Production of ceramzite concrete blocks with their own hands. Production of ceramic concrete blocks at home How to make a claymzite block with your own hands

Studdered construction of a small structure, for example, a country house or a household building on a homeland area, blocks of ceramzit concrete are often selected as material for the construction of walls. The reason for this choice is the excellent performance of this material, as well as the ability to make ceramzite-concrete blocks with their own hands.

Technical characteristics of ceramzitobetone

This building material has high strength. Tests show that the ceramzite concrete is withstanding the load to 20 MN / m². Depending on the strength characteristics, the brands 100, 150, 200 are distinguished.

At the same time, the weight of individual blocks is relatively small, which makes it easier for loading and unloading and masonry.

Ceramzitobeton is a good heat insulator, it is not afraid of fire, water (water absorption - no more than 7%), has frost resistance and provides sound insulation. It is environmentally friendly, safe material material.

The acquisition of building material is the simplest solution, but it requires considerable funds. In order to save finances, you can establish the production of ceramzite-concrete blocks with your own hands. This is possible right on the site where construction is scheduled. In addition to savings, independent production is justified by the fact that it allows you to remain confident as products.

The composition of the ceramzite concrete mixture

Ceramzite concrete blocks are made from a mixture of cement, sand, water, crumbs and different additives. The first three ingredients are binders, and the main material defining the basic parameters is clay. In addition, useful additives are used: a washed wood resin - to increase the frost resistance, and the Ligosulfonate is technical - to increase the linability of the solution.

Production: Preparatory Stage

For the preparation of the solution, Slagoportland cement or Portland cement M400, which is used as a binder and to create a textured layer. In this case, its number in proportion is taken equal to one part. Also, claymzite gravel is also needed - 8 parts, pure sand of a shallow fraction (without impurities of il) - 2 parts (plus 3 parts for a textured layer), water - at the rate of 225 liters per cubic meter of the mixture. In the process of preparation of the mixture into water, you can add washing powder (about a teaspoon) - it will give the plasticity concrete. The kneading solution is made using a concrete mixer: the dry components are first mixed, and then water is mixed with them. The consistency of the resulting mixture should resemble plasticine.

To form blocks, a pallet is needed and two M-shaped halves from a 20 mm thick boards, with a tough from the inside and connected with the help of latches made of steel strips. Standard dimensions of ceramzite-concrete blocks - 390 × 190 × 140 and 190 × 190 × 140 mm, but if desired, sizes can be changed.

The weight of one standard block is within 16 - 17 kg.

Forming and completion

The formwork is installed on a solid and smooth surface, preferably with a canopy, covering blocks from rain and bright sunlight. The walls of the formwork (forms) from the inside are abundantly lubricated with machine oil, and the base sprinkle with sand. For blocks with a textured layer, you must use a pallet made of boards.

The formwork is filled with a ceramzito concrete, which must be tamped by wooden bar. Trembach to perform until the formation of cement "milk". After that, the surface is leveled by a trowel. The formwork is removed after the day, but the blocks do not shift from the place: they must fully operate. The hardening process usually lasts 28 days. It is extremely undesirable that the drying process takes place at high temperature: the rapid loss of fluid by evaporation will lead to cracking of the solution and the incorrect set of strength. To avoid this, the form must be placed in the shade, under a canopy and hide with a polyethylene film.

Claimed ceramic concrete blocks will be not worse than the industrial method.

Video in which the operation of the installation for the production of ceramzite-concrete blocks is shown.

Private building every year is becoming increasingly relevant, because to live in his house is much more comfortable than in a high-rise building. But the main obstacle is most often high construction costs, so developers are looking for ways to save. If you make ceramzite-concrete blocks with your own hands, it will not only save significant funds, but will also serve as a guarantee that products are made in accordance with the strength standards.

