How polycarbonate is attached to metal. At what distance should polycarbonate be attached?

The monolithic version has a solid structure, like ordinary glass, but due to its polymer base, it is many times stronger and lighter than the same glass, and additionally has increased resistance to physical impact due to its flexibility. Such elements are used as a complete replacement of glass in residential and public buildings, as well as shopping, entertainment and scientific complexes.

The honeycomb element consists of a pair of thin plates connected to each other by special stiffening ribs, the space between which is free.

This material is widely used in construction, utility and utility rooms and country houses, especially as a covering for greenhouse complexes.

How to Orient Panels

Honeycomb polycarbonate elements along their length have ribs that provide their rigidity, so during installation they must always be positioned in such a way that the hollow channels inside them have an exit to the outside. This requirement is dictated by the need to remove condensate from them, which can form due to temperature differences.

When installing such plates as vertical glazing, the ribs providing rigidity are also placed vertically. When attached to a frame as a slope or arch, it is always necessary to orient them so that the internal hollow channels inside run along the slopes or along the arc of the arch, respectively.

Today's manufacturing technology for both monolithic and honeycomb panels implies that each of them has a front and an inner side. They are distinguished from each other due to the presence on the first special protective coating in the form of a film with markings that serve as protection until the moment complete installation, and on final stage removed.

When installing polycarbonate panels as arched design The maximum bending radius for a particular type of material, indicated in its marking, should be taken into account and never exceeded.

1. Sheet cutting

Polymer boards are supplied standard sheets, which, as a rule, always have larger dimensions than required, so one of the main operations with them is cutting them into pieces with the right sizes. This operation will have to be performed both when installing a polycarbonate roof with your own hands.

The operation itself of cutting optimal pieces from a solid panel is extremely simple, since the material is easy to cut. For this you can use different instruments for cutting, from hand hacksaw to an electric grinder or jigsaw.

In the process of cutting polymer, regardless of the chosen tool, it is impossible to avoid the occurrence of vibrations of the material during its operation, which can negatively affect the quality of the cuts and lead to problems during the installation and fitting of finished parts, up to the rejection of some of them. Therefore, in order to make the task as easy as possible and level out side vibrations, the material is securely fixed in advance.

In the case of a honeycomb structure, after cutting, the cavities in the resulting elements are cleared of chips, because if they remain clogged, the removal of condensate will be difficult and moisture will accumulate inside the plates, which is especially dangerous during frosts, since water frozen inside the panel can damage it.

2. Sealing the ends

Honeycomb plates require sealing of their ends. The one on top can be covered with regular tape, but to seal the bottom one, it is better to use a special tape with perforations to drain moisture condensing inside the sheet.

For unhindered outflow of condensing liquid from the panel, it is necessary to arrange several holes in its end part, identical to those used for fixing the polymer sheet.

Fastening cellular polycarbonate

Carbonate slabs can be attached to structures made of almost any material; its type only affects the choice of elements for fastening. As a rule, these are self-tapping screws for wood or metal with a self-tapping tip, which are supplied with special thermal washers with a rubberized surface.

Thermal washers have a special leg and are selected according to its size so that it matches the thickness of the panel it fixes. This design not only protects the sheet structure from excessive deformation, but also reduces heat loss through direct contact with the self-tapping screw, which in this case acts as a conductor of cold through the polycarbonate.

Therefore, self-tapping screws with thermal washers are a universal fastener, regardless of the material of the load-bearing surface, which is sheathed with polymer panels.

When installing, it is advisable to insert screws in advance drilled holes in plastic, which must meet the following requirements:

  1. Firstly, holes can only be drilled between the stiffeners, and only at a distance from the edge of the slab of at least 4 cm.
  2. Secondly, the holes must allow for thermal expansion of the material, which must be able to move on the fasteners due to the fact that the hole in it is a millimeter to one and a half larger than the diameter of the thermal washer leg.
  3. In the case of a large length of plastic, the holes in it for fixation should not only be large in diameter, but also longitudinally elongated.
  4. When drilling, it is extremely important to maintain the most straight angle of the hole with an error of no more than 20 degrees, otherwise, when fixing the washer, a misalignment will occur and the panel will not be securely attached to the supporting structure.

Knowing the technology of fixing polycarbonate, you can easily and reliably cover almost any structure with it. However, it is also necessary to master the technology of joining panels to each other, which involves the use of special elements for these purposes - profiles, which can be either fixed or detachable.

The first ones are used with panels with a thickness of 4 to 10 mm. The second are “Polyskrep” profiles, capable of connecting together plates from 6 to 16 mm in thickness. Removable profiles are assembled from a pair of elements: the lower one, which serves as the base, and the upper one - a cover with a lock.

Such polymer connecting profiles are necessary for assembling arched or pitched structures, but are also suitable for completely vertical surfaces. One clamp connects a pair of panels with a width of 50 to 105 cm, and it itself is fixed with self-tapping screws. When mating individual panels at an angle of 90 degrees, a corner joining profile is provided, and in the case of abutment to a wall, a special wall profile is provided.

The technology for fixing a removable profile involves several operations:

  1. Drilling a hole for a self-tapping screw in the base.
  2. Fixing the base on the longitudinal structure and laying the panels with a gap of 5 mm required to compensate for the thermal expansion of the material.
  3. Latching with wooden mallet profile covers.
  4. Temperature value.

Often, when sheathing a greenhouse with cellular polycarbonate, the plates are attached overlapping one another, instead of using special joining profiles. This option is optimal and is possible only in the case of a small thickness of sheets, which does not exceed 6 mm, since due to their thinness they have increased flexibility, which is why they can “walk” or even jump out of the fixing profile.

But thick polymer plates with a thickness of 8 mm or more with this technique will form very noticeable “steps” due to overlapping each other, which can only be solved by using a connecting profile.

You should know that fastening polycarbonate sheets using the overlapping method can lead to the following consequences:

  1. Firstly, with this method the tightness of the sheathed structure will always be compromised, up to a draft, complete blowing out internal heat and even the accumulation of debris and sediment under the structure’s cladding;
  2. Secondly, sheets secured in an overlap experience a significantly greater impact from gusts of wind, which means that if the fixation is not strong enough, they can be torn off or broken.

