Operating instructions for automatic fire extinguishing system. Brief instructions for operating the installations of the facility


1 Before starting work, the employee must:

1.1 When approaching the door, pay attention to the presence or absence of a light signal above the front door “Powder (Gas) - do not enter!”

1.1.1 There is no signal - transfer the installation from automatic mode to automatic mode off (see the installation operating instructions).
1.1.2 Enter the premises and begin work.

1.2 The signal is on - without entering the premises, immediately inform the security staff, the person in charge or on duty for the operation of engineering systems, about this in person or by telephone.

2 During operation.

2.1 The first person to detect a fire or signs of combustion (flame, burning, burning smell) is obliged.
2.1.1 Immediately notify the security officer on duty and the fire department by internal telephone by city telephone number “01” or “112”, indicate the address of the facility, the location of the fire and provide your last name.
2.1.2 Proceed (if possible) to extinguish the fire with a portable fire extinguisher.
2.1.3 If it is impossible to extinguish the fire with a portable fire extinguisher, leave the premises immediately.
2.2 If the sound and light alarm“Powder (Gas) - leave!”, the employee is obliged to close the windows, doors and leave the premises within no more than 30 seconds.
2.2.1 Make sure that all workers have left the premises.
2.2.2 Close tightly front door.

2.2.3 Break the seal on the RDP (Remote Start Panel). Activate the fire extinguishing system by pressing the “START” button.

3 At the end of the working day, the employee closing the premises is obliged to:

3.1 Check if the windows are closed; turn off the lights; leave the room and close the front door tightly.
3.2 Switch the installation to “automatic mode”.
3.3 Make sure that the installation is in “automatic mode”.

4 The procedure for turning on the installation using a manual call point or with a RDP (Remote Start Panel).

4.1 The first person to detect a fire or signs of combustion (flame, burning, burning smell) is obliged.
4.2 Check that the windows are closed and that all workers have left the premises.
4.3 Leave the room and close the entrance door tightly.

4.4 Pull the lever of the manual call point towards you (for a push-button type call point - push out safety glass and press the button) or RAP. After 30 seconds, a gas (powder) fire extinguishing agent will be released into the room.

5 Safety requirements.

5.1 Entering the protected room after releasing the fire extinguishing agent into it and extinguishing the fire until ventilation is completed is permitted only in insulating respiratory protection equipment.
5.2 Entering the premises without insulating respiratory protection is permitted only after combustion products have been removed and the gas extinguishing agent has decomposed or powder dust has settled to a safe level.
5.3 ATTENTION! All signals and actions of the operational duty officer (security service) must be entered in the technical condition log of the fire automatics installation, indicating the time, date, full name 0. and signature. In case of detection of a fire, activation of fire automatics, or detection of any malfunction of fire automatics, the duty personnel (security services, dispatcher) must immediately report:
- responsible for operation engineering equipment and fire protection systems.


5.1. Organizational events

5.1.1. Persons responsible for operation, carrying out major and current repairs technological equipment fire extinguishing installations are appointed by the head of the energy company, who also approves the schedules technical supervision and equipment repair.

5.1.2. The person responsible for the constant readiness of the process equipment of a fire extinguishing installation must have a good knowledge of the design principle and operating procedure of this equipment, and also have the following documentation:

  • project with changes made during installation and commissioning of the fire extinguishing installation;
  • factory passports and operating instructions for equipment and devices;
  • this Standard Instruction and local operating instructions for process equipment;
  • acts and protocols for conducting installation and commissioning work, as well as testing the operation of technological equipment;
  • schedules for maintenance and repair of process equipment;
  • "Logbook of maintenance and repair of fire extinguishing installations."
  • 5.1.3. Any deviations from the scheme adopted by the project, replacement of equipment, additional installation sprinklers or their replacement with sprinklers with large diameter nozzles must be previously agreed upon with the design institute - the author of the project.

    5.1.4. To monitor the technical condition of the process equipment of the fire extinguishing installation, a “Logbook of maintenance and repair of the fire extinguishing installation” must be kept, which must record the date and time of the inspection, who carried out the inspection, detected malfunctions, their nature and the time of their elimination, the time of forced shutdown and startup fire extinguishing installations, testing of the operation of the entire installation or individual equipment. Approximate form journal is given in Appendix 4.

    At least once a quarter, the chief technical manager of the enterprise must familiarize himself with the contents of the magazine against receipt.

    5.1.5. To check the readiness and effectiveness of the AUVP, a complete audit of the technological equipment of this installation must be carried out once every three years.

    During the inspection, in addition to the main work, pressure testing of the pressure pipeline is carried out and in two or three directions, washing (or purging) and pressure testing of distribution pipelines (clauses 4.2-4.5) located in the most aggressive environment (dampness, gas contamination, dust) are carried out.

    If deficiencies are discovered, it is necessary to develop measures to ensure their complete elimination in a short time.

    5.1.6. Automatic fire extinguishing installations in accordance with the schedule approved by the head of the relevant workshop, but at least once every three years, must be tested (tested) according to a specially developed program with their actual commissioning, provided that this does not entail a shutdown of the process equipment or the entire production process. During testing on the first and last sprinklers, the water pressure and irrigation intensity should be checked.

    Testing should be carried out for 1.5-2 minutes with the inclusion of working drainage devices.

    Based on the testing results, a report or protocol must be drawn up, and the fact of testing must be registered in the “Logbook of maintenance and repair of the fire extinguishing installation.”

    5.1.7. Checking the operation of the AUVP or individual species equipment should be carried out during repair, maintenance of the protected premises and technological installation.

    5.1.8. For storing spare equipment, equipment parts, as well as devices, tools, materials, devices necessary for control and organization repair work AUVP, a special room must be allocated.

    5.1.9. The technical capabilities of the AUVP should be included in the operational plan for extinguishing a fire at a given energy enterprise. During fire drills, it is necessary to expand the circle of personnel who know the purpose and structure of the fire control system, as well as the procedure for putting it into action.

    5.1.10. Personnel servicing AUVP compressors and pneumatic tanks must be trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of the Gosgortekhnadzor rules.

    5.1.11. The person responsible for the operation of the process equipment of a fire extinguishing installation must organize training with the personnel allocated to control the operation and maintenance of this equipment.

    5.1.12. In the premises of the AUVP pumping station the following must be posted: instructions on the procedure for putting pumps into operation and opening shut-off valves, as well as schematic and technological diagrams.

    5.2. Technical requirements for AUVP

    5.2.1. Entrances to the building (room) of the pumping station and fire extinguishing installation, as well as approaches to pumps, pneumatic tanks, compressors, control units, pressure gauges and other equipment of the fire extinguishing installation, must always be free.

    5.2.2. In an operating fire extinguishing installation, the following must be sealed in the operating position:

  • hatches of tanks and containers for storing water supplies;
  • control units, valves and manual taps;
  • pressure switch;
  • drain taps.
  • 5.2.3. After the fire extinguishing system has been activated, its functionality must be fully restored within 24 hours.

    5.3. Water storage tanks

    5.3.1. Checking the water level in the tank must be carried out daily and recorded in the “Logbook of maintenance and repair of the fire extinguishing installation.”

    If the water level decreases due to evaporation, it is necessary to add water, if there are leaks, determine the location of damage to the tank and eliminate the leaks.

    5.3.2. The serviceability of the automatic level gauge in the tank must be checked at least once every three months at positive temperatures, monthly - at negative temperature and immediately in case of doubt about the proper operation of the level gauge.

    5.3.3. Tanks must be closed to access by unauthorized persons and sealed; the integrity of the seal is checked during the inspection of the equipment, but at least once a quarter.

    5.3.4. The water in the tank should not contain mechanical impurities that could clog pipelines, dosing washers and sprinklers.

    5.3.5. To prevent water from rotting and blooming, it is recommended to disinfect it with bleach at the rate of 100 g of lime per 1 m of water.

    5.3.6. The water in the tank must be replaced annually. autumn time. When replacing water, the bottom and inner walls of the tank are cleaned of dirt and build-up, and damaged paint is restored or completely renewed.

    5.3.7. Before the onset of frost in buried tanks, the gap between the lower and upper hatch covers must be filled with insulating material.

    5.4. Suction line

    5.4.1. Once a quarter the condition of the inputs, shut-off valves, measuring instruments and a water intake well.

    5.4.2. Before the onset of frost, the fittings in the water intake well must be inspected, repaired if necessary, and the well insulated.

