Composite fiberglass reinforcement application. Composite fiberglass reinforcement

Construction sector one of the fastest growing and changing in modern world. Before one has time to appear somewhere in the depths of a specialized university, the idea is immediately picked up by business. Fiberglass reinforcement- one of these materials that has literally revolutionized the construction industry. A successful combination of science and engineering made it possible to create a special material for construction installation work, which bypasses traditional ones in quality and characteristics.

Key role in the composition building material are played by special fiberglass fibers that are impregnated with a special polymer composition. The material is produced in the form of rods with a diameter of 4 to 18 mm. The length can reach 12 meters. The main “feature” of the material is its multi-layer nature and special polymer “impregnation”.

For your information! Fiberglass fittings are usually supplied in the form of twisted coils, in appearance they resemble a large coil of dense cord or wire. However, if the diameter of the product is more than 10 mm, it is sold only in rods.

In the literature and GOST, two abbreviations are mentioned, indicating the same material: SPA or ASP. Both abbreviations are equivalent.

The rod consists of two layers:

  • 1st layer – inner core. It is based on fiberglass fibers arranged strictly parallel to each other (it is no coincidence that we compared the reinforcement with a rigid wire), or in the form of a “pigtail”. These threads are thin, but surprisingly strong; they are soldered to each other with a special polymer composition. It is these fibers that provide the main characteristics of the product.
  • 2nd layer – outer. The “shell” can be a fine abrasive, specially sprayed, or fibers, this is the so-called reinforcing winding.

The main characteristics for of this material most often called:

  • diameter - the indicator affects the calculation of the product’s bending and tensile strength;
  • weight. By the way, this indicator distinguishes fiberglass from other products, in particular metal fittings;
  • winding step. The characteristic is relevant for ASP with a relief coating.

Interesting fact! Fiberglass is 9 times lighter than metal rods.

Areas of application and types of fiberglass reinforcement

Application glass plastic fittings quite wide. Due to the possibility of using not only rods, but also reinforcing mesh, it is used in construction and construction of various, sometimes very complex, geometries. Moreover, the sizes ready-made structures can be very different.

In addition, fiberglass reinforcement can be used in:

  • road construction and pavement reinforcement;
  • strengthening masonry and other block-type building materials;
  • reinforcement and;
  • strengthening and fencing structures poured.

Advice! In dacha farming, fiberglass reinforcement is useful in the construction of outbuildings, enclosures, as well as greenhouses and greenhouses. It can be used as support structures for gartering plants, as a basis for decorative trellises.

Options for using spas in construction and gardening.

Production and requirements for fiberglass reinforcement

Like any technically complex production, the creation of high-strength reinforcement is a labor-intensive and expensive process. It is necessary to use high-precision equipment to create special mixture.

All the main elements of the SPA production line are shown in the diagram:

Pros and cons of composite fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass reinforcement is considered the most promising material used in the construction of reinforcing structures and frames. Among the advantages are:

  • high resistance to corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • durability;
  • light weight;
  • 3.5 times stronger than metal;
  • versatility;
  • tensile strength;
  • does not conduct current;
  • not afraid of frost;
  • seamlessness;
  • does not require welding.

Among the disadvantages:

  • low elasticity,
  • low thermal stability.

What to look for when choosing

Because of large quantity standard sizes, it is necessary to take into account the conditions of use and the load on the material. That is why, immediately when purchasing, pay attention to the following points:

  • design option for the top layer and quality of winding of the reinforcing tape;
  • diameter and absence of chips and damage on cuts;
  • color. It should be uniform. The shade must match the description in the documentation;
  • availability of documents of compliance with GOST.

When choosing a spa, it is best to initially find out the reputation of the manufacturing company of this material, for which you need to read reviews on the Internet and in other sources of information.

Which reinforcement is better: metal or fiberglass?

Perhaps, if we compare these two materials, the usual metal material significantly loses in quality, but wins in price. In this case, you should pay attention to the scope of application. And also study comparative characteristics.

