Zodiac signs and betrayal. The most faithful partners are Libra

Despite the fact that Libras are not very faithful by nature, they like the status of a married man. Libra quickly proposes, and always in the most attractive way: a romantic dinner by candlelight, an engagement ring in an expensive box, background music, and, of course, champagne. However, men of this zodiac sign make similar marriage proposals more than once, and they often have several marriages.

Libra man in marriage: what is he like in family and home life when he gets married?

Girlfriends very often envy the chosen one of their Libra husband. Cultured, polite, always well-groomed and fashionably dressed, he shows interest in science, but primarily in art. He knows what perfume is fashionable now and will take you to a prestigious restaurant to celebrate your wedding anniversary. And what kind of compliments he can give! And this unforgettable, charming smile of his... Just the walking ideal of a romantic and witty lover!

The charm of the Libra husband is combined with a gentle character. It is not the chivalrous attitude towards a woman that makes him nervous; he does not tolerate rudeness, rudeness and any primitivism. This person will never raise his voice against you (and will not forget if you do). He usually makes a good career, most often in law, art or journalism. There are not many such “civilized” men who will voluntarily go with you to the theater or philharmonic, read poetry and get bored watching an action movie rather than a psychological drama.

You probably won’t complain about intimate relationships with your Libra husband in marriage either. You are not in danger of sleeping too long in the marital bed. In addition, men of this zodiac sign quickly become virtuosos in the art of love.

But married life with a Libra husband is not as rosy as it might seem. This man understands women very well, but, unfortunately, most often treats them as a tool for realizing his own goals. In addition, he can sometimes be extremely self-centered. His wife not only often gives up her professional ambitions, but is also forced to constantly revolve around him as a faithful companion. He loves his children, but changing diapers or attending parent-teacher conferences is too boring for him.

How does a Libra husband provide for his family?

People of this sign are rarely workaholics and perform feats of labor, but at the same time they make a good career and earn, first of all, a comfortable life. By nature, Libra husbands are not misers in family life, but there are men in this sign who are too frivolous in financial matters. He often has several marriages, and whirlwind romances are also expensive. Therefore, it happens that a very gray Libra lands with a young mistress with a single suitcase, and the inexperienced chosen one of his heart pays alimony... to several wives.

Is your Libra husband cheating or not, is he jealous or not?

The Libra husband's horoscope is such that they cannot be classified as very faithful and morally stable representatives of the stronger sex. Libra husbands are easily carried away, cheat, and at the same time do not experience remorse that does not let them sleep at night. They are not particularly jealous, but the feeling of competition spurs them on.

Libra man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep your Libra husband?

A Libra husband in marriage makes high demands on his wife. She must be beautiful, forever young, smiling and witty. In addition, she should prefer a life full of entertainment and interesting events, traveling with Libra to fashionable resorts where he will shine. An often tired, ordinary hardworking woman who in the evening after a busy day of work only wants to sleep, in the long run will probably “fall out of the game.”

It is very important that Libra immediately be lucky enough to find a woman to marry, gifted with a strong character, who would be able to properly dispose of this loving comrade. Firstly, she will immediately remove her husband from the pedestal, soberly evaluate his talents and will never demonstrate that Libra has become her whole world. The mere awareness of the existence of competition works like a dope in relation to Libra husbands in family life. You can always bring to the attention of your other half (although this, at first glance, may seem absurd) that there are other men in the world, and he can be replaced by a “better model.” But the wife knows the truth about herself: when Libra’s contrite husband comes up and smiles charmingly, her legs will become weak again, and she will again - contrary to common sense - once again forgive him everything...

Despite the fact that it is impossible to evaluate the fidelity of women only by their belonging to a certain Zodiac Sign, many still show a desire for betrayal more often than others.

Astrologers have identified 6 Signs whose representatives cheat most often. The stars have distributed everything so that in each element there is at least one or two Signs, belonging to which can show that a woman is more predisposed to cheating. From this article you can find out which ladies are most difficult to call the most faithful.

Sixth place - Capricorn

Despite the fact that Capricorn is an earthly sign, women and girls born under this constellation are not distinguished by fidelity. More precisely, they will always be with you if everything suits them. For example, they have a rich husband and stability. Once that's gone, they'll leave. No matter how much they swear their loyalty to you, they are not marrying your soul and character, but rather your money, position or something else. They themselves will not like what they do, so Capricorns choose their husband very carefully. Many men will say that Capricorns are the most faithful ladies in the world. This is true, but only because you did not have a chance to test their love for strength and themselves for this very loyalty.