Fastening monolithic polycarbonate

1. How and to what can carbonate be attached?

Monolithic carbonate has two methods of fastening, however, both of them require a base in the form of a supporting frame that ensures reliable fixation of the slab:

  1. First method– “wet”, implies the use of a special polymer lubricant. In this case, the installation of elements is organized with gaps that compensate for the expansion of the material under the influence of temperature. This option is also appropriate when inserting a polymer plate into wooden frame. In the case of a metal frame, rubber gaskets are used in combination with a sealant, which is applied to the internal and external clamped surface.
  2. Second method– “dry” installation, does not require any sealants and makes it possible to install the panel directly on the rubber seal. Since the structure itself is not airtight, it is provided with drainage to drain water.

2. Is it possible to attach sheets of overlap?

Polycarbonate is a thermoplastic material that responds to temperature fluctuations by changing its dimensions. Therefore, in cold weather it contracts, and in hot weather it expands. If not taken into account this fact in the process of fastening sheets from it, most likely, sooner or later they will be damaged.

This especially applies to monolithic polymer elements, which not only have a higher expansion coefficient, but also do not have structural flexibility in the form of voids and profiles. Therefore, using them in combination with rigid fastening technology - overlapping - is impossible.

Temperature value

Polycarbonate is an unpretentious and fairly durable material and, in relation to the ambient temperature, can be used within the range from –40 to +120 degrees Celsius. However, the polymer on which it is made can both expand and contract under the influence of temperature, which is expressed in its expansion coefficient of 0.065 mm per one degree of temperature for each meter of sheet.

Therefore, to calculate the actual expansion, you need to calculate the maximum temperature difference per year and multiply it by 0.065 mm. For example, when installed in the middle climatic zone with temperatures from -40 to +50 degrees

Celsius, the gap should be about 6 mm for each linear meter of plastic. In the case of painting, the heating of the sheets increases by an average of 10 - 15 degrees, which means they will expand more, that is, by about 6.5 mm per meter of slab.

  1. Carbide discs with small, unset teeth are excellent for cutting polymers, since they leave the most even and accurate cut.
  2. Do not rush to remove the protective film from the sheets immediately upon purchase; it is created not only to protect the material from damage, dirt and scratches during transportation and storage, but also during installation.
  3. The upper ends of the polymer panels must be closed. To do this, it is recommended to use unusual adhesive tape and special tape. The lower ends, on the contrary, are open to ensure the removal of condensing moisture.
  4. It is not advisable to over-tighten the screws securing the plates, and also, in general, to rigidly fasten the entire panel, which must have a certain degree of freedom in order to “breathe”, expanding and contracting during periods of warming and cooling, respectively.

Monolithic polycarbonate is a name given to special transparent and flexible sheets that are used for large greenhouses. These sheets have become especially popular due to their reliability and durability. However, few people know how to properly attach them to the greenhouse frame.

As you know, today many different frames are produced. They can be one of the most different materials: wooden, metal, plastic. Accordingly, polycarbonate can be attached to them in different ways. How to attach polycarbonate to metal frame greenhouses?

There are two main ways to attach the material in this way. Using a specially designed connecting profile or using thermal washers. Both methods are quite accessible and reliable. The only difference is in the features of the fastening structure itself and in the fastening process.

How to attach polycarbonate to metal with a connecting profile

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Characteristics of connections

Fastening monolithic polycarbonate sheets using a connecting profile is a special way of joining them to a frame.

This method is quite convenient. Thus, when using detachable connections, greenhouse sheets can be bent into shape without much effort. in the right places. But such work will require special care and accuracy from you.

First of all, you need to purchase profiles. They come in two types: detachable and non-detachable. One-piece profiles are cheaper, they are sold in a variety of colors, so you can easily choose the mount to suit your needs. general style greenhouses, if that matters to you. This is an ideal option for small areas. But still, it will be quite difficult to work with such a profile if you have a slope length of more than 3 meters in your greenhouse. In addition, when using a one-piece profile, it will not be very convenient to bend monolithic sheets where required. That is, you risk damaging the material, which may entail additional costs.

Therefore, if your greenhouse is quite large or has its own specific shape, it is advisable to purchase split profiles for fastening. They consist of a cover and a base (base). Installation consists of attaching the base to the frame at the junction of the sheets. This option is more expensive, but working with such material is much simpler and easier. you can bend and rotate it with ease without worrying about damaging it. This type of fastening is ideal for greenhouses with wide roofs. After all, here the probability of jumping off the sheet is reduced to almost zero.

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Installation of polycarbonate

What is the process of installing sheets? First, using a drill or hammer drill, you need to drill holes in the mount the same as on the frame (as a rule, the holes on the frame are provided in advance). If the connection is detachable, then you need to drill on the base, but not on the cover. The profile is then attached to the longitudinal support of the greenhouse frame. The most convenient way to do this is with a screwdriver.

We check the fastening for reliability and move on to the next stage. It consists of applying a special sealant to the mounting base, onto which the sheet is immediately placed. The sealant must be applied immediately to all bases where this sheet will adhere, and this must be done as quickly as possible so that it does not have time to dry out. When installing this entire structure, do not forget that it is necessary to make a mandatory gap of about 4 mm. We compact the sheets with our hands, after which you can install the cover of the fastening profile on top, snap it into place and secure it with a rubber hammer. It is not permissible to use ordinary metal or wooden hammer! This can cause serious damage to the greenhouse.

The last step is to secure the greenhouse mounting structure by closing the connections to the metal frame with a plug specially provided for this purpose. Similarly, we attach monolithic greenhouse sheets around the entire perimeter of the greenhouse.

Polycarbonate– modern material. It is very different from other types of materials. When working with it, it is necessary to use connection profiles, end profiles, washers, tapes as additional materials; this will provide protection so that moisture, debris, and insects do not penetrate.

If polycarbonate panels are installed correctly, their service life increases. Profiles for polycarbonate weigh little, do not allow light to pass through and are of excellent quality.

