Internal stairs in private houses. Staircase to the second floor in a private house, choosing a suitable project

Interfloor staircase necessary to connect the premises of a house with several levels. It should be durable, safe and comfortable. In addition, the staircase is essential element interior design, it cannot be hidden or disguised.

The location, configuration and design of the staircase in the building should be thought about at the very beginning of the design, because the layout of the building often depends on this. Taking into account the characteristics of this element, floor halls and entrances to rooms are located. A free zone in front of and around the staircase, a convenient location of the “start” of the staircase and its “finish”, lighting of the ascent are the most important conditions for the comfort and harmony of the interior. In addition, the safety of the stairs is directly related to its convenience.

Rules for installing stairs in the house

When designing a house, they take into account the required size of the opening for the staircase in the ceiling between floors and the method of supporting it. A concrete, marble or glass structure can weigh up to 2 tons, so it is necessary to take into account the additional load on the floor.

Concrete stairs- a structural component of the house, and they are erected during the construction phase. In a small building they are usually built between the main walls that limit the staircase space.

Light Stairs- wooden, metal - mounted at the final stage finishing works. They can be turned into a spectacular interior element, placed anywhere in the house, or made completely open.

When designing a staircase, the owner often has to choose between its convenience and the usable space of the house. Only a specialist can create a convenient, economical and safe design. The size of the opening in the second floor ceiling depends on the shape of the staircase and the height of the floor. For the most economical, single-flight structures, an opening of at least 100 x 250 cm will be required; for screw ones, the minimum opening diameter is 120 cm. Sometimes efficiency can be sacrificed for the sake of effect - for example, increasing the opening so that part of the first floor can be seen from the upper staircase hall.

Spacious hall - best place for stairs

But you should always remember about the convenience and safety of the stairs. They will be provided with:

  • correct ratio of parameters: angle of ascent and descent, width of passage along the stairs, turning sections;
  • sufficient free space above the head of the person climbing - at least 2 m;
  • reliable fencing of stairs and landings;
  • sufficient lighting - better, natural, and if this is not possible, it is advisable to provide bright staircase halls.

The staircase at the door ensures maximum autonomy for the second floor

Location of stairs in the house

It is better to place the staircase closer to the geometric center of the house in order to save on the length of communications. It is necessary to provide a convenient approach to it, and there should be free space around it so that two people can pass each other. Most often, the staircase is located in the hall or hallway - this ensures the autonomy of the premises and allows you to climb to the second floor directly from the entrance to the house. Sometimes a staircase is placed in the living room and this multi-level design serves as a decoration for the room. The second floor hall can be made in the form of a gallery, open to the living room or hallway.

The staircase is located in the living room so that it does not disturb the comfort

Spiral staircase with gallery

This type of staircase is most often located in the living room. It is less convenient for lifting than the marching one, and involves limited use, for example, it leads to the mezzanine.

Spiral staircase with gallery

Staircase in the hall

The staircase in the hall is convenient because it connects special communication rooms and ensures the autonomy of all rooms. You can arrange utility rooms underneath.

Staircase in the hall

Staircase in the living room

The staircase located in the living room always attracts attention. It should have an expressive design. But she will have to sacrifice free space and peace in the common room.

Staircase in the living room

Stair elements

The staircase consists of a supporting structure, steps and railing. The structure must be durable, and it can rest on walls or ceilings. The convenience of the stairs depends on the angle of ascent and is associated with the ratio of the height and width of the steps (they are calculated based on the average step of a person). The fence consists of railings and the filling between them and the steps. First of all, the strength and height of the fence are important, and secondly, its decorative effect.

Wide first steps invite you to start the climb and allow for turning

Stair terminology

Flight of stairs- rise from a certain amount steps (preferably no more than 17) between landings or from the floor of one floor to the floor of another. Optimal inclination the march is 30-40°, but not more than 45°, and its optimal width for a private house is 80-90 cm.

landing- a horizontal platform between marches, the width and length of which is not less than that of the march. Typically used to rotate stairs 90-180°.

Tread- the width of the step is commensurate with the human foot. Usually 25-30 cm, but not less than 22 cm.

Riser- step height. Optimal height- 15-18 cm, but not more than 20 cm. The height of all steps must be the same.

Winder steps- steps that taper towards the inner edge and widen towards the outer edge of the staircase. They serve to turn it. The width of the winder step in the center must be at least 22 cm. Stairs consisting only of winder steps are called spiral.

Balusters- staircase fencing elements: vertical posts located between steps and railings and delimiting the staircase, landing, gallery. They provide safety and decorate the stairs. The distance between the balusters should not exceed 10 cm, and the height of the fence with railings should be 96-98 cm, but not less than 90 cm.

Boltsy- elements of the supporting structure of the staircase: bolts mounted into the wall on which the stair step is attached.

Kosour- element of the supporting structure of the staircase: an inclined beam (or a pair of beams) to which the steps are attached. It is made of wood, metal, concrete and rests on the floors.

From the landing, as from a balcony, it’s nice to glance at the living room

Types and configurations of stairs

The configuration of the staircase depends on the floor layout, the area allocated for this element, the interior style, design and material. With the correct calculation of the parameters, any staircase configuration will be convenient. Moreover, the greater the number of flights and the inclination of the structure, the more space it will take up, but it will be safer, more presentable and easier to lift.

