DIY frame garage step by step instructions. DIY wooden frame garage

Frame garage– easy to assemble and sufficient reliable design. You can build it with your own hands, while spending a minimum of time, money and effort on construction. To date, this is probably the most simple technology installation of premises, which is becoming increasingly common. You can assemble a frame garage with your own hands from scratch in a few weeks.

Preparation for construction

The construction of a frame garage is no different from the construction of any other frame premises. The only feature is the inspection hole. However, it is not always needed and not for everyone. If you are used to having your car repaired by specialists, you are unlikely to need an inspection hole. And its arrangement will require additional effort and money.

Before starting construction, you need to decide on some points:

  1. Garage size. It should not be too small, because, in addition to the car, some necessary things can be stored in the garage - for example, winter or summer tires, various keys, pumps, spare parts. There may be some furniture - shelves, cabinets, etc. At the same time, you should have freedom of movement around the room.
  2. Reliability of the design. Since vehicles vary in weight, please note that some foundations may be too light. If the garage is designed for big car or several vehicles, opt for a strip foundation. Use well-treated timber in the garage frame.
  3. If an inspection hole is needed, its design must be thought out in advance. It is done like this: a hole is dug, the walls are lined with brick in one layer. The edges are reinforced with metal strapping. Remember that the walls may collapse under the weight of the machine, so they must be strengthened conscientiously.
  4. Electricity. It is advisable to have a light in the garage, and if you have an inspection hole, then you also need to connect it to it. The wires are placed inside the wall when sheathing the garage frame.
  5. Availability of water. If you are working on your own car, water may come in handy. At the very least, it is convenient to be able to wash your hands at any time, wipe the windows, interior, etc. The pipes are laid to the floor and, in some cases, to the construction of the garage frame.

Having decided on these issues, you can make markings and pour the foundation for the frame garage.

Construction technology

If you have already encountered construction frame technology, then you can guess how to build a frame garage. There are three stages in the construction of frame garages:

  • foundation creation
  • creating a frame for a garage
  • sheathing and finishing of garage frame

The strip foundation is based on cement mixture, which is poured into formwork installed in a dug trench according to the markings. The height of the foundation in all its parts must be the same. Let the concrete dry and sit for at least a month. Some builders say that there is no need to wait, because this is not a house. However, experience suggests that if you rush, you can get the entire structure skewed. Therefore, it is better to wait for a while. Construction technologies various types foundation are described in detail.

Exterior finishing can be varied: painting, plaster, siding, stone, etc.

The roof for the garage can be made simple. A shed roof, which has a slope due to different wall heights, is well suited for frame garages. If you want gable roof, then its design will be more complicated. You'll have to do rafter system, lathing. More complex roofs they do it rarely, just to avoid getting out of general style plot.

Shed roof for frame garages - the ideal solution

How to make a floor

In frame garages, the floor is the element that bears the main load. In addition, the operating conditions of the floor in frame garages are quite difficult. What features should the floor have?

  1. It must be strong and reliable, since cars weigh several tons.
  2. Should not be abraded by wheels (this is why linoleum or laminate is not suitable).
  3. Fireproof. Car oil and gasoline stored in a garage can cause a fire. The use of fireproof materials increases the chance of rescue.
  4. Good moisture tolerance. IN winter time year, the snow that sticks to the wheels melts, forming puddles. This is why wooden floors are not suitable.

Based on these requirements, we understand that the choice of material for flooring in frame garages is not large. The best cement-sand floor has proven itself, which can be covered with special stable tiles (or you don’t have to cover it, just let it dry well before use). Modern polymer floors are also suitable, but their price is much higher, and you won’t be able to make them yourself.

If you want to add an extension to your house and use it as a garage, take a look at ours.

In Russian conditions climatic zones A garage for a car is not a luxury, but a necessity. The first thing that suffers from changes in humidity and temperature is paint coating cars. A simple solution A DIY frame garage will solve this problem.

Moreover, unlike the construction brick garage, the construction of such a structure will cost very little.

Frame garages are especially popular among car owners who spend most of the year at their dacha.

Construction technologies do not stand still - more and more new materials are appearing that simplify the work of craftsmen. So large and small buildings, which are based on wooden or metal frame, began to be in great demand.

