Fastening cashing of interior doors. How to attach the trim when installing doors yourself

Very often, after installing doors, gaps appear that have to be sealed with foam. The main problem is finishing doors are the installation of platbands. The process is not difficult, but painstaking. In order not to spend extra money on hiring specialists, you can install the platbands yourself.

In fact, platbands have been used as a decorative element not so long ago. Therefore, it is not surprising that the market cannot boast of a large number of models. However, there is still a choice.

Wooden products

Wood products have always been a classic door product. The advantages of this material are obvious:

  • Aesthetics. Few things compare to natural wood in terms of beauty.
  • Durability. Wood can serve its owners for centuries. The same applies to wooden platbands. Some pre-revolutionary houses still have such platbands.
  • Environmentally friendly. This property is especially important if you have children. The tree does not emit any harmful substances. And some breeds even saturate the air in the room with beneficial essential oils.

There are only 2 disadvantages of such platbands: price and the need for constant maintenance. As for the price, there is no point in saying anything: wooden products have always been expensive. In terms of maintenance, we mean the need to sand and re-varnish the surface every 2-3 years. If all these points do not confuse the future owner, then better platbands will not be found.

It only remains to add that it is extremely undesirable to install wooden trim in a bathroom or toilet, since the wood may suffer from constant exposure to water vapor. But all platbands suffer from this problem to one degree or another. Therefore, in bathrooms, slopes are always covered with tiles, without bothering with platbands.

Laminated MDF planks

MDF is a rethought and improved version of fiberboard. Re-sanded wood board covered with a special film. In theory, such a coating should protect the wood body of the casing from moisture. In practice, MDF, like other materials, is susceptible to moisture.

Big advantage such platbands is the price. This is actually why models made from MDF are the most popular. In addition, they are easier to install, since the MDF strip is simply thinner, which means less effort will be required to attach the platband to the wall

PVC products

PVC products are as cheap as MDF. But at the same time, platbands made of that material are extremely fragile. Any mechanical impact can break the platband, which will lead to loss of money.

Options for fastening and cutting platbands

Platbands are attached:

  • Self-tapping screws
  • On glue
  • With nails

Each option has its own advantages. For example, screws are easier to hide than nails. In this case, nails are the most reliable fastening option.

Glue is good only because it is not visible. The rest is all downsides: the adhesive composition requires a flat surface, which should preferably be primed. Increased requirements for surface cleanliness completely discourage any desire to work only with an adhesive composition. But it’s convenient to use combined method fastening with glue and nails.

Necessary tools for work

There is a basic set of tools, it includes:

  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver
  • Miter box

But with such tools, installation will be quite long. Instead of a saw and miter box, you can use a miter saw. This will make cutting the platbands easier, reducing the required time to 1-2 minutes

Instead of a hammer, you can use an air gun with pins. Under air pressure, the pin is driven in within a second. The tool does not require any special skills, everything is extremely simple.

Instead of a screwdriver, a screwdriver and a drill will do. The listed analogues will significantly save time, but the entire set is rarely found by the average user; it is not worth purchasing all the tools just for the sake of the platbands alone. You can get by with a basic set.

Methods for installing platbands

Each method of installing platbands has its own nuances. Therefore, to fully understand the issue, it is better to examine each point separately.

Docking at an angle of 45 degrees

Joining at 90 degrees is more difficult to perform, since you need to saw the board at an angle, take into account the unevenness of the walls and be especially careful when fastening. But the end result looks much better than the 90 degree joint. The fastenings are no different except for aesthetic qualities.

In order to perform fastening, measurements are taken required length clypeus. Rounding needs to be taken into account door frame. At the corner between the casing and the door frame, the basic door set has a rounding. This is done to prevent people from being injured upon impact. The casing can be installed from the end of the rounding and further. How much further depends on the preferences of the apartment owner.

