How to calculate the built-in wardrobe. Calculation rules for sliding wardrobe doors, highlights

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Do you want to order furniture individual sizes but have no idea how much it could cost? On our website you can use the form and calculate the cost of the wardrobe online. Simply enter the desired parameters into the form, and the possible price will help you navigate the choice of model.

How to use?

Directly on the site, by selecting the number of sections, shelves, drawers, you can calculate your future cabinet by entering the data into the calculator. The online wardrobe designer will allow you to see appearance finished product with all interiors. First, decide how many sections your cabinet will have, then enter the height and width into the calculator, and only after that take care of the internal filling. To add or remove a box, bar, shelf, fill out the form below the picture.

Do you want built-in?

In case you are interested in a built-in model that does not have back, bottom or side panels, it is possible that these details are not included in the calculation. To do this, simply uncheck the boxes next to the missing parts.

The height can be changed by adding or decreasing the value in the "cabinet dimensions" column. To adjust the width and depth, just left-click on the side or top panel, and drag the image to the desired size.

Is the door trim material taken into account?

When you decide on the parameters, the number of sections, drawers and rods, you can move on to finishing the doors. To do this, do not forget to put a bird in the column "cabinet doors", opposite the inscription "show". After that, the wardrobe calculator will give you the opportunity to select the material from the drop-down list.
If suddenly the resulting cost seems high to you, or you have additional questions, do not rush to despair, use the "order back call". Our manager will answer all your questions and help you choose best option.

Sliding wardrobe is considered a comfortable and sought-after furniture, which is installed in almost every apartment. In this design, you can store various things: clothes, shoes and other additional accessories. But before purchasing this furniture, you definitely need to find out how to calculate the doors of the wardrobe so that it looks harmonious in the interior.

In order for the closet to fit into a room - a corridor or a hallway, it is worth correctly calculating the size of the opening. To do this, first select a place to install the structure.

When measuring the opening, it is worth considering important recommendations:

  • to correctly measure the opening, you need to measure the width and height of the place;
  • the smallest width of the fabric of this type of construction is 50 centimeters, there are models with a size of more than a meter. The main thing is to calculate that the area has enough space for the entire structure;
  • be sure to take measurements of the width of the place from the bottom and top, this will help to get an average;
  • it is desirable to measure the height, it is usually from 2 to 2.5 meters.

Required measurements

Determine the number of doors

An obligatory step will be the calculation of the wardrobe doors. But in order to accurately determine the dimensions, you need to take measurements from the opening where the canvases will be located. Measures of its height, width, depth are taken.

During all measurements and calculations, certain rules must be observed:

  • measurements are best done in several areas, because there are differences;
  • between measurements there may be an error of one and a half centimeters;
  • the height indicator should be less than the same value of the opening by 4 cm;
  • when performing calculations, it is imperative to observe accuracy;
  • when measuring doors, it is recommended to take into account an important factor - the possibility of passing these elements through the openings of the dwelling.

For comfortable opening of the sliding wardrobe, it is recommended to use a design with two doors. Products with three doors are often on sale, they are quite wide and take up a lot of space. When choosing products, first consider the possibilities of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living space.

Coupe door arrangement options

door overlap

Sliding wardrobe doors are designed so that when closed, one leaf can go beyond the area of ​​​​the other. good option it is considered when one handle peeks out from a closed structure. But the profile of one sash necessarily covers the surface of the profile of the other, while not completely obscuring the filling material of the sash. The width should correspond to half the width of the opening plus the size of the handle profile.

In the process, it is worth considering several important conditions:

  • before starting the design, it is worth knowing in advance which company the fittings will be used;
  • it is worth choosing the type of handle C-shaped, H-shaped or with a double-sided design;
  • the number of wings - the total number of overlaps depends on them. If there are two wings, then there will be one overlap, if three, then two;
  • consider one of the important conditions that affects the performance of measurements of the valves - the presence of a shlegel. This part is a fluffy sealant that softens the impact of the web on the wall surface. Usually the size of its thickness is 1 centimeter.

