Indoor guzmania flower: care, reproduction, general information. Guzmania flowers, home care and propagation by children Guzmania how to care

We were invited to an anniversary - the first year of marriage of friends. I started asking what to give the newlyweds. Previously, such a “wedding” was called a chintz wedding, and everyone carried diapers - but today they are not needed at all... It turned out that I was behind the times - most of my friends advised me to buy a flower that I had never even heard of.

They say that it is absolutely necessary to bring guzmania into the home of a young family. It will improve the love microclimate in the home, and in general, it should be placed in the bedroom to increase the owner’s masculine power.

These are epiphytes that can still be seen today in the rainforests of both Americas.

Guzmania is a member of the Bromeliad family (like other indoor flowers - vriesia, tillandsia, neoregelia, billbergia, and also pineapple). About 130 species of this plant live in the wild.

On top of the Guzmania bushes (Gutsmania, Guzmania) there is a bright “plume”, usually red, but it can be yellow, orange, pink, and now even blue, purple or two-colored (the so-called Guzmania mix created by people - by the way, not only the flowers, but also the leaves may be atypical and contrasting).

Many people think it is a flower. No! This is a conspicuous bract, with the help of which the plant attracts insects to pollinate less conspicuous flowers.

The roots of the plant are small. But amazing: in wildlife a flower can “crawl” with their help - not far and very slowly, but still!

As for the size of the flower, on the windowsill it grows to a maximum of 40 cm, although in the wild it can be larger - up to 70 cm.

Features of Guzmania flowering

  • Guzmania blooms once in a lifetime. Almost all species, after the flower dies, wither and die (this takes about six months, and even the wisest and most careful care will not save the plant). Therefore, if you want to continue admiring this beauty at home, have time to drop off your children (I will write about how to do this below).
  • Many flowers need insects for pollination, but some species have learned to pollinate themselves.
  • A plant may refuse to bloom if: it finds itself in a draft, receives little light or nutrition, becomes a victim of temperature fluctuations (first of all, it will freeze, but it also does not like to “steam”) or improper watering.

This is what bracts look like. Here's how different and decorative they can be:

And this is already a flower:

What amazing properties are attributed to this home flower?

  • In the homeland of Guzmania they say: the flower increases male strength. And not only on the bed of love. It is believed that if you keep this beauty in the house, the owner will become a real long-liver, and will be cheerful and cheerful all the time.
  • Many people believe that this plant symbolizes love and care, and if you give a man (guy) such a flowerpot, it’s for a reason.
  • Bioenergetics specialists assure: guzmania cleanses the energy of the room (any room - not only at home, but also in the office), positively influencing the tone of everyone present, even women and children.
  • If you keep the pot in the bedroom, guzmania will improve sleep and protect against depression. And if you place it in your office, the plant will become a real muse, awakening your creative abilities. It is especially recommended for workaholics who sit at the computer until late at night.
  • Remember: in the spouses’ bedroom (according to Feng Shui) you should place not one, but two pots of guzmania. In general, in this place everything should be in pairs. When the flowerpot blooms, the feelings of the husband and wife will flare up with redoubled force.
  • And our scientists also say: the flower perfectly purifies the air, and this is certainly not a myth.

What care does guzmania need?

  • Room temperature. Blooming guzmania requires about 25 degrees, and when the flower finally blooms, the plant becomes less demanding - 20 degrees will suit it. In general, the flower feels comfortable at a maximum of 27 and a minimum of 13 degrees.
  • Humidity. It should be as high as possible. A box of expanded clay will not be enough - it is better to spray the plant daily, avoiding getting on the bracts (“plumes”, pseudo flowers). Stand the water or buy distilled water. In autumn and winter, the spraying procedure can only be carried out in the morning.
  • Watering. The water should be soft and warm. As soon as the top soil in the pot dries, immediately bring a watering can. Moreover, you need to pour water inside the leaf rosette. In spring and summer, the flower needs to be watered more often.
  • Feeding. Fertilizer for Bromeliads is suitable for the flower (but without copper and boron in the composition - these substances can destroy your flower). When diluting the fertilizer, add twice as much water as indicated on the bag. You can feed the flower infrequently - once every 30 days, from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. You can apply them when spraying, as well as watering (all in the same place, in the outlet).
  • Lighting. The light must be indirect. Shade the flower - the direct rays of the sun will burn the leaves.
  • Transfer. Since the plant does not live long, rarely does anyone replant it. However, sometimes from the ugly pot in which it was grown in shopping center, I want to “move” it into my own, more decorative one. Take a heavy ceramic but shallow pot. Place plenty of drainage at the bottom. The soil that is sold for orchids or ferns is suitable. The roots of the plant are very delicate, so use only the transshipment method, do not shake off the soil from them.
  • Insects are enemies. This is a mealybug, scale insect, mite. As a preventive measure, you can “wash” the leaves with soapy water from time to time.
  • Diseases. Rot (of roots and leaves) is caused by excess watering. The fungus (dark spots on the leaves) can be eliminated by the fungicide that will be sold to you at flower shop. Yellow spots The sun may leave the leaves on the leaves - shade the plant even more, because once burns appear, it means the flower is in pain.

