Devices for cleaning chimneys. How to clean a chimney - methods and equipment

Efficient work wood stoves will depend on the condition of the chimney structure. Every owner of a private home should be able to clean a chimney.

Figure 1. Tools for cleaning the chimney: metal brush, brush with metal bristles, holders, scraper.

Professional stove builders believe that a properly installed and equipped chimney can be clean for many years if it is operated in accordance with all existing rules.

If the stove is heated with dry wood without a high tar content, the ashpit is regularly cleared of ash, and various debris is not burned in the stove, then you will only need to periodically remove soot from the cleaning holes located in the room.

You should know that the chimney structure must be inspected twice a year. This must be done in order to find out the condition of the chimney structure. You will need to remove not only soot, but also debris that has flown in from the street, cobwebs, bird nests, and so on. Speaking about how and when to properly clean a chimney, you need to know that this task must be decided depending on how much the chimney is clogged with soot.

Reasons why you need to clean your chimney:

Figure 2. Diagram of the cleaning principle.

  1. Providing good traction. The soot that settles on the walls of the chimney will partially reduce its clearance. For this reason, smoke will not be able to pass freely through the chimney. A thick layer of soot will prevent the walls from warming up well. This leads to getting into private house smoke, reduced draft and stove efficiency. If you have bad cravings, you can easily get poisoned carbon monoxide.
  2. Safe use of the oven. At high temperatures, soot can ignite and cause cracking of the walls of the chimney structure, which leads to its destruction. Sparks from hot soot that jump out of the chimney can start a fire.

How to clean a chimney?

First of all, you need to figure out what tools to buy. The main device of a chimney sweep is a metal brush, which has large diameter. For square structures, it is more convenient to use a brush with stiff metal bristles.

If during the cleaning process the brush will be lowered down on a rope, the brush should be equipped with several flexible holders that will be connected to each other.

You will need to purchase a scraper and a bucket.

Figure 3. Scheme of cleaning with a ball.

Items required for work:

  • metal brush;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • holders for brush;
  • scraper;
  • heavy round bucket;
  • additional cleaning products.

A standard set of cleaning devices can be seen in Fig. 1.

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Cleaning the chimney pipe using traditional methods

Many stove makers use traditional cleaning methods, because cleaning work is dangerous.

  1. The most common method is to sprinkle rock salt on the wood as it burns. You should know that this salt is most often used to prevent the appearance of soot.
  2. Potato peelings can help remove plaque on the chimney walls. You will need to heat the fireplace well, then put a lot of potato skins into the fire. The steam that will be released will be able to decompose the soot that enters the chimney. Heavy pieces will fall into the stove, which needs to be cleaned. It is worth noting that cleaning with potatoes is not complete, but only as a means that helps soften the soot and make it easily come off the pipe walls. After similar preparatory work You will need to clean the pipe using the usual manual method.
  3. If you have aspen firewood, cleaning the chimney is quite simple. To do this you will need to burn a certain amount of armfuls. This method is unsafe, because cleaning is carried out by obtaining a high temperature in the chimney structure, at which the soot will begin to burn. If you plan to use this method, you should make sure that the chimney can withstand heavy loads and not be damaged after this. If there is a large layer of soot deposits in the pipe, it is recommended not to take risks and use a safer and simpler method.

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How can you clean a chimney manually?

A chimney sweep who has great experience work, will be able to clean the chimney pipe efficiently, and will also inspect the structure for the formation of cracks, evaluate the operation of the heating device and the presence of draft.

Today there are many people who are able to monitor the stove themselves. You definitely need to know how to clean the pipe so that the operation of the stove does not disturb those present.

The sequence of work for cleaning the stove is as follows:

  1. First you need to close all cleaning holes in the house. This must be done to prevent soot from flying into the room. The oven door also closes. If the stove is open, it is recommended to hang a wet cloth on the firebox.
  2. Chimney cleaning is carried out exclusively in dry weather, and there should be no wind. You will definitely need to use insurance.
  3. If the stove has not been used for a long time, the first thing you will need to do is make sure that there are no bird nests in the structure. If you cannot remove the nest or debris from the top of the structure, you will need to push it down using improvised means.
  4. The chimney must be cleaned if the layer of soot on its walls is more than 2 mm. If there is a smaller layer, complete cleaning may not be necessary. In this case, you will need to use alternative methods.
  5. If the soot layer is thick enough, you will need to scrape it off first. Only after this is used a brush or ruff.
  6. During the cleaning process, a blockage may be discovered in the chimney structure, which will prevent the tool from moving further. This could be any debris or brick that has fallen out of the masonry. If the chimney has not been serviced for a long time, then the likelihood of finding debris in it is quite high. The jam will need to be broken through with a heavy steel cannonball, which is secured with a carabiner on a rope. It is thrown into the center of the opening of the chimney structure, while trying not to touch the walls of the pipe.

A brush with a weight is lowered into the chimney pipe, it removes soot and removes foreign objects.

It is necessary to select a core diameter that can cover at least 2/3 of the chimney cross-section.

