled with vitality and activity;
  • awaken in a person a great desire to live;
  • contribute to the development of innate abilities and the most positive personality traits;
  • make their owner more financially secure and successful;
  • color his life with new emotions;
  • increase susceptibility to hazards.

During the Middle Ages, the original lists were compiled, in which a parallel is drawn between the correspondence of precious and semi-precious minerals with all the signs of the Zodiac.

It should also be added that the heritage of the ancestors has been duly appreciated even today by the International Jewelery Association. The specialists of this organization have developed modern versions of the tables of correspondence of minerals to the zodiac constellations.

Which sign which stones are suitable


The character of the representative of the sign Aries corresponds to the diamond stone. The mineral helps to enhance the positive qualities of a person.

But with the help of amethysts, Aries quickly calm down and find compromises more easily (Aries often have difficulties in this matter).

Rubies add to the representatives of the sign of generosity, and also make it easier to experience any trouble.


With the help of emeralds, Taurus become more perceptive and no longer chop from the shoulder, as usual. Chrysoprase makes Taurus more self-confident and decisive.

And thanks to chalcedony, they will be able to recover much more actively after serious shocks.


Agates give Gemini the calmness they lack so much, while maintaining their natural charm and self-confidence.

Thanks to beryllam, representatives of the sign bring everything they start to its logical conclusion (another problem of Gemini).

Topazes - harmonize the emotional sphere of Gemini so that they do not rush into the pool with their heads.


Pearls - contribute to the development of Cancer's hidden talents, especially black pearls.

Emeralds - will help Cancers overcome frequent melancholy and bad mood, as well as improve their financial situation.

Cat's eyes - add success, and moonstones - open up opportunities for making the right decisions in any life situations.


Amber will strengthen health, with which Lions often experience problems, as they are used to taking on excessive responsibility.

Chrysolites - enhance the attractiveness of Lviv for the opposite sex.

And topaz - contribute to material well-being and promote a person up the career ladder.


Jewelry with chrysolites - will make the Virgin more attractive in the eyes of her surroundings.

Jades - will protect from various pathologies and give a powerful boost of energy, which is enough for all accomplishments and important things. In addition, the stone will improve the state of health and even cope with inflammation.


Such personalities are distinguished by a craving for a sharp change in mood, Libra will be able to cope with this problem with the help of aquamarine.

Lapis lazuli - will increase Libra's intuition, help them to know in advance everything that will happen.

With the help of opals, Libra becomes more harmonious and peaceful. Products with tourmalines attract success and material wealth to the life of Libra.


Aquamarines - improve the personal life of Scorpio, help him enter into a successful marriage.

Grenades - will fill their owner with positive emotions. And opals of a black shade will give a charge of strength, energy, plus they will contribute to an increase in the personal charisma of Scorpios.


The turquoise stone will make Sagittarians more successful in their work, and will help attract material wealth.

Topazes - have similar properties, plus they additionally relieve the representatives of the sign from insomnia and help to reveal various intrigues and intricacies.

And chrysolites protect against rash actions.


Thanks to rubies, Capricorns will be able to attract a strong mutual feeling into their lives.

Onyx - give the opportunity to influence people. With the help of malachites, Capricorns will be able to maintain their health and be filled with vitality.


Amethysts - will bring good luck to Aquarius and help to cope with various diseases.

Zircons - will help improve mental abilities and speed up the process of thinking.

Hyacinths - normalize mood and protect against negative energy impact from the outside.


Products with aquamarines will help representatives of this constellation to cope with self-doubt.

Pearl - enhances intuitive abilities and allows her to deceive her master.

Amethysts - control the love sphere of life. They will help to cope with negative emotions after parting, plus they will help to bring a new feeling to life, to establish normal relationships in a couple.

What do the different stones symbolize?

  • Diamond - personifies innocence, firmness and courage, allows you to cope with most of the problems.
  • Emerald - symbolizes happy love, attracts good luck with joy.
  • Sapphires - stones responsible for fidelity, chastity and modesty, attract happiness into a person's life with joy.
  • Ruby - personifies power and passionate love.
  • Pearl - symbolizes devotion and love.
  • Aquamarine is deservedly considered the “stone of lovers”, the protector of marital happiness, a mineral that ensures well-being in life and good luck.
  • Amethysts are stones that symbolize peace of mind.
  • Topazes represent eternal friendship.
  • Pomegranate - symbolizes constancy and stability.
  • Chrysolite is a talisman stone that promotes spiritual harmony and balance.
  • Rauchtopaz is a mineral that will eliminate pain and stress, as well as calm the nervous system.
  • Citrine is an activator of luck and a positive mood.

The role of intuition when choosing a talisman mineral

The advice given by astrologers and jewelers is, of course, good, but the role of the inner voice should not be underestimated either.

After all, it can also happen that the stone looks very attractive in appearance and correlates with your zodiac constellation, causes sincere admiration from others, but you do not feel sincere sympathy for it.

Then the purchase of such a product is absolutely not recommended! So, such a stone can not become your amulet.

In order for the stone to turn into your amulet, you must feel sincere love for it. At the same time, one can not take into account the price and prestige, because a person can receive magical help not only from precious, but also from semi-precious minerals.

And even a modest pebble found on the seashore or on the side of the road will be able to fulfill the role of your powerful amulet for life.

