Waterproofing with raw rubber. How to make liquid rubber for waterproofing with your own hands? Types of liquid rubber and methods of application

The floor and walls must be protected carefully. Using coating waterproofing will simplify the work and reduce time. Water will not be able to penetrate into wooden elements, and this will increase the period to repair work in the house. Which liquid waterproofing for floors and walls is more practical and economical will be discussed in this article. Readers will learn how to apply liquid insulation and what equipment is used for this.

Use liquid waterproofing to protect walls and floors wooden house more than 15 years. During this time, the materials showed themselves only on the positive side. And the monolithic nature of the coating makes liquid material indispensable among other protective ones.
According to the application method, liquid insulation is divided into:

All methods refer to the cold method, so there is no need to use a burner or other heating equipment. This indicates the safety of application. The most effective method is spraying using special equipment.
Of course, the equipment is not cheap, but labor costs are significantly reduced. The workload of 3 people can easily be completed by 1 worker.

You can try to rent equipment from a special tools rental company, but it is only available there in large cities. You can buy equipment for home treatment once, and the price for it will be worth all subsequent repairs.
Pros liquid waterproofing:

  1. The protective layer is elastic.
  2. Easy to close small cracks and cracks.
  3. Resistance to mechanical and chemical influences.
  4. Easily tolerates temperature changes and UV rays without losing its properties.
  5. When subjected to mechanical action, it restores its original shape by 95%.
  6. There is no need to use gas and cooking heating devices.
  7. 85% of the waterproofing sets within 1 hour.
  8. Guaranteed to last up to 25-30 years.

Types of liquid protection of floors and walls from water

There are several various types on a bitumen and bitumen-polymer basis with various additives. But rubber and glass received the most reviews. Let's take a closer look at them.

Liquid rubber to protect elements of a wooden house

Liquid rubber is suitable for waterproofing walls and flooring, especially on the basement side. It has high hydro and sound insulation. The material has high adhesion to wood, and it is better to apply using special equipment. Therefore, installation is mostly carried out by professionals. The owner only needs to determine the brand of material needed for a particular job.

You can buy these brands in 200 liter barrels. For example, liquid rubber Rapidflex, Technoprok.
There are varieties of liquid rubber that you can work with with a spatula or roller. These are applied by hand. You can buy these brands in 10 and 20 liter buckets, for example TechnoNIKOL or Slavyanka.

Liquid rubber is a bitumen emulsion diluted with water, so the material is environmentally friendly and does not have any foreign pungent odors.

Specifics of application to the floor

Processed liquid rubber the floor can be from the outside and inside. But it is worth considering that the outer side treated with rubber will be black, so it is more advisable to use protection followed by a coating, for example laminate, linoleum or tile.

Liquid waterproofing for the floor with rubber is applied in one pass with a thickness of 1-2 mm. The surface is pre-cleaned of dust and leveled. If this is not done before waterproofing, then in the future the solidity of the surface will have to be disrupted. Material consumption will be 3-4 kg/m².

Application to walls

When treating the floor with rubber, it is necessary to waterproof part of the wall from the bottom by 20-30 cm. Such a scheme with rubber is especially necessary in bathrooms and kitchens, where the humidity is high and various leaks are possible. It is better to use Elastopaz or Elastomix brands for walls. The composition is applied manually, so you can waterproof the walls yourself. You can buy it in containers of 10 and 18 kg, consumption 3.5 kg per m2 of wall.

It is relevant to treat the walls with rubber in the basement and basement. Moreover, you can use liquid rubber on both interior walls, and external. The material is applied at temperatures from +45 to -50 °C, so work can be performed at any time of the year.

More details on the treatment of the floor and part of the walls can be seen in the video:

Liquid glass to protect the elements of a wooden house

Liquid glass is a solution of water with potassium and sodium. Waterproofing is penetrating in its action. It does not create a film on the surface of walls and floors, but penetrates into the capillary system and hardens there. This creates a dense inner layer that prevents moisture from penetrating into the wood. In addition to protective properties against water, the material has good antiseptic qualities. These properties are given to it by sodium silicate and potassium solution. Sodium crystallizes in wood and makes it resistant to moisture.