The core can be used not only to clear congestion, but also as a weight for a brush or brush. The cable, brush and core must be connected to each other with carabiners, which allow you to change the design by removing any section from it. The cleaning scheme is shown in Fig. 3.

Instead of the core, it is not allowed to use weights for sports or any other objects that have a lot of weight and a displaced center of gravity. Such objects can turn over and get stuck in the chimney duct for a long time. To remove jammed objects, you will need to dismantle the structure.

Open stoves with a direct chimney can be cleaned not from the roof, but from the side of the firebox. To do this, you will need to use metal brushes on an extendable handle.

After cleaning the stove, you will need to carefully open all cleaning holes and remove any existing dirt using a brush and dustpan or soot scoop. Remaining soot can be removed by using a household vacuum cleaner.

At the end, the fireplace insert and vent are opened and cleaned.

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How to clean a chimney using chemicals?

When chemically cleaning a chimney, the bag with the product is placed in the firebox, after which the door is tightly closed.

From time to time it is recommended to use preventive measures. This allows you not to think about the need to clean the chimney in the future. These products are chemicals that are available in liquid form. It will need to be added to the firebox during the burning of wood. When burned, it will release gases that do not cause any harm to humans. These gases will shed deposits from the chimney walls.

The most effective and common chemicals are:

  1. Composition against soot. This powder is intended for cleaning chimney structures. It will need to be burned in the package along with fuel. The consumption of the product is standardized: for 1 ton of fuel you will need to use 100-160 g of powder.
  2. Kominichek. 1 package contains 5 sachets of 15 g each. This amount is enough for 3 months preventative work. Kominichek is recommended to be used if there is a small layer of soot. Maximum thickness layer - 2 mm. The product will remove soot and soot. With its help, a reaction will be caused in which the soot will turn into an oxide that can burn at a low temperature.
  3. Using the product is quite simple: 1 sachet is placed in the firebox on burning fuel, after which the door is closed. Due to exposure to high temperatures, the granules will release substances that can dissolve soot on the walls of the firebox and in the chimney structure.
  4. Log. A product that is a small briquette or bar. During combustion, volatile substances are released that can reduce the thickness of creosote deposits on the walls of the pipe. The deposits will dry out and fall into the firebox. The cleaning principle can be seen in Fig. 2.

Log is the most popular chemical remedy. The product reduces the risk of creosote deposits and extends the service life of the chimney. The timber can be used in stoves and fireplaces of any type.

If the stove is heated several times a week, then it will be enough to burn a log once every six months. If the stove is used daily, you will need to burn 2 bars in 1 season. If you need to clean a wood stove that is being used during the heating season, you will need to burn a log in it once every few months.

In order to be able to achieve maximum cleaning efficiency, you need to place the log on hot coals that remain from the previous firebox. If the timber does not burn, the wrapper on both sides should be set on fire with a match.

The additives that make up the timber remain active for several weeks. During this time, soot will enter the firebox, breaking away from the walls of the pipe. After 2 weeks, you will need to clean the firebox, inspect the elbow and pipe, and then clean them of waste that has fallen out. The smoke damper also needs cleaning. To clean, use a vacuum cleaner or fireplace brush.

Before purchasing any chemical substance It is important to carefully read the instructions for use and the manufacturer’s advice regarding the use of the product in heating devices various types. Not all products are universal; some can only be used in closed fireboxes or stoves that burn wood.

Owners of stoves and fireplaces are well aware of the need for regular maintenance of their heating boilers. No matter how perfect the design, the chimney will definitely need to be cleaned. The rate of clogging is affected by various factors: operating conditions, device design, quality and type of fuel, etc. However, even in the most ideal conditions, the chimney must be cleaned at least once a year. This operation is often carried out by employees of special companies, but if you wish, you can do it yourself.

Why is it necessary to clean your chimney at all?

When fuel burns in a heating appliance, soot is released. Warm air lifts it up, where it settles on the walls of the chimney. Over time, soot accumulates, its layer becomes more and more powerful. This leads to unpleasant consequences:

  • The smoke exhaust channel narrows, which reduces draft.
  • The wear of the chimney walls accelerates.
  • The efficiency of the heating device decreases.
  • The likelihood of a fire inside the smoke exhaust duct increases.

Troubles can only be prevented by timely high-quality cleaning chimney from accumulated soot.

You may also find this article useful on how to properly make a brick chimney:

Methods for cleaning a chimney

All options for cleaning the smoke channel can be divided into three groups.

Option #1 - folk remedies

The most common remedy for soot buildup in a chimney is rock salt. It is usually sprinkled onto the fuel during the combustion process. However, this option can be considered, rather, as a prevention of soot formation. It will not help to radically clean the pipe.

A more effective means for cleaning chimneys is potato peelings or simply chopped potatoes. Their quantity is determined by the size of the heating device, but on average it usually takes about a bucket. The peelings are poured directly into the fire. The starch released along with the steam softens the soot and it comes out of the pipe. After the procedure, you need to clean the oven. Sometimes this operation is carried out before mechanical cleaning, which is much easier.

