Chemical composition and nutritional value of vegetable juices. Analysis of the composition of natural and technically packaged juices

Vegetable and vegetable complexes are manufactured: from one type of vegetable juice and / or puree, of two or more types of vegetable juices and / or purees (vegetable), vegetable and fruit juices and / or mashed (vegetable roe).

In the prevailing vegetable juices, the mass fraction of the vegetable part should be.

Vegetable and vegetable complexes are manufactured: direct spin (from fresh vegetables, fruits and / or out of production of vegetable, fruit juices and puree) without adding taste ingredients; Direct spin (from fresh vegetables, fruits and / or from harvested incrocenes of vegetable and fruit juices and puree) with the addition of flavoring ingredients. Vegetable and vegetable complexes depending on the production technology are manufactured in non-aluminous, with the flesh.

Frameless vegetable juice juices are manufactured by the following names: "carrot", "beet with sugar".

Vegetable and vegetable culture juices of direct press with the flesh are manufactured by the following names: without adding taste ingredients (carrot-ip, carrot-apple, beet-ip, beet and apple;

with the addition of taste ingredients (pumpkin-apple with sugar, "red" - from beet and cranberry puree, apple juice with sugar, "youth" - from tomato juice, cheese from zucchini and celery with the addition of sugar and cook salt, "special" - from tomato juice, puree of red sweet peppers with the addition of sugar and cook salt, "steppe" - from tomato and cucumber juices, carrot and apple puree, mashed potatoes from celery and parsley with the addition of table salt, "appetizing" - from tomato and cucumber juices , apple puree, mashed potatoes from red sweet peppers, celery and parsley with the addition of sugar and table salt, "cucumber" - from cucumber and tomato juices, a puree of red sweet pepper with the addition of sugar and cook salt).

France vegetable juices, subjected to lactic acid fermentation, manufactured from: cabbage, beets.

Vegetable juice - juice obtained from edible part of benign vegetables, unoccupied or subjected to lactic acid fermentation, designed to directly eating or for industrial processing.

Vegetable juices are released in unrefined and with the flesh, from one type of vegetables.

Most juices have low acidity (pH 5.5-6.5). To preserve the duration of sterilization, some juices are acidified to pH 3.7-4.0.

Depending on the acidity, vegetable juices can be divided into the following groups:

From acidic vegetables, having a pH of about 4.5 (tomato, rheumatic);

From low-oxygen vegetables having a pH of more than 4.5 (carrot, pumpkin, beet);

Juices acidified with lemon, lactic or malic acids;

Juices from vegetables that have passed lactic acid fermentation (from sauerkraut, from sauer beet).

The nutritional value

Vegetable juices are very popular with consumers due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, as well as therapeutic and preventive properties. They are obtained from many species of vegetables, but in trade the most common is still tomato, carrot, pumpkin and bathed with fruit-berry juices.

In vegetable juices, the dry matter content ranges from 5 to 17%, protein content of about 1%, sugars from 3.3 (in tomato) to 10% (in beetroot). Juices with pulp are distinguished by an increased content of pectin substances and fiber, so they are valued significantly higher compared to juice without pulp. The energy value of juices is small - 19-40 kcal per 100 g of product. Mineral and vitamin composition of juices are very diverse (Table).

Chemical composition (%) and energy value (kcal / 100 g) vegetable juices

Carbohydrates Org. Acids based on apple Ash Energy value
Name of juice Water Proteins Fat. Mono- and disaccharide Starch Cellulose
Tomato 94,3 1,0 0 3,3 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,7 19
Carrot 84,6 1,1 0,1 5,6 0,2 0,6 0,2 0,4 28
Pumpkin 85,4 0,5 0 12,1 0 0,2 0,1 0,4 48
Bell 83,4 1,0 0 9,9 0 - 0,2 0,3 42
Watermelon with flesh 85,0 0,5 0,0 13,3 0,1 0,3 0,1 0,6 59
Mellic with flesh 82,7 0,4 0,0 15,4 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,5 53
Carrot apple 88,9 0,7 0 8,0 0,1 0,4 0,4 0,6 21
Carrot grapes 87,5 0,8 0 10,3 0,0 0,4 0,4 0,4 35
86,1 0,6 0,0 11,8 0,3 0,5 0,1 0,4 62

Mineral and vitamin composition of vegetable juices, mg / 100 g

Name of juice Na. TO SA MG. R FE. β -Karotin IN 1 AT 2 Pp. FROM
Tomato 3 240 7 12 32 0,7 0,50 0,03 0,03 0,30 10,0
Carrot 26 130 19 7 26 0,6 1,60 0,01 0,02 0,16 3,0
Pumpkin 2 104 13 7 12 0,2 0,7 0,02 0,02 0,02 1,2
Bell 45 148 19 17 18 0,6 0 sl. 0,04 0,20 3,0
Watermelon with flesh 14 65 13 192 67 1,1 sl. 0,02 0,02 0,1 1,1
Mellic with flesh 26 115 16 13 12 1,0 sl. 0,03 0,02 0,2 13,2
Carrot apple 11 155 21 8 20 0,7 3,5 0,02 0,04 0,2 4,0
Carrot grapes 16 181 26 13 22 0,5 3,5 0,02 0,04 0,2 3,7
Pumpkin apricot with flesh 2 136 21 7 15 0,4 1,4 0,01 0,03 0,2 1,3

Tomato juice is the most valuable product made of fresh tomatoes, as it approaches fresh raw materials in its chemical composition. In one cup of juice, up to 20 mg of ascorbic acid and up to 3 mg of carotene, which is about a third of the daily need of the body in these substances. In addition, tomato juice is rich in potassium and iron salts, many trace elements, sugars and organic acids are harmoniously combined in it.

The total number of sugars in juice from 2.0 to 3.7%, and the predominant is glucose, sucrose is contained in minor quantities. Organic acids include apple and citric acid.

Carrot juice is distinguished by a high content of β -karotine (up to 1.6 mg%) and a rich set of mineral substances, due to which he has therapeutic properties, and the healing properties of the juice are very diverse. As a source of β -Karotin, the consumption of carrot juice contributes to the growth of children and prevents eye diseases. Juice is recommended for cardiovascular and renal diseases, impaired mineral metabolism, reduces fatigue, has a diuretic effect.

Pumpkin juice is also valued by the rich content of β -kartine (about 1.5 mg%). New pumpkin varieties (nutmeg, vitamin, carotine) used for the production of juices contain P-carotene 2 times more than in carrots. Juices from these varieties of pumpkins contain about 20% of dry nutrients. Pumpkin juice is rich in potassium, so it is recommended for diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system. The presence of pectin substances contributes to the elimination of cholesterol from the body. In dietary nutrition, pumpkin juice is also used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, anemia, obesity, for separating the bile and restoration of glycogen in the liver.

Beetal juice contains many dry nutrients (up to 18%) of them the predominant part of sugar (up to 10%). The beetral juice contains vitamins B, 2, p, RR, C, folic acid, mineral elements - potassium, calcium, iron, iodine, etc. According to Iodine, the juice is superior to other vegetable juices, therefore, it is recommended to persons with the disease of the thyroid gland. The color of the beet juice is due to the presence of beton and betaine - nitrogen-containing pigments with high physiological properties, as they are involved in the exchange of substances in the human body. Modern medicine proved that Betaine activates the absorption of protein food and participates in the formation of choline, which, in turn, increases the vital activity of cells, liver. Beetal juice is recommended by patients with hypertension, to reduce blood pressure, as well as cardiovascular diseases.

Cabbage juice, prepared from the brine obtained by serving the white cabbage, is distinguished by the high content of ascorbic acid and vitamin U, which contributes to the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

Watermelon juice made of juicy meatpieces of watermelons has a high nutritional value due to the content of easily friendly sugars and above all fructose. A harmonious combination of sugars with organic acids makes watermelon juice with a tasty, quenching thirst with a drink. It contains up to 13% of sugars, 0.1% of organic acids, the predominant of which is apple. Juice refers to dietary drinks, used in diet therapy for urolithiasis.

Melonic juice as a dietary product contains more than 15% of sugars, rich in folic acid and iron salts involved in hematopoietic processes; There are vitamins C, P, β -Karotin and other biologically active substances. The juice is recommended in the diet of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases. The fiber of juice with the pulp on the structure of fibers tender, it has a beneficial effect on digestion.

Vegetable juices bluled with fruit-berry juices are recommended in dietary nutrition (carrot-apple, carrot-grape, pumpkin-apricot). Fruit-berry juices are added to increase the acidity, improve the taste properties and increase nutritional value.

Factors forming the quality of vegetable juices

Tomato juice

For the production of tomato juice, tomatoes are used quite healthy, mature, intensely colored, preferably manual collection, as the mechanized collection tomatoes are clogged with soil and vegetable impurities, contain many inhomogeneous maturity and deformed fruits, are abundant microflora.

The raw material entering the plant is placed in water tanks or hydrotransporters, which remove a significant part of the contaminants. After washing, the tomatoes are sorted according to the degree of maturity on the basis of their color manually, on the roller conveyor or using photoelectron sorters. Mature red tomatoes are selected. Sorted tomatoes are crushed on crushers with seed separators.

Crushed tomatoes wipe through sieve with a diameter of 5 mm holes to remove rough inclusions. The rubber mass is heated in order to inactivate the oxidative and spectulitic enzymes, the destruction of microorganisms and facilitate wiping. Heating mode is of great importance for the quality of tomato juice. The required heating temperature of 75 ± 5 ° C should be achieved as quickly as possible to stop the activity of pectulitic enzymes that split the soluble pectin that causes the viscosity of the juice. At slow heating, the effect of pectolytic enzymes is activated, the soluble pectin is destroyed, which subsequently reduces the viscosity of the juice and causes stratification of the consistency during storage.

Heated tomato mass is passed through screw presses, centrifuges or spacer machines. The resulting waste is used in the production of concentrated tomato products. Salt, stirred and sent to homogenization into fresh-heated juice to prevent juice from stratification. Homogenized juice for removing air contained in tissues, deaerica, after which juice is sterilized at 125 ° C for 70 s. For this purpose, tubular heat exchangers with automatic temperature control are used. The need for high sterilization temperature is caused by the fact that tomato juice Also and acid product, but heat-resistant non-resistant microorganisms can develop (lactic acid bacteria), sporing, easily adaptable to various conditions, as well as pathogens of botulism.

In addition to natural tomato juice, concentrated tomato juice produce with dry substances content of 40%. To provide a fine, homogeneous consistency, juice for concentration is obtained on filtering centrifuges. The remaining operations (homogenization, deaeration and sterilization) are carried out similarly to tomatural juice. The concentration of the juice is carried out in special evioral installations at a reduced temperature (not higher than 90 ° C), so high temperature impairs the color and taste of the product. To improve the organoleptic performance indicators after concentration into juice, a salt, spices extracts are added, stirred and heated to 85 ° C, the phasae, collapse and sterilize at 100 ° C.

Due to the extraction of moisture in concentrated juice, more than 29% of sugars are contained, about 4% of organic acids, about 100 mg%
Vitamin C, more than 2 mg% carotene. When it is used, juice is bred by water and use as a drink. It is also used for the manufacture of bathed vegetable juices and beverages.

Carrot juice

The technological scheme for the production of carrot juice provides for the preparation of raw materials, i.e., cleaning the roots from the impurities of the earth and sand, sorting in quality to remove foreign impurities, defective specimens and a sequential washing in paddle and drum washing machines. The car wash is carried out until completely removal of contamination, since the remaining soil particles in the carrot juice can subsequently appear to be a favorable medium for the development of botulism. After washing, the carrots cut the ends, and the carrots are directed to cleaning the skin into a parothermal unit, where under the action of steam, pressure and temperature of the protopectin of the surface layer of root crops, the connection between the cells weakens, and the skin is easily peeling. Long-term steam cleaning is unacceptable, since deep hydrolysis of protopectin and dememaxylation of soluble pectin can lead to accumulation of methanol, which will adversely affect the quality of the juice. A chemical method is also used to clean carrots from the peel (treatment of alkali boiling solution). In both methods for cleaning the next operation, the washing is to completely remove the skin from the surface, and with alkaline cleaning - and alkali.

Further processing of the prepared carrot depends on the type of juice obtained. Produce two types of carrot juice.

Natural carrot juice is obtained by crushing mass with subsequent pressing of juice, homogenization, deaeration, packing, capping and sterilization. Juice contains at least 8% soluble dry substances, acidity 0.4%, pH no more than 5.

Carrot juice with flesh and sugar (drink) are obtained by grinding the mass and wiping it to a puree state. 10% sugar syrup in a ratio of 1: 1, citrain solutions and ascorbic acids for increasing the acidity and preventing the reaction of melanoidin formation are added to the puree. Further operations are similar to natural carrot juice. The juice contains 9-10% of dry substances, including at least 6% sugars, the titratable acidity is not more than 0.5%, the pH is not more than 4.4, the mass fraction of the pulp is not more than 35%.


For the production of beet juice, varieties are used with a bright pulp, which contain many anthocyanin betaine, providing a stable intense color at pH 4-7. Preparation includes cleaning beets from the skin by a steam-thermal method with a sharp ferry at a temperature of 120 ° C for 10-25 minutes, while the beet is blanched until readiness. Then the beets are purified from the skin in the blade and drum washers, they are fed and crushed on crushers into pieces of 2-5 mm. Sweet juices are prepared with sugar without pulp and with flesh. In the manufacture of juice without pulp, crushed mass is pressed, then fixed through a sieve, separated, filtered and mixed with sugar, lemon and ascorbic acids. 5% sugar, 0.2% citric acid and 0.1% ascorbic acid add to juice. Then the juice is heated to 95 ° C, faucet into the container, shapport and sterilize in autoclaves at 120 ° C.

In the manufacture of juice with the pulp blanched beet after cleaning from the skin and crushing wipe in dual spacer machines. The resulting puree is mixed in a ratio of 1: 1 with 10% sugar syrup, to which 0.3% lemon and 0.1% ascorbic acids are added. In the mixture, the pH value is checked, which should not be higher than 4.4, then homogenize, deeerized, phasate in the container, shapple and sterilize.

Beetroot juice with flesh and sugar contains 11% dry soluble substances, not less than 7% sugar, acidity not more than 0.5%, the amount of pulp is not more than 35%. Based on carrot and beet juices produced bathing juices with juices and puree from apples, grapes and other berries.

Juice sauerkraut

To produce juice, cabbage is used by the middle and late maturation periods, which is fried by adding 2% of the salt, labored carrots, bay leaf and starter from pure crops of lactic acid bacteria, accelerating the process of lactic fermentation. Upon reaching the acidity of cabbage to 1.3%, the juice is filtered, filtered, defended 4-5 hours to precipitate the suspension. Then the juice is poured with a precipitate, pasteurize up to 90 ° C, cooled, re-filtered, packaged, collapse and sterilized at 90 ° C. The finished juice of sauerkraut should have acidity (by lactic acid) not more than 1.3%, the content of the table salt is not more than 1.8%.