Coupe door overlap


It is important to correctly calculate all the elements of the wardrobe. This will ensure its proper placement, convenient use. Even a slight deviation can lead to blocking the doors or they will constantly move to one side.


When calculating the height of a structure, do not rely on floor-to-ceiling measurements. In order for the measurement to be performed correctly, it is worth considering the indicator of the total space. The maximum height of the cabinet will be the size of the same niche parameter. For example, if the height of the room from floor to ceiling is 250 cm, then the average size of the structure should be no more than 240 cm.

In order to measure the height of the opening correctly, it is necessary to take measurements at three points - two sides and the middle. If the same parameters are obtained, then there will be no difficulties. But if they differ, then the calculation of the parameters should be based on a small indicator, which is taken from the floor to the overlap of the opening. The height indicator is influenced by the presence of the top element of the cabinet - the lid. In this case, it is worth considering what area it will be fixed to - to the furniture cover or to the ceiling surface.

To select the canvas, it is necessary to take into account the parameters of the used components of the roller system - upper guides, skids.

So if standard height cabinet is 2400 mm, then when calculating the dimensions of the doors, it is worth subtracting the data of the following elements:

  • cover thickness - 1.6 cm;
  • it is worth taking away the gap of 14 mm, which is required for the free installation of the door in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe upper rails;
  • the size of the thickness of the lower guide elements with a roller structure - 6 mm;
  • the gap between the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower guides and the canvas is 15 mm.

Sometimes an aluminum profile is additionally used to strengthen the web, then it is worth subtracting 32 mm. The result should be a value of 2316 mm.


In order to perform a correct width calculation, the niches must be measured at three points, just as when measuring the height. The initial width parameter will be the smallest value.

The calculation of the dimensions of the sliding wardrobe doors according to their width directly depends on the quantity door partitions. First, you need to make measurements of the width of the total opening, and then divide the resulting figure by the number of wings. Further calculations need to be carried out only for one canvas.

In order to be able to understand exactly how the calculations are made, it is worth considering an example:

  • the width of the niche is 300 cm, while it has three retractable canvases;
  • the width of one unit of the canvas will be 100 cm;
  • it is imperative to add an overlap between the doors, which can close the internal space from the outside view;
  • be sure to add 2.5 cm to the sides of the doors;
  • as a result, it turns out that the width of the paintings is 105 cm.


The filling is in the frame, which is made of aluminum profiles. In order for the calculations to be performed correctly, it is required to subtract from the general parameters of the doors the size of the width of the profiles that frame them from all sides.

An example of one of the calculation options:

  • first of all, the dimensions of the width of the handles are measured, let's take an indicator of 16 mm;
  • since there are two handles, the indicator must be multiplied by 2, which means 16 * 2 = 32 mm;
  • the total width of the handles is subtracted from the width parameter, for example, 712-32=680 mm;
  • take measurements of the distance of the top and bottom areas that separate the canvas from the height of the niche. For example, it is equal to 12 and 47 mm, respectively;
  • take the door height indicator of 2460 mm. We add two values ​​​​of the upper and lower regions - 12 and 47, we get 59. Subtract 59 from 2460 and get 2401 mm, this will be the filling height.

Handle profile

At the end, the handle frame is calculated. Its height matches door leaf- 2401 mm. In order to make the correct calculations for the length of the horizons, be sure to try on the profile of the handle to the groove itself.

How to do this, you can consider an example:

  • the width dimension is 24 mm;
  • due to the fact that there are two handles, this figure must be multiplied by two, we get 24 * 2 = 48 mm;
  • subtract from the width overall width handles and get 712-48=664. This indicator will be the length of the top and bottom track.

