What lip shapes can be done. What are the types of lip shapes? Average prices, doctors' opinion

Every tenth woman strives to increase lips, correct the shape or rejuvenate the mouth area. Units can achieve change on their own. Turning to aesthetic medicine helps to get what you want. Cosmetologists have different methods of achieving goals. The choice of lip augmentation technique is an individual process. At the consultation, the doctor will recommend the best ways. Consider what options exist, filling techniques, whether it is possible to achieve a result like a star.


The use of aesthetic methods for correcting the oral zone allows you to achieve:

  • increase in tissue volume;
  • shape correction;
  • elimination of asymmetry;
  • improving the condition of the skin;
  • wrinkle smoothing.

A face with modified lips looks younger, a beautiful mouth line attracts more attention. Correction often contributes to balancing the proportions.

Indications for the procedure

It is recommended to turn to techniques for increasing and correcting the oral zone for patients with:

  • thin, expressionless lips;
  • blurred borders of the mouth;
  • scars, scars in the oral area;
  • displaced harmony of the mouth area (asymmetry, lack of proportions);
  • clear age-related changes (grid of wrinkles, sunken lips, lowered corners).

Lip augmentation techniques are used for aesthetic purposes by patients of all ages.

Popular filling methods

Beauticians offer patients different ways to correct the mouth area. The most popular options are:

  • non-surgical contouring;
  • lipofilling;
  • the use of threads;
  • hardware impact;
  • surgical intervention (lift, implantation).

A suitable method will be suggested by a beautician. The final choice remains with the patient.

Non-surgical contouring

The vast majority of patients use non-surgical methods. Injection contouring is recognized as a safe, low-traumatic, effective way to change the volume, eliminate various defects. The technique consists in the subcutaneous injection of special fillers.

Contrary to popular belief, silicone has long lost its relevance. The most popular substances based on hyaluronic acid. With their help, sponges are filled using dense fillers or they perform gentle, in terms of adding volume, biorevitalization. For procedures, drugs are popular:

  • princesses;
  • Juvederm;
  • Surgiderm;
  • Restylane;
  • Teosyal;
  • Filorga.

Under the brands, a lot of fillers are used for different purposes. Choose specialized gels designed to increase volume. For biorevitalization use:

  • Ial systems;
  • Hillpier;
  • Ha-systems;
  • Meso-warton.

Contour plastic by injection is distinguished by the actual absence of a rehabilitation period. The side effects of the procedure are minimal. Usually, after 2-3 days, patients do not notice any effects. Even if dense substances are pumped in, rehabilitation proceeds easily, with the right attitude towards recovery.

The result of the procedure is stored for 6-12 months. Sometimes long-acting drugs are used that create volume for 2-3 years. The price range of manipulation is wide. The average cost ranges from 8-30 thousand rubles.

Note! Gel injections are usually used to increase volume, give the skin a fresh look. When using different drugs, a single procedure or course of interventions is sufficient. With biorevitalization, the substance is injected only in courses.


The injection method of lip correction is performed using the patient's own fat. The technique is classified as non-surgical, but is performed by plastic surgeons.

The doctor makes a sampling of fat cells from the places of their accumulation: thighs, abdomen, buttocks. The material undergoes special cleaning. The prepared donor substance is injected under the skin in the oral region.

The procedure has a minimum number of complications. Own material is rarely rejected, causing inflammation. The technique gives a pleasant natural volume to the lips. The technique is used to enlarge, correct the shape, and eliminate ptotic conditions in the mouth area.

Rehabilitation after lipofilling proceeds easily in 10-14 days. The result lasts 2–5 years, but in some cases, rapid resorption of the material is possible. The average cost of the procedure is 20-30 thousand rubles. A single intervention rarely gives the expected effect. Usually 2-3 procedures are performed sequentially.

Using threads

Installing absorbable threads under the skin allows you to achieve a pronounced expression of the lips. The technique is suitable for thin, "transparent", age sponges. With the help of threads create a clear outline. Neocollagenesis, provoked by implanted biodegradable materials, provides sufficient volume. The mouth takes on a pleasant shape, a young, toned appearance.

With the help of threads, they solve the problem of drooping corners, eliminate wrinkles. The skin of the lips acquires freshness, elasticity. Discomfort during rehabilitation after the installation of threads is noticeable for 7–14 days. The result is distinguishable in 1-3 years. The average cost of the procedure is 5-20 thousand rubles. A single intervention is enough to obtain the planned result.

Hardware impact

The result of lip augmentation, strengthening, healing of the skin is achieved using thermage, electroporation with hyaluronic acid. To achieve the result, a cluster of interventions is required with a quarterly maintenance procedure. The method is ideal for those who are afraid of invasive interventions. The procedure is characterized by the absence or easy course of rehabilitation. The cost of the course is 10-40 thousand rubles. It is recommended to discuss the existing pros and cons of the intervention with a beautician.

Surgical intervention

Cheiloplasty is not widely popular. Not everyone is ready for major surgery. There are different methods of surgical correction of the mouth area. The doctor turns the red border outward, tightens the skin, inserts implants. The effect of the operation lasts from 5-10 years.

The use of implants gives permanent results. The operation is indicated for older patients, with a quick elimination of the effect after using alternative techniques.