    5.5. Pumping station

    5.5.1. Before testing the pumps, it is necessary to check: the tightness of the seals; lubricant level in bearing baths; correct tightening of foundation bolts, pump cover nuts and bearings; connections of the pipeline on the suction side and the pumps themselves.

    5.5.2. Once a month, pumps and other equipment of the pumping station must be inspected and cleaned of dust and dirt.

    5.5.3. Each fire pump must be turned on at least twice a month to create the required pressure, which is recorded in the operational log.

    5.5.4. At least once a month, the reliability of transferring all fire pumps to the main and backup power supply should be checked and the results recorded in the operational log.

    5.5.5. If there is a special tank for filling pumps with water, the latter must be inspected and painted annually.

    5.5.6: Once every three years, pumps and motors in accordance with clause 5.1.5. this Standard instructions, must undergo an audit, during which all existing deficiencies are eliminated.

    Repair and replacement of worn out parts and checking of seals are carried out as necessary.

    5.5.7. The pumping station premises must be kept clean. When not on duty, it must be locked. One of the spare keys must be stored on the control panel, as indicated on the door.

    5.6. Pressure and distribution pipelines

    5.6.1. Once a quarter you need to check:

  • absence of leaks and deflections of pipelines;
  • the presence of a constant slope (at least 0.01 for pipes with a diameter of up to 50 mm and 0.005 for pipes with a diameter of 50 mm or more);
  • condition of pipeline fastenings;
  • no contact with electrical wires and cables;
  • condition of painting, absence of dirt and dust.
  • Detected deficiencies that may affect the reliability of the installation must be corrected immediately.

    5.6.2. The pressure pipeline must be in constant readiness for action, i.e. filled with water and under operating pressure.

    5.7. Control units and shut-off valves

    5.7.1. For AUVP transformers and cable structures in shut-off and starting devices should be used steel reinforcement electrified valves with automatic start, brand 30s 941nzh; 30s 986nzh; 30s 996nzh with a working pressure of 1.6 MPa, repair valves with manual drive grade 30s 41nzh with a working pressure of 1.6 MPa.

    5.7.2. The condition of control units and shut-off valves, the presence of seals, and pressure values ​​before and after control units must be monitored at least once a month.

    5.7.3. An inspection must be carried out once every six months electrical diagram activation of the control unit with its automatic activation from the fire detector when the valve is closed.

    5.7.4. The installation site of the control unit must be well lit, the inscriptions on the pipelines or special stencils (node ​​number, protected area, type of sprinklers and their quantity) must be made with indelible bright paint and be clearly visible.

    5.7.5. All damage to valves, valves and check valves that may affect the reliability of the fire extinguishing installation must be eliminated immediately.

    5.8. Sprinklers

    5.8.1. As water sprinklers for automatic fire extinguishing transformers use OPDR-15 sprinklers with a working water pressure in front of the sprinklers in the range of 0.2-0.6 MPa; For automatic fire extinguishing of cable structures, DV and DVM sprinklers with a working pressure of 0.2-0.4 MPa are used.

    5.8.2. When inspecting switchgear equipment, but at least once a month, sprinklers must be inspected and cleaned of dust and dirt. If a malfunction or corrosion is detected, measures must be taken to eliminate it.

    5.8.3. When carrying out repair work, sprinklers must be protected from plaster and paint (for example, with polyethylene or paper caps, etc.). Traces of paint and mortar found after repair must be removed.

    5.8.5. To replace faulty or damaged sprinklers, a reserve of 10-15% of the total number of installed sprinklers should be created.

    5.9. Air tank and compressor

    5.9.1. Putting the pneumatic tank into operation must be done in the following sequence:

  • fill the pneumatic tank with water to approximately 50% of its volume (check the level using the water gauge glass);
  • turn on the compressor or open the valve on the compressed air pipeline;
  • raise the pressure in the pneumatic tank to the operating pressure (controlled by a pressure gauge), after which the pneumatic tank is connected to the pressure pipeline, creating a working pressure in it.
  • 5.9.2. Every day you should carry out an external inspection of the air tank, check the water level and air pressure in the air tank. When the air pressure decreases by 0.05 MPa (relative to the working one), it is pumped up.

    Once a week the compressor is tested at idle.

    5.9.3. Maintenance air tank and compressor, carried out once a year, includes:

  • emptying, inspecting and cleaning the air tank;
  • removal and testing on a bench safety valve(if faulty, replace with a new one);
  • painting the surface of the air tank (indicate the date of repair on the surface);
  • detailed inspection of the compressor (replace worn parts and fittings);
  • fulfillment of all other technical requirements stipulated by the factory passports and operating instructions for the pneumatic tank and compressor.
  • 5.9.4. Disconnecting the pneumatic tank from the fire extinguishing installation circuit is prohibited.

    5.9.5. The inspection of the pneumatic tank is carried out by a special commission with the participation of representatives of Gosgortekhnadzor, local bodies of the State Fire Supervision and the given energy enterprise.

    Note. The compressor must only be started manually. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the level in the pneumatic tank, since when automatic switching on compressor, it is possible to squeeze water out of the air tank and even from the network with air.

    5.10. Pressure gauges

    5.10.1. The correct operation of pressure gauges installed on pneumatic tanks should be checked once a month; those installed on pipelines should be checked once every six months.

    5.10.2. A complete check at the fire extinguishing installation of all pressure gauges with their sealing or branding must be carried out annually in accordance with the current regulations.

    General provisions

    The procedure for operation and maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing systems (installations) is regulated by GOST, SNiP, PPB, departmental standards and rules, technical operational documentation for installations.
    Responsibility for organizing the operation of fire control systems is assigned to the managers of facilities that are protected by fire automatic equipment.
    For each AUP, an order or instruction must be issued for the enterprise (organization), assigning:
    — the person responsible for the operation of the installation;
    — operational (duty) personnel for round-the-clock monitoring of the operating condition of the installations.

    For each AUP, operating instructions must be developed for those responsible for the operation of the installation and for the personnel servicing this installation, taking into account the specifics of the protected premises, approved by the management of the enterprise and agreed upon with the organization performing maintenance and repair of the AUP.
    The person responsible for the operation of the AUP must promptly inform the local State Fire Service authorities about failures and operation of the installations.
    Operational (duty) personnel must have and fill out the “Installation Failure Log.”
    An enterprise carrying out maintenance and repair of fire protection systems must have a license for installation, adjustment, repair and maintenance of equipment and fire protection systems.
    Maintenance and repair may be carried out by facility specialists with appropriate qualifications. At the same time, the procedure for carrying out maintenance and repair work must comply with the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIPO.

    Restoring the functionality of the AUP or ASPS after its activation or failure should not exceed:
    - for Moscow, St. Petersburg, administrative centers of autonomous entities within Russian Federation— 6 hours;
    - for other cities and settlements— 18 o'clock

    An “Agreement for maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing installations” must be concluded and valid between the operating organization and the enterprise performing maintenance and repair.
    Indoors control center There must be instructions on the procedure for the duty dispatcher to act upon receiving alarm signals.
    Acceptance of the AUP for maintenance and repair must be preceded by a primary inspection of the installation in order to determine its technical condition.
    The initial examination of the AUP should be carried out by a commission, which includes a representative of the State Fire Service bodies.
    Based on the results of the inspection of the AUP, a “Certificate of the primary inspection of automatic fire extinguishing installations” and a “Certificate of work performed on the primary inspection of automatic fire extinguishing installations” should be drawn up.

    For an installation accepted for maintenance and repair, after concluding the contract, the following must be filled out:
    — passport of the automatic fire extinguishing installation;
    — logbook for recording maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing installations. It must record all maintenance and repair work, including quality control. One copy of this log must be kept by the person responsible for operating the installation, the second - in the organization performing maintenance and repair. The log must also indicate the safety briefing of the personnel performing maintenance and repair responsible for operating the installation. The pages of the journal must be numbered, laced and sealed by the organizations servicing the AUP and carrying out MRO;
    — maintenance and repair schedule. The procedure for maintenance and repair of AUP, as well as the period for eliminating failures, installations must comply with the Methodological Recommendations of VNIIPO. The list and frequency of maintenance work must comply with standard AUP maintenance regulations;

    — technical requirements that determine the performance parameters of the AUP.

