How to find out which walls are load-bearing in an apartment. Load-bearing walls in Khrushchev and their demolition

Many people are faced with the desire to make some adjustments to the existing apartment design. And here the question arises - which walls are load-bearing and which are ordinary partitions.

Let's be clear right away, what is a load-bearing wall? This is the wall on which structural elements located on subsequent floors rest. And what is noteworthy is that load-bearing walls can be replaced with beams and columns, since they perform the same function - supporting the integrity of the entire structure.

If the redevelopment is carried out incorrectly and the load-bearing wall is demolished, this can lead to big problems- starting with cracks in the structure and ending with the collapse of ceilings. In order to competently rebuild your apartment, you need to know in advance which walls can be demolished during redevelopment and which cannot.

Correct, competent and safe redevelopment can only be carried out by professionals - engineers and builders. Regardless of the scale of the reconstruction, be it a small niche in the wall or the demolition of an entire wall.
Therefore, the first thing that is done before planning is to invite specialists from the BTI, who must give you permission for redevelopment, which will already mark all the walls that can be changed or demolished. And only after this can you discuss the intricacies of redevelopment with builders and architects.

In addition, if you obtain all permits before starting work, there is a chance that this issue will not be left in the dust. After all, apartments with unauthorized redevelopment cannot be sold, and if such a need suddenly arises, it is quite difficult and problematic to legalize a ready-made redevelopment. But if you are interested in knowing about the gradation of walls in an apartment before the official verdict, we will tell you a few simple ways how to do it yourself.

Methods for determining load-bearing walls

So, the first, simplest and most accurate is to find the structural plan of the house, which is stored in the capital construction department, which is located in the city Executive Committee, also known as the Executive Committee. There is also a technical passport of the apartment, which all apartment owners have, but you can understand it only if you know how to read construction drawings.

If you were unable to get a plan, then you can try to determine the load-bearing wall by its thickness and location.

Wall thickness

In a brick house, all walls thicker than 38 cm are load-bearing. The thickness of the walls in such houses is determined by the number of bricks laid out in a row. One brick is 12 cm, which means simple arithmetic works: 250 mm is a wall of two bricks + a 10 mm seam between them. 380 mm is a wall of three bricks + 2 joints of 10 mm each. 510 mm is a wall of four bricks + 3 joints of 10 mm each. 640 mm is a wall of five bricks + 4 joints of 10 mm each. and so on. Interior partitions are built from brick or concrete blocks and range in thickness from 12 to 18 cm. The walls between apartments are slightly thicker - 25cm.

All walls thicker than 14 cm are load-bearing in the panel type. Unfortunately, in these types of houses it is very difficult to realize all your ideas, since most of the walls in such houses are load-bearing. Partitions in panel houses are much thinner than load-bearing walls - only 8-10 cm. There is also a nuance - the thickness of load-bearing walls in panel houses can be 12 cm, it depends on the series of the house. So what should we do? Consider such a wall as a thickened partition, or load-bearing wall? The final answer will only be given to you by an engineer in the relevant organization that issues an opinion on the terms of reference for your project.

Wall thickness is measured excluding plaster and wallpaper. So it’s better to take measurements after all the walls have been cleaned of the old finish.

IN monolithic houses- a wall thicker than 20cm - load-bearing. Most the right way for such houses - take a floor plan from the developer. Since there is now a huge variety of design solutions, in such houses it can be very difficult to determine the load-bearing wall simply by its thickness. For example, in a monolithic frame house, there may be no load-bearing walls at all. And there are cases when a simple partition is thicker than 20cm. So only an architectural plan can clarify this issue.

By location

The outer walls make up the “building box” and are load-bearing. Load-bearing walls also include walls that face the flight of stairs and interior walls that face the neighboring apartment.

So, when you managed to identify the load-bearing walls in the apartment, and it turned out that they are the ones you need to change, remember: you cannot remove the load-bearing wall completely, leaving the upper floors without support. You can remove only a small part of it, and place metal supporting structures in the resulting opening, which can then be easily hidden under false beams. Or when removing an entire wall, you need to provide strong support with studs or columns. The thickness and location of which can only be determined for you by specialists when issuing permission to reconstruct the apartment.

Remember! It is very important not to neglect the opinion of professionals during redevelopment and not to engage in amateur activities, which may be fraught with consequences, not only for your apartment, but also for the apartments around you.

Knowing where the load-bearing walls are located in the apartment, you can understand whether redevelopment with the combination of rooms is feasible. Breaking load-bearing walls or sections thereof violates power circuit buildings, which in the future may lead to a weakening of the load-bearing capacity of structures.

In addition, if an inspection by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate reveals such illegal redevelopment, the owner of the apartment will have to pay a fine and, at his own expense, return the apartment to its previous condition.