Fifth place - Taurus

The second earthly sign on our list of the most unfaithful wives and girls. Taurus are ambitious ladies who have a clear predisposition to cheating, because they are always looking at other men. While they are in love, they belong to one man, but then they become more susceptible to compliments and attention from others. They have a love of dynamics in their blood. Taurus women do not stay long with rich but boring men. They are not interested in consistency. The only way to keep a Taurus woman is to constantly stir up her interest. You need to show that you are easy to lose, then the Taurus lady will be with you. True, there is one big disadvantage in this method of retention - jealousy. Taurus is a bundle of jealousy. They can fight, scream, be hysterical. These are perhaps the largest owners in the world. Having children will also help keep Taurus, because family comes first for them.

Fourth place - Pisces

This is a typical representative of the Water Signs of the Zodiac. Pisces may not cheat on you in the literal sense of the word, but they will definitely flirt. Girls born under this Sign can cheat on a man with whom they do not have a very long relationship or are unclear in some way. If Pisces are not confident in their partner, then a violation of fidelity cannot be avoided. Of course, some factor may hold them back, but this is unlikely. If it consoles you, then representatives of this Sign do not feel anything towards those with whom they cheat on you. It's not normal for them, no. They are simply monogamous, but cannot restrain themselves from the forbidden fruit. Mostly Pisces do this quite carelessly, because they do not know how to lie well enough, so you will immediately find out about their lies. A little more observation will help you understand that the girl of this Sign wanted the attention of another man.

Third place - Libra

This airy Zodiac Sign is very emotional, very dynamic, jealous and prone to affairs on the side. Libra girls do not consider cheating a problem, unless, of course, their man finds out about it. The overwhelming share of Libra's infidelities occurs during the premarital period. If you are not married to a Libra, then such ladies will constantly look for another man. Of course, this does not happen on purpose, but automatically. It’s just that Libra is very susceptible to flattery and compliments. If you don't do them, someone else will do them. Do not suggest testing the relationship, separating, separating for a while. During this period, Libra women will not waste time. They, like Taurus, are stopped from cheating only by marriage, children, increased control and constant love. If you are ready to work for such a relationship all your life, then get ready for difficulties. You'll have to keep your fire burning.

Second place - Scorpio

The Scorpio girl is something. Of course, they are beautiful and charismatic, emotional, but their betrayals defy logical explanation. There are, undoubtedly, representatives of this Sign who will never lie to their man, but among the Scorpio ladies there are more than half of those who can cheat just like that, without any second thought. Sometimes they test their feelings in this way, which makes no sense. Scorpio women are very dangerous players in love, because they lack the acuity of feelings and lightness. Astrologers and astropsychologists do not undertake to give a clear answer to the question “why?” and “for what?”. You won't understand Scorpios, you can only love them.

Honored Leader - Gemini

Geminis can get tired of the game of love at any time. These ladies are so unpredictable that you are simply amazed. They can change at any stage of the relationship, even if you are married or just been together for a long time. If you have children, then know that this will not stop Gemini girls from searching for new adventures and sensations. They come back, and not only to you. It feels like they want to own all the men at the same time. When they are abandoned, they fill everything with tears. They take revenge, do nasty things, but then they can still come back to you if you want them to. Loyalty for such women and girls is a temporary and very fragile concept. They are smart and interesting, but this is not something you should focus on for yourself. Don't expect honesty from them. They will lie to your face and think everything is fine.

Other Signs

You can put those you didn’t see on the list in sixth or fifth place Sagittarius and Aries. These fire Signs are mistakenly perceived by many people as not very true, but this is not so. Fire Signs, especially women, are people of principles. Although they are flighty and independent, they will not lie to you. They will tell you straight up that they don't want to see you or that they don't like you. Of course, not everyone has the courage to do this, which is why they are located almost in the same place as Capricorns, but still a little lower. The men of these Signs are a different matter. And Leos, and Aries, and Sagittarius are still ladies' men, womanizers and "Don Juans".

Leo and Cancer- the most faithful wives and girlfriends, because the former believe that “queens” should not look for love on the side, and the latter simply love their men too much. Cancers will never be able to change on an emotional level. These are pathological family men. You can trust these women, as well as Lionesses, without any problems.