    The enterprise must have the following technical documentation:
    — act of initial inspection of the AUP;
    — an act for the work performed on the initial inspection of the AUP;
    — contract for maintenance and repair;
    — maintenance and repair schedule;
    — technical requirements defining the performance parameters of the automatic control system;
    - list technical means included in the AUP and subject to maintenance and repair;
    — call log;
    — certificate of technical examination of the AUP;
    — project at AUP;
    — passports, certificates for equipment and instruments;
    — list of installed equipment, components, devices and automation equipment;
    — passports for charging cylinders of installations gas fire extinguishing;
    — operating instructions for the installation;
    — log book for registration of maintenance and repair work;
    — duty schedule of operational (duty) personnel;
    — log of duty acceptance by operational personnel;
    — log of weighing (control) of cylinders with fire extinguishing composition of gas fire extinguishing installations.

    All necessary documentation for the AUP (or photocopies) must be kept by the person responsible for operating the AUP.
    During an external inspection of the AUP and the premises protected by it, it is necessary to verify compliance with the project:
    — characteristics of the protected premises and its flammable load;
    — modifications of sprinklers of fire extinguishing installations, methods of their installation and placement;
    — cleanliness of sprinklers;
    — pipelines of installations (the use of pipelines of fire extinguishing installations for hanging, attaching, connecting equipment not related to the fire extinguishing unit is not allowed);
    — light and sound alarm located in the control center;
    — telephone communication between the control center and the fire department of an enterprise or locality.

    Features of checking fire extinguishing installations

    Checking water and foam fire extinguishing installations

    When conducting an inspection of the technical condition of water and foam fire extinguishing installations, it is necessary to be guided by GOST R 50680, GOST R 50800, NPB 88-2001 and the requirements of the VNIIPO Methodological Recommendations.
    During the inspection of water and foam fire extinguishing installations, the following should be checked:
    1. Condition of sprinklers (in places where there is a danger of mechanical damage, sprinklers must be protected by reliable fences that do not affect the irrigation map and the distribution of heat flows).
    2. Standard sizes of sprinklers (within each distribution pipeline (one section) sprinklers with outlet openings of the same diameter must be installed).
    3. Maintenance of sprinklers (must be kept clean at all times; during the period of repair work and the premises being protected, sprinklers must be protected from plaster, paint and whitewash; after completion of the repair of the premises, protective devices must be removed).
    4. Availability of a supply of sprinklers (must be at least 10% for each type of sprinklers installed on distribution pipelines, for their timely replacement during operation).
    5. Protective coating pipelines (in rooms with a chemically active or aggressive environment they must be protected with acid-resistant paint).
    6. Availability of a functional diagram for tying control nodes (each node must have a functional diagram piping, and in each direction - a plate indicating the operating pressures, protected premises, type and number of sprinklers in each section of the system, the position (state) of the shut-off elements in standby mode).
    7. Availability of devices on tanks for storing an emergency supply of water for fire extinguishing purposes, eliminating the consumption of water for other needs.
    8. Availability of a reserve stock of foaming agent (a 100% reserve stock of foaming agent must be provided).
    9. Providing the pumping station premises with telephone communication with the control center.
    10. The presence at the entrance to the pumping station premises of a sign “Fire extinguishing station” and a constantly functioning light board with a similar inscription.
    11. Availability of clearly and neatly executed piping diagrams of the pumping station and a basic diagram of the fire extinguishing installation posted in the pumping station premises. All indicating measuring instruments must have inscriptions about operating pressures and the permissible limits of their measurements.
    12. Duration of installation testing (testing of water and foam fire extinguishing installations during their operation should be carried out at least once every 5 years).

    When operating the AUP it is prohibited:
    — install plugs and plugs to replace broken or faulty sprinklers, as well as install sprinklers with anything other than the specified project documentation, melting temperature of the castle;
    — store materials at a distance of less than 0.6 m from sprinklers;
    — use the pipelines of fire extinguishing installations for hanging or fastening any equipment;
    — connect production or plumbing equipment to the supply pipelines of the fire extinguishing installation;
    — install shut-off valves and flange connections on supply and distribution pipelines;
    - use internal fire hydrants installed on the sprinkler network for purposes other than fire extinguishing;
    — use compressors for purposes not related to ensuring the operability of the installation.

    Features of testing gas fire extinguishing installations

    In the process of monitoring the UGP during operation, it is necessary to:
    - conduct an external inspection components installations for the absence mechanical damage, dirt, fastening strength, presence of seals;
    - check working position shut-off valves in the incentive network and launch cylinders;
    — check the main and backup power sources, check the automatic switching of power from the working input to the backup one;
    — control the quantity of waste fuel by weighing or pressure control (for centralized UGP - the main and reserve quantity of waste fuel, for modular UGP - the number of waste fuel and the availability of its stock);
    — check the operability of the installation components (technological part, electrical part);
    — check the operation of the installation in manual (remote) and automatic modes;
    — check the availability of metrological verification of instrumentation;
    — measure the resistance of protective and working grounding;
    — measure the insulation resistance of electrical circuits;
    — check the availability and validity period of the technical certification of the components of the UGP operating under pressure.

    Control and testing of the fire extinguishing agent must be carried out without releasing the fire extinguishing agent according to the methods set out in GOST R 50969.
    Control of the mass (pressure) of the state gas pump, control of the gas pressure in the incentive cylinders must be carried out within the time limits established by the TD at the UGP, with a note in the log. The requirements for GOS and propellant gas used when refueling (pumping) the UGP must be the same as for the initial refueling.
    Fire extinguishing stations must be equipped and maintained in a condition consistent with design decisions.
    If during operation of the UGP, its operation or failure occurs, the operability of the UGP must be restored (filling with GOS, propellant gas, replacing modules, squibs in launch cylinders, distribution devices etc.) in established deadlines and the corresponding journal entries were made.
    In the case of using GOS from the UGP stock, it must be restored simultaneously with the restoration of the UGP’s operability.

    Features of checking aerosol fire extinguishing installations

    When inspecting objects protected by AUP, it is necessary to monitor compliance with a number of regulatory requirements.
    The requirements of the maintenance regulations for the inspected UAP must not be lower than the requirements of the “Standard Maintenance Regulations for Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Installations”.
    If mechanical damage is possible at the installation site of the GOA, then they must be fenced.
    The installation locations of the GOA and their orientation in space must correspond to the project.
    The GOA must have seals or other devices confirming its integrity.
    Combustible load of the room protected by the UAP, its leakage and geometric dimensions must correspond to the project.
    There should be no flammable materials on the surface of the GOA and in the area affected by the high-temperature aerosol jet.
    Electrical wires intended to supply an electrical impulse to the GOA starting device must be laid and protected from thermal and other influences in accordance with the design.
    The GOA reserve must correspond to the project.
    Light and sound alarms must be in working order in the protected premises and in the premises of the duty post.
    There should be instructions for service personnel, located in the protected room, about actions when the aerosol fire extinguishing installation is triggered.

    Features of testing modular powder fire extinguishing installations.

    The list and frequency of maintenance work are determined in accordance with the regulations drawn up by the developer of the MAUPT based on the technical documentation for the components. The requirements of the maintenance regulations for a specific MAUPT must be no lower than the requirements of the standard maintenance regulations.

    List of works

    Frequency of maintenance by the enterprise operation service

    Frequency of maintenance by specialized enterprises

    External inspection of the system components (pipelines, sprayers, modules with powder, compressed gas cylinders, pressure gauges, etc.; electrical parts of electrical cabinets, etc.; signaling part of control panels, detectors, etc. ) for the absence of mechanical damage, dirt, strength of fastenings, etc.



    Pressure control in modules and launch cylinders

    Monitoring the main and backup power sources, checking the automatic switching of power from the working input to the backup one


    Quality control of fire extinguishing powder

    In accordance with TD per module

    In accordance with TD per module

    Checking the operability of the system components (technological part, electrical part, alarm part)



    Preventative work

    Checking system functionality in manual (local, remote) and automatic modes

    At least twice a year

    At least twice a year

    Metrological verification of instrumentation



    Measuring the resistance of protective and working grounding

    State Border Service bodies check the availability of entries in the logbook for registration of maintenance work and current repairs MAUPT in accordance with the regulations and checking the maintenance of the passport of the pressure vessel (if necessary, in accordance with PB 10-115).

    Additionally, representatives of the State Border Service conduct an external inspection of the MAUPT:
    — presence of factory seals;
    — presence of displacing gas;
    — availability safety devices, according to the documentation for the module;
    — availability of module markings, as well as compliance of the brand of fire extinguishing powder with the fire classes in the room;
    — availability of devices against spontaneous launch of MAUPT;
    — state of the linear part of the alarm loop;
    — compliance of the installed electrical wiring and installed detectors. devices, boxes, etc. project documentation.

