Choosing a grout color for bathroom tiles. The best grout for tile joints - how to choose the right tools and rating of the best compositions

It happens that after completing facing work in an apartment or house, you are left dissatisfied with the result obtained. It seems that the tiles are beautiful, expensive, and matched perfectly to the interior. The quality of installation is also excellent. But there is still a lack of harmony; the cladding looks poor and dull. The reason may be the wrong choice of grout color - fugue.

The importance of choosing the right grout

When choosing a grout mixture for filling joints between tiles, we usually start from several factors. First of all, you need to consider:

  • purpose of the premises;
  • its operational features;
  • temperature and humidity;
  • tile location;
  • level of load on the tile covering.

But the choice optimal color no less important. By playing with the relationship between the shades of the fugue and the tiles, you can visually enlarge or reduce the room, make it lighter or shadier, regardless of the lighting level. Moreover, sometimes it is enough correct selection shade to give the room certain style, almost without resorting to other design tricks.

Using your imagination and a little effort, you can use several shades of grout and multi-colored ceramic tiles to create a real mosaic panel that will turn the room into a work of art. Some interior designers use this method as their highlight.

The grout contrasts favorably with the tiles in the bathroom

Selection criteria

IN specialized stores and construction supermarkets you can find puffers of all colors and shades. Your eyes run wild, and if you’re not used to it (and even more so without experience), it’s difficult to choose exactly what you need. Therefore, listen to the advice of specialists and designers who have several general rules selection of grout color for tile joints.

Correctly selected grout color will allow you to benefit from the space

Which color is more practical?

What do you think will happen to the tile joints in a room like a hallway if you grout them with white grout? Most likely, within a couple of days they will become dirty and gray. There is no need to make an elegant seam where it will definitely get dirty in a short time - in the corridors, at the front door. And it looks ugly, and constantly correcting the situation is troublesome.

In public institutions, tiles, regardless of their color, are usually grouted with gray fugue. We recommend that you do the same if you are expected to wear shoes in your hallway and living room. Still, our streets are not ideally clean, which is facilitated by the climate. Roughly speaking, if the grout is the color of domestic dirt, then it will always look as if the finishing work was completed only yesterday. Grout in tones close to dark gray is ideal.

The same principle applies to the bathroom. It is not advisable to use easily soiled colors (beige, white, etc.) for the floor. Seams often become dirty in places where water flows almost constantly - in the shower stall, along the side of the bathroom. If you still decide to give preference to light colors, choose an expensive fugue high quality with waterproof properties. Additional treatment of seams with a special compound in problem areas will not be superfluous.

Not really good decision: grout white on the bathroom floor

Experts recommend using only modest, discreet colors in the kitchen. Fat droplets and other contaminants will not look flashy on them. A two-component fugue based on epoxy resin– she maintains a presentable appearance for a long time.

Pay attention! By purchasing high-quality, dense grout with water-repellent properties, you are free to choose the color you wish. This fugue is almost not susceptible to contamination.

Choice for aesthetic reasons

Whatever color of tile grout you choose, its main purpose is to highlight the beauty of ceramics or stone. Fugue is a frame finishing material, not independent element. Therefore, it is not recommended to choose a grout that is a brighter color than the main tone of the tile, otherwise the overall effect will not be as pleasant as you expected.

Don't you like boring combinations and traditional solutions? Then try using the original ones design solutions. For example, it is now fashionable to use grout to match the bathroom or kitchen accessories. The contrast between the fugue and the tile is also welcome, and the combinations may not match in color even within the shade palette.

There are 2 criteria for choosing the color of the grout: what type and color of dirt near the place where the tiles are laid and the appearance (combination with the color of the tile). Moreover, the first criterion is the most important because an incorrectly selected grout color becomes dirty instantly and cannot be washed off.

How to choose tile grout by color

Main rule: white and beige grout— 2 most impractical colors. They can only be used for grouting tile joints on the bathroom wall.

White and beige grout is only in the bathroom and only on the wall.

The last photo shows how the pollution rises along the white grout from the floor to the wall.

Algorithm for choosing seam color on the floor of the kitchen and hallway: grout in a color 1-2 shades darker than the darkest place on the tile (when the tile is not one color); or dark gray (anthracite) grout as a universal option. For tile joints on the bathroom floor exactly the color of the darkest place on the tile, or the light gray (cement) color of the grout.

