The inhibited child ("matty"). Slow baby why a child tupit

Symptoms of injury

Bradilalia's diagnosis

Muscle Facification








Emotional lability






Types of inhibition, symptoms and treatment

What is the inhibition

In serious cases, a person ceases to respond to the surrounding atmosphere and stays long in apathy or disconnection. Several types of inhibition are distinguished:

  • comprehensive;

Inhibition of the child

Diagnosis of inhibition

Treatment of injury

Prevention of injury

Violation of speech

This is the ability to interact with the surrounding people, society. From how developed we spell up, the success of this interaction depends. Considering that the person by nature is social, it becomes clear that this is one of the most important aspects of his life. Violation of speech is seriously affected primarily on the psychological health of a person, and later on social and mental. Of course, it matters when and for what reason there was a violation of speech.

Violation of speech is more likely to children's age, and despite the fact that this is a fairly serious deviation, as a rule, it is amenable to correction. Specialists-speech therapists determine the reason for the violation of speech, and develop an individual program that helps the child cope with the problem. Often therapy is carried out for a long time, requires perseverance and patience and from the child, and from his parents.

The reasons for speech violation in children are usually three groups of factors. The first is the anatomical features of the child, interfering with normal speech (short bridle of the language, incorrect bite, etc.). The second is organic disorders of the structures of the brain arising in the intrauterine period or during complicated labor (generic injury). And the third is the functional disorders of the nervous system associated with the mental injury or the lack of conditions for normal development. This is the so-called primary violation of speech, or more precisely, a violation of the formation of speech.

Violation of speech in an adult is almost always associated with organic damage to the nervous system. This is a formidable sign, and the appearance of it may indicate the progressive and malignant course of the disease. Violation of speech in adults accompanies diseases such as brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, stroke, encephalopathy of various origins, epilepsy, diabetes and some others. These are those in which they directly affect the structure of the nervous system, or there are vascular disorders, and the nervous lesions are secondary and are associated with a lack of blood circulation.

If you have a violation of speech when it was already normally formed, an immediate appeal to the doctor. In some cases, the violation of speech happens to an early sign of severe pathology, and on time taken measures are capable not only to restore speech, but also save the human life.

Did you find a mistake in the text? Highlight it and press Ctrl + Enter.

I have a resistant hearing impairment for 5 years, but it does not affect, I always said normally, I use the device.

The excitement of course was, associated with the instability of earnings .. But two weeks rested during this time on vacation, a little better, but not so much, it's not difficult to express my thoughts. Novopalsit tried one bottle, does not give effect.

What can it, please advise.

When a long time ago, a few years ago, there was a dropper of vasodilatory drugs, it is due to the fall in hearing, did not help, refused.

All these years, there were no problems with speech.

The article under which you left a comment is just on what the problems with speech may be associated with. It is impossible to determine exactly that with you, on the Internet it is impossible, you should contact the doctor (neurologist).

Now the same, will the same drugs help what pierced after childbirth? Why do they act? The week already happens.

The fact is that I am on a business trip.

Assign these drugs yourself, without a doctor, it is impossible. On the Internet, medicines are also not prescribed. You will have to wait for the completion of a business trip and ask for a full-time consultation to your neurologist, and if the condition is progressing, then contact any neurologist at the first opportunity.

Hello, urgently consult a doctor, these symptoms are similar to the initial stroke of the stroke.

Dentists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century, to pull sick teeth was part of the ordinary hairdresser.

In order to say even the shortest and simple words, we use 72 muscles.

The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. He worked on a steam engine and was intended for the treatment of female hysteria.

During sneezing, our body fully stops working. Even the heart stops.

In 5% of patients, antidepressant clomipramine causes an orgasm.

The blood of a man "runs" along the vessels under huge pressure and in violation of their integrity is capable of shooting up to 10 meters away.

People who are accustomed to regularly have breakfast, much less often suffer from obesity.

American scientists conducted experiments on mice and concluded that watermelon juice prevents the development of the atherosclerosis of the vessels. One group of mice saws ordinary water, and the second is watermelon juice. As a result of the second group vessels were free from cholesterol plaques.

Falling from the donkey, you are more likely to deal with your neck than fallen from the horse. Just do not try to disprove this statement.

The well-known drug "Viagra" was originally developed for the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Even if the heart of a person does not fight, he can still live for a long period of time, which demonstrated to us the Norwegian fisherman Yang Revftal. His "Motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in the snow.

According to many scientists, vitamin complexes are practically useless for humans.

A 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became a blood donor about 1000 times. He has a rare blood type, which helps to survive newborns with severe anemia. Thus, Australian saved about two million children.

For drugs from allergies only in the US, more than $ 500 million is spent a year. Do you still believe that the way to finally defeat the allergies will be found?

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a number of studies, during which they concluded that vegetarianism could be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists are recommended not to exclude completely from their diet fish and meat.





  • worsening memory;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.
  • sharp change in mood;
  • nonsense, illogical judgments;


  • CT and MRI brain;
  • EEG and ECHO-EG;
  • cerebral angiography;
  • psychiatric tests.


  • anesthetic;
  • sedative;
  • nootropic;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;


Hypertensive crisis syndrome in which significant increase in blood pressure is observed. At the same time, the symptoms of the defeat of the main organs - hearts, lungs, brain, and so on. This state is very difficult and requires emergency care, since, otherwise, heavy complications may develop.

Itsenko-Cushing syndrome is a pathological process, on the formation of which the high levels of levels of glucocorticoid hormones are influenced. The main one is cortisol. Therapy of the disease should be complex and aimed at relieving the causes that promotes the development of alend.

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Questions and suggestions:

The injection of thinking in scientific is called " bradypsihia" Not apathy and not inertia of thinking. These are completely different states with other pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom, which appears in old age. In any case, most people have the injection of thinking associated precisely with unhurried and burglary elders. However, it may arise in young age. Indeed, under each manifestation of unhealthy, certain reasons are hidden.

The reasons

The pathophysiology of the process is extremely difficult and not studied to the end. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And Limbicus, as once and is not amenable to decipher in due measure. Therefore, in everyday practice, it is possible to name only the states - the diseases in which the bradypsych is marked, but not to answer the question why it appears.

Vascular pathology. Acute, and more often, chronic disorders of the cerebral circulation arising from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and blood vessel thrombosis are the cause of the destruction of the brain substance. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking suffer.

Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Thickest, but not less frequent pathology, one of whose manifestations is the slowdiness of thinking. In addition to this, depressing people surrounding the patient's symptom (patients themselves, at the later stages of the development of this type of pathology, do not notice any changes) there are many other, no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, the person becomes pinching, annoying, the speech is slow, often confused.

Epilepsy. In the later stages of the development of the disease, when the doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the ailment, the inhibition occurs, as many other signs of changing thinking.

Schizophrenia. Just like the epilepsy, in schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology.

Depressive states and depression. The mental illness, characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often disguised under the somatic problems - up to the dental pain or ischemic heart disease. Among them there are lethargy of thoughts.

Hypothyroidism. Lack of work of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the described symptom is extremely characteristic and appears one of the first appearing.

Toxic bradypsichi. Such a group of diseases in the international classification of diseases, of course, is not. But the name still the most clearly describes the causes of the appearance of the symptom - intoxication of the body, whether alcohol, salts of metals, drugs or toxins of microorganisms.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of treatment species should also be great. Unfortunately, until scientists finally understood with the work of the brain, these species are not so much as I would like.


General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nervous cells unused during life are safely dying as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the reserve of the psyche decreases. The study of the new one is possible at any age, but after thirty years, it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneurone ties. You can load the brain as you like, if only it was not familiar to him. Studying a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and their understanding. But! The decision of crosswords, scanvords and the like is the same as learning the Big Soviet Encyclopedia. Dry information takes only cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Motor activity also helps keep the brain in the "working" state. What is it connected with, it's hard to say.

Vascular therapy. To bring the vessels to a state corresponding to the twenty-year age is impossible, nevertheless, partial recovery is possible than the doctors use, assigning appropriate drugs.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps restore nerve cells.

Before visiting a doctor, the patient can only be engaged in prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications that the specialist takes into account, making a choice in favor of this or that means. You need to turn to the doctor in the case of bradypsihihi - there is no "light" cause of such a state of psyche.

Several types of inhibition are distinguished:

  • comprehensive;

The ability is speech and thought, that is, has psychological reasons. Slug-insane and late motor reactions cause motor inhibition. There may be problems with memorization, failures in memory. In most cases, such states are caused by or illness, chronic fatigue, or psychological pathologies.

Motor and emotional inhibition is a pathology, to identify the reasons for which only doctors can. They are prescribed adequate treatment.

Causes and symptoms of thinking

Behavior, thinking of a person, his psychological state may violate with the pathologies of the nervous system and brain. The ideological inhibition also leads to:

  • Parkinson's disease. In case of complex brain pathology, an additional symptom is revealed - slowdiness of thinking. The sick change itself does not notice. With the course of the disease, his mental activity is not only slowed down. The patient becomes an annoying, meticulous, adultery. His speech becomes a mandatory and incoherent.

All these diseases whose symptom is inhibition of thinking, must be diagnosed and treated. The temporal inhibition of movements and thinking appears after severe stress, fatigue, with a long latter.

The oppression of motor and thought processes is characteristic of the use of alcohol, even one-time. The same symptoms sometimes cause psychotropic drugs, as well as severe sedatives. When they cancel, the inhibition passes.

Causes and symptoms of motor inhibition

Motor, as well as thought inhibition manifests itself as a result of psychological disorders, as well as all sorts of diseases. In the facial expressions and movements of the patient sometimes or always felt lethargy. The posture is usually relaxed, it is often a desire to sit down, lie down in bed, to rely on something.

Inhibition of the child

Such a symptom is characteristic of children. It can have a chronic character with some neurovective disorders, for example, cerebral palsy, or manifests itself spontaneously at high temperatures, after severe stress or impressions. To the injury in children often lead:

  • vascular brain pathology;

Diagnosis of inhibition

In case of violations of a psychological nature, as well as physiological pathologies caused by the infringement of a thoughtful, motor or speech reaction, careful diagnosis is necessary, that is, a medical and psychological examination.

There is also a diagnostics of writing and oral speech. Perhaps a person suffers from stuttering, sound-proof defects, which lead to speech inhibition. Intelligent development of the patient, the condition of sensory functions, common motor skills, the state of the joints and muscles is also studied.

Treatment of injury

  • Activation of mental processes. For this, new books read, master languages, are engaged in creativity or solve mathematical tasks. Such actions train the brain, activate mental activities.

If the inhibition is temporary, caused by a strong heat, then tablets or syrups that reduce the temperature should be taken. Caused by medicines and strong soothing temporary strokes will be stopped by refusing such drugs. It usually passes without a trace, the body's reactions are completely restored.

Inhibition of emotions and movements (video)

What is the injury of emotions and movements. How to identify and treat pathology, we learn the recommendations of the doctor from the video.

Prevention of injury

Pathology is usually without a trace if the treatment has begun in the early stages when the main disease has been revealed. After competent psychological assistance, the correct medical support of the person's reaction is improved, both emotional and physical.


Inhibition is a decrease in the reaction rate of the individual, the slowdown during the mental processes and the emergence of stretched speech with large pauses.

In extreme cases, a person may even stop responding to others and stay for a long time in a stupor. The inhibition may not be comprehensive, but to concern only thinking, or speech. In the first case, it is called ideator, and in the second - motor.

Diseases accompanied by intensity

Inhibition is observed at:

Inflammation of the brain (meningitis);

Mental disorders (schizophrenia);

Border states (depression, neurosis);

The presence of brain tumors;

Hypoglycemia (blood glucose decay);

Fatigue, exhaustion of the body;

Drinking drugs or alcohol.

Causes of injury

As you can see, the reasons that cause this condition are usually associated with damage to the brain and pathology that impede its work.

The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs at a lack of sleep when the body is already exhausted, or, due to the use of narcotic substances and alcohol, which inhibit mental and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into blocking activities and reduce opportunities for its implementation.

According to some versions of psychiatrists, the inhibition is nothing but a peculiar reaction to stress is largely similar to the alarming state, but acting on the opposite scheme. The proof of this is the disappearance of the symptom when using patients with antidepressants and small tranquilizers, which are aimed at reducing anxiety.

Symptoms of injury

In addition to the decline in the tempo of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of the said - an extremely quiet and calm voice that occasionally breaks silence. Loss is noticeable in movements and facial expressions, and the posture is most often too relaxed.

The individual may have a desire to constantly rely on something or grate. It is not necessary that all its manifestations are observed when inhibition. Just one is enough to argue that a person needs medical care.

Treatment of injury

First, try to determine the true cause of this condition, and then prescribe treatment. When inhibition, nootropic drugs are often attributed (for example, piracetam), which improve metabolic processes in the brain. In hypoglycemia, they try to restore the level of glucose and maintain its special substances.

When meningitis, they try to destroy the causative agent of the disease and eliminate the inflammatory process, although after that it will have to go through a recovery course of therapy. If the cause of injury is cancer, then all the forces are thrown on its overcoming.

The information presented on the site is intended for reference. To put the correct diagnosis and the choice of the right tactics of treatment, you need to seek help to a doctor.


The injection of the course of mental processes and behavioral reactions of a person can be caused by different reasons: fatigue, disease, influence of tranquilizers that slow down organic processes, negative emotional states of stress, depression, sorrow, apathy.

Inhibition is a decrease in the reaction rate of the individual, the slowdown during the mental processes and the emergence of stretched speech with large pauses. In extreme cases, a person may even stop responding to others and stay for a long time in a stupor. The inhibition may not be comprehensive, but to concern only thinking, or speech. In the first case, it is called ideator, and in the second - motor.

Inhibition of thinking in scientific is called "Bradypsichia". Not apathy and not inertia of thinking. These are completely different states with other pathophysiological and mental foundations. Bradypsychia is a symptom, which appears in old age. In any case, most people have the injection of thinking associated precisely with unhurried and burglary elders. However, it may arise in young age. Indeed, under each manifestation of unhealthy, certain reasons are hidden.

