Apricot is a sunny fruit. Apricot varieties for non-traditional areas Preparing for winter

August 24th, 2010

Apricot fruits are consumed both fresh and dried (apricots with pits, kaisa, dried apricots, marshmallows). Sick diabetes mellitus You should limit your consumption of apricots due to their high sugar content.
Apricot vodka is prepared from apricots, alcoholic drink, and apricot juice undergoes fermentation and then distillation.

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Apricot (lat. Prunus armeniaca)- a tree from the genus Plum (Latin family Amygdalaceae), as well as the fruit of this tree.
China is considered the birthplace of the apricot, where it grows wild.. However, in Europe it became known from Armenia (hence the botanical name in Latin: lat. armeniacus - Armenian). Subsequently, the apricot came to Rome, as the ancient Roman scientist and writer Pliny the Elder mentions in his works.
A special species is the Siberian Apricot (Prunus sibirica L.), growing wild in the Daurian mountains.
Apricot is also called yellow plum, morella, dried apricot, polenta, apricot.
Deciduous tree of medium height and crown circumference.
The leaves are round, ovate, elongated at the apex, finely toothed or double-toothed.
White or pink flowers bloom before the leaves appear ev.
The fruits are single-druped yellowish-red (“apricot”) in color, round, elliptical or obovate in outline. The bone is thick-walled and smooth.
The apricot tree has long been grown in many warm countries. temperate climate.
In Russia, it is widely bred in the Caucasus and in the southern regions of the European part.

© Fir0002


For planting, as a rule, standard branched annuals are used, in which single branches (lateral branches) are evenly distributed along the trunk and in space, and are also well subordinate to the continuation shoot (conductor). Seedlings with branches from adjacent buds, with sharp corners discharge. In the future, such branches break off under the weight of the fruit, which leads to the death of the trees. This is also facilitated by active development diseases on wound surfaces.
Don't make mistakes when purchasing planting material . Grafted seedlings of cultivated varieties differ from seedlings (poles) in a number of morphological characteristics. Seedlings of cultivated varieties do not have thorns (spurs), but have stumps - the place where the rootstock is cut above the established eye (bud), which has not yet been completely overgrown. On one-year-old branches of cultivated varieties, double or triple buds are already formed, while seedlings have only single buds (single buds). The poles bear fruit in the first years of fruiting only on simple and complex spurs, and by 8-10 years short fruiting formations appear on individual plants. Annual branches and trunk of seedlings are less developed and thin compared to cultivated seedlings. Seedlings of unknown origin and imported from the southern regions are usually not winter-hardy. They freeze in our conditions to the level of snow cover and are characterized by low taste qualities of the fruit. There is a danger of importing viral diseases with seedlings and saplings from other regions. In this case, the plants die prematurely.
The best results are obtained when planting unbranched annuals. Their weak growth in the first year after planting causes the formation of large angles of departure and the creation of a strong crown.
Before planting, the roots are dipped in earthen mash. When planting, plants are placed in a hole so that root collar the seed rootstock and the grafting site of the cultivar on the clonal rootstock were 3-4 mm below the edges of the hole. The roots of the plant are covered with the prepared fertile mixture. When backfilling, the plants are shaken slightly, and then the soil in the hole is compacted with a foot from the periphery of the hole to the center, holding the plant on the right level. The hole is filled to the edges with soil from the lower horizons and an earthen roller is made along the edges of the hole for convenient watering of plants. Plants are watered regardless of soil moisture with 20-30 liters of water per plant. After watering, the soil settles strongly and the hole is filled to the edges and the earthen roller is straightened.
Depending on the folding weather conditions and soil moisture during the summer, additionally carry out 2-3 waterings with an interval of 10-15 days. Moderate and timely soil moisture contributes to the normal development of plants in our area.