Another nuance is the hinges on the door. Exactly on the side with installed hinges The side trims are measured. This is done in order to maintain the symmetry of the installed slats. If the measurements of the upper and lower casing do not coincide, then the coals simply will not fit together.

After taking measurements using a saw and a miter box, the platbands are cut. It is better to find out how correctly the measurements were taken before installation. Just attach the side and top trim to the door and see if there are any extra protrusions. If the upper casing protrudes by 1-2 mm, it can be rounded with a hammer after installation, but it is better to simply redo the cut.

It is advisable to attach the platbands using liquid nails or polyurethane foam, and then drive nails around the perimeter of the cashing. Nails are nailed every 20 cm. It is advisable to mark the locations of the nails in advance so that there are no attachment points at eye level.

The nail heads are coated with acrylic putty to match the color of the casings.

Fastening platbands at an angle of 90 degrees

Mounting at 90 degrees is divided much less often. It is simpler, since there is no need to cut at an angle and properly join the cash. It is enough to simply cut the slats correctly to length and secure them using any of the methods already listed.

Docking at 90 degrees with imitation jumper

Imitation jumper is design technique, which allows you to make a kind of rectangular arch from the platbands. Sometimes it's appropriate, sometimes it's not. In any case, this approach to installation is used extremely rarely.

In order to make cashing in the form of a lintel, the upper casing is made significantly longer than the side ones. This creates the feeling of an arch. Moreover, the rail should not be 20-30 cm longer, but at least 40-50. The lintel element should look like part of the decor, and not a sloppy door frame.

Otherwise there are no differences from the 90 degree mount.

Installation instructions

Installation methods vary slightly depending on the material of the platbands. Some slats have special grooves, some trims are simple slats that need to be nailed or attached with self-tapping screws. The requirements for the rough surface also vary.

Wooden frames

Wooden platbands are good for their unpretentiousness to the rough surface. It is advisable that the wall be clean, but small differences in level can be easily overcome by loosening the fasteners or simply using polyurethane foam.

As a rule, there are two grooves on wooden platbands, and they are filled with a layer of polyurethane foam. This allows you to secure the casing more securely. Additional rigidity is added to the wooden frame using nails or self-tapping screws. The screw caps are flared and covered with acrylic putty. The heads of the nails are hidden in the same way.

Plastic platbands

Plastic trims are easy to install. They are installed on special nipples, which are self-tapping screws with plastic heads. The platbands have grooves in the form of longitudinal grooves. The groove is aligned with the nipple head and the casing is struck with a fist. A click indicates that the nipple is secured. Depending on the width of the rail there may be 2, 3 or 5 grooves. If desired, you can hide various types of communications in the adjacent furrows: wiring, Internet or television cable.

Telescopic platbands

Telescopic platbands are a relatively new trend in door technologies. The meaning of such a platband is that the width of the door frame is less than the thickness of the wall. As a result, a natural groove is formed into which the telescopic platband in the form of a corner is inserted. There is nothing complicated in installation, just insert the platband into the groove.

The nuances of joining platbands with plinths

Platbands always fall to floor level. It is not customary for the slats to rest against the baseboard; it is unsightly and inconvenient, as dust and dirt will clog into the space between the casing and the baseboard. Therefore, somehow you need to play up the moment of joining the platbands and the baseboard.

There are two options for skirting boards: wooden and plastic. WITH plastic skirting board The issue of docking is solved with a banal plastic plug. It is quite aesthetically pleasing, cheap, and most importantly: easy to implement. It is much more difficult to resolve the issue with wooden baseboards.

It is impossible to make a plinth with a platband butt-to-edge, since the same problem of contamination will remain. In addition, the platbands are most often thinner than the baseboards, which creates an unsightly protrusion.

Therefore, the transition between platband and baseboard is usually performed. To do this, the baseboard is beveled at an angle of 45 degrees, and the end is joined to the platband. It turns out to be quite aesthetically pleasing and practical in terms of cleaning.

