Wooden floors. Wooden floor beams: dimensions and calculations Floors larger than 6 meters

01.10.2010, 11:47

1) beam 200*200*6000 through 0.5M = 22 t.r (deflection 20 mm)
2) I-beam 20B h/w 1.2 m = 27 tr. (deflection 20 mm)

By weight 1) -90 kg timber, 2) - 120 kg beam

In theory, the solutions are very similar. I'm interested in practice, which is better?

Green Cat

01.10.2010, 11:55

In general, you shouldn’t use iron to make any load-bearing structures, because in a fire, the tree holds out until the last, and the iron is cracked and ready.

01.10.2010, 15:55

The temperature at which the I-beam will deform is incompatible with life. Especially if the bottom is covered with plasterboard.

If you still decide to make it with wood, then I recommend 200x60x6000 with a step of 600 mm.

01.10.2010, 16:55

“Crack and it’s done” - but won’t it matter anyway)))

It can be deformed in one place and fly to another, where there are still conditions for life... :) but in general you are right.
+Wood itself will support combustion, but iron will not...

Green Cat

01.10.2010, 17:41

The temperature at which the I-beam will deform is incompatible with life.
It’s one thing when he’s on his own, and another when he’s under load.

Until recently, it was generally prohibited to use meth as rafters. profile, now I see they are doing it with all their might.

I recommend 200x60x6000 with a pitch of 600 mm
It will be too small, too small - let's look at the cuckulator.

01.10.2010, 20:32

In one room I had a span of 5.7 meters, the overlap between the 1st and 2nd floors. I chose an I-beam 20B at 1.3 meters, it seems that according to calculations the I-beam was stronger than wood. It is worth considering that a tree can be found 6.5 meters long, and the length of an I-beam is 11.7 meters or 12 meters (to cover a span of 6 meters you need at least 15 cm on one side). It would have been better to lay the slabs, but I didn’t succeed. The difference between the tree and the I-beam was somewhere around 10-12%. When laying the walls, I installed 3 cm of foam between the cutout in the gas block and the I-beam.
Regarding the fire, you need to take precautions.

02.10.2010, 00:47

And I laid a 5.8 meter reinforced concrete slab on the 6 m span and don’t think about anything else. Doesn't burn, doesn't melt, doesn't bend...

02.10.2010, 09:00

Thanks to everyone, I’m still leaning towards an I-beam, since it’s stronger, I want to install internal walls made of 100 cm foam block for the ceiling. (although it was probably possible to put 2 beams under the wall)
then wawan001 the span is 6M along the axes of the walls, that is, there will be 15 cm of support on each side.
then Cat, I guess if you fall asleep non-flammable insulation ala expanded clay, then there will be nothing to burn there at all (the house is made of foam blocks).

And another question, if you cover it with an I-beam, is it possible to use, say, a 50-piece wooden one fixed to the side walls instead of the outer beams??

02.10.2010, 18:30

There is another option.

02.10.2010, 19:12

There is another option.
You make a load-bearing beam (albeit from an I-beam), on which you lay simple wooden floor beams. It will be much cheaper.
You will need one or two I-beams, but powerful ones. The price will still be cheaper.

I did it to myself

02.10.2010, 20:01

dengt, this idea came to my mind from the point of view of the manufacturability of installing floors in the future, if wooden floors are installed inside the I-beam, and a counter-lattice is made on top (beams according to calculations). The distance from the edge of the beam to the I-beam is 40 cm - reliable. After all, according to calculations, the load on the outermost beams is 2 times less than on the adjacent one, you can put a 150x200 beam or take 2 pieces of 50x200 boards and between them install pieces of boards of the same size 1.5 meters long, and I think 50 is flimsy, although if to It can be attracted to the wall and it will be fine. If you are confident in the fasteners, then probably yes.

04.10.2010, 05:57

I covered the span with a 5m beam of 150*150, folded in half and tied with pins, i.e. The result is a beam 150*300. It turned out pretty tough, but I would still make it out of concrete if possible :(

05.10.2010, 09:32

I did it to myself
the span is 11 by 6, divided into three parts by two I-beams and laid wooden beams, and in order not to increase the thickness of the ceiling, laid them inside the T-beam. I first welded the corners to the tee and secured the beams with bolts.

As I understand it, the I-beams were 6 meters high?
here you need at least 25B2, it’s a 5 cm thicker covering, it doesn’t seem to be fatal.

