Underground waterproofing from groundwater. Waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and structures Features of underground waterproofing

Gradual destruction of the finish up to complete deformation of the building and structure, damage to property stored in the basement - all these problems can be caused by the negative effects of water. This is especially true for underground structures, the waterproofing of which requires great attention.
The Stroyevolution catalog presents mixtures for underground waterproofing at the stages of construction, operation and repair. For both external and internal work.

What are the consequences of lack of waterproofing of underground parts?

  • destruction of finishing materials, damage to property and cars in cases with waterproofing of an underground garage;
  • penetration of groundwater into the foundation and basement;
  • contamination of drinking water or damage to soil near the sewer well due to leakage in cases with waterproofing of underground tanks;
  • snow and rain entering the structure, negatively affecting its condition;
  • high risk of building destruction when it comes to waterproofing the underground part of the foundation.

Fact: not only the durability of the structure, but also the safety of people depends on the quality of the protective coating. For example, if underground tanks are not properly waterproofed, the risk of heavy suspended solids, waste, and sewage getting into drinking water increases.

All this can be avoided only by organizing proper waterproofing of the underground foundation and other parts of the building or structure.

Effective materials for underground waterproofing:

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Advantages of our series of waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and structures

  • increasing frost resistance, strength and durability of concrete or stone surface;
  • versatility: our compositions are suitable for waterproofing underground parking lots, basements, foundations, plinths and other structures;
  • ease of application our method of waterproofing underground structures: you will need a minimum of equipment and special equipment.

Application of underground waterproofing of foundations and walls

Having designed the waterproofing of underground structures, all that remains is to correctly apply the mixture:

  • Preparation. The surface is cleaned of dirt, old plaster, peeling concrete and paint.
  • Application. Regardless of the type - waterproofing of an underground parking lot, basement or foundation, it is necessary to separately treat the seams and cracks, and then move on to the general surface.
  • Care. Upon completion of the work, all that remains is to protect the surface from precipitation and mechanical influences for 2-3 days, moistening it abundantly.

Despite the fact that you can waterproof underground rooms yourself, it is best to entrust the process to professionals. Especially in cases with foundations and other critical structures.

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3 reasons to order waterproofing of the underground part of the building

  • We maintain all products in strict accordance with ISO, GOST and SNiP standards;
  • we sell and use only “fresh” formulations, delivered 1-7 days after production;
  • We provide services for organizing protection against moisture and water. We strictly follow the recommendations for the design of waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and application technology, we have our own staff of specialists and special equipment.

Protect the building structure by increasing its durability and resistance to moisture and water - order waterproofing of underground parts of buildings and structures!

The task of builders is to identify sources of moisture, establish the degree of interaction of individual building structures with the environment and determine its impact on the integrity of materials.

The essence of the problem

Water affects both external and internal structural elements. From the outside, materials are affected by precipitation and groundwater, and from the inside by condensation and steam.

If the design solution allows water to flow freely, it does not exert pressure - the moisture does not stagnate and does not destroy the building. In this way, melt, rain and random runoff water can be drained away. The same rule applies to groundwater.

As for lowlands and wetlands, in such conditions the correctness of waterproofing is determined by the thickness and position of the waterproof layer, which is erected at the stage of laying the foundation.

Impact of groundwater

Groundwater exerts the following types of hydrophysical load:

Pressure is the most dangerous. Occurs when moisture enters in liquid form. Pressure spreads throughout the building structure in all directions and can lead to rapid collapse of the structure.

Gravity flows are free-flowing water. This creates a low hydrostatic pressure. Typically, liquid flows along structures without lingering on them. This situation can be observed during heavy rains. If the slope of the waterproofing layer is sufficient, excess moisture will simply be removed by gravity without causing harm.

Humidity is the most common phenomenon. It is formed depending on the air temperature, the location of the building, the type of building materials, and the distance from sources of moisture. In this case, water moves in the pores and capillaries of building materials (structures).

Basic protection measures

All of the measures listed below do not eliminate the need for waterproofing, but at the same time reduce the costs of this type of construction work.

It is necessary to provide:

  • proper planning and placement of buildings taking into account the terrain features;
  • construction of a waterproofing system;
  • high-quality soil drainage.

Water-dense concrete and additional waterproofing layers can be used as protection (insulation). They will reliably protect the building structure from the most dangerous pressure groundwater.

