How to make a homemade nozzle - a foam generator for contactless washing. Making a foam generator for washing with your own hands. A homemade unit from an old sprayer.

Hello, dear friends! Today we have a very interesting topic. Especially for those who prefer to wash their car with their own hands or think that the current prices for a car wash are too high. That is, he is going to switch from professional car wash services to manual ones. Therefore, the topic of our conversation is the foam generator.

But not GPSS, which is used to extinguish fires by supplying foam. And not generators for foam concrete. Although their rental may be of interest to some, it is not about them.

We are talking about a special high-pressure device that is used for. So yourself garden tool, allowing you to wash your own car in the territory of a private house or even in the courtyard of a high-rise building (who is not afraid of neighbors or other threats).

Of course, the work can be done with a conventional sprayer low pressure. However, you will not be able to get a high-quality result from a sprayer. But foamers create a homogeneous and finely dispersed foam. Due to this, a wonderful effect is achieved. I use it myself, so I know what I’m talking about.

Device Features

It doesn’t matter whether you buy an Italian foam generator or order one from China, structurally they all look about the same.

The design includes:

  • gun;
  • mixer;
  • balloon.

A special nozzle, as well as a foam-creating tablet, ensure that this mixture is supplied under high pressure. As a result, the car is quickly coated with a layer that removes dirt.

Such washing cannot be called completely contactless. If you want results, you will also have to work with sponges or brushes.

An important characteristic on which the operation and the best indicator of efficiency depends is the volume of the tank. Usually they are made for 25-100 liters. The compressed air supplied from the cylinder should have a pressure of 5-6 bar. At the outlet, the manual foam generator has a special regulator. It allows you to control the pressure using a built-in pressure gauge.

Sprayer or generator?

This is where it arises very important point. If you need a mini-wash, I advise you to choose a foam generator. Although many sellers offer to buy a sprayer for car washing. Some even pass off an ordinary sprayer as a supposedly highly efficient foam generator.

In some cases, a universal sprayer can perform well. But it is inferior to foam because it is not able to create the same persistent foam. At the exit you get a regular emulsion, the efficiency of which is much lower.

Therefore, I will teach you to distinguish sprayers from generators.

  • the sprayer circuit does not provide for the presence of a regulator to control the quality of the mixture;
  • The sprayer has a larger nozzle at the outlet than the foam sprayer.

These distinctive characteristics enough to make the right purchase.

If we talk specifically about manufacturers, then you should pay attention to the following brands:

  • Karcher;
  • Monsoon;
  • Calm (Stihl);
  • Huter (Huter);
  • Bosch;
  • Elitech;
  • Procar;
  • Idrobase;
  • Interskol;
  • Champion;
  • Patriot.

Go to Aliexpress, read reviews, explore different stores. The Internet works 24 hours a day, so information about a particular model can always be found out.

How does a foam generator work?

Now let's study the principle of operation of such a device. What is he like? The work is carried out on the basis of fairly clear processes.

In short, due to compressed air, a special shampoo passes through a foaming agent and the finished product is obtained, that is, foam. Conventionally, the education process is divided into two stages.

  • Primary foam. A stream of water under high pressure comes out through a nozzle and mixes with the shampoo. At the same time, air is added to the mixture, supplied through special holes. But such foam does not have the necessary characteristics, so it is not suitable for washing a car.
  • Ready foam. Here the so-called tablet plays the main role. The mixture that we received at the first stage passes through high speed through a tablet. This small device, ensuring the creation of a foam mass with the desired characteristics. The foaming tablet is made of corrosion-resistant wire. They have different size cells. It is important to obtain high expansion foam. This directly affects the quality of the car wash.

At the exit we get a stream of foam, which is easily applied to the car using a hose and then washed off with water.

Advantages and Disadvantages

This mini high pressure washer has important advantages:

  • the components of the liquid are converted into foam without loss;
  • the output creates a stable mixture with excellent cleaning properties;
  • foam consumption and parameters can be adjusted;
  • One charge of a 50-liter cylinder allows you to wash from 10 to 15 cars.

