How to plant peonies in spring. Master class

It is best to plant the rhizomes of this beautiful, rose-like perennial flower in the fall - this is the unanimous opinion of both qualified gardening practitioners and printed publications. Why?

The life cycle of a peony bush during the season is such that closer to autumn, when the period of active flowering has ended, buds form in the roots of the peony for the next year. It is from these buds that shoots will develop next year. In the meantime, they are in a latent state, and in order to wake up, they need to survive the winter.

Therefore, if on next year you need not one bush, but several; at the end of August - beginning of September, the already faded peony bush is freed from useless stems with pruning shears, dug up with an ordinary garden shovel and divided with a knife at the roots into parts, each approximately 10x10 cm in size.

The resulting parts of the rhizome at the cut sites are treated with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with crushed activated carbon. After the sections have dried, the sections are planted in open ground, in holes with a diameter of approximately 50-60 cm and the same depth.

The distance between the holes is at least 80 cm - the peony bushes are spreading, the leaves of neighbors should not interfere with each other’s development. The bottom of the hole is covered with a 15-centimeter layer of drainage (broken brick, expanded clay or crushed stone).

You should not think that this is too deep a hole - firstly, the rhizome will have to winter with frosts, often severe, and during the course of evolution the plant has become accustomed to the change from extreme conditions to favorable ones. And secondly, the rhizome will be planted 15 cm from the surface of the earth. The rest of the reserve is for putting down roots in depth.

Therefore, a mixture of humus is poured over the drainage, garden soil, sand and peat, and all this is flavored with the following components:

  • 1 tablespoon of iron sulfate;
  • 1 teaspoon potassium carbonate;
  • 1 liter of wood ash;
  • 500 grams bone meal

The fertilized soil is poured into the hole in a slide, leaving 10-15 cm to the edges. The root itself with buds is planted at the top of the slide, sprinkled with earth, lightly compacted, a shallow hole is formed and water is poured into it.

Then the hole is covered with mulched soil in a small mound to prevent the planting site from drying out and excess water flowing to the sides, keeping in mind the heavy and inevitable autumn rains.

In areas where severe frosts are possible in winter, it is advisable to cover the places where the cuttings are planted in the first year with a layer of sawdust with a covering on top and soil - so that the wind does not blow them away. When the peony takes root next year and produces the first flower from the new rhizome, then you can no longer add sawdust for the coming winter.

The wintering underground part of the peony in the second and subsequent years of life is frost-resistant.

At the end of March - beginning of April, when the snow begins to melt, the buds wake up and their growth begins: first slowly, and then, as the soil warms up, more and more quickly. So, in May the peony bush already pleases with its blossoming buds

Important! The lower leaf and flower buds of the stems should be approximately 4 cm above the ground level. If they are covered with soil, the bush cannot not only bloom, but also not develop at all.

The opposite may happen: when the soil shrinks, not only will these buds appear high, but the rhizome will not be covered with soil.

Then the bush will become unstable; in a strong wind, the stems at the rhizome may break off, and, in addition, its drying out will also have a detrimental effect on the general “well-being” of the plant. In this case, it needs to be hilled up by compacting the soil at the base of the bush.

It should also be remembered that propagation of peony by rhizomes is possible only after 5-7 years of bush growth. If you start dividing the root before this time, the plant may die, or you will end up with painful, stunted bushes that require additional care.

Planting a peony in spring

Despite all the advantages of autumn planting, establishments selling seedlings, including online stores, most often carry out such trade in the spring. How to resolve this contradiction?

Buy. Only planting awakened rhizomes in the spring has its own characteristics.

  • Plant the purchased part of the root with buds in a suitable wide container with slightly acidic soil. The volume of the pot should be 5-6 liters
  • Place it in a dark, cool place: a cellar, a cold closet, a locker in the entrance.
  • After the first shoots appear, bring the plant into the house, place it on a well-lit windowsill and care for it as you would an ordinary indoor flower.
  • After stable warm weather has established, carefully, without damaging the already formed young roots, transfer (preferably with the soil) the peony to a selected place outside, following the same rules as for autumn planting.

Usually spring peonies do not bloom in the same year, but such careful replanting allows you to get flowers with a high degree of probability within a month and a half after the day of replanting in open ground.

Reproduction of peonies in spring using layering

This method of propagation is also used in the spring, but at a later stage of the growing season, approximately 14-16 days before flowering. To do this, the outer shoots are buried with their tops in holes pre-fertilized with humus, to a depth of 12-15 cm, secured there with slingshots and watered abundantly.

The places where the leaf cutting attaches to the stem will give rise to roots, and the new shoot will quickly grow outward. After this, the mother stem from the main bush is cut off.

  • Study the information about the variety you are purchasing - it may not be suitable for your region. This is especially true for breeding varieties.
  • Aesthetic advice: soberly assess the landscape capabilities of the site. Lush, about a meter in diameter, terry variety bushes will look ridiculous near a bathhouse or latrine
  • Study the methods and composition of fertilizing. Otherwise, in varieties with large, heavy flowers, the stems, which are poorly developed due to lack of nutrients, will not support these flowers! The bush must receive comprehensive nutrition for all its parts.
  • Do not plant peonies closer than 3 meters near the southern walls of buildings or the sides of solid fences: the light and heat reflected from them at noon can kill the plant.

Peony is an unpretentious flower that can grow in any soil. However, if a gardener wants to extract all the potential of a variety in terms of its decorative properties, regular feeding should be carried out - varying depending on different years life of the bush.

1. First year of life

At the end of April - mid-May, to ensure the growth and development of foliage and stems, apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the root zone. After the buds set, a mullein solution is added, as well as superphosphate and potassium.

Composition of mullein: 1 bucket of manure to 6 buckets of water. The solution is left to ferment for 10 days, stirred once a day. Before use, dilute again with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

2. Second year

The emphasis is on foliar feeding. To do this, immediately after greenery appears, the bush is sprayed with a urea solution.

After two weeks, the grown bush is again treated with a urea sprayer with the addition of 1 tablet of microelements.

For the third spraying, just before the start of flowering or after it, 2 tablets and the root growth stimulator “Heteroauxin” or “Kornevin SP” are dissolved in 10 liters.

It is better to remove weak buds at this stage of plant development, leaving 1-2 strong ones - for normal development roots.

3. Third year

The beginning of no longer a single, but abundant flowering. Use

  • At the first stage - nitrogen-potassium fertilizers at the rate of 15 g of potassium and 10 g of nitrogen per bush in a solution of water around the planting site immediately after the snow melts
  • At the second stage, just before flowering, phosphates are added.
  • The third stage is the addition of organic matter immediately after flowering. Organic fertilizers are applied to successfully set new buds for the next year.

The traditional season for planting peonies is autumn. However, flower seedlings appear on the markets as early as February, so many gardeners prefer to plant them in the spring. At making the right choice places and planting conditions, both tree-like and herbaceous peonies can take root well in April–May. Timely implementation of this event and subsequent care of the plants will guarantee lush flowering of the peony.