To determine the water level, a core is drilled, and the hydrogeological situation in a particular area is recorded. In particular, the chemical composition of water and soil stability are determined. The best option is to conduct a preliminary inspection in early spring, when the moisture content of the area will be maximum due to melting snow.

Chemical composition

The aggressiveness of atmospheric precipitation, as well as groundwater, is largely determined by the content of various chemical elements in them.

Preliminary analysis allows you to determine the admixture of hydrogen chloride, chlorine, ammonia, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and carbon oxides. Sometimes rains are more like an acidic solution that can damage concrete, sand-lime brick and even marble.

In such a difficult situation, only competent waterproofing will help.

How the material is selected

Materials for the insulating layer are selected depending on the chemical composition of water and its level in the soil.

The main task of such materials is:

  • protection against surface effects leading to cracks and wear;
  • prevention of corrosion processes.

The external aggressive environment can be solid, liquid and gaseous. Such effects are divided into classes, depending on the degree of influence on materials.

For example, there are environments that destroy concrete and reinforced concrete. They can be weak, medium or very aggressive. There are also chemical and biological effects.

In addition, protection against mechanical damage (deformation) must be provided. The structure must have a sufficient margin of safety. This is especially true for foundations. Strength standards for this type of building structure can increase by 20-30%.

It should be noted that capillary moisture can be eliminated even at the stage of repair work. To do this, horizontal holes are drilled in the structure into which Aquafin or its equivalent is placed, which eliminates dampness. And the protection of metal elements is carried out by applying a concrete solution. It prevents rusting of fittings and other metal elements.

To protect against groundwater pressure, the following types of insulating materials can be selected:

Above the groundwater level, protection against moisture (penetration of liquid into the capillaries of materials) is provided. Water moistens the structure depending on the type of soil. This can be clearly seen from the following table:

The type of coating and insulation is also selected taking into account the degree of exposure to water:

Notes: 1) polymer-based coloring composition; 2) shotcrete is performed externally and internally; 3) shotcrete is provided only on the liquid pressure side.

Note: “*” - allowed with appropriate justification; “+” - allowed; "-" - forbidden.

Using waterproofing

In buildings with basements, walls are protected in both horizontal and vertical planes. Vertical planes are covered with bitumen. Floors (horizontal surfaces) are insulated in the basement and at the top level of the plinth.

On permeable soils, moisture may accumulate near foundations. Therefore, all vertical surfaces of this structure are covered with bitumen, which can protect the structure during periods of heavy rain and melting snow. The rule applies when deepened by more than 1-1.2 meters.

For buildings that do not have a basement, the upper horizontal plane of the foundation is protected. You can use roofing felt, asphalt (at least 15 mm), insulation or cement mortar (thickness up to 30 mm). The internal insulation of the walls is placed below the floor of the first floor, and the external insulation is 15-20 centimeters higher than the blind area (not only the walls are covered, but also the internal plaster).

If groundwater lies only 1 m below the basement, an insulating layer of concrete is placed under the pillars and walls (external and internal). Floors are made of asphalt or cement mortar with sealing additives.

If the groundwater is above the level of the basement floor, it is recommended to lay a reinforced concrete slab at the base of the building (it will be located under the walls).

Notes: 1 – vertical; 2 – horizontal; 3 – floor protection; a – anti-pressure external; b - internal anti-pressure; c – protection of water reservoirs; d – protection from surface and filtration moisture; d – isolation of groundwater.

For underground structures (canals, pipelines, caissons), it is necessary to use bitumen, polymer mixtures, rubber, and cold asphalt. Application of liquid insulation is cheaper and requires less labor than when gluing structures with waterproofing materials. Pasting materials can only be used on elements prone to cracks. They will serve as additional strengthening of the structure.

Under intense loads and unstable soils, underground communications are protected from moisture with an epoxy-coal tar mixture or cement plaster based on qPCR.

Pipelines must be protected with polyurethane varnish, epoxy mixtures, polyamide resin, bitumen with additives. Such coatings can withstand temperatures up to +70 degrees and aggressive chemical exposure.

When constructing bridges, underground garages and parking lots, tunnels, water tanks, sewers, canals and other structures that are completely or partially in the ground, it is important to perform high-quality waterproofing of critical objects.