Causes of thinking inhibition

The pathophysiology of the process is extremely difficult and not studied to the end. Thinking, behavior, emotional background and many other achievements of the human mind are associated with the work of the limbic system - one of the sections of the nervous system. And Limbicus, as once and is not amenable to decipher in due measure. Therefore, in everyday practice, it is possible to name only the states - the diseases in which the bradypsych is marked, but not to answer the question why it appears.

  • Vascular pathology. Acute, and more often, chronic disorders of the cerebral circulation arising from the progression of atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and blood vessel thrombosis are the cause of the destruction of the brain substance. In particular, the structures responsible for the speed of thinking suffer.
  • Parkinsonism and Parkinson's disease. Thickest, but not less frequent pathology, one of whose manifestations is the slowdiness of thinking. In addition to this, depressing people surrounding the patient's symptom (patients themselves, at the later stages of the development of this type of pathology, do not notice any changes) there are many other, no less unpleasant. For example, thoughts become not only slow, but also viscous, the person becomes pinching, annoying, the speech is slow, often confused.
  • Epilepsy. In the later stages of the development of the disease, when the doctors note the destruction of the personality as a result of the progression of the ailment, the inhibition occurs, as many other signs of changing thinking.
  • Schizophrenia. Just like the epilepsy, in schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not an early sign of pathology.
  • Depressive states and depression. The mental illness, characterized by an abundance of symptoms, often disguised under the somatic problems - up to the dental pain or ischemic heart disease. Among them there are lethargy of thoughts.
  • Hypothyroidism. Lack of work of the thyroid glands. With this disease, the described symptom is extremely characteristic and appears one of the first appearing.
  • Toxic bradypsichi. Such a group of diseases in the international classification of diseases, of course, is not. But the name still the most clearly describes the causes of the appearance of the symptom - intoxication of the body, whether alcohol, salts of metals, drugs or toxins of microorganisms.

Of course, with such a large number of diseases, the number of treatment species should also be great. Unfortunately, until scientists finally understood with the work of the brain, these species are not so much as I would like. The temporary effect of inhibition in speech and thinking occurs at a lack of sleep when the body is already exhausted, or, due to the use of narcotic substances and alcohol, which inhibit mental and motor processes. That is, the reasons can be divided into blocking activities and reduce opportunities for its implementation.

Symptoms of injury

The image of the patient fits into a classic melancholic description: lethargy, slowness, stretched speech, every word as if extruded with effort. It seems that thinking takes a lot of strength and energy from this person. He may not have time to respond to said or dive into a stupor at all.

In addition to the decline in the tempo of speech and thinking, there is a muffledness of the said - an extremely quiet and calm voice that occasionally breaks silence. Loss is noticeable in movements and facial expressions, and the posture is most often too relaxed. The individual may have a desire to constantly rely on something or grate. It is not necessary that all its manifestations are observed when inhibition. Just one is enough to argue that a person needs medical care.

Bradilalia's diagnosis

Persons with violations of the speech pace, including Bradylalia, need a comprehensive medical and psychological and pedagogical examination, which is carried out by a neurologist, speaking copyright, psychologist, psychiatrist. When examining a patient with Bradylalia, a detailed study of the anamnesis relating to the transferred diseases and damage to the brain is necessary; The presence of violations of the speech rate in close relatives. In some cases, to clarify the organic framework of Bradylalia, instrumental research is required: EEG, RAG, MRI brain, brain PET, lumbal puncture, etc.

The diagnosis of oral speech in Bradleilia includes an assessment of the structure of the articulation and speech motor vehicles, expressive speech (sound-proof, syllated structure of the word, the tempo-rhythmic side of speech, peculiarities of the voice, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech implies execution of tasks to write off the text and an independent letter to dictation, reading syllables, phrases, texts. Along with the diagnostic survey of speech, in Bradylalia, the state of general, manual and mimic motility, sensory functions, intellectual development is carried out.

When laying a speech therapy imprisonment, it is important to differentiate bradylias from dysarthria and stuttering.

Treatment of inhibition of thinking

General preventive measures. The more the brain is loaded, the better it works. Nervous cells unused during life are safely dying as unnecessary in the literal sense. Accordingly, the reserve of the psyche decreases. The study of the new one is possible at any age, but after thirty years, it is significantly complicated by the slowdown in the development of new interneurone ties. You can load the brain as you like, if only it was not familiar to him. Studying a new language, solving mathematical problems, mastering new sciences, studying historical archives and their understanding. But! The decision of crosswords, scanvords and the like is the same as learning the Big Soviet Encyclopedia. Dry information takes only cells responsible for memory, but not for thinking. Motor activity also helps keep the brain in the "working" state. What is it connected with, it's hard to say.

Vascular therapy. To bring the vessels to a state corresponding to the twenty-year age is impossible, nevertheless, partial recovery is possible than the doctors use, assigning appropriate drugs.

Nootropics and neuroprotectors. A more specific treatment that helps restore nerve cells.

Psychotherapy is carried out only as a secondary addition to medication therapy. Modern psychotherapeutic techniques help to identify and eliminate the true cause of disorder, to form a new model of response to stressful situations, correct the personal assessment.

Before visiting a psychotherapist doctor, a patient can only deal with prevention - all drug treatment has a significant number of contraindications that a specialist takes into account, which makes a choice in favor of this or that means. You need to turn to the doctor in the case of bradypsihihi - there is no "light" cause of such a state of psyche.

Bradylalia prediction and prevention

The forecast for overcoming Bradylalia is most favorable with the early start of the correctional work and the psychological reasons for violation of the speech pace. But even after the development of normal speech skills, a long-term observation of specialists is needed, a permanent self-control over the tempo of speech.

Prevention of bradylia is important to prevent perinatal lesions of the CNS, head injuries, neuroinfection, asthenic syndrome. It is necessary to take care of the normal development of the child's speech, to surround it with correct imitation samples.

Muscle Facification








Emotional lability






The site information is provided solely for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate, be sure to consult your doctor.

Insurance of thinking, movements and mental spheres: causes, symptoms

Periodically, each person may notice that the activity of the brain is not fully implemented. Such a violation is expressed in the difficulty of performing movements (bradykneesia) and in memorizing information, inhibition of the reaction and disorders of thinking (bradypsychia).

It should be said that in most situations these failures - temporary phenomenon and they can be explained by natural factors: fatigue or nervous depletion. However, there are cases when the inconception of movements, the inhibition of thinking and mental sphere is the pathological process, the reasons for which it is necessary to identify and choose proper therapy.

Features of Bradypsichi

Pathological inhibition of thinking is called bradypsychia. This phenomenon does not have parallels with apathy or inertia of thinking, and presupposes mental and pathophysiological disorders.

Bradypsychia is considered as some neurological symptoms, which in most cases is formed in people in old age. But sometimes people at the young age are also faced with injury in thought processes, as well as children.

Poverty and insufficiency of mental processes is a symptom of many psychological or physiological pathological processes that are manifested as a decrease in the speed of reaction, slow speech, slowdown in thinking and motor activity. In difficult situations, the individual is not able to respond to what is happening and is a long time in the apathetic state of either a stupor. The following varieties of inhibition are distinguished:

The thought process can break at any age

The inhibition also happens speech and mental, having psychological factors. Weak and involuntary movements can cause motor inhibition. There are problems with memory, failures. In many cases, such states provoked by a neurological disease, constant fatigue, or psychological pathological processes.

The slowness of movements and emotional inhibition - the pathological process, to detect the reasons for which only experts are capable of. They recommend proper therapy.

Related disorders

Bradypsichia is the result of the defeat of the central nervous system, which bears responsibility for cerebling. Depending on the element of the lesion, different types of disorders are developing. These include:

  • bradybasia - slow motion;

For Parkinsonism is characterized by bradykinosis

When Bradypsichia is a consequence of Parkinson's disease, it is necessary to emphasize on the symptoms of the main pathological process. It includes a sense of fatigue, anxiety, sleep disorder, etc.

Provoking factors and diseases

Pathophysiology is very difficult and fully studied. It is only known that thinking, behavior, the emotional component and other functions of the human brain are conjugate with the activities of the limbic system. In everyday practice, only conditions are distinguished - diseases, during which bradypsychia is observed and deviations related to it:

  1. Vascular diseases of the brain. Acute, often chronic bleeding disorders in the brain, which occur due to progressive atherosclerosis, hypertension, embolism and vessel thrombosis are a factor in the destruction of the substance in the brain. Also, violations are subject to structures that are responsible for the speed of thinking.
  2. Parkinson's disease. A common reason for whose characteristic manifestation is slow thinking. In addition to similar inhibitory symptoms (patients in the late stage of development of this pathological process are not inclined to notice any changes) there are a large number of other unpleasant manifestations. For example, thoughts will not only slow down, but also viscous, the sickness will become characteristic of the patient, slow down tangled.
  3. Epilepsy. At the late stage of the formation of a disease, when experts observe the destruction of the individual as a result of the progressive disease, the ability of the ability, as well as the other symptoms of altered thinking.
  4. Schizophrenia. As at the time of epilepsy in schizophrenia, bradypsychia is not considered the initial symptom of pathological processes, but develops gradually over time.
  5. Depression. A mental illness, which is characterized by a large number of symptoms, often disguised as somatic difficulties - including toothache or ischemia. These also applies to the lethargy of thinking.
  6. Hypothyroidism. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland. With such annex, symptoms are extremely pronounced and arises one of the first.
  7. Toxic lesions. Such a subgroup of disease in international classification does not exist. However, the term maximally describes the causes of painful symptoms - intoxication of the body.

The short-term effect of inhibition appears after lacking, due to the exhaustivity of the body, or as a result of the use of drugs and alcohol, oppressing thinking and movement. The reasons can be divided into those that block the activity of the brain and those that reduce the possibilities for its implementation.

Naturally, with such an abundance of provoking diseases, treatment can also be different.

What does it look like?

The image of the "inhibited" patient falls under the typical characteristic of melancholic: weakness, slowness, stretchability of speech, each word is pronounced with force.

It may be a feeling that the thought process takes a large number of strength and energy in a person who does not have time to react to information or is completely immersed in a stupor.

In addition to lowering the speed of speech and mental processes, the muffledness of the words said is a very quiet and calm voice, sometimes breaking silence. Weakness is visible in motion and facial exposure, the posture is often too relaxed.

A person has a desire to find a support all the time either lie down.

All symptoms are not always observed. Also alone to recommend a person to seek medical care to specialists.

Diagnostic criteria and methods

People with speech disorders, including Bradley, need complex medical and psychological and pedagogical diagnostics conducted by a profile specialist. In the process of the survey, the history of the patient should be examined in detail, which concerns previously suffered diseases and lesions of the brain, as well as the presence of failures at the pace of speech at Rodney.

In certain situations, to find out the organic basis of the illness, it is necessary to conduct instrumental research, including:

Research of oral speech implies an assessment of the structure of the articulation bodies and the state of motor skills, expressive speech (pronunciation of sounds, syllables, words, the tempo-rhythmic side, voice features, etc.). Diagnostics of written speech implies execution of tasks for writing a text and a letter to dictation, reading. In addition to the diagnostic survey of the speech function, the general condition, manual motility, sensory functions, intelligence are carried out.

During the diagnosis, this disease should be differentiated from dysarthria and stuttering.

What offers modern medicine?

To implement the proper therapy of the disease, it is necessary to pre-consult with a specialist. It will recommend effective treatment, as well as warn about the presence of contraindications to the use of certain techniques of therapy or a drug preparation.

The following methods of therapeutic and preventive impact are used more often:

  1. Activation of thinking processes. To this end, you need to read new books, learn foreign languages, work as a creative process or solve various puzzles. Such a technique contributes to the brain training, activation of thinking.
  2. Neuroprotectors and nootropics are appointed. Drug therapy, which is aimed at restore and strengthen the nerve cells and fabrics.
  3. Treatment of vascular pathologies. Aids are used that make it possible to clean the vascular walls that it is necessary to fully work the brain. As a result, the intensification of mental and motor activity occurs.
  4. Psychotherapy. It acts as auxiliary drug therapy. Modern medical techniques contribute to opposition to the consequences of stress, correction of the personality assessment, the formation of the necessary models of responding to specific situations.
  5. Sports and walking outdoors. Moderate physical tension and walk let the brain ability to rest, and nervous cells to recover thanks to the influx of oxygen.

If emotional and mental inhibition caused by tranquilizers, then the cancellation of any drugs is required. In most cases, the reaction is restored over time.

Summing up

The forecast is relatively favorable with the early beginning of the correction and availability of the psychological causes of motor activity disorders and speech motility. However, after the recovery of skills, it follows a long time to observe the doctors, constantly independently control their movements and the course of thoughts.

As preventive measures, the lesions of the central nervous system should be prevented, avoid injuries of the head, to identify asthenic syndrome on time.

Pathological inhibition of thinking implies various mental and pathophysiological disorders. This phenomenon should be qualified as symptoms, most of the situations emerging in the elderly. But in certain cases, such a problem can manifest itself in childhood and young people.

If the injection of mental processes is detected, without delay, see the recommendations for doctors. It is likely that a similar condition is the result of dangerous failures in the work of the central nervous system and needs to be implemented special correction.

This section is created to take care of those who need a qualified specialist without disturbing the usual rhythm of their own life.


Inhibition is a symptom of certain diseases, as a rule, the CNS and the brain, or a consequence of a strong psycho-emotional shock. It is characterized by such a condition of a person in that it has a decrease in the reaction rate to the actions turned to it or their own, the deterioration of the concentration, more stretched, with long-term speech pauses. In more complex cases, there may be a complete absence of a reaction to surrounding events.

There should not be confused by such a state of a person with apathy or a chronic depressive state, as the latter is most likely a psychological factor, rather than physiological.

True reasons for inhibition can only be established by a qualified doctor. It is not recommended to carry out treatment at your discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this may lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


The injection of movements and thinking in humans can be observed with such pathological processes:

In addition, the temporary state of the reaction slowdest, movements and speech may be observed in the following cases:

  • with alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • in chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep;
  • with frequent nervous overvoltage, stress, chronic depressions;
  • under circumstances that cause a person's feeling of fear, anxiety and panic;
  • with a strong emotional shock.

Psychomotor inhibition by the child may be due to these etiological factors:

Depending on the primary factor, this condition of the child may be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if it is manifested by such a symptom in children, it is necessary to immediately apply to the doctor, as the cause of pathology can be dangerous to the health of the baby.


