Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education. Distance learning

The department was formed on the basis of the Faculty of Advanced Studies medical workers Russian University Friendship of Peoples, has been working since 2004.

Head of the Department: Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Member of the American Academy of Dermatology, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Eduard Alekseevich Batkaev.

Being the head of the department, E. A. Batkaev strengthened the main role of the department in the system of postgraduate education of dermatovenereologists.

Under his leadership, a unified program of postgraduate education of dermatovenereologists was prepared, in 1997 a test program for attestation and certification of dermatovenereologists was published, which are widely used by all departments of GIDUV.

E.A. Batkaev also developed and is conducting a program of professional retraining of doctors in the specialty "Dermatovenereology"

Under the leadership of E.A. Batkaev, for the first time, thematic cycles for urologists and gynecologists, for laboratory doctors and nurses of skin veterinary clinics, as well as cycles in medical cosmetology began to be held.

Per last years under the leadership of E.A. Batkaev, about 200 clinical residents were trained, about 150 doctors received specialization.

Every year, more than 500 doctors undergo advanced training at the main and visiting cycles of the department.

Interdisciplinary symposiums "New in dermatovenereology, andrology and gynecology" are organized and are held annually. Symposiums are very popular among doctors of related specialties.

Since 1976, E. A. Batkaev has been a candidate of medical sciences, since 1993 - a doctor of medical sciences. He developed unique and highly effective 1-2-day methods of endolymphatic penicillin therapy for infectious forms of syphilis, which were included in 1993 by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the "Instruction for the treatment and prevention of syphilis" and learning programs. These methods of treatment, which are highly profitable, are successfully used in many regions of the country, more than 7,000 patients received treatment, under the guidance of E. A. Batkaev, graduate students and applicants are further improving the methods of treating venereal diseases. Methods of endolymphatic therapy for complications of urogenital infections (prostatitis, adnexitis, etc.) have been developed. Under his leadership, 1 doctoral and 7 candidate dissertations were defended. He is the author of 180 scientific works. Materials of scientific research were repeatedly reported at congresses, congresses, conferences, symposiums.

E. A. Batkaev also takes an active part in the organizational and community service. He is a member of the Board of the Russian Scientific Society of Dermatovenereologists, chairman of the Organization for the Promotion of Postgraduate Education, editor-in-chief of the Journal of Postgraduate Education, a member of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Batkaeva Nadezhda Vladimirovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of the FPC MR, Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council at RUDN University, an expert in the field of allergic diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, dermatosurgery, benign skin lesions, immunocorrection for various dermatoses and STIs.

Nadezhda Vladimirovna is also a certified application trainer
botulinum toxin type A in cosmetology, co-author of guidelines for doctors "Immunotherapy" and "Cosmetology", as well as textbooks "Urogenital chlamydia" and "Papillomavirus infection".

The dissertation work is devoted to the improvement of regulated methods for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of seroresistance in syphilis.
He has more than 65 publications, including 6 educational and methodological and 1 manual for doctors.

Chistyakova Inna Alexandrovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology FPC MR, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, has more than 100 scientific publications and articles, more than 45 years of experience in the specialty "Dermatovenereology", scientific and pedagogical experience of 20 years

In cycle "DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES IN DERMATOVENEROLOGY" video lectures are included and offered to your attention:

1. Organization of the activities of the office for the destruction of integumentary tissues. Regulatory requirements.
2. Methods of anesthesia when removing skin formations.
3. Papillomavirus infection. Lecturer d.m.s. Professor Batkaev E.A.
4. Benign neoplasms and malformations of the skin. Lecturer Ph.D. Associate Professor Batkaeva N.V.
5. Precancerous lesions of the skin. Lecturer Ph.D. Associate Professor Batkaeva N.V.
6. Malignant neoplasms of epidermal origin. Lecturer Ph.D. Associate Professor Batkaeva N.V.
7. Melanocytic tumors. Lecturer d.m.s. Professor Batkaev E.A.
8. Radio wave therapy. Lecturer Ph.D. Associate Professor Batkaeva N.V.
9. Cryogenic method of treatment in dermatovenereology and cosmetology. Lecturer Ph.D. Karpova A.V.
10. Skin biopsy. Lecturer Ph.D. Associate Professor Batkaeva N.V.
11. Radiation therapy in dermatology. Bucky therapy in the treatment of chronic dermatoses. Lecturer Ph.D. Associate Professor Chistyakova I.A.
12. Modern step-by-step tactics for the treatment of hypertrophic scars. Lecturer Ph.D. Associate Professor Batkaeva N.V.

Video lectures are the intellectual property of FPC MR RUDN University. Copying and distribution is prohibited and prosecuted in accordance with Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Department head

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Kubanov Alexey Alekseevich

Head of Education

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor

Sysoeva Tatyana Alexandrovna

107076, Moscow, st. Korolenko, 3, building 6
(FGBU GNTsDK of the Ministry of Health of Russia)
129090, Moscow, 2nd Troitsky lane, 6a, building 13
(Educational and laboratory building of the Academy)

Full name
Academic degree
Academic title
KUBANOV Alexey Alekseevich
Doctor of Medical Sciences
professor, corresponding member RAS
head of department

Certificate of a specialist Health and public health organization, December 24, 2014, I.M. Sechenov Ministry of Health Russian Federation;

Cosmetology specialist certificate, June 26, 2015, FGBU "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia;

Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, 02/06/2015, FGBU "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Organization of healthcare and public health (288 academic hours), 2014, Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

Dermatovenereology (144 academic hours), 2015, FGBU "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia;

Cosmetology (144 academic hours), 2015, FGBU "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Total work experience: from 01.09.1997
Work experience:
in the specialty since 09/01/1997.
pedagogical since 01.09.1997

In 1994 he graduated from the medical faculty of the Moscow Medical Dental Institute with a degree in general medicine.
In 1998 he defended his Ph.D. thesis, in 2005 - his doctoral dissertation.
Under the leadership of A.A. Kubanova defended 5 doctoral and 5 candidate dissertations. Author of more than 200 scientific publications, 17 teaching aids, author and co-author of 21 patents, 7 clinical recommendations.
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the All-Russian public organization « Russian society dermatovenereologists and cosmetologists".
Member of the Board of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.
Member of the editorial board of the scientific and practical journal "Bulletin of Dermatology and Venereology".
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