There are two types of such glass:

  1. Sodium.
  2. Potassium.

Sodium is capable of interacting with other mineral compounds. Use waterproofing liquid glass for treating basement walls, foundations and instead of antiseptics for wooden floors.

Potassium has greater crystallization and can withstand various mechanical damage. It is advisable to use this composition in wooden houses for treating walls and flooring.

Liquid glass technology

Before application, the glass composition must be diluted with water. For covering floors and walls when treated wooden house You will need a little composition, since the consumption of liquid glass is a maximum of 300 g per m2.

Floor insulation in a wooden house

For protection cement screed when building a timber house it is necessary to add liquid glass to concrete mixture in a ratio of 1x10. This coating is used for screeding basement floors, garages, and swimming pools.

If the floor is wooden, then the application technology is carried out using a brush or roller. The process is reminiscent of silicotization. When applied, the material is quickly absorbed into the wood and creates protective layer. The floor can be treated inside the house and from the basement side. At the same time, do not forget about the logs, which also need to be impregnated with liquid glass before installation. The composition is applied to the floor in 3 layers.

Wall treatment

The technology for applying it to walls is little different from flooring using a brush and roller. For example, by covering the timber with liquid glass, you can seal small cracks after shrinkage, which will be difficult to caulk. It is convenient to cover walls not only in the house, but also in bathhouses and basements. Foundation walls are also often covered with a mixture of concrete and liquid glass.

Before applying to the walls, they must be leveled and, if this is an old structure, the paint or varnish must be removed. Then the surface is degreased with ordinary alcohol. For maximum deep penetration of 15-20 mm, it is necessary to apply the composition in 2 layers. When treating walls from the street side, the work can be made easier by using a spray gun. It is not recommended to apply the material to the walls in this way inside. When applying liquid glass, be sure to use protective equipment: respirators, gloves and safety glasses.

Price for various liquid waterproofing

You can buy liquid waterproofing at any hardware store. The price of formulations depends on several factors:

  1. Brand, so TechnoNikol compositions are almost 2 times more expensive than Slavyanka.
  2. Volume, so the composition in a barrel costs 1 kg less than a 10 liter bucket.
  3. Party, all manufacturing companies offer to buy in bulk.
  4. The composition and various synthetic additives are not cheap and the price of waterproofing varies.
  5. Impregnating compounds are several times cheaper than liquid rubber.
  6. In an online store, the compounds are cheaper, since the seller does not need to overpay by hiring a large staff and renting retail space.
  7. You can buy cheaper waterproofing through advertisements; many people put up for sale the remains after building their house.
  8. Imported manufacturers offer to buy their compounds at an inflated price, since they enter the Russian market through several resale sites.

The average price for waterproofing is presented in the table:

For greater efficiency, the floors and walls of the basement and basement of the house can be coated with two compounds. First, liquid glass is applied to the cleaned surface and after it has completely dried, liquid rubber is sprayed. Such a cake made from liquid waterproofing is not afraid of even a flood.

For simple country house You can use cheap liquid glass, but for a private residential building it is better to use monolithic rubber.

Modern waterproofing and corrosion protection

Liquid rubber is a waterproofing material of the 21st century, a new generation of modified bitumen-latex/bitumen-polymer water emulsions (more in simple language- bitumen emulsion with special chemical additives). The modified material has a number of significant advantages compared to outdated waterproofing systems, and in many cases it is superior to Russian and foreign analogues.

Areas of application of liquid rubber:

  • roof installation and repair;
  • construction and repair of bridges and tunnels, road sections;
  • waterproofing of foundations, basements, basements;
  • waterproofing of swimming pools, fountains, ponds, tanks;
  • installation and repair soft roof from rolled fused materials, PVC membranes;
  • anti-corrosion protection of metal structures, including marine or port structures;
  • repair pitched roof from metal sheets, slate, soft roofing slabs.

Liquid rubber consists of environmentally friendly components; it does not emit volatile compounds dangerous to humans. The material itself is absolutely harmless. Liquid rubber waterproofing work is technologically advanced and economical. According to numerous sources laboratory research liquid rubber retains its operational properties several decades with constant exposure to water, temperature changes/jumps, sunlight and mechanical loads.

