The importance of the social worker profession: how to help people. Specialty "Social work": who to work with? Choosing a profession

Currently, the profession of a social worker is in high demand in the labor market. More and more people need help, especially now in times of economic instability. This specialty is more of a vocation than a profession. The peculiarity of the profession of a social worker is that only compassionate, humane people who are ready to help the disabled, orphans, the elderly, and mothers of many children can do it. These most vulnerable segments of the population can receive advice from social specialists on issues various benefits and benefits. Social workers will not ignore people suffering from diseases such as drug addiction and alcoholism. In addition, workers in this area draw up all necessary documents.

To identify those in need of material and everyday assistance, social workers conduct research. In their work, they try in every possible way to involve public and government structures and get them to make the necessary decisions. Among other things, the social worker is responsible for the program for the implementation of rehabilitation measures.

For those people who find it difficult to cope with problems of any nature on their own, representatives of this profession provide moral, legal and psychological support. We are talking about people who suffered in environmental disasters, military operations, fires, international conflicts, family quarrels, etc.

Social workers will purchase and deliver food and medicine, take things to the dry cleaner or laundromat, clean up the house or apartment, and even make repairs in the living space for those who cannot do it themselves. Representatives of this profession will measure the temperature and blood pressure of their patients, apply mustard plasters, etc.

Unfortunately, despite the large scope of work, social workers have rather low salaries. And the role of such employees who strive to improve the living and material conditions of life of unprotected and vulnerable segments of the population is invaluable. This can be attributed to the advantages of the profession of a social worker. The downside is that such work is not considered prestigious by today’s youth.

Social workers celebrate their professional day on June 8th. It is on this day that people of this profession are thanked for carrying out a special mission.

Personal qualities of a social worker

Representatives of this profession are distinguished by such qualities as kindness, responsiveness, attentiveness, and the ability to empathize. For effective implementation According to his duties, a social worker must be sociable, emotionally and stress-resistant, neat, organized, restrained, honest, and fair. To win the trust of his clients, a social worker must have such qualities as hard work, dedication and responsibility.

What should education be like?

Anyone who chooses the profession of a social worker must be aware of moral, social and humanitarian issues. In addition, knowledge of such subjects as sociology, medicine, economics, psychology, psychotherapy, and ethics is required. To give legal advice, you must also have certain knowledge.

The type of activity a social worker has depends on what kind of education he or she has. To work with children, you must have a pedagogical education. Persons involved in solving legal issues need a law degree. A psychologist's education is necessary for those who will conduct telephone consultations. And those who will care for disabled people will need a diploma medical worker.

Place of work and career

There are quite a lot of places where representatives of this profession can work. This

  • nursing homes;
  • social protection committees;
  • orphanages;
  • branches pension fund;
  • veterans' councils;
  • social service centers;
  • guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

With increasing length of service and experience, a social worker is assigned a rank and salary increases.

The main task of every social worker is to solve conflict situations, providing social assistance, protection and support. You can get a higher education in the specialty “social work” after studying at a university. The duration and cost of training depends on the chosen educational institution and form. The code for the specialty "social work" in the programs is 03/39/02.

Specialty "social work specialist"

The specialty social work is included in the programs of many state universities, technical schools and colleges in Russia. Their approximate number is about 210 institutions. Admission is carried out on the basis of 11th grade. When submitting documents, the applicant must present Unified State Examination certificates in social studies (either a foreign language or geography), history, and the Russian language. The passing score can range from 35 to 80 (usually 50-60). Universities offer the specialty social work in the following areas:

  • Organization of social security (regulatory and legal framework);
  • Social work (general aspects);
  • Working with youth.

Specialty "social work" - Universities

Applicants can enroll in the specialty at the following universities:

  • Magnitogorsk state university,
  • Ural College of Real Estate and Management,
  • Yekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology,
  • Moscow Humanitarian University and other institutions.

Main directions, disciplines of the specialty "social work", duration and cost of training

Applicants can study in any form: full-time/correspondence, evening. The form of payment can be either budgetary (free) or contractual. Approximate cost for completing 4-year programs ranges from 40 to 120 thousand rubles. From 8 to 25 students per course can obtain a specialty in social work for free. Volume budget places determined by the number of students in the stream.