This will be correct calculation the whole structure. The main thing is to observe accuracy during all measurements and take into account even the slightest deviations. After all, it is important that the sliding wardrobe is not only comfortable, but also fits exactly into the room. In addition, closet doors are the main structural element and it is very important to know how to calculate them correctly.

Location profile handles

This article is a practical guide for calculating the details of a standard-sized wardrobe. An accessible form of presentation and advice from a designer will help you avoid common mistakes.

A sliding wardrobe of a standard size is, in principle, any wardrobe, the details of which, when cut, are placed in a sheet of laminated chipboard. If at least one detail exceeds the overall size of the plate, the furniture automatically goes into the category of non-standard.

The wardrobe that we started designing together with you in the first two parts of the article “Independent design of a sliding wardrobe” turned out to be quite a standard size of 1700 x 2350 x 700 mm.

Important! Three main sizes of laminated chipboard sheet:

  • 2750 x 1830 mm;
  • 2800 x 2070 mm;
  • 2440 x 1830 mm.

I will now briefly highlight the main stages, including those passed, in order to check if I missed anything.

Self-calculation of parts for a sliding wardrobe:

  1. room measurements;
  2. Calculation of the overall size of the cabinet based on measurements;
  3. Planning inner space cabinet;
  4. Creation of the initial design;
  5. Improvement of the project, taking into account the applied chipboard;
  6. Calculation of details;
  7. Cutting parts on a sheet of chipboard.

After analyzing the above, it is not difficult to understand that it is time for us to start technical improvement of the existing project. I warn you, this is the most mathematical part of the article, so I recommend arming yourself with a calculator.

So, where to start calculating the details? Do you think I'm going to write about the checkered paper again? You guessed! You already have a wardrobe project, it is drawn and thought out to the smallest detail. Based on the existing sketch, we will calculate the overall dimensions of the parts. The only thing that is missing in the project now is the thickness of the chipboard.

Important! Standard Thickness Chipboard, from which the body of any furniture is made - 16 mm or 18 mm.

At the very beginning of my career, I drew all the details not with one line, but with two, thus avoiding errors associated with the “loss” of the thickness of the material. Therefore, I advise you to draw the second lines in parallel to all the details. So you will not forget about the volume of chipboard.

When drawing additional lines, you may not care about aesthetics, they may visually differ in thickness and even be crooked. The main thing here is not your ability to use a ruler, but an understanding of why you are doing it.

For an example of the correct algorithm for calculating all cabinet parts, we take the most used chipboard with a thickness 16 mm. If you are planning to make a cabinet from chipboard 18 mm, in all calculations, instead of the number 16, you must substitute 18.

I simplified the sketch a little, leaving only the most important details.

Getting to the calculation

1 First step. We write down

Write out absolutely all the details that are present on the sketch of the wardrobe. It is better to write out on a separate piece of paper in a column. More or less like this:

  • Bottom- 1 PC. - ...
  • plinth- 2 pcs. - ...
  • Roof- 1 PC. - ...
  • Shelf- 5 pieces. - ...

2 Second step. Mathematical calculation of each element.

    Roof- 1 PC. – 1700 x 700 mm

The size of the roof completely coincides with the dimensions of the sliding wardrobe. That is, its depth is equal to the depth of the cabinet, and the length corresponds to the width of the cabinet.

  • Bottom- 1 PC. – 1668 x 700 mm

Again, the depth of the bottom is equal to the total depth of the cabinet - 700 mm. But the width is 1700 - 32 (16 + 16) = 1668 mm. In the variant where the sides are on the floor and are not applied adjustable feet, the bottom of the cabinet is between the two sides. This means that it is necessary to subtract 16 mm (chipboard thickness) twice (two sides) from the overall size of the wardrobe.

  • plinth- 2 pcs. – 1668 x 100 mm

The length of the lower bar is equal to the length of the bottom, since it is also clamped by the outer sides, and the height can vary from 50 to 200 mm. Socles need two pieces, because it is they who support the bottom and will not allow it to bend during operation.