But there are a couple of disadvantages:

  • you will have to constantly refill the cylinder with compressed air;
  • you need to install a compressor.

Having a good sink at your disposal, using a special adapter, you can combine them into a common device. Great solution for those who have already acquired a car wash and want to increase the efficiency of their car washing equipment.

Some even create homemade apparatus from a fire extinguisher or other available means. There are even a number of special videos where everything is clearly shown. But I would not recommend doing such things. If you want a device for supplying foam and a really high-quality car wash, spare no expense and buy yourself a good generator, even a Chinese one.

But revision is another matter. When buying a household or professional foam cleaner, many note that some spare parts are insufficiently effective.

A little about the improvement

How can you make your foam generator work even better? Here we're talking about about increasing productivity, that is, increasing the amount of foam created.

No complex repairs will be required. And you won’t have to open the generator drawing. The essence of the modification is to make the attachment work better.

I note that many foamers experience problems with mixing components due to the imperfection of the standard nozzle. The water is supplied under low pressure, so although the shampoo gets into the mixture, complete mixing does not occur. There are models with a too narrow hole through which shampoo is supplied. The water simply does not allow the detergent to push through there.

There are two methods by which you can improve the lack of factory foams.

The cost of such a modification may be zero if the necessary materials are available.

About shampoos

Where to buy shampoos? In any automotive chemical store. But it is very important to understand how to use special chemistry.

Cities such as Moscow, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg and many others offer huge assortment special active foam. To be more precise, the concentrate is sold.

Try to choose high-quality mixtures that are popular. Never use concentrates with a pH value greater than 12. More aggressive mixtures may corrode paint coating, chrome parts, rubber seals etc.

It is also impossible for the shampoo to contain a component called sodium hydroxide or simply caustic soda. It is abused by manufacturers because it effectively destroys dirt and is cheap. But at the same time it causes enormous damage to the paintwork.

Hello! Foam generators of various designs are increasingly used in our daily life. On the other hand, almost every vehicle owner strives to keep it in a clean and tidy condition, despite weather conditions. It is no coincidence that a do-it-yourself foam generator has become the topic of the current publication. Yes, yes, there is no need to purchase this equipment for a lot of money, because you can assemble it yourself much cheaper. Next I will tell you how to do this.

Contactless washing causes less damage to the car’s paintwork, and we talked about it earlier. And to increase the efficiency of its use, it is necessary to use a foam-generating device. First, why foam? This composition boasts its soft and loyal effect on the body and paintwork - this is extremely important when it comes to contactless washing. At the same time, it is able to qualitatively protect metal, plastic, and glass from the most persistent and corrosive types of pollution. Thus, the car foam generator has become popular due to its complex effects.

The design of such equipment usually includes several basic elements:

  • directly a container (cylinder) filled with compressed air;
  • a device that provides supply (such as a gun, sprinkler);
  • connecting parts, hoses, etc.

A little about the principle of operation

So that you understand how a foam generator from a sprayer or even a factory type functions. Compressed air enters the working container under pressure, thanks to which the foaming process begins. Next, this mixture must pass through the so-called “foam tablet”.

It is this that starts the process of active foaming, resulting in the formation of a stable composition, which is needed for cleaning a car or other object. Thanks to the presence of plates in the regulator, placed at a special angle, the washer can regulate the supply power and the area of ​​​​coverage with the foam composition.

How to make equipment yourself

Now we will talk about the most simple equipment, which is quite sufficient for washing in living conditions. But beforehand, it is necessary to wash it properly.

First, let's prepare the tools - they can be found in almost any garage or home workshop: pliers, a set of keys, a knife, a tape measure, an angle grinder.

Let’s take a 0.5-meter piece as a sprayer metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 1 inch. We will also need a mesh type washcloth, which is used for washing dishes and other cases - we push it as much as possible into the pipe. It is used for foaming. We plug the other side of the tube with a plug, then with a tee and a faucet for opening.

