How to decorate the wall in the room with your own hands: Original decor. Decoration of walls with their own hands how to paint the wall with your own hands on the street

Over time, we all want not only at least some kind of diversity, and something new, which is able to raise the mood, diluing the usual atmosphere with bright colors. Wall decor with their own hands is one of the most creative, cheerful and inexpensive ways to decorate your home. That is why we collected the most interesting and original ideas for you that you can try to embody into reality. In this small, but practical list there are projects for all styles and levels of qualifying, respectively, you will definitely find the one that one hundred percent will like you.

If you are a novice in this matter or want to create a project that you can do with your kids, try one of the simpler ideas in the field of wall art, such as ink or abstract paintings. Looking for a more adult wall decor? This list presents tons of artistic drawings on the wall for each room in your home, from the "headboard" with Vasi-ribbon to a stylish mirror of sticks with paint! If you are an expert in Korfting, many of these crafts, such as a carved cloth and woven paper, will become an exciting test for you in the field of wall decor with your own hands: from bright and colorful to rustic and minimalist ideas on any color and taste.

1. Multicolored confetti

In recent years, metal colors and geometric shapes have become the two most popular elements used in the interior design. This project combines both elements that give your walls exquisite and glamorous appearance, and in order to embody what the stencils, scissors, special metal paper (foil) and a small amount of glue are needed in reality. And for those who want to save their own time at all, it is enough to buy original stickers of various geometric shapes.

2. Fluid art.

Ink art projects (fluid art) look like complex watercolor paintings, so you may be surprised, finding that this art is actually quite simple. The ink on an alcohol basis and alcohol is poured on the glass, magically turning into a beautiful bright drawing of organic lines and shapes. Make a similar picture on an old glass (you can use from the sideboard from which you decided to get rid of the unnecessary, or from the aquarium, which eventually began to leak) and you will receive an instant artwork of art that will please not only you, and your guests are not one year. For those who have no opportunity to make a similar picture on the glass, boldly use watercolor paper, inflating and drying the "paints" with a hairdryer on medium power. After the finished drawing, it can be secured by the usual hair lacquer or spray-glue on silicone basis.

3. Decorative shelves

At first glance, no one will not even notice that these cute shelves are made of sticks from the popsicle. All you need to embody this idea are ice cream wands that you can lay out in any form to create this elegant accent shelf on which you can place indoor plants or pleasant trinkets. Also, small planks can be used to create such shelves.

4. Photos

This project is one of the best ideas of wall decor for complex photos, such as Polaroid pictures. You can use any number of photos by adding and diluting them with pretty decor elements: clothespins, binders, pins, ropes and color tapes.

5. Fabric decor

In addition to the above options for wall decor, you can easily use tissue. Yes, yes, it is the fabric. Absolutely any of the old curtains to modern cloons with original prints. There is definitely where to raise fantasies and imagination. You should not stick to strict rules and frames, improvise and you will see how in the near future one of the walls will shine in a new way.

Previously, all the furniture was set under the wall, and the problems of the empty wall did not exist at all. Now completely different times. Merrates, who tells one or two walls free in the apartment. It turns out spacious, but not quite cozy. With the "bare" walls need to do something. Well, not a carpet to hang, in the very case! The designers accumulated a lot of ideas, in the apartment. We selected the simplest in realization and interesting solutions. We hope you can find a suitable option for yourself.

№1. Drawing right on the wall

The most trivial solution to the problem of a bare wall is to decorate its picture or paintings in beautiful frames. Yes, the idea is good, but she pursues another interesting decision. The canvas for the picture can be the wall itself, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe available site is greater, the wider space for fantasy.

Options create a picture of several:

  • traditional, i.e. paints by plaster;
  • modern, i.e. graffiti. The drawing is created by balloon paints, it looks bright and interesting, but it will not fit out in any;
  • volumetric pattern It looks even more interesting than the usual image, however, for this it is necessary to be friends not only with a pattern, but also with modeling;
  • the easiest way - for those who do not know how to draw - this stencil. It is enough to find in the store, on the Internet or print suitable stencils on the printer, fasten them on the wall and with the help of paints to create a drawing. Everything is very simple. Using stencils, you can make an interesting geometric or abstract drawing, apply an image of animals and even landscapes.

№2. Vinyl stickers

Vinyl stickers - a unique tool for interior transformation. These products are sold in a wide range. Can be found stickers of any style, color and size, they are very simply glued and just shoot. Best of all vinyl stickers look at smooth light walls. It can be images of animals, objects, trees, colors, abstract drawings - anything. Decor can be written in any style of interiorHe will look great in any room.

