DIY double bed made of wood. DIY double bed made of solid oak



Making a bed out of wood with your own hands may not be the most simple solution, but the most profitable. At the moment, almost all such furniture products are very expensive, so it would be advisable to purchase necessary materials and make a wooden bed yourself. Of course, this will require tools and some skills, but the simplest model will require patience and basic skills in handling tools. In any case, almost everything that is needed to make a comfortable wooden bed with your own hands will be described below.

Before you start assembling a wooden bed with your own hands, you need to decide on its future dimensions, location in the room and other nuances. This is necessary for the rational distribution of materials and own forces.

It's best to start with a diagram that you can draw yourself or find in furniture-making literature. In the books you can find not only photos of the final look of the furniture, but also step-by-step design, assembly and some tips. Video can also be a great help.

Wooden beds, like any other, must have a mattress. This design element is the most important, since comfort during sleep will depend on it. If you don’t pick it up in advance, it simply won’t fit or, on the contrary, it will “ride” in a niche. Accordingly, this will cause discomfort, and very strong.

There are two options for solving this problem: order a mattress in advance or make a bed with your own hands from wood and only then start looking for a suitable mattress. Whichever option is more convenient should be chosen, but the first one is much simpler because it will save time. In any case, before you make a wooden bed with your own hands, you need to decide on the size of the mattress.

Materials and tools

After all the preparations, you should acquire the following tools for work:

  • sanding machine or sandpaper;
  • wood hacksaw, jigsaw or circular saw;
  • hammer with rubber striker;
  • hammer with an iron striker;
  • square;
  • screwdriver or Phillips screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • tape measure, ruler, level;
  • chisel.

With materials the situation is a little different. In order to assemble beds with your own hands, you will need a certain type of wood. The most suitable ones are walnut, mahogany and beech. But such expensive breeds are not affordable for everyone, and they are not suitable for beginners, since they will end up with too much garbage. Most affordable option- pine.

Do-it-yourself wooden beds can be made from the most different breeds wood, but cheaper options are also suitable for the first time.

The materials required for the structure are:

  • pine wood preparations;
  • screws;
  • varnish coating;
  • stain;
  • wood glue.

After all the materials and tools have been collected, you can begin to work.

Assembly sequence

A lot depends on the work plan. Do-it-yourself drawings will have their own nuances that will have to be taken into account during work. The most simple design- a regular frame on 4 legs with a niche for a mattress. Even making a double bed with your own hands can be done quite quickly if you have certain carpentry skills.
For the frame we will need several bars and boards of different sizes, namely:

  • 2 beams 100x100 mm, length 2.6 m;
  • 2 beams 50x50 mm, length 2.6 m;
  • approximately 12 boards 25x75 mm 2 m long;
  • 5 boards 50x150 mm, 2.6 m long.

The work order will be as follows:

  1. A beam with a cross-section of 100x100 is sawn into blanks for legs. 2 blanks should become the back legs of the bed, and 2 should become the legs at the head of the bed. The dimensions should be compared with the drawings, but most often the legs at the headboard are twice as high as the back ones.
  2. Grooves are cut into the legs on both sides 50x150 mm - for the longitudinal boards of the frame and the transverse ones (for attaching the legs).
  3. On one side of the legs, chamfers of 1 cm are removed at the ends.
  4. Next comes the assembly of the frame. It is worth noting that the length of the frame should be slightly longer than the length of the mattress by about 5-6 cm, and the width by 10 cm;
  5. Boards 50x150 mm are cut into blanks. 2 - along the length of the bed and 3 - along the width. All resulting parts are ground smooth.

The first thing to assemble will be the frame. It works like this:

  1. The transverse sides of the bed are connected to the longitudinal boards. Everything is held together with glue and screws.
  2. The base for the cross boards is cut out of 50x50 timber. It is attached so that the niche for the mattress has a recess of 3 cm.
  3. 25x75 mm boards are laid on the base, which correspond to the internal width of the frame and are secured with screws.
  4. The last boards to be installed are at the headboard.

