How long to dry garlic after harvesting. Drying garlic after digging allows you to preserve the crop throughout the winter.

The product is also high in vitamins B2, C, B1 and PP.

How to collect garlic for drying?

Important! Do not wash the garlic after you dig it. You just have to separate the upper dirty layers of the plant, and the problem will solve itself. If you wash the product, it may rot and it will be very difficult to dry it.

Garlic must be dried in a dry and cool room. It is best not to tear off the root, stem and leaves. You will still have time to chop the cloves into small pieces.

Methods for drying garlic

Drying the heads of garlic

How to dry garlic? Dig up the plant when it is ripe. Find a well-ventilated, cool room where the temperature is no higher than 10 degrees.

You can also store garlic in stockings. However, they should be placed in a dry, shaded place. Then you can chop the garlic. To do this, cut the cloves into 2 mm pieces.

Cutting will be easier if you use vegetable cutters with vertical and horizontal blades.

Pay attention to the condition of the knives, and also do not forget to constantly moisten them with water. This removes cell sap from the device, which prevents the product from darkening. It is recommended to store chopped garlic in an airtight container.

Drying peeled garlic

Take a mature and pure product. Carefully sort it and peel it from the hard shell.

Next, cut the garlic into pieces 6 millimeters thick and place it on a sieve and dry in the oven at 50 degrees.

Cool the dried garlic in sieves, place in jars and screw the lids on tightly.

If you wish, you can make powder from dried garlic. Pass the product through a coffee mill. The resulting powder can be stored for 1 year.

Drying chopped garlic

Choose the best garlic. Weed out damaged heads immediately. Peel the product. What to do next? You can dry the plant in various ways.

Place the garlic in a food processor and chop it.

If you prefer the product sliced, use a knife to cut it.

Then you can dry the product in an oven at a temperature of 93 degrees.

Dry the garlic for 2 days at 35 degrees in a dehumidifier.

If you set the temperature to 45 degrees, you can dry the product faster. To do this, it is recommended to take large slices, but provided that the desiccant has large holes.

That's it! The garlic is ready. How to store the resulting product?

There are several storage methods:

  1. Garlic pieces can be stored in an airtight container for several months. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the product is not exposed to direct sunlight and high temperatures.
  2. After the garlic has dried, chop it. In order for the quality of the powder to be excellent, it is recommended to pass the pieces through a sieve. The resulting mixture can be stored for 2 months.
  3. Freeze the garlic pieces in a covered container. This way it will be stored for 12 months. Before using the product for food, grind it in a coffee grinder.

The drying speed is affected by the quality of the garlic, as well as the size of the pieces, the air temperature during drying and the presence of scales on the surface of the plant.

Is it possible to dry garlic in the sun?

The answer to the question posed is ambiguous. If you are doing industrial cultivation garlic, then you can! This way the product dries out faster, which is important, since manufacturers strive to sell garlic during the season.

For those who consume the product on their own, the presented method is not suitable.

The thing is that after drying in the sun, the shelf life of garlic is significantly reduced.

It is best to dry in the shade. In the sun, the outer covers of the product crack, which means the quality of the bulbs deteriorates. Because of this, if you are interested in using garlic for culinary purposes, dry it in the shade!

And plants intended for planting before winter can be dried in the sun for 3 days.

Good advice

If you opted for sun drying. The product pre-production process will be as follows:

  • take a baking sheet and cover it with foil;
  • cut the cloves into 2 halves;
  • place garlic on a baking sheet, core side up;
  • wait 3-5 days;
  • If the garlic is crunchy, it is ready.

During cooking, regardless of the chosen method, the garlic must be stirred periodically using a wooden spatula. In order for the final product to be aromatic, it is better to give preference to spicy types of garlic.

Only ripe garlic is suitable for drying. In view of this, before starting the process, carefully examine each clove. If there are damaged areas, you need to cut them off.

So, any type of garlic is suitable for drying. Nevertheless, the best option Creole and silver-white garlic are considered.

The product can be dried in an oven, dehumidifier or in the sun. However, the latter option is suitable only for industrial purposes. Don't forget about preliminary preparation product before drying.

Use only mature and healthy heads, otherwise the garlic may rot or become moldy. The dried cloves can be crushed and used as an additive for culinary purposes.

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Growing garlic- it’s not a difficult task, even a novice gardener can easily cope with it. The greatest difficulty is in harvesting and proper storage. You need to know some nuances that will allow you to keep the garlic heads safe and sound throughout the winter.