Instead of vinyl stickers, some use color self-adhesive paper from which you can cut a variety of identical or same type of figures. In the course of color tape, thanks to which you can quickly and easily create an interesting geometric pattern.

Number 3. Original walls

If the interior you are planning in advance, you will immediately know which of the walls remains empty. In this case, the list of possible solutions to the problem expands. The wall can be highlighted with interesting, making them decoration of the room. Probably it makes no sense to tell that the wallpapers are presented simply in a mad assortment and find something unique is easy. For example, one of the walls can be highlighted with wallpaper with images of paintings, old newspaper pages, drawings, animals, open books, etc. We emphasize that this decor is appropriate only for one wall.

Alternative solution - Create a panel from wall residues. Choose a beautiful frame and use a segment of wallpaper instead of a picture. Of course, it is very important that it was a wallpaper with an interesting pattern. You can shove fragments of wall wallpapers, and on the contour lay a gypsum molding. Very simple decor, which will solve the problem of an empty wall.

From segments of several old wallpapers you can create a collage on the whole wall Or only on it, but it will be pre-work to work to cut the segments of the desired size and shape, then collect the collage on the floor, and then one one is alone to glue every item on the wall. But the result is worth it.

№4. Wall mural and 3D-photo wallpaper

Instead of ordinary wallpapers, you can use or their more realistic analogue. The drawing is selected depending on the nature of the placement and the preferences of the owners. Natural and city landscapes, still lifes, reproductions of famous paintings are popular with popularity. Three-dimensional photographes look so realistic and volume that the impression of the continuation of the apartment space will be created.

Remember that the photo wallpaper is not a regiment and not a mirror. Competently entertain them in the interior is more difficult because the selected drawing must be supported by interior elements.. If the green street is depicted with a numerous cafe, then near the wall with photo wallpapers will appropriate several floor vases with plants and a table.

№5. Decorating the wall with mirrors

Mirror is a functional decoration. If it has an unusual form or enclosed in an interesting frame, the mirror will become a memorable room décor, while any mirror surface helps to visually expand the room, reflecting the rays of light. Empty wall can be decorated one big mirror panel, you can hang several mirrors of different sizes and shapes - Fantasy does not know borders. It is very important to adhere to the unity of the style and do not combine a clearly modern mirror in a bright simple frame with mirrors in rare openwork frames.

№6. Pictures

It seemed to be the most banal way to decorate an empty wall in the apartment. The method is checked by many generations and works well. Surprisingly, over the years he does not age. Moreover, in each apartment this method will look unique and peculiar. Reproduction of pictures of famous artists, modular paintings, works of beginner masters or use their own paintings. It turns out a real gallery, however, pictures need to skillfully complain. It is necessary to repel, first of all, not from the plot and prevailing paints, but on the size of the picture. A proven way is to position the walls of one or two of the largest patterns, and the space around them is filled with smaller cloths.

Alternative - use one big picture or poster. This item will certainly attract attention, so that the selection of images must be given to maximum attention. You can comply with several posters.

If you are not at all an artist, you don't have money for work masters, and you don't want to buy the web printed on the printer at all, then the following tips for you.

Here are some ways to independently create a picture that will master any:

№7. Fabric paintings

Separately, it is worth highlighting a panel from the fabric, which are created very simply and quickly, and if you choose the right fabric, this decor will not give way to this picture. In addition to the cutting of the fabric, it will be necessary to buy wooden subframes that are inexpensive selling in the bagent workshops. The fabric is stretched on the subframe and fix the rear furniture stapler. 10-20 minutes and panels are ready. You can hang one big picture on the wall or make a composition of several stupid pieces. The fabric can be used the same or different, but do not forget about the rules of harmony and the combination of colors.

№8. Photo gallery on the wall

Another time-tested, but from the equally beloved and spectacular reception of the decoration of an empty wall. Finished multi-frames are sold, which sometimes reach gigantic sizes. You can insert dozens of photos with confidence that you will have an excellent composition. You can confuse, pick up a few frames in one style, personally compound them and hang on the wall. In this way, you can create unique solutions and fill in photos of any area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. You can hang photos on the rope for the clothespins.

Choose color or black and white photos, comprise them in chronological order to trace the family history, or place chaotic. And households, and guests will constantly consider pictures, and the room will be filled with unique, only to her inherent in the atmosphere, even if you chose typical furniture from IKEA.