The most important point is that you feel a real connection with the mineral. And, of course, if the process of such a difficult choice makes it difficult for you, then the recommendation of astrologers will help to make the initial selection.

How to Avoid Harm

You will instantly feel the result of the wrong choice: you will have a feeling of anxiety, inner discomfort. Also, a person will begin to suffer from a constant breakdown and inexplicable antipathy even to the most elite and beautiful decoration.

Therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences in this case, you need to leave an unsuitable decoration as soon as possible.

Also refrain from buying jewelry at a pawnshop or thrift store. In such places, stolen jewelry is often found, which is highly likely to begin to take revenge on its new owner.

Moreover, if a mineral of natural origin is cracked, it means that it has taken over all the negativity on itself, protecting its owner from trouble and wearing it is no longer recommended.

Natural minerals fascinate us not only with their beauty, but also with amazing qualities. Since ancient times, there has been a belief in their miraculous ability to protect a person from misfortune and illness, bring good luck and wealth, and inspire creativity.

The stone is full of secrets. It can become a powerful amulet for its owner, or it can do harm. Everything will be fine if, during the selection process, you do not forget about a few simple rules when choosing your talisman stone according to the zodiac sign.

How to find your talisman

According to astrologers, natural minerals depend on the position of the Sun, Moon and planets in the zodiac constellations.

A stone of one or another receives vibrations of this sign from space and, thereby, accumulates powerful energy in itself. That is why even in ancient times there was a tradition to select jewelry depending on the date of birth.
If the talisman stone is selected according to the horoscope, then it exhibits the following qualities:

  • makes the owner invulnerable to negative energies;
  • strengthens his immunity, protects against diseases;
  • gives strength and activity, enhances the taste for life;
  • develops innate abilities and the best character traits;
  • attracts wealth and good luck to the owner;
  • colors his personal life with new colors;
  • exacerbates sensitivity to danger.

In the Middle Ages, the first lists of precious and semiprecious stones belonging to the zodiac constellations were compiled. It should be noted that the knowledge of the ancestors was appreciated today by the International Association of Jewelers. This organization has developed modern tables based on centuries of experience.

Table of correspondence of stones of talismans to the signs of the Zodiac

(March 21 - April 20)

(April 21 - May 21)

(May 22 - June 21)

(June 22 - July 23)

(July 24 - August 23)

(August 24 - September 23)

(September 24 - October 23)

(October 24 - November 22)

(November 23 - December 21)

(December 22 - January 20)

(January 21 - February 19)

(February 20 - March 20)

Acquaintance with the tables of correspondence of stones to the signs of the Zodiac helps to understand which stone will become a friend and protector, and which one will become an enemy.

The role of intuition when choosing a talisman mineral

The inner voice plays no less important role than the recommendations of astrologers and jewelers. It also happens. Gorgeous gemstone matches yours. Those around him are delighted. But you don't like it. Do not buy! This is not your amulet!

For a stone to become a talisman, you must love it.

Price and prestige do not matter here. Sincere affection can be experienced not only to jewelry. A modest artificial item, even a piece of a mineral found on a beach or roadside, can become a lifelong talisman. The main thing is that there must be contact between you and the stone, and the priority according to the zodiac sign is not so important. But if, however, you are lost in a sea of ​​information, then the first choice should be made according to the table of correspondence of stones according to the signs of the horoscope.

How to Avoid Harm

  • The wrong choice immediately makes itself felt. A person is haunted by a feeling of discomfort and mental anxiety. He feels a breakdown and an inexplicable antipathy even to the most expensive and exquisite jewelry. To avoid more serious consequences, you should quickly part with the wrong stone.
  • Do not buy jewelry in pawnshops and thrift stores. Perhaps the jewelry was stolen. In this case, they will take revenge on their new owner.
  • Acquire stones with defects in the form of spots, cracks, inclusions. They harbor negative energy.
  • An unexpected crack in a natural mineral indicates that he took the hit himself, protecting the owner from an invisible disaster. You can't wear it anymore.
  • If the ring slips off the finger, the beads crumble, which means that the jewelry is chosen incorrectly and should be discarded.
  • Stones can be at enmity with each other. Do not wear several different minerals at the same time.

Human nature changes with age and life circumstances. It is possible that at some point you will want to give preference to a new stone talisman, and you will choose it again according to your zodiac sign. This is the natural course of life. The world of natural minerals can be discovered endlessly. Its study gives a person not only new knowledge and vivid aesthetic experiences, but also contributes to the spiritual enrichment of the individual.

Talismans and amulets have accompanied people for many centuries. The basis of such "patrons" were often natural stones with special energy. People believed that they were able to protect, cure, help make the right decision in difficult times. Astrologers, on the other hand, believed that if you choose a stone by date of birth, then it will be able to resonate with the “numerical essence” of a person, thus significantly enhancing its properties and the capabilities of its owner.

How to choose a stone

There are several main points that you should pay attention to when choosing an effective amulet.

