What you need to know when working as an electrician. Electrical installation work

Faced with a situation where some electrical unit in the house fails, we immediately begin to look for a solution to this problem. The right thing to do is call a qualified professional who will quickly fix it. But many people take on the work on their own, having no idea how it’s done; they begin to pick, unscrew, and peer for a long time, trying to determine what the reason is. And having basic knowledge of electrical and correct selection tools, you can fix the problem efficiently and with a minimum of time.

What a novice electrician needs to know

First of all, it is necessary not only to familiarize yourself, but to learn the safety rules. Electrical current is very dangerous to the human body and non-compliance (TB), can lead to serious consequences.

There are two types of effects of current on a person: electrical injuries and electrical shocks. Major injuries include burns, electrical signs, mechanical damage and electrometallization of skin.

Need to know! Compliance with safety regulations and following instructions significantly reduces the risk of accidents.

With an electric shock, the current passing through the human body causes maximum muscle contraction, which, with prolonged exposure, leads to clinical death.

Important rules:

  • Before starting work, turn off the power supply;
  • Post a sign warning of the work in progress;
  • Make sure the repair area is well lit;
  • Check the presence of electricity using special devices;
  • Use an insulated tool for work.

Advice from an experienced person: Touch bare conductors only with the back of your hand, so that in the event of an electric shock, the muscles clenching your hand into a fist do not grab the wire, and it is possible to remove your hand from contact.

Everything about electricity for a novice electrician: the basics

The use of electricity has become truly global. These include lighting fixtures with fluorescent, neon and incandescent lamps. Household appliances, which mainly runs on electricity.

Electric current is divided into two types: alternating, with variable magnitude and direction of charged particles, and constant, with stable properties and direction.

Information and communication means, such as telephones and computers. Electronic musical instruments. Electric current is used as driving force for metro trains, trolleybuses and trams. Automotive electronics cannot function without current. Even nervous system The human body operates on weak electrical impulses.

Electric current values:

  • Current strength (measured in amperes);
  • Voltage (measured in volts);
  • Power (measured in watts);
  • Frequency (measured in hertz).

Do not forget about the materials from which the current-carrying elements are made. Conductors – this group includes metals (copper, aluminum and silver) that have high electrical conductivity.

Semiconductors - conduct current either with large losses, or in one direction in the presence of certain factors (light, heat, electric or magnetic field).

Dielectrics are substances that do not conduct electric current.

Tools to help an electrician

It doesn’t matter whether you are a master or a novice electrician, you should have a set to get the job done. specialized tool, which will help you cope with the task efficiently and much faster. Although the tools and huge amount, they are divided into three groups.

Types of tools:

  • Hand tools;
  • Power tools;
  • Measuring instruments.

TO hand tools include: various mounting screwdrivers (flat and shaped). Pliers, which not only cut wires, but also connect contacts into “twists”. Various mounting knives for stripping cable insulation. Side cutters, with their help, can easily cut through thicker wires. Crimping pliers, if sleeves are used to connect the contacts. Hammer and chisel.

At installation work, always use only insulated tools, or insulate them yourself using electrical tape or heat shrink tubing.

The set of power tools includes:

  • Hammer with various bits and drills for wood and concrete;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Grinding machine (angle grinder) – “grinder”;
  • Required measuring instruments: Multimeter and indicator screwdriver.

Don't forget to add electrical tape, tape measure, various heat shrinks, as well as a marker or pencil to this list.

Do not rush to throw away a failed extension cord. First you need to identify the cause of the breakdown, and if it is not serious, it can be repaired. There may be several reasons. For example, during operation of the unit, one of the contacts in the plug oxidized or fell off, the integrity of the cable itself could be damaged, or the contacts in the unit itself could be damaged.

Most often, due to careless handling, a cable that has been subjected to either physical impact (dropped something heavy) or burns out, unable to withstand the load, fails.

There are two ways to restore functionality. Connect the old cable using a twist, or replace it completely. When replacing, some advantages appear - this, and the ability to choose a section larger diameter cable and its length.

Required tools:

  • Pliers;
  • Screwdriver set;
  • Stationery or mounting knife;
  • Plug (provided that the old one is not collapsible).