№9. Wall shelves

What can be decorative in ordinary? It's like a sofa or a kitchen table with a decor! But do not hurry with the conclusions. Ordinary horizontal shelves that we are tightly scored by the necessary and unnecessary things - this is, of course, not a special and decor. Choose original wall shelves: bizarre forms that form some kind of inscription or shape, in the shape of a tree or ancient scales. There are a lot of options, and the photo below shows only a small part of ideas. Remember that such shelves are the decor themselves, therefore it is impossible to overfill them. Of course, photos, books and souvenirs will not be superfluous, but I need to know the measure. Do not be afraid if part of the surfaces remain empty.

№10. Decorative plates

Brought plates from different countries and plates from oldest services can serve to create an interesting wall composition. Looking at such a decoration, you will remember travels or relatives who once belonged to cute plates. You can hang them on the wall chaotically or adhering to a certain geometric order, combine products of different sizes and shapes. The main thing is that the plates coincide in color or style.

Instead of plates you can use shallow baskets. Such a decoration perfectly fit into.

№11. Use cards

Avoid travelers will appreciate! Maps are a fairly popular decor element that is used in clock design, bags, albums, bed linen and many other things. Often cards become decoration of wallpaper and photo wallpaper, but if the repair is already complete, the walls are painted, and suddenly it turned out that the empty space is somehow more, then the cards of cities, countries or other mainland can be sharpened in the framework and hang on the wall, and the images can be Modern or aged. You may like the vintage cards that illustrate the views of people of past centuries about our planet. Perhaps instead of several small cards you prefer to hang one big and detailed. Use countries of countries and cities where you have visited or dream. Options Infinite Quantity - There are, from which to choose.

№12. Watch or even a clock collection

In times, when there is a clock in each gadget, the function of the wall clock is increasingly shifted towards decorative. The functionality is preserved, so it turns out not only interesting, but also a useful subject of the interior. How to make an empty clock wall? Methods of mass. The easiest - take big wall clocks, made under the old or. Some copies thanks to bold design surprise even professionals. There are hours in which the mechanism with arrows and dial is mounted separately, and the dial can be anyhow: figures in an interesting form or written by words, photos, paintings, figures. In this way, you can create a sufficiently massive clock, which will fill the entire space of a naked wall, but will not be a heavy load for it.

Alternative option - use several wall clocks. Here, as with the combination of other items, it is important to adhere to a single style. Vintage cuckoo clock will look ridiculous in the neighborhood with an instance in the style of Hi-tech.

№13. Demonstration of Hobby

You collect old cameras, masks, golf balls or tennis rackets, have you a rare collection of butterflies, knives, cups, musical instruments or aircraft models? Then place all this on the wall to make the room special and emphasize your own hobbies. When guests will consider exhibits, the owner of the collection will experience pride. In addition, it is much better to keep all the cute heart of things in sight, not somewhere in the cabinets. We get a useful decor again.

№14. Decorating the wall Handmade

If your hobby is not collecting, but embroidery or knitting, it can also be used in the wall decoration. Embroidered with a crossed or beaded paintings knitted openwork napkins, Macrame-style products will be created in the apartment comfort and a feeling of home heat. Yes, in the modern interior, such a decor is difficult to imagine - this is an option for, and other ethnic directions.

№15. Vertical sad

On the wall you can attach light vases and pots in one style, plant unpretentious plants and saturate the room with green paints. In stores you can find a lot of ready-made solutions for landscaping vertical surfaces. If there are skills, then the system of pots can be made with their own hands.

№16. Empty frames

This idea, at first glance, may seem wild, but if you explore examples of the photo, it becomes obvious that this is a good way to design an empty wall. Collect a few frames and paint them into one color. The win-win option is white, and if you are confident in your own taste, you can choose a bright shade. From the framework form a composition, the volume and the shape of which you choose. The frames can hang apart from each other, and can be layered one to another. The most effectively such decor looks on the monophonic walls. Do not be afraid to play in contrast: on a dark gray wall will be perfectly watching white frames, on blue - yellow, and on white - red, blue, orange and other bright shades frames.

№17. Show book

Many modern books get so bright and beautiful covers that hiding them in closets - practically sin. So why not decorate with them walls, putting on special "invisible" shelves. It is only a little bit to work out, combining the colors of neighboring books, and you will have a great exposure, which is easy to change if desired.