Soil maintenance like pure fallow with rational use of fertilizers in conditions of insufficient water supply ensures normal development and apricot fruiting. This system promotes deeper placement of roots in the soil and better resistance of plants to extreme conditions.
In the first two years, and no more, seat(trunk circle) kept under mulch. A longer stay of the soil under mulch leads to shallow placement of roots in the soil. Semi-rotted manure, sawdust, peat and others can be used as mulch. organic materials. It is important to loosen the soil in a timely and careful manner, preventing the strong development of weeds and damage to the roots.
In conditions of good moisture supply, through the use of irrigation, starting from the entry of plants into the period of full fruiting (in the 6-7th year of life), the soil can be watered. For these purposes, short-stemmed cereal grasses with a poorly developed root system are used: bluegrass, red fescue, bentgrass, perennial ryegrass and other species used to create lawns (lawn mixture). The seeds are sown early spring on soil that has been well prepared since last year, after the complete destruction of rhizomatous and root-bearing weeds. The sown seeds are periodically watered using fine sprinklers (sprayers) in order to obtain uniform and dense seedlings and prevent the top layer of soil from drying out. Grasses are periodically mowed when their height reaches 20-25 cm. This soil maintenance system can significantly improve water-physical, chemical properties soil and increase its fertility. Combined with rational use mineral fertilizers and optimal moisture supply, the incidence of plant diseases is reduced, and normal height and regular fruiting, the productivity and resistance of plants to the summer and winter vagaries of nature increases. If plants are not provided in a timely manner necessary conditions, then they are suppressed, age prematurely, and the plantings become economically unprofitable.

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Apricots are photophilous, undemanding to soil conditions, and grow best in deep, well-aerated soils containing lime. They are drought and wind resistant, avoid stagnation of moisture and salinity, and grow quickly. The best areas for growing apricots are the southern, southeastern and southwestern directions from Moscow. The site must be protected from north winds. Lowlands where cold air flows are unsuitable. Choose a sunny place: apricots need to get as much heat as possible during the summer, this will help them survive the winter safely.


IN middle lane apricot needs regular watering, especially after transplanting and during growth, in May - June. In the second half of summer, plants are watered only during drought, which is rarely observed in the Moscow region. In other cases, excessive watering in August can cause protracted growth of shoots that will not ripen by winter and will freeze. WITH early age in late autumn and early spring, the trunks and main skeletal branches of the tree are whitened, adding to the whitewash copper sulfate. Wounds and frost holes on the trunk at the end of April - in May are cleaned down to living tissue and covered with garden varnish or kuzbaslak.
Apricots grow quickly and produce their first harvest on average in the fifth to seventh year. For more effective pollination, it is advisable to have at least two seedlings on the site, or even better, three or four. When grown without transplants and proper care trees can bloom in the third or fourth year. Flower buds are formed on plants every year, even when they are heavily loaded with harvest. The crown of apricots is formed naturally.

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Reproduction by seeds, which remain viable for up to a year, and grafting. Seeds are sown in autumn or spring after three months of stratification.
Locally adapted apricot trees can be grown from seed kernels extracted from fruit purchased at the market. There is no need to take seeds of Armenian and imported, too large fruits for sowing. They are planted immediately, without drying out, to a depth of 5-6 cm, which ensures almost 100% germination. Unlike pomaceous plants, in which, as a rule, wild plants grow from their seeds, stone fruits produce both wild plants and seedlings, which can later even surpass the parent forms in the quality of fruits.
Early in spring, in March, annual seedlings are pruned. This pruning is then carried out annually. First of all, weak, frozen branches and their ends are removed, shoots that are too long and powerful are shortened, and excess shoots that thicken the crown are cut out into rings. All sections are covered with garden varnish or thickly rubbed paints (red lead, ocher, soot), diluted natural drying oil. If seedlings grow in a garden bed, on permanent place they are transplanted at the age of two, immediately after the snow melts or in September - October. On fertile, structural soil, it is enough to dig a hole the size of the roots. On clay, peat or sandy soil, make it deeper and wider, arrange drainage at the bottom and fill the hole with a nutrient mixture. The best thing is to grow trees without transplanting.
Having collected the first harvest, the seed seeds are planted in the ground immediately after being extracted from the fruit. The grown seedlings will be a second generation of apricots, much more tolerant of the local climate.


They are exceptionally beautiful during the flowering period, when the shoots (before the leaves bloom) are completely covered with large pink flowers. They are elegant in the autumn decoration of bright leaves and at the time of fruiting. Can be used to decorate gardens, parks, forest parks, squares, in intra-block landscaping, in single and group plantings. Apricot flowers exude a pleasant honey aroma - after all, apricot is a wonderful, early honey plant. Among the beautifully flowering tree species, low almond, Daurian rhododendron, and forsythia bloom at the same time.