Afterwards, the entire homemade bed is sanded several times, treated with stain and varnish.
Another option on how to make a bed is presented in the video.

  1. Before you make a bed out of wood, you need to check all the wood for defects.
  2. It is necessary to acquire spare materials in case of incorrect processing.
  3. We must not forget that even if you do something according to the instructions, the result may not be exactly what is shown. It is necessary to check the sequence of work or change the action plan.

Conclusion on the topic

As it turns out, making a bed out of wood with your own hands is quite simple if you follow all the instructions and sometimes consult with the craftsmen. In addition, you can not only assemble beds with your own hands, but also beautifully decorate them to match the style of the room. For those interested in how to make a wooden bed more attractive, some books with photos on decorating wooden products can help.

Even the simplest bed model is sold at a price of no less than 7,500 rubles. For some it’s not money, but the main problem is different. Not every finished bed can be placed where you want - standard dimensions do not allow it. What if we're talking about about a small garden house, modest veranda or gazebo, then the size of the product is the determining criterion, and it is unlikely that anyone will purchase a bed for such use in furniture showroom, considering its cost.

The feasibility of making wooden furniture with your own hands is in many cases more than obvious. And how to competently approach the solution of this issue, what to provide for - we will consider all the nuances of organizing the “home production” of a wooden bed with our own hands.

On many sites, it is recommended that when choosing bed parameters, you should focus on standard sizes mattresses (2000 x 1500). The argument is that it should fit tightly in place. Whether this is really relevant, the author invites the reader to decide. One has only to note that the beauty of making it yourself is the ability to choose not only materials, but also the dimensions and shapes of any product.

The same goes for the mattress. If desired, it is easy to “design” it yourself. For example, from foam rubber sheets, covering which with fabric (a cover sewn to size) will not be difficult. As a last resort, the mattress can be ordered from a special workshop, according to individual drawing. Therefore, it is hardly wise to “look back” at it.

So, let’s start with the preparatory steps for making a wooden bed.

Main - for the frame

High-quality wood blanks (boards, timber) are expensive. What can you save on? For the frame, you should take smooth samples with a minimum of knots. This will allow you to sand the wood more thoroughly (a sander will help) and decorate it with high quality, with anything you like. As a rule, homemade beds are coated with varnish, and through its layer all defects are clearly visible. But for legs and slats, you can purchase wood at a lower price. Considering that these elements are not so striking, second-rate products are enough.

The type of wood also matters. Since makeshift beds in living rooms Few people install it these days (except from expensive wood, on special order), so you should choose species that are less susceptible to rotting (). After all, such pieces of furniture made by hand are installed mainly in rooms (or outside), where temperature changes and dampness are common.

Among the affordable species, larch and pine can be distinguished. El, even though it's conifer, should not be used. It has a soft structure, therefore, there is no need to talk about the strength of the bed. Its structure will quickly become loose, and it will have to be systematically repaired.

For finishing the bed

Homemade beds are rarely painted. Basically, the material is polished with high quality and. Few people use a primer when surface treating wood, although the advisability of its use is obvious. Firstly, penetrating into the structure, the soil strengthens it top layer. Secondly, the consumption of paint and varnish is reduced, since the impregnation has already filled all the microcavities. And considering the cost of varnish high quality, which significantly exceeds the price of primer compositions - an important aspect.

Drawing up a drawing

You will have to answer two questions - how many people the bed is designed for, and what age they are. Recommended sizes:

  • width: for one – 95±5, for two – 180±15. For the so-called “lorry”, 130±20 is enough;
  • length: for a child – 150, for an adult – 200;
  • frame height – within 40.

But it’s worth remembering that this is not a standard, but just a recommendation. The choice of parameters is made arbitrarily, based on the specifics of the bed installation.

