Hidden electrical wiring. What explains such a significant difference in the permissible values ​​of current flowing through a cable of the same cross-section for open and closed types of wiring? Closed wiring and open

The option of hidden electrical wiring has become a standard in construction, however, there are situations when installing wires when open wiring is used, for example, electrical wiring in an old house. After all, hidden electrical wiring, for all its design advantages, still has some disadvantages - wall slitting, labor-intensive work, the formation of debris and dust during installation, as well as difficult diagnostics and replacement individual areas wires

All these disadvantages turn into advantages open wiring and are used in certain cases, namely:

  • When installing electrical wiring in an old house.
  • Laying wiring in wooden houses.
  • When replacing old wiring.
  • If you want to have retro-style wiring in your apartment or house.
  • If electrical wiring is installed in the event of a change of homeowners.

In one case or another, the installation technology, parts and devices of open wiring will differ from its hidden counterpart. In short, we can highlight the following basic materials used when laying open electrical wiring:

  • Porcelain insulators in the form of rollers.
  • Plastic staples.
  • Corrugated plastic and metal pipes.
  • Cable trays and europlinths.
  • Twisted copper wire.
  • Surface-mounted switches and sockets.

Now we will briefly describe each case when open wiring is used.

Installation of electrical wiring in an old house

Can you imagine the old brick walls in an old house or apartment that needs to be chipped to install hidden wiring? In this case, you can destroy certain sections of the wall and damage communications water pipes, make a lot of dirt and dust. Moreover, in such houses you will have to apply for permission to carry out work from the relevant authorities. All this can be avoided by installing open wiring, which will fit perfectly into the interior of old premises.

Open wiring in wooden houses

For fire safety purposes, in houses made from, exclusively open wiring is used while maintaining an air gap between the wall and the wire. If it is necessary to install the wire through the wall, metal tubes are used.

This is done so that fire-hazardous dust does not accumulate in the transition areas around the wiring, and also to prevent damage to the wires by rodents. Using this principle, parts for sockets and switches are manufactured with varying degrees of protection from dust and moisture.

Replacing old wiring with open wiring

If old hidden wiring often fails, then replacing it with the same closed one is fraught with high costs, destruction of established communications, destruction of wallpaper and ceramic tiles in the bathtub and kitchen. Only rational decision will replace hidden electrical wiring with open wiring.

Exposed wiring in retro style

Currently, the number of apartment and house owners who prefer retro style in their premises. One element of this style is exposed stranded wire wiring on porcelain insulators.

This kit includes porcelain sockets and switches for each individual light bulb or household electrical appliance. Moreover, the retro style is used in one or two rooms, while the rest of the rooms can be decorated in Scandinavian or.

When property owners change

There are options when there is a change of home owners and in order to have reliable, new electrical wiring they resort to the open method. And indeed, try to figure out where and how the closed-type wiring was previously carried out.

Requirements for hidden electrical wiring, necessary materials and equipment, installation features.

It should be noted that there is simply no clear and unambiguous division of electrical wiring into hidden and open. There are two different opinions: some consider hidden only those electrical wiring whose route is not visible and impossible to trace. At the same time, others believe that it should also be classified as hidden, since the cable is not visible and is mechanically protected.

We will not break copies on this topic. Let's just talk about the electrical wiring, which everyone considers hidden. Based on the method of laying the cable, it can be divided into wiring and wiring mounted under some kind of casing. In one room, these cable laying methods may well be combined.

Well, and, of course, a number of requirements are imposed on hidden electrical wiring, and we will try to dwell on each of them in detail.

Hidden or exposed electrical wiring - which is better?

Hidden cable routing

    the wires are not visible behind a layer of plaster or cement, which not only reliably hides the cable, but also serves as a good dielectric, provided that the plaster is dry.

    if the circuit is damaged, it is extremely difficult to find out exactly where the break or leak occurred;

    it is difficult to get to the wire, because to do this you have to remove ceramic tiles or wallpaper, which means that after repair you need to do repairs, which requires a lot of money.

Open cable routing

    The wiring is easy to access, without having to remove tiles or wallpaper and then make repairs.

    the conductors are visible, which is not entirely aesthetic; exposed wiring is easier to damage than hidden wiring.

Requirements for hidden electrical wiring

The first and most important requirement is requirement fire safety . Because of this requirement, hidden wiring in wooden house under the inner lining must be made in steel or PVC pipes. In brick and concrete houses Electrical cables must either be sealed in a groove or behind sheathing made of sheets of gypsum plasterboard, gypsum plasterboard, SML or plywood.