The grout in the bathroom should be lighter because the main contamination there is white salt stains from dried water; they are not visible on light gray colors.

For bathroom walls, grout is either exactly the same color, or 1-2 shades lighter, or gray cement color as a universal option. On a wall, grout rarely gets very dirty with anything other than dried water.

If you are too lazy to delve into it, choose a cement-gray grout color - it is the most versatile.

But I still advise you to approach your choice carefully, because... this is not a small thing. there too.

Grout color for white tiles

White tiles are the only case when you can use white grout. And then only for walls and outside the kitchen. In the shower area and bathroom, white grout still bears stress; in all other rooms it will lose its appearance very quickly. For floor tiles Even for white, the use of white fugue is strictly contraindicated in any room.

Even for all-white single-color tiles, it is better to use light gray or beige grout. Visually, it is not much different from white, but it gets dirty significantly less. If for some reason the task is to highlight each specific tile, then you can choose anthracite-colored grout.

In the photo below, 2 were used to grout the tiles different colors at the junctions of the white and gray parts. It is not visible to the naked eye, but know that this is also possible.

Grout color for gray tiles

For gray tiles, the rule for choosing grout color changes slightly: it is better to take gray, but always 1-2 shades darker for both the floor and the walls. For gray, when the color of the grout is darker than the color of the tile, the illusion of additional volume is created. But don't use all-black grout on gray tiles. Although counterintuitive, it is generally much less practical than gray.

By the way, we are in:

Grout color for black tiles

You need to be careful when using black tiles. It is definitely not recommended to use black glossy tiles, because... she always looks dirty. The slightest fingerprints and the smallest scratches are visible on it.

Choose black tiles only with texture.

If black tiles are laid on a wall that does not come into contact with water, then the grout should be chosen as black as possible. It looks luxurious, but is only afraid of salt stains from dried water.

If black tiles are laid on the floor, then it is better to use dark gray grout. Water always gets on the floor, at least during the washing process. And the floor is rarely wiped dry. As a result, dark gray grout on the floor looks simply cleaner than black grout. Have you already noticed that this is the main criterion for choosing grout color.

Grout color for colored tiles

If you have colored tiles, then the basic rule stated above applies. When you can’t find a color that suits you, and this often happens despite the wide range of grouts from different manufacturers, choose gray.

It may seem that we too often suggest gray grout. The fact is that this is truly the most practical and versatile color, the choice of which you are unlikely to regret. All other options are some risk.

The main thing with colored grouts is that they are only needed for tiles of the same color. You should never use colored grout on non-colored tiles. It will look terrible. In the photo below there is yellow grout on a white tile and it looks dubious:

What color to choose mosaic grout

For mosaics, the rule for choosing the color of the grout is different: the closer the color of the grout to the color of the mosaic, the better. The point is the number of seams, which is disproportionately greater than that of tiles. If the color of the grout differs significantly, the result will be ripples in the eyes from too much large quantity small details.

But for mosaics, grout comes to the rescue gray. If you have a colored mosaic and you just can’t match the color of the grout for it, just use a gray one that is suitable in saturation. To do this, take several samples of gray fugue (they are available at all points of sale) and apply them to the mosaic. You will know when the brightness is the same.

For mirror and glossy mosaics, the standard grout color is also gray.

Grout color palette

Different manufacturers have different color palettes. In basic colors like white, several grays and black, they overlap, but in others they differ significantly.

Grout Ceresit colors

The most commonly used grout in the CIS countries is ceresit. They have several types of grout CE 33, CE 40 and CE 25. The most commonly used grout is Ceresit CE 40 and it has the widest range of colors. Ceresite CE 40 holds moisture and minor deformations well, which means it is less likely to crack due to minor shrinkage and vibrations. Quite a good choice, but there are some nuances in the colors.

Everything is clear with neutral colors; you can get an idea about them by looking at the sticker on the jar or bag. But with more complex flowers, for example Jasmine, Crocus, Sahara and some others, strange things happen. The actual color after grouting and drying is not at all similar to what is indicated on the can.

Perhaps they are fundamentally different, perhaps the printing house conveys it poorly, but the fact remains: the choice of Ceresit grout color must be made after a trial application and drying. Yes, this complicates the process somewhat, but it is better to first buy a minimum amount, apply and let it dry, and then buy everything else. How to immediately wipe all the seams, and in fact remain dissatisfied with the resulting color.