© Brian0918

Diseases and pests

Apricots are less susceptible to diseases and pests compared to plums. However, sometimes trees become infected with fungal diseases.
Clusterosporium, or “hole spotting” (Clasterosporium carpoplilum Aderh.): at the beginning of summer, reddish spots appear on the leaves, in place of which holes form by the end of summer. The affected tissue of young shoots cracks and gum flows out from the affected areas - a sticky, viscous juice that hardens in air. This fungal disease usually affects weakened plants, whose planting holes are either not well filled, or after an overload of crops.
Moniliosis (Monilia cenerea Bonord.): The causative agent of the disease, a fungus, overwinters on the affected plant organs. In spring, the mycelium of the fungus forms sporulation. Initially, the disease causes browning and drying of flowers, and then leaves and annual shoots. During the summer, the fungus develops on the fruits. First, a small dark spot appears, which, gradually growing, covers the entire fruit. The flesh of the fruit turns brown, and the surface is covered with small black sporulation pads. Affected fruits shrink, dry out and fall off.

Control measures

Keeping the garden in good sanitary condition is of paramount importance. Pathogenic fungi are found on leaves, branches, fruits, bark and other parts of the tree; it is important in the fall to collect and burn the leaves, dig tree trunk circles. An effective measure is the application of organic, mineral and lime fertilizers. Fertilizers ensure good growth of trees and at the same time change the reaction of cell sap in a direction unfavorable for pathogens and insect pests.
You must also remove root shoots and cut out dry and diseased branches, clear the trunk of frozen bark, and cover the damaged areas with garden varnish. The ventilation of the crowns is essential: it is important to promptly remove growth on the trunks and skeletal branches and to rejuvenate the crown.
Of the chemical control measures, eradicating sprays are effective in early spring, before bud break, nitrafen (2-3%), Bordeaux mixture (4%), iron sulfate (5-8%). During the active growing season, spray against diseases Bordeaux mixture(1%), zineb (0.5%) or copper oxychloride. The first spraying is carried out immediately after flowering, the next three or four - every 10-15 days.
With proper care, trees have a healthy appearance, grow by 40-70 cm annually and practically do not get sick.
Among insect pests, aphids cause great harm: they weaken plants, and then sooty fungus can settle on them. Aphids can be combated mechanically, destroying them when they appear, or sprayed with soapy infusions of tobacco, dandelion, and ash.
Plum moth (Laspeyresia fundebrana Tr.) damages plum fruits and, to some extent, apricots. This is a small butterfly that overwinters in the form of a cocoon in the lower part of the trunk or in the surface layer of soil. Butterflies fly out in the first ten days of June and lay eggs in the ovaries of fruits or on leaf petioles. Then the butterfly pupates and from mid-July to mid-August the summer generation of moth butterflies fly and eggs are laid on the formed fruits.
Quite effective mechanical methods: collecting and destroying damaged fruits, cleaning the bark on the trunk, digging up the trunk circles.
The caterpillar of the hawthorn butterfly also harms apricots by gnawing out buds and leaves. It is also easy to destroy mechanically, and wintering nests - dry leaves with a clutch of eggs, attached by cobwebs to branches - need to be collected and destroyed in the fall or early spring.

How do you grow apricots?

Apricots in central Russia

For the first time, I.V. was engaged in selection for Central Russia and the Moscow region. Michurin. He managed to develop very promising varieties of the Siberian-Manchurian group, on the basis of which others, no less successful, were developed.

The best early apricot varieties for central Russia

Early varieties Apricots ripen in July. The best of them have high frost resistance, increased immunity to disease, and also quickly begin to bear fruit.

It was bred by crossing such varieties as Original and Triumph Northern. Despite the fact that it is a breeding novelty, it has managed to prove itself well with high productivity, increased winter hardiness of the bark and flower buds, as well as resistance to perforated spotting (clasterosporiasis) and gray mold (moniliosis). Hybrid I -05-6 is a low tree with strong branches and a compact crown. Fruit ripening occurs on July 16-18. Ripe apricots weigh on average 50-60 g, their quality is estimated at 4.5 points.


Has a very early ripening period. An adult tree reaches a height of 3.5-4 m. It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after grafting. It is also valued for its decorative value, since in the spring the spreading crown is covered with beautiful massive flowers. The fruits are round, flattened, and have a bright yellow color with a dotted blush. The stone is large and easily separated. The pulp is sweet with sourness, quite dense. Apricots are suitable for canning and transportation. Brings a good large-fruited harvest, the variety is highly frost-resistant.

Ripens in the first ten days of July. The taste of the fruit is high, in no way inferior to its southern relatives. Ripe apricots are very attractive in appearance - yellow-orange with a bright blush. The pulp is sweet, juicy and aromatic. The bone comes off easily.