And so, when the tools and materials are prepared, you can start working. You need to start by dismantling the failed cable. To do this, you need to unscrew the fastening bolts on the case by removing the top cover. Loosen the bolts on the terminals and pull out the wire. Insert the cable prepared for replacement into the terminals and tighten the bolts. Assemble the extension cord housing.

Pay attention! Before starting installation or dismantling work, always check the presence of electric current in the conductor using specialized tools.

We do the same with plug. We disassemble it by unscrewing the fastening bolts (or bolt), loosen the bolts on the terminals and pull out the wire. We insert a new cable into the terminals, clamp and assemble the plug in the reverse order.

That's it! Your extension cord is back in working order.

How to lay cables in an apartment: electrical installation for dummies

Light switch - acts as a relay capable of forcibly closing and opening contacts. And to install it yourself, you don’t have to be an electrical guru, just strictly follow the instructions and follow the safety rules.

Provided that the cable is laid and the hole for the socket box is ready in the wall, you can begin installation.

  • Screwdriver set;
  • Pliers;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Spatula (for installing the socket box).

After making sure that there is no voltage in the network, we install the socket box exactly along the plane of the wall, after inserting the wire, and cover the external cavities with alabaster. We disassemble the switch, and on the inside of the mechanism we find contact terminals (marked L - incoming phase wire, arrow – outgoing).

The switch opens the phase contact for ease of repair and operation.

According to the markings, we connect the wires to the mechanism, insert its socket box, align it horizontally and secure it with bolts. Install the frame and keys. Ready!

Everything a self-taught electrician needs to know. Self-instruction manual. Features of the household lighting electrical network. Self-training in electrical installation. (10+)

Electrician's tutorial - Basic knowledge and skills for performing electrical and electrical work

I'm sure I missed something. There may be various private electrical issues that I have not covered. Be sure to write questions in the article discussion. I will answer them if I can.

Safety precautions

If you have never carried out electrical installation work yourself, then you should not think that after reading this material, you will be able to do everything correctly, safely for yourself and future users. The article will help you understand how a household lighting network is structured and understand the basic principles of its installation. The first time electrical installation work should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist. In any case, regardless of whether you have official clearance, you take responsibility for the life, health and safety of yourself and others.

Never work with high voltage alone. There should always be a person nearby who, in a critical situation, can turn off the power to the system, call emergency services and provide first aid.

Do not perform work under voltage. This is fun for seasoned professionals. Turn off the power to the network you will be working with, making sure that no one can accidentally turn on the electricity while you are doing the installation.

Do not rely on the fact that the wiring was done correctly before you. Get a phase sensor (indicator). This is a device similar to a screwdriver or an awl. He has a dipstick. If the probe touches a live wire, the indicator lights up. Make sure you know how to use this sensor correctly. There are subtleties. Some sensors only work correctly if you press a special contact on the handle with your finger. Before starting work, use the phase indicator to make sure that the wiring is de-energized. I have more than once encountered erroneously executed wiring options, when the machine at the input breaks only one wire, without ensuring complete de-energization of the network. This error is very dangerous, because by turning off the machine, you assume that the network is de-energized, but this is not the case. The phase sensor will immediately warn you of danger.

Main electrical faults

Experts say that there are only two types of faults in electrical engineering. There is no necessary reliable contact and there is an unnecessary one. Indeed, in electrical installation there are no cases when two network points must be connected by a certain resistance. They either must be connected or not connected.

Electrical connection diagrams

The diagram shows typical double-circuit wiring. To the object through the machine ( A2), RCD ( A3) and electric meter ( A4) the mains voltage of the lighting network is turned on ( O1). Next, this voltage is divided into two circuits - lighting and power. Both circuits have separate machines ( A4- lighting circuit, A5- power) to protect them from overloads and separate shutdown when repair work. The lighting circuit breaker is usually selected for a lower current strength than the power circuit breaker. Lamps are connected to the lighting circuit ( L1 - LN) and two sockets ( S1, S2) for connecting low-power loads, such as a computer or TV. These sockets are used during repair work on the power circuit to connect power tools. The power circuit is routed to power sockets ( S3 - SN).

In the diagrams, the connection point of the conductors is indicated by a dot. If the conductors cross each other, but there is no point, then this means that the conductors are not connected, they intersect without connection.