Almost all disciplines of the social work specialty are devoted to familiarization with the rules for providing support and assistance to the population. Therefore, upon completion of training, social psychologists, conflict specialists, inspectors, and employees of services for pensioners, migrants, children and complex dysfunctional families will graduate from the university. When choosing a college to major in social work, you need to remember the features of the programs and the differences in the professions obtained.

Social work programs

Receiving higher education majoring in social work, students must learn about the rules of working with representatives of different social classes. The quality of the future specialist’s work depends on the quality of training, the ability to resolve complex conflict issues, and determine help and support. Therefore, the social work specialty who should work should be determined by the student upon admission. And the programs themselves must include general courses, And special programs to receive a specialized education. During the training process, students will study the following disciplines:

  1. Social pedagogy, politics.
  2. Work technologies and psychology.
  3. Information Technology and databases (in general).
  4. Problems of morality and morality in social media. work.
  5. Legal basis social work.

When choosing a university for admission, you need to remember that the social work specialty code 03/39/02 is common to the previously discussed professional areas.

Specialty "social work" - where and who to work with

Practical training is carried out to consolidate the knowledge acquired during theoretical classes. Held in government institutions, is documented by contracts (concluded between the university and the organization in which the internship is carried out). The duration of the classes is 72 hours and consists of three stages: introductory, working, and final. When passing industrial practice Students are required to fill out reports and diaries.

After a student has received a degree in social work, where to work is the main question for many graduates. Specialists can get a job in medical institutions, social assistance centers, rehabilitation centers, funds. At the same time, anyone can receive higher education remotely with a specialty in social work. The cost of the semester will be about 15-20 thousand rubles. Upon completion of training, the student is issued a diploma.

You might be interested.

Social workers provide comprehensive assistance to people, interacting primarily with vulnerable categories of citizens. They work with refugees, orphans, and pensioners, helping them receive social, legal, and material support. The profession is suitable for those who have no interest in school subjects (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Brief description

The profession is very ancient; several hundred years ago such specialists were called philanthropists and missionaries. Part of the social responsibilities was assigned to monks and nuns, who provided shelter, food and a minimum level of education to poor people. Today everything has changed, and this work is carried out by authorized representatives of social services, who are assigned to each person or family in need of assistance. state aid and support. The specialist primarily leads the following groups of citizens:

  • pensioners and people with disabilities;
  • children and adolescents suffering from congenital and acquired diseases, family violence and other problems;
  • women who have become victims of any type of violence;
  • dependent citizens;
  • people who lost their homes, were injured, or lost loved ones during disasters;
  • large families and others.

The social worker has direct contact with the population, checking the conditions in which children are kept and how the funds allocated by the state for a newborn are distributed. They carry food to sick people and pensioners, provide emotional support to citizens suffering from addictions (alcohol, drugs, gaming and others). The work is difficult and dangerous, because a specialist never knows what awaits him in the future. closed door one apartment or another. Social workers do not receive a very high salary; traditionally, this profession is chosen by women, who are more compassionate than men.

Features of the profession

A social worker must love people. This is the first requirement that is tacitly put forward to specialists. The responsibilities of such an employee include the following list of mandatory work:

  • analysis of the entrusted area, selection of people in need of social assistance and protection (temporarily or permanently);
  • working with complaints and appeals from the population, checking information, making decisions on each individual application;
  • provision of all types of social services, informing citizens about their rights and responsibilities;
  • providing assistance in obtaining legal and other types of advice;
  • home delivery of food products, drinking water, medicines, as well as other goods. A social worker can keep order in the home of the people to whom he is assigned, prepare or heat food, deliver ready food from relatives or from special canteens, pay bills;
  • assistance in filling out applications and requests for social assistance, preferential vouchers, services;
  • communication with socially vulnerable citizens and their relatives;
  • rendering additional services: first aid, psychological support and others;
  • maintaining accounting and reporting documentation.