№18. Ethnic Accessories

If you often travel or enjoy a culture of some country, then, most likely, problems, how to make an empty wall, you will not have. Any authentic accessory will reflect your flavors and a unique decor. It may be big Japanese Fan, Cameroonian Hat, Dream Catcher etc.

№19. Accessories from Garderba

Perhaps the idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating the empty wall lies literally on the surface. Remember, maybe you have a whole collection of hats or bags. All of them are different, interesting and have their own history. Then boldly fasten several carnations and placing accessories on the wall of the road in a chaotic order. Such a decor is most suitable for the design of the bedroom.

№20. Animal heads

This decor in the style "Not one animal was not injured." Choose the heads of wild animals made by their plaster, wood, metal or papier-mache. Typically use a deer head with beautiful horns, bull, horses, less often turn to more exotic species, like a giraffe, hippopotamus, crocodile. The latter will look good in the African interior style, but deer and bulls are a universal version that will fit into and in modern style, only for the classics it is better to take products from wood or forging, and for minimalism and from chromed metal and plaster.

It is best to limit one head of a fairly impressive size. You can combine several products, but it is very important to know the measure and not overdo it. The best background for such an active decor is a monophonic wall.

№21. Ceiling plates on the wall

Option for bold. It is better to use polyurethane plates, because it looks not very good near. A typical ceiling decoration is easy to turn into a wall decor if you collect a suitable composition. Combine products of different sizes and paint them into adjacent tones, playing on the contrast with the color of the wall. It turns out original, fresh and quite pretty.

№22. Branches and Spiles

To be interested in issuing your own home, it is not necessary to buy expensive designer things. The decor can be found literally under the legs. You can arrange an empty wall in the room with the help of spikes of trees. It is easy to get them, cheat in chaotic order - too. If there is a fantasy, then you can arrange a spike in the shape of a Christmas tree or some animal.

The most "complex" stage is to cover wood and snowflakes, in spring - artificial colors, in the fall - berries and fruits. Such a decor will live with you, transform an apartment and saturate it with the appropriate mood.

№23. Large volume letters

Various inscriptions on the walls can be created using vinyl stickers, but if you want something more, then use large volumetric letters with which you can lay out the name, city name, inspirational words or phrase. Letters can be of one color or different, with or without backlight, made in different style. It looks good for the combination of photos within and letters with a small amount. . It can be a mirror panel with a fake window frame, or a picture with a picture of a visible scenery window. The most advanced products are complemented by backlight. If we finish such a window with curtains or short curtains, then the included will not immediately determine the room feature.

№26. Use the stylist paint

It is capable of turning any surface in the school board, on which you can draw anything, then erase and draw again. A good option for the children's room and kitchen. Using white and colored crayons and having some abilities to draw, you can update the interior at least every week.

№27. Origami

Paper is a dust collector, remove the dust from the numerous folds of paper crafts, without using a wet cloth, is not easy task, because many are not solved to apply a similar decor in the interior. On the other hand, paper is cheap, you can create anything from it, so you can update the decor constantly.

Often, cards, butterflies and other figures are cut out of the paper, which are born and hang it all to the wall with a wooden bar or simple hangers. From paper you can cut the phrase or a memorable date, ride on the thread and stretch over the entire wall, consolidating on carnations or tape. If you can, you can create various volumetric figures or make a quilling technique.

№28. Flags and emblems

If you are a patriot of your state or delighted with some distant country, then why not hang on the wall of the flag? If you arrange a room in the style of a certain country, the flag on the wall will be able to supplement the interior and give it a complete view. If the family has a family coat of arms, then he is the place on the wall in the living room. Let the household admire daily to them, and the guests will learn about the knowledge and honor of the genus.

Surely, you will find some more interesting ways, how to make an empty wall in the room. We will be glad if this selection served as a source of inspiration. If you have other ideas for the transformation of a naked wall, share them in the comments.

What if the house turned out to be an empty wall and how to decorate it and what a decoration to hang on the wall - read the article!

Here we have collected the main methods how to decorate the wall budget with your own hands! From the most elementary ideas that even a child can repeat, to more complex, such as wall painting - choose any!

We hide a big mirror on the wall!

The mirrors not only look beautiful on the wall and make it possible to admire themselves, but also visually increase the size of the room. We have adopted by greater extent standard mirrors and all of them are mostly located about the same way: the bathroom and the corridor.

Designer mirrors It is very expensive, literally last week I was convinced of this in a construction store. But even The usual mirror can be transformed and decorated.that neither it nor the walls will not know.