Another remedy is aspen firewood. Several armfuls of such fuel are burned in a furnace. However, we must immediately make a reservation that this is enough dangerous way. It involves heating the chimney to very high temperatures, as a result of which the soot begins to burn out. Before using this method, you should make sure that the chimney is strong. In addition, soot deposits should be small, otherwise even the most durable pipe will not withstand the load and will collapse.

Soot is deposited inside the chimney and closes the exhaust channel space. The draft deteriorates, the efficiency of the heating device decreases and the risk of fire increases

Option #2 - chemical compositions

The industry produces a variety of products designed to clean chimneys. These are a variety of powders, liquids and briquettes. They are added to the firebox during fuel combustion. They light up and release substances that are harmless to humans, destroying deposits on the walls of the smoke channel, which crumble down. Popular products include PHC or anti-carbon chemical composition. A special powder is placed in the firebox along with firewood. Its quantity is strictly standardized: no more than 200 g per ton of fuel.

When looking for how to clean your chimney from a small layer of soot, you should pay attention to the Czech product “Kominicek”. This powder, when heated, causes a catalytic reaction, causing the soot to burn at a lower temperature. The most popular is the “Log Chimney Sweep”, which can be used in all types of appliances operating on liquid and solid fuels. The product should be used as deposits accumulate. On average, a fireplace that is lit once or twice a week will require one briquette for six months. But for a boiler that is constantly used, you will need one log every two months. In large fireplaces and stoves, two packages are burned at once.

Before using the “Log Chimney Sweep” for the first time in the heating season, you should inspect the chimney to be sure that it is not clogged with debris or foreign objects. The briquette can be burned with or without fuel. However, for maximum effectiveness, it is placed on hot coals. Before this, the log is removed from the packaging, but the wrapper is not removed. You should wait until the briquette flares up; if this does not happen, the wrapper is set on fire on both sides. The action of the active substance lasts for two weeks. During this time, soot may fall out. After this period, you should inspect the pipe and clean the firebox.

An effective means for cleaning a chimney is a special log. When burning, it releases volatile substances that destroy soot deposited in the smoke channel

However, it’s worth saying a few words about safety precautions (more details in the video):

Although, there is an opinion that all this is written with a pitchfork on the water:

It's up to you to decide who to believe.

Option #3 - mechanical cleaning

No matter how advanced humanity has become in terms of technology, mechanical cleaning of chimneys, just like hundreds of years ago, remains the simplest, most reliable and effective way to remove soot and deposits. Depending on which gas ducts need to be cleaned - vertical or horizontal - a variety of scrapers, blades, brushes and brooms are used. You can make a tool for servicing furnace channels yourself or buy it in specialized departments of construction markets. Most often, a brush-brush is used to remove soot in vertical flues, and a poker and a brush with stiff bristles are used in horizontal flues. If necessary, attach a handle of the required length to the tool.

A chimney brush can be easily made from scrap materials.

Previously, you could call a chimney sweep to clean your chimney. Since people in this profession are extremely rare today, we will tell you in detail how to properly clean soot from a stove or fireplace:

  1. Clean the firebox from ash and unburnt solid fuel residues.
  2. Close the blower, firebox and all cleanout doors tightly - remember that soot consists of microscopic particles that can penetrate into the most narrow gaps. An open fireplace should be curtained with thick cloth, which should be moistened generously with water.
  3. Following safety precautions, climb onto the roof. You should have a brush with you, tied to a long rope.
  4. Inspect the vertical flue for contamination with large debris. If large foreign objects get into the chimney, or the smoke channel is blocked by a broken half of a brick, then it can be freed using a cable with a heavy weight in the shape of a ball. Use objects for these purposes complex shape(with a shifted center of gravity) is not recommended. They often turn and get stuck in the oven channels, requiring additional effort and time to remove.
  5. After removing the blockage, lower the bristled brush into the chimney and, using progressive up and down movements, clean the walls along the entire height of the pipe. If the chimney has not been cleaned for a long time, or if damp wood with a high resin content was used for the firebox, then a thick layer of deposits can only be removed with a metal scraper.
  6. Check the result of your work and go down. Your next goal is the remaining vertical and horizontal channels. They can be accessed through the cleaning doors. Opening them one by one in the direction from the chimney to the mouth of the stove, remove carbon deposits with scrapers and hard brooms and scoop them out of the channels with a poker.
  7. Stoves with a wide firebox, as well as fireplaces, are also cleaned from the firebox side. Lastly, carbon deposits are scraped off the walls of the fuel chamber and the ash pan, after which the soot is scooped out and the under and grate is cleaned.

When finished with the work, close and carefully seal the cleaning doors, carry out a full wet cleaning premises. The cleaning procedure is usually carried out twice a year, before starting heating season and at its end.

