There is not enough voltage in the house. Low voltage complaint

Last year in Izhevsk, sewer plugs were installed in the apartments of six debtors for housing and communal services. According to the chairman of the house council, this measure was used for the first time and turned out to be very effective. How else can you motivate debtors to pay off debt? Experts from the Association of Councils of Houses of the Urals tell us.

House council chairmen are often faced with the problem of residents' debts for housing and communal services. An example with six debtors, five of whom, after the introduction of restrictions on water disposal, paid the debt immediately, and one - after a week, was given by Antonina Akimova, Chairman of the Council of House No. 14 on Avtozavodskaya Street in Izhevsk.

“This is a completely legal measure. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 05/06/2011 N 354 (as amended on 12/25/2015) “On the provision utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" allows restrictions on public services, acting in a certain manner, she said. – It all starts with the management company sending a notice to the debtor about the need to repay the debt. As a result, for him, if he does not react in any way, everything may end with the installation of a plug on the toilet in the apartment.” Antonina Akimova said that at the end of each year, in October-November, if by this time one of the residents has accumulated a debt, members of the house council write letters to management company asking for action to be taken.

What ways are there for housing activists and management organizations to work with debtors? Today there are three of them: restrictions on public services, increased penalties and litigation. Provides detailed explanations Alexander Evseev, chairman Public organization consumers of housing and communal services "Association of House Councils of the Udmurt Republic".

Restriction of utility services may be applied if the consumer has arrears for two billing months. You can only suspend a utility service for which there is a debt. When calculating the amount of debt, the standard and tariff are taken into account. You cannot turn off the heating and cold water. It is also unacceptable to limit the supply of resources to the entire entrance because of one or several debtors, so that bona fide payers do not suffer. As it turned out in practice, the most effective is to limit the sewerage service by installing a plug on the sewerage system in the debtor’s apartment.

— Increase in penalties. From January 1, 2016, the amount of penalties is calculated at new rates. Previously, from the 1st day of delay, penalties were set at 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Now there is no penalty for the first month, the second and third months are considered 1/300 of the refinancing rate. Starting from 91 days of delay, the penalty increases sharply to 1/130 of the refinancing rate. Let’s say the debtor has an unpaid payment in the amount of 3,000 rubles, the payment deadline is February 10, 2016. Until March 10, no penalties will be accrued to him. From March 11 to May 10 the penalty will be 110 rubles, from May 11 to July 10 – 258 rubles. 08 kop. The total amount of penalties for 5 months of delay will be 368.08 rubles.

— Litigation. When resorting to this method, management companies and homeowners associations are faced with the following problems: 1) The debtor does not live in the apartment for which he does not pay. You have to sue at the place of residence (registration) of the debtor, but it does not always coincide with the location of the apartment; 2) The debtor does not pay the debt without complying with the court decision. The unenforceability of court decisions when a writ of execution is received, but there is nothing to take from the debtor, as well as a situation where the debtor sold an apartment with debts, but it is impossible to collect them from the new owner; 3) Impossibility of foreclosure on the debtor’s only home.

To solve these problems, members of the Association of Councils of Houses of the Urals developed their own offers:

  • The debtor does not live in the apartment for which he does not pay. According to current legislation, the debt is collected in court at the defendant’s place of residence. At the same time, the homeowner’s place of residence may not coincide with the location of the property for which there is a debt. Organizationally, it is difficult to sue such a debtor. It is proposed to avoid this situation by establishing the jurisdiction of the dispute over the collection of debt for housing and communal services at the location of the property, and not at the place of residence of the defendant. This will require amendments to federal legislation (Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation).
  • The debtor does not pay the debt without complying with the court decision. According to the public proposal, the debt for housing and communal services should be assigned to the apartment, and not to the owner, as has already been done for contributions for major repairs common property(by analogy with Part 3 of Article 36.1 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). Corresponding changes must be made to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. If the new owner of the apartment bought it with debts, he will be obliged to pay them off.
  • It is impossible to impose a foreclosure on the debtor’s only home. Recently, the Supreme Court of Russia clarified that bailiffs have the right to seize the debtor’s only home. This means that the debtor cannot sell, exchange or give away the seized apartment or cottage, in accordance with the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. The area of ​​such a single dwelling can be very large; for example, there are often cases when a person lives alone in a three- or four-room apartment. According to the proposals of social activists, it is necessary to establish standards that the only housing must comply with. Such standards exist for the provision of apartments for social rent, as well as for calculating subsidies and benefits for certain categories of citizens. If the area of ​​the only housing exceeds these standards, then the state will have the right, upon seizure of the housing, to sell it on the market, providing the debtor with housing that meets the standards, and the difference received from the sale will be used to pay off the debt.