To properly and competently fasten any item, you need several components:

  1. End profiles.
  2. Connecting profiles.
  3. Ridge profiles.
  4. Corner profiles.
  5. Wall profiles.
  6. Thermal washers.
  7. Anti-saw tape.
  8. Sealing tape.

The end profile covers the edges of sheets of material. This is done so that later layers of dirt, dust and moisture do not accumulate in the middle of the sheets. When using a profile, take thermal tape, which is used to seal the upper edges of the panel. When using pitched and arched glazing, the lower edges of the panel are sealed before installing the end profile.

The connecting profile is made from polycarbonate under desired color panels. Dense and durable sheet joints have a relatively low price.

Tools you will need:

  • bar;
  • a pair of polycarbonate sheets;
  • sledgehammer;
  • nails;
  • screws;
  • washers;
  • bolts;
  • drill;
  • fastenings;
  • self-adhesive;
  • roulette;
  • file;

What can I use to attach it?

Polycarbonate is fixed:

  1. Thermal washers.
  2. Profiles.

If you have chosen thermal washers as an option for fastening, then you will need to make holes in the plates slightly larger than the washer itself, so that it fits tightly into the hole and snaps into place. Its length is the same as the plate itself. There is a small one in the washer rubber seal, it fixes and does not allow dust and moisture to pass through.

The edges of the panels in the profile are secured with self-tapping screws or thermal washers.

Profiles are:

  • detachable;
  • one-piece;
  • butt;
  • special;
  • corner;
  • wall;

It is better to decide which method to choose yourself, taking into account all the tasks that the structure will perform.

Mounting methods

Polycarbonate- This is a hollow sheet, in its middle there are many layers with stiffening ribs. On the shelves of markets and shops they sell 2 types of polycarbonate sheets: monolithic and cellular.

This material is good to use instead of glass for fences through which light should flow. In most cases, these are large frames into which sheets are then inserted and secured using holders. There are two types of installation of polycarbonate: “wet” and “dry”.

When installing using the wet method, you need to apply polymer putty on all sides of the frame. After this, the sheet should be placed in a frame. Then seal all connections with sealant. You can use rubber strips or special profile gaskets to completely seal the sheet.

With the dry method, you need to use mechanical fasteners, which have a set of parts with rubber gaskets. Bolts, nuts, and screws are used to fasten sheets. This method is the cleanest and neatest.

To properly fasten the sheets in both cases, you need to make gaps. The gaps are made so that when the polycarbonate is heated, the structure itself does not deform or collapse.

Before work, drill holes in the sheets in increments of 500 mm. Near the edge it is best to make an additional indent of approximately 20 mm. It is best to drill with wood drills.

Using them you can make neat and smooth holes. Monitor the heating of the area at the drilling site. Correct fastening will ensure high-quality adhesion of the slabs to the frame. The fasteners should not be over-tightened.

This is the most in a simple way fixation. Its design uses self-tapping screws with special thermal washers. As a result, well-screwed sheets are obtained. The legs of the washer should be the same thickness as the sheet, and the holes for it should be slightly larger. The edges of the panels are secured with screws.

There are detachable and one-piece profiles. One-piece ones are fastened with self-tapping screws and thermal washers. The detachable one is made of two parts: the “base” and the “cover”. Attach the “base” to the frame with self-tapping screws at a distance of 300 mm from each other. Install the “cover” and snap it into place when pressed.

Mounting to wood and metal

To begin, prepare a block with an approximate thickness of 5 cm.

It is made into a frame shape using a hammer and nails. A wood-based frame is suitable for a porch or greenhouse roof. After the frame is made, attach the sheets to the wood with self-tapping screws and washers.

To attach polycarbonate to a wooden base, thermal washers are not needed. The option of fastening using conventional materials is possible. The first sheet should be firmly fixed. You should start from the edge of the frame. The end edge should extend slightly beyond the frame. Sheets should be fastened one by one after complete completion of all work related to fastening the previous one.

Before attaching polycarbonate to metal, purchase the required number of washers.

Installation occurs according to the following principle:

  1. Make holes in the plates. They should be done in the places where the frame is attached.
  2. Lay the canvas on the frame and fix it. It is better to do this work together. One person cannot both hold and secure it.
  3. After installation is complete, cover the thermal washers with protective caps.
  4. Remember that you need to place the sheets so that they do not touch the metal.

Installation of polycarbonate is done vertically to the location of the metal ribs. When making polycarbonate boards, a protective film is glued to both sides. The first side is with drawings, and the second is always white or colorless.

The plates can be installed not only at right angles, but also in their normal position. The corners will be strong and neat.

Nuances of work

It doesn't matter at what angle you position the panel or sheet of polycarbonate. It must be placed so that the cavities in the middle are in a vertical position. When making a canopy or curved roof, place the cavities parallel to the main curve. In places of inclination, the ducts should be directed towards the inclination.

When installing, be careful - the material is fragile and can break easily.

Many builders know how to attach polycarbonate, and also know the steps of the purlins and diagrams. Point fastening is the easiest way to install sheets. For installation, self-tapping screws with thermal washers are used.

When using them, you will get reliable, hermetic connections between the sheets. Choose those leg elements that are the same thickness as the panel itself. If the design is large, use larger sheets. Experts advise fixing the sheets every 30-40 centimeters. If you install it more often, then the price of the structure will be more expensive.

Polycarbonate is similar in appearance to glass. The transparency of the sheets is a good protection against sun rays. Polycarbonate is characterized by good flexibility and light weight. It can be used at temperatures from -40 to +120 degrees.

Sheet production- a very difficult stage, this requires the constant work of complex mechanisms with enormous settings and adjustments.

The production of strong, stable sheets is ensured by the work of specialists who have extensive experience in their field. The quality of the sheet can be affected by the slightest deviation from the standards.

When installing the plates, remove only the bottom protective film from them. Do not remove the protective film prematurely - this will damage the plate.

The film can only be removed after the installation is complete. If you don't do this right away, it will be very difficult to remove the film later.

Polycarbonate should be stored in a separate room with a low temperature.

When installing polycarbonate, do not place it horizontally; it is better to place it vertically. Drill holes before attaching the sheet. Do not forget about the distance from the screw to the edge of the sheet (at least four centimeters).

