Modern scenario on September 1 for high school students. Scenario of the thematic line for high school students "feat of Leningrad"

The first of September is approaching, traditionally this date marks the beginning of the academic year, which starts with a festive line in honor of Knowledge Day. The celebration is most of all postponed in the memory of first-graders, since this event is new for them. Older students no longer treat the First Bell so reverently, and some skip it with pleasure. However, it is unlikely that even the most hardened high school student will miss the opportunity to visit the solemn line if it is really interesting for him. Scenarios on September 1 are usually full of some stereotyped. This is not surprising: the event is primarily official, and only then entertaining. It is important to understand that for schoolchildren this day is not such a holiday, because at least a small creative will already enliven the line and make it more interesting for children and adults.

Traditional first call

Opens the top five scenarios for the First Bell, the traditional version of this event. The official part is obligatory for any such holiday: the floor is given to the headmaster and guests from higher authorities.

First-graders are solemnly brought to the line. As a rule, this is done by students of the eleventh grade and the class teacher of the kids.

This is followed by a series of wishes to schoolchildren, a word to first-graders, and finally - the first call, which is given by a first-grade student and a future graduate.

This day brings a lot of emotions to first graders.

Solemn "rainbow" line

Students in all grades pre-select their color from the rainbow spectrum and stock up on balloons, ribbons, or bandanas of that color. The decoration of the facade of the school is multi-colored, bright.

The hosts of the holiday emphasize that this year children enter the bright and colorful world of knowledge, in which each color means something different.

Then seven students from different grades of middle and high school, who personify a particular color, perform a small number (song, dance, skit, poem) and give the first graders a gift and a ribbon of their color. The tape is placed on a pre-prepared board in front of the entrance to the school.

When all seven colors are collected, the host announces that the school year has begun and wishes it to be truly rainbow. The holiday ends with some vocal or dance number performed by the students of the school. A first grader and an eleventh grader give the first bell.

According to the scenario of the "rainbow" line, first-graders fall into an unusual and interesting world of knowledge

dance holiday

Ideal for schools with an artistic and especially choreographic focus. First-graders are gathered in advance for general rehearsals so that they learn a joint dance with students of the eleventh grade. The dance should embody the meeting of childhood and maturity, kids and adults.

In parallel, some students from other classes are preparing their dance performances, in which they show scenes from school life. For instance:

  • turn;
  • preparing or taking an exam;
  • first school love;
  • teacher and students.

Mixing of students, performances of students of different classes in one dance number is allowed. School teachers can also take part in the performances.

At the end, all the speakers (except first-graders) gather for a general flash mob on the line and dance to the theme song for the first of September.

A student of the eleventh grade and a student of the first give the first call.

The dance festival will be especially appropriate for schools with an artistic bias

Fairy tales

First graders love fairy tales. They will be especially pleased with the scenes with the participation of their favorite characters during the solemn line.

Middle and high school students play the role of fairy tale characters who are also about to go to school and think about how and when to do it.

Each hero presents himself as a simple riddle in poems or songs to the music, and the kids have to guess. Then the heroes of fairy tales loudly argue about the rules of behavior at school, and the presenters offer them to turn to first graders. The heroes agree and start asking first-graders questions from the category “what can and cannot be done at school”. For instance:

  • “Is it possible to run around the class during the lesson?”;
  • “What do we need at school: a diary, a doll or candy?”;
  • What should be done when the teacher enters the classroom?

First graders respond.

Heroes from fairy tales say that thanks to children, they now know how to behave at school, and can easily enter the first grade.

After that, the word is passed to first-graders who recite verses. And the eleventh grade student gives the first bell together with the first grader.

By tradition, a senior student and a young first grader give the first bell

Scenario for September 1 "Patriotism and love for the Motherland"

The topic of patriotism is especially relevant now. In many schools, children come to the holidays dressed in costumes with elements of the national style.

Listening to the national anthem has long become a tradition for the First and Last Bell, and for many other holidays, not only school holidays.