Debtors are persons who entered into an agreement with the HOA, but not fulfilling their obligations to pay utility bills.

There are different degrees late payments.

As one of the parties to the agreement, the partnership may apply measures of varying consequences for the debtor and time costs for management. Failure to fulfill one’s obligations under an agreement with the HOA is a direct violation of Article 153 of the RF Housing Code and entails administrative liability.

How are debts calculated? Articles of the Housing Code

Paragraph 118 of the document states that the supply of hot water and electricity may be limited to you if the debt exceeds the two-month consumption rate. All this time, the HOA's debts will accumulate on other items in the payment receipt, along with the accrued penalty, an example of the calculation was given above.

The management organization can file a lawsuit against the debtor in a civil court with a request to issue a court order to repay the debt.
Today, such cases are considered in a simplified manner within 5 days. In extreme cases, the debtor may even be evicted from the apartment by court decision, as stated in Article 90 of the RF Housing Code.

Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Article 90. Eviction of the tenant and his family members living with him from residential premises with the provision of another residential premises under a social tenancy agreement

If the tenant and his family members living with him for more than six months without good reason do not pay for housing and utilities, they can be evicted in court with the provision of another residential premises under a social tenancy agreement, the size of which corresponds to the size of the residential premises. premises established for moving citizens into the hostel.

However, if the debtor has no other housing, Art. 446 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation will not allow the judicial authorities to evict him.

ATTENTION. If the tenant himself cannot pay his debt to the partnership, under Art. 31 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, his relatives living with him in the same apartment can be forced to pay.

How to deal with defaulting HOAs?

The management organization has the right, within the framework of the law, to send notifications that it is necessary to repay the debt for utilities.

This procedure is carried out as part of an out-of-court recovery. The notification can be sent immediately after the deadline within which the client was supposed to repay the payment has expired.

If the debt has exceeded the two-month consumption norm, then this is a reason to move to radical measures. To begin with, the board sends a notice to the tenant's address, this time of an ultimatum nature: either he pays housing and communal services with the penalty accrued for this period, or after 20 days the supply of some utilities will be suspended.

After just 20 days, the HOA has the right to suspend the supply of certain utilities. This is directly stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354. These services include: hot water and electricity.

At this stage of debt collection, you can try for the last time to find a common language with the defaulter and conclude an agreement with him on the gradual payment of the debt. But if the debtor continues to be late with payments, the partnership has the right to again deprive him of the supply of utilities.

Recently, technologies have been actively introduced that can help block drainage and cold water.

This usually becomes an intolerable pressure for the defaulter. Although the legality of such a procedure is questionable.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 No. 307 clearly states that heating, drainage and supply cold water cannot be terminated for debts.

If all pre-trial methods of collection do not work, it is time to go to court.

A member of the board of an HOA can write a statement of claim on his own behalf and send it to the district court for civil cases, as stated in Article 20 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Civil Code of the Russian Federation Article 20. Place of residence of a citizen

  1. Place of residence is the place where a citizen permanently or primarily resides. A citizen who informs creditors, as well as other persons, about his other place of residence bears the risk of the consequences caused by this.
  2. The place of residence of minors under fourteen years of age or citizens under guardianship is recognized as the place of residence of their legal representatives - parents, adoptive parents or guardians.

In order for the court to believe the representative of the partnership, it is necessary to collect in advance evidence base, including copies of receipts, financial statements and evidence that out-of-court negotiations were conducted with the defaulter.