What worries me about attaching the side beams to the walls is that all the other beams will sag but the outer ones will not, then the flooring will bend like a bubble? What will this lead to?

05.10.2010, 10:11

6-measure I-beam 20B1 - two pieces across the length, it turned out 3 zones, two with beams resting on one side on the wall, and the other on the I-beam, and one zone with beams sandwiched between the I-beams. I didn’t notice any flexing; the I-beam doesn’t work at that length.

06.10.2010, 13:06

06.10.2010, 13:47

depending on how you load it, if according to theory it’s 400 kg/m, then in your case the 20B1 will bend by 77 mm

I wonder how you calculated this?

Among the many structural elements In a private house, the ceiling is one of the most important and difficult components to design and install. It is here that inexperienced builders make, perhaps, the most dangerous mistakes; it is about the arrangement of this system that the most questions are asked.

1. Why choose a tree

In any building, the ceiling is a horizontal structure that serves as the basis for creating the floor. Moreover, being tied with load-bearing walls at home, it provides lateral stability to the structure, evenly distributing possible loads. Therefore, the highest demands are placed on the reliability of this design.

Regardless of what material is used in the construction of a house, wooden floors are most widespread in the private sector. They can often be seen in various stone cottages, and it is quite obvious that in wooden construction (log, timber, frame and frame-panel technology) there is no alternative to such a decision. There are many objective reasons for this. Let's consider the advantages and disadvantages of wood floors.

In private low-rise construction ceilings are mounted in several options:

  • Ready reinforced concrete slab,
  • Monolithic reinforced concrete slab,
  • Ready-made reinforced concrete beams,
  • Beams and trusses made of rolled metal,
  • Flooring made of lumber.


Or why wooden floors are so popular.

  • Small mass. By using boards or timber, we do not overload load-bearing walls and foundations. The weight of the ceiling is several times less than that of concrete or metal structures. Usually no technology is required.
  • Minimum deadlines for completing work. Minimum labor intensity among all options.
  • Versatility. Suitable for any building, in any environment.
  • Possibility of installation at sub-zero and very high temperatures.
  • No “wet” or dirty processes.
  • Possibility of obtaining any level of thermal insulation and sound insulation characteristics.
  • Possibility of using cavities for gaskets engineering communications(power grid, heating, water supply, sewerage, low current...).
  • Relatively low price of prefabricated frame floor from lumber, both in terms of the cost of parts/components and the contractor’s wages.


The disadvantages of a wooden ceiling system made of wood are quite relative.

  • Difficulty in choosing the cross-section of materials and constructive solutions to ensure the calculated load-bearing capacity.
  • The need to carry out additional fire prevention measures, as well as provide protection from moisture and pests (antiseptic treatment).
  • The need to purchase soundproofing materials.
  • Strict adherence to technology to avoid construction errors.

2. What material to use for assembly

Wooden flooring always consists of beams. But they can be made from a variety of lumber:

  • Rounded log up to 30 cm in diameter.
  • The beam is four-edged.
  • Board large section(thickness from 50 mm, width up to 300 mm).
  • Several boards of relatively small thickness, twisted face to face.
  • I-beams, the upper and lower chords of which are made of edged planed boards/bars, and the vertical wall is made of OSB-3, plywood or profiled metal (wood-metal product).
  • Closed boxes made of sheet materials (plywood, OSB).
  • SIP panel. In essence, these are separate sections in which the beams are already sheathed and have an insulator inside.
  • Various truss designs, allowing to cover large spans.

The easiest options for installation, as well as the cheapest and most convenient for subsequent operations, are those where the floor beams are made of edged lumber.

Due to the very high requirements for load-bearing capacity, durability and geometric deviations, first-grade lumber must be considered as blanks. It is possible to use products belonging to the second grade according to GOST, which do not have critical geometric deviations, defects and processing defects that can reduce the strength characteristics and service life of finished parts (through knots, twists, cross-layers, deep extended cracks...).

In these structures, the use of dead wood (dead wood, dead wood, burnt wood) is excluded due to insufficient strength and multiple damage to wood-destroying diseases and insects. It would also be a big mistake to buy a beam or board “with air”, “with Armenian size”, “TU” - due to the underestimated sections.