Parallel and serial connections

Electrical circuits can be connected in parallel and in series.

At sequential connection, the electric current coming from one circuit enters the other. Thus, the same current flows through all circuits connected in series.

At parallel connection, the electric current branches out into all circuits connected in parallel. Thus, the total current is equal to the sum of the currents in each circuit. But the same voltage is applied to circuits connected in parallel.

In the diagram shown, the input circuit breaker, RCD, counter and the rest of the circuit are connected in series. As a result, the machine can limit the current in the entire circuit, and the meter can measure the energy consumed. Both circuits and the loads in them are connected in parallel, which allows each load to be supplied with the mains voltage for which it is designed, regardless of other loads.

Here is the principle electrical diagram. There are also wiring diagrams. They indicate on the site plan where the wiring should go, where to install the panel, where to put sockets, switches and lighting fixtures. There are completely different designations. I am not an expert in these schemes. Look for information about them in other sources.

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If something is unclear, be sure to ask!

Have any of you ever wondered how people lived before the advent of electricity? When the only way to obtain light and heat was fire, and all the mechanisms used were mostly manual drive. When the music was truly “live” and did not flow from the speakers. When food was kept exclusively in cellars and not in modern refrigerators. When it was impossible to simply plug a household appliance into the nearest outlet, just as it was impossible to flood the entire room with light by simply pressing a switch. Can you imagine? Personally, like probably the majority modern people, No.

Moreover, without electricity, not a single company, factory, or even small firm or public institution will be able to function. It is safe to say that electricity has made irreversible changes in our lives.

Electricity to every home!

However, to gain easy access to this magical energy, you should follow a number of steps, especially if you are renovating a new building or building your own country house, and only a piece of the input cable reminds of the presence of electricity.

And for the arrangement of everyone electrical networks In all rooms it is necessary to carry out a whole complex of electrical installation work, consisting of many stages.

Let us note that working with wires, junction boxes, distribution panels and other attributes of electrical installation is quite a responsible and even, moreover, dangerous task. After all, even the diameter of the wire, its structure and material must be chosen within the same apartment. The fact is that electricity consumers (household appliances) require different capacities and differ in their specific operation. And only specialized education and many years of experience can help perform all electrical installation work correctly and reliably.

And if, despite the complexity of the work, you decide to tackle this matter yourself, then you need to be extremely careful to avoid electric shock.

In addition, remember that modern hidden wiring is laid directly in the plaster. And if you choose the wrong cross-section of the wire, and this wiring burns out, then you will have to not only remember where this or that wire runs, but also dismantle part of the plaster from the wall, and this is a rather dirty and dusty job.

"A few hours of primitive times" or "electrical problems"

And even if all the electrical wiring in your apartment or house has been done a long time ago, there are situations when some part of it fails. This could be a problem with the machine, a short circuit of some contacts, a ground wire falling onto a phase, or other unexpected events. To the common man, not having special knowledge and skills in the field of electrical installation, it is often impossible to cope with the problem that has arisen - after all, it is much more difficult than screwing in a new plug. In this case, it is best to invite professionals to quickly and reliably eliminate the cause of the problem. For example, the Elektro Doka company offers on its website http://elektrodoka.ru/average all types of emergency repair work related to electrical work. In addition, the called specialist can give some recommendations to avoid similar problems in the future or even conduct an audit of the existing electrical system and give advice on repairing or replacing some of its components.

Stages of electrical installation work

If we consider electrical installation work “from scratch”, that is, in a new building, a new private house or major renovation, then the process must be carried out according to the following steps:

1. Technical specifications from the customer.

This is what the customer wants to see in his home. You can, for example, simply walk through the rooms and draw future sockets, switches, controls, etc. on the walls with a pencil. In addition, you need to list all planned household appliances high power that will be located indoors, for example, a water heater, electric oven or stove, air conditioner, etc. By the way, even at this stage, the help of an electrician is important, as it allows you to avoid unjustified expenses or bad decisions.

After receiving the task from the customer, the electrician draws up own project, which already includes places for conducting wires, installing junction boxes, connecting and separating sets of wires. At the same stage, all wire sections, circuit breakers, etc. are selected. This project is shown to the customer for approval.