Pumpkin juice

It is predominantly obtained from nutmeg varieties of pumpkins, possessing, high taste qualities and a significant content of r-carotene. Pumpkin preparation includes soaking, washing, cutting fruit, cutting into pieces, separation of seeds, grinding and riving at a temperature of 95-98 ° C. The crushed strawed pumpkin wipe on a spacer machine, getting mashed potatoes. Based on a puree prepare pumpkin juice filled with apricot puree or apple juice. When the pumpkin juice is obtained, the puree is mixed with 25% sugar syrup in a ratio of 1: 1, 0.1% citric acid is added, stirred, faucet and

sterilize. The finished pumpkin juice contains 14% of dry soluble substances, acidity (by malic acid) 0.4%, pH of no more than 4.7, the amount of pulp is 30%. There are 10-12% dry soluble substances in bluled juices with pumpkin puree, acidity 0.4, pH no more than 4.4, the amount of pulp is 30%.

Watermelon and melon juices with flesh

They are produced from quite affected fruits, which are multifamous berries. The fruits wash are cut into large pieces, separated the pulp from the peel, wipe through the sieve to remove seeds, the mass is heated, homogenized, packaged, collapse and sterilized at 100 ° C.

Rheumal juice

Reznaya contains up to 3.5% organic acids. High acidity allows you to preserve juice without adding citric acid. For the preparation of juice, only freshly lubricated rhubarb, young, unwarned stiffs are used. In the Operabyeng, the rhuber accumulates predominantly apple, but oxalic acid. Rubber's petioles are cleaned from fibers, wash and cut into pieces. The crushed rhubarb is blanch at 95-97 ° C, cooled to 40 ° C, press juice, packaged and sterilized at 125 ° C for 70 s.

Baked juices

In addition to the pumpkin puree, watermelon juice is used to obtain swimming juices in combination with apple or alcoholic puree. When producing watermelon juice, watermelons wash, cut, separated the pulp, which is then passed through the sieve to remove seeds. The rubbing mass is mixed according to the recipe with an apple or alcoholic puree, adding sugar and citric acid. The mixture is then homogenized, heated to 80 ° C, the phase and sterilize at 100 ° C. In ready-made baked juices, dry substances content of at least 11%, acidity 0.4%, pH not more than 4.4, the amount of pulp is not more than 20%. Spinach, sweet pepper, asparag, cucumbers and other vegetables are also used to produce swimming juices.

Requirements for the quality of vegetable and vegetable fruit juices

According to organoleptic indicators, vegetable and vegetable complexes must comply with the following requirements.

For vegetable and vegetable roam juices that are not subjected to lactic acid fermentation

Appearance and consistency: Unplanned juices - naturally turbid liquid, transparency is optional. It is allowed to have a minor compacted sediment at the bottom of the container.

Juices with fleshy - a homogeneous opaque liquid with a uniformly distributed finely divided flesh. Multiple stratification is allowed due to the sedimentation of the pulp particles.

The color is homogeneous throughout the mass, typical of the color of used vegetables or their mixtures, or mixtures of vegetables and fruits with the ingredients used.

Dark shades are allowed for juices from light-colored vegetables, fruits and a slight bleaching of juices from dark frozen vegetables and fruits.

For vegetable and vegetable - fruit juices subjected to lactic acid fermentation

Appearance and consistency - a homogeneous opaque liquid, a small precipitate is allowed.

The taste and smell are pleasant, sour-sweetish; Capping juice - acid-salty. Foreign taste and smell are not allowed.

Color - typical of color used vegetables, fruits. Dark shades are allowed.

In physical and chemical indicators, vegetable and vegetable fruit juices must comply with the following standards.

For the unlikely juices, the mass fraction of soluble dry substances from 8.0 in carrot to 13.0% in beetroot with sugar; in juices with pulp without adding flavoring ingredients from 8.5 to 10.0%, with the addition of flavoring ingredients from 5.0 to 15.0%; In juques subjected to lactic acid fermentation, not less than 7.0%.

Mass fraction of titratable acids based on apple acid from 0.4 in carrot to 0.5% in beetroot with sugar; In juices with pulp without adding flavoring ingredients at least 0.5%, with the addition of flavoring ingredients - from 0.5 to 0.8%.

Mass fraction of titrate acids per milk acid in juices subjected to lactic acid fermentation, from 0.5 to 0.8%.

In juices with pulp without adding taste ingredients, the mass fraction of the pulp is not more than 35%, with the addition of flavoring ingredients - from 15 to 35%.

The mass fraction of chlorides in juices with the pulp with the addition of flavoring ingredients from 0.8 to 1.0%, in juices subjected to lactic acid fermentation of not more than 0.8%. PH in juices flameshed from 4.4 in beetroot with sugar to 5.0 in carrot; in juices with pulp without adding flavoring ingredients not more than 4.4, with the addition of flavoring ingredients from 4.2 to 4.3; In juques subjected to lactic acid fermentation, not more than 4.0.


Vegetable and vegetable complexes are packaged in glass containers, when stored must be protected from direct sunlight.

The conditions and periods of storage, during which vegetable and vegetable complexes (except for lactic fermentation subjected), retain their quality at a temperature of from 0 to 25 ° C. From the date of manufacture, not more: in glass containers of light-colored - two years, dark-colored - one year, in Metal container - one year, in consumer packaging of combined materials based on cardboard and aluminum

foils sterilized - one year, "hot filling" - six months at a temperature of from 0 to 25 ° C, in consumer packaging from combined materials based on aluminum foil and polypropylene film at a temperature of from 0 to 25 ° C of unreasonable - nine months, with a flesh - Six months, in aluminum tubes - no more than one year.

Conditions and periods of storage, during which vegetable and vegetable complexes, subjected to lactic fermentation, retain their quality from the date of manufacture, no more: at a temperature of from 0 to 10 ° C in glass containers - one and a half years, in a metal container - one year; At temperatures from 10 to 22 ° C in a glass container - eight months, in a metal container - six months.

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Ministry of Education Subuplies Belarus

WE "Belarusian State Economic University"

Department of Food Products


by discipline:T.ovaroneye. Food products

on the topic: chemical composition and nutritional value of fruit and vegetablejuices on the example of tomato juice


Object of research - fruit and vegetable juices, tomato juice.

The subject of the study is the chemical composition and nutritional value.

The purpose of the work: to characterize and classify fruit-vegetable juices. Describe the chemical composition and nutritional value for them.

The topic is quite voluminous, since there are many different classifications and subclusions, but its main scale is presented. In the work - seven chapters, where theoretical issues relating to the definition of the juices of their nutritional value and chemical composition are consistent, presented some information from the history, the classification and range of products are given, as well as interesting information about juices. The biggest wealth is health! To care for him is never late. Just only patience, perseverance and, of course, knowledge.

The author confirms that the material given in it correctly and objectively reflects the state of the study under study, and all theoretical, methodological and methodological provisions and concepts are accompanied by references to their authors.


"Juices - drinks obtained by crimping a variety of fruits (seed, bone and berries). Juices contain sugars (10-15%), organic acids (0.6-1.5%), mineral, coloring, aromatic substances and vitamins. Some fruits (oranges, tangerines, peaches, apricots) contain in the pulp insoluble in water provitamin a - carotene. To preserve it, the juices of these fruits are prepared without filtering with the rubbed fruit pulp. Juices can be preserved with pasteurization, freezing or filtering through sterilizing filters. " This definition of juices took place in the 60s of the twentieth century. Currently, the concept of "juices" has not undergone major changes. The concept of "juice" according to GOST is defined as a liquid product, unborn, but capable of fermentation obtained from edible part of benign ripe, fresh or stored fresh due to the cooling of fruits, fruits or vegetables by mechanical impact, which is mainly organoleptic, physicochemical properties. and the nutritional value of the eponymous fruits, berries and vegetables, with a mass fraction of a fruit unit from 85% to 100%, canned by physical methods, except for the treatment with ionizing radiation, intended for direct use and for industrial processing.

However, over time, the range of products has been expanded. Therefore, today it is necessary to derive the concept of "juices", mention that it is impossible to be related. Namely, a product containing sugar, citric acid, preservatives, dyes, as well as artificial flavors, cannot be referred to as juice: other names (nectar or drink) should be used for such products.

Tomato juice - a delicious, refreshing drink containing a lot of vitamins, a very valuable nutrient product.

Since the main component of tomato juice is directly the fruit of tomato, the benefits of tomato juice are directly related to the benefit of the tomato.

In general, there are no reliable archaeological data on the origin of the cultural type of Tomatoes "Lycoperson Esculentum Mill". Wild and semi-trigine species and varieties of tomato are in nature and now, and their fruit is indeed a berry, not vegetable, and the Chinese even refer it to fruit. Tomatoes grow in Ecuador, at the Gallopogos Islands, in Peru and in North Chile. Motherland Cultural Tomato, a number of researchers consider Peru. There are reports that the beginning of the culture of tomatoes belongs to the 5th century BC, when they were bred by ancient Peruvians.

It was assumed that tomatoes were brought to Europe Columbus in 1493 through Western India. For the first time to cultivate tomatoes in Europe began in the 50s-60s of the 19th century. The first botanical information about the aligned form of tomato and sketches is given by the Italian botany mattyi in 1554. At the end of the XVI century in France, England, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal Tomatoes were called apples. In Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Yugoslavia, tomatoes are called paradisies or paradise apples. The term "Tomato" enjoyed at the present time in many countries, comes from the native South American "Tumatle" - the tomatile.

Compared to many vegetable crops, tomato for Russia and the CIS - culture is relatively new. Tomatoes began to grow in the southern regions of the country in the XVIII century. Moreover, it was not possible to immediately - first them, like potatoes, were considered to be poisonous. By the middle of the XIX century, the culture of tomatoes begins to spread through the country's gardens in the middle areas, and by the end of the XIX century it is widely distributed in the northern regions.

In the XVIII century, the tomato was mainly decorative culture. Further development of gloomy did a tomato food culture, but its cultivation was carried out practically by trial and errors, because Before the beginning of the twentieth century, the cultivation of tomato, as in general, vegetable growing, was not considered to be science - rather craft or art.

Today, tomatoes are loved by everyone, like tomato juice. Nutritionists consider tomato juice with one of the most useful.

Tomato, according to FAO, ranks first in the world among fruit vegetable crops (4 million hectares), including in protected soil (60% of the total area). Most of the square in China - 974 thousand yg (25 million tons), in India - 520 thousand yg (7.4 million. Tonn), Turkey - 225 thousand hectares (9 million tons), Egypt - 180 thousand. ha (6.3 million tons), USA - 177 thousand hectares (12 million tons). In total, in 2004, 108.5 million tons of tomatoes were produced in the world, of which 25 million tons are processed.

The cultivation of tomatoes in winter greenhouses has a huge nationality value for the country, because In winter, the population needs to be particularly consumed to consume food rich in vitamin C. This is due to the exacerbation of the population of colds. And tomato fruits are distinguished by high nutritional, taste and dietary qualities. Tomato fruits are an excellent source and other beneficial substances that are necessary for the normalization of metabolism in the human body and preserving its ability to work.

By the way, according to statistics, the people of the Germans drink more in the world (42 - 46 l per year per person!). We use only about 4 liters. .

1 . Assortment and classification of juices

1.1 Assortment of juice

The main trends in the formation of the range of juices are the production of products designed for certain target groups (children and the elderly, men and women, schoolchildren, students, tourists and so on). The world market formed assortment groups of juices consumed in certain cases or, depending on the time of year, contributing to a decrease in stress loads with an energy or soothing effect. .

In our republic to fruit drinks include:

Juice without additives. Juice in which the mass fraction of the fruit part is 100%.

To regulate the taste of vegetable juices, vegetable complex and fruit-vegetable juices without additives, the acidity regulator is allowed - citric acid, lactic acid, lemon juice and / or lime juice, including concentrated, in terms of free citric acid no more than 3 g / l.

Making sugar and / or sugars: glucose (anhydrous dextrose), fructose is not allowed.

To improve the consistency of juices without additives from Pineapple and Maracui, pectin is allowed in the amount of no more than 3 g / l.

Juice with sugar (glucose, fructose). Juice, in which the mass fraction of the fruit part is at least 85%, with the addition of sugar or sugars with a mass fraction of moisture not more than 2% in an amount of no more than 15%.

Unlined juice: juice with weigon.

Lighted juice: juice from which the suspension is removed to a visually transparent state.

Juice with flesh: juice with meat particles, the mass fraction of which does not exceed 35%.

Fruit juice.

Vegetable juice.

Bared Juice (Nectar, Drink): Juice / nectar / Drink, obtained by mixing two or more types of juices with or without puree.

Direct spin juice (fruit, vegetable, vegetable, vegetable fruit, vegetable): juice obtained directly from fruits, berries or vegetables by spinning and / or centrifugation, and / or wiping, or other physical method extraction.

Restored juice (fruit, vegetable, vegetable, vegetable fruit).

Concentrated juice (fruit, vegetable): juice from which the water contained in it is removed in order to increase the content of soluble dry substances by no less than 50% compared with the content of soluble dry substances in the reduced juice of the corresponding name capable of fermentation After restoring the prepared drinking water.

Concentrated vegetable juice is made of vegetable juices of the same name or concentrated vegetable juices, natural volatile aromatic components that were removed from juice when concentrating it. As a rule, neither sugar nor other sweet substances are additionally added to the concentrated juices. Concentrated juice produce lightened (apple, pear, cherry, cherry, cranberry, plum, grape) and inappropriate (apple, plum, cherry). Of various fruits and fruits, different amounts of concentrated juice are obtained.

For example, in order not to carry a huge amount of natural juice, say, from Africa, juice is evaporated to a concentrate, reducing the volume of six times. Further, already in the field, water is added to the juice, and it goes on sale. In the process of concentration under the influence of high temperature in the juice, up to half of vitamin C can be collapsed, a part of aromatic substances giving juice, and some amino acids and carbohydrates react and change their structure. Naturally, these losses reduce the value of juice. When the juice is restored from the concentrate, the amount of water can be added differently. The more water, the less substantive juice. Then sugar, citric acid, natural flavors are put into it, and preservatives in the worst case. And as a result, it turns out no juice, but a juice-containing drink.

Dry juice (fruit, vegetable): juice made by removing the physical exposure from the fusion juice of the water contained in it to the air-dry powder state and capable of fermentation after the restoration of the prepared drinking water.

Juice can be obtained directly from fruits (direct spin), as well as from harvested hot bottling juices, aseptic or refrigeration juices, including a preservative - sorbic acid, or from concentrated fruit juices.

In dry fruit juice can be added: natural volatile aromatic components; Ascorbic and citric acid, sugar.

Direct pressed juice with the addition of flavoring ingredients: juice, to which added to improve the taste of a cook salt. The simultaneous presence of an acidity regulator (lemon or lactic acid, lemon juice and / or lime juice, including concentrated) and sugar or sugars (glucose, fructose) is also allowed.

Nectar (uncontrollable, clarified, with flesh, fruit and vegetable, vegetable, vegetable roof, fruit nectar).

Nectar is obtained from restored juices. Nectars fresh fruits have nothing to do with nectarians on store shelves. The latter are not found in nature. They are an artificial drink made of concentrate, sugar and water. Sometimes lemon or ascorbic acid, natural flavors are added here. Nectars stand to juices much closer than other drinks: juice in them is at least 25-50 percent.