Distinguish the following types of inhibition according to the clinical picture:

  • bradypsychia - inhibition of thinking;
  • independent or ideator inhibition;
  • motor or motor inhibition;
  • emotional inhibition.

The establishment of the nature of this pathological process lies in the competence of only a qualified physician.


The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will be fully dependent on the root cause.

With the defeat of the brain and the central nervous system, the following clinical picture may be attended:

  • drowsiness (hypersime), lethargy;
  • headaches that, as the pathological process exacerbation, will increase. In more complex cases, the elimination of pain syndrome is impossible even by painkillers;
  • worsening memory;
  • reducing the quality of cognitive abilities;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on the fulfillment of familiar action. It is noteworthy that it is professional skills that are saved;
  • sharp mood swings, in the behavior of the patient there are features, which were not previously characteristic of him, the attacks of aggression are most often observed;
  • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
  • it becomes a slowdown, the patient may hardly select words with difficulty;
  • nausea and vomiting, which is most often observed in the morning;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.

The child has a common clinical picture, with this kind of pathologies, can be completed with capriciousness, constant crying or, opposite, constant drowsiness and apatine to the usual beloved classes.

It should be noted that the above-described symptoms is observed after stroke. If there is a suspicion that a person has had an attack, urgent medical care should be called and urgently hospitalize it. It is from the urgency and coherence of primary medical measures after a stroke, to a greater extent depends, the person will survive or not.

In the event that the cause of a slow reaction in an adult has become a mental disorder, such symptoms may be present:

  • insomnia or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
  • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
  • sharp change in mood;
  • downtry attacks of fear, panic;
  • suicidal mood, in some cases and actions in this direction;
  • state of chronic depression;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • nonsense, illogical judgments;
  • disranged personal hygiene, sloppy appearance. At the same time, a person may be firmly confident that he is all right;
  • excessive suspicion, the feeling that he is followed;
  • deterioration or complete memory loss;
  • incoherent speech, the inability to express their point of view or specifically to answer the simplest questions;
  • loss in temporary and spatial orientation;
  • feeling constant fatigue.

It should be understood that such a state of a person can quickly progress. Even under the condition of temporary improvement of the patient's condition, it is impossible to say that the disease is completely eliminated. In addition, this condition of a person is extremely dangerous both for him and for those around people. Consequently, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in the relevant institution, in some cases it is necessary.


First of all, the physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since, because of his condition, he is unlikely to be able to correctly answer the doctor's questions.

In this case, there may be a consultation of such specialists:

Diagnostic measures include:

  • generallygic laboratory tests (blood and urine study);
  • study of the level of pituitary hormones;
  • CT and MRI brain;
  • EEG and ECHO-EG;
  • cerebral angiography;
  • psychiatric tests.

Depending on the diagnosis, the issue of hospitalization of the patient and the further tactics of treatment will be resolved.


In this case, the treatment program can be based on both conservative and radical treatment methods.

If the cause of such a person is a tumor of a brain or CNS, then an operation on its excision with subsequent drug treatment and rehabilitation is carried out. Rehabilitation patient will also need after stroke.

Medical therapy may include such drugs:

  • anesthetic;
  • sedative;
  • antibiotics if infectious nature is established;
  • nootropic;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • preparations that restore glucose levels;
  • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

In addition, after passing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to pass the course of rehabilitation in a specialized sanatorium.

Provided the timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their full implementation, perhaps almost complete recovery even after severe diseases - oncology, stroke, psychiatric ailments.


Unfortunately, there are no specific methods for prevention. The recreation and work should be observed, to protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, timely begin treatment of all diseases.

"Inhibition" is observed for diseases:

Alalia - a richetic function disorder, in which the child cannot partially (with poor vocabulary and problems when building phrases) or fully talk. But for the disease, it is characteristic that mental abilities are not broken, the child understands everything perfectly and hears. The main causes of the ailment are complicated childbirth, diseases or injuries of the brain obtained at an early age. The disease can be cured with prolonged visits to the speech therapist and with the help of medication reception.

Apathy is such a mental disorder, in which a person does not show interest in work, any events, does not want to do anything and, in general, it does not care about life. Such a condition is very often coming to a person imperceptibly, since it is not manifested by painful symptoms - a person can simply not notice deviations in the mood, since the causes of apathy can be absolutely any life process, and most often their aggregate.

Astmatic status - a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, due to the progression of which there is a pronounced respiratory failure. This pathological condition is developing as a result of the enemy of the bronchial mucosa, as well as the spasms of their muscles. At the same time, it is not possible to relieve the attack by the admission of an increased dose of bright -ulators, which, as a rule, already takes a patient having asthma. Asthmatic status is a very dangerous state that can lead to the patient's death, so it requires emergency medical care.

Affective disorders (sin. Mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of internal experiences and the external expression of human mood. Similar changes can lead to disadaptation.

Bacterial endocarditis is an inflammatory process in the inner shell of the heart caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms, the main of which is streptococcus. Often endocarditis is a secondary manifestation that developed against the background of other diseases, but it is the bacterial lesion of the shell is an independent disorder. Amazes people of any age group, which is often diagnosed with endocarditis in children. A distinctive feature is that men suffer from such a disease several times more often than women.

All over the world, many people suffer from such a violation as a bipolar disorder. It is characterized by a disease of frequent change of mood, and the mood of a person is not changing from bad, to good, but from extremely depressive and dull, to the feeling of euphoria and the ability to perform feats. In short, the mood fluctuations in patients with a bipolar disorder are colossal, which is always noticeably surrounding, especially if such oscillations are frequent.

Legionnaire or Legionell disease is a bacterial infection that is most often manifested in the form of a heavy form of pneumonia. A characteristic expression of the disease is intoxication and disruption of the functioning of the central nervous system and the kidneys. Sometimes, during the disease, the respiratory and urinary system is damaged.

Acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterial medium and characterized by the duration of the flow of fever and general intoxication of the body is referred to as the abdominal typhoid. This disease relates to severe in -urey, as a result of which the basic medium of the defeat is the gastrointestinal tract, and the spleenka, liver and blood vessels are affected by aggravation.

Hypernatremia is a disease for which an increase in the level of sodium in serum is peculiar to a value of 145 mmol / l or higher. In addition, a reduced liquid content is found in the body. Pathology has a rather high mortality rate.

Hyperstia is a sleep disorder, which is characterized by an increase in the duration of the rest period and the manifestation of drowsiness during the daytime. In this case, the duration of sleep is more than ten hours. Rarely proceeds as an independent disorder - often it is a complication of certain diseases. After a long sleep, the overall condition is not observed, there is constant drowsiness and waking problems.

Hypertensive crisis syndrome in which significant increase in blood pressure is observed. At the same time, the symptoms of the defeat of the main organs - hearts, lungs, brain, and so on. This state is very difficult and requires emergency care, since, otherwise, heavy complications may develop.

Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor intensity and failures of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease that is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and also does not carry much danger, what they are deeply mistaken. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, causing the passivity and depression of a person.

Diabetic coma is an extremely dangerous state, developing against the background of diabetes mellitus. In the case of its progression in the human body, exchange processes are violated. This condition threatens not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

A cardiogenic shock is a pathological process when the reduction function of the left ventricle occurs, the blood supply to the tissues and internal organs deteriorates, which often ends with the death of man.

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication of diabetes, which without adequate and timely treatment can lead to a diabetic coma or even a fatal outcome. The condition begins to progress if the human body cannot fully use glucose as a source of energy, as there is not enough insulin hormone in it. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated, and the body begins to use as a source of energy flowing fats.

Tick-borne encephalitis is the hardest infectious disease that is transmitted to a person from encephalute ticks. The virus is pierced in the head and spinal brain of an adult or child, causes severe intoxication and affects the CNS. Heavy encephalute forms without timely treatment are capable of leading to paralysis, mental disorders and even a fatal outcome. How to recognize the symptoms of dangerous pathology, what to do with suspected tick-borne infection and what value is the vaccination in the prevention and therapy of the deadly illness?

False croup is the pathology of infectious-allergic nature, which causes the development of a larynx edema with its subsequent stenosis. The narrowing of the breathlessness of the respiratory tract, including the larynx, leads to insufficient air flow into the lungs and represents the threat of the patient's life, so the help with such a state should be rendered immediately - during minutes after the attack.

Macroglobulinemia Valdenstrem (Sin. Primary Macroglobulinemia, Macroglobulinmemic Reticulose) - is an extremely rare disease in which a tumor consisting of lymphocytic and plasma cells is formed in the bone marrow.

Metabolic acidosis is a pathological condition for which a violation of the acid-alkaline balance in the blood is characteristic. Development is developing against the background of poor oxidation of organic acids or their insufficient removal from the human body.

Myxedema is the most severe form of hypothyroidism, for which the development of the skin and subcutaneous fiber is characteristic. Pathology begins to progress in the human body as a result of insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones. The most often exposed to this disease of the woman during the period of change of hormonal background, that is, during the climax.

The edema of the brain is a dangerous state characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and intracranial pressure is growing. All this leads to a violation of blood circulation in the body and to the elimination of its cells.

An edema of Queenka is customary to determine the allergic state expressed in fairly sharp its manifestations. It is characterized by it the emergence of the strongest swelling of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Several less often this condition is manifested in the joints, internal organs and brain shears. As a rule, the swelling of the quinque, the symptoms of which can manifest itself almost from any person, occurs in patients suffering from allergies.

The disease that is inherent in the formation of light insufficiency, presented in the form of a mass yield of transudate from capillaries to a light cavity and as a result, the contributing of the infiltration of the alveoli, is called the edema of the lungs. Speaking with simple words, the eighty edema is a position when a liquid leaked through blood vessels is stared in the lungs. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can be formed on the basis of other serious ailments of the body.

Pancreatic pancreas - dangerous and hard pathology, in which the body itself begins to actively digest its own cells. This, in turn, leads to the fact that certain areas of the gland are necrotized. This pathological process can provoke the progression of purulent abscess. Pancreonenecosis also negatively affects the functioning of other vital organs. If timely and full-fledged treatment is not conducted, then the disease is often leading to the patient's death.

Overwork - the condition with which today is often faced not only adults, but also children. It is characterized by reduced activity, drowsiness, impairment and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is a non-serious problem, and that it is quite good to get comforted so that it passes. In fact, to get rid of such a violation is impossible for a long bed. The opposite is the constant desire to sleep and the inability to restore the forces after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Head encephalopathy is a disease for which the pathological process occurs in the liver and affecting the CNS. The result of such a disease becomes neuropsychic disorders. For this, the ailments are characterized by personality changes, depression and impaired intellect. It will not be possible to cope with the liver encephalopathy, it is not necessary to do without medical intervention.

Polyorgan insufficiency is a heavy pathological process that arises due to heavy injury, strong blood loss or any other state. In this case, we are talking about violations or complete cessation of the functioning of several systems of the human body at the same time. In 80% of cases, a fatal outcome is observed if it is not possible to take the necessary medical measures to normalize the functioning of the organs. Such a high mortality rate is due to the fact that damage to systems or organs occurs at such a level, which is lost the ability to maintain the vital activity of the body.

The disease peculiar to the inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases of various organs and systems is called reactive arthritis. Often inflammation of the joints arise due to infection of genital infections, urinary system or even the gastrointestinal tract. After infection with the body infections on the second-fourth week, the development of reactive arthritis may be observed.

Rhow-conflict during pregnancy - a pathological process, which manifests itself in a situation if the mother has a negative rhesus factor, and the father is positive, and the child acquires a positive Father's factor. If both parents are reserves-positive or rhesv-negative, the rhesus conflict is not detected.

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With the help of exercise and abstinctness, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

Reprinting materials is possible only with the permission of the administration and the indication of the active reference to the original source.

All information provided is subject to mandatory advice by the attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:

British scientists have proven that the human reaction rate affects not only his life, but also on his health - this may be an indicator of serious problems with the body.

  • People with slow reactions have 25% more chances to die in the next 15 years
  • The slow motion brain reaction may be a sign of general health deterioration.
  • This factor is associated with a greater probability of death from heart attack, stroke and accident

Consequences of slow reaction speed

Slow reaction rate not only slows down your life, scientists argue that it increases the likelihood of death at a young age. A new study showed that men and women with a slow reaction have a higher risk of early death than other people. Even 20-30 year old people are in the risk group.

British researchers stated that the lack of vigilance is as dangerous as smoking. It is believed that the slow motion reaction of the brain may be a sign of a general deterioration of health. If further research confirm the presence of this connection, the doctors will be able to use the reaction speed test as a fast and easy way to test human health.

Researchers from the Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh and University College of London analyzed 5,000 of Americans, who passed the reaction rate test when they were aged 20 to 59 years.

Diagnosis of slow speed reactions

The test does not represent anything complicated, the person sitting in front of the computer screen must press the button every time the digit "0" flashes on the screen. Volunteers have passed a test for a reaction 50 times, the experts measured their speed and sequence. People who have a slower reaction have 25 percent more chances to die over the next 15 years than their counterparts with an average response rate. These people are also susceptible to higher risk of early death, based on reports published in PLOS One.

The reaction time was not associated with increased mortality from cancecbut was associated with death from cardiac attack or stroke. Further analysis of the results obtained showed that this fact cannot be explained by other factors such as the mind and the age of the patient.

Leading author of the study, Gareth Hagger-Johnson from UCL, said, "Our study shows that a simple test of the reaction time in adulthood can predict human survival regardless of age, gender, ethnicity and socio-economic situation. This is the risk factor, about which early people did not think. "

Scientists are confident that the speed with which the brain reacts to events can reflect the general condition of the body. This means that a slow reaction can be a sign of other diseases, in this case, a person is also susceptible to higher risk of accidents.

Dr. Hagger Johnson stated that if this connection is confirmed, doctors will be able to use the patient's reaction time as an indicator of his health. This may lead to more close control, taking into account specific therapeutic procedures.

Prevention of delayed reaction speed

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The slowing down of the reaction is, of course, is enhanced by introducing a salt into the reaction medium containing the same anion, for example lithium chloride.