The tap will supply compressed air produced by the compressor. The opposite end of the pipe is connected to a foam supply hose. You can equip it with a filter element with large cells. Next, we need to find a container that will contain the foaming liquid. The material doesn't play of paramount importance- as long as it is able to withstand operating pressure (some craftsmen use the tank from a former fire extinguisher as a basis, see video).

Factory version - differences in manufacturing

You can assemble an alternative generator that will be closer in functionality to the factory designs. We take a hose or tube, fill it with a foam sponge, which is tied with thin wire (fishing line) for reliable fixation. We place a mesh stopper at one end to prevent material from penetrating into the nozzle.

Air must be supplied from the bottom of the receiver - for this the tube must have the appropriate length. To regulate the jet power, an adapter is cut into the tank. A foam tablet can be placed at the exit point of the finished composition. Next, the air supply hose is connected to the compressor.

We check the tightness of all connections, in particular threaded ones. To be able to control pressure, it makes sense to embed a pressure gauge into the structure. Thus, a conventional compressor for pumping and monitoring tire pressure will help to build a foam generator close to the factory one. A handle with a nozzle or a gun can be purchased in the gardening departments of supermarkets and department stores. Then everything depends on the user’s imagination and his ability to handle available tools.

In principle, the most inexpensive foaming nozzle from Karcher will cost 1,500 rubles and more. However, you can save even these funds by assembling a simple structure on your own and using available means. Some even manage to make a sink out of a garden sprayer. Today you could see this. Using such a device, you can even wash the engine and the pumped-up space, naturally observing

The safest method for car body paint is a non-contact washing method using a foam generator (we also call it foam). The essence of this method comes down to applying a chemical detergent onto the surface of the body in the form of fine foam. After application, it softens dirt and dust, then all that remains is to wash it off with a stream of water. with a paint coating (rag, brush, etc.) eliminates damage to the surface layers of the varnish, that is, the formation of the so-called “cobwebs” is completely excluded. Therefore, this method of car washing is now a higher priority and more advanced.

The effectiveness of washing is in many ways - the higher its density, the better cleaning properties, less water consumption and chemicals. And it’s the foam generator that produces the foam. Therefore, the main task of a foam generator is to obtain finely dispersed dense foam, as well as its uniform distribution over the surface of the car body.

Foam generator design

Structurally, the foam generator is very similar to a conventional garden sprayer, circuit diagram they have almost the same. But there is one significant nuance - penogen is equipment that operates under high pressure.

The main components of this equipment are:

  1. Cylinder (volume varies - from 25 to 100 liters).
  2. Mixer.
  3. Gun.
  4. Connecting hose.

Large equipment, with a large capacity cylinder, can be installed on a transport trolley to ensure easy movement.

Since the equipment operates under high pressure, the cylinders are made of stainless or ordinary steel, but with mandatory coating with anti-corrosion agents. In some factory models, a measuring ruler is installed on the cylinder, which allows you to control consumption and timely refill.

Penogen cannot work independently, since it requires a supply of compressed air. For this purpose, there is a fitting on the cylinder for connecting the compressor. Typically the operating pressure for a foam generator is 5-6 Bar. To control the pressure, a pressure gauge is installed on the container; pressure adjustment is carried out using a pressure regulator included in the design.

Foam tablet

The main element of the mixer is the so-called foaming tablet. In reality, it is a fine-mesh mesh, folded in several layers and made of corrosion-resistant wire. It is installed in a housing mounted on the cylinder. And it is to this that the supply hose is connected. This tablet ensures that the primary foam supplied to it is broken down into a finely dispersed high-density fraction.

The principle of operation of the foam generator

DIY foam generator

The operating principle of the foam generator is very simple:

  1. The washer fills the cylinder with a solution of water and foaming agent (detergent). The neck is then tightly closed, which ensures the container is sealed.
  2. A compressor is connected and air is pumped to the required pressure.
  3. When the gun valve is opened, air begins to squeeze out the solution through the nozzle, where primary foaming occurs.
  4. Moving at high speed, the foamed solution hits the mesh of the foaming tablet and, passing through it, separates, which is accompanied by the formation of fine foam.
  5. The finished foam is fed to the gun and then through the nozzle to the surface of the body.
  6. If necessary, the washer can adjust the flow on the gun (make the spray front wider, increase the speed of the jet).