I would also like to note the varieties: Iceberg, Lel and Tsarsky for their unusually tasty and aromatic fruits.

Mid-early and late apricot varieties, their characteristics

Among the numerous high-quality varieties whose ripening period falls at the end of July - mid-August, the following can be distinguished: Khabarovsky, Vostorg, Samara, Triumph Northern, Snegirek, Honey, Saratov Ruby, Gift of Heaven.


The variety is super productive, early fruiting, with an average level of winter hardiness. The fruits are small, weighing up to 45 g. The shape is round with a clearly defined longitudinal seam. Ripe apricots are yellow-green with a lumpy, heavily pubescent surface. Transportability is low, so the fruits are more suitable for fresh consumption than for preservation.


Apricot Snegirek is rightfully considered the leader among winter-hardy species, since this small tree is able to survive in the harshest conditions. It bears fruit annually and abundantly: on average, one tree produces 7-10 kg of small (15-18 g), but fragrant and juicy fruits.


Ripens in the first ten days of August. Medium size fruits (17-20 g), ovoid. The color of ripe apricots is yellow and uniform. The skin is tender, slightly pubescent. The pulp is uniform, juicy and aromatic. Transportability and commercial quality are high. Suitable for universal consumption.

Apricots in central Russia: cultivation and care

In central Russia, growing this crop is not an easy task, since the apricot tree is quite whimsical and demanding, especially in terms of natural lighting, which is often lacking in the Moscow region.


For planting, seedlings grown in a nursery are most suitable, although many gardeners prefer their own, sprouted from seeds or grafted onto a plum tree. The main requirement is that young trees should be in a sunny place protected from northern winds, for example, near a fence or wall.

Planting pits dig in advance, making them wide and deep (70*70*70 cm). The bottom is covered with drainage made of gravel or pebbles. Next, add a fertile mixture of 3 liters of mullein, 400 g of potassium sulfide, 700 g of superphosphate and a glass of ash. A seedling is placed in the center and, having carefully distributed the roots, it is covered with earth until the tree is on a kind of hill. After planting, make a watering circle around it and pour 2 buckets of water into it.

Watering and fertilizing

Subsequent watering is carried out in three stages: before the formation of ovaries (in April), during flowering (in May) and before fruiting (in July). Fertilizing is carried out starting from the age of two: mineral-rich fertilizers are applied twice a year (in autumn and spring), and organic fertilizers are applied as needed, but at least every 3-4 years.


Main care consists of timely spring pruning. Apricot bears fruit on annual shoots and continuation branches. To achieve a good yield, they need to be shortened by half, thus increasing the number of flower buds on the remaining part. You also need to carry out anti-aging haircuts at the end of each fruiting.

Another problem that gardeners face is spring frosts. To protect the awakened buds from freezing, apricots are wrapped in natural fabric in November, and in the spring the trunks are treated with a limestone solution.


Zoned apricots bear fruit with full efficiency, even despite the peculiarities of the northern climate, if you choose the right varieties and create the appropriate conditions for their development.

The following are distinguished: apricot varieties:


This apricot variety belongs to the Central Asian varieties. The fruit is medium in size, light yellow in color, and has a large carmine blush. The fruit pulp has average sugar content and low acidity. This variety is considered the earliest in ripening of all large-fruited varieties that exist. The productivity of the Ahrori variety is below average. The main disadvantage of the variety is that the fruits do not stick well to the tree. The advantage is that this apricot variety is very disease resistant.


Trees of this variety tall apricots. The fruit is large in size and golden-orange in color. The pulp is dense, aromatic, sweet, medium juiciness, orange in color, low acidity. Fruit ripeness occurs in the second half of July. It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. This variety has good drought resistance and winter hardiness, more so than other varieties. To fungal diseases, resistance is quite average.


Trees of this variety have a compact crown and are quite tall. In the Krasnodar Territory, it produces 3-4 harvests per decade, at its peak best years the tree produces a harvest of more than 100 kg. The fruit size is average, approximately 40g. The fruits ripen early, in late June or early July. The fruits have good taste, slightly sour, the color of the fruit is light cream with a slight blush. The fruit contains a sweet seed. The disadvantage of the fruits of this variety is the poor separation of the stone from the pulp.