What is necessary for work

In order to make homemade ceramzite-concrete blocks, you need to purchase all the necessary materials. Their number is calculated based on their planned amount of products, and is calculated in accordance with the proportions in the amount:

Cement If you take a widespread M400 brand as a basis, then approximately 1/10 part of the blocks that need to be made. In one cubic meter, 1,300 kilograms of cement, precisely on this indicator and it is worth navigating when determining the required amount.
Ceramzit It will take option with a density of 350 to 500 kg / m3, the optimal fraction is from 5 to 20 mm. Since in the solution it is necessary to add 8 parts, it is easy to guess that this material will be the main one. The price of ceramzite is quite democratic, so you should not fear huge costs.
Sand It is best to acquire a medium and coarse river sand without impurities of clay and chernozem. Sand from quarries is suitable, but it is desirable at least to sift it, but it is better to rinse at all. For cooking, 2 parts are required, based on this, and the volume is calculated.
Water The technology requires approximately 215-230 liters per m3. Proper water dosage is very important for block strength. The lack of it, as well as excess, leads to a decrease in the strength and the appearance of cracks on the surface during drying.
Additives This component is used as desired, but it is worth considering that various additives are capable of significantly improve the properties of concrete and increase its moisture resistance and frost resistance. When used, it is much less likely to occur on cracks.

To improve the quality of products and save money, it is better to acquire universal, which improve the properties of the mixture and increase its plasticity.

Organization of workflow

In fact, the process is so simple that there are no practically no equipment for clay-concrete blocks. But some simplest devices will still be needed.

Forms for blocks

There are two options: either purchase ready-made options, or make them yourself.

In the first case, follow the following factors:

  • New forms are quite expensive, but you can buy and designs that were in use.. Their cost is much lower, but it is important to carefully check each product for the absence of damage and compliance with geometric parameters.

  • It is important to choose and optimal dimensions, most often uses the version 190x190x390 for the walls and the option 80x190x390 for the device of the internal partitions. Parameters may vary depending on the features of the work.
  • Another option - take the designs for rentIn some regions, such a service is provided that it helps to save considerable funds.

The second option is to build forms with your own hands.

The manufacturer's instructions looks like this:

  • You can collect a frame from a 25 mm thick boards, while their inner surface is desirable to sew sheet metal or tin. Parameters for blocks are taken are the same as in standard forms or any other.

In the photo - one of the design options from the board or plywood

  • Another solution is the manufacture of a carcass from sheet metal with an amplification of its metal corners. To fix the form, either latches or a bolted connection through welded eyelets can be used, or a screed with spills and barracks.
  • To create voids, you can use or specially prepared blanks, or just bottles. It all depends on the possibilities and wishes.

Another option is a machine for clay-concrete blocks, is a combined vibration and form, in small variants of their 2-4 pieces, the more productive quantity may be much more.

Forming products

This stage is carried out as follows:

  • The solution is prepared in the proportions indicated above. It is important to control that the consistency is optimal. It is best to use a concrete mixer, it guarantees high quality stirring, which is very important for the strength of the products.

The easiest way to check the consistency as follows: A small amount of composition is compressed in the hand, a dense lump must be obtained, which when falling on the ground is broken.

  • Further consideration of the issue, how to make ceramzite-concrete blocks yourself depends on whether you have vibration installation. If there is, then the forms are filled and installed on equipment for and removing air from the composition. If there is no installation, then the composition is trambed with a pin or wooden stick.
  • The obtained homemade ceramzite concrete blocks are left per day, after which the forms can be disassembled and gently set the products on a flat surface for further drying. Full strength of the product is gaining for four weeks.

If you do not know how to cut ceramzite-concrete blocks, the Bulgarian with a diamond disc on concrete and a stone with a diameter of 230 mm is best suited, as special saws on brick are far from all.


The video in this article will help to figure it out in this process even better. It is important to comply with all technology requirements, and you will get an excellent result.

Ceramzitobeton is a granular material that is manufactured by mixing cement, sand and clayzit in a certain proportion of 1: 2: 3.

Perfect for the manufacture of fireplaces or chimneys, as well as at the construction of residential premises.

Technical characteristics of ceramzitobetone

Ceramzite concrete is a light and environmentally friendly material.

Its use when erecting walls or floor of residential premises Significantly reduce the cost of the construction in general. Almost any building material can be combined with clay-concrete blocks.

