Features of infrared cabins. Infrared sauna: benefits and harms, features of use and recommendations Harm of an infrared sauna for women

The infrared sauna (cabin) was invented by the famous Japanese doctor Tadashi Ishikawa. It gained popularity in the West more than 10 years ago (30,000 infrared cabins are sold per year in Europe alone). Infrared cabins appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but their popularity among the population is steadily growing. They are used both in medical institutions, fitness centers, beauty salons, and at home.

Infrared sauna - Benefits, harm and effect

Infrared radiation is part of the spectrum of light radiation that can heat objects. It should be noted that radiation in this spectrum is inaccessible to the naked human eye, but the human body is able to feel it with the whole body, receiving infrared energy as heat coming from a heated object. Waves of infrared radiation are natural and safe, emitted by any warm object. The human body also emits infrared radiation - these are thermal infrared waves - heat.

Infrared radiation does not include ultraviolet, x-ray, or any other harmful radiation.

Infrared radiation, in essence, is deep heating of tissues.

Infrared heat is distinguished by its ability to penetrate the human body to a depth of up to 4 cm, providing a therapeutic effect by warming tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints. At the same time, blood circulation in the human body improves, metabolism increases, the effect of the body’s immune system increases, and the nutrition of tissues and organs improves.

Infrared waves are emitted by any warm object, including the human body, and are absolutely safe for the body. The most powerful source of infrared (thermal) radiation is the sun. It should not be confused with ultraviolet, which is potentially dangerous and can harm the skin. Heat can be transferred from one object to another in three ways: contact, when a hotter object heats a colder one upon contact, convection, when heat is transferred through an intermediate coolant (water, air, etc.) and wave, when heating is carried out using infrared waves . It is this method of heat transfer that is used in infrared cabins. In traditional baths, the convection method is used.

Infrared sauna - Benefits

The infrared sauna begins to act from the first minutes, providing benefits for the human body.

Within a few minutes from the beginning of the session in the infrared sauna, your body temperature rises to 38 degrees, while having a suppressive effect on most pathogenic microbes.

At the same time, the pores of the skin expand, which allows the body, along with the abundant sweat released, to remove a significant part of the accumulated toxins. The infrared sauna causes a natural sweating reaction.

For reference: the sweat released in an infrared sauna contains about 80% water and 20% solids, such as lead, cadmium, nickel, copper, sodium, whereas when steaming in a regular sauna, I sweat contains 95% water and 5% solids.

Infrared sauna - Effects on the body

The mechanism of the effect of heat on the body of an infrared sauna is basically the same as a regular one. The fundamental difference between them is that in a regular bath the body is heated indirectly, that is, the air is heated first, and then it heats the body. In an infrared sauna, infrared radiation heats the body directly, and not the air (heating the air takes no more than 20 percent of the energy released, whereas in a regular sauna - up to 80). The infrared cabin has infrared radiation sources that emit infrared waves with a length of 4.5-5.5 microns, which warm the human body to a greater depth - up to 4 cm, compared to the heat of a traditional bath (in a sauna - by 3-5 mm). As a result, the body experiences a more intense therapeutic effect than in a sauna. Infrared waves warm tissues, organs, muscles, bones and joints, speed up the flow of blood and other body fluids.

Deep heating of the body also causes stronger sweating (2-3 times stronger than in a traditional sauna), pores open wider, waste and toxins are eliminated more intensively. If in a regular bath, when sweating, 95% of water and 5% of subcutaneous fat and toxins come out of the human body, then in an infrared sauna - 80% of water and 20% of toxins and fat. A general cleansing of the body occurs, the body is charged with energy, and well-being significantly improves.

Infrared sauna - Therapeutic effects

The therapeutic effects of infrared cabins are multifaceted:

  • As a result of regular use of infrared procedures, cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stabilizes blood pressure;
  • The walls of blood vessels become stronger and more elastic;
  • The functioning of the immune system improves, the overall resistance of the body increases, and this in turn allows you to effectively counteract colds and flu (in addition, pathogenic bacteria and viruses die as a result of an increase in body temperature to 38.5 degrees, as in the body’s natural reaction to illness );
  • Heavy sweating facilitates the functioning of the kidneys, vasodilation stimulates blood circulation;
  • Infrared radiation helps treat chronic diseases of the ear, nose and throat;
  • Relieves pain in joints, muscles, back, menstrual pain and headaches;
  • Leads to accelerated healing of wounds, bruises, injuries, fractures, resorption of hematomas;
  • The comfortable warmth of infrared radiation has a calming effect on nervous system, eliminating insomnia, stress, nervousness;
  • Some researchers claim that infrared radiation suppresses the growth of cancer cells.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that an infrared sauna provides comprehensive disease prevention and overall health improvement for the body.

Infrared sauna - Cosmetic effect

Sweating profusely requires significant energy expenditure, resulting in a lot of calories being burned. In one session in an infrared sauna, approximately the same number of calories are lost as during a 10-kilometer run. Therefore, the use of an infrared cabin, especially in conjunction with diets, allows you to successfully lose weight.

Taking procedures in an infrared sauna also gives an excellent cosmetic effect. Under the influence of infrared radiation, pores open and profuse sweating begins, resulting in deep cleansing of the skin, freeing it from dirt and dead cells. Increased blood circulation during an infrared sauna is accompanied by an increase in blood flow to the skin, resulting in an increase in the supply of nutrients to its surface. The skin becomes smooth, firm, elastic and looks younger. Nourishing creams applied to the skin after infrared procedures have a much greater effect.

Regular visits to the infrared cabin help cure a number of skin diseases:

  • Dermatitis;
  • Eczema;
  • Acne and pimples;
  • Dandruff;
  • According to some reports, psoriasis;
  • Scars soften and, in some cases, dissolve.

Deep penetration of infrared radiation (along with physical activity and a balanced diet), allows you to effectively fight cellulite by breaking down its subcutaneous deposits, consisting of water, fat and waste.

Infrared sauna - What is it?

Externally, a standard infrared cabin is a cabinet made of environmentally friendly materials (natural wood), with a glass door. Infrared emitters are mounted in walls and under seats. Depending on the size, it can accommodate from 1 to 5 people.