What advantages does a garage using frame technology have over a capital one:

  • speed construction cannot be compared with traditional brickwork or a monolith
  • simplicity installation - having in stock exact drawing, even an inexperienced builder can handle the construction
  • low thermal conductivity - high-quality insulation will provide comfortable temperature inside
  • durability and lightness- a frame panel garage does not have a significant mass, so its construction does not require a complex foundation
  • price- the cost of such structures is very low. In addition, if you decide to build a frame garage with your own hands, you will not have to incur additional costs for paying employees.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: The basis for the frame can be not only wooden parts, but also metal pipes.

How to build a budget frame garage. Step by step instructions

Construction using frame technology involves several stages:

  1. - preparatory
  2. - fill
  3. - erection of walls
  4. - device
  5. - insulation inside and outside
  6. - installation garage doors

Preparatory stage

At this stage, it is necessary to choose a place for a prefabricated garage, decide on a project and purchase the necessary building materials and equipment.

Best suited for building a garage open spaces with smooth relief. When studying projects, pay attention to the size of the future building - 5x8 or 7x10 - the choice depends on the available area on the site.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: A short and clear entrance must be provided to the garage door in a private house. The drawings also differ in the type of roof. The garage can be designed as pitched roof, and with a gable.

For the “skeleton” of the building, it is preferable to use wooden beams or guides from a profile pipe.

Pouring the foundation

First, you should mark a 10*10 space for the future garage with pegs and twine. Along the perimeter of this zone, an even layer of turf is removed from the surface of the earth, and all vegetation is removed. The site is carefully leveled and compacted. Then the surface is covered with gravel or a sand+gravel mixture and processed with a vibrating plate.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: You can compact the soil manually using wide board or a piece of plywood.

The next step in building a foundation is choosing its type. In order to build a light frame garage, one of the options is suitable:

  1. Columnar

Monolithic foundation the most reliable of all, but also more labor-intensive and expensive in contrast to columnar and tape. In order to obtain high-quality and durable slab for a frame garage, proper reinforcement of the base will be required. In addition, a monolithic foundation takes quite a long time to dry: final hardening occurs in about a month.

Columnar foundation usually erected for outbuildings such as bathhouses and sheds, since these structures are lighter in weight. Can be adapted if necessary columnar foundation and for the construction of a garage.

Strip foundation- this is the most suitable basis for building a frame garage. Filling it with your own hands will not be difficult.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Before starting work on installing any type of foundation, read the instructions, photos and video materials and strictly follow the rules.

How to do strip foundation for a frame garage?

For marking work, you will need the following tools: a construction level, a laser range finder, a plumb line, a carpenter's square, nylon twine, stakes.

We start marking from one of the corners of the future garage. We measure distances in accordance with the drawing included in the frame garage project.

We drive in a peg and align it plumb. We drive in a second peg in the opposite corner. We stretch the nylon twine between them. Next, using a square, we find a 90-degree angle and pull the twine under it to the third and fourth peg. Having completed the binding, we check all the corners - they must be straight (90 degrees).

Then you need to dig a trench for pouring the foundation. The recommended filling depth is no more than 50 cm. The sides of the canal are leveled bayonet shovel, the bottom is carefully compacted.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: Start laying the foundation in sunny weather. Wet soil may crumble and you will have to redo the job.

Next, the preparation of the formwork begins. The main structure is knocked down or assembled using self-tapping screws from boards and pieces of plywood and lowered into the trench. The walls of the formwork must be in close contact with the walls of the dug channel. The bottom is filled with sand or a mixture of sand and gravel. Next, a metal frame made of reinforcement is lowered into the trench.

The prepared cement is carefully poured into the formwork. To release possible air bubbles, pierce the uncured concrete in several places with a reinforcement bar.

Then a layer is laid on the concrete polyethylene film. This will help avoid cracking of the surface.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: During the first days, you should water the foundation with water. So it will be stronger.

After final hardening, the surface of the foundation is waterproofed with roofing felt.

How to make a frame garage. Walling

The base of the garage is formed from wooden beams or metal profiles. At this stage you need to purchase:

  1. — timber 100*100 for strapping and racks
  2. - boards of at least 4 cm for assembling the rafter system
  3. - a board of at least 2 cm for lathing
  4. - boards for laying the floor at least 4 cm thick

Before use, all wood is treated with antiseptic and fire retardant compounds, and is also well dried in the shade.