The slowing down of the reaction occurs due to the fact that hydrogen is relatively poorly connected and, obviously, the most suitable for hydrogenation of hexene-1, with increasing pH is becoming less and less. Since the activation energy defined by us does not change in the studied pH interval, it is obviously a decrease in the activity of the catalyst with increasing pH is associated with a decrease in the pre-exponential factor in the Arrhenius equation. Thus, it can be considered that with the growth of pH during hydrogenation of hexene-1, the number of active centers on the surface of the Pt catalyst decreases.

The slowing down of the reaction over time is associated with an increase in the value of recombination (destruction by mutual collision) of active centers, or with the appearance of a substance that slows down as one of the reaction products. The reaction is extremely sensitive to the slightest permeants. The latter can act as an accelerating manner (aldehydes, N02 85, etc.], organic peroxide [86, 87 et al.]) What is associated with their ability to serve as initial centers (or parts) of the reaction chain or generate those. In other cases, impurities have an inhibitory effect on the reaction, depending on the fact that these negative catalysts, or so-called inhibitors, destroy active centers, for example, entering them into the reaction (or absorb the energy of excited particles) and thus stop the development of the reaction chain, Outping it.

The slowdown in the reaction and improving the quality of products caused by the effects of alkali metal and the maximum concentration of manganese were studied on the example of the oxidation of paraffin with the participation of pyro-pyro and alkaline dioxide of the Jarganta with additive. It is shown that the main inhibitory functions in the oxidation of hydrocarbons belong to the alkali metal compounds.

The slowing down of the reaction No. 204 with toluene was achieved by filling the tubes with stainless steel chips, dilution of the reaction mixture C14 and decrease the amount of N204 to 1 7 - 1 praying per 1 mol of toluene. Acceleration of the nitch reaction to the kernel is achieved by adding to the reaction mixture 0 27 - 0 4 praying of acetic anhydride by 1 mol of toluene, and 2 5 - 3% 2 4 6-trinitrotolooles were obtained and up to 30% nitrotoluols. The formation of mononitrotoluols continue not to be long. In the nitro-zania toluene, only mono and trinitroto-Iuoles are obtained in the kernel without intermediate formation of dinitrotoluol. Dena Anhydride on acetic acid does not cause acceleration of the reaction.

The slowdown in the reaction due to structural changes may be so significant that the process of disproportionation of four or five-level ion is more profitable, and not the process of directly interaction of these ions with reagents.

The slowing down of the reaction can be explained by the fact that the chloride complex T1 (III) is less reactive than ions T13 or T1ON2, but the causes of increasing the reaction rate in the region of higher concentrations C1 - - ions are not clear.

The slowing down of the reaction in the primary and secondary alcohols of Luke-Sevich explains that the Kommersant of these alcohols has hydrogen in a-ug-roded atom, which is broken down in the form of a radical, which prevents the development of the chain. Standing on the positions of the free radical mechanism of the reduction of formic acid, Lucas-HIV comes to the conclusion that sodium formate accelerates the restoration of spoff bases by the fact that it prevents their decomposition.

The slowing down of the reaction at elevated temperature can be explained by a decrease in the activity of phosphoric acid due to an increase in the solubility in its monocalcium phosphate, and the slowing down of the reaction at a reduced temperature in that phosphoric acid, the concentration of which in the liquid phase of the superphosphate about 45% pzosr becomes more viscous and low-luminous.

The slowing down of the reaction in the DDS solution is consistent with the distribution coefficient of 2 4-dinitro-fluorobenzene, mainly localized in the micellar phase, while the glycylglycine nucleophilic agent is not solubilized by micelles. The effect of DDS can be explained on the basis of reducing the reactivity in the micellar phase and the redistribution of reagents.

The slowdown in the reaction with con at the replacement of n-hydrogen on the P-Mstoc Group, probably depends on the fact that the substitution and elimination were studied by the IMSMU.

Slowing the reaction by alkyl substituents, therefore, due to the decrease in the entropy of activation.

The slowdown in the reaction associated with the disadvantage of free water can be easily prevented by increasing the diffusion rate of CS2 by intensive mixing or mechanical destruction of the fiber structure, so that the reaction can be completed 10 times faster.

The slowing down of the N204 reaction with toluene was achieved by filling the tubes with stainless steel chips, the dilution of the CC14 reaction mixture and a decrease in the amount of N204 to 1 7 is 1 praying per 1 mol of toluene. Acceleration of the nitch reaction to the kernel is achieved by adding to the reaction mixture 0 27 - 0 4 praying of acetic anhydride by 1 mol of toluene, and 2 5 - 3% 2 4 6-trinitrotolooles were obtained and up to 30% nitrotoluols. The formed mononitrotollanes are no further. In the threading of toluene, only mono and trinitroto-louolo are obtained in the kernel without intermediate formation of dinitrotoluol. Replacing anhydride on acetic acid does not cause acceleration of the reaction.

Oksana Sveznyna

Hello! Tell me how I solve my problem. The fact is that my son is very slow. He digs all the time and we are because of this forever somewhere late. How to teach a child to do everything fast?

A modern man is forced to maintain an incredibly high pace of life. The speed acquires more and more - high-speed equipment, high-speed Internet, even the relationship has become "high-speed" ...

It is not surprising that in such conditions of many parents, the slowness of children is disturbed. Watching the child "digits", the parent is experiencing reasonable doubts - what if such a "unhurried" child will not be able to conquer his place under the sun in the world of high speeds?

And the "correction" of the child begins - specialists offer parents a variety of correction techniques, as well as an extensive drug arsenal.

Faster, faster, even faster - we demand from slow children. But instead of the effect of acceleration, we get stubbornness, hysterics, problems at school and other "joy" ...

How to help a slow child?

The Cabinet of the psychologist included a high faith woman. Thin fragrance of expensive perfumes, fashionable costume, high stud - from a woman proceeded by fluids of success.

Following a woman entered the boy. The density fastening, packed into a neat suit, timidly entered the office and stopped at the door, pumped up at a psychologist.

- Hello! I have a problem, "a woman rushed to the quarry, smoking in the chair. - My son is very slow. While he was small, I didn't pay attention to it. It was easier for me to help him dress up and go to go than wait until he himself gather. But this year he went to school - and teachers began to complain that he did not have anything. I do not know what to do with it ...

The woman clicked the handbag in a lock, pulled out the handbags, closed the handbag. He lost a thin fabric in his hands, then again opened the handbag and the handkerchiefs disappeared in it ...

- I understand, the child needs my attention, you need to additionally do it. But I have so much work ...

In this small sketch, it is shown what problems may occur if the skin mom brings up a child with an anal vector. These children are most dependent on their mother - for effective development, they need it to guide them, suggested what to do, and also praised.

However, the skin mom sometimes does not see positive properties in his anal child - through himself it feels a child too slow, incominctivative and indecisive. Where she "everything would quickly", "the child" digits ", trying to peel into all the details and do everything not quickly, but high quality. And this applies to everything since the sneakers lacing and ending with a visit toilet.

Do not understand this desire for perfectionism and trying to cut a child in the likeness of your own way, skin mom involuntarily begins to customize him, pull - and thus drives the anal child into a stupor, exacerbating the situation. But for him it is very important to bring every business to a logical end - otherwise the child begins to experience stress and the properties of his vector go into minus: instead of obedience - stubbornness, instead of purity and order - dirt, instead of care for loved ones - sadism.

- Guys, give notebooks! - The teacher broke the classroom. The disciples were covered, began to transfer notebooks ... And only Vanya with the last part of the party looks out the window.

- Vanya, did you write everything? - called the teacher of the wondered boy. He shuddered, a scattered glance was classified as a class, lowered his eyes on a sheet of notebook, whose virgin purity broke only one sentence.

"I haven't finished yet," the boy was embarrassed.

- Well, what are you so slowly writing something? - the teacher was indignant. The boy sighed heavily and took the handle ...

Sleepy and even inhibited children with a sound vector may appear. Erogenic (particularly sensitive) zone of such children is a drummeal - these children have a very sensitive hearing. Loud screams, sharp sounds, insults - all this gives the child physical discomfort. In addition, children with a sound vector exist immediately in two worlds, separated by their sensitive eardrum - the outside and inner, the same real for them, like the world around.

Unfortunately, parents do not always take into account this feature, and are trying to "stir up" a child with a sound vector by all available means, including cry. But if on the sound child is constantly shouting and insulting if the house is constantly noisy, he involuntarily tries to reduce the sensitivity of the erogenic zone - "goes to herself", becomes non-contact. In particularly severe cases, the autistic spectrum is possible.

Sound children experience certain difficulties with adaptation at school, since there is a hound and noise on their eardrum. The inability to focus on the inner world leads to the fact that these children have constant stress.

In addition, the teacher with a skin vector estimates the child through himself and does not understand that his slowness is explained by the fact that the child needs time to "emerge" from his inner world, to realize the issue, "dive" back, instantly solve the task and Again "to nap" to answer.

In the aggregate, all this leads to the fact that sound children who have incredibly powerful intellectual potential are sometimes in lagging students, and their parents hear complaints that the child is sleepy, slow and does not have time for other guys.

The situation is aggravated if the anal and sound vector are combined - such a child grows with an absolute introvert and seems phlegmatic, even inhibited. Despite this, they laid a powerful potential generated by a combination of analytical thinking, characteristic of an anal vector, and an immense intelligence characteristic of the audio vector.

Such children are potential geniuses, but only subject to the correct development of their properties. Constantly Derring and customizing the "slow" children, imposing them the rhythm of life, we do not give it possible to develop their properties correctly - as a result of potential genius, the sadist and the moral and moral autistist can grow.

Each child nature from the birth of the property is given, allowing you to grow a happy person! Are you asked - but not secured! And the main task of parents is to ensure optimal conditions for the development of these properties.

Systemic thinking makes it possible to approach the upbringing differential - to develop those properties that the child is asked, and not the ones that we would like to see him feeling "through yourself."

Just realizing it, we will stop hanging on our children labels: "Too slow" or "hyperactive" and begin to bring up a full-fledged person who benefits a pleasure.

Klivchenko Tatiana answered the question

The article is written on the training materials on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan

The nervousness is most often developing in children with a weak or easy-to-carry type of higher nervous activity, when they face strong, complex or long-acting irritants: no cessary noise, incorrect behavior of adults (frequent quarrels, moves, uneven attitude towards children - a quick transition from Excessive rigor to caresses and grabs, endless prohibitions, suppression of the initiative, etc.), as well as frequent overload information: visits to cinema, theaters, watching television programs that overwitch the nervous system of the child.

Nervous children of weakly type are inhibited, shy, bugles. In children with a frequently affected nervous system, the brake process is sharply weakened: they are unfinished, overly movable, hot-tempered, aggressive.

In children of a balancedly moving and balancedly slow type of higher nervous activity, nervousness occurs significantly less often and manifests itself less noticeable.

A child can inherit from parents a weak or easy-made type of nervous system, an increased vanity, easily leading to nervousness. The emergence of congenital nervousness in children contributes to the mental diseases of the parents, the tendency to alcohol, drugs.

The child can be born nervous and then when his mother suffered diseases during pregnancy, mental injuries, poorly fed, performed heavy physical work. Such children are born restless, fell, poorly sleeping, loudly and for a long time they cry, according to any occasion, they express their displeasure.

After the birth of a child, any reason that causing the weakening of the body can be facilitated by his nervousness: defective nutrition, lack of sleep, strong fatigue and mainly acute and chronic diseases.

Heavy injuries (especially head injuries), chronic lack of sleep, excessively strong emotional experiences due to beatings, horror at the sight of drunken people, family quarrels, street fighting, accidents can cause children more serious disorders of the nervous system, so-called neurosis.

In neurosis, children have not only increased nervousness, but also disorders of the functions of various organs (speeches, urinary, digestion, etc.). Children suffering from neurosis peculiar to the unreasonable fears, sleep disorders, obsessive movements, anorexia, vomiting, enuresis, etc. In some children there can be only one of the listed symptoms, others (which occurs more often) there are several of them. All the disorders of the nervous system proceed against the background of a sharp change in the child's behavior. Most nervous children are characterized by increased emotionality, attention instability, frequent whims. They are oppressed, react strongly to noise, bright light, on changes in air temperature, touching the body of wool, fur. Periods of excitation among some children are replaced by periods of oppression, as a result of which the mood and behavior of them are changing all the time. Other children can not control their emotions at all: they are frequent outbreaks of anger, aggression; Instincts (food, sex) acquire complete power over them. Inhibition, passivity, indecision, excessive impairment - these states appear most often in children when adults do not take into account the natural desire of a child to independently, continuously take it, depriving confidence in their power when the child's desire for movement, his curiosity always stopped: he At every step he heard the words "it is impossible", "no". Permanent prohibitions in some children cause a rapid protest (the child shouts, keeps his legs, trying to fight), contribute to the emergence of stubbornness. In these cases, children seek to do in all the adults in all: they refuse food, dressing, walks, throw them toys presented to them, respond to all adult offers. This behavior of the child is called negativism. The imperative tone, the violence of adults during the manifestation of the child of negativism not only will not help, but also will strengthen this painful state. In cases of stubbornness, it is better to either not pay attention to the child, or switch it to another activity.

In young children, any surprise causes fright: a man in a mask, suddenly popling a dog from around the corner, a loud sound, an unexpected loss of equilibrium, etc. Such a fright is completely natural, and in healthy children quickly passes. At the nervous child, a sense of experienced fear can stay for a long time, sometimes for life. Such children are afraid to go out into the courtyard, where they scared them, refuse to approach the person on which they saw a mask; They are afraid of loud sounds (even repeated), fear of pets, innocuous insects, unfamiliar people, winds, thunderstorms, etc. Fears arise in children and at night, under the impression of anxious dreams.

In children with neurosis, sleep disorder is observed quite often. These children fall asleep with great difficulty, sleep very restless, often wake up with complaints about the fact that they have a leg hurt, the hand, back, ask to drink, require toys, etc. In some cases, children go during sleep: get up from bed With closed eyes or with the missing, rushed into space, they walk around the room, they seem to be appropriate, but at the moment completely unnecessary actions. If the door is open, they can go outside. All actions The child more often produces silently or says anything not related to this situation. The child must be very careful not to scare, put in bed, do not wait when he, in the end, will fall himself. In the morning the child can not remember anything about what happened.