Infrared sauna - Features of the procedure

The bath procedure in an infrared sauna differs from the traditional one. A normal wellness session should be continuous and last about half an hour. The ideal position in the infrared cabin is sitting, legs down, back straight and arms extended along the body. Despite deep warming up, the body does not perceive these conditions as overheating, therefore, after a session in infrared cabins, take contrasting water treatments shouldn't. It is enough to limit yourself to a warm shower to wash off the sweat. To compensate for the loss of moisture, after the session you need to drink tea (preferably green) or mineral water.

In addition to providing deeper heating and increased sweating, an infrared sauna has a number of advantages compared to a traditional sauna and steam bath:

  • Since the air in it heats up less (the optimal temperature in an infrared cabin is 45 - 55 degrees, in a Finnish sauna - 90 - 110 degrees), and there is no steam formation, it is easier to tolerate, people in it are in more comfortable conditions, the possibility of burns (for example , when touching walls) is excluded. An infrared sauna allows even elderly people and children, people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, and those who feel discomfort due to the heat to fully receive the therapeutic effects of the bath.
  • The infrared cabin allows you to significantly save time. It has a short warm-up period compared to a regular sauna - 10-15 minutes (it takes 1-2 hours to heat up a regular sauna, depending on the stove). If a visit to a regular bath involves a fairly long bath procedure (2-3 hours), then to obtain a healing effect it is enough to spend half an hour in the infrared radiation cabin. After taking an infrared thermal procedure, you will not experience the feeling of deep relaxation and drowsiness as after a regular sauna. On the contrary, you will have a feeling of joy, energy and good performance. In addition, thanks to the lower temperature in the infrared cabin, you will not come out steamed and with reddened skin, as after a regular bath, and will be able to immediately start doing your current tasks. That is, the infrared procedure can be taken even in the morning before work, while the bath procedure, which involves several visits to the steam room and rest in the dressing room, requires a significant investment of time. Therefore, people usually go to a traditional bathhouse or sauna once a week, but you can visit an infrared cabin at least every day (of course, you should focus on your well-being).
  • A number of other advantages are associated with design features infrared cabin. Since there is no stove inside the infrared cabin, unlike a sauna, and its walls are thin, it takes up little space. Used in saunas electric ovens consume a lot of power and require separate power supply. Infrared cabins are connected to a regular household electrical outlet. Thanks to low power consumption (1.5 - 3 kW, for comparison, electric kettle consumes 2.2 kW), their operation is much cheaper than conventional saunas. In addition, the infrared cabin is easy to assemble, it will take no more than an hour. Therefore, the infrared cabin is mobile and can be installed in any room, including a city apartment. No fire department permission is required for its installation. So you can have a home fitness center where, after doing gymnastics or aerobics, you can relax and relieve tension in the infrared sauna.

The rapid spread of infrared cabins does not mean that over time they will replace conventional baths and saunas. A traditional bath procedure is a whole ritual, which, along with a healing effect, provides an opportunity to have a pleasant time and have fun. An infrared sauna should be considered as a highly effective therapeutic procedure that does not require much time, is comfortable and convenient and can be used quite often, including for those who do not tolerate high temperatures well. Therefore, many amateurs prefer to visit both traditional and infrared baths.

Infrared sauna - harm

Using an infrared sauna does not cause harm to the body, but there are some contraindications that you need to pay attention to before visiting an infrared sauna.

Infrared sauna - Contraindications

  • All amateurs need to take into account the individual ability of their body to tolerate thermal loads;
  • If you are taking any medications or medications: Consult your doctor or pharmacist about possible changes in drug effects due to any interaction with heat rays . The combination of infrared heat with certain medications is fraught with side effects and undesirable consequences;
  • The presence of tumors (benign or malignant) or the suspicion of their presence are also included in the list of contraindications for the use of an infrared sauna;
  • Also, visiting the infrared cabin is contraindicated for women during the menstrual cycle. Heating the lower back in women during the menstrual period can cause bleeding. Therefore, it is better to avoid visiting the infrared cabin during this period of time;
  • It is contraindicated for any person, regardless of his physical characteristics, to take a cold bath or cold shower immediately after an infrared sauna. You should also avoid situations where the body sweats but the feet remain cold. Warm feet promote sweating;
  • Pregnant women, hypertensive patients, infectious patients, as well as patients who have undergone surgery can use an infrared sauna only with the permission of a doctor;
  • There are contraindications to visiting the infrared cabin if you have a cold: if you have a high body temperature caused by colds, starting with acute respiratory infections and ending with the influenza virus, then visiting the infrared A red sauna can make a cold worse.

In most cases, an infrared cabin is a method of prevention, but it does not replace drug treatment prescribed by a doctor. If you have any doubts about the possibility of using an infrared cabin in the treatment of your disease, consult your doctor.

This article will talk about the infrared sauna, which was invented by the Japanese therapist Tadashi Ishikawa. For more than ten years now, this device has been extremely popular all over the world - it is a mandatory part of the equipment of medical centers and beauty salons.

An infrared sauna can be installed at home, but only before doing so you need to study the rules of use and contraindications. What is special about an infrared sauna? How is it different from a regular steam room? Can an infrared sauna be harmful to your health?

Differences between an infrared sauna and a regular bath

The principle of an infrared sauna on the body is the same as in a simple steam room: healing through heating. The difference lies in the method of warming up the body. In a traditional bath, the body is exposed to hot and humid air, while in an infrared sauna, electromagnetic radiation of the infrared range is applied. At the same time, 80% of its energy penetrates directly into the body, and only 20% is dissipated. In a classic sauna, it’s the other way around: almost all the energy goes into the air space.

During bath procedures, the body is heated to a depth of just a few millimeters from the surface of the skin. Infrared rays, which are 5 microns long, are similar to electromagnetic waves emitted by living beings, so they are able to penetrate deep into the skin up to 4 cm, but are completely safe. Such intense heating affects the body in the most beneficial way: it speeds up metabolism, strengthens the immune system, improves blood and oxygen circulation through tissues, stimulates muscle growth, and burns excess fat.