  1. Date of Birth. This is a universal personal code of a person, which cannot be influenced by either its owner or others. Many mystical practices attach sacred significance to his figures and use various algorithms to determine significant life events and turns in the fate of the owner. Often, it is based on the date of birth that they select the most powerful protective talisman.
  2. Horoscope. The sign of the zodiac is also important. A mineral, selected on the basis of the zodiac system, is able to tune in to the biofield of its owner and accumulate a large supply of energy for him.
  3. Year according to the Eastern calendar. Much attention, especially in Asian countries, is also paid to the year of the animal, which accounts for the birth of a person. Each sacred animal has its own element, which also affects the choice of stone.

Additionally, you should pay attention to:

  • the integrity of the gem - stones with internal and external defects cannot be used for talismans and amulets;
  • comfort of use - inconvenience while wearing the amulet indicates an erroneous selection;
  • history - stones with a "dark" past or an unknown history cannot be used to create an amulet, as they can have an impressive charge of negative energy.

A good material for a personal talisman can be family gems, passed down from generation to generation and retaining the kindred energy of members of the same family.

Original birth number

When choosing a "protector", you can take into account both all the components of the date of birth (day, month, year), and some of them.

People born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of any month are patronized by:

  • amber;
  • ruby;
  • opal and red corals;
  • golden topaz;
  • yellow sapphire;
  • heliodor;
  • Garnet;
  • cornelian;
  • amethyst;
  • lapis lazuli.

Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th are protected by:

  • citrine;
  • adularia;
  • green opal;
  • nephritis;
  • tiger and cat's eye;
  • White pearls.

Those who have 2, 12, 21 and 30th numbers in their passport should take a closer look at:

  • emerald;
  • jade;
  • corals;
  • aquamarine;
  • precious diamond and alexandrite;
  • blue-black jet;
  • aquamarine;
  • sapphire.

For those whose birthday falls on the 5th, 14th and 23rd, you can give:

  • green pomegranate;
  • chrysolite;
  • pyropes and almandines;
  • zircon;
  • sapphire.

Holders of dates 6, 15 and 24 will be protected by:

  • green-blue beryl;
  • turquoise;
  • blue-blue sapphire;
  • dark jet.

Talismans for those born on 13, 22 and 32 will be:

  • gray and brownish red opal;
  • hessonite;
  • almandine.

The best choice for dates like the 7th, 16th and 25th:

  • red-brown and greenish jasper;
  • obsidian;
  • adularia;
  • spinel of almost all shades.

The most powerful charms for the numbers 8, 17 and 26 are:

  • blue sapphire;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • black hematite.

For 9.18 and 27th fit:

  • diamond;
  • uvarovite;
  • amber;
  • most shades of quartz and pearls.

A large selection provides everyone with the opportunity to choose a stone that is comfortable to use and close in energy.

Month of birth

The selection of a patronizing gem can also be carried out in accordance with the month of birth. True, in this case, astrologers talk about a high level of error.

For ease of selection, you can use the simplest table:

JanuaryDemantoid, serpentine, blue sapphire and sodalite, hawk's eye
FebruaryGreen-blue turquoise, rock crystal, transparent hyacinth, amethyst, green chrysocolla
MarchBlue-green aquamarine, pearl, sapphire, tourmaline, layered and black agate
AprilBright blue sapphire, amber, almandine, pyrope, diamond, red agate
MayEmerald, uvarovite, golden topaz, yellow beryl, black jasper, rauchtopaz, morion, tiger's eye
JuneAlexandrite, tourmaline, jade, noble spinel, adularia, green and blue agate
JulyCarnelian, ruby, amethyst, opal, emerald (for Cancers), cat's eye, selenite
AugustGolden topaz, heliolite (sun stone), citrine, yellow sapphire and agate, jasper
SeptemberMalachite, rock crystal, onyx, chrysolite, heliotrope, amethyst, green garnet, emerald
OctoberTourmaline, blue topaz, sapphire, diamond, serpentine, lapis lazuli, amethyst
NovemberBlack pearl, chrysolite, heliodor, tiger's eye, onyx, hematite, black opal
DecemberTurquoise, garnet, emerald, onyx, ruby, rhodochrosite, green agate, malachite
Born in the "frontier zone" can use stones of 2 months. Before choosing, you should check them with the date of birth.

My daughter and I went to the store to buy beautiful earrings for one event. Our gaze settled on a very beautiful product with an unusual stone. We decided to purchase, but the seller said that each natural stone corresponds to one of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, sometimes chosen for a specific name or date of birth.

Choose a stone by date of birth

If you want to choose a mineral based on year, month and birthday, then there are several options:

  • use the help of a professional astrologer;
  • calculate and pick up the stone yourself.

Let's try to determine on our own how to correctly select a stone by date of birth. These methods are also 4 main.

  1. Based on month of birth.
  2. Using the day the person was born.
  3. Choose a stone based on the full date of birth (day, month, year).
  4. Zodiac sign.

Classifications have been compiled over the years by the best astrologers and scientists. As a result, the following lists appeared, which can be used as needed. Let's consider the options in more detail.

Talisman by month of birth

  • January - the stone of this month is garnet - a symbol of passion and extraordinary strength, joy and will.
  • February - amethyst - a stone of peace, peace of protection from enemies, drunkenness.
  • March - aquamarine - gives the owners youth, excellent health, hope and faith.
  • April - diamond - a strong stone that can bring patience, good health, support from higher powers, wealth.
  • May - an emerald - will help you see the future, get rid of a bad mood and add self-confidence.
  • June - pearl - will help save the marriage, meet a soul mate, a stone of purity.
  • July - ruby ​​- brings stability to the owner's life.
  • August - chrysoprase - protects the wearer from evil otherworldly forces and increases the power of medicines.
  • September - sapphire - trust and purity.
  • October - opal - brings a good mood, fosters confidence.
  • November - citrine - is responsible for the strength of the mind and body.
  • December - blue topaz - brings wealth, extraordinary luck.

