Household gas analyzer with gas supply shutoff device. Household gas analyzers for apartments with gas stoves

In an apartment or house, many appliances run on gas. It is for this purpose that a gas alarm is installed in the room. The principle of its operation is simple. When a problem is detected, it lets you know with a specific signal. For greater safety, it is recommended to install a shut-off valve.

The gas sensor monitors the level of flammable gases in the air. When the readings exceed the norm, the gas detector lets you know about this with special sound and light signals. Such analyzers are widely used in industrial enterprises, boiler rooms and even in home apartments.

Household sensors can detect methane, propane and carbon monoxide in the air.

That is why the detection sensor can be divided into industrial and household. Industrial options have a more complex structure. The kit includes a control panel and the device itself. A household gas trap is simpler in structure and use.

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Carbon monoxide poses the greatest danger. Unlike other components, it cannot be recognized by smell or color. It combines faster with hemoglobin and enters the blood. Carbon monoxide can quickly cause death.

Functions of gas alarms:

  • Notification using light and sound about a problem;
  • Has a hole for connecting additional communications: sirens, fans;
  • Can be connected to a solenoid valve and shut off the gas supply;
  • Can work autonomously.

Various models different manufacturers differ in their unique design. The purchase should be made based on your own needs. But in general, the devices are universal in their functions.

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Operating principle of gas leak sensors

Operating principle different types a little different. Conventionally, all alarms are divided into wired and wireless. This indicates the source of their food. But behind the leak detection technique, there is another classification of sensors.

Types of gas alarms:

  • Semiconductor;
  • Catalytic;
  • Infrared.

The operating principle of a catalytic device is that a platinum coil changes when carbon monoxide passes through the device. Another coil with measuring instrument used to determine temperature rise. There is a direct relationship between resistance and the number of carbon dioxide particles.

To prevent the coil from reacting to environmental factors, there are thermally matched glass-coated balls at different ends of the chain. They act as a compensator.

Semiconductor devices are somewhat similar to catalytic devices in their operating principle. A recognition element coated with a thin film of metal oxide. When carbon monoxide touches the film, it absorbs the substance and changes the resistance to inverse proportion. This option is great for home use, but is rarely used in industry. It is believed that the alarm is not accurate enough. In addition, the device has a slow response.

Infrared sensors are widely used for industrial structures. They are quite accurate, do not beep unnecessarily, consume little energy and quickly respond to a possible leak. They work under the influence of solar energy.

Types of carbon monoxide sensors

There are 2 main types of gas alarms: industrial and household. Industrial sensors are more complex in design, because it is necessary to monitor a large area. There are several devices and a common control panel.

A home sensor is easier to install and use. It should not show the quantity, but signal a clear problem. To do this, the device begins to emit a special signal and light.

Types of gas detection sensors:

  • Methane;
  • Propane;
  • Carbon monoxide.

But there are also combined devices that monitor several concentrations at once. For a room with gas appliances, it is the combined types that should be installed. If in the house stove heating, then one sensor with leak detection will do carbon monoxide.

The sensors begin to respond if 0.1-1% methane, 0.46-0.05% propane and 0.005-0.01% carbon monoxide are detected in the air.

When purchasing an alarm system, you need to consider the power supply to the system. They also take into account the devices with which it will interact. The optimal indicator is 220 W.

Purchasing a gas sensor and shut-off valve for the boiler room

A shut-off valve is a device that is installed at the inlet of a gas pipeline. It operates by applying an electrical impulse to its coil. At this time he must shut off the supply natural gas to all devices.

Distinctive Features shut-off valve:

  • Nominal diameter. It can range from 15 to 25 mm for domestic needs.
  • Power supply. For home use best option is 220 W.
  • Permissible pressure. For gas pipelines low pressure optimal indicator– 500 Mbar.
  • The types of valves also differ. It can be normal in the open state and closed.

Normally open is also called impulsive. It is a manually cocked element. During operation, no electrical impulse is supplied to its coil. When the gas sensor is exposed to the coil, a small voltage is supplied from the device. This triggers the sensor and cuts off the gas supply.

It is the type of valve that is the decisive characteristic for working in conjunction with a gas sensor.

A normally closed device also applies to manually cocked devices. But to start its operation, it is necessary to apply an impulse to its coil. When the alarm goes off, the voltage on the coil fades and the gas is cut off.

An excellent home valve would be a normally open device with a power supply of 220 W. This way, turning off the power will not cause it to operate. This makes it possible to use independent gas devices. At the same time, you can save on electricity.

Difficulties in synchronous operation of the sensor and valve can arise when, when turned on, the analyzer begins to check the status of its outputs. The alarm will supply voltage to the valve and trigger it to operate. That is why the analyzer in the boiler room needs to be familiarized in detail with the principle of its operation.

Installing a gas sensor with valve

The good news is that all work on installing the device can be completed. You need to choose the right installation location, based on the instructions, and connect the power supply to it. Auxiliary devices should be connected according to the diagram indicated in the instructions.