All nectars can be divided into three groups:

1. Nectars that are obtained from classic juices such as an orange or apple, diluting them with water and adding sugar.

2. Nectars that are obtained from juice from lemon, cranberries, Maracuy - fruits that have such a sharp taste that it can not be drunk without sugar or impurities of other juice.

3. The nectars of the third group are obtained from fruits that are simply not destined to become juice - when trying to press bananas, peaches, cherries and some other fruits, it is not formed, and something similar to mashed potatoes.

As you can see, nectars have left the juices at all, and they are at all close to juice juice.

The topic of combating juice and nectar for the consumer has become quite relevant now. The market situation proves that the juice producers increasingly began to resort to hidden techniques for marking their products. For designer tricks, they are trying to hide the word "nectar" on the packaging. According to marketers of juice companies, open labeling nectars can lower the sales volume of the company by 5-7%. After all, the consumer turns out to be disloyal to this type of juice products. Lawyers have not yet seen in such actions of consumer rights violations. Meanwhile, nectars in the juice market occupy a dominant position (the proportion of nectars - 52%, the share of juices is 43%) and form the basis of assortment lines in most domestic juice producers. They learned to circumvent the law without disturbing it. .

The word "nectar" officially entered the use of juice producers in 2001 - after the emergence of a new juice GOST, which ordered manufacturers to indicate reliable information about the product, its quality characteristics on the label. GOST strictly divided the juice products into three categories: juices, nectars, juice-containing drinks, which differ from each other in the percentage of juice.

As "juice", according to GOST, you can label a drink that is fully restored from the juice concentrate without adding water and sugar. Drinks, juice content in which ranges from 25 to 99%, should be marked as "nectars", and in "juice-containing beverages" the standard provides from 10 to 25% juice content. So, they want to manufacturers or not, they are obliged to inform citizens about their products. However, low consumer awareness along with designer tricks of manufacturers significantly reduced the effect of the standard entered. And so far, the ordinary consumer has to be pretty to work on the definition of the contents of packages with juice products.

Juice-containing fruit drink is obtained by mixing fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice or juice, or brignified ripe, fresh or stored, due to cooling, fruits with water, sugar or sugar, lemon acid, canned with physical or chemical methods and designed to a puree state of edible part. For direct eating.

In the manufacture of beverages, natural volatile aromatic components of the fruit juice of this name, artificial flavors, sacharo-substitutes, sweeteners, natural hemnotes and meakty stabilizers can be used. It is allowed to garage drinks with carbon dioxide.

In the manufacture of juice-containing vegetable beverages, natural volatile aromatic components of the juice of this name, artificial flavors, dyes, natural hemnoters and meakty stabilizers can also be used. All ingredients can also be added to drinks that are allowed for vegetable juice. It is allowed to garage drinks with carbon dioxide.

Morse, concentrated Morse.

Morse is a refreshing drink, sometimes alcoholic. It is a berry or fruit juice diluted with water with sugar. They are prepared from fermented and clarified juices shuffled with sugar syrup, acids, dyes, flavors, drinking water. Sometimes it is prepared by brewing berries in water, as well as compote, differs from it according to the degree of degree. It is used for the manufacture of alcoholic cocktails. When assessing the quality, except organoleptic indicators, the relative landiness, the content of dry substances, alcohol (at least 1%), invert sugar, pectin, acidity is determined. .

Syrups are welded sugar mixtures, fruit-berry juices, lemonic acid, food dyes, flavors. .

Distinguish syrups:


Prepare from fresh, pasteurized and consumer fruit-berry juices, which add at least 60% sugar. Benign syrups are transparent, thick consistency, have a pleasant smell, taste and color, typical of juice of fruit and berries, of which they are cooked. High sugar concentration has a preservative effect and provides good syrup retainability: 6-8 months.

On food aromatic essences

They are the basis of sugar syrup, harmless dyes and aromatic essences are used for tints and aroma, for acidification - organic acids (lemon, wine-eyed, dietary).

According to the processing method, syrups are pasteurized and non-spastable with a sugar content of 50 and 65%, respectively.


Obtained by concentration of juices, evaporation under vacuum or freezing to the content of dry substances 44-62%.

Any technology allows you to press only 80 percent of juice. To reduce losses, manufacturers are allowed for recycling. It is washed with clean water, in which the residues of the juice are dissolved and the washing extract is obtained. It, of course, is already very different from the "first" juice: more muddy and contains substances from the pulp of berries or citrus films. Therefore, the washing extract of citrus is very patched, and manufacturers cannot add it to juice greater than 20%, since such a bitter drink will be difficult to sell.

But the washing extract from apples does not affect the taste, so manufacturers can add this, in fact, water as much as possible. Washing extract from berries (cherry, black-cormoranodine) makes the color of the juice more intense. So it is mistaken to believe that the brighter and darker cherry or currant juice, the less it contains water.

For extracts, high acidity is characterized, which guarantees good retainability at temperatures from 0 to 20 ° C. .

1.2 Classification of juice

tomato Juice Production Technology

1) depending on the production technology:

Unlightened (natural muddy): fresh-sided juices from one type of raw materials without adding sugar with the presence of particles of fruits or vegetables, of which they are cooked. Compared to clarified juices, they have a darker and muddy look. On the other hand, unrefined juices are richer by vitamins and minerals.

Lighted (transparent): transparent, attractive juices, which have passed the process of clarification by filtering or sludge, followed by removing the sediment. The clarified juices on taste and nutritional value are inferior to the inadequate, since some of the taste and aromatic substances are removed when lightening.

Freshly across the juice, regardless of the extraction method, has a dark unattractive view, as it contains particles of raw materials from which it is manufactured. In the juices of some fruits (citrus, pears, apricots) and vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers) in suspended particles of pulp are valuable and necessary organisms of vitamins and substances. Their removal reduces the value of the successes. At the same time, the juice from grapes in addition to the Muti contains a significant amount of hard-soluble wine stone dropping during storage. Therefore, grape juice must be lightened to give it an attractive appearance and transparency.

Juices with flesh (nectar): Juices containing puree from fruits or berries from which they are cooked. These juices are the greatest value, since in the chemical composition and taste of advantages they most fully correspond to fresh fruits and berries.

For the preparation of these juices, fruits and berries rich in insoluble in water are taken. Juices with pulp can be like sugar, so without it. Canned juices with pulp just like natural. During storage, juices with pulp can be divided into two layers (juice and flesh), so before use they must be carefully shaking. Preserving juices with pulp better in small banks so that their contents are used for one reception. To prepare fruit and vegetable nectars, use puree from highly acidic fruits and berries, as it improves the taste and the resistance of the juice when stored.

2) depending on the number of types of raw materials used:


baked (mixing juices - swimming).

These juices are obtained by adding to the main juice to 35% of the juice from other types of fruits and berries (sometimes mixing the raw materials are made to pressing the juice from it).

The purpose of the swimming is to improve the organoleptic properties, food and biological value of juices. As well as the enrichment of their biologically active substances, and above all vitamins. They are produced by natural and sugar, as well as with flesh and sugar. An example of bluled juices can serve as an apple-cherry, apple-grape, apple-cranberry, apple-line, apricot-plum, plum-grape, cherry-cherry, cherry-black-cherry-cherry, pear-apple, apple-ripped, apple-ripping et al. The last two types of juice are manufactured with a guaranteed content of ascorbic acid.

Not only the juices of different species are bathed - for example, apple with rowabinov, but also the juices of different varieties of the same species.

Swim juices better before pasteurization, but dilute with water and sweeten - before use.

3) depending on the raw materials used:

direct spin juice - a liquid product obtained by mechanical exposure directly from fresh or chilled fruits or vegetables.

Direct press juices are designed for direct use, as well as for further industrial processing. The shelf life of direct spin juices depends on the type of canning product. Like all juices, direct spin juices can be preserved exclusively by physical methods to which cooling or short-term heating (the so-called pasteurization or sterilization). Canning the juices in a chemical way, for example, by adding preservatives, is prohibited.

The spin juices supplied in chilled form have a limited storage period, which usually does not exceed 1 month. Pasteurized or sterilized direct spin juices can have a shelf life from 6 months to 2 years. The new storage technology and supply of direct spin juices is their deep freezing to the state of ice agglomerates. At the same time, the supply is carried out at low temperatures, and the defrost is carried out according to a special temperature program (which, accordingly, affects the cost of goods).

fresh-heated juice - direct spin juice, produced from fresh or stored fresh fruits and (or) vegetables in the presence of consumers and not subjected to preserving;

In addition to the fact that they have a refreshing and lining effect on the body, they have the properties of biogenic stimulants, which ultimately leads to improving performance. Such a diverse effects of juices is explained by the fact that they almost do not require energy costs for suction in the gastrointestinal tract and immediately turn on in metabolism, activate biochemical processes, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the recovery process in the body.

restored juice - juice produced from concentrated juice or direct spinning juice and drinking water.

Restored tomato juice can also be produced by restoring tomato paste and (or) tomato mashed potato.

4) depending on the method of canning:

sterilized (carried out at a temperature of 100 ° C and higher).

pasteurized (carried out at a temperature not higher than 100 ° C, while only the vegetative forms of microbes die, so such products are not subject to long-term storage).

5) Juices restored with the addition of taste ingredients, juices of lactic acid fermentation, drinks, including lactic acid fermentation, nectars can be vitamined. .

2. Chemical composition and nutritional value of tomato juice

The nutritional value of tomatoes is determined by a chemical composition, which depends on the conditions and areas of cultivation, the degree of maturity, economic and botanical variety.

Table. 1 - Quantitative content of substances and chemical composition of tomato juice

r at 100ml juice

including saturated fatty acids



mg per 100 ml of juice



B1 (thiamine)

B2 (Riboflavin)

PR (Niacin)

Provitamin A.

Natural vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Note - Source: 1); 2) Own development.

Water. It is a constant medium in which all biochemical processes in the body occur. Only in the liquid medium processes of digestion and the absorption of food in the gastrointestinal tract are performed. Water is actively involved in the exchange reactions. It also performs an important mechanical function, making it easier to slide of rubbing surfaces. Water is the main component of most food products and has a strong impact on many quality indicators. Product properties also depend on the shape of the connection of water with other substances. There are two types: free (possesses the same properties as clean) and associated (quite firmly connected to other components of food and shows properties other than the properties of free water). Almost all the water in food is in the associated state, but is kept with tissues with different power. .

Free water is mainly contained in cellular juice, it is easily exposed to evaporation, and its number reaches 85%. Related water, which accounts for about 10-15% of its total amount, more or less firmly held by cell colloids and removed much more difficult. .

The daily need of an adult is 2.5-3 liters, or 40g. per 1 kg. Mass of his body. Water consumption by man should be balanced with its consumption. The lack of water in the body leads to increased blood viscosity, and excess to reinforced washing from the body of salts, disintegration of proteins, improving the load on the heart and kidney. .

Water is part of all food products. Its the highest content is characteristic of fruits and vegetables - 72-95%.

Fats. These are the most important part of the food of man and animals along with carbohydrates and proteins. It is part of all living cells of vegetable and animal origin, so they must constantly come with food.

Functions: are the source of energy; heat shield; protective; are carriers of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K.

With an insufficient amount of fat in food, and even more so in the absence of the body's resistance to infections and the action of cold decreases, and the metabolic processes are violated, protein synthesis decreases, human growth slows down, the life expectancy is reduced.

The daily human need is: 80-100g. per day (including polyunsaturated fatty acids 5-10g.).

Saturated fatty acids - acids, only with single bonds between carbon atoms. These include, for example, Stearinovaya (C17H35COOH) and palmitic acid (C15H31COOH) acid.

Proteins. They are natural high molecular weight nitrogen-containing organic compounds, very complex molecules of which are constructed from b-amino acid residues connected by peptide bonds. Specific properties and nutritional values \u200b\u200bof various proteins are determined by their structure and amino acid composition.

Functions: Construction (!) - Participation in the construction of tissues and synthesis of substances of the body, energy.

The daily need of a person is 100-120.

Carbohydrates. Make up to 80% of the dry substance of plants and about 2% of the dry matter of animals.

Functions: The main source of energy and the building material of plant tissue.

Daily need: 400-500g. per day, including in Krachmale - 350-400g., Sahars - 50-100, other carbohydrates - 25g., But with severe physical exertion, it can increase by 2-3 times.

Sugar (monosaccharides and first-order polysaccharides) are easily absorbed by the human body. For example, sucrose as the main food sugar is quickly cleaved in the digestive tract on glucose and fructose and is absorbed into the blood, and then in the tissues used as a source of energy and for other purposes. With 100% assimilating 1g. Carbohydrate gives an average of 4.1 kcal energy. The content of sugars in tomatoes is 3.5%.

In food products, along with digestible, ballast (untouchables) carbohydrates, as well as substances close to them (fiber, pectin, hemicellulose), which do not give energy, but perform important physiological functions (reinforce the intestinal peristalsis and so on).

Cellulose. Composite part of plant food, which is not digested in the body, but plays a huge role in its livelihoods. Cleans the gastrointestinal tract and strengthens its activity, which results in a beneficial effect of almost all disorders of the digestion.

The need for these substances is 2-5. per day.

Minerals. To mineral (ash), elements relate to those compounds that remain as an ash when burning vegetable and animal products at a temperature of 600-8000c. Mineral elements in food products are in the form of inorganic compounds - salts, such as NaCl, potash and calcium salts of phosphoric acid, or part of organic compounds in the form of elements, which in the combustion process are converted into oxides, for example, lecithin phosphorus, magnesium in chlorophyll, Iron and sulfur consisting of some proteins and so on.

Functions: Participation in the physiological processes of living organisms - building tissues, water exchange, maintenance of acid-alkaline equilibrium in the body, is included in the complex of substances that make up the living protoplasm of cells, as well as the composition of some endocrine glands.

Mineral elements are conditionally divided into three groups: macroelements, trace elements and ultramic-elements. For a person, the daily need of elements is set separately for each of them. .

The composition of mineral substances of fruits and vegetables includes macro- (K, Ca, Na, P, Fe) and microelements (CO, B, CU, Zn, I, etc.).

Fe (iron).

It takes part in the reactions of oxidation and recovery, catalyzes the processes of tissue respiration, is part of the hemoglobin. The lack of an element in food leads to the alerts, since it is necessary for the biosynthesis of compounds providing blood formation.

The daily need of a person is 15 mg. .

Participates in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and osmotic pressure in tissues and cells. Chlorine salts ensure the formation of hydrochloric acid of the stomach mucosa. The main need for chlorine is satisfied due to NaCl, which is added to the food in the form of salt.

The daily need of a person is 5-7 g.

Ca (calcium).

It is included in bone tissue and teeth - 99%. The rest of the blood is included in the form of ions, in associated with proteins and other compounds. Sali SA play a significant role in the work of the heart. The lack of calcium causes the deformation of the skeleton, the fragility of bones and muscle atrophy.

All calcium compounds, with the exception of SCL2, are difficult soluble in water, and therefore poorly absorbed by the human body. The digestibility of food calcium by the human body depends largely on the presence of phosphates, fats, magnesium compounds in food. An important role in the assimilation of calcium is played by vitamin D, which contributes to the transition of calcium salts and phosphorus from the intestines into the blood and sediments in the bones in the form of calcium phosphate.