The whole celebration is based on the motivation to study for the good of the country, to become a worthy citizen of the state.

Entertaining rooms should be designed in the national style, the design of the facade of the school - too.

For example, children can dance folk dances or dances stylized as folk, sing national songs.

Usually, students, if not all, then at least those who participate in the solemn line, are offered to come to such an event with the national dress of the country.

Costumes for schoolchildren are selected with national symbols

A holiday dedicated to the Day of Knowledge does not have to be boring and dull. Of course, it is better to observe the main traditions, otherwise the whole meaning of the event is lost. However, the creative approach has not yet spoiled a single solemn line. First-graders are already frightened by the new atmosphere for themselves, and the excessive seriousness of the event will only strengthen their feelings.

Memory line

"Feat of Leningrad"

(the day the blockade of the city of Leningrad was lifted in 1944)

« We would die

If they didn't die."


slide 1

Line opening

Presenter: To bring in the state flag of the Russian Federation, SMIRLNO! Alignment with the state flag of the Russian Federation, bring the banner!

The solemn line dedicated to the Day of lifting the blockade of Leningrad is considered open.

The anthem of the Russian Federation sounds

slide 2

Host: Leningrad! is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Works of architecture, painting, wonderful monuments, beautiful gardens, parks and museums of the city are the pride of our country.

slide 3

June 1941 arrived. The Great Patriotic War broke out. But no one, of course, could then foresee that Leningrad was a city that faced 900 days of unparalleled heroic struggle against hunger and the enemy.

On September 8, 1941, the enemy, having captured Shlisselburg, cut off the last land communications and blockaded Leningrad.

Communication from the mainland could only be carried out through Lake Ladoga and by air, under the cover of our aviation. Bombing and barbaric artillery shelling of the city began.

slide 4

1 dude.

I'm talking to you under the whistle of shells,

illuminated by a gloomy glow.

I'm talking to you from Leningrad

My country is a sad country..

Kronstadt evil, indomitable wind

Thrown in my face beats

Children fell asleep in bomb shelters

the night watch stood at the gate.

Over Leningrad - a mortal threat ..

Sleepless nights, any hard day

But we forgot what tears are

What was called fear and prayer.

I say: we, the citizens of Leningrad

The roar of cannonades will not shake,

And if tomorrow there are barricades, -

We will not leave our barricades

And women with fighters will stand side by side

And the children will carry cartridges for us,

And all of us should bloom

old banners of Leningrad.

Hands squeezing a charred heart,

I make such a promise

I, a citizen, the mother of a Red Army soldier,

who died near Strelna in battle.

We will fight with selfless strength

We will overcome the rabid beasts

We will win, I swear to you, Russia,

On behalf of Russian mothers.

Slide 5-7

Host: All 900 days of the blockade, Leningrad was subjected to the most severe shelling.

Day and night, fascist troops bombed the streets of the city from the ground and from the air. Most often, residential buildings, gardens, schools, hospitals and the busiest streets were bombed. During the period of the blockade, about 150 thousand shells were fired at Leningrad and 102,520 incendiary and 4653 high-explosive bombs were dropped. 16,747 civilians were killed and 33,782 were wounded, over 3,000 were destroyed and more than 7,000 buildings were damaged. Every day, the museum city, the garden city looked more and more like a ghost town. Destroyed buildings, burnt trees, broken bridges.

2 reader:

"Pushkin lived here"

Mayakovsky Lived Here

Glory marble

immortal metal


marble boards

BUT, I swear, I haven’t seen one like this, -

This is how suffering breaks out

Front winter.


From everything



Only one burnt


And plywood is nailed to the facade,

Outlined in black:

Aunt Vera lived in this house "-

Scribbled by a child's hand.