This variety of apricots is considered quite promising. It has several times increased winter hardiness. The fruit size is average, about 40-45g. The color is yellow with the presence of a faint blush. The pulp has a good taste. The ripening period occurs in the second ten days of July. This variety bears fruit more often than all the apricot varieties described above.


This variety is considered to be as promising as “Solnechny”; it has slightly increased winter hardiness. The tree itself is quite large. The fruit size is large, about 60g. round shape, orange color. They taste very pleasant and have a harmonious taste. The fruits ripen in mid-July. The fruits of the “Russian” variety are most suitable for fresh consumption rather than processed ones. The seeds are separated from the pulp easily.


This variety belongs to the early ripening varieties, since the period of fruit ripeness begins in the 3rd decade of June. This variety belongs to the selection of the Nikitinsky Botanical Garden. The fruit is medium in size, from 30 to 40g, oval in shape, golden yellow in color, with a slightly blurred carmine blush. The pulp has a good taste, very tender, juicy, light yellow-orange color, medium aroma. The seeds are medium in size, separated from the pulp quite well, and the seed tastes sweet. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption.

The trees are of medium height and have a beautiful spreading crown; they begin to bear fruit in the 4th-6th year. The average yield of the variety per tree is from 35 kg to 40 kg. Trees of this variety have increased winter hardiness of flower buds. This variety blooms mid-late, it is resistant to fruit spot damage, and is a self-fertile variety.


This variety belongs to the selection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The ripening period is mid-early, in the first ten days of July. This variety has already been zoned for many regions of the Ukrainian SSR. The size of the hearths is quite large, 50g, oval-round shape, orange color with a rich red blush. The pulp of the fruit has a bright orange color, medium density as well as juiciness, a pleasant strong aroma, and the taste is very good. The stone is medium in size and easily separated from the pulp. The seed is sweet.

The fruits are often used to make jam, compotes, and are also good for fresh consumption. The trees begin to bear fruit in the 4th year, the crown of the trees is spreading, and they are considered vigorous. This variety has a regular yield, and it should be noted that it is quite high, 50-60 kg per tree.

The flower buds of the tree have average winter hardiness, as well as damage to leaves and fruits by clasterosporia and bacteriosis. Flowering period is average. This variety is self-fertile.

Pineapple Tsyuryupinsky

This variety also belongs to the selection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The ripening period of the variety is mid-early, occurring in the 2nd-3rd decade of July. The variety was zoned for the Crimean, Nikolaev, Vinnitsa, Zaporozhye and Khmelnytsky regions. The fruit size is average, about 40g, irregular round shape. The color is matte, light yellow, there is no blush. Pulp medium density, very aromatic, pleasant taste, light yellow color with a faint orange tint. The size of the seed is small, it is easily separated from the pulp, the seed is sweet.

The fruits of this variety are good both for fresh consumption and for making jam and compote.

Trees begin to bear fruit in the 4th-5th year. The trees have a beautiful, spreading crown; this variety is a vigorous variety. Productivity from one tree is from 50 to 70 kg. The trees have good winter hardiness and good resistance to various diseases. Trees bloom mid-late. The variety is self-fertile.


This variety belongs to the selection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. The ripening period is average, occurs in the 3rd decade of July. It is considered promising for the south of Ukraine. The fruit size is average, from 35 to 40g. the shape is ovoid-oval. The color is light yellow, sometimes not large size pink tan The pulp has good taste, compact, medium density, light yellow color. The seed in the fruit is medium in size and easily separated from the pulp. Bitter seed. The fruits are well suited for fresh consumption and for making jam and compotes.

Trees of this variety are distinguished by a beautiful spreading crown and strong growth. The tree begins to bear fruit in its 3rd or 4th year. The yield of the variety is good; from one tree you can harvest from 50 to 60 kg. The disadvantage of this variety is: average winter hardiness of flower buds and poor resistance to diseases. Flowering of trees is considered late. The variety is self-fertile.


The variety belongs to the selection of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Refers to varieties with late ripening, approximately in the first half of August. The fruit size is average, weighing 30-40g. The shape is flat-round, the color is golden-orange, there is a bright carmine blush. The pulp of the fruit has a uniform, cohesive consistency, a pleasant aroma and good taste. The seed is medium in size and easily separated from the pulp. The seed is tasty and sweet. The fruits are well suited for fresh consumption and for making compotes, jams, and dried fruits.

Trees of this variety differ rapid growth, powerful size and beautiful dense crown. The time of fruiting begins in the 5th-6th year. The “Hardy” variety has a regular yield, from 60 to 80 kg per tree. The flower buds of these trees are winter-hardy. To fungal diseases, resistance is average, satisfactory. Medium late flowering, self-fertile variety.