Gasification projects contain all the necessary information on the location of devices. The gas service can also help in this matter, based on the standards. The gas trap should be installed on a vertical surface where there is an increased risk of gas leakage. It is important to maintain a 4 m interval from gas devices.

Rules for correct placement of the gas analyzer:

  1. A distance of 1 m must be maintained from ovens and gas burners;
  2. Do not install the device in places where there is a lot of condensation, ash, dust and grease;
  3. It is not recommended to install near ventilation and open windows;
  4. The gas analyzer should not be placed near flammable materials or paint;
  5. If the chimney is not insulated, then it is better not to install a measuring device nearby.

Each type of measurement has its own optimal mounting height. Each gas has its own places of accumulation. Some gases settle at the bottom, others rise up.

Combined sensors are installed at a height of 30 cm from the floor and 50 cm to the ceiling. Sensors for determining methane and propane are mounted as follows: 50 cm from the ceiling and floor, respectively. For carbon monoxide analyzers optimal height considered 1.8 m from the floor and 30 cm from the ceiling.

To install the gas analyzer on the wall, you do not even need to open the housing. It is enough to fix the device on nails using a special hole. Next, the valve is installed. The cut-off device should only be installed by special organizations with the appropriate license. The analyzer is connected to the valve according to the diagram specified in the data sheet.

Checking the performance of a household gas analyzer

Every year it is necessary to carry out a metrological check of the device. It is not recommended to carry out this activity yourself. This may damage the device.

If you discover an obvious problem, contact your gas service yourself.

You can only monitor the external cleanliness of the gas trap yourself. The device usually comes with a 2-year warranty. But on average, the device can last 8 years.

Gas trap brands:

  • STG-1;
  • SZ-2;
  • SOU-1.

The above options refer to domestic manufacturers. You can also find imported models on the market. But when buying domestic devices, it is easier to carry out repairs.

What is a gas alarm (video)

An autonomous gas catcher is needed not only for industrial facilities, but also in residential buildings. Convenient system control helps to determine the minimum leakage from gas boilers and other appliances. To install the device you do not need to have any special skills; you can do everything yourself.


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We provide official guarantee manufacturer, we deliver. All presented devices are approved for installation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

For safe use gas, what's in the apartment, what's on industrial enterprise gas analyzers are necessary, and in some cases mandatory for installation.

Please check prices with our managers.

Emergency gas shut-off system

The gas detector (gas analyzer) is the primary device in the systems emergency shutdown gas It is he who analyzes the environment for exceeding established gas concentration standards and generates control signals for electromagnetic gas valves . Almost any analyzer is equipped by default with a noise and light warning system about danger.

Gas analyzers, depending on their purpose and place of operation, can monitor excess concentrations:

  • household gas GOST 5542 (methane, CH4)
  • carbon monoxide
  • propane
  • butane

Household gas alarms produced by FSUE Almaz NPC Gazotron S for installation in apartments and residential buildings already come complete with a controlled valve. For larger projects, gas analyzers are most often sold separately so that you can choose the right kit for your gas facility.

We remind you that the installation of gas alarms, as well as, should only be carried out by specialists with the appropriate permit!!


All units of the device are mounted separately and connected to each other by wires, according to the electrical diagram.
The power supply is mounted using fasteners near electrical outlet(220V.) according to the rules of TB and PUE. The power supply has a power cable with a plug at the end, which is plugged into an outlet. The gas analyzer unit is mounted using a mount in a room where gas-using equipment is installed (gas stove, fireplace, gas boiler).

  • Recommended distance from the gas stove is 1 m in any direction
  • For gas analyzer on liquefied gas Recommended installation distance is 0.2 m. from the floor
  • For a gas analyzer for natural gas, the recommended distance is 0.2 m. from the ceiling

The actuator unit is mounted using fasteners directly on the gas pipeline in the place where the gas supply valve is installed. Installation is carried out in such a way that the lever of the actuator grips the crane handle, and the rotary axis of the lever visually coincides with the rotary axis of the crane.

A household electronic gas analyzer with a gas supply shut-off mechanism, when mounted and connected, operates as follows:

  1. When plugged into a 220V outlet. power supply cable, the LED on the power supply lights up, indicating that the device is in working condition
  2. When an increased gas concentration is detected on the gas analyzer unit, a sound alert occurs, the LED indicator lights up and a command is sent to the actuator
  3. When receiving a switching command, the actuator closes the gas supply valve by turning the lever
  4. The sound and light signal continues until the gas concentration reaches the norm, or until manual unlocking is performed
  5. The actuator is returned to its initial state (i.e., opening the gas supply valve) manually by pressing the button on the top of the actuator and turning the valve lever handle to the “open” position.