The method is characterized by a large number of contraindications, long-term rehabilitation, increased susceptibility to complications. The average cost of the operation is 25–50 thousand rubles. How much the specific intervention will cost will be determined by the doctor. A single manipulation provides a full-fledged result.

Injection Correction Techniques

Contour plastic with fillers has gained massive popularity among cosmetologists and patients. This is due to the simplicity and effectiveness of the technique. The method has the greatest number of positive results. The popularity of the technique is also explained by the possibility of an individual approach to the patient, the creation of different types of appearance.

For injection of the gel, a classic thin needle or atraumatic cannula is used. In the classic version, the cosmetologist performs multiple lip piercings according to a pre-selected scheme. Each puncture ends with the injection of a certain amount of the drug. Using a cannula allows you to evenly distribute the gel with minimal skin trauma. The instrument is inserted through a single puncture, pushes the tissue apart. The cosmetologist, evenly pressing the plunger of the syringe, "puts" the preparation.

To achieve the planned result, cosmetologists use different technologies for administering drugs. The names of the methods are meaningful. Popular options are:

  1. Linear with uniform contour filling. The cosmetologist injects the drug in small doses strictly along the borders of the red border. The method allows you to achieve a pronounced expression of outlines. Additionally, the entire perimeter of the lips can be filled in the same way. This is an augmentation technique. The tissues receive the necessary volume. Visually uniform puffiness is achieved.
  2. Hollywood Volume. The method successfully combines linear and bolus techniques. The technique allows you to achieve volume, highlights the border, "Cupid's arch". The patient gets the effect of kissed sponges.
  3. French sponges. The drug is injected perpendicular to the contour according to the principle of a linear or cross distribution of the substance. The beautician does not touch the corners, the very center. It turns out the similarity of sponges with a "bow" in a plump design. The mouth looks sensual, but not vulgar. Parisian technique is popular among bohemia.
  4. Method "Mona Lisa". The method is ideal for lifting lowered corners. The drug is injected linearly retrograde along the lateral part of the contour, passing through the commissures.
  5. Full volume with bolus, linear retrograde. Both techniques are characterized by deep immersion of the needle. With the bolus method, the drug is injected in a large volume to a depth, the linear-retrograde technique assumes a uniform distribution of the gel when the needle moves to the surface. Work linearly or perpendicularly.

The cosmetologist has an individual approach to assessing the appearance, compares the natural data with the wishes of the patient. Perhaps the doctor will suggest other, more suitable options.

Popular lip shapes

Patients, turning to a cosmetologist or plastic surgeon, often use the lips of famous people as an example. Many are sure that all the stars are pumping fillers. Doctors, evaluating the external data of idols, comparing the available information, argue that popular types: Liv Tyler, Eva Longoria, Scarlett Johansson, Angelina Jolie have natural lips. Specialists can work with available means, achieve similarities. This does not mean that individual lips will look harmoniously on the patient's face. It is recommended to listen to the opinion of an experienced doctor who will offer the best options.


It is impossible to go to the clinic and get the result by paying for the lip augmentation procedure. The doctor must conduct a preliminary consultation. The meeting helps to understand the patient's aspirations: to choose the method of influence, the technique of manipulation. The doctor collects an anamnesis, trying to exclude contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • blood diseases (in most cases, the ability to coagulate is taken into account);
  • rehabilitation period after other interventions;
  • acute course of any disease;
  • serious endocrine, cardiovascular disorders;
  • open wounds, dermatological problems in places of intended exposure;
  • autoimmune, oncological processes;
  • mental disorders.

Before plastic surgery, the surgeon will require you to take tests, documenting the state of health. All actions help to eliminate complications, to ensure patient satisfaction with the result.

Risks can be minimized by making informed doctor choices. You can trust only an experienced performer with a good professional reputation. It is necessary to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bconducting the procedure independently. Theoretically, the process seems simple, but inexperienced actions can lead to disastrous results.

Choosing a lip augmentation technique is not an easy task. There are many effective ways. It is recommended to select the appropriate option with a doctor who will carry it out. You need to trust a specialist. This is the only way to take into account all the nuances, to achieve favorable results.

Useful videos

Lip augmentation technique with fillers: video from the operating room.

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid at home.

Lip augmentation by contour plastics is the most popular beauty procedure. Clinics and medical centers vying with each other offer the “Mona Lisa smile”, “ french lips» and sexy lips.

Indeed, the procedure takes literally 40 minutes of time, makes the face sensual, rejuvenates and beautifies. The introduction of a filler into the lips allows you to restore youthful fullness and a clear contour of the lips that have been lost with age, make thin lips more expressive, and remove wrinkles around the lips.

At first glance, the scheme is very simple: a small amount of a substance is injected into the lips, which, getting under the skin, begins to hold water molecules around itself, as a result of which the lips puff up, become juicy and seductive. The beauty! You inject the drug - and wait for an excellent result.

But only on one condition. The procedure must be performed by a professional of the highest class. Contouring of the face and lips only seems to be a simple matter. Practice shows that otherwise the result will please only your worst enemies.

For many years, we at the Platinental Medical Center have been doing not only beautiful lip contouring. We are approached every day to correct the mistakes of others. Today we share this "black list" - in the hope that it will save you from disappointment and tears due to the rash choice of a doctor and a drug.