Installation of the wall frame begins with the completion of the bottom. To do this, 100*100 mm timber is laid along the inner perimeter of the future building. Then all the parts are connected at the corners with dowels and a notch.

Then the upper trim is formed from the timber. Intermediate posts and jumpers are fixed with an angle and self-tapping screws.

The floor covering is assembled at the very last moment. Prepared 40 mm boards are attached to the bottom frame and the subfloor is ready.

How to build a frame garage roof. Types and step-by-step instructions

The simplest types of roofs for frame garages are single-pitch and gable. Pr self-installation experts recommend building a frame lean-to garage. Such a roof is not only easier to construct, but also inexpensive. In addition, a pitched roof has higher strength.

When installing the roof, the following steps are performed:

  1. — preparation and installation of the rafter system
  2. - assembly of the sheathing
  3. - styling
  4. - laying roofing material

Rafter system- this is the so-called “skeleton” of the roof. It takes on the entire load, starting with the mass roofing and ending with the weight of the snow layer in winter. Construction of the rafter system - the most important stage when constructing a roof. The time that a frame garage made of timber will serve you depends on the quality of the structure’s assembly.

Roof support. Waterproofing and material will be placed on it outer covering roofs. To assemble the sheathing, it is allowed to use both edged and unedged boards.

Insulation- a layer of material that prevents moisture from entering the garage.

Roofing material- laid on top of the insulation. An inexpensive frame garage is usually covered with corrugated sheets, ondulin or flexible tiles.

Roof installation begins with the assembly of rafters.

THIS IS IMPORTANT: When calculating the number of beams, remember that the distance between them should not exceed 1 meter.

Shed garage

In the case of a pitched roof, they are laid across the frame, this will save time during installation. After laying, the beams are attached to the base with corners with self-tapping screws or using nails.

Then the assembly of the sheathing begins. If used unedged board, then you should clean it of any remaining bark. After preparing the boards, the battens are laid across the rafters and secured with self-tapping screws. There should be no cracks or gaps between the sheathing elements.

A layer is laid on top of the sheathing on the frame garage waterproofing material. Traditionally, roofing felt or a special film is used.

When waterproofing with roofing felt, layers of material are laid overlapping each other. The amount of overlap should be at least 3-4 cm. Then the material is nailed to the sheathing boards.

The waterproofing film is fixed with a construction stapler with staples.

After the insulation layer, the final coating is installed. Each option has its own rules for installation and operation. When installing, follow the recommendations of the manufacturer of the selected roofing material.

Gable garage

It is more difficult to install such a roof, but by choosing it, the owners get additional storage space - the attic. Total price garage will increase by about 30 percent compared to the price of a lean-to garage. The easiest way to assemble a gable rafter system is on the ground, and then lift the finished trusses onto top harness and fasten.

We are building a wooden floor in a frame garage. The installation of the floor in the garage is carried out after the roof is installed. This way it will not be damaged by precipitation.

Traditionally, builders recommend using non-grooved boards for flooring. It forms natural gaps, thanks to which the floor does not deform under the influence of humidity and temperature changes. Self-tapping screws or nails are used to secure the floorboard to the joists.

A properly equipped frame garage will provide secure storage of the car at any time of the year. People increasingly prefer frame buildings. Wood is extremely easy to process and install, and financially This option is one of the most profitable.

There is nothing overly complicated in the construction of a frame garage. You can handle basic construction activities yourself. You just need to understand the main features of such work and follow the instructions in everything.

One of the main advantages of a frame garage for most private developers is the possibility of constructing it with your own hands. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the basic provisions of the manual and do everything according to the instructions. Start by preparing the necessary design documentation with all required drawings.

Necessary design documentation

The listed drawings will make the work of arranging the garage as simple and convenient as possible. With their help, it will take a minimum amount of time to complete the necessary construction activities.

However, it is extremely difficult to create such a detailed project without the required skills. In such situations, you can either turn to professionals or select suitable drawings from open sources.

Garage space

Before starting construction, select suitable place for arranging a garage. Think over everything so that in the future there will be no difficulties with leaving and entering the car.

