Game program for a wedding. Wedding Planner: Ideas for Competitions and Games for Toastmasters

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Many newlyweds think about how to make their wedding interesting for their guests. To do this, just order a fire show, invite a musical group, come up with cool and dance competitions for the wedding that will enliven the event.

The banquet is the most important stage of the wedding. They approach its organization with responsibility - they decorate the hall, create a delicious menu, and come up with an interesting entertainment program.

We need to try to make wedding competitions as universal as competitions for the New Year. Not only young people will come to the wedding, but also grandparents. Therefore, competitions should also be suitable for older participants.

I bring to your attention 10 interesting options.

  1. “Sing a song.” The presenter thinks of a certain word, and the participants all sing together a song in which this word is present. At the end of the small concert, the most vocal guest receives a prize. If there are many guests, the competition can be repeated several times.
  2. “Dress someone else.” The competition participants are divided into pairs. Each couple receives a bag of clothes. One member of the couple is blindfolded, and the second one dresses him. Believe me, the result will amuse everyone. Especially if you put comic items of clothing in the bag.
  3. “Ditties.” A simple, playful and fun competition. Guests need to come up with and sing ditties about the newlyweds.
  4. “Burst the balloons.” The competition participants are divided into two teams. A ball is tied to the feet of each participant with a thread. Players must burst their opponents' balloons. The team that has no balls left loses.
  5. “Prove love.” The groom should tie the towel as tightly as possible. This way he can show his love to the bride. After this, he will have to untie the knot to show that he will resolve any conflict.
  6. “Treasured Tape.” Participants of the competition are couples of a girl and a guy. The girl holds in her hand ribbons twisted into a skein. The guy takes the end of the tape with his teeth and tries to wrap it around the girl. This is how he creates certain clothes. The winner is the couple who manages to create the most neat and beautiful suit.
  7. “Family budget”. The players are divided into two teams. They need to know the prices in the country because the toastmaster asks how much a certain product costs. Team members will have to respond quickly. The team that gives quick and correct answers wins.
  8. “Stream”. Suitable for young people. Divide the players into pairs and ask them to form a corridor. A participant without a partner walks through the corridor, choosing a person he likes. The player who lost a pair performs similar actions.
  9. “Tear the paper.” Several participants sit on benches or chairs and place a piece of paper on their laps. After that, the girls sit on the guys' arms. They have to tear this paper without hands. The pair whose paper tears the most will win.
  10. “Pour into a glass.” Couples participate in the competition. The girl holds a glass between her legs, and the young man holds a bottle of cognac or champagne. The guy gets to the girl and fills her glass with the contents of the bottle. Then the young man must drink the contents of the glass without his hands. The fastest pair wins.

I offered 10 interesting and cool wedding competitions. I think this selection is very successful and will bring some fun to the wedding event.

Video of the funniest competitions

The conversation doesn't end there. Ahead of you awaits no less interesting material dedicated to entertainment at a wedding. Keep reading and keep your head up.

5 funniest wedding competitions

Choosing wedding competitions is not easy. When solving this problem, take into account the tastes of the guests and the wishes of the newlyweds.

I propose to consider 5 funny options that will entertain guests, lift their spirits and create a fun atmosphere.

  1. “Cheerful speaker.” The toastmaster invites participants to become speakers. Each contestant speaks a tongue twister, with candy in his mouth. The one who tells the most tongue twisters correctly wins.
  2. “Blowing up balloons.” Best suited for men who want to show off strength. Men blow up balloons until they burst. Victory goes to the one who bursts all the balloons faster than the competitors.
  3. "Gladiator". Ropes with small objects are tied around the men's waists. For example, matchboxes or plastic Christmas toys. The length of the thread should allow the box to dangle on the floor. Participants try to press their opponent's box to the floor with their foot. Whoever quickly completes the task enters into confrontation with another opponent.
  4. “Fast and attentive.” Participants in the competition take seats at the table on which the prize lies. As soon as the leader completes the countdown, participants must remove the reward from the table. This is not so easy to do. To complicate the task, the toastmaster can use different numbers. The prize will go to the most dexterous and attentive player.
  5. "Football". Participants perform a variety of body movements and, without hands, swing a potato tied to their belt. The potato needs to fall into a small box and move it towards the gate. The first participant to score a goal wins.