The material was nicknamed “rubber” for its ability to self-heal - one of the most striking properties of liquid rubber. The finished membrane is restored after deformations, punctures, and minor damage, which is not and cannot be the case with rolled or PVC coatings.

The material is applied using special equipment for liquid rubber of the RX series with an electric or gasoline drive.

Features of waterproofing with liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a worthy alternative to waterproofing with any roll and membrane coatings that are applied using the hot method. According to its technical characteristics, the material with a layer thickness of 2 mm corresponds to water permeability roll roofing from 4 layers. The use of liquid rubber is allowed even in extreme conditions in the temperature range from -45°C to +98°C.

The minimum thickness of the waterproofing layer is 2 mm. According to the practice of carrying out work, liquid rubber is used on the roof in a layer of 3 mm, on the foundation - from 4 mm.

Approximate consumption of liquid rubber per 1 m2 at different thicknesses:

2 mm ≈ 3 liters;
3 mm ≈ 4.5 liters;
4 mm ≈ 6 liters.

To waterproof a roof with an area of ​​1250 m2, only two workers and no more than 8 hours of time are enough ( average duration working day). The spraying itself takes up to 5 hours, and the remaining 3 hours are spent preparing the surface (cleaning, dust removal, priming if necessary - preliminary priming of the surface before spraying liquid rubber). The material can also be applied to a damp, but not wet surface. Thanks to this, productivity and quality of work increases. About 2000 sq m is completed per day roofing. At temperature environment+20°C the coating acquires operational properties after 4 hours, and at a temperature of +10°C - after 24 hours.

Waterproofing with liquid rubber is fast, simple and durable!

Liquid rubber for waterproofing RESOMIX is an innovative two-component protective material that allows you to waterproof the most in an efficient way. It protects all elements of buildings and structures from water ingress. The composition includes the main component - bitumen emulsion and a catalyst, which causes the material to harden after spraying onto the surface. The period for achieving the required operational parameters for RESOMIX liquid rubber is the shortest among all waterproofing materials. For example, waterproofing a roof with liquid rubber will be completed within a few hours (the material hardens almost instantly due to catalytic polymerization).

By the way, RESOMIX liquid rubber is a product domestically developed. But its performance qualities are so successful that they surpass almost all foreign analogues. Foreign construction companies They are happy to purchase this material, since the price of Russian liquid rubber for waterproofing is much lower.

Scope of application - no restrictions

Using this material, work such as:

  • waterproofing the foundation with liquid rubber;
  • protection of underground structures (galleries, tunnels, subways, etc.);
  • waterproofing the basement with liquid rubber, as well as the basement of the building;
  • processing structural elements buildings and structures that are susceptible to destruction under the influence of moisture: concrete and stone foundations, reinforced concrete, metal and wooden structures;
  • seamless waterproofing roofs, including flat ones, which makes it possible to install a usable or green roof;
  • for device artificial reservoirs;
  • waterproofing the floor with liquid rubber is necessary when installing self-leveling and heated floors, during the construction of an in-house pool, bathhouse, sauna;
  • V industrial scale Waterproofing with liquid rubber is used for the construction of landfills for solid and chemical waste.

Physical and technical properties of liquid rubber

Indicator name Normative value according to GOST 30693-2000 Test method Actual value
Density, g/cm 2 - GOST 267-73 1,1
Shore hardness, conventional units - GOST 267-75 1,0
Heat resistance at 100 o C for 2 hours - GOST 26589-94 no swelling or drips
Waterproof at a pressure of 0.001 MPa for 72 hours. GOST 26589-94 no swelling or drips
Waterproof at a pressure of 0.03 MPa for 10 minutes. there should be no signs of water penetration GOST 26589-94 no swelling or drips
Conditional strength, MPA, not less 0,20 GOST 26589-94 0,35
Elongation at break, %, not less 100,00 GOST 26589-94 1038
Strength of adhesion to the base, MPA, not less than:
- concrete 0,10 GOST 26589-94 0,26
- steel 0,10 GOST 26589-94 0,27
Water absorption within 24 hours, % by weight, no more 2,00 GOST 26589-94 1,0
Flexibility of the material on the beam with a radius of 10 mm there should be no cracks at temp. above minus 5 o C GOST 26589-94 no cracks at temp. minus 35 o C

Advantages of RESOMIX liquid rubber over other materials

Processing is carried out by airless cold spraying, that is, the material does not require additional heating. In this case, an elastic and very durable membrane is formed - it cannot be damaged by ordinary mechanical action. Resistance to hydrostatic pressure 23.5 Atm.