A traditional sauna is a large room with steam rooms and showers. An infrared sauna is a compact wooden cabinet with seats and glass doors. It can fit from one to five people inside. Ceramic emitters are built under the seats and into the walls of the cabinet. The fact that the device's cabin is made of natural wood panels, mainly from cedar, it is no coincidence: when the tree heats up, it releases phytoncides - volatile substances that kill pathogenic microorganisms.

Benefits of an infrared sauna

Infrared radiation has a healing effect from the first minutes of entering the body. The temperature rises to 38°C, sweat begins to come out profusely from the enlarged pores of the skin, taking with it toxins and decay products. Sweat glands work more actively than during conventional bath procedures, but less moisture evaporates from the body. If after a stay in the bath the body loses 95% of water and only 5% of toxins and pathogens, then an infrared sauna helps get rid of 20%. harmful substances, while taking 80% of the liquid.

This effect improves health, prevents the development of diseases, improves well-being and mood, and promotes rapid weight loss.

Taking an infrared sauna can cure the following diseases

  • atherosclerosis blood vessels, cholesterol plaques;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • weak immunity, viral infectious diseases;
  • chronic problems with hearing and respiratory organs;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • pain in muscles, back and joints of extremities, migraine, menstrual cramps;
  • hematomas, wounds;
  • nervousness, consequences of stress and overwork, insomnia.

Infrared rays not only heal the body from the inside, they also deeply cleanse skin, relieve them of keratinized particles and dirt, accelerate blood circulation in the capillaries. Thanks to this, the skin is noticeably rejuvenated, becomes smooth, fresh and elastic.

Diseases that an infrared sauna treats

  • eczema;
  • dermatitis of various nature;
  • some types of psoriasis;
  • pimples, acne;
  • dandruff;
  • cellulite;
  • old scars.

An infrared sauna is very useful for losing weight. In one procedure, a patient with weight problems loses as many calories as would be burned when running a ten-kilometer distance. It is especially good for obesity to combine a sauna with a diet. It is also recommended for professional athletes, both before and after intense training.

Before starting exercise, infrared rays warm up the muscles, preparing them for stress, and after exercise they reduce the amount of lactic acid in muscle tissue, so the athlete does not get so tired.

How to properly use an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna will only be beneficial if it is used correctly. The session should not exceed 40 – 45 minutes. During this time it is not observed negative influence on the heart and lungs, since the air is dry and the temperature is comfortable for the body. You need to sit upright in the booth, with your feet on the floor and your arms extended along your body. To remove excess fat and cellulite faster, you can periodically massage problem areas. Staying in the sauna should be continuous, otherwise the entire effect will be reduced to a minimum.

It is better not to overeat before visiting an infrared sauna, but you should not go into it hungry either. Otherwise, an uncomfortable state is guaranteed. You should also not drink sugary drinks or soda. In order not to feel thirsty and to compensate for the loss of moisture due to increased sweating, you can take mineral or plain drinking water with you to the cabin. The skin must remain dry during the procedure so that infrared waves can easily penetrate it, so you should take a towel to wipe away sweat.

After taking infrared baths, you do not need to immediately take a contrast shower; rinsing your body with warm water is enough. Overheating in the sauna is not possible. After finishing the session, you can lubricate the skin with any suitable cream or medicinal ointment if infrared radiation was used as a therapeutic remedy for skin diseases. You cannot use creams inside the booth. It is not recommended to leave the sauna immediately after completing the procedure. After turning off the emitters, you need to sit for a while and cool down. After leaving the cabin, it is good to drink a cup of green tea. It will restore fluid balance in the body.

Harm from an infrared sauna

Infrared lamps are completely harmless to humans. They are even used in maternity hospitals to warm premature babies.

Diseases for which visiting an infrared sauna is prohibited:

  • malignant and benign tumors, suspicious moles;
  • myocardial infarction, stroke, angina pectoris, heart failure;
  • flu or cold with high fever;
  • hypertension, open and internal hemorrhages;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hyperfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • tuberculosis;
  • infection and purulent foci in internal organs;
  • helminthiasis, fungal infections of the skin;
  • menstruation;
  • alcoholism.

Contraindications for visiting an infrared sauna

Doctors do not give restrictions on the number of procedures. For good health results, it is advisable to sit in the sauna regularly, but, of course, not several times a day. Old people and children are allowed to take infrared baths. Only children should not stay in the booth for more than 15 minutes, as their skin is thinner and more delicate than that of adults. The child's head can be covered with a cotton hat. Pregnant women should consult their doctor before using an infrared sauna.

In the article we discuss the infrared sauna. We talk about its benefits and harms, indications and contraindications, how it works and how often you can visit, whether it is allowed during pregnancy and children, how effective it is for weight loss and against cellulite. You will find out reviews from doctors and owners, rules for visiting an infrared sauna, what it does and how much it costs.

An infrared sauna (IR sauna) is a small room made of natural material, where infrared heaters are installed. Under the influence of emitted waves, bodies exposed to them are heated.

Typically, infrared saunas are designed for 1-2 people; they can be found in fitness clubs, beauty salons, or even in some people’s apartments.

Operating principle

How does an infrared sauna work? First you need to understand what infrared waves are.

Infrared waves are part of the light spectrum that can heat objects. These radiations cannot be seen, but they can be felt by the skin. The most powerful source of infrared radiation is the sun. If you are under its direct rays, you can feel the heat, which is infrared waves.

Interesting fact: any body emits or transmits infrared heat, including the human body.

All baths have one general feature: They transfer heat from one object to another. The following methods of heat transfer are distinguished:

  1. Wave - in this case, objects are heated by infrared waves.
  2. Contact - when touching a cold object, heat transfer occurs, that is, one object transmits infrared radiation, which is absorbed by another object.
  3. Convection - with this option, one object is heated by an intermediate coolant. Usually this is water or air. In a traditional sauna, the human body is heated by heated air.

The operating principle of an infrared sauna is as follows:

  • A person is safely exposed to infrared waves.
  • IR waves penetrate 4 cm into the skin, heating both it and the joints and organs.
  • A person's sweating increases, but the air is not heated by this radiation.
  • The temperature in the sauna itself does not rise above 50 degrees, while in conventional saunas it reaches 110 degrees.

Types of emitters

The main elements of an infrared sauna are emitters that produce waves different lengths, and the shorter the wave, the more it heats objects.