It is best not to bend the sheet, because cracks and breakages may occur. They may not appear immediately, for example, during operation, during sharp changes temperature, the weight of snow, the action of wind. Try to handle the materials carefully because they are fragile and susceptible to damage.

When installing a cellular polycarbonate coating, it is necessary to consider:

  • standard panel sizes and their economical cutting.
  • influence of wind and snow loads.
  • thermal expansion of panels.
  • permissible bending radii of panels for arched structures.
  • the need to complete the panels with mounting elements (connecting and end profiles, self-adhesive tapes, self-tapping screws, thermal washers).

The standard width of the panels is 2100 mm. The length of the panels can be 3000, 6000 or 12000 mm. Stiffening ribs are located along the length of the panel. The edges of the panels along their long side should be located on the supporting frame supports. Therefore, longitudinal supports are installed in increments of 1050 mm or 700 mm (+ gap for the distance between the panels). To connect the panels to each other while simultaneously fastening them to the longitudinal supports of the frame, it is necessary to use special connecting profiles. The panels should be secured to the transverse sheathing with self-tapping screws equipped with thermal washers.

In principle, you can mount the entire panel, but practice shows that it is more harmonious and more reliable design from panels with a width of 1050 and 700 mm. When installing them, a smaller number of thermal washers are used, and sometimes you can do without point fastening altogether.

The correct choice of the pitch of longitudinal supports and transverse sheathing is the most important condition for the reliability of a structure made of cellular polycarbonate.

2. Neutralization of thermal expansion.

When the ambient temperature changes, cellular polycarbonate panels are subject to thermal deformation. When designing and assembling a structure, it is not at all difficult to calculate and take into account the degree of change in the linear dimensions of the mounted panels, but it is absolutely necessary that when mounted, the panels can shrink and expand by the amount they require without causing any damage to your structure.

The change in the length (width) of the sheet is calculated using the formula:
∆L = L x ∆T x Kr
where L is the length (width) of the panel (m)
∆T - temperature change (°C)
Kr = 0.065 mm/°C – coefficient of linear thermal expansion of cellular polycarbonate.
For example, when seasonal change temperatures from -40 to +40°C, each meter of the panel will undergo a change by ∆L = 1x80x0.065 = 5.2mm.

It should be taken into account that colored panels heat up 10-15°C more than transparent and white ones. ∆L for bronze panels can reach 6 mm for each meter of their length and width. In areas with less severe climatic conditions, the change in the linear dimensions of the panels will, of course, be significantly lower.

It is necessary to leave thermal gaps when connecting and fastening panels to each other in a plane, as well as in corner and ridge joints, using special connecting, corner and ridge profiles for installation. When point-fastening panels to the structure frame, it is advisable to use self-tapping screws with special thermal washers, and the holes in the panels must be made slightly larger (see section "Point-fixing panels")

It is impossible to install structures outdoors without taking into account the thermal deformation of the panels. This can lead to their warping in the summer and damage to the point of rupture in the winter.

Distance between rafters N, mm Sheet thickness, mm
6 8 10 16 25 32
150 kg/m2 700
175 kg/m2 700
200 kg/m2 700
Sheet thickness, mm 6 mm 900 Rmin 1000 1100 1200 1300 1500 1700 1800
8 mm 1200 Rmin 1400 1500 1700 2000 2300 2500 2700
10 mm 1500 Rmin 1700 1800 2000 2100 2500 2700 3000
2800 Rmin 2900 3000 3300 3600 3900 4200 4500

5. Orientation of panels during design and installation.

Internal stiffeners are located in cellular polycarbonate along the length (which can be up to 12 meters). The panel in your design must be oriented in such a way that the condensate formed inside it can flow through the internal channels of the panel and be discharged outside.

When installing vertical glazing, the stiffening ribs of the panels should be located vertically, and in a pitched structure - along the slope.
In an arched structure, the stiffeners must follow an arc.

Take these installation conditions into account when designing, calculating the number of panels, cutting them and, of course, during installation.
For outdoor use, cellular polycarbonate with a protective UV-stabilizing layer applied to the outer surface of the sheet is used. The protective film on this side of the sheet has a special marking. To avoid mistakes, the panels must be mounted in film and removed immediately after installation.

  • You cannot bend panels to a radius less than the minimum bending radius specified by the manufacturer for a panel of the thickness and structure you have chosen.
  • The rules for panel orientation must not be violated.

6. Cutting panels.

Cellular polycarbonate and polycarbonate sheets very easy to cut. Sheets with a thickness of 4 mm to 10 mm are cut using a knife, but for better and straighter cutting it is recommended to use high-speed saws with a stop, equipped with a blade with fine, unset teeth reinforced with carbide. The sheets must be supported during cutting to prevent vibration. Can be cut with an electric jigsaw

After cutting, it is necessary to remove chips from the internal cavities of the panel.

7. Drilling holes.

For drilling, standard sharp metal drills are used. Drilling is done between the stiffeners. The hole must be at least 40 mm away from the edge of the panel.

Drill characteristics:
Sharpening angle - 30
Drilling angle - 90-118
Cutting speed - 10-40 m/min.
Feed speed - 0.2-0.5 mm/rev.

8. Sealing the ends of the panel.

It is necessary to properly close the ends of the panels. When the panels are in a vertical or inclined position, the upper ends are hermetically sealed with continuous aluminum self-adhesive tape, and the lower ends are sealed with perforated tape, which prevents the penetration of dust and ensures condensate drainage.

In arched structures, it is necessary to cover both ends with perforated tape:

To seal the ends, polycarbonate profiles of similar color or higher quality aluminum profiles are used. They look great, are very comfortable and are just as durable. The profile design provides for tight fixation at the ends of the sheet and does not require additional fastening.

To drain condensate, drill several holes in the profile with a thin drill.

  • The ends of cellular polycarbonate should not be left open. Sheet service life and translucency are reduced.
  • You cannot seal the ends with regular tape.
  • The lower ends of the panels cannot be hermetically sealed.
9. Point fastening of panels.

For point fastening of cellular polycarbonate to the frame, use self-tapping screws and special thermal washers.