It is noteworthy that another equipment for contactless washing, a sprayer, works approximately on the same principle. But unlike a foam generator, at the exit from the gun it forms an emulsion, whose cleaning effect is lower than that of foam.

The difference between them comes down to the different application guns used. Emulsion is a slightly different state of liquid than foam, so to spray it you need a nozzle with an enlarged hole. In addition, it is impossible to adjust the emulsion supply parameters of the sprayer, that is, there are no adjustment elements on the gun. These nuances will help you easily distinguish a foam generator from a sprayer.

The main advantages of the foam generator are:

  • economical consumption of detergent;
  • the resulting foam has excellent cleaning function;
  • possibility of adjusting the jet flow;

There are two main disadvantages of this equipment - large overall dimensions and the need to connect a compressor. Of these qualities, a foam generator is considered equipment that is not very suitable for home use.

Foam kit as a type of foam generator

IN garage conditions It is better to use a foam kit - a variation of equipment for contactless car washing.

Gun with nozzle for washing. Connects via hose to high pressure washer

This equipment works a little differently. It also has a capacity, but it is significantly smaller in volume than the foam generator - only 1 liter. Also included in its design is a foaming agent, which immediately plays the role of a gun for application. But unlike foam, the foam kit does not work from a compressor; it is an attachment for high-pressure washers.

A container with a foaming agent, otherwise called a foam nozzle for contactless washing

Foam nozzle diagram

The foam kit works like this:

  1. It fits onto the water supply hose from the high pressure washer.
  2. After the washer is put into operation, water under high pressure is supplied to the foam generator, and from there to a container filled with detergent, where primary foaming occurs.
  3. The resulting solution in the container is squeezed back into the foaming agent by the incoming water, where it passes through the foaming tablet.
  4. At the exit of the tablet, finely dispersed foam is formed, which is supplied through a socket to the surface of the body.

For ease of operation, extension cords (spears) can be connected to the foam generator. different lengths to ensure the application of foam to any surface of the car, including the roof and underbody.

The stream obtained at the outlet of the foam kit can also be adjusted using a valve installed on the foam generator.

The foam kit is different:

  • small overall dimensions;
  • the resulting foam of good quality;
  • ease of filling (no water required to create a solution);

But without a high-pressure washer, the foam kit will not be able to work.

Due to the powerful jet produced at the output, the consumption of detergent for such equipment is slightly higher than for foam. In general, this is a completely acceptable option for contactless car washing at home. And the foam kit costs much less than a foam generator.

How to make your own foam generator for washing

Foam generator assembly

Considering the design of both types of equipment, you will notice that their main component is a foaming tablet, which can be purchased separately. This means that it is quite possible to make a foam generator with your own hands.

The easiest way to make it is to take a regular garden sprayer as a basis and modify it a little. At the beginning it was mentioned that the foam generator and the sprayer are structurally similar, and this fact is often used when creating homemade foam.

Foam tablet assembly

  • sprayer (volume may vary);
  • two ½-inch bends and nuts for them;
  • check valve;
  • air fitting;
  • foaming tablet and adapter for it;
  • metal tube.

Having all this, you can start remaking:

  1. We cut off the pressure relief valve and the fitting for connecting the hose from the sprayer.
  2. We insert the brackets into the resulting holes and secure them with nuts on both sides and using sealing gaskets.
  3. We install a tube on one of the pipes (so that it almost reaches the bottom of the container), a check valve and an air fitting.
  4. On the second run, we wind the foaming tablet through the adapter.
  5. The manual pressure pump of the sprayer must be completely turned off, since it will not be needed and will only serve as a tank cap.

Video: DIY foam generator

All that remains is to connect the hose to the outlet fitting of the tablet, and attach a garden spray gun to the other end. At this point the product can be considered ready.