The next requirement is ensuring the replacement of electrical wiring. The idea here is to be able to replace and add cables without having to remove the wall sheathing and cause any damage. But, unfortunately, this wonderful requirement is often not complied with. After all, it is very rarely possible to punch a groove in the wall sufficient to lay an entire pipe. Therefore, for replacement, all that is often left is a pipe or corrugated pipe behind the sheathing, and pipes for electrical wiring laid under the floors.

Since the wiring is hidden, then one specific requirement is imposed on it, which subsequently facilitates its operation. This requirement concerns the route of the cable route. During installation, there is always some temptation to lay the cable as you please: somewhere diagonally, somewhere horizontally in the middle of the wall. This can result in savings in time and materials. However, it is better to remember that all cable transitions must be carried out either strictly vertically or horizontally under the ceiling or at a height of 2.5 meters. This is for wiring on walls. If the wiring is done under the floor, then the cable should always run parallel to any pair of walls.

Open wiring is the easiest way to lay electrical lines. Unlike the hidden one, it is not laid in the thickness building structures, but above their surface. IN modern houses it is used very rarely. At the same time, this method requires much less time and is not associated with such large labor costs as laying a closed type line. There is also no need for gating, due to which the integrity of the ceiling and walls is practically not compromised.

Unless you're planning on retro wiring your entire house, public method It is better to use only in certain areas, for example, when you need to slightly expand the line. Otherwise, a large number of wires, which are perfectly visible to the naked eye, will spoil the interior.

Installation of exposed electrical wiring requires careful preparation. This installation method is associated with certain rules requiring strict compliance.

Requirements for installing open-type electrical wiring

Here are the basic rules that must be followed when laying open-type electrical wiring in an apartment.

Neglecting them is a violation of electrical safety standards and can cause a short circuit and line failure. So:

  • It is prohibited to lay the line under pipelines on which condensate accumulates.
  • There should be no heat emitters near the cables.
  • It is not recommended to use a simple pipeline to lay such a line. It is advisable that the cable have additional protection. Depending on the location of the wiring, it can be rigid or flexible, or shielded.
  • If the conductor is laid in plumbing niches, then you should not use junction boxes if it is impossible quick access to the power line.
  • Cable cores can only be connected to each other in special junction boxes.

It is necessary to ensure easy access to the cover of the latter. If the humidity in the room is high enough, gaskets are installed on the covers of the junction boxes to improve the tightness.

  • The protective layer of the conductor must remain intact along its entire length, right up to the connection of the conductors to a socket, switch or electrical appliance.

  • To fasten the cable, it is recommended to use plastic brackets selected according to the diameter of the conductor. The distance between the clamps should not be too large, otherwise the conductor will sag under its own weight. The staples must be placed on both sides of the wire, and it is also necessary to install clamps near the points of connection to electrical elements. If the cable is laid horizontally, then the staples should be located from one another at a distance of no more than 40 cm when attaching an unarmored conductor and 75 cm for a wire with an armored coating. If exposed electrical wiring is laid vertically, then the maximum interval between clamps should not exceed 1 m.
  • When installing conventional conductors with protective coating in the horizontal direction, the interval between the staples should not be more than 25 cm, and in the vertical direction - 40 cm. The distance from the electrical element to the fastener closest to it should not exceed 10 cm.
  • If the wire needs to be bent, the minimum bend radius should be 8 cm.
  • If the line crosses a non-electrical pipeline, then the minimum interval between them should be 3 cm.

When laying a cable through a wall, it is recommended to use an insulating pipe to protect it along this section.

Features of installing an open type electrical line

The open method of installing electrical wiring is most often used when laying wires above the baseboard, at the junction of walls and ceiling tiles, as well as in the corners of rooms. The conductor used must be perfectly straight.

If open wiring is laid in an apartment with suspended ceilings, then the cable should be attached to the walls. If there are a large number of wires, it is worth using throughput channels.

Under no circumstances should you simply run an electrical wire through a suspended ceiling. The installation of connection and branch boxes must be done in such a way that access to them is not difficult.

An example of installing a socket with open wiring in the video:

Advantages and disadvantages of external wiring

Like any other method of laying communications, installing open electrical wiring has its pros and cons. Benefits include:

  • Easy to install.
  • Minimal damage to the integrity of the walls (ceiling).
  • No need for additional equipment.