The following waves are distinguished:

  • Short (up to 2.5 microns) - used for heating large areas.
  • Medium (from 2.5 to 50 microns) - intended for heating large areas.
  • Long (from 50 to 250 microns) - are considered the safest due to their closest approach to the radiation emanating from the human body, which are equal to 70-200 microns. For this reason, the human body does not perceive radiation of this length as hostile.

The following types of materials are used for the production of IR emitters:

  • ceramics;
  • quartz glass;
  • metal: incoloy (an alloy of iron, nickel and chromium, as a rule, this is what is most often used to make emitters for IR saunas), stainless steel, galvanized or chrome-plated metal.

Girl in an infrared sauna

How does infrared sauna affect the body?

Those who do not like hot baths will definitely like the infrared sauna, since the air temperature in it does not rise above 60 degrees. But even this is enough for the rays to penetrate deep into the body and warm the body better than in a regular bath.

Interesting fact: in a Russian bath the body warms up by 3-5 mm, while in an infrared sauna it warms up to 4 cm.

The length of IR waves from the emitters is the same length as the thermal waves emanating from the human body. For this reason human body perceives them as their own and does not interfere with their penetration.

While in the infrared sauna, the body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, which helps destroy bacteria and pathogens. This procedure has a rejuvenating, therapeutic and preventive effect.

Where to buy and cost

You can purchase an infrared sauna in specialized stores or make it yourself. Average prices:

  • Infrared cabin SAWO SR05-0500490 (Finnish production, for 1 person) - 185 thousand rubles;
  • Infrared sauna R02-JK71 - 154 thousand rubles;
  • Infrared sauna KOY H03-K61 (for 2 seats) - 159,000 rubles;
  • Portable sauna TW-PS04 infrared - 31,000 rubles;
  • Single infrared sauna with ceramic emitters - 117 thousand rubles;
  • Helo infrared sauna - from 105 thousand rubles for a single person and from 127 thousand rubles for a double room;
  • Active heat infrared sauna - from 120 thousand rubles and from 174 thousand rubles for a double sauna.

Many users on the Internet enter the query “eleiko infrared saunas” and find nothing for it. This is due to the fact that this company from Sweden is engaged in the production and sale of professional sports equipment: weights, bars, platforms, sets of barbells and other things for strength sports and fitness. Among their assortment on the official website there are no IR saunas.

How is an infrared sauna different from a regular one?

Below are the comparative parameters of an infrared sauna and a regular Russian bath:

  1. An infrared sauna warms up within 10-15 minutes, while a sauna will take from one to several hours to warm up.
  2. The temperature inside the IR cabin is 45-60 degrees, in a regular bath it reaches 90-110 degrees.
  3. How long can you sit in an infrared sauna? No more than 30 minutes, while in a regular bath it takes from one to two hours, since you periodically have to leave it to recuperate.
  4. After a sauna with infrared radiation, a person feels a surge of strength and energy, but after a bath only drowsiness and fatigue.
  5. You can take a sauna with infrared waves at least every day, while it is recommended to visit a regular bath no more than once every 7 days.
  6. An infrared sauna has low energy consumption, while a Russian bath has high energy consumption.

The action of all baths and saunas is aimed at warming up the entire human body. The only difference is in the results achieved and the types of baths.

While staying inside the sauna, a person experiences active sweating. Together with sweat, toxins, harmful substances, water and solids in the form of sodium, lead, copper, etc. come out of the body. When visiting an infrared sauna, 80% of water and 20% of toxins, harmful and solid substances leave the body, while In a regular bath, the body loses 95% of water and only 5% of harmful substances.

In addition, a sauna with infrared radiation allows you to deeply warm up organs and tissues, while Russian and Finnish baths do not have this effect.

Pros and cons of an infrared sauna

An infrared sauna has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include:

  • Short duration of the procedure - a regular bath requires several short visits followed by the necessary period of time for recovery, while an infrared bath only needs to be visited once in one session.
  • Easy tolerability - since the temperature in the sauna is low, most people tolerate it without visible discomfort and feel good throughout the session.
  • Heat sessions can be carried out at any time of the day, even in the morning. After the procedure, you feel a surge of strength and energy, and not tired and drowsy, as after a regular bath.
  • Compact size - such a sauna can be installed both in a private house and in an apartment. It does not take up much space and consumes less energy than an electric kettle.

The disadvantages of an infrared sauna arise only if it is used incorrectly or the rules of staying in it are ignored.

A man and a woman are in an infrared sauna

Benefits of an infrared sauna for the body

To understand whether you need an infrared bath at home or whether it is worth visiting in fitness centers and beauty salons, you need to pay attention to the benefits it brings to the body. The use of such a thermal procedure helps to cope with various diseases, so specialists often prescribe it as part of complex treatment.

Among others useful properties and indications for use:

  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • reducing the level of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream;
  • regeneration of tissues and injuries after fractures, bruises, dislocations;
  • strengthening vascular walls;
  • rapid resorption of bruises;
  • combating insomnia and improving sleep patterns;
  • improved kidney function due to increased blood circulation;
  • increasing the protective properties of the body;
  • therapy of chronic ENT diseases;
  • reducing the severity and eliminating painful sensations in the back, muscles, joints;
  • elimination of migraines and menstrual pain;
  • improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • healing of scars, cicatrices;
  • treatment of skin diseases (psoriasis, acne, dermatitis, dandruff, etc.).

Athletes use infrared sauna to eliminate pain and quickly restore the body. This is due to the fact that the rays emanating from the emitters help to dissolve lactic acid in the muscles, due to which the pain recedes. This is why an infrared sauna after a workout is recommended.

What is useful for women

Using an infrared sauna helps to cope with a number of cosmetic problems, which is especially important for women who want to look great.

Under the influence of infrared waves, a person begins to actively sweat. Thanks to this, the skin is cleansed and dead cells are rejected, which is useful for women with pimples and acne. By the way, special ones will help cope with this cosmetic problem.

Often, infrared cabins can be found in sports clubs, which is due to the ability of the infrared sauna to effectively cope with cellulite and excess weight. In half an hour in a thermal cabin, you can burn as many calories as you lose when running 10 km.