The thermal washer consists of a plastic washer with a leg (its height corresponds to the thickness of the panel), a sealing washer and a snap-on lid. They will ensure reliable and tight fastening of the panel, and will also eliminate the “cold bridges” created by self-tapping screws. In addition, the leg of the thermal washer, resting against the frame of the structure, will prevent the panel from collapsing.

To compensate for thermal expansion, the holes in the panel should be 2-3 mm larger diameter the legs of the thermal washer, and if the panel is long, elongated in length. The recommended step for point fastening is 300-400 mm.

  • The panels cannot be rigidly fastened.
  • Do not use nails, rivets, or inappropriate washers to fasten panels.
  • Do not overtighten the screws.

10. Connection of polycarbonate panels.

For the installation of cellular polycarbonate, one-piece or detachable transparent and colored polycarbonate profiles are used.

Installation sequence:

  1. In the “base”, drill holes with a diameter slightly larger than the diameter of the self-tapping screw in increments of 300 mm.
  2. Attach the “base” to the longitudinal support of the frame with self-tapping screws and lay the panels on both sides, leaving a “thermal gap” of 3-5 mm, having previously coated the profile with sealant.
  3. Snap the profile “cover” along its entire length using a wooden mallet. It is recommended to close the end of the profile with a special plug.

11. Corner connection of panels.

If it is necessary to interface cellular polycarbonate panels at right angles, you can use corner polycarbonate profiles. Corner polycarbonate profiles securely hold the panels and make the corner connection invisible.

Transparent, tinted: “bronze”, “blue”, “green”, “turquoise”, “brown”, “yellow”, “red”, “orange” and light-diffusing “white opal” - the standard color range of polycarbonate profiles for cell phone installation polycarbonate, but corner, ridge and wall profiles, unfortunately, are only available in transparent ones.

12. Connection to the wall.

When panels are adjacent to the wall use wall polycarbonate profile. Its shape resembles the English letter F. When using a wall profile, polycarbonate panels (cellular, cellular) are closed with a sealed tape to protect the sheets from dust and moisture. After this, the sheets are inserted into the profile and it is fixed to the wall.

13. Interfacing of panels in the ridge.

The “wings” of the ridge polycarbonate profile have a powerful grip - 40 mm - sufficient for reliable connection of the panels and their thermal expansion, while it is possible to set almost any angle at which the panels meet. Be sure to use sealing tape before use. After installing the sheets, you need to secure them pointwise. roofing screws through the ridge profile in increments of 30-40 cm.

When using other profiles, make sure that they meet these installation conditions.

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Polycarbonate fastening

Today, polycarbonate is considered the most popular and in-demand material; if not everything, then a lot is built from it, from canopies to roofs. And this is no coincidence: this material has many properties that are very important for objects under construction. But, despite such frequent use, not all developers still know how to properly attach polycarbonate to a wooden frame so that it holds firmly and therefore serves long time. To do this, in addition to the material itself, you will have to stock up on what can be used to complete all the work.


You need to prepare:

  1. Polycarbonate panels.
  2. To make the base - nails and a hammer.
  3. The material for the base is wooden beam.
  4. Self-tapping screws for fastening work with sheets.
  5. To work with self-tapping screws you will need a screwdriver or screwdriver.
  6. Drill.
  7. Self-adhesive tapes for insulating end surfaces.
  8. Connecting profiles.

Before you start attaching cellular polycarbonate to wood, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules.

Rules for fastening polycarbonate sheets

Polycarbonate greenhouse made of wood

When carrying out installation of fastening polycarbonate, you need to follow simple, but very important rules. Regardless of the type of panel - cast or cellular material, in both cases it is a complex plastic - polymer, the panels can crack, despite the fact that they are highly elastic. The result is that the material will quickly become unusable. Knowledge of how to properly cut the material and drill holes in it for fasteners will help prevent this.

Before you begin fastening, you need to treat all wooden parts with a special solution that will protect the material from damage by insects. In addition, wood in a humid environment may begin to rot, but impregnation will prevent this. Typically, for the construction of a greenhouse structure, timber is used, the thickness of which is 5 cm.

Working with sheets

After the frame is completely built and prepared, you can start attaching the polycarbonate sheets. If monolithic sheets are used for work, they are not bent. When fastening cellular polycarbonate, it is allowed to bend the sheets along the stiffening ribs, but in no case across them. This is important for two reasons: so as not to break those very stiffening ribs, and also not to interfere with the removal of fumes from the cavity of the sheets.

Note: During installation, you need to ensure that the sheets are laid with the correct side up, UV protection is applied to them, and if the sheet is placed incorrectly, it will quickly become unusable, since it will not be protected from harmful radiation.

Another important point is cutting the blades. It’s rare that purchased sheets match the required dimensions, so before attaching polycarbonate to wood, it has to be cut. To do this, you need to use a circular saw; the rigidity of its disk will prevent cracking of the surface of the blade. The disc must be very well sharpened and, preferably, purchase one that was made from heavy metal alloys. During the cutting operation, the blades must be held securely in place and fed at a uniform speed.

And finally - making the holes. Their diameter should be a couple of millimeters larger than the diameter of the fastener legs. Since wood is a material that conducts heat poorly, you don’t have to think too much about the question of how and with what to fasten polycarbonate to ensure heat retention, but simply use self-tapping screws, without thermal washers. They can be replaced with ordinary metal washers, the diameter of which is at least 2.5 cm. The main thing is to purchase fasteners made of stainless steel or galvanized steel.

Installation of sheets

This is the most crucial moment of construction. The first canvas is laid so that it protrudes slightly beyond the frame frame, and it is secured. Then, using the profile to connect the individual sheets, the rest of the material is laid and secured. When screwing in the screws, you need to make sure that the fastener fits tightly to the canvas, but does not bend it, much less break it. In the same way, work on fastening to the frame is carried out both on the end surfaces and on the doors of greenhouse structures.

Video about the greenhouse

A polymer material that has thermoplastic properties is usually presented in the form of sheets. Despite the different colors, it is transparent. In everyday life it is called polycarbonate. Polycarbonate is intended for the arrangement of greenhouses, canopies, and verandas. It can also be done. It is believed that there can be nothing complicated in working with it, however, there are still some features.