Selection of lumber

The design of a wooden bed is simple, but it is hardly reasonable to use identical samples to make the same type, but several different structural parts.


For the side walls, take a board (2 pieces) 2,500 x 300. Thickness is in the range of 20 - 25. But for the front and back there are options. To reduce the cost of the product, you can use ready-made slabs. For example, OSV or chipboard, but only laminated. Protective coating and will add strength to the material, and a problem with attractive appearance will decide.

Some craftsmen assemble the front and rear “shields” from the same board, sheathing them with sweat thin plywood. How much better this is, everyone will determine for themselves, but the fact that it will take much more time to make such a wooden bed is clear.


A block with a side of 40 is enough. The length depends on how much you want to raise the bed above the floor. Exactly the same wooden samples are suitable for use as supports for the frame. It is easy to calculate the total length of the workpiece, depending on the bed parameters indicated in the drawing.


The mattress will be placed on it. A thin, narrow board (the main thing is to correctly determine the interval between the elements) and a beam of small cross-section are quite suitable. Alternatively, thick plywood or chipboard. The frame design is so simple that choosing the optimal blanks is not difficult.

Necessary tool

Explaining point by point what exactly is needed to work with wood to a business person is a waste of time. You just need to remember about the level (construction). At each stage of assembling a wooden bed, you will have to control the strict symmetry of all its components. To determine “by eye” whether it is smooth means dooming yourself in advance to redoing the entire structure.

You will definitely need a carpenter's clamp. In the process of making a wooden bed, an adhesive composition is used. Each of them is characterized by its own time of complete hardening. Since the workpieces must be securely fixed during the drying period, a clamping device is indispensable. How to make it yourself, what modifications exist for household use, .

The assembly itself, according to a well-drawn drawing and with the necessary tools, is done quite quickly.

  • Any markings are small errors, which is quite natural if the wood is cut not by machine, but by hand. To achieve maximum identity of similar structural elements, it is necessary to manufacture one of them, the first one, with extreme precision. Using it as a standard, all others are made according to this template.
  • When surface processing wood blanks, it is advisable to at least slightly round off the sharp edges. For more thorough leveling of the base, it is recommended to use a household sander. Working with this tool will give not only high results, but also great time savings. About varieties.
  • Connecting structural parts only by glueing or using fasteners (screws, self-tapping screws) does not guarantee the durability of a wooden bed. The structure of the material is quite soft. During use, the bed will one way or another be subject to at least minor dynamic loads. Especially when it comes to the “children’s” version - kids love to jump on the mattress. The “shak” of the entire structure will appear quite quickly, which means that it will have to be repaired, and even with the replacement of individual parts.

A tongue-and-groove connection with gluing these places is a more correct solution. Typical parameters eyes and protrusions: depth (length) – 45±5, width – 25±5. If it is necessary to strengthen the structure, it is advisable to use a metal corner. Lightweight, aluminum, “ten” is enough. These fasteners are installed with inside, and after final assembly beds and mattress placement are completely invisible.

Everything else is at the discretion of the master. For example, the front and back wall are made either the same or different in height. Legs - both square and round. If you “turn on” your imagination, then it is not difficult to make a bed from wood that can be safely called “exclusive”. When the drawing is drawn up independently and the assembly is done by hand, there is no strict standard. And the main practical recommendations given.

Good luck to you, home craftsmen!

All photos from the article

If you want to provide yourself with the most comfortable place in your bedroom, and purchase products furniture factories If you don’t have the money or special desire, you can always make a bed frame out of wood with your own hands. This design is not complicated, therefore, with minimal carpentry skills, almost anyone can handle the job.

Preparatory stage

Bed design and dimensions

As we noted at the very beginning of the article, the designs of wooden frames are quite simple:

  • In most cases, the sleeping place (mattress) is located either on slats or on a flat base made from a sheet of fairly thick plywood.