Lip contouring with a filler. Performed by a dermatologist.

Lip contouring. Performed by a dermatocosmetologist .

Lip contouring. Performed .

Hit parade of horror stories for adult girls

So, here are the most common problems that unsuccessfully performed lip plastic surgery leads to.

1. Lips are bigger than you wanted.

Have you dreamed about the plump lips of Angelina Jolie, but got the lips of Pamela Anderson? Alas, you have been injected with an excess amount of gel.

Amanda Lepore, freak. "Pumped" lips look about the same on all types of faces - too unnatural to be taken seriously by their owner.

If this is a modern drug based on hyaluronic acid, then you should not be very upset. Within a year, hyaluronic acid will dissolve itself, and the lips will return to their natural shape. However, if the image of the "rescuer of Malibu" is not to your liking - come. With special Spanish enzymes, we will delicately eliminate the excess of the drug, keeping the volume in the right places.

2. The harmonious proportions of the face are violated

A very common mistake. To see this, watch the opening of any film festival or other event that the beau monde is going to. Most age actresses do lip contouring - this is a fact.

In one actress, “pumped” lips are perceived separately from the face as something completely foreign. And for someone, the correction is completely invisible - for example, for Dami Moore. She's always had string lips. And now they do not stand out on the face with their fullness. But look how perfectly they harmonize with the rest of the facial features.

Dami Moore is one of the few who doesn't "pump" her naturally thin lips. Despite the use of contouring, her lips look natural and young. Perhaps this is the best example of the good taste of a beautician and his patient.

If, unlike Dami, you made a mistake, it makes sense to correct it and return your lips to a proportional look.

If the harmony of the features is broken, the face is not perceived as beautiful.. In order to avoid the effect of other people's lips, a specialist in contour plastics needs to know in detail the structure of the face and its proportions, the laws of harmony, and also take into account several dozen structural features of the lips themselves, their age, balance in the upper and lower lips, their symmetry with the left and right sides.

For example, at Platinental, we use 13 criteria to create an irresistible smile. All of them are carefully considered every time before the procedure - individually for each patient.

Adequacy test: do you still think extreme lip size is beautiful?

3. Violation of the correct volume of the lips

Lips seem beautiful to us not when they are just equally large, but when they meet certain criteria. It is very important that the lower lip in profile be plumper than the upper lip.

If this is not so, then there is no need to talk about beauty. And here it doesn’t matter: they are the same or the upper lip is plumper than the lower one. The ideal ratio of the size of the upper and lower lips is 1/3 to 2/3. This is the golden ratio, which was described in his works by Leonardo Da Vinci and which every self-respecting specialist in contour plastic strives for in his works.

4. Destruction of the delicate anatomy of the lips

When a child draws a beautiful princess, he most often carefully draws her lips with a heart: the upper one is in the shape of an onion, the lower one is plump. A child will never draw two identical sausages instead of lips for a princess. And he is absolutely right.

The human upper lip has a complex structure. It necessarily has a vertical groove (filtrum). At the point of transition to the red border, the filtrum forms a labial tubercle. Two smoothly curved ridges of skin along the edges of the groove are called filtrum columns.

The border between the skin and the red border of the lips, as a rule, is curved like a bow. Romantic ancient Greeks, well-known connoisseurs of beauty, compared the shape of the beauty's lips with Cupid's bow, and this name has survived to this day. There is also an arch of Cupid - the central part of the upper lip.

In order for the lips to be beautiful, all this delicate anatomy must be carefully preserved. If, during contouring, an excess of the drug is injected, then the natural outlines of the lips disappear - and we see just two plump pancakes that can cause delight only in the hungry.

Beautiful lips are:

      • Cupid's well-defined bow.
      • Clear filtrum columns.
      • A well-defined red border of the lips, emphasizing the curves.
      • Smooth skin between nose and upper lip.
      • The distance from the base of the nose to the upper lip is less than 2 cm.
      • The Mona Lisa crease (a smile hidden in the corners of the lips) even at rest.
      • The lower lip is 1.5 times fuller than the upper one.
      • The most protruding point in the profile of the upper lip protrudes forward relative to the analogous point on the lower lip.
      • An angle is clearly visible between the upper and lower lip at rest.
      • Ricketts line (Riccets E-line) - a straight line that runs from the tip of the nose to the protruding point of the chin, runs at a distance of 4 mm from the upper lip and 2 mm from the lower lip.
      • At rest, the upper lip opens the tips of the teeth.

As you can see, beauty has many parameters and subtle nuances. And if you evaluate the beauty of the lips only by one of them - by size - this betrays provinciality with a head. Wearing “dumplings” on your face is as bad form as appearing in public with nails extended and painted under Khokhloma.

5. Eversion of the lips

If the excess filler was injected from the side of the lip mucosa, there is a risk of getting the eversion of the lip. In this case, the inner mucous surface of the lips becomes visible, which should only be in contact with the teeth.

Jackie Stallone is the famous mother of her son, Sylvester Stallone. Eversion of the lips as a result of the introduction of an excess amount of artificial gel.

Try to do this procedure in front of a mirror - twist your lip a little. See? The hue of the mucous membrane is light, it differs from the bright color of the lips. Therefore, any eversion is very noticeable. It is hardly possible to talk about the beauty of the lips in this case. But the beauty here is not even the worst thing.