Video of the original version

7 competitions for guests

If your friends who are planning a wedding have assigned you the role of toastmaster, and you are a complete beginner in this matter, I offer time-tested wedding competitions for guests.

Guests at a wedding event spend most of their time at the table. To prevent gatherings from becoming a mass consumption of festive dishes, guests are entertained from time to time.

It is not difficult to guess that the main advantage of table competitions is that guests do not have to leave the table.

  1. “Compliments.” The host asks the guests to one by one express several compliments to the newlyweds. Repetition is prohibited. Victory goes to the guest who gives the final compliment. The winner is awarded a fun prize.
  2. “Family Proverbs.” The toastmaster reads proverbs on the topic of family to the guests. This only applies to the beginning of proverbs; guests must complete them. The winner is the participant who scores the most points by correctly completing the sign or proverb.
  3. “Funny synonyms.” Before the toast, the host reminds the guests that it is difficult to imagine a Russian wedding without an invigorating and cheerful drink, for example, vodka or liqueur. After that, he voices the word “drink” and invites them to come up with synonyms. The winner is the guest who comes up with the most synonyms.
  4. "Blind Waiter" The toastmaster selects a couple and blindfolds them. The man sits on a chair, and the woman is given a plate with a glass of vodka, a sandwich and salad. The girl must work a little as a waitress and serve a client.
  5. “Family restaurant.” Only women who are ready to show everyone their cooking abilities participate. They will have a wide variety of incompatible products at their disposal. They will have to make a salad from them. Victory will go to the participant who prepares the dish using the maximum number of ingredients.
  6. “Nuts.” Only women participate. Place the nuts on chairs, and then seat the participants on them. Each woman names the number of nuts in her stool. The woman who can name the correct number faster than the rest wins.
  7. “Guess the melody.” To conduct the competition, you will need to compile popular songs. After the melody starts playing, the player who guessed it raises his hands and says “stop.” Then the guest names the composition. The guest with the most guessed songs wins.

Tongue twisters

So, the guests actively participated in the competitions. The time has come to work for the public and the newlyweds.

5 competitions for the bride and groom

The main thing is that competitions do not hurt the pride of the participants, allow them to show their wit, and contribute to the development of a positive attitude.

Almost all competitions are aimed at quickly getting to know guests. As a result, even the most shy individuals manage to get comfortable in a new environment.

  1. "Blackmail". To conduct this you will need a list of questions. The newlyweds are taken aside. The husband takes his wife in his arms and goes to his table. He can take a step only after a positive answer to a treacherous question.
  2. “Newlyweds Tournament.” The competition will help you find out how well the newlyweds are prepared for family life. This is a kind of marathon. The heroes of the occasion can be forced to peel potatoes, sew on buttons, hammer nails and even swaddle a child.
  3. “Guess the spouse.” Several chairs are placed in the center of the room, on which several guests and the groom sit. The bride, blindfolded, guesses the betrothed by a certain organ. For example, ear or nose. Then he guesses the wife and husband.
  4. "Executioner". You will need to prepare several questions and two jugs of water. The bride will have to play the role of a passive executioner, and the groom will become the victim. The jug is a guillotine. If the wife gives the wrong answer to the toastmaster's question, the contents of the jug will be poured onto her husband.
  5. "Family Fire" Guests must line up in two lines and form a corridor. The width of the corridor is about 3 meters. The newlyweds need to walk through the corridor, holding lit candles in their hands. They should conserve the fire as guests will blow on it.

These funny wedding competitions for the bride and groom are very popular these days. In general, the number of such competitions is in the thousands. But, I believe, a selection of 5 popular options is enough for the newlyweds to demonstrate their love, devotion and faith.