Characteristic Metal Fiberglass
Tensile strength, MPa390 1300
Coefficient, W/m 2 ×K46 0,35
Density, kg/m 37850 1900
Elasticity+ +
Plastic+ -
Corrosion resistance- +
Dielectric properties- +

Leading manufacturers

There are about 10 proven manufacturers of fiberglass reinforcement that have managed to prove themselves in this market segment. Moreover, enterprises exist in almost all major geographical areas: the central part of Russia, as well as Siberia and the Urals. Let's name the largest of them:

  • NPC "Spetspolymer", NPC "ARMASTEK", Moscow Composite Materials Plant. (Moscow and Moscow Region);
  • Leader-Composite (St. Petersburg and Leningrad region)
  • "Yaroslavl Composites Plant";
  • "Uralteplostroy", LLC "UZKT", LLC "Elpromtekh", LLC NPF "UralSpetsArmatura" (Ekaterinburg);
  • "Volga region fittings" (Saratov).

Review of prices and user reviews of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The cost of the material is calculated based on the price per linear meter. The final cost is influenced by both the quality of the raw material, its composition and number of layers, as well as the diameter of the intended workpiece. Let's present the average data for September 2018 in rubles.

Manufacturer Brand Diameter, mm Outer layer type Cost, rubles/p. meter
PC "Composite"ASK8,0 with coiling11,9
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
TSA8,0 with sand coating13,9
10,0 23,9
12,0 38,9
"ArmatSoyuz"SPA4,0 with coiling6,9
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,5
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,9
16,0 60,9
18,0 94,9
"Armplast"ASK4,0 with coiling5,5
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,47
16,0 60,52
18,0 94,32
20,0 117,6
22,0 138,99
25,0 180,17
28,0 223,10
32,0 292,74
36,0 312,80

If we talk about the features of using the material and reviews about it, experts note high quality material and sufficient with it. Due to its high wear-resistant properties, fiberglass reinforcement has gained its fans among both professional builders and home craftsmen.

However, there are those who are distrustful of the material.

Feedback on the use of fiberglass reinforcement:

More details on Drom.Forum:

And if you have your own opinion regarding the use of this material in construction, its advantages and disadvantages, share your opinion with other readers of the site.

Comparative technical characteristics and advantages
composite fiberglass reinforcement

The main advantages of fiberglass reinforcement

First of all, reinforcement made from polymer building materials is characterized by high strength and a fairly low specific weight (almost four times less) when compared with similar reinforcement made of metal. In addition, the tensile strength indicator is composite reinforcement made of fiberglass is two and a half times higher than this figure for analogues made of metal. These properties make it possible to significantly expand the scope of use of fiberglass reinforcement. Comparative characteristics composite reinforcement AKP-SP and steel reinforcement A-III

Comparative technical characteristics of composite fiberglass reinforcement and steel reinforcement