Staircase in a minimalist style

Original, but descending such a “cascade” will require caution

A staircase with winder steps is shorter than a two-flight staircase. And the screw one takes up less space than others, but it is difficult to walk on, so it is better not to use it as the main one.

A staircase of an unusual shape does not require additional decorations

Configuration and area of ​​a staircase 0.9 m wide with a floor height of 2.75 m (17 steps)

1. Single-flight straight (3.78 m²) 2. Double-flight straight with an intermediate platform (4.59 m²) 3. Double-flight L-shaped (4.59 m²) 4. Double-flight U-shaped with an intermediate platform (5.61 m²) 5. Three-flight with two platforms (5.51 m²)

6. Single-flight with winder steps and a 90° turn (4.23 m²) 7. Single-flight with winder steps and a 180° turn (4.32 m²) 8. Single-flight with winder steps and a 180° turn (3.75 m² ) 9. Single-flight only with winder steps and a 180° turn (3.54 m²)

10. Spiral staircases (3.14 m²) and (2.54 m²)

Comfortable staircase: ratio of step sizes

About the safety of stairs

The staircase must be designed by a specialist. You should pay special attention to its safety and do not neglect the following rules:

  • starting from a height of 1 m, flights of stairs, landings and galleries must have a fence at least 90 cm high;
  • gaps between fencing elements should not be more than 10 cm in width or diameter;
  • the railings should have a shape that is comfortable for your hand to grasp;
  • all steps must be the same height;
  • steps should not slide;
  • on the upper landing to the stairs it is necessary to ensure free passage from all rooms.

Classic, clearly defined spiral staircase

Smooth rotation along the entire length - both beautiful and convenient

How simpler form and the fewer turns the staircase has, the more convenient it is

Elegant and comfortable, but it’s better when the railing is located on the right

Classic straight staircase with a convenient handrail along the wall

Stair materials

The supporting structures of stairs are made of wood, metal, glass and concrete. Ceramics, stone and mosaics are used as finishing materials. When finishing steps, take into account that they must resist abrasion. If the steps are lined with slippery material, apply rough stripes to the tread surfaces or lay carpet. The fencing and cladding of the stairs are consistent with the interior design. The most popular are wooden stairs: they are suitable for interiors of any style, while steel and glass are attributes of a modern setting.

Wooden stairs are especially in demand in private homes; they are diverse, durable, environmentally friendly and beautiful. Solid wood or laminated wood is used for construction

Wooden stairs are traditionally decorated with carved balusters and railings, as well as wooden sculptures. The design of any material is made impressive by forged railings and fences, as well as glass elements. For the design of the staircase, an entrance platform with several initial steps is important. It can be oval, with unusually designed railings.

Glass stairs are made of triplex (several layers of tempered glass); metal is used for the non-existent structure. Glass stairs can have a complex spatial configuration and are spectacular. Fences are made of triplex, steel, brass

Metal stairs made from metal profiles, pipes, reinforcing steel and steel sheets. They allow you to give the structure any configuration.

Concrete stairs can be prefabricated or monolithic. Concrete allows you to create representative stairs of complex, plastic, curved shapes. The surface of the stairs is lined with stone, mosaic, and ceramics. Fences are made of stone, forged metal, steel, less often - of wood

Staircase lighting

If the stairs are dark or improperly lit, it is dangerous to use. How more complex form structure and the longer it is, the more carefully you need to pay attention to the lighting of staircases and approaches to them.

It is advisable to achieve natural light on the stairs

Artificial light must first of all illuminate the steps well. Their night lighting is both convenient and effective. Light decoration of the walls surrounding the staircase will also make the space brighter and more comfortable.

Step lighting is one of the practical solutions security problems

Stairs for a private home are not only a necessity, but also beauty and attractiveness. Such stairs can be different types, the choice depends on the size of the room, design, and the wishes of the homeowners. You can install structures from different materials. This article will help you learn about the types of staircase designs for the home, when one type or another is preferable, what are the differences, what requirements are put forward for the safety of stairs, and what parts the stairs consist of.

Exists large number types of stairs. The division depends on the purpose, functionality and other criteria. Knowledge of the main types of stairs will allow you to make a choice in favor of one type or another during construction or home improvement.

Types of stairs

  1. By purpose:
    • interfloor,
    • entrance,
    • checkpoints,
    • workers;
  2. By functionality:
    • landscape,
    • brownies,
    • special;
  3. By relative position:
    • external,
    • internal;
  4. By layout:
    • rotary,
    • straight;
  5. According to the method of operation:
    • transformable,
    • stationary,
    • portable;
  6. By design:
    • single-march,
    • double march,
    • multi-march;
  7. According to the material of the supporting parts:
    • metal,
    • reinforced concrete,
    • wooden,
    • concrete,
    • combined.

As you can see, there are a large number of types of stairs. Let's now choose from this variety exactly those stairs that are suitable for the home. First, let's talk about the components (parts) of stairs.

Basic elements of stairs

Basic details of stairs- these are the steps and supports that support them. Beams that support steps from the ends and bottom at the same time are called bowstrings. The beams that support the steps from below are called stringers. If the steps are supported by 3 stringers, then the middle copy will be called intermediate.

The steps consist of a tread, that is, a horizontal surface and a riser, a vertical part. The design of stairs may not have risers, which are additional support for the steps.


stair step

Stair stringers

String of stairs

Bolts and racks are also supporting elements. Bolts are special bolts that are mounted into the wall. Stair steps are attached to the bolts. The stand is the main load-bearing element in a spiral staircase.