This variety was obtained by crossing different selected forms and apricot varieties, completely of different origins. The variety has high frost resistance, the crown of the tree is medium spreading, at the age of 10 years, its height can reach 3.5 m. Annual shoots are dark red in color. In this variety, buds are formed in the mass of one-year-old wood, which are relatively resistant to thaws. The tree enters the fruiting period in the 2-3rd year. Depending on the weather conditions in spring, trees bloom on the 10th-15th of May. The weight of the fruit is from 15 to 17 g, the shape is round, ripening occurs in mid-August. The fruits fall off quite quickly; this happens at the end of the month. The color of the fruit is very beautiful, red color predominates. The yield of this variety per tree is on average about 17 kg. The size of the seed is not large, its weight is approximately 0.9-1 g, and it is separated from the pulp dryly.

To grow your own apricot seedlings of this variety, you need to sow them in mid-September. Apricots sprout in the spring; by the way, it should be noted that the seedlings sprout quite well. Standard sizes they reach by autumn. Vaccinations should only be done in spring period, cuttings. The described variety is well compatible with almost all Siberian varieties of apricots, which is necessary to pay attention to; this fact provides the seedlings with friendly growth of grafts, as well as the durability of the varieties and always high, sustainable yields.


This variety was bred thanks to the selection of K.K. Mullayanov, at YuUNIPOK. This variety is open pollinated. The height of the tree can reach 4m. crown width is approximately 33.5 m. The yield of the variety is quite good, from 15 to 20 kg per tree. The trees have good frost resistance. The size of the fruit is on average 29x27x26mm, so to speak, equilateral, weighing up to 15g. The color is yellow, there are subcutaneous points of red color, which are usually located at the upper part of the fruit, there is pubescence, although it is weak. The fruit has a round base and a small funnel. The pulp is fibrous-grainy, medium density, medium juiciness, yellow color, very sweet taste, no bitterness. The stone is easily separated from the pulp, has a round shape and size 16x16x10mm.


This variety of apricot tree has a curved, broom-shaped crown, quite high winter hardiness, and the fruits are considered to be of high quality. The tree of this variety is very tall, can reach 5m. The weight of the fruit is from 25 to 30g, the color is lemon-yellow, there is a crimson blush. The pulp is tender, slightly loose, the taste is harmonious, and has a pleasant, strong aroma. The bone is difficult to separate from the pulp. Productivity is good, annual. The fruit ripening period occurs on August 10-12.


The tree is tall, can reach up to 5 meters, the crown diameter can exceed 7 m. The fruits are medium in size, weighing from 25 to 35g, creamy yellow in color, with a blush. The taste is freshish-sweet, sometimes a bit dry. The stone is easily separated from the pulp. The tree bears fruit annually, the variety's yield is high. The fruit ripening period is August 12-15.


This apricot tree is considered a dwarf tree, since its height reaches only 1.5 m and has a cup-shaped crown. The fruits are medium-sized, rather small, weighing about 25-30g, the color is creamy yellow, there is a blush. The pulp of the fruit is tender, loose, tastes very sweet and has a strong aroma. The fruit has a free pit. The tree bears fruit annually and the yield is good. The variety has high winter hardiness. The fruit ripening period occurs on August 8-10.

In memory Fomina

The tree of this variety has a medium size and a sparse crown. The fruits are not large at all, weighing from 15 to 20 g. The color is yellow, there is a bright crimson blush. The pulp is very sweet, aromatic, juicy, and has good taste. The fruit has a free stone. The tree bears fruit annually, has good yield. The fruits of this variety ripen at the beginning of August, around the 6th-8th.


The tree is not very tall, about 3-4m, and has a spreading crown. The fruit is small in size, weighing approximately 15-18g, cream in color, with a dark burgundy blush. The pulp is very aromatic, sweet and juicy; a slight bitterness from the skin can be felt. The pit in the fruit is free. The tree bears fruit annually, the variety's yield is high. The advantage of this variety is increased winter hardiness. The fruit ripening period occurs in mid-August, approximately on the 15th-18th.

Large seed

The tree of this variety is not tall and has a spreading crown. The fruits are quite large in size, weighing about 25-35g, the color of the skin is bright yellow, there is a slight blush. The pulp of the fruit is very tender, loose and sweet. The stone is easily separated from the pulp. The tree's yield is quite high, up to 30 kg, and bears fruit annually. Fruit ripening occurs in the first half of August, approximately on the 7th-9th.