Working with it is not as convenient as with factory equipment, but it is quite acceptable. To wash your car you need to:

  • fill the container with cleaning solution (2/3 full);
  • connect the compressor and pump air into the cylinder (it is important to monitor the pressure and not exceed the permissible limits);
  • after opening the sprayer valve, the air will squeeze out the solution, push it through the tablet, and at the exit from the gun we will get foam of quite acceptable quality;

Among the inconveniences of a homemade foam generator, one can note the need for periodic pumping up of pressure, since the homemade product is not equipped with a regulator, as well as the inability to adjust the output stream.

But the described design can always be improved by installing additional equipment to eliminate the shortcomings and improve the convenience of working with the foam generator.

Cheap home mini car washes are not effective enough foam nozzle. As a result, even good non-contact foam does not cope well with dirt. You can improve the quality of cleaning your car by using a homemade foam generator. It copes with stubborn dirt, which can later be easily washed off with a mini-wash.


  • body from an old powder fire extinguisher with neck and lid;
  • 1/2 inch steel tube;
  • a piece of rubber from the chamber for the seal;
  • garden hose;
  • garden hose nozzle;
  • ball valve 1/2 inch;
  • quick-release adapter fitting to compressor M1/2 inches;
  • fumlenta.

Homemade foam generator device

The foam generator is made using meringue powder fire extinguisher or an old hand-held steel spray bottle. You can use another metal container of 8-10 liters. It must be equipped with a neck with a threaded cap and a rubber seal.

A hole is made at the top end of the container for a 15 mm tube. It will be used to release foam. A short piece of pipe 7-10 cm is welded into it. A thread is cut on it to secure the adapter to the garden hose.

A hole for the tube is drilled on the side of the bottom of the cylinder. It will be used to supply air. A plugged pipe with side holes is inserted into it.

10 holes drilled in a row with a 2 mm drill are enough. The tube is welded so that they look up. Next, a thread is cut on it to secure it ball valve. The compressor hose fitting is screwed onto it. All threads are pre-sealed with fumlente or another method.

How to use

Fill the foam generator about halfway with water. Car shampoo is added to it for contactless washing. The tank is closed with a lid. A compressor is connected to the lower adapter.

A garden hose is connected to the top fitting.

Wide tube for spraying foam.

After turning on the compressor and opening the ball valve, the supplied air mixes the water, creating foam.

It rises to the top of the tank and, after it is filled, moves along the garden hose, splashing out onto the car.

A foam generator of this design works much better than many standard attachments for a mini-wash. It makes a thick foam, which, when using normal shampoo, allows you to wash even a very dirty car with minimum costs time and effort.

Finally, rinse everything off with water from a high-pressure washer or garden hose under normal pressure.

The idea of ​​touchless car washing is based on minimal impact on the paintwork when regularly cleaning body panels. In practice, it is the foam generator for a car wash that allows you to perform such car care.

Purpose and operating principle of a fine particle generator

During operation, the foam generator for washing, due to the high pressure inside the working cylinder, creates foam, which is applied to the body panels to clean them. The composition successfully combats the most persistent stains. In this case, the mechanical impact is minimal.

The use of the active composition of the foam makes it possible to produce comprehensive cleaning from pollution:

    dust and dirt;

    persistent organic compounds;


The main obstacle to individual use of the current type of design is the high price of a professional product. Expensive car does not justify the costs when using it periodically to wash one car. Therefore they are popular homemade installations for contactless washing.


Structurally, a foam generator for a car wash is similar to any installation overpressure– from a garden sprayer to an injection cylinder liquefied gas. The design of the device includes the following elements:

    High pressure cylinder.

    Foaming agent.

    A sprayer that provides flow and fineness of spray.

    Connecting hoses are of sufficient length.

Taking into account the volume of the injection container, provision should be made for transporting the equipment, taking into account the total weight.

The source of foam formation is a special foam tablet. This element is a finely porous mesh made of corrosion-resistant wire. After passing through the tablet, a liquid fraction with a high specific gravity is formed.