Planting peonies in the spring comes with some risks. There is a possibility that the flower will not take root or the plants will get sick, their root system will be greatly weakened. Therefore, it is important to choose the right time for planting.

It is recommended to hold this event early spring. Optimal time It will be the end of April, when the snow has just melted and the soil has thawed. You cannot wait for steady warming, because then the shoots will begin to actively grow. This will prevent the roots from becoming deeply rooted in the ground.

If necessary, this can be done later. Then the planting site is protected with film so that the soil does not warm up too much.

Choosing a rhizome

Before planting peonies in the ground, it is necessary to carefully inspect the seedlings. Following is noteworthy:

  • Number of buds renewal. It's best if there are 2-3 of them. Gardeners note that when proper care those flowers whose roots have 1–2 buds also survive. In this case, their growth will be slowed down.
  • Number of adventitious roots. A minimum of 2 are required, the length of which is at least 5 cm.
  • The bulbs should have no damage or signs of disease, thickening or growths, or a moldy smell.

It is worth noting that some gardeners prefer to grow peonies from seeds. This method takes quite a long time - the shoots will sprout in a year and a half, but will bloom only in 3–5 years. With this method, the seeds are planted in wooden flat boxes, followed by transplantation into the ground, which is carried out in May or late August.

Detailed landing instructions

Flowers require careful preparation places. Water should not stagnate there, otherwise the roots will rot. The soil should be loamy. Peonies prefer a neutral environment, so it is necessary to check the acidity of the soil. If the pH changes below 6, liming is carried out.

Choose a sunny place, since peonies will not grow in the shade. Shade on the site even for 3 hours a day will lead to poor flowering or that the flower will wither.

The planting hole can be prepared in advance - 2–3 weeks before planting. Then the earth will settle a little. However, digging a hole and adding fertilizer to it on the day of planting is not prohibited.

Planting peonies in spring and autumn is not much different. Step by step landing peonies:

  1. 1. Dig landing hole. Its size must be at least 60 cm in diameter, depth - 70 cm.
  2. 2. At the bottom of the pit create drainage system. You can use gravel, crushed brick, river sand, expanded clay. Layer 10–15 cm.
  3. 3. Then lay out humus or compost (1 bucket), potash fertilizers and superphosphates. Cover everything on top with soil. After this, the hole should be filled so much that there is still 10–15 cm left to the edges.
  4. 4. Place seedlings with straightened roots in the center. It is necessary to deepen them into the ground so that the buds go 5 cm into the ground on heavy soils, and 7 cm on light soils. Plant peonies at a distance of about 1 m from each other.

If you plant a peony too deeply, it will not bloom and its development will be too slow. If you plant too close to the surface, the roots will freeze in winter.

5. Cover the rhizome with soil, pressing the soil with your hands. Trampling it with your feet is strictly prohibited.

6. Make a furrow of soil around the planted peony and water the flower with water. If the soil subsides, you can add fertile soil on top.

7. The planting site can be mulched with peat or humus.

In the event that due to weather conditions Planting peonies in open ground is impossible; they are planted in pots. They can be stored at temperatures from 0 to +20° C. After the shoots appear, the plants are exposed to the sun and cared for as if they were indoors. After the weather warms up, flowers are planted in a flowerbed.

There is an opinion that perennials should be planted and replanted only in the autumn months, but experience shows that with the right approach, planting peonies in the spring can be quite successful.

1 Autumn or spring: features of planting at different times of the year


Experts recommend carrying out all garden work on planting and replanting peonies in the fall. Root system bushes become stronger over the summer, by the end of the season it goes into a dormant state and reacts to any actions with it more adequately than at other times of the year.

It takes longer for peonies to take root in the spring, as a result of which their flowering is delayed, it may not be as bright, and the plants themselves are more prone to diseases. However, it should be taken into account that the period from April to May is the same full-fledged period of regrowth of suction roots as August-September, therefore, subject to planting rules and proper subsequent care, gardeners have the right to count on a future beautiful flower garden of peonies planted in the spring . An additional argument in favor spring work is the opportunity not to wait for autumn if planting material purchased in winter or early spring.

3 Types of flowers

There are quite a large number of classifications of pions. The most common of them in origin and form.





Peony evasive (Maryin root):

Peony officinalis:

Peony angustifolia

Pion Mlokosevich:

Peony milky-flowered:

Hybrids: intersectional or ITO

4 Choosing the right timing for spring planting

It is recommended to plant peonies in the spring months taking into account that the plants have a reserve of time to take root, that is, immediately after the snow grows, without waiting for stable positive weather. The optimal months for such gardening events in central Russia are April-May. For warm and cold regions, these dates shift accordingly.

The 2018 lunar calendar considers the following days to be successful for planting:

  • February - 16, 18;
  • March - 1, 15, 16;
  • April - 25–27;
  • May - 18–20, 27.

5 General principles and rules

Planting options can be divided into two groups:

  1. Depending on weather conditions:
    • in open ground;
    • in a container with subsequent transplantation into open ground.
  2. By method of reproduction:
    • dividing the bush - one of the most common options, possible from 5-7 years;
    • bush pruning;
    • root cuttings with a bud - used to obtain large quantity planting material;
    • stem cuttings - a complex method that is not suitable for propagating most hybrids;
    • layering - a simple option, suitable for bushes from 5-8 years old;
    • seeds - a labor-intensive method, used mainly by breeders.

6 Important stage: choosing a location and preparing the land

For the successful growth and development of peonies, it is necessary to choose the right place for the flower bed and prepare the soil. Peonies are light-loving plants that do not tolerate strong drafts. The best place for them, the eastern part of your site will be, preferably slightly elevated to avoid stagnation of water, at least at a relative distance from trees and buildings.

An important condition for these flowers is to plant them in soil with a moderate level of acidity, to regulate which you can add wood ash or sand to the soil.

7 Planting peony seedlings in open ground

There are several options for such planting work. If you already have ready-made sections, then the stages of work will be as follows:

1– drainage layer, 2– nutrient layer, 3– top layer, 4 – seedling planting depth level

When using this method of planting peonies in open ground, pay attention to the quality of the planting material, since a correctly selected seedling is the key to a future beautiful flower. When purchasing a cutting in a store or market, examine it carefully for the presence of 2-3 renewal buds and at least 2 adventitious roots, the length of which should be at least 5 cm. The seedling must be whole and healthy, not wet and not too dry, without growths and nodes.

Spring planting of peony divisions in holes prepared in the fall (video)

8 Reproduction of peonies in spring

If you are going to plant your own peonies in the spring, then it is also worth considering several of the most common methods.

Reproduction by pruning

  1. Dig the plant to a depth of 6-8 cm.
  2. Using a sharp shovel, cut the bush horizontally.
  3. Divide into pieces.
  4. Plant in a separate bed and then transplant to permanent place.
  5. Sprinkle the roots with wood ash and cover with soil.