Litokol grout colors

The Litokol brand has perhaps the widest range of grout types and color palette. We will mention their epoxy options later, because... they are not very popular due to their high price. But their line of regular grouts deserves attention.

Their Litochrom line includes, among other things, grout in our favorite gray colors in the amount of 4 pieces. We used all 4 in one apartment for different surfaces. There were no problems with them. What is important is that the color of the sticker on the packaging very closely reflects the final color of the seams after drying. Although Ceresit had no problems with the grays either.

Kiilto grout colors

Unfortunately, I also have no experience of using it, but I don’t want to invent it. But the Kiilto color palette is quite wide, we’ll just give it here. If you have experience using this or any other grout, please share it in the comments.

Two-component grout

It's very expensive. This type of epoxy grout is not particularly popular due to its price. In addition to the price, it is difficult to apply, difficult to remove excess residue and wash. If you have a decent budget and your builders have experience working with epoxy grouts, then they should be your choice. They are much more resistant to dirt and are not afraid of moisture at all.

And most importantly, epoxy grouts have a huge number of colors. Including all sorts of glosses, sparkles and even options that glow in the dark. The Litokol brand has a wide range of epoxy grouts. But all this is beyond the scope of this article.

Tile is perhaps one of the most common decorative methods for finishing bathrooms and toilets, as well as special corners of kitchens. The reasons for its nationwide popularity are not difficult to indicate: ceramic cladding perfectly protects walls from penetration of dirt and moisture, and is easy to clean and wash.

In addition, modern tiles can radically transform the appearance of a room. But competent finishing is for craftsmen home comfort who rely on themselves and prefer to make repairs on our own, suggests the right approach.

It begins with thinking through the design, careful planning of the process, continues with the implementation of the stage of its competent professional execution, and ends grouting joints between tiles.

Last stage, it would seem, is not so important compared to the total amount of work. However, after laying the tiles and looking at the results of fruitful work, it becomes clear that without the final stage, it is impossible to achieve perfection.

Only this procedure makes it possible to give the cladding a complete aesthetic appearance, impressive in its neatness. It hides defects (when they exist) caused by incorrect actions during installation.

In addition, if the space between the seams is protected from moisture penetrating into every crack, then layers of disgusting mold and colonies that are dangerous to health and pathogenic will not grow on the walls, ceiling and floor.

But since grouting is necessary, the question arises: which one is better to use, and how to do it using a technology that guarantees a neat, beautiful, high-quality appearance of the room after renovation?

The photo shows the seams between ceramic tiles without grouting.

The choice of material is not an easy and responsible matter, depending not only on the whims and own desire, but from necessity, based on many indicators. First of all, it is important to assess the size of the gaps left during the period finishing works when laying tiles.

There must be a space between the modules so that the integrity of the cladding is not compromised, because as the glue dries, the tiles begin to mix slightly and shrink. The tiles “breathe” through the remaining space, and this circumstance cannot be ignored.

  • Wide seams, larger than half a centimeter, usually occur when using porcelain tiles for the floor, the dimensions of which are never small, and therefore must be designed accordingly.

For grouting floor tiles It is better to choose mastics made from resins. They will provide excellent protection and satisfy aesthetic tastes.

  • Narrow seams, not exceeding 5 mm in size, are usually formed during facing work to protect walls from dirt and decorate them. Here it is better to use moisture-resistant mastic compositions produced on a cement basis.

Additives, additives, plasticizers only improve the properties of this material. In stores, such grout is purchased in the form of a powder mixture, having a very affordable price.

  • Joints in the corners of the bathroom, where excellent waterproofing is required due to constant high humidity, are recommended to be treated silicone sealant. It is he who is able to perfectly protect walls and floors, especially in places where plumbing fixtures are placed, ensuring proper sealing and grouting tiles in the bathroom.

This part of the finishing work also performs decorative functions, which is why the choice of shade is so important. And here a whole range of options is possible. You can make the necessary material yourself.

True, this task has some difficulties. During the creation process, achieving the required color range, it should be taken into account that when drying, the grout sometimes becomes a couple of tones lighter.