Figured mirrors on the wall - at the peak of popularity

Pen mirror - excellent focus on the wall!

Decorire wall wallpaper

An ideal option for making an empty wall for those, for example, old wallpaper on the wall or need to close or disguise.

  1. We buy a roll of wallpaper of a contrasting color or take trimming of old wallpaper.
  2. We lay out the collage first on the floor to understand what happens at the end.
  3. And we glue the wallpaper glue to the top of the old wallpaper.

Accent wallpaper

ATTENTION: On top of the old can only be glued in the event that they hold well!

Paint patterns and drawings

The most expensive, but very beautiful method to transform and decorate the empty wall in the apartment - applying a pattern of paint under stencil or greasy tape. The advantage of this method is durable and applied to any room: in the bathroom, in the kitchen and in the bedroom.

Color Scotch or Self-Adhesive Paper

If you do not want a long time with the paint - a simple way to decorate the wall is color tape or paper on self-adhesive basis. Cut out cross, mug or heart - now such Minimalistic and geometric print On the wall in fashion and it looks very stylish!

Small cross on the wall

Registration of adhesive tape

registration of the wall in the children's sticky ribbon

Registration over the desktop Golden circles from self-keys

Panel from fabric

Such fabric paintings Excellent wall decoration for both bedrooms and living room. Excellent will look at the head of the bed or near the TV.

The principle of creating a panel of fabric:

  • Needed Wooden subframe., Its cost is about $ 1-2. And you can order in any bagent workshop.
  • Choose any color suitable cutting fabric. You can use, for example, from an old dress or curtain.
  • With a stapler on a tree or furniture stapler Tensioning on the subframe. This process will take no more than 10-20 minutes.


Create at home the corner of wildlife. Place the branches in the frame and attach to the wall. In the photo options for how it can be done can use them, or your own on this basis. You can use as treated so coarse branches.

Vertical mini sadik

Likement your home, without forcing the tables and window sills. Little lightweight pots or vases made in the same style and attached to the wall in the form of exposure will help you do it. Pots can be bought in the store, or make a tree or cans.

How - in this master class!


This method will help not only decorate the wall, and make it more functional, place those important things you would like to have quick access or simply admire: books, van supplies with flowers, souvenirs. Make (or buy) the shelf of the original shape and it will not be just furnished, but a real element of the decor of the apartment.

Crafts from paper

Paper inexpensive, maybe a variety of colors and density and what can not do from it. Since the field for action and the truth is wide, we break this item to subparagraphs:

Cut figures

Butterflies, hearts, flowers and in the same spirit - for all this, only scissors, paper and some free time will be needed. You can cut on the finished stencil or it yourself originally draw, the figures can be flat or curved, creating a volume.

Paper crafts with 3D effect

Here you already need to show painstopping and exposure, but the result is worth it.


The usual white stickers bent several times turn the original wall decor. Color stickers look great even if you simply hang them with smooth colors, you can also apply the simplest origami techniques.

Paper panel

You can cut the paper into small pieces, rounded on the one hand, and make it so that each thing goes to the previous one, creating a panel thus. At the end, you can paint it all from the canister or leave in original color.

Paper baskets for cupcakes

Thanks to their shape, sizes and reliefs on the sides, they will suit not only for baking, but for decorating: it is easy to form in flowers or just an interesting abstraction.

Other photos of wall decoration ideas

Even things like corks from wine, pencils, pebbles, spoons and other "ordinary" can appear in a completely new light. Take a look at things around, turn on the fantasy and think about how else you can apply, besides the usual functions, and you will undoubtedly see many different options for the decoration of the empty wall, which before did not even think about it.

2 estimates, average: 3,50 out of 5)

The most pleasant repair stage is to decorate the premises. But even a small change in the design can significantly transform and refresh the room. Given the will of fantasy, using sweater, you can with pleasure and benefit spend your free time. A reward for efforts will be an elegant interior, comfort and good mood. The thematic article will help in this art decor with their own hands: original ideas, photos, with visual examples of design.

In the modern world, the design of the premises testifies to the style, taste, prosperity and abilities of the owner. The components of a beautiful and harmonious interior are not only exquisite furniture, fashion trends in decoration and original lamps. The design of the walls is an important detail that will help make a common image of the room finished and harmonious.