It must be exclusively healthy material from green spruce or pine, since needles, due to their resin content and the structure of the massif, withstand bending loads and compression much better than most hardwoods, and having a relatively low specific gravity.

In any case, edged lumber must be freed from remnants of bark and bast fibers, treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. Dry planed lumber will perform best here, but the material natural humidity(up to 20 percent) during normal processing are also actively (and most importantly - effectively) used, especially since the price of edged timber or boards of this type is noticeably lower.

3. How to choose the size of beams and at what step to arrange them

The length of the beam is calculated in such a way that it covers the existing span and has a “margin” to provide support on load-bearing walls (read below for specific figures for permissible spans and wall penetration).

The cross-section of the board/beam is determined depending on the design loads that will be exerted on the floor during the operation of the building. These loads are divided into:

  • Permanent.
  • Temporary.

Temporary loads in a residential building include the weight of people and animals that can move along the floor, moving objects. TO constant loads include the mass of the structure lumber itself (beams, joists), floor filling (insulation/noise insulation, insulating sheets), hemming (rolling), rough and finishing flooring, finishing flooring, partitions, as well as built-in communications, furniture, equipment and household items. ..

Also, you should not lose sight of the possibility of storing objects and materials, for example, when determining the load-bearing capacity of the floors of a non-residential cold attic, where unnecessary, rarely used things can be stored.

The sum of the dead and live loads is taken as a starting point, and a safety factor of 1.3 is usually applied to it. Exact figures (including the cross-section of lumber) must be determined by specialists in accordance with the provisions of SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and Impacts”, but practice shows that the load values ​​in private houses with wooden beams are approximately identical:

  • For interfloor (including under a residential attic) and basement floors, the total load is about 350 - 400 kg/m2, where the share of the structure’s own weight is about 100 kilograms.
  • For covering an unloaded attic - about 130 - 150 kg/m2.
  • For covering a loaded non-residential attic up to 250 kg/m2.

It is obvious that unconditional safety is of paramount importance. Here a good margin is taken into account and the option is considered not so much of distributed loads on the entire floor (in such quantities they are practically unrealistic), but rather the possibility of a local load that can lead to deflections, which in turn caused:

  • physiological discomfort of residents,
  • destruction of components and materials,
  • loss of aesthetic properties of the structure.

By the way, certain deflection values ​​are allowed by regulatory documents. For residential premises, they can be no more than 1/350 of the span length (that is, 10 mm at 3 meters or 20 mm at six meters), but provided that the above limiting requirements are not violated.

When choosing the cross-section of lumber to create a beam, they are usually guided by the ratio of the width and thickness of the beam or board in the range of 1/1.5 - 1/4. Specific figures will depend, first of all, on: loads and span lengths. When designing yourself, you can use data obtained from calculations using online calculators or publicly available tables.

Optimal average cross section of beams wooden floor, mm

Span 3 mSpan 3.5 mSpan 4 mSpan 4.5 mSpan 5 mSpan 5.5 mSpan 6 m

As we can see, to enlarge load-bearing capacity ceilings - it is enough to choose lumber with a larger width or greater thickness. It is also possible to assemble a beam from two boards, but in such a way that the resulting product has a cross-section no less than the calculated one. It should also be noted that the load-bearing properties and stability of a wooden floor increase if logs or various types of subfloors (sheet flooring made of plywood/OSB or edged boards) are used on top of the beams.

Another way to improve the strength qualities of a wooden floor is to reduce the spacing of the beams. Engineers in their projects of private houses determine different conditions the distance between the beams is from 300 mm to one and a half meters. IN frame construction The pitch of the beams is made dependent on the spacing of the posts, so that there is a post under the beam, and not just a horizontal frame run. Practice shows that the most appropriate from the point of view of practicality and cost of construction is a step of 600 or 1000 mm, since it is best suited for the subsequent installation of insulation and noise insulation by surprise ( insulating materials slabs and rolls have just such a form factor). This distance also creates optimal distance between support points for mounting floor joists installed perpendicular to the beams. The dependence of the cross section on the pitch is clearly visible from the numbers in the table.