Is infrared sauna effective for weight loss? Unfortunately, the results obtained may be disappointing. You can lose weight using a thermal procedure only if you additionally exercise, adhere to or additionally take, and use special cosmetics. You can also use . Only in this case the waist will become slimmer.

You can visit the infrared sauna only 6 weeks after birth

Pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, wellness procedures are beneficial for health, as they help strengthen the body and improve overall well-being. At the same time, it is not advisable for expectant mothers to visit an infrared sauna due to the fact that it warms up the entire body, including the abdomen and lower back. How will a pregnant woman’s body react to this? Nobody knows for sure.

If you want to spend time in an infrared booth, you must consult with your doctor before visiting it.

During lactation there are no contraindications for the thermal procedure. But it should be borne in mind that in such a sauna the body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees, which can lead to “burnout.” breast milk.

After childbirth and in the absence of breastfeeding, that is, the child is bottle-fed, you can visit the infrared sauna only after 6 weeks. Otherwise, this may lead to increased bleeding and a general deterioration in health.

For children

Infrared waves have a beneficial effect on both the body of an adult and a child. Correct visit and use of such thermal device helps to heal and improve general condition the baby’s body, as well as normalize his nervous system.

There are certain precautions regarding a child’s visit to an infrared sauna that are important to follow:

  1. The duration of stay in the booth should not exceed 15 minutes.
  2. The permitted radiation power should be 65%, while for men this figure is 85%, for women - 75%.
  3. The child must wear a hat on his head to prevent heat stroke.

Before carrying out the procedures, consultation with a pediatrician is required.

How to take an infrared sauna correctly

There are certain rules visits to the infrared sauna, compliance with which allows you to achieve maximum benefits from the procedure and not harm the body. Here they are:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to remove makeup and take a shower.
  2. It is prohibited to apply any cosmetics (milk, creams, gels, etc.) to the body, as this can cause burns or allergies.
  3. It is not advisable to eat food an hour before and after the procedure. It is better to take a thermal sauna on an empty stomach.
  4. Is it possible to use a phone in an infrared sauna? No, because under the influence of IR waves the device may stop working or this will lead to other negative aspects.
  5. You need to take a dry towel into the cabin, which should be used to wipe off the sweat that prevents the penetration of heat and slows down the warming up of the body.
  6. After the session you need to drink as much as possible clean water no gases. During warming up, the body loses a lot of water, which can lead to dehydration.
  7. After an infrared sauna, it is advisable to take warm shower and rest for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Caring cosmetics are allowed to be applied to the body after a shower.

Photo of an infrared sauna

What are the benefits and harms of an infrared sauna? If you follow all the advice given above, then the thermal procedure will only have a positive effect on the body. Harm from the session is possible if you do not follow these recommendations:

  • Before the session, be sure to read the contraindications and consult your doctor.
  • Be sure to monitor the wavelength and radiation power, otherwise burns are likely to occur.
  • The duration of the session for an adult is 30 minutes, for a child - no more than 15 minutes.


Despite the fact that an infrared sauna is beneficial for the human body, it can also cause harm. Prohibitions for thermal infrared procedures are:

  • exacerbation of skin diseases;
  • any tumors and oncology;
  • reception medicines, as this may lead to side effects;
  • menstruation and other types of bleeding;
  • mastopathy;
  • prostate diseases;
  • postoperative period;
  • diseases of a gynecological nature, for example, fibroma, myoma, etc.;
  • colds and other infectious diseases;
  • anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • hypotension and hypertension;
  • exacerbation of cystitis and nephritis;
  • presence of implants in the body;
  • inflammation of the joint capsules;
  • joint diseases.

In all other cases, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

In spa salons and fitness clubs, clients are offered a service such as an infrared sauna, the benefits of which are actively discussed by scientists. Unusual way warming up makes some people wary. Others are convinced that thermal radiation cannot cause harm, and enjoy relaxing in the sauna after a workout or a hard day at work.

The infrared sauna was invented by a doctor from Japan. The specialist was looking for an alternative option for warming body tissues for patients whose health condition did not allow them to stay in a heated bath.

The device is a cabin trimmed with boards made of environmentally friendly wood. Emitters are installed along its walls, emitting waves that are safe for health and provide gradual heating of the body.

During the session, the moisture content in the air changes. The initial values ​​are 40%, and as the emitters warm up, the values ​​approach 60%. The temperature in the cabin does not exceed 55 degrees, this is enough to improve blood circulation, get rid of toxins and excess fluid.

In this case, 80% of the energy is directed toward uniform heating of surrounding objects and the human body, and the remaining 20% ​​is directed toward heating the air.

Due to the fact that IR heaters do not make noise during operation, you can calmly relax and unwind. Many people take magazines and even a tablet into the sauna, but it is better not to do this in order to provide the waves with free access to the body.

The principle of operation of the invention

The infrared sauna consists of the main body, interior decoration, seats, glass door, eliminating the feeling of enclosed space, as well as several heating elements operating from the network. The size of the standard cabin is designed to comfortably accommodate one person in a sitting position. The average parameters of the sauna are 95×95 cm.

The benefit of an infrared sauna is the uniform heating of objects by infrared rays, but at the same time it is harmful if it is exposed to them for a long time. The convection method heats air masses, so warm air rises and cold air remains below, and so on until the temperature evens out!

Thanks to the special design of the system, a stable microclimate is created inside the cabin without sudden temperature changes throughout the entire area. In order for the body to warm up evenly, the heaters are placed at a certain distance from each other. Two elongated IR elements are attached to the front wall, two others are placed behind the person’s back and one is placed under the bench.

Some models of infrared saunas can accommodate up to five visitors at a time. In this case, the number of heating elements increases.

Types of emitters

IR elements are classified according to the length of the beams they produce:

Using medium and short waves, a large area is heated, designed for the simultaneous presence of several visitors.

For the manufacture of infrared emitters, the following materials are used:

  • stainless metal;
  • zinc alloy;
  • incoloy - an alloy of nickel, iron and chromium;
  • ceramics;
  • quartz glass.

Benefits of procedures

An infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which are known to many fans of a healthy lifestyle, provides a significant improvement in well-being that occurs after just a few procedures.