The decoration of walls, as an element of a good interior, executes one or more functions:

  1. Aesthetic. Decor of walls in the apartment - first of all it is their decoration.
  2. Creating a unique design. Walls decorated with homemade crafts demonstrate the skill of the owners and the originality of the design.
  3. Informative. A small gallery from photos, paintings, engraving clearly tells about the composition of the family or demonstrates a specific collection.
  4. Masking - the decoration of the walls will help hide flaws in the finish and even visually correct design errors. The highlighted main segment in the decoration of the room will distract attention from a less well-decorated functional zone.
  5. Economical. Sometimes simple change of the fashion design will help delay repairs for a while. The original ideas of the decoration with the help of color and texture accents will drastically change the situation in the room, giving it new notes.

Using Handemade in the design of the room can perform several functions at once. For example, the decor of the walls with their own hands from the primary materials will help not only increase the uniqueness of the interior, and will significantly save the costs of the hosts during its design.

Helpful advice! Attracting children to decorate children, contributes to rapprochement in the family and the formation of certain skills in the smallest households. As a result, a beautiful interior, a joint pastime of parents and children, the transfer of useful experience from the older generation younger.

Combination of equipment and aesthetics: photos of decoration walls on various bases

Successful decoration implies a skillful combination of decoration elements with a basic coating and wall material. Back at the stage of construction or level alignment, you need to decide on future design. Decorative elements can be located at different technical levels:

  • zero implies decor to the basic capital wall of concrete, brick or wood, pre-primed and prospait;
  • the first is a wall with a starting plaster;
  • the second is the level of the wall with the finish plaster, possibly already painted;
  • the third is a wall in the caught room, where the decorations serve to hide defects;
  • independent - the surface of the walls does not particularly affect the decoration.

From a technological point of view, the higher the working level, the more simple and less cost decor. At the same time, it is less resistant and short-lived.

Techniques used in decorating walls at the construction stage

At the zero-third technical level, decoration can imply the performance of certain finishing works. The main types of finishes are:

  • graphic image on the wall - Creating paintings using coloring substances for the interior;
  • application of frescoes - the factory is applied to the wet finishing material;
  • the use of tiles and mosaics - ceramic, faience, glass or other parts are glued to the wall surface, which ultimately represent the overall picture;
  • finished decor objects are the easiest and most common type of decoration, including many ways and allowing to realize various ideas by fastening the items on the wall.

Materials used in decorating at the construction stage:

  • putty - with its help align the surface under any scenery and create textured elements;
  • paintwork materials - need to create the basis and details of the image;
  • wallpaper - use as an independent decoration element or as a basis for painting;
  • tile made of glass, faience or ceramics - apply as an independent finishing material or part of it.

Brick Wall Decor: Visual Design Examples

Designers quite often at the finishing work phase are proposed to leave one or more walls in the form of brickwork. Sometimes brick or imitation materials are used as a decoration element. An interesting solution for designing such a wall is complete or partial painting.

Helpful advice! In order to eventually get beautiful walls, before starting decoration you need to prepare the basis. The wall should be smooth and covered with plaster, paint, varnish or another base.

Decorative design of walls using graphics

To create a graphic pattern, make putty, paints, patterns or stencils, brushes, spacing.

It is not necessary to have the talent of the artist or the education of the designer to create a graphic wall decor with their own hands. Stencils for the decoration of walls will help even beginner designer. For the manufacture of templates, paper, cardboard, plastic or paneur. A single-type report or a separate image is applied to the surface and cut out over contours.

Stencil use technology is very simple. To the place where the drawing is expected, the cliché is tightly applied. It is painted using a brush, roller or spacing. You can take paint in the cans. Next, the stencils rearrange and repeat the procedure as many times as the decorated surface requires.

More time-consuming decoration reception with a graphic image - drawing a sketch on the wall with a pencil, here without artistic talent can not do.

Apply the outline of the image on the wall can also be using a copy paper or projector. To do this, the device is connected to the computer and the selected drawing is designed at the place of application. Silhouette will be powered by a pencil. Next, with the help of brushes and paints we realize conceived on the wall.

Decor ideas do it yourself with a textured image

The textured image or frescoes are created on a wet plaster. Previously, decorators used clay, now the perfect and militant material is a gypsum putty. For this, an additional layer of plaster is applied to the previously aligned wall. It is not allowed to dry to the end and with the help of a sharp, similar to a pencil, the tools are applied to drawings.

The originality looks curly prints on the surface. Factory ornament on the wall is applied using the cooked cliché. It will simplify the task of a special pattering roller for the decor of the walls. You can buy it in a construction store.