What do you need to know before starting installation?

Polycarbonate resembles glass in appearance. However, its apparent transparency still serves as good protection from direct sunlight. This monolithic material has good flexibility, but is very strong and quite lightweight. The operating temperature of polycarbonate is from – 40 to + 120 degrees Celsius.

Polycarbonate is divided into two types:

  • Monolithic. It's practically glass, only lighter and stronger.
  • Cell phone. This is a hollow, but multi-layered structure with stiffening ribs located longitudinally

Before purchasing polycarbonate, it is advisable to determine its dimensions as accurately as possible. This will make it much easier to fit the sheets. You should also be prepared for the fact that the installation of polycarbonate, if presented step by step, looks like this:

  1. Sheet selection (orientation)
  2. Cutting plates to the desired shape and size
  3. Preparing holes for fasteners
  4. Sealing seams
  5. Assembly of all structural elements

It is also worth considering the fact that polycarbonate can be deformed due to increased thermal load. This is especially important to know before attaching polycarbonate to a greenhouse, roof or canopy, which will be located primarily under the scorching sun.

Worth knowing! 2.5 millimeters per meter is the standard expansion rate for cellular transparent polycarbonate, and for colored slabs this figure is 4.5 millimeters per 1 meter.

When installing in hot summer weather, the panels must be installed closely, including to the lock of the joining profile. Reducing the temperature will reduce the polycarbonate and appear required clearance between the profile lock and the sheet, which will provide additional moisture removal.

Selection of panels

When working with cellular polycarbonate, the main thing is to correctly position the sheets, taking into account the stiffeners. The panel must be installed so that the internal channels of the stiffeners have an outlet to the outside. This will remove the condensation that will form inside the sheet. Is it possible to mount polycarbonate horizontally?

This is important! When constructing a greenhouse, the sheets must be placed vertically (the stiffeners must be perpendicular to the surface). If pitched surfaces are to be installed, then the ribs must be located along the slopes. At arched installation, the ribs should be positioned in the direction of the arc.

It is worth paying attention to whether the manufacturer made one of the polycarbonate sides external. If so, then this side has a special protective layer that can be removed after the sheet is fixed.

When working with cellular polycarbonate, you need to take into account the maximum bending radius of the material, which is indicated for each type of panel separately.

Accurate measurements will help you purchase the right amount of material, which will be enough for high-quality fastening.

Plate cutting

Considering the correct location of the panels relative to their stiffeners, it is worth preparing a drawing with measurements of the required number of polycarbonate plates. Then you need to start cutting the large canvas.

High-speed cutting is quite suitable circular saw. It is best to carry out the work with carbide discs with undetected small teeth.

Attention! Polycarbonate sheets should not be held in your hands while cutting. Strong vibration may result in personal injury or poor quality cutting. It is best to place the panels on a flat, hard surface and securely fix them, you can even use a vice. And after work, be sure to clear the cut line of chips.

Holes in polycarbonate

You need to drill holes in cellular polycarbonate between the stiffening ribs (this will not interfere with condensate drainage). Work must be done before fastening begins. It's best to drill electric drill with metal drills.


This process only needs to be done for honeycomb panels. At the ends located on top, you need to secure self-adhesive tape. The bottom ends cannot be sealed.

If you decide to make a greenhouse from polycarbonate, then consider what needs to be done. This is necessary in order to reduce the risk of crop disease.

By the way, it’s not for nothing that polycarbonate is used in the manufacture of greenhouses. This material transmits light perfectly and at the same time is resistant to high temperature. Read about other technical characteristics of cellular polycarbonate. This material is characterized by high strength.

How and with what to attach polycarbonate to metal and wood?

When everything preparatory work completed, you need to begin the process of installing the structure, which is the proper fastening of polycarbonate.

There are 2 common methods of fastening polycarbonate sheets:

  • Using thermal washers
  • Using profiles

Fastening polycarbonate with thermal washers

For thermal washers, you need to make holes in the polycarbonate sheets a couple of millimeters wider than the diameter of each thermal washer. The plastic structure on the short leg should fit tightly into the hole and snap into place. Its length is equal to the thickness of the panel.

The thermal washer must have a rubber seal, which allows for additional fixation and does not allow moisture and dust to pass through. This installation method can ensure that the polycarbonate is tightly held by washers, which will expand under thermal loads and prevent the sheets from changing their shape. This method of fastening is called point fastening.

The transparency of glass and the strength of metal, lightness and flexibility, resistance to temperature changes (- 45 - + 120 degrees), environmental safety, durability (up to 20 years) - these are the qualities of polycarbonate that make this material so in demand.

The range of its application is wide: flat, arched and domed roofs, canopies, canopies, acoustic barriers, stair railings, advertising structures, greenhouses, fences, etc.

Panel orientation

The stiffening ribs are oriented along the length of the panel.

Maximum structural strength is achieved with the arrangement of hollow channels:

  • when installing the panel vertically - vertically;
  • in curved structures - parallel to the bend line;
  • in inclined ones - in the direction of the slope.

For external structures, polycarbonate is used, the outer side of which is coated with substances that protect it from ultraviolet radiation. The protective film contains the relevant information. To correctly position the panels, installation is carried out without removing the top film.

Tilt angle

On flat roofs the angle of inclination must be at least 5 degrees or 90 mm in the direction of water flow. For lengths greater than 6 meters, the inclination should be increased.

Bending radius for arched structures

Theoretically cannot exceed 150 thickness of the panel used.

In practice, it is advisable to rely on the manufacturer’s instructions or markings on the protective film.

Cutting polycarbonate

When cutting, it is necessary to ensure that there is no vibration.
After cutting, be sure to remove the chips.

Drilling holes

The drilling location is between the stiffeners. The distance from the edge is at least two drill diameters.


  • Sharpening angle– 30 degrees;
  • Drilling angle– 90 degrees;
  • Drilling speed– up to 40 meters per minute.
  • Feed rate– up to 0.5 mm/rev.
  • Hole diameter make 3 mm larger than the diameter of the fastener.
  • While drilling Chips should be periodically removed and the drill cooled.