Slide 8-9

Leading: History did not know such an example of mass heroism, courage, labor and combat prowess, which was shown by the defenders of Leningrad. People worked with exceptional enthusiasm, malnourished and sleep deprived, under artillery fire and air bombing. Side by side with the adults at the machines stood the children of Leningrad. They also forged weapons of victory. Fulfilling the norm of an adult worker, the children slept right at the machines, because there was no strength to go home. And they had to work 14-16 hours a day. Many of them have died in their workplace.

3 reader:

It was quiet in the shop

like in a hall

Very quiet

and very dark.

Only somewhere

at the edge, in the basement,

a temporary spot flared up.

We wandered to her to the touch,

along the chips, and in a dream, there are already weaned,

we put iron mugs

on a buzzing scarlet tin.

And above us

pierced by a projectile

right into the stars hole,

like a pipe.

And in it to us

winter Leningrad


winter and destiny

More than a month there was no current,

but considered us

local committee circles

and paid us a salary, -

that's just

less mugs

ever less...


there were even more abrupt adversities

and the loss is worse

but I

I see the workshop of the forty-first year:

there is my mug on the temporary site.

Slide 10-11

Host: The most difficult of the 900 blockade days were winter days. Winter cold and snow added to the severe trials of hunger and bombing. The cold bound the Neva and the streets of the city. Water could only be drawn from the holes in the Neva. With difficulty overcoming tens, hundreds of meters from the house to the hole with water, people fell from hunger and fatigue, bringing water to the house. In winter, Leningrad resembled a ghost town: half-dead people moved as if in slow motion, often stopping and then moving along the walls of buildings so as not to fall from exhaustion.

And the city was covered in dense frost.

County snowdrifts, silence ..

Do not find tram lines in the snow,

of some runners, a complaint is heard.

Skids creak, creak along the Nevsky.

On children's sleds narrow, funny,

they carry blue water in saucepans,

firewood and belongings, the dead and the sick.

So since December, the townspeople have been wandering

for many miles, in a thick foggy haze

in the wilderness of blind, icy buildings,

looking for a warmer corner.

Slide 12-13

Leading: War is a cruel thing. She spares no one, everyone suffers: women and men, old men and women, but children suffer the most. All the horrors of the blockade fell on the shoulders of the Leningrad children. During the blockade, many of the children, along with adults, managed to be evacuated along the frozen Ladoga. But those of the children who remained experienced all the horrors of the blockade. These children were more like little old men. war and famine left their mark on their faces. They almost did not laugh, the faces of the children were pale, and sometimes even gray. Many of them looked like skeletons dressed in rags. But the people of Leningrad, and above all, the women of Leningrad, did everything to save and save their children. In Leningrad, a wide network of orphanages was created, to which the hungry city gave the best of what it had. There, children were fed with what they could, treated, washed and warmed.

5 reader:

Holes dug in the garden

Fires don't burn.

Petersburg orphans,

My kids!

Can't breathe underground

Pain drills the temple,

Heard through the bombing

Knock with your fist - I will open

I have always opened to you

I am now behind a high mountain,

Beyond the desert, beyond the wind, beyond the heat,

But I will never betray you.

I didn't hear your moan

You didn't ask me for bread

Bring me a maple branch

Or just green blades of grass

As you brought last spring.

Bring me a handful clean

Our Neva icy water

And from your golden head

I will wash away the bloody traces.

Slide 14

Host: Many of the inhabitants of our country have heard and know the expression "the besieged bread of Leningrad." The meager Leningrad rations bore little resemblance to the bread we eat today. Bran, cake, sawdust of coniferous trees, and makukha were added to this bread. In November 1941, 11 thousand people died of starvation, and in December - 53 thousand, in January and February 1942, 200 thousand Leningraders died of exhaustion. December 1941 was the lowest and amounted to 250 grams for workers. per day, for employees, dependents and children - 125 gr. per person.

slide 15

6 dude.

Here is a woman leading her husband somewhere

Gray half mask on the face,

In the hands of a can is soup for dinner.

Shells are whistling, the cold is raging ..

