Why do you dream about a bull: interpretation of different options. Black bull with horns

Answers to many questions that we do not find in our real life, quite by accident can come in dreams. For example, if a girl sees a bull in a dream, this may mean a quick transition to a leading position in some area of ​​her life. However, you can see a bull in a dream in different ways, and the holistic interpretation of the dream will depend on these details.

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    General value

    Why does a woman dream about a bull? A bull in a dream is a symbol of powerful energy, success in any business, health and a person’s great desire to live, develop and achieve their goals. But to see an angry bull in a dream means experiencing fear, a sense of danger, and being afraid of making any important and serious decisions in your life. Depending on which particular image of the animal the fair sex dreamed about, the dream can be deciphered in different ways. Bull images:

    • pursuer;
    • angry and aggressive animal;
    • goring bull;
    • image of a man with a bull's head.

    If you dreamed of a bull with horns chasing you in a dream, this is a sign that things are not going well in your career. It is worth paying attention to the intentions and behavior of both colleagues and competitors. Both of them strive to take your leading position. If a woman who is not engaged in work dreams that a bull is attacking, this sure sign that she causes discontent among older relatives.

    If a bull in a dream seeks to gore a woman, then such a dream does not promise anything positive in the near future. It can be interpreted as an “attack” from circumstances, which a woman is practically unable to change. For example, neighbors will flood the apartment after renovations, or an unexpected inspection will occur at work. If a bull attacked a woman in a dream, however, she managed to resist and defeat the ferocious animal, this means that in real life from difficult situation she will emerge victorious.

    A sign of a not so bright streak in life is also a dream with a Minotaur (a man with a bull’s head). This means that on your life path you have met a stubborn and strong rival, whose goal is to take possession of your goods. If in a dream a girl managed to defeat such a creature (grab it by the horns, ride it), then in life all difficult situations will be resolved favorably. If a menacing bull's roar was heard, this could promise scandals.

    Why does a woman dream about a bull? Sometimes this may be a sign that you should reconsider your relationship with people around you. The animal is a symbol of the aggression that a person holds within himself. It’s worth letting out all the negativity, but not on others. This could be sports, a new hobby. Once you let off some steam, your relationships with your family and colleagues will improve.

    If you saw a bull in a dream beautiful lady, such a vision has many interpretations, it all depends on the details, which are the key to deciphering the mysterious signs.

    Why do you dream ex-husband- interpretations in dream books

    Modern dream book

    Many girls have repeatedly wondered why they dream about a bull? It is worth paying attention to the condition of the animal itself:

    • Was the animal healthy?
    • Reason for the attack.
    • Were there other people present in the dream and how well did you know them?
    • Was the attack only on you or on other “participants” in the dream?

    If the animal was sick or completely dead, or died in a fight with you, this is a sign that you will soon be in a state of apathy, depression and despondency. If you dreamed of a healthy white bull, soon there will be a white stripe and a series of positive events associated with loved ones.

    If a healthy and strong white bull grazes peacefully in a meadow, then soon you can expect good luck, receiving some kind of reward or gift. If the animal does not attack and does not pay any attention to you at all, this is a positive sign, which means that soon a wave of changes will come in life and only in better side. Also, for a woman, a white bull is a sign that she will soon meet a worthy man on her life’s path, and the relationship itself will be bright, smooth and calm.

    Why do you dream of an attacking bull? An attack is no longer a favorable sign, and in this case it is important to find out the reason why the animal is attacking you. If the reason for the attack lies in some third-party factors that you cannot change, this means that in reality you may witness some kind of negative event or scandal. You should also be more attentive to the behavior of loved ones - there is a possibility of betrayal and deception on the part of those close to you.

    If the attack was provoked by any actions on your part personally, then in real life you need to be extremely careful in your words and actions, since you yourself are the source of your problems and troubles.

    Why do you dream of a bull that attacks you due to the fault of a third party? This means that in real life you may be susceptible to some kind of fraudulent activity. There is a possibility of deception and betrayal from loved one.

    Many girls wonder why they dream of a herd of bulls? Such a dream can be interpreted as a sign of imminent success and the implementation of all planned plans. The girl will be able to strengthen her position in society, gain recognition, career growth and increased income are possible.

    Freud's interpretation

    For a long time, it was the interpretation of dreams according to Freud that was considered the most reliable and girls considered each night vision as a certain sign.