Planting root cuttings

This propagation method is suitable for varieties bred on the basis of the officinalis peony. Produced in March-April.

  1. We dig up the rhizome of the plant.
  2. We cut off adventitious roots whose thickness is more than 1 cm.
  3. Divide the pieces into pieces 5-7 cm long.
  4. We plant to a depth of 4-5 cm.
  5. Water well.
  6. With this planting option, the buds of the seedling will be formed within 2-4 years.

Propagation by stem cuttings

To such gardening work You can start about 2 weeks before the peony begins to bloom, that is, in mid-May, the time of implementation is early morning.

  1. We cut off a strong shoot near the root collar that is not inclined to flower.
  2. We treat the cut with wood ash or coal.
  3. We shorten the cutting to a height of 9-10 cm, cutting off its upper part.
  4. We plant it with the end down in a hole 4-5 cm deep in moist soil in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  5. We regularly ventilate the plant and spray it 2 times a day.
  6. When obvious rooting occurs, the greenhouse is removed.

By layering

Such propagation of peonies is possible by two types of layering: ordinary and air.

Regular layering begins in late spring. The outermost shoots of the peony are tilted towards holes dug in advance in the ground about 15 cm deep, the tops are secured in the holes, they are covered with soil, which includes humus, and watered abundantly.

Reproduction of tree peony in spring by layering (video)

An excellent option for propagating tall peonies is the Chinese method. air layering, which should be started 2-4 weeks before the flowers appear.

  1. We choose a bush whose age is between 5 and 8 years.
  2. We put on a box or box without a bottom, the dimensions of which depend on the size of the bush.
  3. Pour a soil mixture consisting of humus, garden soil and sand into the box to a height of 10-11 cm.
  4. Water generously.
  5. As new shoots grow, we add soil mixture with natural or mineral fertilizers.
  6. In the fall, we remove the box, cut off new shoots with buds and send them for growing.


When choosing this method of planting peonies, you should consider a number of features:

  • peony seeds have extremely low germination;
  • their enzymatic activity is at the same level, that is, even healthy seeds you will have to wait about 2 years if you do not resort to additional measures (stratification);
  • It is unlikely to obtain plants with outstanding decorative properties.

Transplanting peonies in spring (video)

9 Features of planting various types

Fundamental differences in the stages of planting peonies various types no, except perhaps in the depths of the holes for planting low and tall varieties, but even if you purchased a very long section of some exotic peony, there is no need to dig a huge hole, just place the seedling at an angle, it will sprout just fine.

However, when purchasing planting material, you should carefully study the information about it. It is quite possible that the conditions of the region where you live simply will not suit him. This is especially true for intersectional hybrids.

In addition, soberly assess the landscape capabilities of your site, check whether certain peonies will fit into its appearance. It is also worth reading the reviews of those who have already planted the variety you like. Sometimes, in pursuit of particularly outstanding, for example, double flowers, gardeners are disappointed that the stems are not able to withstand such heavy buds falling to the ground, losing the much-anticipated showiness of the bush.

10 Care after work

Caring for the future bush immediately after planting consists of abundant watering and, if desired, mulching. Later it may be necessary to add fertilizers and fertilisers.

Important. Sometimes a seedling does not absorb the water with which it is watered. Try providing some shade by covering it with a mesh waste basket. Keep in mind that the best water for watering peonies is rainwater, especially if the water supply in your region is very hard.

What to feed

During the first few years, the plant will have enough of the substances that you added when preparing the hole for planting. After the plant has fully developed, the peony's requirements will increase.

Feeding stages:

  • In April - mid-May, when the plant is growing green mass, it is necessary to apply about 50 g of nitrogen-containing fertilizers;
  • At the end of May, phosphorus and potassium are added during budding; in addition, you can use a solution of mullein, which is prepared in advance. To do this, dilute a bucket of manure in six buckets of water and leave it for 10 days to ferment, while the mixture needs to be stirred once a day. Before applying the solution under the bush, dilute it with water.

Much attention is paid to foliar feeding of peonies, which is carried out in the second year after planting. This method should be carried out in calm weather using a sprayer. It includes several stages, the interval between which should be about two weeks:

  • The first stage is carried out immediately after the appearance of the “green part” of the plant - treatment with a urea solution;
  • The second stage is after 14 days, and one tablet of microelements is added to the urea;
  • For the third spraying, use 2 tablets of microelements, which are dissolved in a 10-liter bucket of water, and Heteroauxin is used to stimulate the growth of the root system. Weak buds in the first two years of life should be removed with garden shears, because they will interfere with the growth of roots.

Organic and mineral nutrition

The third year of a flower's life is marked by colorful and abundant flowering and splendor. This means it’s time to use mineral fertilizers, the amount of which depends on the weather: in dry times the amount of fertilizing is reduced, in rainy times it increases. Stages of work:

  1. Use of nitrogen-potassium fertilizers - 15 g of potassium and 10 g of nitrogen are enough for one bush. Fertilizers must be carefully applied around the flower while the snow is melting;
  2. At the second stage add phosphate fertilizers. The flowers are fed while the buds are setting - in no case should this stage be skipped, because it is important for obtaining luxurious bright flowers;
  3. The third stage is carried out two weeks after the end of flowering. Fertilizers for peonies at this time are needed to grow healthy renewal buds, which increase the frost resistance of the bushes.

Considerable importance is given to organic fertilizers, which are required for the formation of buds. To prepare them, use fresh mullein diluted in water. This mixture is infused for 10 days, after which it is applied to each plant. It is very important here that the solution does not get on the root collar, which can lead to “burns.” “Organics” are added only once a season - during budding. Do not forget that it is important to combine fertilizing and watering the plants, because peonies require a lot of liquid to absorb them.

Material supplemented and updated 02/28/2018

The history of growing peonies goes back more than two thousand years, during which a great many varieties and varieties were created. But no matter how much peonies have changed, planting and caring for them in open ground have not undergone much change since then.

In order to admire the lush carved foliage and spectacular flowering year after year, the summer resident will have to master all the subtleties of agricultural technology and learn the preferences of these amazing ornamental plants.

All types of peonies existing in nature come from Eurasia and the American continent, represented by herbaceous perennials and subshrubs. In Russian gardens, plants have long proven their unpretentiousness and ability to grow and bloom in one place for 10 to 20 years without transplantation.

A place for planting and caring for peonies in the open ground

The place for planting peonies is chosen so that the plant is as comfortable as possible for not only one season, but also for several years. Since this culture is light- and heat-loving, it can tolerate transparent water for up to 3 hours a day. garden shade, but is afraid of cold wind and drafts, a site is selected for the peony in accordance with its requirements and shading for the hottest, midday hours.

Over several years, the root system of peonies can deepen up to 70–80 cm. To simplify the care of peonies in the open ground, before planting, pay attention to the danger of flooding of the area and stagnation of scarlet or groundwater. Constant humidity greatly increases the risk of root rot and death of the entire bush.

Actively growing peonies need space; crowded spaces lead to poor flowering and the appearance of diseases and pests.