Virgo They respect their time too much, so they will not date those men who, at least theoretically, can be cheated on. Virgos walking to the left are like water flowing back into a faucet. Aquarius in this regard, they are similar to Virgos, because they can only flirt with other men, but they will not touch someone else’s property even at gunpoint.

The main reason for adultery is the lack of understanding of your other half. When there is no mutual understanding, discord begins, which is why betrayal becomes so harmless at first and painful later. Learn to put yourself in your spouse's shoes. Be diplomatic and flexible, and also remember that love should inspire you, give you something, and not only demand return. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

It is difficult to predict the likelihood of a man or woman cheating just by their zodiac sign, but taking into account the characteristics of temperament and character in a relationship, you can create a kind of horoscope of fidelity or potential ability to cheat on your partner. We present to you the characteristics of the zodiac signs according to their propensity and attitude towards infidelity in a couple.


Can Aries cheat?

Aries is a fire sign, one of those who constantly need novelty and a sense of celebration in relationships. He is selfish and proud, and without the “zest” in love he languishes and gets bored. If he decides to cheat, it will be mainly because his partner ceases to suit him when the union becomes stuffy. His ego needs nourishment and attention, and if the other half stops giving it, then Aries, eager to strengthen his own importance, can look for it on the side.

Is Aries able to forgive betrayal?

Being passionate and emotional, Aries strives to create strong relationships, and if his partner cheats on him, it will be very difficult to forgive him. Aries perceives betrayal as a deep insult and betrayal, but there is one “but”. He values ​​honesty, and can forgive betrayal if a loved one tells him about it himself, and not if “good people” convey this fact to him.


Can Taurus cheat?

Taurus is rightfully considered one of the most stable and loyal signs. Closed in his inner world, he is a man of action, not words. He really values ​​what he has and is grateful for the good relationships, for the love and warmth that he receives, so Taurus is extremely rarely capable of betrayal. But there are exceptions to the rules.

Taurus is a sensual, pleasure-loving sign, and it is vital for him that his loved one shows affection and care for him. Indifference kills him, and if he feels unnecessary in a couple, he will most likely be attracted to the one with whom he will feel needed and loved.

This situation is very similar to Aries, but if Aries cheats rather out of selfish and arrogant motives, then Taurus needs to feel not self-satisfied, but needed by his partner.

Is Taurus able to forgive betrayal?

Legends can be made about Taurus's vindictiveness. If a loved one cheats on a Taurus, then there is a very high probability that he will simply break off the relationship once and for all, not wanting to put up with treachery (and this is exactly how he sees someone else’s betrayal). He won't break dishes or get hysterical. The strength of Taurus lies in his self-control and good manners.

At the same time, having weighed all the pros and cons, a reasonable Taurus can forgive the one who inflicted such a mental wound on him, but only once, giving his partner a chance. This is clearly not a sign that will allow its other half to cheat repeatedly, subjecting itself to humiliation over and over again.


Can Geminis cheat?

Geminis need constant intellectual and emotional stimulation to maintain strong and long-lasting relationships. If Gemini decides to cheat, it is because of a lack of vivid emotions and impressions in life in general and in their love union in particular. Sometimes it doesn't even come to the point of physical infidelity, but you may notice that your beloved Gemini has started an online affair, communicates a lot online and clearly feels satisfaction from this relationship, which keeps them in a pleasant everyday excitement.

Are Geminis able to forgive betrayal?

Gemini is an ambivalent sign and unpredictable in many ways, including in relation to betrayal. Everything depends primarily on the characteristics of temperament and character, as well as the duration of the relationship. On the one hand, Gemini, having learned about the betrayal of a loved one, can break off the relationship once and for all. On the other hand, they can forgive if they see sincere repentance and a desire to continue the relationship and not destroy a strong family with children.


Can Cancer change?

Cancer is the most family-friendly sign of the zodiac, and is also very soft, deep and sensitive. Cancer is not prone to cheating, because he highly values ​​what he has, of course, if we are talking about a good romantic union or an already formed strong family. At the same time, Cancer often has low self-esteem, so he can get carried away in relationships where it grows and his ego is fed. If Cancer is happy with everything in a relationship, he feels safe and has no need to look for something else and assert himself on the side.

Is Cancer able to forgive betrayal?

