Bacteriostatic activity. Bactericidal action - what is it? Antibacterial drugs


Bathing in the early morning causes cold and therefore should be avoided by the yogi.

Hatha Yoga Pradpika with Jyotsna, I,61

There are no special instructions in this regard in the treatises on practical Yoga. Therefore, the rules of general hygiene can be formulated only by observing how yogis take care of their skin, hair, nails, etc. Modern hygiene pays enough attention to this subject that we do not need to go into much detail.

Human skin consists of two layers: a thin superficial (epidermis) and lower (dermis), which is actually the skin. The top layer is easily separated - for example, it swells quickly when blisters form. Its main function is to protect the underlying skin and maintain its normal softness and elasticity. New cells are constantly appearing in the epidermis; they take the place of old ones, which are pushed to the surface and then rejected. This process of peeling the surface layer of skin occurs continuously, and skin care is partly about promoting it.

1. Skin: sense organ

Actually skin is sense organ; it contains nerve endings and receptors that perceive external stimuli. For yogis, the skin is one of the external sense organs, namely the organ of touch ( sparshendriya), with a predominance of the earth element. Roehring clearly demonstrated the importance of the skin as a sensory organ, pointing out that touch is the second most important sense after vision. Pathological conditions of the skin that arise when its sensitivity is lost also confirm the importance of the skin as a sensory organ. According to Goldscheider, different areas of the skin have different sensitivities.

2. Functions of the skin

In addition to the fact that the skin is one of the sense organs, it also performs many other functions: (a) protective, (2) thermoregulatory, (3) respiratory and (4) excretory. As everyone well knows, the aesthetic perception of skin as an element of human beauty depends on the fineness of its structure and the freshness of its color.

(A) Protective function. Covering the entire surface of the body and thus protecting internal tissues and organs from direct exposure to external irritants and infections, the skin is the external protective layer. In fact, the skin and mucous membrane are the first line of defense, because the cause of the disease is not dirt, but microbes that penetrate the skin or mucous membrane. It is important to know that as long as the skin and mucous membrane are healthy and not injured, no microbes will cause disease. In addition, since the skin is a sensory organ, it reacts to all kinds of changes and local lesions and thus prepares the entire body for resistance.

(b) Thermoregulatory function. It is the skin that adapts to various sudden changes in the atmosphere and performs vital role in regulating body temperature. For example, if the air temperature is much higher than body temperature, the pores of the skin expand, sweating begins, and the body cools due to the evaporation of sweat. If the air is colder than the body, blood vessels narrow, and the same body temperature remains because the flow of blood, which could cool in the skin, decreases.

(V) Respiratory function. Contrary to the generally accepted belief that only the lungs breathe, gas exchange also occurs through the skin. Woods Hutchinson goes even further and even talks about " cutaneous heart" as one of the blood circulation factors. Bischoff showed that although the total amount of gas exchange carried out by the skin is small, this function of the skin is extremely important for the condition of the body.

(G) Excretory function. The skin is also an organ of absorption and excretion. Of course, the process of absorption is not as important as the process of excretion. This was recognized in ancient times as far back as the time of Galen. But relatively recently, physiologists proved that the skin is second in importance excretory organ after the kidneys (Picard). Therefore, it greatly helps the kidneys in eliminating toxins from the body. If poisons released from the body through the skin are not quickly removed from it by ventilation, bathing, etc., they are reabsorbed - just as air exhaled from the lungs is re-inhaled in a dark, unventilated room. Many clinical studies confirm that when skin secretion is reduced, certain diseases develop.

3. Diseases arising from poor care for skin

The most common diseases are: cracks, dryness, flaking of the skin, scabies, dermatomycosis, etc. They can easily be cured with sun, air and water baths. In case of chronic illness, you may have to use medicated powders and ointments. Diseases with skin symptoms, such as measles, chickenpox and others, in which radical treatment of the entire body is necessary, arise not only due to poor skin care, but also due to violations of hygiene rules in many other respects. A rash, for example, signals poor nutrition, although doctors at a New York hospital believe it is caused psychological reasons, namely a feeling of resentment (Miller).

Lurch states that “...before beginning (any treatment), it is necessary to thoroughly cleanse the mucous membrane and skin, “the actual lining of the body.” Both are important organs that can cause illness or delay recovery if not keep the mucous membrane (or skin) clean. poor condition- an open door for any infection."

4. Importance of skin care

The features and significance of leather were most poetically described by Hutchinson as follows: “A fabric, silky to the touch, the most beautiful surface for the eye in the entire universe and at the same time an indestructible wall resisting the onslaught of the enemy. Impenetrable to moisture and wind, cold and heat, electric charges, harmful bacteria, the most deadly poisons and the most dangerous gases, thanks to its amazing sensitivity and vitality, it is one of the true wonders of the world."

In many diseases it is possible to determine the nature of the disease by the color of the skin, as, for example, with jaundice, and this most convincingly proves the existence of a close connection between the skin and internal organs. As can be seen from the previously listed functions of the skin, it greatly influences our physical well-being, and therefore taking good care of the skin is just as important as taking care of other organs discussed in previous chapters. However, it must be emphasized that the system hygiene care Skin care includes many aspects, the most important of which are nutrition, exercise, bathing and others, which we will consider separately in the next chapter.

5. The influence of sun, air, water and healing mud on the skin

Some of the largest resort towns in the world - Dresden, Carlsbad, Aix-li-bain, Salins-du-Jura, Herrogate, Nantwich, Battle Creek and others - have become famous primarily due to the healing effects of the sun, air and water, and some of them - and healing mud. All these factors greatly contribute to improving the hygienic condition of the skin. Whether the ancient yogis knew the subtle details of the system of hygienic skin care that we know today or not is a moot point. However, there is no doubt that they fully understood the extreme benefits for the skin of the sun, air and water, as well as the periodic use of mud baths. Only relatively recently have doctors who believe in the healing powers of nature, and many healers who do not use medicines, began to use these procedures as a method of treatment and practice them widely in different parts of the world.