There is a false opinion that you can go to court with a management organization only after 6 months of non-payments. In fact, you can go to court just one day after the contractual due date for payment of the invoice.

If the HOA wins the case, bailiffs will monitor the defendant’s fulfillment of its obligations under the agreement with the management organization. The defendant will also be required to pay the plaintiff all costs associated with the proceedings.

IN in this case This is a state fee of 2 thousand rubles. The defaulter's property will be seized until the debt is repaid. He may also be restricted from traveling abroad. If the debt is not repaid before the deadline set by the court, the seized property will be sold.

In most cases, no proceedings take place at all. According to Article 121 of the Civil Code, amounts up to 500 thousand rubles are subject to claim by the court in an expedited manner; the judge makes a decision within 5 days without the presence of the parties. If he leans towards the HOA, a court order will be sent to the debtor. The defaulter has the right to appeal this decision.

If a person living in an apartment is not its owner, but occupies the property under a social rental agreement with the municipality, according to Article 90 of the RF Housing Code, he can be evicted along with his roommates to another living space with similar parameters. At the same time, his obligations to repay the debt remain.


Debtors to the HOA are persons who do not pay utility bills on time. There are many legal ways to deal with them.

Posting lists of debtors is only a partially legal method of collection. The partnership has the right to take the defaulter to court immediately after the deadline under the contract.

A homeowners' association (HOA) acts as an intermediary between apartment owners and suppliers of resources: electricity, gas, water and heating.

Based on a contractual relationship, the association provides utility services to residents and may limit them for non-payers. Does the HOA have the right to turn off electricity for non-payment?

Why do they disconnect?

The right of the HOA to limit or suspend the supply of a utility resource for debts is enshrined in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354.

Limitation means that the service is not provided in full.

Suspension is a temporary disconnection of the debtor from public services.

This can happen if the debt for any one service exceeds the amount of three months' payment accrued according to the standard and at the tariff approved for this type of service (electricity, water supply, sewerage, gas). This debt is called underpayment.

If the owner pays all housing and communal services, but not in full, partially, then the amount of debt is determined by proportional division the amount received between all lines of the receipt.

How does debt collection work?

The HOA is obliged to notify the debtor in writing 30 days before the disconnection of possible sanctions against him. The notice is sent to the tenant by registered mail, or given in person against a receipt.

If, after 30 days from the date of receipt of the warning, the debt remains unpaid, the representative of the HOA again contacts the debtor in writing - this time with a notice of disconnection of the service (also against receipt, three days before the supply of utilities is stopped).

Then the HOA limits or suspends the supply of utility services (if it is technically possible, it first limits it and then suspends it).

For different services

Disabling the debtor should not lead to a violation of the rights of other residents of the house (clause 122 of the Rules for the Provision of Public Utilities, Resolution No. 354) who regularly pay for utilities.

This means that the sanctions that will be applied to the debtor depend on technical features Houses.

Thus, in “Khrushchev” and “Stalin” buildings it is not always possible to disconnect only one apartment from the water supply, while in new buildings this is quite possible.

Does the HOA have the right to shut off the sewer system?

It is also possible to block the sewer system or turn off the lights in a separate apartment without harming bona fide residents.

Disconnection should not render the premises unsuitable for permanent residence. So, if private house It is heated using gas; its supply cannot be stopped.

It is impossible to limit the supply of heat to individual apartments of the house (Rules for organizing heat supply, Decree No. 808).

Accrual of penalties

Penalties for late payment are accrued in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation daily (Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

If the debt remains unpaid for 90 days, from 91 days the penalties increase to 1/130 of the rate.

Installment payment

You can enter into a debt repayment agreement with the HOA. The agreement provides for a one-time payment of the entire debt, or installments - repayment of the debt in installments over the course of a certain amount time by making monthly payments.

Two days after signing the agreement, the HOA must resume providing the resource.

Statement of claim

The homeowners association applies to the magistrate court with a claim against the owner to collect the debt.

The claim specifies the amount of debt, current tariffs and standards according to which CG payments are calculated.