Rack spiral staircase

The assembled steps and beams are called a flight of stairs; they are used to rise from one level to another. If the design of the staircase is more complex, then it also contains landings, which we discussed above.

Another one of important details staircases, although not always used, are railings, handrails or fences, as well as cladding and finishing parts. There may be additional fencing parts in the form of rods, metal posts, handrails, and so on.

Stair railings

The railings can be supported in the form of balusters. These are vertical elements of stairs that represent racks; they are also a decoration. Made from cast iron, bronze, wood, marble, brass or other materials.

Baluster for stairs

Types of stairs for the home and their features

Stairs for the home can be divided into three main types:

  1. Spiral or screw.
  2. Marching.
  3. Stairs on rails.

Let's now look at them in more detail.

Spiral or spiral staircases

Spiral staircases

They are suitable for rooms where there is little space for conventional straight stairs. It's easy to calculate the dimensions of a space. This will depend on the size of the steps. On average, the length of each step of a spiral staircase is 50-100 cm. And such a design will require at least twice as much space. That is, 100-200 cm. Such designs are not very convenient, but they take up less space. Suitable as auxiliary, allowing you to go down or up to the basement or attic. There may be various shapes: octagonal, square, round, and so on.

Square spiral staircase

Octagonal spiral staircase

They are usually made of wood or metal. Steps in the form of wedges are attached around a post or post. Typically the stand is made of metal and is a pipe. The narrow side of the steps is attached to the post, and the wide side is in contact with the wall or balusters. Usually there are no risers; the steps are attached to the railing post with their wide side.

Spiral staircase without risers

Important points about spiral staircases:

  • To make it convenient and safe to climb such stairs, the central width of the steps is made no less than 20-25 cm. The widest part should be no more than 40 cm.
  • Basically, the materials for making spiral staircases are wood or metal.
  • Stairs can also be located at load-bearing wall, and in the middle of the room. They take up little space, but are still installed less frequently than straight ones. This depends on convenience, since going down a screw specimen is very difficult, you need to be careful and attentive when doing this.
  • Basically, these stairs are auxiliary. They are good when the installation opening is small. But there are specimens whose diameter is more than 3 meters, of course, this is rare, experienced master such an opening is always used for a flight of stairs.
  • It must be borne in mind that the smaller the opening, the steeper the staircase.

Marching stairs

Marching staircase

This design is the most common. It is very convenient to go down and up, since the biomechanics of movements are taken into account. These stairs are ideal in rooms where there is enough space. The size of such a staircase and the required dimensions of the space can usually be calculated as follows: measure the height of the wall where the staircase will pass and the length of the floor. Then they draw right triangle, where the legs are the wall and the floor, and the hypotenuse is the staircase. The ideal angle of the stairs is 45 degrees.

Scheme for calculating the dimensions of a flight of stairs

Important points about flight stairs:

There are flight stairs various types: closed flight stairs and open ones. Closed ones require the presence of steps with risers, open ones - when there are no risers.

Marching staircase without risers

Marching staircase with risers

M Arch stairs also differ in design. There are with stringers, but there are with bowstrings. These are the types of fastening of stair steps.

The stringer design involves placing the steps in such a way that they are laid, as it were, in the so-called “saddles”. The steps are laid on top of the stringer beam, and risers are mounted at the end. The beam has a sawtooth shape. Stairs of this type are not as popular as bowstring ones; they look ideal if made of wood. Stringing designs are good in rooms where the country style is maintained, for example.

Marching staircase on stringers

Staircase stringers

  1. sawtooth stringer beam,
  2. tread,
  3. riser

Bowstrings, that is, inclined load-bearing beams, run along the entire length of the marches and are the basis, the load-bearing part of the structure. Mostly, large-scale staircases are bowstring (their width can be 2 meters or more). The so-called bowstring covers the end fragments of the marches. Here the steps are attached to wide spaces (grooves) that are located inside load-bearing beams. The thickness of the beams should be greater than 6 cm.

Marching staircase on bowstrings

Staircase string

  1. bowstring beams
  2. tread.

Stairs can be single-flight, double-flight or multi-flight. The number of flights depends on the layout and number of floors in the house, as well as the purpose of the premises.

Single flight staircase

Double flight staircase

Multi-flight staircase

In addition, staircases are conventionally divided for rotary And straight.

Direct ones are the simplest. Their characteristics are convenience, durability, ease of manufacture.

Straight staircase

If there are more than 10 steps, then the march must be divided into two parts and a platform must be installed. A staircase with an intermediate platform will be called a turning staircase. In order to save space, the gaps are replaced with steps called winders; in such structures, the outer edge is wider than the inner.

Winder steps

Turning stairs occupy less area than straight ones, having the same height of steps. Typically, rotating structures are installed along the walls, and under them it is good to place a pantry or utility room.

Rotary flight staircase

Rotary flight stairs are also divided into types.

These are curved, the width of the narrow end of which should be no less than 10 cm. This is their feature. There are curved stairs. It is inconvenient to go up and down stairs with winder steps; your legs do not feel the necessary support.

Curved staircase

Also, turning staircases can be half-turn, circular, quarter-turn. The rotation angle of the latter type is 90 degrees; they are usually mounted along two adjacent walls.

Quarter turn staircase

The rotation angle of half-turn is 180 degrees.

Half-turn staircase

And for circular ones this parameter is equal to 360 degrees.