Pay attention! The design of lamellas - transverse slats, is more preferable, since, due to its elasticity, it compensates for the deformation of the mattress under the weight of a lying person. Using such a bed will be much more comfortable.

  • The slats or plywood rest on a frame, which is made of fairly strong beams.
  • As for the supports, the frame can be attached either to the legs or to the side panels. In the second case, the sides of the bed act as load-bearing structures, since they are in contact with the floor along their entire length.

If we talk about dimensions, then you need to start first of all from the size of the mattress. Typical options, produced by both domestic and foreign manufacturers, are approximately within the following limits:

Important! If you are planning to make a teenage bed with your own hands from wood, then you need to take into account the growth rate of the child for whom it will be intended. You won’t guess, and within six months or a year the structure will become quite cramped. So it’s better to do it with a reserve.

As for height, it all depends on your preferences. Some people like to sleep as low as possible, while for others the upper edge of the mattress should be approximately 50 cm from the floor, so the choice is purely individual.

Selection of tools

When we roughly understand what product we need, we will begin to collect everything we need for work. First of all, the tools:

  • Wood saw (it’s better to take several - a circular saw for cutting and a hacksaw or reciprocating saw for fitting).
  • Grinding machine.
  • Drill and drill bits different diameters on wood.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Hand tools (hammers, pliers, chisels).
  • Level and roulette.
  • Clamps for gluing products.

It would also be a good idea to have a workbench or special sawhorses for sawing. With these devices, the work will be much faster and easier.

Purchase of materials

Since we will make the bed from wooden parts, then the main columns in our shopping list will be occupied by lumber. We will need:

  • Beams with a section of 100x100 and 100x50 mm for legs and frame.
  • Boards with a thickness of 25 mm and a width of 250-300 mm.
  • Slats 30x60 or 25x50 mm for making lamellas.
  • Wooden board made of boards 20-25 mm thick for the headboard.

Important! The volume of purchases is determined by the dimensions of the structure. In this case, materials should be purchased with a reserve of at least 20%.

As a rule, pine is used for the manufacture of such structures as it is a fairly cheap wood. However, if your financial capabilities allow, then you can take oak, maple, walnut, etc. boards for the side panels.

In addition, we will need:

  • Nails and screws for fastening wood.
  • Steel linings different sizes(for securing parts at an angle of 90 0).
  • Wood glue.
  • Stains or antiseptic impregnations.
  • Varnish or paint for wood.

A DIY double bed is a completely feasible project for DIYers. Making a bed with your own hands allows you not only to avoid unnecessary waste, but also to realize any design idea. You can make a bed, taking into account the characteristics of the owners and the bedroom, and choose any length and width.

Related articles:

How to determine the size of a bed?

To understand how to make a double bed yourself, you must first decide on its size. The standard length of the product is considered to be 200 cm. However, this parameter varies in the range of 190-220 cm. To determine the appropriate bed size, you need to add 30 cm to the person’s height.

The minimum width of a double bed is 160 cm. There is no upper limit, but there are standards. They are:

  1. 160 cm;
  2. 180 cm;
  3. 200 cm;
  4. 220 cm.

To determine a comfortable width, you need to lie down, put your hands on your chest and straighten your elbows. You need to measure the distance from one elbow to the other and add 10-20 cm.

Another important factor is height. If there is a need for additional storage space, you should pay attention to a bed with drawers. However, it is never low due to design features. Height can be:

  • small, 20-30 cm;
  • medium, 40-60 cm;
  • large, 70-90 cm.

You should choose the one that is comfortable to sit on. You also need to take into account the presence of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the person’s age.

When drawing up a diagram or drawing sleeping place everything needs to be taken into account individual characteristics owner.

Materials for work

The process of making a double bed largely depends on the choice of materials. You can make a bed from the following materials:

  1. wood;
  2. gland.

A wooden stock is easier to make because the process is quite simple. To make a bed frame from metal, you need to have skills in working with welding machine and, if necessary, forging.