KOSHELEVA Irina Vladimirovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences
assistant professorProfessor
Teaching disciplines: skin and venereal diseases, cosmetology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, November 21, 2013, First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Physiotherapy Specialist Certificate, April 30, 2014, GBOU DPO RMAPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Cosmetology specialist certificate, 04/09/2016, GBOU DPO RMAPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Certificate of Specialist Organization of Health Care and Public Health, 05/06/2016, RUDN Medical Institute.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Pathophysiological foundations of ozone therapy (72 academic hours), 2013, GBOU DPO RMAPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Physiotherapy (144 academic hours), 2014, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Professional Education RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
GCP - high-quality clinical practice (72 academic hours), 2015, First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Total work experience since 09/01/1992.
Work experience:
in the specialty since 09/01/1992.
pedagogical since 10.02.2002

In 1990 she graduated from the medical faculty of the First Moscow Medical Institute. THEM. Sechenov.
In 2001 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 2013 - a doctoral dissertation.
Author of more than 130 scientific publications, including 5 educational publications, co-author of 1 monograph, has 4 invention patents. Laureate of the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.
Priority areas in the field of scientific interests: non-drug and physiotherapeutic methods for the treatment of dermatosis and correction cosmetic defects; tropical dermatovenereology.

GALLYAMOVA Yulia Albertovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences
assistant professor
Teaching disciplines: dermatovenereology, cosmetology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Certificate of Specialist Dermatovenereologist, 28.09.2013, GBOU VPO MGMSU named after A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Certificate of Specialist Cosmetologist, July 13, 2013, FGBU "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

General issues of clinical pharmacology for a clinician (72 academic hours), 2014, GBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of Russia;

Cosmetology, 2013, FGBU "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Endocrinology (144 academic hours), 2016, FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
EADV Specialist Course - Dermoscopy. 05.10.2017-07.10.2017.

Total work experience: from 06/01/1996.

Work experience:
in the specialty of dermatovenereology since 06/01/1996.
in the specialty cosmetology since 15.03.2013.
pedagogical since 06.02.1998

In 1992 she graduated from the medical faculty of the Kazan State Medical Institute.
In 1998 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 2005 - a doctoral thesis.
Author of more than 180 scientific publications, including author and co-author of 2 monographs, 24
educational and methodical works, has one patent for an invention.
Priority areas in the field of scientific interests: dermatovenereology, trichology, cosmetology.

PROSHUTINSKAYA Diana Vladislavovna
Doctor of Medical Sciences
assistant professor

Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, 06/03/2015, Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.E. Evdokimov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections. (144 academic hours), 2015, Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after A.E. Evdokimov" of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Dermatovenereology (144 academic hours), 2016, FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Work experience:

pedagogical from 06.11.2012

In 1998 she graduated from the medical faculty of the Dagestan State Medical Academy.
In 2004 she defended her Ph.D. thesis, in 2009 - a doctoral thesis.
Author of more than 40 scientific papers.
Priority areas in the field of scientific interests: the study of pathogenesis and development effective methods therapy for vitiligo in children.

SYSOEVA Tatyana Alexandrovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor
assistant professor
Teaching disciplines: dermatovenereology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, April 30, 2016, GBOU VPO MGMSU named after Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Distance learning in the system of continuous medical education(72 academic hours), 2015, GBOU DPO RMAPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
GCP - Quality Clinical Practice (72 academic hours), 2015, GBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Total work experience: from 01.09.2000

Work experience:
in the specialty since 09/01/2000.
pedagogical since 01.09.2000

In 1998 she graduated from the medical faculty of the Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov.
In 2004 defended her PhD thesis.
Author of more than 40 scientific papers.
Priority areas in the field of scientific interests: skin neoplasms, dermatopathy in endocrine diseases.

Tarasenko Grigory Nikolaevich
Candidate of Medical Sciences
assistant professor
assistant professor
Teaching disciplines: dermatovenereology, mycology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Certificate of Specialist Clinical Mycology, 25.04.2015 GBOU DPO RMAPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Certificate of Specialist Organization of Health and Public Health, May 24, 2015, Medical Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education FGBOU VPO "MGUPP";
Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, 05/10/2014, NECHU DPO "Medical Dental Institute".

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Organization of health care and public health (504 academic hours), 2015, Medical Institute for Advanced Training of Doctors of FGBOU VPO “MGUPP”;
Clinical mycology of allergology (144 academic hours), 2015, FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Dermatovenereology (144 academic hours), 2014, NECHU DPO "Medical Dental Institute";

Dermatovenereology (144 academic hours), 2015, FSBEI HPE "Military medical Academy named after S.M. Kirov” of the Ministry of Defense of Russia;

Topical issues clinical allergology (144 academic hours), 2015, FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Total work experience: from 06/21/1979.

Work experience:

in the specialty since 05.11.1984.
pedagogical since 22.01.2001
In 1979 he graduated from the Military Medical Faculty at the Kuibyshev medical institute them. D. I. Ulyanova, specializing in military doctor.
In 1988 he graduated from the Military Medical Academy. S. M. Kirov, majoring in dermatovenereology.
In 1998 he defended his PhD thesis.
Member of the editorial board of the scientific and practical journal " Russian magazine skin and venereal diseases.
Priority areas in the field of scientific interests: treatment and prevention, pyoderma, dermatophytosis, Information Technology in dermatovenereology.

PLAKHOVA Xenia Ilyinichna
Doctor of Medical Sciences

assistant professor
Teaching disciplines: dermatovenereology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, February 7, 2014, Federal State Budgetary Institution "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Dermatovenereology (144 academic hours), 2014, FGBU "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Dermatooncology (72 academic hours), 2014, First Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Topical issues of dermatovenereology. Leprosy. (72 academic hours), 2016, FGBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Total work experience: from 01.09.2002

Work experience:

in the specialty since 01.10.2005.
pedagogical from 01.09.2017

MERTSALOVA Inna Borisovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences

Teaching disciplines: dermatovenereology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, 03.12.2016, Russian Medical Academy of Continuing Education vocational education Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Distance learning in the system of continuous medical education (72 academic hours), 2015, GBOU DPO RMAPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
General issues of clinical pharmacology for a clinician (72 academic hours), 2014, State Budgetary Educational Institution of Professional Education of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Dermatovenereology (144 academic hours), 2016, FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

Total work experience: from 01.07.1986

Work experience:

in the specialty since 06.02.2007.
pedagogical since 06.02.2007

BISHAROVA Anastasia Sergeevna
Candidate of Medical Sciences

Teaching disciplines: dermatovenereology, cosmetology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Certificate of Specialist Dermatovenereologist, 04/27/2013, GBOU VPO MGMSU named after A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Certificate of Specialist Cosmetologist, 04/09/2016, GBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of Russia.