  • outer sides- 2 pcs. – 2334 x 700 mm

It is technologically correct if the cabinet roof is mounted on the sides, and not between them. In order to find out the height of the outer side, it is enough to subtract 16 mm from the total height of the sliding wardrobe: 2350 - 16 = 2334 mm.

  • Inner side- 1 PC. – 2186 x 600 mm

Important! The main mistake of beginners is the neglect of the overall dimensions of the sliding system. The lintel and all shelves inside the closet must be recessed by a size equal to the depth of the selected sliding system.

Side depth: 700 - 100 (system size) = 600 mm
Side height: 2350 - 32 (bottom + roof) - 100 (base) = 2186 mm

  • Shelf- 5 pieces. – 766 x 600 mm

Shelf - 2 pcs. – 886 x 600 mm
Shelf - 1 pc. – 670 x 600 mm

Let me remind you that we moved the inner lintel of the cabinet to the side by 60 mm so that the drawers do not rest against the sliding facade when opened. Therefore, it is now necessary to calculate inner size each section of the cabinet.

Shelf length:

  1. 1700 - 48 (two outer sides + inner bridge) = 1652 mm
  2. 1652: 2 = 826 mm - this would be the size of the shelves without the installation of drawers.
  3. 826 + 60 = 886 mm - the length of the internal shelves of the section where there are no boxes.
  4. 826 - 60 = 766 mm - the length of the shelves in the part where the installation of sliding elements is planned.
  5. Check: The sum of all elements (the size of the shelves and the thickness of the laminated chipboard) must be equal to the overall dimensions of the cabinet.

886 + 766 + 48 = 1700 mm (hooray, the calculation was correct!)

Shelf depth:

The depth of the shelves is equal to the depth of the inner side, that is, 600 mm.

Important! Perform reconciliation at each stage of the calculations. The sum of all dimensions of the parts should not exceed the overall size of the wardrobe.

Calculate the length of the shelf:

886 - 200 - 16 (jumper) = 670 mm.

  • Additional inner side(section for ironing board) - 1 pc. – 600 x 1600 mm

The depth of the jumper corresponds to the depth of all internal parts of the sliding wardrobe - 600 mm, and the height depends on the size of the board. I measured my ironing board, its height in a standing position turned out to be 1550 mm. I added 50 mm to this size (technological clearance for convenience) and went out to 1600 mm.

  • Drawer

Facade - 3 pcs. – 150 x 760 mm
Internal parts - 6 pcs. - 550 x 120 mm; 6 pcs. - 708 x 120 mm.

The height of the facade of the inner box is arbitrary, let today it be 150 mm. front width drawer must be 4 mm less (taking into account PVC or edge gluing) than the inner opening in which the box is installed.

766 - 4 (technological gap) - 2 (this size varies depending on the selected edge) = 760 mm.

Drawer top view

Look carefully at the appearance of the drawer. I hope you noticed that it consists of five parts.

One detail is the facade, we have already calculated its size. The length of the parts "a" depends on the length of the guide. That is, if you bought guides 550 mm, then the size of the side of the drawer is 550 mm, no more and no less.

Detail "c" is calculated as follows: 766 - X (sled dimension) - 32 (two inner sides of the box). I take "X" for 26 mm - this is the standard size of roller guides, and I get: 766 - 32 - 26 = 708 mm.

Height of internal parts of the drawer: 150 - 30 (clearance required to install the slide) = 120 mm.

  • Calculation of fiberboard

The back wall of the cabinet and the bottom of the drawers are made of fiberboard.

Size rear wall: 1700 x 2250 (2350 - plinth height 100 mm) - 1 pc.
Box bottom size: 550 x 740 (708 +32) - 3 pcs.