But if you lose faith in love, the world will lose its beauty. Songs will lose their charm, flowers will lose their fragrance, life will lose its joy. If you have experienced love, then you know that this is the only true happiness. The most beautiful songs are those that your beloved sings in your presence; the most fragrant flowers are those that he presents; and the only praise worth hearing is praise from him. Simply put, life only gains color when it is touched by the gentle fingers of Love.
Raja Alsani

Wedding competitions

A wedding is an unforgettable celebration, exciting and important for the newlyweds, attended by family, colleagues and friends. One of the main parts of the wedding event is interesting competitions, funny games and funny wedding riddles, thanks to which everyone can have fun. Entertainment for guests should be interesting, active and, if possible, funny. That's why cool competitions for weddings will be the highlight of this celebration, which is difficult to imagine without fun competitions and funny games.

Do you prefer to start your wedding with a splash of fun? We offer you funny competitions for your wedding that will charge your guests with a good mood and fun, and will also be original and easy to perform.

Newlyweds competition or kiss your hand

The bride goes to the center of the hall, the host blindfolds her. The point is that she must identify her beloved, but not by touch, but by kiss. She stands, waits, sees nothing, the singular groom comes out and comes up and kisses her hand several times, but tries to do it in different ways. After this, the participant is asked to guess what kind of score her chosen one was.

This wedding competition is very interesting for the guests as they will have fun with any answer she gives.

How to prank the young

For this prank, the host asks the newlyweds to approach a free wall, turn to face it and rest their hands on it at waist level. The essence of the competition is that when the answer to the question is “yes,” each of the newlyweds takes a “step” up with one hand. The presenter or toastmaster should prepare questions that will require only “yes” answers, for example, the question could be the following - will you live in peace and harmony? And when the spouses are already standing on tiptoe, they are presented with the last question: are you happy today? Trying to give a positive answer, the young people, with all their strength, reach up with their hands.
Do you want to answer "yes"? – the toastmaster is surprised.
Yes! – the spouses exclaim.
Then why are you climbing the wall? “Then the newlyweds realize that they have been played and join in the general fun.

Competition - nimble nose

The matchbox lid is placed on the player's nose as tightly as possible. The essence of the wedding competition is to remove the lid without hands, only with facial movements.

These attempts will look funny in the wedding video you watch on wedding anniversaries.

Creative competition - oil painting

We invite 3-5 guests who are ready to show their talent in art. They are provided with a sheet of paper and markers. Guests must draw pictures on the theme “Newlyweds and family.” Here guests can show all their imagination and give free rein to their ideas. The paintings are then put up for wedding auction one by one, with a minimum mandatory starting price. Bidding is underway and whose painting turns out to be more expensive receives a valuable prize from the young people.

Competition - Alconauts

Men are invited to participate in this competition and are given 0.5 liter glass bottles of beer, bottle openers and small glasses. The essence of the competition is to drink a bottle of beer as quickly as possible by pouring it into a glass. Whoever copes faster than others wins.

Such a cool wedding competition will allow you to relax the guests at the beginning of the wedding banquet, when many of your friends and relatives are still shy and feel awkward.

Active competition - football

Two equal teams of 4 people are recruited. Each participant in the competition has a thread tied to their belt, and at the end of this thread there is one apple. An empty matchbox is placed on the floor in front of each participant. The task of the competition participants is to move the boxes towards the opponent's goal; the winner is the one who scores a goal first using his apple without using his hands.

The jerking movements that the participants will make will make everyone present at the wedding celebration laugh.

Competition - love kiss

Two men are invited to participate. After which the toastmaster asks all women to renew their lipstick. The essence of this event is to run around all the female guests in a certain amount of time and collect as many kisses as possible. The results of the competition are determined by counting kiss marks on the cheeks. The winner is the one with the most kisses.