Circular staircase

Stairs on rails

Staircase on rails

Bolt stairs get their name from the German word, which means pin or bolt. That is, a fastener with which you can attach a ladder. Steps and fencing of this design are mounted to the wall using bolts. Or the ladder rests on special steel supports in the form of rods. This specimen is good in rooms where compactness, weightlessness and lightness of construction are needed.

Railroad staircase 2

The steps are attached exclusively to the wall with bolts. That is, there must be a wall on one side of the stairs. Such designs are very popular and are becoming increasingly widespread. They seem light and weightless from the outside. But this is actually not the case, of course. Such ladders are very reliable and durable; one step can support a load weighing more than 1500 kg.

Fastening stairs to rails

Important points of stairs on rails:

  • The bolts are secured using special rubber gaskets. Such a staircase is attractive, “airy”, and allows maximum light to penetrate into the room.
  • Staircases on rails are not characterized by the presence of stringers or bowstrings; they are characterized by graceful curved railings.

Stair railings on rails

Materials for making stairs

Stairs can be made from various materials. Steps made of wood, concrete, plastic, marble, metal, granite, glass are no longer surprising; in conditions of diversity it is difficult to make right choice. It is necessary to pay attention to the durability of the materials from which the stairs are made. The material from which the steps are made is important, because they receive most of the load. They must be resistant to abrasion, not susceptible to shoe marks, mechanical stress, least sensitive to temperature fluctuations, sun rays, humidity. It is also important that the steps are not exposed to household chemicals, other substances, or dirt; they must be environmentally friendly and easy to maintain.

Steps can be made of the following materials:

Stone steps

  • Tree. The most durable wood is mahogany, teak, doussie, wenge, walnut, ash, cabreuve, and mutiny. These breeds are resistant to atmospheric phenomena, excess moisture, they are hard and do not perceive mechanical damage. Maple, oak, and beech are also resistant to mechanical stress, hardwoods. But light traces of oil may remain on the oak; it is very sensitive to it. Beech can become deformed and is susceptible to moisture. Maple may turn yellow and is prone to cracks.

Pine can be called the most unsuitable material for stairs, since it is soft and very susceptible to any mechanical stress. Cherry and pear have average strength characteristics and are shock-resistant. Larch does not rot and is stronger than pine.

Wooden steps

  • Glass. Laminated or tempered glass is required for stairs. But when struck at the end, such steps can be damaged and prone to scratches. Acrylic glass is lighter and stronger. But over time it may turn yellow and is easy to scratch.

Glass steps

How to choose a staircase

What should you first of all pay attention to in order to choose and order the right staircase from the manufacturer?

The following criteria are important:

  • It is important to contact a staircase manufacturer at the design stage of your home. At this stage, specialists will have to recommend the openings necessary for the stairs.
  • You need to immediately choose the design of the staircase. Will it be a spiral, marching or rail staircase? The marching one is very convenient, but it requires a lot of space. The spiral staircase is beautiful, economical in terms of space, but very inconvenient when going up and down. The staircase on the rails is both aesthetic and convenient. The choice can be made by reading the description of the types of stairs given in the article above.
  • The staircase should be comfortable. The most convenient and safest stairs are marching ones with platforms, as well as rectilinear marching structures with no more than 18 steps. In second place are stairs on rails and flights with winder steps. And the honorable third place is rightfully occupied by spiral staircases.
  • You need to pay attention to staircase openings. Each opening - individual solution, it depends on the staircase design and configuration. Engineers usually recommend following parameters, but we must remember that this is a purely individual criterion and each room should have its own approach: if the march is straight, then the opening should be 1.2 by 3.7 m; if the configuration is L-shaped, then the opening size is 3.1 by 1.3 m. For a U-shaped structure, an opening of 2 by 2.5 m is recommended. The main spiral staircase can have an opening of 2.2 by 2.2 m ( d 200 - 210 cm); and the auxiliary one is 1.5 by 1.5 m (d 140 cm).
  • The experience of the staircase manufacturer is important, positive reviews previous clients.
  • One of the important points that should be given special attention is ladder safety. That is, there must be a certain ratio between the width of the tread and the height of the rise; the method of installing the last and first steps, which are the most dangerous places designs. For the safety of children, the distance between fence balusters or posts should be no more than 15 cm.
  • If the staircase does not pass between two walls, then there must be guardrails. The height of the fences should not be more than 85 cm. The width of the steps is recommended from 25 to 30 cm.
  • Another safety point is the load-bearing capacity of the stairs. That is, it must withstand certain loads. For public buildings- this is no less than 400 kg per 1 square meter steps, and for residential premises this parameter is 300 kg per 1 square meter.
  • For safety reasons, the steps must be non-slip and not tilted. The railings must be suitable for any height. All this is laid down at the design stage of the stairs. Safety depends not only on the manufacturer, who must comply with all rules and regulations, but also on the installers.
  • First, the staircase is very carefully secured on the second floor or on the platform between floors. The length of the stairs must match the height of the floor. Railings are installed on the second floor. For these purposes, reliable fasteners are needed. As a result, the staircase must be strong, the railings must be tight and secure.
  • The lifting angle should not be more than 45 degrees. Most best option- this is 35-40 degrees. The width of the marches should be no less than 80 cm, it is best if it is from 90 to 120 cm.
  • The size of the opening in interfloor ceilings is recommended for single-flight straight stairs with a minimum size of 100 by 250 cm. For spiral staircases that have a central post, the minimum opening diameter is 170 cm, and for U-shaped stairs - 210 by 250 cm.
  • It is recommended to break the climb into several parts with rest areas or winder steps at turns. This will be a guarantee of safety. The material from which the steps and the entire structure are made is also important. It must be non-flammable. For these purposes, for example, wood is treated with special compounds.