If Cancer himself cheats rarely, then Cancer himself can be cheated on often, but only if he is too closed, dreamy and divorced from reality. Cancer experiences betrayal very hard and deeply, especially if it happened in a long-term relationship in which a certain attachment has been formed, because Cancer feels its partner almost as a part of itself.

Sometimes sensitive and emotional Cancer is ready to forgive and forget betrayal immediately if he feels an urgent need for his partner, without whom, as it seems to him, he cannot live and breathe. It may also happen that he needs some time to think about everything, weighing all the arguments and coming to a conclusion - is it worth continuing or is it better to give up this illusory happiness.


Can Leo cheat?

Like Aries, Leo is a selfish Fire sign, but unlike Aries, Leo represents a more fiery temperament that requires bright emotions. In relationships, he often needs drama, and sometimes ugly scenes that excite the blood. The intimate component of the union is of great importance for Leo, so regular and high-quality sex is something without which he cannot exist, without otherwise feeling alive. If he lacks those fireworks in a real relationship, he may look for it on the side. The partner should praise his beloved Leo, constantly stroking his ego, reminding him that he is the one and only, that he makes him happy.

By the way, if Leo decides to cheat, you shouldn’t be surprised that the one with whom he cheats will be very similar to his life partner, only younger and brighter. Leo is attracted by youthful enthusiasm, which promises dynamics and freshness in relationships.

Is Leo able to forgive betrayal?

Being capable of betrayal himself, Leo has a hard time when someone cheats on him. In this case, he does not want to take the place of another and analyze his emotions and feelings. Natural egocentrism whispers to him: how can you cheat on me - after all, I am perfection itself! In addition, it is still very difficult for Leo to forgive the partner who cheated on him, because he will remind him that he chose the wrong person who betrayed his trust, and this once again scratches his pride.


Can Virgo cheat?

Virgo is an Earth sign, so she is serious and down-to-earth. Virgos are excellent parents and caring spouses, but sometimes in the whirlwind of everyday life they lack romance, and life begins to put pressure on them. There is a possibility that, tired of everyday worries and obligations, Virgo will be carried away by someone who will give her a feeling of lightness and carefreeness. To prevent this from happening, Virgo must feel the fullness of life and concern on the part of her soulmate.

Is Virgo able to forgive betrayal?

Virgos combine conservatism and a desire for novelty, and for them, the ideal relationship combines these two qualities. But you shouldn’t assume that Virgo is ultra-modern, so she can easily come to terms with betrayal. She will blame herself, first of all, for not being able to give her partner what he needs. Virgo has a hard time dealing with betrayal, and in order for her to forgive, you need to have an honest and frank conversation with her, discussing the present and potential future of the relationship.


Can Libra cheat?

Libra is a romantic and balanced sign, always in search of balance. They take the marital union seriously, so by nature they are not predisposed to cheating. At the same time, this lightness, openness and sociability make Libra prone to coquetry and flirting, especially if it is a woman. Sometimes they can get really carried away and let the flirting go further, especially if they lack that “zest” in their current relationship. If a partner gives them a feeling of fullness of life, does not put pressure, does not humiliate, does not frustrate, then Libra will never want to cheat on him.

Can Libra forgive betrayal?

Libra is a loyal, rational and understanding sign, and if they happen to experience the betrayal of a loved one, they can forgive, but this will take time. Libra, who is always in search of balance, will need to carefully weigh and think about everything. If they return to a relationship, they carefully take into account all previous negative experiences, trying to understand their partner and re-evaluate the relationship so that this does not happen again.


Can Scorpio cheat?

Scorpios have a reputation for being passionate and mysterious individuals who cheat left and right. But this is not true, because a truly happy Scorpio values ​​his relationships and will not risk them for the sake of a short-term fling. But there is one big “but”. Representatives of this zodiac sign have a demanding temperament. Simply put, sex and the attractiveness of a partner are incredibly important to them, which should excite, surprise and excite him. Dissatisfaction with the sensual side of the union and a sucking routine can push Scorpio to search for someone who will become a new inspiration for him.

Is Scorpio able to forgive betrayal?

Scorpios can forgive someone who cheated on them, but this sign, alas, is distinguished by vindictiveness. He remembers the pain that was caused to him for a long time, and even having forgiven the betrayal, he is unlikely to forget it, and if necessary, he will definitely remind him, manipulating his position as a cuckold.