Flower propagation

When guzmania fades, it produces lateral shoots on the sides, they are also babies. Even near the “mother” they begin to grow roots. The rooted baby is separated with a knife (spread the cut with coal or garden varnish, not only on the baby, but also on the “mother” - let it live a little longer).

Remember: even children of the same size can grow roots differently. Therefore, if some of your sprouts are not yet ready for transplanting, this is normal.

Each baby is planted in a small pot with “adult” soil. To ensure that they take root, they are covered with a film on top (but it must be lifted so that the sprout does not suffocate). When the babies get stronger, they can be transferred to ordinary pots, where they will bloom over time.

This video will tell you what babies look like and how to properly separate them. It is long (16 minutes), but very detailed. Just what a beginner needs:

Curiously, this flower can also reproduce by seeds. They are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate and sown on top of the soil for Bromeliads (without sprinkling on top). The pot is wrapped in film or covered with transparent glass. Keep warm, water only by spraying.

The babies sprout after 2 months. When they get stronger, they are planted in small pots. From there they are moved into large pots no earlier than six months later.

Such guzmanias will not bloom soon - only in a few (3-5) years. But how long will they live?

By the way, if after flowering “boxes” filled with seeds have formed in the bracts, congratulations - insects managed to pollinate your guzmania (or maybe it did it for itself). These seeds can also be sown in the ground.

Guzmania (Guzmania) is a very popular indoor flower, who came to us from the tropical forests of America. Long, evergreen leaves at the base and bright red bracts in the center of the plant look very decorative. Flowering of Guzmania lasts up to 6 months. It is believed that by growing this exotic with his own hands, the owner becomes more generous and develops a strong character. A flower can free your home from prejudices and bad energy and protect your family from conflicts. Guzmania perfectly purifies indoor air. It is often grown in offices, in offices where several people are located at once. But only beautiful ones have such properties healthy plants. How to properly care for Guzmania at home and grow a flowering specimen in ordinary city apartments? This is what our article is about.

Lighting and location of the pot

At home, the flower grows in the shade of spreading trees, hiding from the direct rays of the sun under the branches. Therefore, eastern and western window sills in our apartments are considered the most suitable for growing flowers. Guzmania prefers diffused light. On southern windows it will have to be shaded from sun rays so that the leaves do not get burned and lose their attractiveness. Dry spots appear on them from burns. brown spots, and the ends begin to curl. You can find a place for the pot not far from the south window, on a bedside table or shelf, where the absent-minded person reaches sunlight. On the north side of the house there will not be enough light. Its bright bracts will fade and turn green over time. The flower will lose its decorative effect. Guzmania requires bright, indirect lighting all year round.

IN summer time Guzmania can be taken to open air. Find a place for it on the veranda or balcony, protected from rain, wind and sunlight. If it is not possible to walk, ventilate the room where it is located more often, do not allow the air to become stagnant and musty. In autumn - winter time the flower does not need protection from sunlight.

Rest period

This plant does not have a clear dormant period. When the time comes for short daylight hours and low humidity in indoor spaces, the owners of Guzmania arrange a forced period of rest for the plant. It lasts from October to February. At this time, reduce watering to a minimum, do not spray, do not feed, and reduce the temperature in the room to 18 - 20 degrees. It is advisable not to reduce lighting. Even use an additional one using a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp. The length of daylight hours should not be less than 8 - 9 hours a day.