Fireplaces with straight chimneys can be cleaned from below, through the firebox. For this purpose, use a special wire brush, the handle of which is extended using special extensions

The problem of cleaning a chimney is easily solved. You can choose from several cleaning options. You only need to take into account the amount of deposits accumulated on the walls of the smoke channel. All work, including mechanical cleaning, can be carried out independently. You should read the instructions and follow them carefully. However, those who are not confident in their abilities or do not want to do dirty work can invite a professional. In any case, a clean chimney will delight its owner with excellent draft and long service life.

How to reduce soot deposits

Soot and carbon deposits are deposited even in the pipes of gas-fired furnaces. What can we say about the combustion of solid fuel - for it this is an even more natural process. At the same time, the amount of combustion products deposited on the walls of the chimney can be significantly reduced. To do this, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. No trash. Do not burn plastic, foam, rubber and other substances with a high carbon content in the firebox of a solid fuel stove.
  2. Prepare firewood in advance. Remember that high-quality dry wood burns with virtually no residue, with minimal release of soot and substances that cause soot formation. Among other things, this is facilitated by more high temperature combustion, which affects the course of pyrolysis processes. As for raw firewood, when used in excess, water vapor is released, as well as substances such as tar, creosote, etc. - they simply do not have time to burn due to the low temperature. Subsequently, all these resin-like substances fall out in the form of a difficult-to-remove deposit on the flue ducts and cause rapid overgrowing of the ducts with soot - it sticks to the sticky substance much more readily.
  3. Use hardwood. Anyone who lights a stove on their own knows that the best firewood is oak, hornbeam, beech, aspen and acacia. In second place is wood from walnut, apple, cherry, larch, poplar, plane tree, etc. But firewood from coniferous trees (spruce, pine, juniper, etc.) contains a lot of resins, so when using them, you will need to clean the stove significantly more often. As, indeed, when burning birch logs, which have a high tar content. By the way, fashionable today fuel briquettes or pellets are also subject to careful inspection at the time of purchase. If they are made from pine sawdust or sunflower husks, then it is better to avoid such fuel due to the high content of resins and oily substances.
  4. Make sure that the wood burns in an optimal mode. This corresponds to the temperature flue gases from 150 to 350 degrees. With reduced heat generation, wood carbon does not have time to burn in the firebox and flies away with smoke, simultaneously falling out in the vertical and horizontal channels of the furnace.

In order to achieve the most complete combustion of wood, use the advice of experienced stove makers. Here's what they recommend:

  • Before putting firewood into the stove, keep it indoors for at least 2-3 days. During this time, they will dry out and warm up to room temperature, which means they will not only burn better, but will also not require additional heat for preheating;
  • before laying the main batch of wood, heat the combustion chamber by burning wood chips, pieces of cardboard, etc. in it;
  • As the wood burns, regulate the combustion process using a damper or ash door. Of course, a high temperature in the furnace is good because less soot is formed, but in this case the heat will not have time to accumulate in the body of the furnace, and will simply fly away into the atmosphere;
  • set to chimney combustion indicator. With its help, you can more accurately monitor the temperature of the smoke and maintain the heat release process within optimal limits.

A temperature indicator installed on the chimney will help maintain combustion within optimal limits.

The symptoms of an “overgrown” chimney cannot be ignored. First of all, the color of the smoke changes. If the smoke exhaust channel is clean, it will be light, transparent or white. The accumulated soot begins to burn, which changes the color of the smoke. It becomes denser and darker. The shade of the flame in the stove may also change. Under normal conditions it will be light orange. If a rich shade of dark orange appears, then it’s time to think about how to clean your chimney.

What is better to choose for heating wooden house, which option is more economical and profitable, you will find out in our next material: .

In any case, even if warning signs do not appear, experts recommend inspecting the smoke exhaust duct at least twice a year. It should be taken into account that cleaning may be necessary not only in case of a build-up of a layer of soot, but also from debris, bird nests, cobwebs, etc. that accidentally got inside. There are many cleaning methods and you can choose the optimal one only after determining the level of contamination, inspecting the condition of the chimney, etc.

Safe operation of stoves and fireplaces requires effective draft, provided by periodic cleaning of the pipes. Owners of heating devices know that regular maintenance is necessary.

Regardless of the design features of the furnaces, decorative fireplaces, any chimneys require cleaning. To heating device functioned, brought pleasure to the owner and his family members, you need to know how to clean the chimney from soot.

Relevance of prevention: how to determine?

A clogged chimney is caused by various factors. Knowing them, you avoid problems, improve traction, and ensure the safety of your home. We will tell you about the reasons for the appearance of deposits and why it is necessary to clean the home chimney from accumulated soot.

Start by identifying visual cues - look for smoke. White or light gray puffs emanate from a clean pipe. The appearance of dense smoke is a signal for preventive maintenance. Control the color of the flame. Changing the light orange hue to dark orange requires work to clean the structure.

Remember that annual maintenance is required even under ideal operating conditions.

Causes of soot deposits

Smoke, in addition to the gaseous components of decomposition, contains mechanical particles that contaminate the surface of the channel. Soot accumulates in the chimney and forms a black coating. The mass of deposits becomes saturated with water vapor and hardens. Gradually the pipe becomes clogged. Soot covers channel bends, narrow passages, and rough surfaces of brick pipes.