It is better that the garage is located near the house. Optimal size platforms for arranging a garage - 10x10 m. You can select the dimensions of the garage itself at your discretion. It is strongly not recommended to tie the construction area to the size of a particular car, since after a while you can change your car to a larger model.

Clear the selected area of ​​any kind of debris and other third-party objects. Remove vegetation from the site. Level and compact the ground.

Lay out the area according to the layout of your garage. Simple pegs and any rope will help you mark the territory.

Garage Construction Guide

Start building a frame garage. You need to start, as with the construction of any other structure, by laying out the foundation.

The first stage is the foundation

The finished frame building will have a relatively low weight, due to which the requirements for foundation strength are significantly reduced. The most important thing is that the site is level and stable.

If desired, a small frame garage can be built even on compacted gravel or a flat asphalt path, but it is still better to give preference to a concrete surface.

Dig a trench around the perimeter of the future foundation. A hole with a depth of about 400-500 mm will be sufficient. Install the formwork.

Fill the bottom of the trench with a thin layer sand and gravel mixture. If the foundation is being built on difficult soil, lay reinforcing mesh on top of the compacted backfill.

Fill in concrete mortar. You can do the filling yourself or entrust it to a specialized team.

If you pour it yourself, you will have to spend additional time and effort preparing the solution.

After pouring, the concrete must be treated with a special vibrator. He will thoroughly compact the mixture and remove excess air from it. If you don't have a vibrator, you need to at least pierce the concrete in several places with a reinforcing bar. All recesses are subsequently sealed with concrete mortar.

Leave the foundation to harden for 3-5 weeks. After this, you can begin to carry out other construction activities.

Second stage - floor

Start arranging the floor.

Fill the area of ​​the structure with gravel. Place reinforcing mesh on a thin layer of gravel embankment and pour concrete. Lay roofing felt on the hardened concrete.

Lay wooden beams on top of the roofing felt. Nail the decking boards to the timber.

If the level of passing groundwater and the soil characteristics allow you to install an inspection hole in the garage. If you wish, you can also make a full-fledged cellar. Such additions will definitely not be superfluous.

Third stage - frame

After completing the work on arranging the base and floor, proceed with the installation of the frame.

To arrange the lower part, use 10x5 cm boards, pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. Mount the corner posts of the frame, as well as the gate posts, from 10x10 cm timber. For the manufacture of all other posts, beams, as well as

e rafter elements use 10x5 cm boards.

Mount the bottom garter posts in increments of up to 120 cm. These posts can be attached to the bottom garter using corners and self-tapping screws, nails, or a tongue-and-groove connection.

Build the frame in accordance with the project.

If the width of the garage exceeds 4 m, it is preferable to use high-quality 10x5 boards for the manufacture of ceiling beams rather than 10x10 timber. They will make the finished building much stronger and more reliable.

To make longitudinal elements and the necessary jibs, use 5x5 cm timber.

It usually takes several days to assemble a garage frame. To make the work faster and easier, you can enlist the support of 1-2 assistants.

Stage four - roof

Place 10x2.5 cm boards on top of the rafters - they will serve as sheathing. Choose the finishing roofing material at your discretion. You can give preference to both budget bitumen and more expensive materials such as euro slate, metal tiles, etc. At this point, focus on your personal preferences and available budget.

Fifth stage - wall decoration

For interior decoration frame garage use lining. Wall cladding is carried out with parallel arrangement of steam, heat and moisture insulation layers.

To install the insulation layers, you need to fill the sheathing. Usually the sheathing is assembled from wooden beams. The beam fastening step is selected individually in accordance with the thickness of the insulating boards.

External cladding can also be made using lining. Siding is often used. Choose the external cladding material at your discretion.

The finishing is completed with the installation of double-glazed windows and doors. At this stage, you will also have to make your own decision regarding the optimal option for the mentioned designs.

Stage six - gate

Choose the gate to your taste. On modern market presented huge assortment garage doors - from the ordinary and most popular swinging metal structures to modern automatic lifting gate systems, consisting of several sections.

The cost of finished gates will vary depending on the features of their design, ease of use, quality of insulation and finishing, appearance and other parameters. If desired, you can make a garage door yourself, after first studying the instructions for assembling the selected type of system.