Even the device of new doorways in load-bearing walls can only be carried out on the basis of design documentation with a technical conclusion from the author of the house.

Therefore, before you begin remodeling an apartment, you should determine which walls in it are load-bearing.

This is especially relevant in light of the fact that the majority of standard housing in Moscow is represented by panel houses. Characteristic feature of this type of residential buildings is a design scheme with the presence large quantity transverse load-bearing walls.

Typical floor plan of a standard panel house (P-3 series). There are practically no non-load-bearing walls:

In block houses, a similar scheme is used, but load-bearing walls are spaced less frequently (floor of a panel-block house, series II-68):

An exception to this rule are panel and block Khrushchev buildings, as well as monolithic and brick houses, in which a significant part of all transverse walls are non-load-bearing partitions.

The Khrushchev-era scheme consists of three longitudinal load-bearing walls (two external and one internal), the stability of which is ensured by transverse rigidity diaphragms. Plates interfloor ceilings in this case, they can rest either on longitudinal main walls or on beams that lie on these walls. Most of the interior walls in such houses are partitions, which favors redevelopments.

How do you know if a wall is load-bearing or not?

Determining load-bearing walls in an apartment is not a difficult task today. If your house belongs to any common series, then on the Internet you can find plans for typical floors and sections, which usually have load-bearing walls. But the easiest way to find out which wall is load-bearing and which is just a partition is to measure its thickness.

The thickness of partitions in any modern standard houses always insignificant and amounts to 8-10 cm.

It is quite easy to determine the load-bearing wall in a block house - they are 50 cm wide. It is difficult to confuse them.

The standard width of load-bearing walls in a panel house is 14, 16, 18 and 20 cm.

It is interesting that sometimes in some houses there are 12-cm load-bearing walls. In addition, there are partitions whose thickness has increased due to layers of plaster, sound insulation, etc., and they can be confused with load-bearing ones. Therefore, the width of the wall is always measured without taking into account the finishing layers.

In such cases, when it is difficult to determine the load-bearing wall, an employee of the design organization conducts an engineering survey. A similar situation can arise in an apartment of a standard building, but most often this happens with old houses, as well as new ones built according to individual project. Employees of the Moscow Housing Inspectorate may require to examine and produce technical report as a safety net - even for a wall about which the owner is confident that it is 100% non-load-bearing.

You can’t just go and measure a load-bearing wall with a tape measure. Measurements are taken only after the wall in the required place has been cleaned of the finishing.

Employees of APB No. 1 measure the pylon in their office

Living area. In this case, the question arises: how to determine a load-bearing wall that cannot be touched? And in order not to be mistaken, we suggest you consider several ways to find out. This article will also be of interest to those who plan to perform renovation work, namely, to lay communications using a hidden method.

A load-bearing wall means a structure on which the floor of the next floor rests. Also, such walls can be replaced with columns or beams that support the entire structure.

If during the repair process the load-bearing wall is incorrectly identified, then if it is damaged, cracks may appear in the building; in the worst case, the ceiling may collapse.

There are several ways to determine whether there is a load-bearing wall in front of you or not. For example, by location. All external walls are always load-bearing, as well as those located on the side staircase. These could be walls that border your neighbors. In addition, you can determine by its thickness and what it is made of. If brick is used, then the supporting structure in this case will be more than 380 mm. Regarding reinforced concrete structure, then this is 140–200 mm, and in the case of monolithic walls, the load-bearing wall will be 200–300 mm or more. You can also find the supporting structure by the location of the floor slabs. All walls that are perpendicular to the slabs are load-bearing. Although there are houses where there are exceptions to the rules, for example, Czech buildings.

These are the basic provisions that will help you determine which walls are load-bearing and which are not. Now let's take a closer look at where and what kind of walls are in a panel house, Khrushchev, brick and monolithic house.

Partitions in a panel house usually have a thickness of 80–100 mm. It can be made of gypsum concrete. As for the load-bearing wall, it can be 140, 180, 200 mm thick. If, after measuring the wall, its thickness is less than 120 mm, then it is definitely a partition. But note the fact that in some panel houses the walls are plastered. So be sure to take this into account when measuring. Although in most cases the layer of plaster does not exceed 50 mm, which means it will not have a significant impact. But it is best to take the wall thickness as a basis at the point of measurement.

The thickness of the walls in brick buildings is formed during laying. For example, a standard brick has a width of 120 mm. If the masonry is done in two rows, then there is a seam of about 10 mm between them. Accordingly, the thickness of such a wall will be 250 mm. If the wall is laid out in three rows, then its thickness will be 380 mm and so on.

The simplest method for determining a load-bearing wall is measurement. Walls of 80, 120 or 250 mm are partitions. Accordingly, a wall thickness of 380, 520 mm or more is always load-bearing. Also be sure to take into account the layer of plaster and other finishing materials when measuring.