Liquid rubber can be applied to any surface - concrete, brick, metal, stone, wood, blocks of all types, roofing felt and even glass - the material has high adhesion to all types of surfaces, regardless of their topography.

The third advantage is completely seamless waterproofing, in which there are no joints, bends or other problem areas. Layer thickness - 2 mm (this corresponds to 4 layers of any roll material).

The fourth plus is that in order to waterproof the roof with liquid rubber, or any other parts of the building, no preliminary preparation. The material can be applied even to wet surfaces. The only requirement is operation at temperatures above +5 degrees. The liquid rubber coating is frost-resistant and does not change its properties at temperatures below - 30 degrees.

Unique qualities liquid rubber shows in terms of elasticity, because permissible level elongation is 1000% (no material, not even rubber, has such an indicator), and shape recovery is at least 95%.

Moreover, it is completely inert to aggressive environments, resistant to UV rays, and not subject to aging.

Another advantage of this material is complete safety for humans and the environment. Liquid rubber does not contain organic solvents and is therefore odorless. This material is also not subject to combustion.

Liquid rubber is transported to the object in a ready-to-use form, and after application directly to the base, it quickly hardens by implementing a given chemical reaction.

Unlike other materials, liquid rubber can be used over old coatings for waterproofing foundations, structures, and roofs.

Today, seamless waterproofing with liquid rubber is the most attractive way to protect underground parts of structures for many years. Regardless climatic conditions The service life of such coatings is more than 10 years.

The Elizar company offers to buy liquid rubber in Moscow with delivery to regions across best prices in Runet.

To protect various surfaces from moisture, humanity has invented many materials that prevent destruction. One of them is liquid rubber.

This is a kind of emulsion that is created on the basis of bitumen. The composition also includes latexes and stabilizers. In appearance, this material resembles rubber, hence the name. Although sometimes rubber is added to it, which is the basis of ordinary rubber. When applied to a surface, this emulsion immediately becomes solid.

It adheres to the surface and turns into a monolithic black solid.


  1. Only 2 mm is enough to protect the surface from water.
  2. Over time, the coating does not change its protective properties, does not delaminate, and remains just as hard.
  3. Temperature changes also do not affect the quality of the coating.
  4. The service life is quite long (at least 20 years).
  5. Fire resistant.

Areas of application:

  1. Insulation of foundations, roofs, basements from moisture.
  2. Waterproofing of places where there is constant contact with water - swimming pools, wells, pipelines.
  3. It is used to cover the floor in the garage, as well as in parking lots.
  4. For sealing various joints, cracks, etc.
  5. For lining hatches.
  6. Processing of sea and river vessels.
  7. During the construction of all types of roads, including railways.

In a word, this product is used where protection against moisture is needed. Even modern car enthusiasts have found use for it in car tuning. After all, this material surpasses the properties of vinyl film. Liquid rubber cans are produced specifically for cars.

How to do it yourself?

You can make liquid rubber yourself. This is done in cases where it is necessary not to large number material.

What you will need for this:

  • borax (one package);
  • PVA glue (two bottles);
  • water (half a glass);
  • dye (if necessary);
  • two mixing containers;
  • stick or something similar for stirring;

Having prepared everything necessary materials You can start preparing the liquid itself.

Detailed step by step guide:

  1. We take one container and mix water with borax in it. You need to stir well. Stir until the liquid becomes clear.
  2. In another container, mix glue and dye.
  3. Add the resulting liquid to the colored glue and mix everything.
  4. To prevent the resulting material from hardening, it can be placed in the refrigerator.