It has open wiring and its disadvantages. They are:

  • Unattractive appearance.
  • The need for accounting technical standards premises.
  • The need for strict compliance with fire and electrical safety standards during installation.

Of course not always external wiring It looks unpresentable in the apartment. For example, a vintage line in retro style can be a great addition to the interior and give the house an old-world charm. But, firstly, the elements for such wiring are expensive, and secondly, it is worth installing it only if the design of the room is in the appropriate style.

An example of finished open electrical wiring laid in cable ducts in the video:

Installation of wiring in rigid pipes

Recently, many people are discovering the installation of external wiring using rigid plastic pipes. In this case, the cables are placed inside the pipelines, which are then fixed to the walls on special supports. To facilitate such installation, a large number of auxiliary devices have been developed (tees, cable sleeves, T-junctions).

The main advantage of this installation is the high degree of protection of electrical conductors from exposure to water, as well as from mechanical damage.

In this regard, this installation method is most often used in cellars, garages and basements. But this does not mean that external electrical wiring cannot be laid in this way on summer cottage, in a city apartment or country house, since externally the insulating pipes look quite attractive.

Features of installing open electrical wiring in IRL pipes

When laying an electrical line in insulating pipes, you need to remember some important points:

  • Pipelines must be attached to the walls so that the distance between them is at least 80 cm, while electrical appliance or element to the nearest latch must be at least 10 cm.
  • Cables can only be connected to each other using terminals electrical elements or inside special junction boxes.

Connecting conductors in pipes is unacceptable.

  • The bending radius of pipelines must be at least 6 times greater than their diameter.

For this type of installation, special fixing devices are provided. A list of them can be found both on the Internet and in specialized literature.

If for some reason you cannot buy special fasteners, you can use regular construction paper tape to install insulating pipes. To do this, you need to cut a piece of the required length from the skein and secure it to the surface. The end fastenings should be made at an angle and slightly away from you so that the tape does not sag. The pipe is then secured with ties along its entire length. Sometimes, if it is impossible to get special fasteners, fastening with punched tape can be a completely successful solution.

An example of installing a pipeline for electrical wiring in the video:

Necessary tools for installing wiring in pipes

This installation method does not require large quantity tools. To work you will need:

  • Marking cord.
  • Hammer (for working with concrete walls). This device will also require a drill of the required diameter.
  • Plumb.
  • Roulette.
  • Hammer.
  • Construction level.
  • Hacksaw for metal.

To connect in difficult areas, you will need two couplings, as well as a corrugation. The pipelines are installed in such a way that moisture does not accumulate inside them. Therefore you need to pay special attention for quality rubber seal, which is installed at the junction of the pipe and the electrical element.

It is advisable to use reinforced seals that match the diameter of the insulating pipe. When installing, the cuff should penetrate a small part of the electrical installation product.

If there is no sealing collar, it is recommended to insert the wire from below.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The advantages of installing electrical wiring in insulating pipes include:

  • Easy to install.
  • Additional protection of conductors from mechanical damage and exposure to moisture.
  • Attractive appearance.

The disadvantages of this method are the following:

  • It is necessary to accurately select the pipe size.
  • Quite a lot of additional accessories are required.

In general, installing open wiring in pipes is a completely working method, which allows you to reliably protect cables from damage and give the line elegance.


In this material we talked about what open wiring is, what its features are and how it is installed. in various ways. This information will help you decide on the type of wiring and, if necessary, install the power line yourself.

Electrical wiring installed at home may be open or closed. If we talk about open wiring, it is performed as follows.

Open wiring

The wiring is carried out along the wall, in a plastic pipe, in a special cable plinth, in a special cable plastic channel. As for the height of open laying of protected cables and wires, descents and ascents of such laying to panels, switches, starting devices and lamps that are installed on the walls, they are not standardized. When performing open electrical wiring in a cable plinth and channel, power, lighting and low-current wires do not mix with each other. Fixing the plinth or channel should ensure a sufficiently tight fit to the building foundations, and also provide a gap between the plinth and the floor or the channel and the wall covering - no more than two millimeters. Skirting boards with channels must be purchased from fireproof and self-extinguishing materials that have electrical insulating characteristics. Modules cable channel, cable plinths can be used in a residential building if a flexible layout for the installation of lamps, as well as lighting control devices, is provided. Such devices allow you to change wiring layouts and place them in different ways. electrical equipment, sockets and switches. In basements that are not heated, in closets and attics, in rooms that are constructed from wooden structures, electrical wiring is in progress open method using staples.