Possible cross-section of floor beams when changing the pitch (total load on square meter about 400 kg)

4. How to properly install and secure beams

We have decided on the step - from 60 centimeters to a meter will be the golden mean. As for spans, it is best to limit yourself to 6 meters, ideally: four to five meters. Therefore, the designer always tries to “lay” the beams along the smaller side of the house/room. If the spans are too large (more than 6 meters), then they resort to installing load-bearing walls or support columns with crossbars inside the house. This approach makes it possible to use lumber of a smaller cross-section and increase the spacing, thereby reducing the weight of the floor and its cost for the customer with the same (or better) load-bearing characteristics. As an option, trusses are created from lighter lumber using metal perforated fasteners, for example, nail plates.

In any case, the beams are placed strictly horizontally, parallel to each other, maintaining the same pitch. The wooden beam must rest on load-bearing walls and purlins by at least 10 centimeters. As a rule, use 2/3 thickness outer wall from the side of the room (so that the end of the beam does not go out onto the street and remains protected from freezing). IN wooden walls They make a cut; in stone ones, they leave openings during laying. Where the beams touch load-bearing structures it is necessary to lay insulating materials: damping elastic pads made of rubber/felt, several layers of roofing felt as waterproofing, etc. Sometimes they use firing of sections of the beam that are subsequently hidden or coating them with bitumen mastics/primers.

Recently, special perforated brackets “beam holders/supports” have been increasingly used to create floors, which allow the beam to be mounted end-to-end with the wall. With the help of this type brackets are also assembled assemblies with transverse crossbars and beams truncated in length (opening for flight of stairs, chimney passage, etc.). The advantages of this solution are obvious:

  • The resulting T-shaped connection is very reliable.
  • The work is done quickly (there is no need to make cuts, it is much easier to set a single plane).
  • No cold bridges are formed along the body of the beams, because the end is moving away from the street.
  • It is possible to buy lumber of shorter length, since there is no need to insert the timber/board inside the wall.

In any case, it is very important, after adjusting the lumber to size, to thoroughly antisepticize the end of the beam.

5. What insulating layers should be used inside wooden floors

To answer this question, first of all, it is necessary to divide the overlapping structures (in a year-round habitable house) into three separate types:

  • Basement ceiling,
  • Interfloor,
  • Attic.

In each specific case, the set of pie will be different.

Interfloor ceilings in the vast majority of cases separate rooms in which temperature regime similar or close in value (if there is room/floor/zone adjustment heating system). These also include the attic floor, which separates the residential attic, since this room is heated, and the insulation is located inside roofing pie. For these reasons, thermal insulation is not needed here, but the issue of combating noise, airborne (voices, music...) and shock (steps, rearranging furniture...) becomes very relevant. As sound insulation, acoustic fibrous materials based on mineral wool, and also sheets of soundproofing membranes are laid under the sheathing.

The basement design assumes that under the ceiling there is soil or a basement, cellar, or ground floor. Even if there is an occupied room below, this type of floor requires full insulation, characteristic of the enclosing structures of a particular climate zone and a specific building with its unique thermal balance. According to standards, the average thickness for the Moscow region modern insulation with good thermal conductivity will be about 150-200 mm.

Similar thermal insulation requirements apply to the attic floor, which does not have a heated attic above it, because it will be the main barrier to heat loss through the roof of the building. By the way, due to the greater heat flow through top part at home, the thickness of the insulation here may be required more than in other places, for example, 200 mm instead of 150 or 250 mm instead of 200.

They use polystyrene foam, EPS, mineral wool with a density of 35 kg/m3 in slabs or cut into mats from a roll (one that is allowed for use in non-load-bearing horizontal structures is suitable). Thermal insulation is laid between the beams, usually in several layers, with the joints bandaged. The load from the insulation is transferred to the beam through the rough hemming (often it is attached to the beams using cranial bars).

Where wadding insulation/sound insulation is used in structures, it should be protected from moisture. In the basement, moisture can rise in the form of evaporation from the ground or from the basement/cellar. Water vapor can enter interfloor ceilings and attics, which always saturates the air in residential premises during human activities. In both cases, underneath the insulation you need to lay construction material vapor barrier film, which can be ordinary or reinforced polyethylene. But, if thermal insulation is performed using extruded polystyrene foam, which does not have any significant level of water absorption, then a vapor barrier will not be needed.

Insulation and fiber on top soundproofing materials protected with waterproof sheets, which can be membranes or non-perforated waterproofing.