    When installing stairs, it is important not to neglect the engineering requirements for the method of fastening structures and not to choose decorative specimens to the detriment of necessary functions.

  • Stairs are always designed for a specific house, all its features are taken into account. The height of the lifting step is recommended from 15 to 19 cm, and the desired and safe height of the handrails is 90-95 cm.

Preparation for installation and installation of stairs

Staircase for a private house

Installation of stairs can be divided into stages. Before installation, a number of important steps need to be taken:

  1. The place where the stairs will be located is determined.
  2. The type of staircase, number of steps, height and width, angle of inclination of the structure, design, and material from which the staircase will be built are selected.
  3. Installation is carried out after completion of construction and finishing work, both external and internal. The staircase should be included in the house design. The specialist must determine a place for it, leaving the necessary opening, calculate where the beams will be located, what supports there will be.
  4. The size of the staircase opening is important, as discussed in the article above.
  5. All safety measures (fences) are taken into account.
  6. It is important to think about strengthening the stairs, choosing the most optimal one for the given room. When the wall is far away, the ladder is attached both from below and from above. If the elements of the staircase are supported by wooden dowels, the structure will creak and become loose. Therefore, only metal fasteners are needed.
  7. After this, you can begin installing the stairs. It is best to entrust this work to experienced specialists.

Metal staircase for a private house

When choosing stairs, you need to take into account all the features of the house, its design, so that the structure fits perfectly into the room, is a stylish addition to it and at the same time is safe.

There are some design rules. Very often, construction work is divided into several stages. Sometimes the house itself is built by one worker, and the interior decoration is done by completely different contractors. Such savings, at first glance, only complicate the work.

Because then the stairs have to be designed, adapting to ready-made conditions. It's not easy. Even if a person builds his own house from start to finish, he needs to know the rules that we will now discuss. It all seems like a simple task. Our safe design for moving can be called one of the difficult tasks.

The capitality of the room, as well as the degree of its fire resistance, these aspects become key in the choice of materials for the stairs. The shape depends on the area allocated for the staircase space. The shape is also influenced by how high the ceiling is and how architectural style adhered to by the house builders in general.

There is a very convenient and extremely safe option for going up and back on the stairs. This option is considered to be a flat staircase with one flight and fifteen steps. So, let's start designing.

Most often, these types of structures are designed in construction country houses. But sometimes limited space forces you to look for alternative areas in the house to create spiral staircases. This practical option due to the fact that winder steps fit easily into any type of project.

Staircase structures with two flights steal much more space. They take up more space. Than a screw design, but less space than a simple flat analogy. The project can involve both winder steps and the area between the flights. If the staircase will be completely manufactured and installed independently, then the advice is to pay attention to a material such as wood.

It is very easy to process. In addition, small errors are quickly corrected without costly additional costs. The components of the structure can be made not on site, like concrete stairs, but separately. Metal stairs are also assembled separately. The drawing is calculated for any type of staircase. This also applies to spiral, flat, semicircular, and two-flight stairs.

What parameters need to be taken into account when creating a staircase project? First of all, you need to start with measurements. You need to measure the area and put the dimensions on the plan. Next you need to measure the openings. You also need to make calculations of the height from the lowest floor to the ceiling itself. You should also determine the thickness of the uppermost floor. In this case, you need to take into account the thickness of the floor covering.

If the floor is just rough, you should take this into account and take measurements, keeping in mind the height of the finished floor. If the opening is not as wide as expected, you will have to cut through the concrete if it is concrete structure to enlarge the intended hole. If the staircase is wooden, you will have to cut down the excess parts of the beams.

Very often there is a need to increase the opening during design. Remember, there should not be any communications in the openings. In order to succeed correct drawing stairs leading to the second floor, you will first need an accurate plan of the first floor. Doors, windows, and all projections should be marked on the plan.

How to make a drawing for a staircase with winder steps? You need to indicate the width of the narrowest point of such a step. It should not be less than ten centimeters. Next, you need to indicate the width of the flight, the number and steepness of the steps. You cannot specify any of the parameters arbitrarily, since they all depend on each other.

Now we need to choose a suitable, comfortable width that will be sufficiently safe. When a person moves up the stairs in both directions, he should not feel discomfort, a sense of unsafety, or the narrowness of the space. Width is the distance between the handrail, or the handrail and the wall. In order to determine this parameter, you need to know construction standards.

To increase comfort, one hundred and twenty-five centimeters should be included in the project. If the structure is located between walls, the correct number is one hundred and ten centimeters. If the structure is attached to the wall on one side, or has two fences, the figure is ninety centimeters. If there is only one fence, eighty centimeters is acceptable. But in this case, it is not acceptable to use a ladder to carry large objects. For household premises, or garden houses, the appropriate number is seventy centimeters. The width should be such that the passage remains free, there is no discomfort, and the person feels safe.

If the staircase is spiral, then the maximum width must be taken into account in the drawings, one hundred and ten centimeters. The optimal size is one hundred and forty centimeters. The width for spiral staircases is the distance between the central post and the edges of the steps. If marches are directed at each other, then there should be at least ten centimeters between them.