    AUP maintenance after commissioning must be carried out in the scope and time frame established by special schedules, in accordance with technical documentation on its elements, but at least once a quarter.

    After equipment replacement or repair, a fire extinguishing installation must undergo 72 hours of monitoring in operating mode (measures should be taken to exclude the supply of fire extinguishing agent).

    It is necessary to comply with the rules for storage, transportation and disposal of installation elements specified in the operational documents for these elements.

    In protected premises there must be instructions on the actions of people working in them in the event of an installation activation.

    During the period of repair work in protected premises sprinklers (sprayers, nozzles, thermal locks, fire detectors, elements of the cable incentive system) must be protected from contact with plaster, paint, whitewash, etc. After completing the renovation of the premises, the devices that provided protection must be removed.

    Faulty sprinklers and nozzles should be replaced with similar products (for example, from spare parts), and their orientation in space should be maintained in accordance with the installation design. It is not allowed to install plugs or plugs to replace faulty sprinklers or nozzles. It is not allowed to clutter the space in front of the sprinklers (nozzles) with equipment, lighting fixtures etc. When carrying out maintenance, it is necessary to periodically flush (blow out) the pipelines to remove dirt and rust, as well as test the pipelines for strength and tightness.


      — use the installation pipelines for hanging or fastening any equipment;

      — connect production equipment and sanitary fixtures to the supply (distribution) pipelines of the installation, install shut-off valves on them (except for those provided for by the design);

      — use internal fire hydrants for purposes other than extinguishing fires.

    When performing restoration work paint coatings Installation elements must comply with the identification colors established by the project.

    When operating the installation volumetric fire extinguishing, the type of fire load, dimensions and placement of open openings in the protected premises must correspond to the design. Measures should be taken to eliminate technologically unjustified openings, monitor the performance of door closers, etc. Premises, if necessary, must have working devices (or permanently open openings) to relieve pressure. Changes in the characteristics of the premises that were used as initial data in the design of the fire control system (changes in the type of fire load, the size and placement of permanently open openings, etc.) should be agreed upon with the organization that developed the control fire control system.

    Fire station must be provided with a direct telephone connection to the premises of the pumping station (gas fire extinguishing station), as well as city telephone communication, and working electric lights.

    The functionality of the light and sound alarm system for the activation of the fire extinguishing installation and its malfunction must be periodically checked. The fire station must be staffed around the clock and on constant duty. The actions of the duty personnel upon receipt of signals are specified in the instructions.

    Appendix: Forms of operational documents for automatic fire extinguishing systems (installations)

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    RD 34.49.502-96


    Chief engineer A.D. Shcherbakov

    Approved Department of Science and Technology RAO "UES of Russia" 04/17/96

    Chief A.P. BERSENEV

    This Instruction sets out the basic requirements for the operation of stationary automatic foam fire extinguishing installations installed at energy enterprises.

    A schematic diagram of a fire extinguishing installation is given. The storage conditions for foam concentrates and their aqueous solutions are described. The technical requirements for the operation of equipment for fire extinguishing installations in general and their individual elements are outlined.

    The procedure for organizing testing and acceptance into operation of newly installed fire extinguishing installations and the regulations for conducting inspections of the technical condition of equipment, equipment and instruments of the fire extinguishing installation and the timing of the audit of the entire installation have been determined.

    Typical malfunctions that may occur during the operation of a fire extinguishing installation are described and recommendations for their elimination are given.

    The basic safety requirements for the operation of foam fire extinguishing installations are indicated.

    The forms of washing acts and hydraulic test pressure and distribution pipelines of fire extinguishing installations, form of logbook for maintenance and repair of fire extinguishing installations, form of fire test report.

    With the publication of this Instruction, the “Instructions for the operation of fire extinguishing installations using air-mechanical foam” (M: SPO Soyuztekhenergo, 1980) becomes invalid.


    1.1. Air-mechanical foam is the most effective fire extinguishing agent for extinguishing fires of classes A (combustion of solid substances) and B (combustion of liquid substances).

    1.2. To obtain air-mechanical foam, foam concentrates and fire fighting equipment are used. Depending on the area of ​​application, foam concentrates are divided into two classification groups: general and intended purpose. To foam concentrates general purpose include: PO-3NP, PO-3AI TEAS. Foaming agents for special purposes include: “Sampo”, “Morskoy”, “Potok”, “Film-forming”, “Foretol”, “Universal”, POF-9M.

    Special purpose foam concentrates differ from general purpose foam concentrates in their higher fire extinguishing ability due to the use of recycled additives.

    All foaming agents for general and special purposes do not lose their original physical and chemical properties when subjected to repeated freezing and subsequent gradual thawing.

    Energy plants mainly use general purpose foaming agents.

    1.3. To extinguish fires at transformers and reactors, low-expansion air-mechanical foam is used, and at fuel oil and oil industries, medium-expansion foam is used.

    Low expansion foam is obtained using OPDR foam sprinklers and its modifications.

    NKR - concentrated solution pump;

    OPDR - rosette foam deluge sprinkler;

    GPS - medium expansion foam generator;

    GPSS - stationary medium expansion foam generator;

    Main control room - main control panel;

    PU - control panel;

    KR - concentrated solution;

    PO - foaming agent;

    PI - fire detector;

    OK - check valve;

    Control room - block control panel.


    2.1. This Instruction is the main technical document used for the development of local instructions for the operation of specific air-mechanical foam fire extinguishing installations installed at energy enterprises.

    2.2. Local operating instructions for a specific fire extinguishing installation with air-mechanical foam are developed by the organization that set up this installation, together with the energy enterprise where it is used. If the adjustment was carried out by an energy enterprise, then the instructions are developed by the personnel of this enterprise.

    2.3. When developing local instructions, in addition to this Instruction, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of design and technical documentation for equipment, devices and equipment included in the fire extinguishing installation.

    2.4. The local instructions must include relevant labor protection requirements and environmental measures to ensure safe operation, technical supervision and repair work at a specific fire extinguishing installation for personnel.

    2.5. Local regulations must be revised at least once every three years and each time after reconstruction of a foam fire extinguishing installation or in the event of a change in operating conditions.


    3.1. All rotating parts of PPT, NKR pumps must be enclosed with protective covers.

    Cleaning or wiping pumps while they are in operation is prohibited.

    3.2. The electrical equipment of the pumps must have proper stationary grounding.

    3.3. Putting the equipment into operation, operations with fittings, sampling of the concentrated foaming agent and its solution must be carried out by at least two persons from the service areas.

    3.4. When working with foaming agents, precautions should be taken. Contact of concentrated foaming agent on unprotected skin causes irritation. Exposure to the mucous membrane of the eyes leads to irritation and burns.

    Work with foaming agents should be carried out in rubberized gloves, and eyes and face should be protected with protective shields or goggles.

    If the foaming agent gets on the skin, and especially on the mucous membrane of the eyes, they should be quickly rinsed with plenty of running water.

    3.5. Repair work on the foam fire extinguishing station and on the system should be carried out only according to the order.

    3.6. During the period of personnel stay in the cable rooms (walk-through, repair work, etc.), the start-up of the fire extinguishing installation is switched to remote control mode. Upon completion of work in the protected premises, the automatic operating mode of the foam fire extinguishing installation is restored.

    3.7. When operating technological equipment of foam fire extinguishing installations, energy enterprise personnel must comply with the established safety requirements set out in PTE, PPB, PTB and in factory data sheets and operating instructions for specific equipment.

    3.8. It is prohibited to pour foaming agent and its solutions into sewer systems and storm drains.


    4.1. An automatic foam fire extinguishing installation (AUPP) is designed to extinguish fires in protected premises and structures of an energy enterprise upon receiving a signal about its occurrence from fire detectors.

    All equipment must be painted in standard colors and clearly labeled.

    4.2. Schematic diagram Fire extinguishing installations using air-mechanical foam are shown in the figure.

    Schematic flow diagram of a fire pumping station with ready-made supply foaming agent solution:

    1 - storage tanks for foam solution; 2 - pumps for supplying foam solution; 3 - pumps for supplying foaming agent to the tank, foaming agent solution in pulse device, circulation of solution, foaming agent; 4 - pulse device (pneumatic tank); 5 - compressor;

    Gate valve; - check valve.

    Pipelines: foam solution

    water supply

    foaming agent

    solution circulation

    compressed air

    To characterize foam generators or foam sprinklers when various modes work, in the fire extinguishing installation diagram it is recommended to install a special outlet on the pressure pipeline between the pump and the valve closest to the pump, equipped at the end with a valve and a device for connecting a foam generator or foam sprinkler.