    Why do you dream of a bull with horns according to Freud? In this case, it is clearly a symbol of masculinity, willpower and strong character. For a young lady, this may be a symbol of the emergence of a new admirer, with whom a serious relationship and even a family can develop.

    If you dreamed of a bull with horns attacking a young girl, this is a sign of changes in your personal life. If in a dream a bull attacks not you, but another person, you will witness a showdown between other people, perhaps your relatives or friends. Why do you dream of a bull that attacks other people? In real life, you should not take part in other people’s relationships, since the two will make peace, and you will cause negative emotions in one of the parties, which will leave a bad imprint on your relationship with this couple.

    If the bull is aggressive and attacks you, then in life you will have to face a series of negative statements and harsh criticism addressed to you. However, the current situation should not greatly hurt your feelings, since the conflict will not last long and soon friendly relations with this person will be restored.

    In Freud's dream book, a bull with horns that suddenly attacks is interpreted as follows: on the way you will soon meet a gentleman who will persistently seek your attention. However, even if a relationship begins between young people, it will not last long, since the man will soon lose interest in the lady. An impulsive animal is a sign of intense feelings that do not have a long-term nature.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

    Esoteric dream book

    IN esoteric dream book the bull means the presence of obstacles and obstacles on the way to achieving goals. The details of such a dream will help to indicate in detail possible difficulties, so it is necessary to remember night vision down to the smallest detail.

    • Seeing an aggressive black bull warns of possible quarrels with loved ones. Unforeseen situations may arise that will leave a dark stain on your reputation;
    • If you dreamed of a white bull that is chasing you or wants to attack you, you trust the people who are currently in your environment, their support is important to you;
    • Seeing a white bull with any wounds means health problems;
    • In the dream book there is a bull at a watering hole - you should let go of the situation and try not to interfere in the events happening to you, since soon the problem will be resolved for the better without your active participation in it;
    • A sleeping animal means lack of movement in business. This is a favorable time, which is best to devote to yourself, spend it on self-development, because the acquired skills and experience may soon come in handy;
    • Why do you dream about bulls? You have a situation in your life in which you have to make only one decision and make a choice in favor of something. It is possible to make a professional decision or choose one of the gentlemen to build further relationships.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    If you look at the interpretation of a dream with a bull in Tsvetkov’s dream book, then this is a sign of a series of failures and defeats. But if you saw a young bull following on your heels, this means that in life good luck and success will also follow for a long time.

    Representatives of the fair sex wonder why the red bull dreams? If an animal of scarlet color raises its horns, expect fame and recognition. The girl ran away from a ferocious red animal - in real life, she simply decided to escape from problems without solving them.

    Persian dream book

    According to the Persian dream book, why do you dream about a bull? The answer lies in the ability to take responsibility for actions taken and words spoken. If a girl sees a beautiful and calm animal, it means that things in her career will soon go uphill. If the bull was dissatisfied with something or was angry and tried to attack, you should be careful with your colleagues, someone clearly wants to set you up. Dreaming of bulls, regardless of color, symbolizes rapid career growth and the achievement of all intended goals in work terms.

    If a woman dreams of a battle between two or more bulls, this means that she can become the object of adoration for several men. Such love triangle promises problems for all its participants, since disputes between fans can lead to the fact that the girl will be left alone. Therefore, after such a dream, you need to monitor your reputation, promises and emotions.

    Why does a pregnant woman dream of running away from a bull? The Persian dream book deciphers such a dream as becoming dependent on some person. This can happen if you are unsure of yourself, and stronger individuals become your enemies. It is worth thinking about your relationships with people around you and, perhaps, changing your opinion about someone.

    Miller's Dream Book

    A famous dream interpreter offers his own version of dreams with a bull. If a young woman sees a healthy and well-fed bull, this means that she is very popular among men. She is attractive, they discuss her, they make plans for her, but you should be extremely careful when choosing your life partner.

    According to this dream book, running away from a bull may mean that a woman is not taken seriously. This can be either a relationship or a career, so you shouldn’t build castles in the air just yet, so as not to get rejected and disappointed.

    If a girl who is preparing for marriage dreams of a bull, this is a sign that she should once again consider the proposal she received. If he was white, grazing in a meadow or drinking water at a watering hole - soon a free girl will meet a faithful and reliable chosen one.