Daily need - 0.8-1.

MG (Magnesium).

Most of the magnesium is in bone tissue. It participates in enzymatic processes in the body, is necessary for normal activity of nervous and muscle systems. Contributes to the absorption of calcium.

Daily need - 400 mg. .

It is part of almost all human body proteins. The exchange of sulfur in the body is its transformation into the following amino acids: cystine and methionine. The sulfur is also involved in the formation of vitamin B1 (thiamine), insulin and some other compounds.

Daily need - 1 g.

P (phosphorus).

In conjunction with calcium, it is involved in the formation of bone tissue. Participates in the synthesis of complex proteins, phosphatides, and also necessary for the formation of complex organic compounds - adenosine trifhosphate, creatine phosphate, etc., which are energy accumulators exempted with biochemical transformations (oxidation) of fat, sugar and other nutrients.

Daily need - 1-1.5 g.

Na (sodium).

Plays an important role in intracellular and emerkane exchange processes. The osmotic blood pressureplasm of blood almost 90% depends on the content of NaCl in it (plays an important role in regulating the body's water exchange). The main source for the body is a cook salt.

Daily need - 4-6 g., Which corresponds to 10-15 g. NaCl. .

K (potassium).

Participates in enzymatic reactions, the formation of buffer systems that prevent the shift of the pH of the medium. Potassium salts play a significant role in the work of the heart. Potassium reduces the water-holding ability of proteins and assists the removal of water from the body, as well as sodium. Therefore, potassium can be considered as some physiological sodium antagonist.

Daily need - 3-5 g.

Vitamins. There are a group of relatively low molecular weight organic compounds of a variety of chemical structure, combined by the sign of their strict need to power the animal and human body. Compared to the main nutrients - proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins are required in negligible amounts and are performed in the body of certain catalytic functions. The main supplier of vitamins for humans and animals is plants where they are synthesized. The long-lasting absence in the food of one or another vitamin causes Avitaminosis, as a result, the manifestation of the following diseases is possible: qing, polyneurite (take-take), Pellagra, Rahit. Excess vitamins - "hypervitaminosis", also causes severe consequences.

Vitamins are divided into two groups: water-soluble (C, PP, B1, B2, B6, B12, B15, H, P) and fat-soluble (A, D, E, K).

All vitamins, with the exception of B12, are obtained using chemical synthesis.

Vitamin B1 (C12N18On4SC12).

Products are located in the form of a salty chicken or bromide hydrochloric thiamine. It plays an important role in the regulation of protein, fat, water and especially carbohydrate exchanges, is part of the enzyme of pyrovatecarboxylase, splitting peer-grade and some other acids. Strengthens the immune system.

Vitamin B2 (C17N20N4O6).

It is synthesized only by plants and some microorganisms, refers to yellow coloring substances - Flavins. It is necessary for normal metabolism (fats) in the body and the functioning of the nervous system; Catalyzes hydrogen transfer by enzymes.

Daily need - 2-3 mg. .

Vitamin RR.

It is part of the enzyme dehydrogenase and participates in the metabolism.

According to the nature of the action, they are called antpellargic, since its absence in the human body causes Pellagru ("rough skin") - damage to the skin, digestive organs and the central nervous system.

Daily need - 15-25 mg. .

Vitamin A.

It is formed in the liver of fish, animals and a person from provitamin - carotenoids entering the body with products of plant origin. There is in the form of two chemical forms: A1 - C20H30O and A2 - C20H30O (contains in a molecule by one double touch more). However, the physiological activity of vitamin A1 is greater. This vitamin prevents infection (anti-infective) into the body. The disadvantage or absence of this vitamin also causes growth delay, reduction of weight, so it is called vitamin growth.

For example, the daily rate of vitamin A for an adult is provided by 108-220 grams of fresh tomatoes.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

It is a catalyst for redox processes occurring in living organisms.

Tomato fruits are an excellent source of vitamin C (30-35 mg.).

The daily need is 100 mg. .

For example, the daily rate of vitamin C for an adult is provided by 125-150 grams of fresh tomatoes.

The taste and fragrance of the finished product largely depend on the quality of the feedstock. The main thing is that the fruit vegetables are mature, not touched diseases and pests. The form and size of fruits do not matter. From the overripe juice goes badly, and in quality is unimportant. In unreleased less vitamins and other beneficial substances, and the taste and aroma of the drink will be far from the ideal.

The smell of vegetables and fruits depends on the presence of essential oils in them, which includes: terpenes, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, phenols, ethers, etc. The content of fruits and vegetables of essential oils slightly and varies within 0.001-0.01%. The maximum number of essential oils accumulates in fruits and vegetables by the time of their full maturation, especially in seasons with plenty of sunny days.

The coloring substances are represented in the form of flavones, anthocyanins, chlorophyll and carotenoids, which cause painting of fruits and vegetables and resistance to damage by microorganisms.

Kratinoids include: carotene, resulting in orange carrot color and also contained in tomatoes; Licopean, giving red color to tomatoes; Xanthofill, along with carotine and lycopin, is contained in tomatoes. The daily need for carotenoids is 3-5 mg, and their contents in fruits and vegetables - 0.05-10mg%.

The nutritional value of tomato juice, as well as any other food product, is associated with benign, digestibility and energy value.

Bloominess is determined by the absence of substances harmful to humans - poisonous salts, heavy metals and other harmful substances. The content (impossibility of content) of certain substances is provided by standards and gtales.

The digestibility depends on the chemical composition, the consistency, taste, odor, appearance and on the individual characteristics of the person. The digestibility of tomato juice, in my opinion, is pretty good. Since the content of the fiber is quite small and does not exert in existence in general. And the chemical composition includes water, proteins, fats (insignificant quantity), carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that enrich the human body.

Tomato juice significantly improves metabolic processes in our body, it helps it easier to carry the disease of the cardiovascular system, suppresses the processes of rotting in the intestine.

In the treatment of tomato juice, it is necessary to exclude sugar and starch from the diet, otherwise there will be no effect. Juice need to drink no later than 30 minutes. Before meals. Minimum dose of reception: 0.5 glasses 3 times a day.

Energy value (caloric content) is determined in kilocalories (kcal) or kilodzhoules (KJ) (1 cal \u003d 4.19 J).

The caloric content of products depends on the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins contained in them, which have a large margin of potential energy. Theoretical caloric content - the amount of energy that would be obtained at 100% assimilation by the man of nutrients. To determine real calorieness, the theoretical caloric content of the product is multiplied by the corresponding digestibility coefficient. Tomato calorie is low (160-200 kcal / kg). So in the fruits of tomatoes is contained from 5 to 8% of dry substances, including 3-7% sugars, up to 1% apple and lemon acids and proteins. All these substances are necessary for the normalization of metabolism in the human body and its conservation. Energy value of 100 g. Tomato juice - 24.0 kcal.

Biological value depends on the content and digestibility of the substances necessary for the construction of tissues, the synthesis of the substances of the human body and the implementation of the exchange processes. These properties are primarily connected with sufficient content in products full of proteins, vitamins, coarse macro and microelements and polyunsaturated fatty acids. .

To compare the value of various types of juices is quite difficult, as each of them has its own feature, or contains one or another element in its composition not inherent in other juice.

Cabbage juice: It is useful with hemorrhoids, respiratory disease diseases, especially bronchitis, liver diseases, burns and diathesis. Vitamin C in cabbage is greater than in lemons.

Pumpkin juice: used with impaired metabolism, obesity, diabetes, kidney stones and bladder. In particular, it is recommended to men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland.

Carrot juice Polyvitaminen, but there is especially a lot of carotene in it, which in the human body turns into Vitamin A. It increases immunity, improves eyesight, has a beneficial effect on diseases of the thyroid gland, with stones in the liver and kidneys.

Potato juice: on mineral composition potato juice refers to the most valuable treatment concentrate. Its biological properties is a strong activator of anti-inflammatory processes. Potato juice helps when heartburn and gastric bleeding.

3. Technological line production of tomato juice

3.1 Characteristic producions, raw materials and semi-finished products

Tomato juice is obtained from mature tomatoes in the form of a homogeneous mass containing the flesh, and can be preserved with natural with the addition of 0.6 ... 1.0% of the cooking salt. Tomato juices have low acidity and pH 5.5 ... 6.5, which creates favorable conditions for the development of microorganisms, including spore-forming. For this reason, the juices are sterilized at a temperature of 120 ° C for 20 .. .30 min. To mitigate the modes of sterilization, juices acidify to pH 3.7 .. .4.0 with organic food acids or mixed with juices from more acidic fruits and vegetables. Tomato juice is produced natural or concentrated.

Canned tomato juice should have a pleasant natural taste and smell, have a beautiful red or orange-red. The content of dry substances in the juice must be at least 4.5% over the refractometer. To prevent the destruction of vitamins in tomato juice, the content of heavy metals salts should not exceed 5 mg of copper and 100 mg of tin in 1 liter of juice (the lead content is not allowed).

In appearance, tomato juice should have a homogeneous with the presence of suspended fine ground particles of the pulp. The taste of juice depends on the ratio of sugars and acids. The total number of sugars (glucose and fructose) is 2.1. ..3.7%. The juice contains 1.4 .. .4.4 mg / 100 g of licopin and 0.06. ..0.32 mg / 100 g of carotene. The optimal consistency is provided with a content in juice 6 .. .7% pulp. The content of vitamin C in juice is 10.2 ... 23.0 mg / 100 g, and in the process of storage of vitamin loss can reach 50%. The composition of minerals consists of potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, etc. In the aromatic substances of tomatoes, 36 components were defined: acetaldehyde, ethanol, propanol, etc., including unsaturated compounds, which change the content of juice. .

Features of production and consumption of finished products.

For the production of tomato juice, tomatoes are used quite healthy, intensively painted (preferably manual collection). Sorted tomatoes are crushed, the seeds are separated and washed, dried and used as sowing material.

Crushed tomatoes wipe through the sieve in order to remove rough inclusions: fruits, green parts of fruits and possible impurities. The rubber mass is heated in order to inactivate the oxidative and speech enzymes, as well as the destruction of microorganisms and facilitating wiping. The required heating temperature of 75 + 5 ° C should be achieved as quickly as possible to stop the activity of the pectic enzymes. .

If the heating of the juice is carried out slowly, the tomato mass is located for some time at a temperature of 50 .. .60 ° C, which leads to the destruction of soluble pectin. Juice from slowly heated tomatoes has a low viscosity and is inclined to resolve. The rapid inactivation of the pectolytic enzymes is achieved by injection steam into tomato mass. The viscosity of the juice can be maintained at the level of 95% initial, but it is possible to dilute juice by condensate.

Tomato juice package in glass or tin cans, as well as paper bags. After an exhaustion, glass jars with juice are sealed and sent to sterilization or pasteurization.

Concentrated tomato juice contains 40% soluble dry substances, 21.5% sugar, organic acids 3.85%, carotene 2.23 mg / 100 g, vitamin C 96.8 mg / 100. When used, it is bred to the density of natural and Use as a drink. .

Stages of the process.

Canning of tomato juice can be divided into the following steps:

Cleaning, washing and sorting of raw materials;

Crushing (grinding) of tomatoes;

Heating and extraction of tomato mass;

Centrifugation and trigger of tomato products;

Facing, sterilization (pasteurization) juice. .

Characteristics of equipment complexes.

The line begins with a complex of equipment for cleaning, washing and sorting raw materials, which includes fan washers, conveyors and hydrolyts.

The line includes a complex of equipment for crushing (grinding) of tomatoes, consisting of crushers, tanks and pumps.

The lead is a complex of equipment, including vacuum - heaters with vacuum - tanks and screw presses with collections.

The next set of equipment is centrifuges or spacer machines.

The final range of equipment lines consists of packing and capping machines, sterilizers and pasteurizers. .

Device and principle of the line operation.

The canning line of tomato juice consists of two sequentially located fan washers, a roller inspection conveyor, a hydrolycrew, crusher, a collection of crushed mass, pump, two double vacuum-heaters, press, collection of extracted juice, dual vacuum-heater extracted juice, a compilation of heated juice, Liquid filler, sewer machine, equipment for sterilization of finished products.

If the line was stopped and the juice in the collection cooled, it is pumped into the vacuum heater again. Circulate juice in the system until the temperature reaches 85 ° C. .

3.2 Factors forming the quality of product quality

Quality is a combination of product properties that determine its suitability to satisfy certain needs in accordance with the appointment. These properties characterize the objective feature of products that can manifest itself when it is created, operation or consumption, and is indicated by the quality indicator.

Product quality indicators are the quantitative characteristics of one or more properties of products that make up its quality, considered in relation to certain conditions for its creation and operation or consumption.

Quality indicators can be straightforward (carbohydrate, proteins, fats or vitamins) and indirect (the ash content of flour, milk density, alcohol).

The integral quality indicator is determined by the ratio of the total useful effect obtained in the consumption or operation of products, to the total costs of its creation, consumption or operation.

The generalized indicator is a comprehensive indicator relating to such a combination of its properties, which decided to evaluate its quality. It allows you to express quality in several indicators in one number.

The basic indicator characterizes the quality of products adopted during comparative estimates for a sample or a standard.

The relative quality indicator is determined by the ratio of the value of the product quality indicator to the value of the corresponding base indicator. .

Indicators of food quality are also destination indicators, preserving (reliability in consumption), aesthetic, transportable, environmental, safety in consumption.

The quality of fruit and berry and vegetable juices is assessed by organoleptic (taste, smell, color, transparency), physico-chemical (the content of dry substances, general acidity) and bacteriological indicators, these indicators are indicators of destination. This also includes packing, packaging, labeling ..

Taste, aroma and color of juices should correspond to the natural fruits from which they are obtained. Natural juices and juices with sugar cube should be transparent, without precipitation; Unrepaired - uniformly and thin-protothes, freely flowering, homogeneous consistency, opaque; Juices with flesh - in the form of a homogeneous opaque mass with a uniformly distributed finely divided pulp.

One of the main physicochemical indicators of juices is the content of dry substances. Typically, the standards indicate the lower permissible limit of dry substances, which ranges from 8 to 18%. In juices with the flesh, the mass fraction of pulp in percentage of the total mass of the drink, and in natural (clarified and uncontrolled) juices, juices with sugar and batheds were installed extremely allowable precipitate content, which, depending on the type of juice and its commodity variety, May vary from 0.1 to 0.9%.