Can Sagittarius change?

Like the other two fire signs, Sagittarius has a weakness for various pleasures, such as delicious food and beautiful clothes, and harmony in bed. This is a life-loving sign that values ​​freedom, the limitation of which it perceives very hard. This does not mean that Sagittarius is prone to cheating - he is sociable and sometimes flirtatious, but does not cross the boundaries of what is permitted, rushing headlong into the pool. If a partner does not limit his beloved Sagittarius by arranging scenes of jealousy for him, he will not cheat, trying to break out of the cage of a toxic relationship.

Is Sagittarius able to forgive betrayal?

Being an optimistic and cheerful sign, Sagittarius, although he experiences betrayal, is inclined to rational thinking, analysis of relationships and favorable conclusions, if there is every reason for them. This is not the sign that cuts from the shoulder and breaks off a relationship immediately, as soon as it learns about infidelity.


Can Capricorn change?

Restrained and rational Capricorn, like other earth signs, is one of the most constant and faithful partners. He controls the situation and his mind controls him to a much greater extent than feelings and sexual attraction. At the same time, remaining self-possessed and outwardly even cold, he always expects admiration and signs of love and attention from his partner. Not finding them, he can try to look on the side of someone who will notice and appreciate him. But even after cheating, Capricorn will most likely admit it, because honesty in a relationship is very important to him.

Is Capricorn able to forgive betrayal?

Capricorn, who is prone to self-control and soul-searching, experiences the betrayal of a loved one for a long time and painfully. Get ready for long conversations, reflections, search for cause-and-effect relationships and analysis of relationships with analysis of the smallest details. But he needs this in order to survive the situation, fully understand and forgive, in order to completely close it. Capricorn is a family sign, so he will try to forgive betrayal if there is a reason to maintain the relationship.


Can Aquarius cheat?

Aquarius is not a romantic or hyper-emotional sign. As a representative of the air element, he needs some lightness of being, flirtation and a sense of freedom. Aquarians are unpredictable and sometimes unempathetic, meaning they care more about themselves than about the feelings of their partner. However, it is important for Aquarius to feel that their partner needs them, that they are not neglected, and then the likelihood of betrayal is much lower.

Is Aquarius able to forgive betrayal?

Sometimes Aquarius is reproached for lack of sentimentality and superficiality of feelings. But this is only beneficial when it comes to such an objective shock for many others as betrayal. Aquarius is not one of those who will shed tears into the pillow, arrange Italian showdown scenes, be dishonest and die of jealousy. This doesn't mean that they will easily forgive the infidelity, just that they will get by without diving deeply into the situation - either by walking away or moving on with their lives, leaving the infidelity incident behind them.


Can Pisces change?

Pisces is a romantic and dreamy sign of the zodiac, which is characterized by extensive fantasies, immersion in another reality, dreams and endless dreams of something bigger, better, beautiful and exciting. They need the magic of love, its enchantment, sensuality, which allows them to experience life in a new way and see it in different colors.

Pisces are loyal and value family very much, but everyday life and constant routine depress them, even if they don’t show it or say that something doesn’t suit them. If the partner supports Pisces' need for romance, arranging little surprises and keeping the fire alive in the couple, then no betrayal will happen.

Are Pisces able to forgive betrayal?

Despite their emotionality and subtle soul, Pisces are not selfish, so they even try to analyze and forgive their partner’s betrayal. This does not mean that you should abuse trust and betray it again and again. Representatives of this zodiac sign have devotion and empathy, which must be respected and not abused.

How do zodiac signs change?

And let’s immediately make a reservation as usual. If you think that “But mine is not like that,” then photoshop his photo to the text, print it out, hang it at the headboard and sigh sweetly before going to bed, whispering into a cozy shoulder: “You’re not like that.”

He will sleepily answer: “Uh-huh, of course,” and starry grace will descend on your bed. And the rest - suffer!


Capricorns cheat innocently. Not in the sense of sighs and childish petting. And in the sense: “well, what about such and such?” And the eyes clap-clap innocently. Here's my wife, I love her, here's the chick, I want her. Everyone should be happy. Especially considering that Capricorns, as a rule, do not get burned. If you pin Capricorn against the wall with irrefutable evidence, Capricorn will not excuse himself. He will shrug his shoulders, look at you with the surprise of a surgeon who discovered Incan gold in the appendix, and say: “You know, I’d like to eat it.” And you will go to fry potatoes, torn between the memories of finding someone else’s panties in his pocket and the attitude “it’s not justified, therefore it’s not your fault.”