Basically, that's all. Here is a list of parts you should get:

Chipboard 16 mm

1700 x 700 1
1668 x 700 1
1668 x 100 2
2334 x 700 2
2186 x 600 1
766 x 600 5
886 x 600 2
670 x 600 1
600 x 1600 1
150 x 760 3
550 x 120 6
708 x 120 6


1700 x 2250 1
550 x 740 3

With this list, you can go to any furniture shop specializing in the sale and cutting of chipboard. The manager will make a cutting, calculate the cost and, at the appointed time, you will pick up a set of parts from which you will independently assemble the wardrobe of your dreams.

But ... we are not looking for easy ways, are we? The fact is that furniture companies selling laminated chipboard sell it in sheets. That is, if only one part is located on one of the plates, they will sell you a whole sheet. And, an inexperienced buyer silently takes the sheet, because he believes that he has nowhere to go.

My next article will help you avoid buying extra chipboard. I will teach you how to make economical cutting at home and talk about the pitfalls that it is quite possible to encounter when ordering chipboard in a furniture workshop.

(modena select=21, Sliding wardrobes to order in Moscow and the region)

The branded application program furniture designer simplifies your choice when buying as much as possible. Furniture constructor allows you to create a project yourself in real time various kinds furniture and find out the cost of the product.

For example, when planning to order a sliding wardrobe in the hallway, you can develop the design of your unique wardrobe, choose its internal content and find out how much it will cost. If the cost does not suit you, you yourself determine which parts can be replaced with a more economical option, and which can be abandoned without compromising the ergonomics of the design.

Benefits of a furniture designer

  • The designer himself - the ability to create furniture projects of any complexity for free, taking into account your wishes, budget, interior and room features.
  • On the online screen, you can clearly see all the details of the planned structure - dimensions, facade, color, fittings, and so on.
  • Save money - you design the structure yourself the smallest details and decide what to refuse. When making changes, the furniture calculator instantly adjusts the cost of the goods.
  • The number of edits and improvements is not limited - you can make changes until you are satisfied with the result.
  • You can use the service at any time of the day - the furniture designer works around the clock.
  • You are not limited by the scope of standard serial products and create a design, focusing only on your ideas and wishes.
  • If you find it difficult to select any details or internal filling When designing a bookcase to order according to individual sizes or another piece of furniture, contact the designers of our company. Experienced professionals will professional advice and suggest the best option for your particular apartment.

How furniture designer works

In order to calculate, for example, a wardrobe, the furniture designer offers you to choose the color of the furniture. Then you set the required dimensions(width, height and depth) and select the doors on which you want to install the mirror. The furniture designer suggests installing inter-door brushes that protect the contents of the cabinet from dust.

An important step is the choice of filling the cabinet. It largely depends on him whether the furniture will be comfortable, ergonomic and roomy. The furniture designer offers a basic set and several filling options.

You can supplement the design with attached elements - a cabinet, a hanger, a corner terminal, etc. A very convenient element is the built-in cabinet lighting or “Lux” lighting, which makes it easy to find the necessary thing or object even in a dark room.

The calculator instantly calculates the cost of your designed product and the discounted price. You can pay for furniture in installments, without commissions and interest.

Use the furniture designer service posted on the official website of the Ronikon company and purchase furniture products, including inexpensive sliding interior doors at the best price for you.

Sliding wardrobe is an extremely convenient and practical piece of furniture. Almost without taking up useful space in the room, it has a considerable capacity, and external design it is quite capable to decorate any interior of the room. The demand for such products is consistently high, and many owners are trying to build a wardrobe on their own.

I must say that there is every reason for this - special sets of profiles are on sale, which allow, with certain skills and special care in work, to make such a cabinet with your own hands. The work will be successful if all measurements and necessary calculations are carefully passed. One of the key parameters is the width of the sliding wardrobe doors. It depends on several initial values ​​- all this is taken into account by the calculator for calculating the width of the wardrobe door sash.

Prices for wardrobes

cheap wardrobe

Relevant explanations for the calculation are in the text part below the calculator.