Characteristics Metal fittings class A-III (A400C) Composite polymer fiberglass reinforcement (AKS) Description
Material Steel Glass roving bonded with epoxy resin polymer
Tensile strength, MPa 390 1268 The higher the score, the better. The tensile properties of reinforcement are the most basic indicator when taking into account the loads on the finished product. In all finished products The reinforcement works specifically to break, except for the floor slabs in which its modulus of elasticity is also taken into account.
Modulus of elasticity, MPa 200 000 60 000 The higher the score, the better. A characteristic showing the deflection load of reinforcement in finished products. Taken into account only in interfloor floor slabs, lintels, bridge construction, etc.
Elongation, % 25 2,2 The lower the number, the better. A characteristic that helps to avoid cracks in the foundation. Fiberglass, unlike metal, practically does not stretch. Is an important factor when pouring floors, during manufacturing road slabs. A section of the road in Perm along the street. Karpinsky (From the overpass across the Trans-Siberian railway to Stakhanovskaya street) was made 9 years ago using composite reinforcement; there are still no longitudinal and transverse cracks and destruction of the asphalt concrete pavement (!).
Density, t/m3 7 1,9 Affects the weight of the product.
Corrosion resistance to aggressive environments Corrodes Stainless material A characteristic that allows the material to be used in an aggressive environment and in places of direct contact with water (strengthening the coastline, wells, drainage systems, curbs, etc.), and also provides savings in concrete in the production of slabs, due to the reduction of the protective layer (which is for metal reinforcement much more).
Thermal conductivity Thermally conductive Not thermally conductive This characteristic makes it possible to increase heat retention in buildings by 35% more than metal when used as flexible connections external walls With finishing material(because, unlike steel reinforcement, it does not form cold bridges).
Electrical conductivity Electrically conductive Non-conductive - dielectric Unlike steel reinforcement, it does not create a “screen” that interferes with work cellular communications.
Produced profiles, mm 6 — 80 4 — 24 Other sizes are in development, as well as fittings of various configurations.
Length Rods 6 – 12 m long According to the buyer's request. Any construction length. Delivery in coils is possible. This characteristic provides savings due to the reduction or almost complete absence of scraps compared to metal reinforcement and also provides the advantage of excluding a bunch of rods together, since the length in the coil is 100 meters or more
Environmental friendliness Eco-friendly Non-toxic, according to the degree of impact on the human body and environment belongs to hazard class 4 (low danger) No harm to health was detected. There is a hygiene certificate.
Durability According to building regulations, about 50 years. Unknown Since the material does not corrode and does not react with aggressive environments, one can only guess about its durability.
Parameters of equal-strength reinforcement frame at a load of 25 t/m2 When using 8 A-III reinforcement, cell size is 14 x 14 cm. Weight is 5.5 kg/m2 When using reinforcement 8 AKS, the cell size is 23 x 23 cm. Weight is 0.61 kg/m2. Weight reduction by 9 times. The lighter weight of composite reinforcement allows for significant savings on delivery and convenience during loading and unloading operations.

Equally strong replacement of steel metal with composite fiberglass reinforcement.

The concept of equal-strength replacement is the replacement of reinforcement made from steel with reinforcement made from composite materials, which has the same strength and similar other physical and mechanical properties. By the equal-strength diameter of fiberglass reinforcement, we will understand it as follows: O.D., at which the strength will be equal to the strength of a metal analogue of a given diameter.

Equal strength replacement

Tension diagram. Determination of the yield strength and tensile strength of metal reinforcement

Figure 1 shows a curve of stress versus deformation of metal reinforcement.

Figure 1

Figure 2 shows the approximate location of the voltage dependence curves
from deformation of metal and composite reinforcement (1).

Figure 2

Description of characteristic points of the diagram

σп- The highest stress up to which a material follows Hooke’s law is called the limit of proportionality. The limit of proportionality depends on the conventionally accepted degree of approximation with which the initial section of the diagram can be considered as a straight line.

The elastic properties of the material are maintained up to a stress called the elastic limit σу, i.e. this is the highest stress up to which the material does not receive residual deformations.

σt - yield strength.

The yield strength is understood as the stress at which an increase in deformation occurs without a noticeable increase in load. In cases where there is no clearly defined yield plateau in the diagram, the yield stress is conventionally taken to be the stress value at which the residual deformation is 0.2%.

The ratio of the maximum force that a sample can withstand to its initial area cross section is called tensile strength or tensile strength. Tensile strength is also a conditional value.

The unit of measurement for yield strength and tensile strength is pascal Pa. It is more convenient to measure the yield strength and tensile strength in megapascals MPa.

Graph Analysis:

  • at low loads, composite reinforcement stretches better than metal reinforcement.
  • Before Hooke's law ceases to operate in the metal, both curves are almost straight.
  • after the metal begins to “flow”, the composite reinforcement continues to work as before.
  • After Hooke's law stopped working in composite reinforcement, steel reinforcement burst long ago.
  • composite reinforcement almost does not flow, but immediately bursts, this can be seen when the oblique straight line (1) very quickly turns into a horizontal one and is interrupted.
  • The graph shows that composite reinforcement will withstand a much greater load than metal reinforcement.
  • metal reinforcement will stretch and burst, when under the same load, composite reinforcement behaves much better, since the graph does not change its direction.

