How to get rid of aphids: effective means against pests. How to spray ornamental plants from aphids? Action on aphids

Ornamental plants, as well as fruit and berry crops, are often damaged by aphids. Of the shrubs, aphids of roses, viburnum and deren are especially loved; aphid colonies can often be found on ornamental cherries and apple trees.

There are about 4 thousand species of aphids. These small ovoid black or green insects, less than 2 mm long, form colonies on leaves, stick to the tops of tender young shoots and flower buds. Unfortunately, often they become noticeable only when the shoots of the affected plant are twisted and deformed and blackened leaves appear. The aphid pierces the integumentary tissues of the leaf and sucks out the juice from it, and much more than is necessary for the life of the insect. Aphids leave excess sugars on the leaves in the form of a sticky liquid, which makes it difficult for the plant to breathe. Various fungi and bacteria settle on it, most often black soot fungus. The sweet secretions of aphids attract ants. Shrubs affected by aphids noticeably lag behind in growth, lose their decorative effect and more often die in winter. Winged aphids are able to quickly form new colonies. In two weeks, a new generation of insects will appear from the laid eggs.

Against aphids, plants are sprayed with insecticides - chemicals against insects. For the rapid destruction of aphids within 1-2 days, systemic preparations “Aktara”, “Confidor”, “Tanrek”, “Golden Iskra” and their analogues are effective, the active ingredients of which are most often thiamethoxam or imidacloprid. They penetrate the tissues and protect the plant from the inside, so they are often used in irrigation systems in greenhouses. Preparations of this group are very toxic to any insects and have low toxicity to humans. Their use is limited by a rather high price.


The second group of drugs against aphids of intestinal contact action based on the compounds of the group permethrins: "Kinmiks", "Decis Profi", "Inta-Vir", differs in speed of action (from several seconds to 5 minutes). In plants, these preparations do not accumulate, remain effective for no more than 14 days and are easily washed off by rain. However, they should be used with caution on young plants. According to some reports, drugs in this group can cause burns and inhibit the development of young leaves. They have an irritating effect on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, are moderately toxic when ingested.

Another group of drugs that also help against aphids is Actellik, Karbofos, Alatar, Fufanon and others based on organophosphorus compounds. In recent years, aphid populations have appeared that these drugs have practically no effect on, and their toxicity to humans, animals and fish is high, so care must be taken when using them.


Do not abuse insecticides unnecessarily. When preparing working solutions, be sure to follow the recommendations for the norms and methods of using a particular drug. They do not have a selective effect and destroy beneficial insects that can be your friends in the fight against garden pests. Wear protective clothing, gloves, goggles, and a respirator before spraying your garden with insecticides. Strictly follow the recommendations on the package regarding the time after which it is safe to carry out other work on the treated area.

Biologicals act more slowly, within 10-20 days, and there is a need for re-treatment. Subject to the practical recommendations indicated on the packaging, bioinsecticides are harmless to plants, bees (after drying), entomophagous insects, humans and animals. They can be used on flowering shrubs intended for cutting after 2-3 days. These are Fitoverm, Akarin, Bitoxibacillin, Iskra-BIO and others. These preparations are sprayed in cool weather, at a temperature of about 20 ° C, otherwise they do not work, and with prolonged use of biological preparations, stable aphid populations may arise, so it is better to alternate treatment with other insecticides.

Many gardeners successfully use against pests folk remedies: soapy solution with the addition of oil or serum, infusion of green mass of dandelion, onion and garlic husks and other plants. But with the modern dynamic rhythm of life, it is often impossible to find time to cook them.

Systematic prevention and timely control of aphids when the first signs of plant damage appear will help preserve the beauty of trees and shrubs in the garden.

With the advent of spring, the summer season begins, which is fraught with many difficulties and problems. One of these is the protection of plants from various pests and the destruction of the latter at the first sign of appearance. The most common misfortune among gardeners is aphids. These small insects breed at a record speed and just as quickly destroy all life in their path. Young shoots and fruit trees suffer and even die from the invasion of pests.

To protect the future crop, a fast, effective and affordable remedy against aphids is needed, which at the same time should be as safe as possible for the plants themselves, the earth and not accumulate in the fruits.

Means of combating aphids

They are divided into several types. The most correct from a natural point of view are biological methods, that is, attracting insects and birds that eat aphids to the site, as well as the correct planting of plants on the site in order to create a certain barrier. Mechanical methods are reduced to removing individuals by hand or washing them off with a stream of water under strong pressure.

