Why do you dream of putting a watch on your hand? So different, seen in dreams

A watch is a very complex symbol; it is often a key point in a dream and requires detailed analysis.

To dream of a watch means that it is time for you to analyze the influence of your past on the present and the future.

Let's try to figure out why we dream of a wristwatch. This dream suggests that you have a catastrophic lack of time to implement your plans.

To dream of a watch with a missing dial foreshadows troubles, extraordinary events that will happen to you in the near future and will cause severe distress.

The knocking of a clock in a dream indicates that someone from your inner circle needs your immediate help, and the sooner you provide it to a person in need, the better it will be for both of you.

Dream book of Nostradamus. Why do you dream of a watch on your hand? This symbol in a dream can be considered a sign that you will receive a quick reward for a job well done. It should be borne in mind that this remuneration will not necessarily be of a material nature.

Hands and palms seen in a dream mean that these symbols are signs of fate. For a woman, dreaming of hands means a loved one.

Washing your hands means liberation from current problems, and having hairy hands means success in commercial affairs and improvement in your financial condition.

You should also pay attention to which hand you dreamed about: right hand in a dream is a symbol of liberation, in turn left hand- foreshadows new problems.

Losing an arm in a dream means the loss of someone close to you or a relative, as well as death nearby.

For correct interpretation dreams in which a hand is present should be remembered: the right hand symbolizes a friend, an assistant, the left hand symbolizes a person close to the heart.

Dreaming of children's hands means and marks positive events in your life, future happiness and a love affair.

Hands covered in blood (injuring your hand) means an imminent quarrel, separation from loved ones.

It is quite difficult to understand, since in all popular dream books this symbol is presented in completely different ways, so it is recommended to associate these interpretations of dreams with events accompanying this symbol and with other objects you dreamed about.

Did you dream about a broken watch? The dream book considers this an indication that life is too fleeting, and you are wasting it on trifles. Be sure to remember at which number the arrows froze in the dream. This will help you understand why the image is dreaming and what it predicts.

Hurry up!

According to the dream book, idle hours in a dream give a clear indication that you risk not having time to do something especially significant and important.

Probably, in reality, you are not only constantly late, but also often do not take advantage of good chances.

If you dreamed that the hands were spinning or the numbers on the electronic dial were constantly changing, this means that you cannot stand still.

Get rid of the past!

Why dream of a broken watch that stopped in a dream? Seeing them is a sure sign of stagnation in life in general and in particular in any business or relationship.

The dream book believes that something made you worry a lot and now your emotions seem to have frozen. If this condition continues, you risk becoming seriously ill.

Time to correct mistakes...

A broken clock on the central wall in a house or apartment has a connection not with one person, but with a whole clan, family. The moment of stopping in a dream indicates exact time the incident that started the process of disintegration.

The dream book believes that this is a sign of generic damage, hereditary diseases and others negative programs acquired by ancestors. Good deeds and positive thoughts will help eliminate such a block.

What's stopping you?

Why do you dream of a wristwatch not working? In a dream, they indicate that an important event is about to happen.

If you dreamed that your wristwatch broke, then you will not have time to implement what you have planned by a certain date. This is also a sign of some insurmountable obstacle that has appeared on the way.

In addition, seeing a broken wristwatch is a sign of disappointment, sad news and frustration.

Decoding according to Freud

Very interesting interpretation Freud's dream book gives you sleep. He believes that a broken watch in a dream symbolizes insufficient quality sex.

If a man’s walkers are broken, then he is clearly experiencing problems with potency. If a woman dreams of a breakdown, then for some time she will have to do without sex at all.

Miller's interpretation

In turn, Miller’s dream book is convinced that a broken watch threatens more serious problems than a lack of carnal love. You could probably get sick or be left without funds.

Specific transcripts

  • Without arrows, you will be rejected by society, family, or a loved one.
  • WITH broken glass- frivolity will harm you.
  • Seeing a non-working mechanism means trouble, serious losses, complete stagnation.
  • If you forgot to start it, you’re wasting your time, resources and effort.
  • Standing - to sad news about distant relatives.
  • They are in a hurry - dissatisfaction, disappointment.
  • If they fall behind - to a long life, a whirlwind romance.
  • Stopped suddenly - death or absolute happiness.

According to esotericists and psychologists, dreams reproduce a person’s emotional mood, his thoughts, character, desires and inclinations. A watch is an accessory that most people never part with. They are constantly in sight, which affects the frequency of appearance in dreams. There are many different interpretations as to what watches mean in dreams.