In neurosis, children can express their experiences very violently. At the time of anger, anger, protest, a small child bends on the hands of a mother, his muscles are as it were in a state of convulsive cut, the body is intense; Senior preschoolers often with a cry falling, randomly fighting with their hands, legs, heads about the floor, wound up. In some cases, under the influence of strong mental experiences, the child may occur in braking of the motor sphere - paresis, paralysis of the limbs, eye muscles (squint).

Sucking your fingers, picking in the nose, swaying the body, legs, onanism, etc. - These habits are especially often observed in children, in the upbringing of which mistakes were allowed: intimidation, constant wondering ("Remove the fingers from the mouth!") And t . p. The wrong behavior of adults leads to the fact that the child records attention on these habits, with each remark of the adult he has a sense of fear, uliability, which is why his neurotic state is complicated.

children's attention requires children with speech disorders: first, because such children can tease in the group other children, which can cause an unhealthy child a sense of inferiority, constant depression; Secondly, a child suffering from speech disorders can imitate healthy children, especially stuttering. Stuttering most often occurs during the formation of speech (from 2 to 3 years), when the child begins to pronounce words and phrases. When stuttering, children repeat the first sounds or initial syllables or make a sudden stop at the beginning, in the middle of the word, sometimes phrases. Breathing in a child becomes uneven, intermittent. Speech is often accompanied by a number of involuntary movements: twisting the muscles of the face, grinding the eyes, leading the language, the movements of the hands and legs. Feeling it, the child is afraid to speak, prefers to be silent or says in a whisper. Sometimes instead of words, he is trying to explain gestures. Stuttering children shy, bugles, face comrades. Such a child is not to isolate from the children of the whole group (only with extremely heavy stuttering child is transferred to speech therapy groups or gardens).

Educators should clarify healthy children that the speech defect in their comrade will correct if they treat it well. Talking with such a child must be calm, not in a hurry, clearly, without breaking words to syllables; In the case of difficulties, it is necessary to help, do not speak with him about its lack of. Regarding stuttering, you must consult with a neuropathologist, show the child a specialist logo.

Frequent manifestation of neurosis in children - night involuntary urination. During sleep in the cerebral cortex, a healthy child remains not completely inhibited, the so-called watchdogs whose irritation causes a quick awakening. Such items include the urination center, which perceives pulses coming from the bladder. In children suffering from neurosis, this watchdog does not always fulfill its functions.

At the beginning of the disease, the child is usually urinated for the night 1-2 times, in the launched cases - 4 times and more. With one children, it happens every night, with others - 1-2 times a week. Later falling asleep, a large amount of liquid drunk, low room temperature, where the child is sleeping, can contribute to night incontinence of urine.

Enurreza has a negative effect on the psyche of the child. Children shame their state, strive to hide him, are painfully reacting to mockery of comrades, reproaches of adults; They develop a timidity, insecurity. With the appearance of the child, Enurisy cannot be reproached, shame, intimidate, to force your underwear. It is necessary to convince him that this phenomenon is not a result of bad behavior, but a disease from which you can completely recover. The child should show the doctor as soon as possible and start seriously treated. Usually for 2-3 months, such children are prescribed a special food regime that limits salt and fluid to the second half of the day.

Neurosis is curable disease, although not always quickly. The tightened neurosis course often the result of severe illness, weakened the child's body, untimely treatment, systematic violation of the regime of life. The prevention of nervousness and neuroses in children is primarily reduced to the elimination of all those factors that contribute to the formation of a weak or unbalanced (excitable) type of higher nervous activity.

In preschool institutions and home, the child needs to create a situation that protects it from or enhancing already existing nervousness: the correct child care, strict adherence to the rational mode of sleep, nutrition, recreation, the implementation of physical education and hardening the body that promotes the increase in resistance to infections. An important meaning in the prevention of neurosis has a warning of child injury. It should be remembered that adults can injure the child and a word, and an unfair attitude towards him.

Parents and educators should talk with children with a calm tone, without irritation, not to use corporal punishment, for they not only cause pain, but also angry, insult the child.

A. P. Chabovskaya, "Fundamentals of Pediatrics and Hygiene of Preschool Children",


Inhibition is a symptom of certain diseases, as a rule, the CNS and the brain, or a consequence of a strong psycho-emotional shock. It is characterized by such a condition of a person in that it has a decrease in the reaction rate to the actions turned to it or their own, the deterioration of the concentration, more stretched, with long-term speech pauses. In more complex cases, there may be a complete absence of a reaction to surrounding events.

There should not be confused by such a state of a person with apathy or a chronic depressive state, as the latter is most likely a psychological factor, rather than physiological.

True reasons for inhibition can only be established by a qualified doctor. It is not recommended to carry out treatment at your discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this may lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


The injection of movements and thinking in humans can be observed with such pathological processes:

In addition, the temporary state of the reaction slowdest, movements and speech may be observed in the following cases:

  • with alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • in chronic fatigue and constant lack of sleep;
  • with frequent nervous overvoltage, stress, chronic depressions;
  • under circumstances that cause a person's feeling of fear, anxiety and panic;
  • with a strong emotional shock.

Psychomotor inhibition by the child may be due to these etiological factors:

Depending on the primary factor, this condition of the child may be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if it is manifested by such a symptom in children, it is necessary to immediately apply to the doctor, as the cause of pathology can be dangerous to the health of the baby.


Distinguish the following types of inhibition according to the clinical picture:

  • bradypsychia - inhibition of thinking;
  • independent or ideator inhibition;
  • motor or motor inhibition;
  • emotional inhibition.

The establishment of the nature of this pathological process lies in the competence of only a qualified physician.


The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will be fully dependent on the root cause.

With the defeat of the brain and the central nervous system, the following clinical picture may be attended:

  • drowsiness (hypersime), lethargy;
  • headaches that, as the pathological process exacerbation, will increase. In more complex cases, the elimination of pain syndrome is impossible even by painkillers;
  • worsening memory;
  • reducing the quality of cognitive abilities;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on the fulfillment of familiar action. It is noteworthy that it is professional skills that are saved;
  • sharp mood swings, in the behavior of the patient there are features, which were not previously characteristic of him, the attacks of aggression are most often observed;
  • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
  • it becomes a slowdown, the patient may hardly select words with difficulty;
  • nausea and vomiting, which is most often observed in the morning;
  • violation of coordination of movements;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • rapid pulse;
  • dizziness.

The child has a common clinical picture, with this kind of pathologies, can be completed with capriciousness, constant crying or, opposite, constant drowsiness and apatine to the usual beloved classes.

It should be noted that the above-described symptoms is observed after stroke. If there is a suspicion that a person has had an attack, urgent medical care should be called and urgently hospitalize it. It is from the urgency and coherence of primary medical measures after a stroke, to a greater extent depends, the person will survive or not.

In the event that the cause of a slow reaction in an adult has become a mental disorder, such symptoms may be present:

  • insomnia or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
  • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
  • sharp change in mood;
  • downtry attacks of fear, panic;
  • suicidal mood, in some cases and actions in this direction;
  • state of chronic depression;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • nonsense, illogical judgments;
  • disranged personal hygiene, sloppy appearance. At the same time, a person may be firmly confident that he is all right;
  • excessive suspicion, the feeling that he is followed;
  • deterioration or complete memory loss;
  • incoherent speech, the inability to express their point of view or specifically to answer the simplest questions;
  • loss in temporary and spatial orientation;
  • feeling constant fatigue.

It should be understood that such a state of a person can quickly progress. Even under the condition of temporary improvement of the patient's condition, it is impossible to say that the disease is completely eliminated. In addition, this condition of a person is extremely dangerous both for him and for those around people. Consequently, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in the relevant institution, in some cases it is necessary.


First of all, the physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since, because of his condition, he is unlikely to be able to correctly answer the doctor's questions.

In this case, there may be a consultation of such specialists:

Diagnostic measures include:

  • generallygic laboratory tests (blood and urine study);
  • study of the level of pituitary hormones;
  • CT and MRI brain;
  • EEG and ECHO-EG;
  • cerebral angiography;
  • psychiatric tests.

Depending on the diagnosis, the issue of hospitalization of the patient and the further tactics of treatment will be resolved.


In this case, the treatment program can be based on both conservative and radical treatment methods.

If the cause of such a person is a tumor of a brain or CNS, then an operation on its excision with subsequent drug treatment and rehabilitation is carried out. Rehabilitation patient will also need after stroke.

Medical therapy may include such drugs:

  • anesthetic;
  • sedative;
  • antibiotics if infectious nature is established;
  • nootropic;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • preparations that restore glucose levels;
  • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

In addition, after passing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to pass the course of rehabilitation in a specialized sanatorium.

Provided the timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their full implementation, perhaps almost complete recovery even after severe diseases - oncology, stroke, psychiatric ailments.


Unfortunately, there are no specific methods for prevention. The recreation and work should be observed, to protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, timely begin treatment of all diseases.

"Inhibition" is observed for diseases:

Alalia - a richetic function disorder, in which the child cannot partially (with poor vocabulary and problems when building phrases) or fully talk. But for the disease, it is characteristic that mental abilities are not broken, the child understands everything perfectly and hears. The main causes of the ailment are complicated childbirth, diseases or injuries of the brain obtained at an early age. The disease can be cured with prolonged visits to the speech therapist and with the help of medication reception.

Apathy is such a mental disorder, in which a person does not show interest in work, any events, does not want to do anything and, in general, it does not care about life. Such a condition is very often coming to a person imperceptibly, since it is not manifested by painful symptoms - a person can simply not notice deviations in the mood, since the causes of apathy can be absolutely any life process, and most often their aggregate.

Astmatic status - a prolonged attack of bronchial asthma, due to the progression of which there is a pronounced respiratory failure. This pathological condition is developing as a result of the enemy of the bronchial mucosa, as well as the spasms of their muscles. At the same time, it is not possible to relieve the attack by the admission of an increased dose of bright -ulators, which, as a rule, already takes a patient having asthma. Asthmatic status is a very dangerous state that can lead to the patient's death, so it requires emergency medical care.

Affective disorders (sin. Mood swings) are not a separate disease, but a group of pathological conditions that are associated with a violation of internal experiences and the external expression of human mood. Similar changes can lead to disadaptation.

Bacterial endocarditis is an inflammatory process in the inner shell of the heart caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms, the main of which is streptococcus. Often endocarditis is a secondary manifestation that developed against the background of other diseases, but it is the bacterial lesion of the shell is an independent disorder. Amazes people of any age group, which is often diagnosed with endocarditis in children. A distinctive feature is that men suffer from such a disease several times more often than women.

All over the world, many people suffer from such a violation as a bipolar disorder. It is characterized by a disease of frequent change of mood, and the mood of a person is not changing from bad, to good, but from extremely depressive and dull, to the feeling of euphoria and the ability to perform feats. In short, the mood fluctuations in patients with a bipolar disorder are colossal, which is always noticeably surrounding, especially if such oscillations are frequent.

Legionnaire or Legionell disease is a bacterial infection that is most often manifested in the form of a heavy form of pneumonia. A characteristic expression of the disease is intoxication and disruption of the functioning of the central nervous system and the kidneys. Sometimes, during the disease, the respiratory and urinary system is damaged.

Acute intestinal infection caused by a bacterial medium and characterized by the duration of the flow of fever and general intoxication of the body is referred to as the abdominal typhoid. This disease relates to severe in -urey, as a result of which the basic medium of the defeat is the gastrointestinal tract, and the spleenka, liver and blood vessels are affected by aggravation.

Hypernatremia is a disease for which an increase in the level of sodium in serum is peculiar to a value of 145 mmol / l or higher. In addition, a reduced liquid content is found in the body. Pathology has a rather high mortality rate.

Hyperstia is a sleep disorder, which is characterized by an increase in the duration of the rest period and the manifestation of drowsiness during the daytime. In this case, the duration of sleep is more than ten hours. Rarely proceeds as an independent disorder - often it is a complication of certain diseases. After a long sleep, the overall condition is not observed, there is constant drowsiness and waking problems.

Hypertensive crisis syndrome in which significant increase in blood pressure is observed. At the same time, the symptoms of the defeat of the main organs - hearts, lungs, brain, and so on. This state is very difficult and requires emergency care, since, otherwise, heavy complications may develop.

Mental disorders, characterized mainly by a decrease in mood, motor intensity and failures of thinking, are a serious and dangerous disease that is called depression. Many people believe that depression is not a disease and also does not carry much danger, what they are deeply mistaken. Depression is a rather dangerous type of disease, causing the passivity and depression of a person.

Diabetic coma is an extremely dangerous state, developing against the background of diabetes mellitus. In the case of its progression in the human body, exchange processes are violated. This condition threatens not only the health, but also the life of the patient.

A cardiogenic shock is a pathological process when the reduction function of the left ventricle occurs, the blood supply to the tissues and internal organs deteriorates, which often ends with the death of man.

Ketoacidosis is a dangerous complication of diabetes, which without adequate and timely treatment can lead to a diabetic coma or even a fatal outcome. The condition begins to progress if the human body cannot fully use glucose as a source of energy, as there is not enough insulin hormone in it. In this case, the compensatory mechanism is activated, and the body begins to use as a source of energy flowing fats.

Tick-borne encephalitis is the hardest infectious disease that is transmitted to a person from encephalute ticks. The virus is pierced in the head and spinal brain of an adult or child, causes severe intoxication and affects the CNS. Heavy encephalute forms without timely treatment are capable of leading to paralysis, mental disorders and even a fatal outcome. How to recognize the symptoms of dangerous pathology, what to do with suspected tick-borne infection and what value is the vaccination in the prevention and therapy of the deadly illness?

False croup is the pathology of infectious-allergic nature, which causes the development of a larynx edema with its subsequent stenosis. The narrowing of the breathlessness of the respiratory tract, including the larynx, leads to insufficient air flow into the lungs and represents the threat of the patient's life, so the help with such a state should be rendered immediately - during minutes after the attack.

Macroglobulinemia Valdenstrem (Sin. Primary Macroglobulinemia, Macroglobulinmemic Reticulose) - is an extremely rare disease in which a tumor consisting of lymphocytic and plasma cells is formed in the bone marrow.

Metabolic acidosis is a pathological condition for which a violation of the acid-alkaline balance in the blood is characteristic. Development is developing against the background of poor oxidation of organic acids or their insufficient removal from the human body.