Peony planting conditions:

  1. Planting holes are made at a distance of at least 1–1.5 meters from shrubs and other perennial plants.
  2. Leave a gap of at least 2–3 meters to the nearest tree.
  3. You should not plant peonies directly under the walls of buildings and fences.
  4. Between the bushes, depending on the type and variety, leave from 70 to 180 cm of free space.

A bright area protected from the wind has been found; it’s time to take care of the soil in which the peony will grow. Soil with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction should be loose, aerated, and nutritious. Sandy soil flavored with humus, peat, wood ash and deoxidized with dolomite flour. Add garden soil as needed. Dense clay soil can be made more airy with river sand and a small amount of peat. Sand is used to structure the nutritious but quickly compacting black soil.

Rules for planting peonies for outdoor care

Unlike many garden crops When planting, it is important to leave the growing point on or above the soil, peonies are deeply buried. The buds, from which the stems will subsequently develop, are buried 3–7 cm into the soil, depending on the density of the soil.

If this is not done, the most sensitive and important part of the plant will be exposed to rain, snow and sun. However, even if a peony is planted too deeply in open ground, caring for it can be not only labor-intensive, but also in vain. Such plants produce lush foliage in the spring, but bloom weakly or refuse to form buds at all.

Peony planting rules:

  1. Planting holes for peonies are made up to 80 cm deep for tree-like plants and up to 60 cm for more common herbaceous varieties. The width of the pit is 60 and 50 cm, respectively.
  2. The bottom, in order to avoid stagnation of water, is covered with drainage.
  3. The pit is filled two-thirds with the prepared substrate mixed with 100–150 grams of superphosphate, one spoon of iron sulfate and liter jar bone meal or sifted wood ash.
  4. When the straightened roots of the peony fall into the ground, they are covered another 15–20 cm with loose soil so that the buds are securely hidden below the ground level.

Caring for peonies in the open ground in spring or autumn begins immediately after planting. The soil is carefully compacted and watered at the rate of 8–10 liters of water per bush. If plants have autumn rooting and wintering ahead, they are thickly mulched with a 10-centimeter layer of peat. With the onset of spring, caring for the perennial continues.

Planting peonies in the ground: spring or autumn

The most convenient planting time for the gardener and favorable for peony is the beginning of autumn. At this point, the root system of the perennial is growing, and it itself is recovering after flowering and accumulating strength.

If you have to plant in open ground and care for peonies in the fall, it should be done 30–40 days before the onset of persistent cold weather. In this case, an adult transplanted plant or a young seedling obtained from dividing a bush is guaranteed to take root and not freeze in winter.

The timing of planting ornamental perennials depends on the climate of a particular region. The shorter the summer, the earlier it is worth taking care of preparing holes and planting material.

Landing dates:

  1. Planting of peonies in open ground in Siberia occurs in August, September and October, and in the northern regions it ends 1.5–2 months earlier than in the south.
  2. In the Urals, where the weather is extremely changeable, seedlings are placed in the ground from the second half of August until mid-September.
  3. Can be planted a week later flowering perennials in the middle zone and in the North-West of the country.
  4. And in the south of Russia, peonies can be planted from September to mid-October without fear for the condition of the plant.

When purchasing seedlings from a nursery or due to the early arrival of cold weather, planting is postponed until spring. Unfortunately, if plants have an open root system, they do not tolerate this procedure very well. Peonies weakened after wintering take a long time to acclimatize, and sometimes even during the entire summer they cannot recover.

To eliminate unpleasant consequences, planting peonies in the ground in the spring is carried out very early, in soil that is moist after the snow has melted, before hot weather sets in and the plants themselves begin to grow.

The exception is peonies with a closed root system in containers. They can be planted without fear from spring until autumn.

Caring for peonies after planting in open ground

The peony growing season begins in early May and ends in late autumn. Caring for peonies in open ground in the spring begins with very carefully loosening the soil, watering if necessary, and applying fertilizer.

Peonies are watered infrequently, but very generously, in order to completely wet the earthen ball and its entwined roots. Since the plant will have to grow foliage and prepare for flowering, the peony needs complete mineral fertilizers and nitrogen.

Feeding peonies in open ground is done in damp soil. In order for the mixture to quickly reach the suction roots, make a shallow hole around the bush, at a distance of 10–15 cm, into which the solution is poured. In summer, especially for young plants that have not reached the age of 3–4 years, they are useful foliar feeding urea. They are applied three times at intervals of 15–20 days from the moment the shoots appear.

During dry periods, peonies are watered at the rate of 10–15 liters per bush. It is especially important to maintain soil moisture in the first month after spring planting.

On flowering peonies, faded flowers are regularly removed. On young plants, less than 3 years old, all weak buds are also removed. All summer I weed the area under the perennials, and in the fall, before the onset of cold weather, the shoots are cut off and the soil is mulched. If planting is carried out correctly, and the plants receive competent and sufficient care, the first peony flowering will begin in 2–3 years, gradually becoming brighter and more luxuriant.

Planting a peony in autumn - video

Read how to plant peonies correctly so that they bloom: place, soil, distance, depth and choice of seedling. We find out when it is better to plant in spring or autumn in open ground and determine the timing of planting peonies. Plus we describe how to care for them after planting and when they bloom.

Rules for planting peonies: place, soil, distance, depth

On the Internet there are not always accurate and good advice regarding planting flowers. Therefore, we have collected rules proven by many years of experience in growing peonies, not only by amateurs, but also by scientists who specialize in them in botanical gardens and nurseries throughout the former USSR.

The experts kindly shared the secrets of agricultural technology with us, and we share them with you so that as many people as possible can successfully plant peonies in the garden. After all, these beautiful flowers bring amazing aesthetic pleasure and lift your spirits!

So, for the successful growth and development of a plant, several key factors need to be taken into account: place, soil, timing, planting hole, distance, planting depth and the seedling itself.

Peony planting site

The flower is very resilient, it can grow for several decades without replanting and bloom profusely every year. Therefore, you need to choose a place for it with all seriousness.

It should be well lit and warmed by the sun, and protected from drafts. It is advisable that the sun illuminates the plant in the morning and evening, and slight shading during the peak of the heat will prolong its flowering. The best position is the eastern side, with morning sun and afternoon partial shade.

  • A humid place where there are even short-term stagnant waters (spring/autumn). Flooded roots will begin to rot and lead to the death of the flower.
  • Shaded place. Shade is contraindicated for herbaceous and tree-like peonies; even if they are heavily shaded for 2-3 hours a day, they will begin to wither and you will have to forget about flowering.
  • The distance from trees is closer than three meters, and from large bushes and a house 1.5-2 m. The roots of a tree or bush will be taken away minerals from the ground, which will result in their shortage for the flower. And the walls of the house emit heat and create a temperature difference.

Soil for peonies and acidity

Flowers grow great on soil with a neutral and slightly acidic reaction - pH 6.2-6.8. Therefore, check and normalize the acidity of the soil. Be aware that fertilizing with mineral fertilizers increases acidity.