Let's talk about what the slope should be. Steep types of stairs save space, but they are by no means a safe option. Gentle steps are much more comfortable, but they take up a lot of space. What to do. If you want to combine space saving with comfort and safety?

The best option in this case is a staircase with two flights. The most comfortable lifting angles are from twenty-three to thirty-seven degrees. The steeper the stairs, the more dangerous. Another option is a gentle ramp. If the slope is forty-five degrees, you can go down the stairs only by turning to face it. Only ladders have a slope of more than fifty degrees.

Now we begin to calculate the dimensions of the steps. The steps are designed depending on the steepness, as well as the person’s personal preferences. Remember that it is convenient to raise your leg to a height of no more than thirty-two centimeters. But the most optimally comfortable option is a height of fifteen centimeters. It is better not to make the riser higher than seventeen centimeters.

One flight can have from ten to fifteen steps. The width of the steps depends on the purpose of the stairs. The minimum you can do is twenty centimeters, but the standard is thirty-two centimeters. The most extreme number is forty centimeters. If the dimensions do not allow the tread to be made wide enough, then the treads will hang over the risers; this is acceptable. All steps must have the same height and width.

Staircases with a straight flight are usually laid in the middle. If the structure is curved, the center line is drawn mentally half a centimeter from the post, or span edge. Let's start calculating the height of the passage. Special attention should be paid to the clearance; comfort largely depends on this. Whatever the type of staircase, the clearance should be as comfortable as possible.

If the height of the passage is five centimeters greater than the height of the person walking along it, he will involuntarily bow his head. The norm for clearance is from one hundred ninety to two hundred centimeters. The height of the passage should be the same for the entire staircase. Now you know how to make a safe, comfortable, and beautiful staircase.

This type of staircase will fit well into any office space. The style is very suitable for business buildings. In addition to style, this staircase is a cost-effective option. The staircase must meet all standards for steps, railings, and landing railings.

Welding work must be of high quality, taking into account all the small details. The staircase can be painted in any desired shade. The staircase must be made in accordance with the correct working cycle. First, measurements are taken, then a design for a specific room, then manufacturing and installation of the structure. Guarantees must be provided.

The staircase is an important part everyday life person. Many times a day we come across this design. Construction work almost always associated with the creation staircase design. It connects several levels of any building. A very long time ago such a structure as a staircase appeared. And in our world this is a very important part of life.

There are stairs that are very similar in appearance to each other. But they may differ in shape, color, design, and even the design itself. There are two main types of stairs. The first option is a marching design. It has at least one span.

There are also platforms between the levels of the steps. The second type is spiral staircases. They look like a spiral. The metal interior staircase is famous for its durability and beauty. Many made their choice in its favor, and were satisfied with the result.

The entire load of the spiral staircase is directed to the supporting central post. Steps are attached to it. This type of stairs is very popular and widespread. This is explained by the elegance of the appearance of this design. The spiral staircase can also be interrupted by installing intermediate platforms. They can even serve as a connection between levels between floors. But the platform can only be installed if there is enough height space underneath it. If the spiral staircase is made of monolithic reinforced concrete, it will become too difficult to frame. Therefore, very good option is a wooden spiral staircase.

There are a lot of different different options spiral staircases. They are very different in appearance. The style and design can be completely unique. The situation is not easy with screw structures if they have a free arrangement without a side fence. In this case, the steps will extend from the center of the rack. Therefore, the steps become a barrier and provide strength to the entire staircase.

A wooden screw structure must have a steel support. Such a staircase can be used in a spacious apartment, a cottage, or a private country house. There are generally accepted norms.

According to them, such a design in a large house should be at least eight hundred millimeters. If we are talking about a small-sized room, then the width can be from seven hundred to seven hundred and fifty millimeters. A spiral staircase can be installed anywhere in the house. It can be placed in free space, near a wall, in a corner, or even between two walls. The material for construction should be solid wood. Pine is the most extreme option. It is better to make treads from laminated wood.

Decoration of tiers

Let's talk a little about the design of stairs in private houses. Now there are a lot of private houses. They differ in volume, price, and finish. But most often houses have at least two floors.

Therefore, the question very often arises of how to design a structure. At the stage of building a house, the materials, location, and type of staircase structure are laid down. Those who love the classics often choose wooden or stone stairs with flights. Marching design counts classic version. Its design includes straight platforms that are connected by steps. This type of staircase is ideal solution for any home interior.

How to beautifully decorate the tiers of a staircase? Wood is used for the structure; this is a traditional option. In addition, you can use wrought iron or special glass. The transition to the next floor must be made in accordance with all building codes.

It should be comfortable and safe. The design of the staircase can be very different. There are so many types of design sides. The staircase in the house consists of a supporting structure, as well as steps. Each part also bears a burden from an aesthetic point of view. Regardless of the material of the structure, its tiers should fit perfectly into the overall design of the house.

Each house symbolizes the human world and reveals a lot about its owners. The history of such a structure as a staircase began many thousands of years ago. With each new era, the stairs became more and more beautiful and updated. Now there are many forms and designs for decorating staircase tiers.

Staircase in a U-shaped house

U-shaped structures are very common. They are used in country private houses. They can also often be seen in public institutions. We encounter them all the time. Such a staircase has a rotation of one hundred and eighty degrees. It consists of three straight spans. Due to this, this design is considered particularly reliable and permissible for extreme loads.