  • The white color of the grout turns out to be very useful if the tile design is made with some defects. This shade is not flashy and therefore will not be too noticeable to observers. This is a great way to compensate for the lack of professional skills, which is often very useful to use.

  • It is advantageous to choose a contrasting shade with the general background of the laid tiles if, contrary to what was previously described, the cladding is done perfectly. Such a play of colors will only emphasize the quality of the work.

  • Transparent grout that does not reflect tiled light and color scheme reminiscent of thoroughly diluted milk, finds its best use in the version with multi-colored tiles.

Similar ideas are often implemented in interior design when complex solutions from color mosaics are implemented. But transparent grout is usually used if the size of the seams between the modules does not exceed 2 mm.

Committing grouting tiles It’s most convenient to use a ready-made color scheme, because large manufacturers of these products, presenting new collections, offer an excellent selection of materials.

A variety of quality and color characteristics is obtained through the use of new technologies. The seams between the tiles can be filled with metal, the joints can be made of bronze, silver and gold.

In accordance with your own taste and design fantasies, it is always possible to choose something interesting, unusual, and impressive.

Types of grout

To finish the seams, mastics are used - special putties purchased as a ready-made composition or in the form of a dry powder. In the second option, which is more suitable for DIY tile grouting, when using the mastic, you have to prepare it first.

It is diluted with water and stirred construction mixer. This is not difficult to do, since the proportions necessary to comply with this procedure can be found on the packaging.

It is also possible to buy ready-made fugues in an already diluted form, but in order to save money, it is not entirely advisable to do this, and tile grout price will increase significantly.

  • When using a material, it is necessary to take into account its original properties. The convenience of cement-based mixtures, the qualities of which are only improved with the use of additives, lies in their rapid drying.

But in the absence of appropriate skills that slow down work, this circumstance should be taken into account. We have to try to use the material as quickly as possible.

Otherwise, the substance will soon harden and become unsuitable for consumption. And when making repairs, you should dilute the components in exactly the quantities that may be required.

  • When using resin-based mastics, it is best to pay attention to epoxy grouts, which are popular among experienced repairmen.

The line of such products offered in stores is endowed with high viscosity, and therefore is extremely in demand when finishing moisture-resistant rooms. This material has many advantages, and the negative indicators are practically reduced to a minimum.

After drying, this material is stronger than plastic, washes well and rarely gets dirty. To clean tiles in in this case Any means are perfect, such grout is not afraid of even the most aggressive chemicals, although to keep tiles with a similar finish in order, most often soapy water is enough.

Epoxy fugues are not afraid of heat and significant frosts and, unlike cement-based products, do not crumble over time, although they do fade. Fugue with furan resin components, often used for finishing work in factories. This material is very stable and not affected by chemistry.

Among the main disadvantages of epoxy grout: high hardening speed (only about an hour). This feature undoubtedly makes such a composition unpleasant for use by non-professionals, who find it difficult to get rid of the problems that arise in connection with the specified property of this grout.

If material costs do not bother the craftsman, it is undoubtedly more convenient to use ready-made products for grouting tiles: buy and avoid spending time and effort on preparing material for repairs, since everything necessary is done industrially.

But when opening the container, you first need to inquire about the shelf life. Otherwise, a huge part of the product may go to waste, which will never happen if dry formulations are used. This mixture can be stored for as long as desired.

  • When finishing facades, special materials are used, which means you will need grouting clinker tile joints. It is made with the calculation of compensation for the undesirable effects of temperature fluctuations, so that the fragile does not crack.

It is more convenient to apply the grout in dry form and unroll the finishing material immediately before work. The range of colors offered for joint fillers is extensive, but there are no specific recommendations for choosing a tone. Here everyone should be guided by their own tastes and priorities.

Applying grout

When the right choice of material has been made, the next stage of repair should be preparing the tools for the job. First of all, you will need a flexible rubber tile grout spatula.

This tool can be replaced pastry bag, which will help to carefully and efficiently fill the joints between modules with a fugue if the distances between them are too large. In addition, you need a sponge for rubbing and a brush.

Finally, you can move on to the main stage. The grouting procedure itself is not particularly difficult, you just need to follow a simple algorithm.

1. Dust and dirt, as well as adhesive residues, are carefully removed from the tiles. Next, you should knead the composition in small portions to seal the gaps between the tiles and wait about ten minutes so that all the processes in it are brought to full readiness.

