What cannot be measured 100 to 1. You cannot manage what cannot be measured topic

There are a huge number of things in the world that can be measured and calculated. However, there is also something that completely defies laws and explanations.

It was spring heat outside, but to be more precise, it was summer heat, which discouraged any desire to do anything. Through the wide open windows, terrible hot air entered the office, which was simply impossible to breathe.

The class was empty, the teacher rarely appeared at the last lesson, because instead he disappeared in the dining room, and classmates always took advantage of the situation and dispersed in all directions, leaving alone me and my idiot neighbor, who with his indignations destroyed the peace and tranquility. It was no longer interesting to listen to his dissatisfaction, since you know in advance what he will say, since this is repeated from week to week. It was as if this idiot was staying on purpose to get on my nerves. Therefore, the illogicality of this guy exceeded 100%.

It's all your fault! – my neighbor on the desk said, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning his elbows on the back of the chair.

And what am I to blame for, let me find out. – I look at him tiredly, adjusting my glasses. – Nobody is keeping you here, Varu.

Doesn't hold? – he came close to my face in an instant. - What about you? I can’t leave you here alone, Ku-ro-ma-ku...

Whispering my name, this cunning green-haired miracle brazenly kissed me on the lips. To teach the guy a lesson, I feel for my textbook on the desk and hit the violator of my personal space on the head with all my might.

Hey, I'm in pain! – Varu was indignant, interrupting the kiss and rubbing the sore spot. He rose from his chair dissatisfied and, taking the white bag hanging on the chair, went to the exit. Near the door, this idiot turned around.

And why react like that? Not for the first time! – my desk neighbor said with a grin, whom I wanted to bury on the spot. But since under these conditions this desire was one of the impossible to fulfill, I threw the textbook at him with all my strength, which I continued to hold in my hands.

Having calmed down, I pack my things into my school bag. Then I get up, go to the exit, pick up the textbook and put it away with the other books. I leave the office, move a little away from the passage and close the door. At the opposite wall, out of the corner of my eye, I notice Vara standing, smiling as if nothing had happened until that moment.

I already thought that I would have to go without you. – this idiot said, taking off his favorite glasses.

Your illogicality can no longer be calculated in existing number systems! I said that... - but he didn’t let me finish, because he pressed me to the door, at which I continued to stand. We looked at each other and were silent. His eyes seemed to hypnotize with their unusual violet color, making it 95% impossible to look away.

Do you know what else cannot be measured? My love and how much I want to break the impenetrable wall surrounding you and make you my most precious treasure. – there was a seriousness in his gaze that I thought Varu was incapable of. He smiles lightly, then hugs me and nuzzles my shoulder.

And I will repeat these words so that they finally reach your frozen heart. – he speaks barely audible.

I'm 73% sure that you won't be able to do this. – closing my eyes, I whisper.

Where are you losing interest again? Or do you still believe in my luck? – this cunning green-haired miracle lets me go, steps back and puts on his glasses. Sighs heavily. - You are incorrigible...

I’m not better myself... - I answer him when he is already heading towards the stairs. Suddenly Waru stops, turns around and extends his hand. This gesture makes me smile. And how can I be angry for a long time with such an eccentric who once burst into my life and to this day does not want to disappear from it?

I come closer to this dunce and take him by the hand, which almost makes him glow with happiness. Looking at him, I understand that I will become too lonely, I will feel uneasy without this miracle, because I feel how our destinies are tightly intertwined with each other.

System balanced scorecards(BSC) is a system of strategic management of a company based on measuring and assessing its effectiveness using a set of optimally selected indicators. These indicators should reflect all aspects of the enterprise’s activities: financial, production, marketing, innovation, investment, management, etc.

Simply put, the BSC is a management method that links a company’s strategic goals and operational metrics.

Why do we need a balanced scorecard?

Link strategic goals and daily metrics.

Combine financial and non-financial performance indicators into a single whole.

Create a measurable and visual report on goal achievement.

The BSC method is quite simple. This includes:

Goal setting and generation.

Drawing up a table with key ideas from the point of view of the effectiveness of the strategy for their implementation.

Formation of a monthly plan indicating the main indicators that the company must achieve in a month.

Attaching a responsible person responsible for a specific metric.

To track daily progress, the BSC table is posted in the most visible place in the company. Among all the big numbers, you need to highlight one main metric, for example, metric polar star. This will be the main indicator that an entrepreneur must come to first.

We have formed a plan for the year - calmly follow it. The BSC is one of the key tools for achieving goals in a small business.

How to achieve goals using the BSC?

I will give an example of building transparent business management for an entrepreneur from Kazan using the BSC.

Arslan is the owner of 10 coffee bars and 1 coffee shop in Kazan. He has goals: to finish building a house, buy a car for his wife, fly a paraglider, open 6 more coffee bars, 1 coffee shop, learn English language and visit 3 countries. He has 3 goals for life and 3 goals for business.

Goals cost money. If there is money, the goal will be easier to achieve.

To close the first stage of the goal, he needs 17 million rubles: 12 million to open coffee bars and one coffee shop, and 5 million to update the design of existing coffee bars. His plans are to attract 9 million rubles of investment and earn 8 million from his coffee bars.

Presentation slide by Ayaz Shabutdinov from the Reboot forum

We divide the business into 4 blocks: finances, clients, processes, team.

Finance is 17 million rubles, of which 9 million is attracting investments. To attract them, you need to send 100 invitations to potential investors, of which, suppose, 30 will agree to the meeting and one will become an investor in the company. To invite investors, you need to put your personal brand in order by hiring a marketer; work out the company’s financial model, making a clear presentation for investors; hire an outsourced financier.