When fiberglass reinforcement was first developed (57 years ago), its cost was much higher compared to steel bars, so composite material was not found wide application. Today the situation has changed, the cost of reinforcing material has decreased, and its advantages are appreciated construction companies engaged in the construction of facilities in regions with cold climates.

Nowadays fiberglass reinforcement is produced both in the form of threaded rods and in coils. The cross-section of the rods ranges from 4 to 32 mm. Let's take a closer look at the areas in which this type of reinforcement is most often used.

Features and scope of application

Plastic fittings are physical body, which consists of the following elements:

  • The main trunk is made of parallel fibers connected to each other using a polymer resin. This element provides the strength characteristics of the reinforcement.
  • Outer layer of fibrous material, which is wound in a spiral around the main trunk of plastic reinforcement. Such winding can be sand sprayed or bidirectional winding.

If we talk about the use of fiberglass reinforcement in construction, today composite materials are widely used for:

  • reinforcement of various reinforced concrete structures;
  • repair of reinforced concrete and brick surfaces;
  • installation of buildings made of lightweight concrete;
  • layer-by-layer masonry of walls (flexible connection technology);
  • reinforcement of tile, columnar and strip foundations;
  • strengthening concrete screeds;
  • drainage;
  • creation road surfaces and fencing;
  • design of seismically resistant reinforcing belts.

In addition, fiberglass reinforcement is used in many other industries, and its characteristics meet all construction requirements and standards, so products of this type are suitable for both private construction and mass production.

Manufacturing technology

Composite reinforcement can be manufactured using one of three technologies:

  1. Winding. In this case, winding is performed on specialized equipment. The winding device moves along a rotating mandrel. After several approaches, a complete cylindrical surface is created, which is sent to the oven for heat treatment.
  2. Reaching out. First, the fiberglass is unwound from the spools and soaked in resin. After this, the material passes through dies and excess scrap is removed from it. At the same time, the plastic reinforcement bars are given a cylindrical shape. After this, the winder manually applies a spiral strand to the workpiece, which is used to increase the adhesion of the material and concrete mortar. In the next step, the fiberglass reinforcement is sent to the oven, where the resin hardens. Once the rods are completely polymerized, they are passed through the broaching mechanism.
  3. Handmade. This is the most expensive process for producing plastic fittings, so it is used only for small-scale production. In this case, first a special matrix is ​​prepared, onto which a gelcoat (protective decorative layer) is applied. After this, the fiberglass is cut, soaked in resin and hardeners and placed into a mold. Next, the product undergoes heat treatment and is cut.

The first method of producing plastic reinforcement is considered the cheapest, so products that have been wound are used most often.

In the manufacture of rods of this type, various types of fibers are used.

Types of composite reinforcement

Fiberglass reinforcement can be the most different types, the most famous of them are:

  • ASP is a fiberglass reinforcement that is manufactured using the classic fiberglass winding method. The diameter of the fibers of the product ranges from 13 to 16 microns.
  • ABP – basalt-plastic reinforcement. In this case, the main trunk of the product is made of basalt fibers with a diameter of 10 to 16 microns.
  • AUP is a carbon fiber reinforcement that uses both fiberglass and thermoplastic. The diameter of the fibers used is up to 20 microns.

Most often, ASP and ABP are used in construction. Carbon fiber reinforcement has a reduced mechanical strength, so it is used very rarely. In addition, on sale you can find products from ASPET (a mixture of fiberglass and thermoplastics), ACC (combined reinforcement) and many other varieties.

In addition, fiberglass reinforcement is sold:

  • piece rods;
  • mesh;
  • frames;
  • ready-made structures.

In addition, products are classified based on the type of structure for which they are used:

  • fittings for housing and communal services;
  • installation;
  • working;
  • distribution

It is also worth paying attention to the properties and characteristics of composite reinforcement.