    Seeing a sick or dead bull in a dream means separation or long-term separation from your soulmate. A healthy person dreams of good luck and success in business.

    Loff's Dream Book

    Psychotherapist from the USA D. Loff has repeatedly noted in his works that one of the most mysterious dreams that is worth paying attention to is a horned animal. In general, if a girl dreams about something like this, she has a strong fear of something, even on a subconscious level. But a lot depends on the plot of the dream itself.

    A harnessed bull is dreamed of by someone who in real life has committed some actions that have made him unhappy, but for which he will soon have to bear responsibility. If a healthy “horned animal” is led to slaughter, then in real life you may be accused of committing a crime. If you personally killed a bull, it means that you were able to get rid of some serious problem or enemies that have not given you a peaceful life for a long time.

    Bullfight in a dream

    Young women may dream about bullfighting. In real life, this is an impressive, dangerous and cruel spectacle. If in a dream you saw a bullfight, where fierce bulls with horns attack a matador, then the interpretation of the dream will depend on the outcome of this fight. If an animal wounds but does not kill a person, then in reality an opponent will appear whom you cannot defeat. If the battle ends without any incidents for the person, then in real life you will be able to get away with it.

    Sometimes I have a dream in which a girl sees herself in the role of a bull. How to interpret such a dream? Such a dream is bad sign, especially if the animal is driven around the arena, inflicting any blows or injuries on it. This means that in life you will have to face cunning and merciless competitors who will stop at nothing to achieve their goal, especially if you somehow interfere with this.

    Why do you dream of a bull with horns and if it attacks? If the bullfight ended with you defeating the matador as a black bull, it means that all your problems in life will soon be successfully resolved.

    The bullfight itself is a psychological and emotional stress, so if there is such an opportunity, then it is worth taking a short break from business. If anger, hatred, and a desire for revenge reign in your soul, then you should not follow their lead, a little rest will return you to the right direction, and you will not create additional problems for yourself.

    Other interpretations

    According to the dream book, if a bull is chasing you, this is interpreted as leadership in your own team. Perhaps you will be promoted to a more responsible position or assigned to manage an important project.

    It is important to pay attention to the animal's horns. If they were large, strong and sharp, then success in business would not be long in coming. Broken or small horns promise universal recognition and success. It is also a good sign if in a dream a girl managed to grab the powerful horns of an animal. This means that she has the entire situation under control and she is in complete control of it.

    Eating meat from a horned animal is a good sign, especially if it has previously tried to attack you. This means that some unexpected and joyful event will happen in your life soon. For example, winning the lottery, a promotion at work, a bonus from the boss.

    Each dream carries with it a certain secret meaning for a person. Therefore, it is always worth considering the interpretation of dreams in different dream books, since there is no unambiguous interpretation of this or that dream. The Ox is an ambiguous sign that can promise both happiness and success, and warn of possible losses, misfortune, and betrayal.

A dream about a black bull can portend a change in material, family, love and professional well-being. A more accurate interpretation of the dream can be obtained if you remember the details of the plot. To do this, you need to pay attention not only to the appearance of the animal, but also to its behavior, actions, and emotional state. If you dream of a black bull, a person in reality experiences strong emotions, so the resulting interpretation of the dream must be compared with the real life situation.

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    Direct interaction with the animal

    A black bull in a dream can come into contact with a person, so for accurate interpretation vision, it is necessary to clearly remember all its actions:

    1. 1. A petting animal promises a quick truce with opponents or career growth. Moreover, such a dream is completely positive and does not contain any pitfalls.
    2. 2. An affectionate bull walking in a meadow predicts a woman will meet her old love. She should remember that feelings that flare up again can destroy her family and lead to loneliness.
    3. 3. If the dreamer was bitten by a ferocious animal, he will soon have many problems that will turn out to be the tricks of his enemies. If a businessman dreams of such a plot, his business will suffer at the hands of competitors, so the person needs to carefully consider his future strategy and defend his business.
    4. 4. Killing a bull in a dream means victory over your enemies; if the animal was slaughtered, a person will have to go through several obstacles to achieve his goal.
    5. 5. If in pursuit the dreamer was defeated and was raised on the horns, triumph awaits him.