Everted mucosa is not intended to come into contact with air. Drying, it becomes covered with cracks that become inflamed. If nothing is done, stomatitis develops (inflammation of the entire oral cavity) and cheilitis (inflammation and severe peeling of the lips).

6. Asymmetry

If not the same amount of the drug is injected into the lips, then asymmetry occurs: for example, the right side of the upper lip becomes larger than the left. This is one of the common mistakes in non-professional plastic surgery.

Pamela's bewitching charm and her open smile make this defect invisible. However, there is a clear asymmetry of Pam's lips, which appeared after their increase.

7. "Duck mouth"

famous " duck mouth”is also the result of a medical error. Appears when an excess amount of the drug is injected into the skin of the upper lip at a young age.

As a result, the gel partially migrates, the upper lip swells, becomes longer, and really begins to resemble a duck's beak.

"Before" and 2 weeks "after" removal of the biopolymer from the lips. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Photos "before" and "after" the operation for the correction of duck lips.

Lip reduction, removal of silicone from the lips. Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

8. Dropping the corners of the lips

"One wrong move and you're a father." The same phrase very accurately conveys the features of contour plastics. Two wrong movements with a syringe in the corners of the lips - and you literally become 10 years older in 30 seconds.

Have you ever wondered why celebrities always smile? Perhaps only Victoria Beckham allows herself to walk along the Red carpet without a smile.

In addition to showing friendliness, a smile is very good at hiding the corners of the lips and low cheekbones that have drooped with age.

This is not an exaggeration. One of the clearest signs of a "woman after 40" is the lowered corners of the mouth. This facial expression has nothing to do with a bad mood. Drooping lips are as obvious a sign of age as nasolabial folds and bags under the eyes.

But unlike a bad contour specialist, a good specialist will make every effort to lift the corners of your lips. Like this:

A good doctor will definitely make your face more attractive by turning the corners of your lips up.

With a superficial and uneven injection of the gel at the border of the red border and the mucous membrane, it leads to the appearance of a wavy edge of the lips.

10. Inflammation

Inflammation on the lips can occur if the rules of sterility are violated during and after the procedure.

However, the doctor is not always to blame for this problem. Very often, patients ignore care recommendations and do not follow the regimen prescribed by the doctor. The lips after contour plastics are easily affected by the sun's rays, too hot air in the bath and sauna, and non-compliance with the rules of hygiene.

11. Lip deformation

If earlier we spoke exclusively about the unprofessionalism of a doctor, now is the time to recall that “not all yogurts are equally useful”, and fillers are different.

There are a number of problems associated with the introduction of the "wrong" drug. Permanent fillers (PAAG and silicone-based gels) do not dissolve. It would seem that this can only be dreamed of. What's better than beautiful lips for life? But in reality, everything turns out to be far from the case.

Once under the skin, permanent fillers over time:

  • migrate, which leads to deformation of the lips,
  • cause inflammation and swelling
  • lead to education scars,
  • come into conflict both with each other and with the tissues of the body, which is fraught with absolutely terrible consequences.

We wholeheartedly advise you not to experiment with your own health with dubious cosmetologists. Low drug prices should not please, but alert: no one will work at a loss, so what are we saving on? Most often, unfortunately, on the qualifications of doctors and drugs. And then the question, how much does lip contouring cost, turns into a question: how to live with what they did to me, and how much does it cost to fix everything?

We are engaged in correcting the consequences of unsuccessful contouring on a daily basis:

We perform every day ,

We excise granulomas and oleomas,

Modeling the shape of the lips

We spend lip plastic surgery,

Excising scar tissue

We eliminate excess filler with special Spanish enzymes,

Correcting mistakes is more expensive than preventing them. But the flow of those wishing, alas, only intensifies.

We wrote this article to talk about what we see day after day in consultations and in the operating room. To save you from mistakes. We cannot betray those tears and pain of girls and women who cannot eat, sleep and even close their mouths normally. Take my word for it. They come to Platinental as the last hope for unique technologies. And although we take on the most difficult cases, only 90% of them can be corrected.


Andrey Iskornev tells how contouring can be a disappointment.

Andrey Iskornev talks about the dangers of biopolymer lip gels.

What to do? There is an exit!

Do you want to protect your beauty?

Focus only on those clinics and specialists who perform contouring in full accordance with the wishes of the patient, and in compliance with all the rules of anatomy, harmony and aesthetics. Only lip contouring with hyaluronic acid is considered reliably safe. Elena Savitskaya Contour plasty of the cheekbones, corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds with fillers, 3 syringes. Performed by a dermatologist.

Volbella contains anesthetic lidocaine in its composition and makes the procedure lip correction very comfortable. You will no longer need Ultracaine injections before lip augmentation.

You can ask your questions and sign up for a consultation on the issue of lip correction by phone:

in Moscow +7 495 989-21-16, +7 495 723-48-38,

in Kazan +7 843 236-66-66.

Book an appointment online to receive a 30% discount on a consultation. Or buy a clinic certificate and pay for any procedures with a 10% discount.

If you choose forms for lip augmentation, the photo will help visualize the expected effect. However, it is also not superfluous to remember that such manipulation involves interference with the natural life of the body.

