What if the bugs began in the cereal? Bugs in the cereal: how to get rid of times and forever what insects can get into the flour.

The appearance of insects in the cereal and flour is the trouble with which many women face. The larvae of bugs are very illegible in food, capable of damaging food and even non-extensive reserves. Getting rid of pests should be immediately, as they can ruin the big supply of provisions. Products of their livelihoods are toxic.

Where in the insects in the croups?

For a good mistress, there is nothing worse than to detect in the purchased bugs. Especially disappointing when there are many food reserves. Why bugs are breeding in the cereal, despite the daily wet cleaning and observance of the purity of lockers?

Most often, the reason lies in a violation of sanitary control in the factory. Improper storage and neglect of the necessary thermal processing of products are the factors of the appearance of beetles in the cereal. The wet environment contributes to their reproduction

Types of insects that may be in the cereal

In order to start taking measures, you need to know which bugs are breeding in the croups. The names of some pests for an extraneous ear are funny: a flour Khrushchk, Suriname Mukoad, a beetle pretending, rice weevil, Mauritanian goat and dusty. But the appearance of such bugs in the cereal is a real trouble in the house.

Prefers a substrate with elevated temperature and humidity, detected when storing rice, oats, wheat, barley and soy. In addition to the grain eats bread products and flour, preferably coarse grinding. With strong damage to flour, it becomes a merciful and unfit into food.

On the photo of a flour horse

His name received due to the ability to pretend to be dead. At the time of danger, he presses the mustache and paws, falling from the subject in which CHRAND. There are about 20 species of such beetles. Premise-thief, robber, robber, pretending-crumb - all these insects are similar to each other. They eat products vegetable origin, Drug raw materials, croup and flour.

In the photo Beetle pretend

. Despite the harmless name, an extremely dangerous and harmful creature. At home, it can be found in the cabinets in banks with croups. Destroys not only rice, but also reserves of other crop and food. Does not neglect perl Broke, dry flour products, are found in corn, beans, breadcrumbs, wheat beans.

On the photo rice weevil

Another flour beetle that spoils dried fruits, feeds on dry meat and pharmacist medicinal plants. Insect easily penetrates loosely closed boxes, packages and other containers with bulk products. The photo is clearly visible bugs in the cereal. Soon she will be spoiled by their excrement.

In the photo, Suriname Mukoad

Her homeland is considered Africa, widespread. Holds bread cereals, confectionery, cereals. But prefers to eat flour. Both larvae, and adult beetles can break bags, sieves, paper and cardboard packaging.

In the photo Mauritanian goat

Harm the reserves of flour, oatmeal and other bulk, clogging by their livelihoods. Favorite delicacy - Groats, which remained for a long time, as well as everything that begins to heat or mold.

In the photo dusty

Is it possible to use this cereal?

If you have found a croup in which bugs started not even think about whether it is possible to use it, but immediately throw away. Infected foods contain residues of chitinovy \u200b\u200bshells, excrement, different forms Insect development. In such breams, bacteria and fungi are inserted, which find the environment for development here.

The remains of the shelves covered with bristles are not digested in the digestive tract in humans and can provoke irritation and inflammation of the stomach. Guanine and scleroproteides, which are included in the composition of the tickwasters are not absorbed by any organism. In the amazed pests, the grain in large quantities is formed uric acidwho can cause a person a number of diseases.

If bugs started in rice, buckwheat, oatmeal or any other criterion, do not use it. The defeat of the body is not detected immediately after eating food from spoiled croup. The process of subcolting hidden, accumulating and gradual. As a result of such nutrition, an amino acid exchange in the body is disturbed, the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin decreases in the blood, which leads to lethargy, weakness, and sometimes more serious consequences. Therefore, if the bugs started in the cereal, then it is better to get rid of it than to have health with health. The same applies to the flour.

Theoretically, the flour in which you can use bugs, but is it worth it? No matter how you sifted it, excrement will still remain in it. For example, flour damaged by Mauritanian goat darkens, acquires nasty smell And it becomes unsuitable for use in cooking. If you cook the dough from such flour, it will be bad and the bread is low and raw.