A social worker must have minimal knowledge about medicine and be an excellent psychologist, because his work combines the main features of these professions. The segment is characterized by high staff turnover, so employees are always needed. The specialist interacts with law enforcement officials, volunteer organizations, and various groups of teachers and doctors.

Pros and cons of the profession


  1. The profession has enormous social significance, because every day such specialists perform complex and important work, improving the quality of life for many people.
  2. Official employment and a significant number of vacancies.
  3. Specialists are in demand in every major and small town Russia.
  4. You can get a job without higher education.
  5. Stable training and development.
  6. A large number of budget places in universities, the opportunity to get an education at the full-time, part-time or correspondence faculty.
  7. The work will become ideal solution for humanists.


  1. Low paying job.
  2. Constant contact with different segments of the population, whose representatives are not always friendly and honest.
  3. Interaction with sick, dependent people can lead to infection with infectious and other types of diseases.
  4. Labor is undervalued in the CIS countries.
  5. The specialist spends a lot of time on his feet and is forced to perform a large amount of work.
  6. The schedule may be irregular.
  7. Social workers often face flagrant cases human cruelty, which can have a depressing effect on morale.

Important personal qualities

Emotional stability and calmness are two essential qualities, which must be present in the character of a good social worker. This specialist must have excellent speech, inspire trust and respect, be able to listen and understand people. Other qualities are also important:

  • philanthropy;
  • tolerance;
  • resourcefulness;
  • self-control;
  • aptitude for working in a team;
  • a heightened sense of justice;
  • parity;
  • passion for social processes.

The character of a specialist should be free of pride, as well as greed and disgust.

Training to become a social worker

Master this difficult profession It is possible both at the university and at the college. When entering a university, you should choose the field of study “Social work”, passing exams in the Russian language, history and social studies; the duration of study is 5-6 years. It is also recommended to consider the following programs:

  • “Social work with youth”;
  • "Social work in the social protection system."

After 9th or 11th grade, you can apply to college, choosing the faculty of social work. The duration of training is 2-3 years, which depends on the basic training of the applicant and the chosen educational institution. You can get into some colleges based on your GPA without taking any exams.

Educational center "Verity"

A large selection of various training programs that help improve the skills of people working in the field of social assistance. Classes are provided for individual employees, and for entire teams. You can gain knowledge in person or remotely. The programs include innovative development methods for children, rules of interaction with teenagers, labor protection and no less pressing issues.

Colleges of Social Work

  1. St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Education "Polytechnic College of Municipal Economy".
  2. College for training social workers (“College No. 16”), Moscow.
  3. Economics and Technology College KIBiT.

Higher Education Social Workers

  1. Russian State Social University.
  2. Moscow Pedagogical State University.
  3. Moscow State Medical and Dental University named after. A. I. Evdokimova.
  4. First Moscow State medical university them. I. M. Sechenov.
  5. Moscow Socio-Economic Institute.
  6. Russian new university.
  7. Moscow State Psychological pedagogical university.
  8. St. Petersburg State University.
  9. St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design.
  10. Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov.
  11. Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V. P. Astafieva.
  12. Yelets State University named after. I. A. Bunina.
  13. Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics.
  14. Tula State Pedagogical University named after. L. N. Tolstoy.

Place of work

Social workers can find vacancies in government agencies (social inspector), developmental and correctional centers, and employment services. Often these specialists are involved in volunteer activities; they can collaborate with the Red Cross and other public charitable organizations.

Social worker salary

Salary as of 03/28/2019

Russia 16000—60000 ₽

Moscow 30000—80000 ₽


  1. Basic knowledge of psychology, medicine, social pedagogy, correctional work, conflictology.
  2. Types and rules for the provision of social services.
  3. Basic ethical standards social work.
  4. Rights and responsibilities of citizens who are provided with social protection and assistance.
  5. Basics of volunteering.
  6. Methods for developing different age groups children.
  7. Ways to restore psychological balance.
  8. Fundamentals of activity planning, programs for bookkeeping and accounting, databases.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics ( basic level)
  • History - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Modern society is a living organism that develops according to certain laws. That is why solving problems that are associated with individual or social difficulties is on the agenda. They can be successfully solved by a professional who has mastered the specialty 39.03.02 “Social work”.

