After what crop should garlic be planted to get a rich harvest? What is the best time to plant garlic? Then plant winter garlic

/ March 26, 2018 at 09:19 pm

After which vegetable crops is it better to plant garlic before winter: rules of crop rotation? Garlic has been used in cooking for a very long time and folk medicine. With its help you can prepare many delicious and interesting dishes. In addition, it has full healing properties, which help strengthen the immune system and improve well-being.

For these reasons, many summer residents grow it on their plots. But in order for the harvest to be high-quality and abundant, it is necessary to know not only the peculiarities of growing and caring for the garden, but also what crops can be planted with garlic before winter, and after which it is not advisable.

What you will learn from this material:

  • 1 Why is it important to follow the rules of crop rotation?
  • 2 Then you can and cannot plant garlic before winter
  • 3 Which crops can and cannot be planted after garlic
  • 4 Good and bad neighbors for garlic

Why is it important to follow the rules of crop rotation?

Crop rotation - alternating different crops (vegetables, herbs) in the garden . This technology is an excellent assistant for growing tasty and healthy vegetables, berries, greens. It is necessary to plant various crops according to crop rotation rules for several reasons:

  • Proper alternation not only prevents soil depletion, but also saturates the soil with useful substances.
  • Crop rotation prevents the accumulation of pathogens and pests.
  • Improves the weed situation.
  • Helps save normal condition soil, helps it become healthier.
  • Different crops consume nutrients in different volumes and from different layers of soil (some from the lower, some from the upper), so proper rotation allows you to maintain the optimal amount nutrients in the ground.
  • When choosing a bed with the right predecessors, you can save your resources and time, because you don’t have to waste energy on fertilizing and fertilizing, treating diseases and pests.

Below you can study the table of crop rotation of popular vegetable crops:

If you plant one crop in one place for several years, this can lead to unpleasant consequences: soil depletion, accumulation of pathogens, and pest invasion. But you need to change the crops in the beds wisely.

Features of crop rotation of vegetable crops

Then you can and cannot plant garlic before winter

Root system This plant absorbs nutrients from the surface layer of soil. For this reason, it is best planted after plants that have long roots and feed at a deeper level in the soil.

If you approach planting carefully and responsibly in the fall, you can get very tasty and useful product. It is important that the recommended predecessors are grown in the chosen location. Let's look at the rules of crop rotation regarding winter garlic:

1) It is best to plant garlic before winter after the following vegetables: legumes (beans, peas), cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkin and squash, early cabbage(white and colored), green manure (except oats and barley).

2) Landing possible, but this is by no means not the best predecessor vegetables for planting winter garlic after them: mid- and late-ripening white cabbage, eggplants, corn, peppers, potatoes, beets, tomatoes, onions and the spicy vegetable itself (but no more than 2 years in one place).

Important! The fact is that these vegetables quite deplete the soil and, in addition, if you plant winter garlic after these crops, they can exchange unpleasant diseases. This is especially true beets and potatoes(although they are possible precursors, the issue of diseases remains open), since they are susceptible to fusarium and nematode.

3) ButAfter these crops you definitely can’t plant them winter garlic : radishes, carrots, all kinds of greens and spicy herbs.

Important! Many summer residents are especially interested in the question of whether it is possible to plant garlic before winter after carrots and beets. As mentioned above, planting winter garlic after beets is not advisable, but possible, but it should absolutely not be planted after carrots!

Planting winter garlic in the fall in one place can be done for no more than 2 years in a row. If you plant garlic in the same place for more than two years, it will consume all the nutrients and will be weakened and susceptible to diseases and pests.

Pay attention! Also, you cannot plant such a plant in the fall in places in the garden that were fertilized with fresh manure this year, otherwise the garlic will produce abundant tops, and the heads themselves will grow loose.

But it is important to know not only after which vegetable crops to plant garlic, but also where, in what place on the site. He prefers well-lit beds that receive a lot of sunlight. The soil must be fertile, light, with excellent air and water permeability.

By the way! Garlic and onions are very similar crops, therefore the crop rotation rules for them are completely the same.