2. Before starting work, each seam, previously treated with antifungal compounds, should be generously moistened with a wet sponge. Such a ritual is necessary for disinfection and so that less moisture is sucked out of the grout.

3. Application begins from the farthest edge of the room. To do this, use a spatula to smooth out the gaps between the seams until the voids are completely filled. Next, excess grout mixture is removed to the boundaries of the tile modules.

4. To prevent cracking of the grout, after finishing work, wet the filled joints with a wet sponge. This should be done when the solution dries a little.

Experienced craftsmen take a little more than a quarter of an hour to complete all the work described. But we should not forget that as the grout dries, the space between the joints sags. For this reason, the procedure takes place in two, sometimes even three steps, and the boundaries of the wall and tiled cladding sealed with silicone sealant.

5. After the grout has dried, the joints are treated with an antiseptic and epoxy resin to protect the tiles from water penetration and extend the service life of the finish.

6. Next, with a damp sponge, remove all dirt remaining after finishing work. And then all that remains is to take care of the seams, keeping them clean using a solution of soapy water, vinegar, citric acid or a disinfectant suitable for cleaning.

How to prevent cracking?

At the joints between modules, the grout may begin to develop cracks. How to avoid this? First you need to understand the reasons, and then possibly draw conclusions.

  • This may be a consequence of a violation of the technology when mixing the solution. At independent breeding All rules must be followed, and the resulting substance must be allowed to settle for at least five minutes before use, then mixed again.
  • In some cases, cracks begin to appear during the process of applying the grout itself. This becomes a signal that the solution prepared for work is not thick enough. Using too liquid material- an unpleasant but correctable mistake.
  • To eliminate its consequences, rub the dry powder ingredient directly into the cracks that have formed. The composition of the solution also has to be changed, bringing it to a favorable consistency. It should have a medium viscosity and be homogeneous.

  • Cracking may be caused by the condition of the seams. Make sure that they are wide enough and that they are cleaned thoroughly during preparatory work.
  • External factors can be the culprits for cracking. For this reason, grout should not be used in abundance indoors (especially in the bathroom) during the drying period. hot water and also provide ventilation.

Summing up and making a final conclusion, it should be concluded that the main rule in work when carrying out grouting ceramic tiles– this is the strict implementation of all instructions.

It is better to strictly adhere to what is written in the instructions on the packaging, taking into account information about the width of the seams, the application of the material and the conditions for its drying. Then there should be no problems, unless, of course, the tile itself is placed on an unstable, for example, wooden base.

How to update the grout between tiles?

After completing the finishing work, you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, in some cases the feeling of satisfaction is short-lived. And after some time, the grout loses its freshness, and the appearance of the finish becomes not at all as wonderful as it was after installation.

  • There are several ways out of the situation. To update, the grout is bleached using hydrogen peroxide and soda. Having mixed these two components, the resulting substance is applied to the seams using a regular toothbrush. But it is better and faster to update the openings using a steam cleaner.

When the appearance of the tile ceases to please you completely, you should not rush to dismantle it or run to the store for a new one in order to urgently make the next repair.

Often the cause of the unsatisfactory condition of the ceramic finish is contamination of the joints. In some cases, it may be sufficient to simply make grouting old tile joints. There are several ways to achieve your plan.

  • The most practical and easiest method is dyeing. However, in this case, the appearance of the tiles will change for no more than six months. In addition, difficulties may arise with finding a paint composition suitable for a humid environment.

It is also possible to apply a new layer of grout over the old one. But this makes sense if the seams between the modules are sufficiently voluminous and have recesses of at least two millimeters.

  • Radical, and therefore effective, measures to update the appearance of the cladding include a complete replacement of the contents of the joints. But how to remove grout from tile joints?

Fresh grouting material, no more than a day old, can simply be soaked with water if for some reason it has become objectionable. And after thorough cleaning of the intermodular openings and complete drying, there is a second chance to do everything in the best possible way.

You can use sandpaper rolled into a tube when the grout has had time to set, but not much time has passed since the repair work. If the surface of the tile is contaminated with old grouting material, you should resort to using regular sunflower oil, which will help remove unpleasant residues.

When the described options are not suitable for eliminating outdated grout due to its long service life, there is nothing left to do but resort to a mechanical method of getting rid of the contents of intermodular openings.