The tree of this variety is not tall, rather of medium height, and has a compact, attractive crown. The fruits are not large in size, weighing from 20 to 25 g, the color of the skin is yellow-cream with the presence of a bright, beautiful blush. The pulp of the fruit is very aromatic, melting, has an unusual color, pinkish-yellow. The bitterness of the skin is slightly felt. The fruit has a free pit. The tree bears fruit annually, the yield of the variety is quite high. The fruits ripen around the 10th-12th of August. The variety has increased winter hardiness.

Early Sun

The tree of the described variety has a compact crown and medium height. The fruits can be said to be small, weighing from 12 to 20 g, the color of the skin is yellow, there is a slight blush. The pulp of the fruit is very sweet and loose. The bitterness of the skin is slightly felt. The fruit has a free pit. The tree bears fruit annually and the yield is usually high. This sample variety is one of the most early dates ripening, namely in the third ten days of July. The tree has good winter hardiness.


The tree is quite tall with a pyramidal crown. This apricot variety is suitable for growing in small areas. The fruits are medium in size, weighing from 18 to 20 g, the color of the skin is orange-yellow, there is a bright blush. The pulp of the fruit is very juicy, aromatic and loose. There is a slight bitterness of the skin. The fruit has a free stone. The yield of the variety is quite high, the tree bears fruit periodically. The ripening of the fruits of this variety of apricots occurs in mid-August, approximately 15-17. The variety has increased winter hardiness.


Trees of this variety are medium-sized and have a compact crown. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing approximately 15 to 25 g, the skin is creamy yellow in color, with a slight blush. Distinctive feature This variety of apricot differs from other varieties by having a corrugated base. The pulp of the fruit is dense, has a wonderful aroma and excellent taste. A slight bitterness of the fruit skin is felt. The seed in fruits is usually free. The tree of the presented variety bears fruit annually, and it boasts high productivity. This variety also has very good winter hardiness. Fruit ripening occurs in the first half of August, around 8-10.

In mid-summer, shelves in markets and shops are filled with various fruits and berries. One of my favorites is the bright and sunny apricot. We love the aromatic fruit in any form - fresh, dried, canned. It is a pity that it is cultivated mainly in warm regions. But it can also be grown in cooler regions. Let's find out how to grow apricots in central Russia. It's not difficult, but it's not a case of set it and forget it.

Common apricot: characteristics

The fragrant orange fruit is often called the Armenian apple. This is primarily due to the question of the territory of origin of the apricot. Modern scientists identify from 3 to 6 places where this tree could first appear. According to one version (the most probable), in the Tien Shan (China). But in the recent past, Armenia was considered the birthplace of the tree, from where the apricot later came to Europe.

This crop is a deciduous tree, growing in height from 5 to 8 meters. The color of the bark on old specimens is gray-brown, cracking longitudinally. Apricot is a long-liver; in warm climates, trees grow up to 100 years. The leaves are ovoid in shape, alternate in arrangement, up to 9 cm long. The flowers are sessile and solitary, the petals are white. The fruit is a single-drupe yellow-red color with a rounded outline.

Apricot in central Russia

The tree is thermophilic, which determines its natural distribution. Apricots have been grown for a long time in temperate countries. In our country, it is widely cultivated in the Caucasus and Crimea, as well as in the European part (southern regions) of Russia. They grow in almost every yard and are quite common, because they are unpretentious and drought-resistant. But in order to grow apricots in central Russia, some effort will be required. Work on creating acclimatized frost-resistant hybrids was started at the end of the 19th century by I. V. Michurin.

Subsequent selection was able to develop a number of varieties with high quality fruits and relatively high winter hardiness. Apricot varieties for central Russia are currently quite numerous, so we will focus on only a few.


The hybrid was obtained in the Nikitinsky Botanical Garden. Refers to species with a late ripening period - the first half of August. The trees are medium-sized, develop quickly and have a dense, lush crown. The fruits appear 5-6 years after planting. The harvest is abundant - up to 80 kg from one tree. The fruits are medium in size, weighing 30-40 grams, flat-round in shape, golden-orange with a bright blush, carmine color. They have high taste and are suitable for preservation and fresh consumption.