You can also notice the following positive changes:

  • getting rid of toxins and excess fluid;
  • improving the functioning of the immune system;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • getting rid of dead epidermal scales and rapid growth of new cells;
  • relieving migraines, relieving menstrual pain;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen and nutrients;
  • improving mood, restoring the nervous system;
  • easy falling asleep and sound sleep;
  • heart training without unnecessary stress on the muscles and vascular system.
  • increased production of dopamine and endorphin, which are responsible for feelings of happiness, confidence and well-being;
  • prevention of most diseases.

Therapeutic effects of the sauna

An infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which are described in this article, is included in a set of preventive measures. When body temperature rises to 38.5°C, pathogenic microorganisms die, and the body begins to actively fight viruses and infections.

Regular visits to the cabin contribute to the rapid cure of many pathologies:

  • acceleration of resorption of hematomas, healing of wounds and abrasions;
  • normalization of blood flow and blood pressure;
  • maintaining the vascular system in tone;
  • pain relief due to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • lowering the concentration of cholesterol in the blood;
  • disappearance of manifestations of chronic diseases of the hearing and respiratory organs;
  • improving kidney function.

Cosmetic effect

IR radiation effectively opens pores and deeply cleanses them of accumulated impurities and sebum. Thanks to the stimulation of blood circulation, blood rushes to the skin, saturating the epidermis with oxygen and nutrients.

Visiting a sauna can help you cope with the following problems:

Infrared sauna for weight loss

An infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which are the reason for the growing popularity of the procedure, starts the processes of liberating the body from toxic substances and partially burning fat deposits.

After the first visit, you can notice positive changes. A session lasting 15-30 minutes is enough to lose 1 kg of body weight. This effect is achieved by removing excess fluid.

With subsequent procedures, the result may not be as noticeable, but the skin continues to smooth out, stretch marks decrease, and cellulite disappears. It is estimated that one procedure in the infrared cabin burns the same number of calories as jogging ten kilometers.

It must be remembered that for a complete correction of the figure, one should combine thermal effects with regular physical activity and proper nutrition. It is also important to maintain water balance.

Harmful properties of an infrared sauna

Despite the many beneficial properties that infrared radiation has, Some people may experience negative effects from waves:

Rules for visiting the sauna

In order to achieve maximum health benefits, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

If the infrared sauna was purchased for home use, before you start using it, you must carefully read the instructions. A 250W socket is suitable for connecting the device to the network. The cabin, cooled during transportation to a temperature below 0 °C, should be allowed to stand in a warm room for 1.5-2 hours and only then wiped with a damp cellulose cloth and turned on.

It is not recommended to stay inside the new cabin when connecting it for the first time. You need to leave the device running for a couple of hours with the door open for ventilation.

In order to avoid a fire, the following must not be allowed:

  1. Touching wires and heated surfaces.
  2. Removing the protective grille or obstructing it with foreign objects.
  3. Liquid contact with IR heaters.
  4. Ignoring the smell of burning and smoke. In this case, it is necessary to leave the cabin and then turn off the power.

Infrared sauna for children

The infrared sauna, the benefits and harms of which for children are comparable to the health-improving effects on the body of an adult, is actively used in pediatrics. With regular sessions, the child’s body strengthens and resistance to infections increases.

In order for the procedure to bring only benefits, it is necessary to observe the following precautions:

  • the session should not last more than 15 minutes;
  • to protect your child from heatstroke, you need to put a hat on his head;
  • Optimal radiation power is 65%.

Infrared salt saunas are useful for children who are often sick. In such cabins, the walls are lined with plates of Himalayan salt.

Is it possible to attend sessions during pregnancy?

Women who are pregnant should take special care when visiting infrared saunas. Radiation affects the entire body, including the lower back and abdomen, so the benefits and harms of the procedure must be carefully weighed.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, sessions should be avoided so as not to provoke bleeding. For a period of more than 12 weeks, visiting a sauna with moderate heat and low humidity, in the absence of contraindications, will not only not harm, but will also be beneficial.

Sessions cannot be performed in the following cases:

  • oligohydramnios;
  • genital infections;
  • skin rashes;
  • low placentation;
  • nervous system disorder;
  • red-brown discharge;
  • complete chorion presentation.

After the birth of the child, you must wait 6 weeks so that the body has time to recover, and only then continue the course of procedures. Otherwise, the general condition may worsen and bleeding may occur.

There are no direct contraindications for nursing mothers, but under the influence of high temperatures, the taste of breast milk changes, so you need to monitor the heating level of the booth.

Infrared sauna for colds

Unlike other treatment procedures: mud applications, physiotherapy and inhalations, the IR cabin provides a uniform effect on all organs and systems. Relief of flu symptoms can be noticed within 2-3 days.

Waves heated to 38 °C warm up the deep layers of tissue, creating conditions that are destructive for pathogenic bacteria. Harmful substances and toxins are released with sweat, which is difficult to achieve when taking medications.

The procedures are also useful for patients who are already recovering. They reduce the likelihood of relapses and allow the patient to feel much better. Improving blood circulation and lymph movement eliminates congestion. To enhance the effect, you can simultaneously perform aromatherapy with natural essential oils.

Sessions before or after training

Both beginning athletes and those who practice at a professional level know about the benefits of infrared radiation. Visiting a sauna before training helps warm up your muscles without a long warm-up. Thanks to this, the athlete is able to maintain strength for performing weight-bearing exercises and ensure a rapid increase in muscle mass.

Staying in the infrared cabin after training helps remove lactic acid accumulated in the muscles, which causes pain. Relaxation allows you to take a break from heavy physical activity and prepare for the next approach.

Duration of sessions

Like any medical procedure, an infrared sauna is beneficial only if you treat it wisely. In order to test your body's reaction to heat exposure, you need to limit the duration of the first session to 15 minutes. The maximum time spent in the cabin is 35 minutes.

If you have health problems that are close to contraindications, but are not yet at risk, you should make several visits for 5-10 minutes to reduce the impact on the body.

To obtain a healing effect, it is enough to conduct 1-2 sessions per week. If the goal is active weight loss, then it is allowed to visit the sauna 3 times a week in the absence of health problems.

