Muffins made from zucchini and cottage cheese. Dietary curd muffins with zucchini

Zucchini muffins with cottage cheese are a very interesting and noteworthy recipe. Zucchini season is in full swing, so we have a whole batch of “zucchini recipes” waiting for us. For a long time I couldn’t decide to add dill to these muffins, since from the ingredients it was obvious that these zucchini muffins were not snack foods, but sweet ones. But what’s done is done, and besides, it turned out very tasty, very tender... The only thing I want to especially note is that it is best to bake these cupcakes in silicone molds, the cupcakes come out of them perfectly. But it’s best to save the paper liners for other cupcakes.


  • ~ 350 gr. (one small zucchini)
  • – 200 gr.
  • – 2 pcs.
  • – 200 gr.
  • – 50 gr.
  • – 50 gr.
  • Baking soda – ½ tsp
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Dill - a small bunch

Quantity: 14 pieces

Zucchini muffins with cottage cheese - step-by-step recipe for preparing the dish

1. Melt the butter on the stove until liquid. If it has not only melted, but also overheated, let it cool a little before proceeding further.

2. Place eggs, salt and sugar in a cup for kneading dough. Beat the ingredients with a whisk or mixer.

3. Pour melted butter into the egg mixture and add cottage cheese. Mix the ingredients until smooth.

4. Peel the zucchini if ​​the skin is rough and tough. Zucchini with young, thin skin does not need to be peeled. Then you need to grate the zucchini using a fine-hole grater.

5. Wash the dill, shake off the remaining water and chop finely. We only need tender dill greens; no dill stems are needed.

6. Then pour flour into the egg-curd mass, add soda and mix. The result is a medium thick dough.

7. Add grated zucchini to this curd dough, add chopped dill.

8. Knead the dough. If the dough turns out liquid (this depends on the juiciness of the zucchini), you need to add a little flour. The thickness should be the same as for pancake dough.

9. Place the zucchini dough into muffin tins. Silicone molds are best for baking these cupcakes. Don’t forget to grease the molds with oil or a special mixture before laying out the dough.

10. Place the molds with the dough on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. Baking time for zucchini muffins is 30 – 35 minutes, oven temperature +180C.

11. Cool the zucchini muffins with cottage cheese for 5-10 minutes, then remove from the molds and place on a plate. An interesting summer pastry for tea, I recommend trying it.

Today let's bake healthy cottage cheese muffins with zucchini. The recipe is very simple, and it will definitely appeal to those who are looking for something interesting to cook from cottage cheese.

As you know, cottage cheese is high in protein and low in calories, but if you eat it in its pure form every day, it gets a little boring. I'm sure these cheesecake muffins, as muffins are called in English, will add variety to your diet. To make them even healthier, I added zucchini. This vegetable is completely low in calories and has a very delicate taste.

Cottage cheesecakes should be baked in silicone molds or paper liners. If you don't have these, you can make one cake in a large pie pan and then simply cut it into pieces. And yet, small muffin cupcakes, golden brown on all sides, look much more appetizing.

Cottage cheese muffins with zucchini are great for a quick breakfast or light snack with kefir or tea. They are also very convenient to take with you to work or on the road.


- 1 small zucchini
- 200 g soft cottage cheese
- 3 eggs
- 150 grams of corn flour;
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- a bunch of dill
- a pinch of salt


Rinse the zucchini, peel if necessary, then chop on a fine grater. I used a young fruit with a very thin and delicate peel, so it did not need to be peeled at all. Next, you need to squeeze out the resulting mass well, because zucchini, especially young ones, contain a lot of water, and if it is not drained, the dough will turn out liquid and you will have to add extra flour. We don't need this. Therefore, we squeeze it out with our hands or, like me, we put it in a fine sieve and press it with a spoon.

Place soft cottage cheese in a bowl, add eggs. Beat with an immersion blender until a homogeneous curd-egg mass is obtained.

Add the indicated portion of corn flour and baking powder into the mixture, mix well, or better yet, run the blender again to ensure that there are no lumps.

If all the excess juice has already drained from the zucchini, then it can be combined with the egg-curd mass.