Myxedema is the most severe form of hypothyroidism, for which the development of the skin and subcutaneous fiber is characteristic. Pathology begins to progress in the human body as a result of insufficient secretion of thyroid hormones. The most often exposed to this disease of the woman during the period of change of hormonal background, that is, during the climax.

The edema of the brain is a dangerous state characterized by excessive accumulation of exudate in the tissues of the organ. As a result, its volume gradually increases and intracranial pressure is growing. All this leads to a violation of blood circulation in the body and to the elimination of its cells.

An edema of Queenka is customary to determine the allergic state expressed in fairly sharp its manifestations. It is characterized by it the emergence of the strongest swelling of the skin, as well as mucous membranes. Several less often this condition is manifested in the joints, internal organs and brain shears. As a rule, the swelling of the quinque, the symptoms of which can manifest itself almost from any person, occurs in patients suffering from allergies.

The disease that is inherent in the formation of light insufficiency, presented in the form of a mass yield of transudate from capillaries to a light cavity and as a result, the contributing of the infiltration of the alveoli, is called the edema of the lungs. Speaking with simple words, the eighty edema is a position when a liquid leaked through blood vessels is stared in the lungs. The disease is characterized as an independent symptom and can be formed on the basis of other serious ailments of the body.

Pancreatic pancreas - dangerous and hard pathology, in which the body itself begins to actively digest its own cells. This, in turn, leads to the fact that certain areas of the gland are necrotized. This pathological process can provoke the progression of purulent abscess. Pancreonenecosis also negatively affects the functioning of other vital organs. If timely and full-fledged treatment is not conducted, then the disease is often leading to the patient's death.

Overwork - the condition with which today is often faced not only adults, but also children. It is characterized by reduced activity, drowsiness, impairment and irritability. Moreover, many people believe that overwork is a non-serious problem, and that it is quite good to get comforted so that it passes. In fact, to get rid of such a violation is impossible for a long bed. The opposite is the constant desire to sleep and the inability to restore the forces after sleep are the main symptoms of overwork.

Head encephalopathy is a disease for which the pathological process occurs in the liver and affecting the CNS. The result of such a disease becomes neuropsychic disorders. For this, the ailments are characterized by personality changes, depression and impaired intellect. It will not be possible to cope with the liver encephalopathy, it is not necessary to do without medical intervention.

Polyorgan insufficiency is a heavy pathological process that arises due to heavy injury, strong blood loss or any other state. In this case, we are talking about violations or complete cessation of the functioning of several systems of the human body at the same time. In 80% of cases, a fatal outcome is observed if it is not possible to take the necessary medical measures to normalize the functioning of the organs. Such a high mortality rate is due to the fact that damage to systems or organs occurs at such a level, which is lost the ability to maintain the vital activity of the body.

The disease peculiar to the inflammation of the joints due to infectious diseases of various organs and systems is called reactive arthritis. Often inflammation of the joints arise due to infection of genital infections, urinary system or even the gastrointestinal tract. After infection with the body infections on the second-fourth week, the development of reactive arthritis may be observed.

Rhow-conflict during pregnancy - a pathological process, which manifests itself in a situation if the mother has a negative rhesus factor, and the father is positive, and the child acquires a positive Father's factor. If both parents are reserves-positive or rhesv-negative, the rhesus conflict is not detected.

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With the help of exercise and abstinctness, most people can do without medicine.

Child has weakness and drowsiness without temperature

When an adult falls, it's unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous, but the child's health problems are twice as alarms. If your favorite child suffers, then every parent will try to do everything for his speedy cure. Unfortunately, in pediatric practice there is a mass of pathology with various symptoms. And one of the frequent signs testifying to malfunctions in the body becomes weakness. Why it arises, which is accompanied and as possible in this help - these are the main questions that are looking for an alarmed parents.

Causes and mechanisms

The feeling of fatigue, when practically lacking the strength to engage in habitual affairs, most likely, is familiar to many. But its origin is often fundamentally different depending on the situation. The reasons can be both quite banal and very serious. The first group consists of states that have a completely physiological explanation. These include:

  • Physical or mental overwork.
  • Change of the day.
  • Eternal nutrition.
  • Hormonal shifts.
  • Pregnancy.

It's no secret that muscle weakness is a sign of ordinary fatigue after intensive physical exertion. Children can encounter this when their level of activity will exceed constitutional opportunities, for example, in class in sports sections or after independent training, especially at beginners. Yes, and the usual game in the courtyard with peers or a tense school program is often accompanied by a similar symptom.

If the baby late went to bed, then the next morning he will certainly feel tired and not rested. Just his body has not yet managed to recover. Too long sleep will also not be called useful, because after it has a sense of breakdown after it. Violation of biorhythms occurs when flights to other climatic belts.

In the period of growth, the strengthened consumption of energy substrates is underway, and when they undernuffed them, it becomes less, which also provokes the phenomenon under consideration. And the period of puberty is also accompanied by hormonal shifts, so the child can pursue the morning drowsiness and scattered in school. A pronounced restructuring of the body is also observed in girls during pregnancy, because at present, fertile age is already beginning with 14 years. Then fatigue is associated in particular with the satisfaction of the needs of the growing fetus.

However, remembering physiological changes, it is necessary to eliminate hazardous states that are pathology. And such, alas, a lot. Among them should be mentioned about such:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Pathology of blood (anemia, leukemia).
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Cardiopsychoneurosis.
  • Electrolytic disorders (hypokalemia, hypercalcemia).
  • Miasthenia.
  • Narcolepsy.
  • Depression.

Thus, the source of fatigue is in inflammatory, metabolic, neuropsychic, or other violations. It is impossible to exclude the consequences of the reception of certain drugs (for example, sedative, tranquilizers and antiallergic). Each case requires a thorough differential diagnosis, but it is carried out only by a qualified specialist. Therefore, if parents noticed that the child suddenly became sluggish and not so active as before, then it is necessary to seek medical care to determine the cause of this condition.

The causes of fatigue and reducing physical activity in the kid can become both physiological and pathological changes in the body.


Noticing some health problems in a child, it is important to undergo a comprehensive examination. And it begins with the clarification of the symptoms. The doctor will hold a survey during which the complaints will be clear, including parental. Further, physical examination is performed in order to identify objective clinical signs of pathology. The fatigue is felt equally. This feature is described in the following categories:

And according to medical terminology, it is called asthenia. Parents notice that the child decreases the mood, it becomes less active in a physical or mental plan. He may have problems with learning, inattention and absentia. All this requires additional examination and differential diagnosis.

Infectious diseases

When the temperature and weakness appears, it should be thought of some inflammatory disease. Most often it has an infectious origin. Respiratory viral pathology has widespread. For ARVI and influenza, inxication syndrome is characterized, which is just manifested by common violations:

  • Fever.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Scob in the body (bones, muscles, joints).
  • Head pains.
  • Reduced appetite.
  • Failing a mood.

But the main criterion of the disease in this case becomes increased temperature. In addition, respiratory pathology does not do without catarrhal symptoms - cough, runny nose and throat pain and increasing regional lymph nodes. Such manifestations are characteristic of both the "children's" infections, which include Kor, Scarlantine, rubella. Incixation is also observed in bacterial diseases (angina, pneumonia, dysentery, salmonellosis, tuberculosis), and asthenic syndrome is characteristic of the period of recovery. In fact, the list of infectious diseases is very wide, but each of them has any specific manifestations that help in diagnosis.

Pathology of blood

If the infectious agent causes the body's reaction in the form of a fever, then blood disease is accompanied by fatigue of other origin. Its mechanism is a violation of the number of uniform elements - erythrocytes and leukocytes. In the first case, there is a shortage of main carriers of oxygen, which leads to tissue hypoxia. In addition to overall fatigue, it is accompanied by the following features:

  • Pallhood and dry skin.
  • Publishing pulse.
  • Saddy.
  • By changing taste.
  • Hair luxury and nails.

If we are talking about leukes, the origin of weakness is described by many factors: concomitant anemic, exchange disorders, addition of infections, decrease in body weight, influence of chemotherapy. At the same time, many lymph nodes increase, immunity decreases, immature blood cells can be deposited in the skin (leukemides).

Diseases of the blood formation system are a dangerous pathology that can develop in children's and adolescence.

Diseases of the thyroid gland

Muscular weakness appears in patients with thyroid dysfunction. This symptom is characteristic both for thyrotoxicosis and hypothyroidism. In the first state, a strengthened catabolism (decay) of molecules in muscle tissue occurs, which is accompanied by esching and atrophic processes. It is difficult for a child to walk, climb the steps, get up from the situation sitting. Mostly the upper limbs are affected, which is called thyrotoxic myopathy.

Hypothyroidism proceeds against the background of a reduced content of thyroid hormones in the blood. This situation is the opposite of the described: the main exchange slows down, and the muscles experience energy starvation. In addition to fatigue, patients complain about drowsiness, reduced mood, worsening memory and attention. Children are worse in school, lose their usual activity, they increase body weight. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism are observed:

  • Reduced pressure.
  • Bradycardia (deceleration of the pulse).
  • Fabric swelling (mixedma).
  • Heavy limbs.
  • Constipation and meteorism.

Thus, the diseases of the thyroid gland are characterized by changing the level of hormones, which leads to disorders of energy metabolism and violation of many functions of the body.


In vegetary dysfunction, fast fatigue is developing due to nervous and circulatory disorders. This disease has a functional nature and can be associated with psycho-emotional stress. Among the main symptoms, in addition to weakness, the following can be noted:

  • Heartbearance.
  • Stick pain in the precordial zone.
  • Reduced or increase pressure.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Heavy limbs.
  • Headaches.
  • Dizziness.
  • Feeling shortness of air.
  • Sense of anxiety.
  • Insomnia or drowsiness.

As we see, the neurocirculatory dystonia clinic is quite polymorphic and nonspecific. Violation of functional relationships in certain centers of the brain leads to disorders in the work of many systems. But under them there is no organic (structural-morphological) base.

Vegetically represented (neurocirculatory) dystonia is a widespread functional disease, in a clinical picture of which it does not cost without asthenic syndrome.

Electrolyte disorders

The origin of muscle weakness is closely related to the balance of intracellular ions, in particular potassium and calcium. It is the decline in the first and increasing the second leads to the emergence of fatigue. Most often, this is observed by the lower extremities, and additional features become:

  • Numbness and tingling of the skin (paresthesia).
  • Heart arrhythmias.
  • Reduced appetite, nausea and vomiting.
  • Irritability, inhibition, apathy.
  • Thirst and polyuria (increase in urine release).

Due to long-term hypercalcemia there is a deposition of salts in the kidneys, which further leads to diathesis and urolithiasis. Heavy potassium deficiency can lead to muscle paralysis, including intercostal and diaphragm, resulting in breathing.


If muscle weakness occurs without temperature, and other diseases are excluded, the doctor may think about myasthenia. This is a pathology, which is usually autoimmune or congenital origin. Nervous muscular disorders are increasingly detected in preschool children. The characteristic features of Miasthenia include:

  • Overall disorders: the omission of the eyelids (ptosis), bias.
  • Weakness in the proximal (upper) limbs.
  • Bulbar violations (accumulation of food, voices voices).

Fatigue is enhanced during exercise. Characteristic will be difficult when rising from the chair, walking up the stairs, raising the hands. But after rest, they pass. Over time, violations become more pronounced.


A rather rare disease is considered narcolepsy, which is characterized by the attacks of insurmountable drowsiness during the daytime. Its source is not fully determined, the role of the deficit of some biogenic peptides in the brain is assumed. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are the following:

  • Sudden attacks of falling asleep.
  • A sharp loss of muscular tone with the saved consciousness (catalepsy).
  • Short-term paralysis after awakening (the inability to move).
  • Hallucinations when falling asleep and awakening (hypnogogic and hypnapomplic).

The specified state brings a lot of inconvenience to patients and can create real danger (for example, when working with moving mechanisms and driving vehicles).


Asthenic syndrome is very characteristic of depression. This is a psycho-emotional disorder that is characteristic of both childhood. Its signs are considered:

  • Problems with appetite.
  • Insomnia or permanent drowsiness.
  • Irritability or anger.
  • Frequent mood swings.
  • Feeling own worthlessness and hopelessness.
  • No desire to communicate with peers.
  • Thoughts about suicide.

Equivalents of the depressive state are also actuated by Enurs (night incontinence of urine), behavior disorders. Frequent somatic symptoms are head or abdominal pain, skin itching, indefinite discomfort in the body. But the depression must be distinguished from ordinary sadness and sorrow, which have a completely understandable explanation (for example, a loss of a loved one).

It is necessary to understand, has asthenia the physical basis or is related to psycho-emotional disorders, among which children's and teenage depression occupies an important place.

Additional diagnostics

Given the rather impressive list of the causes of asthenic syndrome, find out what exactly led to the emergence of fatigue and drowsiness, additional research methods help. The necessary diagnostic measures are determined by the preliminary conclusion of the doctor formed on the basis of clinical data, and may include:

  • General blood and urine tests.
  • Biochemistry of blood (inflammation indicators, immunogram with antibodies to infections, serum iron, thyroid hormones, electrolytes).
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland and internal organs.
  • Bone marrow puncture.
  • Muscle biopias.

Each situation requires careful study and comparison with similar states. In the process of diagnosis, there is often a consultation of related specialists: an infectiousnessist, hematologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, a psychoneurologist. And only after receiving all the necessary information, we can say why the child has a weakness and what to do to eliminate it. Tactics of treatment, definitely, depends on the origin of symptoms and is determined by the doctor only. And the task of parents is to follow the recommendations of the specialist.

Inhibition in children

Inhibition is a noticeable reduction in the reaction from a separate person. The disease may manifest itself in the form of a slow motion of thinking processes, as well as in the form of long pauses in the intervals between speech fragments. This itself becomes stretched. With the most severe cases, a person completely abstracts from the surrounding world, falling into a long-term stupor. The course of the disease can concern only the process of thinking (ideator inhibition) or reflect on speech activity (motor inhibition). Sometimes the disease is integrated.

Diseases in symptoms

Any symptom is a signal of the body that any organ, department or a whole system is broken. To find out why contamination occurs at the child, some diseases should be eliminated. Complete timely diagnostics, specify why there is an injury, and how quickly and efficiently improve the condition.