People are so accustomed to the cereals lying on the store shelves, which they buy without thinking, just looking at the price or seeing the familiar manufacturer. However, so that it is not possible to think about whether it is possible if there is a breakfast if bugs were laid, it should be responsible to choose from such an important product.

Knowing some subtleties you will not spend time and money in vain:

  1. When buying, be sure to look at the date of manufacture. The longer the cereals lie, the most likely that it will begin to deteriorate or mole will be headed.
  2. The product should not have extraneous odors, otherwise it is spoiled and buying it you will not be insured against the appearance of black bugs.
  3. There are no impurities in high-quality curtains. Crumpled particles in whole grains indicate incorrect production and the presence of pests that have already begun to "bite" the goods.
  4. Groats should not have lumps. Their presence says that the product was kept near the water, and she scored moisture or got the grain mole in it.

After buying, the CRU should be stored in dry tanks without foreign odors with dense lids, which do not let moisture and pests. Having found tenants in one of the croup, you need to check all the supplies, wash, dry and ventilate kitchen cabinets.

Since you can't get rid of bugs in flour and breaks completely, you will not get rid, no doubt throw away the spoiled product. This is the only thing you can do in this situation if you are responsible about your health.

Everything food products Must have good storage conditions. Many hostesses face such a nuisance as the appearance of bugs in flour and cereals. It is not necessary to sin on uncleanness and preoccupation. After all, bugs can dwell in fruits, biscuits and packed packs with croups.

Faced with the situation when, in the croups began a bug, how to get rid of pests need to act quickly, otherwise they can spread throughout the house. Bugs in the cereal can also eat furniture, boards and fabrics. Pests can athee on all edible reserves and even bakery products.

Small insects Despite the size are capable of spoiling products and be a source of various diseases. With getting rid of bugs do not need to slow down, as they can simultaneously hit a large supply of provisions.

Basic methods, how to get rid of bugs in the cereal and flour

So, consider the main varieties of beetles that can settle in the cereal:

  • Bread grinder - Beetles of light brown color, up to 3 mm magnitude. Mostly settles in places of large cluster croup: warehouses, bakeries, confectionery. Prefer eating dryers, crackers, cookies, etc.
  • Redhead Mukohed- Redhead beetles of up to 2 mm magnitude. Also live in warehouses, breadcruberties, bakeries. Eating bent or sent camp.
  • Flour Khrushchk - insects reddish brown, values \u200b\u200bup to 4 mm. Mix in kitchen cabinets, breadmen and bags with cereals. Fall with flour and other bulk croups.

First of all, it is necessary to determine which bugs in the kitchen, how to get rid of them depends on the degree of breeding of pests in the cereal. It is known that these beetles are able to fly, so they can freely fly into the open window.

There are such ways to get rid of bugs in the kitchen:

  1. Throw all available cereals.
  2. Cleaning the cereals by folk methods and room in a special safe container.
  3. Making a poisoned boring acid bait.

Sometimes it is not possible to purchase a newly destroyed stock. There is no financial opportunity, then you have to get rid of the beetles with proven methods.

Important! If you started small bugs in the kitchen, how to get rid of them with the help of chemistry, it is necessary to throw away the entire CRU and process special tool Cabinets where she was stored. Split chemicals Products so that after being used too dangerous to health.

In addition, you need to observe all necessary rules hygiene: do not leave products on open places And remove trash behind you.

Bugs in flour: how to get rid of temperature processing

Consider in more detail how to get rid of bugs in the croups and flour in the kitchen with the help of temperature exposure.

There are 3 ways to get rid of pests with temperature:

  • Equalcing in the oven. The semolina and flour can be buried at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees more than 10 minutes (preferably up to 30 minutes). The remaining cereals can be kept at temperatures up to 110 degrees.
  • Impact ultraviolet. Many beetles absolutely do not tolerate the effects of sunlight. This fact can be used in the event of a problem, how to get rid of bugs in flour. Ceres need to be placed directly in the sun, several hours and beetles will leave.
  • Impact by frost. Several hours of staying cereals in the freezer or on the balcony (at a temperature of at least -15) will be forced to die available individuals in the cereal itself.

