The meaning of the name Yana. Interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Yana, name compatibility, how to name a child?

The meaning of the name Yana

The meaning of the name Yana is not exactly known. It is translated in different ways from different languages. The most common decoding of the name Jan is the grace of God, however, the designation of the name Jan in translation from Old Church Slavonic means a river, and in other countries you can hear other translation options. If you ask what the name Jan means in the Greek, he will say “blooming”, If you ask what the name Jan means in the Tatar, he will say “new”. The secret of the name Jan is revealed among the northerners in the word "graceful", and among the Türks "soulful".

As you can see, for any nation, the meaning of the name Yana is very warm and kind, the girl who wears it will always be proud of him.

The female name Yana in Russia has not yet received wide distribution, but every year more and more expectant mothers like it. Indeed, Yana is a beautiful name that promises a happy and eventful life, albeit not simple due to character traits. If you are choosing girls' names, Yana is the name you should definitely pay attention to.

Celebrities named Yana:

Yana Rudkovskaya
Yana Krainova
Yana Gelman
Yana Sexte
Yana Rudova
Yana Rainis
Yana Totarca

All famous people named Yana are distinguished by their punchy, strong character and an interesting fate.

The origin of the name Jan

The most common version regarding where the name Jan came from is the male name John, Ivan. Perhaps this is really a West Slavic word form of this old name with a long history.

However, there is another version. In the Slavic group of languages, the word river sounded like "jana", perhaps this is the original source. Above we wrote how the name Jan is translated from other languages, such a variety and frequent occurrence of this phonetic form suggests that this is most likely not a Hebrew, and not an Orthodox name, but it originated so long ago that no one will remember exactly , in pre-biblical times.

Wherever the name Jan comes from, its interpretation is always beautiful and harmonious.

Yana, name description

The description of the name Yana in different sources is different, this is due to the fact that the energy of this name is different for different regions. For example, in the Baltic states and the western regions of the CIS, where names such as Yanis, Yanina, Yana, Yana are quite common, this name sounds completely different, say, than in Moscow or even in Siberia, where, due to its rarity, it is quite noticeable.

In the first case, the energy of the name has a masculine tinge, while the name Yana is considered purely feminine for most of Russia. In both versions, however, the most important role here begins to play a fairly strong sound energy.

And we can most likely assume that the qualitative characteristics of the name as a whole will be fair in almost the entire Slavic-speaking territory of the former USSR. And the power of its influence on the psyche, as the prevalence of this name decreases, will increase from west to east.

Yang's name characteristic

The characteristic of the name Jan is emotionality, independence and self-confidence.

Yana is most often distinguished by a rather significant craving for independence, the energy of the name gives her strong emotionality and gives her self-confidence. In order to restrain her desires, she does not see any special reasons, and this is also connected with the energy of the name, which allows her to express her feelings openly.

The only thing that can teach Yana restraint is only the negative reaction of the people around her. This only much more often only exacerbates the conflict, exacerbating Yana's willfulness even more, giving her impulsiveness and fervor to her behavior.

She usually grows capricious and touchy, and therefore it is not difficult to hurt her pride. In most cases, this trait develops into ambition with age, or even leads to the development of arrogance and pride in relation to everyone and everything.

However, in the western regions, things rarely go too far, Yana simply strives to become a complete mistress in her house and prefers to live her own mind. In those regions where the name is rarely found, this situation can be more acute.

It is possible that in her youth she will be carried away by some scandalous youth movements, where she may even be a contender for the role of leader.

The strength of her character at the same time can find itself quite useful use. If Yana, through her own efforts or in the process of upbringing, can learn to balance her own desires with the feelings of other people, as well as with the help of kind and kind humor to defuse the conflict atmosphere, then her life will be happier and more calm. And in a career in this case, real success could come.

Secrets of communication with Yana:

Conflict with Yana is often averted by channeling her negative energy in a different direction. For example, in a conversation, condemn what causes condemnation in her. The principle "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" will work here. Such an exit, however, can only be called emergency, and it is rather dangerous to use it too often for one's own nerves.

The short form of the name is Jan. Yanka, Yanochka, Yanya.
Synonyms for the name Jan. Janina, Janica, Janella, Janessa, Janita.
The origin of the name Jan. Yana's name is Russian, Slavic, Orthodox, Catholic.

The name Jan is the feminine form of the male name Jan, which comes from the Hebrew name John, meaning "the mercy of God," in the modern version used as the name Ivan.