Tree and herbaceous peonies love loamy soil with a high level of moisture and breathability. Add sand and compost to excessively clayey soil.

It is not recommended to plant in peat soil due to high level acidity. To reduce it, add wood ash, sand, humus and slaked lime. More details in the section - step by step instructions upon landing.

At what distance are peonies planted?

Low-growing varieties when planted in a row - 70-80 cm. In other cases - 90-110 cm. And vigorous herbaceous and tree-like varieties - 1.3-1.8 meters. The distance between peonies when planting is important for their further development. Remember that it is better to retreat more than less.

At what depth should peonies be planted?

The depth of the upper bud on the rhizome is 3-4 cm (heavy soil) or 5-7 cm ( light soil). Golden rule tested many times all over the world.

The correct planting depth of a peony lays the foundation for successful growth and development. The rhizome of the plant gradually grows upward, and during weeding the soil is sometimes raked away from the buds, they are left unprotected and suffer from heat or frost.

At the same time, planting too deep provides excellent development, but leads to a lack of flowering.

For convenience, you can put a board, pull a rope and navigate along it.

Adjusting the peony planting depth

How to plant peonies correctly? Instructions

  1. Pit. Cone-shaped, depth - 70-80, width 50-60 cm (tree-like peonies and tall herbaceous ones), and low-growing herbaceous peonies: depth - 60-70, width - 40-50 cm. Flower roots can penetrate up to 80-90 cm, but only in loose soil.
    Therefore, if the depth of the hole is shallower, they will begin to grow to the sides, which is fraught with a lack of moisture and mineral elements.
  2. Feeding layer. 70% of the depth of the hole is filled with a nutritious soil mixture, but so that there is at least 15-20 cm to the surface.
    Ingredients: humus, sand (except sandy soils), peat and turf soil in equal parts + 100-150 g of superphosphate + 300-350 g of bone meal or wood ash + iron sulfate - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Top layer. Sprinkle regular soil on top, at least a 15-20 cm layer, and plant the peony at the correct depth.
  4. The soil must be carefully and gently compacted with your hands so as not to damage the buds, and then watered generously (8-10 liters of water). Then add some wood ash to prevent it from drying out.
  5. For the first winter, the peony needs to be prepared: cover it with earth or add a 10-12 cm layer of peat.


DRAINAGE. If groundwater rise close to the roots, then to reduce their level in the aisle they dig drainage hole and fill to the top with crushed stone, pebbles or broken bricks. And the flower itself is planted on a high ridge, but at the same time root collar The bush should be located above the row spacing to drain water when the snow melts.

Many articles on planting write about creating drainage at the bottom of the planting hole, but for herbaceous peonies There is no need to do this, but for tree-like ones it is possible. Drainage is vital in wetlands, but it is generally not advisable to plant in them.

FERTILIZERS. Fertilizers play an important role during planting and lay the foundation good development flower. The roots receive nutrients and fill it with strength.

Phosphorus fertilizers must also be added to the fertilizing layer so that they do not appear on the leaves over time. brown spots. When fertilizing after planting, phosphorus often forms insoluble compounds and settles in the top layer of soil.

It is better to use organic phosphorus fertilizers (bone meal) than mineral ones (superphosphate) as they decompose more slowly and the plant receives nutrition for a long time.

TOP LAYER. There should be no fertilizer in the top layer of the planting hole (15-20), so ordinary loose soil is poured on top so that the roots grow down and oxygen flows to them.

Diagram of a hole for planting a peony


  • Experts advise digging a hole 20-30 days before planting so that the soil subsides a little. That is, add drainage (if necessary), a layer of fertilizing to the dug hole, cover it with regular soil, and after a few weeks plant the bush at the required depth.
  • In order for the roots to take root better, it is better to treat them with a clay solution or soak them in a growth stimulator (“Heteroauxin”, “ Succinic acid", "Rooter", aloe juice). Ingredients: natural clay + copper sulfate and “Heteroauxin” - two tablets each. The components are mixed with water (“batter”) and the roots of the “divide” are completely dipped into the resulting solution before planting. Then they are dried for 5-10 minutes.
  • Attention! Handle the roots delicately as they are quite fragile.
  • IN bottom layer It is useful to add rotted weeds, weeded from clay soil, as a top dressing. It is the clay soil that retains more nutrients, unlike sand, peat or podzol.
  • If the pH level is below 6.5, add 100 grams of slaked lime to the top dressing layer, and if below 6.0, add 200 grams per bush.

How to make compost for planting?

In a well-sunny area, make a narrow pile of weeds. Air will penetrate well into it and aerobic bacteria will develop. If there is no rain, then water compost heap to attract earthworms.

Mineral fertilizers and wood ash are added to the finished compost only at the time of laying the planting hole.

When is it better to plant peonies in spring or autumn?

Experts believe that the favorable time for planting is August, September or October (depending on climate zone). General rule– 30-40 days before the arrival of frost, the earlier winter comes, the earlier the planting.

By autumn, the plant forms many new roots and becomes stronger, which increases its survival rate. It is also in a dormant state and can more easily withstand manipulation of the rhizome. They are even sent by mail without harm.

Some experts advise planting purchased cuttings in September or October (beginning - middle). With proper care, they overwinter well and grow the following year.

How to properly plant peonies in the ground in the fall?

Before disembarking, check the weather forecast for 1-2 months ahead to avoid a false start. IN recent years, there are often long thaws in late October and early November that flowers planted in August can begin to grow.

Approximate planting dates in autumn: August, September and October

  • Siberia, Ural: August 20 – September 20.
  • Middle Zone, North-West, Moscow region, Middle lane: August 25th – September 25th.
  • Southern Russia and Ukraine: September 1st – October 10th.

Planting a peony in spring: what to do?

The general recommendation of experts: planting and replanting peonies from August to the end of September, and in the spring it is extremely undesirable. Such bushes take longer to develop, bloom worse and get sick more often. Another risk of planting peonies in the spring is that the overgrown stems are easy to break.

At the same time, many gardeners have successfully planted in the spring and believe that the general laws of nature are stronger individual characteristics. After all, nature has maximum strength, and the suction roots grow no worse than in the fall.

Opinion of the magazine “Festival of Flowers”: “It is better to plant seedlings purchased in the spring without a pot (with an open root system) in the fall, but with a closed one it is allowed in the spring and summer.”

When to plant peonies in open ground in spring? Deadlines

Pay special attention to the deadline. If you still decide, then experts advise planting immediately after the snow melts. When the earth is full of moisture, there is no heat, and the flower has not yet begun to grow. Those who plant in the spring find that it is better to plant a little earlier rather than later.

  • It is important for the “spring” peony to provide further good care (watering, fertilizing) - this significantly increases the chances of survival and successful wintering.

How to preserve peonies before planting in spring?

Often, the roots of herbaceous and tree peonies are ordered from Asia (China, Japan) and Europe in winter and early spring, and they do not always arrive at the right time.