Rinse the greens under running water, remove any drops with a napkin, chop finely, and add to the dough.

Pour the resulting mixture into silicone molds. Preheat the oven, then reduce the temperature to 170 degrees and bake the future muffins. Bake for about 30 minutes, during which it is advisable not to open the oven often.

Curd muffins should be removed from the molds only after cooling. I sprinkled them on top

I really love cottage cheese cakes and make them often. This is the curd dough itself or a filling for pies and pies, casseroles, curd cream for a cake, there are a lot of options! The main thing is that cottage cheese baked goods always turn out soft and tender. Today we will prepare snack curd muffins with zucchini. Frankly, this is the first time I’ve added zucchini to baked goods, I liked it, I’ll continue to experiment! So!

Let's prepare the necessary products.

Mix cottage cheese and eggs until smooth.

Peel the zucchini and remove seeds, grate on a coarse grater. If the zucchini is young, the seeds do not need to be removed.

Squeeze the juice from the grated zucchini and add to the cottage cheese.

Salt the cottage cheese with zucchini, add garlic (I have a dry mixture: garlic + pepper). If you don’t have dry garlic, you can finely chop 1 clove of fresh garlic.

Sift flour and baking powder, add to dough, mix.

Grease muffin tins with vegetable oil and place the dough into the muffin tins.

Bake muffins with zucchini for 30-40 minutes at 190 C until golden brown. Check readiness with a toothpick. Delicious aromatic muffins are ready.

Bon appetit!

Svetlana Maydanyuk

Hello! From birth there were no problems with stool, we pooped 2 times a day, at 2 months we were taken to the hospital, we were given a course of antibiotics, after that we stopped pooping on our own, I stimulate it with a cut pear, the stool is liquid or mushy, sometimes with mucus, but always yellow (we completely on guard), once a day, I waited longer, in the hope that I could do it myself, in the end the child suffered, cried, his legs buckled, I had to help. Now we are 4.5 months old, we took tests, found Klebsiella and lactase deficiency, prescribed Lactozar, the situation has not changed, I want to cancel Lactazar, I gave it a teaspoon of plum juice today, so far I have not seen any effect. When I insert the bulb, my butt is squeezed tightly, I think it’s a sphincter spasm... Please tell me who has encountered this and what they did?


Madame N.D.

Concluding the story about the palaces of Moscow and the Moscow region, today I want to talk about the history of the construction of the Kremlin. We are used to seeing it as a place visited by numerous tourists, but once upon a time it was a fortification that served as the defense of the city, on the territory of which there were many palace buildings.



I don't know what to do. Actually, the subject is in the title. At our kindergarten, the playgrounds for each group are not fenced, just a large yard where all the children walk. Although each group has its own “own” place. The child is 3.5. At the end of the walk, my daughter went to pick up her scooter from the path (for some reason they are allowed to ride on the walk, I did not express my doubts, apparently in vain). When I got there on the scooter (it rides very slowly), it turned out that everyone had already left. The door to the garden is closed. Well, she wasn’t scared, she returned to the playground and began playing with the boy in the sandbox. About 10 minutes later the teacher returned and took her away. The teacher herself told the story when her husband was picking up the child. He didn't realize it right away, he said Ok and left. At home, I asked the child for details. The garden is now closed until Monday. And now I’m tormented with what words to go into the garden with. Nothing bad happened (thank God), but it could have. I don’t really want to create any scandals. But pretend that nothing happened, too. I want to go to the manager with a request to transfer to another group, because sitting at work and thinking if something has happened to my child and hoping for the best doesn’t suit me either. The husband says that the same thing is possible in another group, and there is no point in translation. Has no constructive proposals. What would you do?



Hello! Maybe someone can tell me what? ((
My daughter has been sick for almost the entire month of April. There was no temperature, first snot, then cough. The doctor's diagnosis is tracheitis, bronchitis. He doesn’t consider prescribing antibiotics because we recently had tests, ESR is 4.
Yesterday we finished going to warm up (UHF).
And today the child wakes up with a temperature of 37..
And the cough is as it was (((
Does this sound like an allergy?