However, even these methods sometimes fail. Therefore, the most effective are still chemicals from aphids. Modern pesticides and insecticides allow you to protect plants immediately from a wide range of pests. In addition, they are low-hazard and, if dosed correctly, do not disturb the natural ecosystem of the site, but effectively destroy individuals.


This is the name of the remedy for aphids, the purpose of which is to fight it and other insects. Insecticides are divided into several subspecies according to the principle of action:

  • contact, penetrating the body of the pest after direct interaction with the substance;
  • systemic, penetrating directly into the insect through direct contact, as well as into the plant itself, eating which, the aphid is additionally poisoned.

Effective means in this category are:

  • Spark from aphids "Double effect". Belongs to the group of pyrethroids and contains cypermethrin, which has a systemic effect. It is produced in the form of tablets or powder, which are dissolved in water.
  • "Tanrek" from aphids. It also has a systemic effect due to imidacloprid. Sold as an aqueous concentrate in ampoules of various sizes. The residual protective effect lasts another 15 to 21 days, depending on the abundance of rain.
  • "Actara". The drug is based on the insecticide thiamethoxam. This tool can be used both for the destruction of aphids, and for its early warning, that is, for preventive purposes.


These are agricultural pesticides aimed at controlling weeds (herbicides), insect pests (insecticides), harmful animals (zoocides) and pathogenic fungi (fungicides). All of them are aimed at suppressing individual biological reactions in the treated object. Therefore, insecticides are a subgroup of pesticides used against aphids. Thus, the following drugs can be added to the above list:

  • "Calypso". It belongs to the chlornicotinyl group and contains thiacloprid. The substance in question is available in the form of a concentrated suspension. Requires enhanced security measures.
  • "Antitla". Low-hazard drug of systemic action, domestic development. Sold in ampoules of 2 ml, diluted in 10 liters of water. The package contains 5 ampoules.

Other pest control methods

Means from aphids are mainly represented by the above groups. Physical methods such as traps or poisoned baits are powerless in this case. It can be recommended to use preparations for aphids and ants at the same time, which probably live nearby and support its population.

Thus, the correctly chosen tactics of plant protection will allow avoiding their infection with pests, and in case of their appearance, it will effectively and quickly solve this problem. It is important to remember that pesticides and insecticides are still chemicals that can harm not only aphids, but also humans, beneficial insects and the earth. Therefore, when spraying with these products, do not forget about moderation and accuracy.

Aphid is a harmful insect that settles on garden, garden and other crops. Affected plants become depressed, slow down in growth and even die. Fighting aphids with folk remedies is considered the safest method. After all, the applied chemicals that have fallen on vegetable crops are the risk of penetration of toxins into food.

Self-prepared folk recipes, in comparison with chemical poisons, are considered less effective, however, natural and harmless.

The advantages of self-made tools are:

  • versatility and simplicity;
  • minor harm and toxicity;
  • low acquisition cost;
  • optimum storage time.

There are many ways that will have a favorable result in protecting the garden, vegetable garden or flower garden. These methods include folk recipes that drive away a malicious pest, specially planted plants or vegetables, etc.

Folk remedies against aphids

It must be borne in mind that not all folk recipes are able to destroy the pest, some have only deterrent actions. They should be used 3-4 times at intervals of 7-10 days. Manipulation to produce in the evening, when there is no precipitation. In case of rain, the treatment is repeated.

The most effective infusions are:

  1. Onion. It will take 35 g of finely chopped onion (you can use onion peel), which you need to pour 1 liter of water and leave for about 5 hours. Then add 5 g of laundry soap to the composition. Strain the infusion and add up to 1 liter of water.
  2. Potato peel. Grind 1 kg of peel, insist in 10 liters of water for 3 hours. If the tops are dry, then 0.6-0.8 kg will be enough.
  3. Marigold. Take half a bucket of finely chopped flowering plants, pour water to the very top, insist for 2 days. Then strain and add 40 g of soap there.
  4. Garlic. It will take 200 g of chopped vegetable, which is poured into 1 liter of water and infused for about 4-5 days. The result is a concentrated infusion. 25 ml of this product should be diluted in 10 liters of water.
  5. Pine. For 7 days, insist 1 kg of needles in 4 liters of liquid. Once a day you need to shake it up. Treat in a 1:1 ratio.
  6. Flowers, stems of celandine. Finely chop 0.4 kg of this plant, pour 1 liter of water, insist for a day and boil for no more than 0.5 hours over low heat.
  7. Chamomile. Add 100 g of dry plant to 1 liter of water, leave for 12 hours. The proportion of 1 hour of infusion and 3 hours of water (with the addition of soap 4 g: 1 liter) should be sprayed on the affected cultures.
  8. Citrus peels. 100 g of dried crusts pour 1 liter of warm liquid. Insist 3 days.
  9. Nettle. 500 g of fresh leaves are filled with 5 liters of water and aged for 12-24 hours.
  10. Yarrow. The plant should be purchased at the beginning of flowering (without root). Dry yarrow is crushed, 1 liter of hot water is poured, soap is added and infused for 2 days. Process cultures 2 times a day for 7 days.