Platbands are a sore subject in door decoration. There are a number of problems that did not arise during the installation of door structures, but appear when installing trims. All issues can be resolved, for this you need right choice platbands, surface preparation and skillful use of the fastening system. Despite all the installation problems, installing a platband with your own hands cannot be called difficult. For ideal apartment Installing cash is not a problem at all, but such apartments are rare. You just need to be careful about the details: fasteners, measuring and trimming the slats, as well as joining the top and side trims. The main thing: attention to detail.

Installation interior doors involves framing door design like this decorative element, like platbands. At the same time, many homeowners try to cope with this work themselves. It is believed that installing platbands is not difficult. How to attach the required part can be seen in the photo or video showing step by step actions. The result will be a transformation of the structure: the platbands will mask the defects formed between the doorway and the wall plane.

Door frame division

Platbands can be made from:

  • plastics;
  • natural wood.

The selection of cashouts based on material is based on what the interior doors are made of. If the structure is wooden, then the frame should be made of wood of the same type. And if the interior is designed in high-tech style. then metal trims will look great.

According to the format, cash deposits are usually divided into:

  • planar;
  • sculptural;
  • rounded.

Flat elements are most often used. And figured (sculptural) cash is used as decoration, if the interior designer’s idea requires it.

Specifics of installation of platbands

Platbands are mounted in different ways: there are overhead and telescopic platbands. Wooden or MDF platbands are most often attached using liquid or regular nails without heads. But if you decide to work with nails with heads, you need to “drive” them deep into the wood, and then hide these places with a corrective wax pencil or acrylic sealant of an acceptable shade.

The use of liquid nails for installation is allowed only if there is a leveled plane of the adjacent walls. Otherwise, gaps will form between the wall and the decorative details.

Techniques for choosing a cutting angle

To choose the right cutting angle, you need to pay attention to the high relief of the casing on the front side, and then choose one of the cutting methods.

  1. If the fastening parts have a flat plane, then the cut is made at an angle of 90°. A similar cutting angle is required for installing casing with a capital; the joining is carried out horizontally or vertically.
  2. Rounded trims need to be cut at an angle of 45° - the main thing is to do this carefully to avoid gaps during further joining.
  3. An even cut is made with a miter box or a hacksaw with fine teeth. Ideally, you need to saw the blank into cross-cutting machine with a turning platform.

Advice. To make the cut aesthetically pleasing, it should be painted over with varnish before installing the casing.

About telescopic cashing

Such frames are suitable for installation without fastening parts. Telescopic products do not require the use of additional extensions, since it is possible to straighten the gaps between the device and the width of the doorway by aligning the sliding frame. In this case, the tongue in the form of a beard is inserted into the recess on the door frame.

You should read about the existing differences in the operation of a particular telescopic product in the instructions attached to it: diagrams and installation technologies for products from various manufacturers may vary.

Installation of platbands: step-by-step instructions

Advice. Any gaps between the frame plates are removed with sealant. It is worth filling the cracks with it after the construction tape has been glued.

How to install trim on doors: video

Installation of platbands: photo

How to properly attach platbands to doors - this question often becomes relevant when renovating a house. Doing this yourself is actually quite simple if you know some of the nuances regarding the types of products and methods of fixing them around the perimeter of the opening.

There are several ways to attach door frames

Main types of platbands

Before we look at how to attach platbands to interior doors, you should familiarize yourself with their main types. The installation method directly depends on the specific type of product.

Based on the material of manufacture, they are distinguished:

  • wooden;
  • from pressed paper;
  • metal.

Types of door frames depending on the material of manufacture

For budget options pressed products are used. IN modern interior the most popular type are products made from MDF; moreover, unlike other types of platbands, any mounting option is available for MDF.

By appearance and configurations are distinguished:

  • straight;
  • rounded;
  • carved and figured;
  • typesetting.