Short competition for the groom and mother-in-law

The groom and mother-in-law are blindfolded and separated in different directions. The essence of the competition is that they must find each other by voice, for example, the mother-in-law calls “Zyatek” and hears “Mother-in-law” in response, and eventually meet, and the guests must disturb them by shouting the same thing in their own voices, or imitating them in order to confuse . If during the time allotted for the competition the son-in-law and mother-in-law were unable to find each other, then they will have to dance in order to become closer to each other.

Such wedding competitions help you relax and move a little after the feast, which is especially important for a wedding without a toastmaster.

Competition - a piggy bank of wishes

At the wedding table, guests pass a piggy bank around and say, “I’m friends with the newlyweds, I’ll put it in their piggy bank (for example, the letter L) ...” - after which they name five wishes for this letter. You can't repeat yourself. For example, with the letter L you can wish for Love, Lollipops, Lyalechka, Affection, and so on. With each epithet, a symbolic amount of money is placed into the piggy bank (empty piggy banks should not be given as gifts). At the end of the competition, the piggy bank is awarded to the newlyweds.

Active competition - gladiators

Ropes containing matchboxes are tied around the men's waists. The length of the thread should allow the box to dangle on the floor. Participants try to press their opponent's box to the floor with their feet. Whoever quickly completes the task enters into confrontation with another opponent.

You can hold wedding competitions without a toastmaster - more or less active guests are enough. The simplest of them can be carried out by any witness. Therefore, if you are looking for cool and funny wedding competitions without a toastmaster, you can safely add it to the wedding celebration script.

The day of pagan veneration of Karachun (the second name of Chernobog) falls on the day of the winter solstice (celebrated depending on the year from December 19 to 22) - the shortest day of the year and one of the coldest days of winter. It was believed that on this day the formidable Karachun, the deity of death, the underground god who commands frost, and the evil spirit, takes his power. The ancient Slavs believed that he commands winter and frost and shortens the daylight hours. The servants of the formidable Karachun are connecting rod bears in which snowstorms turn, and blizzard wolves. It was believed that, due to the bear's will, the cold winter continues: if the bear turns on the other side in its den, it means that winter has exactly half the way to go until spring. Hence the saying: “At Solstice, the bear in its den turns from one side to the other.” The people still use the concept of “karachun” in the sense of death. They say, for example: “karachun has come for him”, “wait for karachun”, “ask karachun”, “enough karachun”. On the other hand, the word “punch” can have the following meanings - backing away, crawling, “hunched” - writhed, cramped. Perhaps Karachun was called that precisely because he seemed to force daytime to go in the opposite direction, to back away, to crawl, giving way to the night. Gradually, in the popular consciousness, Karachun became close to Frost, who binds the earth with cold, as if plunging it into a mortal sleep. This is a more harmless image than the stern Karachun. Frost is simply the lord of winter cold.

For parents, etc.

How to entertain guests at a wedding with fun competitions?

  • You should select competitions for your wedding based on the age of the guests, their status and hobbies. What would be appropriate among students may look cheesy at a wedding of older people.
  • Try to choose competitions such that each guest takes part in at least one of them.
  • Prepare different ones in advance - this will be another pleasant memory of your fun wedding.


For the competition you will need a rope and six guests. Participants are divided into 2 teams. To the music, the rope is threaded through the sleeves of all team members. The one that can handle it faster wins.


Here you will need two rolls of toilet paper. Teams are formed: one is led by the bride, the other by the groom. Each one chooses its own “mummy”: a person who will be completely wrapped in toilet paper.

On command, the participants begin to wind the paper, giving way to the next player at the signal of the leader.

Funny wedding competition: mummy!

The competition lasts until the entire roll is finished. Not only the speed of “winding” is assessed, but also its quality.


For the competition you need at least two dolls, diapers and ribbons. The task is designed for several couples (according to the number of dolls), including the bride and groom.

A man and a woman hold hands, and with their free hand they try to swaddle the “baby” together and tie it with a bow. The winner is the couple who performs these “manipulations” faster and swaddles the “baby” better.