Supply voltage: ~220V,50Hz.
Power consumption: 10W
Temperature range from: -20 o C to +40 o C
Gas detection method: catalytic
Response time: 15 sec
LEK threshold (concentration): 20%
Light indication: LED
Sound indication: sound emitter 70 dB
The actuator lever force is 75 kg/cm²
Detectable gas: propane, butane, natural gas
Guaranteed period of continuous operation in standby mode: 12 months
Average time between failures of the actuator unit - 1000 shutdowns
Verification period: 7 years
Working period: 14 years
This device is not a source of ion radiation

Heating using fuel-burning units is convenient, economical and efficient. Leakage of flammable gas or combustion products is undesirable when using the boiler.

A household gas alarm (or sensor) is a device that monitors the quality of ambient air in a boiler room. In case of accumulation of dangerous concentrations harmful substances in the air, the alarm is triggered: it turns on the sound and light alarm, turns off the gas supply and stops the combustion of fuel in the boiler.

Installing such a sensor will protect owners from gas accumulation in the room and help eliminate leaks in a timely manner.

The signaling device can send a signal to mobile phone(if available GSM module and connecting it to the subscriber number).

Gas alarms are installed in rooms where accumulation of harmful substances is possible. Traditional gas detectors are capable of detecting accumulations of carbon monoxide, propane and natural gas (methane).

Carbon monoxide (CO) is a substance released during the combustion of fuel, and its leakage into indoors can be deadly.

Methane (CH4) is the main element of natural gas, which is supplied through a central gas pipeline. If it accumulates, an explosion and fire can occur (even from the smallest spark).

Propane (C3H8) is the main element of a liquefied propane-butane mixture, which is heavier than air, so even with open window gas may accumulate in the lower part of the room.

Design and principle of operation of gas alarms

The operation of gas alarms is based on various sensors: thermomechanical, optical or electromechanical. All gas analyzers consist of certain elements:

  • The primary transducer is a sensing element that senses and calculates the gas concentration in the surrounding air.
  • A measuring and display module is a system that receives the signal from the primary transducer and compares it with a given value.
  • The power supply is a system for providing electrical power to the device.
  • Device body.

Functionality of gas alarms:

  • Light and sound alarm.
  • Cutting off the gas supply using a solenoid valve.
  • Turning on the exhaust device.
  • Sending a signal to the fire or control panel.

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Types of gas alarms

The main difference between gas analyzers is the type of gas captured. The most common household alarms are gas analyzers for:

  • carbon monoxide;
  • methane;
  • propane.

Combined gas analyzers capable of capturing several types of gas at once.

Fans for household alarms

One of the types of localization of the accumulation of harmful substances in the boiler room is the installation exhaust fan, which is turned on by a signal from the gas analyzer and provides forced ventilation.

Shut-off valves

An electromagnetic shut-off valve is used to instantly stop the flow of gas based on a signal from a gas analyzer. There are different valves:

  • According to the diameter of the pipeline.
  • Electrical.
  • With permissible pressure.
  • Different in design.

There are 2 types of construction: normally open and normally closed.

They have the following differences:

  • The normally open valve is manually cocked and is not energized during operation. If the gas analyzer is triggered, an electrical impulse is sent to close the valve. The valve is marked “NA”;
  • A normally closed solenoid valve is also manually cocked, but this requires a power supply. During operation, it is constantly under voltage, and upon a signal from the gas analyzer, the voltage disappears and the valve closes.
Best used for household purposes normally open valves, since their work will not be affected by the lack of voltage.

Cost of solenoid shut-off valve: type N.A., 220 V, Pmax: 500 mbar:

Nominal diameter Cost, rub.
Madas Dn 15 1490
Madas Dn 20 1515
Gross Dn 20 1360
Madas Dn 25 1950
Gross Dn 25 1470

Operation of gas alarms

It is better to mount gas analyzers to a vertical plane where a gas leak may occur (near a boiler, furnace, gas meter, gas water heater).

The gas analyzer should not be placed in the following places:
  • Close to gas burners(1m).
  • In places of heavy contamination (dust, grease, ash).
  • Near ventilation ducts.
  • In places where paint, solvent and flammable materials are stored.

When installing the sensor, consider physical properties gas and its density:

  • Methane - not lower than 0.5 m from the floor.
  • Carbon monoxide - at a height of 1.8 m from the floor, but not higher than 0.3 m to the ceiling.
  • Propane no higher than 0.5 m from the floor.
  • Combined sensor for methane and carbon monoxide - in the range of 0.5-0.3 m to the ceiling.

To ensure smooth operation solenoid valves needs to be installed batteries with an automatic transition system to backup power.

The gas analyzer’s passport describes all the functions and requirements for operation, and compliance with them will allow achieving reliable operation equipment.

Gas analyzer installation

Installing the device does not require much effort; it can be secured with dowels or self-tapping screws. The device passport contains a diagram for connecting electrical power to the device and connecting it to other equipment.

Installation of solenoid valves on gas pipelines should only be carried out by a qualified specialist.

Periodic inspection

At least once a year, it is necessary to inspect the performance of the gas analyzer.