1. Before starting work, a sharp object (can be a knife) should be held directly along tile joint, and then, changing the angle of inclination, do the same two more times, only a little to the left and to the right of the original line. Next, use a drill and an electric drill.

2. If the tiles have become completely unusable: they have broken off and hardly stick to the surface, easy repairs and cosmetic measures will no longer be possible.

3. Mechanical method removing old grout will negatively affect the condition of the old tile, and it may well happen that it will simply begin to crumble. The best solution in this case: change old finishing to a qualitatively new one, which will be more beautiful and more convenient.

Finishing tiling of walls or floors - optimal solution for rooms with high humidity and building structures exposed to weather conditions. The predominant majority of methods for laying such finishing involve tile joints. The integrity and aesthetics of the appearance depends on the quality of their grout. How to make this or that choice of grout for tiles is revealed in the following text.

What is a grout mixture and why is it needed?

Grout mixture is a homogeneous mass for filling the gaps between the elements of the finishing tile covering of walls, floors and other surfaces. Ready-made mixtures or dry powder are available on the market. Various bases are used to make grout. The properties and scope of application for finishing depend on them.

The need for grouting is due to the following:

  1. Technological purpose. Preventing the penetration of moisture into the space between the ceramic elements prevents the physical destruction of the adhesive holding the tile to the base.
  2. Hygienic function. Water-repellent properties do not allow excess moisture to linger at the joints, which prevents the development of fungal accumulations in the form of mold and simplifies cleaning of surfaces.
  3. Aesthetic purpose. After grouting the joint spaces of porcelain stoneware, the finishing surface has a finished appearance. The ability to select colors and shades allows you to add original and unique notes to the interior.

Important! When selecting a grouting material, it is necessary to take into account the conditions further use premises (humidity, purpose), appropriateness of color, properties of the mixture itself.

Types of grout for tiles

The construction market is filled with tile grouting compounds from manufacturers from all continents. They vary in composition and price.


Cement grouts include mixtures with polymer and sand suspensions. They are recommended for use in grouting joints from 4.0 to 6.0 mm. Additional filling fine-grained sand makes it possible to seal wider joints. TO positive qualities materials include:

  1. Elasticity during the laying period, which allows you to easily remove flaws.
  2. Durability after drying.
  3. Possibility of restoration in case of destruction during operation.
  4. Undemanding to the experience of the master.
  5. Affordable price.

  • hygroscopicity;
  • shrinkage when drying;
  • drying duration;
  • poor color polish.

It is these qualities that limit the use of this grout in rooms with high humidity. A porous surface can absorb moisture and serve as an incubator for mold. But on the other hand, adding an antiseptic or latex to the mixture will solve the problem. If you plan to make a uniform background, when asked which grout is best to choose for gray tiles, the answer is clear - cement.


The choice of grout for bathroom tiles can be: epoxy grouts. Their properties are defined chemical composition, including resins, hardener and fine-grained filler. It is characterized positively by the following qualities:

  1. Elastic when grouted.
  2. They form a waterproof surface without pores, dirt does not accumulate on it.
  3. Range temperature conditions during operation it can fluctuate from -20.0 to +110.00С.
  4. Wide range of color options (standard, neon, metallic, chameleon).
  5. Manufacturer's warranty against abrasion and fading for at least 30.0 years.

Negative characteristics are associated with:

  • with a high rate of hardening of the finished mass;
  • high requirements for the experience of the master;
  • the need to quickly remove excess mass and correct work flaws;
  • high cost of the base.

Epoxy grouts are unpretentious to operating conditions. They can be used not only in sanitary facilities, but also in swimming pools, baths, showers, and when cutting outdoor finishing tiles.


Polyurethane-based grout mixtures are distinguished by their ability to be used in narrow joints from 1.0 mm. The composition is elastic, and after hardening it remains elastic, and if the tile begins to “play”, then it retains its original shape.

Positive aspects The use of grout is determined by:

  1. The elasticity of the composition allows you to fill thin seams.
  2. The average hardening time allows you to take your time when grouting and carefully remove blemishes.
  3. Moisture-repellent properties.
  4. Greaseproof.
  5. Ready to use without the need to mix components.