For this competition you will need clothespins and blindfolds. Male participants are blindfolded, and clothespins are attached to girls’ clothes, the number of which is announced out loud. Young men must find and remove the clothespins from their partner as quickly as possible. The one who does it faster wins.

"The honest truth"

This competition will reveal how well the guests know the newlyweds. The presenter stocks up questions and answer options in advance. All guests or only a few people can participate in the competition.

The host asks questions about the bride and groom, offering possible answers. The participant who gives the most correct answers wins.

Question options:

  • Bride's favorite color;
  • Groom's foot size;
  • Height of the bride and groom;
  • First date location;
  • Where did the young people meet?
  • What the groom hates doing around the house;
  • Favorite dish of the bride and groom;
  • How many children do the newlyweds want?
  • Bride's heel height.

"Guess the Bride"

This competition is for the groom. Girls are invited, including the bride. Just for fun, it's worth calling a few more guys. The groom must, blindfolded, guess his betrothed by the knee.

The same competition can be done the other way around: for the bride to find the groom’s knee.

Read also:


Two people participate. They need to stand at the beginning of the table. Everyone is given a balloon. Guests, without touching it with their hands, blow on the ball or throw it up with their heads, passing it on.

The one whose ball reaches the end of the table first wins.

"Burst the Ball"

Participants are divided into two teams. Balloons are tied to the feet on a string so that they fall to the floor. To the music, guests must pop the opposing team's balloons.

The team that is the first to be left without balls loses.


A thread with an apple is tied to the participant’s belt. Matchboxes must be placed on the floor. The task of the competition participants is to use an apple to drag the boxes to the end of the distance.

"Walk under the thread"

Couples are invited to participate. A rope is stretched between the chairs. The couples are given a ball, which cannot be held with their hands, only squeezed between them. The task is to pass under the rope without dropping the ball.


The participants of the game stand in a circle. One of them, putting a playing card to his mouth, inhaling air, holds it and passes it on. The next participant takes the card while inhaling and passes it to his neighbor, and so on in a circle.

The player who lets the card fall to the floor is eliminated. Alternatively, you can divide the participants into two teams and arrange a relay competition.

"Aerial Bombers"

Chairs are placed in a circle with their backs facing inward. “Pilots” - men - sit on them, each of whom holds a large balloon on his knees.

The “air bombers” run up and land on their partner’s ball. Whose balloon bursts immediately is given a new balloon.

There are no winners and losers here, but positive emotions of participants and guests are guaranteed.

"Pig in a poke"

For this competition, you need to prepare all kinds of clothes in advance: panties, Panama hats, T-shirts, bras, the main thing is that the things are huge and as funny as possible. Participants stand in a circle and pass the bag around to the music.

When the melody stops, the one who has the burden takes out one of the things at random and puts it on over his clothes. The competition continues, and the losing guest dances further in a cheerful outfit.

"Road with Obstacles"

Several people participate in this competition. Their task is to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way: ropes stretched between chairs, skittles, etc.

To do this, they are given a minute to remember the location of the obstacles. After which, the guests are blindfolded with a tight bandage and immediately all obstacles are quietly removed.

Such simple competitions will make your wedding truly fun and unforgettable.

Finding entertainment for wedding guests that everyone would enjoy is not easy. Especially if there are a lot of guests and they are all of different ages. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to avoid vulgar wedding competitions, because not everyone may like them, and they can cause a sharply negative reaction. Wedding games using alcohol may also be inappropriate; there may be people in the hall who do not drink, and an excess of alcohol has never been good for anyone. Therefore, it is better to stick to simple, fun competitions. And to make your search easier, the has selected modern competitions for you that will amuse and appeal to everyone.

Modern competitions for couples

At wedding celebrations there are usually always single guys and girls, both from the groom and the bride. And there is no better way to introduce them and make communication more relaxed than cool competitions. After they pass a kind of test of creativity together, all the awkwardness will disappear as if by hand. So, what competitions can be held at a wedding for couples?

