Secondary damage occurs with energy. Mechanical damage: lecture

If this is possible for the baby, then the ideal food for a newborn is breast milk. Some reasons to breastfeed your baby:

  • Breast milk contains the perfect blend of nutrients that are perfect for your baby.
  • Milk has a reduced content table salt(4 times less than in cow milk, 2.5 times in any mixture);
  • This is food that gets to the child without unnecessary hassle(no need to buy the mixture, dilute the mixture, sterilize the bottles and heat the mixture).
  • This is a very comfortable form of feeding. The baby develops better when he breastfeeds.

The volume and frequency of feeding depends on:

  • Child's age;
  • Full-term baby or premature baby;
  • Concomitant pathology;
  • Conditions of the child;
  • Body mass.

Calculation of nutrition for full-term babies

How to feed a child if he has circulatory failure

  • 1st degree. The baby is placed at the breast UNDER WEIGHT CONTROL. Supplement with expressed breast milk up to the norm for each bottle feeding. If hypoxic attacks occur, cancel breast-feeding and switch to bottle feeding.
  • 2nd and 3rd degrees. Babies are fed expressed breast milk through a bottle or tube. The number of feedings increases by 1-2, respectively, the amount of milk per feeding is reduced.

If breastfeeding is not possible, the child will be switched to artificial feeding. Your doctor will recommend the formula that is best for your baby.

How to prepare powdered milk formula for a baby

  1. Carefully study the method of preparing the mixture indicated on the label;
  2. Strictly follow the dosage indicated on the label. Can't measure from ear mixture “by eye”!;
  3. Pour into a clean and dry bottle required quantity warm boiled water (50-60 degrees);
  4. Pour the required amount of dry mixture into a bottle using a special measuring spoon placed in a jar (pack) of the mixture;
  5. Shake vigorously closed with a lid bottle until the mixture is completely dissolved;
  • Remember, leave the mixture until the next feeding and cannot be reused! The mixture does not require boiling.

How to bottle feed your baby

  • Before you start feeding your baby, check the temperature of the mixture; it should correspond to body temperature - 36 degrees. It is necessary to drop the mixture from the bottle onto the back of your hand - it should not burn your hand;
  • During feeding, the neck of the bottle should be completely filled with the mixture. This will reduce the baby's swallowing of air and prevent the baby from burping;
  • Check the size of the nipple hole. At its optimal value, the mixture first flows out in a thin stream, and then in drops;
  • During feeding, do not be distracted, all your attention should be given to the baby, he should feel your tenderness and love.

After surgery, the diet should be as gentle as possible for the digestive organs, and, at the same time, provide the weakened body with all the necessary nutrients. Sick after surgical intervention needs complete rest - the body requires strength for further recovery and normal functioning.

What should be the diet after surgery?

The diet after surgery depends, first of all, on which organs the surgery was performed on. Based on this, the patient’s entire future diet and nutritional regimen is built.

However, there are general rules postoperative nutrition, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of the body of operated patients (weakness gastrointestinal tract, increased need for proteins, vitamins and microelements). These recommendations are basic and are used for all diets after surgery:

  • Gentle food. Due to the fact that after operations the load on the digestive organs is undesirable (and, in many cases, impossible), meals should be liquid, semi-liquid, jelly-like or creamy, ground consistency, especially on the second or third day after surgery. Eating solid food is contraindicated;
  • The first day after surgery, it is recommended to drink only: mineral water without gas, ordinary boiled water;
  • As the patient recovers, the diet after surgery is expanded - thicker foods are introduced and some foods are added.

Diet after surgery for the first 3 days

What should be the diet in the first few days after surgery? Let us dwell on this issue in more detail, since nutrition in the first postoperative period has the greatest complexity.

After the operation, the patient's diet for the first 2-3 days consists only of liquid or pureed foods. The optimal food temperature is no higher than 45°C. The patient is given food 7-8 times a day.

There are clear therapeutic instructions for the use of dishes: what is allowed and what is not allowed during the diet after surgery is indicated quite precisely in them.