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    Tomato as an essential vegetable canning culture. Varieties of produced tomato products. Technological operations of the process of producing and packaging tomato juice. Production of concentrated tomato products: tomato paste and tomato puree.

    abstract, added 02.03.2011

    Characteristics and range of juices and juice beverages. New directions in the production of compotes. Development of a technological scheme for the production of concentrated apple juice. Transportation, storage conditions and production technology.

    coursework, added 12/26/2013

    Main raw materials for fruits and vegetables canned and juice. Technological scheme of juice production. Deaeration and heated. Preparation of cans and covers. Capping, sterilization, processing and labeling cans. Quality control of raw materials, materials and finished products.

    course work, added 22.02.2011

    Characteristics of fruit juices and nectars: their classification and varieties, properties, requirements and quality assessment criteria. Overview of fruit and vegetable processing and Ukraine: the current state of the industry, the structure of production by product types.

    course work, added 22.02.2012

    Chemical composition and nutritional value. Technology production of sparkling wines. Factors forming and maintaining their quality. Classification and range of products. Examination of grape wines. Transportation, conditions and storage time.

    course work, added 05/22/2009

    Appointment and applications of concentrated juice. Sketch diagram of obtaining a concentrate from the juices of freezing methods. Description of the hardware and technological scheme of liquid crystallization. Possible options for disposal of production waste.

    abstract, added 01/25/2012

    Technical and technological dishes cards. Schemes of the product production algorithm. Characteristics of food products, their technological properties. Processes and changes occurring in food processing, the calculation of their food and energy value.

We belong to us fruits we turn on the maximum in our diet, making it not only all sorts of raw or baked dishes, but also liquid. Freasha is considered the best kind of latter, the most popular of them is apple juice, its multivitamination and inimitable taste above all praise. Using daily even on a glass of natural drink - you can learn, lose weight and lead yourself to the tone that it will allow for a long time to forget the road to doctors.

Natural freshly squeezed apple juice is a storehouse of almost all vital useful substances. A rich set of micro and macroelements, the presence of special enzymes and a variety of vitamins beneficially distinguishes apple Fresh among other freshly squeezed drinks.

In the table below, the entire chemical composition of the apple juice and the amount of calorie of each item in the calculation of 100 grams of the product is described in detail.

With this data, it is possible not only to determine the beneficial properties of Fresh, but also correctly calculate the daily dose of the drink consumed. This is especially important for those who are trying to lose weight with apple juice.

Useful material Calories (kcal.) In the calculation of 100 gr. juice
Chlorine 2 mg.
Magnesium 4 mg.
Phosphorus 7 mg.
Sodium 6 mg.
Calcium 7 mg.
Sulfur 5 mg.
Potassium 120 mg.
Boron 245 μg.
Rubidium 63 μg.
Zinc 0.15 mg.
Aluminum 110 μg.
Iron 1.4 mg.
Vanadium 4 μg.
Copper 110 μg.
Chromium 4 μg.
Cobalt 1 μg.
Molybdenum 6 μg.
Nickel 17 μg.
Fluorine 8 μg.
Iodine 2 μg.
Manganese 0.047 mg.
Vitamin B1, B2 0.01 mg.
Vitamin B5. 0.07 mg.
Vitamin B6. 0.08 mg.
Vitamin B9. 2 μg.
Vitamin C 2 mg.
Vitamin E. 0.1 mg.
Vitamin N. 0.3 μg.
Vitamin PP. 0.1 mg.
Vitamin RR (nicin equivalent) 0.2 mg.

Important in the composition of apple juice are enzymes - vital enzymes, without which food in the stomach could not be digested.

Also, the chemical composition includes the following substances:

  • sugar;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • carotene;
  • starch;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • cellulose;
  • antioxidants, etc.

Such a variety of chemical elements affects the general calorie content of apple juice.

The average calorie is contained in a freshly squeezed drink, make up 42 kcal. This allows Freusha to be an absolutely dietary product and enter into diet of people with obesity or just those who sits on a diet.

The number of proteins, fats, carbohydrates also affects the total calorie content of the freshly squeezed drink. It is contained in juice from apples in unequal proportions: carbohydrates dominate in it, and fats and proteins arrive in a minimum dosage.

In more detail, the amount of food substances is represented in the table.

Due to the low content of BPU and the absence of cholesterol in juice - the drink is considered low-calorie. This is at times increases its benefit and enhances the positive effect on the entire body.

Another important characteristic of any juice is its density. This is a value that depends primarily on the quantity of sugar in the drink.

Other useful substances also affect the density, but their content in each single form of juice is different. Therefore, the amount of sugar is decisive in determining the density.

In the apple juice of this natural substance contained 10.5 gr. on 100 ml of fresh drink. Calculating the density of the areaometer (the device for measuring the density of any liquid) - we obtain the coefficient of 1.042, this figure is the Fresh density of apples.

Apple juice: benefit and harm

In natural household juice, there will always be a mass of useful properties that are able to have a powerful positive impact on the body of any person. Not in vain drink from apples consider a source of good health and longevity. Its chemical composition has everything you need to maintain well-being.

In the body of each person, a freshly squeezed drink is able to perform the following functions:

  1. regulate cholesterol levels;
  2. withdraw radionuclides, toxins and other harmful substances that enter blood with medicines or enter the body when smoking or irradiation procedure;
  3. prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system, including infarction;
  4. improving the work of digestive bodies, which in turn contributes to better digestion of food;
  5. to fight with:
  • atherosclerosis;
  • migraine;
  • malokrovip;
  • kidney diseases, lungs, liver, bladder;
  1. enhance immunity.

In addition to the above functions, apple Fresh is able to rejuvenate the body and restore it after intensive physical exertion.

An important quality of freshly squeezed drinks from apples is considered his ability to get rid of excess weight. It affects the body gently, but it is a very effective wrestler with extra kilograms.

Harm and contraindications of apple juice

About whether a freshly squeezed drink from apples is useful - known to each of us. After all, the beneficial properties of the favorite fruit are checked for years and whole generations. But can then, so useful product, be harmful to our health?

The answer is simple - Apple Fresh is practically not able to harm the body.

The only factors that cause side effects appearance is the presence of contraindications and drinking of the beverage in excessive quantities (especially with certain diseases).

  • allergies;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gastritis (especially during the period of exacerbation);
  • ulcerative disease;
  • increased acidity;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the fruit.

With diabetes and obesity, the drink must be used properly. It is very important to prepare it from the "right" varieties of fruit, otherwise the course of the disease can only be aggravated.

In order to use the home Freasha alone - it needs to be used in accordance with defined rules. Simple tips on the eye drink will avoid side effects and will be on the body, the impact that he needed.

No matter how much juice is used: for weight loss, for the treatment of any diseases or simply as prevention - the rules for its use are the same.

  1. You need to drink drink immediately after cooking, otherwise it will quickly oxidize and lose some of its useful properties.
  2. In order for the useful properties to appear in the juice in the maximum amount - prepare Fresh, it is necessary from ripe, but not from overwhelmed or spoiled fruits. Only in environmentally friendly, not rotten, fruit contains maximum vitamins.
  3. Drink is better in diluted form, in unequal proportions. Since there is an acid in apples, it is desirable to mix freshly squeezed juice with vegetable or fruit fruits that do not contain organic acids, for example, with beet, carrot, grape, etc. It is possible to dilute Fresh and conventional boiled water.
  4. You need to drink freshly squeezed apple drinks through the tube, it will help protect the dental enamel from the negative effects of malic acid. After using Fresh - the mouth must be rolled.
  5. Apple juices should be carried out at least 1-2 months, only then the treatment will give a positive effect. One-time or irregular use will not bring the desired result.
  6. Drink from apples is better not to use an empty stomach, only in some cases, in a diluted form, it is used on an empty stomach. All the same organic acids may irritate on the walls of the digestive tract.

It is better to drink the first glass of Fresh for breakfast, it will not only not harm health, but will also significantly help in matters of weight loss. Juice will not give coming with food calories to turn into unnecessary kilograms.

For the night, apple Fresh is also not worth drinking, if only you do not suffer from insomnia. For a stronger sleep, a glass of fresh drink will be by the way. In the remaining cases, the last reception of the juice should be no later than 8 pm.

Adults per day can be drinking up to 1 liter of apple Freasha, provided that there are no contraindications. Children up to 1 year can not be given a drink, it is a risk for the rapid baby stomach.

In diabetes, not every apple will suit as raw materials for the preparation of juice.

It is not desirable to people with a high level of sugar in the blood of drinking a drink made of sweet red fruits. It is better to use green fruits with sourness for Fresh. It will not affect this in the taste, it will not be harm from such a juice.

How to drink Fresh from apples in obesity

It's one thing when you need to lose a couple of extra kilograms, another thing when it comes to obesity. It is not easy to deal with such a problem, however, an apple is always ready to help solve this difficult task.

So that overweight began to gradually leave - drink apple Fresh is needed on an empty stomach and necessarily in combination with other juices.

Perfect juice ratio:

4 pieces of apple / 2 pieces of melon / 2 parts of tomato / 1 part of beet or lemon. In such proportions, the drink is maximally useful and effective.

Slimming with apple Freasha - not a fictional fact. Thanks to a freshly squeezed drink from a tasty fruit, you can really reset overweight.

A special apple diet involves the use of 2 liters of beverage per day, which will allow after 10 days to receive a noticeable result in the form of 5-9 kg discarded. The overall result will largely depend on the individual characteristics of the body.

Make Fresh from apples with your own hands simpler. With the available houses of juicer or blender - cooking will take no more than 5 minutes.

To quickly cook the juice - we need:

  1. Wash apples in clean water.
  2. Remove the core and clean the fruit from the skin. Although you can cook and together with it, it will not affect the taste of the finished drink.
  3. Cut the apple on 4 parts, put the cutting into a blender or juicer - and a freshly squeezed drink ready.

Prepare juice manually will not be much difficult, just need a little longer.

For cooking, you need to perform all the same actions as for cooking in a juicer or blender. Only an apple can not be cut, but to rub on the grater. The resulting apple puree is filled with molar and get delicious ready-made juice.

Apple Fresh Storage Conditions

Apple juice, like any other fresh drinks, is not long stored for a long time. It must be drunk immediately after cooking. Even 20 minutes of idle beverage will deprive its sets of useful properties.

If you will not be able to prepare each individual portion during the day, then add lemon juice to prepared Fresh. This will prevent the direct penetration of air into the drink, which will save the vitamins safe and maintaining.

Fresh chicken with lemon juice must be removed in the refrigerator. Store it for more than one day is not worth it. If desired, the apple drink can be preserved for the winter, but its useful properties will already be not as capable.

Now about apple juice you know absolutely everything: how much it is stored, as is done, for what purpose is used, as well as how much useful and harmful is for the body.


Section 1. Analytical Literary Overview

1.1 Characteristics and assortment of juices and juice beverages.

1.2Chemical composition of juices and fruit drinks

3 Technologies of the production of juices and compotes

1.3.1 Technologies of the production of juice

3.2 Computer production technology

1.4 Conditions and deadlines for the storage of juices

1.5 New directions in the production of juices and compotes

Section 2. Development of a technological scheme for the production of concentrated apple juice

1 Characteristic and quality requirements for raw materials

2.1.1 Characteristic and requirements for the quality of auxiliary materials

2.2 Chemical composition of apples

3 Acceptance, transportation and storage conditions of concentrated apple juice.

2.4 Technology for the production of apple juice concentrated

2.5 Chemical composition of concentrated apple juice

6 Grocery calculation of concentrated apple juice

7 Distribution of losses and waste (in%) on technological operations for the production of "concentrated apple juice"

8 Table of raw materials and auxiliary materials

Section 3. Experimental

1 Objects, research methods

2 studying the range of apple juice of foreign and domestic producers, which are implemented in the city of Kharkov.

3 Study of compliance with the conditions of standards of organoleptic indicators of apple juice.

4 Study compliance with the requirements of the standards of physico-chemical indicators of apple juice implemented in Kharkov



Relevance of work:

The production of juices is of great importance for a person. Everyone understands that for health it is necessary to obtain vitamins, and the juices contain their significant part. The following vitamins are contained in juices: vitamin C, vitamin P, folic acid, vitamin A, carotene. Juices - the necessary and indispensable component of the nutrition of people around the world.

The development of technology for storing and processing fruit began long. The simplest methods were initially used: the products were kept in pits, cellars, pluralle storage facilities, recycling was limited to the urine of fruits and berries, marination, drying.

As the science and technical progress develops, such progressive technologies, such as the storage of fruits in an adjustable gas environment (RGS), the use of polymer materials for packaging, facility and thermal insulation of products and other are introduced into production. However, there are still many unused reserves to reduce the losses during storage and processing, and high quality fruit and vegetable products.

In the production of products from fruits and vegetables in Ukraine, the leading place belongs to juice.

In 2010, 824871 thousand conventional cans (tubes) of different juices were developed in Ukraine, which is already 62% of the total production of fruits and vegetables canned food. During this time, the production of apple, grape juice, bathed on them, also increased production of tomato, peach, cherry, birch, apricot and vegetable juices.

Purpose of work:

Describe the production technology of juices and juice beverages. Examine their range, product requirements according to GOST, make the grocery calculation of concentrated apple juice, and consider new areas of juice production.

To achieve the tasks, it was necessary to implement the following tasks:

). Conduct a literary review of technology and technological scheme in the production of juices and juice-containing beverages.

). Examine and describe the range of juices and juice-containing drinks.

). Consider technology and technological scheme of concentrated apple juice and processes occurring in the production of juices.

). Characterize the conditions and deadlines for the storage of juices

). Examine the chemical composition and food value of juices and juice-containing drinks.

Section 1. Analytical Literary Overview

.1 Characteristics and range of juices and juice drinks

Terms and Definitions:

Juices- It is fruit and berry and vegetable drinks obtained from fresh fruits, berries and vegetables. The most common fruit-berry juices: grape, apple, cherry, plum; Vegetable - tomato and carrot.

Compote- these are dessert foods from fruits and berries, filled with sugar syrup, hermetically visited in container and past thermal processing. Increased sugar content and the use of fresh high-quality raw materials for the preparation of compotes make them valuable in food. Therefore, the production of compoters is common very wide. Compotes produce almost all types of fruits and berries.

Nectars Get mixed fruit juice, one or more types of concentrated juices or puree-shaped edible pieces of ripe and fresh fruits with water, sugar or honey. The share of the mass of fruit juice should be at least 25-40%. And in juice and in the drink is allowed to have a pulp - this is usually indicated on the package next to their name. The quality of such juices and beverages is determined by the degree of homogenization of the firm.

Assortment of juices and compotes:

Fruit juices are classified into the following types:

· Natural juices (with flesh or without pulp) - these are juices without additives. The content of soluble dry substances in them is close to the fruits, of which they are made.

· Juices with additives (with pulp or without pulp) are juices with sugar adding up to 25% (or sugar substitutes in equivalent quantity), vitamins, aromatic substances, carbon dioxide, etc.

· Concentrated juices - juices, in which the moisture content is reduced (by physical methods) at least twice in relation to the initial raw materials.

Juices without pulp and concentrated separated on clarified and unreasonable.

Depending on the production method, juices are distinguished:

Lightened - lightening of juices produce tanin, gelatin, clay (bentonite), then filtered and poured into glass or acid-resistant dishes, pasteurize. (transparent); Translucent - translucent juices after pressing are subjected to centrifugation or upholding. These juices in the storage process form a precipitate, they include: Isv, plum, raspberry, strawberry, etc.; Opaque (juices with flesh) - juices with pulp resulting from transmitting fruits and berries through a spacer machine, without filtering and subsequent processing. The soils are produced with the pulp: apricot, tangerine, peach, plum.

Concentrated - concentrated juices are obtained by the feeding of natural juices. They contain up to 70% of dry substances.