Psychics are confident that the images that appear during sleep are messengers that prophesy future events. Therefore, it is recommended to pay special attention to them and try to interpret them accurately, so that prevent bad accidents.

As a rule, wristwatches in all known dream books symbolize a warning about an important event in life, the significance of a new stage and a lack of time to implement the plan.

If the dreamer looked at them, it means that in reality he is hastening events. If you heard the ticking of a clock, many problems are expected to be solved before life gets better.

In reality, you waste your life on insignificant actions, focus too much attention on trifles, miss truly important things - this is also why you dream of a wristwatch, according to popular dream books.

It is considered a bad sign to determine the time in a dream on a watch without a dial. Turning the hands on the clock means a reward for work, but you should not rely on its materiality. Theft symbolizes the appearance of enemies; they will be influential and will try to disfigure the dreamer’s reputation.

The promised changes depend on the size of the watch: the smaller it is, the less significant the immediate changes will be. It is good to remember the numbers indicating hours and minutes; they can indicate when a certain event will happen.

If the watch slipped, fell and was damaged, it’s time to change your usual patterns of behavior and order of life, then reality will be able to become much more interesting and brighter.

When a person, immersed in sleep, receives a watch with a chic bracelet as a gift, he will soon get married. Loss is to the collapse of hopes. And if the development of events is the opposite of loss, it makes sense to expect absolute mutual understanding and happiness in married life.

Plot details

In order to understand as best as possible why you dream of a watch on your hand, it is important to remember all the details: the watch was whole or broken, belonged to a woman or a man, was ordinary or gold. It is thanks to such details that the most accurate interpretation of dreams for a particular person is guaranteed.

  • Seeing wristwatches in a dream women's watch for the fair sex may have different meanings and predictions based on actions. If the accessory was given to her, the woman is going to be proposed to, an expensive present for an imminent marriage. The dreamer will forget about her goal, dream, give up her hobby or work if the watch she saw was broken. You can expect a difficult situation that requires a solution large quantity energy if the accessory in the dream was female, but on a man’s hand. If in a dream a woman’s wristwatch was seen by a young man, this means mutual feelings.
  • In order to decipher what men’s wrist watches mean in dreams, it is also necessary to recall in memory the actions and states associated with the accessory. Checking the time means that the man will achieve his goal. A new life period foreshadows the establishment of the dial. And if he stops, it’s a sign of approaching problems in his personal life and at work. A torn strap means gossip, slander and other unfair accusations. Breakdown predicts various disappointments in activity: reprimand, demotion, layoff. If the watch is intact and functioning, expect new acquaintances and other changes. For girls men's watch dream on the eve of meeting a person who will become a partner in a serious relationship.
  • Seeing a watch on someone else’s wrist means important opportunities will be missed; on your own, it means thinking. If this thing is foreign, expect trouble. A cheap item is a sign of financial difficulties. In contrast, an expensive accessory for dreamers means positive changes. An elegant, beautiful watch is a sign that a person immersed in sleep will be influenced by those around him.
  • A gold accessory dreams of improving well-being and increasing authority. But this also indicates the emergence of ill-wishers and envious people. It is recommended to exercise caution in communicating with everyone you know and refrain from talking about plans. Even those whom the dreamer considers friends may turn out to be envious.
  • When the dreamer is presented with a wristwatch, this is good news that will improve life: a salary increase or promotion. If the gift was decorated with engraving, the work will be evaluated and rewarded.
  • If a gift is given by a sleeping person, this means that in reality he will commit a careless act, the consequences of which can be quite unpleasant: quarrels with relatives, misunderstandings with comrades, dismissal or loss of money.
  • Buying an accessory in a dream also indicates frivolity and a future thoughtless act. Get ready for an epochal meeting with an influential person and subsequent changes in your life.
  • Finding a watch is a sign of success in professional activity and security. If the find is in working condition and was in water or mud, then expectations will be met, everything planned will come true. A broken watch or one with no hands warns that the efforts expended will not be justified. A non-working find will lead to monetary losses and loss of position.
  • To interpret the loss of a watch in a dream, you need to pay attention to the place where it happened, the time of day and the design of the object. On the street - a warning sign about carelessness and frivolity. In clear water - to minor troubles that will be beneficial to the dreamer. Losing oneself in dirty water is a symbol of loss of trust. If you lose something in the dark, expect failures in your studies and work. Deprivation of a silver watch means resentment, tears, betrayal and breakup, and gold watches mean loss of authority, high-paid position and wealth. Losing and then finding an object is a good sign.
  • In the interpretation of dreams where an accessory was stolen, the gender of the sleeping person matters. For girls, such a development of events predicts betrayal and betrayal on the part of their spouse. If the watch was gold, it is a sign of illness. For men, theft is a sign of imminent discord at work, which could result in dismissal. If the dreamer himself was a thief, then you need to beware of the appearance of a two-faced, deceitful friend. Shoplifting communicates the ease with which a person spends money on useless things. When a person immersed in sleep catches a thief, this indicates the exposure of all his ill-wishers.
  • It symbolizes the fulfillment of a dream and luck when the dreamer is busy choosing a watch in a shop or market. For men, such behavior predicts betrayal of their lover or wife, and for girls - popularity among the opposite sex and the appearance of fans. If the place where a woman chooses an accessory is rich and beautiful, she should expect to meet a wealthy admirer. Breaking the chosen item means unrest and quarrels in the family.
  • Seeing the dial stop is regarded as advice to rethink life. If the hands stop moving on a Swiss watch, prepare for bankruptcy.