Everyone has their own clothes

  • Participants: 4 guys and 4 girls.
  • Props: a set of different items of clothing (jacket, hat, skirt/pants, jacket, etc.).

All participants are divided into pairs. Each participant is blindfolded and given a set of clothes intended for a partner. At the presenter's signal, the girls begin to dress the guys, and then vice versa. The first couple to finish dressing each other wins. It is important that all items of clothing are in place. It is better to take things in large sizes so that they can be worn comfortably.

Honey, who are we?

  • Participants: 3 guys and 3 girls.
  • Props: cards with descriptions of children written on them in advance.

The whole situation is happening at the maternity hospital. Men, respectively fathers, are not allowed into the ward, so the task of the girls (mothers) is to explain to the fathers who was born and what they look like within 5 minutes using facial expressions and gestures. To make it more fun, write something non-standard on the cards, for example, “a black baby was born with blue eyes, weight 3 kg, sucks his thumb” or “a dark-haired hero girl was born, weight 5.5 kg, groans and waves her arms.” Whichever dad reproduces the information more accurately, that couple wins.

Weight gain

  • Participants: 2 guys and 2 girls.
  • Props: huge shorts like giants (better to sew yourself) - 2 pcs.

Participants are divided into pairs, each of which is given one shorts. The guy and the girl each fit into their own trouser leg. Now their task is to gather around themselves (inside the shorts) as many people of the opposite sex as possible (children can be picked up). Whose shorts end up with more people in it, that couple wins.

  • Participants: 5 guys and 5 girls.
  • Props: cards with dance names.

Guys and girls are divided into pairs, each draws a card on which a famous dance is written, for example, waltz, dance of little ducklings, lezginka, cancan and others. Couples are given time to prepare their dance. After this, the presenter invites the participants one by one to perform, but warns that there are technical problems, so they will have to perform to the music that comes up. But the participants must perform their dance in any case. A cancan to the music of a waltz or a lezginka to the dance of little ducklings will greatly amuse both the performers themselves and everyone present at the wedding. The winner is the couple who best managed to perform their dance to inappropriate music. The winner can be determined by the bride and groom or other guests.

New fun wedding competitions for guests

Fun is where there is laughter, and to induce it you will need funny wedding competitions. There are many classic and well-known wedding games that you can use and not doubt the success of the event, but you always want something new. That's why we have prepared for you some fresh and fun wedding competitions for guests.

I'm pregnant

  • Participants: 5 men.
  • Props: 5 large inflatable balloons or balls, tape, matches.

For men, a ball or ball is taped to their stomachs with tape, and matches are scattered on the floor. The task of the participants is to collect as many matches as possible in 3 minutes, while being in an “interesting position”. If the balloon bursts, the man is disqualified. If all participants are wearing shoes with laces, you can ask them to take off their shoes for a while, and then put them back on and tie the laces. When your stomach is in the way, this is very difficult to do.


  • Participants: 8 guests.
  • Props: 6 ribbons of different colors, 5-6 meters long.

Participants are divided into teams of 4 people. One holds all three ribbons by the ends, and the other three each hold their own ribbon. The task of these three people is to weave a braid, but they cannot let go of the ribbons, so they will have to run. The team that finishes its braid the fastest wins.

haute couture

  • Participants: 10 guests.
  • Props: 2 rolls of wallpaper, 2 skeins of twine (can be colored), two pairs of scissors.

10 participants are divided into teams of five people. In each, a model is determined, the other four are tailors. Their task is to create an original costume for a fashion show in 5-7 minutes. Whose costume is the most beautiful in the end, that team wins.

A wedding is an unforgettable event in the life of the newlyweds. And it should be fun and interesting. Such a celebration without games and competitions turns into a banal drinking party. The entertainment part is usually organized by the host or, if one is not scheduled at the event, any other active relative or friend of the young people. What cool and original wedding competitions for guests without a toastmaster can be held so that all participants of the holiday remember this day for a long time with a smile on their face?