Speaking about the properties of the material, it is worth saying about its technical characteristics:

  • block strength of 25-150 kg / cm²;
  • thermal conductivity of material 0.15-0.45 W / mºC (depending on the density);
  • shrinkage is absent;
  • water absorption - 50%;
  • frost resistance - up to 200 frost cycles and defrost;
  • resistant to ignition.

1.1 Manufacturing technology

The production of ceramzite concrete blocks affects the structure of the material. They can be monolithic or slit (empty).

The composition of the ceramzite concrete: cement, sand, ceramzite in a certain proportion - 1: 2: 3. Production is 5 main stages:

  • connection of all components;
  • pouring solution into the form;
  • frozening and hardening blocks;
  • drying (minimum 2 days);
  • storage.

From what proportion to mix the components will depend on the density of the material. The composition of the ceramzite concrete can be non-standard, Selection: On 1 part of the cement you need to take 2 pieces of dry sand, add 1 part of water and from 1 to 6 parts of the cerazy.

It is possible that the resulting mixture will be too dry. To do this, replace the water with a special mixture, for example "Peskobeton".

Vibropress is used to harden the material and for this will require at least one day.

The manufacture of ceramzite concrete blocks is also possible at home. The difference is not only in the process of manufacture, but also in the composition of the materials. The proportions of the ceramzitobetone made by their own hands are as follows:

  • gravel clay - 8 parts;
  • sand pure (without impurities) small - 2 parts;
  • waters by calculation - 225 l per 1m³ made of the mixture.

It is also worth considering that the sand will be needed slightly more, because 3 parts will need to be used when forming a textured layer of blocks.

For those who make meals with their own hands, it is worth considering one important point - a washing powder is used in the process of production! Even 1 teaspoon of powder gives a certain plasticity to the finished material (it is dissolved in water).

In the manufacture of a ceramzitobetone, it is necessary to take into account that the solution (cement milk) must be reminded before frozen. This can be done if you adhere to the rules for the manufacture of ceramzite concrete blocks. Dry components need to be combined with each other, And only after that add water with a washing powder.

Production of ceramzitobetone itself (with their own hands) can be mastered quite quickly. It is important not to retreat from technology, as well as correctly make the proportions of high-quality ceramzite concrete per 1 m².

Make a good plastic mixture (cement milk) - half of success. Molding of the mixture is the next stage of the production of blocks with their own hands. Technology is present here.

Forming is performed using M-shaped board, the thickness of which should not exceed 20 mm.

Forming technology affects the size of the ceramzite-concrete blocks. On average, the weight of the finished block is 16 kg, dimensions - 390 × 190 × 140 and 190 × 190 × 140 mm.

The selection of the quality of the components is also important as the selection of materials when forming the block. Steel strips performing the role of latches, machine oil for lubricating the walls of the formwork, the floor pallet boards - it would seem trifle, but they affect the quality of the material made.

The mixtures should be without fractional (without small garbage or without sand and snacks). It is important to take into account the technological "secrets". Make a rambling formwork can be using a wooden bar. When Tambrovka, it is important to observe the appearance of cement "milk", and after align the mixture of sex a trowel.

The hardening process is very important. He is the longest, because it can reach 28 days. Note that the ceramzite mixtures should not only be stationary, But they should not dry at high temperatures.

In this case, the liquid (cement milk) from the mixture will quickly evaporate. As a result, the solution (milk) cracks and will not be durable.

1.2 Production of ceramzite concrete blocks on the machine (video)

2 scope of application of ceramzite concrete

Selection of ceramic concrete blocks is important depending on which area they will be used.

Forty or monolithic blocks are used to form a foundation, When erecting bearing walls, gender.

Hollow blocks are most often used for the construction of non-residential premises or low-rise buildings. The thermal insulation properties of such a material make it possible to make the material very popular.

2.1 Benefits of Ceramzitobeton

The main advantages of a ceramzito concrete: simplicity and convenience of transporting components for the production and finished blocks with their own hands. The material is resistant to temperature changes, for many years retains its properties.

In addition, the ceramzite concrete is not subject to corrosion, the effects of harmful substances adverse weather conditions.