Birthday amulet

  • 1, 10, 19, 28 - ruby.
  • 2, 11, 20, 29 - tiger's eye.
  • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst.
  • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine.
  • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, zircon.
  • 6, 15, 24 - green opal.
  • 7, 16, 25 - moonstone.
  • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli.
  • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, ruby.

Selection of a mineral by the full date of birth

Even in ancient times, the science of numerology was engaged in the study of a person's personality and the connection of a life path with the date of his birth. Through calculations and calculations, it was really possible to find out that the date of birth greatly affects character traits and fate.

Here is an example of such a simple calculation.

  1. We take the full date: 05/12/2000.
  2. We add all the numbers 1 + 2 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0.
  3. The total is 10. But the list is only from 1 to 9, respectively 1 + 0 =1. The number of this date is 1. Now you can see the list and select a stone.


  • 1 - suitable sapphire (brings determination and energy), obsidian (brings good luck in personal life).
  • 2 - Citrine, as well as sapphire, help to cleanse the mental level, bring clarity and simplicity to life, and help make the right decisions.
  • 3 - coral and obsidian will help restore health and peace of mind.
  • 4 - emerald - a strong stone that protects the owner from negative energy effects.
  • 5 - turquoise contributes to greater softness, compliance in character, helps to find a common language and smooth out any conflict.
  • 6 - carnelian will take you to a new level in achieving plans in the profession, help you achieve high results and boldly step up the career ladder.
  • 7 - diamond - a stone of wealth, luxury and good luck in all endeavors.
  • 8 - ruby ​​- a stone of communication, a successful outcome of any negotiations, helps to find like-minded people and friends.
  • 9 - rock crystal frees from bad thoughts, supports in the desire to make your life clean and calm.

If the result is “zero”, which is extremely rare, then the stone is rare - a red diamond or majorite. Stones help unusual owners to successfully work with magical powers, as well as find their calling in life, and at the same time they will give success in family relationships.

Choosing a mineral - a talisman according to the sign of the Zodiac

This classification is very convenient, as it allows you to immediately purchase the necessary amulet for personal use or as a gift without any calculations. It is convenient to pick up jewelry if you don’t know what date a person (for example, a colleague) was born, but remember his sign.


A sign belonging to the fire element, so it is recommended to wear minerals of a burgundy or purple hue, saturated in color: agate, coral, ruby. However, a diamond can also be advised.


Emerald, agate and sapphire will become real helpers for the representatives of this sign, which belongs to the elements of the earth. Rock crystal and lapis lazuli will bring clarity and logic to the issues being resolved, help you plan and make the right choice.


Choose minerals that have different shades of green. These include emerald - a strong, "royal" stone, which is best worn in adulthood, its energy is very rich. The tiger's eye has strong protective properties, helps in the fight against spells and the evil eye.


The best option would be a moonstone, suitable for the soft, slightly secretive and mysterious energy of water cancer. Jewelry with aquamarine or blue agate will undoubtedly also adorn the owner of these jewelry.

a lion

Amber will be a wonderful amulet for these people. It is especially suitable for creative people. It is also recommended to wear diamonds that have chic and showiness. Rubies and garnets are suitable for people in leadership positions, they will add leadership qualities and strength.


Your element is earth. Therefore, choose minerals that have calm colors, preferably green or brown. Carnelian, jade, rhodochrosite will harmoniously combine with your energy, add prudence.


Your talisman is a chic emerald, pink tourmaline and jade. They will help you make a choice and stay in a good mood.


Hematite will add strength and endurance. Aquamarine will enhance the energy of the element of water, to which you belong. Also feel free to wear ruby ​​and tiger eye jewelry.


Amber, jasper, aventurine, turquoise and topaz will pacify activity, irascibility and impulsiveness. These stones will allow you to learn wisdom in making important decisions.


The element of earth makes you a calm and reasonable person. Protection will be provided by the tiger's eye, which you always carry with you.


Sapphire, blue agate or aquamarine will suit your mysterious soul and easy character. Amethyst and turquoise will help purify the energy and bring order and peace.


Suitable stones are transparent or pale "water" shades. Real talismans will be moonstone, rock crystal.

Stones and name

Several well-known names can be distinguished. Amber is suitable for Margarita, sapphire for Veronica, amethyst for Nikolai, emerald for Elizabeth, and topaz for Alexander.


  • If you have a desire to have a strong amulet in everyday life, then classifications according to several parameters will help you choose the right one: date of birth, month, zodiac sign, and even name. It remains only to choose the one you like.
  • The stone must be felt and always carried with you, then it will have power. Your talisman will protect and protect in difficult times, protect from unkind people and dangerous situations.

Numbers rule the world - Pythagoras said this. Time has proven him right: the modern era is considered digital. However, the number of fans of numerology, an esoteric science that links all aspects of life to numbers, is not decreasing. Together with astrologers, numerologists have developed a classification that helps to calculate a stone by its own date of birth.