Advantages and Disadvantages

If we compare liquid rubber with materials of the same purpose, then this material has many advantages:

  1. It is able to replicate the relief features of the surface being coated. This effect cannot be achieved using rolled waterproofing materials.
  2. The surface that forms after drying is seamless and has no joints.
  3. This product is able to adhere to any surface. It works even in high humidity.
  4. The material is elastic and flexible. This guarantees many years of service without deformation or tearing.
  5. Capable of penetrating into all pores, crevices, and cracks. It fills them and seals them.
  6. Weather conditions do not affect the quality of the coating in any way. It is not afraid of frost, it does not melt in the intense summer heat.
  7. The material is non-toxic.
  8. Rubber can withstand any biological, atmospheric or chemical influence.
  9. Working with this material is absolutely safe. It does not require heating, the use of dangerous devices and installations.
  10. The application speed is quite high.
  11. This material is absolutely safe for human health. It does not contain toxic components.
  12. Wide range of colors.
  13. If damage occurs to the coating, there is no need to completely renew the insulation. It will be enough to treat the damaged areas.

Despite this list of advantages, this material still has some disadvantages:

  1. The material is quite expensive. In fact good material can't be cheap. Having such a quantity positive aspects, I don’t mind paying a high price for it. But not everyone can afford it.
  2. If you do waterproofing yourself, you may not get the desired result. It takes practice, so the job will require experienced personnel. Special equipment is also required.
  3. There are types of rubber that suffer from ultraviolet radiation. This must be taken into account during operation. Often, the surface is covered with durable paint, which must be water-based.


There are two categories of liquid rubber:

  1. One-component. This is a liquid mass that is ready for use. It can have a large number of shades.
  2. Two-component. Consists of the main component and a special hardener.

Classification by type:

  1. Painting room. This is a paste-like mass that is applied to the surface manually using a brush, spatula or brush.
  2. Sprayable. Such rubber is applied by cold spraying using special equipment. Has the most high performance strength and stability. It is considered the most popular of all existing types.
  3. Bulk. This type of material is prepared on site and immediately applied to the surface.

Surface preparation:

  1. This point is considered very important. To prepare the surface for applying liquid rubber, it must be thoroughly cleaned of all contaminants. All dust, various deposits, etc. are removed. It is important to remove greasy spots! They can interfere with the adhesion of the material to the surface.
  2. It is recommended to use a hydro jetting unit, to achieve the required result. But this method will not work if there is already roll covering. Water may get under it, which is unacceptable. After cleaning, the base must dry for at least a day. There should be no moisture.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to crevices, joints, and cracks. They contain large amounts of dust and other waste. To do this, you can use a wire brush.
  4. If covered concrete surface , then you need to use grinder on concrete to remove cement laitance. If such a tool is not available, you can clean it with a sanding brush.

How to apply it correctly?

The entire process of waterproofing with liquid rubber consists of three stages:

  1. The surface is being prepared(how to do this is indicated above).
  2. Priming. What is the essence of this stage of work? The first layer of rubber is sprayed onto a previously cleaned and well-dried base. The main task of priming is complete removal remaining contaminants. After all, after preliminary cleaning, fine dust may remain on the surface, which is removed at this stage. As a result, adhesion to the base will be better.
  3. At the last stage The main layer of liquid rubber is applied. In order for the material to be applied evenly, spraying should be done perpendicular to the base. It is important to maintain the distance between the sprayer and the surface to be insulated. It must be at least 40 cm.

The layer that should be obtained as a result of the work must be of a certain thickness.

It depends on the location and purpose of this insulation:

  1. For a new roof that is covered with concrete - 2 mm.
  2. For a roof with a membrane surface – 3 mm.
  3. For protection metal structure from corrosion – 1 mm.
  4. To protect a roof with a metal base – 1 mm.
  5. For insulation concrete structures– 2 mm.
  6. When isolated brick walls– 1.5 mm.


You can buy this product at any hardware store. Its price will depend on the type and manufacturer. It is worth noting that this is not a cheap material. The market includes Italian, Israeli, Canadian and domestic brands.

Using liquid rubber to isolate the surface from moisture, you can achieve excellent result. The coating will be durable, elastic, seamless and, most importantly, reliable. This material will last for many years, fulfilling its purpose to the fullest. None weather conditions he is not afraid!