    4.3. The automatic foam fire extinguishing installation includes the following main equipment:

    a container for storing foam concentrate or a reservoir for storing an aqueous solution of foam;

    source of water supply (special reservoir or water supply);

    pipeline network;

    pumps for collecting and supplying water or a ready-made aqueous foam solution;

    shut-off and starting devices;

    system automatic control(including fire alarm);

    foam generators or foam sprinklers;

    electrical measuring instruments.

    In addition to the listed main equipment, the automatic control system may include:

    metering pumps for supplying the calculated amount of foam concentrate into pressure and distribution pipelines;

    a water tank for filling feed pumps;

    pneumatic tank to maintain constant pressure in the automatic transmission network;

    compressor for replenishing the pneumatic tank with air.

    4.4. Before filling the foam solution storage tanks, they must be inspected and cleaned internally. After this, use pumps to fill the container with water and concentrated foaming agent in proportions to obtain the required composition of the foaming agent solution.

    4.5. Turn on the foam fire extinguishing pump for recirculation to mix the solution in the tanks for 15 - 20 minutes. At the same time, the following is monitored: leakage of the solution through the water indicator glasses of the tanks, absence of leaks in the circuit, and the level of the foaming agent in the tanks.

    After this, the solution is analyzed and recorded in the operational log.

    4.6. The launch of the automatic propulsion system must be automatic. Switching the foam extinguishing installation to remote and manual switching mode is not allowed, except in cases of repair work of the installation.

    Automatic start is carried out from the impulse of fire detectors installed in protected premises (structures).

    4.7. Remote start of the automatic control unit is carried out by a button or manual switch key installed on special panels or cabinets of the control panel (main, block, thermal, etc.). Remote start is provided to duplicate automatic start.

    4.8. Devices for local start-up of a fire extinguishing installation are located in the pumping station room and at the control units of distribution pipelines and are intended for testing and setting up a fire extinguishing installation, as well as for starting the installation in the event of automatic and remote start failures.

    4.9. The control panel should contain a diagram of this installation with brief description devices and operation of automatic control devices. The pumping station premises must contain instructions on the procedure for putting pumps into operation and opening shut-off valves, as well as a schematic and technological diagram.

    4.10. Control units and automatic control equipment must have appropriate visual diagrams, inscriptions and signs.

    4.11. To obtain air-mechanical foam of medium expansion, foam generators GPS-200, GPS-600 and GPS-2000 are used, technical specifications which are given in table. 1.

    Table 1

    4.12. The brand of foam generator or foam sprinkler is determined by the design, taking into account the design features of the object being protected, the fire load and the efficiency of supplying the fire extinguishing agent to the fire.

    4.13. Upon completion of the foam fire extinguishing installation's operation to extinguish a fire in the protected area, it must be inspected. If mechanical damage is detected on pipelines, shut-off and starting devices, foam generators and other equipment, they must be repaired as soon as possible.

    4.14. To obtain low expansion air-mechanical foam, OPDR-15 sprinklers are used, the technical characteristics of which are given in Table. 2.

    Table 2

    Pressure, MPa

    Consumption, l/s

    Foam ratio

    Foam durability, s

    Conditional radius of irrigation, m

    Irrigation area, m2

    Irrigation intensity per solution, l/s?m2

    Irrigation intensity by foam, l/s?m2


    Note. Indicated in the table. 2 data are given for a sprinkler located 3.5 m from the irrigation surface.


    5.1. Foaming agents and their aqueous solutions are recommended to be stored at a temperature no higher than 20 °C and no lower than 5 °C, which ensures the longest shelf life.

    5.2. When a concentrated foaming agent arrives at an energy enterprise, it is necessary to ensure that there is a document certifying its quality and quantity.

    After this, a scheme for filling the containers is prepared and the pump is turned on to pump the concentrated foaming agent. Upon completion of pumping of the foam concentrate, the original recirculation scheme is restored.

    5.3. Before refueling the AUPP, it is necessary to check the quality of the foam concentrate or its finished solution according to the method given in the work “Procedure for use, transportation, storage and quality control of foam concentrates for extinguishing fires. (Instructions)." M.: VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, 1989). The analysis of the foam concentrate solution is carried out in the laboratory of the energy company.

    In the future, the quality of the foam concentrate or its aqueous solution in the automatic production unit should be checked once every six months.

    With the multiplicity of foam obtained in laboratory conditions, less than 5 or its durability is less than 3 minutes, replace the foam agent and its aqueous solution.

    An unsuitable foaming agent solution according to an appropriate scheme can be supplied through steam-mechanical fuel oil nozzles into the furnaces of operating combustion boilers, or disposed of in another way that does not contradict environmental requirements.

    5.4. After the automatic control device has been activated, further use of the foaming agent or its aqueous solution is permitted depending on the amount of residue and its quality. The remaining foaming agent or its aqueous solution must not be mixed with other brands of foaming agent. Before filling the container with a new foaming agent, it is necessary to check its quality if it has not been checked for more than 3 months.

    5.5. Storing foam concentrates in reinforced concrete tanks is not recommended.

    Reserves clean water can be stored in concrete, reinforced concrete, metal and other tanks.

    5.6. Tanks for storing reserves of an aqueous solution of foaming agents or water must be equipped with automatic level meters with readings displayed on the control panel.

    5.7. Checking the level of the aqueous solution of the foaming agent or water must be carried out daily and recorded in the “Logbook for the maintenance and repair of the fire extinguishing installation.”

    If the level of the foaming agent aqueous solution or water decreases due to evaporation, water should be added. If there are leaks, locate the damage to the tank and repair the leaks, then check the quality of the remaining foam concentrate.

    5.8. The finished aqueous solution of foaming agents in tanks and in the pipeline network must be mixed at least once every three months.

    5.9. The water for preparing the solution and the solution must not contain mechanical impurities that can clog pipelines, throttle washers and steam generator screens. The water for preparing the spread must meet the requirements for drinking water.

    5.10. To prevent decay and blooming of water, it is recommended to disinfect it with bleach at the rate of 100 g of lime per 1 m 3 of water. The prepared aqueous solution of the foaming agent cannot be disinfected.

    5.11. The water in the tank must be replaced annually. When replacing water or a ready-made aqueous solution of a foaming agent, the bottom and inner walls of the tank are cleaned of dirt and growths, the damaged color is restored or completely renewed.


    6.1. General requirements

    6.1.1. The entrances to the building (premises) of the pumping station of the fire extinguishing installation, as well as approaches to pumps, compressors, control units and other equipment of the automatic fire extinguishing installation, must always be free.

    6.1.2. The pumping room must be provided with telephone communication with the main control room (MCR) and emergency lighting.

    6.1.3. The following must be sealed at the current automatic control point:

    valves on pipelines on the suction side of installation pumps, on pressure and distribution pipelines;

    hatches of water storage tanks or aqueous foam solution;

    valves (manually controlled and electrically driven) in control units;

    manual taps;

    safety valves;

    pressure switch.

    6.1.4. After activation of the automatic control system, its functionality must be fully restored no later than 24 hours. “Dry pipes” that were filled with an aqueous solution of a foaming agent must be washed or blown with compressed air.

    6.1.5. Threaded connections AUPP should be sealed with combed flax (without bonfire), soaked in grated red lead or white on natural drying oil. It is not allowed to use hemp and substitute for this purpose. natural drying oil, since foaming agents have high penetrating properties.

    6.2. Tanks for storing foaming agent, ready-made foaming agent solution

    6.2.1. When replacing a foam concentrate, the container (reservoir) must be cleaned and steamed until traces of the old foam concentrate are removed.

    6.2.2. The serviceability of the automatic level gauge in tanks (containers) must be checked at least once every three months at positive temperatures and immediately in case of doubt about the proper operation of the level gauge.

    6.2.3. Tanks must be closed to unauthorized persons and sealed; the integrity of the seal is checked once a quarter.

    6.2.4. IN winter period for buried tanks, the gap between the lower and upper hatch covers must be filled with insulating materials.

    6.2.5. The enterprise must have a double supply of foam concentrate available for foam fire extinguishing installations.

    6.3. Pipelines

    6.3.1. Pipelines of fire extinguishing installations must have a slope of at least 0.01 for pipe diameters up to 50 mm and at least 0.005 for pipe diameters greater than 50 mm. Sagging and bending of pipelines is not allowed.

    6.3.2. If there are reverse slopes (bags) on the pipelines, drainage devices must be installed in these places.

    6.3.3. Welding pipelines directly to metal load-bearing structures buildings and structures and elements of technological equipment are not allowed.