Important! The listed methods will get rid of bugs in the cereal and flour, will kill only insects and larvae, which were directly in the pack. However, beetles can hide or postpone the larvae in the rocks of kitchen furniture, so it is necessary to carry out additional processing.

In the croups began a bug: how to get rid of cleaning

In order to protect yourself from the emergence of new insects, you need to take a number of measures. When bugs appear in the cereal and in the kitchen, it is a kind of signal for unscheduled general cleaning.

Initially, you need carefully with soda or soap solution to wash the lockers where the croup was stored.Highly good to a tool When problem, how to get rid of cereal bugs in the kitchen is the processing of all the shelves where the products are placed by acetic solution, in proportion one tablespoon per liter of water. You can place in the corners to place bags with a pyrethrum (a variety of chamomile), the smell of which is as well as the vinegar, is able to scare not only bugs, but also mole. Experts recommend handling boiling boils, however, not all coatings are resistant to temperature.

Any insects are large or small bugs in the kitchen, how to get rid of it without discarding at least part of the croup will not tell any source. In any case, there are feces, larvae and dolls of beetles, therefore, even if you are ready for this psychologically, then the product should still be sifted through the smallest sieve.

Important! No need to be limited only to cleaning the kitchen. If at least one insect remains alive, it can move to another room and at the same time eat food residues, crumbs, etc. Therefore, it is very important to clean the entire housing.

Small bugs in the kitchen: how to get rid of the bora

A good option to get rid of flour bugs in the kitchen is the manufacture of boric acid bait (borants). The value of boric acid is that when absorbed, it begins to poison the insect organism after a while.

There is a chance that the poison will be eaten and bring as many individuals as possible in the nest, and this will entail the death of most colonies.
How the bait is made:

  • Prepared sheets of paper decompose on the shelves of kitchen cabinets.
  • On the leaves, scatter sugar powder (you can sugar with the addition of the bora.
  • Together with the bura, you can also mix flour, semolina, honey, etc.

How to get rid of bugs in the cereal using water

In emergency situations, when not to cook from, you can use water. The affected croup is poured with water (can be salted), under the action of croup pressure, fall down, and insects will pop up. The Cropa itself after you need to rinse thoroughly from pollution. The remaining bugs in the cereal, how to get rid of them are needed in several stages, after washing and calcining, it is advisable to once again sift everything. In order to avoid shocks at the sight of living insects, before pouring a wheel with water you need to organize it initially.

This method is not suitable in the case when bugs in flour, how to get rid of them we have already told.

How to get rid of cereal bugs in the kitchen: Additional methods

Previously, people had no opportunity to hide under high temperature or freeze products. More recently, the damage of such a product, as the croup was considered a great misfortune, but then the spoiled product was given to animals. In order for the bugs to appear at all, other methods were used.

How to get rid of bugs in the kitchen by folk remedies:

  • Use of herbs and plants with strong smells. In places where products are stored, you can decompose garlic, bay leaf, carnation, wormwood. All these smells are not tolerated.
  • Popular and effective folk method It is considered to be placed in a container with a cereal metal nails. IMPORTANT: Before putting nails need to be washed and dried so that rust does not form.
  • The most optimal is considered to suspend cereals in glass Tara with tightly closing covers. Glass jars can be placed on high shelves where there is light access.
  • Placing packs with cereal on the shelves of the refrigerator.In the refrigerator, there is no such free access as in kitchen cabinets, and the low temperature will not give pests to break.

Summing up, I want to say that the magic methods how to get rid of bugs in the croup forever does not exist. Anyway, you can not be 100% confident in the products of the same store, or warehouse where these products are fusing. The main key is to carefully comply with the purity in the kitchen and the constant processing of surfaces by disinfecting agents.

Video on the topic, how to get rid of bugs in the kitchen

Beetles in the flour and the cereal - the phenomenon is extremely unpleasant, but they can appear almost in any kitchen. This is not evidence that the hostess does not follow the products in the closet, because often the reserves of the croup are made for a short time. In the house small pests Find from shop shelves, from warehouses where large parties of croup, flour, dried fruits or nuts are stored.