    When interpreting a dream, it is necessary to remember whether the animal attacked the sleeping person. If such aggressive behavior was present in the plot, the dream may have a completely different meaning.


    Basically, a black bull is associated with bullfighting and aggression, so most often it comes in a dream to attack the dreamer. To interpret such visions, you need to remember the details of the plot:

    • if a girl is chased by a black bull in a dream, then in reality she needs to refuse to attend celebrations, since at one of the events the dreamer will meet an obsessive man who will not arouse her interest and trust;
    • an aggressive bull according to Meridian’s dream book means that soon a person will make a mistake and his opinion will no longer be valued in the society close to him;
    • if a woman dreams of several aggressive bulls, in the near future she will have several fans who will fight for the girl’s heart, but none of them will be able to become her chosen one;
    • if the dreamer runs away from a ferocious animal in a dream, then in real life a serious scandal awaits him, so many dream books recommend refraining from disputes and intrigues in the near future;
    • general interpretation suggests that an attacking bull portends the emergence of problems in professional and family life;
    • if you dream of a black bull attacking a bullfighter, glory and universal approval await the person, and when at a bullfight the dreamer himself runs away from the animal, it means inevitable illness.


    An attacking bull is a strong symbol that promises a radical change in life position or path, therefore, when it appears in a dream, you need to carefully analyze your own life situation and correct all mistakes

    grazing bull

    Often in a dream a black bull is simply grazing. Basically, such a plot has a positive interpretation, the meaning of which changes depending on the details:

    1. 1. If an animal peacefully nibbles grass, the dreamer will soon expect an improvement in his material condition. Such changes include increasing your salary or receiving a bonus.
    2. 2. A girl’s dream of a herd of bulls foreshadows the appearance of a suitor who will first court his lady and then betray her. Dream books recommend not trusting young people who will appear in the dreamer’s life in the near future.
    3. 3. Herding an animal yourself means that an important matter will soon be successfully completed, after which the person will receive recognition from colleagues and family. If a woman dreams of such a plot, she will marry a powerful man, and in family life his character will gradually become softer.
    4. 4. A bull who drinks at a watering hole dirty water, portends long-term sadness. If the water was clean, the sleeper will meet good man on your life path.

    If a grazing animal appears in a dream, for a more accurate interpretation it is necessary to evaluate its appearance.

    Bull watching

    If in the dream there is no direct contact between a person and a bull, it is necessary to carefully observe the behavior of the animal, since it is this that will tell about the nature of the future event:

    1. 1. Watching a fight between a black and a white bull means long thoughts: act according to your conscience and remain without profit, or do the opposite.
    2. 2. Watching an animal walk around a city space means that it is very difficult for the dreamer to cope with his own experiences. If a bull breaks or destroys something, a person consciously tries to turn away from events that are significant for his destiny for the sake of momentary gain.
    3. 3. If a woman dreams that she is admiring a beautiful black bull, in reality a whirlwind romance awaits her.
    4. 4. The interpretation of a dream in which an evil animal kicks its hoof suggests that in reality the time will come for abundance and improved well-being.
    5. 5. Based on Meridian’s dream book, a woman’s dream of a black bull promises strengthening of her health.

    Watching an animal in a dream does not foretell bad events, but it warns the dreamer that he needs to act taking into account his own moral principles and conscience.


    Special significance You should also pay attention to the appearance of the animal. For correct interpretation sleep, you need to pay attention to the nature of the bull’s horns:

    1. 1. A black bull with huge horns promises to achieve your goal after passing several tests. Before a person gets the desired result, he will work a lot.
    2. 2. An animal in harness portends a hard life, devoid of joys.
    3. 3. The women's dream book claims that a dream about a thin bull looking for food promises a decrease in income. Therefore, you should not lend money to anyone in the near future, as they may not be returned.
    4. 4. A well-fed beautiful animal that comes to a girl in a dream promises her a quick wedding with a young and wealthy gentleman with a complex character. This marriage will be happy, as the wife will be able to find the right approach to her husband.
    5. 5. The 21st century dream book claims that seeing a black bull in a stall in a dream means a successful marriage: the dreamer will be freed from work and fully provided for.
    6. 6. A weak little bull without horns promises quick failure, but a huge one promises unprecedented success. Such changes concern professional activities dreamer If a pregnant woman saw a dream, her child will be born strong and healthy.
    7. 7. Running away from a hornless bull means victory, which will not bring any material or moral benefit.