For working with metal

To work with metal you will need the following materials:

  • corners;
  • bolts and nuts;
  • profile pipe;
  • plate;

All elements are connected by welding.

For working with wood

A do-it-yourself wooden bed can be made from the following materials:

  1. laminated chipboard;
  2. solid wood;
  3. laminated veneer lumber.

A wooden bed is easier to process and you can add any pattern to the headboard or side panels (tsars).

For a pine bed you will need the following materials:

  • timber 5x5 cm, length 220 cm – 15 pcs.;
  • board 200x10x2 cm – 22 pcs.;
  • wood glue or PVA;
  • self-tapping screws 6.5x4 cm;
  • metal corners with a shelf width of 5 cm.

The frame is intended for a mattress measuring 200x160 cm.

Necessary accessories and fasteners

To make a bed with your own hands, you need to prepare fasteners and accessories. If the bed is planned to be foldable, you should purchase special folding mechanisms. They can be of the following types:

  1. mechanical;
  2. with springs;
  3. gas.

For stationary products you need to take:

  • metal corners;
  • screeds;
  • screws;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • legs if necessary;
  • lamellas or metal mesh.

To do drawers, you should purchase roller mechanisms. It's better to give preference metal products because they are more durable than plastic ones.

Tools for work

To make a metal bed with your own hands, you need to prepare the following tools:

  1. Bulgarian;
  2. welding machine;
  3. drill with a set of drills of different diameters;
  4. roulette;
  5. square;
  6. square file;
  7. metal brush;
  8. sandpaper;
  9. paint brushes;
  10. primer for metal surfaces;
  11. paint coating.

Having blacksmithing equipment will allow you to create an unusual pattern for the headboard.

To make a bed out of wood, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • drills of different diameters;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • wood glue or PVA;
  • clamps;
  • square;
  • screwdriver;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • iron corners;
  • stain;
  • sandpaper;
  • brushes for painting.

If you plan to make a bed from solid wood, you can use special cutters to create a pattern on the headboard of the bed. Wooden frame can be coated with stain, which will reveal the texture of the material and make the frame more beautiful.

Self-assembly of a double bed

To make a double bed with your own hands, you need to draw up in advance detailed drawing products. It should show all the nuances, the method of connecting the frame elements, and decide on the fittings. The dimensions of the bed parts must be made with an accuracy of 1 cm. Otherwise, the base may be smaller than the mattress. If it turns out to be larger, the mattress will move, which will cause inconvenience when using the bed.

Frame making

If you are planning a structure made of timber, you first need to glue the elements together so that you get:

  1. side panels;
  2. headboard;
  3. foot back.

The surface must be flat, so if necessary, the wood is planed and sanded. Otherwise, the elements will not stick together well. Since the box should have a height of 15-20 cm, it is necessary to fasten 3-4 bars 220 cm long. To do this, the sides of the parts are generously lubricated with glue, overlapped and pressed with clamps. Assembling the bed frame begins only after the glue has dried. This takes 1-2 days.

Since the glued blanks are large, they must be adjusted to the parameters specified in the drawing. You will need side drawers 220 cm long, end panels 161 cm long and a central jumper 210 cm long.

Parts are fixed more securely if you use a locking connection. To do this, measure 5 cm along the edges of the side drawers on the upper bars and saw them off. It is important not to damage the central element, since it will take the load. Then, along the edges of the end sides, 5 cm are measured on the central beam and carefully removed. Now you need to connect the parts of the bed, having previously coated them with glue. The elements are compressed using clamps and left until completely dry.

You can also make a solid frame, the parts of which are attached to each other by means of dressing. The bars are glued into a box in an already trimmed form. To do this, you must first post bottom row so as to form a rectangle. The lengths of the side and end sides should be 210 and 150 cm, respectively.