Comrades, we are in the ring of fire

And a girl with a frosty face,

Stubbornly clenching his blackened mouth,

Body wrapped in a blanket

Lucky for the Okhtensky cemetery.

Lucky, swinging, in the evening to get b ...

Eyes look impassively into the darkness.

Take off your hat, citizen: they are transporting a Leningrader,

Deceased in action.

Skids creak in the city, creak ..

But we don't cry, they tell the truth

That the tears are frozen in Leningraders

No, we don't cry. There are few tears for the heart.

Hate does not let us cry.

Our hatred has become a guarantee of life ...

Unites, warms and carries

About not forgiving, not sparing,

to take revenge, take revenge, take revenge, as I can

the mass grave calls to me

On the Okhtensky, on the right bank.

slide 16

Our troops, holding the defense for 900 days with all their might, withstood and did not let the Nazis into Leningrad. Together with the active army, the workers and children of Leningrad forged victory over the enemy. January 27, 1944 The blockade was broken. Leningraders were not uncomplaining martyrs. They fought and won, they died helping others to rise, believing in life, its eternal triumph.

Slide 17

In memory of the victims of the siege of Leningrad, people whose lives were taken away by hunger, a brutal war is declared a moment of silence.Candles of Remembrance are lit! (metronome sounds)

7 dude.

War again

Another blockade

Can we forget about them?

I hear sometimes:

"Do not,

No need to rave wounds "

After all, this is the truth that we are tired

We are from tales of war

And flipped through the blockade

Poems are enough

And it may seem:


And persuasive words

But even if it's true

Such a truth


I'm not worried in vain, so that that war is not forgotten

After all, this memory

Our conscience

We need her as a force.

Presenter: For the removal of the state flag of the Russian Federation, BE SURE! Alignment with the state flag of the Russian Federation, take out the banner!

The solemn line of memory, dedicated to the anniversary of the lifting of the Siege of Leningrad, is declared closed.

How fun and interesting to spend September 1 for high school students? The script for the day of knowledge will help you arrange everything to the highest standard. High school students without “buildup” will start their studies and show the best results, and will be able to pass all the exams perfectly, but this is still a long way off. And the appearance of a fortune teller will make the line non-formal and more positive.

Autumn has come, it's time for school
Thanks friends for coming back!
In the summer the school missed you,
I counted the minutes and every hour.
And we all missed school
Let's say thank you to the school!
For always accepting us
And gave us knowledge in full.
For helping us for many years,
And she showed me the right path to life.
We thank you school
And congratulations - on September 1!

Dear high school students! We are glad to see all of you again at the solemn line dedicated to the day of knowledge. Some of you are present for the eleventh time on the line as a student. And this time will be the last for him, because this year he is a graduate! There are many months of study and hard work ahead. But who among you will say that school is boring, that school is not interesting, that school is not for me? No, there are none! And let now you want everything to end as soon as possible, know that you will all miss school, teachers, and your favorite desk. And they were waiting for you so much, so let's not delay the moment of the meeting and proceed to the official part of our holiday. The word is given to the principal of the school.

The principal of the school makes a solemn speech to the students.

At the beginning of our holiday, we touched on the topic of graduation and exams - and this is still so far away! But who among us does not want to know his fate in advance? Everybody wants! That is why we asked a famous fortune-teller to come to our holiday so that she can tell everything about you and your near future.

A fortune-teller enters the stage, in her hand she has a magic ball. The fortuneteller walks around the stage, does something and addresses the students in turn.

The first appeal to the most athletic student.

I see you will be an athlete!
So you don't need knowledge!
Go to the gym more often
Don't sleep in class yet!

The second appeal to the most beautiful or glamorous student.

You will be a famous model!
And you don't need knowledge!
To wag your booty on the stage,
No knowledge required!

The third appeal to the most cheerful student who always laughs and teases everyone.

The purpose of your life is laughter!
Great success awaits you with it!
And if you switch to knowledge,
That's it, your dreams won't come true!