A reliable hydrobarrier is especially relevant in rooms with high humidity: kitchen, laundry, bathroom... In such places it is spread over the beams, always with the strips overlapping by 100-150 mm and the seam taped. The canvases along the entire perimeter of the premises must be placed on the wall - to a height of at least 50 mm above the finishing coating.

The ceiling, which will later be lined tiles, it makes sense to supplement with a rough flooring made of waterproof sheet materials - various types cement-containing slabs, preferably tongue-and-groove. On such a continuous flooring, you can apply additional coating waterproofing, perform thin-layer leveling of the plane with leveling compound, or lay tiles immediately.

You can choose another option - collect from edged boards continuous flooring, lay a hydraulic barrier, pour a thin-layer screed (up to 30 mm), install tiles.

There are also modern adhesives (and elastic grouts) that allow tiling wooden bases, including movable and heated ones. Therefore, tiled floors are often sold here on moisture-resistant plywood or OSB.

Important! Taking into account the increasing loads (general or local - a large bathtub, a Jacuzzi bowl, a floor-standing boiler...), the calculation of the cross-section and pitch of beams under such rooms must be performed individually.

If desired, floors in the bathroom or kitchen wooden house can be equipped with a heating cable or pipes of the water circuit of the heating system. They are mounted both in screeds and a layer of tile adhesive, and between joists in a deliberately created air gap. With any chosen option, the ceiling must be well insulated so as not to heat the ceiling of the room from below, preferably equipped with waterproofing with a reflective foil layer.

Wooden floor beams provide not only the strength of the horizontal structure. The purpose of the ceiling is to provide rigidity to the entire building. It is for this reason that special attention should be paid to the selection of load-bearing elements and their installation.

Pros and cons of wooden floors

To install the ceiling yourself, you need to prepare. The floor in the house must rest on a strong and rigid structure. Before starting work, you will have to study the requirements for the elements, the features of their calculation and the types of sections.

The following advantages of wooden flooring can be highlighted:

  • attractive appearance, the ability to make a wooden floor without additional measures;
  • light weight, reduced load on walls and foundations, savings on construction;
  • possibility of carrying out repairs during operation;
  • speed of installation, execution of work without additional cars and mechanisms.
Wooden beams do not weigh down the structure and are quickly installed

But it is also worth highlighting the disadvantages:

  • flammability of wood, need for special impregnation with fire retardants;
  • smaller compared to reinforced concrete or metal elements strength;
  • shrinkage and deformation due to changes in temperature and humidity;
  • susceptibility to rot, mildew and mold when high humidity, it is necessary to carry out treatment with antiseptics at the construction stage and periodically during the service life.

Requirements for wooden floors

Wooden floor beams must meet the following requirements:

  • correspondence of the section dimensions to the load, span and pitch, this requires calculation of the beams;
  • good strength and rigidity;
  • fire safety;
  • absence of serious wood defects and damage.

To work you need to prepare quality material

There are also certain requirements to the material from which the beams are made. It is recommended to choose wood coniferous species. It contains a lot of resin, so it is better resistant to various microorganisms. The best material those trees that grew in harsh conditions are considered. Their trunk density is higher. For this reason, it is worth purchasing pine or spruce that grew in northern regions countries.

You also need to pay attention to the preparation time. The best period is considered to be at the end of winter. At this time, the tree is in a dormant state, there is less juice in it, and therefore the moisture content of the material will be less.

What types of wooden floors are there?

Wooden floor beams are used for almost all levels of the house. The beam frame must be provided for following types designs:

  • basement or basement floor (first floor floor);
  • interfloor covering;
  • attic floor.

The thickness of the supporting beam for the attic is from 10 to 20 cm

The normalized payload, which is taken into account in the calculation of wooden floor beams, depends on the type. There will also be a difference in the thickness of the insulation and its necessity.

Between 5 and 15 cm of mineral wool, polystyrene foam or extruded polystyrene foam is usually laid between the beams above the basement. In interfloor structures, it will be enough to provide a couple of centimeters for sound insulation. A cold attic requires the most material. Here the thickness can be from 10 to 20 cm. The exact values ​​depend on the climatic region of construction.

Mineral wool is laid between the basement beams

Sometimes they prefer to make the basement floor not from wood, but from metal and reinforced concrete. In this case, as load-bearing beams an I-beam or channel is used, and the concrete is poured into formwork made of corrugated sheets. This option will be more reliable if there is a risk of flooding. It will also better resist moisture from the basement.