Technical properties, advantages and disadvantages of plastic reinforcement

When choosing plastic reinforcement to strengthen the foundation, it is worth considering the following characteristics of the products, which in most cases are much better than those of metal analogues:

  • The maximum operating temperature is from 60 degrees.
  • Tensile strength – no less than 800 MPa (for ASP reinforcement) and no less than 1400 MPa (for AUK type products). For metal this figure barely reaches 370 MPa.
  • Relative elongation – 2.2%.
  • Since this material belongs to the first group in terms of chemical resistance, fiberglass reinforcement can be used in aggressive or alkaline environments.
  • Density is 1.9 kg/m 3, so ASP weighs 4 times less than a steel frame.
  • Easy to transport.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • Long service life (more than 80 years).
  • Corrosion resistance.

In addition, when using fiberglass reinforcement, you do not have to be afraid that it will jam the cellular or radiotelephone signal, since this material is a dielectric.

Fiberglass is also resistant to low temperatures, but at extreme high rates the material begins to melt. However, in this case you will have to heat the surface to at least 200 degrees.

Interesting! Builders never have a question about how to cut fiberglass reinforcement, since it lends itself well to processing with a regular grinder.

The most obvious disadvantage of composite reinforcement is its instability. If you want to prepare it separately from the formwork, it may “skew”, so it is better to install the reinforced belt directly into the formwork.

If we talk about cost, then basalt-plastic reinforcement will cost about 6 rubles per linear meter, and fiberglass reinforcement – ​​from 9 rubles. If we compare it with steel rods, costing from 21 rubles per meter, it becomes obvious that today fiberglass rods not only do not cost money, but also cost almost half as much as metal rods.

However, you should not rejoice ahead of time, because there are many unscrupulous manufacturers on the market who offer customers low-quality products.

What to look for when purchasing fiberglass reinforcement

To distinguish a low-quality product, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Composite reinforcement must be manufactured in accordance with the technological process. If the product has an uneven color with sharp transitions, then such rods are not suitable for construction.
  • If the rods brown, then this suggests that on final stage manufacturing, the rods have not undergone the necessary heat treatment, or temperature regime was not followed correctly. Such products must be rejected in production.
  • If you notice that the rods have a greenish tint, then such products are also not worth buying; they will have a very low modulus of elasticity for fracture. This occurs due to the fiberglass processing temperature being too low.

Color is the main indicator of the quality of the reinforcement, so make sure that the shade of the rods does not differ.

It is also necessary to select the correct fasteners for the fiberglass armored belt. Plastic holders are best suited for this purpose:

  • Horizontal (for concrete slabs and floors) allow you to create a layer with a height of 25-50 mm.
  • Vertical (for wall surfaces) – layer thickness 15-45 cm.

We will send the material to you by e-mail

The emergence of new technologies in various industries industry has not spared the construction industry. New materials have appeared that have made it possible to reduce the time required for construction and installation work and reduce the weight of assembled structures, improve the thermal characteristics of constructed objects and their operational characteristics. One of these materials that appeared on the construction market of our country in recent years, became fiberglass reinforcement, which will be discussed in this article by the editors of the site.

Appearance of reinforcement made of composite materials

Structure, standard sizes and operational characteristics of composite fiberglass reinforcement

A building material made of fiberglass fibers impregnated with a polymer binder, formed in the form of rods with ribs of a given size and cured during the production process, is called fiberglass reinforcement (FRP or FRP).

In its structure, the SPA is a rod consisting of two parts, such as:

  • internal rod – provides the strength characteristics of the product and is made of fiberglass fibers placed parallel to each other or in the form of a pigtail, filled with polymer resin;
  • outer layer - made of composite material fibers wound onto an internal rod or in the form of a fine abrasive applied by spraying.

In addition to the fact that SPA differs in the type of outer layer, it is classified according to standard sizes accordingly:

  • in diameter – from 4.0 to 18.0 mm;
  • length – up to 12 m (when sold in the form of rods).
For your information! Fiberglass reinforcement with a diameter of up to 10.0 mm inclusive can be sold in the form of rods or in coils. If sold in the form of a coil, its length depends on the equipment on which it is manufactured. Reinforcement with a diameter of more than 10.0 mm is sold only in the form of rods.