Variations of platbands according to configuration

Additionally, a capital can be installed above the upper casing. This element plays an excellent decorative role, especially if we're talking about O classic style and variations close to it.

As for fastening methods, platbands can be installed in three main ways:

  • on ordinary nails;
  • for glue “liquid nails”;
  • according to the “tongue and groove” principle.

In order for the opening to look organic, it is important to observe optimal sizes for all details. Cutting elements can be done in two ways: at right angles or 45 degrees. In the first case, the top strip is most often installed above the sidewalls, and its edge must be processed. When making an oblique cut, you need to create an ideal angle so that the fragments fit together without gaps. It is better to use a miter box for cutting.

Before proceeding directly to attaching the platbands, you should properly prepare work surface. The entire list of work can be divided into several stages:

  1. Installation of the box. Platbands serve as a kind of decor for doors, as they can create an impressive frame and hide minor defects walls. Consequently, their installation must be done at the very end after installing the doors.
  2. Removing foam. After the box has dried, it is necessary to cut off the excess polyurethane foam in order to create an even level between the wall and the tray; this is best done with a utility knife.
  3. Removing irregularities. If during installation door leaf and boxes appeared minor defects On the wall, for example, there are chips of concrete, they can be repaired with plaster, this will not only facilitate installation, but also improve the strength of the opening. To ensure that no gaps remain during the installation process, the surface for attaching the platbands must be flat.
  4. Wall decoration. Before installing the trim, you must complete everything finishing work: painting, wallpapering, etc.
  5. Cleaning. Remove all dust and other debris from the surface; when using glue, you must additionally degrease the perimeter of the opening.

Preparation working area for installation of door casing

Using nails

The most traditional way to install platbands is to use nails. In order to hide the attachment points as much as possible, special miniature nails are used; their peculiarity is the almost complete absence of a head.

In order to properly nail the trims onto the door, you need to align them level. Since when installing on a wall, distortions or gaps may occur that were not present on the flat surface, it is recommended to leave a small excess of material when cutting.

Since nails without heads are used for interior door frames, try not to damage the coating of the cladding itself. It is most convenient to work with a small hammer. You can mark the joint location in advance using an awl.

In order to cover the nails on the platbands, they usually use a special mastic or grout to match the coating. Minor damage can be masked with paint, a felt-tip pen or pencil.

Using nails - traditional way fixing platbands

Liquid nails

Another method of attaching platbands involves the use of special glue. The most popular option is the so-called liquid nails. This composition provides quick adhesion to almost any surface.

Let's look at how to properly fasten platbands without ordinary nails. To do this, it is necessary to initially determine the exact position of each element. After this, apply a small amount of glue to the back of the plank and press it against the wall. If glue oozes out from under the casing, wipe it off immediately. It is advisable to apply only a few dots to prevent spreading.

You can secure the platbands either completely without nails, using glue, or by combining these two methods, this will ensure greater structural strength.

Fastening platbands with liquid nails simplifies the process

Telescopic models

The simplest is to attach telescopic trims to interior doors. It is made without nails, but can be supplemented with glue for greater strength. Installation features are directly related to their design. The fact is that the edges of the platbands, when connected, coincide with the edge of the extension or loot. The principle of coupling is “tongue and groove”.

Telescopic trims are attached strictly to the groove of the box strip

In other words, one part goes inside the other. Thus, in order to install such products, you just need to saw off the excess and join the parts. The protrusion of the element fits into a recess in the door frame. Then you need to set the required distance, which is adjusted by the size of the recess.

Regardless of which installation method you choose for specific situation, you should be careful, as one awkward movement can ruin the entire structure. If there are unevenness on the wall, it is necessary to first level them so that there are no gaps, this applies to absolutely all models of platbands, regardless of the material of manufacture and configuration.