"Fun Alphabet"

A very popular competition for guests. The point is that all interested guests congratulate the newlyweds. The first toast wish should begin with the letter A, the second with the letter B, and so on. The one who comes up with the most original greeting will win the competition. The newlyweds can act as a jury.

"Sweet tooth"

Place candy in the flowerpot, preferably the symbolic “Raffaello” (they talk about love) or “Twix” (a sweet couple). Guests must guess their number. Whoever names the number correctly will receive sweets as a gift.

"Bottoms up"

Several couples participate in this competition. Girls sit on chairs and hold a glass between their legs, and guys press a bottle of champagne with their feet. The young man’s task is to get to the girl, pour champagne into a glass without using his hands, and also drink it to the bottom without using his hands. The winner is the pair that completed the task faster and more accurately than others.

"Red Ribbon"

Couples also participate here. The girls have balls of ribbon in their hands. The guy must grab the edge of the tape with his teeth and wrap it around it. The couple whose “ladies' suit” looks more beautiful and neat wins.

"Burst the Ball"

Two teams take part in the competition: one from the groom’s side, the other from the bride’s side. Balloons are tied to the participants' feet. You need to burst your opponents' balloons, while trying to save your own. The team that keeps at least one ball wins.

"Inflate and burst"

This competition also involves the presence of balloons. The competition involves men who are given an equal number of balls of the same size. The guys' goal is to inflate them until they burst. The one who completes the task the fastest will win.

"The Cheerful Speaker"

All participants are given the same number of sweets (lollipops). The contestant must put them all in his mouth at once and make a toast to the newlyweds. Whose speech will be more widespread and understandable will win.

"Find a clothespin"

This is a doubles game. Men have 5 clothespins attached to their clothes in different places. Their significant other is pre-blindfolded. The girl who removes all the clothespins from her chosen one the fastest wins.

"Dance Competition"

Slow music is played for those participating in the competition. Couples must dance while holding the ball between them without using their hands. The music gradually becomes faster. The blower who manages to hold the ball without dropping or bursting it wins.


This is probably the most popular wedding competition. It will require a bar or rope, the ends of which are held by two people. A plank or rope is stretched parallel to the floor. The goal is to walk underneath it by bending your legs and leaning back. Whoever fails is eliminated from the game. Each time the level gets lower and lower. The winner is the one who manages to pass under the rope at the lowest level.


This is a competition for guys. You need to make two teams of five people. Men from one team are served a tray with five glasses on it. Four of them are filled with water, and one is filled with vodka. Participants drink the contents. The opponents' task is to guess which of them drank vodka. Then the teams change places.

"Button up"

Several couples participate in the competition. Women are given robes, and men wear mittens. The task for the stronger sex is to fasten all the buttons on the robe.

Music competitions

Well, what would a wedding be without songs? It is especially fun for guests when songs are sung by those who have no voice.

  • Guess the melody backwards. For this competition you need to put on a song that sounds backwards. The winner is the one who first guesses which song was played and sings it as an encore.
  • Ditties about the bride and groom. This is more of a creative competition. We need to come up with ditties about newlyweds. The competition participants can be divided into two teams: one from the groom’s side, the other from the bride’s side. I wonder who will come up with the most ditties? It doesn't matter that there is a rhyme, the main thing is that it is fun.
  • Two teams also participate in this competition. You can make one team of girls and another of boys. The bride and groom say the word, and the contestants must remember as many songs as possible where it appears. The team that sings the most songs wins.

When creating a script for an event, keep in mind that the guests came to have fun. You shouldn’t overload them with too abstruse and complex competitions. Also keep in mind that audiences tend to be of varying levels and ages. Do not hold vulgar competitions that may hurt the feelings of the older generation. And the participants themselves may feel awkward the next day.

Please also note that the entertainment program does not have to fill the entire time. If the feast is oversaturated with competitions, guests will not have time to simply eat and socialize. Everything is good in moderation. Then the wedding will be fun, and both guests and those getting married will remember it for many, many years.