Depending on the raw materials used, natural juices are divided into:

ordinary (from a mixture of different astrolastic varieties of the same type of fruit or berries.); Vintage (from one particular astrolastic variety of fruits and berries.); Baked (adding other juices to the main).

In terms of quality, all types of natural fruit-berry (fruit) juices (except for juices with the flesh) are divided into: marching; higher; 1st grade.

Compats have a high nutritional value in particular: apricot, alchovy, grape, plum, cherry, crimson, peach and pear.

Compotes are divided into such types:

For baby food-Ith compotes are different from ordinary juices in that the bone fruits of all kinds are cleaned from the bones, and the seed fruits are released not only from the seed nest, but also from the peel. For the production of these compotes, selected raw materials are used, which is carefully inspected and washed.

For diet food - this compote is made in the same way as compotes for children only, with the difference that the fruit laid in banks instead of sugar syrup is poured with a filtered juice of the same fruit.

Assorted compotes They are made of a mixture of integer or sliced \u200b\u200bfruits of 4-5 types of raw materials. Since the fruits of various species are not ripening simultaneously, along with fresh raw materials, semi-finished with 20% sugar syrup are used in large packaging, as well as fruits, frozen smelters and stored with minus 18 0 C.

There are three commercial varieties of compotion, the highest, first and table. They differ in organoleptic signs - appearance, consistency of fruit, syrup quality.

1.2 Chemical composition of juices and fruit drinks




Org. Acid

Mineral. Substances


Energy. value

Mono and-Disahar.


grams / 100 g. Product

milligrams / 100 g. Product

Ivovy Sok.

Grape juice

Cherry juice

Pomegranate juice

Lemon juice

Peach juice

Plum juice

Cherry juice

Apple juice

Raspberry juice


1.3 Technologies of the production of juices and compotes

.3.1Technology production of juice

Acceptance. When accepting, the amount and quality of fruits and vegetables determine the average sample (4-15 kg) for analyzes. There are mechanized samplers for the selection of tomatoes from a discharge conveyor. On the conformity of raw materials, the requirements of GOST are judged by organoleptic and chemical indicators, according to those or other defects. Juice Drink Apple Production

Washing raw material. Fruits entering recycling have superficial pollution of mineral or organic origin. A significant part of these pollution is made with dust. The surface of the fruit is replete with various microorganisms (epiphytic microflora) falling from the environment and transfers insects. During the sink, mechanical contamination, microorganisms and pesticides remaining after chemical treatment of plants should be removed during the sink. Fruits and vegetables are delivered for processing in containers, boxes or bulk transport and unload in the receiving bunker, filled with 1/3 water (Fig. 1), where heavier impurities (stones, lumps of the earth, etc.), if They accidentally fell in raw materials.

Extraction of juice. The main method of extracting fruit juices in industrial conditions is pressing in presses of periodic and continuous action. When pressing the mezdu is subjected to gradually increasing pressure, which leads to the release of juice. The downloaded platform is supplied under the squeezing device and include hydraulic piston of small pressure. Pressure increases gradually, otherwise pulp in juice may occur or, burlap rupture. When a further increase in pressure is hampered, hydraulic fluid is supplied by the second piston, the pressure is up to 2.5 MPa and hold it 5 ... 10 minutes before the discharge of the juice is stopped. Then the platform roll back to unloading. Total pressing duration 15 ... 20 min.

Scheme 1.1 Technology of Apple Juice



Outtivation of juice. The following methods of lightening juices distinguish:

1. Physical, not associated with a change in chemical composition in colloidal properties of the liquid phase of the product. These include polling, settling, centrifuging, power grid and, to a certain extent, processing with bentonite clays;

Fermenative, under which, under the action of natural or artificial enzymes introduced into the product, biochemical and physicochemical changes in juice leading to sedimentation occur;

Colloid-chemical, aimed at the destruction of the colloidal system - various options for "pasting", bangling, thermal methods (instant heating, freezing and thawing), coagulant treatment (alcohol), bentonite clays;

Chemicals based on the interaction of natural substances of the juice with each other or with added chemical reagents.

Temperature processing.With quick heating, the total content of colloids in the juice is reduced. However, heating increases their quantity within a few minutes. To avoid new formation of colloids, the heating process must be "instantly", replacing with cooling. The duration of heating and cooling is 10c. Heating temperature for apple juice 80 ° C. Cooling temperature 15-20 ° C. As a result of instant heating, the total transparency of the product is not achieved (apple juice), but the main mass of suspended particles is settled. Instant juice heating is carried out in tubular heat exchangers


Bottling.Products are facing into a carefully washed to the container. At the same time, each jar is filled with strictly defined amount of products (deviations from the established norm are allowed within 1 ... 2%). The temperature of the juice at breaks in the cans with a capacity of 3l. It is 90-95 ° C.

Packing products are mechanized. Banks with a capacity of 2000 and 3000 cm3 are filled with a liquid product on an automatic filler.

Card.When packing canned food in the jars, air falls. Air seats into liquid and masculine products occurs and when pumping them with a pump on bottling. The lower the temperature of the product during the packing, the more air is contained in it. The air in the can is undesirable, since oxygen contributes to the oxidation of various substances of the product, increases the corrosion of tinnitus in the places open from varnish or tin, allows for aerobic microorganisms in the sterilization. Removing air from jars with products before capping has a great practical value. This process is called exhaustion. Apply thermal, mechanical, and sometimes joint exhaustion. Mechanical exhaustion is carried out in vacuum-sealing devices with suction of air from the supplied cans with a vacuum with a range of 80 ... 60 kPa (in some cases 30 kPa). The amount of vacuum is set for each type of canned food, taking into account their composition.

Sterilization.The quality of canned and the duration of their storage without deterioration depends on it, how carefully and correctly their sterilization is carried out, in which microorganisms die and conditions are created under which the development of the dispute of microorganisms is stopped. The sterilization mode depends on the type of product, size and type of container. In an acidic medium, microorganisms die faster than neutral; Canned solid products warm up longer than with liquid; Tire packaging warms faster glass. In this regard, for each type of canned food, its sterilization mode has been developed. The sterilization temperature ranges from 140-160 0 S. Sterization is carried out in special devices - autoclaves.

Ethical.After sterilization, the banks are treated in a ware-drying machine (rinse with water with a temperature of 35-45 ° C at an overpressure of up to 0.03 MPa, drying heated air). On dried banks, labels stick with labels and apply marking. Finished products in glass containers are packaged in polyethylene packages and sent to the warehouse.

1.3.2Technology production of compotes

Inspection, sorting and calibration. Of the fruits and berries received for the processing, it is carefully removed by all raw materials that do not meet the requirements of standards or that in quality, degrees of maturity, size and color. Calibration But the size is carried out on calibration machines, and sorting by other features - at the sorting and inspection conveyor. To sort the color (and therefore, the degrees of maturity) begin to use photoelectronic sorting, in which the fruits and berries in one layer and in one row pass between the light source and the floral sensitive photocell. Fruits that do not meet the required color are removed by the rejection device.

Washing. After sorting, the fruits of seed crops wash in a drum or elevator, and then in a fan washing machine, the fruits of stone crops are in a fan or ware-shaking machine (CMC), berries with a gentle flesh - under the shower with a small water pressure (50 kPa). In some cases, the sink is carried out before sorting, which allows you to better consider defective fruits, but in this case the fruits and berries when leaving from the sorting conveyor is rinsed with water under the shower.

Preparation of fruits and berries. Sorted, inspected and washed fruits and berries are subjected to further strictly specific processing. Prepared fruits immediately fault in container. If the packaging is delayed, apples and pears are stored in 0.1%, quince - in 0.5% solution of citric or wine-eyed (so that the fruits do not darke it).

Cooking syrup.Sugar sand is dissolved in water when boiling. When the syrup is warm up to 50 ° C, food albumin (4 g per 100 kg of sugar) or egg protein is added to it for clarification. When heated, the protein is coincided and pops up as a foam, capturing small impurities in sugar. The foam is removed, and the syrup is filtered through a dense tissue. Ready syrup must be transparent, without mechanical impurities. The concentration of syrup, depending on the type of fruits and the content of dry substances, ranges from 26-32% (apples) to 66-70% (strawberries); For compotes of a table variety - from 16-20% (fine apricots) to 36-40% (Alycha, Tkemali). For improving the taste qualities of some low-acid compotes and obstacles to the development of microorganisms, which can cause turbidity of the syrup and damage the finished products, add them Organic acids. So, in the syrup for pears, light-cooled cherry, fairy, melons and some varieties of apricots add 0.2-0.3%.

Scheme 1.2 Technology Production of Compotations

Facing.Prepared fruits and berries are facing in container on automatic, semi-automatic or mechanized manual fillers. Canning container is chosen taking into account the type of compotes. The fruits and berries are packed in banks immediately pour hot syrup: cherry, cherry, dogwood, plum so that they do not crack, at a temperature of 60 ° C, grapes - 40 ° C, other fruits and berries - 80 ... 95 ° C.

Hooks.After filling with syrup, the banks are silent on searchairs

Sterilization.Duration of heating cans to sterilization temperature (depending on the capacity and type of container) for most types of compotes in glass containers 20 ... 30, in tin - 15 min. The time is the sterilization of unequal. At 100 ° C compote from Alychi, Kizyl in banks 1-82-500 sterilize 3 ... 5, and at 85 ° C - 15 ... 20 min, in greater capacity banks - by 5 ... 10 min longer. For the same type of compote packaged in the banks of one capacity, there may be a different time of sterilization itself. It depends on the size of the fruit (integer or cut on the slices), the degree of maturity and the density of the pulp. Large or unseen fruits warm up longer than small or normally caused.

1.4 Conditions and deadlines for the storage of juices

Juices and compotes are stored in well-ventilated warehouses on wooden racks or pallets.

Juices and compotes that are packaged in a glass and polymer transparent container are stored in rooms protected from direct sunlight.

The shelf life of juices and complies, from the date of manufacture at a temperature of from 0 ° C to 25ºС is no more:

· In glass containers - 2 years; The juices made using beets, juices subjected to lactic acid fermentation - 1 year; Vitaminized juices - 1 year;

· In a metal container - 1 year; tomato juice - 2 years;

· Sterilized (pasteurized) in heat exchangers and packaged in consumer containers from combined materials 9 months.

The shelf life of juices and compotes from the date of manufacture at a temperature of from 2 ° C to 10 ° C in consumer containers (packages) from the combined materials based on paper or cardboard, polyethylene film and Aluminum foil type "Pür-Pak" - not more than 6 months.

1.5 New directions in the production of juices and compotes

Using waste production waste

Recently, the relevance of the processing of inevitably formed waste during the production of juices has increased, in order to obtain food products or products used for other purposes.

Works on the complex and rational use of raw materials are carried out in two directions. The first direction is the creation of technologies that allow the maximum to reduce or eliminate waste formation (waste-free technologies). The second direction-organization of the processing of inevitably formed waste with the preparation of food products or products used for other purposes.

Waste processing of fruits and vegetables can be used to obtain dyes on the basis of carotenoids, anthocyanins, chlorophylls. From waste can be obtained valuable animal feed for their chemical composition. From the cores of the bones and seeds you can get essential oils. Great value is the waste of fruits processing, allowing to obtain pectin and fiber, which is recently called food fibers or dietary tape. Considering that many fruit and vegetable raw materials processing products contain valuable chemical and biologically active components and are successfully used as nutritional supplements.

Consider briefly use certain types of waste from conservative production.

From waste obtained in the processing of other types of vegetables, you can also get different products. So, from seeds of many vegetables, refined oils for food purposes and unrefined oils for the production of olifa, soap, oil varnishes are obtained. Green peas recycling waste, beans, cabbage, spinach are valuable feed for livestock (after lactic acid fermentation in silo pits). Extracts from the robe of the bow are used to tinted food. Dyes are obtained from beet processing waste and used for dry fruit and berry jams, soft drinks, caramels, cakes, cakes. Levels extracted from beets, carrots, eggplant processing waste, sugar zucchini is suitable for obtaining wine alcohol and vinegar. From carrot wastes, you can get a concentrate of vitamin A, from potatoes - starch and a molasses. Corn cubes rods are suitable for producing glue, paper, alcohol, vinegar, lactic acid, furfural. When processing fruits, the main types of waste are bones, seed nest, fruits, cups and ridges, squeezes, sucks. An active coal is obtained from the shelving of the bones, which is a good material for filtering liquids and gases. Food oils and almond paste are obtained from the kernel. The cake remaining after separating the oil is used to produce bitter oil, feed flour and fertilizer.

The seed nest and the skin of seed fruits, as well as the squeezes remaining after pressing the mezgi in the production of juice, contain pectin substances, sugar, organic acids, aromatic substances, etc. Apple waste is used to produce dry pectin, gelling concentrate, food powder, apple concentrate, Feed flour.

Waste production of grape juice is used to obtain vitamin R, wine-eyed, oil, alcohol, vinegar, dye (from red grapes). The squeezes from the cherry juice are treated with water and the resulting extract is used to prepare a syrup. One of the directions of complex processing of citrus is to obtain alcohol informations from the peel and the fetus sages. The squeezes remaining after the preparation of juice from purified fruits contain a significant amount of water-soluble extractive substances.

Thus, due to the use of waste obtained in the production of juices, such problems are solved as: rational use of raw materials and other materials, as well as reduced losses at all stages of processing.


In this section of the course work, the range of juices and sour-containing beverages was considered, namely: juices, compotes, nectars that are divided into: natural, blended, concentrated, clear, relevant.

The chemical composition of juices and compotes has been studied. The main chemical indicators of products are: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fiber, restricted acids, ash, energy value, water content that are calculated per 100g. Product. From this we can conclude that juices are a unique product that contains all the necessary components for human health.

The technology of production of juices and compotes was investigated. The technology of production of juices consists of the following operations: Acceptance of raw materials, washing, inspection, juice extraction, juice flashing, temperature processing, filtering, bottling, suturing, sterilization, etiquetting, storage. Compotation production is characterized by the fact that syrup is made of vegetables and fruits, and do not extract juice.

Conditions and timing of the storage of finished products that must comply with standards are given. The conditions and terms of storage of the product depend on the type of raw materials used and the type of packaging container.

A new direction in the production of juices is considered, namely the use of waste production of juice drinks. Recycling production waste is a rational way to use raw materials to obtain other products. From waste, you can get dyes, food and neraplened oils, nutritional supplements, livestock feed, obtaining active coal.

Section 2. Development of a technological scheme for the production of concentrated apple juice

2.1 Characteristics and requirements for the quality of raw materials

Fresh apples of late varieties of ripening from quality are divided into four commodity varieties: the highest, first, second and third

The fruits of each commercial variety must be quite evolving, integer, clean, without outsiders and the taste, without excessive external humidity.

The degree of maturity during the workpiece should be such that the fruits can withstand in proper conditions transportation and were suitable for storage, and during the implementation period had the appearance and taste characteristic of a political variety.

Refrigerated fruits are not allowed.

The third grade apples are intended for current implementation. The layout for long-term storage and shipment beyond the limits of the region, the edges, the republic without regional division is not subject to. The content of toxic elements and pesticides in apples should not exceed the permissible levels established by the biological requirements and sanitary standards for the quality of food raw materials and food products of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

The fruits of each frequency grade in quality must comply with the standards specified in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1 Characteristics of Apple Varieties Table

Name of the indicator

Characteristics and variety standards


1. Appearance

Selective fruits, typical in shape and painting for a given polynaya variety, without damage to pests and diseases, with or without fruit.