After applying the fresco, the image is painted. For their application, use brushes of different thickness. A monotonous factory ornament is better covered with a spray with a pulverizer.

Using ceramics in wall decoration: interior design photos

The mosaic who came from the past centuries does not lose its relevance today. Previously, such a type of finish was used in the temples and houses of aristocrats, now it is available to any average family. Now the most popular decoration material from this row is a wall tile. But even with the help of a broken tile or old ceramic dishes, you can create a mini-masterpiece on the wall of the house. The original drawing can be created by chaotic sticking of small fragments.

As a rule, the base rooms for decorating walls mosaic are bathroom or kitchen. Using both standard ornament and finished photocartine of different sizes. Glue such a whole panel of a solid web.

The mosaic wall in the bathroom can be diluted with mirrors, which will give a special flavor, brightness and shine.

Use a mosaic as a decor for the room - a bold and original solution. It is also appropriate when making fireplaces and columns.

Among the finished elements of the decor you can select tiles. Basically, they are used to finish the walls of the kitchen or bathroom. The finished drawing is as a result of folding parts.

Wall decoration with their own hands using ready-made elements

The use of ready-made items and blanks in the design of the rooms will help you find the answer to the question of how to decorate the walls in the room.

In the children's room, decorating should be competent and harmoniously combined with the planning of functional zones. The main thing is the psychological comfort of children. Wallpaper with bright drawings are not desirable for the smallest. Excellent decoration - vinyl stickers in the form of butterflies and colors, which will create an atmosphere of summer, joy and heat.

The walls of the children's room can be covered with special chalk wallpaper. With the help of the original type, the finishes decided to have an eternal problem associated with the artistic inclinations of children. Now you can draw directly on the wall, which will become not only a web for creativity, and a peculiar notebook.

Wall decor in the kitchen: simplicity, comfort, convenience and comfort

Often it is the kitchen that is a favorite family place. Create comfort and warmth in the kitchen is simple enough.

The most common way to decorate is paintings. Logical landscapes or appetizing still lifes. Place them best over the dining table. The original thematic panel can be created with your own hands using braid materials. For this, the branches, leaves, dried fruits and even cereals and pasta will rise.

You can decorate the walls with the help of dishes. For this, there are plates, dishes, trays. In a special framework you can hang a table silver or a collection of spoons and forks of different shapes.

An excellent decoration in the kitchen is also indoor plants. Pots with flowers can be placed not only on the windowsill, but also on the walls. For this, kashpo, shelves and holders are used.

Decoration is the last, and therefore the most pleasant stage in the process of designing the interior. Wall decoration can be entrusted to experienced designers who will create a beautiful entourage. But, having free time, the minimum skills of decorative and applied art and needlework can be decorated with walls on their own. Such a decor will create comfort, comfort will help to unwind the family and bring self-satisfaction from the work performed.

Any decoration is the final and most pleasant stage of any repair. If we talk about the decoration of the walls in the houses of the dwelling, then this process has a positive effect not only on the image of the interior, but also the creative abilities of the owners. Imaging your designer dreams into reality is the easiest way to do with the help of decorative elements. Even a small change in the design of the walls of the room leads to a tremendous change of the image of the interior. But for this often quite a bit. If you have some Handemade skills, free time and a great desire to transform the design of a room or another in your apartments, then this selection of original, practical, creative and simple ideas for you.

If your goal is a unique design

From ancient times, people were decorated with the walls of their housing. If you can call the walls of the cave, in which the first rock paintings were found. Nowadays, it is not necessary to have high artistic qualities, needlework skills to decorate their home original, stylish and aesthetically. Our services are not only different materials and devices that simplify the manufacture of decorative elements, but also the experience of generations accumulated over many years of the very concept of decorating your home.

Of course, any Handemade enhances the level of uniqueness of the interior. This is the easiest way to create not easy creative, and the unique design of one or another room. But the wall decor can perform not only the functions of the interior decoration. With the use of various color and textured solutions for decorating the walls, you can hide any disadvantages of finishes and even structural features, you can distract attention from the unsuccessful design of the functional zone and allocate the main segment of the room.

With the help of a wall decor, it is easy to delay the repair - cosmetic or global. Not to mention the fact that refreshing the furnishings of the room, give it new character notes, create a color or factory emphasis - all this is easy to make with the help of a wall decor that will not require much costs. And if you perform any decorative work together with households, in addition to the beautiful interior, you can get an excellent opportunity for rapprochement, holding a joint time of parents with children.