It is completely in vain to say that plump lips began to lose ground and naturalness, even not very presentable, became the final decision. There are cases when contour plastic, performed in various techniques, is shown to a woman for certain reasons.

What do you need to know about the intricacies of procedures that will help correct the appearance, give the appearance of sexuality and charm?

Lip augmentation techniques

Depending on the chosen lip augmentation technique, you can achieve a certain shape, volume and duration of the result. To date, there are two main types of procedures:

  • surgical method;
  • contour plastic.

Each woman has the right to choose the method that will give the desired result. However, it is also necessary to be guided by the presence of contraindications for manipulation.

To more clearly imagine what you want to fix in the drawing of your mouth, pay attention to the schemes by which you can select the area for lip augmentation and predict the result in advance.

Let's put the accents right! Even the most experienced specialist will not be able to say exactly how the lips will look after the increase. Each woman has her own individual characteristics of a physiological and physiognomic character.

A beautician or doctor can make a prediction and focus on ideal parameters.

This is a cardinal method used to make the lips look bigger. It is recommended in the presence of serious defects in appearance, both congenital and acquired, when the use of other techniques will not help to correct the situation.

But some women resort to surgery for some other reasons. They should remember that the shape of the lips when enlarged with implants will be unnatural.

In addition, the operation is possible only after a complete examination, identification of all contraindications, including the reaction of the body to the material of the implants (usually Gortex or silicone).

Important fact! Although modern materials used for implants are considered quite safe, some medical studies have evidence that they can cause malignancy (cancerous degeneration) of cells and tissues.

Fillers and contouring

The safest material for lip augmentation or mouth shape correction is hyaluronic acid and fillers based on it. Contour plastic with the help of such means is performed in several ways.

  1. Injection biorevitalization - using a special apparatus or syringes with a thin needle, the composition is injected into the tissues to any depth. With this method, you can achieve any desired effect.
  2. Laser biorevitalization is a non-injection procedure, when the substance is delivered to the tissues without violating the integrity of the skin. But it has a drawback - it is quite difficult to introduce the filler into the deep layers, as well as to calculate the concentration.
  3. Lipofilling is the introduction of a filler based on your own fat cells and hyaluronic acid. The method requires long-term preparation, has a greater range of contraindications and side effects.

Lip augmentation by such methods does not give a permanent result. After a certain time, the effect will decrease, a correction will be required. As a rule, a second procedure is carried out after 6-8 months, plus or minus, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

In any case, the mouth after lip augmentation will look much better - the contours are clear, not blurry, the lips are plump, the corners are raised. Pictures will demonstrate the possibilities of a well-performed procedure.

Two techniques for performing the procedure are used, which differ both in the way the drug is administered and in the effect achieved:

  • lip augmentation along the contour makes it possible to correct the shape, give volume by filling voids with filler and long-term retention of liquid. Hyaluron is injected clearly along the contour, after each injection, the cosmetologist directs the filler to the desired area with massage movements. At the end of the procedure, the lips are kneaded in order to smooth out the boundaries of edema;
  • The "Paris technique" involves the introduction of the filler strictly vertically, into the deep layers. Correction of the contour after an increase in volume with this technique of the procedure is practically not required, since the natural relief of the lips is preserved.

The pronounced effect of lip augmentation and shape correction will be noticeable at the end of the recovery period, which is from 3 to 10 days. It all depends on the state of the body, the amount of filler introduced and the technique of manipulation.

Most women choose the French Lips or Mona Lisa Lips technique, which involves enlargement and/or slight eversion of the predominantly upper lip:

But the natural effect with a light volume along the contour also remains popular:

What method will help to achieve a natural effect?

After lip augmentation and giving them the desired shape, every woman expects a stunning effect that transforms her appearance. But what exactly are you waiting for - naturalness or unrecognizability?

Beautiful lips of the correct form, with clear contours and slightly enlarged in volume, will give the appearance of sexuality, attractiveness and charm of youth. It is this result that real professionals try to achieve and advise clients on the best option for the procedure.

The natural effect after lip augmentation is guaranteed by the "Paris technique". With her help:

  • an increase in volume is achieved due to the retention of fluid inside the tissues;
  • lowered corners of the mouth rise;
  • the contour is clearly drawn;
  • the natural relief is preserved, but too deep furrows and wrinkles are removed.

After such a manipulation, the recovery period is faster, swelling is minimal.

There will always be consequences for lip augmentation. But they can be physiologically justified, or they can be pathological in nature.

A slight swelling is inevitable, since during the introduction of the filler, the integrity of the skin is violated and protective substances are actively produced at the puncture site, trying to "expel the alien". This is a natural reaction of the body to a foreign agent and the occurrence of wounds.

The development of complications after lip augmentation can be ascertained if there is no improvement in appearance and general condition with each subsequent day. Negative consequences include:

  • severe swelling that does not decrease over time or is present for more than 10 days;
  • the formation of significant hematomas and bruises at the injection site;
  • accession of infection due to improper care or violation of hygiene during the procedure;
  • the presence of bumps and lumps in the tissues of the lips at different depths;
  • severe pain that gets worse;
  • redness of the skin around the mouth, the appearance of a rash, severe itching.