For cold regions, ceramzitobeton is a real salvation. If you compare its consumption with cement flow during the construction of the house, the flow indicators will be 2 times less. Such properties, as the holding of heat, allows you to significantly save on insulation.

Ceramzitobetone - material with excellent insulation. Under industrial production Special holes for blocking holes are applied, Thanks to which one can achieve such an effect. Inside the blocks or on the surface when laying, excessive moisture does not fall, it prevents the appearance of mold and fungus in the building from a ceramzite concrete.

Despite the fact that the main scope of the application of the ceramzibetone is the construction of walls, there are several other applications of this material. For example, making fireplaces, floor laying.

As it was already noted earlier, such a material perfectly spends and keeps heat. What else is needed for the fireplace? A dense ceramzitobetone will not be hot outside, which makes the fireplace safe when operating it. And inside, respectively, it will warm enough quickly, and the accumulated heat will retain for a long time.

Ceramzitoblocks are blocks of ceramzite concrete - a variety of "light" concrete. This material came to replace popular slag blocks. The composition and technology of manufacturing ceramzitis and slag blocks is almost identical. The only difference is that a blast slag was served in the shlack slag concrete, which had a negative impact on the frost resistance and storage strength. After replacing the slag on the ceramzite, they have improved repeatedly, as well as the degree of its ecology.

Ceramzite concrete - artificial material made on the basis of cement, water and clay. Ceramzite is obtained by firing the slightweight clay.

It is rounded or oval granules of irregular shape, which have a diameter of 4-8 mm. Smaller granules are called clay sand.

The granule of the ceramisite on a break is similar in structure to the frozen foam. Thanks to the stuffing, the granules are characterized by special strength.

The line for the manufacture of turnkey blocks includes:

  • vibropress with control panel;
  • concrete mixer;
  • overpass to install concrete mixers with a receiving tray;
  • forming accessory;
  • forming pallets.

The manufacturing technology of ceramzitoblocks is significantly different from the production process of foam blocks. This causes the fact that the ceramzite concrete has better technical qualities. It does not need additional insulation, and when the temperature difference is not formed condensate.

The technological process can be divided into the following steps:

  • preparation of the mixture;
  • molding;
  • hardening using vibrostanka;
  • drying products;
  • transportation to the warehouse.

Calculations and technology does not differ fundamentally from the construction of the house itself. The only condition is the implementation of a separate foundation.

On how to correctly perform the masonry of the ceramzitoblocks with their own hands with country construction can be found in the article.

Preparation of mixes

The manufacture of one block will require 0.01 m3 solution. How to prepare a mixture and from which is determined by GOST and TU and can be somewhat varied.

Approximate proportions look like this:

  • ceramzit - 60%;
  • sand - 20-22%;
  • cement - 10%;
  • water - 8-10%.

In compliance with such proportions, a strong material is obtained, which has a small weight and is characterized by good thermal insulation. The weight of the finished block in the raw form is 11 kg, in dry - 9.5 kg.

So that the blocks are as hard as possible and stronger, more cement must be added to the claymzit mixture. But it should be noted that in this case the thermal conductivity of the material will increase, so the walls will be somewhat colder.

Cement for the production of blocks should be fresh and perfectly clean. It is advisable to take the cement M400 or M500 brand. Ceramzit sand must be 2 times less than clay. This will ensure the optimal density of the material.

To get a glossy surface, you can add glue for stone or tiles into the solution. But with the environmental safety of the material decreases. Also add special air ducting additives. As a rule, for this use wood washed resin.

To increase the strength of the material, a plasticizer is added to it (about 5 g per 1 block). Such material is characterized by higher waterproof and frost resistance. It is more resistant to the formation of cracks and abrasion of blocks.

Preparation of a mixture for ceramzitoblocks in a "pear" concrete mixer:


After mixing the components, the solution is sent to molding, where the desired form and size is given to the future blocks.

Hardening with the use of vibrostanka

To ensure solutions of the solution use vibrationans. Thanks to vibrations, the solution in forms becomes more dense and acquires the desired structure. When the solution reaches the maximum density, the excess mixture is removed using a steel plate.

Drying products

Blocks are sent to drying right in forms. It can be done naturally or with steaming in a special chamber.