Additionally, the partnership provides to the court documents confirming the authority of the HOA in terms of providing utility services to the owners (minutes of the meeting, certificate of an officially registered legal entity, tax registration document, etc.).

The court makes a decision to collect the debt in favor of the HOA, taking into account penalties, as well as state fees and court costs.

Does the HOA have the right to post lists of debtors by apartment numbers?

Often HOA board resorts to such measures of influence as the publication of lists of debtors. The surname, exact address, and amount of the tenant's debt are indicated.

This information is personal data; Federal Law No. 359-FZ prohibits the disclosure of such data about a person.

Illegal restriction of housing and communal services

Disconnection will be unlawful if:

The partnership does not provide utilities. That is, when the consumer enters into a direct contract with the utility supplier and pays using separate receipts.

The debtor was not properly notified (first with a 30-day written warning, then with a notice to in writing 3 days before shutdown).

When disconnecting the debtor, the rights of other residents were violated, interference in engineering communications led to damage to general building networks or made the premises uninhabitable.

After payment of the debt, the provision of CG was not resumed.

In the above cases, residents can complain to the housing inspectorate and the court to protect their rights.

The head of the HOA bears administrative or criminal liability for the consequences of illegal disconnection of the consumer.

In the first case, the official will pay a fine in the amount of 500-1000 rubles, the organization – 5000-10000 rubles.

If the shutdown of a resource resulted in death, serious harm to health, or significant material damage, this would be a criminal offense. An official may be imprisoned for up to 5 years.

The homeowners association has the right to use utility shutoffs as a means of influencing the debtor and collecting payment. But the shutdown procedure requires notification twice in writing and requires respect for the rights of other residents, and the owner himself.

Depriving the debtor of utility services will be legal only if all the requirements of the law are met. And after repaying the debt or signing an installment agreement, electricity, gas or water must return to the consumer within two days. Know your rights and don't forget about your responsibilities!

Notification of the HOA to the defaulter about the debt

Notification of debt

"__"_________________ 200__ __________
Address: ________________________________, apartment No._____
"__"_________________ 200__ Ref.
Full name______________________________


The Board brings to your attention that you fall into the category of defaulters. Your debt is: _____________________________________________________ rub.

If the debt is not repaid, a penalty will be charged for late (after the 20th day of the month following the previous month) payment for the provided housing and communal services, valid at the time of payment, from the amounts not paid on time, for each day of delay, starting from the next day after deadline payment up to and including the day of actual payment.

If the debt is not repaid within a month (from the date of delivery of the notice), then, in accordance with the CHARTER, a lawsuit will be filed. DzIKS EZERS has contractual obligations to resource supplying, operating and other organizations and in case of non-payment for services provided, it is forced to incur losses by paying your debt.

We invite you “__” ____________ 200_ at _______ hours to the board room at the address:
_____________________________________ to find out the reason for non-payment.

You can challenge the amount of mandatory payments in court.

We kindly ask you to pay off the debt.

Chairman of the cooperative board _________________

Accountant _________________

Statement of claim by the HOA for the collection of debt on utility bills

To the magistrate of the precinct___
(name of ATO)

Plaintiff: _______________________
(name of HOA, address)
Representative of the plaintiff: ___________
(full name, address)
Respondent(s): _________________
(Full name of the owner of the premises,
address of each defendant)


on debt collection for housing services

“___”_________ ____ year between the Plaintiff and the Defendant in this claim, agreement No. _________ was concluded (a copy of the agreement is attached).

According to paragraph ____ of this agreement, the HOA (hereinafter referred to as the Plaintiff) provides services _________ (name of the housing service), and the owner of the premises (hereinafter referred to as the Defendant) pays for the service provided no later than the ____ date of each month. In accordance with clause ____ of the contract, clause __ of Order No. __ dated “__” ________ ______ of the city administration of ____________, the cost of the service per month is ______ (_______________) rubles ___ kopecks.

In accordance with Art. 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and organizations are obliged to promptly and fully pay for residential premises and utilities.