Temperature and humidity

Our tropical guest loves moderate warmth and high humidity within 60 – 80%. The air temperature is considered comfortable within 20 – 25 degrees. in summer and 18 - 22 degrees. in winter. If the temperature often drops to 16 - 17 degrees. and below, the flower will refuse to bloom and may even develop fungal diseases. Cold drafts are also not acceptable.

Guzmania mainly absorbs water from the air through its leaves, so the humidity in the room should be above average. Sometimes the flower is placed in the kitchen or even in the bathroom if there are windows there. To increase humidity, regularly spray the surrounding air and the flower with clean, settled water. On particularly hot days, it is worth spraying 2-3 times a day. Often, wide containers of water are placed next to the pot to evaporate moisture. And the pot itself is placed in a tray with damp moss or expanded clay, just make sure that the bottom of the pot does not touch the water. In winter, you can place wet towels on the radiators or use air humidifiers. Periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust. But it is not advisable to use special wax to make the leaves shine.

The higher the room temperature, the higher the humidity should be.

It is not worth lowering the temperature by walking the flower in a cool room or creating drafts; Guzmania does not like this. Although, light ventilation is sometimes worth doing.

Guzmania should be sprayed regularly, especially during work. heating devices, which greatly dry out the air in the room.

Guzmania is an epiphytic flower, moisture and nutrients it absorbs more from the air than from the soil, so we water the flower moderately but often

In summer, during dry periods, the flower should be watered in the morning daily or every other day in a socket, and in autumn-winter, once a week in a pot is enough. In summer, moisten the earthen ball only in hot, dry times. If Guzmania is watered like an ordinary indoor flower, it may get sick and die. Watering will be correct warm water directly into the center of the leaf rosette of the flower, filling it two-thirds. Water for irrigation should only be taken that has been left standing for 24 hours or filtered, since the plant cannot tolerate the presence of calcium and chlorine impurities in tap water. After 15 minutes, all excess water that Guzmania did not drink should be drained. If you do not remove the remaining water, the rosette will rot and the flower will die.

Sometimes, Guzmania is grown on a support - a bromeliad tree. Such specimens are periodically, once every 10 days, removed from their support and watered by immersing the plant in a basin of settled warm water until completely saturated. After this, the excess water is allowed to drain and the flower is returned to the support.

Top dressing

During the active growing season of the plant, in spring and summer, Guzmania should be fed. Especially when she is preparing to flower, she needs good nutrition. In the wild, epiphytes living on the roots and bark of trees independently collect water and nutrients (particles of organic residues from small insects, pieces of rotten leaves, soil dust) using a funnel-shaped rosette. Together with water, this nutrition goes directly to the roots. At home, you need to take care of feeding Guzmania yourself. Fertilizer should be selected specially for bromeliads. Can be used as a last resort universal fertilizer for blooming indoor plants. Then reduce the concentration by three to four times than indicated in the instructions. The regularity of feeding should be once every two to three weeks. The fertilizer must be liquid. It is poured into water when watering directly into the outlet. There is no need to fertilize the earthen ball - you will only burn the roots.

Guzmania's flowering period is the most important stage in her life. Guzmania blooms only in the third or even fourth year after planting. The plant has no stem. Long, dense green leaves, like belts, form a rosette, similar to a tall narrow glass. In the center of this rosette, during flowering, a single peduncle is formed, covered with smaller leaves. At its top, colorful bracts are formed, which many mistake for Guzmania flowers. Their color is most often bright red, but different varieties There are bracts of yellow, orange, lilac, even purple color.

This is how Guzmania naturally attracts pollinating insects. Guzmania's flowers themselves are not so attractive. They are small, pale yellow, located in the center of the plume and exude a pleasant aroma. Flowering begins in spring, at the end of March and lasts from two to six months. different types. During this period, it is necessary to take especially careful care of the plant and maintain comfortable conditions for its existence. Only then does the flower amaze everyone with its splendor. After flowering ends, Guzmania dies. At favorable conditions, she has offspring in the form of a baby.

Why doesn't Guzmania bloom at home?

Guzmania does not bloom, what should I do?

Sometimes, Guzmania does not bloom. What is the reason?