    6.3.4. Each pipeline turn of more than 0.5 m must have a fastening. The distance from hangers to welded and threaded joints of pipes must be at least 100 mm.

    6.3.5. Once every three years, as well as after completion of installation and repair work, pipelines must be flushed and subjected to hydraulic tests with the drawing up of a report (Appendices 2 and 3).

    6.3.6. Flushing of pipelines should be carried out by supplying water to the control units of the automatic control unit and then discharging the water into the sewer system (fire hoses can be used to supply and discharge water). During flushing, foam generators or foam sprinklers are removed, and plugs or plugs are installed in the holes.

    6.3.7. Flushing of pipelines must be carried out at a water speed that ensures the removal of sediment (at least 1.5 m/s), and continue until clean water appears.

    6.3.8. If it is impossible to flush pipelines in certain sections of the network, purging with compressed air or inert gas is allowed.

    6.3.9. Hydraulic testing of pipelines is carried out at a pressure equal to 1.25 working pressure (P) (but not less than P + 0.3 MPa). After 10 minutes of testing, the pressure is gradually reduced to working pressure and all welded joints and adjacent areas are carefully inspected. Pressure measurement should be carried out using two pressure gauges (one of which is control).

    6.3.10. During hydraulic tests, the presence of unauthorized persons is prohibited. Personnel involved in testing must be in safe areas.

    6.3.11. The pipeline network is considered to have passed the hydraulic test if the following is not detected:

    signs of rupture;

    fistulas on welded joints and on pipelines;

    external mechanical deformations.

    6.3.12. Flushing and hydraulic testing of pipelines must be carried out under conditions that eliminate the risk of freezing. Backfilling of individual trenches (in which pipelines are laid) that have been affected severe frosts, or backfilling trenches with pipelines with frozen soil is prohibited.

    6.3.13. Once a quarter, the condition of the inputs, shut-off valves, measuring instruments and water intake well is checked.

    6.3.14. Before the onset of cold weather, the fittings in the water intake well must be inspected, repaired and insulated.

    6.3.15. Once a quarter the following is checked:

    absence of leaks and deflections of pipelines;

    condition of pipeline fastening;

    no contact with electrical wires and cables;

    condition of paint and absence of dirt and dust.

    Detected deficiencies that may affect the reliability of the automatic transmission system must be eliminated immediately.

    use of UAP pipelines for hanging or fastening any equipment;

    connection of production pipelines and equipment.

    6.4. Pumping station

    6.4.1. Once a month, the pumps and other equipment of the pumping station are inspected, cleaned of dust and dirt, the operation of the automation and the transfer of all pumps to the main and backup power supply are checked, with the results being recorded in the operational log.

    6.4.2. Before testing the pumps, it is necessary to check: the tightness of the seals; presence of lubricant in bearing baths; correct tightening of foundation bolts, pump cover nuts and bearings; connections of pipelines on the suction and discharge sides with pumps; serviceability of couplings and their guards; proper grounding; filling the pipelines on the suction side and the pumps themselves with water.

    6.4.3. The tank for filling pumps with water must be inspected, repaired and painted annually.

    6.4.4. Pumps and motors must be inspected once every three years. The audit, as well as the elimination of detected deficiencies, must be carried out in a short time.

    Repair and replacement of worn-out parts and overhaul of oil seals are carried out as necessary.

    6.4.5. The pumping station premises must be kept clean and locked. One of the spare keys must be stored on the control panel, which must be indicated on the main control room door.

    6.5. Control nodes

    6.5.1. The condition of control units, the position of shut-off valves, pressure values ​​before and after control units must be monitored at least once a month.

    6.5.2. Each control unit must have a sign indicating the name of the protected object and a functional diagram of the wiring.

    6.5.3. Control units must be located in rooms with a minimum air temperature throughout the year not lower than 4 °C.

    6.5.4. Maintenance of control units consists of cleaning the holes (especially small diameters) and checking their work. In the room where the control units are located, the temperature must be maintained at least 5 °C.

    6.5.5. Once every six months, the operation of the control unit is checked with its automatic activation from the fire detector when the valve on the “dry pipe” is closed, and the reliability of the operation of all parts of the unit is also checked.

    6.5.6. Repair and replacement of worn out and broken parts, replacement of rubber diaphragms and gaskets, reassembly of oil seals, gate valves and valves are carried out as necessary.

    6.5.7. In shut-off and start-up devices, steel fittings should be used - electrified valves with automatic start-up with a working pressure of 1.6 MPa; repair valves with manual drive with a working pressure of 1.6 MPa.

    6.5.8. The reliability of operation and tightness of gate valves, valves and check valves should be checked at least once a month.

    6.5.9. All damage to valves, valves and check valves that may affect the reliability of the installation must be repaired immediately.

    6.6. Foam generators and foam sprinklers

    6.6.1. Before installation, each foam generator and foam sprinkler must be thoroughly cleaned of preservative lubricant and subjected to a hydraulic test at a special outlet at a pressure of 1.25 working.

    A repeated hydraulic test is carried out after three years under normal conditions, and annually if there are traces of corrosion.

    6.6.2. Detected damage to foam generators and sprinklers - rupture of the mesh, flying out of the sprayer socket, deformation of the body, paint or solution getting onto the mesh and into the hole, clogging of the mesh and holes with scale, fire damage during a fire - must be immediately repaired.

    6.6.3. In stationary foam extinguishing conditions, the use of sprayers made of nylon and other flammable materials on foam generators is not allowed.

    6.6.4. In places of possible mechanical damage, foam generators and sprinklers should be protected with metal mesh, which should not be in the path of foam exit.

    6.6.5. Foam generators and foam sprinklers should be inspected and cleaned of dust and dirt once a month. If corrosion is detected, measures must be taken to eliminate it.

    6.6.6. In case of repair work at the installation sites of foam generators or foam sprinklers, the grids of the foam generators and the holes of the sprinklers must be protected from plaster and paint (for example, with polyethylene or paper caps, etc.). Traces of paint and mortar found after repair must be removed.

    6.6.7. To replace faulty or damaged foam generators or foam sprinklers, a reserve of 10 - 15% of the total number of installed foam generators and sprinklers must be created.

    install plugs and plugs instead of faulty sprinklers;

    store materials and equipment at a distance of less than 0.9 m from sprinklers.

    6.7. Air tank and compressor

    6.7.1. Putting the pneumatic tank into operation must be done in the following sequence:

    fill the pneumatic tank with an aqueous solution of a foaming agent to approximately 50% of its volume (the level is controlled by the water meter glass);

    turn on the compressor or open the valve on the compressed air pipeline;

    raise the pressure in the pneumatic tank to the working pressure (controlled by a pressure gauge), after which the pneumatic tank is connected to the pressure pipelines, creating working pressure in them.

    6.7.2. An external inspection of the air tank should be carried out daily, the level of the foam concentrate solution and the air pressure in the air tank should be checked. When the air pressure decreases by 0.05 MPa (relative to the working one), it is pumped up.

    The compressor should be tested at idle once a week.

    6.7.3. Maintenance of the air tank and compressor, carried out once a year, includes:

    draining, inspecting and cleaning the air tank;

    removing and testing the operation of the safety valve on a bench (replace with a new one if it malfunctions);

    painting the surface of the air tank (the date of repair is indicated on the surface);

    detailed inspection of the compressor (worn parts and fittings are replaced);

    implementation of all other technical measures provided for by the factory passports and operating instructions for the air tank and compressor.

    6.7.4. The inspection of the pneumatic tank is carried out by a special commission with the participation of representatives of Gosgortekhnadzor and local authorities fire department Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and this energy enterprise.

    6.7.5. The use of compressors to provide compressed air to any other equipment is prohibited.

    6.7.6. The compressor must be started manually and the level in the air tank must be monitored.

    6.7.7. The accuracy of the readings of pressure gauges installed on pneumatic tanks is checked once a month, and all other pressure gauges - once every six months. All installation pressure gauges are checked using a control pressure gauge.

    6.7.8. Checking pressure gauges and sealing them must be carried out annually in accordance with the current regulations.

    6.7.9. Personnel allocated to servicing compressors and pneumatic tanks of automatic propulsion units must be trained and certified in accordance with the requirements of the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor.


    7.1. The diagram, characteristics of the equipment and devices of the fire extinguishing installation (pumps, air compressors, water pressure or pneumatic tanks, water supply networks, control units, check valves, drain valves, pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, foam generators, foam sprinklers, etc.) must correspond to the project.