Regarding skin care according to Yoga, it can be said that life in the mountains provides yogis with the most favorable conditions for receiving solar and air baths. The yogi - having completely undressed and wearing only a loincloth - exposes his body to the sun for two hours early in the morning - from 6:30 to 8:30 - and hides in the shade when the sun begins to get hot. The same sunbathing repeated in the evening while working in the garden or vegetable garden and other similar work.

Air baths and airing the skin are familiar to the yogi, because most of the surface of his body, except for the T-shaped loincloth, is open almost all the time, and the skin is constantly in direct contact with atmospheric air. Over time, thanks to repeated contact with air of different temperatures and the process of acclimatization, the skin adapts to all kinds of weather conditions. Suring and Lawd present us with the results laboratory research, proving that the skin's adaptation to temperature changes dulls its sensitivity to heat or cold and improves the body's thermoregulation, as shown by the analysis chemical substance resulting from changes in skin tissue. Another interesting aspect of skin care according to Yoga is the periodic use of peat baths, mud wraps and bathing. It was found that black dirt, which is used by yogis, has a strong calming and stimulating effect, it is a real tonic for the skin.

6. Hair and nails

Cleansing the scalp is perhaps the most in an important way prevention of hair diseases, because irritation caused by dandruff and other factors often causes severe headaches and frustration nervous system. Author at own experience I became convinced that washing your hair with black mud (mentioned above) is much more effective than washing your hair with soap or shampoo. When rinsing dirt from your hair, your fingers and hands give a much-needed massage and thus stimulate blood circulation in the scalp.

Orthodox yogis still sharpen their nails on smooth stones. The cleanliness of nails is strictly observed, so they thoroughly wash their hands and feet after any work in which they get dirty.

7. Skin hygiene according to Yoga

The following table shows the approximate time and frequency of sun and air baths, mud wraps and bathing discussed in this chapter. These numbers can vary depending on individual needs. When swimming, you need to make sure that you do not get cold and that you do not get cold, unless you are swimming in the sun. People with poor health should reduce the duration of mud wraps and bathing.

From the book Kombucha - a natural healer. Myths and reality author Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin

Hair and scalp care Preventing baldness For hair thinning and baldness, you can massage your head with a monthly infusion of kombucha. Do this 1.5–2 hours before washing your hair; Use only baby shampoo for washing. At the same time it should

From the book Treatment with vodka and wine by E. Govorova

HAIR AND SCALP CARE LOTIONS If for some reason your hair grows very slowly, becomes brittle and falls out, urgently begin to “revitalize” your hair. The following lotion recipes will help you with this. These lotions should be rubbed into the hair roots once

From the book Summer Skin Care by Georgy Eitvin

HAIR AND SCALP CARE The amazing properties of wine can transform and heal not only the skin, but also the hair. That is why, when caring for your scalp and hair, use

From the book Healing properties vodka and wine by E. Govorova

CARE FOR THE SKIN OF HANDS AND NAILS A small amount of wine will help you effectively heal and moisturize the skin of your hands, as well as eliminate some minor

From the book Medicinal properties alcohol author Lyudmila Mikhailova

Section 7 Summer scalp and hair care The value of hair is so great that if a beauty were to adorn herself with gold, pearls and dress in a luxurious dress, but did not tidy up her hair, she would not look elegant or beautiful. Firenzuola We are not at all

From the book Encyclopedia traditional medicine. Golden collection of folk recipes author Lyudmila Mikhailova

HAIR AND SCALP CARE The amazing properties of wine can transform and heal not only the skin, but also the hair. That is why use it in caring for your scalp and hair. RECIPES FOR HAIR TREATMENT Treatment with a special wine composition for hair and scalp

From the book Pharmacy in the Garden author Lyudmila Mikhailova

CARE FOR THE SKIN OF HANDS AND NAILS A small amount of wine will help you effectively heal and moisturize the skin of your hands, as well as eliminate some minor defects. RECIPES FOR SOFTENING THE SKIN OF YOUR HANDS To moisturize the skin of your hands, you can use a cream containing a small amount

From the book The Best Herbalist from a Healer. Folk recipes health author Bogdan Vlasov

Skin and hair care Ancient balm Take 100 g of sour cream, 1 egg yolk, juice of half a lemon, a quarter glass of vodka or cologne, shake well, pour into a glass bottle, store in the refrigerator (sour cream can be replaced with vegetable oil). Wipe your face

From the book Ginger - a universal healer author Olga Vladimirovna Romanova

Caring for the skin of the body, hands and nails The skin covers the human body and consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis (the skin itself) and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Epidermis – outer layer skin has five layers. Most top layer skin – horny – formed from keratinized cells

From the book Proven skin and nail care products for hands and feet author Antonina Sokolova

Skin and hair care – For dry skin, a nourishing mask prepared from a mixture of 2 tsp is useful. mashed cucumber pulp and 1 tsp. fresh milk. Keep the mask on the face for 15–20 minutes, then wash first with warm and then cold boiled water, lightly dry the face

From the book Birch Tar author Alevtina Korzunova


From the book Ayurveda and yoga for women by Juliet Varma

Caring for the skin of the body, hands and nails The skin covers the human body and consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis (the skin itself) and subcutaneous fatty tissue. Epidermis - The outer layer of the skin has five layers. The outermost layer of skin, the stratum corneum, is formed from keratinized cells and

From the author's book

Hair and scalp care To strengthen your hair roots and improve their growth, use healthy nourishing wraps. Wash your hair with a spicy-egg mixture, and also massage your scalp with ginger oil.* * *Grind dry in equal parts

From the author's book

Hygiene and care of skin and nails of hands and feet

From the author's book

Caring for the skin of your hands, hair, legs BATHS FOR FEET AND HANDS Required: water infused with tar, dry birch leaves, dry motherwort herb. An infusion is prepared from the herbs. Warm infusion is used to make baths for feet and hands. The duration of the baths is 10–15 minutes. After that

Patients take a bath or shower at least once a week. The skin of seriously ill patients is wiped daily with a damp towel. Thoroughly wash and dry areas where discharge may accumulate. sweat glands– folds under the mammary glands, inguinal-femoral folds. Patients' hands are washed before each meal, feet - 2-3 times a week. Wash the skin of the genitals and perineum daily.

Patients need to wash their hair weekly warm water with soap. When the patient is prescribed bed rest, washing your hair is done in bed. After washing, the hair is wiped dry and combed with an individual comb. Girls' long hair is divided into strands, each combed, braided, or secured with hair clips. If there is heavy dandruff or dirty hair, use a thick comb soaked in the solution. table vinegar. Sometimes the hair becomes dry. Then after bathing they are lubricated with boiled plant. oil or a mixture of 1/3 castor and 2/3 vaseline (or boiled sunflower) oil. After treatment, wipe the hair with a dry cotton swab.

Cutting nails with small scissors with rounded jaws or nail clippers. After finishing cutting, wipe the scissors with cotton wool soaked in alcohol, 0.5% chloramine solution, 0.5% chlorhexidine solution or boil for 15 minutes.


Adults: 2 times or more, direct a stream of warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate from a jug to the perineum. A cotton swab is used to make several movements in the direction from the genitals to the anus. Use another cotton swab to dry the skin of the perineum.

Children: Girls are washed from front to back to avoid contamination and infection of the genitourinary tract. Washing is done with your hand, onto which a stream of warm water is directed (37-38). For severe contamination, use neutral soap. Do not wash children with standing water, for example in a basin. After washing, the baby is placed on the changing table and the skin is blotted with a clean diaper. Then the folds of the skin are lubricated with a sterile cotton swab moistened with vegetable or petroleum jelly. You can use baby cream.

Toilet nose

When dry crusts form in the nose, gauze turunda moistened with petroleum jelly is inserted into the nasal passages for 2-3 minutes, or 1-2 drops of warm water are instilled. The head is thrown back.

Children: use cotton swabs moistened with sterile petroleum jelly and carefully move them with rotational movements into the depths of the nasal passages by 1-1.5 cm; the right and left nasal passages are cleaned with separate flagella. Do not use dense objects (sticks, matches) with rolled cotton wool.

toilet eye

For children, the eyes are washed with a sterile cotton swab moistened with boiled water in the direction from the outer corner to the bridge of the nose. During the day, the eyes are washed as needed. When pus-like discharge appears in the corners of the eyes, honey. the sister washes them with a solution of furatsilin (1:1000) or using a sterile gauze swab moistened with warm, strong tea. Using the index finger of your left hand, lower the lower eyelid and pour a full pipette of solution into the conjunctival sac with a weak stream.

Oral toilet

The oral cavity of healthy infants is not wiped, as the mucous membranes are easily injured.

General care This is done by brushing your teeth daily (morning and evening) with a brush and toothpaste. It is advisable that children rinse their mouths with warm water, preferably lightly salted (a quarter of a teaspoon) after each meal. table salt per glass of water) or soda water (3-5 g of sodium bicarbonate per glass of water).

Seriously ill medical my sister wipes her mouth after every meal. Using tweezers or a clamp, take a cotton ball moistened with a 0.5% borax solution, use a spatula to remove the cheek and wipe the teeth, gums, tongue and oral mucosa with the cotton ball.

Toilet ears

The external auditory canals are rarely cleaned; they are wiped with dry cotton wool.

If a cerumen plug is detected, it is removed. A few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution or sterile petroleum jelly are instilled into the ear, and the plug is removed using a cotton swab using rotational movements. When instilling drops into the left ear, the head is tilted towards the right shoulder. With your left hand, pull back the earlobe, with your right hand, instill a few drops into the ear canal. After this, a small cotton swab is placed in the ear for a few minutes or a scarf is tied around the head.

Change of underwear

Honey. the sister puts her hands under the patient’s sacrum, grabs the edge of the shirt and pulls it towards the head. After this, you need to raise both of the patient’s arms, pass the shirt rolled up at the neck over the head and free his hands. Put the shirt on in reverse order. If the patient's arm is injured, first remove the shirt from the healthy arm, and then from the sick one; Dressing is done in the reverse order.

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Abstract for the presentation

The presentation “Care for hair, skin, hands, nails” talks about how to properly care for the skin of your hands, face, nails and hair using traditional methods. Also describes various diseases skin, hair and nails and how to treat them. It is explained what is within the competence of a cosmetologist and how he can help.

  • Hair care, hair treatment methods;
  • Hand skin care, method; treatment of hand skin diseases;
  • Nail care, nail treatment methods;
  • Facial skin care;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Profession: cosmetologist.


    pptx (powerpoint)

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    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

Lesson-lecture in 7th grade.

Slide 2

Slide 3


To familiarize students with skin types, hair types, and how to care for them; cultivate neatness and respect for your body.

Slide 4


  • Hair care
  • Hair treatment methods
  • Hand skin care
  • Methods for treating hand skin diseases
  • Nail care
  • Nail treatment methods
  • Facial skin care
  • Skin diseases
  • Profession cosmetologist
  • Slide 5

    Hair care

  • Slide 6


    Slide 7

    Redheads have the thickest hair, but less hair than brunettes. Blondes have the most hair - approximately 150 thousand. Black hair is the largest of all, it can be 3 times thicker than blond hair.

    Slide 8

    Hair properties

    • For humans, hair plays a big role.
    • Firstly, they are a wonderful decoration that allows you to emphasize your charm and hide flaws.
    • Secondly, they perform a number of important functions. Hair protects the head from overheating and hypothermia. Vellus hair is involved in the sense of touch, eyelashes protect the eyes, and hair in the nose and ears traps dust.
  • Slide 9

    Hair structure

    Slide 10

    Hair diseases


    • hair coloring;
    • use of tight hats;
    • constant friction against any object;
    • various injuries;
    • improper care.
  • Slide 11

    • dandruff
    • "cluster" baldness
    • dry hair
  • Slide 12

    Dry hair

  • Slide 13

    Hair oiliness

  • Slide 14

    Thus, hair can be divided into 3 groups.

    1. dry type hair - thin, dull, brittle, easily torn, split, after washing, fine dry dandruff appears after washing 1-2 days;
    2. oily type hair - greasy, sticks together, with unpleasant smell, with oily dandruff;
    3. normal type hair
  • Slide 15

    Hair treatment methods

  • Slide 16

    Dry hair: treatment

    • burdock oil.
  • Slide 17

    • If you complain of dryness, it is not recommended to rub your hair with a towel or dry it with a hot hairdryer. Use cold air or dry your hair naturally.
  • Slide 18

    Options for masks at home for dry hair:

  • Slide 19

    Oily hair: treatment

    • Folk remedies for the care and treatment of oily hair.
    • Useful before washing oily hair
    • Also for oily hair, onion tincture with vodka is recommended. Cut 1 onion in half, add 50 ml of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. The finished tincture is rubbed into the scalp using pressing massage movements. The smell of onions is destroyed by washing your hair in mustard. Excessive greasiness in the hair can be eliminated by washing your hair in a decoction of oak bark (3 tablespoons of oak bark, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes). The cooled and strained broth is used as washing water. This procedure must be repeated every 3 days for several weeks.
  • Slide 20


    Slide 21

    Hairstyle options:

  • Slide 22

    Hand skin care

  • Slide 23

    Slide 24

    Slide 25

    Methods for treating hand skin

  • Slide 26

    For rough, red hands

    • It is advisable to carry out a course of masks for a week.
  • Slide 27

    For goose bumps

    • Daily procedures are recommended, carried out morning and evening for several days. To do this, take a natural hair brush, lather it generously (you can use shaving cream or soap cream) and thoroughly wipe your hands, rinse and lubricate with cream.
    • At rough skin on the elbows:
  • Slide 28

    Wet hands

  • Slide 29

    Nail care

  • Slide 30

    Slide 31

    Nail diagnostics

    Slide 32

    Nail care

    • Pale nail color indicates anemia. Excessive redness of the nails indicates an excess of red blood cells.
    • The reason for the appearance of white stripes on the nails may be improper work. gastrointestinal tract. As a result, some of the food is not digested.
  • Slide 33

    Nail treatment methods

  • Slide 35


    Treatment of hangnails

    • lemon, bergamot or petit grain oils. In extreme suitable for this case and ordinary vegetable. Keep your hands there for at least 10 - 15 minutes. Now take special pliers for removing burrs. Under no circumstances pull the hangnail, but carefully bite it with tweezers. If there are no tears on the nail fold, but the skin is quite rough, simply sand it with a file
  • Slide 36

    Manicure and pedicure



    Slide 37

    Examples of manicure, pedicure

  • Slide 38

    Slide 39

    Slide 40

    Facial skin care

  • Slide 41

    Slide 42

    Skin of any type needs competent and properly selected care. A typical cosmetic facial skin care procedure includes the following steps:

    Slide 43

    Slide 44

    Masks for oily skin

    • This mask tightens pores and whitens the skin. It will help to cleanse the skin well and give it a fresh look. Beat the white of 1 egg with the addition of ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • Slide 45

    Facial skin care

    Dry skin usually suffers from a lack of moisture; this is a consequence of damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which in itself is a consequence of temperature changes and other aggressive influences, such as the sun, wind, abuse of decorative cosmetics, etc. To prevent drying out, you must remember to moisturize and nourish dry skin, as well as stimulate metabolic processes.

    Slide 46

    Masks for dry skin

    • Homemade mask for dry and irritated skin
      Grind one small zucchini through a meat grinder. Leave for twenty minutes so that the zucchini releases its juice, then add one egg yolk to the zucchini mass and mix thoroughly. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin in a thick layer and wash off after twenty minutes.
    • Moisturizing mask
      You will need: mix a little fat cream with half a teaspoon of sour cream and lemon juice. Apply the resulting mass to the skin for 20-25 minutes, remove with lotion or tonic.
    • Toning mask
      For preparation you will need: 2 teaspoons of yolk, 0.5-1 teaspoon of lemon and pumpkin juice and 1-2 teaspoons of sour cream. This mask tones and slightly brightens dry skin.
  • Slide 47

    Skin diseases

  • Slide 48

    • Rosacea
    • Eczema-allergy
  • Slide 49

    • Cuperosis
    • Mycosis of the facial skin (fungus on the face)
  • Slide 50

    Profession cosmetologist

  • Slide 51

    Being beautiful is the calling of every woman. But often many girls do not know how to maintain the gift of beauty given to them by nature. Beauty is talent. Exactly - a cosmetologist will help you prevent your beauty from fading. Currently, this profession has become quite widespread. And it is in demand.

    Slide 52

    The competence of a cosmetologist includes

  • Slide 53

    Stay healthy.
    Your health is in your hands!

    Slide 54

    Internet resources


    View all slides


    Hair care

    Hair is the decoration of any person, and in order for it to look good, it must be taken care of. To preserve your hair, you need to know what it is. Hair is 3% moisture and 97% protein. Protein substance - keratin, enriched with sulfur, microelements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese) and vitamins A, B, P, C, D.

    Hair properties

    The structure of the hair shows that its growth, condition and appearance depend on the condition of its papilla, which is the source of its nutrition and development. And also from the vital activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the scalp (as they maintain the softness and elasticity of the hair shaft). The functions of the papilla, sebaceous and sweat glands are regulated mainly by the nervous and endocrine systems body.

    Hair diseases

    Dry hair

    Hair oiliness

    1) dry type hair oily hair normal type hair - durable, elastic, with a beautiful natural shine. They occur mainly in young, practically healthy people.

    Treatment for dry hair.

    Before you start treating dry hair, buy the right shampoo and conditioner for dry hair. And try not to wash your hair for 3-4 days. Discourage yourself from rinsing shampoo with hot water. Try to rinse your hair after washing cold water with vinegar, lemon juice or nettle decoction.

    dry hair treatment.

    The most effective remedy for strengthening hair, enhancing its growth and making it soft - burdock oil. It contains a storehouse of vitamins, fatty acids, and tannins that literally “revitalize” even the most unruly and dry hair.

    Before washing your hair, 30-40 minutes before pouring into plastic cup heated burdock oil mixed with olive oil (or any other). Apply the mixture to the ends of your hair and cover your head with a rubber cap and towel. After an hour, we go wash our hair as usual. After washing, your hair will become much softer and simply shiny!

    1. Mix one teaspoon each of vinegar and glycerin with two tablespoons of castor oil and one egg yolk.
    2. Mix egg yolk with one tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil. Add a teaspoon of honey, henna and cognac to the mixture.
    3. A nourishing mask for dry hair, consisting of 3 tablespoons of arnica tincture (sold in pharmacies), two yolks, two tablespoons of burdock oil, one teaspoon of honey and two chopped garlic cloves, has a good effect.
    4. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of olive oil. In general, olive oil is used not only for the care of dry hair, it is also often used in various facial care products. In the Homemade Face Masks section of our website you will find excellent recipes for olive face masks.
    5. Grind 1-2 egg yolks, depending on the length of your hair, and mix them with one tablespoon of castor oil.

    Oily hair

    For care and treatment oily hair use only proven ones folk remedies.

    Useful before washing oily hair grease them with kefir or yogurt and tie them with a towel for 15-20 minutes. Instead of soap, you can take dry mustard by dissolving 1 tablespoon of it in 2 liters of water.

    Before washing oily hair, it is useful to do the following procedure: mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice with 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The resulting composition is evenly rubbed into the hair roots, spreading them in rows. Then wrap your head for 30-40 minutes, first with a plastic scarf, and on top with a terry towel.

    Also 2-3 hours before washing oily hair

    Oily hair


    Beautiful and healthy hair always attracts attention and makes a woman feel seductive and irresistible. Often, gorgeous hair is not a gift from nature, but the result of proper and regular hair care. Even the most amazing hair can look dull and lifeless if it is not cared for or cared for correctly.

    Hand skin care

    It is the hands that most often reveal a person’s true age. Intensive contact with water and detergents, since soap solutions wash out fat and moisture-forming substances from them. The sun, dry air, and frost lead to premature aging and the formation of “age spots.”

    Every person should carefully monitor the condition of the skin of their hands and nails. First of all, you should maintain hand hygiene and cleanliness. Self-care for your hands comes down to cleansing, softening and protecting them from harmful influences.

    Methods for treating hand skin

    Grind 2 potatoes into a liquid puree, add a few drops of glycerin and lemon juice and dip your hands in this mixture for 10-15 minutes. Course - 1 week, daily.

    Olive oil - 1/4 cup, tea tree oil - 1/4 teaspoon. This composition will soothe irritated hand skin.

    For goose bumps

    For the same purposes, you can use a scrub bought in a store.

    For rough skin on the elbows:

    • After a shower, massage the skin on your elbows daily with a washcloth, and then lubricate with cream;
    • you can rub salt with cream;
    • You can make a bath for your elbows with warm olive oil, then treat the skin with a hair brush and scrub.

    Wet hands. This is certainly an unpleasant thing and must be dealt with vigorously.

    3 times a day after washing, you should wipe your hands with a mixture of vodka and lemon juice (1 part juice, 5 parts vodka).

    However, these measures may not help, as dampness can be caused by excessive nervousness, improper metabolism and other reasons.

    Nail care

    You can learn a lot about your health from your nails. Nails contain a variety of microelements, such as selenium, calcium, chromium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. All these microelements are very important for the health of our body, but it may happen that the metabolism in the body is disturbed for some reason. These disorders will immediately affect the nails, perhaps this will be the only external manifestation.

    Nail diagnostics

    Long lines (longitudinal grooves) on the nails may indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system, unbalanced nutrition, and the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases(paranasal sinuses, teeth or beginning rheumatism).

    Transverse grooves on the nails can indicate diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract).

    Sometimes the nails are excessively protruding and convex. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

    A concave nail is an indicator of iron deficiency.

    Yellowness of the nails indicates a weak liver or hepatitis (in those who do not yellow them with nicotine).

    Blue nails indicate a weak heart.

    Nail treatment methods

    Brittle nails

    Treatment for brittle nails:

    Treatment of hangnails

    Hangnails are small, painful breaks in the skin. They are caused by loss of skin elasticity. The skin cannot withstand tension and bursts. Treatment consists of daily use of a fatty cream.

    Damage to the skin due to hangnails, injections, or injuries can cause the appearance of a purulent lesion in the finger - felon.

    Steam the skin of your hands in a warm bath, where you first add 5 - 10 drops of essential oils. sand it with a file. Be sure to treat small cuts and wounds with any disinfectant.
    Manicure- a cosmetic procedure for the treatment of fingernails and the fingers themselves. Manicures are performed both in beauty salons or beauty salons by qualified specialists, and at home.

    Pedicure- special care for toes (for example, removing calluses, polishing nails). In fact, it is an analogue of a manicure for feet.

    Facial skin care

    Every day, the skin is exposed to various stressful influences. Nothing passes without a trace, rain, wind, temperature changes, sun, and dry air. closed premises, stress, and overexertion - all this does not pass without a trace on our skin. And now, after only 25-30 years of life, she gradually begins to fade. The initial changes are minor and we don't pay much attention to them. But if you don’t do anything further, then in a couple of years much more attentive care will be needed to restore some of its functions.

    Skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands causes its owners a lot of trouble, and the main thing it needs is stimulation of metabolic processes and, of course, hydration.

    Kefir mask for oily skin

    This mask cleanses and dries the skin. Using a cotton swab, apply a small amount of kefir evenly to cleansed skin. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

    Protein mask for oily skin

    Yeast mask for oily skin

    Dilute 1 tsp. crumbled yeast in warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. lemon juice. Then add 1 egg white to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave for 15 minutes, wash off the loan.

    Honey mask for oily skin

    This mask refreshes and softens the skin, and evens out the complexion. To 2 tsp. honey add 1 tbsp. yogurt or sour cream and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix. Apply a thick layer to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

    Profession cosmetologist

    Lesson summary for 7th grade on the section “Beauty and Health.”

    Hair care

    Hair is the decoration of any person, and in order for it to look good, it must be taken care of. To preserve your hair, you need to know what it is. Hair is 3% moisture and 97% protein. Protein substance - keratin, enriched with sulfur, microelements (iron, copper, zinc, chromium, manganese) and vitamins A, B, P, C, D.

    Hair grows all over the body except the palms and soles. An adult has about 100,000 hairs, and the number depends on the color. Redheads have the thickest hair, but less hair than brunettes. Blondes have the most hair - approximately 150,000. Black hair is the largest of all, and can be 3 times thicker than blond hair.

    The hair on the head is unevenly distributed: more of it on the crown of the head, less on the temporal part and near the forehead. A person's first hair appears at the end of the third month intrauterine development. Hair also grows differently. The fastest is on the head (in 3 days - about 1 mm), the slowest is on the eyebrows.

    An individual hair lives on average from several months to 6 years. Eyelashes live from 3 to 5 months, fluffy eyelashes - 7-10 months. It is considered normal if 30 to 50 hairs fall out on your head per day. Hair properties

    Healthy hair that grows is usually strong and resilient. The hair can be stretched to 1/5 of its length, and after that it returns to its original state. In terms of strength, they are comparable to aluminum and can withstand a load of 100 to 200 g. It is not surprising, therefore, that in the old days ropes were woven from women’s braids and designed for lifting large loads. Hair is hygroscopic, meaning it can absorb moisture. They are quite resistant to weak acids, but do not tolerate alkaline compounds well.

    For humans, hair plays a big role. Firstly, they are an excellent decoration that allows you to emphasize charm and hide flaws, and secondly, they perform a number of important functions. Hair protects the head from overheating and hypothermia. Vellus hair is involved in the sense of touch, eyelashes protect the eyes, and hair in the nose and ears traps dust.

    Hair has the ability to accumulate certain substances, which allows it to be used as an identifier. Forensic scientists have long successfully used this property of hair in their work.

    The structure of the hair shows that its growth, condition and appearance depend on the condition of its papilla, which is the source of its nutrition and development. And also from the vital activity of the sebaceous and sweat glands of the scalp (as they maintain the softness and elasticity of the hair shaft). The functions of the papilla, sebaceous and sweat glands are regulated mainly by the nervous and endocrine systems of the body.

    Hair diseases

    The causes that lead to hair disease are divided into internal and external. External ones include hair coloring, bleaching and prolonged use of tight hats, constant friction against any object (for example, children experience hair loss on the back of the head when rubbing against a pillow), various injuries and improper care.

    Internal causes include: skin diseases (furunculosis, mycosis, etc.); intoxication of the body; infectious diseases (typhoid, syphilis, etc.); postoperative period; drug allergies; nervous system disorders, hormonal dysfunction; deficiency of vitamins and microelements (for example, iron, sulfur, zinc, vitamins A, E, etc.); irradiation; dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

    With exhaustion of the nervous system, overwork, and depression, dry and brittle hair is observed, accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. Dandruff is the result of excessive desquamation of the surface of the stratum corneum (accompanied by itching). Dryness is caused by weakened function of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The papilla decreases, the follicle is depleted, causing dystrophy. Which leads over time to massive hair loss.

    Under severe stress, focal “cluster” baldness can occur: rounded areas form on the skin, almost completely devoid of hair. And if nested baldness is not accompanied by the death of the papilla, then, albeit slowly, the growth process is restored.

    Another cause of damage to the hair papilla is different types intoxication of the body (infectious, food, pregnancy-related, etc.). Sometimes hair falls out in clumps, and not only on the head, but also on the eyebrows, eyelashes, and body. Intoxication can be caused by a decrease in the cleansing function of the kidneys. This will immediately affect the condition of the skin and hair.

    Insufficient levels of hormones in the blood can lead to dry, brittle hair. Insufficient and poor nutrition leads to the same result.

    Dry hair

    A common cause of dry hair and hair loss is improper hair care and traumatic actions. The listed external reasons include frequent use of alkaline soap, a hot hair dryer, rough combing (with metal and low-quality wooden combs with burrs), coloring using a fixative with a perhydrol concentration of more than 12%, increased solar activity in combination with dry wind (at sea), and also long-term wearing of one type of hairstyle (ponytail, bouffant) and parting. Improper care leads to the fact that the hair changes its structure and begins to split; this disease is called trichoptilosis.

    Hair oiliness

    Changes in the functions of various organs and systems of the body can lead to oily hair. At the same time, the hair becomes greasy, sticks together, and becomes covered with greasy scales - dandruff. The disease is called seborrhea (discussed above). Increased fat content can also be caused by improper care - rubbing large quantity fatty nourishing oils, masks.

    Thus, hair can be divided into three groups:

    1) dry type hair - thin, dull, brittle, easily torn, split, after washing, fine dry dandruff appears in 1-2 days; 2) oily hair - greasy, sticky, with an unpleasant odor, with greasy dandruff; 3) normal type hair - durable, elastic, with a beautiful natural shine. They occur mainly in young, practically healthy people.

    Treatment for dry hair.

    There are many ways, so don't be upset. Moreover, many of them have an immediate healing effect. And with prolonged use, your dry hair will turn silky and shiny.

    Before you start treating dry hair, buy the right shampoo and conditioner for dry hair. And try not to wash your hair for 3-4 days. Discourage yourself from rinsing shampoo with hot water. Try to rinse your hair after washing with cold water and vinegar, lemon juice or nettle infusion.

    Your hair will feel and look better. After 2 weeks of this therapy, you will be pleasantly surprised!

    If everything remains the same, we proceed directly to dry hair treatment.

    The most effective remedy for strengthening hair, enhancing its growth and making it soft - burdock oil. It contains a storehouse of vitamins, fatty acids, and tannins that literally “revitalize” even the most unruly and dry hair.

    Before washing your hair, pour heated burdock oil mixed with olive oil (or any other) into a plastic cup 30-40 minutes before washing your hair. Apply the mixture to the ends of your hair and cover your head with a rubber cap and towel. After an hour, we go wash our hair as usual. After washing, your hair will become much softer and simply shiny!

    Some simple recipes nourishing masks for dry hair.

    1. Mix one teaspoon each of vinegar and glycerin with two tablespoons of castor oil and one egg yolk.
    2. Mix the egg yolk with one tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil. Add a teaspoon of honey, henna and cognac to the mixture.
    3. A nourishing mask for dry hair, consisting of 3 tablespoons of arnica tincture (sold in pharmacies), two yolks, two tablespoons of burdock oil, one teaspoon of honey and two chopped garlic cloves, has a good effect.
    4. Squeeze the juice from half a lemon and mix it with two tablespoons of olive oil. In general, olive oil is used not only for the care of dry hair, it is also often used in various facial care products. In the Homemade Face Masks section of our website you will find excellent recipes for olive face masks.
    5. Grind 1-2 egg yolks, depending on the length of your hair, and mix them with one tablespoon of castor oil.

    Oily hair

    For care and treatment oily hair use only proven ones folk remedies.

    Useful before washing oily hair grease them with kefir or yogurt and tie them with a towel for 15-20 minutes. Instead of soap, you can take dry mustard by dissolving 1 tablespoon of it in 2 liters of water.

    Before washing oily hair, it is useful to do the following procedure: mix 2 tablespoons of onion juice with 2 tablespoons of castor oil. The resulting composition is evenly rubbed into the hair roots, spreading them in rows. Then wrap your head for 30-40 minutes, first with a plastic scarf, and on top with a terry towel.

    Also for oily hair, onion tincture with vodka is recommended. Cut 1 onion in half, add 50 ml of vodka and leave for 2 weeks. The finished tincture is rubbed into the scalp using pressing massage movements. The smell of onions is destroyed by washing your hair in mustard.

    Also 2-3 hours before washing oily hair You can rub carrot juice into your scalp. This will reduce the oiliness of your hair. Excessive greasiness in the hair can be eliminated by washing your hair in a decoction of oak bark (3 tablespoons of oak bark, pour 1 liter of water and boil for 15 minutes). The cooled and strained broth is used as washing water. This procedure must be repeated every 3 days for several weeks.

    Oily hair It is useful to wash with a decoction of horsetail. To prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of horsetail herb into 1 liter of boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 15-20 minutes, then filter.


    Beautiful and healthy hair always attracts attention and makes a woman feel seductive and irresistible. Often, gorgeous hair is not a gift from nature, but the result of proper and regular hair care. Even the most amazing hair can look dull and lifeless if it is not cared for or cared for correctly.

    Hand skin care

    It is the hands that most often reveal a person’s true age. Intensive contact with water and detergents is very unfavorable for good, well-groomed hands, since soap solutions wash out fat and moisture-forming substances from them. The sun, dry air, and frost lead to premature aging and the formation of “age spots.”

    Every person should carefully monitor the condition of the skin of their hands and nails. First of all, you should maintain hand hygiene and cleanliness. Self-care for your hands comes down to cleansing, softening and protecting them from harmful influences.

    To protect against harmful substances You can use protective cream, or better, if possible, rubber gloves.

    To wash your hands, try to use soaps with an alkaline environment corresponding to normal skin (pH - 5.5-6.5).

    Methods for treating hand skin

    For rough, red hands, it is advisable to carry out a course of masks for a week.

    Grind 2 potatoes into a liquid puree, add a few drops of glycerin and lemon juice and dip your hands in this mixture for 10-15 minutes. Course - 1 week, daily.

    Olive oil - 1/4 cup, tea tree oil - 1/4 teaspoon. This composition will soothe irritated hand skin.

    For goose bumps Daily procedures should be recommended, carried out in the morning and evening for several days. To do this, take a natural hair brush, lather it generously (you can use shaving cream or soap cream) and thoroughly wipe your hands, rinse and lubricate with cream.

    For the same purposes, you can use a scrub bought in a store.

    For rough skin on the elbows:

    • After a shower, massage the skin on your elbows daily with a washcloth, and then lubricate with cream;
    • you can rub salt with cream;
    • You can make a bath for your elbows with warm olive oil, then treat the skin with a hair brush and scrub.

    Wet hands. This is certainly an unpleasant thing and must be dealt with vigorously.

    3 times a day after washing, you should wipe your hands with a mixture of vodka and lemon juice (1 part juice, 5 parts vodka).

    However, these measures may not help, as dampness can be caused by excessive nervousness, improper metabolism and other reasons.

    Nail care

    You can learn a lot about your health from your nails. Nails contain a variety of microelements, such as selenium, calcium, chromium, phosphorus, zinc, etc. All these microelements are very important for the health of our body, but it may happen that the metabolism in the body is disturbed for some reason. These disorders will immediately affect the nails, perhaps this will be the only external manifestation.

    Nail diagnostics

    Long lines (longitudinal grooves) on the nails may indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system, an unbalanced diet, the presence of chronic inflammatory diseases (paranasal sinuses, teeth or incipient rheumatism).

    Transverse grooves on the nails can indicate diseases of the internal organs (kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract).

    Sometimes the nails are excessively protruding and convex. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

    A concave nail is an indicator of iron deficiency.

    Pale nail color indicates anemia. Excessive redness of the nails is due to excess red blood cells.

    Yellowness of the nails indicates a weak liver or hepatitis (in those who do not yellow them with nicotine).

    Blue nails indicate a weak heart.

    Nail treatment methods

    Brittle nails- the most common nail defect. The reasons for it may be different. This includes a lack of vitamins A and D in the body, frequent use of harmful substances ( washing powder, varnish, acetone, etc.).

    Treatment for brittle nails:

    • saturation of nails with vitamin D and A;
    • include dishes using gelatin (aspic, marmalade, etc.) in your diet;
    • nail baths: Sunflower oil - 1/4 cup Vitamin A - 5 drops Iodine tincture - 3 drops
    • Course 2 weeks - daily for 20 minutes. It is useful to make baths of sea or table salt once every 2 days.

    Treatment of hangnails

    Hangnails are small, painful breaks in the skin. They are caused by loss of skin elasticity. The skin cannot withstand tension and bursts. Treatment consists of daily use of a fatty cream.

    Damage to the skin due to hangnails, injections, or injuries can cause the appearance of a purulent lesion in the finger - felon.

    Steam the skin of your hands in a warm bath, where you first add 5 - 10 drops of essential oils. lemon, bergamot or petit grain oils. In extreme cases, ordinary vegetable oil will do. Keep your hands there for at least 10 - 15 minutes. Now take special pliers for removing burrs. Under no circumstances pull the hangnail, but carefully bite it with tweezers. If there are no tears on the nail fold, but the skin is quite rough, just sand it with a file. Be sure to treat small cuts and wounds with any disinfectant.
    Manicure- a cosmetic procedure for the treatment of fingernails and the fingers themselves. Manicures are performed both in beauty salons or beauty salons by qualified specialists, and at home.

    Pedicure- special care for toes (for example, removing calluses, polishing nails). In fact, it is an analogue of a manicure for feet.

    Facial skin care

    Every day, the skin is exposed to various stressful influences. Nothing passes without a trace, and rain, and wind, and temperature changes, and the sun, and the dry air of enclosed spaces, and stress, and overexertion - all this does not pass without a trace on our skin. And now, after only 25-30 years of life, she gradually begins to fade. The initial changes are minor and we don't pay much attention to them. But if you don’t do anything further, then in a couple of years much more attentive care will be needed to restore some of its functions.

    Skin of any type needs competent and properly selected care. A typical cosmetic facial skin care procedure includes the stages of superficial and deep cleansing, moisturizing, oxygen treatments, professional massage, nutrition, smoothing and lifting.

    If your skin does not have any aesthetic defects, then you just need to try to keep it always moisturized and well cleaned.

    Skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands causes its owners a lot of trouble, and the main thing it needs is stimulation of metabolic processes and, of course, hydration.

    Kefir mask for oily skin

    This mask cleanses and dries the skin. Using a cotton swab, apply a small amount of kefir evenly to cleansed skin. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

    Protein mask for oily skin

    This mask tightens pores and whitens the skin. It will help cleanse the skin well and give it a fresh look. Beat the white of 1 egg with ½ teaspoon of lemon juice. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

    Yeast mask for oily skin

    Dilute 1 tsp. crumbled yeast in warm water with the addition of 1 tsp. lemon juice. Then add 1 egg white to the resulting mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. Leave for 15 minutes, wash off the loan.

    Honey mask for oily skin

    This mask refreshes and softens the skin, and evens out the complexion. To 2 tsp. honey add 1 tbsp. yogurt or sour cream and a few drops of lemon juice. Mix. Apply a thick layer to the face for 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool water.

    Dry skin usually suffers from a lack of moisture; this is a consequence of damage to the stratum corneum of the epidermis, which in itself is a consequence of temperature changes and other aggressive influences, such as the sun, wind, abuse of decorative cosmetics, etc. To prevent drying, you must remember to moisturize and nourish the skin in a timely manner, as well as stimulate metabolic processes.

    Profession cosmetologist

    The competence of a cosmetologist includes determining the type of patient’s skin and prescribing the necessary individual procedure. Also, a cosmetologist is familiar with all diseases of the skin, so he also treats them. A specialist will always determine the disease that worries you and select the necessary treatment. Currently, a cosmetologist, in addition to performing conventional procedures to maintain the skin in the required condition, knows almost all methods of therapeutic cosmetology of the “face” and “body” areas. This includes massage, hardware cosmetology, procedures for introducing gels and restylane, injecting homeopathic remedies into acupuncture points and areas that need it. Also, if desired, a cosmetologist can give you electrophoresis, ozone therapy and oxygen therapy for all areas of the body, and lymphatic drainage.

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