Closed wiring

But you can do the wiring in a hidden way– in the cavities of building structures, above hanging ceiling coverings, in prefabricated partitions, in grooves made in wall coverings, in embedded pipes. Horizontal places of power cable distributions are laid in floor covering, which is made from non-combustible materials, like “warm floors”.

Processes for laying wiring under plaster layer, in partitions, in cavities of building structures

If you decide to lay the wiring of lighting networks embedded in the grooves of wall coverings, partitions, ceilings, under plaster or in the cavities of building structures, then it is recommended to use insulated cables or wires in a common protective sheath, which provides mechanical protection. If it is necessary to dismantle such a gasket, it is necessary to do the repair almost all over again. Therefore, before choosing this method, you need to do a good calculation.

Electrical wiring is laid in two ways - closed and open. In the first case, communications are disguised, and the likelihood of their damage is minimal. Installation of open electrical wiring is simpler, cheaper and less labor-intensive, but it is necessary to protect the cables from moisture and mechanical damage.

In this article we will look at existing methods laying electrical wires, we focus on the features external installation and give recommendations on how to choose suitable option.

There are many more disadvantages to open (external) electrical wiring than to hidden (internal) wiring.

Cables covered with plaster are not damaged, do not interfere with repairs and are completely invisible. Open wiring does not have such advantages, and in the event of a short circuit, it is more likely to catch fire than hidden wiring. The open method of installing electrical wiring is often chosen for.

In wooden houses, laying electrical cables in an open way is a necessary measure, because... Hidden cable routing can be difficult or even impossible

The open installation method still has some advantages:

  • Simplify installation. When laying electrical cables, you do not have to cut walls. This reduces labor costs and the amount of work. After installation there is practically no construction waste left.
  • Reduction in price. Here we're talking about about savings on paying for electricians.
  • Possibility to change the cable layout. If your future plans include redesigning the wiring, then it is better to choose an open installation method.

When choosing an open method for laying electrical wires, you should take into account that they will have to be masked and protected from external influences. There is always a chance of moisture or accidental damage.

Difficulties often arise when installing boxes, sockets, and switches. Before starting work, you need to carefully study the features of their installation or entrust the work to an electrician

If the house is residential, you need to weigh everything three times. It is advisable to consult with an experienced electrician, and during installation it is necessary to take into account the increased risks and especially carefully monitor compliance with safety measures.

Features of external laying of electrical cables

External installation is suitable if you need to lay electrical cables in the corners of the room, at the junction of the ceiling and walls, or along the baseboard.

Most often, difficulties arise when installing open wiring in houses with suspended ceilings. Cables cannot be run along such ceilings; they have to be fixed to the walls.

One of the disadvantages of open wiring is its unpresentable appearance, but it is ideal for a retro interior. The only caveat is that you will have to spend extra money on styling. It's expensive

If there are a lot of wires, it is better to lay them in throughput channels. When developing an installation diagram, you need to carefully select the places where the branch and connecting connections will be connected. There must be free access for inspection and possible repairs communications.

Open wiring methods

Initially, the only open installation method was to lay twisted electrical wires along the walls and ceiling. They were mounted on ceramic insulators.

Some houses built about a century ago are still wired this way. Relatively recently, a similar montage has again gained popularity. This is due to the fashion for antiques.

If a hundred years ago open electrical wiring on ceramic insulators was considered the norm, now it is an antique style. In the era of mass unification of things, furniture and interior items, they are becoming especially popular. unusual ways room decoration, and this is one of them

When decorating premises in a retro style, problems often arise with finding materials. Some manufacturers produce ceramic insulators, sockets, and antique switches, but such luxury is very expensive.

Suitable materials for decorating wiring in retro style can be found not only in expensive stores. They are often purchased from junk dealers, purchased from owners of houses built at the beginning of the last century, and cables are made independently by twisting stranded copper wires.

Designer imagination knows no bounds. You can often see interiors decorated using elements different styles. One of good options– a combination of retro and loft styles

When designing open wiring in a retro style, it is better to give preference to cables with a cross-section of 2.5 mm2. and double insulated. If such wires are laid in wooden building, you must strictly follow the electrical and fire safety rules

Interior fashion is changeable, so you should seriously consider whether you need to design the wiring in a retro style. It is better to choose a more popular and reliable option. Then, in case of repair, you will not have to deal with electrical installation work again.