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Modern methods of diagnosing skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections (144 academic hours), 2013, GBOU VPO MGMSU im. A.I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Clinical pharmacology. Qualitative Clinical Practice for Researchers (GCP - GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE) (72 academic hours), 2016, GBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Cosmetology. (144 academic hours), 2016, FGBOU DPO RMAPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
Workshop Skin cancer school. September 17, 2017, Association of Dermatooncology, Dermatoscopy and Skin Optical Diagnostic;
GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICES. October 30, 2017, NIDA Clinical Trials Network.

Work experience:

in the specialty dermatovenereology since 06/01/2006.
in the specialty cosmetology since 15.03.2011.
pedagogical since 06.02.2007

MURAKHOVSKAYA Ekaterina Konstantinovna
Candidate of Medical Sciences

Teaching disciplines: dermatovenereology, cosmetology.
Name of the direction of training and (or) specialty:

Cosmetology Specialist Certificate, November 13, 2017, FGBOU DPO RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Specialist certificate Dermatovenereology, November 11, 2015

Data on advanced training and (or) professional training (if any):

Distance learning in the system of continuous medical education (72 academic hours), 2016, FGBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Organization of the educational process in the system of continuous medical education (72 academic hours), 2017, FGBOU DPO RMANPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Clinical pharmacology. Qualitative Clinical Practice for Researchers (GCP - GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE) (72 academic hours), 2016, GBOU DPO RMAPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Dermatovenereology (144 academic hours), 2015, State Budgetary Educational Establishment RMAPE, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;
Cosmetology (144 academic hours), 2017, FGBOU DPO RMANPE of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

Total work experience: from 06/01/2006.

Work experience:

in the specialty dermatovenereology since 06/08/2001.
specializing in cosmetology since 09/01/2011.
pedagogical since 01.09.2011

On December 1, 1930, the Central Institute for the Improvement of Doctors was opened. During the first year of activity, 25 departments were opened at the institute, including the department of skin and venereal diseases. The first head of the department was Nikita Savelyevich Efron.

N.S. Efron was born on May 1, 1887. In 1911 He graduated from the Military Medical Academy with the title of doctor with honors. After graduating from the academy, he was for some time an intern at the dermatovenerological clinic (Prof. Academician T.N. Pavlova), then for 2 years he was in charge of the dermatovenerological department of the Fortress Military Hospital in Vladivostok. After the service, he was elected by the Council of Saratov University to the post of senior assistant at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases (Prof. V. M. Terebinsky). In August 1914 he was drafted into the army and sent to the Caucasian front, where he stayed until July 1917. At the front, he held the following positions: senior doctor of the regiment, brigade doctor, consultant venereologist of the Erzurum hospital. In 1919 was the organizer and the first head of the venereal section of the Saratov Gubzdrav. In 1921 In 2010, he was elected and approved as the head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Astrakhan University. Since 1927 - Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Venereological and Dermatological Society. Since 1928 member of the Scientist Medical Council NKZ. Since 1931 - Head of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of the Central Institute for Postgraduate Medical Education.

Since 1934 the head of the department was the director of the State Venereological Institute, Professor V. M. Bronner. From 1937 to 1952 the department was headed by Professor M. A. Rozentul, at the same time the head of the department of syphilidology of the GVI. From 1941 to 1943, most of the staff of the department were on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and the department resumed its work in 1944. Since 1953. to 1970 the head of the department was Professor A. I. Kartamyshev, 1970-1990. - Professor A.A. Antoniev, 1991-1995 - Professor K. N. Suvorova, 1996-2010. - Professor E.A. Batkaev, 2010-2012 - Professor E.V. Lipov. From May 2012 to the present, the head of the department is Aleksey Alekseevich Kubanov.

From its inception to 1951 the department carried out mainly 4-5 monthly cycles of improvement and specialization in dermatovenereology. In the last years of the war and the first post-war years, the cadets were mainly military doctors, the need for advanced training of which was constantly growing. Since 1951 the transition to an active teaching system was carried out, which made it possible to reduce the duration of improvement cycles to 2 months, simultaneously with an increase in the number of students. For the first time in the USSR, the department held: in 1958. - a cycle of improvement in cosmetology, in 1960. - a cycle on the immobilization of pale treponema for serologists, in 1964. - a specialized cycle for the chief physicians of dermatovenerological dispensaries in Moscow, in 1956. – a specialized cycle for chief physicians of dermatovenerological dispensaries in the Moscow region.

Since 1965 The department annually conducts field improvement cycles. Since 1995 for the first time, short weekly cycles on sexually transmitted infections began to be conducted for doctors of all specialties, since 1996. - cycles for nurses of dermatovenerological dispensaries.

Over the years, the staff of the department were: V.M. Bronner, M.A. Rosentul, R.S. Braude, Ya.N. Pevzner, B.M. Pashkov, K.R. Astvatsaturov, M.D. Derbandiker, N.S. Lyakhovitsky, I.M. Porudominsky, N.F. Pavlov, V.G. Volkov, E.P. Kuchinskaya, D.I. Lass, E.N. Turanova, A.M. Kholetskaya, L.I. Zakharova, Ya.V. Pankova, A.A. Skuratovich, A.V. Sidorov, M.V. Milic, A.I. Kartamyshev, G.B. Belenky.

The scientific directions developed and developed by the department had and are of current importance. Penicillin therapy and nonspecific therapy syphilis, bone and joint damage in syphilis, neurosyphilis. In 1959-1960. the department for the first time in the USSR mastered and delivered the reaction of pale treponema immobilization, introduced schemes of endolymphatic therapy for syphilis complicated by chlamydia, as well as new methods of treating tymoniasis, genital herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases. The department developed new methods for the diagnosis and treatment of atopic dermatitis, hereditary dermatosis, psoriasis, eczema, scleroderma, pyoderma, cystic dermatosis, dermatozoonosis, hair diseases, dyschromic dermatosis, vasculitis. Much attention is paid to the formation of a healthy lifestyle, medical genetic counseling, medical and labor expertise in skin and venereal diseases, the introduction of new methods of therapy into dermatovenereological practice.