All these symptoms indicate that complications have arisen and immediate specialist help is required.

Sensual, fresh, eye-catching lips are an important factor in female beauty. But perfection must be achieved in reasonable ways that do not harm health.

Incredible! Find out who is the most beautiful woman on the planet in 2019!

The beauty of French women and, in particular, Parisians is recognized all over the world. This is also reflected in cosmetology. "Parisian lips" is a popular technique for increasing them, giving maximum naturalness, but also volume.

Read in this article

Feature of the French lip shape

The lip augmentation technique associated with France is widespread throughout the world. What united the method of their correction and the country was by no means the fact that it was invented there. The point is the shape of the lips, which this enlargement technique gives. It differs from what is found after using other methods.

Parisian sponges do not give the effect of a "vamp" woman. They acquire an O-shape, becoming more plump, but without excessive sex appeal and vulgarity. The lips take on a rather childish, innocent expression. The upper one remains as if surprisingly raised, slightly swollen, but not swollen. The bottom one should match.

Sometimes, to get the desired effect, you need to work only on the upper lip.. In other cases, both should be chipped with the drug in order to achieve the shape of the letter O. It is these lips that are characteristic of French women, if you remember how Brigitte Bardot, Vanessa Paradis, Michel Mercier looked in their youth without any correction.

Benefits of lip augmentation with a bow

The main advantages of lip augmentation with a bow:

  • the result of the correction procedure will be as natural as possible;
  • all manipulation requires the use of no more than 1 ml of filler, and this is a significant financial savings;
  • minimal intervention is implied, so the procedure takes a little time.

Lip augmentation with a bow is the introduction of drugs into the upper lip, which makes it voluminous. In this case, the person does not acquire a vulgar type, but becomes "innocent". Only after the doctor makes the upper lip "Parisian", he can inject fillers into the lower one - this is necessary to create a harmonious image, accurate proportions.

Even if the specialist has chosen an aggressive drug for correction, the injections will be painless, because they are performed very quickly. This option of lip augmentation is suitable for patients who do not want to look vulgar and unnatural, but want to emphasize the beauty of the shape of the lips, make them an accent on their face.

How is the increase carried out?

The Parisian technique of lip augmentation also differs from other methods of correcting the shape and volume. It concerns primarily areas from the corners to the highest points of the upper lip. Usually it is the first one that is corrected. If the lower lip is also chipped, then the injection sites will be located where its red border is crossed by an imaginary line from the injections on the upper one. That is, the corners and the very middle will not be affected.

The Parisian lips technique is done in the following sequence:

  1. the surface is cleaned of cosmetics, treated with an antiseptic;
  2. retreating 0.4 - 0.6 mm from the corner, the skin is pierced with a needle, directing the latter to the oral fissure;
  3. the drug is administered when the syringe begins to move back;
  4. after 2 mm, a new injection is also made in the same way, the last of them should be made at a distance of 2–4 mm from the highest point of the upper lip;
  5. then the cosmetologist performs similar actions on the other side of it;
  6. if the lower lip needs correction to give an O-shape, injections are made into it in the same way, starting on the left, continuing on the right, or vice versa.

Correction technique

How does the French technique "work"?

The effect of the Parisian method of lip augmentation is achieved due to the uniform distribution of the drug in different areas. For him, the agent must be sufficiently viscous, such as Restylane. It does not fill the tissues, but makes them denser. Due to this, it becomes possible to smooth out wrinkles and a slight turn of the lower part of the lips.

The amount of the drug is minimal, usually it is possible to keep within 1 ml. And for 1 injection, only 0.02 or 0.03 ml is enough. This makes it possible to give the lips not only volume, but also to preserve their naturalness. Additional outlines are not required. Actually, this is what makes the French magnification technique popular, as well as other benefits:

  • low cost of the procedure compared to others (since the drug is needed a little);
  • quick completion of all manipulations (intervention is minimal);
  • more comfortable sensations during the procedure, because it passes quickly.

Useful video

For information on how the Parisian lips technique is performed, see this video:

Possible negative reactions

The French technique of lip augmentation, despite the minimum intervention, may force additional correction or treatment. Difficulties that can arise with it:

  • Lip asymmetry. Injections are made first on one side, then on the other. A specialist can overlook the unevenness of hitting each of them. Moreover, the full picture of the changes will be revealed only after a couple of days.
  • Allergy. Hyaluronic acid is often used for augmentation. And it, although it is artificially synthesized, can cause intolerance.
  • Hematomas on the lips. Since injections are made deep into the tissues, large vessels and can be affected. If the blood from them lingers inside, a dark, swollen and painful spot forms.
  • Joining the infection. This also cannot be ruled out, since a specialist can "miss" in creating the necessary sterile conditions for the procedure. Because of this, soreness and swelling of the lips will last longer, then hardening and development of a purulent process will be detected.
  • Insufficient effect. Injections that are made using the French technique may inject the drug too deeply. And the formation of new collagen cells on the surface will not be noticeable.

Examples of famous women who made themselves Parisian lips

  • American Scarlett Johansson. Without her plump lips, the actress would have lost a significant part of her attractiveness. And the Parisian magnification technique is to be thanked for its maintenance.