Sealing panel ends

Before sealing remove the temporary tape that protects the ends for storage and transportation.

Upper ends sealed with continuous adhesive aluminum tape, and the lower ones with perforated tape. If the end does not go into grooves or other profiles, it is covered with an end profile on top of the tape. Holes are drilled in the lower profile in 30 cm increments to drain condensate.

In arched In designs, both ends are sealed as the bottom.

Fastening cellular polycarbonate to metal

Self-tapping screws with a drill are used made of stainless steel or with galvanized tip. Be sure to use rubber washers for sealing or thermal washers.
Fastening is carried out in increments of 400 - 600 mm.

The self-tapping screw is twisted strictly perpendicular to the plane. It is important to prevent deformation by excessive pressure.

Fastening monolithic polycarbonate

"Frame" mount

The frame made of metal, plastic or wood must have grooves 25 mm deep.
The longer the length, the larger the internal size of the frame:

Fastening to the frame is carried out in two ways:

  1. "Wet"- using polymer putty and silicone sealants, which are used to process the edges of elements and seals (profiles or gaskets). Suitable for frames made of wood and metal.
  2. "Dry"- using self-tapping screws, press washers, screws, bolts and nuts. It is mandatory to use a sealant - a plastic profile or a rubber gasket that does not contain plasticizers. The sealant cannot be glued to polycarbonate.
    The fastening step is 50 cm. The distance from the edge is at least 2 cm.

Mounting to supports or sheathing

For a large area carried out by the same fasteners.

For small structures it is possible to use polyamide glue and even double sided tape. For exterior work, weather-resistant silicone adhesive is used.

Upon request For increased transparency, it is better to use polyurethane-based glue. Before gluing, the surfaces are degreased with isopropyl alcohol.

Types of polycarbonate fastening


Fasteners are made thermal washers directly to the frame, which is made taking into account wind and snow loads. The length and width in this case are not limited.

Fastening pitch – 300 - 400 mm.

The disadvantage is violation of the aesthetic appearance from the inside of the room, since the connecting profiles do not always coincide with the frame.


Mounted on a metal frame aluminum or polycarbonate connecting profiles, and blanks are already inserted into them.

The length is not limited, and the width is 0.7 or 1.05 meters (the result of waste-free cutting into 2 or 3 parts in length).

Flaw: if the design loads are exceeded, the panel, fixed only along the perimeter, may come out of the grooves.


This is a combination of the first two types, allowing to compensate for their shortcomings.

Accessories for fastening polycarbonate

  • Profiles: end, connecting, corner, wall, ridge.
  • Thermal washers, mini washers.
  • Plugs.
  • End adhesive tapes (solid and perforated).
  • EPDM seal for profiles.


  • End- for framing edges. A short shelf is placed outside.
  • Connecting(detachable universal and solid H-shaped) - allow you to connect the edges of the sheets. Only detachable profiles can be attached to the frame.
  • Corner- mating elements at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Wall mounted- provide a hermetically sealed connection to the wall, while simultaneously performing the functions of an end profile.
  • Skate- used to decorate the roof ridge and to connect elements at an angle of more than 90 degrees.

Thermal washers

By design:

According to the material:

  • Made from stainless steel.
    Used for large coverage areas, in areas with strong winds. The most durable and long lasting.
  • Made from polycarbonate.
    The design ensures a tight connection without damaging the surface. Durability – up to 20 years. Thermally stable. They can be monolithic or collapsible. They have a wide range of colors.
  • Made from polypropylene.
    The most economical in cost. Service life – up to 4 years. Applicable only in interior spaces or in the shade.

Mini washers

They are used in interior design where thin polycarbonate is used.


The ends of the profiles are covered, preventing dust, moisture, and insects from getting into them. Provide an aesthetic appearance.

Thermal changes in polycarbonate dimensions

Calculation linear changes can be calculated by multiplying the length or width in meters by the number of degrees and by the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (0.065).
Colored sheets heat up 10 - 15 degrees more.

For example: a transparent sheet 1 meter long with a temperature difference from – 30 to + 30 degrees will change its size by 3.9 mm, and a colored one – by 4.88 mm.

Therefore, you should definitely:

  • leave gaps when fastening and connecting panels;
  • drill holes 2-3 mm larger than the diameter of the fasteners;
  • use thermal washers;
  • use special connecting, ridge, and corner profiles.

General installation rules

Storage before installation

Protective coatings

Not deleted during transportation, storage, cutting, drilling and installation. They are removed immediately after completion of work.

Immediately after cutting The film will be removed from the edges, shavings will be removed and sealing will be carried out.

Materials that do not destroy polycarbonate

  1. polyethylene;
  2. polypropylene;
  3. polychloroplen;
  4. Teflon;
  5. neoplastic;
  6. silicone

Materials not compatible with polycarbonate

  1. polyvinyl chloride;
  2. polyvinylnitrile;
  3. polyurethane;
  4. acrylic sealants;
  5. amine or benzamide based sealants.


When developing a frame project, take into account:

  • wind and snow load;
  • thermal deformation of panels;
  • direction rainwater drainage;
  • acceptable bending radii;
  • size used sheets taking into account economical cutting;
  • along the edges of the sheet it is better for the side to rest on supporting supports;
  • installation step longitudinal supports - 700 mm, 1050 mm plus thermal gap between panels;
  • load-bearing thickness beams must be at least 30 mm for attaching connecting profiles;
  • before installation the frame is painted white or very light color. It is advisable to prevent direct contact of polycarbonate with metal, using rubber gaskets with a diameter of 30 mm and a thickness of 3 mm.

Approximate sheathing pitch for a flat structure (without taking into account the angle of inclination and climate conditions):

Approximate sheathing pitch for an arched structure (without taking into account geographical location):

Temperature recording for installation work

In temperature In the range from +10 to +20 degrees, polycarbonate does not experience thermal expansion. This is the optimal mode for installation.

In hot weather, the gaps between the panels and connecting profiles are reduced to a minimum; in cool weather, they are increased to the maximum.

Moving along the mounted surface

Supports used are at least 3 meters long, 40 cm wide and covered with soft fabric.