For a person, such bugs are not dangerous, which cannot be said about family budget. The value of infected products is reduced to virtually zero, since insects eat the nutrient core of the grains.

1 Types of beetles living in croups and flour

If bugs started in the cereal, then the "enemy" need to know in the face, especially since they should have appear practically from nowhere. Products of vital activity Zhukov people can cause an allergic reactionSometimes in severe form.

The following types of insects are at home at home:

    bread grinder;

    red Mukoad;



    food mole.

Bread grinder. The habitat of this insect is bakery and bakeries, at home are rarely found, unless they are not entered into a house with purchased products. These small brown bugsCould fly, in food "preferred" bread crumbs, tea, cereals, animal feed and even paper.

Redhead or Suriname Mukoad feed on flour, grain crops and croups. Why is the Mukoored Mukoad? Because the ideal habitat for this insect is a room with high humidity, in well-dried flour or grain will not start.

The bug is very fruit, its larvae in the cereal is quite difficult to consider, since their length does not exceed 0.8 mm, and adult individuals have no more than 2 mm long. The fight against the Mukob is to ventilate the premises and maintaining normal air humidity.

Food moth can start in flour and croups. Such bugs in the cereal as the invasion of locusts, since they are distinguished by high fertility: pairs of weeks are enough to postpone more than 500 eggs, from which minor caterpillars appear, devouring a cereal reserve.

At home, such a kind of beetles is often found as. This insect has characteristic elongated trot and painted in a dark brown. In a graceful environment for the year it can make offspring 5-6 times. Live beetles in rice, flour, makarona and legumes.

2 How to bring bugs in the cereal?

To achieve a positive result, you need to perform several steps:

    Get rid of bugs in the croups will help another way - put them in freezing Camera or on the balcony in winter time of the year. At temperature -150s, adult individuals die, and larvae.

    The next stage is cleaning in kitchen cabinets with mandatory processing disinfectant shelves, door loops, holes for bushings. The containers in which the cereals were stored, it is necessary to boil or curb. After that, the furniture, and the dishes are wiping with a solution of vinegar and dried.

    During harvesting not all insects, it will be possible to destroy, some of them can disperse in the kitchen. Knowing how to get rid of them, you can forget for a long time about their existence. So, it will help to cope with the problem of the fleet prepared at home. To do this, mix in equal parts of the sugar powder, boric acid And some croup in crushed or flour. This mixture is placed in the corners of kitchen cabinets or other secluded places.

2.1 On the ways of preventing the appearance of beetles in the cereal (video)

2.2 Preventive events

Bug in flour and croups is entered into a house with newly purchased products. It does not save from its appearance hermetic factory packaging, since storage and production conditions can be violated at the earliest stages.

So that in the future do not break his head over how to get rid of bugs in the croups, preventive measures need to be carried out. Initially, when choosing a product on a store shelf, you need to pay attention to the contents of the package, and if there is at least the slightest suspicions that insects settled in the cereal, it is better to abandon the goods, removing it back to the shop window.

The same recommendation concerns and buy nuts and dried fruits: it is enough to break the kernel walnut And make sure that from there will not appear the unwanted guest. Dried fruits are better to buy in proven supermarkets, and not on natural markets, where the probability of pest infection is 90%. Store dried fruit in the refrigerator, and not on kitchen shelves.

Store grain and flour needed in hermetically closed cans from glass or plastic. They will not be able to get pests from furniture. Before falling down in the cereal in the container, you can pave the bottom of foil paper or put a small metal object into it. Also in preventive purposes In the jar with grain or flour put the crude garlic teeth or pepper chili pod.

Occasionally in the kitchen need to arrange general cleaning With the ventilation of lockers and their treatment, because if it was possible to solve the problem once once, how to get rid of insect pests, not the fact that they would not appear again. Only periodic observance preventive Mer Can get rid of them forever.

Daily retracting in the house, people are confident that bugs or other pests will not be headed. In fact, it does not matter how clean indoors. Flour bugs appear, as if from the air, at the same time they aim to the kitchen cabinet, where the cereals are stored.