    Appearance animal plays a huge role in the semantic load of sleep, it should be taken into account when interpreting its actions and degree of aggressiveness

    Contrast between the color of the bull and the color of the environment

    To accurately interpret a dream, it is necessary to pay attention to the environment around it.

    Its color will reveal the brightness of the upcoming events that the dream promises:

    • If a black bull is located on a gray background, the dreamer needs to cast aside all doubts as quickly as possible and move on to confident actions. As a result of such changes, the sleeper will be able to identify the enemy among the circle of people close to him.
    • If large black bulls graze on a bright green lawn, a person will soon receive universal recognition and a high position in the state hierarchy. If the animals lower their heads too low to reach the grass and do not raise it, the sleeping person will soon experience a deterioration in his financial situation.
    • The black bull that men dream of is a symbol of a strong-willed, tough character, self-confidence in professional and love sphere.
    • If a woman dreams of such a plot, it means that she is unsure of her own future and wants to find a worthy life partner.

    The interpretation of each dream must be compared with the situation that has developed in reality, and the recommendations received must be directed towards changing one’s position in life for the better.

Why do you dream about a bull attacking with horns, and quite aggressively? This question is quite rare and unusual. Since this vision did not appear to every person. But popular dream books have answers to this question. Well, it’s worth turning to the most reliable sources that will help you understand the topic.

Modern dream book

This book talks in detail about what dreams are about and why. Does the bull attack with horns, looking very menacing? This means that it would not hurt for a person to think about the future. Most likely, the moment has come when it’s time to make important decisions that affect your life.

For a girl, this same dream means the appearance on the horizon of a person with whom she can develop strong relationships. It is possible that they will develop into something more. But for a woman who is already in a relationship, a bull rushing towards her promises a conflict of interests.

That's not all, attacks people with horns, and the sleeping person watches all this? This means that a situation will arise in his life that he will not be able to control. And the more people there are who are defeated by the powerful animal, the larger the event that will happen.

By the way, if in a dream a person clearly realized that the bull was trying not just to scare him, but to cripple or even destroy him, it means that in reality a strong opponent or competitor will appear with whom he will have to fight for a long time.


If a person had to run away from a bull in a dream, it means that in real life a situation will arise in which he will need to make a quick and important decision. Or even actions. The situation may be critical, so it is worth being prepared, even if nothing like this is predicted.

Although this vision has another interpretation. If a person had to run away from a bull in a dream, it means that in reality he is trying to hide from the problems that have befallen him. However, this will not be possible. So it’s better not to shy away from obligations, but to start taking action as soon as possible decisive action that will help solve the problem.

According to Miller

If a bull in a dream wounded a person to the point of bleeding, then you should be wary. Because this is an alarming sign warning of problems in reality. You need to be prepared for unforeseen situations. Perhaps something will greatly shock a person and disrupt his usual way of life.

What if a bull, rushing after a person in a dream, suddenly changed its mind about attacking? This means stress and anxiety. But nothing serious will happen. But if a person managed to defeat a bull, then this is an excellent sign. The dreamer expects triumph and some kind of significant victory. Moreover, he will work long and hard to achieve the result. But the success will be stunning.

Another good sign is a black bull that was calmly grazing in a meadow or near a pond, nibbling grass. This is a reflection of the dreamer's thoughts about well-being. Most likely, the dreamer is making some plans. So, there is no point in delaying their implementation, since now is the best period for decisive action.

Women's dream book

This book also talks in detail about what dreams mean. A bull attacks a girl with its horns? This means that she will soon meet a respectable man. And the relationship that will begin with him will make her well-being and position in society stronger.

But Freud assures that such a vision leads to finding an ideal sexual partner. If, of course, the woman is now looking for him. For the one who already has it, such a vision foreshadows the onset of a new stage in the relationship. And the more aggressive the attacking bull looked, the stronger the newly born feelings will flare up between the lovers. By the way, if a girl managed to tame this beast, then the man will pamper, love, cherish and pamper her.

About color

It is very important to take into account what shade the animal was. The most popular option is the black bull. For a man, such a vision means an unfavorable period in business and the business sphere. Conflicts with superiors or intrigues of competitors are not excluded. It’s good if you managed to tame or drive away the animal - then any, even the most deplorable situation will end in favor of the dreamer.