The entrepreneur plans to earn another 2.8 million rubles from the proceeds of coffee bars, raising the average bill from 135 rubles to 170 rubles. To do this you need:

improve the assortment;

find and update suppliers;

increase the number of regular customers by updating the design of coffee bars;

provide quality training to 50 baristas;

hire an HR specialist who will launch this whole mechanism.

Presentation slide by Ayaz Shabutdinov from the Reboot forum

Arslan knows that he needs to create a map, building it step by step. The map contains key metrics, plan-facts, percentage of completion, priorities, results. For every metric.

An entrepreneur, for example, is fighting to raise the average bill to 170 rubles. And every day it monitors the development of the company’s strategic map for each of the strategic goals in 4 blocks.

The key point is to assign someone responsible for each metric. For example, the goal of the person responsible for raising the check: “Die, but do it!” You have one goal for the year: to raise the average bill from 135 rubles to 170 rubles.”

Presentation slide by Ayaz Shabutdinov from the Reboot forum

To build a strategy, you need to:

Write down a key goal for the year, answering the question: “Why?”

Determine the total figure and the main strategic goal.

Write down 4 groups of goals: finances, clients, processes, team.

Create a goal map for 4 perspectives.

Create a table with goals and metrics.

BSC is an effective construction of a company’s strategic map. And in order to achieve success, you just need to implement the strategy systematically and do not forget to monitor the team’s results every day.

Ayaz Shabutdinov
Serial Entrepreneur
Founder of the Like group of companies

The column was written based on a speech at the forum"

“You cannot control what cannot be measured” Topic 3. Measurement of physical quantities MEASUREMENT is the Requirements for measuring instruments - Federal Law on OEI

Types of measurements According to the conditions of measurement accuracy: equal ____________ By the number of measurements: single _____________ By the nature of the change in the measured value: static _____________ In relation to the basic units: absolute _____________ RMG 29 -99, p. 5 By the method of obtaining the result: direct _____________ cumulative joint By accuracy uncertainty estimates: technical _____________

Methods of measurement By the method of comparison with a zero direct unit MEASURE OF PHYSICAL QUANTITY - a measuring instrument intended for reproduction and evaluation Method of substitution of measurements (or) ____________ PV of one or more specified sizes, the values ​​of which are compared with ______ expressed in established units and known with the necessary _______________ According measurement conditions Measurement method: differential contact

Measurement scales MEASUREMENT SCALE is an ordered set of values ​​of a physical quantity that serves as the initial basis for _______________ Example - International temperature scale, consisting of a number of reference points, the values ​​​​of which are accepted by agreement between the countries of the Metric Convention and established on the basis of accurate measurements Measuring scales Metric Names (classifications) Order (ranks) Intervals (differences) Relations Absolute

Task: determine the type of scale 1. Hardness according to scale. Mohs 2. Brinell hardness 3. Length 4. Temperament 5. Wind force according to the scale. Beaufort 6. Temperature according to school. Kelvin 7. Temperature according to school. Celsius 8. Temperature in school. Fahrenheit 9. Time 10. Mass 11. Coefficient of linear expansion 12. Color (color atlas)

Basic measurement equation Q = q [Q] Basic measurement equation _________________ – quantitative determination of physical. quantity inherent in a specific material object, system, phenomenon or process _________________ - a physical quantity of a fixed size, which is conventionally assigned a numerical value equal to 1, and used for the quantitative expression of quantities similar to it _________________ - a number included in the value of the quantity

Problem What is the difference in the measurement results (instrument readings): U = 25.3 V U = 25.300 V

Task When measuring electrical voltage with a voltmeter of accuracy class 1.5 with a measurement range from 0 to 100 V, the device showed 75.0 V. The scale calibration error is + 2 V. The measurement result should be presented in the form ... (73.0± 1.5) V (75± 2 ) V (73± 2) V Rules for rounding measurement results - see below

Rules for rounding measurement results 1. The error of the measurement result is indicated by two significant figures, if the first one is 1 or 2, and one - if the first digit is 3 or more. 2. The measurement result is rounded to the same decimal place as the rounded absolute error value. If a decimal fraction in the numerical value of a measurement result ends in zeros, then the zeros are discarded to the digit that corresponds to the digit numerical value errors. 3. If the digit of the most significant of the discarded digits is less than 5, then the remaining digits of the number do not change. Extra digits in integers are replaced by zeros, and in decimals they are discarded. 4. If the digit of the most significant of the discarded digits is greater than or equal to 5, but is followed by non-zero digits, then the last remaining digit is increased by one. 5. If the discarded digit is 5, and the following digits are unknown or zeros, then the last retained digit of the number is not changed if it is even, and is increased by one if it is odd. 6. Rounding is performed only in the final answer, and all preliminary calculations are carried out with one or two extra digits.

Assignment for independent work on topic 3 Solve test No. 3 (you should use RMG 29 -99 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR INTERSTATE STANDARDIZATION “METROLOGY. Basic terms and definitions”)

Classification of measurement errors RMG 29 -99, p. 9 By source (reason) of occurrence Methodological Due to changes in conditions By the nature of manifestation during repeated measurements Random Rough (miss) By change over time Static By form of presentation Absolute Accuracy indicators

Classification of errors of measuring instruments By conditions of use Main By the nature of manifestation during repeated measurements By change over time By presentation form Given

________________________ is a generalized characteristic of this type measuring instruments, as a rule, reflecting the level of their accuracy, expressed by the limits of permissible main and additional errors, as well as other characteristics affecting the accuracy. (1 1, 5 2 2, 5 4 where n = 0, 1, -1, 2, -2 5 6) 10 n, etc. The limit of permissible error is highest value errors of measuring instruments, established normative document for a given type of measuring instrument, for which it is still recognized _________________________________