Correct underground waterproofing should provide durable hydro- and vapor barrier of concrete, as well as its anti-corrosion protection. Such work should be carried out immediately and efficiently also because repairing the protective coating underground is expensive and difficult.

Liquid rubbers for waterproofing underground structures

All harmful emissions from enterprises and human activities ultimately end up in the ground, from where they flow through groundwater into underground communications. And building concrete structures underground are exposed to chemical attack.

It is possible to ensure reliable underground waterproofing and vapor barrier of structures in hard-to-reach places using the best modern bitumen materials and technologies. These are the products produced by the Pazkar plant (Israel), and the Technoprok company offers them in Russia.

These are 4 types of water-based bitumen-polymer emulsions, direct and reverse, which in Russia are known as liquid rubber.

  1. Two-component liquid rubber Rapidflex. The consistency is almost water, density 1.02. For automated spraying only. “Native” brand of the Pazkar plant. Widely used in Israel, Europe and the USA. Supplied to Russia since 2007. It is widely used for waterproofing large-scale underground structures, in particular, in 2008 it was used in the construction of an underground transport interchange in Moscow, on the street. Alabyan. You can read about this and view photos on the website in the tunnel waterproofing section. It is actively used by professionals in the construction and waterproofing of foundations, underground parking lots and garages.
  2. Two-component liquid rubber Technoprok. This is an analogue of the Rapidflex material. A little denser - 1.03. Developed by Technoprok in 2007 and produced in Russia. Since 2011, production has moved to Israel, to the Pazkar plant. Widely used by Russian builders to solve various waterproofing problems, incl. and underground, for example, for waterproofing foundations of large areas, for waterproofing the underground part of residential and industrial buildings in an automated way.
  3. One-component liquid rubber Elastopaz. According to the Western classification, it is a cold water-based bitumen-polymer mastic. The consistency is like paste. Can be applied by hand and by airless spray using high pressure units. In Russia it is mainly used as coating waterproofing. Reliable waterproofing of foundations with your own hands. It is convenient to process hard-to-reach areas of water-filled underground structures, such as canals, pits, collectors, galleries, caissons. Also used for waterproofing various underground water tanks, incl. wells, storage pools, trays, settling tanks, fire tanks, etc.
  4. One-component liquid rubber Elastomix. This is an analogue of Elastopaz. The main difference is that it is a quick-drying material and can be applied in one thick layer, because... Comes with an activator. This is a powder that should be poured into a bucket of mastic and mixed. After which the liquid rubber should be used within 2 hours. For manual application only.

Waterproofing of underground water tanks and hydraulic structures

In Israel, underground waterproofing is the key to survival.

  1. Most of the country is located in the desert. However, fruits and vegetables are grown there, which are exported, among others. and to Russia. This is possible because water is supplied to desert areas through a network of irrigation canals, reservoirs and settling tanks.
  2. Along the Mediterranean coast there is dense urban development, almost right next to the sea. This means that the city’s underground communications and underground parts of city buildings are exposed to aggressive sea water. But reliable waterproofing of hydraulic structures, underground water tanks, foundations of residential and administrative buildings protects concrete from corrosion, leaching and destruction.
  3. There is little fresh water in the country, so it is protected, but visually you won’t notice any savings. Despite the fact that the average temperature is +36, there is running water and sewerage in any part of the country. Fresh water pools can be found in desert areas and on the coast. This is because an effective system for the distribution, consumption and processing of fresh water has been built and established. But this requires high-quality and durable underground waterproofing of concrete structures and water tanks. For waterproofing hydraulic structures in Israel, liquid waterproofing materials from the Pazkar plant are used.

Underground waterproofing is a set of measures. The main task of builders is to obtain a waterproof film on the surface of concrete structures or tanks. For example, the photo shows how a tunnel is waterproofed.

We see that the outer shell of the tunnel is covered with seamless rubber waterproofing. But, if we use the terminology of higher mathematics, this is a necessary but not sufficient condition.

A sufficient condition for perfect underground waterproofing is the installation of drainage. This is mandatory when it comes to the operation of underground structures, tanks, collectors, canals, tunnels, etc.

Drainage is necessary to ensure the removal of ground, seeping and accumulating moisture from underground concrete structures (building foundations, tunnels, tanks, trays, pools, etc.).

Waterproofing made from liquid rubber will protect the underground structure from moisture and protect the concrete from destruction, but it is necessary to ensure that this water does not accumulate, but is removed from the structure. The principle of operation of the drainage system is illustrated in the picture below.