Buy a black bull - to financial growth, material wealth, success. The main thing is that the artiodactyl is not in the room. Because such a strange vision promises to get into an awkward situation. And another bad sign is a black bull rushing about, demolishing everything in its path. It promises damage in all plans and relationships.


It's quite a cruel sight. And to some it is a bull with horns? Attacks a person acting as a matador? Here the interpretation of the vision depends on the outcome of the battle. If a person is wounded by an animal, it means that his opponent, who is in reality, will defeat him. And the dreamer will fail, fail or lose. But if he managed to cope with the formidable artiodactyl, then he will come out of any dirt clean.

It is unusual to see yourself in the role of a bull in your own dream. But this also happens. Feeling yourself in the body of this animal is not good. Especially if the dreamer is chased around the arena by bullfighters, injuring and causing pain along the way. This means that in reality the dreamer will have to fight with weak, but cunning, intelligent and ruthless competitors who are ready to do anything to win.

If a person rode a black bull or herded it, this good sign. He says that the dreamer is in complete control of the situation, has power and strength.

By the way, bullfighting, according to Miller’s dream book, reflects a person’s emotional and volitional tension. It is possible that his soul is filled to the brim with anger, hatred, envy, a desire for revenge, or other unpleasant qualities. And the main thing here is not to give in to them. If the dreamer does something bad, he will regret it for a long time.

Other interpretations

The dream book can tell you a lot of other interesting things. Bull with horns attacking? A black, powerful cloven-hoofed beast can portend different things. It is important to consider what kind of horns he had. Large, thick and sharp foretell success. Most likely, the dreamer will soon become a leader in his team.

And small or broken horns promise universal recognition. That is, the sign is also not bad. You can also rejoice if you managed to grab the bull’s horns in a dream. Because it portends victory over treacherous enemies.

By the way, another good sign is a dream in which a person ate the meat of a horned, cloven-hoofed animal. It portends incredible success in very important matters. Maybe the dreamer will receive a substantial reward for his efforts. Or win the lottery. In any case, something joyful will happen. And a herd of bulls, by the way, foreshadows good life changes - career growth, for example.

If a man saw himself running as fast as he could from this aggressive animal, then he should behave more calmly in real life. Because a hot temper can lead to conflicts, and with important people. And for a girl, such a vision usually promises an obsessive admirer. It’s better to give up dating in the near future, because then you’ll have to spend a long time getting rid of someone with whom you shouldn’t start communicating.

The interpretation of a dream about bulls is directly related not only to the dreamer’s personal life, but also to his professional activities. Many dream books regard a dream in which a black bull is seen as a completely favorable symbol.

If a woman dreams of a bull

If the animal was large and well-fed, then you should expect a successful deal or fruitful business negotiations, and a quick profit. The black coloring of the animal means that on the path to well-being and prosperity the dreamer will have to go through many tests and overcome numerous difficulties. Most interpretations of dream books about what a black bull means in a dream are related specifically to the business sphere of a person’s life.

Any vision with his participation will certainly be related to the sleeper’s business, career or relationships with colleagues and competitors. However, in women's dreams the bull takes on a completely different meaning. In this situation, the bull can represent masculinity, sexual desire, or an attitude towards someone of the opposite sex. In addition, bull horns can serve as an encrypted phallic symbol.

In this regard, some interpreters refer to butting a bull as a sexual act. If a girl dreams of a black bull with big horns, trying to gore her, it means that in life she will meet a very persistent and, apparently, sexually preoccupied man. According to another source, such a plot may indicate a woman’s subconscious desire for her partner to be more sexually active.

Black bull in a man's dream

For males, a black bull most likely means attacks from competitors or conflict with management. In the event that a man managed to drive away or kill an animal, victory awaits him in conflict situation. If the dreamer is attacked by several bulls at once, nothing good should be expected. The details of the dream, in particular, the behavior of the beast and the emotions associated with its image, will help you determine why you dream of a black bull. A peaceful and well-fed bull will bring prosperity, success and financial well-being to real life.

Bull in the dream book of Miller and Freud

Each interpreter gives the image of a black bull a certain symbol. So Freud believed that this animal personifies male strength and attractiveness. Identifying oneself with a bull, according to the interpreter, indicates the dreamer’s arrogance and excessive confidence in his sexual irresistibility.