What types of beams are there?

There are several criteria by which wooden floor beams are classified: by size, material, type of section. The length of the floor beams depends on the distance between the walls. To this value you need to add a margin for support on both sides. Optimally, you need to provide 200-250 mm.

Based on material, elements are divided into the following types:

Bent beams are made from laminated veneer lumber

The latter are significantly more expensive. But such material is suitable for covering large spans. A regular beam can work at distances of 4-6 m, while a laminated beam copes well with distances of 6-9 m. Glued laminated timber practically does not shrink, is fireproof and resistant to moisture. It is possible to produce not only linear elements, but also bent ones. Significant disadvantage Such material will contain unnatural components (glue).

The cross-section of beams can be of the following types:

  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • I-beam

The latter has widened elements at the top and bottom. In the middle of the section it is reduced to the maximum possible size. This option allows you to rationally use wood and reduce its consumption. But making such an element is not easy. For this reason, I-beams are not often used in construction.

The most commonly used timber is rectangular in shape.

The best option will become a rectangle. In this case, the long side is located vertically, and the short side is horizontal. This is due to the fact that increasing height has a better effect on strength than increasing width. Installing a beam from a board flat is practically useless.

The most unprofitable of the presented ones can be considered square section. It is least adjusted to the diagram of forces in the element.

You can also use logs for roofing. But this option did not gain popularity. The section from the board is much more profitable and easier to install, therefore it is used much more often.


Calculation of the cross-section will allow you to have no doubt about the strength and rigidity of the structure. In this case it is determined maximum length, which is allowed for any section. To perform the calculation, you need the following data:

  • the length of the wooden floor beam (more precisely, the distance between the load-bearing walls);
  • the distance between the beams (their pitch);

To calculate, you need to know the distance between the beams, the width of the span and the load on the structure

The load consists of two values: permanent and temporary. The permanent includes the mass of the beams themselves (preliminary for now), insulation, ceiling lining, rough and finished floor. The temporary load is the mass of people and furniture. By regulatory documents for residential premises it is taken equal to 150 kg/m2. For the attic you can take less, but it is recommended to use the same one. This will not only provide a certain margin of safety, but will also make it possible in the future to convert your attic into an attic without reconstructing the load-bearing elements.

The beam frame should be calculated using the following formulas:

  • Mmax = (q*l2)/8;
  • Wreq = Mmax/130.

In these formulas, q is the load per square meter. m of flooring, which includes the mass of structures and 150 kg of useful value. In this case, these values ​​must be multiplied by the distance between the beams. This is due to the fact that calculations require a load on linear meter, and initially the value was calculated to be square. l2 - the distance between the load-bearing walls on which the purlin rests, taken in a square.

Knowing Wrequirement, you can select the section of the floor. W = b*h2/6. Knowing W, you can easily create an equation with one unknown. Here it is enough just to set one geometric characteristic b (section width) or h (its height).

Most often, the wooden beam already has a known width. It is more convenient to make it from a board 50 or 100 mm wide. You can also consider the option with a composite section. It is made from several boards 50 mm thick.

By calculation in this case, the required height of the element is found. But there are cases when you need to fit into a certain ceiling pie so as not to reduce the height of the premises. In this case, the height of the section is added to the equation as a known quantity, and the width is found. But the lower the height, the more uneconomical the floor frame will be.

To tighten two or three boards together, it is convenient to use metal pins. In this case, when tightening the nuts, be sure to use wider washers. They prevent the metal from being pressed into more soft wood. It is imperative to provide insulation between wood and steel fasteners. For this, you can use a material such as TECHNOELAST brand EPP.

Wooden blocks must be waterproofed before installation

Before use wooden elements they are treated with an antiseptic composition. This is necessary to prevent mold and rot. It is also recommended to treat with fire retardants, which will increase fire safety. When resting the purlins on a wall made of brick or concrete, their ends are wrapped with technoelast, linocrom, waterproofing or roofing felt.

Beams in a house usually belong to rafter system or overlap, and to get reliable design, the operation of which can be carried out without any fear, must be used beam calculator.

What is the beam calculator based on?

When the walls have already been brought under the second floor or under the roof, it is necessary to make, in the second case smoothly turning into rafter legs. In this case, the materials must be selected so that the load on the brick or log walls did not exceed the permissible limit, and the strength of the structure was at the proper level. Therefore, if you are going to use wood, you need to choose the right beams from it, make calculations to find out required thickness and of sufficient length.