What crops can and cannot be planted after garlic?

Surely, summer residents growing this crop will have a question: what can be planted after garlic on next year? It’s best if you give the earth a little break and plant green manure. These plants are a natural fertilizer that prevents the proliferation of pathogenic fungi, bacteria and inhibits the growth of weeds.

If you do not want or cannot plant green manure, then Next year, after garlic, you can plant potatoes, legumes, strawberries, cucumbers, radishes, radishes, and herbs.

Pay attention! For more detailed information about what can be planted in a vacant bed after harvesting garlic (or onions), read this article.

Good and bad neighbors for garlic

It is important not only to choose suitable predecessors, but also good neighbors in the garden, next to whom the spicy plant will grow comfortably.

It is recommended to plant garlic next to the following plants: strawberries, beets, tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers. It has a beneficial effect on these crops, because it repels aphids, carrot flies, mole crickets, and the Colorado potato beetle. In addition, for the plant itself useful proximity to calendula, horseradish.

Despite the fact that garlic is a very good and useful neighbor in the garden, not all vegetables and plants will like its company. The proximity of garlic to the following crops is undesirable: parsnips, peas, beans, lentils.

Pay attention! If you are interested in other useful and detailed information about this spice plant, then you can read it in the following articles: planting winter garlic in autumn, Features of feeding and fertilizing, spring planting , when and how to harvest, andfeatures of its storage in winter, .

Maintaining crop rotation in your garden or summer cottage- the task is not difficult. If you have large plot, and it is difficult to remember the location of different cultures, you can take notes on paper or electronic media. Thanks to a completely justified rotation of crops, you will be able to maintain optimal soil condition and grow all the necessary vegetables, including winter garlic.

Where to buy seeds and seedlings with delivery

The time is gradually approaching when it will be necessary to once again plant winter garlic. And although the process is quite familiar and quite ordinary, today we will try to highlight the main mistakes that are best avoided:

  1. Do not plant winter garlic in the same place year after year. From the point of view of site planning, this is certainly convenient, but this option disrupts crop rotation. Pathogens and pests characteristic of the crop will remain in last year’s soil, and it will also lack exactly those micro- and macroelements that garlic needs (fertilizing will not completely eliminate this deficiency). It is best to plant garlic where zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage and various greens previously grew. Bad predecessors are carrots, beets, onions.
  2. It is advisable not to feed garlic with nitrogen fertilizers. Increasing green mass for the winter is a dangerous undertaking.
  3. The timing of planting garlic may vary depending on different regions our country, but the rule is valid everywhere - the temperature should not be lower than +3...+6 C. Otherwise, some seed material may not have time to take root and die. Planting garlic too early is even worse - feathers will come out before winter. We are in middle lane In Russia we plant closer to mid-October, focusing on the weather (usually on Pokrov or a little later). According to the experience of friends, garlic can forgive very late planting (even in the snow).
  4. There is often confusion about planting depth. Optimal depth calculated according to the rule - the height of the clove itself + 5 cm from above. On average, the indicator should be between 6 and 8 cm. northern regions It's better to plant deeper.
  5. Many novice gardeners separate the heads into teeth in advance. This is a mistake. It is advisable to perform separation shortly before planting (for example, in the evening of the previous day). In this case, each clove must be carefully examined for signs of rot and various damage. All diseased, damaged, and small teeth should be immediately discarded and used in the future for household purposes. You should not take cloves from bulbs consisting of only 2-3 cloves (a sign of degeneration).
  6. I don’t know what this is connected with, most likely with unnecessary hassle, but many summer residents ignore disinfection of garlic cloves before planting. It is not necessary to use any fungicides; you can use ordinary potassium permanganate. The teeth should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours. I honestly admit that we ourselves often ignore this rule.
  7. Last year, the job of separating the garlic heads fell to me. It is very important in this process not to damage the husk (skin) of the teeth. It plays the role of a protective barrier. It is almost impossible to do this; there will still be a part of the marriage. I put all the teeth that had peeled off into a separate container. We left them for cooking. The mistake is to use them for planting.