The fourth appeal to the best student of the class or school.

And for now, take care of your mind!
Say goodbye to textbooks and notebooks!
To achieve something in life
You don't have to be smart!

Leading, interrupting the fortuneteller:
So! Stop, stop, stop!
This is what happens - you are not guessing, but are trying to lead our students astray? Yes, they each have their own talents in which they can succeed, but without knowledge they cannot achieve anything in life! Yes, they themselves know this, and therefore they study perfectly well. Yes, they themselves will prove it to you all now!
Is that right, students?

Pupils go on stage and recite poems.

Student 1:
We will prove to you now, friends,
What we learn at school is not in vain!
That it is not in vain that we sit at the desk,
And not just look at the teacher.

Student 2:
From the first grade we remember everything
Even though it was hard for us.
We know how to multiply and subtract
And how difficult to solve fractions!

Student 3:
We know everyone who ruled in Russia,
We know all the formulas and molecules!
We know how to write in Russian correctly,
And how to get five in English!

Student 4:
We will name the world capitals,
And we won't let a single teacher down!
No one will be ashamed of us
We have a great and friendly class!

Well, fortune teller, you see what kind of students we have! No, you can't fool them, they know that knowledge is power!

fortune teller:
My magic ball is broken
Dyke pen my dear.
(approaches one student and takes his hand)
I will tell fortunes by your hand,
And now I'll tell you the whole truth!
Yes, I see - you are students!
And you deserve this title!
Everything in life will work out for you,
Like when they came to first grade!

Do you remember when you came to first grade? How did you get to know each other? How did you first see your first teacher? How did you first sit down at a desk? How did you get your first grade? But your first teacher remembers all this as if it were yesterday!

The first teacher enters the stage and makes her solemn speech.

Well, we just have to give the first bell in the new school year and go to our class to start the lesson.

The first bell rings and the high school students go to their class.

Scenario of the solemn line

Target: holding a solemn line and a holiday dedicated to the "Knowledge Day".


1. Create a solemn, high spirits for all participants in the celebration.

2. Contribute to the formation of a sense of belonging to the life of the entire school.

3. Cultivate a sense of continuity of school traditions, a sense of responsibility, patriotism.

Fanfare sounds.

1 host:

Good afternoon dear teachers! Today is a good day because the new school year begins on September 1!
2 host:

Hello, parents and students of the Kursk-Smolensk school.

1 host:

Good afternoon school! We are together again! The great summer holidays are over. We are sure that each of us was looking forward to returning here!

2 leader.
Indeed, today is a great holiday for both teachers and students!
The new school year is starting!

1 leader.
Here is autumn.
This means the school year is back.
Across the country, September is red-headed
It's in student uniform!

2 leader.
Near the school, near our
Right from the early morning
Again in autumn
The kids were gathering.
Hi guys!
Our school is happy
Separated for a while
Remained friends
To meet the first day of September

1 leader.

We rested for the summer
And now, you know
Feel free to get down to business
And learn science.
Good luck, guys!
The school is happy for us:
Learn, hurry up
love objects,
Today is the first day of September.

2 host:

For 9th graders, the last First bell will ring.
1 host:

But for first graders, he is the very first First call.
2 host:

We invite first-graders, they have been dreaming about this day for a whole summer, they were worried, everything is new for them, school days begin. We invite students of the 1st grade together with the class teacher Chekhranova Zoya Vasilievna and students of the 9th grade together with the class teacher Zorina Tatyana Ivanovna.
To the music "What they teach at school" first-graders come out, first-graders are taken out by ninth-graders, then grade 9 takes a place on the ruler.
1 host:
Now everyone is assembled and we are starting our “First School Bell” holiday this school year.

Raise the flag of the Russian Federation is given to the best students of our school:

School, match up! Attention! Raise the flag!

(The anthem of Russia sounds.)

2 host:

The director of our school Olga Anatolyevna Tatkova congratulates you.