However, there is another version of the origin of this name. It is believed that it came to us on behalf of the god of beginnings and passages Janus, revered in ancient Rome. This deity was depicted with two faces and personified the beginning and end, entrance and exit. The Latin word "janua" translates as "door" and "beginning."

According to the next version, the name Yana is a Slavic name related to the name Yanina. In other countries, there are analogues of this name - Janina, Janica, Janella, Janessa. This name is very common in the Scandinavian countries - Sweden, Norway, Denmark. In Poland, Lithuania and Latvia, the name Janita is used. Also related names are - Jeanne, John, which in European countries can sound like Joanna, Jane, Joan, Johanna, Johanna and otherwise.

Yana is also an abbreviated form of not only some female names (Marianna, Juliana, Ulyana, Yuliana, Boyana, Gayania, Liliana, Liana), but also male names - Arian, Gordian, Severyan.

In addition, the name Yana is a masculine name among the Turkic peoples. It is a figurative component of "soul", "new life".

Yana is a truly international name. The meaning of this name (word) is in many languages ​​of different peoples. The Yana Yahi Indians of Northern California had four tribes. The word “I” means “person”, and “na” and “chi” are nominal suffixes indicating dialect (northern and southern, respectively). The tribes themselves have already disappeared, but several descendants of the Indians of these tribes still live.

Yana has a well-developed mind, excellent intuition, which help her to be a living interlocutor and understand the inner feelings and thoughts of another person. It is not so easy to piss her off, as Yana always tries to show poise and resilience. This helps her to correctly make difficult decisions and get out of even seemingly extreme situations.

A woman with this name is sometimes quite capricious and stubborn, but at the same time, she can be very objective in various matters. In Yana, indecision and self-confidence and self-confidence are surprisingly combined. If necessary, she can become a soft fluffy kitten and, with her charm and goodwill, attract others to her. Yana quite easily gets used to the changed environment. There are always many different plans and ideas in her bright head. Thanks to her assertiveness, no door will remain closed in front of her. Achieving some goals in Yana's life is directly related to her belief in her own strengths and capabilities. However, if she loses this faith, then she will inevitably fail in all her endeavors.

Yana understands very well all the subtleties of male psychology and uses this for her own good. This woman loves to be constantly admired and even worshiped to some extent. Her character is explosive, so she constantly sees in everything a reason for suspicion and jealousy. And if her assumptions about her husband's infidelity are confirmed, of course, she will not divorce him, but her character Yana will show him how. We can say that the husband of a woman with this name is under the thumb of his wife and at the same time in great severity.

Yana often does not get along with her mother-in-law, so she prefers to live separately from her. However, despite all her explosive character traits, she proves herself to be a very good housewife, but at the same time, she will try to put the robot around the house on someone from the household. Yana's family life is quite happy, she always feels loved and desired. At the same time, he will never completely devote himself to everyday life, but will also leave a place in his life for some favorite activities and interests.

Yana is interested in many things professionally and, if she plans something, she tries to achieve her goals. She can achieve a good career as a medical worker, teacher and artist. She is also quite successful in advertising, acting and serving.