Alternative schemes for lip augmentation

Lip augmentation with a bow can take place not only in the classical technique, alternative schemes include eversion of the upper lip with a filler (Garunova method), fan, Monegasque and Hollywood techniques. All of them end with the formation of Parisian sponges, but the procedures are carried out with some differences and features.

Lip augmentation using the Garunova technique: how to twist the upper lip with a filler

If you turn the upper lip with a filler, then it will be voluminous and somewhat disproportionate compared to the lower lip. This technique is used on those patients who naturally have uneven lips - the upper one is much narrower. The peculiarity of the procedure is that the filler is introduced not along the contour, but into the mucous membrane of the lips, from the inside of the oral cavity. Thus, a roller is formed, which raises / twists the lip, making it a “bow”.

This method is called Garunova's technique - lip augmentation is less traumatic, rehabilitation takes a maximum of 2 days, swelling persists for 3-5 hours. The result obtained lasts for 4-6 months, if necessary, "podkolki" or additional correction of the lower lip can be performed.

Watch this video on how to twist the upper lip with a filler:

Fan lip augmentation technique

If the lips need to be given a natural, uniform volume, then it is worth using the fan technique - lip augmentation occurs with a minimum number of injections performed, the doctor has the opportunity to inject the drug into a specific area (the middle of the lip or its contour). If you need to solve the problem of small wrinkles around the mouth, then it is this technique that allows you to lift the corners of the lips, thereby making them longer and hiding the first signs of age-related changes.

It is impossible to argue that the fan technique of lip augmentation will make them “Parisian”. But with proper distribution of the drug and the choice of its dosage, it is quite possible to achieve a similar effect. The technique is perfect for those who have decided on the procedure for the first time and do not want to get the maximum result, but just a visual effect - it will be possible to evaluate it and understand whether it is worth performing the procedure on an ongoing basis.

Monegasque lip augmentation technique

If the injections are injected into the corners, then the cosmetologists call the procedure the Monegasque lip augmentation technique. Its peculiarity lies in a sharp expansion of the corners - the drug is pricked both in the mucous membrane and in the outer surface of the lips. As a result, they not only expand, but also become longer.

It is formed by the doctor in three directions:

  • “Cupid's wings” should be clearly drawn - the contour in the middle is not affected by injections;
  • the general surface of the lip is made convex, voluminous - injections are placed in the side parts;
  • the corners of the lips are also chipped - this is how a diamond shape is given.

Correction of the lower lip is also performed within the framework of the technique under consideration, but it will be minimal. If 1-1.5 filler syringes can be used for the upper lip, then ½ dose will be enough for the lower lip.

The technique of French lip augmentation is not the only one. But it retains its natural appeal to a greater extent than other methods of correction. Unless, of course, you do the procedure with a good cosmetologist who has not only skill, but also a sense of proportion.

Useful video

Watch this video about the Hollywood lip augmentation technique:

Lip augmentation is one of the most popular aesthetic medicine services. The procedure helps to hide the natural asymmetry, eliminates defects and allows you to get beautiful plump lips. Now specialists use various techniques. Which one is right for you? Consider the various ways to increase the lips.

One of the most popular methods. To increase the volume, fillers are injected under the skin with the thinnest needle (this is how fillers are called in a different way). It sounds scary, but it's actually almost painless. The procedure for lip augmentation with fillers is overgrown with "horror stories". Why?

Because the technique and materials that were used in the past were far from perfect. Their use really caused a lot of adverse reactions. The experience of using some fillers has shown their complete failure as a means of adding volume. Moreover, time has shown that a large number of negative reactions that manifest themselves over time. Thanks to the failed experiences in the past, today we have the opportunity to get a good result without any fear of failure.

In modern conditions, only safe means and time-tested drugs are used.

Types of fillers

All fillers are usually combined on the basis of natural destruction in the human body.


They are among the most accessible. Here you can add, for example, silicone - one of the obsolete materials. It is this material that has been the culprit in many failed procedures in the past.

If at first permanent synthetics seemed like an excellent option, later the unsatisfactory consequences of lip augmentation became apparent. The gel clumped and even migrated to other parts of the face and was incredibly difficult to remove.

To date, synthetic fillers are not used as fillers in lip augmentation procedures.


Modern means for lip augmentation. The drugs from this group include Restylane, Perlane, Juvederm and others. The injected filler naturally breaks down and is excreted from the body after 6 or more months. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time.

The advantage is that if lip augmentation with a gel was unsuccessful, you can quickly get rid of the result by introducing an absorbable composition. And the downside is the short-term result.

At the moment, biodegradable fillers are used in most cases.


Compromise option. Mixed fillers for lip augmentation contain synthetic and biodegradable components at the same time. Some cosmetologists claim that these are the best materials: the combo effectively copes with both giving a new shape and correcting minor defects. However, do not forget that these are not completely absorbable injections.

Filler injection technique

How is the process going? There are 2 main options here.

  1. Surface treatment. The filler is inserted shallowly. The option is relevant for small defects. For example, with excessive thinness of the lower lip or roughness.
  2. internal processing. More complex operation. It is a more flexible and effective enlargement of thin lips. The needle is inserted to a depth of up to 1 cm. The sensations are not pleasant, but the method is suitable for a full-fledged correction: correcting asymmetry, massive enlargement, etc.