If the buds have not started to grow, then the “cut” is placed in a bag and sprinkled with vermiculite or sphagnum, and then in a box with vegetables in the refrigerator for storage.

When the buds wake up and growth begins, plant the rhizome in a pot (2-3 liters) with strong drainage and a light nutrient substrate. Place in a dark and cool place (4-6 degrees Celsius - cellar, basement) to delay the growing season.

In the spring, dig the peony in the area along with the pot, and transfer it in the fall.

2ND OPTION. You can immediately transfer to a permanent place, but there is still minimal risk.

3rd OPTION. If you plan to plant in the fall, then after the buds awaken and begin to grow, move the pot to a bright place in the apartment. Care as for an indoor flower.

How to care at home?

Above soil mixture add wood ash and sand to prevent rot. Provide maximum light (ideally illuminated for a couple of hours a day until May) and coolness with moderate watering (you can put ice or snow cubes on top of the pot, which will add coolness by melting).

Inspect the flower weekly. By May - June, suction roots appear, and if you don’t want to wait for August - September, you can plant them in open ground.

  • The main thing is moderate watering after the soil surface dries.
  • The maximum period for growing a peony in a pot in the house is one year, as the rhizome will no longer be able to grow normally.

Planting peonies in summer

Many garden centers In summer they sell tree peonies in pots. Experts believe that they can be planted from April to October. But if you want to play it safe or the seedling is not entirely healthy, then it is better to wait until August - September. Read about tree peonies at the bottom of the page in the special material.

Caring for peonies after planting

The first spring of growth is a key stage in the life of the plant.

  1. From May to mid-June it is necessary to feed it - this is the most favorable period. It is best to use complex mineral fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer (ammonium nitrate). Pour the nutrient solution into a circular hole - this will speed up the formation of the root system, promote excellent vegetation and the formation of renewal buds.
  2. It is in the first year of life that experts consider foliar feeding more effective. Spray the flower three times: 1. After the shoots begin to grow – 30-40 grams of urea/5 liters of water. 2. After 2-3 weeks, 30-40 grams of urea (carbamide) and a tablet with microelements / 5 liters of water. 3. After 2-3 weeks, two tablets/5 liters of water.
  3. If there is no rain, then it needs to be watered every 2-3 days for the first 2-3 weeks after planting. And in the future, during drought, it is better to water the bush less often, but abundantly: 10-15 liters per bush. The next day, loosen the soil to provide oxygen to the roots.
  4. In the fall, prepare the bush for winter. In September - October, cover with a little earth and cover with a 10-14 cm layer of peat (except for acidic soil) or spruce branches. The mulch is removed in the spring and covered again the following fall.
  • There is an opinion that seedlings do not need feeding for the first two years. However, experts strongly recommend fertilizing young plants, since they do not have enough nutrients, and they have not yet grown to the bottom of the planting hole.

What year do peonies bloom after planting?

Many gardeners think that a plant must bloom in the first year, especially when planted in the fall. However, experts believe otherwise, which is confirmed in practice - usually the bush blooms after planting after two years, and often after three, depending on the variety and care.

Tree peonies with their own roots bloom in the 4th-6th year, and with those grafted from a herbaceous species in the 2nd-3rd.

Preparing for flowering

Moreover, early flowering should not be allowed. In the first spring of growth, be sure to cut off all flowers after buds appear so that the plant can better develop its root system. At the same time, do not forget about proper care and watering.

In the second year, leave one bud, and after it blooms, cut it as short as possible and examine it for compliance with the variety. If the compliance is not complete, the procedure must be repeated next year, and so on until the flower is identical to the varietal characteristics. Often this happens in the 4-5th year.

Which peony seedling is better to take?

It is best to plant a 1-2 year old seedling. You can buy it or grow it yourself from a small “cut” (2-3 buds and part of the rhizome with completely renewed light (young) roots and large buds). Optimal size seedling - 20-25 cm in height, but 10-15 cm is allowed.

In spring and summer, peony seedlings in pots are often sold - these are first-years, the divisions were planted in the fall, and now they have hatched and are growing.

An example of a peony seedling from a store


  • It is better to buy “cuts” from adult bushes. They have an unattractive appearance, large irregularities and sharp points. Beautiful rhizomes with smooth outlines, most often from the so-called “shkolka” (bushes up to 4 years old) and it is these that flower growers are more willing to buy, but such “divisions” grow and bloom worse.
  • Do not buy overdried cuttings with dried and blackened buds. Sellers will claim that sleeping buds will wake up, but remember that this is an unnecessary risk.
  • The chances of saving a wilted tree with growth stimulants are minimal.
  • Do not purchase yellowed seedlings of tree peonies at a low price - it is more difficult to obtain a luxuriously flowering bush from a weak and diseased specimen.
  • Before buying a seedling, carefully inspect the roots, choose the ones with the strongest appearance.
  • Try to study the varieties offered on the Internet (frost resistance, height and size of the bush, flowering time and their color). Especially check varieties with fantastic, beautiful names - “Blue Sapphire” does not bloom blue, and “Black Panther” blooms black. Read in a separate article about blue and light blue peonies.

Interesting facts

Few people admire the leaves, but they are beautiful and change color three times during the season.









We wish you to plant peonies correctly so that they bloom profusely and brightly!

Spring planting of peonies is not much different from autumn. Although there are still some peculiarities...

Many people believe that peonies can only be planted in August-September, after they have been dug up and divided. But seedlings usually go on sale no earlier than February. What to do? Buy a piece of wood and wait for autumn to arrive? Of course not! Peonies take root well even after planting in the spring. The main thing is to do everything right.

Peony has two periods of growth of suction roots - autumn (August-September) and spring (April-May). It is at this time that it is recommended to plant plants in the ground.

In the spring, you need to plant peonies before steady warming begins, so that before the shoots begin to grow, the division can take root at least a little.

How to choose good peony rhizomes

First of all, pay attention to the packaging. A conscientious manufacturer will always indicate:

  • variety name;
  • a brief description of the plant;
  • quantity of planting material in pieces;
  • quality control mark;
  • landing instructions.

After examining the packaging, proceed to inspect the cuttings (usually this is easy to do, since peonies are sold in plastic bags with labels attached). It should have 2-3 renewal buds and at least 2 adventitious roots more than 5 cm long. But no signs of damage or signs of disease - this is important!

It is better to refuse the purchase if:

  • the division is wet to the touch or, conversely, too dry;
  • the packaging smells of mold or rot;
  • there are growths or knot-like thickenings on the rhizome (such planting material can be infected with cancer or affected by a root nematode).

If there are only 1-2 buds on a cutting, this does not mean that the plant will definitely die. Most often, such peonies simply grow more slowly and bloom a year later.

In this video we will show you what a good peony division should look like, ready for planting in a permanent place.

Planting a peony in open ground

In general, the technology for planting peonies in spring is not much different from that in autumn. The planting hole can be dug in advance so that the soil has time to settle a little. But some gardeners do this on the day of planting. If you are one of them, then this instruction is definitely for you.