In fact, there are several varieties of bugs that spoil the products. If insects appeared in the cereal, then it is necessary to act immediately so that they do not continue their reproduction. With improper storage of bulk products often come harmful insects. From the article you will learn how to get rid of bugs in flour and the croup without the use of harmful chemicals, about effective and secure methods Fight.

Food mole

Sooner or later, each person faces the problem of the appearance of bugs in the croups. Of course, they need to quickly get rid of them, but before this it is best to understand what kinds of bugs can meet in the kitchen. The most common insect is:

  • Bread grinder;
  • Flour walker;
  • Food mole;
  • Red Mukoad.

Regardless of which type of beetles started in the products, it is possible to calm down only getting rid of it.

In croup

Any hostess will be upset if he sees in the cereal of bugs. Products with detected pests will have to be thrown. There is a question to do if bugs started in the cereal? Need to choose suitable tool, allowing to eliminate insects, but before that it is important to understand exactly what kind of pest started in the cereal.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to deal with bugs, it is necessary to get rid of them, otherwise insects in the croups will constantly spoil the products.


In the croups you can meet several types of bugs, but most often in the packages penetrate weevils and

In the kitchen it is most often possible to detect a weevil

food mole. These insects not only quickly spoil the products, but also quickly multiply.

Your name weevils Received for the elongated body and elongated proboscis. Most often, the pest has a dark brown color. For good conditions, bug able to give offspring to 6 times in the year. Buckwheat, rice and beans (beans) becomes the main food.

Food mole Visually similar to the usual mole. In this case, its length is 10 mm. For 2-3 weeks of existence, the pest is able to postpone up to 500 eggs. From eggs, caterpillars may appear on the light, which are accepted for the destruction of croup. Adult individuals are quite difficult to detect. If such bugs appeared in the cereal, you need to think about how to get rid of them.

In flour

If bugs appeared in flour, save the product is no longer possible, it is better to throw it away.

It is necessary to understand how to get rid of flour bugs, as well as on their eggs. Of course, you can skip flour through a sieve, but the eggs will still be mixed with the product.


Most often in the flour starts redhead Mukohed. This insect is powered by products whose humidity does not exceed 15%. The main food becomes bumping flour, but they can be powered and crumbs. Sometimes insect can be found in animal feedTo make sure enough look at the corresponding photo.

The length of the insect does not exceed 4 mm. The body shape is elongated, resembling a cylinder. Concerning color Gamma.The insect may be light brown or red-brown. The whole body is covered with silk hairs.

Also in the flour you can meet other insects - these are flour crowns. They are included in the black-powder family, their size does not exceed 3-5.5 mm (if it is not a big flour walker). Beetles have an oblong caller, the color of the cover is reddish-brown. Distributed in all regions of our country.

In dried fruits

Bread grinder

Opening a closet for storage of products You can see bugs not only on the croups and flour, but also dried fruits. Unfortunately, many people face a problem. The main pest attacking dried fruit is fruit mole. This insect quickly breeds, so it is better not to delay with the elimination of insects. Sometimes you can meet the midges.


Fruit mole, similar to a flour mole, but it prefers to eat dried fruits, nuts and even tea. The length of the body of an adult individual is 9 mm. In the afternoon, mole hides in secluded places. The life expectancy of an adult individual is 3 weeks.

Many mistakenly believe that mole is powered by dried fruits, in fact only the larvae eat products, which can be found on dried fruits or seeds.

Causes of appearance

Many people see in the flour and cereals of bugs, but few people know the reason for their appearance. So where are bugs in the croups? Most often insects bring from the store or market. The risk increases if milled bulk cereals are purchased, as Mukoad or weevil can already be inside the bags. If this happened, it is necessary to blame store employees, as they do not follow the storage conditions of products.

Unfortunately, get beetles can and at home. This is due to violation temperature modeneeded for storage. With high humidity, the appearance of weeving, moths and mukeda is also likely.

Another common reason for the appearance of insects is considered to be storing croup in paper or polyethylene packages.

How to get rid of insects

People need to know how to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals, as sooner or later they will have to face a similar problem. First, it is necessary to take into account the fact that insects are able to quickly move to products located near the infected flour or cum.