Harvest time

Harvest time is a very important factor in the preservation of garlic heads. The heads must be ripe, but not overripe.

Two types are planted: spring and. The maturation times for these two species are different.

The ripening of spring garlic is determined by the condition of its foliage. Yellowing leaves will be a signal that the crop is ready for harvest.

For storage it is better to plant winter garlic. Its ripening is determined by yellowed lower foliage and cracking inflorescences. Typically, full ripening of such garlic occurs in the second half of July.

Don't hesitate to harvest garlic. If the head easily falls apart into individual cloves, it means that the garlic is already overripe. Such fruits will not store well, so they better first put it into food. At the same time, you need to know that unripe garlic is also poorly suited for storage; it will become loose and soft.

Preparation before harvest

You need to start preparing for drying from the moment you collect the garlic. The soil from which the garlic will be extracted must dry out well, so a couple of days before this point you should stop watering the plants. Once the heads are dug up, they can be cleaned of dirt and the top layer of husk.

(reklama) You cannot wash it, otherwise it may soon begin to rot. Do not cut off either the foliage or the stem with roots from dug up garlic. A cool, dry place is best for drying garlic.

How to dry garlic whole heads?

After full ripening, the garlic heads should be stored in a well-ventilated area and with temperature conditions, not exceeding 10°C heat. Dry garlic as follows:

  1. Remove from heads top layer husks, place the heads in one layer so that there are gaps between them and there is no contact.
  2. After a couple of months, the garlic will dry out. The end of drying will be signaled by wrinkled roots and brown foliage.
  3. After this, the roots are trimmed, leaving no more than 6 mm. The foliage must be removed so that the teeth are not exposed. The stem is cut to a distance of 2.5 cm from the head.

Drying peeled garlic

After the garlic has ripened and been removed from the ground, it is cleaned of the dirty outer husk. Next, the garlic is completely cleared of hard husks, and the heads are divided into pieces, the thickness of which is about 5-6 mm. After this, the garlic slices should be distributed over a sieve and dried in the oven.

To dry the garlic, heat the oven to 50°C. After this, give the garlic time to cool until room temperature, after which it can be transferred to containers and closed well with a lid. If you wish, you can store garlic in powder form. To do this, put the dried garlic in a coffee grinder and grind it. Such a spice will be stored for one year while retaining its smell and taste.

Gardeners pay great attention to drying garlic after harvesting it from the garden, since only dried garlic according to all the rules will be stored for a long time. Contrary to all logic, well-dried and stored garlic is still considered not dry, but fresh. This vegetable is consumed during the winter, used in canning, and added to various dishes. From it, zealous housewives prepare an aromatic spice - dried garlic. Let's find out how to properly dry it for the winter without losing a single milligram of healthy carbohydrates, essential oils and phytoncides, which this crop is rich in.

First of all, garlic must be removed in time. The heads overexposed in the garden will begin to disintegrate into individual cloves and sprout. This garlic will not last long. In order not to be late with harvesting, the flower arrows on several plants are not broken off, but are left as guides. Optimal time To dig up a crop, the time is considered when the arrows are completely straightened and the shell begins to burst on some of them.

Carefully dig up the garlic, trying not to damage the heads, shake off the soil from the roots, lay it out on the garden bed and dry it for several hours in the sun. It is highly undesirable to wash the bulbs, since the gardener’s task during this period is to dry the vegetable as quickly as possible. In the evening, the dried heads are tied into bunches and hung for final drying in the shade under a canopy. The place should be well-ventilated, then the bulbs will dry faster and better. Drying time lasts from a week to a month depending on weather conditions.

Dried garlic is tied into braids or cut at a height of 4–8 cm from the root collar. The roots are cut off with a sharp pruner, then the heads are stored in a cool place. dry room with good ventilation.

Can it be dried in the sun?

This issue remains controversial among vegetable growers. Many of them notice that after prolonged drying in direct sunlight, the garlic seems to be baked and is stored worse in the future. Some summer residents best place For drying garlic, use only well-lit sunlight.

The last option will certainly suit residents northern regions with dim sun and cool weather. And in southern regions it is better to shade this culture.

In any case, in the evening the bundles of garlic are removed under a canopy, since dew falls in the morning, which makes drying difficult.

How to prepare dried garlic for spice

Well-dried garlic has the following characteristics:

  • the tops have turned yellow and dried out and make a rustling sound;
  • the roots became thread-like;
  • thin dry scales similar to tissue paper have formed on the heads.
  • The weight of the dry product is reduced from the original by 40–60%.