How do you proceed when planting winter garlic? Do you have any mandatory rules (add them in the comments), but which of the things I listed do you completely ignore?

When growing garlic on your site, you need to consider certain rules. For example, to know when it is possible to plant garlic before winter, and in what cases it is absolutely forbidden, how to prepare the soil and choose optimal time boarding to receive early harvest large, healthy heads. And knowledge is the key to success.

Choosing a landing site

Garlic can be planted in spring (spring) and autumn (winter). The most bountiful harvests produce winter crops, so many summer residents and gardeners begin to choose a place to plant spicy vegetables in the fall. The question of where to plant garlic is far from idle. In 90% of cases, these will be beds cleared of other vegetable and green crops. Some garlic precursors can have the most beneficial effect on its growth, health and disease resistance. Others will oppress plants and ruin the harvest even with proper care. It is not for nothing that there are rules of crop rotation, and if they are violated, you should not hope to obtain a high-quality harvest.

You cannot plant garlic in one place for 2 years in a row. It can be planted in the same place only after 4-5 years. The root system of the plant is located in upper layers soil, and over the course of a season the crop selects all useful substances from this layer. Subsequent plantings will result in weak, diseased heads. Therefore, rule No. 1 for every gardener should be to constantly alternate areas for planting winter garlic. And rule No. 2 - landing must be carried out after good predecessors, helping to improve plant viability and resistance to adverse factors. The question of which crops garlic grows better with requires close attention.

Good predecessors

Crops preceding garlic should leave in the soil the substances necessary for its development, loosen the soil with roots and enrich it with organic matter. The length of the roots also matters. Garlic feeds from the surface layer of the soil. If plants with long roots grew before him, then they selected useful substances from deeper layers. Moreover, the long roots loosened the entire soil. As a result, the soil became more permeable to water and air, and beneficial substances moved to the surface layer. Therefore, the best predecessors for garlic are cereal crops, excluding barley and oats. Their stems and leaves enrich the earth with organic matter, and the roots, penetrating deep into the earth, loosen it and do not affect the substances located in the surface layer.

After what can you plant garlic if there are no grain crops in the garden? Second place in the ranking of good predecessors is occupied by cucumbers, zucchini and squash. They also have long roots. The listed vegetables cannot harm garlic plantings, because both the diseases and pests are different.

Another group of good predecessors are vegetable nightshades (excluding potatoes and eggplants): tomatoes, bell peppers.

Experienced gardeners recommend planting the spicy crop after strawberries and strawberries, and even better, planting garlic and strawberries together. Such neighbors only help each other: the garlic smell repels strawberry pests, and berry crop generously shares with her neighbor all the mineral and organic fertilizers that are used to feed her.

White cabbage and cauliflower, pumpkin, legumes (peas and beans), radish, root celery and all kinds of greens - dill, cilantro, parsley.

Bad Predecessors

And now we can move on to the question, after which it is not recommended to plant garlic. Worth listing vegetable crops, which will most unfavorably affect the condition of garlic crops.

You need to start with the onion. Both onions and garlic belong to the same family and are susceptible to the same diseases and pests. They all need potassium and other similar nutrients. All onions - spring onions, shallots, onions, allspice, green - pose a danger to winter garlic. The situation is similar to that of garlic being planted in its previous place. Therefore, never plant them one after another. If this situation cannot be avoided, sow the area in the interval between plantings with peas of the vicia savita variety. Planted peas will disinfect, loosen and nourish the soil.

Garlic and eggplants have a common risk of disease, and they also deplete the surface layer. Therefore, a bed of eggplants will not work as a predecessor.

The preceding carrots and beets will minimize the yield of spicy vegetable crops. After carrots, no nutrients necessary for garlic heads remain in the soil, and after beet plantings, as after potatoes, they can get fusarium. But many gardeners plant garlic cloves most often after harvesting potatoes. This is not recommended. Potatoes are a bad predecessor, and good garlic yields are difficult to obtain even with diligent care.

Secrets of cultivation

Choosing the right choice after which crops to plant garlic is still not enough to obtain a rich harvest. It would be good for the harvested and dug up bed to rest for 2-3 weeks before planting garlic before winter. And they plant it from the end of October to mid-November. Plants have time to take root before the onset of frost, and in the spring they grow wildly.