Drying lasts about two days. If a plasticizer was added to the mixture, drying time is reduced to 6-8 hours.

Transportation to the warehouse

Finished blocks are stored in a dry room. After drying, they are ready for implementation and use.

Production of ceramzitoblocks do it yourself

Since production technology is quite simple and does not imply significant investments, it is possible to organize the manufacture of material at home. All that will be needed for this is to purchase raw materials and special equipment. At the same time, the cost of one block will be only 18-20 rubles.

Equipment for the production of blocks

To minimally provide a production process for the production of ceramzitoblocks, you will need:

  • vibrationtol;
  • concrete mixer;
  • molding pallets made of metal.

You can purchase a vibropressive installation that replaces vibrostol and forms.

There is also a room with a smooth floor, power supply system, ventilation and heating and an outdoor platform, which can be used for drying and storage of products.

Some vibropress grades are made per hour to 120 blocks, others - up to 70. There are small machines that can be stored in the utility room and use for the production of blocks in small volumes.

At the initial stage of manufacture of ceramzitoblocks, it can be limited to the equipment with a capacity of about 0.6 kW and a capacity of 20 blocks in 1 hour. You can buy it about 2 thousand rubles. The price of more powerful machines is an order of magnitude more expensive - about 30 thousand rubles.

In the photo - the most popular machines for self-production of ceramzitoblocks:

How to independently make a machine for the manufacture of a ceramzite concrete

The machine for the production of ceramzitoblocks can be made with their own hands. In this case, its cost will be cheaper 10 times than factory.

The most elementary version of the machine is performed according to the "Non-Sale" scheme. It consists of a molding drawer without the bottom (matrix) and a vibrator, which is located on the side wall. To make the matrix easily remove, it should be equipped with handles.

The standard size of one block is 390 * 190 * 188 mm. The percentage of emptiness is not more than 30%. Voids can have a rectangular or round shape. The main thing is that the hollow-forming agent has a taper, so that the form is easy to remove from the block.

To make a matrix, you need to cut the workpiece on the form of a sheet metal block from 3 mm thick. At the same time you need to make a 5-minute reserve for the ramp. From the workpiece you need to perform a pass-through box that does not have a bottom. Welding seam needs to be done outside.

In order for the machine to be more stable, with the ends, the slats from thin profile pipes should be accepted and performing the base of the base from the rubber at the perimeter. In order for the solution to not wake up, it is necessary to make an ending apron.

The vibrator can be made from an electric motor with a washing machine with a power of 150 W. To do this, you need to displace the centers. It is necessary to attach a metal bar with a hole from the edge - eccentric. The parameters of the eccentric are determined by the experimental path.

Example of the drawing of the machine for the production of ceramzitoblocks

Computer model machine for ceramzit concrete blocks

Brief description of the process of manufacturing ceramzitoblocks at home

Prepare a mixture. The process of the kneading must have such a sequence:

  • water poured;
  • cement is falling asleep (with continuous stirring) and stirred with water;
  • a small aggregate is added, after that - large;
  • the mass is mixed to semi-hum.

You can make blocks with various fillers: clamzite, brick waste, sawdust, polystyrene foam, etc.

At first, it can be used manually. As the production extensions it will be possible to buy a special concrete woman. The output volume of such a device is about 125 liters.

Place the solution in the mold and send to the press. The density of the solution largely dependes the properties of the finished material, so it will not be possible to do without the vibrostank.

Send blocks to dry. It is most convenient to store them in a pyramid stack with a lumen of 2-3 cm between blocks. In order for the product to make high strength, the blocks are desirable to withstand in the air about a week.

Get ready-made blocks from forms. It is advisable to purchase forms with removable sides so that it is possible to take out products without damage. Place the finished products on the warehouse or immediately send to the implementation.

On video - all stages of the process of production of the ceramzitoblock with their own hands, as well as the description of the machine necessary for this:

Make clay-concrete blocks are independently quite simple, and production has a high level of profitability due to the low cost of materials. Therefore, the manufacture of ceramzite concrete is a great idea for novice entrepreneurs.