Monolithic internal stairs are the most popular. They have very simple design, but good rigidity. Therefore they are very durable and reliable. Concrete is poured into the construction formwork, which greatly guarantees the quality of the future structure. In country houses, stairs are often made on bowstrings. The basis is the beam, which is located below and on the side. This makes the staircase practical and decoratively attractive. When designing a U-shaped staircase, it is very important to perfectly calculate the turning point. Fences on top should not intersect. Most often, such a staircase is located in the middle of the room. Durable and stylish!


So, having made such an extensive review of the types of stairs, you can decide on your preferences and capabilities. By designing your staircase correctly, you can decorate your home. Moreover, if you follow all the rules when building a staircase, your family will be able to use it safely for many years.

Projects of stairs to the second floor in a private house, plan of an internal metal, wooden spiral staircase 2 by 2 to 2 floor in a U-shaped house, how to make a metal staircase with your own hands for a summer house - price, sketches, beautiful photos


When building a house with at least 2 floors, you definitely need to think about the stairs in it. And if the house is built with your own hands, it is logical to build the stairs as well.

Various photos of stairs help you make a preliminary choice and clearly understand what type of lift you need. But before you take on the work, carefully calculate the future structure for strength and dimensions, this will save time and money, because incorrect calculations (or lack thereof) will lead to numerous alterations of the original project.

Types of stairs

There are a large number of different options for flights of stairs. They differ in the material of manufacture (wood, concrete or metal), the type of rise (sloping staircase, spiral staircase, with a turn at a certain degree).

The most common is a wooden staircase. Staircases are also often constructed with a 90-degree turn. It is not uncommon for these two types of lifting devices to be combined into one.

In case limited space, make a spiral staircase out of metal. The screw type of lift allows you to save space, and making it from metal increases the strength of the structure. Concrete is used for stairs in massive buildings (for example, mansions).

What to pay attention to

In a low-rise building, without any construction experience, it is better to order a modular staircase, a kind of construction set, where all the parts are cut out and numbered, and all you have to do is assemble them using the instructions. This is how wooden stairs are usually made.

When building a concrete staircase, in addition to pouring the frame, you will need to external finishing (beautiful stone or wood materials). It turns out to be a double waste of time and money. However, for cottages with 3 or more floors, they are mandatory according to fire safety requirements.

When making a ladder for the first time, you don’t need to swing at it right away. complex design. The simpler the model, the more likely it is that you will be able to successfully build this lifting device on the first try.

Pay attention to the angle of inclination of the stairs: if it is more than 45 degrees, the ladder will be considered an extension, and you can only go down it backwards. Optimal angle the rise is considered to be 37 degrees.

Wood is preferable as a material for construction, since, thanks to its properties, it allows you to correct minor construction flaws that arose due to inaccurate calculations and inexperience of the work performer.

Also, after construction, the building may settle due to loose soil, as a result the staircase can become several centimeters higher or lower than the floor, and it is easier to correct this in a wooden structure.

When constructing a lift with a turn towards, the distance between spans must be at least 100 mm.

Construction stages

Answering the question of how to make a staircase to the second floor with your own hands, there are several stages of construction.

The first stage of any structure, be it a staircase into a house or an interfloor staircase, is the creation of a project. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the safety of the building and its ease of use.

The structure must withstand average weight ordinary person with a fair amount of reserve. Be sure to use railings!

If they are not there, another fence must be designed to ensure the safety of descent and ascent.

Consider creating a wooden staircase with stringers

After you have designed your building, you need to prepare the materials. In our case, choose boards of suitable thickness and length, prepare balusters with railings and prepare stringers. This will be the second stage of construction.

A 4 cm thick pine board is suitable as a material for stringers. On it, mark the steps according to the pattern and cut them out with a jigsaw.

Pay attention!

We use the resulting product as a sample for the second (and if the width of the staircase is more than a meter, then the third) stringer. Cut to size required quantity steps.

The third stage will be assembling all the parts together. First of all, the stringers are installed in their permanent locations. Then, using self-tapping screws, the steps are attached to the stringers.

Then, using pins, balusters are placed on the steps, and handrails are attached to them. The staircase is ready!

DIY staircase photo

Pay attention!

When building a private house, you almost always have to resort to making a staircase - in order to save useful area of ​​the site modern construction private houses in most cases involve the construction of two-story mansions. Stairs in private house prices can vary greatly, depending on the size, cost of manufacturing materials and materials used for finishing. The design of a private house staircase can be a classic marching staircase; if there is not enough space, a spiral staircase is often used. Recently, bolt stairs have become increasingly popular, in the construction of which they are used hidden fastenings on bolts or pins.

Features of design and calculation

Correct design and calculation of a facility under construction very often turns out to be extremely important and significant for the further problem-free operation of the building; for example, incorrectly designed floors can lead to the destruction of the building, and violations in the design of stairs threaten the impossibility of their comfortable use and increase the risk of injury for residents of the house. The basic point in building stairs is the stage of its calculation and design, experts recommend paying due attention to it.

When building a house without a professional project, the question of calculating the stairs can cause some difficulties, the reason for this is the lack of necessary knowledge in engineering science. In this article we will try to remember the requirements and standards that should be followed when creating a staircase in a private house.