To grow large heads of garlic, you need to take into account that this is a light-loving crop that prefers light, nutritious soil. Garlic should not be planted on acidic soils.

It is known that certain groups of plants have a beneficial effect on each other, and if they are planted next to each other, their growing conditions are significantly improved. Good neighbors for garlic are carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, leeks, radishes, beets and lettuce. Neighborhood with peas, cabbage, beans and perennial onions is unacceptable. When planning garlic crop rotation, this point should be taken into account.

Beginning gardeners are wondering whether it is possible to add manure when digging up an area for planting garlic cloves. No, manure is not brought in. The result can be disastrous - you will end up with small, loose garlic heads with a lush green mass. In addition, planted garlic will be more susceptible to fungal diseases. It is better to grow previous crops with manure - cucumbers and zucchini. Then their harvest will be generous, and the garlic will retain the necessary nutrients. When digging a future garlic bed, you can add the mixture to the ground. mineral fertilizers and humus (for each m² - 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride, and ½ bucket of humus).

Experienced vegetable growers use this technique when growing garlic heads: they sow the vacated areas with green manure - grain crops or forage grasses, such as clover and alfalfa. A good green manure for garlic is mustard. When the crops grow by 15-20 cm, the area is dug up along with them. The soil is saturated with useful substances and disinfected, after which winter garlic can be planted. Another advantage of grains is that they kill weeds.

Make it a rule to plan planting vegetable crops, taking into account how a particular vegetable grows better. This will significantly save time, effort and money on processing the site and will significantly increase the yield of vegetables.

In everyone's garden beds personal plot garlic is grown. After harvesting, areas free from planting appear. Read the article about what to plant after garlic next year.

Features of garlic

According to experts, garlic cannot be planted in one place for two or more years in a row. If this rule is not followed, the soil will become infected with stem nematode. How does this happen? The roots of any plant, including garlic, are capable of releasing mycotoxins: this is how they protect their borders. These substances accumulate, which leads to poisoning of the plant itself.

After garlic, it is very important to select crops for this area that will give the soil a rest and improve its health. What should be grown after garlic, read below in the article.

Crop rotation

During planting time, beginning gardeners have to think about what to plant after garlic next year. So, there is a rule according to which the planting pattern must change every year. This is called crop rotation, which must be followed to restore balance. useful substances in the soil. The scheme can be drawn up in advance, several years in advance. It is important to keep track of which beds fresh manure was applied to each year. In order not to forget, it is better to mark it directly in the diagram.

To know what is planted in the garden after garlic, you need to consider that there are two types of successor plants:

  • Some are planted as soon as the garlic harvest is harvested. The plot is sown with greens: lettuce, spinach or green manure if there is no need to grow new crops.
  • Planting of other vegetables (potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets) can be postponed to next year.

Crop rotation rules

To maintain correct crop rotation, two rules must be followed:

  • Do not use one place for growing crops belonging to the same family. For example, onions and garlic; potatoes and tomatoes; dill, cucumbers, zucchini and carrots. This is due to the accumulation of bacteria and toxins in the soil, resulting in increased plant disease.
  • It is necessary to alternate between “roots” and “tops”. This way, nutrients will be used rationally, which will help maintain their balance.

Roots are the organs of a given vegetable in which nutrition is stored. They are root vegetables. Tops - ground part plants. These are stems, leaves, fruits.

Good harvest plants

There are many crops that are best planted in areas where garlic previously grew. What to plant after harvesting garlic? In the vacated bed you can find strawberries, cucumbers, any legumes, annual herbs,

If you alternate garlic with cucumbers, the yield of both crops increases. What to sow after garlic? Great option are umbrella cultivated plants, such as dill. After planting garlic, as well as next to it, strawberries grow well in this garden plot.

To prevent the garlic bed from being empty in the winter after harvesting, it is sown with wheat or other plants that will also serve as good green manure. For this purpose, rye, mustard, phacelia, vetch and others are often used. The earth will rest, and the plants will replenish its supply with useful substances.