1 host:

Guests on our lineup include:



2 host:

Dear babies,
We know you are ready!
Are you ready to tell your poems?

(Performance of first graders ).

1 student : Frequently hosted by the school

Children in 1st grade

But today is a special day

We came! Meet us!

2 student: On this wonderful bright day

We are not too lazy to go to school,

We say: "Cozy class,

Welcome us!”

3 student: I'm still yesterday in the briefcase

Stacked notebooks

And pencils in a pencil case

Inserted in order.

4 student: No time for toys

I have fun

I will now

Practice every day.

I count to a hundred

I solve the problem

And so I want to go to school

What am I going to pay!

5 student: After all, they are waiting for me at school

Grammar, reading and mathematics,

Singing, labor, drawing

And the whole school schedule.

And believe me guys

That I'm not kidding -

Study at school

I really want to!

6 student: I will have books

Thick - thick.

I will read - I will know

Everything adults know.

7 student:
Let's just say, without deceit,
Teachers for us as mothers,
And our Zoya Vasilievna
Most needed right now!

8 student:
In the morning to my window
The sun has peeped
So congratulated me
Happy first of September!

9 student:
On this wonderful bright day
We are not too lazy to go to school,
We say: “Cozy class,
Make us welcome!”

ALL (in unison):
We promise not to be lazy
Just study well!

Sounds song number "Hello, first class"

1 host:

Parting words are given by 9th grade students.

(performance by high school students)

1. So you became a first grader!
Put on a new uniform.
Let it be a holiday for everyone
This first day of school!

2. You will take a briefcase with notebooks
And you will enter a spacious classroom.
You are with school orders
Get acquainted now.

3. The school has its own rules:
You can't break notebooks here,
Here you can not push, fight,
And tease and pinch.

4. You can't sleep here during the day!
Don't yawn in class
And, of course, it is impossible in dolls
In the lesson you play.

5. Will you be friends with the task book,
You read a lot of books.
Before you were just a boy
And now you're a student!

6. Well, the main thing is to study!
You don't have to be lazy.
Everyone will respect you
And reward with fives.

2 host:

Our school has a good tradition - on September 1, high school students give gifts to first graders. (To the music of the song "Let's tell the first graders" presentation of gifts).

1 host:

On this significant day, your younger comrades came to congratulate the first graders.(Congratulations d / garden).

1. First class will open the doors
For good kids
No more beautiful and smarter
Those cute little kids

2. They have new clothes on
And they are proud of themselves
Has died down quite recently,
In the garden of the children's graduation,

3. It was a pity to leave
With my kindergarten
Well, school is very strong,
For so long they wanted

4. Let the school lessons
They will only bring joy
Let reliable be nearby,
Always a true dear friend!

2 host:

On this day, first-graders embark on a long and difficult road, where they will face difficulties, experience the joys of the first "five". We hope that this road will be interesting and exciting for them.

1 host:

And now the first graders will be congratulated by their first teacher Chekhranova Z.V.

(Speech of class leader)

My dear first graders! That long-awaited, exciting day has come. You will remember this day forever: the school will accept you for the first time. It will open its doors wider - and the school week will begin, And after it the second, quarter, year ... Your school period will flow, Walk, run, rush, just have time to study for "five"! This is still in the future, now you will go to first grade for the first time. Knowledge is still a small reserve, but over the years you will overtake us.

2 host:

The last time ninth graders are present on our line. From year to year we rejoiced with them. Grade 9 students are the pride of the school. This is our hope.

(9th graders leave.)

1. More rain on the window pane
Knocking at us with a reminder
What is the first number
And it's time for everyone to sit down!

2. We are not joking, brothers, not a single gram:
After all, we ourselves hurried summer,
To quickly see everyone and you
We publicly admit it

3. We admit that we really wanted to come to school as soon as possible. Because this is our last holiday on the First of September.