If the underground waterproofing is made with liquid rubber, then the appearance of dampness and moisture penetration into basements, first floors, and underground parking lots is excluded, because these materials even block capillary moisture. If the waterproofing is done from the outside, then capillary moisture does not form at all, and if the waterproofing is done from the inside, then the waterproofing membrane should be additionally “pressed”. These are pressure walls, screed, facing tiles, shotcrete plaster, etc.

Currently, the use of liquid rubber is the most advanced technology in the field of protecting surfaces from moisture and corrosion. It copes well with its assigned functions and is able to withstand any temperature changes and vibration. In fact, only liquid rubber can provide high strength combined with high elasticity, excellent adhesion, an insulating coating as a methane-retaining barrier, environmental friendliness, ease of use and, as a result, absolute protection of structures from moisture, vapor barrier, sound insulation, and protection from UV radiation.

Adapting its products to specific requirements is the main advantage of the Israeli concern PAZKAR. Their quality and reliability have been tested in various fields of activity: national airport, industry, civil and public construction. Therefore, waterproofing of the underground part of buildings and industrial structures, fire tanks, wet basements and semi-basements, underground concrete and reinforced concrete structures, sealing of sewer pipes, overpasses, cable entries, durable and high-quality underground waterproofing of tunnels, canals, waterproofing of underground garages and parking lots, any other surfaces with liquid materials, guaranteed by the company’s rich experience and high reputation.

Modern materials for waterproofing underground structures allow both the treatment of buried parts of buildings at the stage of their construction, and the elimination of installation errors after the facility is put into operation. The use of certain methods depends mainly on the purpose and design parameters.

Thus, the waterproofing of an underground parking lot should protect not only from the influence of a humid environment from external soil masses. Water also penetrates into the interior of the parking lot along with cars entering during rainy or snowy winters. As a result, excess dampness in a confined space leads to accelerated corrosion of the structure’s fittings and car bodies. Waterproofing the underground part of the parking building allows you to reduce the intensity of these processes.

In order to prevent the negative effects of moisture, treatment of the external surfaces of the structure with coating, spraying, penetrating compositions, as well as gluing or fusing of rolled materials should be carried out at the stage of construction of the facility. During the rough finishing process, various modern materials can also be used to maintain a “dry” microclimate.

For example, when forming flat surfaces of parking areas, the topping "Ultra Top Quartz", "Hydroconcrete Nalivnoy-1" or "Hydroconcrete Nalivnoy-2" from the Kalmatron company demonstrates high efficiency. At the same time, the active components of the compositions make it possible to strengthen the structure of concrete, penetrate deep into capillaries and cracks, and completely fill all microscopic voids. This increases the water resistance of enclosing structures both from the ground side and from the room side. The liquid will no longer be able to be absorbed into the floor surfaces and will evaporate and be removed through the parking ventilation system.

An important element of underground waterproofing of a parking lot is also considered to be high-quality sealing of expansion-shrinkage joints.

  • At the construction stage, elastic sealing cords (made of polyethylene foam or microporous rubber) must be laid at the joints of the slabs.
  • At the joints of monolithic sections there are self-expanding cords (“Ultraplat” or analogues) or PVC waterstops.
  • The finishing of the joints is completed with compositions of the Kalmatron-Suture type.
  • For seams subject to deformation, two-component Kalmatron-Elastic is suitable.

However, in addition to such nuances, there are general principles of underground waterproofing that are the same for both parking lots and other structures.

Design of waterproofing of underground structures

Design of waterproofing of underground structures and structures is a complex that combines the selection of materials and planned activities that ensure:

  • removal of groundwater from the foundation of a building through drainage;
  • dryness in the middle of basements by installing an external continuous waterproofing coating;
  • non-distribution and collection of condensate by insulating external basement walls and constructing high-quality ventilation.

The direct choice of waterproofing materials depends on numerous factors and is carried out individually for a specific object after careful research and calculations.

Waterproofing the underground part of the foundation

The volume of protective measures for foundations against moisture penetration into them should be determined depending on the location of the buried structure relative to the premises being used, as well as the degree of water saturation of the soil.