Cleaning polycarbonate after installation

If after removal protective film If there is a need for cleaning from cellular or cast polycarbonate, use a soft neutral detergent, warm water and cotton fabric. Rinse with cold water and remove drops of water with a dry soft cloth.

For large areas processing uses a machine washing method. Heavy stains can be removed with isopropyl alcohol.

Sheet polycarbonate is one of the most comfortable materials, used for the construction of greenhouses, canopies, canopies and other various extensions to the house. It owes its popularity to a whole set of beneficial properties: durability, strength, heat resistance, as well as the ability to transmit light and retain heat.

For polycarbonate structures to be truly durable, it is important to know how to properly cut and drill sheets, as well as how to secure polycarbonate to the canopy. It's not too much difficult work, however, you need to know a few technical details.

Types and features of polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is available in two varieties:

  • Monolithic. This is actually organic glass, having increased strength. It can be used for greenhouses and conservatories, but this is not the only application.
  • This material, unlike ordinary glass, does not break and is very difficult to damage. It can have any color, so it has beneficial decorative qualities.

  • Cell phone. These are special sheets with internal cavities that significantly increase thermal insulation properties.
  • This allows it to be used in the production of arches, canopies and canopies, since it effectively blocks solar heat with sufficiently high translucency. Such a canopy will not shade the area too much, but it will provide reliable shelter from rain and sun.

Knowing how to properly cover a canopy with polycarbonate, you can create a pleasant recreation area on your site, build a shelter for plants, or arrange a place for guest parking. This material is becoming more and more in demand in suburban construction every year.

Basic rules for working with polycarbonate

This polymer material is quite easy to use if you know and follow the basic rules for working with it. You need to follow safety precautions when cutting and know how to properly lay polycarbonate on a canopy. The following basic rules must be observed when working:

Compliance with the basic rules and requirements makes it possible to simplify working with polycarbonate and obtain optimal results. This is not a very capricious material, and you can learn how to handle it correctly very quickly. Beautiful and even sheets can be used as decoration for extensions; they will become a harmonious part of the interior design of the site.

Rules for fastening polycarbonate sheets

How to cover a canopy with polycarbonate? The frame for attaching polycarbonate can be made of metal or wood. Greenhouses, large canopies and canopies to the house most often have a metal base, steel pipes require mandatory anti-corrosion treatment.

A wooden frame made of timber or plywood can be used for small structures that will not be subject to significant load. The elements of the metal frame are connected by welding; for the wooden frame, self-tapping screws are used.

How to properly screw polycarbonate onto a canopy? Fastening sheets can be done in two main ways:

A special end profile must be installed on the edges of the sheets: it is designed not only to protect the sheet from moisture, dust, insects and various debris getting inside, but also to give the structure an aesthetically finished look.

Rules for fastening using an H-shaped profile

This type of fastening is used for large structures; for example, it can be used to erect a carport for parking a car. The H-shaped profile provides the most hermetically sealed connection between the sheets: it closes and seals the gaps between the sheets, and thanks to the pitched or arched design, rain moisture and snow will flow away along the sides of the canopy, which will protect it from excess load.

The H-shaped profile is available in several varieties:

Fastening using profiles is considered a “dry” method that can be used at any time of the year. Polycarbonate does not lose its properties when low temperatures, and work on installing canopies can be carried out in spring and autumn.

However, there is also a “wet” installation method: elements of canopies and other structures can be attached using a special polymer putty, after which all joints must be treated with sealant. This method makes it possible to save on the purchase of profiles and at the same time obtain a fairly durable structure.
Making a polycarbonate canopy attached to the house

Polycarbonate canopy – profitable solution for any building: it can become an analogue of a mini-veranda, convenient for placing plants, benches, sun loungers; such an extension requires a minimum of work on arranging the foundation, and it can be erected with minimal costs. Before starting construction, you will need to correctly calculate the dimensions and consider the placement of the frame. If the house is built of wood, the most appropriate solution would be a light canopy based on wooden frame.

The following step-by-step instructions will show you how to properly cover a canopy with polycarbonate:

  1. The first step is calculation and design. The support pillars are placed at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other; for a durable canopy, you can choose polycarbonate sheets with a thickness of 6-10 mm.
  2. The frame consists of bent and transverse beams: bent elements arched frame can be made from plywood, and for cross members strong timber is used. It must be remembered that all frame elements must be pre-treated with antiseptics to protect against rot and pests.

  3. Construction of the foundation. For it you need to prepare holes 60 cm deep, which are filled with concrete. After the solution has dried, metal corner brackets are attached to it, and the pillars are installed using a bolted connection.
  4. The cross beams of the attached canopy can be installed on special metal brackets, or can be placed on the wall cross beam, on which the frame attached with corners will rest.
  5. When the base is ready, polycarbonate can be attached to it. For a wooden frame, the easiest way is to use self-tapping screws with thermal washers: fasteners are usually purchased separately, and you need to calculate them correctly required quantity fasteners. An H-shaped profile can be installed at the joints, and if this is not possible, the joints are connected using aluminum tape, which prevents moisture from entering.

It is problematic to independently calculate the load on the frame, so you can either find ready-made drawings or order a calculation from professionals. Mistakes in the engineering part are very expensive, so it is better to take care of professional design. Then the canopy will be durable and safe, and it can be used both for a children's mini playground and for parking a car.

Advantages of a polycarbonate canopy

A polycarbonate canopy is not a very expensive solution: the sheets themselves are relatively cheap, a wooden or metal frame can also be purchased at minimal cost, or you can make all the elements yourself from materials left over after renovating a house or cottage. Fastening elements can also be purchased without any problems, and as a result you can equip your home with a convenient and practical extension.

The area under the canopy can be designed in different ways. The simplest solution is to remove top layer soil and fill the space with concrete. After drying, you will get a strong and level platform that can be used to park your car.

Another common solution is paving slabs: you can lay out an intricate pattern on the site, and an arched or pitched canopy will reliably protect the tiled carpet from precipitation. To make it as durable as possible, garden border stones will need to be laid along the edges of the site.

Despite all the difficulties, a polycarbonate canopy remains the most common solution for a summer house or country house. Almost every homeowner can build it with his own hands.