The list of diseases in which the infection of the child meets:

  • Depletion;
  • Acute or chronic infection;
  • Vascular pathologies (violation of cerebral circulation);
  • Epilepsy;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Depression.
  • Mental diseases disguised as somatic (feeling of pain in any organ and fear of exposure).
  • Hypoteriosis (violation of the thyroid gland).
  • Inhibition by the influence of toxic substances (nicotine, alcohol, drugs, etc.).

Elderly people are most often affected by the foulness. If a similar condition is observed by a child, then parents must consult with a specialist who will appoint a comprehensive physical and psychological examination.

Treatment and specialists

Only a qualified specialist should be engaged in the treatment of inhibition by the child. Only a doctor can tell you than to treat the inhibition, how to get rid of complications after suffering from the inhibition and prevent its re-appearance. To the question of what to do if the child had inhibition, the following doctors can answer:

Turning to the specialists about the symptoms of rations seen from the child, the parents should not worry that the physician worried in vain. The doctor will understand the excitement of adults and will explain the reason for the emergence of one or another disorder. It is better to reinforce it once again than in a timely manner to help your baby.

Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about the disease inhibition in children. After all, being parents means to study everything that will help keep a degree of health in the family at the mark "36.6".

Find out what can cause illness, how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about what features for which you can define ailment. And what tests will help identify the disease and put the correct diagnosis.

In the article, you will read everything about the methods of treating such a disease, like inhibition in children. Check how effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medicines or folk methods?

You will also learn how it can be dangerous late treatment of illness inhibition in children, and why it is so important to avoid consequences. All about how to warn the inhibition in children and prevent complications.

And caring parents will find full information about the symptoms of the disease in children in the service pages of the service. What is the difference between signs of illness in children in 1.2 and 3 years from the appearance of the illness from children in 4, 5, 6 and 7 years? How best to treat diseases in children?

Take care of the health of loved ones and be in Tonus!

who is interested in an article about nervous disorders, urinary incontinence, an anonymism of early. how to deal with this

i am preparing for the exam. And now the article was interesting. It came across about Enures, incontinence of urine ... And about the annema of the early. How to deal with. I am interested in. Girl and much ... But for boys it is especially useful ... And I'm learning on the boys too)))) I'm learning on the teacher And these are children of children. Sadovsky is especially close to these problems.

by the way, it is written about beating legs about the floor))) What I'm afraid)

Diseases of the nervous system in children, their warning

In children's nervousness, we are talking about the functional disorders of the nervous system that are not associated with its organic changes.

Under neurosis, there are more or less long "chronic" functional disorders of the highest nervous activity - its "breakdowns". They are based, as a rule, there are changes that relate to the three main properties of the nervous system: the forces of equilibrium and the mobility of the processes of excitation and braking.

Causes underlying neurosis:

1) Hereditary predisposition (the presence in the family of patients with diseases of the CNS, alcoholics, drug addicts, etc.);

2) the absence or violation of the right regime;

3) diseases are sharp and chronic;

4) all sorts of long-term irritants are constant or overspage (long-term noise, nervous parents, suppression of the initiative, mockery from the outside, feeling of fear);

5) Negative emotions that may have a permanent character (positive emotions, even with their high strength, stressful states do not cause), mental injuries.

In principle, neurosis is healing, since they are mostly functional.

The neurosis is more often developing in children with a weak or inclusive type of higher nervous activity, when they face strong, complex or long-acting irritants: a long non-ceased noise, improper behavior of adults (frequent quarrels, uneven attitude towards children - a quick transition from excessive rigor to Laskam and grabs, endless prohibitions, suppression of the initiative, etc.), as well as frequent overload information: visits to cinema, theaters, watching television programs that overjust the child's nervous system. Nervous children of weakly type are inhibited, shy, bugles.

With a passenger-affected nervous system, the braking process is sharply weakened: children are not granted, overly movable, hot-tempered, aggressive. In children with a balancedly moving and balanced slow-type neurosis, neurosis is observed much less often and manifests itself less noticeable.

In neurosis, children have not only increased nervousness, but also disorders of the functions of different organs (speeches, urinary, digestion, etc.). Children suffering from neurosis peculiar to unreasonable fears, sleep disorders, obsessive movements, anorexia, vomiting, enuresis, etc. Some children may have only one of the listed symptoms, others have several. All the disorders of the nervous system proceed against the background of a sharp change in the child's behavior.

Let us dwell on the peculiarities of the behavior of nerve children. Most nervous children are characterized by increased emotionality, attention instability, frequent whims. They are offended, react to noise, bright light, change air temperature, touching wool, fur. The periods of excitement are replaced by periods of oppression, as a result of which the mood and behavior of them are changing all the time. Other children can not control their emotions at all: they are frequent outbreaks of anger, aggression; Instincts (food, sex) take full power over them.

Inhibition, passivity, indecision, excessive impairment - these states appear most often in children when adults do not take into account the natural desire of a child to independence, continuously take it, depriving confidence in their power when the child's desire to move, his curiosity is stopped: it is always Hears "it is impossible", "no".

Permanent prohibitions in some children cause a rapid protest (the child shouts, keeps his legs, trying to fight), contribute to the emergence of stubbornness. In these cases, children seek to do in all of the adults in all: refuse food, dressing, walks, throw toy presented to them, and adult offers are responsible for the refusal. Such behavior of a child is called negativism. The tone, the violence of adults in manifestation of negativism not only will not only help, but also will strengthen this painful state. In cases of stubbornness, it is better to either not pay attention to the child, or switch it to another activity.

There are three main types of neurosis in children: hysteria, neurasthenia and neurosis of obsessive states.

The hysteria is a disease that occurs in connection with the psychotrauming environment. It may arise in children with a special warehouse of character, inclined to hysterical manifestations, and previously healthy under the influence of severe psychotrambulating conditions. Hysteria is considered as a kind of protective response to any psychological harm. This is a kind of conscious attempt to resolve various difficulties and conflicts by leaving the disease.

In children of early and preschool age, hysteria show in the form of seizures. If the child does not give anything, he begins to knock her legs, throwing toys, trying to try, albeit even unconsciously, to achieve from the surrounding desired. If you give the opportunity to "consolidate" this whim, it can go to one of the forms of hysteria. It should be remembered that the child's hysteria is not a pretender, he himself suffers from his disease. At the first signs of hysteria, you should not indulge the desires of the child, and you need to switch it attention. With frequent manifestations of hysteria, contact a children's psychologist and psychotherapist.

Neilstation is one of the forms of neurosis at which increased excitability is combined with irritability, weakness, fast fatigue, decrease in performance, unstable mood. In case the child lives in a constant feeling of fear, self-esteem, anxiety, tension. The reason for the hysteria can be excessive softness in the upbringing, and neurasthenia is found in families with unnecessarily strict upbringing.

There are two forms of neurasthenia: hypersthenic and asthenic. For the first characteristic elevated excitability, quick temper, stubbornness and other symptoms, for the second - weakness, fearness, increased fatigue. Quite often both forms are combined. Sleep impairment is one of the earliest and specific manifestations of neurasthenia. The child may experience a number of disturbing sensations: headaches, heartbeat, trembling, heat in various parts of the body. Children with neurasthenia should not be kept in the constant feeling of fear, cause them a feeling of pity for obedience (will begin to despise parents for weakness), not talk about diseases, as a detailed verbal description can lead to symptoms of the disease.

The neurosis of obsessive states in children of early and preschool age is most often manifested in the form of obsessive fears or obsessive movements. The latter are formed mainly in children over 4 years old, but some elements of obsessive movements can be seen before. In young children, any surprise can cause a fright: suddenly jumped out a dog, a loud sound, an unexpected loss of equilibrium, etc. Such a fright is completely natural and in healthy children and quickly passes. At the nervous child, a sense of experienced fright can stay and transform into a sense of fear. Such children are afraid to go out into the courtyard, where they scared them, scared loud sounds (even repeated), fear pets, innocuous insects, unfamiliar people, wind, thunderstorms, etc. No persuasion, caress and even punishment can overcome this fear, and sometimes even strengthen it. Apparently, if a phenomenon enclosing a threat is combined simultaneously with another, quite harmless, then the latter acquires the nature of the conditional stimulus, the appearance of which and causes fear of the child.

The obsessive states in the form of movements can be the most diverse character: twitching head, combustion, frequent blink and others. The convulsive manifestations of obsessive states are called ticks that manifest themselves in the lightning reduction of muscles. These reductions resemble appropriate movements. Always with attentive observation of the child, you can set the initial reason for such phenomena. Thus, children with a blinking tick moved conjunctivitis with a feeling of a foreign body in the eye, the torn collar of the shirt was preceded by tonging his head. In the event of teaks, a child must be directed to a doctor who will prescribe appropriate treatment.

The most efficient way to get rid of obsessive states should be considered the "Conditional Communication" method, i.e. gradually teaching a child to a frightening situation. So, for example, if there is fear of the dog, the question of organizing the game, whose participant is first a toy in the form of a dog, and then the animal itself. If the child is afraid to fall asleep alone, then you should first be with him next to this period, and then gradually increase the distance, etc.

Pathological habits: sucking their fingers, picking in the nose, swaying the body, legs, onanism, etc. - Children are especially observed in children, in the upbringing of which mistakes were made: intimidation, constant wondering ("Remove the fingers from the mouth!"), etc. The wrong behavior of adults leads to the fact that the child records attention to these habits, with each remark An adult experiences fear, guilt, why his neurotic state is complicated.

Onanism, or masturbation, is an artificial irritation of erogenous zones in order to cause orgasm. Onanism in children causes pleasant sensations that the child later seeks to resume, intentionally annoying its genitals. Children can do onanism not only during puberty, but at any age, even in early.

Masturbation as a bad habit may occur as a result of itching in the crotch area caused by sharp, irritation of the genital organs with a soft bed, close clothes. Insufficient physical activity, unprofitable energy simply curiosity can be sent to a child to the "study" of his body and fixing this harmful habit, rarely such sensations are given to him by parents, cheeky or kissing it in erogenous zones (groin area, abdominal, buttocks, genitals). Children who remain a lot of free time and unused energy, as well as children without proper surveillance, are more often resorted to onnism.

In some cases, children can learn to masturbate. The first time they pushes on this curiosity, the desire to experience new sensations, and afterwards the bad habit is fixed

The available data suggests that up to 80% of preschool children are engaged in masturbation. In the girls of the first seven years, due to higher pace of physical, this phenomenon is more common than that of boys. According to the existing opinion, which is supported by the majority of psychologists and psychoneurologists, onanism is not harmful if he does not become an intrusive idea and does not interfere with the physical and mental development of the child. Some of the psychologists considers masturbation in children as an age characteristics caused by physiological reasons that do not require medical intervention.

Warning and eliminating this bad habit of children need and possibly. A good effect is to have an ordered sleep and wake mode, sleep on a tough bed, washing legs before bedtime or overnight cool water, quick lift with bed after waking up. It is very important to provide a child enough mobile lifestyle, communicating with the team, to teach it to hardening and sports.

To prevent the maternism of the child, to sleep so that his hands be on top of the blanket; clothes should not be cramped; Underwear must be changed 2 - 3 times a week, and better daily. For a month, you should sit next to the child until it falls asleep. Essential importance in the prevention of onanism in children has expulsion of worms. From the edible diet should eliminate dishes with sharp spicy seasonings, strong tea, coffee, not overload the stomach before bedtime.

Infusion of sedative herbs, as well as therapeutic baths, including Valerian, mother-in-law, sage, St. John's wort, can only be used when coordinating a doctor, because many children have some of the components of the collection, such as Valerian, can cause allergies.

In most cases, this is enough to save the child from this bad habit. If all of the above does not help and the child continues to practice onanism with persistence, it is necessary to consult with a children's psychoneurologist.

Speech disorder in children attending a children's institution requires special attention. Such children can tease in the group other children, which can cause an unhealthy child a sense of inferiority, constant depression; A child with speech disorder can imitate healthy children, especially stuttering. Most often, stuttering occurs during the formation of speech (from 2 to 3 years), when the child begins to pronounce words and phrases. When dragging, children repeat the first sounds or initial syllables several times or make a sudden stop at the beginning, the middle of the word, sometimes phrases. Breathing in a child becomes uneven, intermittent. Speech is often accompanied by a number of involuntary movements: a twitching of the muscles of the face, grinding the eyes, sticking the tongue, the movement of hands and legs. Feeling it, the child is afraid to speak, prefers to be silent or says in a whisper. Sometimes instead of words, he is trying to explain gestures. Stuttering children shy, bugles, face comrades. This child is not to isolate from children of the whole group (only a child with extremely heavy stuttering is translated into speech therapy groups or gardens). Educators should clarify healthy children that the speech defect in their comrade will correct if they treat it well. It is necessary to talk with such a child calmly, not in a hurry, clearly, without breaking the words to the syllables, not to speak with him about its lack of. Regarding stuttering, you must consult with a neuropathologist, show the child a specialist logo.

Night incontinence of urine (Enuresis, from the ancient Greek words "urinates at night") in children of early and preschool age is quite often. These are cases of involuntary urination during a night or day sleep due to the fact that in the cerebral cortex the child remains not completely inhibited, the so-called watchdogs associated with urination act. Studies of recent years have shown that under the enuresis it is necessary to understand the complex complex of symptoms, folding into a holistic syndrome, which includes involuntary urination in a dream, a change in motor activity, a violation of emotional behavior.

There is a clear hereditary predisposition to the primary, functional form of the night Enurba. If one of the parents suffered from this ailment, the probability of the child's appearance is 45%, and if both parents - 75%. Possible occasionally occurs in children with a burdened history (toxicosis in mothers during pregnancy, threat of miscarriage, weakness, asphyxia, Low score scales and other). Enurperse can also be a consequence of psychological injury, conflicts in the family, incorrectly instill the skills of tidy, the overall delay of physical development.

There is information about the presence of two chromosomes, which can cause genetic predisposition to the development of Enurraw.

Secondary, or organic, the shape of Enursk is found in defects of development, the presence of pathological changes of the spinal cord.

Night involuntary urination occurs in the form; "Explosion" (paroxism), which undergo certain age dynamics. Age up to 3 years should be considered the end of the physiological norm of urination in a dream. Cases of involuntary urination at night in children over 3 - 4, and in the opinion of some doctors, over 5 years old should be considered as a manifestation of Enurrawa. If the night incontinence of urine persists upon reaching a child for 4 years, then parents need to consult with a pediatrician, and in some cases with a children's psychoneurologist.

Enurperse should be distinguished from urination during the day: at night it takes place in the form of an "explosion", accompanied by a breathing delay, erection in boys, twitching limbs having paroxysmal character and not occurring during the day.

The first researchers explained Enurrez too deeply. With age, in their opinion, sleep becomes easier and the children are easier to wake up at night. In the future, began to seek the cause of Enurraw in the anatomical anomalies of the urinary system. But from the urological approach to this problem soon refused, as studies did not confirm this. They also tried to associate the phenomenon of Enurraw with the brain dysfunction. The theory appeared that the child in the cortex of a large brain is formed a "watchman", which reacts on the tension of the bladder. With various diseases, the activities of this "watchtowel" is suppressed, and irritation of the bladder is not perceived, therefore ENUREZE arises. However, this theory does not explain why Enuresis only happens in some nights with the same number of liquid drunk, and more often in boys. There was also the opinion that Enuresis is a consequence of social nestness. He was also attributed to hereditary diseases, and inheritance is transmitted by the peculiarity of the innervation of the bladder or an anomaly of the CNS. Later studies have established that Enuresis is not a disease, but a complex complex of symptoms forming a holistic syndrome: involuntary urination, a change in motor activity, a violation of emotional-volitional behavior.

Enurreza has a negative effect on the psyche of the child. Children are ashamed of their condition, they strive to hide him, painfully react to mockery of comrades, reproach adults, they develop a timidity, insecurity.

Low self-esteem can adversely affect the development of the child and cause psychological disorders in subsequent life.

There are two points of view for the need to raise children at night.

According to the first of them, the forced awakening of the child during the night's sleep is unacceptable, as it causes a violation of the structures of sleep and make it difficult to develop and consolidate the active awakening in response to urination.

According to the second, children should be lifted at night, so that they do not get up with "wet" in the morning and felt the interest of parents in getting rid of this ailment. Apparently, this point of view can be justified only towards children over 5-6 years old, when a child can already be consciously refer to the "necessity" of night awakening to commit an act of urination. However, it should be borne in mind that such a violent awakening is unlikely to contribute to getting rid of the ailment. Nervous kids hysteria enuresis

With the appearance of the child, Enurisy cannot be reproached, shame, intimidate, to force your underwear. It is necessary to convince him that this phenomenon is not a result of bad behavior, but a disease from which you can completely recover. The child should show the doctor as soon as possible and start seriously treated. Currently, specialists are carried out by comprehensive treatment of Enurisy with modern pharmaceutical preparations with a large therapeutic effect (Adiuretin, Minirin).

Children with Enurperse can not be punished for night incontinence of urine. It is necessary to take care that this problem does not suppress the child mentally. Huge importance is an emotional attitude in the family. It is necessary to understand how important it is for a child to feel care, tenderness, caress and kindness by both parents. It is not difficult to imagine how a child is experiencing and ashamed of it. Parents in such a situation should show patience, pay more attention to the child, help him feel that he, in spite of everything, love and will always find their support.

The functional shape of the Enurrawa may disappear even without drug treatment by 16-18 years old at the young men and the girls with the advent of the first menstruation. At the same time, it suffers from ENUCs from about 0.5 to 1% of the adult population.

Depressive disorders from preschoolers occur much more often than they are diagnosed. Signs of such disorders discover each third child, the number of such children is constantly growing.

It is very difficult to identify depressive disorder in preschool age, since, as opposed to adults, whose depression proceeds at all levels (intellectual, emotional, engineal), in children the symptoms of this disease are disguised: many unpleasant sensations or behavioral disorders. Most often, such children complain about abdominal pain, headaches, fatigue, poor sleep and no appetite. They become capricious, plastic, lose interest in games, communication. Their appearance changes: they differ in the pallor of the skin, lethargy, screaming, produce the impression of a person suffering from a severe disease.

When studying the problem of children's depressive disorders, it turned out that only 27% of children with depressive disorders fall at the initial stage of the disease in the field of view of children's psychologists and psychoneurologists; In 38% of children, this period ranges from 2 to 7 years since the occurrence of the disease until the first visit to the specialists. This happens for two reasons, because parents, caregivers are often poorly focused in the possibility of presence of depression in children, and changing the behavior of a child, his "bad mood" is explained by the most different reasons. If children are closed, capricious, stubborn, often refuse any activity, then adults take a disciplinary action. Secondly, with the complaints of a child on various kinds of ailments, pediatricians usually recommend a survey and treatment with specialists a profile difference, which eliminates the timely receipt of specialized psychological and medical care. As a result of this, unrecognized depressive disorders in childhood, especially repeated and protracted, lead to severe forms of social disadaptation, which is in some cases a protracted and irreversible character.

In many children, the depressive state is manifested in a pronounced alarm, increasing, as a rule, in the evening. The indefinite, unprecedented anxiety, accompanied by common concern, is often turning into a specific fear (the mother will not be lost, will not come to kindergarten).

For children with depression, elevated tears is characterized. And the smaller the child, the stronger it is manifested (increased sensitivity, puzzleness, animation of non-living objects). Children in the state of depression are not letting a mother from themselves, asking to take them on their hands; Infant intonations appear in their speech. In the younger preschoolers suffering from depression, speech and thinking disorders are also observed. This is expressed in monostempidations of answers, speech slowdiness, refusal of games that require even minimal mental tension and attention, reluctance to listen to reading books, even earlier than loved ones.

Senior Children are very quickly off from the learning process: distracted in classes, demonstrate unwillingness to engage in difficulty, with difficulty recall the previously learned poems and learned material. They have or resumed bad habits. The more the status is running, the more regress the skills and skills. As a rule, such children become outcasts: they do not understand their adults, peers reject.

In the state of depression, children arise an increased desire for drawing, and they depict their fears (Babu Yagu, fire, monsters); Choose pencils of dark colors (black, blue, brown; sometimes black and red). This is characteristic of the depressive state of evil orob. With depressive states with the predominance of inhibition and lethargy, the drawings are simple, sketchy; They are characterized by a weak push pencil, hatching inclusion; Color, as a rule, one: blue or black. Such children are very emotional, impressionable and defenseless. They can't stand up for insult, they are lost (silent or bitterly crying).

The feeling of "I" in such children is manifested in the early allocation of themselves among others, in the need for self-affirmation. They have their own point of view; It is extremely difficult for them to ask for forgiveness, do not accept injustice, false. In general, their personal orientation can be called humising, which is why they are so sensitive to different conflicts, threats, the use of physical strength and dictate.

Children in depression cannot immediately start or finish any business in time, switch from one thing to another. This is due to an increased sense of duty, fear of doing something wrong, confused from an unexpected task, phlegmatic features of temperament, overwork, uncertainty in their forces and indecision. Trying to prove its right and meeting even more misunderstanding, such children fall into a state of affect, which manifests itself in despair, and then in the refusal of contacts, whims, fears, depression, the feeling of isolation, incomprehensibility and loneliness. This basis is developing alertness, incredulusity and egocentrism. Depression also develops due to the uncertain nature of the relationship between children with close adults, as well as psychological negotiation to the preschool institution.

Even with the correct and timely diagnosed treatment, the designated treatment will be ineffective if not changing the conditions of the life of children. Specialized pre-school institutions for children with emotional instability is not provided; No special kindergartens on the basis of mass kindergartens, since the border mental state to which depressed is not considered a disease in the traditional understanding. Therefore, educators and teachers should take on a special psychotherapeutic - role by establishing contacts with parents and creating a comfortable atmosphere in the group.

If you are alone,
It means that it has come,
And waiting around the corner
Crossroads of seven roads.

"Your child mentally retarded. What will increase this? " - Says a strict teacher of a confused parent about the slowdown reaction of her child. "He thinks about his lesson. I asked a question - I do not hear! Half an hour thinks over the elementary question! Where is it good? All the children have already thought a hundred times and gave an answer, and he reflects everything. " Nevdek teacher, that for the first time its first class got a special child. Child with sound vector.

Slow reaction at the sound child

Sound children, boys and girls, strongly stand out by the behavior among other children a slowing reaction and calm behavior. They are quiet, silent, they do not yell on change with the rest of the children, do not climb. Prefer to sit in the class at the desk. They do not like to change, unlike the rest of the children. More like a lesson. Because on the change everything is yelling, but in the lesson quietly.

With the performance of such children, such children is not always good: they are not "badges", "nerds" and other excellent students who are always pulling her hand from the first parties. They may not be too interested in study, sometimes "scored", conducting training hours behind the game in your mobile phone or extinguishing from the outside world by headphones. In the first lessons, if you can see them, it is rather sleeping, since the sound is not typical early to wake up. But he can play with interest in his games far over midnight. These children are typical owls.

Sound sounding longer than others thinks over the question raised, therefore, the reaction in such children seems slow motion. When contacting him, remember that it is a double introvert, it focuses on his thoughts. And in order to answer your question, the soundfield should come out of myself, hear your question, make it inside yourself, find a solution, get out of myself and issue an answer out. In terms of response, you should not evaluate the intellectual abilities of the sound. Having spent more time on these additional actions, it will eventually solve the task of one thought in two minutes.

I liked it - to put "heart":

Inhibition is a symptom of certain diseases, as a rule, the CNS and the brain, or a consequence of a strong psycho-emotional shock. It is characterized by such a condition of a person in that it has a decrease in the reaction rate to the actions turned to it or their own, the deterioration of the concentration, more stretched, with long-term speech pauses. In more complex cases, there may be a complete absence of a reaction to surrounding events.

Such a state of a person with or a chronic depressive state should not be confused, since the latter is rather a psychological factor than physiological.

True reasons for inhibition can only be established by a qualified doctor. It is not recommended to carry out treatment at your discretion or ignore such a symptom, as this may lead to serious complications, including irreversible pathological processes.


The injection of movements and thinking in humans can be observed with such pathological processes:

  • head injuries;
  • malignant or benign formations in the brain;
  • diseases that affect the central nervous system;
  • mental disorders;

In addition, the temporary state of the reaction slowdest, movements and speech may be observed in the following cases:

  • with alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;
  • with and constant lack of sleep;
  • with frequent nervous overvoltage, chronic;
  • under circumstances that cause a person's feeling of fear, anxiety and panic;
  • with a strong emotional shock.

Psychomotor inhibition by the child may be due to these etiological factors:

  • vascular diseases of the brain;
  • stressful situations;
  • violations of a psychological nature.

Depending on the primary factor, this condition of the child may be temporary or chronic. It goes without saying that if it is manifested by such a symptom in children, it is necessary to immediately apply to the doctor, as the cause of pathology can be dangerous to the health of the baby.


Distinguish the following types of inhibition according to the clinical picture:

  • bradypsychia - inhibition of thinking;
  • independent or ideator inhibition;
  • motor or motor inhibition;
  • emotional inhibition.

The establishment of the nature of this pathological process lies in the competence of only a qualified physician.


The nature of the clinical picture, in this case, will be fully dependent on the root cause.

With the defeat of the brain and the central nervous system, the following clinical picture may be attended:

  • (hypersime), lethargy;
  • which, as the pathological process exacerbation, will increase. In more complex cases, the elimination of pain syndrome is impossible even by painkillers;
  • worsening memory;
  • reducing the quality of cognitive abilities;
  • the patient cannot concentrate on the fulfillment of familiar action. It is noteworthy that it is professional skills that are saved;
  • sharp mood swings, in the behavior of the patient there are features, which were not previously characteristic of him, the attacks of aggression are most often observed;
  • illogical perception of speech or actions addressed to him;
  • it becomes a slowdown, the patient may hardly select words with difficulty;
  • and, which is most often observed in the morning;
  • unstable blood pressure;

The child has a common clinical picture, with this kind of pathologies, can be completed with capriciousness, constant crying or, opposite, constant drowsiness and apatine to the usual beloved classes.

It should be noted that the above-described symptoms are observed after. If there is a suspicion that a person has had an attack, urgent medical care should be called and urgently hospitalize it. It is from the urgency and coherence of primary medical measures after a stroke, to a greater extent depends, the person will survive or not.

In the event that the cause of a slow reaction in an adult has become a mental disorder, such symptoms may be present:

  • or drowsiness, which is replaced by an apathetic state;
  • unreasonable attacks of aggression;
  • sharp change in mood;
  • downtry attacks of fear, panic;
  • suicidal mood, in some cases and actions in this direction;
  • state of chronic depression;
  • visual or auditory hallucinations;
  • nonsense, illogical judgments;
  • disranged personal hygiene, sloppy appearance. At the same time, a person may be firmly confident that he is all right;
  • excessive suspicion, the feeling that he is followed;
  • deterioration or complete memory loss;
  • incoherent speech, the inability to express their point of view or specifically to answer the simplest questions;
  • loss in temporary and spatial orientation;
  • feeling constant fatigue.

It should be understood that such a state of a person can quickly progress. Even under the condition of temporary improvement of the patient's condition, it is impossible to say that the disease is completely eliminated. In addition, this condition of a person is extremely dangerous both for him and for those around people. Consequently, treatment under the guidance of a specialized doctor and in the relevant institution, in some cases it is necessary.


First of all, the physical examination of the patient is carried out. In most cases, this should be done with a person close to the patient, since, because of his condition, he is unlikely to be able to correctly answer the doctor's questions.

In this case, there may be a consultation of such specialists:

  • If the cause of such a person is either the CNS, then an operation on its excision with subsequent drug treatment and rehabilitation is carried out. Rehabilitation patient will also need after stroke.

    Medical therapy may include such drugs:

    • anesthetic;
    • sedative;
    • antibiotics if infectious nature is established;
    • nootropic;
    • antidepressants;
    • tranquilizers;
    • preparations that restore glucose levels;
    • vitamin and mineral complex, which is selected individually.

    In addition, after passing the main course of treatment, the patient may be recommended to pass the course of rehabilitation in a specialized sanatorium.

    Provided the timely and correct start of therapeutic measures, their full implementation, perhaps almost complete recovery even after severe diseases - oncology, stroke, psychiatric ailments.


    Unfortunately, there are no specific methods for prevention. The recreation and work should be observed, to protect yourself from nervous experiences and stress, timely begin treatment of all diseases.