Installation of platbands on doors can be done in two ways: in different ways– as the professionals say, with a 45° or 90° trim. Regardless of the installation method, this work is quite complex and requires utmost attention. In this article from the site, we will analyze both of these installation methods - we will study not only the sequence of work, but also all the subtleties, as well as the nuances inherent in them.

Installing a platband on an interior door

Installation of door trims: installation with corners trimmed at 45°

It is not difficult to guess that this method of installing door trims involves cutting the joints of individual parts of the kit at 45° - this is the most common method, which is equally suitable for trims with any configuration. For those who don’t know, I’ll say that the profile of door frames can be different: their front surface can be a flat plane, curved or even carved, which is typical for products of this type, carved from natural wood.

The whole difficulty of installing such a platband lies precisely in trimming these corners. If in your home arsenal If you have a miter saw, then this is not a problem - it makes a clear and even cut. But if this tool is missing, then it will be difficult, especially when it comes to cutting colored laminated or veneered products of this type. The fact is that even with an electric jigsaw, not to mention a hand saw, it is quite difficult to make an even, accurate and clean cut, without chipping the face covering. That is why you cannot do without special devices; there are two of them - a miter box and a rotary hand saw.

Installation of door frames

  1. A miter box is a rather primitive tool and not very accurate. This is a kind of template made in the form of a groove, on top of which there are slots. They determine the cutting angle. Over time, and this happens very quickly, cutting tool breaks the slots, and there can be no talk of any accuracy. Essentially, this is a disposable tool.
  2. Rotary hand saw. If you choose hand tool to install door frames, it is better to opt for this option - it is more durable and also allows for more accurate and clean cutting. It is quite easy to work with it - you turn the saw at the desired angle and manually, in the old fashioned way, moving your hand back and forth, make the cut.

There is a third way to install door frames with a 45° cut - manually. Approaching this problem in this way, you will have to draw a line yourself and at the same time maintain the required angle, and then perform it using electric jigsaw or hand hacksaw Precise and neat cutting on metal. In any case, this idea will only work if your hands have sufficient dexterity. By the way, professionals have one trick that allows you to minimize the number of chips on decorative surface in the process of cutting the material, adhesive tape is glued along the cut line, which plays the role of a kind of protection against chipping.

You can see how trimming trims at 45° without all kinds of devices can be seen in the video attached below.

Installation of wooden trims: installation with cutting corners at 90°

This method of solving the question of how to install platbands on is not suitable for all types of this product. If we are talking about moldings with a clear rectangular section or with slightly rounded edges, then you can’t think of anything better. This installation method consists in the fact that the planks are connected at an angle of 90° relative to each other. In this case, the upper casing is, as it were, inserted between the two side ones. It is this moment that makes it easier to trim and adjust the joints.

But not everything is so simple here - you can’t do without accurate measurements and even, clean, chipped and sawed cuts. Only platbands that have an even rectangular configuration, without any rounded edges, are ideally joined - in this case, you only have to clearly calculate, down to millimeters, the height of the side platbands and the length of the top rail.

How to install trim on doors

Things are a little more complicated with platbands that have rounded edges - in this case, an ordinary straight cut is not enough. Thanks to the rounding, when cutting straight, the ends of the upper casing are visible. There is only one way to hide them - to make an oblique cut. The tilt should be directed from the front side of the rail to the back - in general, the joining remains at 90°.

If we are talking about installing platbands with your own hands, having a completely rounded or carved configuration, then this installation method is not suitable - this type Products must be installed with a 45° trim.

How to install platbands correctly: installation technology

So, we have decided on the methods for trimming the corners of the platbands, now it remains to deal directly with the installation process itself from “A” to “Z”. Let's present it in the form of a small instruction.

Do-it-yourself installation of platbands

For novice craftsmen, who probably won’t be able to accurately calculate the dimensions of the top trim on the first try, I’ll tell you a way to get rid of gaps. If you have unsightly gaps forming at the joints, there is only one way to hide them. This gap must be distributed on both sides door block, and then cover it with a wax paste designed to remove chips on furniture. It is sold in all markets and comes in different colors. Well, other than that, installing platbands on doors should not cause any problems; the most important thing here is accuracy and precision.