Every time you decide, you should take into account the variety of the predecessor. This is due to different agricultural practices of the crops that will be grown on this site. If winter garlic grows, a lot of nitrogen fertilizer accumulates in the soil underneath it. If spring varieties are planted in this area, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with phosphorus and potassium mixtures. It is important that subsequent crops prefer exactly those fertilizers that large quantities accumulated soil.

What can't be planted after garlic?

In order to get good yields from the crops you grow, you should know which of them absolutely cannot be planted after their predecessor, which is garlic. After its cultivation, the soil is saturated with nutrients, so any vegetables can grow on it.

Other vegetable crops are planted in the area where the garlic grew. What to plant after what, how many years to grow in one place, let's figure it out.

  • Cabbage belongs to the cruciferous plant family. They cannot be planted in one place for two or three years in a row. For example, if white cabbage was planted immediately after garlic, next year it should be assigned to the area where potatoes, onions, and tomatoes grew. Precursors such as peas, beans, beets, and carrots are allowed. It is impossible to grow cabbage in one place for three years and no longer.
  • Potatoes planted after garlic need other predecessors the following year. The best of them are root vegetables and cabbage. Tomatoes are not suitable at all, since both crops have common pathogens various diseases and pests. You can grow potatoes in the same place after two or three years, no less.
  • Cucumbers, squash, zucchini and pumpkin need to be replanted to a different location every year. The best predecessors for these vegetables are cauliflower and white cabbage. early varieties, legumes (except beans), as well as onions. These vegetables grow poorly if planted after carrots and late varieties cabbage It is allowed to use one soil for growing cucumber crops for four years in a row, no more.
  • Tomatoes. The rules of agricultural technology do not provide for their cultivation after a vegetable such as potatoes. These crops have the same pests and diseases. It is recommended to plant tomatoes after cabbage, legumes and pumpkin crops; as a last resort - after root vegetables and onions. If you grow tomatoes in one place every year, the soil will become acidic, but this vegetable prefers neutral soil. It will be necessary to add lime to it every fall when digging the soil.

  • After garlic, it is best to plant strawberries and wild strawberries. It is unacceptable to use one place for planting berries for four years, since during that time the soil will be depleted and become infected with pathogenic microbes that are dangerous to plants. There will be pests in it. Experienced specialists have noticed that this combination of cultures suits each other. If you plant “mustache” berries in the fall, the plants will bloom and bear fruit in the spring.

Can I plant garlic after it?

After the harvest is harvested, it is not recommended to plant garlic again. The best option is to plant other vegetables - which ones, read the article above. If there is no other free space on the site, you can think about what to plant after garlic in August. A good option there will be green manure. You need to do this: before the onset of autumn, sow green manure and leave them in the ground for the winter. What to plant after garlic in August? You can plant garlic again, but only after a while. First, green manure must overwinter. After this, the next season, you need to repeat the sowing procedure. When the vegetative part of the green manure grows, it needs to be mowed. Now the site is ready for planting a new crop.

The benefits of properly planted plants

If you correctly organize the sequence of planted crops in the vacant bed where garlic grew, you can get the following benefits:

  • There are fewer pests living in the soil.
  • The number of causative agents of various diseases that occur in plants is reduced.
  • Nutrients and beneficial substances in the soil improve in quality and increase in quantity.
  • The organization of proper use of fertilizers is improved.
  • Mineral additives added to the soil have less negative influence on plants.

What to do after harvesting garlic?

Once completed, the soil should be cultivated. To do this, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate with which the earth is shed. After this, deep plowing is done, during which fungicides and insecticides are applied. Then it is determined what to plant after the garlic next year. The most optimal choice There will be agricultural crops such as cabbage, beets or tomatoes. These plants are representatives of another family. If you plant them after the garlic has grown, the soil will not be depleted. Vegetables, on the contrary, will help her restore the balance of substances necessary for their nutrition.

Planting garlic at the dacha before winter has a certain amount of risk for the reason that even the smallest piece of land in the garden is never empty. It is important to understand what was grown on the site before the garlic was sown, and whether it is worth planting it after a certain predecessor.