How to choose a stone

Date of birth - a personal code of a person received from above for life. Neither parents nor the "owner" himself can influence him. Code numbers are used by adherents of occult practices to determine the cardinal points of a person's life or to select magical allies.

Curator stones must be selected according to the personal date of birth. A number of algorithms have been tested.

Original birth number

Choosing an assistant stone by date of birth provides for two solutions.

The first - linking a gem to a specific month of the year.

For example, birthdays on January 10 or 28, May 12, August 23, September 17, November 23 and December 4 are intended.

According to the second option, the choice of stones according to the calendar birthday does not depend on the month:

  • those born on the 1st (as well as the 10th, 19th or 28th) of any month are intended for corals, amethyst, lapis lazuli, opals, heliotrope, sardonyx, ruby;
  • 2 (and 11, 20, 29th) birth number - citrine, tiger's eye, topaz, jade, opal, hyacinth;
  • everyone whose birthday falls on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th numbers are carnelian, amethyst, emerald, aventurine, citrine;
  • 4 (plus 13, 22, 31st) - diamonds, jade, coral, jet, aquamarine, alexandrite or sapphire;
  • 5 (as well as 14, 23rd) - these birthdays are guarded by almandine, diamond, sapphire, garnet, demantoid, chrysolite, zircon;
  • 6, 15, 24th - rhodochrosite, beryl, turquoise, jet, sapphire, peridot;
  • 7th, 16th, 25th birth dates: moonstone, spinel, obsidian, tiger's eye, jasper - the main stone talismans;
  • 8 (or 17, 26th) - lapis lazuli, hematite, sapphire;
  • 9th, 18th, 27th - diamond, pearl, amber, green variety of garnet, quartz.

There are several options for each birth number, which makes the selection of a stone a creative process.

The mineral corresponding to the date of birth becomes a universal magic shield, intercessor and assistant.

Below we have distributed the stones for each day. To expand, click on the spoiler (name of the month).

January 1 - Hawkeye
January 2 - ruby
January 3 - onyx
January 4 - rhodonite
January 5 - pearl
January 6 - turquoise
January 7 - jasper
January 8 - ruby
January 9 - alexandrite
January 10 - zircon
January 11 - heliotrope
January 12 - jadeite
January 13 - onyx
January 14 - rhodonite
January 15 - jet
January 16 - onyx
January 17 - tiger's eye
January 18 - emerald
January 19 - jasper
January 20 - Lal
January 21 - Hyacinth
January 22 - Citrine
January 23 - Amazonite
January 24 - Lapis Lazuli
January 25 - Agate
January 26 - Jade
January 27 - Rock crystal
January 28 - Zircon
January 29 - Sapphire
January 30 - Amethyst
January 31 - Chrysoprase

February 1 - Moonstone
February 2 - Turquoise
February 3 - Turquoise
February 4 - Beryl
February 5 - sardonyx
February 6 - sapphire
February 7 - agate
February 8 - malachite
February 9 - amber
February 10 - tiger's eye
February 11 - heliotrope
February 12 - sardonyx
February 13 - cat's eye
February 14 - chrysoberyl
February 15 - aventurine
February 16 - opal
February 17 - sapphire
February 18 - obsidian
February 19 - aventurine
February 20 - coral
February 21 - sapphire
February 22 - amber
February 23 - jade
February 24 - chrysoberyl
February 25 - jet
February 26 - rhodonite
February 27 - emerald
February 28 - tiger's eye
February 29 - tiger's eye

March 1 - amazonite
March 2 - pearl
March 3 - rock crystal
March 4 - carnelian
March 5 - lal - spinel
March 6 - amethyst
March 7 - sapphire
March 8 - aquamarine
March 9 - jade
March 10 - amethyst
March 11 - sardonyx
March 12 - pomegranate
March 13 - olivine - chrysolite
March 14 - beryl
March 15 - moonstone
March 16 - coral
March 17 - chrysoprase
March 18 - charoite
March 19 - sardonyx
March 20 - emerald
March 21 - sardonyx
March 22 - ruby
March 23 - charoite
March 24 - chrysoprase
March 25 - bloodstone-hematite
March 26 - onyx
March 27 - Hawkeye
March 28 - ruby
March 29 - diamond
March 30 - aquamarine
March 31 - opal

April 1 - heliotrope
April 2 - jade
April 3 - lapis lazuli
April 4 - sardonyx
April 5 - diamond
April 6 - pomegranate
April 7 - sardonyx
April 8 - aventurine
April 9 - jasper
April 10 - amethyst
April 11 - alexandrite
April 12 - malachite
April 13 - lal spinel
April 14 - amethyst
April 15 - jadeite
April 16 - onyx
April 17 - coral
April 18 - tourmaline
April 19 - lapis lazuli
April 20 - lal spinel
April 21 - chrysoberyl
April 22 - almandine
April 23 - onyx
April 24 - pomegranate
April 25 - pomegranate
April 26 - alexandrite
April 27 - cat's eye
April 28 - charoite
April 29 - hyacinth
April 30 - agate