The subsidence or partial destruction of the ceiling can be due to various reasons, for example, too large a step between the lags, deflection of the cross members, too small their cross-sectional area or defects in the structure. To eliminate possible excesses, you should find out the expected load on the floor, be it basement or interfloor, and then use a beam calculator, taking into account their own weight. The latter can change in concrete lintels, the weight of which depends on the density of the reinforcement; for wood and metal, with a certain geometry, the weight is constant. The exception is damp wood, which is not used in construction work without pre-drying.

On beam systems in floors and rafter structures load is exerted by forces acting on section bending, torsion, and deflection along the length. For rafters it is also necessary to provide snow and wind load, which also create certain forces applied to the beams. It is also necessary to accurately determine the required pitch between the jumpers, since it is too large number crossbars will lead to excess weight of the floor (or roof), and too little, as mentioned above, will weaken the structure.

You may also be interested in an article about calculating the amount of unedged and edged boards in a cube:

How to calculate the load on a floor beam

The distance between the walls is called a span, and there are two of them in the room, and one span will necessarily be smaller than the other if the shape of the room is not square. Interfloor lintels or attic floor should be laid over a shorter span, optimal length which is from 3 to 4 meters. Larger spacing may require non-standard sized beams, which will result in some unsteadiness of the deck. The best solution in this case would be to use metal crossbars.

Regarding the section wooden beam, there is a certain standard that requires that the sides of the beam be in a ratio of 7:5, that is, the height is divided into 7 parts, and 5 of them must make up the width of the profile. In this case, deformation of the section is excluded, but if you deviate from the above indicators, then if the width exceeds the height, you will get a deflection, or, if the opposite discrepancy occurs, a bend to the side. To prevent this from happening due to the excessive length of the beam, you need to know how to calculate the load on the beam. In particular, the permissible deflection is calculated from the ratio to the length of the lintel as 1:200, that is, it should be 2 centimeters per 4 meters.

To prevent the beam from sagging under the weight of logs and flooring, as well as interior items, you can grind it from below a few centimeters, giving it the shape of an arch; in this case, its height should have an appropriate margin.

Now let's turn to the formulas. The same deflection mentioned earlier is calculated as follows: f nor = L/200, where L is the span length, and 200 is the permissible distance in centimeters for each unit of beam subsidence. For reinforced concrete beam, distributed load q which is usually equated to 400 kg/m 2, the calculation of the limiting bending moment is performed using the formula M max = (q · L 2)/8. In this case, the quantity of reinforcement and its weight is determined according to the following table:

Cross-sectional areas and mass of reinforcing bars

Diameter, mm

Square cross section, cm 2, with the number of rods

Weight 1 linear meter, kg

Diameter, mm

Wire and rod reinforcement

Seven-wire ropes class K-7

The load on any beam made of a sufficiently homogeneous material is calculated using a number of formulas. To begin with, the moment of resistance W ≥ M/R is calculated. Here M is the maximum bending moment of the applied load, and R– calculated resistance, which is taken from reference books depending on the material used. Since beams most often have a rectangular shape, the moment of resistance can be calculated differently: W z = b h 2 /6, where b is the width of the beam, and h– height.

What else should you know about beam loads?

The ceiling, as a rule, is at the same time the floor of the next floor and the ceiling of the previous one. This means that it needs to be made in such a way that there is no risk of combining the upper and lower rooms by simply overloading the furniture. This probability especially arises when there is too much big step between beams and avoidance of logs (plank floors are laid directly on timber laid in spans). In this case, the distance between the crossbars directly depends on the thickness of the boards, for example, if it is 28 millimeters, then the length of the board should not be more than 50 centimeters. If there are lags, the minimum gap between the beams can reach 1 meter.

It is also necessary to take into account the mass used for the floor. For example, if mineral wool mats are laid, then a square meter of the basement floor will weigh from 90 to 120 kilograms, depending on the thickness of the thermal insulation. Sawdust concrete will double the mass of the same area. The use of expanded clay will make the flooring even heavier, since the load per square meter will be 3 times greater than when laying mineral wool. Next, we should not forget about the payload, which for interfloor ceilings is 150 kilograms per square meter minimum. In the attic it is enough to take permissible load 75 kilograms per square.

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