Aquarius cheats emotionally. So that splinters, drool and blood fly in all directions. Aquarius is very uncomfortable hiding, so he subconsciously wants everyone to know about everything, and this nightmare will somehow end by itself. In general, Aquarius is a terribly unhappy person. He is driven to cheat by a craving for diversity and a search for something unusual. But time after time it turns out that all women have the same thing in their panties. How Aquarians live to old age in a world that constantly stabs them in the back is completely incomprehensible.


Pisces cheat inventively. Directing his rich imagination to conceal his own horizontal exploits, Pisces is able to get away with it in any situation. That is, anyone at all. Let's say you come home and find a naked woman in your bed. Treason? How could you even think! This is my cousin, who came on foot from Nyagan, where her husband beat her, she was extremely cold, so she took off her icy wet clothes and was warming herself under the blanket. Is she still giving me oral sex right now? Shame on you! I just gave her antibiotic tablets, and we push them through, because her swallowing reflex is impaired due to stress. It looks wild only in printed form. And when Pisces says this, it sounds more than convincing.


Aries cheats cruelly. If you catch him, he won’t make excuses, that’s another thing. He will sit next to you, roll his eyes dreamily and say: “you’re a grown girl, you have to understand, you should have seen her tits...”. In response to your desperate babbling “what kind of boobs, what are you talking about, how can you, I have boobs too, by the way,” he will take the phone, find a photo of the right boobs, hold it out and say: well, look for yourself. And then he will gently take you by the hand, give you a boring lecture about polygamy in men and say that, by the way, you are also very dear to him.


Taurus rarely cheats, so it is considered the most reliable partner of all the zodiac signs. There is only one small (okay, big) problem - if a Taurus cheated, it means he fell in love for real. And if the other signs can still somehow separate - here I sleep, and here is my family, then Taurus must certainly marry the secretary, since he has dishonored her. And no amount of psycho-training on “how to save a family” will help. The chain won't help either - it will smash the wall and run away. Therefore, it is advisable to castrate Taurus the next morning after the registry office - they are excellent husbands even without primary sexual characteristics.


Geminis cheat like pigs. No, to go to Tahiti and sleep with a native woman and die of syphilis. Where there? Geminis choose sexual partners exclusively from their close social circle. So that you can sit at the New Year's table and understand - oh, I fucked everyone here, how funny. However, Gemini also has another aspect. If you are lucky, then your Gemini does not cheat on you at all - he has enough fantasies. That is, when you are sitting at the New Year's table, he is mentally fucking someone right now. Well, yes, “lucky” is always a very relative concept.


Cancer changes obviously. That is, you don’t even need to find explicit SMS messages in his phone. As soon as Cancer, sighing, begins to sing a ballad about the imperfection of the world, about how difficult it is to build relationships with the one you love, and how interesting it can be - just yesterday a person was a stranger to you, but today there is no one closer to you - all is lost. “No one is dearer” is not about you. In general, betrayal is not easy for Cancer and he is reluctant to do it. And if he does, then the problem is not that he has an itch somewhere, the problem is that he needs his One and Only (with a capital letter). And until this ten-legged crustacean touches all the women with its claws, it will not stop.


Leo cheats surprisingly rarely. What do you expect from Leo? That he would get himself three equal females, gather them into a pride and lie in the shade of the baobab tree until they brought him fresh wildebeest liver. But in reality, Leo doesn’t like to spend extra calories wiping away other people’s tears, so it’s enough for him to know that this one and that one are ready to give themselves up at any moment. Until they give up, Leo has no moral obligation to wipe away their snot. In general, if your Leo is lazy, then you will have to kill the antelopes yourself. So please.


Virgo cheats like Bond. James Bond. If you have an affair with a married Virgo, then your dates will turn into a city quest full of mysteries. You will quickly learn to respond to “Anton, mechanic, service station,” and they will put a cyanide capsule in your wisdom tooth in case your wife calls. But don't worry, she won't call: Bond knows his stuff. Virgo is resourceful, like Maslyakov, convincing, like a Stechkin automatic pistol, and careful, like a virologist working with a genetically modified sample of Ebola. The only chance to find out that Virgo is cheating on you is the phrase: “I love someone else, let’s get a divorce.”