Garlic scares insects

To prevent the spread of moths, weevil and other insects, infected cereals are best thrown. In the next step, it is recommended to check all available products. It is better to identify insect in advance than then thinking how to deal with him.

It should be noted that the flour beetle can be not only in the croups, but also inside the locker. That is why it is recommended rinse all shelves hot waterdiluted by vinegar. If you wish, you can use a disinfectant, because it is better to bring bugs from the cereals.

Channel, rice and other products best for 2 weeks place inside the refrigerator or take it on the balcony. If during this time the new pests will not be found, it means that products can be used for cooking.

Preventive measures

To avoid appearance uninvited guestsIt is recommended to check the barbecue, dried fruits and flour. It is necessary to place the cloves of purified garlic on each shelf, as well as the bay leaf. If desired, you can use nutmeg. The smell of these products prevents insects.

Crupes are best stored in well-closing banks

rice or buckwheat are small bugs, they will quickly manifest, but it does not apply to other products. Best not to buy a large number of Products at one time. Thus, it is possible to minimize the likelihood of pests.

How to store

Avoid the appearance of cereal bugs is easy if you store cereals properly. So that Mukoad and other insects do not apply to products it is necessary to store all the cereals in glass containers with a lid. This will block the input (output) in another container.

It should be noted that flour and cereals have different conditions storage. Of course, you can not always create the necessary conditions humidity, but it is better to deal with it.

Storage flour

After buying flour, it is recommended to take some measures. It is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of midges in flour. First, the product is recommended to dry, but only then push the glass container inside. If you choose to choose a storage container, the Mukoad does not start. Those who buy flour kilograms, best use plastic 25-liter containers.

In China, a small flour Khrushchka did not penetrate the flour, as the struggle with it was carried out with the help of a head of garlic placed inside the shelf package. In addition, instead of garlic, you can use several large nails, which are inserted into the flour.

Do not forget about moisture, which should not exceed 65% and then do not have to withdraw pests. As for temperature, it can vary from +5 to +18 degrees.

Storage cereals

Crupes, like flour it is best to store inside special containers. This will avoid

Banks are also suitable for stuffing

the appearance of midges in the cereal. Modern hosteits are recommended to use:

  • Metal banks;
  • Glass jars;
  • Ceramic tanks;
  • Plastic containers.

Do not forget that each container must have a cover, then black bugs will not penetrate into the croup.

Storage of dried fruit

It is best to store dried fruits at a temperature not higher than +10 degrees. Before placing foods inside glass or ceramic dishes, they need to carefully dry. For drying it is best to use an oven or electric car. It is recommended to periodically inspect dried fruits.

It is unpleasant when it is unexpectedly discovering in a jar with buckwheat incomprehensible insects and have to throw out products. Usually, the hostesses are frustrated, which was not heated and made damping cereals or flour. Let's get acquainted with the main reasons for the appearance of bugs in bulk products and methods to combat this problem, verified in practice.

Why bugs are bream

It is mistaken to think that the bugs are becoming breeding in violation of human storage facilities in person. No matter how much you so wash or remove the kitchen, it's not about you. They come to your home along with the croups right from the factories or plants where they made their penetration. In enterprises should produce special thermal processing of products at high temperatures, comply with the proper standards of its content, including the illumination and humidity of the room.

Even in vacuum packaging purchased in the store, there may be a living nature that moves out of the bought for weight pasta products, dried fruits, coffee or tea. The factories work specialists who should clearly fulfill the rules and procedure for processing the future product. Permissible producers only make an anti-advertising of their products, which is fraught with damages for the enterprise.

What insects can get in the croup

It seems to you that all bugs who eat your future porridge are the same, it was not there. Look at how many varieties can be found in sachets with a cereal:

Red Mukoad. Habitat - mills, bakeries and cereal factories. Mukoheds are powered by a spoiled flour or firing cereal, stored in conditions of high humidity. The size of the individual reaches 2.5 mm. If you have dry and warm in your kitchen or in the storage room, they will not find decent food and will be removed from your home. If you discovered small holes in the sieve for flour, be sure - you have gotten the Mukoad.