Advantages and disadvantages of an infrared sauna

Advantages Negative points
Short duration of the procedure.Presence of contraindications.
Any time of the day is suitable for a session; a morning visit to the infrared cabin will charge you with energy for the whole day.Impossibility of performing cosmetic procedures during warming up.
The device consumes minimal energy and is so compact that it can be installed at home.Possible exacerbation of hidden diseases.
Positive effect after just a few sessions.
Suitable for all age groups.
After the procedure, you feel a surge of vigor.

Contraindications to procedures

To ensure that the health procedure does not cause harm, it is necessary to take into account that in some situations it is not recommended to be in an infrared sauna:

Advantages of an infrared sauna over a classic bath or steam room

The effect of infrared radiation on the body is fundamentally different from ordinary thermal effects. In a traditional sauna, a person is warmed up with humid air heated to 110 °C, and in the IR cabin there are emitters that direct the bulk of the energy to warm up the tissues. At the same time, the temperature inside the cabin does not rise above 55 °C.

Infrared rays provide heating of the body to a depth of 4 cm. They are similar to the radiation emanating from living organisms. This makes the procedure not only effective, but also safe. While steaming in a classic sauna, it is easy to overheat or get scalded by boiling water. In conditions high humidity The heat is much more difficult to bear.

Infrared radiation takes less moisture from the body than a hot steam room, but it is more effective. The sweat released after being in a sauna contains 5% of harmful substances and 95% of water, and a session in an infrared sauna removes 20% of toxins and 80% of liquid.

The difference between an infrared sauna and others

It is no coincidence that the IR cabin is made from natural wood. Heated wood releases special substances - phytoncides, which kill bacteria and viruses.

The benefits of an infrared sauna are undeniable. But it is important to remember that there are a number of contraindications in which thermal radiation can cause harm. It is possible to achieve a healing effect from sessions only if you follow all the rules for visiting the cabin and monitoring the condition of your body.

Article format: Vladimir the Great

Video about infrared sauna

Pros and cons of infrared sauna:

The infrared sauna is one of the most affordable types of steam relaxation, which is why its popularity is growing. Today, anyone can install a small infrared cabin, even in their small apartment.

You can make a cabin with your own hands, or you can. But before taking infrared procedures, you need to analyze your own condition, since this type of relaxation can both bring great benefits to the body and cause irreparable harm. Given that the infrared sauna is presented as an effective means of losing weight, the situation should be examined as closely as possible.

Exposure to infrared radiation

To make it clear what we mean we're talking about A few words should be said about how infrared radiation acts on the human body. The cabin of an infrared sauna is somewhat different from the steam room in a simple Russian bath or Finnish sauna. This room also contains a bench that can seat from one to several people, and interior decoration The cabins are also made of wooden elements. This is where the similarities end.

On the walls of the cabin there are infrared emitters that operate from electrical power. The IR cabin has nothing to do with water. A person simply sits on a bench and is exposed to radiation, and heavy sweating occurs. To enhance this, many take a towel with them; if you constantly wipe the sweat from the skin, the effect of radiation will increase.

Cleansing the body

Infrared radiation has a much stronger effect on the human body than a steam room in a bathhouse. IR waves do not heat the room like steam in a steam room; in this case, all the energy is concentrated on the human body. The waves effectively warm the body, starting from the soft tissues. Such heating increases the speed of cell movement, that is, it accelerates the metabolic process, thereby activating the potential of organs and systems. Vessels throughout the body dilate and blood circulation improves significantly.

An infrared sauna is especially effective on the body of a person who has just had a good workout in the gym. As a result of force load, lactic acid accumulates in a person’s muscles, which leads to unpleasant sensations and even pain. But if you visit the IR cabin after training, the lactic acid will come out along with sweat and the person will feel much lighter. This is confirmed by

Weight loss and metabolism

The metabolism in the body, that same metabolism, is significantly accelerated as a result of infrared procedures, which can lead to some weight loss. In addition, increased sweating leads to the removal of excess fluid from the body and skin. It is thanks to these facts that some can be achieved. But it is worth noting that if a person does not comply the following measures, then his weight will return in a few hours:

  • monitor your diet
  • load the body with physical activity
  • drink enough liquid.

Therefore, procedures in an infrared cabin can only be a pleasant and effective addition to the overall set of weight loss measures, and not as a non-core component.

How to prepare for the procedure

Since a person can lose up to 120 kilocalories in 20-30 minutes in an infrared cabin, you should have a snack before visiting the cabin. Optimal time There will be approximately forty minutes for a light snack before the procedure. This will maintain balance in the body and prevent blood sugar levels from plummeting. in addition, during the procedure the person, as already mentioned, sweats a lot.

To increase sweating and still feel normal before the procedure, it is advisable to drink a couple of glasses of mineral water. You should drink mineral water, because plain water It is eliminated from the body very quickly, and mineral water retains beneficial substances in the cells. Also, before visiting the infrared sauna, you should take hot shower to prepare the skin for the procedure.

In addition, it should be noted that you cannot use any masks, creams or oils during the procedure under any circumstances. The skin of a person going into the cabin must be completely clean and dry. Decorative cosmetics must also be washed off before visiting the cabin, and the face must also be perfectly clean.


Treatments in the infrared sauna are very helpful for radiculitis and osteochondrosis. Smooth heating of the systems helps relieve residual inflammation and restore joints to their former flexibility. The only condition for such procedures is the absence of acute inflammation in the joints. That is, during severe attacks of radiculitis or osteochondrosis, when the cartilage tissue of the joint becomes inflamed, visiting the sauna is strictly prohibited.


A sauna is also effective for colds. If a person feels unwell or has become hypothermic under some circumstances, then the procedure in the cabin can prevent the development of the disease. But if a person is already sick, has a fever and inflammation has begun in the throat and nose, then the cabin will no longer help, but will only worsen the situation. At the first sign of a cold, you should sit on a bench in the cabin so that your feet are closer to the emitter.

Sexual activity

For some reason, there is not a lot of information on this topic, but it should be said that improving blood circulation in the body significantly increases a person’s sexual activity. Often married couples who do not have children, after regularly taking procedures in an infrared sauna, give birth to a long-awaited baby. Infrared radiation fills systems and organs with blood and oxygen, and this is often enough for a woman to become pregnant.