  • Most likely, she is not satisfied with the conditions of detention. Most often, she suffers from dry air in city apartments. Spray the plant and the air around it often with a fine spray bottle.
  • Look where the flower pot is. It is equally uncomfortable in the sun and in the depths of the apartment - you need light partial shade near the eastern or western windows.
  • Don't forget about feeding your epiphyte. Moderate foliar feeding during the growing season they can stimulate the plant to form the long-awaited peduncle. This is also facilitated by an ordinary apple placed in a pot of Guzmania under a plastic bag for five days. The apple releases substances (ethylene and others) that can awaken a sleeping person. flower bud. You just need to make sure that the apple does not become moldy, so as not to provoke the development of rot. Apples should be replaced with fresh ones. You can use other cut fruits: bananas, pears.

If your Guzmania blooms, you will admire its colorful blooms for several months. Spraying during this period should be carried out with great care, trying not to get splashes on the bracts - otherwise you yourself will shorten the flowering period.

The roots of this epiphyte are poorly developed; the plant can easily live in one pot for several years without replacing the substrate. Be sure to replant Guzmania purchased in a store from the shipping container to suitable pot. The size of the pot should not be larger than the size of the shipping container. The pot should not be deep. At 2/3 of the height it should be filled with drainage material, which should contain pieces of coal to prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes in wet soil. Although you will rarely water the substrate, you should not allow water to stagnate in the roots.

Purchase a special substrate for bromeliads or orchids. Loose, well-aerated soil is suitable for Guzmania. It is also possible to prepare the substrate yourself. It should have equal parts of fibrous peat, turf soil, sphagnum moss and coarse river sand. You can also add a few pieces there. charcoal. Carefully remove the Guzmania from the container and place it in the pot without disturbing the integrity of the earthen ball. Root collar do not bury it, as this may cause the plant to rot and die. Add substrate from the sides and top so that there are no gaps or voids left inside the pot. Water your Guzmania to help the roots adhere to the new soil.

Reproduction of Guzmania

Children of Guzmania

The most common method of propagating Guzmania is with the help of shoots or babies that form on the mother plant from the root after flowering. When the baby grows a little, up to 15 cm in height, forms 3-4 leaves and its own roots, it is planted. To do this, Guzmania is taken out of the pot, and the baby roots are carefully separated from the mother roots. Young plant plant in your pot as described above, under film. Place in partial shade, in a warm place. Usually Guzmania produces one baby. The mother plant, having given birth to offspring, dies. But sometimes the flower does not die right away and forms one, or even two more children.

Video: Guzman Children's Department:

You can propagate Guzmania with the help of children that form in the axils of the leaves. Choose the one closest to the base. Give the baby time to grow up. Then, carefully remove the flower from the pot. Cut off the outer leaves covering the baby. Then cut off the baby itself. To root, place it in a glass of water (warm, settled, with the addition of activated carbon and a root formation stimulator). Within a week, tiny dark roots will appear. When they grow up, transplant the baby into a pot under film and place it in a bright, warm place in partial shade. The mother plant should be returned to its place - it will continue its development.

Guzmania is also propagated by seeds.. After flowering, Guzmania forms a kind of fruit in the form of a box in which its seeds ripen. For sowing, only fresh seeds are used, because they quickly lose their viability. Seeds should be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds purchased in a store or collected independently are placed in a container with a lid for germination. The substrate is prepared from a mixture of peat and sand. It is not necessary to deepen the seeds into the soil. Good lighting is necessary. Close the lid. Place in a well-lit place with a temperature of 22 - 26 degrees. The substrate should be sprayed and ventilated if necessary. The first shoots should appear in three weeks. The seedlings are planted in small containers after two to three months, and transplanted into permanent pots no earlier than after 6 months. As it was written before, these bushes will form a peduncle only in three to four years.

Diseases of Guzmania

Guzmania rarely gets sick, only when conditions of detention are grossly violated. In case of violation of the watering schedule, when watering the root system with cold tap water, with low ambient humidity, diseases are inevitable. Here are some of them.