Fruits, typical in shape and color for a given anomic variety, without damage to pests and diseases, with or without fruit.

Fruits, typical and atypical in shape, with a less pronounced color, without damage to pests and diseases, with or without fruit.

Fruits may be heterogeneous in shape and painting, irregular shape, with or without fruit.

2. Size by the largest transverse diameter, mm, not less:

Fruits round form

fruits of oval form

In places of workpiece (farm, blank point, etc.)

Light booms with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 1 cm

No more than two gradoboin, light juggles that do not affect storage, with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 2 cm

Greedoboin and Nazhima with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 4 cm. No more than two healing punctures

Gradoboin, Nazhima, Ears, Fresh skin damage with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 1/4 of the Fetal surface

Mesh weak

Thin, networked, contrastingly contrasting with the overall color of the fetus

Strong grid, rough

Not allowed

On the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe fetus no more


5. damage to pests and diseases

Fruits are allowed with one or two dried damage to the fruit of no more than 2% of the mass of the party

Healing skin damage with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 2 cm, including a pair, not more than 0.6 cm. The diameter of the points of the pair of not more than 3 mm. Fruits are allowed with one or two dried damage to the fruit of no more than 2% of the mass of the party

Healing skin damage with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 3 cm, including the stains of the paste with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 2 cm. Fruits are allowed with one or two dried damage to the fruit of no more than 5% of the mass of the party

Weight damage to the skin with a total area of \u200b\u200bno more than 1/3 of the fetus surface, including the stains of the paste. Fruits are allowed, damaged by frozing no more than 10% of the mass of the party

Allowable deviations during the sale of fruits after storage from December to June of the month

6. Lack of frozen


7. Peeling (tan)

Not allowed

Weak peeling of the skin (tan) on the square of no more than 1/3 of the fetus surface

Passing the skin (tan) on the square of no more than 1/4 of the fetal surface


8. Subcutaneous spotty

Not allowed

It is allowed not more than 3 cm


9. Withering

Not allowed

Weak wilting without signs of wrinkleness

Light wrinkle


10. Passage meakty

Not allowed

It is allowed

2.1.1 Characteristicand requirements for the quality of auxiliary materials

Drinking water should be safe in an epidemic attitude, harmless to chemical composition and have favorable organoleptic properties.

Water quality determine its composition and properties when entering a water supply network; At the points of the external and internal water supply network.

Microbiological water indicators: water safety in epidemic attitude determine the total number of microorganisms and the number of bacteria of the intestinal sticks group. By microbiological indicators, drinking water must comply with the requirements specified in GOST.

Toxicological water indicators: Toxicological indicators of water quality characterize the harmless of its chemical composition and include standards for substances: found in natural waters; added to water in the process of treatment in the form of reagents; Appearing as a result of industrial, agricultural, domestic and other pollution of water supply sources. The concentration of chemicals encountered in natural waters or added to the water during its processing should not exceed the standards specified in GOST

Organoleptic water indicators: Indicators that provide favorable organoleptic properties of water include standards for substances: found in natural waters; added to water in the process of treatment in the form of reagents; appearing as a result of industrial, agricultural and consumer pollution of water supply sources. The concentrations of chemicals affecting the organoleptic properties of water found in natural waters or added to the water during its processing should not exceed the standards specified in GOST. Organoleptic properties of water must comply with the requirements specified in GOST.

Water should not contain the aqueous organisms distinguishable with the naked eye and should not have a film on the surface.

2.2 Chemical composition of apples

Tables 2.2 Chemical composition of apples




Org. Acid



Energy value


2.3 Acceptance, Transportation and Conditions for Storing Apple Juice

Acceptance. Fruit and vegetable processing products take parties. To check the labeling and state of transport packaging (boxes, containers, etc.), randomly sample should be selected, the volume is indicated in Table 2.3.

Table 2.3 Sampling During Acceptance

Part volume (number of transport packaging), pcs.

Hopmal control

Enhanced control

Sampling, pcs.

Entrance number

Bracket number

Sampling, pcs.

Entrance number

Bracket number

Test results are considered satisfactory if the number of transport packaging in the sample that does not meet the established requirements is less than or equal to the acceptance number, and the party is not subject to acceptance if it is greater than or equal to the brave number.

To check the mass of the net (or volume) and the mass fraction of the components of the product, randomly sample should be selected, the volume of which is indicated in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4 Sample size for determining the mass fraction of components of the product

Part volume (amount of consumer packaging), pcs.

Normal control

Enhanced control

Sample size, pcs

Remote number

Brave number

Sampling, pcs.

Remote number

Brave number

Products in consumer containers with a capacity of up to 0.35 liters

Products in consumer containers with a capacity of more than 0.35 to 1 liter on.

Products in consumer packaging with more than 1 l

For physicochemical tests, it is allowed to use consumer container selected according to claim 1.3.3, after checking the mass of the net and mass fraction of the components of the product, if it is allowed by the conditions of analysis. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory results, at least one of the indicators in the combined sample according to claim 1.1, the batch is not subject to acceptance.

To verify organoleptic performance indicators of the product, randomly sample should be selected according to claim 1.3.4, after selecting samples for physicochemical tests, if there have been no changes in the organoleptic indicators of the product (appearance, consistency, etc.).

To check the state of the inner surface of metal cans, tube and covers and definitions of foreign impurities, all consumer containers selected according to claims 1.3.3-1.3.5 should be used.

Assessment of the quality of the party on the presence of packaging defects are carried out in accordance with the procedure for sanitary and technical control of canned food at industrial enterprises, wholesale bases, retailers and catering enterprises approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Selection and assessment of the quality of the game on microbiological indicators is carried out in accordance with the procedure for sanitary and technical control of canned food at industrial enterprises, wholesale bases, retailers and catering enterprises approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

Transportation. Product transportation produces all types in accordance with the rules of transportation of perishable goods acting on the transport of this species. Product transportation produce:

Refrigerators and vending cars, including isothermal body; Semi-finished appliances canning - automotive tanks.

By rail - writing shipments and in universal MPS containers, in the winter period in isothermal wagons with heating.

To transport semi-finished appliances canning, intended for industrial processing, apply car tanks and tank containers according to GOST 26380 or other tank containers that meet the specified requirements. Transportation of cargo packages on pallets produced according to GOST 23285 , GOST 26663. For the realization of canned products within the edge, the area is transported to a distance of no more than 500 km in the Treat Equipment according to GOST 24831 vehicles of all kinds except rail. Transportation of products in tank containers is made by road, rail, sea and river transport. Transportation of products in EU-200 containers under internal transportation is made by road or truck

Storage. Products are stored in well ventilated warehouses on wooden racks or pallets at relative humidity not more than 75%.

The storage temperature of vegetable canned products packaged in glass and metal cans - from 0 to 25 ° C; In a polymer pack type "Bag in a box" - from 0 to 20 ° C, non-sterusive products in barrels - from 0 to 12 ° C, in aluminum tubes - from 0 to 5 ° C; fruit and berry canned products in all types of containers - from 0 to 25 ° C; Salted and sauer vegetables, uroin fruits and berries, boiled, salted and pickled mushrooms in barrels - from minus 1 to 4 ° C.

2.4 Technology for the production of apple juice concentrated

Acceptance.When accepting, the amount and quality of fruits and vegetables determine the average sample (4-15 kg) for analyzes. There are mechanized samplers for the selection of tomatoes from a discharge conveyor. On the configuration of raw materials, the requirements of the GOST are judged by organoleptic and chemical indicators, according to those or other defects.

Inspection of raw materials.All the fruits inspect, the rejection of substandard (misunderstanding, overripe, affected by diseases and agricultural pests), as well as foreign impurities. The inspection of raw materials occurs manually at the conveyor, which moves at a speed of not more than 0.1 m / s. Fruits extend to the tape is evenly in one layer. For inspection, roller transporters are used, allowing to inspect the raw materials from all sides. .

Washing.Fruits entering recycling have superficial pollution of mineral or organic origin. A significant part of these pollution is made with dust. The surface of the fruit is replete with various microorganisms (epiphytic microflora) falling from the environment and transfers insects. During the sink, mechanical contamination, microorganisms and pesticides remaining after chemical treatment of plants should be removed during the sink. Fruits and vegetables are delivered for processing in containers, boxes or bulk transport and unload in the receiving bunker, filled with 1/3 water (Fig. 1), where heavier impurities (stones, lumps of the earth, etc.), if they accidentally hit the raw

2.5 Technological scheme for the production of apple concentrated juice

Splitting up.Benign fruits are served in the gravy - knife type, which crushes apples on particles 2-6 mm. The degree of grinding is regulated depending on the density of apples.

Festival. The main method of extracting fruit juices in industrial conditions is pressing in presses of periodic and continuous action.


When pressing the mezdu is subjected to gradually increasing pressure, which leads to the release of juice. After pressing, waste - squeezes, which are almost dry to the touch mass of fruit pulp. The downloaded platform is supplied under the squeezing device and include hydraulic piston of small pressure. Pressure increases gradually, otherwise pulp in juice may occur or, burlap rupture. When a further increase in pressure is hampered, hydraulic fluid is supplied by the second piston, the pressure is up to 2.5 MPa and hold it 5 ... 10 minutes before the discharge of the juice is stopped. Then the platform roll back to unloading. Total pressing duration 15 ... 20 min. The squeezes are unloaded on the conveyor, which gives them to the Kovsov Elevator, and the elevator in the accumulative bunker. The filings are then exported from the territory of the plant for feeding a cattle or other targets. When processing fruits on juice and seeds for nurseries Juice is pressed so as not to cause the deformation of seeds. The specific pressure on the mezdu during annealing of the juice from apples should be 1.0. .1.2 MPa. In each case, trial pressing is carried out.

Filtration.After clarification in the juice, a precipitate remains, which is removed, skipping juice through filters of various systems or separation on centrifuges. Fruit juices are filtered with constant and low pressure. The sediment contained in the juice consisting of organic particles, at elevated pressure, is easily compressed, which causes a closure of a filter that impede the further process. Filming requires a pressure drop on both sides of the filtering partition. With increasing pressure, the speed of the process first increases, and then due to the compression and pore blocking the filter decreases. Optimal is the pressure drop of 70 - 80 kPa. For filtering fruit-berry juices, filters presses, woven filters and drum vacuum filters are used. Filtered juice is allowed to recycling before reaching transparency, after which the filtered juice is fed to deaeration.

Enzyme treatment.The juice of about 35-40 0 ° C goes to the reserve with a stirrer, where to process its spectulic enzymes for 90 minutes.

Ultrafiltration.After enzyme treatment, the juice is filtered using semi-permeable membranes in special devices under a pressure of 0.1-0.8 MPa.

Concentration.Concentrated juices are obtained mainly by evaporation, less often - with the destruction and reverse osmosis with the capture of aromatic substances and return them to the finished product.

a) The concentration of evaporation is carried out in evaporation devices. The lower the evaporation temperature and shorter the duration of the operation, the higher the quality of the produced juice, so evaporation is appropriately carried out in vacuum devices. Apple juice withstands short-term heating to a temperature of 45 ... 55 0 C without noticeable changes in properties.

b) Peeling concentration is based on the cooling of the juice below the freezing temperature. Part of the water freezes and in the form of crystals is separated from concentrate by separation. The lower the temperature of the freezing, the higher the content of dry substances in the finished product. At low temperatures, juice undergoes minimal changes. The method of freezing is obtained with a concentration of dry substances 45-50%. Figure is used for the production of concentrated citrus juices.

c) Concentration with membranes-delivered osmosis - allows you to improve the quality of the finished product due to the low temperature of the process. The essence of the method is that on both sides of the membrane there are two liquids with different concentrations of dissolved substances. On the border of the membrane, osmotic pressure occurs, and water moves from a solution with a low concentration to a solution with a high concentration, while the concentrations are equal. If the pressure is applied to a high concentration solution, the water will pass in the opposite direction.

Sterilization.The quality of canned and the duration of their storage without damage depends on how carefully and correctly their sterilization was carried out, in which microorganisms die and conditions are created under which the development of microorganisms is being developed. The sterilization mode depends on the type of product, size and type of container. In an acidic medium, microorganisms die faster than neutral; Canned solid products warm up longer than with liquid; Tire packaging warms faster glass. In this regard, for each type of canned food, its sterilization mode has been developed. The sterilization temperature ranges from 140-160 0 S. Sterization is carried out in special devices - autoclaves.

Bottling.Products are facing into a carefully washed to the container. At the same time, each jar is filled with strictly defined amount of products (deviations from the established norm are allowed within 1 ... 2%). The temperature of the juice at breaks in the cans with a capacity of 3l. It is 90-95 ° C. Packing products are mechanized. Banks with a capacity of 2000 and 3000 cm3 are filled with a liquid product on an automatic filler. And after the banks shacks with special machines.

Storage. Products are stored in well-ventilated warehouses on wooden racks or pallets at relative humidity not more than 75%. The storage temperature of vegetable canned products packaged in glass and metal cans - from 0 to 25 ° C; In a polymer pack type "Bag in a box" - from 0 to 20 ° C, non-sterusive products in barrels - from 0 to 12 ° C, in aluminum tubes - from 0 to 5 ° C; fruit and berry canned products in all types of containers - from 0 to 25 ° C; salted and sauer vegetables, uroin fruits and berries, boiled, salt and pickled mushrooms in barrels - from minus 1 to 4 ° C; Mushroom canned products in glass and metal banks - from 0 to 15 ° C; Fruit, berry and vegetable canned food - semi-finished products, as well as canned chemical preservatives in all types of containers - from 0 to 25 ° C.

The storage time of products from the date of development is established in the regulatory document on the products of a particular type. The storage time, guaranteeing bacteriological stability, is not installed.

2.5 Chemical composition of concentrated apple juice

Table 2.5 The chemical composition is represented by the following components.


Water% water






Energy value

Mono and Disa70Harida


Grams / 100 gr. Product

Milligrams / 100 gr. Product

Apple juice concentrated 70%

2.6 Grocery calculation of concentrated apple juice

Product Output according to technological operations "Concentrated apple juice Table 2.6"

Table 2.6 Grocery calculation of concentrated apple juice

Name of technological operation

Recycled kg

Loss kg.

Isaprained water%

Common kg.


Splitting up



Processing fermes




2.7 Distribution of losses and waste (in%) on technological operations for the production of "concentrated apple juice"

Table 2.7 Distribution of losses and waste in the production of juice

2.8 Table of raw materials and auxiliary materials

Table 2.8 The need for raw materials and auxiliary materials


In this part of the course work, the characteristic of raw materials and auxiliary materials were studied, which are used for the production of concentrated apple juice, namely, apples and water that should correspond to gtostas.

The chemical composition of apples and concentrated apple juice is considered. The main chemical indicators of products are: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, fiber, organic acids, ash, energy value, water content, which are calculated per 100g. Product.

Presented requirements for transportation, acceptance and storage of finished products. Juice should be transported in tanks, isothermal bodies in any type of transport. The product is stored in the premises on wooden racks with air humidity 70%, at a temperature of 0-25 0 C.