Negative properties include sensitivity to detergent compositions containing a chlorine component. But the ability to choose any color of the paneling more than compensates for this drawback. If you have a question about what color of grout to choose, for example, for brown kitchen tiles, then you can experiment with small amounts of polyurethane grout.


Such mixtures are classified as the most elastic grouting compounds. They are allowed to fill joints up to 30.0 mm. This mixture is expensive. Based on the principles of economy, it is more often used to improve the properties of cement-based grout or top water-repellent and protective layers. The positive aspects of the application are emphasized:

  1. Exceptional plasticity of the mixture.
  2. Density of the material and elimination of crack formation.
  3. Easy to clean and virtually impossible for fungal deposits to form.
  4. Wide selection of colors.

However, the following disadvantages are noted:

  • high price;
  • the need to quickly clean the tiles from excess material - if you lose time on time, a difficult-to-remove film will form on the surface;
  • limitation in the use of vapor-forming agents when cleaning the surface.

Attention! The properties of latex grout allow them to be used to restore the seams of long-laid tiles. To do this, the space between the tiles is deepened special tool, thoroughly clean the front surface, and in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging, rub the seam.


Manufactured using epoxy-based mixture technology. They contain resins, hardener and latex or Portland cement. The latter components give the material plasticity and increase strength. The technology for grouting with a furan mixture is similar to the procedure and conditions for working with epoxy compounds.

Advantages when using:

  1. Water-repellent properties.
  2. Strength of the suture space.
  3. Good mechanical resistance to aggressive environments, including acids.
  4. Insensitive to UV radiation.

The disadvantages include:

  • chemical activity accompanied by the release of fumes harmful to human breathing;
  • recommendations for use in production areas or outdoors;
  • limited quantity in retail stores, difficult to buy;
  • Released only in black.

A wide selection of grout mixtures, as well as their availability, provide grounds for excluding this composition from the list of those considered first when purchasing.

Purpose of compositions

Focusing on the properties of certain compositions, the feasibility of using them on tiled surfaces in different rooms is determined:

  1. If it is necessary to seal a seam on a limited dry section of the wall, partially covered by technical cabinets, for example, kitchen apron, choose a cement-based grout.
  2. Rooms with high humidity (bathrooms, sanitary units) require the use of moisture-resistant mixtures based on latex or polyurethane. If the tiles are laid directly in the pool or shower stall, then the use of mold-resistant and dirt-repellent compounds with the same polyurethane or based on epoxy resins is justified.
  3. Processing seams on relatively “moving” tile surfaces, for example, thermal expansion of the “Warm Floor” system, requires the use of elastic compounds - latex, polyurethane or furan based. But it should be remembered that the latter is not recommended for use in rooms with a predominant presence of people.
  4. When carrying out troweling activities outside heated premises (“hog” on the street, technical buildings, garage, etc.), one should take into account climatic conditions and natural temperature changes. Hard grouting compounds are unlikely to withstand changes in loads without destruction, and plastic ones are expensive. The situation will be saved by their reasonable combination.

Attention! To avoid mistakes when selecting grouting material for different conditions application, you should spend time consulting with specialist tilers. As a last resort, read the documentation for the grout mixtures in detail, ask questions to the salesperson at a construction supply store, and then buy the grout.

What grout color should I choose?

Manufacturers of finishing tiles today offer consumers ready-made color combinations of products and grout mixture. But they do not always correspond to the preferences of premises owners. If you decide to choose the color for yourself original design, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the generally accepted rules for choosing colors.

Contrast or soft transition

The color and shades of the space between the tiles are used to create a certain visual perception of the room as a whole. The main effects are achieved as follows:

  • the creation of a continuous surface is achieved by using a grout mixture of the same color as the tiled elements;
  • rooms become “warm” when using tiles and grout in dark colors (burgundy, green);
  • to emphasize the beautiful content or pattern on the tile, use contrasting colors of grout mixtures (white - black, purple - red);
  • to create a holistic composition of colored, bright elements, select grout to match the predominant color, this helps create a calm atmosphere in the room, for example, if the surface is green, then green;
  • if the tiles are saturated with tones, and this makes the choice difficult, you can use “chameleon” grout based on epoxy resin with the addition of glass, which will reflect the predominant color depending on the lighting of the room.