Main performance characteristics for this material are the following indicators:

  1. Diameter – determines the bending and tensile strength limits of the product.
  2. Weight – characterized by the mass of one linear meter products.
  3. The winding pitch is for spas with a relief coating.

Areas of application and types of fiberglass reinforcement

Currently, SPA is sold not only in the form of rods and coils, but is also offered in the form of reinforcing meshes and reinforcement cages various shapes and overall dimensions.

Due to the variety of offers and successful experience in use, this material is used in various construction and installation works, as well as for the manufacture of various structures.

The main areas of use of fiberglass reinforcement are:

For your information! SPA has found its application in summer cottages: it is successfully used in the manufacture of greenhouses and hothouses as arches on which covering material is laid, as well as fencing and supporting structures for fruit and vegetable crops.

Production and requirements for fiberglass reinforcement

The production of spas is a rather complex technological process that requires special equipment and raw materials.Aluminum borosilicate glass and an oil-containing polymer binder composition are used as feedstock.

All the main elements of the SPA production line are shown in the following figure:

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Ask a question

“The production of fiberglass reinforcement is regulated by the Interstate standard GOST 31938-2012 “Composite polymer reinforcement for reinforcement” concrete structures. General technical conditions."

Pros and cons of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The reason that after its appearance on the market SPA became quite in demand was positive qualities this material, which include:

  • light weight;
  • resistance to oxidation and other types of corrosion;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • long service life;
  • is a dielectric (does not conduct electric current);
  • Possibility of use without the use of welding equipment.

Disadvantages are also present, but they are much smaller, these are:

  • relatively low thermal stability;
  • low elasticity values.

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What to look for when choosing

When the choice fell on the use of fiberglass reinforcement when performing construction and installation work, then when purchasing it you should pay attention to such indicators as:

  • Diameter - must correspond to the declared values.
  • The color of the fittings must be uniform and with shades no darker than those in the declared characteristics.
  • The quality of winding of the outer layer.
  • Products must have appropriate quality certificates and test reports.
Important! Availability of SPA color more dark shades than stated by the manufacturer, indicates that the manufacturing temperature conditions were violated during the production process. Reinforcement of this color is burnt and its technical characteristics cannot correspond to the declared ones.

When choosing a spa, it is best to initially find out the reputation of the company producing this material, for which you should read reviews on the Internet and in other sources of information.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

Ask a question

“When winding the outer layer of reinforcement, pinching of the inner rod of the product should not be allowed, because otherwise, the strength characteristics of the spa will be compromised.”

Related article:

In the article we will consider the pros and cons of this foundation, its nuances correct filling, as well as what brand of concrete is best to choose to get a high-quality structure.

Which reinforcement is better: metal or fiberglass?

Which reinforcement to choose - metal or fiberglass - is decided at the development stage project documentation, or individually, based on a comparison of the main technical characteristics shown in the table below:

Tensile strength, MPa390 1300
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m²×K46 0,35
Density, kg/m³7850 1900
Elasticity+ +
Plastic+ -
Corrosion resistance- +
Dielectric properties- +

Leading manufacturers

The production of composite fiberglass reinforcement is carried out in many regions of our country. This especially applies to areas with developed industrial infrastructure, such as:

  • Moscow and the Moscow region - “Moscow Composite Materials Plant”, LLC “NPC “SPETSPOLIMER”, LLC NPK “ARMASTEK” and others;
  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region - “Leader-Composite” and others;
  • Yaroslavl - “Yaroslavl Composites Plant”;
  • Yekaterinburg and Sverdlovsk region- “Uralteplostroy”, LLC “UZKT”, LLC “Elpromtekh”, LLC NPF “UralSpetsArmatura”;
  • Saratov - LLC "Povolzhskaya Armatura" (Polarm).
For your information! In many cities, spa production is carried out by small enterprises operating at the local level, so if you need to find a similar production in your region, you need to study the building materials market.

Review of prices and user reviews of composite fiberglass reinforcement

The cost of a SPA depends on its technical characteristics, the place of purchase and the company selling it.