Select the dimensions of the gate so that you can easily enter the garage. After a while, you can change the car - remember this and make the opening for the gate with some margin.

The seventh stage - internal arrangement

In the end, all that remains is to complete the work interior design garage. Recommendations for covering walls were given earlier - lining is excellent for this work.

Subject to availability attic space, it is enough to lay out its floor with boards 25-30 mm thick and install a ladder.

The inspection pit and cellar are arranged accordingly. Electrical wiring is being installed.

All other work is performed solely at the discretion of the owner.

For greater convenience, the garage is supplied with water and sewer pipes. It is also recommended to consider a solution to the issue of heating the garage so that it can be used as comfortably as possible in cold weather.

Good luck!

Video - DIY frame garage

The technology for constructing a frame garage has been brought to the simplicity necessary for the average car owner, who is not accustomed to sophistication, but requires at least minimally comfortable conditions for maintaining the car.

Find out strength

Of course, the first thing every self-respecting motorist who loves his car will pay attention to is the strength of the future garage.

No awnings, temporary shelters, canopies or other structures that are flimsy can serve as a garage, although many of the unique ones manage to “shove” their car in there for year-round “residence.”

If funds are tight and you need a garage, then frame covering will be able to save your car from natural phenomena and temperature changes.

The proposed technology is one of the most accessible and profitable– the construction of a frame garage with your own hands can be done, indeed, by hand, that is, without the involvement of heavy equipment.

A frame “house for a car” will be strong enough, but to bring the structure to the ideal, you need:

  • build a garage in such a way that it does not depend on the external environment;
  • create so much simple design so that it allows you to repair the car on site;
  • ensure a low level of heat transfer from the structure;
  • invest a minimum of funds in construction.

Do you need a hole?

If everything is very clear with the foundation for a frame garage: it weighs little and therefore allows you to take a platform as the basis for the structure, then with the need to establish inspection hole A fair question arises: is it needed at all?

It is necessary to make a decision about its presence or absence on the eve of all construction work. This element of the garage is mandatory only if you are repairing your car yourself.

If you decide that a pit is needed, then installing it will take some time and will make the implementation of your project somewhat more expensive (not significant).

The hole is dug according to the markings, its walls are reinforced with bricks (the method of laying in one brick) and provided with high-quality lighting.

Along the upper perimeter of the inspection pit, it is necessary (!) to install a steel frame, which is carefully cemented. This is necessary in order to avoid collapse of the pit under the weight of the car.

The next stage consists of arrangement monolithic foundation . On the area prepared for it (at the bottom) a so-called cushion is poured - a mixture of sand and gravel no more than 10 cm, with concrete (3 cm) on top. A frame of reinforcement is placed in the concrete - iron rods are laid both lengthwise and crosswise, fixing them at the intersection points.

Formwork is installed around the perimeter of the almost finished site and the structure is concreted.

When the concrete fixing the foundation has dried, you can begin installation without waiting for it to settle well (it’s not a house, after all). frame structure.

Types of frame garages

Like any other, building a frame garage with your own hands involves the most difficult and crucial moment of building the foundation. But when this stage of work is over, it turns out that there is still a lot left important points, which must not be overlooked.

Even the type of garage you choose depends on the safety of your car.

Among some frame garages, there are several types of garages that determine the quality of car maintenance. And although experts say that keeping a car in all frame structures will be approximately the same, you have a chance to choose, check, and compare.

Metal garage

According to experts, such a frame garage will cost the owner only 30 thousand rubles.

Optimal garage sizes from corrugated sheets (and all other types of garages) 4.5X3.5 meters, provided that it contains one car.

The garage should not be cramped; it should provide comfortable accommodation for the car, the owner and all small and large available equipment.

Two-meter sheets of metal profiles of grade C 10 are most suitable for the walls and roof of such a garage. The thickness of such a sheet should be at least 0.5 mm.

For a standard garage space you will need 23 sheets, the lion's share of which will be spent on arranging the walls.

Cover the walls with overlapping sheets, connecting roofing screws. Adjust the length of the covering (roof) so that its main size (covering) is 1.9 meters, and 10 cm is left for the overhang equipment necessary for draining rainwater.