  • If gray spots appear on the leaves, this is a fungal disease. gray rot . Treatment is carried out with fungicides. Read the instructions; you may have to treat the plant more than once.
  • Excess moisture in the leaf rosette can cause the flower to wither, as well as rotting of its base and root collar.
  • Lack of water in the outlet and too dry air in the room will cause the tips of the leaves on Guzmania to begin to dry out.
  • Sunburn leads to the appearance of dry spots on the leaves. brown spots and dried, curled ends.
  • Spraying hard cold water will lead to the formation of white limescale on the leaves.
  • If the temperature of the flower is too low, its leaves begin to droop and become soft.
  • If you overwater the substrate, the roots may rot. You will have to remove the flower from the pot, remove the affected parts of the roots, and treat the wounds activated carbon, stifle them, and plant the flower in a new substrate.
  • Sometimes Guzmania stops growing and does not bloom. Perhaps you have not fed it for several years, or it is growing in a dark place, it does not have enough lighting, or the air in the room is dry and its leaves do not have enough moisture. If you provide her with proper care, your Guzmania will certainly grow and bloom.
  • After the flowering of Guzmania, no children appeared. Perhaps you did not cut the peduncle and waited until the seeds ripened. And this process significantly slows down the process of process formation. If the flower lives, cut off the peduncle and wait for the babies to appear.

Insects - pests

Sometimes Guzmania attracts various sucking insects, such as spider mite, mealybug and scale insect. They are easy to recognize by their damaged (sticky coating, thin cobwebs and various secretions) leaves of the plant. It is advisable to wipe the leaves with a cotton swab moistened with a solution laundry soap. The shield can be assembled manually. And then still spray the flower with some suitable insecticide, such as Aktara, Aktellika or Fitoverm. Check with the store and follow the instructions. Also observe the frequency and number of treatments to ensure you get rid of all individuals.


We have described in detail the care rules necessary for growing Guzmania. If you follow them, this tropical flower will grow without problems and will definitely delight you with long and unusually beautiful flowering.

Video: How to care for the Guzmania plant:

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname “bottle palm,” it is very difficult to confuse the genuine hiophorba bottle palm with its relatives. A real indoor giant and quite a rare plant, hyophorba is one of the most elite palm trees. She became famous not only for her special, bottle-shaped trunk, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for hyophorba is no more difficult than ordinary indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be selected.

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May chores in ornamental garden always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, flower seedlings are planted and seasonal decoration begins. But you shouldn’t forget about shrubs, vines, or trees. Due to imbalance lunar calendar this month it is better to work with ornamental plants in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

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Pie for Easter - home recipe a simple sponge cake filled with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. The white icing that decorates the cake is made from white chocolate and butter, it won't crack, but it tastes like chocolate cream! If you don’t have the time or skills to tinker with yeast dough, then you can prepare this simple holiday baking for the Easter table. I think any novice home pastry chef can master this simple recipe.

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Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. Growing this plant bears little resemblance to classical care for indoor crops. And even the relatives of Uzambara violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Watering is often called the most “strange” point in caring for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classical method. But the approach will also have to be changed when it comes to fertilizing.

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The system of protection of fruit and berry plantings is based mainly on the use of pesticides. However, if in protecting seed orchards pesticides can be used during almost the entire growing season, taking into account the waiting period for each drug, then in protecting berry crops they can only be used before the beginning of flowering and after harvesting. In this regard, the question arises of what drugs should be used during this period to suppress pests and pathogens.

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Lenten salad with avocado is a light vegetable salad that is suitable for lenten and vegetarian menus. This dish can also be included in the diet menu, however, if you decide to part with extra pounds at the waist, then reduce the amount olive oil in the dressing and take only half of the avocado. Prepare the salad just before serving - chopped fresh vegetables lose their taste, the salad will become “wet” and tasteless if stored for several hours.

Guzmania is bright, exotic flower, who came to our region from South America and India. It belongs to the Bromiliaceae family, which includes more than 130 plant species.

Varieties of guzmania flower for home cultivation

The unique guzmania flower was discovered back in 1802 by the famous botanist Anastasio Guzman. Today, bromeliad or guzmania is a fairly common crop that has a lot of excellent hybrid varieties. All of them are suitable for growing in gardens, greenhouses or apartments. In appearance the flower is ornamental plant with a funnel-shaped rosette consisting of long, bright green leaves.

Some varieties have a rosette of leaves that are up to 50 cm in diameter. Guzmania blooms for quite a long time, up to three months. During this period, an inflorescence-cone of the brightest colors opens inside the rosette. There are more than a hundred varieties in total, but only a few dozen grow at home.

Guzmania Mix

The beautiful indoor Guzmania Mix differs significantly from other species, as it includes many varieties that can be grown in a flowerpot or container. This plant is placed in a flowerbed in such a way as to create a bright, flower arrangement. Its flowering begins in March and lasts until September, delighting others with its bright buds.