The production technology of concentrated apple juice, the main operations upon receipt of the product are: acceptance, inspection, washing, crushing, pressing, filtering, enzyme treatment, ultrafiltration, concentration, sterilization, bottling, storage. The main method of juice concentration is its evaporation, but there are two more types of concentration: a membrane method and freezing. Signing due to the high cost of freezing plants is less economical and does not allow to increase the concentration of more than 45 - 50% of dry substances. Concentration using membranes is also limited to a concentration of up to 35 - 40% of dry substances when the pressure is 0.8 - 1 MPa and did not find more practical use, although it is intensively studied.

A grocery calculation was carried out, the calculation of the costs of raw materials and auxiliary materials for production of 1000 kg. finished products.

Section 3. Experimental

.1 objects, research methods

The object of research robots is apple juice, which is implemented in the city of Kharkov:

1. Apple juice, manufacturer of "Prize" Koyanovka.

Apple juice Sadochok, Sandora manufacturer with. Nikolaevskoye

Apple Sandor Juice, manufacturer "Sandor LLC" Nikolaev

Method for determining dry substances (GOST R 51433-99)

Method for determining titrated acidity in juices without pulp

Fifty grams of juice (18-20ºС temperatures) are transferred to a dimensional flask for 250 ml, adjusted to a label with distilled water. Then 25cubs are transferred to a pipette in the flask and told (0.1 mol / cubic meters) NaOH solution in the presence of phenolphthalein (3 drops) until the pink color is not disappearing for 30 seconds (analysis is carried out 2 times). And calculated by the formula specified in GOST.

The method for determining the content of ascorbic acid: the definition of vitamin C in juice is based on the fact that the ascorbic acid molecules are easily oxidized with iodine. As soon as iodine oxidates all ascorbic acid, the next drop, reacted with starch, paint the solution into blue color.

3.2 Studying the range of apple juice of foreign and domestic manufacturers, which are implemented in the city of Kharkov

1 Apple juice, manufacturer of "Prize" Koyonovka.

Apple juice Sadochok, Sandora manufacturer with. Nikolaevskoye

Apple Juice Rich, Manufacturer "Coca-Cola" P.G.Te Great Dimka

Apple juice OUR SIK, manufacturer "Vіtmark-Ukraїniv" Odessa

Apple Sandor Juice, manufacturer "Sandor LLC" Nikolaev

Apple juice Bіola, manufacturer TM "Juices of Bіola" Kharkov

7. Apple Sok Winnie, "OJSC Winniprut" Kiev Ukraine

Apple juice of Sokovita , "Vitmark-Ukraine" Odessa

Apple Juice J7, Vimm-Bill-Dann Moscow

Apple Juice Jaffa, Vіtmark-Ukraine Odessa

3.3 Study of compliance with the conditions of standards of organoleptic indicators of apple juice

Based on the literary data for the organoleptic assessment of the quality of juices, a score was developed, characterizing the quality indicators of the juice of the apple reduced, presented in Table 3.1

Tables 3.1 Characteristics of the quality indicators of the juice of apple

Characteristic juice clarified


Transparent liquid allowed easy opalescence

Bright, transparent, shiny

With opalescence, with a small sediment, disappearing after scolding

With a noticeable opalescence, a small precipitate does not disappear after scarceing

A large number of extraneous particles in the form of a precipitate

Homogeneous throughout the mass, typical of the color of the apple juice of direct spin

Color is characteristic of apple juice, but the shade is different

Weak, bleached coloring

Unnatural color

Well-pronounced, typical apple concentrated juice

The smell characteristic of juice, but its intensity is somewhat different (excessive)

Weak but characteristic of the product

The characteristic smell is absent, weak, not a nasty odor

Strying (nonstable, unpleasant, disgusting)

Well-pronounced, typical apple concentrated juice

Characterized for the product, but its intensity is unnecessary expressed

Weak, but characteristic of the juice of apple

Does not differ, weak; not nasty stranger

Unpleasant taste, extraneous taste

According to the assessment of the organoleptic indicators of the apple juice, Table 3.2 is compiled in which research results are presented:

Table 3.2 Results of the organoleptic assessment of apple juice table

Name of product


Total assessment

Apple juice Sadochok, Sandora manufacturer with. Nikolaevskoye

3.4 Studying compliance with the requirements of the standards of the physicochemical indicators of apple juice implemented in Kharkov

Based on literary data for the physicochemical indicators of juices, a table 3.3 was developed, in which all indicators correspond to GOST.

Table 3.3 Physico-chemical indicators according to GOST

Based on the studies of the physico-chemical indicators of the apple juice of various manufacturers implemented in Kharkov, the following results are obtained, which are shown in Table 3.4.

Physico-chemical indicators of experimental samples of apple juice Table 3.4

Name of product

Name of physico-chemical indicators

Apple juice, manufacturer of "Prize" Koyonovka

Apple juice Sadochok, Sandora manufacturer with. Nikolaevskoye

Apple Juice Rich, Manufacturer "Coca-Cola" P.G.Te Great Dimka

Apple juice OUR SIK, manufacturer "Vіtmark-Ukraїniv" Odessa

Apple Sandor Juice, manufacturer "Sandor LLC" Nikolaev


After conducting the organoleptic assessment of the products under study, it can be concluded that the lower ball received the "Prem region" juice, the highest was at the juice "Our SKIK" Sandora, and the juices "Sadochok" and "Rich" scored the same amount of balls.

The comparative characteristics of the studied samples of the juice in terms of the content of soluble dry substances suggests that not all obtained results meet the requirements of GOST R 52186-2003. The minimum content of dry substances turned out in the juice "Our SIK" (11.0%), the maximum - in the "Prem region" juice (12.5%). Approximately the same result was found in the "Sadochok" juices, Sandora "Rich". In accordance with Table 3.3 GOST R 52186-2003, fruit juices restored. TU, the mass fraction of the soluble dry substances of the apple juice should be at least 11.2%, therefore the juice apple reduced "Premіia" does not comply with the requirement of the above standard for the content of dry substances.

As can be seen from the table 3.4, only two samples meet the requirements of GOST in terms of the mass fraction of titrate acids - "Rich" Sandora and (0.3%). The acidity of the juices "Sadochok", "Rich", "Premіia" above 1.4, which is the basis for determining these juices as non-standard. The increased acidity of the juice is explained by the fact that they contain a large number of organic acids, that is, not compliance with the production technology.

The smallest amount of vitamin C from the studied samples is contained in the Sandor's Apple Juices (3.4), in the "Rich" and "Sadochok" juices (6.8) - and the most vitamined juices were "Our SIK" (6, nine)


1. Pollegaev V. I., Shirokov E. P. "Storage and processing of fruits and vegetables", Moscow: Agroprimzdat, 1990, 302c.

Leonenko I. I. "Fruit and Tightness", Tutorial for technical schools, Moscow, 1992, 290c.

3. GOST 8756.1-79. Canned food products. Methods for determining organoleptic indicators, net mass and mass fraction of components. - M.: Gosstandart of Russia, 1979. - 12 p.;

GOST R 51434 Juices fruit and vegetable. The method of determining titratable acidity. - M.: Gosstandart of Russia, 19 p.;

GOST R 51433. Juices fruit and vegetable. Method for determining the content of soluble dry substances by refractometer. - M.: Gosstandart of Russia, 6 p.;

6. GOST R 52185-2003. Fruit juices concentrated. That. - M.: State Standard of Russia, 2003. - 13 p.;

7. Dubtsov G.G. Food Products. - M.: "Academy", 2006. 264 p.;

GOST R 52186-2003. Fruit juices restored. That. - M.: State Standard of Russia, 2003. - 13 p.;

9. Directory. Chemical composition of food. - p. 236 - 240;

. General technology of food industries / ed. A. P. Kovalskaya. - M.: Kolos 1993-384 p.

11. Samsonova A. N. Fruit and vegetable juices

Technology of canned fruits and vegetables. A. F. Fan Jung, B. L. Flau Menbaum, A. K. Izotov - M.: Food Prom-St

Rogachev V.I. Directory of technologist fruit and vegetable canning production.


Internet resource:

From the point of view of plant biology, juices in composition are the contents of cell vacuoles. In the vacuole moisture dissolved sugar: glucose with fructose and various polysaccharides; fruit acids (apple, lemon, etc.); minerals; vitamins; amino acids; phytoncides. Juices retain all nutrients that are available in fresh fruits, berries and vegetables, and are easily absorbed by the organism. The nutritional value of juices consists in high content in them of easily digestible carbohydrates (glucose, fructose, sucrose, etc.), a set of water-soluble vitamins (ascorbic, folic, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, p-active substances, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, etc.), Mineral salts, pectin substances, organic acids, aromatic compounds. Annex A provides data on the chemical composition of a number of canned juices.

Thus, the juice is a source of a number of useful for the body easily digestible substances.

So, for example, to satisfy the daily need for vitamin C, it will be enough for us? A glass of fresh juice of black currant, strawberries or sea buckthorn, for coating the need for organic acids - 2 glasses of orange or 1 cup of cherry juice. In pasteurized industrial juices, the activity of vitamins is somewhat reduced.

The juices without pulp are clarified and unreasonable, which are better in nutritional properties, although inferior in appearance - muddy and with a sediment. Juices with the pulp contain also insoluble in water substances: fiber, pectin, fat-soluble vitamins, therefore, their value is higher. Prepare them with breeding fruit puree sugar syrup. As a rule, the content of natural fruit juice does not exceed 45%. From fruits containing fat-soluble vitamins A and E, such as peaches, apricots, carrots, only juices with flesh are always prepared.

There are differences in the composition and nutritional value of the juices obtained from various raw materials.

Vegetable juices for fresh taste, which is explained by the low content of organic acids in them. But they are very rich in minerals. They contain a large amount of proteins, trace elements and all other substances that are necessary for healthy vital activity of the human body. If we compare carrot juice with cow milk, then in many indicators of the chemical composition they are very similar, and the water in them is contained almost in the same amounts. The cow's milk contains a high percentage of casein (almost 4 times more than in breast female milk). From this side product casein get steady glue. And in the human body, Casein contributes to the formation of mucus, as a result of which colds, bronchitis, asthma are raised, adenoids, etc. are formed. Carrot juice, feeding the body with alive values, on the contrary, cleans the body from mucus.

Fresh vegetable juices are very helpful with spring fatigue. In this case, the raw juices will help you, primarily carrot juice in combination with various other juices: beet juice, parsley juice, salad, tomato and cucumber juices.

Fruit juices are of great importance in our nutrition and, therefore, for our health. They serve as a source of not only vitamins and mineral salts, but also contain organic acids, pectins, aromatic substances, essential oils. If vegetable juices go on the construction and restoration of the body, then fruit juices, first of all, serve as cleansing. They also provide the organism with necessary carbohydrates, sugar, vitamins. Fruit juices are more calories than vegetable. Indispensable for exercise, in these cases they are useful to combine with vegetables. Fruit juices, due to the essential oils contained in fruits, attach an aroma, activate the activities of salivary, gastric and other glands, thereby enhance biochemical reactions, improve metabolic processes in the body. Also, fruit juices have a powerful antimicrobial effect than to reduce the fermentation and rotary processes in the body.

Many of the fruits contain such organic compounds like gums, which are a complex of potassium, magnesium and calcium salts, sugar-chamed acids. Comedy successfully fill the lack of minerals of the necessary organism. In fruit juices, complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides, including pectin compounds, after swelling when interacting with water, reveal poisons and pathogenic microbes, and also contribute to the elimination of cholesterol. And also fruit juices are excellent refreshing drinks.

Juices of shrubs and berry fruits (garden and wild) are also useful for the human body and especially for the patient. A diverse chemical composition of fruit-berry juices determines their high food and, first of all, dietary value, preventive and therapeutic value. The use of these juices enhances the immunity of the body, especially childcare, to various infectious diseases. Scientific studies have shown the exceptional therapeutic value of many fruit-berry juices and confirmed the many years of practical experience of traditionally and traditional medicine on their treatment. Juices of garden and wild fruits and berries are a rich source of vitamins, organic salts, microelements, proteins, and other beneficial substances.

The nutritional value of the juices led to their widespread use for the prevention and therapy of diseases, to the release of juice therapy as an independent discipline. We bring brief information about the use of the most popular juices with therapeutic and preventive objectives.

1. Orange. Bacteria kills, enhances immunity, helps to reduce weight, contributes to the elimination of cholesterol from the body, normalizes the work of the intestine, reduces the risk of congenital defects in the fetus, protects against some forms of cancer

2. Pineapple. Useful for chills and stress, promotes weight loss

3. Tomato. Source of youth, indispensable for ulcerative diseases of the stomach and duodenal

4. Grape. Normalizes the metabolism, effective in gastritis, anemia and elevated pressure, helps to keep a healthy complexion to cope with neurosis

5. Apricot. Strengthens the heart muscle and contributes to the removal of excess fluid.

6. Apple. Useful in violation of intestinal work, liver and kidney diseases, iron shortage

7. Pear. It has a bactericidal and diuretic effect. It is recommended to those who suffer from the diseases of the circulatory system and is experiencing kidney problems

8. plum. Regulates the activities of the gastrointestinal tract, useful for gastritis.

9. Grapefruit. Normalizes sleep, helps with urolithiasis, increased fatigue

10. Cherry. It is useful in small-class, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, has an anti-inflammatory effect.

11. Pumpkin. Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, improves sleep, makes hair with silky, contributes to the removal of toxins from the body, protects against some forms of cancer.

12. Cranberry. It is useful for the prevention and treatment of urogenital infections.

13. Cabbage. It is used to reduce weight, it is useful in gastritis, a stomach and duodenal ulcer, angina, stomatitis, gum inflammation.

14. Carrot. It improves appetite and digestion, is used in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, strengthens the nervous system, is useful for the eyes.

15. Cucumber. One of the best natural diuretic products is useful for people with high and low blood pressure, helps with diseases of teeth and gums.

16. From parsley. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, indispensable for diseases of the urinary tract, jade, water, meteorism, cataract, conjunctivitis, ophthalmia.

Note that in the juice there may be some additional components. GOST R 51398-99 contains detailed explanations regarding components that can be added to juice. These include extremely natural aromatic substances, as well as sugar, lemon and ascorbic acids. In vegetable juices, adding a wider range of ingredients is allowed. The addition of natural aromatic substances is allowed only in restored juices, since during the preparation of the concentrated juice, the fragrance is separated. In the production of direct pressing juices, aromatic substances are not allocated from the product, so the addition of aromatic substances into the soils of direct press is not allowed. In the reduced juices, natural aromatic substances obtained from this juice or the juice of the fruit of the same name are added.

It should be noted that either sugar or citric acid in dry form are added to juice and only to adjust the taste, and not to replenish, for example, lack of natural dry substances in a juice caused by its artificial dilution by applying water. In any case, all added ingredients must be specified in the composition of the product, which in accordance with GOST R 51074-97 is given on the packaging of products. It should be noted that in the production of reduced juices, the added water, as well as the added natural aromatic substances relate to the natural, natural components of the juice and in this connection are not indicated in the composition of the product.