Academic work

  • Residency in the specialty "Dermatovenereology" (2 years).
  • PhD in Skin and Venereal Diseases
  • Primary retraining in the specialty "Dermatovenereology" (576 hours).
  • Primary retraining in the specialty "Cosmetology" (576 hours).
  • Advanced training "Dermatovenereology" (with a certification exam) (144 hours).
  • Advanced training "Cosmetology" (with a certification exam) (144 hours).
  • Advanced training "Dermatoscopy" (24 hours).
  • Advanced training "Destructive methods of treatment in dermatovenereology and cosmetology" (36 hours)
  • Advanced training “Actual issues of dermatovenereology. Leprosy" (72 hours).
  • Advanced training "Trichology" (72 hours).
  • Advanced training "Contour plastic" (36 hours).
  • Development of methods for early diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the reproductive system for the purpose of medical and social adaptation of the patient (Responsible executor - Kubanov A. A.).
  • Improving methods for diagnosing and treating chronic dermatoses and hair diseases (Responsible executor - Galliamova Yu.A., Kosheleva I.V.).
  • Correction of involutional changes in the skin of the face (Responsible executor - Galliamova Yu.A.).

Scientific and Pedagogical School

The department has the largest postgraduate teaching experience in Russia in the specialty "Dermatovenereology". Dermatovenereology cycles focus on the following topics:

  • Modern ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis of skin diseases
  • Methods of modern diagnostics of skin diseases
  • The latest methods of treatment of skin diseases
  • High-tech methods for the treatment of skin diseases
  • Therapy and administration of patients with comorbid diseases
  • Features of the current course of sexually transmitted infections
  • Antibiotic resistance and treatment of sexually transmitted infections
  • Interaction of drugs, rational combination of drugs.

The members of the staff of the department are specialists highly qualified in the field of dermatovenereology, members of the editorial board of leading journals, members of dissertation councils, Russian and international medical communities. The department has 1 corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 doctors and 5 candidates of medical sciences, the team maintains the traditions of teaching and at the same time maintains a modern level of presentation of the material, focusing on its practical use in real clinical practice.

for lectures, seminars, practical exercises the department has multimedia projectors, laptops, printers, the ability to access the Internet to demonstrate domestic and foreign videos, use the electronic library of the Academy, electronic databases of publications (PubMed, E-library) and other Internet resources in the specialty of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology.

For practicing practical skills in the specialty Cosmetology, there are simulation computer programs, dummies.

Assessment of learning outcomes is provided by the combined use of traditional and innovative methods and tools, including computer testing, standard and individual tasks, intermediate testing, and exams.