Step 1

We dig a planting hole of at least 60x60 cm in size. We fold the top fertile soil layer separately.

Step 2

At the bottom of the hole we pour drainage (expanded clay, broken brick, river sand, etc.) in a layer of 10-15 cm.

Step 3

We fill the hole with half of the dug fertile soil, 1-2 buckets of compost or humus, 200 g of superphosphate and 300-400 g of ash. Mix. If the soil is clayey, add a bucket of sand or peat, and if sandy, add a bucket of clay.

Step 4

We pour the remaining fertile soil on top with a mound so that there is about 10-12 cm left to the edges of the hole.

Step 5

We place the peony section in the center, having first straightened the roots (they should be directed downwards or to the sides). If the soil in the area is heavy, we deepen the division by 5 cm, and if it is light, by 7 cm from the beginning of bud growth. To visually check the soil level, you can attach the handle of a shovel to the hole.

If you deepen a peony too much, it will not bloom. This is one of the main reasons for the lack of flowering. If, on the contrary, you plant the plant too close to the soil surface, then in winter it may freeze.

Step 6

Carefully cover the peony rhizome with soil, lightly compacting it with your hands so as not to damage the buds. Under no circumstances should you trample the ground with your feet.

Step 7

We make a roller around the hole from the remaining soil and water it generously. If the soil has subsided, add more soil.

Step 8

Mulch the hole with peat, humus or a mixture of garden soil and peat (1:1). This will protect the soil from drying out and create favorable conditions for the seedling to take root.

At first, peonies need to be watered every day so that they take root faster. Otherwise, care is the same as for autumn planting. And although it is believed that “spring” peonies may be slightly behind in growth compared to those planted in September, with timely watering, fertilizing and weeding you can grow magnificent and healthy bushes.

Majestic peony bushes decorate our gardens with their lush blooms in late spring and early summer. Depending on the type of peony and geographical latitude region, the flowering time of peonies in the garden varies from late April to mid-July.

In general, a single peony bush blooms for about two weeks. But when you select varieties of peonies with different flowering periods for your garden, you can stretch out this beauty for about a month and a half.

I will share my experience of early spring planting, growing and propagation and - caring for these peonies is absolutely the same. We haven’t even tried to grow it in our garden (we have heard from the experience of various gardener friends that in the Moscow region this idea is practically useless).

But mineral phosphorus- potash fertilizers Peonies must be supplied - both in spring and autumn.
Of course, it is more correct to pre-dilute mineral fertilizers in water or embed them dry in the root top layer of soil. But I always don’t have time to do this (measure grams of fertilizer into a bucket, dilute with water, etc.), so I feed peonies differently.
In the spring I scatter peonies marked “spring” around the bushes (approximately matchbox per bush). In the fall, I apply “autumn” fertilizer in the same way. During the summer, if possible, I feed it, also scattering it around the plants on the surface of the soil.

I always process young peony bushes (planted this year or last year) periodically. I use them both, alternating treatments. I spray the solution of the drug on the foliage of peonies, according to the instructions. These drugs promote faster rooting and increase the resistance of young fragile plants to various diseases, viruses and adverse weather conditions.

Peonies do not like constantly wet soil, so in the Moscow region they often get enough rain without additional watering. But, if the summer is very dry, then the peonies will need watering.
I water peonies rarely (no more than once a week), but a lot. I usually do this: I just put the hose on the peony bed (for a couple of hours every two weeks), and periodically move the hose around the flowerbed. At the same time, the water does not gush, eroding the soil, but flows slowly and is absorbed into the ground, without forming stagnant puddles. Naturally, such watering is only possible on very loose soil. If the soil is heavy, then it is better to pour 2-3 buckets of water directly under each peony bush.

Prevention of diseases in peonies

In my garden, I did not notice any terrible diseases that led to the complete death of plants, to the spread of infections from a specific place throughout the garden (according to different types plants, for plants of the same species).
Yes, plants often get sick after being planted in the garden, especially if greenhouse plants are transplanted into open ground.
Also, peonies do not always feel good after dividing the bushes.
Many plants react poorly to sudden changes in temperature (when very cold and rainy weather comes after prolonged heat, due to watering with ice water in the heat, etc.).
Usually, after a plant takes root in a new place, its immunity is strengthened, and the plant begins to grow and develop normally.

I believe that if the pre-planting treatment of the seedling and soil is carried out correctly, it will stimulate the strengthening of the immune system and rapid rooting young plant, That possible diseases retreat - they do not touch healthy and strong plants.

Of course, there are exceptions: initially weak, diseased varieties, which no matter how much you treat, they will still get sick (apparently, this is genetically inherent in them; they do not know how to resist diseases). Such plants can sit (just sit, not grow) in the garden for years and get sick, but do not die. Many gardeners don’t want to bother with them - they quickly remove such underdeveloped plants from the site and forget about them.
But there are also many gardeners who are ready to constantly treat some weak, but very beloved variety, and often they manage to get good results - after all, plants also feel love and care.

You can eliminate the occurrence and reduce the spread using simple preventive methods:
- do not plant peony bushes too often, thickening of plantings contributes to the spread of viruses;
- follow the watering regime, under no circumstances water peonies with ice-cold well water in hot weather;
- if the peony planting site is low, close groundwater, provide the bushes with very good drainage or even refuse to plant peonies in an area of ​​the garden that is unfavorable for them.

In the photo: herbaceous peonies of the “Celebrity” and “Etched Salmon” varieties

The proximity of peonies to other plants

Peonies bloom at their peak at the very beginning of summer. The peony bush after flowering looks quite decorative due to the beautiful carved foliage, but bright colors I want it all summer!
For example, if a peony bush is located in a mixborder or in a flowerbed next to other plants, then there are no problems - one plant has faded and the other is blooming.
But flower beds, consisting only of peonies, are simply green for most of the summer. I advise you to “dilute” such flower beds with tall perennials that are not prone to strong growth and bloom in the second half of summer. Plants with bright flowers look good against the background of dense green foliage of peonies.

I have tested many plants as neighbors of peonies. In my opinion, they cope best with this role.

Advantages of using lilies in peony plantings:
- the conditions for growing lilies and peonies are very similar: they do not require frequent watering and nitrogen fertilizing, they are afraid of damping off;
- you can easily select high varieties of lilies with different flowering periods, so a flower garden with peonies and lilies will always be blooming.

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What is the favorite flower of Hollywood stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Drew Barrymore? That's right: peony. This flower has been admired for thousands of years, but its popularity does not fade. When Marco Polo first saw the peony, he described it as a flower “about the size of a cabbage”: flowers of some varieties can reach 25 cm in diameter.
Peonies grow in almost every garden, and we look forward to their blooming when the air is full magical aroma, and bright caps of flowers will appear on the bushes...

  • What varieties of peonies are there?
  • When and how to plant a peony in the garden?
  • How to care for a peony during the season?
  • How to prepare a bush for wintering?