Interpretations of clocks by different dream books

Undoubtedly, the main interpretation of what dreams of a wristwatch on the dreamer’s hand, other men and women and in all sorts of places and circumstances means is the past, present and future tense. But observations made it possible not only to systematize information about dreams, but also to fill dream books with unique author’s interpretations that highlight certain moments.

Miller's Dream Book

According to him, the expensive watch on the dreamer’s hand is image predicting a big win. If a person plays on the stock exchange, his finest hour is near. And also in Miller’s dream interpreter you can find the following meanings:

Sigmund Freud

The Austrian psychologist and psychoanalyst believed that a watch given in a dream means a lot of positive things from the time spent in reality with a loved one.

Rotating the arrows means acquiring a long-deserved reward for the dreamer, not necessarily money. It will probably be increasing authority, recognition or mutual love.

A broken time device, according to Freud, portends boring sex.

Grishina's dream interpreter

Grishina analyzed the appearance of this image from the perspective of the actions of a person immersed in sleep. For example, to see a clock on your hand that has no hands - the dreamer’s time has passed, it’s time to let people go and retire.

  • Just looking at it on your hand is a waste of life.
  • Getting started is useless impatience.
  • Break it - troubles in the family, quarrels, divorce await.
  • Lose - to the loss of a meeting, event, person.
  • A broken device is a precursor to the loss of a moment, thing or person.

Family dream book

He interprets dreams with a watch as good luck in his activities. A watch as a gift to someone or destroyed - start preparing to fight obstacles.

If you dream that a person takes too long to check the time, luck will slip away due to active enemies. Losing a woman's watch means grief in the family circle. A stolen watch reports that enemies will try to tarnish the reputation of a sleeping person.

Aesop's Dream Book

Aesop believed that such a development of events in a dream was a reminder that everything ends and the passage of time does not depend on human actions.

Seeing a stopped or broken appliance is a signal of a negative event; it will affect everyone at home. Repair - attempts to make amends for the mistakes of the past in reality. Buy - the dreamer’s carelessness will cause his collapse.

Book of Nostradamus

Such a dream warns that there is not enough time to implement all plans. If the dreamer is a ruler, he will not be able to manage to implement planned projects and reforms.

Dream Interpreter Hasse

Ordinary sleep with a wrist watch - peace and uniform life. Watch them being given as gifts - stop lying to yourself.

When the dreamer finds a watch, he needs to try to master punctuality, because being late makes others angry and this has a bad effect on his reputation. If the watch was gold, beware of your loved ones, they are capable of theft.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

A sign of boredom, haste, obligations, business meetings or a new regular activity. Finding or contemplating a clock means rushing events; the dreamer will believe that their development is too slow. An expensive and beautiful accessory - for a successful and profitable marriage.

Gypsy dream book

According to this dream interpreter, looking at a watch or wearing it means that an important person will visit the dreamer. If the accessory is made of gold, it symbolizes public recognition. Starting it means painstaking work to achieve the desired result.

Most often, a wrist device for determining time in dreams is regarded either as significant positive changes, or as time in any of its manifestations (past, future, or its insufficiency for the implementation of a person’s plans). Less often, such accessories predict troubles for dreamers. They can almost always be prevented if you pay attention to subconscious signals without delay.

According to psychics, dreams are harbingers that predict events and incidents of the future. Therefore, they should be treated with special attention, be able to interpret them correctly in order to be able to prevent bad events.