The volume of deposits is determined by various factors:

  • improper installation of the stove or fireplace;
  • violation of the technology for laying product components;
  • poor quality building materials– cracks appear on the surface;
  • clogging of the smoke exhaust system with debris;
  • incorrect design - the pipe is not equipped with an umbrella.

These factors can reduce cravings. The accumulated mass of soot quickly reduces the cross-section of the pipe, making it difficult for fireplaces and stoves to operate.

The rate of sediment accumulation is determined design features heating device, type of fuel, humidity. Regular cleaning of your chimney from soot deposits and monitoring the condition will help you avoid negative phenomena.

Why clean your chimney?

Chimney cleaning is a mandatory procedure. Gradually, the soot layer becomes thick and can cause serious consequences:

  • reducing the cross-section of the smoke exhaust channel, causing a decrease in draft;
  • a decrease in the operating efficiency of the heating device caused by a decrease in the heat capacity of the pipe;
  • the likelihood of ignition of deposits inside the chimney;
  • wear of outlet lines.

It is difficult for smoke to move through a clogged chimney in the correct direction. It gradually returns, filling the room with carbon monoxide, creating a health hazard for others. Remember - soot is an excellent heat insulator, accumulates in a thick layer, significantly reduces the coefficient useful action ovens. The result is that more fuel is needed to support comfortable temperature premises.

Risk factors

The main danger is the possibility of fire, burning of the pipe walls, and sparks flying out. They, being hot solid particles of soot, can create a threat of ignition of neighboring buildings and pose a serious danger.

Let us briefly describe the advisability of cleaning. Prevention provides:

  • safe operation of heating devices;
  • increased traction.

Knowing how to clean soot from a chimney can limit the likelihood of problematic situations. The operation is easy to perform independently using traditional methods.

Line of chemical compounds

Industrial enterprises produce several types of products that clean chimney systems. The products are absolutely harmless and can be in the form of powders, liquids or briquettes. Let's look at the most popular cleaners:

  • PHC compositions. Special anti-carbon powder, similar in composition to copper sulfate, designed for filling into the heating compartment. It is recommended to use no more than 200 g of product per 1 ton of firewood.
  • "Comedian." A cleaning agent in powder form that is catalyzed by heat treatment, reducing the combustion temperature of soot.
  • Briquettes "Log-chimney sweep". They are used in conjunction with liquid or solid fuel. In fireplace designs, 1 log is laid for 60 days, and in large stoves - up to 2 pieces. When using the Log for the first time, inspect the chimney for debris. Burn the briquette on hot coals without removing the packaging. Active substances last for about 14 days, then the pipe is inspected and the firebox is cleaned.
  • HG is a home chimney cleaner that removes soot and is capable of efficiently removing plaque. These products for stoves and fireplaces are produced in the Netherlands. The manufacturer recommends using powdered components once every six months, adding 2 tbsp. l on well-ignited solid fuel.

When using any of the chemical products presented above, follow the manufacturer's recommendations and carefully read the instructions. Owners of holiday properties do not always have the opportunity to use chemical cleaning agents.

The problem can be solved independently if there is an algorithm for how to easily clean your own chimney from soot deposits using proven folk remedies.

Cleaning using traditional methods - proven solutions

Effective cleaning of soot from any chimney or chimney can be done using folk recipes, proven over centuries. Let's consider the most effective options, suitable for chimney cleaning:

Solving the problem of how to clean furnace system or how to properly clean your own chimney from deposits or soot using proven folk remedies, inspect the structure and purchase construction supplies.

Tools and materials

Before starting work, take care of the tools in accordance with the type of construction. You will need:

  • metal brush;
  • brush – square structures are more convenient to clean with a device with stiff bristles;
  • fasteners made of flexible material;
  • scraper;
  • round bucket;
  • self-prepared or chemical formulations;
  • steel ball - should cover 2/3 of the chimney.

The core is used for more than just removing clogs. It allows you to weigh down the brush and brush, and cleaning a clogged chimney from deposits or soot will be effective. By connecting the elements using a metal cable and carabiners, you can adjust the length of the device.

Manual mechanical cleaning

The mechanical method of cleaning soot and soot is also a folk method. Since ancient times, cannonballs have been used, secured with a strong cable, piercing dense growths, ruffs various shapes, scrapers. This option for removing deposits is a proven, effective method.

Cleaning the chimney mechanically is carried out as follows:

  1. Close all oven doors tightly to block soot from falling out. When working on fireplace systems, place a damp cloth over the firebox.
  2. Open all dampers, increasing the cross-section of the channels.
  3. Climb onto the roof, securing the safety belt on your body.
  4. Inspect smoke duct. The soot, which has a layer of about 2 mm, is removed chemical compounds. If there is debris, push it through.
  5. Clean the chimney - remove the head and, using a scraper or a stiff brush, remove deposits.
  6. Keep hard-to-reach areas of the pipe clean by using a flexible brush. It is advisable to use a cable equipped with an attachment. Move the device by carefully turning the handle.
  7. With the help of a suspended core, the chimney is cleared of serious blockages and soot. Move the steel ball by moving.
  8. Be careful to maintain the integrity of the brick.
  9. Remove soot by opening the smoke duct doors.
  10. Clean the combustion and ash compartments. Open fireplaces are treated from the firebox side with a metal brush with a long handle.