We offer a detailed look at the popular methods of laying open wiring and choose the technology that is most suitable for your home.

Method 1 - mounting wires on brackets

For connecting sockets and switches with a cross section of 2.5 mm2, and for lighting fixtures– 1.5 mm.sq. Sometimes thicker cables are required. If the wire thickness is 1.5-6 mm2, they can simply be attached to the surfaces of walls and ceilings with staples.

When purchasing cables, you should give preference to quality products. If the choice is made in favor of cheap wires, then non-flammable gaskets are installed under them to reduce the risk of fire in the event of a short circuit.

Their choice should be taken extremely carefully, because the future functionality and safety of the home electrical network depends on them. We recommend looking at information on how to do home wiring.

Most often, strips of metal or asbestos are used. They are secured so that the non-flammable gasket protrudes beyond the cable by at least 1 cm on each side. As for the material, it is better to choose metal, because... asbestos is harmful to human health: its connection with cancer has been proven.

Sometimes, to ensure fire safety, a gap of 1 cm is created between the electrical cable and the wall. This wiring method is reminiscent of retro-style ceramic insulator wiring. It is used in wooden houses, dachas, and non-residential premises

Bracket mounting is a cheap and easy way to install electrical wiring. The downside is that it is unsafe and ugly. If several cables are laid, they are noticeable and spoil the impression of the interior. In a residential building, it is better to lay the wires in cable channels.

Method 2 - features of installation in pipes

Modern industry produces special electrical pipes. They can be made of metal or plastic and provide good protection against fire, accidental mechanical damage and electric shock.

For installation it is most convenient to use. They are flexible, so when mounting them on walls there is no need to further level the surfaces. Wiring in a corrugated pipe – ideal option for wooden log houses. It is convenient and looks much neater than separate wires.

Due to the dubious aesthetics of corrugation, it is not often used in residential buildings, but it is perfect for laying cables from overhead power lines. Sometimes for the purpose of improvement appearance For exposed electrical wiring inside rooms, colored corrugated pipes are used.

When installing wires in a wooden house, the characteristics of the building material are taken into account. Wiring is laid through wooden walls using special metal bushings. They are needed to protect cables from being pinched if natural wood will shrink

When calculating the diameter of the corrugations, they are guided by the total thickness of all the wires that will be laid in it. This figure is multiplied by 2, since with a smaller cross-section of the pipe it will be difficult to lay cables into it.

To facilitate installation, corrugated pipes with a special probe (wire used to pull cables) are used. Wires are attached to the probe and pulled through the pipe, holding it firmly in your hands.

If you need to lay a relatively small piece of wire, you can do without a probe, but for large sections it is better to use special devices.

Corrugated electrical pipes are attached to the walls with screws, dowel-nails or plastic clips. The distance between the attachment points is calculated depending on the diameter and, accordingly, the expected weight. If the diameter of the corrugated pipe is 16 mm, then the fasteners are located at a distance of 30–40 cm, and for pipes 32–40 mm this distance is already less – 20–30 cm.

Before we start electrical work make a diagram. It is important that the corrugated pipes do not intersect or intersect, because it violates safety requirements and looks ugly

The clips are mounted on the walls, and then the corrugated pipe is simply inserted into them. This fastening method is convenient because when dismantling, you just need to pull the pipe towards you, and the clips will easily detach.

Method 3 – laying in boxes

Rigid electrical boxes and plinths are used for laying wires. These devices are made of metal or non-flammable plastic. Unlike corrugated pipes, rigid structures cannot be installed on uneven walls, because surface defects only become more visible.

There are many types of cable channels: one-, two-, three-section. They also differ in installation location, purpose, and standard sizes. You can find models of any type on sale - from perforated to flexible, angled or transparent. It is important to choose products that are suitable for specific conditions operation

Boxes, channels, and plinths are equipped with snap-on covers that can be easily removed, which is convenient for installing additional wires. If you need to upgrade your wiring, the entire process will take a few minutes.

There are other advantages:

  • Design. Boxes, cable ducts and plinths are produced different colors, which allows you to decorate the room. You can always choose the appropriate option.
  • Easy installation. Laying cables in boxes does not require much effort. The main thing is to properly secure the protective structures themselves.
  • Convenient installation of sockets and switches. You can mount sockets on the boxes, and they will not spoil the overall appearance.

Installation work begins with drawing up a drawing diagram with an outline of the walls. It is needed for accurate calculation necessary materials, number of fasteners, accessories.