  • Hunting an animal is the desire to eliminate sexual competitors;
  • Running away from a bull is a symbol that the dreamer can become a potential object of sexual, including homosexual, harassment;
  • Teasing a bull means promiscuity in choosing lovers.

Miller, although he did not consider the image of a black bull seen in a dream from the point of view of sex, also offered many interpretations that relate to both the personal sphere of life and the area of ​​​​a person’s career and business.

  • Seeing a well-fed bull means gaining leadership in your environment. Women will begin to show interest in you and seek communication with you;
  • Bulls chew grass - the material condition will decrease. Due to failures in the financial sector, most of your friends and acquaintances will turn their backs on you;
  • Fat bulls graze in the pasture - success and authority in society that you could not even dream of;
  • A dead bull is a symbol of sadness;
  • Animals drink water from a stream or river - the appearance of a pretty and faithful companion nearby;
  • A woman dreams of bulls near a pond - accepting a marriage proposal from a loved one.

Modern dream book about bulls

This source is one of the few whose interpretations of dreams about bulls are exclusively negative. Modern dream book considers the black bull as a symbol of enmity, illness and death, as well as sadness. An attack by a black animal is a sign of impending danger. For men, seeing a harnessed bull in a dream means committing an unseemly act in reality, and leading an animal to slaughter means a judicial charge.

People see different dreams: disturbing and happy, scary and amazing, with monsters and fairy-tale creatures, with loved ones and strangers. Among dreams, dreams with animals that a person specially breeds on his land have long been entrenched, and in particular dreams with bulls and cows.

In the dream book, bull and cow have many meanings, depending on the actions of the dreamer, his attitude to what is happening, the behavior of animals and other details of the dream. If you dreamed of a bull, it can be useful to first become familiar with what this animal symbolizes, and then try to clarify the details of the dream and find a specific interpretation.

The bull represents several symbols.

  • Strength and fertility.
  • Sun and fire.
  • Silence and purity.
  • Patience and courage.
  • Courage, energy and rage.

When answering the question “why do you dream about a bull?”, it is worth considering the plots of myths. When one turns to history, one immediately remembers Zeus, who took the form of a bull, and the Minotaur in the labyrinth on the island of Crete, half man, half bull. Mythology thus highlights new meanings: connection with god and change of appearance, as well as the hero’s overcoming a strong danger thanks to friendly help (Ariadne’s thread).

Animal behavior

In general, a bull or a cow in a dream is a good sign, but in order to find out exactly why the bull was dreamed of, you should take a close look at the circumstances of the dream. Perhaps the dreamer was very frightened by the pursuit of the bull or its horns, or the man grabbed him and saddled him?

A herd in a field that poses a danger to the dreamer - the person who had the dream in reality senses bad intentions on the part of the environment, which were expressed in such a disturbing dream. Dream books advise you to take a close look at people and try to clearly define the boundaries of your personal space.

If a herd of cows was grazing nearby in a dream, and then an angry bull separated from it and began to pursue the dreamer, then in real life the person who had the dream is afraid of the actions of a certain person. In this case, it is worth analyzing the relationships that have developed in the team at work or school, and find the source of anxiety, as well as the reason why someone causes mistrust and a feeling of danger. Perhaps this is a challenge that will promote creative growth.

If the entire herd is pursuing the dreamer, tension in reality can be resolved through active cooperation; one should not separate oneself from one’s surroundings or put one’s own desires above.

To see from the side how another person is being chased by a bull is to observe in reality a conflict between colleagues or friends. Intervention is advisable only if you know exactly the causes of the conflict situation and have the opportunity to resolve it; otherwise, it is better not to try to influence the outcome.

To see in a dream how large number people participate in bullfighting - rage and aggression have a bad effect on the dreamer’s affairs. If there are reasons for anger, then you should sort them out and try to maintain the maximum degree of calm in any unforeseen circumstances.

Running away in a dream from a bull trying to pierce with its horns, which the dreamer himself provoked - the person who had the dream creates very critical situations with his own actions, delays deadlines, takes on new obligations, because of this he cannot take a breath and is constantly in too much trouble. great tension.

If a person dreams of colorful performances with bulls in which he does not participate, the general background of life is too gray, it’s time to bring in new emotions, fresh impressions, and embark on risky ventures. If you really liked the performance, then it’s a favorable time to discover your talents or start your own business.