Platbands are applied shaped parts used in the design of window or door openings.

Platbands are used to cover cracks when installing door or window frames. Installing platbands helps improve the aesthetic appearance of not only the door or window, but also the room itself. Platbands can be external and internal.

External trims are used to decorate door and window openings outside the building.

Internal platbands are used for the aesthetic design of door and window openings indoors.

More often internal trim fastened with nails. But it is allowed to fasten lightweight platband structures with liquid nails, silicone or polyurethane foam. You just need to ensure complete adherence of the platbands to the wall and door frame.

Any adhesive materials can withstand a certain load and, with a large weight of the platbands, will not be able to properly hold the platbands on the plane. When choosing one or another adhesive composition, check the weight and properties of the platbands.

You can glue the platbands on liquid nails, or you can fix them on silicone or polyurethane foam.

Where to start?

In order for the platbands to hold firmly, they must be properly adjusted and secured. To ensure correct fastening platbands must comply with the technology and procedure for performing the work.

Preparing platbands for fastening

Miter saw for trimming trims

The platbands are pre-cut and marked. If necessary, one edge is trimmed at an angle of 45 degrees. Trimming platbands is best done using miter saw or miter box. The slats are tried on the box and marked.

How to glue platbands onto boxes?

Platbands can be attached using adhesives only when the surface of the wall and the surface of the box lie in the same plane. If there are deviations, the platbands will not fit tightly to the surface, and gluing them is impossible. You will have to level the walls using putty.

We glue the platbands using liquid nails

If you want to learn how to glue platbands onto liquid nails, try to purchase platbands without bends and the correct shape.

Plastic trims can be glued to liquid nails, provided that the walls are perfectly smooth.

Check the flatness of the box over its entire height. The areas where you plan to glue the platbands must be cleared of wallpaper, cleaned, and primed. It is recommended to use PVA glue as a primer.

After the glue has dried, apply liquid nails in dots to the platbands in 20 cm increments. The lath is applied to a pre-marked area and held for several minutes. Ideally, press with a clamp overnight.

U different manufacturers liquid nails have their own technological requirements.
Allowed in problem areas, secure the slats with nails, which can then be covered with furniture wax.

The strength of the bonded joint is largely influenced by properly selected adhesive.

Moment glue does not always provide the required quality of connection.

When pressing platbands with applied to the surface liquid nails glue may bleed through. In such cases, the adhesive should be removed immediately.

How to glue platbands using polyurethane foam?

How to glue trims to doors using polyurethane foam?
To be honest, it is quite difficult to obtain a high-quality connection of platbands to the wall surface using polyurethane foam.

As in the first case, the main requirement is that the plane of the wall and the door frame be at the same level. Otherwise, it will not be possible to ensure a good fit of the platband to the wall.
The platbands are glued in the same way as for liquid nails.

It is necessary to use clamps that will secure the platbands sufficiently long time for drying.

Here are tips on how to remove polyurethane foam if it gets on your hands or objects.

How to glue platbands onto acrylic sealants orsilicone?

It is also possible to glue the platbands using silicone, it is simple and effective way fastenings There are various types sealants in different combinations. Lightweight trims can be perfectly glued to perfectly flat wall and using silicone and you don’t even need a clamp and nails.

Place the box flush with the wall. Clean the area where the glue is applied from dust and dirt. Apply a layer of deep penetration primer.

Silicone is applied to the platbands in the middle in increments of 10 cm. The platbands are applied to a pre-marked area and left in place for several seconds.


    - to secure the platbands you can use silicone, liquid nails, polyurethane foam, all methods are good;
    - for reliable fixation, it is recommended to use a combined method, glue the trim and fix it with a minimum number of nails, which are then masked with furniture wax.