    7.2. Any deviations from the accepted scheme, replacement of pipelines, materials, equipment or devices during installation work or during operation, fire extinguishing installations must be previously agreed with the design organization.

    7.3. Upon completion of the installation of the automated control system, the energy enterprise must organize, with the participation of representatives of the installation and commissioning organizations and the local fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a quality check of the work, compliance of the installation with the design documentation, based on the results of which a working report or protocol is drawn up.

    7.4. The commissioning of a fire extinguishing installation is carried out by a commission specially appointed for this purpose according to a program developed by the design institute - the author of the installation project and approved by the chief technical manager of the energy enterprise. In addition to representatives of the energy company, installation organization and the design institute, representatives of the fire department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia should be included in the commission.

    The commission must be presented with the necessary technical documentation: the installation design with the amendments; factory passports and operating instructions for equipment, devices and equipment included in the installation; acts for hidden work, inspection of installation work, flushing and hydraulic testing of pipelines and vessels, testing, as well as operating instructions for the fire extinguishing installation.

    7.5. The reliability and effectiveness of the fire extinguishing installation is checked by testing it according to a program agreed upon with the local fire protection authorities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and approved by the chief technical manager of the energy enterprise. It is recommended to conduct fire tests of the operation of the automatic propulsion system. The test results are documented in a report; the form of the test report is given in Appendix 4.

    7.6. The technical capabilities of the automatic fire control unit to detect and extinguish a fire should be included in the operational fire extinguishing plan of a given energy enterprise. During fire drills, it is necessary to familiarize personnel with the purpose, structure and operation of the automatic fire control system.

    7.7. The head of the energy enterprise appoints someone responsible for the operation of the automatic control unit and personnel to carry out maintenance and repair of the installation.

    7.8. At the energy enterprise, the person responsible for the operation of the automated control system must have the following documentation:

    design documentation and as-built drawings for installation;

    certificates of acceptance and commissioning of the installation;

    passports for equipment and devices;

    list of installed equipment, components, instruments and automation equipment;

    maintenance and repair schedule;

    plant maintenance and repair log.

    7.9. The person responsible for operating the automatic propulsion system must conduct appropriate training once a month with the personnel allocated to service this installation.

    7.10. To carry out work on maintenance and repair of the automated control system at the energy enterprise, it is necessary to create the necessary stock of equipment, components and devices of the automated control system, for the storage of which a special room must be allocated.

    7.11. The operation of the automatic control unit should be checked during the process plant (equipment) being taken out for repair or maintenance.

    7.12. When the automatic fire control unit is disconnected for repairs or inspection, it is necessary to notify the relevant fire department in advance.

    7.13. Each automatic control unit must be in constant readiness for action. Each case of an accident or failure in its operation must be thoroughly investigated and the causes and those responsible for the accident (failure) must be identified.


    Table 3

    Nature of the malfunction, external signs

    Foam and water do not come out of the foam generator or sprinklers, the pressure gauge shows normal pressure

    The valve is closed

    Open the valve

    Check valve stuck

    Open check valve

    The main line or the pressure and distribution pipelines are clogged

    Clean the main or distribution pipeline

    Foam generators or foam sprinklers are clogged

    Clear the blockage

    Only water comes from foam generators or sprinklers

    Foaming agent has leaked from the container or dispenser tank.

    Fill the container or dosing tank with foaming agent

    The metering pump did not turn on

    Check the operation of the metering pump

    One of the valves on the dosing tank is closed

    Check the serviceability and opening of the valves

    The inlet or outlet pipe on the dosing tank is clogged

    Clean the inlet or outlet pipe

    The dosing washer is clogged

    Clean the dosing washer

    Clean foaming agent flows from foam generators or sprinklers

    The feed pump did not start working

    Turn on the feed pump

    The valve on the pipeline on the suction side of the feed pump is closed

    Open the valve

    There is an air leak on the suction side of the feed pump

    Troubleshoot connection problems

    Wrong direction of rotor rotation

    Switch motor phases

    A valve in the other direction is accidentally opened

    Close the valve in the other direction

    Foam ratio is lower than calculated

    Poor quality foaming agent

    Replace foam agent

    The concentration of the foaming agent in the solution is lower than the calculated one

    Increase the concentration of foaming agent

    The pressure of foam generators is less than 0.4 or more than 0.6 MPa

    Ensure the pressure at the foam generator is not less than 0.4 and not more than 0.6 MPa

    Foam is supplied intermittently

    Water flow changes in pressure and distribution pipelines

    Provide the calculated water flow and pressure

    Leakage of an aqueous solution of foaming agent or water through welded seams at the connection points of control units of foam generators or sprinklers

    Poor quality welding

    Check the integrity of the welds

    The gasket is worn out

    Replace gasket

    Loose bolts

    Tighten the bolts

    No pressure gauge reading

    There is no pressure in the pipeline

    Restore pressure in the pipeline

    The inlet is clogged

    Remove the pressure gauge and clean the hole

    Sparking pressure gauge contacts

    Contamination of pressure gauge contacts

    Remove the pressure gauge glass and clean the contacts

    Appendix 1




    1.1. Appearance The foaming agent is determined visually in a test tube made of colorless glass P2 with a diameter of 30 mm and a capacity of 250 cm 3 (GOST 253336-82) in transmitted scattered light.

    1.2. To determine the crystalline precipitate, a foaming agent pre-filtered at 20 ° C is poured in an amount of 250 cm 3 into a cylinder with a capacity of 250 - 500 cm 3 and placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of (3 + 2) ° C. After 24 hours of exposure there should be no formation of crystalline sediment visible to the naked eye.


    2.1 . Equipment

    Test tube P2T-250 TS according to GOST 25336-82;

    test tube P1-16-150 HS according to GOST 25336-82;

    mercury thermometer type TN-6 according to GOST 400-80;

    vessel with a cooling mixture.

    2.2 . Carrying out tests

    A clean, dry glass tube with a diameter of 16 mm is filled with foaming agent to a height of 30 mm. The test tube is closed with a stopper with a thermometer inserted into it and placed in a test tube with a diameter of 30 mm so that the walls of the test tube are at the same distance from the walls of the coupling.

    The assembled device is placed in a vessel with a cooling mixture, the temperature of which should be 5 °C below the expected freezing temperature of the foam concentrate.

    The pour point is taken to be the value established after the decline and rise.

    2.3 . Processing the results

    Determination of the pour point is carried out 3 - 4 times. The final result is the arithmetic mean of all determinations.


    3.1 . Equipment, reagents

    Device “Tissue Shredder” (RT-1) according to TU 64-1-1505-79. A graduation must be applied to the instrument glass with a division value of 50 cm 3 to the final value of 1000 cm 3.

    Cylinder 2-100 according to GOST 1770-74.

    Stopwatch according to GOST 5072-79, accuracy class 3.

    Distilled water according to GOST 6709-72.

    3.2 . Carrying out tests

    The foaming agent in the amount necessary to obtain a concentration solution is poured into the cylinder and adjusted with distilled water to 100 cm 3 . The resulting foaming agent solution at a temperature of (18 + 1) °C is poured into the glass of the device, the speed switch is set to 4000 rpm, then the electric motor and stopwatch are turned on simultaneously. The solution is stirred for 30 s, the electric motor is turned off and the volume of the resulting foam in the glass is recorded.

    The foam multiplicity is calculated as the ratio of the resulting volume (in cm 3) of foam to 100 cm 3 of the solution taken for testing. The stability of the foam is determined by the time it takes for 50% (50 cm 3) of the foaming agent solution to be released from it.

    The arithmetic mean of three determinations of the foam ratio is taken as the test result.

    3.3 . Determination of foam stability on the surface of ethyl alcohol

    3.3.1 . Instruments and reagents used

    General purpose laboratory scales, maximum weighing limit 200 g.

    Glass glass according to GOST 25336-82, type VN-400, capacity 400 ml.

    Measuring cylinder according to GOST 17770-74, accuracy class 2, capacity 100 ml.

    Glass rod, diameter 4 - 8 mm, length 150 - 250 mm.

    Mechanical stopwatch according to GOST 5072-79, class 2, measurement limit 60 min.

    Rectified ethyl alcohol according to GOST 5962-67 or technical alcohol according to GOST 18300-87.