To select a channel according to its standard size, you should determine in advance the cross-section and number of cables. Ready plan must be accurate, without errors in measurements and calculations.

Wires are laid not only along flat surfaces, but also in the corners. Sometimes it is necessary to equip channel branches. For these purposes, various types of accessories are used. When developing a project, you should calculate their number

Technology for installing external electrical wiring in cable ducts:

  1. Drafting. It is necessary to determine the number, types and location of sockets, switches, boxes and think about bypassing gas and water pipes and the sewer system.
  2. Selection of materials. After designing, you can begin selecting and purchasing materials. If you plan to lay several cables, you should choose a box with partitions. Accessories must match the channel in color and size. It makes sense to buy protective boxes with devices for installing sockets.
  3. Fastening boxes. Plastic structures can crack if they are immediately attached to the wall, so first they make holes in the bodies of the boxes, and only then screw them to the base. The cable channels are joined together, and the excess material is cut off.
  4. Wiring. The cables are laid in channel housings, covered with lids and snapped into place. All that remains is to check the fixation of the covers - and the structure is ready.

Electricians advise paying attention to the base material, because... The choice of fasteners depends on this. Yes, on wooden wall The boxes are attached using ordinary screws. Dowels are used for brick, concrete and stone surfaces. And for panels, slabs from composite materials and plywood, it is better to choose butterfly fasteners.

To avoid having to adjust the shape of the boxes in external and internal corners, you can cut them using a regular carpenter's miter box. Then the products will look neat, and the risk of excess material consumption due to defective work will be significantly reduced.

Each installation method has its own advantages, and it is rarely the case that one method is sufficient. Often it is necessary to combine cable channels with corrugated and/or metal pipes, fastened with brackets.

When developing an electrical wiring project, you should take into account the layout of the room and the features of cable routing in each area - be it a bedroom or a bathroom.

10 common mistakes made by electricians

The open method of laying electrical cables is simpler than the closed method, but there are still nuances that cannot be taken into account until there is some practice.

We offer an overview typical mistakes permitted during wiring installation:

  1. Lack of schema. Wiring is often installed according to the designer’s principle: first they make wiring in each room, and then combine the cables. This dramatically reduces the reliability of the entire system as a whole.
  2. Saving on materials. Poor quality wires, devices and accessories are a direct and short path to a fire. It is better to overpay for products from a reliable brand than to solve problems with short circuits and fires.
  3. Posting calculation without reserve. The cross-section of cables and their number should be 20% larger than the calculated one. Otherwise, you cannot avoid unnecessary twists and the risk that the network will not withstand the load.
  4. Connecting powerful devices through an outlet, rather than using a separate cable from the switchboard. Even a socket increased power does not solve this problem, because There is always a risk that the cable will not cope with serious additional load.
  5. Connection of high and low voltage cables in one box. In this case, problems with the operation of equipment throughout the house are almost guaranteed.
  6. Extra twists. It is better to use special ones to connect wires.
  7. Connection of copper and aluminum cores. The contact points become overheated, which can lead to problems. You should use terminals for connections, or better avoid them altogether. aluminum wires and lay only copper ones.
  8. Neglect of safety precautions. Safety rules were written based on the bitter experience of many unsuccessful electricians, and yet there are still brave souls who work under voltage.
  9. Wrong location distribution boxes . They should be 20 cm below the ceiling. Otherwise there is a risk of accidental damage. The boxes must be accessible for inspection and repair.
  10. Errors when installing the ground loop and. These devices protect the electrical network, so you should be especially careful when installing them.

Novice electricians make other mistakes. We have listed only the most common ones.

It is important to remember that installing electrical wiring involves many risks, so you should carefully study the technology before starting work.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

We have selected useful video materials that will help you avoid common mistakes installation and properly organize external electrical wiring in the house.

Instructions for installing electrical wiring in a cable channel:

Useful tips for installing sockets:

The main mistakes made when connecting an RCD:

In theory, the technology for arranging open wiring looks simple and understandable. But when it comes to practice, many home owners make a lot of mistakes.

Take hold of self-installation only if you have the necessary knowledge to develop and implement the project. If not, then do not risk your life and entrust this work to electricians.

Are you well versed in the theory of open wiring installation and have practical experience in performing electrical work? Maybe you want to supplement the material we have presented with clarifications or useful recommendations? Write comments in the block below the article, share your experience with beginners - many users will be grateful to you.