May 1 - jade
May 2 - citrine
May 3 - Hawkeye
May 4 - aquamarine
May 5 - malachite
May 6 - moonstone
May 7 - pearl
May 8 - jadeite
May 9 - amazonite
May 10 - emerald
May 11 - carnelian
May 12 - zircon
May 13 - lapis lazuli
May 14 - agate
May 15 - onyx
May 16 - olivine-chrysolite
May 17 - opal
May 18 - tourmaline
May 19 - agate
May 20 - carnelian
May 21 - emerald
May 22 - coral
May 23 - chrysoprase
May 24 - serpentine
May 25 - serpentine
May 26 - lapis lazuli
May 27 - amethyst
May 28 - turquoise
May 29 - beryl
May 30 - rock crystal
May 31 - citrine

June 1 - Hawkeye
June 2 - obsidian
June 3 - carnelian
June 4 - malachite
June 5 - moonstone
June 6 - jet
June 7 - tiger's eye
June 8 - beryl
June 9 - amber
June 10 - chrysoberyl
June 11 - sardonyx
June 12 - aventurine
June 13 - rhodonite
June 14 - olivine-chrysolite
June 15 - heliotrope
June 16 - sardonyx
June 17 - agate
June 18 - agate
June 19 - beryl
June 20 - hyacinth
June 21 - sapphire
June 22 - aquamarine
June 23 - emerald
June 24 - hawkeye
June 25 - pearl
June 26 - moonstone
June 27 - emerald
June 28 - jade
June 29 - carnelian
June 30 - tourmaline

July 1 - charoite
July 2 - amazonite
July 3 - beryl
July 4 - hyacinth
July 5 - coral
July 6 - almandine
July 7 - topaz
July 8 - heliotrope
July 9 - heliotrope
July 10 - olivine-chrysolite
July 11 - opal
July 12 - agate
July 13 - jade
July 14 - topaz
July 15 - hematite bloodstone
July 16 - amber
July 17 - agate
July 18 - moonstone
July 19 - moonstone
July 20 - jadeite
July 21 - jet
July 22 - emerald
July 23 - jasper
July 24 - sapphire
July 25 - sapphire
July 26 - obsidian
July 27 - jasper
July 28 - rhodonite
July 29 - serpentine
July 30 - diamond
July 31 - diamond

August 1 - tourmaline
August 2 - almandine
August 3 - aquamarine
August 4 - jadeite
August 5 - pomegranate
August 6 - cat's eye
August 7 - lapis lazuli
August 8 - aquamarine
August 9 - malachite
August 10 - beryl
August 11 - alexandrite
August 12 - carnelian
August 13 - sardonyx
August 14 - ruby
August 15 - lal spinel
August 16 - citrine
August 17 - jet
August 18 - onyx
August 19 - aventurine
August 20 - ruby
August 21 - diamond
August 22 - amber
August 23 - zircon
August 24 - amazonite
August 25 - amazonite
August 26 - jade
August 27 - carnelian
August 28 - hematite bloodstone
August 29 - diamond
August 30 - carnelian
August 31 - rhodonite


September 1 - topaz
September 2 - jasper
September 3 - chrysoprase
September 4 - obsidian
September 5 - cat's eye
September 6 - emerald
September 7 - rock crystal
September 8 - pearl
September 9 - jasper
September 10 - jadeite
September 12 - tourmaline
September 13 - onyx
September 14 - tiger's eye
September 15 - amber
September 16 - jasper
September 17 - amethyst
September 18 - serpentine
September 19 - heliotrope
September 20 - carnelian
September 21 - chrysoprase
September 22 - coral
September 23 - jade
September 24 - malachite
September 25 - bloodstone - hematite
September 26 - aventurine
September 27 - citrine
September 28 - beryl
September 29 - olivine - chrysolite
September 30 - opal

October 1 - jadeite
October 2 - cat's eye
October 3 - topaz
October 4 - diamond
October 5 - jade
October 6 - hyacinth
October 7 - agate
October 8 - carnelian
October 9 - topaz
October 10 - hawkeye
October 11 - lal spinel
October 12 - amazonite
October 13 - chrysoberyl
October 14 - almandine
October 15 - rhodonite
October 16 - rock crystal
October 17 - zircon
October 18 - diamond
October 19 - amethyst
October 20 - lapis lazuli
October 21 - charoite
October 22 - diamond
October 23 - amethyst
October 24 - pomegranate
October 25 - ruby
October 26 - alexandrite
October 27 - rhodonite
October 28 - opal
October 29 - topaz
October 30 - turquoise
October 31 - topaz

November 1 - bloodstone - hematite
November 2 - olivine - chrysolite
November 3 - turquoise
November 4 - olivine - chrysolite
November 5 - serpentine
November 6 - carnelian
November 7 - tourmaline
November 8 - ruby
November 9 - cat's eye
November 10 - crystal
November 11 - amber
November 12 - topaz
November 13 - beryl
November 14 - emerald
November 15 - obsidian
November 16 - moonstone
November 17 - hyacinth
November 18 - opal
November 19 - jade
November 20 - chrysoberyl
November 21 - zircon
November 22 - jet
November 23 - diamond
November 24 - beryl
November 25 - almandine
November 26 - jasper
November 27 - ruby
November 28 - turquoise
November 29 - ruby
November 30 - sapphire