  1. Adaskevich V.P. Skin and venereal diseases - Ed.: Medical Literature, 2013. - 672p.
  2. Adaskevich V.P. Skin itching. Monograph - M .: Panfilov Publishing House, 2014. - 272 p.
  3. Akimov V.G. Photodependent dermatoses. Monograph - Ed.: MIA, M., 2010. - 176p.
  4. Allergology and Immunology. National leadership / Ed. Khaitova R. M., Ilyina N. I. - Ed.: GEOTAR-Media - M., 2014. - 656 p.
  5. Albanova V. I., Zabnenkova O. V. Acne. Tutorial– M.: GEOTR-Media, 2014. – 184p.
  6. Albanova V.I., Pampura A.N. Atopic dermatitis - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 128s.
  7. Atlas of models of skin diseases / Ed. S.R. Utia, A.L. Bakuleva - M .: Benefit, 2013. - 113 p.
  8. Akhtyamov S.N. Practical dermatocosmetology. Acne, scars, post-acne and acneiform dermatoses. Guide - Ed.: Medicine, 2010. - 280s.
  9. Bazhenov D.V., Kalinichenko V.M. Anatomy of the head and neck. Introduction to clinical anatomy - Ed.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 464 p.
  10. Bark K, Burgorf W, Hede N. Diseases of the oral mucosa and lips. Guide - Ed .: Medical Literature, 2011. - 438s.
  11. Bowling J. Diagnostic dermatoscopy. Management. / Per. from English. ed. A.A. Kubanova - Publisher: Panfilov Publishing House, M., 2015. - 160p.
  12. Baran R., Haneke E. Differential diagnosis of nail lesions Translated from English. I.V. Harmandaryan / Ed. V.Yu. Vasenova - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. - 200p.
  13. Viktorova I.A., Grishechkina I.A. Examination of temporary disability and medical and social examination in outpatient practice. Textbook - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2015. - 144 p.
  14. Glazunov O.V., Chekushin R.Kh. Treatment of dermatoses and sexually transmitted infections - Ed.: Medicine, 2011. - 192p.
  15. Graham-Brown R., Bourke J., Cunliff T. Practical dermatology. Guide - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2011. - 360s.
  16. Dermatovenereology. National leadership / Ed. Yu.K. Skripkina, Yu.S. Butova, Ivanova O.L. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014 - 1024 p.
  17. Dermatology in clinical practice / Ed. E. Finlay, M. Chaudhary - Ed .: Practical Medicine - M .: 2011. - 208s.
  18. Fitzpatrick's dermatology in clinical practice: in 3 volumes // Klaus Wolf, Lowell A. Goldsmith, Steven I. Katz et al.; per. From English; total ed. acad. A.A. Kubanova. - M .: Panfilov Publishing House: Binom. Knowledge Laboratory, 2012. - V.1. - 868s.
  19. Diagnosis and treatment of mycoses / Ed. D. R. Hospentala, M. J. Rinaldi; per. from English. ed. Yu. V. Sergeeva - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2013. - 448 p.
  20. European Guidelines for the Treatment of Dermatological Diseases / Ed. HELL. Katsambasa, T.M. Lottie; Per. from English. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2014. - 736 p.
  21. Karaulov A.V., Bykov S.A., Bykov A.S. Immunology, microbiology, immunopathology of the skin - Ed .: Binom - M., 2012 - 328s.
  22. KaufmanK.K., MandellaJ.L. Atlas of fungal diseases. Translation from English. / Ed. Yu.V. Sergeeva - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 240s.
  23. Kolkhir P.V. Urticaria and angioedema - Ed .: Practical medicine - M .: 2012 - 363s.
  24. Korzhevsky D.E., Kirik O.V., Sukhorukova E.G. et al. Molecular morphology. Methods of Fluorescent and Confocal Laser Microscopy / Ed. D.E. Korzhevsky - St. Petersburg: SpecLit, 2014 - 111p.
  25. Kornisheva V. G., Ezhkov G. A. Pathology of hair and skin of the scalp - Ed.: Folio, 2012. - 198p.
  26. Koshevenko Yu.N. Human skin. In 2 volumes. Volume 1. Structure, physiology and purpose of the functional elements of the human skin organ - Ed.: Medicine, 2006 - 360s.
  27. Koshevenko Yu.N. Human skin. In 2 volumes. Volume 2. Variants of pathogenic effects on the structure and functions of the skin, causes, pathophysiological foundations and principles of treatment - Ed.: Medicine, 2008. - 754p.
  28. Cohen B.A. Pediatric dermatology / Per. from English; Ed. N.M. Sharova - Ed.: MEDpress-inform. - M., 2015. - 424 p.
  29. Crouchuk D.P., Mancini A.J. Children's dermatology. Handbook - Ed .: Practical Medicine - M .: 2010. - 608s.
  30. Kubanov A.A., Abramova T.V. Pemphigus: textbook. allowance / A.A. Kubanov, T.V. Abramova; GBOU DPO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education". – M.: GBOU DPO RMAPO, 2015. – 54 p.
  31. Kubanov A.A., Abramova T.V., Znamenskaya L.F., Smolyannikova V.A., Differential diagnosis of bullous dermatoses: textbook. allowance / A.A. Kubanov, T.V. Abramova, L.F. Znamenskaya, V.A. Smolyannikov; GBOU DPO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education". – M.: GBOU DPO RMAPO, 2015. – 56 p.
  32. Kubanov A.A., Proshutinskaya D.V., Abramova T.V. Vitiligo: Textbook / A.A. Kubanov, D.V. Proshutinskaya, T.V. Abramova; GBOU DPO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education" - M.: GBOU DPO RMAPO, 2014. - 35 p.
  33. Kubanov A.A., Proshutinskaya D.V., Sysoeva T.A. Acne: Textbook / Kubanov A.A., Proshutinskaya D.V., Sysoeva T.A. GBOU DPO "Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education" - M.: GBOU DPO RMAPO, 2015. - 35 p.
  34. Kubanova A.A., Akimov V.G. Differential diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases - Ed .: MIA, M., 2009. - 304 p.
  35. Kubanova A.A., Vavilov A.M., Volnukhin V.A. Rational pharmacotherapy of skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections - M.: Littera, 2007. - 512p.
  36. Kulaga V.V., Lemeshko V.A. Skin and venereal diseases: a practicing doctor - Ed.: Book plus, 2013. - 510p.
  37. Kulaga V.V., Romanenko I.M., Afonin S.L., Kulaga S.M. Fungal diseases and their complications. Guide - Ed .: MIA, M., 2010 - 688s.
  38. Kusov V.V., Flaks G.A. Handbook of a dermatologist - Ed .: Practical Medicine - M .: 2010 - 368s.
  39. Lamotkin I.A. Melanocytic and melanin skin lesions. Atlas-M.: Binom, 2014 - 248p.
  40. Lezvinskaya E.M., Vavilov A.M. Lymphoproliferative tumors of the skin. Guide - M .: Practical medicine, 2010 - 366s.
  41. Lezvinskaya E.M., Piven A.L. Skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections - Ed .: Practical Medicine - M .: 2007. - 208s.
  42. Mann M.V. etc. Handbook of a dermatologist. Guide / Per. from English. ed. V.P. Adaskevich– M.: Panfilov Publishing House, 2013 – 352p.
  43. Medical Mycology / Ed. Sboychakova V.B. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. - 208s.
  44. Melanoma / Ed. Sharfman U. - M .: Garnet, 2015. - 240p.
  45. Melanocytic nevi and melanoma of the skin. Guide / Ed. V.A. Molochkova, L.V. Demidov. – M.: Litterra, 2012. – 112p.
  46. Molochkov A. V. Lymphoma of the skin. Monograph - M .: Binom, 2012. - 184 p.
  47. Molochkov V.A. Epithelial tumors skin - M .: Binom, 2012. - 224 p.
  48. Molochkov V.A., Molochkov A.V. Clinical dermato-oncology. - M.: MDV (Medicine for all), 2011. - 340s.
  49. Morgan M.B., Smoller B.R., Somach S.K. Atlas of deadly skin diseases. Translation from English. / Ed. A.V. Molochkova - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 304 p.
  50. Mordovtsev V.N., Mordovtseva V.V. Hereditary diseases and malformations of the skin - Ed .: Nauka, 2004. - 296s.
  51. Myadelets O.D., Adaskevich V.P. Morphofunctional dermatology. Guide - M .: Medical literature, 2006. - 752s.
  52. hereditary diseases. National leadership / Ed. N.P. Bochkova, E.K. Ginter, V.P. Puzyreva - Ed.: GEOTAR-Media - M., 2013 - 936s.
  53. Pathological anatomy. National leadership / Ed. M.A. Paltseva, L.V. Kaktursky, O.V. Zayratyants - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014 - 1264 p.
  54. Pathology of the cervix and genital infections / Ed. V.N. Prilepskaya - M .: MEDpress-inform, 2008. - 384 p.
  55. Roken M., Grovers G., Burgdorf V. Visual allergology / Per. from English. - Ed.: Binom, Knowledge Laboratory - M., 2014. - 238p.
  56. Roken M., Schaller M., Sattler E. et al. Atlas of Dermatology / Translated from German. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2014. - 408 p.
  57. Rogovskaya S.I. Papillomavirus infection in women and pathology of the cervix - M .: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. - 192p.