Psychologists and esotericists argue that dreams are a reflection of a person’s emotional state. They reflect thoughts, desires, character and aspirations.

A watch is an accessory that a person cannot part with. They most often come into a person’s field of vision, so quite often people can see them in dreams, as a reflection of their life activities.

What does it mean to see a watch in a dream?

But before you understand what it means to see this accessory in a dream, it’s worth remembering the details: was it a man’s watch or a women’s watch, broken or whole, gold or simple. After all, it is precisely by these details that the dream seen can be correctly interpreted.


1. What does it mean if a man had to see a man's watch on his hand?

In this situation, it is worth remembering the state and actions that occurred with the accessory:

  • The dial stopped. This means that soon the man will face difficulties at work and in his personal life.
  • Broke. Expect troubles at work, dismissal, demotion, reprimand.
  • Wind up the dial for the beginning of a new stage in life.
  • Check the time - a man will achieve his goal.
  • The strap breaks - expect gossip, unfair accusations against you, slander and slander.

If you dreamed of a clock that was intact and working, expect a new acquaintance and changes in life.

If a girl dreams of a men’s wristwatch, then she should expect to meet a young man with whom she will begin a serious relationship.

2. A woman had a dream with a female accessory.

The interpretation of the dream follows from the following actions:

  • The accessory was given as a gift - expect a marriage proposal.
  • They gave her an expensive watch - the girl will soon be getting married.
  • Broke - the girl will forget about her dream, goal (give up her job, hobby).
  • I dreamed of a female accessory on a man’s hand - expect it to appear difficult situation. The girl will have to spend a lot of effort to solve the problem.

If a guy dreams of a female accessory, then his chosen one will reciprocate.

Other interpretations

The accessory seen in a dream can be interpreted differently based on events and its appearance:

  1. Seeing a gold accessory in a dream will improve your well-being. The dreamer's financial situation will improve and his authority will increase.

    But a gold accessory does not only mean prosperity. The dreamer will have envious people who wish him harm.

    You should be careful with everyone you know, not talk about your plans, and hide your true intentions. After all, envious people can hide under the guise of friends.

  2. The dreamer gives an accessory. Get ready to commit a frivolous act that may lead to unpleasant consequences.

    The consequences may include dismissal, quarrels and discord in the family, misunderstandings with friends, and loss of money.

  3. The dreamer was given a wristwatch. Expect good news, improvements in life, a salary increase, and a promotion up the career ladder.

    A gifted accessory with engraving - expect an assessment of your work and a reward for your efforts.

  4. The dreamer found a watch. Expect improved financial status, success at work and prosperity.

    If a person finds a working object in mud or water, all his expectations will be met, his plans will come true.

    If the dreamer finds a non-working watch, one should expect losses in one’s financial situation, loss of a job or position.

    If the find is broken or without arrows, you should prepare for the fact that the efforts spent will not be justified.

  5. The dreamer bought an accessory. This action means a person’s frivolity, committing a rash act.
  6. If a person buys a watch for himself in a dream, then get ready for a significant meeting that can dramatically change your life. On your life path An influential person will appear who will provide assistance and support.

  7. The dreamer chooses an accessory in a store, market or shop. This choice symbolizes good luck, the fulfillment of a dream.

    If the choice is made by a girl, then she will become in demand among men. She will have fans and admirers.

    If the place where a woman chooses a thing is beautiful and rich, then the girl should expect a rich admirer to appear.

    A dream where a man chooses predicts the betrayal of his wife or lover.

    Selecting and breaking an item means quarrels and family troubles.

  8. Theft of an accessory. It is necessary to interpret the dream based on the gender of the dreamer:

    A girl saw a dream - expect betrayal, betrayal of her husband.
    A man saw a dream - soon a quarrel at work will take place in his life, which could lead to dismissal.
    If a woman’s gold watch is stolen, expect a deterioration in health and the appearance of illnesses.
    The dreamer caught the thief. This situation speaks of exposing all of a person’s ill-wishers.
    The dreamer himself acted as a thief - beware of the appearance of a deceitful and hypocritical friend.
    Theft from a store indicates that a person easily says goodbye to money, buying unnecessary things and objects.

  9. Lost accessory. Pay attention to the place where the item was lost:

    Street. The dream warns of frivolity and carelessness.
    Clean water- the occurrence of minor troubles, troubles that will play into the hands of the dreamer.
    Dirty water symbolizes loss of trust.

    If an item is lost at night, expect troubles at work or school.

    Initially, losing and then finding an item means good events.