December 1 - turquoise
December 2 - serpentine
December 3 - zircon
December 4 - spinel
December 5 - pomegranate
December 6 - heliotrope
December 7 - citrine
December 8 - charoite
December 9 - alexandrite
December 10 - turquoise
December 11 - tiger's eye
December 12 - diamond
December 13 - almandine
December 14 - sapphire
December 15 - hyacinth
December 16 - jade
December 17 - turquoise
December 18 - hematite
December 19 - jasper
December 20 - obsidian
December 21 - chrysoprase
December 22 - almandine
December 23 - agate
December 24 - turquoise
December 25 - topaz
December 26 - carnelian
December 27 - serpentine
December 28 - opal
December 29 - topaz
December 30 - amazonite
December 31 - chrysoberyl

Month of birth

Each month has magic gems:

  • January talismans: serpentine, green garnet, sodalite, hawk's eye;
  • the gem of February is turquoise, which is complemented by chrysocolla, labrador, hyacinth, crystal;
  • people born in March like aquamarine, sultanite, heliotrope; tourmaline is indispensable for health; jewelry number one - pearls;
  • universal April stone - diamond; citrine and bright sapphire will cheer you up, agate will heal;
  • the main May gem is an emerald; it is complemented by agate, chalcedony, tiger's eye;
  • June stones - spinel, agate, alexandrite, aquamarine;
  • ruby, delicate carnelian, onyxes, aventurine, chrysocolla will balance the July heat;
  • August minerals - citrine, sardonyx, imperial ruby, translucent selenite;
  • September patrons - rhodochrosite, sapphire, agate (health stone), chrysolite, onyx, opal, rhodonite, quartz;
  • October attributes - selenite, tourmaline, chrysoberyl, lapis lazuli;
  • obsidian, pearls, coral harmonize with the November mood, chrysolite dilutes the range;
  • those born in the final month of the year are accompanied by a ruby, amethyst of rich hues, rhodochrosite, optimistic chrysoprase and zircon.

For everyone who gets a birthday on the border of months, options from both months are available. For example, people celebrating a birthday between the end of November and the beginning of December can use their favorite November and December minerals.

Full date of birth

The key figure of a person’s fate will help you find out your stone.

To calculate it, sum up all the numbers of birth. That is, the days of the month and year are added to the birthday. For example, a man was born on March 18, 1965. The number of the month of March is three. The calculation will be as follows: 1+8+3+1+9+6+5 = 33. The number is reduced to a single digit, from 1 to 9: 33 = 3+3 = 6. Therefore, the personal number of a person is six.

Each number - from 1 to 9 - is associated with natural stones of different jewelry levels:

  • 1 - sapphires are appropriate for units in order to more energetically achieve goals; "clockwork" aventurines and giving passionate love, up to passion, obsidian or carnelian;
  • 2 - pearls, citrine or sapphire will help to wake up and use personal potential; they will prompt the right direction, clear the mind of rubbish; lunar adularia will make you more self-confident;
  • 3 - turquoise or chrysolite jewelry will lift your mood; blood jasper, coral, ruby ​​or obsidian will preserve physical health and restore mental health;
  • 4 - the best defenders against dark forces, envy, the evil eye will be emerald, sapphire or jade jewelry inserts; they will cut off dark thoughts and attract luck;
  • 5 - the tiger's eye will calm the pathological jealous, the rest will add mind; turquoise will make it softer and more contact with the environment of especially picky people;
  • 6 - agate jewelry or amulets will protect from the machinations of envious people; carnelian will awaken creative inclinations and help you become a true professional in your chosen field; diamonds will be a universal talisman;
  • malachites will help the "sevens" to maintain regal calm, diamonds will "glue" good luck to the owner; rubies nourish on the physical plane;
  • Onyxes will tell the G8s the right choice, the ruby ​​will “erect” bridges with the right people, the pomegranate will strengthen friendly contacts;
  • amulet of "nines" - topazes, rock crystal will protect from the boiling of passions (it will also force you to concentrate on pressing problems).

Talismans by date of birth, taking into account the entire set of numbers, are one of the most effective.

Stones according to the zodiac circle

It is useful to determine your gem, focusing on the sign of the Zodiac ():

  • Ruby, royal diamond, chrysolite - stones are the mascots of Aries.
  • The second half of April and the beginning of May is the time of the zodiac Taurus. His talismans: chrysoberyl, emerald, amazonite, turquoise health stone, hyacinth.
  • Twin allies are bloodstone, amethyst, emerald, hairy quartz and citrine.
  • Crayfish are patronized by emerald, mother-of-pearl, pearls, amazonite, topaz, chrysoprase.
  • Leo's number one stone is a fiery ruby, which is enhanced by an emerald, a health talisman of grenades, citrine and amber.
  • Virgo. The end of August and the beginning of September are supervised by chrysolite, turquoise, diamonds, malachite, citrine.
  • Those born at the end of September or at the beginning of October Libra take diamond, obsidian, rhodonite, sapphire, chrysolite or citrine as allies.
  • Born from the last week of October to the beginning of November, Scorpions have the right to rely on the help of chalcedony, serpentine, garnets, rubies, opal, carnelian topaz, charoite.
  • When choosing a stone ally for Sagittarians, they prefer amethyst, diamond, selenite, and hematite. Ruby takes care of the children of November.
  • The final decade of December and the beginning of January is the time of Capricorn. His stones according to the horoscope: amethyst, garnet, smoky topaz and ruby.
  • Aquarius, who came into the world at the end of January or at the beginning of February, are under the tutelage of tourmaline, uvarovite, obsidian, citrine.
  • For people born under the constellation of the Zodiac Pisces (second half of February - early March), aquamarine, any pearl, bloodstone, sapphire or chrysolite are intended.