As of the third quarter of 2018, the average cost of fiberglass reinforcement, when sold through dealers of manufacturing companies, is:

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmOuter layer type
PC "Composite"ASK8,0 with coiling11,9
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
TSA8,0 with sand coating13,9
10,0 23,9
12,0 38,9

Fiberglass reinforcement PC "Composite"

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmOuter layer typeCost (as of September, rub./p. meter
"ArmatSoyuz"SPA4,0 with coiling6,9
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,5
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,9
16,0 60,9
18,0 94,9

Fiberglass reinforcement "ArmatSoyuz"

ManufacturerBrandDiameter, mmOuter layer typeCost (as of September, rub./p. meter
"Armplast"ASK4,0 with coiling5,5
6,0 7,9
8,0 11,5
10,0 17,9
12,0 26,9
14,0 42,74
16,0 60,52
18,0 94,32
20,0 117,6
22,0 138,99
25,0 180,17
28,0 223,10
32,0 292,74
36,0 312,80

Fiberglass reinforcement "Armplast"

Based on the use of spas, individual developers and professional builders leave their reviews on the Internet. Here are some of them:

Video: review of use when pouring a foundation

Feedback on pouring a slab foundation:

From this article you will learn:

Let's try to figure this out and decide where the use of fiberglass reinforcement is justified and where it is not.

The fiberglass reinforcement itself is a fiberglass rod with a thread wound around it in the form of a spiral for good adhesion to concrete. Its use is justified in many cases, but in some designs its use is highly discouraged.

Now let's look at everything in order - first consider the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement, and then, based on them, determine where its use would be appropriate. At the end of the article I will tell you about my personal opinion about use of fiberglass reinforcement.

Like any building material, fiberglass reinforcement has its own advantages and disadvantages compared to similar metal ones, which can be a serious help or hindrance in its use in various areas construction

Let's probably start with the advantages:

Advantages of fiberglass reinforcement

1. Small specific gravity . This advantage allows it to be used in lightweight structures, such as cellular concrete etc. This property of fiberglass reinforcement makes it possible to reduce the weight of the entire structure.

It is worth noting that the use of fiberglass reinforcement in ordinary concrete will not significantly affect the weight of the structure, given that the main weight will be provided by the concrete itself.

2. Low thermal conductivity. As is known, fiberglass conducts heat through itself much worse than metal.

This advantage of fiberglass reinforcement allows it to be used where it is necessary to reduce the cold bridges that steel reinforcement so wonderfully creates.

3. Packaging in coils. For the construction of private houses, this is a very significant advantage of fiberglass reinforcement, because you don’t have to spend money on its delivery to the site, and, as you know, when building a house, especially if you build it yourself, every penny counts.

In addition to the above, we can add that the use of fiberglass reinforcement in coils reduces its consumption, since there will be practically no overlaps in the reinforcement cage, and this will also slightly reduce financial costs.

4. Durability. Manufacturers rely on the fact that fiberglass, compared to metal, is much more durable.

This is a slightly dubious advantage of fiberglass reinforcement, given that the metal inside the concrete is practically not subject to corrosion and inside reinforced concrete structure will also last a very long time.

5. Dielectric. This property, most likely, in private construction does not give any advantages to fiberglass reinforcement over metal, but it should not be forgotten either.

6. Chemical resistance. This means that in acidic and other aggressive chemical environments, fiberglass reinforcement is much more comfortable than steel.

In low-rise private construction, this advantage of fiberglass, just like the previous one, plays practically no role, with the exception of construction in winter, when various salts are added to the mortar or concrete, which have a detrimental effect on the metal.

7. Radio transparency. This means that fiberglass reinforcement does not create any radio interference, unlike metal loops created by steel reinforcement.

Such an advantage of fiberglass reinforcement as radio transparency will play a significant role only if there is a lot of reinforcement in the walls of your house. Then the use of fiberglass reinforcement will reduce radio interference inside the house.

We've sorted out the advantages, now let's look at the disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement used in construction.

Disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement

Any material has disadvantages and fiberglass reinforcement is no exception.