Bread grinder. Habitat - bakery and bakery. Food with crushers, biscuits, dryers, galley and other dry bakery products. Finding into apartments, can eat dried herbs, coffee, even books, herbaria and tobacco. Very voracious. The size of one insect is up to 3 mm. These bugs are moving in flight, focusing on the light. In the process of searching for food, they can be found on the windowsill, closer to the illuminated zone. The use of products in which grinder penetrated, fraught with gastrointestinal poisoning.

Set in kitchen cabinets. If you accidentally bring a pack of flour with a pair of such bugs to the kitchen, they will quickly spread throughout the territory. Favorite food Khushchka - Wheat or rye flour, semolina, oatmeal, rare - buckwheat and dried fruits. Insect size reaches 3.5 mm. Khrushki lay the larvae right in the products or in the creation of kitchen furniture, multiply very quickly, bringing offspring to four times a year. With their detection, products can be immediately thrown out, otherwise they can cause human allergies and even food poisoning.

Food mole. Blooding in larger products, such as nuts or dried fruits, sometimes moved to cereals. The size of the individual of this butterfly comes up to 10 mm. It can postpone more than 350 eggs in two weeks of his life. Of these, then caterpillars are hatched, devouring any products that fall them.

Carefully read the following information to meet the fulfillment of this small, but dirty enemy. If you simply delete a crucian or flour bug that happens, believe me - you absolutely did not solve the problem. You must perform successively a number of events:

  1. Review all the containers in which you are stored bulk products, cereals, flour, sugar, salt, tea, etc. If you find bugs somewhere, immediately throw away this package or the contents of the jar.
  2. The capacitance after this must be thoroughly rinsed with soap solution in hot water And to dry well. Bags and cellophane packages are better to immediately throw away, do not even try to wash them.
  3. Products remaining outside suspicion, put in the freezer for a couple of days. This is done in case the bugs still managed to postpone the eggs in the cereal, of which low temperatures New offspring will not hatch.
  4. Empty kitchen cabinets and thoroughly wash their disinfectants, you can economic soap With soda or vinegar, wash on all sides, penetrating into each slot.
  5. Luggage valve and brackets can be quenched. Then let the furniture will eat well at least during the day.
  6. Shelves of dried cabinets are lined with clean paper or newspapers on which garlic cloves are laid out and lavra leaves, You can decompose the branches of dry lavender.
  7. Newly purchased cereals, flour and other products should be stored in metal or glass tanks that are tightly closed with covers. Pasta, packaged in boxes, be sure to spend in banks. For prevention, you can put in a jar of a crude garlic slicker, it does not proceed with a strong smell, but the bugs will not start.
  8. Buy bulk substances in small portions, but more often. Then, in any case, bugs will not have time to steal in your products.
  9. Try so that in the kitchen is always dry and warm increased humidity - Better environment for various malicious insects.
  10. Periodically view the products in the lockers in order to detect randomly penetrated into the croup of bug. If something is stored for you more than a year, this is a unambiguous contender for throwing out.

How to prevent bugs

Each hostess should understand that it is better to create intolerant for bugs the conditions of stay in the kitchen, which later mess around with their destruction. There are few such rules, remember the most important of them:

  1. Cereals purchased in the store, it is better to immediately dry in the oven at a low temperature of no more than 20 minutes;
  2. Scatter products are necessary in glass or metal containers, tightly closed with covers;
  3. Do not store many products for a black day, periodically update your set of croup, flour or sugar;
  4. Place garlic or laurel leaves in jars with bulk substances, all types of bugs do not tolerate their smell;
  5. Nuts and dried fruits Store only in the refrigerator in tightly closed banks;
  6. At least once a week, wipe kitchen furniture, especially the one where cereals are stored, vinegar, divorced in water;
  7. Purchasing a barbecue or flour in the store, pay attention to the date of production, do not take overdue products, even with very large discounts;
  8. Watch out the moisture content in the storage rooms and in the kitchen room.

It would seem, there is nothing complicated to avoid the appearance of bugs in products. However, every hostess at least once in his life met with these pests. To defeat them is easy, all means are at hand, just do not lose patience, a real woman All hope.

Video: how to store cereals so that there are no beetles and mold