In this form, the vegetable lasts well for several months. Before storing, heads are inspected and those damaged during excavation, with damaged shells or signs of deterioration are set aside separately. Such specimens must be used up first - put into conservation, used for food, or dried again.

First, the teeth are cleaned, damaged areas are cut out and crushed. In this form, garlic turns into an exquisite spice that does not lose its aroma for a long time and is ready to be added to various dishes - borscht, pilaf, salads, snacks.

There are many ways to get this spice. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Drying methods

Garlic, along with apples, pears, tomatoes and other fruits or vegetables, lends itself well to drying. Moreover, not everyone’s home conditions allow them to maintain beneficial properties vegetables long time, so housewives prefer to dry it for the winter. In dry form, garlic reserves do not lose their aroma for a long time, do not require space in the refrigerator and are compactly stored.

How to dry indoors

Garlic for drying is peeled, washed, allowed to dry and chopped. sharp knife onto thin plates. They are laid out on drying trays, which can be easily made from scrap materials as follows:

  • cut four boards 10–15 cm wide;
  • a box of arbitrary size and height is knocked together from boards;
  • one side is covered with a thin mesh fabric that allows air to pass through well and does not absorb odors.

Garlic cut into slices is laid out on a cloth in one layer and placed in a shaded, ventilated place. To protect from dust and flying insects, the top of the box is covered with a second layer of fabric, placing the product between them. From time to time the plates are turned over, ensuring uniform evaporation of moisture from the surface.

When fully dried, garlic is brittle, breaks easily, and is cream to light brown in color. Some of the plates can be crushed with a blender and add a little table salt. You will get garlic salt, a popular spice, ready to use. Due to salt, which absorbs excess moisture, this spice remains dry longer and does not spoil.

The finished product is poured into jars, covered with lids and stored in a dry, dark place. Dried garlic stocks should be inspected periodically. If the spice has caked and a musty smell appears, scatter it on a tray and lightly dry it in the oven at a temperature of +50°C.

In electric dryers or ovens

Garlic is dried in electric dryers in the same way. In them, the product dries much faster, since drying electrical appliances are equipped with light heating and forced ventilation. Under such conditions, the product is quickly and evenly brought to the desired condition.

In the absence of an electric dryer, garlic can be dried in the oven. The baking sheets are covered with baking paper and the chopped cloves are laid out on it. The product must be dried at a temperature not exceeding 40–60°C. With more high temperature the lobules darken, phytoncides are destroyed, and essential oils go rancid. As a result, the finished product has much worse taste properties, and its benefits are reduced.

How to keep garlic arrows fresh for the winter

Garlic lovers know well that not only the underground part of this plant is edible and useful, but also the stem and leaves. First of all, they use young shoots for food, which they break out in June. They contain even more vitamin C and are extremely necessary at the beginning of summer. Some of the arrows can be prepared for the winter by any in a convenient way– freeze, dry or sprinkle with salt.

Young leaves are also suitable for harvesting greens. After cutting, they should be washed and yellowed and coarse feathers sorted. The rest are prepared together with the arrows.

For drying, washed and finely chopped greens are laid out in one layer on pallets and brought to a loose state. Dry for several days, depending on air humidity and temperature. Then they are crushed and poured into jars.

For freezing, the arrows are also washed in running water, dried on napkins, cut and placed in plastic bags or containers. IN freezer in this form the product is stored indefinitely.

A recipe with salt is suitable for storing in the refrigerator. The prepared arrows are placed in clean glass jars, interspersed with layers of salt, and sealed tightly.

If the room where dried garlic is stored is too humid and it is not possible to reduce it, it is better to put the finished spice in the freezer. Freezing will allow you to preserve your favorite seasoning for much longer. In this case, it is packaged in small portions, for “one time use”.

Drying is an environmentally friendly and labor-intensive way to preserve garlic for a long time. Subject to storage conditions, it does not lose its quality throughout the year and is convenient to use. Adding a small amount at the end of cooking will give the dish a subtle aroma and protect against colds.

Garlic is easy to grow even for beginners in gardening, but choose the right harvesting day, preparatory work storage is already more difficult. In addition, you need to know how to properly dry garlic after digging it in rainy weather.

Growing garlic is a simple and straightforward job, even for beginner gardeners. However, not everyone knows how to store it in such a way as to keep it fresh and juicy. Firstly, you need to dig it up correctly, and secondly, dry it.