Yana's birthday

Famous people named Yana

  • Yanina Zheimo ((1909 - 1989) Soviet film actress, played roles in the films Cinderella, Girlfriends, Two Soldiers)
  • Madeleine Albright ((born 1937) real name - Maria Yana Korbelova; American statesman, US Secretary of State in the Bill Clinton administration)
  • Yana Poplavskaya ((born 1967) Soviet and Russian actress, laureate of the USSR State Prize (1978), roles in the films "About Little Red Riding Hood", "Prisoner of the If Castle")
  • Yana Rudkovskaya (Russian music producer and TV presenter)
  • Yana Druz (Soviet and Russian actress, film director, screenwriter)
  • Yana Amelina ((born 1976) Russian journalist, employee of the Rosbalt news agency)
  • Yana Galikova (maiden name - Glavachova; Czech orienteer, multiple medalist of the World Orienteering Championships)
  • Eva Bushmina (real name - Yana Shvets; Ukrainian singer, soloist of the Russian-Ukrainian female pop group "VIA Gra")
  • Yana Cislarova (Czech orienteer, world champion in orienteering)
  • Yana Nekrasova (Russian curler)
  • Yana Churikova (Russian TV presenter, journalist)
  • Yana Klochkova (Ukrainian swimmer who won five Olympic medals, including four gold medals)
  • Jana Bode (German luge who played for the German national team in the early 1980s - late 1990s)
  • Yana Sexte (Latvian and Russian theater and film actress)
  • Jana Frey (German writer of books for children and adolescents)
  • Yana Khokhlova (Russian ice dancing figure skater, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Yana Uskova (Russian handball player, Honored Master of Sports)
  • Yanina Batyrshina (Russian athlete, represented rhythmic gymnastics in individual exercises, Honored Master of Sports of Russia)
  • Yana (Yanka) Diaghileva (rock singer, poetess, songwriter, member of the punk-rock groups Civil Defense, Great October, etc.)
  • Yanina Volskaya (contemporary Russian animator)
  • Janina Ipohorska ((1914 - 1981) Polish artist and journalist, author of many humorous aphorisms)
  • Yana Kandarr (German tennis player)
  • Yana Novotna (former professional tennis player)
  • Yana (Tatiana) Dubinyanskaya (Russian and Ukrainian writer)
  • Yana Esipovich (Russian actress)
  • Yana Arshavskaya (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Yana Yuzvak (Russian poet, screenwriter, prose writer, essayist)
  • Yana Romanova (Russian athlete, biathlete, international master of sports)
  • Yana Kapustova (Slovak ice hockey player, striker of the women's national team of Slovakia, participant of the 2010 Winter Olympics)
  • Yanina Lisovskaya (Russian and German theater and film actress, theater director, acting teacher)
  • Joan Conway (Conway) (married to Joan Dunn; British singles figure skater, six-time national champion, first winning at the age of 14. Conway was in the top ten three times in the world championship and four times in the European. In 1992, Conway retired from amateur sports to become a professional, becoming a regular on the Hot Ice show, and in 2005 she became a figure skating coach.)
  • Joan Osborne (North American singer-songwriter, best known for the song "One of us", also known for working with the musicians of The Grateful Dead)
  • Joan Sutherland ((1926 - 2010) Australian opera singer, performed first as a mezzo soprano, then as a dramatic soprano, and then as a coloratura; Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire)
  • Joan Vinge (American science fiction writer)
  • Joan Collins, OBE ((born 1933) English actress, Golden Globe winner for her most famous role as Alexis in the TV series Dynasty)
  • Joan Crawford ((1905 - 1977) American silent and talkie actress who rivaled Marlene Dietrich and Greta Garbo in popularity in the 1930s. In 1945, Crawford won the Academy Award for Best Actress.)
  • Joan Chun Chen (Chinese American actress)
  • Joan Oliver, Lady Oliver, better known as Dame Joan Plowright ((born 1929) English actress, Golden Globe and Tony winner, Oscar and Emmy nominee)
  • Joan Standing ((1903 - 1979) English actress, during her career from 1919 to 1940 she starred in 63 films, mostly in cameo roles)
  • Joanne Drew ((1922 - 1996) American actress)
  • Joan Bennett ((1910 - 1990) American actress, her most famous film roles were in the films The Woman in the Window (1944) and Sin Street (1945))
  • Jane Seymour Fonda ((born 1937) American actress, model, writer, producer, social activist and philanthropist, daughter of actor Henry Fonda)
  • Jane Russell ((born 1921) American actress and sex symbol of the 1940s and early 1950s)
  • Jane Seymour ((c. 1508/1509 - 1537) third wife of King Henry VIII of England, mother of Edward VI)
  • Jane Austen ((1775 - 1817) possibly writing - Austen; English writer, satirist, wrote the so-called novels of mores. "English" humor. Jane Austen is still considered the "First Lady" of English literature. Her works are required for study in all colleges and universities in the UK.)
  • Jane Lynch (American actress, singer, screenwriter and comedian, Screen Actors Guild, Emmy and Golden Globe Award for her role as Sue Sylvester in the TV series The Choir)
  • Jane Hobson ((1918 - 1984) née Bedecker, married Shepherd; American singer (mezzo-soprano) and music teacher)
  • Jane Burden ((1839 - 1914) famous model, the embodiment of the Pre-Raphaelite beauty ideal; wife of William Morris, beloved Dante Gabriel Rossetti)

the West Slavic form of the name John, means: "The mercy of God" (Heb.).

Energy named

The energy of this name is different for different regions. So, in the western regions of the CIS and the Baltic States, where the names Yan, Yanis, Yana, Yanina are very common, this name sounds completely different than, say, in Siberia or even in Moscow, where it is quite noticeable due to its rarity. In the first case, the masculine tint of the name affects the energy, while for most of Russia the name Yana is considered purely feminine. However, in both versions, strong sound energy begins to play the main role, and with a high probability it can be assumed that, in general, the qualitative characteristics of the name will be fair practically throughout the entire Slavic-speaking territory of the former USSR, but the strength of its influence on the psyche will increase with west to east as the prevalence of the name decreases.