In most cases, several bushes with bracts are planted in one large flowerpot. different shades, they come in white, red, orange, burgundy or pink. Regarding what kind of care is needed for Guzmania Mix at home, the most important condition is abundant watering, spraying, fertile soil, a lot of light and warmth.

The plant reaches a maximum height of 50 cm, and after flowering the bush withers and dies.

Guzmania Minor

The beautiful bracts of this guzmania delight the owners for 5-6 months, but for this it is necessary to create the most suitable conditions for its development and flowering. Some gardeners grow several varieties of this plant in flowerpots, which differ different periods flowering. The result is a bright composition that blooms for almost a whole year.

People who are interested in herbal medicine believe that Guzmania Minor and other varieties are capable of releasing positive energy into the surrounding atmosphere. Thanks to these qualities, harmony and tranquility come to the house, the vitality of the owners of the house increases, and their mood improves.

However, you should be patient, since growing and transplanting guzmania at home requires certain knowledge. For example, a flower does not tolerate transplantation well, so this work perform as carefully as possible so as not to damage the roots. To do this, you need to take them out along with the soil and carefully place them in another pot, sprinkling a layer of soil on top. This will help hide the exposed part of the socket after drying. lower leaves.

Guzmania Tempo

Beautiful, evergreen, having long, succulent leaves collected in a spreading, powerful rosette. Feature of this variety is golden green foliage and a red bract that rises slightly above the bush. Quite often, this red Guzmania Tempo is found in beauty salons and greenhouses, as it is unpretentious in care and very quickly forms green, succulent leaves. It differs from other varieties in its flowering duration and compact size, and caring for Guzmania Tempo is quite simple and not difficult.

Some people believe that after flowering the plant becomes unsuitable for cultivation and get rid of it, but this is not at all true.

If a bush has dropped its leaves, this does not mean its death; it is enough to give the plant time to rest, and it will again delight its owners with young shoots.

Guzmania Minor Rondo

One of the most compact varieties, which is a miniature, evergreen shrub. The bright Guzmania Rondo has a short stem and small bright green leaves that are only 2.5 cm wide. Its bracts are usually burgundy with green veins, erect, and dense. Meet hybrid varieties, which have striped, variegated foliage, which makes the bushes decorative. The graceful rosette of leaves resembles a bowl where water and dust collect, so caring for Guzmania Minor Rondo includes spraying and wiping the leaves from dust and dirt. The flower inflorescences are red or lemon yellow, which are distinguished by long-lasting flowering.

Guzmania Hilda

Among all representatives of the bromiliaceae family, this guzmania reed is distinguished by the largest size, as it reaches a height of 65 cm. Its leaves have a tongue shape and are distinguished by a bright, light green color, the rosette of the flower is loose, large, and the inflorescence is dense, short, and the peduncle is erect. Bright Guzmania Hilda has yellow, succulent bracts that will decorate the house for the entire flowering period. This plant blooms for 16 weeks if it is provided with sufficient moisture and light.

Guzmania Ostara

The Ostara variety is considered one of the most popular, as it is distinguished by its original appearance and ease of care. Its leaves are narrow, smooth and collected in a lush rosette. Guzmania Ostara blooms from February to mid-September, decorating the room with bright, red bracts. At the end of flowering, small, snow-white flowers appear in the rosette, which fall off after a few hours. The beauty of this variety lies in the decorativeness of its leaves and the brightness of its bracts. After flowering, the bush dies, but later young shoots appear on the surface of the earthen coma, coming from the mother bush. If you provide good watering of the guzmania and suitable conditions, the young stepsons will grow very quickly and undergo transplantation. The flower is up to 50 cm in height.

Guzmania Calypso

Guzmania – beautiful flower, which is of tropical origin. At the same time, caring for it is easy; the plant blooms beautifully and reproduces at home. In order for Guzmania to please the eye for a long time, you need to know its natural habitat and choose the right soil, maintain optimal air temperature and lighting, and water it in a special way.

Description of the flower

Guzmania is the Russian version of the name of the plant, derived from the transliteration of the scientific “guzmania”. In the original, the flower is called guzmania, because it was first discovered and described by the Spanish flora and fauna researcher Anastasio Guzman in 1802. There are over 200 species of this evergreen herbaceous plant. At home, the reed Guzmania Minor Rondo is most often grown.