3. Primary purchase of materials.

Of course, from this moment on, the electrician can already work independently, but it is recommended to go to the purchase of materials together with the electrician. And this is not a precaution. It’s just that in some situations when purchasing, there may be options to buy more expensive-better or cheaper-simpler, for example, a wire from different manufacturers. It will be much easier and faster for your employee to complete the purchase if you are nearby and make a decision right away.

4. Wire routing and organization of points.

At this stage, the wire is distributed throughout the apartment, without yet connecting it to the source. By the way, wiring can be done in grooves, above suspended ceiling, under baseboards or external installation in boxes. Each method has its own advantages or disadvantages.

At the same stage it is mounted inner part distribution panel.

5. Final electrical.

After plastering the walls and covering them with wallpaper (that is, with hidden wiring, the wires were hidden in the walls), the installation and connection of external sockets is carried out, as well as the arrangement of the distribution panel - the installation and connection of all machines, protection devices, and other elements.

Installation is done here lighting fixtures– chandeliers, sconces, lamps, connection of other stationary household applianceselectric stove, water heater, etc.

Why can’t our compatriots (and not only residents of Russia) do without professionals in this service sector? What are the difficulties of electrical installation work? We will try to answer these and other questions in our article. I would like every reader to learn something new from it.

What types of electrical installation work are carried out at modern facilities?

Specialists are ready at any site (be it an office building, multi-storey building, industrial building, etc.) to perform any, even the most complex, type of electrical installation work. Be it:

  • Installation, replacement or repair of a meter, switchboard;
  • Replacement of burnt or simply failed wiring, installation of new equipment;
  • Commissioning of any modern sources of electricity (transformer, pole...);
  • Installation of switches, sockets, additional accessories;
  • Setting up electric lighting;
  • Installation of video surveillance and alarm systems, network setup...

The list of types of work could take a long time. The main thing is that if you are interested in engineers, electricians and other specialists, immediately contact proven professionals; for this you need to visit the website. So that later you don’t have to redo anything, wasting energy, nerves, time, and extra money on it.

Features of work

Often the process electrical installation does not take place on the ground, which naturally complicates the work process. In order for specialists to be staffed while working at heights, organizations serving the population purchase ladders and stationary scaffolds, towers and hanging cradles, stepladders, supports and other equipment.

Of course, you have to prepare properly for electrical installation work. Paths for laying the cable are formed. Of course, grounding is done by craftsmen. Each stage of work must be controlled most carefully: there is no room for mistakes! Fortunately, today it is much easier to carry out electrical installation work than it was several decades ago. Now in use modern equipment, the proper quality tools are purchased. Mechanization in any case increases productivity. There simply cannot be any doubt about it. Always trust professionals in everything!

Electrical installation work is very different from finishing work. These works must be carried out strictly in accordance with electrical safety rules, therefore the most best way their implementation is to seek help from specialists with the necessary knowledge and experience. Such specialists use modern instrument and technology.

Switches, sockets, socket boxes are those electrical installation products without which modern world simply cannot be avoided and should be in every room. Electrical installation work also includes installation of electrical panels and installation of power cables.

Often, in order to satisfy all our needs, several switches and sockets are installed in one room at once. In this case, so that the wires do not burn out and the wiring does not have to be changed again, the current passing through these wires should not exceed the permissible parameters. This means that you need to clearly know the cable cross-section.

Usually, during electrical installation, the wiring is done hidden (open wiring is done only in cases where it is impossible to do otherwise). When conducting hidden wiring, you must comply certain rules. In the wall into which the cable is mounted, a channel for it is first grooved; after installation, the grooves are covered with putty or plaster. At the output, it is advisable to make the ends of the wires long, so that if the cable breaks, you will still have the end of the wire.

A socket box must be installed at the wire exit from the wall. This applies not only to sockets, but also to switches. It is especially important for sockets to be better secured to the wall, so that the socket does not fall out of the wall due to frequent removal of the cord.

Open wiring is now done mainly only in wooden houses, because hidden wiring It is quite difficult to carry out in houses of this type. In this case, overhead electrical installation products are used for external installation; they are attached to the wall surface. Now available in stores large selection sockets and switches at affordable prices from leading, well-established manufacturers.

The Elektromontazh-ST company will quickly, efficiently and with a guarantee carry out all electrical installation work in your apartment.

Materials related