  58. Rodionov A.N. Skin and venereal diseases in 2 volumes - Ed.: Science and technology, 2013. - 1600s.
  59. Samtsov A.V., Belousova I.E. Bullous dermatoses: Monograph. - St. Petersburg: LLC Publishing and Printing Company Kosta, 2012. - 144p.
  60. San E.E. Dermatology. 100 cases from practice - Ed .: Binom, M., 2006 - 304 p.
  61. Sapin M.R., Nikityuk D.B., Shvetsov E.V. Atlas of normal human anatomy. Textbook - Ed.: MEDpress-inform, 2015. - 632p.
  62. Seilaske S. J. Dermatosurgery. Management. Translation from English. / Ed. V.A. Vissarionov - Ed .: Practical Medicine - M., 2009. - 183 p.
  63. Sergeev A.Yu., Sergeev Yu.V. Fungal infections. Guide - Ed.: Binom, M., 2008. - 480s.
  64. Skvortsov V.V., Tumarenko A.V. Clinical Allergology. Short course– Ed.: SpecLit, 2015. – 111p.
  65. Smulevich A.B., Lvov A.N., Ivanov O.L. Patomimy. Monograph - Ed.: MIA, M., 2012. - 160s.
  66. Sawyer G.P., Argentiano D., Hoffman-Wellenhof R., Zalaudek A. Dermatoscopy / Per. from English. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2014. – 240p.
  67. Sokolova T.V., Gladko V.V., Safonova L.A. Practical skills in dermatovenereology. Handbook for doctors / Ed. Sokolova T.V. - Ed.: MIA, M., 2012 - 136s.
  68. Taganovich A.D., Oletsky E.I., Kotovich I.L. pathological biochemistry. Monograph - M.: Binom, 2013 - 448s.
  69. White G. Atlas of Dermatology / Per. from English. N.G. Kochergin; Ed. O.L. Ivanova, N.G. Kochergina - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 384 p.
  70. Khalfin R.A., Ohryzko E.V., Kakorina E.P., Madyanova V.V. Medical documentation: accounting and reporting forms - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 64p.
  71. Heger P.G. Pediatric dermatology - Ed.: Binom, Knowledge Laboratory, M., 2013. - 648s.
  72. Khmelnitsky O.K. Pathomorphology of human mycoses. Guide - Ed.: SPbMAPO, 2005 - 431p.
  73. Khmelnitsky O.K., Khmelnitsky N.M. Pathomorphology of human mycoses. Guide - SPb.: SPbMAPO, 2005. - 431p.
  74. Khabif T.P. Clinical dermatology. Acne-like and papulosquamous dermatoses / Per. from English. V.P. Adaskevich - M .: MEDpress-inform, 2014. - 224 p.
  75. Khabif T.P. Clinical dermatology. Allergic dermatoses / Lane. from English - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2014. - 232p.
  76. Habif T.P., Campbell J.L., Chapman M.Sh., Dinulos J.G.H., Zug C.A. Dermatology. Handbook of differential diagnosis / Per. from English. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2014. - 350 p.
  77. Tsepov L.M., Tsepova E.L., Tsepov A.L. 555 diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue and lips - M .: MEDpress-inform, 2012. - 224 p.
  78. Chervonnaya L.V. Pigmented skin tumors - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 224p.
  79. Shipova V.M. Collection of normative legal acts regulating labor Relations in the field of healthcare / Ed. RU. Khabrieva - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2015. - 464 p.
  1. Avram M. R. et al. Atlas of cosmetic dermatology - M .: Binom, 2013. - 294 p.
  2. ABC of botulinum therapy / Ed. S.L. Timerbaeva - M .: Practical medicine, 2014. - 416 p.
  3. Akhtyamov S.N., Butov Yu.S. Practical dermatocosmetology. Textbook - Ed.: Medicine, 2008. - 400s.
  4. Barrett-Hill F. Skin diagnostics in the practice of a cosmetologist and dermatologist - Moscow: Cosmetics and medicine, 2015. - 252p.
  5. Baumann L. Cosmetic dermatology. Guide - M .: MEDpress-inform, 201.3 - 688s.
  6. Bakhovets N.V. Aesthetics of the face: methods of hardware cosmetology. Professional secrets– Ed. Krylov, 2013 - 188s.
  7. Blepharoplasty. Management. Aesthetic medicine / Ed. Ronalda M., Fincher E. - Ed.: Practical Medicine, 2009 .- 156p.
  8. Bogatov V.V. Modern ways correction of soft tissues of the face and neck - M .: MIA, 2010. - 128 p.
  9. Hyperpigmentation of the skin and cosmetic whitening / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2012. - 184p.
  10. Goldman MP Photodynamic therapy. Management. Aesthetic medicine - M .: Reed Elsiver, 2010. - 196 p.
  11. Deev A.I., Sharova A.A., Bragina I.Yu. New cosmetology. Hardware cosmetology and physiotherapy / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2014. - 552 p.
  12. Dribnokhod Yu.Yu. Cosmetology - Ed .: Phoenix, 2014. - 784 p.
  13. injection methods in cosmetology / Ed. B. Asher; Per. from English. - M.: MEDpress-inform, 2014. - 584 p.
  14. Kets B.I., Seydik N.S. Body contouring. Management. Aesthetic medicine - M .: Reed Elsiver, 2011. - 244 p.
  15. Kirzhner B. Modern methods of aesthetic cosmetology - St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2011. - 208p.
  16. Skin as an object of cosmetological influence / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2013. - 208p.
  17. Kontis T.K., Lacombe V.G. Technique of cosmetic injections / Per. from English. – M.: MEDpress-inform, 2015. – 192p.
  18. Kornisheva V. G., Ezhkov G. A. Pathology of hair and skin of the scalp - Ed .: Folio, 2012 - 198s.
  19. Laskavi R., Vogt T. Botulinum toxin type A. Manual - M .: MEDpress-inform, 2012. - 104p.
  20. Treatment of complications of cosmetic procedures. Solving typical and rare problems / Ed. A. Tosti, K. Beer, M.P. de Padova; Per. from English; Ed. prof. Ya.A. Yutskovskaya - M .: MEDpress-inform, 2014. - 144 p.
  21. New cosmetology. Injection methods in cosmetology / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2014. - 480s.
  22. Knowle B. Mesotherapy in aesthetic medicine: active ingredients, dosages, injection techniques. Atlas / Ed. G. Sattler; per. from English. ed. N. P. Mikhailova - M .: Practical Medicine, 2014. - 136 p.
  23. Odderson I. Botulinum therapy - M .: Practice, 2011. - 176 p.
  24. Facial rejuvenation. Guide / Ed. D. J. Goldberg. – Ed.: Practical Medicine, 2011. – 194p.
  25. Fundamentals of cosmetic chemistry. Basic provisions and modern ingredients / Ed. T.V. Puchkova - M .: School of cosmetic chemists, 2011. - 404 p.
  26. Papiy N. A., Papiy T. N. Medical cosmetology - M .: MIA, 2013. - 600 p.
  27. Puchkova T.V. Encyclopedia of ingredients for cosmetics and perfumery - M .: School of cosmetic chemists, 2015. - 408s.
  28. Puchkova T.V., Koralnik S.I. English-Russian dictionary on perfumery and cosmetics (with an index of Russian terms) / Ed.: S.V. Baranova, T.V. Puchkova - Ed .: Russo, 1996. - 336 p.
  29. Radlansky R.J., Wesker K.H. Face. Atlas of Clinical Anatomy / Translation from English, ed. Professor Khrustaleva I.E. - M .: Quintessence, 2014. - 384 p.
  30. Skin remodeling and wound healing / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2013. - 232p.
  31. Rodionov A.N. Dermatocosmetology. Guide - St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2012. - 944 p.
  32. Rodionov A.N., Smirnova I.O., Kornisheva V.G. Dermatology for cosmetologists / Ed. A.N. Rodionova - M .: Science and Technology, 2014. - 768 p.
  33. Sorokina V.K. Cosmetology. Manual for doctors / Ed. L.N. Sorokina - Ed.: Folio, 2014. - 408s.
  34. Skin aging / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2012. - 208p.
  35. Dry skin / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2012. - 152p.
  36. Chemical peeling / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2013. - 272p.
  37. Cellulite and body shaping / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2013. - 208p.
  38. Chikunov Yu.V. Aesthetic manual modeling of the face and body - Ed. TRIADA-X, 2012 - 136s.
  39. Sensitive skin / Ed. E.I. Hernandez - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2012. - 224 p.
  40. Sherris D.A., Larrabee W.F. Reconstructive facial plastic surgery. Guide - M .: MEDpress-inform, 2012 - 320s.
  41. Hernandez E.I., Margolina A.A. New cosmetology. Fundamentals of modern cosmetology - M .: Cosmetics and medicine, 2014. - 624 p.
  1. FSBI "State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
  2. FGAU "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
  3. Federal State Budgetary Institution "3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky" of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