1. Fiberglass reinforcement is more expensive ordinary steel when comparing reinforcement of the same diameter.

This is a slightly dubious drawback, since manufacturers claim that in construction, fiberglass reinforcement is used with a smaller diameter than metal reinforcement.

2. Thermally unstable. Fiberglass reinforcement does not withstand high temperatures.

It’s also a dubious drawback, because in low-rise private construction I can’t even imagine a situation where it would be necessary to heat the reinforcement to 200 degrees.

3. Doesn't bend. Thus, if we need, for example, to bend the reinforcement at an angle of 90 degrees, we will not be able to do this. Although, on the other hand, we can make all the bends from ordinary steel and extend them with fiberglass.

4. Low modulus of elasticity at fracture. This means that fiberglass reinforcement does not withstand the same loads as metal reinforcement.

Many manufacturers claim the opposite - that the modulus of elasticity of fiberglass reinforcement is greater, but this, most likely, they mean tensile, and concrete, as a rule, is subject to greater loads due to fracture. This is the main drawback due to which the use of fiberglass reinforcement in construction is limited.

5. Difficulty in constructing a rigid reinforcement frame. In other words, a frame made of fiberglass reinforcement is not as rigid as one made of metal, and, accordingly, is less resistant to vibration and loads that will be present when pouring concrete from a truck mixer.

When you pour concrete into a trench or formwork from an automixer, it is necessary that the reinforcement frame be very rigid, because the reinforcement can “jump off” or simply press against the floor or walls of the trench, and this will be difficult to correct once the concrete has already been poured.

So we have examined almost all the main advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass reinforcement. Judging by them, it is impossible to say with great confidence that it is significantly better or worse than metal fittings, so let's look at which building structures and structures, the use of fiberglass reinforcement will be justified and advisable.

Application of fiberglass reinforcement in construction

The use of fiberglass reinforcement is justified in some cases, both in industrial construction and in private low-rise construction.

About industrial construction, I think it’s not worth saying much, after all, the site is dedicated to building houses with your own hands, so let’s look at the scope of application of fiberglass reinforcement in private low-rise construction.

1. Fiberglass reinforcement is used in some types of foundations, such as strip foundations - buried below the freezing depth, slab foundations.

It is worth noting that this applies only to low-rise private buildings, on good soil. On floating soils there will be increased fracture loads, which fiberglass reinforcement may not withstand.

2. It is advisable to use fiberglass reinforcement in reinforcement brick walls, walls made of blocks, very often you can find reinforcement of walls made of gas silicate blocks with fiberglass reinforcement.

The use of fiberglass reinforcement in wall reinforcement is very popular among developers. Moreover, such reinforcement is used both as an element of reinforcement of the walls themselves, and as a ligament facing wall with carrier.

3. In multilayer panels as connections. Since there is usually dense insulation inside the panels, fiberglass reinforcement is used to bind the concrete parts together.

4. The use of fiberglass reinforcement in the load-bearing parts of elements subject to increased corrosion, for example, swimming pools, is justified.

Metal reinforcement will be subject to corrosion when concrete is in water, but fiberglass reinforcement does not have this disadvantage, based on one of its advantages.

5. Fiberglass reinforcement is also widely used in reinforcing laminated wooden beams, increasing their rigidity.

6. Asphalt reinforcement in areas of high loads, although I have never seen this before.

As you can see, the scope of application of fiberglass reinforcement in construction is quite wide, although there are some restrictions.

The author's opinion on the use of fiberglass reinforcement in construction

I believe that fiberglass reinforcement is not yet capable of completely replacing metal, but this does not mean that it can be completely neglected.

I widely use it in the construction of walls made of block and brick, also as connections between a facing wall and a load-bearing wall, since when using metal as connections, firstly, it will be susceptible to corrosion, and secondly, metal creates cold bridges, which in modern construction extremely undesirable.

The use of fiberglass reinforcement in the foundation is also justified if you have a light building, for example, frame house or garage.

If the site has weak soil and huge loads on the foundation are expected, I would not risk using reinforcement, which has less elasticity to fracture than metal.