The construction time for such a garage using frame technology is a week.

Metal frame garages are discussed in more detail in the following.

Frame and panel garage

To build a frame-panel garage you do not need a project. You can simply take the most simple designs produced at any factory: in in this case This truss structures and wall panels.

This type of frame garage is highly economical, its construction can be completed within 25 thousand rubles, excellent heat conservation and simplicity of design.

In addition, such structures are more reminiscent of a house than a place to store vehicles, and successfully complement the landscape design.

Construction of a frame garage with your own hands if you have chosen the frame-panel type, it happens according to the usual scheme:

  • laying the foundation;
  • installation of the frame;
  • covering the “skeleton” of the building with panels;
  • insulation;
  • roof construction;
  • gate hanging.

Here's a video on how to build a frame garage with your own hands.

Timber garage

A special feature of building this type of garage is the construction wooden frame, well, and the price. Such a frame garage will be much more expensive in cost than its counterparts - metal profile and panel garages.

But if you adhere to the principle: if you’re going to build, then build with quality, and you’re right. Wood as a material has a number of advantages:

  • the most environmentally friendly;
  • most energy efficient;
  • the most vapor permeable;
  • most easily processed;
  • most appropriate in landscape composition.

In these photos, you see the stages of building a frame garage with your own hands.

When building a frame garage from timber, you only need take into account some nuances:

  • when choosing a strip foundation for a frame foundation wooden garage, you just need to deepen it by 60-80 cm, but the piles or pillars will have to be installed deeper and stronger;
  • before installing the timber frame, it is necessary to develop a project or at least a sketch (but as detailed as possible);
  • If possible, joining the beams should be done using the simplest methods: the overlapping method is just right.

How much does a cheap garage cost?

The issue of price remains relevant when implementing any project, even such a super-simple one as building a frame garage with your own hands.

Everyone has long gotten used to the idea that made by yourself is much cheaper, which is why most car owners try to provide their “swallow” with an apartment of “author’s” construction.

Taking into account the frame, cladding, and work, a frame garage will cost you from 25 thousand rubles. If you are using wood as building material– then the cost will be about 35 – 70 thousand rubles, depending on the type of wood.

A garage made of wood in many regions of our country is the most the best option construction, thanks to the affordable cost of materials, ease of installation and beautiful appearance finished design. In this article we will tell you how to make a wooden garage with your own hands, what materials to build it from, and also show diagrams, photos and video instructions.

Selection of construction technology

The main thing is to choose optimal technology construction and complete all stages in strict accordance with the selected type of construction.

The most common two technologies for constructing garages made of wood: using frame technology and using rounded logs.

It is necessary to give preference to the construction of a box for a car using log technology if the main building, house or cottage, is built from similar material. Frame structure It will cost less, it is easier to select materials for it, and the construction time will be significantly reduced. In addition, the outside of a wooden frame garage can be decorated with any style suitable country house facade materials immediately after the construction of the building or after some period of time.

Preparatory work

Maximum speed and ease of work are the main advantages of frame technology. But, despite its simplicity, building a frame garage requires preliminary preparation, development of a project with which it will be possible to calculate required quantity materials and components. The project is calculated independently, with the involvement of experienced specialists, or downloaded from specialized Internet resources. The dimensions of the building should take into account the number of cars, the presence of an open shed for summer storage of cars and attic floor, which many car enthusiasts install above the garage.

On preparatory stage The location of the future garage and the type of building are established: detached, attached to the main building, type of gate opening and combination with the general entrance area to the site. The selected site is thoroughly cleaned, leveled and, if necessary, compacted.

Foundation work

A high-quality and reliable foundation is the basis of any structure. The choice of technology for building a foundation depends on many different factors: constructive solution structure, soil characteristics, financial capabilities of the owner, etc.

Basically, for the construction of a garage, the base is concrete slab, poured using monolithic technology.

The concrete slab will serve as a subfloor, which can then be lined with any finishing materials. Being a type of “floating” foundation, a concrete slab absorbs evenly high loads, helping to avoid deformation of the structure during its operation.