Paintings, posters and not only

One of the most vintage and effective ways to decorate the walls are the use of paintings, various panels, posters within and not only. Modern designers offer to try themselves in the field of decorating their own dwellings even those who are far from fine or decorative and applied arts. Use the finished frames for paintings or photos that are sold in the store (or make your own option, if you have a joinery skills) in combination with imaginary agents - sprigs, twigs, paper blanks or material. Give the composition the desired color gamut is the easiest way with the help of acrylic paints.

Cutlery and various kitchen accessories that no longer apply in workflows can be used to compile original compositions. You can decorate the transfigured item items, a kitchen, a dining room, a veranda of a country house and even a living room decorated in the country style or Shebbi chic.

Favorite aphorism, your family slogan or just a beautiful saying that helps to motivate, customize the actions and accomplishment or vice versa - relaxing and soothing can become an interior decoration. For this, a fairly printed slogan is placed in a beautiful or original frame, harmoniously inscribed in the interior.

Very spectacular composition composition, wall panels composed of decorative elements of one form and having one style of execution, excellent in color solutions or presence (absence) of the print. Such panels can be made of various materials - from ordinary paper to velvet fabric species.

What about the finished gypsum decorative elements imitating the stucco, which you use not on the ceiling by destination, and on the walls? Coloring several elements in different shades of one color will allow you to create a harmonious one, but at the same time the original composition. Another way to use undergraduates is the compilation of compositions from what is literally lying under your feet - twigs, corping, spins of the original shape, cones and other gifts of nature.

Even the simplest garlands of paper, fabrics or other healthy materials can be an original interior decoration. In the bedroom, the walls behind the headboard of the bed are most often exposed to decoration, and in the living room - above the sofa or pair of chairs that create a soft seating area.

If you have artistic abilities, it would be a crime without taking advantage of this wonderful gift. A unique design that does not require large financial investments (but, of course, requiring greater time costs) is provided to you. Even drawings made using stencils can become a highlight of the interior, highlighting it among many similar design projects.

Wall-mounted decor may be incredibly practical. For example, an excellent storage system for jewelry can be obtained from a conventional frame with a grid strained. Earrings and brooches are very convenient to post on such a wall storage. For beads, necklace, chains and bracelets, you can use slats with hooks attached to them.

A similar idea can be used for the manufacture of the key. All your keys will always be in place, thanks to such a simple fit.

With the help of the frames, you can make the switches, counters, temperature control units or home alarm.

Collection options for family photos

No less popular and ancient way to preserve history, at least the history of one house - the use of family portraits. If our ancestors needed to seek help to professionals, use portrait services, then we sufficiently print successful photos and insert them into the frame. But also in the usual location of the finished photos within the framework of the creative, using not only the variety of shapes and sizes of the wall decor, but also additional items.

The photos in the framework of which are not hidden behind the products, but are intentionally put up for display. It may be a simple twine, and beautiful thin chains - weight depends on the concept of the design of the entire interior.

Recently, various wall-mounted decorative elements cut from wood became popular. This may be a whole inscription (family surname, for example) or alone letter. But those performed in a single color palette with frames for photos, such decorative elements become an excellent decoration and wall composition, and rooms.

A photo without frames may look in the composition no less effectively, if you place them on special subframes, not visible to the eye.

And if you add a garland with light bulbs or tape backlight, then in addition to the excellent wall decor and saving pleasant moments in memory, you can also get a festive mood.

But the glowing garlands can also act as an independent attribute of the wall decor. Fix the wire with light bulbs in a certain form is easy, and the result according to the effect being created can exceed all the expectations.

Mirrors in the modern interior

In itself, a large mirror in a beautiful or creative frame is capable of not only to fulfill its main functions, but also decorate the interior of the room. If you use several small mirrors of the same form, but in different frames (most often fulfilled in a single stylistic solution), you can get a whole decorative composition.

Mirror elements can be used without a framework for compiling the original composition. The time and effort on the preparation of such panels will be needed much more, but the result compensates for all costs - the wall decor is obtained original, stylish and modern.

Flowers and indoor plants like interior decor

Indoor plants help us not only decorate the interior with juicy greens and beautiful bloom, but also create a special, cozy atmosphere, clean the air in our dwellings and bring the heat of home comfort. The most simple pots with the colors "will play" with new colors if they are placed in neat cells or special holders on the wall. It is not always possible to place on the windowsill possible, and not all plants need so much light.