In some brick houses there may be wooden floors. Therefore, load-bearing walls may be of less importance.

Load-bearing walls in such buildings represent a diagram of their three load-bearing walls ( green) and transverse ( blue) walls, in the diagram they look like this:

In this case, the partitions marked in blue are also load-bearing for the flight of stairs.

As you can see, in this case the standards apply. The design layout of Khrushchev or Stalin buildings does not change, although the layout of the apartment may differ.

As for monolithic buildings, the layout in them can be very different. The thickness of the walls here can also be different, this is 200, 250, 300 mm and more. If the wall you measured is 200mm thick, then most likely it is a partition. If it is more than 200 mm, then this is not a guarantee that there is a load-bearing wall in front of you. The very method of determining it is to find project documentation or consult with an engineer from the developer’s company. In monolithic houses, foam blocks of different thicknesses are used for partitions, this explains everything.

So, when remodeling an apartment, questions may arise regarding whether it is possible to remove load-bearing walls. It should be said right away that its complete dismantling is unacceptable, as this can lead to the destruction of the structure. If you do such a redevelopment without permission, then you will have to spend a large amount to restore it, plus there is a risk of receiving fines. This rule also applies to moving a load-bearing wall.

If complete demolition or relocation is out of the question, and you want to make an opening, then such work is possible. However, each case should be considered individually and it is best to contact the design organization. If you want to carry out certain communications using a hidden method in such a wall, then making horizontal or vertical grooves is prohibited, according to the resolution of the Moscow Government. However, drilling is possible. Especially when we're talking about about installing fasteners such as dowels or holding sewer pipes, ventilation or water pipes through the walls.

As you can see, there are a number of restrictions that apply to load-bearing walls. We hope that from this article you received the answer to the question of how to find out the location of load-bearing walls.



Old today panel houses still occupy a large share of the housing stock in our country. Residents of Khrushchev-era apartment buildings, cramped by the small area of ​​their apartments, are trying to redesign their homes by combining the rooms into a single space.

The redevelopment involves the demolition of fences. Load-bearing walls in Khrushchev, according to their name, carry the load from the structure of the house.

Thin walls serve as partitions that can be demolished without disturbing bearing capacity frame of a five-story building. In this article we will talk about whether it is possible to demolish load-bearing walls in old panel houses, and how best to do this.

What are load-bearing walls

The lower the floor, the thicker the load-bearing wall

If you live in such an apartment, then you can easily determine which walls are load-bearing and which serve as partitions. How to determine a load-bearing wall? in a panel house of 5 floors, the transverse dimension is 120 mm or more. The lower the floor, the thicker the walls.

So that you do not have to worry about determining the main vertical fences, contact the BTI. There you can get a copy of the apartment plan, where you can see the location of the load-bearing walls.

The technical passport also contains a layout drawing. The technical passport is an integral part of the general package of documents for housing ownership and must be present for every apartment owner.

Demolition of walls in panel houses

The dismantling of vertical fences is usually caused by the need to combine rooms into one spacious living room or large hall.

There are often options for redevelopment of living space with the aim of turning an apartment into one common room- studio.

That is, all the dividing walls are demolished. The bathroom and toilet are combined into a common bathroom.

Dismantling and moving partitions

To remove the partition, you will need the following tool:

  • hammer drill with attachments;
  • hammer;
  • metal wedges;
  • grinder with an abrasive wheel for metal.

Use a hammer to knock down a layer of plaster and dismantle the masonry

Demolition of the fence is carried out in several steps:

  1. A hammer drill with a metal blade knocks down a layer of plaster.
  2. The brickwork is dismantled from top to bottom. Using a hammer drill in jackhammer mode, cement joints are broken. The brick is removed and placed in the corner of the room.
  3. To avoid damage from falling bricks floor covering, the floor near the partition is covered with some soft material.
  4. If the partition is made of cinder block, perform the same actions.
  5. In case monolithic wall knock down the concrete, then cut off the reinforcement with an abrasive wheel.
  6. They remove garbage, take out bricks and pieces of concrete.

It is better to make a new partition in another place from plasterboard mounted on a metal profile frame.

Demolition of load-bearing wall

Demolish walls based on a copy of the apartment plan

Dismantling of load-bearing fences must be documented.

Otherwise, the homeowner may be fined.

And if the demolition entails the destruction of the structure of the house, then they will be subject to criminal punishment.

To demolition actions load-bearing structures have acquired a legal order, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Get a copy of the apartment plan from your local BTI office.
  2. Order the development of technical documentation for implementation from the design organization.
  3. Obtain permission from local authorities to carry out work according to the project.
  4. Demolish the fence.
  5. Completion of work should be documented with an appropriate work acceptance certificate.
  6. Based on the act, make changes to the layout of the apartment in the technical passport.