  1. For the foundations of buildings located on dry soils or without basements, as a rule, simple horizontal waterproofing along the upper plane of the base is sufficient. The solution to such problems does not impose any special restrictions on the materials used, however, guided by factors of cost and ease of installation, two or three layers of strips of rolled material (waterproofing material, roofing felt, foil insulating material, etc.) are usually spread.
  2. Building supports that are subject to periodic moisture require vertical waterproofing of the underground part of the foundation . This often happens when groundwater rises seasonally. The vertical surface of the structure also becomes waterlogged if it is located in poorly permeable soils, in which water can accumulate after rain or melting snow. In this case, it may be sufficient to use bitumen-mastic, glued or built-up insulation.
  3. Full results of hydraulic protection of foundations located in water-saturated soils, as well as in the path of pressure water (for example, on slopes), can only be achieved by implementing integrated approaches, including drainage measures.

Water protection in water-saturated rocks

The arrangement of drainage structures includes filter beds, drainage channels, pipelines, storage pits and pumping equipment. Such measures allow for water reduction or drainage from the buried part of the building, which significantly reduces the load on the waterproofing of the underground part of the foundation.

The molding of monoliths should be carried out with the introduction of hydrophobic activators into the concrete mixture. To do this, you can use dry mixtures “Kalmatron-D” and “Kalmatron-D PRO”.

At the stage of waterproofing the vertical surfaces of an underground structure, it is recommended to use penetrating materials of the Kalmatron series. Thanks to its penetrating effect, waterproofing acts both on the surface and deep in the structure. This feature allows such coatings not to remain effective when the outer layer is damaged, unlike bitumen coatings or roll wraps.

Waterproofing of basement underground parts of buildings and structures.

To prevent the penetration of dampness into basements, semi-basements and basements, the walls of which border the foundations of the building and external soil masses, various moisture protection methods are used using a wide range of materials.

  1. First of all, as in the case of a foundation without basements, the degree of water saturation of the surrounding rock is taken into account. If the groundwater level is high or periodic flooding of underground walls occurs, the construction of drainage structures is necessary.
  2. When constructing monolithic foundations and basement walls, it is mandatory to use concrete mixtures with hydrophobic additives, such as Kalmatron-D, Kalmatron-D PRO.
  3. Underground waterproofing must be carried out on external and internal horizontal surfaces.

External surfaces of walls, in the absence of direct exposure to water, can be treated with any convenient waterproofing method. If the basement is located in an area of ​​possible flooding, then the use of penetrating compounds would be optimal.

Treatment of surfaces inside underground premises

The use of coatings with a penetrating effect indoors allows not only to block the migration of capillary moisture, but to displace it to the outer surface.

An important condition for internal treatment is the creation of a continuous, unbreakable hydrophobic layer along the walls, on the floor and at transitions at their junctions.

  1. Corners and structural joints must be carefully sealed. To do this, the joint areas are embroidered under the laying of a self-expanding cord. The Kalmatron product line includes the Ultraplate series for this purpose. The top of the installed cord is sealed with Kalmatron repair or joint mixtures or analogues.
  2. The surface of the walls can be covered with plastering using Kalmatron-Econom composition.
  3. For floors, both coatings such as “Kalmatron” or “Kolmatex” covered with a finishing screed, and self-leveling mixtures “Hydroconcrete Nalivnaya-1” or “Hydroconcrete Nalivnoy-2” are suitable.
Recommended materials:

From the point of view of biostability, very effective waterproofing materials were materials based on coal tar, produced by the domestic industry until the 1970s. last century. These included roofing felt and only roofing felt of various brands. Their production was discontinued due to the production hazards of tar and switched to more environmentally friendly petroleum bitumen. Instead, the VNIIStroypolymer Institute proposed bioresistant polymer roll waterproofing materials, such as: PDB films, hydrobutyl, armohydrobutyl, isol, which, during long-term practical testing, have effectively served and continue to serve in

Waterproofing roofing under Manezhnaya Square in Moscow

It is important for designers to focus on proven design solutions that meet the requirements of SNiPs, VSNs and other regulatory documents. However, today a paradoxical situation has developed in the field of roofing and underground waterproofing of structures.

The bulk of the documents mentioned were developed before 1990 of the last century and are focused on the use of bituminous materials, while polymer materials are ignored. Meanwhile, operational practice has long been established: the real durability of bituminous (including bitumen-polymer) materials under conditions of underground waterproofing does not exceed five to ten years.