Most often, Yana is distinguished by a significant craving for independence, the energy of the name gives her self-confidence and gives her strong emotionality. She sees no particular reason to restrain her desires, and this is also connected with the energy of the name, which allows her to openly express her feelings. If anything will teach Jan to restraint, it is only the negative reaction of others. And even then, much more often, this only exacerbates the conflict, further deepening Yana's willfulness, giving her behavior fervor and impulsiveness. She usually grows up very touchy and capricious, so it is not difficult to hurt her pride. With age, this trait in most cases develops into ambition or even leads to the development of pride and arrogance towards everyone and everything.

In the western regions, however, things rarely go too far, just Yana prefers to live her own mind and strives to become a complete mistress in her house. In the same regions where the name is rare, the situation can be much more acute. It is possible that in her youth she will be carried away by some scandalous youth movements, where she may even claim to be a leader.

At the same time, the strength of her character can find herself much more useful. If, in the process of upbringing or by her own efforts, Yana learns to balance her own desires with the feelings of other people, and also to defuse the conflict atmosphere with the help of good humor, her life will be much calmer and happier. Yes, and in a career in this case, real success could come.

Name characteristic

As a child, she is stubborn, she can throw a tantrum at any time, demanding to buy her something she likes, without hearing any arguments and explanations. Likes to show off to his peers a fashionable dress, a thoroughbred puppy, an expensive toy. Somewhat arrogant.

At school she studies averagely, wakes up with difficulty in the morning, dresses for a long time. Falls in love early, but tries not to show his feelings, keeps inaccessible.

Yana is her father's favorite, she is spoiled by his attention and in her future husband longs to find an equally ardent worship. Her behavior is the behavior of a little capricious girl, for whom you need to constantly look after and indulge all her whims. It is rare for a husband to endure this, especially if he is jealous. Yana adores male society, is well versed in the psychology of men, manipulates them, one might say, with one movement of her eyebrows. Her theatricality, mannerism, and emotionality, which are characteristic of her, almost always allow her to achieve her goal - both in relationships with men and in everything else. She does not spare money for toilets and cosmetics, she is attractive. If necessary, she becomes charming, soft, benevolent, which immediately disposes people to her.

She often does not get along with her mother-in-law - she does not feel much pleasure from the fact that her son is under the daughter-in-law's heels and endures her whims. Child Yana usually has one, loves and pampers him very much. Jealous. The husband, despite the undoubted difficulties of his wife's character, is usually satisfied with family life.

Marrying Bogdan, Denis, Vadim, Ruslan, or Ignat can be difficult.

The name suits Leo, Cancer, Taurus more than Virgo, Capricorn, Aries, Sagittarius, Gemini, Scorpio.

Secrets of communication

Often, a conflict with Yana can be prevented by directing her negative energy in a different direction. For example, to condemn in a conversation that which also causes condemnation in her. Here the principle will work: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." However, such an exit can only be called emergency, and too often it is quite dangerous to use it for your own nerves.

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name

Yanochka, Yanka, Yanulya, Yanusya, Yanusha, Yanushka, Yanyusha.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac matching of the name: Sagittarius.
Planet: Mars.
Name colors: cherry red, light brown.
Most favorable colors: green.
Talisman Stone: jade, emerald.

Yana's birthday (John's)

10 july- righteous John the myrrh-bearer.
December 28th- Monk Martyr John in the world Susanna, deaconess.

Mark on history

More recently, just a few years ago, the name of the singer Yankee Diaghileva it was well known, and even now, after her death, there are many orphaned fans who are going to clubs of interest. Talented, passionate, bright, Yanka literally hypnotized the audience with her songs. It was all the more incredible to realize that the young performer herself writes music and poetry for her songs - they seemed so mature and complete.

In her short life there was everything: from personal disorder, wandering and hitchhiking to dizzying success. It is not surprising that legends about her began to take shape during her lifetime, surrounding the singer with an aura of mystery: as if she could talk with the spirits of the dead, witnessed many unusual phenomena, believes in multiple reincarnations ...

Her death turned out to be no less mysterious - while still very young, being at the height of fame, she died tragically under incomprehensible circumstances, leaving behind thoughtful songs, sometimes lyrical, then impudent, which I want to listen to again and again.

Other famous namesakes

Yanina Volskaya- modern Russian animator.

Janina Zheimo(1909-1989) - Soviet film actress (roles in the films "Cinderella", "Girlfriends", "Two Soldiers").