Manufacturing a functional and safe design

Before production begins, it is necessary to realize that the main dangerous factor during operation of the device will be high blood pressure. When assembling a foam generator with your own hands, you should not skimp on installation elements.

Requirements for foam generator capacity

It is more convenient to make a homemade foam generator from a container of 25 liters or more. This will be enough for a one-time wash. The main requirement for the cylinder will be to be made of stainless steel, or ordinary steel can be used provided it is treated with an anti-corrosion compound. Durable plastic is also actively used.

Additional conditions will be:

  • pressure resistance up to 6 bar;
  • the presence of a measuring ruler to control the filling level of the container;

    the presence of threaded holes for a sprayer and a pressure gauge.

Sprayer requirements

The design includes a foam sprayer. This element must be different from similar device type of sprayer. Such equipment is designed to produce an emulsion, which is inferior in cleaning efficiency.

A suitable nozzle for a car wash in a steam generator compares favorably with a simpler model:

  • has a finer spray;
  • allows you to adjust the feed rate;

    provides savings in cleaning solution.

High pressure cleaning solution

It is impossible to create a foam generator with your own hands for a car wash without a pressure source. For normal operation of the equipment, the pressure created must be in the range from 4 to 6 atmospheres.

When completing the installation, the compressor will be the most expensive element. If you purchase a used sample, you should discard the sample with signs of wear. In this case, a compact unit for inflating wheels will also not cope with the job.

Assembling a foam generator for washing with your own hands

Making installation drawings

Proceed with assembly work only after sketching a promising design on the diagram, which shows the device of a foam generator for a car wash. This will allow you not to miss the following items:

  • determine the sequence of assembly operations;
  • form full list parts and materials for assembly;

    prepare the necessary tools.

The required tool kit includes:

    set of wrenches;



  • flathead and Phillips head screwdrivers;

Diagram of a foam generator from a fire extinguisher

Used metal containers ideal for making a foam generator for a compressor. When selecting a container for a fire extinguisher, give preference to a container with large diameter to avoid falling.

The work is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Prepare a standard hole for pouring the mixture.
  2. New holes will be needed in the lower end and in the central part.

    Tubes with fittings of the required size are welded into the holes to inject pressure and drain liquid to the gun.

Option to manufacture from a sprayer

The option of making a foam generator for washing with your own hands from a sprayer is the most preferable. This is due to the closeness of execution in comparison with the factory product. You will need to disassemble the foam generator by removing the valve and mounting fitting. Before assembly begins, two mounting holes must be present.

Subsequent work is carried out in accordance with the algorithm:

    We screw the brackets into the holes and secure them with nuts. Installation of gaskets is required.

    Install the fitting with check valve to one of the air pumps.

    We attach a special tank with a tablet to the second drive.

A DIY foam generator made from a garden sprayer will work correctly only if there is an air supply from the bottom of the tank. A normally functioning device at an operating pressure of at least 4 bar consumes only 40 grams of shampoo.

How to make your device more perfect

Construction practice homemade foam generators We allow you to highlight all the new directions for their modernization. And if the basic drawings remain the same, then individual elements easy to replace.

For example, a foaming element based on wire or fishing line can be easily replaced with a piece of foam sponge. It is enough to secure it well in the wire tube. Instead of a fire extinguisher, a propane tank is successfully used.

Alternative reservoir

An alternative option for making a manual foam generator would be a regular one. plastic canister. In this case, it is possible to use the neck cover to secure both fittings.

We attach a plastic tube to one fitting from the inside. Inside, due to dense packing with fishing line, we prepare a foaming device. We attach a hose with a sprayer at the end to the outside.

We leave the second fitting free to connect the compressor. This is how you prepare the simplest touchless car wash with your own hands.

Touchless washing using a portable steam generator

Design hand-held device differs not only in overall dimensions, but also according to the principle of operation. A passing stream of compressed air lifts the liquid under the influence of vacuum, and then, under pressure, the solution is sent to the foaming agent.


The devices are sold both ready-made and can be easily assembled independently.