Its preservation depends on harvesting garlic.

The safety of garlic depends on when and under what conditions it was dug up. It is important to choose a time when it is already ripe, but not overripe. This can be recognized by certain signs:

  1. if the garlic is spring or spring, you need to pay attention to the foliage. If it begins to turn yellow, then it is time to harvest. Usually the most good time for this - the beginning of August. It is worth noting that these varieties do not have arrows;
  2. if the garlic is winter or winter, then the time to collect it is when the inflorescences crack and turn yellow lower leaves. The protective scales become thinner, but at the same time durable. Before drying such garlic, after digging it up, you need to let it fully ripen. It ripens at the end of July.

Garlic should not be allowed to overripe when the scales are already cracking or the bulb is falling apart into cloves. In this case, it will be difficult to preserve it, just like an unripe one.

Rules for digging up garlic

When planning to dig up garlic, you need to pay attention to the weather. It is advisable that the day be dry, but not sunny.

  1. Garlic can be dug up with a shovel, but it is better to replace it with a pitchfork. In this case, there is a greater chance of not damaging the bulbs. The bush is dug up and then pulled out.
  2. Remove the soil with your hands to keep the roots and bulbs intact. You can’t beat it, injuring the garlic.
  3. In favorable weather without precipitation, garlic can be dried in the beds for 3-5 days; in rainy weather, under cover or in a well-ventilated area. The main thing is that sun rays Do not burn the bulbs - they need to be shaded.
  4. garlic is usually dried in the form in which it was dug, that is, with leaves and roots. Afterwards it is transferred to a warm place for a couple of weeks, but after cutting off the roots (leave 2-3 mm) and stems (leave 10 cm).
  5. Garlic is sorted by size and damaged ones are set aside separately.

By following these rules, you can preserve garlic as much as possible.

How to dig up garlic in rainy weather

How to properly dry garlic after digging it up in rainy weather is described above in the article, but it is equally important to dig it up correctly in unfavorable weather conditions. weather conditions. Usually, on rainy days, garlic is not touched, as fungus can quickly develop or the bulb can rot. Yes, and wet soil is quite difficult to separate from the bulb. But it happens that the garlic is already ripe, it’s time to dig it up, and the weather is rainy. In this case, you have to dry it after digging it under unfavorable conditions.

After digging up garlic on rainy days, you need to carefully clean the bulb of dirt as much as possible. You need to dry it in a dryer where you can regulate the temperature. Initially, it should be set to 25 degrees, then gradually increase to 40.

Well-dried garlic is prepared for storage:

  1. spring varieties are stored in a warm place at a temperature of approximately 18 degrees;
  2. The winter variety is stored at 3 degrees.

Humidity during storage should be 50-80%.

Garlic is stored in different ways:

  1. in a bundle, tying the stems;
  2. in nylon stockings, but in a place that is well ventilated;
  3. in containers with air exchange, for example, in wicker baskets;
  4. in a sterile jar, but the heads need to be sprinkled with salt;
  5. in salt in a wooden container: the heads are placed on the bottom, covered with salt, then there is a second layer of garlic, it is again covered with salt, etc.

If stored improperly, mold may appear on the garlic and it may become very dry. There are times when roots sprout. Therefore, you need to strictly follow the rules proper digging, drying and storage.

Storing garlic is a fairly simple task, but it requires some knowledge. If you store a vegetable incorrectly, it will spoil over time and you will have to throw it away. Therefore, before storing, you need to familiarize yourself with how to properly trim garlic for storage and how to properly process garlic after digging it up.

Many inexperienced gardeners know nothing about harvesting garlic. Before you start harvesting, you need to figure out when to harvest and trim the garlic from the garden.

Often used to determine deadlines lunar calendar. With its help you can get information about the right time to collect vegetables. And also determine when to dig up garlic bulbs so that they are better stored in winter. However, it still cannot be used to determine the exact day of harvesting vegetables, since everything depends on the date of their planting.

To accurately select the most the right time To harvest in the spring, you need to determine that the garlic is ripe. To do this, pay attention to the leaves of the plant. In ripe vegetables, they gradually dry out by two-thirds. If you collect unripe fruits, they will often get sick and will not be stored well in winter.