4. We understand that we are entering the last school start. And this thought does not give us rest now.

5. We really want to complete our studies with dignity, to correct all the mistakes that we have made over the years.

6. We love you dear school. Please accept our recognition of this.

(They perform a song about the school “Summer holidays have flown by”.)

Summer holidays have flown by
Ruthlessly leaving us.
On the pavement in autumn
I'm going to the last class.
Smiling at your classmates
I caught a mysterious look.
How our boys have grown!
We can't get our childhood back.
Into blue eyes immodest
I look spellbound
And the bell rang - it did not save me.
A crazy windmill spun,
And in love on the school stairs
On the first day of September I go to class.
How recently we were careless
Not guessing what will happen!
You were friends with a girl from parallel,
Didn't notice me then.
Who knew that love is a trickster
Everything will change in one moment
When you are a matured youth
Give me one compliment.

1 host:
Creative, enthusiastic teachers work in our school, and today we congratulate them on the First Bell holiday this academic year. Let me mention those of them who have worked in our school for many years, devoting themselves to students

1. Dear teachers!
Your children welcome you!
Although everyone has a family
But you are closest to us in the world.

2. Today you have a holiday again,
We have come to you once again to congratulate you!
We are happy to meet
We are expecting fives from you as a reward.

3. You have no other worries
How to check notebooks
Scold us all year
Yes, make notes.

4. This is your share -
Be responsible for everything and everyone.
All by name to remember you,
Because we are your children.

5. Today for your holidays
All beautiful, well-groomed,
Powdered, tinted
We look at you enthusiastically.

6. Every day we want to see you
Dads, moms are our second,
We swear not to hurt you
You are too dear to us.

7. Dear teachers! May your holiday continue throughout the year! We are happy to contribute to this, let your happiness never end, and accept flowers as a reward!

Perform the song " Hello school, hello.
Welcoming again and again
A cheerful bell will ring.
All the children in the world are ready for the lesson
Long live school days!
Chorus: Hello school, hello.
Hello beautiful world.
The happiest years.
Good lessons and a strict teacher
They stay with us forever.
With a textbook, honestly
Here everyone is well known!
All the children in the world are ready for lessons
Long live our school house!

Here the friendship of success is the basis,
Hold on tight to the desk
All the children in the world are ready for the lesson,
Long live school life!
Chorus: 3 times

(The 8th graders leave.)

1. Now we are called "high school students"
And look at us with respect.
Now we are told "eighth graders"
We have 8 times more responsibility.

2. For the younger ones, we will become an example,
Assistants for teachers.
With hope, faith and love
We look forward more cheerfully!

(8th graders sing a song about the school to the tune “Smile”.)

From your smile life is more beautiful,

Let all further work be on the nerves

If suddenly there is a conflict - hold on,

Smile when it's time to scream


And then surely

You are in the eyes of the student

Respect read without error

From the blue stream

The river starts

Education starts with a smile!

2 host:

It all starts with a school bell!
Desks set off on a long journey.
1 host: There will be steeper starts ahead,
And they will be more serious, but for now
It all starts with a school bell!

2 host:

Attention! Attention, friends!
1 host: Let the first bell ring solemnly and loudly!
2 host:

The right to give the first call is granted…..
The bell rings. Leaders read the text.
1 host:

On the road guys!
Hello future!
The world of knowledge is open before you!
This world - wonderful and beautiful -
Bound forever to your destiny!
2 host:
Let the roads open for you

And school paths, let
There will be good luck and worries,
This is a world of discovery, go for it!
1 host:

Knowledge will help to realize
All desires and all dreams
We wish you to work all year,
We wish you good knowledge!
2 host:

Goodbye! Goodbye!
Come to the Realm of Knowledge!
1 host:

And according to a long tradition, first-graders are escorted to the Land of Knowledge grade 9.
2 host: Please, 9th graders, come to the first graders.
1 host:

Good luck guys!
Good luck!
Music sounds, grade 9 takes the first graders out of the hall.