The end parts of the beams of the side panels are laid first, which are generously lubricated with glue. They are fixed using self-tapping screws. To prevent the screws from moving to the side, guide holes are made with a drill and a drill bit. small diameter. Each connection is checked with a square to ensure a 90° angle is maintained. The planes should also be checked, since the tree may move to the side. The length of the bars in it should be 220 cm, and the end part - 170 cm.

The last row to be laid is the top row, the dimensions of which correspond to the bottom. The sides are lubricated with glue and fixed with self-tapping screws. It is necessary to make recesses for the screw heads so that they do not protrude above the surface. The frame is left to dry for 1-2 days.

The central lintel consists of 2 glued beams 210 cm long. Before fixing, markings are made on the inside of the frame. The middle is marked, and thrust elements 15 cm long are attached below in the designated places. They act as a support for the central bar. To connect, 5 cm of the bottom beam is removed from the jumper on each side. This element is attached to glue and fixed with self-tapping screws.

If the bed has legs, they are installed at this stage. Beams 20-30 cm long can act as supports.


The headboard can be homemade or purchased from a store. If you plan to make a bed with your own hands, you can make this element from boards in the form of lattice. To do this, use 3 boards 160 cm long and 10-12 cm wide, as well as 11-12 boards 40-46 cm long.

Currently, furniture stores offer a wide variety of furniture, including wooden beds. But the prices, frankly, are steep. There are at least three reasons to make a wooden bed with your own hands. This is cost savings, an opportunity to realize your design ideas, as well as irreplaceable pride for having made a useful, beautiful and necessary thing.

Making furniture with your own hands is not simple task, it requires a certain skill, knowledge and experience, but you should not be afraid to implement it. If in stock necessary tool, acquired necessary materials and there is a firm decision that you will make a wooden bed with your own hands, then you should get to work without putting it off.

Necessary tool

Making a wooden bed with your own hands requires the presence of tools such as a circular table saw, a regular and rubber hammer, a grinder, a square, a chisel, a tape measure, a screwdriver, electric drill. You also need materials: stain, varnish, wood putty, screws, sandpaper, wood glue.

If there is no circular table saw And grinding machine, then you can do without them - with a hacksaw and a block with sandpaper. But it will be difficult to achieve professional quality wood processing. It seems that if you make a wooden bed with your own hands, and then some other piece of furniture, then you will get a taste and try to buy these rather expensive, but important for you. high-quality processing wood tools. Then you will see for yourself how much faster and better your work will be using them.


The main part of the bed is the mattress. So you have a choice:

Buy at trading network mattress the right size and characteristics (there are now a great variety of finished products of this kind) and make a bed to suit its size;
- first make a bed, and then order a mattress of the required size for it.

Both options are eligible depending on your personal preferences. In addition, there is an option to make the mattress yourself. But in this article we will not dwell on it.

In any case, you need to keep in mind that the dimensions of the space for the mattress in the bed frame should be 1-2 centimeters larger (both in width and length) than the dimensions of the mattress. This is explained by the fact that it must fit freely into its bed, and when there is a load on it, it necessarily expands somewhat to the sides.

Another feature: it is advisable to position the mattress bed so that it protrudes from the frame by 4-8 cm and does not move when using the bed.


So, your goal is to make a piece of furniture such as a wooden bed with your own hands. The drawings necessary to realize your goal can be easily found in specialized literature. Much depends on your design solutions, because a bed made with your own hands should differ from purchased ones in some “zest”. But this is the owner's business. We will consider a conventional model consisting of legs and a frame. We coordinate its dimensions with the dimensions of the mattress, as indicated above.

The width of the bed depends on the number of beds and the degree of freedom you desire. Typically, a single bed has a bed width of 90 cm, a double bed - 170-200 cm. The length of the bed for an adult is from 170 to 220 cm. The height of the frame is 30-50 cm. You set the specific dimensions yourself, based on your preferences, height and others parameters.