To prepare infusions, you can use hot peppers, tomato tops, dope, mustard and other medicinal herbs.

Ammonia against aphids

This tool perfectly repels pests, since aphids are quite susceptible to ammonia vapor, in addition, it is considered a top dressing for intensive growth.

It will take 50 ml of alcohol diluted in 10 liters of water. While spraying the plant, the composition should be shaken thoroughly. For better sticking, it is good to add a quarter of a bar of laundry soap (optional). It can be used on outdoor and indoor plants.

Soap solution options

The easiest way to get rid of aphids are soap solutions.

There are several recipes for making the product:

  • 300 g of finely chopped soap is diluted in 10 liters of water, after which it is processed;
  • 125 g of liquid soap is diluted in 10 liters of water, you can also add onion peel or ash there; the resulting solution wipes the stems, leaves or sprays;
  • 5 st. l. laundry soap, or dishwashing detergent, is diluted in 1 liter of water, then sprayed;
  • Dilute 100 g of tar soap in a bucket of water, spray on crops;
  • the fourth part of the crushed households. soap, 1 tbsp. l. soda dissolves in 1 liter of non-hot water (during precipitation, using soda alone, it is quickly washed off).

Fighting aphids in the garden with ash

The ash solution can be used as an independent agent, or along with soap. Ash is scattered on the ground near the necessary plants or sprinkled on the affected leaves, branches, previously sprayed with water.

  • Combine 1.5 kg of ash with 50 g of green soap, add water cooled to 60-70 ° C, insist and treat the desired areas;
  • 1 glass of ash is diluted in 5 liters of liquid, infused for 12 hours and is ready to use;
  • 300 g of ash is mixed with 50 g of soap, 10 liters of water are poured and put on fire for half an hour; leaves, stems are washed with a warm solution.

Vinegar and soda from aphids

Fighting aphids in a garden plot or vegetable garden involves the use of table vinegar and soda - tools available in every home.

A solution of vinegar is very effective in the fight against various insects. It is made quite simply and does not require any costs. It will take a bucket of water 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. The composition is obtained with a small concentration of acid, so the culture will not harm at all, and the pungent smell will remain. It happens that aphids are located in the middle of twisted, affected leaves and it is not always possible to carefully process the plant. Therefore, you can water from a simple watering can.

A solution of soda is harmless to plants and will not negatively affect the fruits, but it will help get rid of aphids. For cooking, you need 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 10 liters of water. The composition is sprayed with damaged crops.

How to use tobacco from pests?

The insecticidal features of tobacco allow you to effectively deal with insects. Tobacco or tobacco dust is used to make infusions, solutions.

Recipes for cooking:

  • 5 liters of water are combined with 200 g of finely chopped dried tobacco leaves, insisted for a day, then topped up with liquid to a full bucket, boiled for 2 hours;
  • 1 part of dust is mixed with 10 parts of liquid, infused for 2 days, after which it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 3, then 40 g of soap is added to 10 liters;
  • 1 cup dust and wood ash, 1 tbsp. l. mustard and liquid soap is supplemented with 2-3 liters of approximately 70-80 ° C water; aged for 2 hours and filtered, the liquid is added to 10 liters; it is desirable to process the lower part of the sheet 3 times at intervals of 7 days.

Tobacco dust helps to fertilize the soil, increasing the intensity of microorganisms in it and improving yields.

Plants and vegetables in the fight against aphids

Some vegetables and plants can protect crops from pests.

And the defenders themselves, damaged by insects, are removed from the site or processed.

What is the best way to process cabbage, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes from aphids?

Folk remedies for aphids will help protect the culture. However, they should be sprayed in a timely manner, because with a strong defeat, folk recipes will not help.

Cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers are well processed with the following means:

  1. Cabbage. How to deal with aphids on cabbage folk methods? Garlic, ash and onion infusions showed good results. They have a strong odor that repels insects.
  2. Cucumbers. Effective methods are the use of table vinegar, scattering of mustard powder, treatment with garlic and ash infusion, tar soap. Spraying is best done in the evening.
  3. Pepper. For the fight, infusions are prepared that are harmless to culture and humans. It can be garlic and onion infusions, dusting vegetables with ash, tobacco dust.
  4. Tomatoes. Soapy solution, garlic, ash, hot pepper decoction proved to be excellent.

At the time of flowering, processing should not be carried out, because insects that pollinate plants will also be destroyed. For a good result, 3-4 manipulations with an interval of 1 week are required.

There are a lot of ways to deal with aphids, you just need to choose the right tool for a particular crop, as well as based on the degree of infestation and the volume of the site.

With the onset of spring, gardeners begin to work actively. In addition to the standard measures for the care of fruit trees, it is also worth carrying out preventive treatment of trees against aphids. Today, their choice is quite wide, so it is important to familiarize yourself with the action of each of them.


With the help of this chemical, it is possible to create reliable protection on the site from pests such as aphids, scale insects, whiteflies and false shields. 30 minutes after spraying, the aphid already loses interest in food and simply dies. The drug should be used 2 times.


A chemical preparation that effectively fights aphids, as well as the Colorado potato beetle, tripe and whitefly. The drug is produced in the form of a water-soluble concentrate, which is characterized by a systemic effect. The chemical is effective against larvae and adults.

Read how to breed Apache from the Colorado potato beetle.


Differs in the low price, an economic expense and convenience of application. It can be used during rain or heat, as the active ingredients do not lose their effect on insects. To learn more about the poison Commander from the Colorado potato beetle, the contents of this


This is a systemic drug that has an enteric-contact effect. Its active components are introduced into every cell of the tree through the root system. Before use, dilute 1 ml of the solution in 5-10 liters of water.


A positive effect is achieved almost immediately after spraying. You can notice it in a couple of hours. With the help of Confidor, the created protection of plantings is observed for about 2 weeks. But what preparations are needed for phytophthora on tomatoes, this will help to figure it out


This is another enteric-contact insecticide. To prepare the solution, you need to use 2 ml of concentrate and 1.5 liters of water. According to the hazard class - this tool belongs to the third.


This drug can be used to protect garden plants and indoor crops. It has an intestinal-contact effect. The drug is produced in the form of tablets.


This drug is widely used to control aphids on fruit trees. Refers to biological drugs. The composition is produced in the form of a powder, packaged in packages with a capacity of 50 g. The drug is based on a component such as bitoxibacillin.

Arrow from aphids

It is quickly absorbed by the leaves of plants, entering the shoots and roots. After 2 days, all pests will be eliminated. The protection lasts up to 2-3 weeks.

Strela can be used with other drugs. Spraying can be carried out immediately after the first lesions are detected. The best time for processing will be morning or evening. The main thing is that there is no wind. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to pour the contents of the sachet into 10 liters of water, then mix everything thoroughly.


This drug is supplied in a plastic container with a capacity of 5 liters. After 1-3 hours, the effect of using the product is observed. Its active components are absorbed into the shoot and roots, which adversely affects aphids. Protection lasts approximately 3-4 weeks.

Jaguar from aphids

Jaguar is perfectly combined with other drugs. But it is better to conduct a small compatibility test before that. If a precipitate forms, then this indicates that the two drugs are not compatible with each other. It is also worth learning more about how, and by what means you can get rid of it.

It is worth spraying trees at an air temperature of 25 degrees. In this case, the wind should be absent. Processing is carried out 3 hours before rain. If the temperature readings are below 12 degrees, then the efficiency will be reduced.

Place half of the water in the sprayer tank and then add the required amount of concentrate. Mix everything thoroughly. It is fashionable to use the finished composition only the next day.

This drug belongs to the 3rd class of toxicity. It is worth performing the treatment in a protective suit, gloves and a respirator.


This drug is presented in the form of tablets. It effectively copes not only with aphids, but also with other diseases. In one carton you can find 2 blisters. Each of them contains 10 tablets. One tablet contains 250 g of metronidazole. Auxiliary components include:

  • molasses starch;
  • potato starch;
  • gelatin;
  • magnesium stearate.

All components have a detrimental effect on the body of the pest, leading to its paralysis and problems with the cardiovascular system. Protection lasts until the first rain. After that, the procedure will again need to be repeated. It is possible to combine the drug with other formulations if after mixing there is no precipitate.