After completing the work, light the stove and check the efficiency of the draft. Install the head. It is easy to install.

When cleaning chimney ducts, take the advice of professional chimney sweeps. This will help extend the life of the fireplace or stove:

  • do not heat the stove or fireplace with fuel from coniferous wood. The rock contains ethereal resins that settle on the walls of the chimney;
  • do not use damp firewood - humidity increases the degree of soot and water deposits;
  • do not burn plastic or synthetic waste in the stove - they settle on the chimney;
  • stick to wood from deciduous trees. The fuel must be thoroughly dried. After the fuel burns, burn some aspen logs - this will remove the soot from the chimney faster.

When choosing traditional methods for removing sediment that interferes with the functionality of the stove, home fireplace or chimney pipes, test the hood.

A decrease in draft causes the return of smoke, and in this case it is advisable to use the traditional cleansing method using mechanical means.

Safe and comfortable use of stoves and fireplaces is impossible without good draft, which, in turn, depends on the condition of the chimney. You will learn how to clean the chimney from soot and prevent it from clogging in this article.

At first glance, it seems that after burning wood the smoke disappears without a trace, but this is not at all the case. In addition to gaseous combustion products, smoke contains solid particles, which settle on the walls of the smoke channel, forming a gray or black coating. Water vapor, which is also contained in smoke, binds the soot, and the coating becomes dense and hard. Narrow places, corners of the smoke duct, as well as rough walls of brick pipes are especially susceptible to clogging.

Soot deposits in the pipe

In addition, mechanical blockages are possible: debris accidentally falling into the pipe, tree leaves, bird nests, or bricks falling out of the masonry. Even a small blockage can worsen traction, and the blockage that has settled on foreign object soot quickly clogs the chimney, making further operation of the stove impossible. There are several ways to clean the chimney from soot and blockages, which are described below.

Chimney cleaning methods: which one to choose?

Methods for cleaning chimneys and stove pipes are quite varied, from folk ways, proven over centuries, to modern ones, based on scientific developments. Let's take a closer look at all of them.

Folk remedies

Our ancestors knew well the features different types wood Coniferous firewood contains a large amount of resins released along with the smoke. Poorly dried, damp wood smolders, gives off little heat, and at the same time releases water vapor, which settles on the walls of the pipe, holding the loose soot together into a monolith. Dry hardwood wood is best suited for heating stoves: birch, alder, aspen. They burn with increased heat transfer, practically do not produce soot and soot and do not clog the pipe.

In the old days, aspen wood was used to clean the chimney, burning with the formation of a high, hot flame. When the walls of the chimney are heated, the soot loosens and burns, and its remains are carried out through the chimney along with the smoke. Many are based on the same principle modern methods cleaning pipes, which are described below. For preventive maintenance and periodic cleaning of the chimney, you can use this the old way, throwing several dry aspen logs into the heated firebox. In this case, it is necessary to comply fire safety and prevent pipes from overheating.

Another interesting folk method chimney cleaning involves burning dried potato peelings. When they burn with smoke, substances are released that loosen the soot and make it easy to remove through the cleaning holes.

Video - a popular method of cleaning a chimney

Traditional methods are interesting, but sometimes ineffective, especially when a blockage has already formed. In this case, it is wiser to resort to means chemical cleaning pipes

Chemical chimney cleaning

Available in stove stores large selection various means that allow you to clean the chimney from soot without unnecessary hassle. These products come in the form of powders, tablets, liquids or briquettes that imitate logs or pellets. Their use is quite simple: you need to place the package in a stove or fireplace and burn it, together with firewood or separately. Detailed instructions Usually indicated on the package, as well as the dosage.

Cleaning products in powder form are usually packaged in single dosage bags; depending on the degree of contamination of the pipe and chimney, one or more bags may be needed. They are thrown into the fire after lighting the stove without opening them. Appearance of blue or green flame indicates that the product is working and releases chemically active substances that break down soot and plaque.

Chemical chimney cleaning products

Cleaning pellets or logs are more convenient to use; they are simply placed in the fireplace or stove directly in the package and set on fire, after which the stove is continued to fire for one to two hours. During this time, the tar and creosote that bind the soot in the chimney decompose, and small particles are carried out along with the smoke, and large blockages fall down. Therefore, after cleaning and cooling the stove, it is recommended to inspect the smoke channel through doors specially designed for this purpose.

Chimney cleaning is carried out several times a year to prevent blockages. If the oven is used no more than once a week, it is enough to use these products a couple of times a year. When firing the stove daily or using low-quality firewood, preventive maintenance is carried out more often, once every two months, without waiting for the chimney to become overgrown with soot.