    3.3.2 . Carrying out tests

    Measure 100 ml of ethyl alcohol with a cylinder and place it in a glass, which is placed on a scale. Foam (obtained in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.2) is applied to the surface of the alcohol in an amount of (8 + 0.5) g. In the event of the formation or destruction of foam in the process of open areas of the surface of the alcohol or peeling of the foam when large air bubbles form, it should be leveled with a glass rod foam over the entire surface of the alcohol, without touching the separating gel-like film.

    A stopwatch records the time from the moment the first portion of foam is applied to the alcohol until open areas of the surface of the alcohol or separating film appear. This time determines the stability of the foam on the surface of the alcohol. The test is carried out three times. The arithmetic mean is taken as the final result.


    4.1 . Equipment, materials, reagents

    Generator GPS-200 or GPS-600 according to GOST 12962-80.

    A pump providing a solution supply of at least 2 dm 3 /s for (GPS-200) or at least 6 dm 3 /s for (GPS-600) at a pressure in front of the foam generator of 0.6 - 1.0 MPa.

    Fire pressure flax jute hose with a diameter of 51 mm according to RSFSR TU 40-1069-81.

    Fire suction hose according to GOST 5398-76.

    A metal container with a capacity of at least 200 dm 3 for preparing solutions.

    A metal container of at least 100 dm 3, weighing no more than 10 kg for collecting foam.

    Static weighing scales in accordance with GOST 23676-79 of medium accuracy class with the largest weighing limit of 30 kg.

    Pressure gauge in accordance with GOST 2405-80 with an upper pressure measurement limit of 1.0 MPa, accuracy class 2.5, splash-proof design, installed at the pump outlet.

    Drinking water according to GOST 2874-82.

    4.2 . Carrying out the test

    200 dm 3 of a working solution of a foaming agent is prepared in a container. The prepared solution is fed through a suction hose by a pump under a pressure of 0.6 MPa into a pressure hose, at the outlet of which a generator is installed.

    After obtaining stable foam from the generator, fill the container for collecting foam, and the entire volume must be uniformly filled; The formation of voids is not allowed. The mass of foam in the container is determined by weighing on a scale.

    4.3 . Processing the results

    The foam ratio K is determined by the formula:

    where V is the volume of foam, m 3;

    V 1 is the volume of the foaming agent solution in cubic decimeters, numerically equal to the mass of the foam, kg.

    The arithmetic mean of three determinations is taken as the result of the determination.

    Appendix 2


    Name of the object _____________________________________________________

    (power plant, substation)

    We, the undersigned ___________________________________________________

    represented by ___________________________________________________________________


    And _______________________________________________________________________


    have drawn up this act that the pipelines ___________________________________


    (installation name, section number)

    Special notes: ___________ : ____________________________________________




    Members of the commission:

    (last name) (signature)


    (last name) (signature)

    Fire department

    Appendix 3


    _______________ "____"_________ 19__

    (power plant, substation)

    We, the undersigned _____________________________________________________

    represented by _____________________________________________________________________

    (representative from the customer, full name, position)

    And __________________________________________________________________________

    (representative from the installation organization, full name, position)

    have drawn up this report in that when testing pipelines the following results were obtained:

    The installed pipeline network of the stationary fire extinguishing installation is suitable for operation.

    Members of the commission:

    Customer ______________________________ _____________________

    (last name) (signature)


    organization ______________________________ _____________________

    (last name) (signature)

    Fire department

    security ______________________________ _____________________

    (surname, position) (signature)

    Appendix 4


    _______________ "____"_________ 19__

    Name of the object ________________________________________________________________

    (power plant, substation)

    We, the undersigned members of the commission consisting of:

    1. From the customer ______________________________________________________________

    (representative from the customer, full name, position)


    2. From the installation (commissioning) organization _____________________________________


    (representative from the installation organization, full name, position)

    3. From the fire department ______________________________________________________________


    (representative from the fire department, full name, position)

    4. _________________________________________________________________________



    drew up this act in that in order to check the operability of the installed installation, they carried out fire tests in


    (name of tested area)

    Artificial fires measuring ____________________________ m2 with combustible material ________________________________________________________________

    As a result of the test, the time was established:

    arson of a fire _________________________________________________ (h, min)

    unit activation __________________________________________ (h, min)

    appearance of water from the foam generator ________________________________ (h, min)

    During fire tests, the installation worked, the room was filled

    foam in _______________ min

    Members of the commission:

    Customer ______________________________ _____________________

    (last name) (signature)


    organization ______________________________ _____________________

    (last name) (signature)

    Fire department

    security ______________________________ _____________________

    (surname, position) (signature)

    Appendix 5

    1. Introduction. 2

    2. General provisions. 2

    3. Safety precautions when operating automatic propulsion systems.. 3

    4. Operating procedure for automatic automatic transmission.. 3

    5. Storage of foaming agent and aqueous solution of foaming agent. 6

    6. Technical requirements for the operation of automatic transmission equipment.. 7

    6.1. General requirements. 7

    6.2. Tanks for storing foaming agent, ready-made foaming agent solution. 7

    6.3. Pipelines.. 8

    6.4. Pumping station. 9

    6.5. Control nodes. 9

    6.6. Foam generators and foam sprinklers. 10

    6.7. Air tank and compressor. 10

    7. The procedure for acceptance and maintenance of automatic propulsion units.. 11

    8. Typical faults in the work of the automated control system and recommendations for their elimination.. 12

    Appendix 1 Extract from the work “the procedure for using, transporting, storing and checking the quality of foam concentrates for extinguishing fires. (Instructions)." 13

    Appendix 2 Certificate of flushing of fire extinguishing installation pipelines. 15

    Appendix 3 Hydraulic test report for fire extinguishing installation pipelines. 16

    Appendix 4 report of fire testing of fire extinguishing installation. 17

    Appendix 5 Logbook for maintenance and repair of fire extinguishing installations. 17

    1. Before starting work, the employee must:

    1.1 When approaching the door, pay attention to the presence or absence of a light signal above the front door “Powder (Gas) - do not enter!”

    1.1.1 There is no signal - transfer the installation from automatic mode to automatic mode disabled (see the installation operating instructions).
    1.1.2 Enter the premises and begin work.

    1.2 The signal is on - without entering the premises, immediately inform the security staff, the person in charge or on duty for the operation of engineering systems, about this in person or by telephone.

    2. During work.

    2.1 The first person to detect any signs of combustion (flame, burning, burning smell) is obliged.
    2.1.1 Immediately notify the security officer on duty by internal telephone and the Ministry of Emergency Situations by landline number “101” or “112”, indicate the address of the facility, the location of the fire and provide your last name.
    2.1.2 Proceed (if possible) to extinguish the fire with a portable fire extinguisher.
    2.1.3 If it is impossible to extinguish the fire with a portable fire extinguisher, leave the premises immediately.
    2.2 If the sound and light alarm “Powder (Gas) - leave!” is turned on, the employee is obliged to close the windows, doors and leave the premises within no more than 30 seconds.
    2.2.1 Make sure that all workers have left the premises.
    2.2.2 Close the entrance door tightly.

    2.2.3 Break the seal on the RDP (Remote Start Panel). Activate the fire extinguishing system by pressing the “START” button.

    3. At the end of the working day, the employee closing the premises must:

    3.1 Check if the windows are closed; turn off the lights; leave the room and close the front door tightly.
    3.2 Switch the installation to “automatic mode”.
    3.3 Make sure that the installation is in “automatic mode”.

    4 The procedure for turning on the installation using a manual call point or with a RDP (Remote Start Panel).

    4.1 The first person to detect a fire or signs of combustion (flame, burning, burning smell) is obliged.

    4.2 Check that the windows are closed and that all workers have left the premises.
    4.3 Leave the room and close the entrance door tightly.

    4.4 Pull the lever of the manual call point towards you (for a push-button type call point, push out the protective glass and press the button) or the emergency control panel. After 30 seconds, a gas (powder) fire extinguishing agent will be released into the room.

    5 Safety requirements.

    5.1 Entering the protected premises after releasing the fire extinguishing agent into it and extinguishing the fire until ventilation is completed is only permitted while wearing insulating respiratory protection.
    5.2 Entering the premises without insulating respiratory protection is permitted only after combustion products have been removed and the gas extinguishing agent has decomposed or powder dust has settled to a safe level.
    5.3 ATTENTION! All signals and actions of the operational duty officer (security service) must be entered in the technical condition log of the fire automatics installation, indicating the time, date, full name 0. and signature. In case of detection of a fire, activation of fire automatics or detection of any malfunction of fire automatics, the personnel on duty (security services, dispatcher) must immediately report:
    - responsible for the operation of engineering equipment and fire protection systems.