Depending on climate zone, planting garlic before winter can be done in late September - mid-November

After which it is allowed to plant garlic, and if the plants grow, which plants should not be planted? This knowledge will help you grow good harvest quality garlic at the dacha.

The benefits of the right predecessor

Any crops that gardeners prefer to grow take from the ground the maximum amount of all the nutrients necessary for full growth. After a certain period, soil reserves are gradually depleted, so planting the next plant in this area becomes risky - will it have enough nutrients, minerals and fertilizers for a full harvest.

There are also those crops that easily restore useful soil reserves. In this case, you can prevent complete depletion of the soil in your summer cottage.

Almost every gardener knows the fact that growing one crop in a certain area is not recommended. This common rule also applies to ordinary garlic. Exceptions to these recommendations apply to potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes and beans.

Which garlic precursors are significantly better? You can give preference to those plants that have a predominant long root. This is easy to explain: garlic has short roots, so as it grows it actively uses minerals and fertilizers from the top layer of soil. Therefore, before this crop, it is better to actively grow varieties that take nutrition deeper into the soil and do not interfere with the normal cultivation of garlic for the winter.

You can make special organic fertilizers, which will be relevant during the period of growing predecessors. Because it is not recommended to add them to the soil for the winter and before directly planting garlic in the fall. Which predecessors are worth paying attention to?

The best place to plant garlic will be the area where cucumbers or zucchini grew and where organic fertilizers were used.

Which predecessor is really the best? The most ideal and pleasant for the soil are all grain crops, except for the well-known barley and oats. They are able to improve the quality of the soil, saturate it with exclusively useful components and minerals.

You can plant crops and grass before planting - any clover, alfalfa. It is better to plant zucchini and squash on the plot different varieties. If you want to plant garlic for the winter where there were previously berry fields, you can safely begin the process of planting seed.

Is it possible to plant garlic after homemade peppers? It’s a stretch, but it’s still possible, because pepper is not characterized by severe soil depletion. For the winter, garlic can easily be planted after growing the following crops: tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers, cabbage. All these options are characterized by a high nitrogen requirement.


There are best plants and acceptable, but they are not the worst for harvesting homemade quality garlic. Ideal options which are best planted before winter garlic:

  • Grain crops.
  • Forage crops – grasses.
  • Patissons.
  • Legume crops.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Berries.
  • Cucumbers.
  • Cauliflower.

Garlic feels good after zucchini and their closest “relatives” – squash

Other plants:

  • Various types of cabbage.
  • Are tomatoes red or yellow?
  • Sweet peppers.
  • Eggplant.

In addition to pepper and other crops, completely unusual variations are also relevant. You can add the cloves to strawberries or wild strawberries. These berries get along perfectly with neighboring plants, and garlic will serve as some kind of protection for them from different believers. For the winter, this planting option can be called ideal.

What not to plant?

Why is it better not to plant garlic for a long winter? There is no need to plant the plant after several well-known crops. Carrots deplete the soil very much, so they try not to plant them after different plants, bringing bountiful harvest. The earth needs a long rest after carrots.

It is strictly forbidden to plant garlic after different varieties of onions, because it consumes potassium in large quantities, which depletes the fertile soil. Potatoes and beets are also not suitable from the perspective of their predecessor, because after growing them, even well-kept garden bed Garlic can easily be affected by fusarium.

Between planned plantings of homemade garlic in your summer cottage, you must maintain a period of three to four years, otherwise you risk getting a very weak or completely diseased harvest. Often in this case, the plant is severely affected by a destructive and dangerous stem nematode, which destroys the crop.

It is recommended to observe crop rotation correctly and carefully. In this case, the gardener can count on an absolutely healthy and rich harvest of the plant planted for the winter. It is important to choose good place where there is a lot of sun. There should be no stagnation of water on the site, then the plant will be able to receive a balanced climate that will favorably affect the harvest.

Pay careful attention to the choice of predecessors for growing a good, high-quality yield. Then you can count on a truly bountiful harvest without diseases and pests.