Attention! You should take care of purchasing grout at the stage of purchasing a tile covering. To select colors in a store, you can use a color “fan” by first laying out several tiles on the floor.

Experienced designers have in their arsenal ready-made forms combinations of color tones for rooms for various purposes. Attention is focused on certain elements with color, and visually “dispersed” on small defects or secondary objects. Some of their recommendations include the following:

  1. Answering the frequently asked question about what color of grout to choose for white tiles, experts inform that the use of tiles and grout material in light colors visually enlarges the room; contrasting grout or a different color will not give such an effect.
  2. The use of contrasting grout with white tiles will break the plane of the walls into individual elements, and when precise selection colors will create a unique and pleasant interior.
  3. A tile containing several colors is combined with grout that repeats the color of the lightest tone. This solution is most relevant for small spaces.
  4. If the interior contains a mosaic version of the tile, then the grout is used in calm tones (beige, gray).
  5. The versatility of white grout allows you to hide existing installation defects, draw attention to or “blur” the boundaries of the tile. But the use of finishing floor tiles is not recommended for obvious reasons.
  6. Horizontally laid tiles should be “embroidered” with a mixture that matches or is close to the color of the elements.
  7. To avoid a chaotic appearance of the final result, it is not recommended to use more than three shades of tiles when laying. It is not allowed to use several colors of grout material on one plane (for example: lilac and purple), unless this is the designer’s decision.
  8. When decorating bathrooms and showers, the paneling can be done in the colors of the main elements - this will add extravagance and look original, for example, wood. The grout for bathroom tiles that you choose is determined by the photos posted on construction and thematic websites.

Important! If it was not possible to find the material of the required tones, then by mixing coloring compounds when preparing the grout, you can achieve the result experimentally.

The following video will tell you about grout for bathroom tiles and which one to choose:

Independent color selection

To independently select the shade of the grout material, purchase the following:

  • colorless grout or white color;
  • colored pastes adapted to the grout base;
  • if it is impossible to use special pastes - gouache or watercolor.

You should not expect this work to be completed quickly - choosing the color yourself will require time and patience. By mixing the components in different proportions, preferably allowing sufficient time for drying, the desired result is achieved experimentally.

It should be taken into account that it is necessary to select a color darker than planned, since complete drying will lighten it. It is imperative to carry out the work in a short, continuous period of time, using prepared material for the entire grouting area. Otherwise, the probability of selecting the same color scheme is negligible.


Having become familiar with the properties of grout mixtures on various bases, the conditions of their use and performance qualities, the owner of the premises remains to select the color of the grout for the tiles. Subsequently, carry out the work yourself or seek help from professional tilers, who will certainly carry out the work well and quickly.

How to grout a seam between tiles experienced master, presented in the following video:

Almost every apartment, in one or more of its rooms, has had its wall or floor surfaces finished using ceramic tiles. The range of this material in construction stores is constantly updated, which makes many homeowners want to regularly change their hallway or kitchen.

If previously a regular one was used to seal the seam between the tiles cement mortar, then nowadays there is a wide variety of special compounds, which can not only transform the appearance of the base material, but also reliably close the gaps between the tiles, forming an airtight coating for walls and floors. Grout for tiles, how to choose a color - this question arises most often among those home owners who decide to lay tiles or “refresh” the appearance of the seams between the tiles on their own, without resorting to the services of designers and professional finishers.

The importance of choosing the right grout for joints

There are no small details when it comes to organizing wall decoration with ceramic tiles, so the choice of grout must be taken with full responsibility. It's simple - the wrong color can ruin the appearance of even the most expensive and high-quality finishing material. And, conversely, a well-chosen shade of grout can decorate not only the finish itself, but also transform the entire room as a whole, bring special harmony to it, and also create integrity and completeness of the interior composition.

When choosing a grout mixture for filling joints, you must constantly focus on several criteria. The main ones are performance characteristics material and features of the room in which finishing is planned - this may include factors such as its purpose, possible temperature, humidity, level of load on the ceramic coating.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account that grout mixtures for internal and exterior finishing differ in their composition and performance qualities. This directly concerns both the reliability of the material and the longest possible shelf life. grout composition its original color. Thus, mixtures for outdoor use must have reliable tightness when hardened, high resistance to direct influences from precipitation and large-amplitude temperature changes, and resistance to fading under the influence of ultraviolet rays.