Guzmania belongs to the same family as pineapples - bromeliads. In nature, it is widespread in Brazil, Venezuela, Central America, East India and South Florida. Interestingly, the flower grows both independently on mountain slopes, in forests, and on other plants. It is an epiphyte, meaning it uses trees for anchorage, but does not feed on them.

Guzmania leaves are lanceolate, have a length from 20 to 70 cm and a width of 3-4 cm. They come in a variety of colors: plain green, with a red rim or striped. They are collected in a goblet-shaped rosette, which in the wild is designed to collect food and drink - rainwater, small insects, dust, and the remains of other plants. The flower has a poorly developed root system, its roots are short and small and are more needed for anchoring in the area than for nutrition. Thanks to this, the guzmania can even move a few centimeters to get more light or moisture.

Flowering and reproduction

The guzmania flower is very beautiful; not only amateurs, but also collectors are interested in the plant. Spectacular appearance gives a bract, which is sometimes mistaken for an inflorescence. Bright red, it is located strictly in the center of the rosette and rushes several tens of centimeters into the air. Less common are yellow, orange, purple and other varieties. But real guzmania flowers are inconspicuous. That is why nature awarded the plant with a bright bract - so that it would attract more bees.

Guzmania blooms only once - mainly in spring period. In this case, the flower lasts for 15-17 weeks, or even longer. Then the peduncle begins to gradually die off. In the end it is cut out as deep as possible. After flowering, babies appear between the leaves of the guzmania, on average 3-4 pieces. Once they are sufficiently nourished, mother plant dies - his mission is completed.

It is believed that a flower always dies after reproduction. This is wrong. With intensive care, it can live for several years and even give birth again. Such cases do occur, although rarely.

How to care for Guzmania?

The flower is considered not too whimsical, perfect for the office and for growing at home. The main thing is to remember simple rules for care, maintain optimal humidity and temperature. Let's look at all the features point by point.


Perhaps the most difficult question for lovers of indoor flowers. You can equally often find recommendations to pour water directly into the ground, spray it on leaves, or fill a socket. The truth is somewhere in the middle. For different conditions you need your own tactics.

  • In the cold season, at a temperature of 18 degrees and below, the plant is watered by spraying or given a bath by lowering the pot into water for 15-20 minutes. You can moisten the soil, but rarely and only after the lump of earth has completely dried. Leaving water in the outlet at cold temperatures is extremely dangerous - the plant will rot.
  • In warm weather, especially in heat and drought, guzmania is sprayed daily. The outlet is filled as needed; there should always be water in it.

Transplantation, favorite soil

Adult guzmania does not require transplantation. At the very least, it is not recommended to do this more often than once every 2 years. It requires a small pot, since the roots are small and poorly developed. Optimal size–7cm*7cm. At the bottom of the pot there must be drain hole, to excess moisture flowed freely.

Excellent for soil soil mixture for orchids. As an alternative, you can mix crumbly turf soil, peat soil, leaf soil, humus soil in equal proportions, add sand, charcoal and pieces of bark.

A small pot makes such a weighty plant unstable. To avoid falling and damaging your pet, you can use a flower pot - decorative vase. For example, from ceramics or other heavy material.


Guzmania babies should be planted no earlier than they have formed a rosette and small roots have grown. It is recommended to wait until they reach 3/4 of the mother's size. When this happens, the entire plant should be carefully dug up and the shoots separated with a scalpel. The cut area is treated with charcoal or Kornevin. Then the children are immediately rooted in the prepared soil. They should not be kept in water - they may rot. Maximum - if there are a small number of roots, they are placed above water for several days.

Top dressing

The need for additional nutrition appears mainly during the flowering period of Guzmania. After the peduncle is released, it is fed every 10-15 days. It is allowed to use fertilizers for flowering indoor plants, as well as universal fertilizers marked “for bromeliads”. In this case, dilute the product 4 times more than indicated in the instructions and pour it directly into the outlet.

Humidity, temperature, lighting

Guzmania likes it to be warm and humid. Optimal temperature for growth and development is 23-27 degrees. The higher it is, the higher the air humidity should be. For this purpose, the plant should be frequently sprayed and placed next to containers of water. In winter, guzmania can tolerate a temperature drop of up to 15 degrees, but then the air must be drier. Cold weather increases the risk of rot and disease.