Libra changes masterfully. They can live for years in two families, not really trying to hide, but they still don’t get scorched. Because they have the rare ability to arrange everything so that everyone is happy and doesn’t ask questions. In addition, Libra takes marital obligations very seriously, and they themselves rarely initiate divorce. After all, why do these gestures in government agencies, if everything is already very nice and convenient? Therefore, it is important to decide: do you need a faithful husband or a husband as such? If it’s the latter, then let him have fun, it won’t go anywhere anyway. If it gets too hot, you can beat him with a mop handle and take away your soul.


Scorpio doesn't cheat. No, seriously. Of course, people who are a little familiar with zoology, by definition, do not expect anything good from Scorpio. And in vain. This cutest arthropod from the class of arachnids takes love and marriage very seriously. And changing your beloved is nonsense for Scorpio. But the fact that Scorpio, a dog (let’s forget about zoology, come on), is complex and can fall in love twelve times a year - this, you see, is a completely different story.


Sagittarius cheats recklessly. Sagittarians have a big sign on their butts, like trucks, that say “NO STOPING OR TURNING.” If the opportunity arises to get into adultery, then Sagittarius will certainly get into it, so much so that it splashes the walls, ceiling, neighbors and the central square of the city with biological fluids. It’s quite easy to find out about a Sagittarius’ betrayal, moreover, from mutual friends. And - sometimes - before the betrayal occurred. Because Sagittarius won’t be able to resist telling his friends exactly whom and in what position he’s going to get married next weekend. Roll it out, baby, roll it out.

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The Libra woman is not used to asking for advice about what to cook for dinner or what tablecloth to choose for the dining table. Libras are not weak girls; they can nail a nail and hang a shelf themselves. Over time, Libra will develop a sixth sense that unmistakably identifies guys who are incapable of equality and constructive dialogue. She will never waste time on tyrants and tyrants - this is the characteristic of a Libra woman.

Libras are generally extremely picky about the opposite sex. They are unfamiliar with blind affection inspired by the scorching fire of love. The blind passion inherent in Scorpio women is incomprehensible to Libra women. She will never turn a blind eye to alcoholism, drug addiction or a tendency to go “to the left” - it is not in her rules to console herself with hopes in the “maybe it will work out” style. Sensing something is wrong, Libra will ask a question head-on in order to clarify points of interest to her. If the girl is not satisfied with the answer, she will slam the door without offering compromises or solutions.

How faithful is a Libra woman?

Libras are extremely amorous and indiscriminate in choosing their partner, because they are never completely sure who they want to see next to them. But if they have already gotten married, they will forget even to think about love affairs on the side. They take marital obligations very seriously and will never initiate divorce. The Libra woman should constantly feel her husband’s love and attention and should herself be interested in him. Sex for them is only a physical sensation; they rarely reveal their soul.

Why does a Libra woman cheat?

Charming and graceful Libra women rightfully (or rather, according to statistics) take second place in the list of the most... unfaithful wives (they “politely” let Scorpio women go ahead). Here they keep up with Libra men, who are not averse to having an affair on the side, or even more than one. Why does a woman born under such a zodiac sign as Libra violate the oath of fidelity given to her husband, because she is an almost ideal wife: she idolizes her husband, and supports him in everything, and gives advice, and showers him with affection... And her life with her husband rather resembles the life of Eve and Adam before the appearance of the serpent-tempter...

And here the same notorious snake intervenes. Only now ordinary life plays its role. The reason for the Libra woman’s betrayal is quite simple and is not much different from the reason for the Libra man’s betrayal: she was simply fed up with the routine, bored with the gray everyday life, the monotony of life! And her soul wants to break out of this cramped world of everyday life to freedom, to where life sparkles with all the colors of the rainbow!

As soon as the betrayal happens, the Libra woman will lose her “balance,” that is, peace of mind, and her anxiety and nervousness will be difficult to ignore, although it can often be explained by other reasons, not just betrayal. One cup of the Libra woman will be filled with passion and love on the side, and the second - the family cup - will be empty. And if the husband of a Libra woman, not wanting to lose her elusive beloved, comes to his senses in time and fills the empty cup, that is, brings novelty, variety, and spice into the relationship, then he will be able to keep her near him, not forgetting, of course, from time to time to arrange surprises for her and give romantic gifts.