Trichopol from aphids

It is necessary to use the drug at the first defeat of aphids. You can even perform the procedure daily if it started to rain after the first treatment. To prepare the solution, you need to take 20 tablets and dissolve them in 10 liters of water. It is worth spraying during flowering, because the active components do not bring any harm to beneficial insects. But how to use Trichopolum for tomatoes, this will help to understand

The finished solution must be used for spraying seedlings. Moreover, such events can be carried out even without protective equipment. The tool is completely harmless to humans, as in medicine it is used in the treatment of various pathologies.


This drug has a high rate of poisoning effect. It can be used for processing both fruit trees and vegetable crops. Spraying is carried out 4 times per season.

Aphids, as a pest, are special in that they can not only dry up part of the seedlings and adult plants, but also cause the development of some viral infections. Thus, the crop, in the cultivation of which the gardener invests a huge amount of labor, is subject to two dangers at once. How to prevent the threat?

Today, the manufacturer offers the attention of the consumer three groups of preparations for aphids:

  • contact action - they kill insects, penetrating into their body through chitinous covers;
  • intestinal action - when sprayed, the agent enters the digestive system, then it is absorbed into the bloodstream, paralyzes the pest and kills it;
  • systemic action - have the longest period of work. As a result of processing, the plants absorb the active substance and retain it for 2-4 weeks. At the same time, even in rainy weather, their effectiveness is not reduced. Aphids feed on poisoned juices and die.

Important! Among all groups of chemicals, the most dangerous for humans are representatives of the third group - systemic. They are based on a substance called imidacloprid. It is necessary to use system tools with extreme caution, having previously studied all the instructions!

Chemical preparations for aphids, no matter which group they belong to, are characterized by high efficiency and good speed of action. They are used in especially severe cases, when less toxic agents are unable to cope. They are convenient to use, but require the mandatory presence of personal protective equipment on the handler.

What to choose?

Pay attention to drugs such as:

Basic rules of use

Chemical agents against aphids will be highly effective and at the same time will not harm a person under certain conditions:

  • despite the fact that after spraying most of them work in all weather conditions, the treatment itself should be carried out in dry weather, early in the morning or in the evening;
  • the handler must wear personal protective equipment;
  • any manipulations with the drug are carried out only with gloves;
  • the working solution is sprayed with a garden spray gun;
  • it is desirable to process trees and shrubs even before the buds bloom on them - this will destroy the overwintered aphids;
  • the agent must be applied to the back of the leaf plate, since that is where the pest will be;
  • it is highly recommended not to spray the chemical on fruits;
  • since many chemicals are dangerous for bees, they are not used during the flowering period of the crop. Otherwise, pollination will not occur and you will not wait for the fruits;
  • using the same insecticide for several years in a row is not recommended, since aphids can become addictive and a highly effective remedy that pleased you so much last year will simply not work next time.


In addition to the main chemicals for plant protection, it is convenient and advisable to use additional ones. Glue traps are a huge success with gardeners and gardeners today. They can be used in open areas, in greenhouses and even on a balcony.

These tools are incredibly easy to use and at the same time very effective. A glue trap, for example, Argus plates, is able to protect garden and flower crops, as well as garden plants, not only from aphids, but also from codling moth caterpillars, whiteflies and midges. As part of this drug there are no toxic substances and therefore it is not capable of harming either humans or pets.

But not only traps can be used to protect landings. Some fertilizers can also work as aphids and other pest control. Such preparations are called complex and are dual-purpose fertilizers - they nourish the crop, acting as a top dressing, and at the same time protect it from insect attacks.

These tools include the currently popular complex fertilizer Etisso "Combi-Sticks". The release form of this drug is very convenient - these are sticks that you just need to immerse in the soil. This tool is intended for any plants that you grow in your home or on the balcony. The drug has a prolonged action, which lasts about 6-8 weeks. With each watering, nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, as well as trace elements such as manganese, iron, zinc and copper enter the soil. The plant receives a maximum of nutrients that help it to fully develop, and reliable protection from insect pests.

Aphids are a persistent pest, without visiting which not a single garden plot can do. For this reason, a huge amount of chemicals has been created from this insect. But do not forget that there can be a lot of trademarks, but at the same time all of them under different names will hide the same active substance. For this reason, it is important to remember the name of the insecticide, and not the drug itself. And try to purchase the product in advance in order to have time to carefully study the instructions. Have a good harvest!