In addition, accelerating metabolism increases sexual activity and the attraction of sexual partners to each other. Therefore, couples who have problems in this area can be recommended to visit the IR cabin more often. Only here we must remember that pelvic diseases in women and pelvic diseases in men can lead to a lack of sexual desire and sexual activity. Therefore, before starting active procedures, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist and urologist.


Patients with nervous diseases, various neuroses, psychoses and even nervous tic can also feel a noticeable calming effect from visiting the infrared cabin. But these are very serious diseases, so nervous patients should not be prescribed such procedures on their own. Before visiting an infrared sauna, a nervous patient must obtain the consent of a doctor.

Useful properties of the cabin

After analyzing the information provided, we can draw the following conclusions about the benefits of an infrared sauna:

  • The IR cabin effectively accelerates metabolism, which in many situations gives very positive results.
  • Procedures in this sauna dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation, which allows you to effectively saturate the cells with nutrition.
  • During the procedure, lactic acid is removed from the muscles, which helps reduce pain after training in the gym.
  • At the first signs of a cold, the IR cabin helps prevent the development of an acute disease.
  • For joint pain in patients with radiculitis and osteochondrosis, the IR cabin allows you to return activity to the joints.
  • When carrying out complex procedures aimed at losing weight, an infrared sauna shows effective results, as it allows you to remove excess water from the body.
  • Since blood circulation in the infrared cabin is greatly enhanced, the work of the heart muscle is significantly improved.
  • Also, active blood circulation allows you to fill organs and systems with oxygen and nutrition.

Harmful effects of infrared sauna

Despite such a large list of positive indicators, there are also contraindications. It is impossible to say that a sauna is harmful; this is an incorrect formulation. In this case, we can say that any item, if used incorrectly, can cause irreparable harm to the body. But it is imperative to know what the incorrect use of an infrared sauna can lead to.

To avoid big troubles, you need to understand that infrared radiation has a strong effect on the body and leads to active processes. From this it becomes clear that such active processes can harm a person if he is in an unhealthy state. It is also worth noting that the abuse of infrared procedures is very harmful; it is optimal to visit the cabin approximately 3-4 times a week. In this case, the duration of the procedure should be about 30-40 minutes, and the first time only 15-20 minutes. All these recommendations are suitable only for healthy people who have no contraindications to the procedures.

In what cases is a sauna contraindicated?

It is necessary to list and describe situations in which visiting an infrared sauna is completely contraindicated:

If a person has metal prostheses, artificial joints, rods and shunts, as well as any other types of implants in his body, he cannot visit the sauna. The fact is that infrared radiation is reflected from the metal and does not heat up evenly, the place where the prosthesis is installed. In this case, a person may experience very unpleasant sensations and even pain. But silicone prostheses are not a contraindication.

Women during menstrual cycle visiting the sauna is not recommended, as heating the pelvis and lower back will certainly increase bleeding. Therefore, you should either significantly reduce the time of procedures during this period or completely abandon them.

Pregnant women are not recommended to visit an infrared sauna, and if the desire to receive procedures does not give rest, then it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

If a person has malignant tumor diseases that have already been diagnosed or are only suspected, visiting the sauna is strictly prohibited. Under no circumstances should such patients receive infrared treatments.

Any purulent acute processes are also a categorical contraindication for visiting the cabin. In this condition, a person may experience a breakthrough of purulent inflammation; if it is internal, then it can end in peritonitis.

People suffering from diabetes should also visit the cabin with great caution, since diabetes is usually accompanied by other concomitant diseases. Before visiting an infrared sauna, such a patient should definitely consult with his doctor.

People suffering from alcoholism should also not visit an infrared sauna, since the condition of their body may be far from ideal.

Systemic blood diseases are also a categorical contraindication for visiting an infrared sauna. Regardless of the stage of the systemic disease and its condition, visiting the cabin is absolutely contraindicated.

If a person has any chronic diseases, ranging from sinusitis to stomach ulcers, and they are in the acute stage, then visiting the cabin is prohibited.

If a person suffers from arthritis or arthrosis, he should also not visit the infrared cabin, since these diseases can progress after warming up.

Also absolute contraindication The following diseases are considered to be necessary for visiting an infrared sauna:

  • hormone-dependent tumors
  • uterine fibroids
  • prostate adenoma
  • mastopathy
  • liver and kidney dysfunction
  • diseases that can cause bleeding
  • heart failure
  • increased thyroid function
  • cachexia
  • angina pectoris.

Also, for people who have acute fungal diseases of an internal or external nature, an infrared sauna can aggravate the situation.

It is believed that an infrared sauna is more likely to be useful for people suffering from changes in blood pressure. This opinion is due to the fact that the vessels dilate during the procedure and blood circulation improves. But it should be said that each such case is strictly individual and people suffering from hypertension or hypotension should definitely consult a doctor before proceeding with the procedures.

People with tuberculosis should also be very careful about infrared procedures. Before going to such a sauna, you should always consult a doctor.

Having studied this list, it becomes clear that an infrared sauna does not cause any harm as such. But if a person has a diagnosed disease or suspected serious illness, then it is better not to take risks. That is, before going to an infrared sauna, you should consult a doctor. Also, if a person takes any strong medications, then you should consult with a pharmacist or doctor to see if their use is compatible with procedures in the IR cabin.

Short wave emitters, namely these include infrared emitter, have a fairly deep penetration into the human body. Many people believe that this indicator only brings benefits, but this is not so. The penetration of infrared waves reaches about 2 cm, and this figure is quite acceptable for the body. But no one says that the radiation penetrates and reaches the cerebral cortex to the same depth. Such exposure to infrared radiation cannot pass without consequences, and how it will affect the functioning of the brain is unknown. If you rely on this information, it becomes clear that a person must protect his head during the procedure, if not with a soldier’s helmet, then at least with a bathing cap. Japanese scientists recommend leaving the IR cabin when the emitters are in active working condition.


In conclusion, it should be said that infrared radiation affects the human body quite strongly, so you need to be very careful with it. In limited quantities and under the strict supervision of specialists. This is especially true for people suffering from any diseases.