FSBI "State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Director - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Anna Alekseevna Kubanova) is one of the oldest institutions in Russia in the field of dermatovenereology. Federal State Budgetary Institution "GNTSDK" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is a modern scientific and medical diagnostic complex that provides all types of medical care in the field of dermatovenereology. In accordance with the Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Scientific Center for Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the main tasks of the Center are: to study the etiology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections; development of new methods of laboratory diagnostics, treatment and prevention of STIs and various dermatoses, organization of control over STIs, fungal and other contagious skin diseases. The subject of the Center's activities are: conducting scientific research and implementing the obtained scientific developments; providing highly qualified medical and diagnostic assistance to the population and health authorities of the Russian Federation; examination of regulatory and technical documentation and quality control of medical and immunobiological preparations, medicines and cosmetics; organization and holding of scientific and practical conferences, symposiums and congresses, other scientific and practical events; development and submission to the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, other executive and legislative authorities of draft regulatory and scientific and methodological materials aimed at solving the main tasks of the industry and institution.

FGAU "National Medical Research Center for Children's Health" Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Director - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Baranov) is a federal medical institution where children and teenagers are at a high professional level in the conditions of a round-the-clock stay, a day hospital and a consultative and diagnostic center, all types of medical care are provided, including specialized and high-tech.

FSBI "3rd Central Military Clinical Hospital named after A.A. Vishnevsky" Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Head - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Major General of the Medical Service, Doctor of Medical Sciences Esipov Alexander Vladimirovich) is a multidisciplinary medical institution, one of the high-tech medical centers of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, designed to provide highly specialized and outpatient polyclinic medical care, as well as rehabilitation for military personnel, members of their families and other categories of military power structures who are entitled to medical care in military medical institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Department, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Kubanov A.A.

Professor, MD Galliamova Yu.A

Professor of the department, d.m.s. Kosheleva I.V.
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Sysoeva T.A.
Associate Professor of the Department, Ph.D. Tarasenko G.N.
Associate Professor of the Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences Plakhova K.I.
Professor of the department, d.m.s. Proshutinskaya D.V. Assistant of the department, candidate of medical sciences Mertsalova I.B.
Assistant of the department, candidate of medical sciences Murahovskaya E.K. Cadets

professional development cycles,

organized on an extrabudgetary basis

Professional retraining "Cosmetology"(576 hours) is conducted for doctors who have completed internship or residency training in the specialty Dermatovenereology.

The purpose of training students under the program of professional retraining of doctors in the specialty "Cosmetology" is to develop the ability and readiness of cosmetologists to provide primary health care using modern technologies diagnostics and treatment according to the profile "Cosmetology". The learning process provides for the study of theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical skills that ensure the formation of professional competencies of a cosmetologist for independent professional activity. The training program includes all the necessary sections:

  • physiology of aging;
  • skin care, including hardware methods of care and massage;
  • peelings;
  • mesotherapy and biorevitalization;
  • botulinum therapy;
  • contour plastic and trade lifting;
  • biotissue technologies in cosmetology practice;
  • physiotherapeutic methods of rejuvenation;
  • emergency aid licensing of works and services.

In the learning process, modern methods and high-tech equipment are used, in-depth study of theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical skills and abilities are provided.

All RMANPO graduates are in demand in their profession, an extensive program of master classes provides an opportunity for independent use of drugs and gaining practical skills.

Professional retraining "Dermatovenereology"(576 hours) is carried out for doctors who have completed internship or residency training in the specialty Dermatovenereology and who have a break in their work experience as a dermatovenereologist for more than 5 years.

The learning process provides for the study of theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical skills that ensure the formation of professional competencies of a dermatovenereologist for independent professional activity.

Training is carried out by highly qualified experienced specialists.

At the end of the course, students of the cycle receive a diploma of professional retraining of the established sample and a certificate of a state-recognized specialist.

Cycle of advanced training "Cosmetology"(144 hours) is intended for cosmetologists. The training process provides an in-depth study of theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical skills that ensure the improvement of the professional competencies of doctors for independent professional activity within the framework of the existing qualifications.

The uniqueness of the program is due to the extensive program of master classes, which provides an opportunity for the independent use of drugs and the acquisition of practical skills.

Advanced training cycle "Dermatovenereology"(144 hours) is intended for dermatovenereologists. The relevance of the cycle is due to the need for practical health care professionals who have competencies in the designated problem and the need to improve the quality of medical care for patients with dermatovenerological profile. The training process provides an in-depth study of theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical skills that ensure the improvement of the professional competencies of doctors for independent professional activity within the framework of the existing qualifications.

Training is carried out by highly qualified experienced specialists.

During the learning process, interactive interaction with students is provided, regular intermediate testing using computers, and the opportunity to acquire practical skills and abilities is provided. To form the professional skills necessary to provide specialized assistance to dermatovenereological patients, the program allocates hours for a training simulation course.

The uniqueness of the program is due to the presence of an internship on the topic "Dermatoscopy" (with a period of mastering the program of 18 hours) and the formation of the ability / readiness to identify, analyze and interpret dermoscopic signs of neoplasms and skin diseases.

Upon completion of training, students of the cycle receive a certificate of professional development of the established sample and a certificate of a state-recognized specialist.