The cultivar is familiar to many gardeners thanks exclusively to positive qualities. The tree is tall, fruiting begins in the 3-4th year. Characterized by high resistance to drought and winter hardiness. Fruits with small red spots have oval shape, weight - from 40 to 60 g. Ripening period - July (second half).


A promising hybrid with increased winter hardiness. It is included in the best for central Russia. Fruit yellow, with a faint blush, weighing up to 45 g. Ripening occurs in the second ten days of July. Fruiting is frequent and abundant.

Northern Triumph

A variety with high winter hardiness of the tree and medium hardiness of the flower buds. It is zoned for the southern part of the Central Black Earth zone. weighing up to 55 g are yellow-orange in color. They are used mainly fresh. This variety is characterized by the formation of vigorous trees and a spreading crown. Fruiting occurs in the 4th year of life.


A very frost-resistant variety, bred by the Yuzhnouralsk Research Institute, free pollination. The tree is tall (up to 4 m) with a spreading lush crown. The fruits are medium-sized (up to 15 g) and have aromatic and sweet pulp. Their color is yellow, with small subcutaneous patches of red. Characterized by high yields, up to 20 kg per tree.


A true leader among all other varieties in terms of frost resistance. This apricot will feel great in central Russia and delight its owners with the harvest. The tree is small in height: from 120 to 150 centimeters. With winter shelter, you can grow it even in the Urals and in northern regions. The yield is appropriate - 7-10 kg per tree, ripening begins in mid-August. The fruits are not very large (15-18 g), with excellent taste, have dense pulp and an average sugar content. The skin is cream-colored, with a purple blush.


A typical dwarf tree, growing to a height of only 1.5 meters, has a cup-shaped crown, which explains the name. The hybrid is winter-hardy. Apricots of this variety bear fruit every year and the yield is quite high. Fruits weighing 25-30 g with creamy yellow skin and a slight blush. They have loose, tender and sweet flesh with a strong aroma.

It is also worth noting the following the best varieties apricot for the middle zone Alyosha, Monastyrsky, Lel, Piquant, Ilyusha, Success, Russian.

Landing dates and location selection

The most optimal time apricot planting - the third ten days of April, when the earth has already warmed up and the threat has disappeared return frosts. Choose seedlings carefully; the buds should be slightly swollen, but not at the stage of leaf blossoming. Prefer trees in individual containers rather than bare-rooted ones. Experts advise growing apricots from the seeds of local varieties, so it grows stronger and more resistant to various diseases and weather conditions.

Growing apricots in central Russia requires careful choice of location at the initial stage. This southern guest in our gardens prefers the warmest, most illuminated area and preferably without northern winds. Apricot normally tolerates proximity to groundwater.

Pit preparation and planting

The planting hole for apricots should be quite spacious (70*70*70 cm). It is worth remembering that the tree is twice as large in size as its crown. Therefore, the distance between individual seedlings must be maintained, based on the characteristics of the variety, on average about 3 meters.

Prepare the planting hole in the fall. After you dig it, fill it with humus, add 2-3 liters of mullein, 400 g of potassium sulphide, 700 g of superphosphate, one glass of ash. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave until winter. Be sure to add a drainage layer of expanded clay or gravel to the bottom of the hole. During planting, the seedling must be kept in an upright position and gradually covered with soil to the growth point. As a result, the tree should be located on some hill, a mound. Make a watering circle along its diameter, and after planting, pour 2 buckets of water.

Apricot in central Russia: care

Process proper cultivation consists of three main components: watering, fertilizing and pruning the tree. Despite the fact that apricot is a drought-resistant crop, for good growth It requires water for fruiting. Watering should be frequent, but not too abundant. It should be done either early in the morning or late in the evening.

Fertilizers are applied to the soil. The first time this is done is when planting a seedling. Starting from the second year, it is recommended to apply complex ones in the fall and early spring. Organic matter is also useful for the tree; it is added as needed, but at least once every 3-4 years.

For apricot, a sparsely tiered crown pattern is recommended. For this, 5-6 skeletal branches are left. Avoid them growing from one place on the trunk. In apricot, fruits develop on one-year-old shoots, the highest yield is on continuation branches. Therefore, in the spring it is necessary to shorten them by half in order to stimulate the development of flower buds on the remaining part. carried out after fruiting is completed. Heavy pruning should not be used on mature trees.

Apricots can be grown in central Russia under the condition correct selection variety and availability of time to care for the tree. Therefore, before bringing this southern guest into your garden, you need to weigh the pros and cons.