Which technique is best for you? This can only be said by a specialist after examination.


It implies the use of threads to increase volume. Materials vary in composition and structure. There are flat threads, with spikes, with notches, springs ... Roughness on the surface activates the production of collagen by the body.

Why is this method being used more and more often? Lip augmentation with threads has several advantages.

  1. No surgical intervention. Feelings are unpleasant, but the process itself is almost painless, easily tolerated.
  2. No complications. After the procedure, side effects are extremely rare. Tissue damage is minimal, and the threads themselves do not cause allergies. Most often, complications appear due to the mistake of a beautician.
  3. No recovery period. Of course, there is post-procedure care. But you don’t have to stay in a hospital under the supervision of doctors, and the restrictions are quite simple to comply with.
  4. Natural appearance. No fillers or implants are used. The result is provided by the growth of fibrous tissue, so there is no "doll" effect.
  5. Durability. The threads dissolve after 6-18 months, but often the shape and size are preserved.

How is the procedure

Don't be afraid of the description! In fact, everything is very simple. What does a beautician do? Standard preparation does not interest us, let's go straight to the process.

  • anesthesia with local anesthesia;
  • injections with a thin flexible needle;
  • introduction of threads through punctures: creation of an elastic framework for the formation of voluminous fibrous tissues.

That's all! The whole process takes no more than 40 minutes, except for the fact that you and the specialist first need to prepare.

Surgical cheiloplasty

It belongs to the most drastic measures. This is a full-fledged plastic surgery, which should be taken seriously. Surgical lip augmentation plus everything involves the removal of wrinkles near the mouth. Plastic copes with such serious shortcomings as a wolf's mouth or cleft lip.

It is quite obvious that the consequences and contraindications of the surgical method are much stricter. For example, after the procedure, rejection of the implant is possible.

The operation is carried out in various ways: shortening, "French", bullhorn, etc. Preferred for giving volume are the V-Y and French techniques.

paris technique

Strictly speaking, Parisian lips are not a separate way of lip augmentation for Parisians, but only a special scheme for introducing fillers. The technique is called so because of the attractive forms of French women who considered to be the epitome of beauty. The peculiarity of the technique is that the corners and the middle are not processed. As a result, the face is given a childish, spontaneous expression.

Parisian lips are made using viscous fillers. For example, Restylane is suitable for this purpose. Enlarging gel is administered in minimal amounts. Often the volume does not exceed 1 ml. It's hard to believe, looking at the photos before and after lip augmentation, but it's true.

Apart from the natural result, the only significant difference between the Parisian technique and conventional injections is the price. Less material is used than with the standard technique, which significantly reduces the final score.


When choosing a method, it is important to know what not to do after lip augmentation. Often this becomes the decisive criterion. The most difficult technique for the body is surgical intervention. Rehabilitation lasts about 2 weeks, during which it is necessary to be observed by a specialist.

Cosmetics. The use of any traumatic means (peels, scrubs, etc.) is prohibited. When can you color your lips? Minimum - in a day, it is better to wait 2-3 days.

physical impact. After the procedure, the treated area must be carefully protected. Blows are unacceptable, you can not press and bite your lips with your teeth. No kissing for 2 days.

Medicines. It is forbidden to inject or ingest any blood-thinning agents. This is fraught with swelling and hematomas. In the event of severe bruising, the damaged area is smeared with heparin ointment. Only heparin ointment is safe and does not cause adverse reactions.

Dentist. How long can you visit a doctor? Approximately 1-2 months. This is due to the need to open the mouth wide.

Warm. After lip augmentation, you can not eat hot, salty and spicy food, sunbathe and go to the sauna, bath, solarium, etc. First, heat accelerates the absorption of some fillers. Secondly, swelling increases due to blood flow. The same goes for alcohol. The reaction does not always occur, but the better you follow the rules, the faster you will bounce back.

Cigarettes. Can I smoke after lip augmentation? Not! You will have to give up smoking for at least a few days. Smoke burns the mucous membranes and skin, which is why previously thin lips turn into painful "dumplings".

Sport. When can I exercise after the procedure? After 2-3 weeks. The specialist will assess your condition, give permission or ask you to wait a little longer.

What not to do after lip augmentation? The list is long, but the bans will practically not affect your quality of life. In some cases, even, on the contrary, will help to become healthier!

Possible consequences

Usually cosmetologists are faced with severe swelling. They arise due to the fact that clients do not know how to care for their lips or do not follow the recommendations. What other complications occur more often than others?


Of course, patients are upset when the result does not meet expectations. However, do not rush. It will be possible to fully evaluate the result only when the swelling subsides.


Even hyaluronic acid, which is present in our body in its natural form, can cause individual intolerance.


Sometimes large painful spots form. They are associated with damage to internal tissues. It does not look very aesthetically pleasing, but for accelerated resorption, you can smear bruises with a special cream.


Alas, it is not always possible for a specialist to create ideal sterile conditions. As a result, at first swelling and discomfort do not go away, and then suppuration and hardness join. If you have long and severe pain, you need to urgently visit a beautician!

Now you know about the different methods and can compare them with each other! We hope this will help you make your choice. Remember: a lot depends not only on the specialist, but also on you. Be sure to follow the recommendations and monitor your condition.