How to determine the size of flights and landings

It is generally accepted that the optimal width of a staircase in a private house should be 1.2 m, but given that the area for its installation can be very limited, it is permissible to reduce the width to 0.9 m. The gap between parallel flights should not be less than 0, 1 m. The sum of these indicators will be the width of the future landing. It should be taken into account that choosing the minimum acceptable dimensions will lead to the fact that the staircase will be very narrow and it will be extremely difficult to carry furniture or other large things along it. This is especially undesirable if the marches are located relative to each other at an angle of 180 degrees. If the angle is 90, the site will be square.

If there is enough space to determine the width of the staircase, you will need to determine its intended purpose throughput, the dimensions of the area allocated for the construction of the stairs. A staircase for going down to the basement or going up to the attic can be 0.8 m wide. The width of a comfortable staircase in a private house can be from 1 to 1.5 m, of course, if the space allows. It will be convenient for residents to move around it. The width of the opening is measured from the wall to the railing or between opposite railings; the width of the steps is usually slightly larger.

Calculating the number of steps

Calculating the number of steps will require the use of accurate floor height measurements. They are obtained by measuring the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor level of the second. If, when calculating the size of a staircase in a private house, you only have the distance to the floor level, then you should first decide on the design of the future floor and take into account the thickness of the insulation and finishing material or others structural elements. Such accurate calculations are required for the reason that the height of the steps must be the same.

The recommended value for the height of a stair step is 0.15 m, however, in practice it often turns out that this size is adjusted design features Houses. Often, developers install stairs without standard sizes steps are 0.3x0.15 m, and 0.31x0.16 m or 0.29x0.17 m, which is also acceptable, because Dimensions are within acceptable limits.

In one flight, the number of steps should not be more than 18. This number allows you to create a staircase with a height of 2.7 m. But given that the width of the step should be 0.3 m, the length of the staircase will be 5.4 m. More rational option There will be a staircase with two flights of 9 steps.

Calculation of the number of steps may also depend on the dimensions staircase, the smaller its area, the higher the steps will have to be designed.

Please note that the ceiling height above the intermediate platform should not be less than 2 m.

Staircase designs in a private house can be varied, but the number of steps will be determined as follows: divide the height of the entire staircase by the recommended height of one step. For example, with a staircase height of 3 m and a step height of 0.15 m, the number of steps will be 20. Since the last step will turn out by itself, the required number of steps for the staircase is 19.

If the calculation results in indicators that do not correspond to the recommended ones, in particular the height and width of the steps, then the projected indicators should be slightly changed within reasonable limits until an optimal result is achieved, extremely close to the recommended standards.

Calculation of stairs with a curved profile

Performing such a calculation on your own will require the use of deeper knowledge. If turning options for stairs in a private house are calculated independently, then you should remember:

the minimum width of the narrow part of the wedge-shaped step cannot be less than 0.1 m, along the central axis - not less than 0.2 m,
the maximum width of the step at the far, wide end should not exceed 0.4 m

the turning radius of the narrow part of the stairs cannot be less than 0.3 m.

When constructing a staircase, it is allowed that its vertical surface hangs 0.03-0.05 m above the horizontal one; this will significantly increase the width of the steps and avoid increasing the length of the staircase.

Factors influencing the calculation of stairs

The result of the staircase calculation will be influenced by:

  • number of platforms and their sizes, height of flights of stairs and their number,
  • the area that can be allocated for the construction of stairs,
  • the material from which it will be made staircase and its decoration.

When calculating, one should not forget about this important indicator like a skylight. This is the height from the steps to the closest upper barrier, for example, the ceiling of the second floor. The clearance should have a height such that a tall person can calmly walk up the stairs without touching their head; on average, this figure should not be less than 1.9 - 2 m.

Staircase steepness

The steepness of the future staircase, or in other words - the angle of its inclination, should facilitate convenient movement along it and be in the range from 22 to 40 degrees. At an angle less than 22 degrees, you can get by with building a ramp, but its construction will require a very large area; in private houses its construction is impractical. A tilt greater than 40 degrees will be acceptable for attic stairs or leading to the basement, over 75 - exclusively for firefighters.

The higher the steepness of the staircase, the less space will be required for its construction.

Let's consider how in practice you can calculate the angle of inclination. On a sheet of paper you should draw a right angle, on its horizontal side mark on a scale of 1:10 the length of the floor section allocated for the flight of stairs, on the vertical side - the height flight of stairs. By connecting the segments marked on the sides of the angle, we obtain a triangle, the hypotenuse of which will be equal to the length of the string of the ladder. The angle formed relative to the horizontal line is the angle of inclination of the march; its value can be measured using a protractor.

Calculation of the height and width of steps

Calculating a staircase in a private house also involves determining the width and height of the steps. To do this, you can use a simple formula 2a + b = 0.6 - 0.64 m, a is the height of the step, its recommended value is 0.15 m, but in reality it can be in the range from 0.14 to 0.17 m. It is not advisable to increase the indicator to 0.2 m or more. b is the overhang, or the width of the tread. This indicator should be in the range from 0.2 to 0.32 m; it will be difficult to walk on wider steps - the step will be lost. Steps that are too narrow will be very inconvenient when going down. 0.6-0.64 m is an indicator of the average step of an adult.

The second formula that can be used in the calculation:

a+b = 0.45 - 0.46 m. ​​Everything in it is also extremely simple: if a is equal to the standard indicator of 0.15 m, then b will be equal to 0.3 - 0.31 m.

The upper step should not hang over the lower one by more than 0.05 m.