Mechanical chimney cleaning

In case of serious blockages caused by severe narrowing of the lumen or debris entering the pipe, chemical agents may be powerless. Operating the stove becomes impossible and very dangerous - deposits on the walls of the chimney ignite when overheated, and sparks or even flames burst out of the chimney along with the smoke. In dry weather this can cause a fire. If your stove has no draft at all and smoke goes inside the room, it must be cleaned mechanically, using a special tool.

Devices designed for cleaning a chimney from soot and soot are very diverse: these are brushes, scrapers, brushes of various configurations and sizes, as well as cores on a strong cable, which are used to break through dense blockages. They can be purchased at specialized stores or make it yourself.

Video - how to make a brush for cleaning a chimney with your own hands

Chimney cleaning is usually carried out from top to bottom: they break through blockages in the chimney, clean it with scrapers, brushes and brushes, then clean the smoke channels through the cleaning doors, and lastly clean the dampers and the firebox itself, as well as the ash pan. Fireplace chimneys of a simple configuration can be cleaned from below, using brushes on a long handle. How to clean a chimney mechanically is described below.

Chimney cleaning technology

1. Before you take on the role of a chimney sweep, take care of your own safety. Needs to be installed on the roof comfortable staircase and take care of insurance that will not allow you to fall. When cleaning the chimney, you must use a respirator.

Safety precautions when working

2. The dampers are opened, otherwise soot will accumulate on them, which can lead to even greater blockage. But the doors - furnace, ash and cleaning - need to be tightly closed so as not to stain furniture and floors with soot. It is better to cover open fireplace inserts with a damp cloth, which you don’t mind throwing away - you most likely won’t be able to wash it.

3. Cleaning begins from the top, from the chimney. Before starting cleaning, you need to remove the head from the pipe and remove soot from an accessible distance with a scraper or a stiff brush. The tool can be extended using an extendable handle.

Cleaning starts from the pipe

4. Inaccessible parts of the chimney are cleaned using a flexible brush - a cable with a nozzle at one end and a handle for rotation at the other. The diameter of the nozzle should exceed the diameter of the pipe by 1.2-1.3 times. The cable is inserted into the chimney and carefully moved by rotating the handle.

Flexible brush for cleaning pipes from soot

5. If the brush gets stuck, it means that a serious blockage has formed in the chimney, and it can only be broken through with the help of a core. The cannonball is abruptly lowered onto a cable into the chimney, trying not to touch the walls so as not to chip the brick. Having removed the blockage, continue cleaning with a brush.

Pipe cleaning core

6. After cleaning the pipes, begin removing soot through the cleaning doors. In a complex furnace, as a rule, there are several of them, and they are located in places where the smoke channel turns. First, they rake out the soot that has fallen from above, then use scrapers and a brush to clean the smoke channel itself. At the same time, they move from top to bottom, towards the firebox. In fireplaces with a straight chimney, there may be no cleaning doors at all, and all the soot immediately falls into the firebox.

Cleaning smoke ducts from soot

7. The firebox and ash pan are cleaned last. Final cleaning can be done using a vacuum cleaner. If your vacuum cleaner is equipped with a fabric bag for collecting dust, it is better to buy a disposable paper bag for this purpose, since it is impossible to clean it from soot.

Removing soot from the firebox with a vacuum cleaner

8. Light up the stove and check the draft. If cleaning has removed the blockage, then after the oven has cooled, put the head back on. If the draft has not improved, the smoke channel may be clogged in a hard-to-reach place, and you can’t do it without the help of a qualified stove technician.

9. In the future, when using the stove, you should not neglect the prevention of blockages using the folk or modern methods described above.

To prevent the chimney from becoming overgrown with soot, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • It is better to use dry firewood from deciduous trees as fuel, and periodically add aspen or preventative agents to the stove at the end of the firebox.
  • Do not burn waste in the oven, especially plastic, polyethylene, and packaging paper.
  • To reduce moisture condensation, the chimney must be insulated, especially if it is made of metal. Usually they use ready-made double sandwich pipes with a layer of non-combustible insulation.
  • It is imperative to put a cap on the pipe to protect it from accidental ingress of debris or precipitation.

At correct use stove, the question “how to clean a chimney from soot” will arise very rarely, and you will be able to fully enjoy the bright flame and warmth.

Heating a house, cottage or bathhouse is rarely complete without a stove or boiler. For our winters, this equipment is optimal: it can produce the required amount of heat. But both stoves and boilers require maintenance, and one of the mandatory procedures is chimney cleaning.

Why does the chimney become overgrown with soot?

The combustion process of fuel is an oxidation process, and this requires oxygen and high temperature. If at least one of these conditions is not met, soot appears - this is the result of insufficient oxidation of carbon. Externally, the presence of soot can be determined by the color of the smoke - if it is black, it means it contains soot particles, but most of it settles in the chimney, especially in places of turns.