The plant is light-loving, so it is better to place the flower pot on the window. To prevent guzmania from getting its leaves burned from direct sunlight, the light should be made slightly diffused. For example, stick an openwork sticker on the glass or choose the east or west side of the house to install the pot.

From a bioenergetics point of view, guzmania has positive influence for vitality. Grown at home, it will become a protector of sleep and mood stability. The flower perfectly purifies the air, soothes, promotes positive thinking. And admiring the bright peduncle awakens creativity and gives an influx of energy. By the way, in its homeland, guzmania is considered a plant for men. It symbolizes male longevity, strength and nobility.

Diseases and pests

Weakened or drying guzmania requires special attention. Here is a list of diseases that she suffers from most often:

  • Root rot. Appears from improper watering, excess moisture in the soil. In this case, the plant is cleared of the clod of earth and inspected for rotten parts. Then all rot is removed, the affected areas are treated with a fungicide, or diluted potassium permanganate, or peroxide, and the cut is sprinkled with crushed coal. On final stage The dried guzmania is placed in new soil.
  • Drying of the lower leaves and leaf tips. A clear symptom of insufficient watering. To solve the problem, dry areas are removed, and the guzmania itself is soaked in moisture in a small bath for 20 minutes.
  • Fading of leaves or peduncle- this is a sign of either a lack of light or natural wilting. If the peduncle is younger than 12 weeks, the plant is placed closer to the window; if older, it is cut off.
  • Pale brown spots on leaves. Indicates an ultraviolet burn. Guzmania needs to create a little shade and spray the leaves more often.
  • Attack by scale insects, mealybugs, aphids, spider mites. If these pests are detected, the flower is treated with a soap solution or insecticide. You need to suspect an infection when the leaves curl, ulcers, roughness, or other defects appear on them.

Why doesn't Guzmania bloom?

A fairly popular question that worries every second, or even first, owner of a flower. This is not surprising, because gusmania grows very slowly - within 3-5 years. Sometimes it seems that time has frozen around her, she lives so leisurely. You need to get used to this and learn to wait if the flower is still young.

But there are other reasons why guzmania does not bloom:

  • flower diseases;
  • low illumination;
  • lack of moisture;
  • soil poor in nutrients;
  • excessive dry air;
  • lack of heat.

In other words, flowering does not occur due to insufficiently comfortable conditions. It is necessary to reconsider the features of care, and perhaps simply move the plant to another place or room. Finally, the last reason The reason guzmania does not bloom is its old age. Some unscrupulous sellers may sell new gardeners a plant that has already bloomed once. A long lifespan is indicated by a loose rosette and possibly trimmed lower leaves.

How to stimulate flowering?

Of course, the most proven and safe way Making guzmania bloom means following the rules of care. To check the temperature and humidity, you should use a hygrometer and thermometer, because the assessment “by eye” is often erroneous. If the conditions for the plant are ideal, but there is still no flower, you can try original ways stimulation.

Here are the recipes experienced flower growers share:

  • Larisa, 33 years old: “I have had several generations of guzmanias. If some baby doesn’t bloom for a long time, I take a large transparent plastic bag, put 3 small ripe apples (maybe a little rotten) in it, wrap the pot and tie it tightly for several hours. After about 2 weeks of manipulation, the growth point begins to turn pink. That’s what the seller advised me, it seems like apples emit a substance called ethylene, which guzmania needs to bloom.”
  • Vitaly: “I can advise you to transplant the flower into another pot, completely changing the soil. After this, you need to spray the leaves with Epin. Personally, this helped my guzmania; before this it had not bloomed for 6 years.”
  • Maria, 47 years old: “I heard that this bromeliad needs 2 months of cool weather, +7–10 degrees, to bloom. But I didn’t take that risk, and simply took the guzmania out onto the balcony in early April. At the end of May, she brought it back, and lo and behold, on the 5th day she threw out the peduncle.”
  • Vera Stepanovna: “I have vriesia, echmea and gusmania in my flower garden. They bloom only in summer, when the temperature remains stable at 25 degrees. If the room is cooler, try using a greenhouse or placing the pot in an aquarium.”

In conclusion, guzmania at home looks like a real island of exoticism. Despite the specific nuances of care that need to be learned, it is easy to maintain. Once you have chosen the right place for it (warm, light and moist), care can be limited to filling the outlet with water as it dries.