Seeing a performance where a bull chases another person, attacks and pierces him with its horns - a desire for active action, final decisions. In reality, a period is approaching in which the dreamer will be able to fully express himself. You shouldn’t hide your emotions; it’s better to throw them out in socially useful activities.

If you dream of mating games between a bull and a cow, you can freely loosen control over your own actions. For a woman, such a dream can speak of admiration from her close circle, for a man - of secret sympathy for him. To see in a dream how one bull attacks the second in order to drive him away from the cow - the dreamer will emerge victorious from a difficult controversial situation in reality.

If a small bull is chasing a dreamer, the person who had the dream should not worry too much about the problems and issues that are now present in his life, because they will either disappear quite quickly or turn into pleasant surprises.

Running away from a big bull with huge horns is a warning against hasty actions in reality. The readiness to engage in battle with an animal that violently attacks reflects the dreamer’s desire to gain power over the situation, which in reality will lead to the opportunity to change unfavorable living conditions or deceive the deceiver.

If an animal attacks, and the dreamer manages to saddle it, the dream symbolizes the opportunity to make your wildest dreams come true with hard work. If there is nowhere to run away from a dangerous animal, the dreamer in reality has approached the line, he must accept responsibility for his actions and not be afraid of uncertainty.

Animal color

Why you dream of a bull depends very much on its color. The interpretation of dreams with black bulls is interesting. Black bulls are symbols of painful ambition, the desire to win at any cost, aggression and anger towards any obstacles. Why you dream of a black bull can be determined by how it behaves and how the dreamer reacts to it.

If a black bull is chasing a white bull, you should not talk about your plans and ideas to just anyone. If a white bull is chasing a black bull, any obstacles in the near future will be easily overcome thanks to the dreamer’s energy and self-confidence. A big black bull disperses everyone - a symbol of the dreamer’s victory over himself and his fears.

If you simply saw an animal in a dream, but its color was unnaturally black and strongly contrasted with all other colors, then such a dream is a reflection of deeply hidden experiences. In this case, dream books advise not to try to go against your desires, but to direct your efforts towards achieving your dreams. If he is chasing a dreamer who does not feel fear, then in reality his leadership qualities will lead to a triumphant victory over any problems and enemies.

Why do adult men dream about a black bull? separate question. Usually the dream reflects the need for very hard, long work to achieve your goals. If the dreamer identifies himself with him, this speaks of success among women attracted by a sense of danger and mystery, and may also indicate high self-esteem.

Why a girl or woman dreams of a bull depends on the situation in her life. If a woman finds it difficult to establish relationships with men in reality, then such a dream symbolizes the reason for the difficulties - she considers them dangerous and prone to causing harm to her. In this case, dream books advise a woman to approach men more easily, trust trusted people more, and try not to pay attention to irrational fears, but to spend time analyzing objective factors.

If in reality it is easy for a woman to make contact with the opposite sex, then the dream symbolizes her superficial attitude towards men, dissatisfaction with warmth, tenderness and care. Perhaps the girl chooses overly self-confident, self-obsessed partners. But a bull that chases a girl in a dream foreshadows mutual love.

If the animals behaved quite calmly towards the dreamer and were simply nearby, then dreams with them for both girls and men reflect the nature of the manifestation of emotions in reality. Aggressive animals that bully each other indicate excessive anger, while tired animals indicate the need for rest.

Dream books give a little information regarding what a white bull dreams about.

  • If you see in a dream a white bull grazing peacefully in a field, it is a harbinger of material well-being and social recognition.
  • If a white bull lifts the dreamer on its horns, the person will expect fame and success in the professional sphere.
  • If white and red are fighting among themselves, the dreamer is torn apart by the desire to satisfy many desires, it is worth deciding what is more important.

A red bull is included in the dream book as a symbol of leadership. If the red bull is next to the dreamer, it means that your talent will soon be revealed. The red bull is hostile - the person who had the dream is ready to show his leadership qualities.

The bull is included in the dream book under many meanings, but it should be remembered that, first of all, it is a symbol of strength, struggle for one’s desires and hard work. At the same time, you should not go over your head, because no matter how confident a person is in his abilities, nothing can replace good friends and trusting relationships with other people.