Dismantling of load-bearing walls is carried out only in accordance with the procedure established by law. Load-bearing walls in Khrushchev-era apartment buildings are demolished only in one case, when both apartments belong to the same owner.

Technology for dismantling a load-bearing wall in a Khrushchev building

Options for load-bearing fencing in Khrushchev and other panel houses are carried out in two ways. For more information on how walls are dismantled in Khrushchev-era buildings, watch this video:

Inserting a load-bearing beam

After receiving permitting documents start the following work:

  1. If load-bearing fences are adjacent to the walls on the sides, then in their upper parts under the floor slabs, recesses are made (the masonry or concrete is cut out with a jackhammer).
  2. The lower plane of the cutout must correspond to the calculated supporting area of ​​the crossbar. The beam design must meet the project requirements.
  3. The crossbar is inserted into the side openings. The crossbar can be reinforced concrete or made of a metal I-beam with stiffening ribs.
  4. Metal wedges are driven into the support areas of the beam in order to obtain maximum expansion. This achieves a smooth transition of the upper load from the wall to the beam.
  5. They begin to dismantle the masonry or remove the concrete with a jackhammer.
  6. The reinforcement is cut with an abrasive wheel.
  7. After dismantling the walls, the trash is taken out and finishing work begins.

Installation of vertical supports

Instead of a load-bearing fence, support columns are installed in the corners of the room. In order for the process of transferring the load from the wall to smoothly move to the supporting platforms of the columns, jacks in the form of hydraulic racks are used. These jacks can be rented from construction company. For more information on how to make an opening in a load-bearing wall, watch this video:

The order of work is as follows:

  • jacks in an amount corresponding to the upper floor slabs are placed on both sides of the wall;
  • The hydraulic racks rest their upper platforms against the floor slabs. The load smoothly flows onto the shoulders of the jacks;
  • dismantle the fence;
  • install supports in the form of columns; support platforms are located in the middle of the joining seams of the slabs;
  • in case long span beams are laid on the columns.

In order to ensure safety measures, professionals who have documents confirming their qualification level are allowed to perform this type of work.

Having bought an apartment, people often think about remodeling it. Residents have the same thoughts. small apartments, the so-called “Khrushchevka”. And if in a private house with redevelopment problems rarely arise, then in a high-rise apartment, where almost every wall is load-bearing, this will not be easy to do.

They bear the load from the ceilings and upper floors. Therefore, when planning to expand a doorway or move a partition, you should correctly determine which wall is load-bearing. The safety of you and your neighbors will depend on this.

How to find out if a wall is load-bearing

The easiest way is to look at the house design. All the walls are clearly marked there. The plan must be kept in the city administration, in the capital construction department.

In addition, you can also use the apartment plan, which is located in those. passport or house register. However, to do this you need to be able to read blueprints or have experience in construction.

Video: Olga Rozina: how to identify a wall

If for some reason the plan cannot be found, then the purpose can be understood by some characteristic features. So, for example, if behind the wall there is a neighbor’s apartment, an entrance or a street, these are load-bearing.

Another way to find out is by thickness. If you live in a brick house and the thickness of the partition is 38 cm, then it is load-bearing. In a panel, the thickness of the load-bearing walls is 14 cm or more.

In a brick house

In brick houses, the thickness of the exterior starts from 38 cm, between apartments from 25 cm, interior - 8 - 12 cm. The main material in the construction of such houses is silicate and red brick.

For partitions, gypsum slabs can be used. By measuring a wall, for example, in the area of ​​a doorway, you can determine whether it is solid or a partition.

However, this method is not suitable for all homes. For example, in the 90s, houses were built according to individual projects, so if there is no plan, then only the author of the project can determine.

In panel

Because panel house consists almost entirely of load-bearing structures, it will be very difficult to implement the planned redevelopment. Load-bearing walls include inter-apartment, external and adjacent to external walls. In addition, the walls of bathrooms can also be load-bearing.

Interior partitions have a thickness of 8 - 10 mm. There are partitions of 12 cm, but this is a rare exception. To determine the purpose of the walls in this case, it is better to contact specialists who will draw a conclusion only after studying design features buildings and decide whether it is possible.

In monolithic houses

A monolithic house is a building whose foundation smoothly merges into the wall. In such buildings, any wall whose thickness is more than 20 cm is load-bearing. Such buildings are usually made according to an individual project; it cannot be determined using its size.

It happens that the usual interior partition V monolithic buildings has a thickness of more than 20 cm. Yes monolithic houses in which load-bearing walls are completely absent. They are replaced by reinforced concrete columns.

And in this case, you cannot do without a drawing and plan. If they are missing, you will have to contact specialized companies.