Such activities are inextricably linked with internal politics states. Because without work in this direction, tension in society increases, which results in acts of aggression and other unacceptable forms of behavior. Timely resolution of a set of problems helps to avoid such incidents, which contributes to the comprehensive development of the country.

Admission conditions

This course is designed to educate a specialist who has an inclination towards both the humanities and technical sciences. He is good at using precise numbers, knows how to work with technology, and has sociocultural skills. Based on this direction of study, it becomes clear what subjects applicants take upon admission:

  • history (profile exam),
  • Russian language,
  • social studies or foreign language(optional).

Future profession

Having received a bachelor's degree, a young specialist will be able to realize himself in different areas. One of the areas of activity is direct participation in solving social problems. To do this, you will have to resort to analyzing the current situation, predicting further developments, and looking for alternative ways. In their work, a professional takes into account various factors, ranging from the individual’s nationality, position, and ending with health status, gender and age.

Where to apply

This specialty is in high demand, so you can master it in many universities in Moscow and Russia as a whole:

  • Russian New University;
  • Moscow Social Pedagogical University;
  • Moscow Humanitarian University;
  • Institute of International Social and Humanitarian Relations;
  • Social Humanitarian Academy.

Duration of training

A graduate of the eleventh grade has the opportunity to choose any form of study, depending on which the duration of the course changes. The full-time course involves completing the program in four years. Choosing a part-time, mixed or evening course, the student will have to study for five years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

The undergraduate program includes many compulsory subjects:

  • sociology;
  • social policy;
  • social pedagogy;
  • psychology, theory and technology of social work;
  • information technologies and databases;
  • social sphere and information technology.

Acquired skills

A graduate of the course is a specialist who has a wide range of professional competencies:

  • provision of social protection and services;
  • conflict resolution at any level;
  • prevention of socially dangerous phenomena;
  • consultations on social, psychological, legal, pedagogical issues;
  • development social programs different levels;
  • creation of social projects and participation in pilot programs;
  • provision of psychological and first aid;
  • research activities in the field of sociology and psychology.

Job prospects by profession

A young specialist in this field will be able to realize himself in various spheres of human activity. Professionals are in demand both in the public sector and in the business environment.

For example, they may be involved in government social policy. They are responsible for solving complex problems related to organizing the work of enterprises different forms property. In particular, many graduates of the course realize themselves in business, being able to lead a team. This could be a company that works in the social sector. services or deals research activities and expertise.

What do bachelors do:

The level of remuneration for such a specialist depends directly on the place of employment. Government agencies cannot offer high rates while offering a decent level of social security. Intermediate level salaries - 30,000. But you can develop in the direction of expertise, social and legal assessment in private structures, earning much more.

Advantages of Master's Degree Studies

To master the field to the fullest extent and count on high material rewards for your work, it is worth enrolling in a master’s program. Here the program gives a broader understanding of different methods and methods of obtaining, processing and storing information on related issues. Including, it is necessary to get acquainted with work experience in social sphere in the region, country and beyond.

The master's program includes many practical assignments. For example, a student will independently engage in research activities, he will learn the basics of consulting on specialized problems.

The life of any society is a complex, multifaceted process that is associated with a large number of controversial situations. There are socially vulnerable or problematic groups of people who require help, material and moral support, and human participation. Previously, these functions were distributed between law enforcement agencies, educational and healthcare institutions. But since 1991, the profession of social worker has appeared in our country, the activities of whose representatives are aimed at helping and supporting those in need.

Areas of activity

  • Therapy of a social nature at the level of the individual or family, aimed at the social adaptation of the individual or the resolution of various kinds of conflict situations in his environment. This area includes working with a problem child, with his parents, supporting a family member in case of domestic violence, helping a lonely pensioner, etc.
  • Working with population groups. They may vary by gender, age, interests or problems (single fathers, retirees, etc.). Often, a social worker has to deal with disadvantaged groups, or with those who have problems with crime - alcoholics, drug addicts, difficult teenagers who are registered with law enforcement agencies and require control and rehabilitation.
  • Community work. Most often it is required in small, fairly close teams (for example, in a village). Aimed at creating and strengthening interpersonal connections in the team, organizing mutual assistance.
  • The special field of activity of professionals is social projects. This could be an organization of assistance to civilians during natural disasters or during military conflicts. As an example, it is worth mentioning the collection of donations, necessary things or food for refugees.