To construct a monolithic foundation, a shallow trench is dug around the perimeter of the planned building and formwork is installed. First, make a cushion of sand and gravel and compact it. Then the base is reinforced with two meshes of metal rods, preparing the site, and it is filled with concrete. After this, the foundation must be allowed to stand for about 3 weeks.

Assembling a frame from boards and timber

The bottom trim is made of a 100x50 mm wooden board, pre-treated with an antiseptic. For racks in the corners of the garage and in the gate leaves, 100x100 mm timber is used, for other parts of the building - rafters and floor blocks - 100x50 mm. In the lower trim between the posts, a pitch of no more than 1200 mm is maintained.

To give the frame greater strength, struts should be installed in the corners of the building.

If the garage is planned to be more than 4 m wide, ceiling beams it is better to make it from more durable and reliable board 50x100 mm. The longitudinal elements are made of timber no less than 50x50 mm.

Roof and walls

To equip the roof, a 100x25 mm board is used, which is sheathed with a pre-selected roofing material. Metal tiles or slate can be attached directly to wooden sheathing, not forgetting to equip a hydro- and vapor barrier system to organize a comfortable microclimate in the garage.

Outside by roofing system be sure to install a spillway, which you can make yourself from plastic pipe, cut in two.

For cladding the outside of the building, you can use a special façade lining or solid wooden board, pre-treated with impregnation to protect against moisture. The garage is insulated from the inside mineral wool, be sure to lay a layer of vapor barrier and sew up with clapboard.

Wooden garage 6x4

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the principle of constructing a garage, the size of which is 6 × 4 m with a ceiling height of 3 m. It will have a gate measuring 2.8 × 2.5 m, the foundation is made of reinforced concrete slabs, and the frame is made of wooden beams 100×100 mm. Regarding exterior finishing, then it will be made of corrugated board or other similar material.

The first thing you need to do is clean construction site. At the site of the future structure, remove soil up to 10 cm deep. The bottom of the pit is filled with sand, leveled and compacted.

Lay formwork boards 1.5×0.5 cm around the perimeter and 15 cm in height. The base is reinforced with Ø 12 mm wire. The cells must be made 20x20 cm. The resulting mesh should be in the middle of the formwork. After this, concrete is poured. Although it may seem that such a foundation is unreliable, it is important not to forget that the weight of the frame structure of a 6x4 m garage is relatively small.

The principle of frame construction has already been described in this article. The difference here is that it is important to respect the dimensions of the garage. So, a frame is erected from beams 3 m long. Assembly begins with the lower crown. You attach the corner drains to it and the upper crown is already on them.

In order for the racks to have a reliable fixation, they should be temporarily fixed using slats or boards.

The resulting structure will be quite strong. If necessary, the frame is reinforced with jumpers for greater rigidity. As for the opening, a beam is laid horizontally on top of the racks. It must also be securely fastened.

In our case, we will build a gable roof for the garage. The ridge beam will be attached to two supports, the cross-section of which is 10x10 cm. These supports will rest on the gables. For the manufacture of rafters and ridge, a 40×100 mm board is used.

The rafters are installed close to each other. This will allow the roof to remain stable under strong wind loads. They are pulled together with puffs. This technology will relieve the load on the horse. The boards themselves should be secured not to the crossbar with an overlap, but under the ridge on top of the tightening. Finally, the structure is sheathed with USB or plywood.

The floor in the garage can be made according to different technologies. For example, you can make it wooden, concrete, or use self-leveling floor technology. The walls can be treated with construction paper, and hardboard is attached on top of it. But others can also be used finishing materials. As stated at the beginning of this description, we propose installing corrugated sheeting on the façade outside. To do this, you need to make a small sheathing of 40x40 mm timber. The ceiling can be hemmed with wooden boards.

To prevent the roof from sagging under the weight of snow, it is recommended to attach fillets to the rafters from the walls. This will also allow you to make the cornice trim and roof overhang more attractive.

For wall cladding, it is better to use 3 m sheets. Thus, the structure will be airtight without unnecessary joints. Finally, all that remains is to make a metal gate.

Following this simple technology, you can make a garage out of wood measuring 6x4 m.


The process of building a frame garage in video format:


In the provided photo gallery, you can see various options construction of a wooden garage:

Schemes and drawings

If you decide to build a wooden garage yourself, then first study the diagrams and drawings: