The facade walls of the house are brown yellow. Green roof

The roof is not only a means of protection from bad weather () but also a decorative element of the entire building and even the site. In order for the roof to fit harmoniously into the design of the house, it is necessary to think about it in advance. In order for the roof and facade of the house to fit each other well, you need to choose the right primary colors and try to combine various options these colors and their various shades. But in order for your house to fit harmoniously into the atmosphere around it, you need to choose the right colors depending on the place where it is located (forest, mountains, seashore, etc.).

1. What should you pay attention to when choosing the color of your future roof?

Figure 1. Roof and façade color sample

In order for your future roof, and the whole house as a whole, to look beautiful after construction, you need to prepare a project in advance, in which you can calculate and think through everything in detail in advance, including what color of roof and facade to choose . You can mentally imagine this yourself and then try to transfer it all onto paper, or you can immediately contact special agencies that develop projects of any complexity. They will help you decide on the color of the roof and the material for both the roof and the facades of your future home. In the process of work, you can create a computer model of your future home, on which it will be very easy to “play” with colors roofing material and the walls of the house.

Only if you approach this issue wisely “What color of roof and facade to choose” and clearly work out the color scheme of the roof, only in this case, after all construction work Looking at your roof and house, you will receive moral satisfaction and a feeling of aesthetic completeness. Not everyone new home can boast of this now. Very often, future owners pay little attention to the choice of roof color and, based on the results of all the work, do not feel the joy that should be from a new home.

Everything should be in unity and harmony:

  • Roof with house;
  • A house with an environment.

Sometimes, depending on the roofing material, roof color can be changed while working on the roof itself (for example, if the roof is any color). But what to do if the roofing material does not allow you to change the color of the future roof? To do this, you need to think in advance about the color scheme of the roofing material, and decide in advance on the material itself.

Very often doubts arise about the correct choice of roof color or facade color. In this case, as an option, you can ask your friends or relatives for advice. After this, you can analyze their answers and make your decision. In addition, there are various tables of “color shades” that allow you, without any design education, to correctly select matching colors. It's no secret that different colors have different effects on the human psyche. Thus, some colors can cause irritation and nervousness, while others, on the contrary, can lift your spirits and bring joy to life.

The basic rule when choosing the main color is to support the same style of the house and its surrounding buildings with the location of the house itself. Sometimes you need to emphasize the beauty of your home and somehow make it stand out from the background of neighboring houses, and sometimes, on the contrary, you need to make sure that the house merges with the environment and is one whole. For example, if you always have a lot of green vegetation (trees and fir trees) in your yard both in winter and summer, then a green roof will fit very well into this interior. But if there is very little or no greenery around, then in summer, such a roof can still look beautiful, but in winter it will just look like one big green spot on a white background. The change of seasons can greatly affect the color scheme of the future roof and this must be taken into account.

Here are some tips to consider when choosing roofing and roof colors:

  • It will look very dull in places where it is constantly wet and damp, during long autumn and spring. For a gray roof, in this case, it is best to choose some bright and warm color of the facade;
  • Dark red or burgundy roof color(terracotta) looks very rich in forest and hilly areas;
  • Brown and chocolate roofing It looks very beautiful and advantageous in those places where it is warm and sunny for a very long time in the fall;
  • Blue roof It will look very good somewhere near water (for example, on the seashore or lake). In this case, it is better to choose a light color for the facade, for example white.

2. What factors can influence the choice of roof color?

It must be remembered that a dark roof absorbs much better sunlight and heat generated by the sun. The attic or attic of a dark-colored roof warms up much faster. And the snow on such a roof melts faster than on a light-colored one. It is for this reason that in northern and cold countries, dark roof colors are most often chosen, and in the south, where warm and hot weather persists most of the time, they choose light colors for roofs

When choosing a roofing material and its color, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that over time, under the influence of sunlight and other atmospheric factors, colors fade, fade and fade (change their saturation). On light colors, color fading is less noticeable, but black, dark blue or dark brown colors are not recommended for use in places where there is a lot of sun. Otherwise, the roof will have to be painted frequently (if the material allows) or the roofing material will have to be changed more often than indicated in the warranty period services.

At the moment, the most common colors for roofing are: red, blue, brown and green A. The color of the roof, as well as the material of the roof itself, must be in harmony with the facade of the house and its various finishing materials. Those. the same roof will not look beautiful on a brick or log house. Under stone houses(blocks, brick, plaster, tiles) you need one roofing material, but for wooden houses (lining, plywood, logs) you need a different roofing material. And the color is accordingly the same. A red brick house will not look good with red metal tiles, but wooden frame with beige soft roof. They will simply merge.

The choice of roofing material and, accordingly, the color of the roof is also influenced by the region in which the building with the future roof is located. So in a wooded area it is much easier and cheaper to make a roof out of wood, which means you will have to choose a color close to the color of the tree. And in some rocky or hilly areas, it is much easier to make a roof from tiles or slate. The natural color of the roof will always look beautiful and rich.

Roof tiles in dark colors go very well with natural materials, such as red brick or log.

3. The most common mistakes when choosing a color for a roof

  • Very often, home owners buy roofing material of the same color as the facade of the house. If the choice is made in favor of one color for the roof and walls of the house, then the colors must be separated by at least shades, for example, make the walls lighter and the roof darker (or vice versa)
  • There are more dark colors than bright ones. For example, a huge dark-colored house will not look harmonious with a small but bright roof. It's much better to do bright walls, and a dark roof. A dark color should not dominate the contrast over a light one.
  • Simultaneous use immediately large quantity flowers;
  • Simultaneous use of several warm and cold shades at once.

If for some reason you made a mistake in choosing the color for the roof and, in your opinion, it does not look against the background of the facade the way you would like, then do not rush to repaint it. Sometimes, it will be much easier, and sometimes even cheaper, to repaint the walls of the house, since there are not so many color options for roofs, compared to the number of colors for facades.

4. Options for companion colors for any roof and wall:

  • Dark roof and light walls. For example, brown roof(chocolate) will look very rich with a beige wall facade. This combination of colors visually increases the height of the building and has a calming effect on vision. Brown roof adds charm to the structure. Looks very good with wooden houses (log houses). A brown roof and light walls are an all-time trend. If you don’t know what color of the house and roof to choose, pay attention to this combination of colors and you won’t go wrong.
  • If, on the contrary, you need to make the house brighter and stand out from the background of neighboring buildings, then it is better to choose bright contrasting colors. For example, a house with red walls and a green roof will look very bright and rich. will never seem boring and will always lift your spirits.

A roof in light colors, such as blue, light blue, gray or beige, will blend with the sky and the appearance of the house can greatly lose in this.

5. Distinctive features of various roofing colors

It has long been known that some colors can tear off curvaceous human body, and some, on the contrary, make the shape larger. These tricks and tricks are very often used in modern fashion. The same can be applied to the roof. Some colors can hide certain defects and unevenness on the roof, and some can decorate an old and flabby roof, breathing new life into it.
Let's look at the properties of the most common house and roof colors today:

  • Red- one of the most catchy and bright colors. Today, very often, manufacturers of various roofing materials use different shades of it in their production. This color fits almost any wall and is very popular among consumers. Red roofs are very popular. Perhaps this is one of the most fashionable colors at all times. Red roofs can often be found in the old areas of tourist cities.

  • Brown- a very calm and neutral color. Brown roof and light walls are one of the “gold” standards in construction, which is being chosen more and more often. Brown roof great option in almost any scenario. Brown roof and light walls (white, beige, light yellow) will always look rich at any time.

  • White- creates a feeling of cleanliness, comfort and superiority. This makes white walls look taller, and white roofing is often used in combination with transparent polycarbonate roofing or large glass windows. This color also looks great against the background of the sea or greenery, but completely dissolves against the background of a snow-covered field or snowy mountains.

  • Yellow- looks very good against a background of brown or burgundy colors. True roofs in yellow usually painted where there is very little sun. Usually facades are painted this color.

  • Gray— One of the most common roof colors today. This is the color of ordinary unpainted slate and metal (seam roofing or stainless steel sheet). This color is neutral and has long been loved by everyone. He does not evoke any aggressive emotions and does not attract the attention of others.

If you don't know what color of roof and facade to choose, then it makes sense to turn to natural color combinations. For example, if you look at the flowers, you will notice that they all have a green trunk and various white, red, yellow, and so on flowers. Although green facade and white roof color will not look good, white facade walls and green roof will look much better.
You should not completely rely on someone's taste, since the same color may be perceived different people in different ways and evoke different feelings. You always need to see exactly how you like the color of the roof you chose.

Choice color range for painting the facade and is a very serious issue, which, as a rule, is decided at the design stage of the building, taking into account the architectural style, features landscape design, the location of the building relative to the cardinal points. Poorly chosen combinations of colors can disrupt harmony color palette and completely ruin the appearance of the house.

Combination of green roof with facade

If the roof of the house is green, then the question: “what color to choose for the facade of the house” is solved very simply, it can be almost anything, the exception may be dark blue and bright turquoise colors; you should also not paint the facade the same color as the roof. Original natures can choose any bright color for the walls, even red.

To those people who adhere classic style When decorating a house, it is better to paint the facade in gray, beige, white, yellow, or light green colors. Classic option is a combination of a darker roof with a light one.

To make the facade color match the green roof, you just need to add green paint to decorate the facade details, such as doors, shutters, gutters, and porches. A house with a green roof will fit perfectly into the overall composition with the surrounding nature.

An important factor is not only the color of the roof, but also the material for it. When planning to install a roof, for example, from metal tiles, you should first find out whether it is on sale in green; sometimes the choice of roofing material is limited. Having decided what is more important for you: color or material, you can begin planning a harmonious selection of colors for the roof and facade.

When choosing the color of the facade to match the green roof, rely on your own color sense, try to move away from stereotypes. You can choose a suitable solution based on the example of fully completed houses or by looking at catalogs.

During the construction of a private house, it is important to pay attention not only to its reliability and strength, but also appearance. According to many, the exterior of a private house is a reflection of the homeowner’s sense of taste and wealth, so it needs to be given special attention. In addition to the roofing material, it is necessary to select materials for cladding the facade, as well as finishing the facade of the building, and they must be in harmony with each other, complementing each other. How to do this correctly? Let's figure it out.

Of course, the selection of colors can be entrusted to professionals and experienced designers, however, this is a very expensive method that not everyone can afford. A classic method will come to the rescue - using a color wheel. This concept was first used by the well-known physicist Newton from school, who suggested that color is just an element of light and nothing more. At the moment, this scheme is actively used by both homeowners and experienced designers.

How to choose the right color for finishing the base and facade?

The color palette of the circle has 12 colors, of which 3 are primary, three are composite, and the remaining are tertiary. All other shades are their derivatives, obtained by mixing colors. Each group is certain colors paints The primary group includes blue, yellow and red. Composite colors are green, orange and purple (shades that are obtained by mixing primary colors). Tertiary - colors that are obtained by mixing the primary and composite colors of the circle.
In order to choose the right colors for cladding the facade and basement of a private house, you need to choose a duet, and it is important to remember that colors differ both in saturation and in temperature. All known colors are divided into two main categories: cold (blue, cyan) and warm (yellow, red). Colors can also be divided into other categories - bright and pale, light and dark. Colors located in a circle opposite each other are called complementary, and when mixed, neutral tones are obtained - beige, gray.

It must be remembered that each color has its own psychological impact on a person’s subconscious, so this factor must be taken into account when choosing a color palette. For example, yellow calls for activity, green - relaxes and pacifies, red - excites and calls for action, and purple - tires.

Choosing color combinations

Facing a private house with one color is the simplest option, but it is not profitable, as it looks boring and dull. A much more interesting solution would be when several colors are used, and it is necessary that they combine well with each other, complementing each other.

  • Achromatic - black, white and all shades of gray.
  • Monochromatic - colors of one shade.
  • Nuanced - for this they use three colors located adjacent in Newton's circle.
  • Disharmonious - for this, the main color and the one adjacent to the additional one are selected.
  • Contrasting - two additional colors or three primary colors are used, forming a symmetrical figure on Newton’s circle.

When choosing colors, you need to remember that they all affect the psychological and moral state of a person, and some of them will even irritate the psyche. The use of disharmonious or contrasting colors is rarely justified; it often quickly begins to irritate and lead to stress. Such a combination will be ideal solution for young people or temperamental individuals.
When cladding the façade and plinth, it is better to give preference to mixed and pale colors that have a calming effect. Neutral tones will attract attention, require careful contemplation and will appeal to people with high level cultural development. The most unusual and original solution, which is suitable only for brave people - a combination of purple, black and yellow flowers.

Climate-appropriate accents and color schemes

To create an attractive external appearance of a private home, it is important to pay attention not only to the choice of color for its cladding, but also to the accents that need to be placed correctly. For example, walls, facades, door and window openings, and roof surfaces are highlighted in different colors. At the same time, it is important to achieve a general perception so that the house does not look like a circus tent, but is original and thought out to the smallest details.

Rules that must be followed when choosing a color scheme for the facade of a private house and its other elements:

  • When choosing a color scheme for painting the facade of a private house, you need to choose something in between the color of the roofing material and the basement of the building in terms of brightness and saturation.
  • For cladding the base it is best to use dark colors, since this part of the building is constantly and most polluted during operation. As for the roof, it is better to give preference to lighter shades, and the facade can be contrasting, the main thing is that the chosen color matches well with the roof and base.
  • When painting edging elements, it is necessary to choose a color adjacent to that chosen for the façade cladding.
  • All protruding elements should be painted in lighter colors so that they become accentuated and more noticeable. In this case, the surface of the walls should be slightly darker, and the base should be closer to black.
  • All additional building elements ( drainage systems, communications and blinds must be the same color).

At the same time, when choosing the colors to use, it is important to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region where the house is located. If there is a lot of light here, then you need to choose shades that are resistant to ultraviolet sunlight, etc.

Experts distinguish two types of pigments:

  • Organic – bright yellow, red and purple colors. The main disadvantage is that they are susceptible to ultraviolet radiation and quickly fade, so they are not used in the southern regions of the country.
  • Inorganic - dark tones that do not fade in the sun. At the same time, they are also not without drawbacks, attracting sun rays, which is why the façade can overheat in summer. Optimal solution– use of colors that can reflect at least 50% of the sun’s rays.

It is quite difficult to decide which combination of colors in the exterior decoration of a building will be most successful. The result is influenced by many factors, such as the compatibility of color shades, the location of the house and even the features of architectural solutions.

At the beginning of the journey of creating a color scheme for the facades of your home, you should decide exactly what you want from it. In order for the house to comfortably fit into the existing landscape, as if merging with its surroundings, it is worth choosing a green-brown range of natural shades. If you want to play on the contrast between home and nature, you can, for example, implement original project home, making a red roof that will look impressive against the blue sky.

In this article, we decided to consider the relevance of using certain combinations of shades in the exterior decoration of private houses, so that you have a competent idea of ​​​​how not to cross the line of common sense.

Beautiful facades of one-story houses and two-story cottages: emphasis cannot be hidden

Color solution in external design a private home is a much more important factor than one might imagine. It is with the help of color that you can both hide some of the shortcomings of the building’s architecture and highlight it strengths, change the visual perception of the form and even provide a decrease or increase in the degree of natural lighting in the premises. The last factor is especially relevant for construction in latitudes where the climate is different from moderate. So what can we expect from the different shades?

Basic properties of flowers

1.Light absorption degree

Everyone knows from school that they absorb heat best dark colors and less – light. Therefore, if you, for example, are in northern latitudes and decide to build a two-story residential building, the project should include dark colors exterior finishing. Residents of the southern climatic zones It is better to choose light shades for finishing the roofs and facades of your cottages.

2.Resistant to fading

The same physical laws determine the rapid fading of saturated and bright colors. The leader of burnout, black, tops the list. Hence the conclusion: the degree of burnout will be less visible in lighter and pastel colors. Modern houses(photos can be seen in any architecture magazine) are often painted white, which is not very practical. It is this shade that is influenced solar energy inevitably turns yellow. The most practical color in this regard is the calmest gray. If you decide to paint your home this color, it will not only highlight its style, but also eliminate yellowing and fading of the paint. In addition, the dust that has settled on the walls of this color is not noticeable. Time can change the shade of gray only slightly.

3.Visual characteristics

Light colors can create a feeling of visual enlargement of the object being painted. Thus, classical architecture, which amazes with the grandeur of its creations, loves the color white. Light beige and cream shades look no less noble. But the building, painted in pastel colors, it will look faded. Dark shades in the exterior of the house will create the necessary color accents.

4. Alliance of color and shape

The use of bright colors of high saturation in decoration is advisable only in combination with simple architectural forms, characterized by the absence of an abundance of small architectural details. If you like, for example, beautiful two-story houses(photos, projects are located in our catalogue) that have intricate shapes, you should opt for calm, light shades.

Examples of color combinations

Harmony in color is achieved through the mutual combination of colors that are close to each other in the color spectrum. IN modern world There are many methods for combining them, but the most successful, in our opinion, is the method of Luscher, a psychologist from Sweden, who developed an entire color diagnostic system. The following table is compiled according to his recommendations.









Pearl gray

Light green


Light blue

2 colors do not match,

3-poor compatibility,

4-medium compatibility,

5 - good compatibility.

What colors are best to paint the walls?

There is a tendency to choose natural shades in painting the facades of residential buildings. These are brown, beige, and green tones that complement each other perfectly. For example, one-story house with an attic, the walls of which are painted yellow, and the windows and doors are chosen in a dark wood shade, will look not only presentable, but also very cozy.

Often the walls of houses are painted gray or white. At the same time, the first one acts as an excellent companion for bright color accents(doors, gutters, windows), and the second is truly universal and can be combined with any colors. A striking example living classics are the combination of both of these colors with a red roof.

Blue walls are a fashion trend and work great in conjunction with grey, white and beige shades. A cottage whose walls are painted blue, the roof is gray, and the doors and windows are white is very elegant.

If you like high-tech or cubist-style homes, you can take a chance by using purple, black and dark blue color. They will work effectively only when building a house in the northern regions and choosing modern trends architecture. It is worth noting that the remaining details of such cottages should be left light.

The best shades for roofing

The color schemes for the roof are more conservative than the design of the facades. A modest palette of colors for roofing includes green, red, terracotta, blue, gray and brown. The color of the roof that, for example, two-story buildings will receive brick houses(photo and visualization projects in our catalogue) largely depends on the type roofing. So soft roll materials are rarely painted in silver or copper shades, and natural tiles- in bright blue colors.

Proven schemes

1.Light bottom, dark top

In the photo beautiful houses made of brick or other material, there is often just such a painting method that is most familiar, since it corresponds to the traditions of architecture. The light walls, a large area of ​​which is shaded by the roof, are pleasing to the eye. dark shades. A greater effect can be achieved by adding other bright details to the house in the form of windows or a plinth.

2.Tone on tone

In this case, the house looks like a single whole. This creates the impression of harmony, solidity, but somewhat boring appearance.

3.Light roof and dark walls.

The walls draw attention to themselves, and the roof is so airy that it is ready to dissolve into the clouds. In addition to the light roof, doors and windows of the same color are installed. This is a rather extravagant option that will appeal to experimenters.

What determines the color of a house?

When choosing a color scheme, you need to be guided not only by the mutual combination of colors. It is important to consider the features environment and existing buildings on the site. When studying the exterior of a cottage, you will be able to find more than one element of the building that does not require painting. Railings, windows, doors, steps retain natural colors, so they must be taken into account in the overall color scheme, which include latest projects houses with or without an attic.

The perception of color schemes for the facades and roof of a house is greatly changed by several factors, the main ones being the nature of the surface and the type of its lighting. Professionals advise trying to paint a small part of the facade before purchasing finishing materials in full. For trial painting or plastering, about 0.5-1 m2 of wall surface is enough.

IMPORTANT! The coloring result must be assessed in several stages, changing the time and illumination of the test. This is done because samples of the same color, when applied to the south and north walls of a building, will look completely different when assessed on sunny and cloudy days.

It’s worth assessing whether the chosen color matches your expectations with variations. natural light. Ideal option It would be possible to perform several versions of samples of different colors.

Finally, I would like to note that the perception of colors is strictly individual. For selection best color For own home You should listen exactly to your feelings and trust your opinion, and not the names invented by manufacturers. Any color name, be it fresh fuchsia, Sicilian sand or ripe orange, is just a marketing ploy to increase sales. No matter how exotic the names of flowers are, they should not play a decisive role in the choice.

Modern market facade paint quite wide and varied. Here you can choose how classic colors, and ultra-fashionable. The choice of facade paint largely depends on what material the building being painted is made of.

This paint should be high quality and have a long service life. Facade paint is highly resistant to external factors. Such as weather, sun rays and precipitation. Harmoniously selected façade paint makes the building attractive.

Types of paint for facades

Structure and classification of facade paint:

  • Acrylic paint is created on the basis of resin, which ensures its strength and elasticity.
  • Mixed paints are created from several components. Such paints are nano-technological.
  • Silicate paint material created on the basis of liquid glass.
  • Lime and cement are the basis for mineral materials.
  • Elastic silicone mixtures with excellent steam permeability.

Facade paints are also distinguished by their binding components:

  • If the binding components are formed by stirring in water, then they are water-soluble.
  • And if the components are formed in alcohol, etc., then these are paints based on organic components.

Choosing a color

The picturesque design of the house directly depends on what color the house is painted. How to choose the color of the facade is a question asked by all the happy owners of their home. When choosing a color, do not forget about the general style of the site and personal color preferences.

The color of the façade paint should be pleasing to your eye. A house that is painted in a color that is not pleasant to you will cause discomfort.

Home is a zone of maximum comfort for a person. A house painted in natural shades will look beautiful and harmonious. But if you give preference to bright colors, then such a house will be perceived as not real.

Brightly colored facades suit sensitive and original people. Such a bright house will look great against the backdrop of neighboring houses and lush greenery.

One of important points When choosing the color of the facade, it is necessary to combine it with the color of the roof. The facade with the roof can be the same color, but different shades, or be in contrast. Traditionally, the facade is made light, and the doors and other protruding parts are several shades darker.

A beautiful color for the facade should be in harmony with interior decoration Houses. Such a house will cause a storm of emotions.

Fashionable shades

The most fashionable today are dark natural colors. Brown, black and matte black colors, despite their moodiness, can make any home elegant.

Black color is great for painting a wooden building with huge light windows. If you don't like black, then brown will do the job perfectly.

Don't blindly follow fashion and choose only popular colors. Fashion is a fickle lady, and the facade is painted for more than one year. So when choosing which facade to make, it is better to listen to your inner feelings.

Principles for choosing facade color

When choosing a color, you should not forget about the architectural features of the building. Using color, you can emphasize structural features or smooth out imperfections.

Choose correct color for home you can if you remember:

  • Use different saturation shades of the same color.
  • Using natural dyes is always preferable.
  • Designers recommend using several shades. More dark color focus on the protruding parts.
  • If you want to visually enlarge the building, then choose light shades. For big house Dark colors are perfect.

Painting a wooden house

Since wooden houses are very close to nature, natural colors are suitable for them. If you paint wooden house green, brick or brown, it will look very impressive. A house covered with transparent enamel will also look good.

Paint for wooden house also a protector from the external environment. We give preference to natural, breathable paints.

Brick house

A brick house is always about strength and durability. The facade of such a house does not always need to be painted. But if you really want it, you can choose any colors, guided by your preferences. Light colors are suitable for large and modern homes.

The choice of color is also influenced by the style of the building. Houses built in the Baroque style can be painted in brown colors, but for Gothic buildings it will be appropriate gray.

For a concrete house

Houses made of concrete, as a rule, do not have exquisite style and done simply. For such houses, it is best to choose a monochromatic design in a calm color. Bright colors will be completely inappropriate here, especially if the building is small.

For the building not small size You can choose brighter and deeper colors, taking into account the location of the sun. When painting gray, feel free to contrast with the roof and foundation.

The color of the facade is selected not only in accordance with architectural style building and the material from which it is made, but also with your taste preferences. The color of the facade should be pleasing to the eye.

Photo of a colored facade