Specifics of the profession

Social work is superficially similar to charity, which is voluntarily provided by certain people to those in need. However, the key point in the activities of professionals is that theoretical basis and practical skills, which are the main component of the specialty. Those who want to become social workers study at universities at the faculties of the same name. The disciplines that are basic for students are pedagogy, psychology, sociology. Practice occupies a special place during training. Without it, the young specialist will have little idea of ​​what awaits him. The practical basis will help in both employment and professional development.

Social work is defined by qualified assistance to groups of people and individuals in solving their life troubles and problems. Because complexities and communities vary, work requires a range of skills and knowledge. This profession can be described as having an integral nature. That is, it combines knowledge, skills and abilities from related disciplines.

To diagnose the problems of his client, a social worker uses psychological techniques, to resolve the problem, he can use legal knowledge (if necessary) or pedagogical knowledge (in the case of working with a teenager, a child from a problem family). Sometimes social work is directly related to helping the patient: for example, rehabilitation in case of irreversible injury or serious illness.

Special mention should be made of activities in the case of interaction with a person who has experienced violence or lost a loved one. Two aspects are important here: firstly, theoretical knowledge and skills from the field of psychology, which allow you to find the right approach to the ward, and secondly, sensitivity, tact, participation and a sincere desire to help.

The scale of activity of a social worker can be very different. He can contribute to the transformation of the client’s personality, or he can manage an entire social sphere.

Approaches to activity

  • Educational. A social worker acts as a teacher and advisor. He models situations, the behavior of his ward, establishes with him feedback and gives advice.
  • Advocative. The specialist acts as a lawyer. He helps in collecting documentation, in arguing that he is right, and helps the client achieve success in a particular problem area (for example, correcting certificates for disability benefits).
  • Facilitative. An approach that involves helping to overcome personal apathy and disorganization. A professional models behavior, encourages, looks for optimal options for your client.

Categories of social work

The specialty involves many options for activity, the main ones being the following:

  • Social policy. The broadest direction, which involves improving the life of society in this area, a number of measures aimed at solving problems, creating conditions to meet the vital needs of certain groups of the population.
  • Social protection. This direction is necessary to ensure the active existence of citizens and normal living conditions.
  • Social services. Provides household, material, medical, psychological and other assistance to people in difficult life situations.
  • Social insurance. Includes protections for the working population under federal laws.
  • Social guarantees. This is the implementation of a system of measures aimed at maintaining normal life support for citizens.
  • Social rehabilitation. A special area in the specialty that helps restore partially or completely lost social functions of an individual. This includes loss loved one, shock after a disaster, violence, sometimes restoration of the ability to live in society after imprisonment, etc.

Requirements for a specialist

A description of the profession would be incomplete without mentioning the personal qualities that a social worker needs. Since the object of his activity is a person, a formal attitude, callousness, commercialism and indifference are incompatible with such work. You should not only understand and realize the importance of your own specialty, but also sincerely feel sorry for the one who is in a difficult situation and try to help him with all your heart. Only in this case will the activity bring real results.

The concept of social ethics also deserves special mention. This is one of the most important components of the profession, without which productivity is impossible. Ethics is important because a social worker deals with issues of vulnerable segments of the population, as well as people who come to him with problems - alcoholics, drug addicts, former prisoners, the poor. Respectful and humane treatment is an integral part of the profession.

Social work is a field that pays modestly. Unfortunately, in our country the salary of a worker in this field is low. On average it is 12 thousand rubles. It is possible to take on part-time work, receive small increments and bonuses, and sometimes there is a chance to go into management, where the remuneration is higher. In general, a social worker is one for whom the first place is not salary, but the work for which he came into his profession.