In accordance with Part 1 of Art. 425 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Agreement comes into force and becomes binding on the parties from the moment of its conclusion.

The obligation to pay for services _______________ (name of housing service) arose with the Defendant from the moment of conclusion of the agreement (clause __ of the Agreement), that is, from “__” __________ ___.

Since “__” _______ ____ the Defendant has not paid for the service _____________ (name of housing service). The Defendant was overdue for payment for the housing services provided to him for more than ____ months.

The Plaintiff repeatedly sent registered letters to the Defendant with reminders and warnings about payment for housing services (copies of the letters are attached).

The Defendant, after receiving letters of reminder and warning, did not pay the debt and thus did not fulfill its obligations under Agreement No.___ dated “___”_________ ____. This means that the Plaintiff has the right to go to court to protect his rights.

Based on Article Part 14 of Art. 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Defendant is obliged to pay the Plaintiff a penalty in the amount of one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, in effect at the time of payment, on amounts unpaid on time for each day of delay, starting from the next day after the due date for payment until the day of actual payment, inclusive.

Since the Defendant has not paid for the services provided to him since “__”__________ ____, he is obliged to pay the Plaintiff arrears in the amount of _______ (______________________) rubles, as well as a penalty for each day of delay in the amount of ___________ (_____________) rubles (calculation is attached).

Based on the above and in accordance with Art. Art. 394, 395, 405 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, art. Art. 153, 155 Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Art. 3, 22, 23, 28, 98, 131, 132 Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation,

1. To collect from _______________, the Defendant in favor of the Plaintiff, the debt for payment of housing services in the amount of _______ (____________________) rubles ____ kopecks.

2. To collect from ______________, the Defendant in favor of the Plaintiff, a penalty in the amount of one three hundredth of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in effect at the time of payment, from the amounts not paid on time for each day of delay, starting from the next day after the due date for payment until the day of actual payment, inclusive.

3. To recover from _________________, the Defendant in favor of the Plaintiff, the amount of paid state duty in the amount of ______ (_____________________) rubles.

The price of the claim is ______________ rubles _______ kopecks.


1. Copy of agreement No. ___ dated “__”________ ____.

2. A copy of the letter to the Defendant with a reminder about the expiration of the payment period for the provided housing service dated “__” ________ ____.

3. A copy of the letter to the Defendant with a reminder about the expiration of the payment period for the provided housing service dated “__” ________ ____.

4. Receipt for payment of state duty.

5. Power of attorney certifying the authority of the plaintiff’s representative.

6. A copy of the statement of claim for the defendant (copies of statements of claim according to the number of defendants).

7. Calculation of the amount to be recovered, signed by the representative of the Plaintiff, with a copy for the Defendant.

8. Documents establishing the debt for payment of housing services, indicating the amount and period for which it was formed (a copy of the invoice sent to the Defendant, with the Plaintiff’s note about the non-repayment of the debt, a paybook, a statement of reconciliation of accounts signed by the parties, etc.) .

9. Copy of the Defendant’s personal account.

Plaintiff's representative ________________

"__"____________ ____ year

One of the indicators efficient work management organization - collection of payments for housing and communal services. Property owners will always have reasons for accumulating debt. Find out what debt collection methods exist and in what situations they can be used.

Find out why debt has accumulated

Timely and full payment of housing and communal services is the responsibility of the owners of premises (Article 153 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). This obligation arises from the moment of registration of ownership of the premises.

Apartment owners and non-residential premises do not always take responsibility for paying for housing and communal services. The reasons for non-payment of bills may vary. Some owners accumulate short-term debt due to the fact that they were temporarily absent from the premises and did not receive payment documents. For example, you were on a business trip or were treated in a medical facility.

Other residents do not pay their bills systematically and accumulate huge amounts of debt. Some believe that the management organization is not properly fulfilling its responsibilities, others believe that natural resources belong to all citizens on equal rights.

Depending on which group the debtor belongs to, the management organization can choose a mechanism for debt collection: awareness-raising, claims work, restriction or suspension of the provision of utility services. Let's discuss the basic techniques of each debt collection mechanism.