    Losing a gold watch means loss of well-being, authority, wealth, high-paying job.

    The loss of a silver watch symbolizes the appearance of tears, betrayals, resentments, and parting with a loved one.

  10. See on hand:

    At home. This is something to think about.
    On someone else's wrist. This is a missed opportunity.

    Seeing an expensive accessory means changes for the better.

    Seeing an inexpensive thing means financial difficulties in life.

    Seeing someone else's item on your wrist means trouble.

    Seeing a beautiful, elegant watch is a sign symbolizing that a person will fall under the influence of others.

  11. Stop the dial. Seeing a clock that doesn't move is a warning sign. It's worth rethinking your life.

    If the hands stop moving on a Swiss accessory, get ready to go bankrupt.

    All dreamed watches can be indirectly divided into:

    1. Beautiful.
    2. Dear ones. Portends success, prosperity, promotion wages, improvement of living conditions.
    3. New. A new attribute portends imminent changes in life.
    4. Strangers.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Miller See:
Predicting success.
Upcoming winnings on the stock exchange, lottery, casino.
Expect gossip.
You will be denigrated, slandered, and put in an unfavorable light.
Break to losses.
Set the dial for change.
Autumn Foreboding.
Summer Wipe the accessory - get ready to move to another country.
Children's Expect an emergency to arise.
Explanatory To break - expect death in your home.
Seeing broken ones means health problems.
Seeing beautiful ones means good health and well-being.
Modern Expect good luck.
A broken thing foreshadows failure.
The wall clock warns of death.
Gypsy A sign of long life.
Tsvetkova Expect changes in your life.
Freud Portends a reward for the work done.
Ukrainian Watch:
They are going towards change.
Standing - to death.

Watch video

If you see a wristwatch in a dream, it means you do not have enough time to accomplish everything you planned. Do you look at them carefully while you sleep? In reality you don’t want to wait and rush things. At the same time, a watch can emphasize the significance of the upcoming life period. And to find out in detail why you dream of a wristwatch, you should refer to the dream book.

Miller's opinion

Interpreter Miller associates wristwatches with the passage of time. Do you feel like days, and then months, are passing by, but you don’t get anything done? Convince yourself that they are enough to accomplish not only everything you have planned, but even more. Listen to yourself and watch for the signs that come along the way - they can serve you well.

Why dream of winding a stopped watch? Something important is about to happen in your life, and you just can’t wait for it, at times even rushing things. And if your watch stops in a dream, it can mean either the end of a period or death.

Unlucky to break your watch? In reality, you can lose what is most precious to you - family, friends, loved one. Having seen such a dream, try to prevent loss, but if you fail to do this, do not become discouraged. Sometimes what is not done is for the better.

Interpretations of various dream books

Nina Grishina's dream book gives several meanings to this symbol. Looking at them in a dream means that your life is wasted. Think about it - maybe it's time to change something?

Dream books often give this interpretation - a wristwatch is a harbinger of something significant in your life. Maybe you change jobs, get married or have children. Do you hear the clock ticking while you sleep? The black streak in life is in no hurry to be replaced by a white one. Be patient and persevere through the difficulties that befall you.

Did you dream that you were given a watch as a gift? If they were expensive and beautiful, you will soon be able to celebrate your wedding. Unlucky to lose your watch? Your hopes will not come true. But if you find them while sleeping, family life will be prosperous and very happy.

Have you had a dream in which a watch slips from your wrist and shatters into pieces? In reality, it’s worth changing your lifestyle - it’s time to stop following prepared templates and act only as others expect. Having done this, you will understand how much brighter and more interesting life has become.

Why would you dream of telling the time using a watch that has no numbers? Expect bad news.

Did you steal your watch while you were sleeping? In reality, you will acquire enemies who are eager to discredit your good name. Be careful and don't let yourself get hurt.

Are you moving the hands on your wristwatch? You are waiting for a reward for the work done. But don’t expect it to be expressed in material values.

Sigmund Freud's opinion

According to Freud's dream book, watches are a symbol of masculinity. A dream in which a representative of the stronger sex gives a watch as a gift to a woman indicates that he wants to be in bed with her. And if there are a great many hours in your dream, it means that you change partners like gloves. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that one follows the other.

It doesn’t matter what kind of watch you saw in your night dreams. One way or another, such a dream almost always promises quick changes. But it’s very good if you managed to remember the numbers that the arrows pointed to.

Have wristwatch in a dream and another interpretation - they hint that in reality you are wasting your life on trifles, forgetting about something really necessary and necessary.

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