Advanced training course "Dermatoscopy"(24 hours) is intended for dermatovenereologists, cosmetologists, oncologists, surgeons, pediatricians, therapists, general medical practice (family medicine). The relevance of additional professional program on the topic "Dermatoscopy" is due to the need for practical healthcare in the training of dermatovenereologists in accordance with the requirements of the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated November 15, 2012. No. 924n “On approval of the procedure for providing medical care to the population in the profile “dermatovenereology”; cosmetologists in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and social development of April 18, 2012 N 381n "On Approval of the Procedure for Providing Medical Care to the Population in the Cosmetology Profile" and for Doctors of Other Clinical Specialties in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2006 No. 241 "On approval of the standard of medical care for patients with melanoform nevus”, Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated December 20, 2012 No. 1143n “On approval of the standard of primary health care for malignant neoplasms of the skin (melanoma, cancer) stage I-IV (examination to establish a diagnosis of the disease and preparation for anticancer treatment).

In the course of training, it is possible to acquire practical skills on dermatoscopes of various brands, which will allow the student to develop skills in working with a dermatoscope in accordance with its technical characteristics.

Training is carried out by highly qualified experienced specialists, during the training process interactive interaction with students is provided, the opportunity to acquire practical skills and abilities is provided.

The uniqueness of the program is due to lighting practical issues examination of the skin and its appendages using a dermatoscope, includes data on the histological features of neoplasms and skin diseases, optical properties of the skin, as well as on the tactics of managing patients with neoplasms and skin diseases, the rules for their dynamic observation and photodocumentation, based on clinical picture and dermatoscopic examination of the skin.

At the end of the course, students of the cycle receive certificates of advanced training of the established form.

Advanced training cycle "Destructive methods of treatment in dermatovenereology and cosmetology"(36 hours) is intended for dermatovenereologists, cosmetologists and doctors of related specialties (oncologists, surgeons) to form new competencies that allow: 1. to determine the methodology, indications and contraindications for destruction; 2. apply the technique of surgical and destructive treatment of skin neoplasms; 3. develop and substantiate a plan and tactics for managing a patient with skin neoplasms, taking into account the data of the clinical and dermatoscopic picture, the features of destructive and surgical methods; 4. to develop tactics for managing a patient with skin neoplasms, taking into account the data of the clinical picture, the features of methods of destructive and surgical treatment; 5. carry out preventive measures, conduct sanitary and educational work to prevent the occurrence oncological diseases skin.

The relevance of the professional program "Destructive methods of treatment in dermatovenereology and cosmetology" is due to the need of practical health care for specialists who have competencies in the designated problem. The training process uses modern methods and high-tech equipment, provides an in-depth study of theoretical knowledge and mastery of practical skills that ensure the improvement of the professional competencies of doctors for independent professional activity within the framework of the existing qualifications. Training is carried out by highly qualified experienced specialists, during the training process interactive interaction with students is provided, the opportunity to acquire practical skills and abilities is provided. The uniqueness of the program is due to the coverage of practical issues of the most common methods of destruction of skin neoplasms, as well as surgical principles and approaches to the removal of skin neoplasms.

At the end of the training, students of the cycle receive a certificate of advanced training of the established sample.

Cycle of advanced training “Topical issues of dermatovenereology. Leprosy"(72 hours) is intended for dermatovenereologists, therapists, pediatricians. The relevance of the cycle is due to the need for practical healthcare professionals who have competencies in the designated problem and the need to improve the quality of medical care for patients with dermatovenereological profile, and in particular on issues related to leprosy.

Department of Clinical Mycology and Dermatovenereology FGAOU VO "PFUR" recruits students for training with the issuance of state-recognized advanced training certificates for a cycle of thematic improvement


The program includes chemical destruction, diathermocoagulation, radio wave and laser therapy, cryodestruction, skin biopsy. Dermatovenereologists, as well as doctors of other specialties, are invited.

3. Certificate of study (for persons receiving higher or secondary vocational education)
All copies must be certified by the HR department of the organization with the original seal or notary

Face-to-face workshops will be held on 04/08, 04/15, 04/18 and 04/22/2019

In addition to the copy, original documents or notarized copies (for viewing) are provided.
Registration of contracts is carried out at the address: st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 21, bldg. 3, room 101 from Mon. by Fri. from 8.00 to 17.00

The terms of study are from 04/08/19 to 04/22/19.(discontinuous training, using distance technologies). Limited number of seats. Dermatovenereologists, as well as doctors of other specialties, are invited.

Dear Colleagues!

APRIL 22, 2019
Nurses, paramedics, dermatovenereologists and doctors of other specialties will be trained in the thematic improvement cycle

"Cryotherapy in dermatovenereology and cosmetology" (6 hours, 1 day)

After training, a certificate of training of the established sample of RUDN University is issued.
ATTENTION! The following documents are required with you:
1. A certified copy of the diploma of education.
2. Copies of the passport (first page and registration).
3. Certificate of change of surname, if such a fact is present.
In addition to the copy, original documents or notarized copies (for viewing) are provided.

Learn more about training

Dear Colleagues!

The Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology of FSAEI HE "PFUR" conducts a SPRING recruitment of students for training with the issuance of state certificates for a cycle of professional retraining on the subject

"COSMETOLOGY" (576 hours)

Terms of study 05/15/19 - 10/14/19 Duration of training: 6 months. Form of education: full-time, intermittent with the use of distance technologies.

ATTENTION! The following documents are required with you:
1. Copy of passport
2. A copy of the diploma of higher or secondary vocational education
3. A copy of the certificate of completion of the internship / residency (if necessary)
4. Copy of diploma of professional retraining (if any)
5. A copy of specialist certificates and certificates of advanced training in the chosen specialty (if any)
6. Copy work book(certificate of employment if required)
7. Documents confirming the change of surname, name or patronymic (if any)

In addition to the copy, original documents or notarized copies are provided.
A copy of the work book in the absence of the original must be certified by the employer or notarized.

To enroll, please send an e-mail to: [email protected] with a request to enroll in a training cycle with a contact phone number.

Learn more about the training program

Dear Colleagues!

Department of Clinical Mycology and Dermatovenereology FGAOU VO "PFUR" recruits students for training with the issuance of a certificate of professional development of the established sample for a cycle of thematic improvement


Dermatovenerologists, cosmetologists, as well as doctors of other specialties are invited.
ATTENTION!!! Required list documents for admission to training:
1. Copy of passport (1 page and registration)
2. Copy of graduation diploma educational institution(if the surnames in the diploma and passport do not match - documents confirming the change of surname, name or patronymic)
3. Certificate of study (for persons receiving higher or secondary vocational education).
In addition to the copy, original documents or notarized copies (for viewing) are provided.

Terms of study from 06/03/19 to 06/08/19 Limited number of seats.

Learn more about the training program