The rapid development of advanced technologies led to the emergence of unique building materials, including ceramzite concrete. This type of concrete meets all GOST 6133-99 standards and is an indispensable solution for the construction of all sorts of buildings. The proportions of the ceramzite concrete for blocks are implied by making clay, not crushed.

Description and characteristics

The material is characterized by low weight and excellent performance characteristics, which are characteristic of concrete structures. Due to the low thermal conductivity, it can be used to arrange wall structures and overlaps.

The characteristics of the ceramzite-concrete blocks look like this:

  1. Strength - 35-150 kg per centimeter cubic.
  2. Density - 700-1500 kg per meter cubic.
  3. Thermal conductivity - 0.15-0.45 W / mgrad.
  4. Frost resistance - 50-200 cycles.
  5. Shrinkage - 0% mm / m.
  6. Moisture absorption - 50%.

In the manufacture of a ceramzitobetone, with their own hands, the proportions are selected taking into account the required consistency and the features of the construction. To create blocks with different density, it is necessary to calculate the correct ratio of the plasticizer, which gives the composition of elastic properties, as well as other components that define a number of key characteristics of a ceramzite concrete.

Externally, the ceramzite concrete is characterized by a cellular structure with a different pore size (it is determined by the roasting mode of the main aggregate). Depending on the porosity, three varieties of material can be distinguished: a large-porous, porous, and dense.

As for operational properties and advantages, they directly depend on the uniformity of the structure of the concrete mix. Regulatory strength indicators are defined correctly selected by the ratio of clay gravel with a small and large fraction. If the material is used as a basis for the construction of structures, it must be additionally equipped with reinforcement, which will increase strength.

In most cases, the ceramzite concrete is activated for the formation of enclosing and thermal insulation layers in multilayer building forms. The characteristics and operational suitability of the final composition depend on the selected proportions and compliance with the correct ratio of the components. It is important to understand that the formulation of a ceramzite concrete for floor overlaps and building blocks differs significantly.

When performing styling, the type of surface should be taken into account, since it determines the composition of the mixture. The optimal proportion for making a screed with a height of 30 mm per 1 m² is as follows: 40 kg of a mixture of sandbetone M300 grade and 35 kg of clay gravel.

Advantages and Cons Shrews

Ceramzit concrete ties guarantee high reliability of the floor base, as well as its resistance to moisture, air and negative temperatures. Among the key advantages of the design, such moments should be selected:

But, except for the pros, the ceramzite concrete screed has cons. First of all, it is a significant rise in the height of the floor, as well as the need to grind the surface of the floor after drying the composition.

Production technology

The production technology of ceramzite-concrete blocks is characterized by special simplicity and accessibility, which makes it a specially popular among the wide audience of builders. Such a material can be used to erect a small residential or economic structure in the country or plot near the house, the construction of premises is not enough good soil and many other household tasks.

The high popularity of the technology is due to the excellent properties of the material and the available cost of production. Its without much difficulties can be made directly on the private site, without applying complex equipment and help specialists.

Claim concrete blocks can be hollow and full. At the same time, regardless of the form, they include the main filler - clay gravel. The full-scale designs are in demand for the arrangement of the foundation and facing of the outer walls, and the hollows perform the role of a sound insulation and thermal insulation partition between the inner and outer walls of the building.

When using porous technology, you can increase the bearing capacity of the foundation and wall space designs. At the same time, the main advantage of the use of such concrete is to significantly reduce the costs of construction work, the long service life of the product and the small weight of the ceramzite concrete.

Composition and proportion

Without a doubt, currently one of the most sought-after building materials is a ceramzite concrete. The composition of 1 m³ should include such components:

  1. Cement mix.
  2. Sand.
  3. The fine grainzite, which is created on the basis of natural raw materials.
  4. Water without all sorts of impurities and chemicals. It should be noted that for the dilution of the mixture, in no case cannot use water with acidity below the pH. 4. Also cannot use sea water, as it can lead to the appearance of a white plaque.

Also, the composition of the ceramzite concrete (proportions per 1 m³ are calculated in advance at the construction site) may include several additional additives, such as sawdust, wood ash and plasticizers.