Now a little about what can cause active soot formation:

The rate at which the chimney becomes overgrown with soot also depends on the type of firewood. Resinous spruce and pine in this regard are not best choice, but not everyone has the opportunity to burn with expensive oak or other hardwoods. In any case, you can make sure that the firewood is dry. To do this, it is worth building a larger one so that it can accommodate a supply for 2-3 years. Then you can use the most seasoned and dried logs, and let the fresh ones lie and reach condition.

How can you clean a chimney from soot?

There are three ways to clean a chimney:

  • Mechanical. A brush is inserted into the chimney, with the help of which the soot is knocked off the walls. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to have access to the pipe, which is not always easy. Not everyone is able to climb onto the roof, and cleaning from below requires flexible rods and access. Another unpleasant moment: all the contents fall down, you will have to collect it and take it out, and then spend a long time cleaning the soot from the stove or fireplace. Therefore, before starting cleaning, place some kind of container into which everything will be poured.
  • Chemical chimney cleaning - powders and briquettes (logs). When the system warms up, the powders are poured into the fire, and logs are placed under the firebox. The substances they contain soften the soot, it gradually flies into the pipe, but can fall down and block the passage altogether. So it is better to use these products for prevention when there is still a little soot.
  • Traditional methods. The problem of chimneys becoming overgrown with soot is not new, and our ancestors knew how to deal with it without chemicals. There were, of course, chimney sweeps, but they worked in cities, and their services cost a lot. Nevertheless, the problem was dealt with, and very by simple means- salt or potato peelings.

There is another drastic solution - go to the fire department and call specialists. They are no longer called chimney sweeps, but perform the same functions, albeit by different means. The solution is not bad, they know their job, since soot is explosive, as long as they don’t give permission to anyone. The only negative is the cost of such services.

Mechanical chimney cleaning products

Cleaning chimneys using brushes has been used for centuries, and they are still available today. A brush-ruff is attached to the end of a long elastic and flexible cable. Diameter - individually depending on the size of the chimney. A small metal ball can be tied under the ruff to make the tool go down easier. This structure is lowered into the chimney, raised, lowered again and raised again. Do this until the passage is clear. Everything works simply - the bristles knock off the soot from the pipe.

This chimney cleaning has one peculiarity: if there is good draft, most of the soot flies out into the chimney. Therefore, firstly, you need to tie yourself down so that you don’t fall off the roof due to involuntary movement, and secondly, put on safety glasses and a respirator. Gloves would also help, but they are needed to prevent the cable from injuring your hands.

If you decide to make a chimney brush yourself, hang the ball below, and a centered one. Kettlebells or wrenches don’t fit - sooner or later they become a waste in the chimney. You will be lucky if you can remove the tool without disassembling the pipe.

The chimney is not always such that it can be cleaned from above - it can rise several meters above the roof. You can’t put a ladder up to it, you can’t get close to it in any other way. In this case, the chimney is cleaned from below. For this purpose there are brushes on flexible rods. Fragments of the rod are connected to one another, the brush moves along the pipe. In this case, part of the soot is also carried away by the draft, but some falls down and this must also be taken into account. Professional chimney sweeps use special vacuum cleaners for collection (not household ones, since soot is explosive); if you clean it yourself, you will have to collect everything by hand.

If you have a fireplace, everything is simple - access is free, but if it is a boiler or sauna stove, the matter is more complicated. If the chimney has a glass to collect condensate, by removing it, you can run a brush into the pipe without any problems. If there are no revisions, you will have to try to get to the pipe through the firebox. If this is not possible, you will have to disassemble the chimney. Then it’s better to immediately redo it by installing a tee with a glass.

Chimney cleaning products

Clean the chimney with chemicals You can, as long as it's not too crowded. If the pipe is brick, these tools help to make mechanical cleaning more rare. How independent remedy can be used for ceramic chimneys or those made of stainless steel. All these powders or logs for removing soot from a pipe are preventative. Use them to clean the chimney from large quantity soot is not always successful. There have been cases when the soot that fell after burning the powder clogged the chimney tightly. I had to take a brush and clean it by hand.

Despite these shortcomings, the products are used and here’s why: during processing, the soot that is in the boiler softens, sauna stove or in smoke ducts. Pulling them by hand is a small pleasure, but regular use does a good job of eliminating the problem.

There are plenty of products for cleaning chimneys from soot in stores, but here are the most popular:

After using all chemicals, the room must be ventilated and the stove or fireplace must be cleaned. Please note that after treatment, the soot may still fall off for a couple of days - the remnants fly off.

Traditional methods of chimney cleaning

The easiest way to prevent soot formation is to heat an already heated stove with aspen wood. They burn with a very hot flame, the soot in the chimney burns. The action is effective, but dangerous - if a lot of soot has accumulated, it explodes when ignited and can rupture the pipe.

There are safer ones folk remedies, with which chimney cleaning is both effective and safe. Add half a kilogram of salt or about a bucket of potato peelings to a melted and well-heated oven. It is better to dry the peelings or add raw ones little by little - so as not to reduce the temperature in the firebox. The effect is approximately the same as when using chemicals, only a little softer - the soot flies out of the chimney for another three days.