Yanina of Ipohorskaya 1914-1981 - Polish artist and journalist, author of many humorous aphorisms

Yana Kandarr(born 1976) - German tennis player.

Madeleine Albright(born 1937) (real name Maria Yana Korbelova) - American statesman, was the US Secretary of State in the Bill Clinton administration

Yana Poplavskaya(b. 1967) - actress and TV presenter (roles in the films "About Little Red Riding Hood", "Prisoner of the If Castle").

The meaning of the name Jan, like all other names, is directly related to his history. The history of this name goes back to pre-Christian times and read about it in our article.

Linguists believe that the name originated with a modification of the name John (the feminine form of the name John). But this is not the end of the chain. The name John comes from the Hebrew Yochanan (יוֹחָנָן), which means "Yahweh is merciful". If translated more literary, then the translation will be "the mercy of God." So we can say that the meaning of the name Jan is "the mercy of God".

Yana is not the only name derived from the name John. This name has become the source of a large number of names in many languages ​​of the world. It is believed that the male names Jan, John, Jack, and the female names Janina, Jeanne, Joanna and many others also originated from this name.

The meaning of the name Yana for a girl

Yana is growing up as a rather complex child. He is usually pretty pretty and this allows her to create a good first impression. However, as soon as you get to know the girl better, some unpleasant moments immediately appear. She can be stubborn for no reason at all. Also prone to bragging. It takes a lot of effort and a subtle approach for a decent upbringing.

Yana doesn't like to study. She knows that she knows how to make an impression and tries to use it in every possible way. She usually has good marks for "beautiful eyes". Has good data for the theater. She enjoys using the innate theatricality and easily masters acting as a profession.

Yana's health is good, but her vitality is average. She loves to sleep. The transition from sleep to wakefulness for Yana takes a long time.

Abbreviated name Jan

It has no abbreviated forms due to the brevity of the name itself.

Jan's diminutive names and derivative names.

Yanka, Yanika, Yanya, Yanochka, Yanka, Yanulya, Yanusya, Yanusha, Yanushka, Yanyusha, Yanika

Jan's name in English

In English, Yana's name is spelled Yana, Iana and Jana.

Yana's name for passport- IANA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006. Previously considered the correct spelling of YANA.

Translation of Jan's name into other languages

in Belarusian - Yana
in Ukrainian - Yana
in Polish - Jana

Jan's name in church(in the Orthodox faith) - not definitely. The name is not ecclesiastical and at the baptism of Yana, a different name is chosen.

Yang's name characteristic

If you try to characterize Yana, then probably the first thing that comes to mind is independence and a tendency to selfishness. She loves to stand out and considers "dullness" something unworthy of her. He does not understand people of a different nature and even despises. But all this does not mean at all that it is hard with Yana. She is touchy, but still needs a reason to be offended. If you communicate with Yana showing mutual respect, then communication with her is very pleasant. She has a good sense of humor and a good sense of style. But this attitude must first be earned.

At work, Yana is quite successful. She does not like to strain and Yana's work usually becomes her hobby. This makes it easier for her to relate to the need to do something. Has good business vision and a good analytical mind. This is a rather interesting situation, since analytical subjects are usually poorly given to her at school and institute. From this we can conclude that if Yana likes to work, then she will be successful.

Yana's family occupies an important place in life, but she is in no hurry to create it. It is important for her to understand compatibility with a partner and his resistance to her character. If Yana really fell in love, then she becomes a wonderful wife and mother. The change, however, will be intended primarily for home, the rest should not be encouraged.

The mystery of Jan's name

The secret of Yana can be called the fact that she suffers from narcissism. Rather, her relatives suffer from this. From them she demands worship of herself, and especially from her husband. This behavior is more noticeable in childhood, since Yana does not yet know how to hide it. As she gets older, she successfully hides it from unwanted eyes.

Another secret of Yana is that she is prone to manipulating people. Yana does not like to make efforts to achieve the goal, it is better to let someone else work on it. Some of Yana's acquaintances do not even notice that for her they are just a tool in achieving their goals.

Of course, after reading Yana's secrets, it may seem that she is not a very good person. But you need to understand that to a greater or lesser extent, we also resort to these impartial methods. Let's not condemn others for their small or big shortcomings, but rather do something more useful.

Planet- Pluto.

Zodiac sign- Scorpion.

Totem animal- Phalanx.

Name color- Raspberry.

Wood- Chestnut.

Plant- Pion.

Stone- Ruby.