When planning the selection of stones by date of birth, you need to remember about combinations prohibited by astrology. This refers to the attributes of the opposition, that is, the sign opposite in the zodiacal circle. Aries has Libra (and vice versa), Taurus is opposed by Scorpio, and so on.

Stones for zodiac signs by date of birth(to view another date - click on the picture).

Sagittarius Birthstones by Birth Date Aquarius Birthstones Gemini Birthstones Virgo Birthstones by Birth Birthstones Cancer Birthstones Pisces Birthstones

Day of the week

If you don’t like stones that are consonant with the date of birth, you can choose a solution by day. It is only required to determine on which day of the week the birthday fell:

  • Monday - the color of the first snow, shades of milk (selenite, pearls, diamonds, crystal);
  • Tuesday - blue, purple, muted tones (jasper, spinel, zircon);
  • Wednesday - blue (lapis lazuli, aquamarine);
  • Thursday stones - with shades of violet (charoite, tanzanite, fluorite, rubellite, almandine);
  • Friday - greens as a background or spots or blotches (emerald, bloodstone, malachite);
  • Saturday - all dark (obsidian, hematite, jet, black pearls);
  • Sunday - solar gamma (citrine, amber, topaz, pomegranate).

You can choose a stone to your taste, because its color, not its appearance, is decisive.


Gems selected by date of birth can be supplemented with “seasonal” ones. They are in harmony with the colors of the corresponding season:

  • winter - white, blue, blue;
  • spring - young greenery, blue sky;
  • for the summer we select bright, juicy colors: blue, yellow, green, scarlet and other shades;
  • autumn - muted blue tones, ocher, gold, orange.

The color palette is embodied in the style of jewelry: an icicle, a snowflake, a flower bud, a moth, a drop, a ladybug, a bunch of mountain ash. For them, they choose a stone for their birthday.

This is the standard approach. But if you want to cheer up, the winter cold or autumn slush is neutralized with stones of joyful colors of summer and a gold setting.

Talisman for the season

Other options

There is a system for choosing a mascot by date of birth and name. The procedure is the following. A selection of stones corresponding to the name is viewed. Minerals associated with personal data are selected from it. For example, for the name Irina, astrology singled out: opal, topaz, chalcedony, pearls. If a person has a personal destiny figure of 9, topaz will be his amulet, the “two” needs pearls.

  • If no matches were found for this parameter, you can recognize the stone by the month of birth or the day of the week. Similarly, a talisman for health is selected.
  • The division of stones by gender is popular. For example, carnelian is suitable for women - the keepers of the hearth or for a girl who wants to bewitch her beloved. Jade has been an attribute of rulers and warriors since ancient China. Male love talisman - scarlet tourmaline. Harmonize with the mood of the strong half of citrine, rock crystal, tiger's eye.
  • The distribution goes on according to the Zodiac. For example, the "male" stones of Aries are hematite and garnet, Taurus - amazonite and sardonyx. The strong half, born under the constellation Cancer, carnelian, onyx, agate are useful. A similar picture with "ladies'" pebbles.

Such stones become stronger if they are also consonant with ladies or men by date of birth.

Features of using stones

Picking up stones exactly by date of birth is half the battle. In order not to get into a mess, you should follow the rules for using gems:

  • Sapphire is the stone of the righteous. Evil, aggressive people are deprived of a sense of joy, love, friendly contacts are cut off. Even if the stone matches the date of birth as a charm or amulet, it is better for them to refuse its services.
  • Free use of opal is allowed only to the birthdays of the final decade of September. Accessories with a gem can plunge all other people into hopeless dejection or apathy.
  • Pearl is friends only with Pisces (regardless of birthday) and supports them on the magical plane. Representatives of other signs should use it selectively. It is contraindicated for Aquarius when nothing pleases: pearl beads or earrings will aggravate the situation. Strong-willed Virgos will become weak-willed "mumbles" with him. Scorpios need a black variety, Lions or Aries do not fit any.
  • Amber, as a magical tool, serves exclusively for Lions, for other zodiac inhabitants it is just an ornament.
  • The obstinate "temper" of the Amazonite is consonant with the character of Scorpio, Taurus, Cancer, but contradicts the way of life of Sagittarius. The active sign of the Zodiac will become a sloth, not trying to overcome this vice.
  • For a pomegranate, it does not matter what date, day of the week, month or season the owner's birthday falls on. He loves "gumballs": gushing with emotions, mobile, charismatic people. If these qualities are in short supply, the use of jewelry will give rise to envy and dissatisfaction with life.
  • Hematite is not recommended to be worn by a person who is powerless to cope with his own emotions or whims. The stone will provoke rudeness, even cruelty, with loved ones.

The selection for any option is extensive and, in order to finally find out your stone, they check personal compatibility. To do this, a gemstone, determined by numerology or astrology, is lightly squeezed in a fist. The absence of discomfort means that the stone is "one's own". A prerequisite is the naturalness of the gem.