You will get answers to these and other questions in our article.

Listen to the article

Planting and caring for peonies

  • Landing: at the end of August or beginning of September.
  • Bloom: May.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight in the first half of the day, then bright diffused light or light partial shade.
  • Soil: loam of slightly acidic reaction.
  • Watering: infrequent, but plentiful: 2-3 buckets of water for each adult bush.
  • Feeding: The first feeding is carried out in early spring, and from the second week of May, peonies are treated with a solution of mineral or organic fertilizer every month, leaves at a time.
  • Reproduction: root cuttings and seeds (rarely).
  • Pests: bronze beetles, turf ants, root-knot nematodes.
  • Diseases: gray mold, rust, brown spot, septoria, root rot, viral mosaic.

Read more about growing peonies below.

Flower peony (lat. Paeonia)- a monotypic genus of herbaceous perennials, the only one in the Peony family. There are herbaceous types of peonies, tree peonies, and also types that combine the properties of both tree and herbaceous peonies - about forty species in total. In nature, peonies grow in temperate and subtropical zones. North America and Eurasia. Cultural cultivation of peonies began in China during the Han era, more than two thousand years ago. The peony flower is named after the legendary healer Pean, who saved both gods and people from mortal wounds received in battles. In our gardens, we mainly grow herbaceous peony, highly valued by gardeners for the beautiful fragrant buds that decorate the flowerbed from May for a month and a half. Our story will be about these peonies.

Peonies flowers - description

Peonies are herbaceous, subshrub (tree peonies) or shrubby plants, reaching a height of 1 m. The rhizome is large, the roots are cone-shaped, powerful. There are several stems, trifoliate or unpaired pinnate leaves of all shades of green, glaucous or dark purple are arranged alternately along the stems. Peony flowers are single, fragrant, reaching 15-20 cm in diameter; they are good both on the bush and as a cut flower. Peony is unpretentious, its agricultural technology is not difficult, so it has always been valued by flower growers: even when the flowers fade, peony bushes with openwork lush foliage remain attractive until autumn.

Peonies are long-lived; they can grow in one place for decades.

Breeders also showed interest in this garden plant, and to date, over five thousand varieties of peonies have been registered, bred mainly with the participation of species such as peony lactiflora and peony officinalis. Varieties of peonies differ in the color of the flowers, their size, flowering time, outline and height of the bush.

Planting peonies

How to plant peonies

Growing peonies will not require a lot of time or excessive effort from you. The most important thing – choose the right area for peonies, because they will grow on it for many years. The root system of adult plants reaches a depth of 70-90 cm, so replanting a bush that has reached 4-5 years of age is not an easy task. Peonies prefer to grow in well-lit areas; sunlight for 5-6 hours in the morning is highly desirable. But peonies are afraid of drafts, so it would be nice if they were protected by tall bushes or trees.

Do not plant peonies in low areas: the rhizomes can rot from stagnant water.

In the photo: Growing peonies in a flower bed

As for the choice of soil, loam with an acidity of 6-6.6 pH is best suited for peonies. If the soil is too clayey, you will need to add humus, sand and peat. In sandy - peat, clay and humus. Sand, wood ash and organic matter are added to peat soils.

Planting peonies in autumn

Peonies are planted and replanted in late August - early September. A week before planting peonies, they dig holes measuring 60x60x60 cm at a distance of 70-100 m from each other; a drainage layer of 20-25 cm of coarse sand, broken brick or crushed stone must be laid at the bottom of the holes. Then a layer of top dressing consisting of compost, humus, 100 g of lime, 200 g of superphosphate, 100 g of potassium sulfate, 300 g of wood ash is poured in a layer of 20-30 cm. Then the holes are filled to the top with soil mixed with compost. In a week, by the time the peonies are planted, the soil in the hole will have subsided, which will make it possible to place the peony rhizome in the hole, sprinkle it with garden soil and lightly compact the soil.

Keep in mind that peonies do not tolerate deep planting: the result will be a dense green bush without flowers.

If you want to wait from peonies lush flowering, deepen the rhizome so that the top bud is no deeper underground than 3-4 cm. In addition, in the first year after planting or transplanting, peonies do not bloom and look lethargic. It happens that peonies will not bloom the next year, but this is not a problem if the bush looks healthy - it’s just that the peony bush has not yet reached maturity.

In the photo: Peony bud

Planting peonies in spring

Actually, peonies are not planted in the spring. But it happens that in the spring you received the planting material you dreamed of... and what to do? In this case, experts suggest planting peonies in a 2-3-liter pot and keeping them in a cool, dark room - a basement or cellar - until planting them in the ground, keeping the soil moist. To do this, you need to place snow or pieces of ice on top of the soil, which, when melted, will moisten the soil in the pot. At the end of April or May, the peony is taken out into the garden and buried in the ground directly with the pot, where it will remain until autumn transplant into a prepared pit, carried out by transshipment, that is, together with an earthen lump in which the rhizome was located.

Caring for peonies

Caring for peonies in autumn

In autumn, as already mentioned, it is time to plant and replant peonies. Peonies are not planted every year, and if this year you have no plans to reproduce them, caring for peonies in autumn time comes down to trimming withered stems and leaves, which then need to be burned to destroy viruses, bacteria and pests that may have settled in them. The remaining stems on the bushes should be sprinkled with ash at the rate of 2-3 handfuls per bush. That's all there is to do in the fall. Now we’ll tell you how to care for peonies in the spring.

In the photo: Blooming pink and white peonies

Caring for peonies in spring

Peonies require infrequent but plentiful watering - 2-3 buckets for each adult bush, so that the soil is wet to the depth of the roots. Plants especially need moisture in early spring, during the growth period, as well as during budding and flowering, and in August-September, when new buds are formed in peonies. After watering, be sure to loosen the soil around the bushes and remove weeds, if any. Make sure that when watering the water gets under the bush and not on the leaves.

Feeding peonies

As soon as the snow melts, the ground around the bushes is watered with a solution of potassium permanganate at the rate of 2-3 g per 10 liters of water for two peony bushes. When the shoots begin to grow, you need to fertilize the plants with ammonium nitrate at the rate of 15 g of nitrate per 10 liters of water. Starting from the second week of May, young plants are watered once a month over the leaves from a watering can with a sieve with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer at the recommended concentration. Add to solution washing powder at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water - this will prevent the solution from simply flowing down the leaves into the ground. Feeding is done in the evening or on a cloudy day.

Propagation of peonies by root cuttings

This is the most reliable way to propagate peonies. A small piece of rhizome with a dormant bud is separated from the bush in July, planted, and by September it has already taken root. True, this method is not suitable for those who are in a hurry: such shoots develop slowly and will be able to bloom for the first time in five years.

Peonies after flowering

Peonies have faded - what to do?

Peonies bloom in late May or early June. Remove all faded flowers, after two weeks, apply a third fertilizing with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers and continue to water the plants regularly. In August, watering should become more abundant, since the period of formation of replacement buds begins, and the plant will need moisture.

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