A common way to motivate a resident to pay bills is to charge a penalty. Notify the debtor in writing that you are forced to charge him a penalty for late payment of housing and communal services. Explain that payment for residential premises must be made no later than the date established in the management agreement or determined by decision general meeting of owners of premises in the apartment building (part 1 of article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

If the management agreement or the OSS have not determined the date for payment of payment for housing and communal services, then the last day of the payment period is considered to be the tenth day of the month (Article 190-192 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Payment will be considered overdue from the eleventh day in accordance with paragraph 30 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2017 No. 22.

There are residents who do not understand how the amount on the receipt is calculated, so they do not pay their bills. In this case, the debtor can be called and invited to an appointment with the head of the management organization or the chief accountant. During the conversation, tell the owner that non-payment of bills leads to the accrual of penalties, and failure to transmit meter readings leads to the accrual of amounts in receipts according to the standards.

Another option to resolve the problem peacefully is to enter into a debt repayment agreement with the debtor. This way, the consumer will be able to avoid restrictions and suspension of utility services and repay the debt in a manner convenient for him.

Tell the debtor about the terms under which you propose to enter into an agreement to repay the debt. Specify in the agreement:

  • validity period,
  • consequences for violation of obligations,
  • details of the parties.

Invite the consumer to choose how to pay the debt: in a lump sum or in installments. If the owner is ready to repay the debt in one payment, include in the agreement the amount of the debt, the period of its formation and the expected date of payment.

Not the most common way to deal with debtors for housing and communal services is to offer the owner to work off the debt. Working off a debt instead of paying housing and communal services is considered a change in the payment method provided for in Art. 409 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The most convenient in this case is considered to be a mutual agreement concluded in writing in accordance with Art. 161 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Restriction or suspension of provision of CG

If the owner’s debt exceeds the sum of two monthly payments for utility services, calculated from the standards for its consumption, the management organization has the right to limit or suspend the provision of utility services in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354.

For debts, you can limit the supply of hot water, electricity, gas or sewerage services.

The management organization must inform the debtor about the restriction or suspension of utility services by sending him a written notice. The provision of CG may be limited within 20 days from the date the owner receives such notice.

At the same time, the management organization needs to remember that restriction or suspension of the provision of utility services should not lead to a violation of the rights and interests of other residents apartment building fully fulfilling their obligations (Section 11 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354).

The technical features of the house do not always allow suspending or limiting the provision of utilities in one room.

Claim work

It happens that information work on debt collection does not bring results and the management organization is forced to go to court. Debt on residential premises is collected in a court of general jurisdiction.

The management organization is not always able to win the debt collection case, since there are valid reasons for the owners’ non-payment of housing and communal services:

  • long delays wages, pensions;
  • difficult financial situation of the owner or tenant;
  • illness of the owner of the premises or members of his family;
  • the presence of disabled people, minor children and other incapacitated citizens in the family.

Such cases are considered separately and require documentary evidence.

If the court sides with the management organization, it will be issued a court decision or order. A writ of execution is attached to the court decision. Once the MA receives these documents, it can begin debt collection.

The requirement to collect debts for payment of housing and communal services is included in the list of requirements for which a court order is issued (Article 122 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). You can use a court order to collect debt mandatory payments and contributions from members of HOAs, housing complexes, housing cooperatives.

You can recover an amount in a court of general jurisdiction that does not exceed 500,000 rubles.

There are two ways to enforce a court decision: collect the amount through a bank or contact bailiffs. Working through a bank is easier and faster. To do this, you need to submit a writ of execution to the bank where the debtor has an account (Article 8 of Federal Law No. 229-FZ of October 2, 2007).

If you do not know which bank the debtor is serviced by, take the writ of execution to the bailiff service. The bailiff can send a writ of execution to the accounting department at the debtor’s place of work or seize his property.

Also, the bailiff has the right to impose a ban on the debtor traveling abroad if the amount of debt exceeds 30,000 rubles. This measure is effective when working with defaulters who have the means to pay for housing and communal services, but do not want to pay.