Also, the timing of harvest depends on the type of garlic grown:

  • Spring. This is a summer-autumn variety that does not bolt and takes a long time to ripen. Spring garlic is removed from the garden when its foliage begins to wither and turn yellow.
  • Winter garlic. From the name it is clear that this variety belongs to winter plants. To determine the timing of harvesting the garlic heads, carefully inspect the plant. The lower leaves of ripe garlic turn yellow, and the skin on the inflorescences gradually cracks. Most often, this variety will be fully ripened by the end of July or the beginning of August. It is not recommended to delay winter garlic with boron, as this will reduce the quality harvested. Plants harvested at the wrong time become overripe, causing their heads to fall apart and deteriorate.

How to determine whether garlic is ready for harvesting?

It is known that garlic is not cut immediately and before harvesting you need to make sure that it is ready.

To determine the readiness of the vegetable for harvesting during the cultivation and formation of garlic, one control bush is planted in the garden bed. When the growing of seedlings is completed and the vegetable is fully ripe, its arrow will burst and scales and bulbs will be visible under it. This is what indicates that the bushes are completely ready to be dug up for further storage.

How to properly remove from the garden?

Many people are interested in how to properly collect garlic for storage. To create optimal collection conditions, the site is prepared. To do this, stop watering the bushes and feeding them with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is also recommended to partially rake the soil away from the plants to speed up the ripening of the garlic heads. After this, you can begin harvesting.

Garlic should be removed sunny days so that there is no dirt on the site. During digging, the fruits are carefully dug up with a shovel or pitchfork. Some people don’t know whether they need to wash garlic when digging it out of the ground. It is not necessary to wash, but it is necessary to clean the heads of adhering soil. After digging up all the bushes, the plants are carefully laid out for further drying.

Having dug up the garlic bushes, you need to figure out whether it is necessary to trim the feathers after digging. This should be done after the collected garlic has completely dried.

How to dry garlic after digging?

Before trimming garlic after harvesting, the plant is dried. To do this, the entire harvested crop is cleared of soil and laid out outdoors or indoors.

When to trim garlic when drying?

To figure out how to trim garlic correctly and competently, you need to decide on the timing of its trimming. This should be done on the fifth day after drying begins. The procedure for removing the stem and roots is performed with sharp and sharpened pruning shears. The cut heads are dried for another 3–4 weeks in a well-ventilated building with normal air humidity.

To understand that drying has come to an end, you need to carefully examine the garlic skin. It should have a uniform color and become more brittle than before.

Storage at home

Not everyone has summer cottages and therefore some have to store vegetables in their apartments. There are different ways storing vegetables in rooms and even in the hallway.

In the refrigerator

Often a refrigerator is used to store the crop after drying. When using this method, you will have to place the peeled garlic heads in a saucepan or glass jar and fill them completely vegetable oil. It will absorb the smell of garlic and can be used to dress fresh vegetable salads.

In paraffin

To make garlic softer and not spoil, it is stored in paraffin liquid. To do this, each head of vegetable is thoroughly soaked in liquid paraffin for about 10–20 minutes. After this, they are removed from the paraffin and dried to become covered with a paraffin shell. It prevents the evaporation of moisture, so the crop retains its juiciness.

At high humidity indoor air, garlic is stored in glass containers. When using this storage method, unpeeled garlic heads are added to pre-sterilized containers. When the entire harvest is distributed into the jars, they are covered with nylon lids.

In salt

The most common method of storing garlic heads at home is the use of salt.

Before using this method, it is worth determining whether the roots of the garlic need to be cut off before storing. It is definitely necessary, since it is because of them that the harvested crop quickly deteriorates.

Garlic collection and storage

Separately, it is necessary to highlight the methods of storing crops in cellars and summer cottages. In this case, gardeners are not limited to the boundaries of the apartment and therefore can use not only the above methods for preserving garlic in winter.

Some people don’t want to figure out how to process raw garlic before storing and simply leave it in canvas bags. However, this can only be done in rooms with normal air humidity. In damp cellars, before placing the harvest in bags, the heads are processed table salt or onion skins, which absorbs moisture well.

In the cellar, garlic is stored in special wicker baskets that hold 2–4 kg of the harvest. This container is great for storing vegetables, as they never spoil in it.

In braids

Experienced vegetable growers who have been growing and storing garlic for many years prefer to store garlic in braids. Such braids can be easily placed in a pantry, closet or cellar. The shelf life of garlic using this method depends on the room in which the braids will hang.


All gardeners who grow garlic face problems storing the harvest. In order to properly preserve garlic heads in winter, you need to familiarize yourself with the peculiarities of harvesting and methods of storing it.