In order for the future building mixture to comply with all the requirements, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations and rules:

  1. You can increase elastic properties using quartz sand.
  2. To make the future block moisture-resistant, it is necessary to add clay gravel a gravel (without sand).
  3. Portland cement under the brand from M400 is characterized by excellent astringent properties, so it is better to give preference for this model.
  4. The cement mixture has a positive effect on the strength indicators of the structure, however, if there is this component, the weight of the product grows significantly.
  5. Provided that the future block will be temperature processing, it is better to apply an alite cement.

As for the density of raw materials, it directly depends on the components that are entered into the ceramzite concrete blocks. The proportions for material with normal density are implied by making large-fractional clay. In most cases, similar blocks are used to arrange thermal insulation partitions.

If we are talking about the erection of bearing wall structures, it is advisable to apply a small ceramzite. Too much of small particles will make the block pretty heavy, so experts recommend looking for a "golden middle", mixing large and small "stones" for a ceramzite concrete. The proportions per 1 m³ are determined by the type of work that are planned.

Before proceeding with the creation of the mixture, you need to carefully examine the recipe and pay attention to several recommendations. This will avoid many difficulties at different stages of production, as well as get a high quality product with the best features:

Make sure the mixture is easy: to do this, you need to score a homogeneous mass and see if it breaks or not. If the slide begins to break through the shovel - this indicates that the ceramzite concrete is too liquid. If the consistency is stable and no bulk, then the required ratio of components is achieved.

Depending on the design features, various brands of concrete are used for the manufacture of ceramzitoblocks:

  1. M50 - Suitable for the construction of partitions.
  2. M75 - is an indispensable element for the construction of bearing walls for industrial and residential facilities.
  3. M100 - Used in the construction of premises with a small floor, insulation of enclosing structures and arrangement of monolithic floors of floors and screeds.
  4. M150-200 - This brand of concrete is used to build bearing structures and when creating wall blocks or panels. The material is distinguished by the ability to withstand strong temperature races and chemical impact.
  5. M200 - is a popular composition for creating light blocks and overlaps. The advantage of the material is resistance to moisture and chemicals.

Mixtures of ceramicitoblocks

As mentioned above, the proportion and recipe for a mixture of ceramzite concrete depends on the characteristics of the project for which they are intended. For example, if you need to make high-quality blocks, it is better to follow this recipe:

  1. For a start, one part of the cement and 2-3 pieces of sand are mixed.
  2. After receiving a homogeneous mass into the consistency, 0.9-1 part of the water is added.
  3. The composition is then stirred again, and 5-6 parts of the ceraims are brought to it.

If the filler is not wet enough, it is better to increase the volume of water. In the absence of good sand, you can use the "sandbetone". In the manufacture of a ceramic concrete for the floor, one part of the cement and one part of the water, three parts of the sand and two parts of the ceramisite are mixed. For the wet KB, the screed is taken to use clayzite gravel in the proportion of 0.5-0.6 m \\ 3 of the grainsitis by 1.4-1.5 tons of sand-cement composition.

If the task is to prepare materials for wall structures, the optimal proportions will look like this:

  1. 1 part of cement.
  2. 1.5 pieces of clay sand with fraction up to 5 mm.
  3. 1 part of the fine clampsite.

If you wish to create a ceramzite concrete for overlappings, it is better to use such an injection: 1 part of cement, 3 pieces of sand, 1.5 parts of water, 4-5 parts of the cerazy.

Types of aggregates

A variety of components can be used as ceramzite concrete aggregates. In addition to the ceramzit or clay sand, a quartz sand can be used or a larger addition, including gravel. In this case, the ceramzite will play the role of the basis.

Among the main varieties of aggregates are distinguished:

  1. Gravel with angular or rounded form.
  2. Crushed stone with an irregular angular shape and rough surface.

Depending on bulk weight, 12 brands of clay is isolated, and two types (A and B) are used in terms of strength. Prepare the blocks of a ceramzite concrete at home is much simpler than it may seem first. The main thing is to comply with the above recommendations, follow step by step instructions and not deviate from the prescribed formulation. In this case, the final raw materials will be as high as possible, reliable and durable.