What you can do on a diet after surgery (the first few days):

  • Diluted low-fat meat broths;
  • Mucous decoctions with the addition of cream;
  • Rice water with butter;
  • Rosehip decoction with honey or sugar;
  • Strained fruit compotes;
  • Diluted juices 1:3, a third of a glass per meal;
  • Liquid jelly;
  • On the third day, you can introduce one soft-boiled egg into your diet after surgery.

What not to do when dieting after surgery:

The diet after surgery excludes carbonated drinks, whole milk, sour cream, grape juice, vegetable juices, rough and solid food.

Example of a diet menu after surgery for the first 3 days

  • Warm tea with sugar – 100ml, thin berry jelly– 100g;

Every two hours:

  • Strained apple compote – 150-200ml;
  • Low-fat meat broth – 200g;
  • Rosehip decoction – 150ml, jelly – 120g;
  • Warm tea with sugar and lemon – 150-200ml;
  • Slimy cereal decoction with cream – 150-180ml, fruit jelly – 150g;
  • Rosehip decoction – 180-200ml;
  • Strained compote – 180ml.

After an initial gentle diet after surgery, a transitional restorative diet is prescribed, aimed at a gradual transition to a full-fledged diet.

What is possible and what is not allowed in the diet after surgery on days 4.5 and 6

After the first three postoperative days, liquid or pureed porridge from buckwheat, rice or oatmeal. It is allowed to eat cereal mucous soups and meat broths with the addition of semolina, and steam omelettes. You can expand your diet with steamed meat or fish soufflé, sweet mousses and milk cream.

Avoid eating foods that are too dense and dry, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables (due to their high fiber content, which stimulates stomach contractions).

In the following days and until the end of the recovery period, steamed dishes from cottage cheese are added to the diet menu after surgery, baked apples, vegetable and fruit purees, fermented milk liquid products (kefir, fermented baked milk).

Diet after appendicitis

The recovery period after surgery to remove appendicitis is about two weeks. All this time, you should adhere to a special diet, which in the first days will help the body recover and gain strength, and in the subsequent days will allow you to eat well without putting stress on the weakened gastrointestinal tract.

In the first 12 hours after surgery, eating is prohibited, but there is usually no appetite during this time. Further, for 3-4 days, the diet after appendicitis recommends eating the following dishes:

  • Low-fat broths;
  • Rosehip decoction with sugar;
  • Black tea with sugar;
  • Rice water;
  • Jelly, fruit juices diluted 1:2, jelly.

Diet after appendicitis prescribes to give up whole milk and any solid food for the first 3 days.

On the 4th day of the diet after surgery to remove the appendix, fresh soft fruits (bananas, peaches, grapes, persimmons) and vegetables (tomato, cucumber) are introduced into the diet. To replenish a weakened body with protein, prepare steamed dishes from cottage cheese (soufflés, casseroles), boiled meat and fish. It is useful to introduce fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt), boiled or stewed vegetables(zucchini, cabbage, eggplant), butter, low-fat cream.

Products that are contraindicated in the diet after appendicitis:

  • Carbonated mineral and sweet water;
  • Rich meat broths;
  • Dough products, white bread;
  • Canned and smoked foods;
  • Hot spices and seasonings;
  • Cakes, cookies, sweets.

The diet after surgery is based on the principle fractional meals– you need to eat often, in small portions. You cannot wash down your food with water or tea; you need to wait an hour and a half so that the food begins to be absorbed and does not stick together into a lump from the incoming liquid.

Important points of diet after surgery

During surgery on the esophagus or other organs of the gastrointestinal tract, eating food by mouth is prohibited for the first 2-3 days - feeding is done through a tube. Further, the diet after surgery follows the usual scenario.

A common problem after surgery is difficulty in natural bowel movements. Constipation can be caused by postoperative adhesions or scars, weak stomach activity after an abundance of pureed dishes, and general weakness of the body.

In this case, you should include in the diet menu after surgery foods that enhance intestinal motility (unless the doctor prohibits it): kefir, softened prunes, grated raw carrots and apples.

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