To complete the frame of a large double bed you will need:

  • timber 10 x 10 cm, length 2.6 m;
  • timber 5 x 5 cm, length 2.6 m - 2 pcs.;
  • boards 2.5 x 7.5 cm, 2 m long - about 12 pcs.;
  • boards 5 x 15 cm, length 2.6 m - 5 pcs.

Choose the type of wood yourself. Beech, oak, mahogany, and walnut are suitable for making a bed. But this wood is expensive. The most suitable and inexpensive option- pine.


Wooden bed, made with your own hands, must be durable and reliable. We start manufacturing with the legs. We cut two pieces of timber with a cross-section of 10 x 10 cm, equal to the height of the bed, for the rear legs, and saw the rest into two pieces of equal length - for the legs at the headboard. We mark on these parts the places of the grooves where the longitudinal boards of the frame and the transverse boards for attaching the legs will be inserted. The size of the cutouts is 15 x 5 cm. Make sure that the grooves are perpendicular to the length of the bars. Upper part We process the legs - chamfer 1 cm along the end of the bars.

Calculate the length and width of the bed. The length is equal to the length of the mattress plus 7 cm. The width is equal to the width of the mattress plus 12 cm. From the 5 x 15 cm boards, cut two pieces with a length equal to the length of your bed, and three pieces with a length equal to its width. We carefully sand the surfaces of the legs and frame parts. We assemble the frame, starting from the transverse sides of the bed, and then connecting them with longitudinal boards. We fasten it with wood glue and fix it with screws 8-10 cm long.

We attach the base for the transverse boards with screws to the inside of the longitudinal sides of the frame. It is cut out of timber with a cross-section of 5 x 5 cm. They must be fastened at such a height of the longitudinal boards of the frame that, taking into account the transverse boards placed on them, the mattress bed is deepened by at least 2-3 cm. Transverse boards with a section of 2.5 x 7.5 cm, cut to fit the inside width of the frame. They must be distributed evenly along the length of the frame and secured with screws to the base.

An alternative way of attaching these boards, which gives greater structural strength, is to attach the cross boards of the mattress base not horizontally to the base bars, but vertically. In this case, you can do without bars with a cross section of 5 x 5 cm, and fasten the metal corners, as shown in the figure on the right.

Final actions

So, the bed frame is assembled. The surfaces should be thoroughly sanded using a grinding machine; areas where the surface is damaged can be treated with wood putty, allowed to dry and sanded again. After sanding, remove dust with a dry cloth and a vacuum cleaner (do not use a damp cloth - the surface will lose its smoothness). After this, treat the surfaces with stain, possibly several times, drying between layers to obtain the darkness and color saturation you desire. Then you can coat the surfaces with varnish (matte or glossy - according to your choice). To obtain a high-quality surface, the varnish must be applied in three layers.

Put the mattress in place - your bed is ready.

To give the bed a unique look, you can decorate it by adding backrests of your design to the frame.

When securing parts with glue, use clamps. To make backrests, you can use solid pine, chipboard or MDF sheets 30 mm thick. To make the backs more decorative and convex, they can be covered with a layer of foam rubber up to 15 mm thick, attached with a construction stapler, and draped with fabric. This is how an exquisite wooden bed is made with your own hands.

Photos of options designer beds, made by craftsmen and amateurs, you can large quantities found in specialized literature. Above are just a few samples. They can give you your own ideas for giving your handmade bed a unique look.

DIY wooden bunk bed

The photo also shows samples bunk beds. Such designs are very convenient for saving space in the room. The special meaning of making them with your own hands is that the retail network does not have such a variety of them as regular beds, and buying the option you need is much more difficult. These beds are very comfortable for teenage children.

There are great benefits from making a wooden children's bed. It is easier to do with your own hands than for an adult - after all, it does not require special strength and durability. And according to the manufacturing technology, it differs in size and in that it is necessary to make back and side parts that protect the child from falling out of the bed.

We hope that the material presented in the article on the topic “Do-it-yourself wooden bed” will give you the determination to complete such work and will benefit your family.