When can you move into a house? The most favorable days for moving to a new home

There are situations in life when you have to leave your usual place of residence and move to another. This is completely no coincidence, since each of us is looking for something better for ourselves and our loved ones. In this article we will look at which days are favorable for moving in the coming 2017.

The most successful numbers

Every month has favorable days for moving. For example, in January, fate promises good luck to those who decide to move on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, and 29th. These numbers in February will be 3 and 4. There are also many lucky days in March - 2, 3, 4, 30 and 31. There are slightly fewer periods for change in April. The best day will be the 27th.

From May to August, astrologers do not recommend moving at all. The beginning of autumn, namely September days, may not be the most best time for changes, but there will still be a few successful periods - the 3rd, 4th and 30th. And in October, the best time to change your place of residence is on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th. There are also few days in November - the 24th and 25th. And in December, the numbers 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29 will be favorable. All other days that are not included in the list are either unsuitable or neutral, so you should not start important matters regarding moving on them.

Change of residence according to horoscope

Aries always strive for something new, so moving for them always ends successfully. This sign moves only if there is a goal, and the coming year of the Rooster is favorable to those who are active and purposeful. Taurus loves consistency, so it is not advisable to start moving in 2017. It is better to direct all your efforts to creating comfort in the home where you currently live. Geminis cannot imagine their life without changes, so in the New Year they are shown moving and new beginnings.

Representatives of the constellation Cancer can plan to change their place of residence only if they do not see further development and prospects in the old one. Leos will be able to feel the fullness of existence, but only if their move is carried out in the north-west direction. Virgos in 2017 can move if they need it to improve their health. The best direction will be south. Libras who dream of finding happiness in their personal lives should move to the East in the year of the Rooster. This move will be successful, since the Rooster gives everyone, without exception, the opportunity to tune in to the wave of love and romance.

If Scorpio feels problems in the financial sphere, you can start packing your bags.

Sagittarius will discover new perspectives for themselves. To do this, representatives of this sign must leave their native lands and go abroad. Capricorns love stability, so moving is, in principle, undesirable for them. And if you decide to leave your home, then it is better to do so for those who are at a young age. Aquarius and Pisces who decide to move will be able to experience significant changes. Their lives will be filled with significant events. It is worth mentioning separately about Pisces, since a change of place of residence should be associated for them with training or subsequent career development.

The lunar calendar is based on the movements of the moon; it is one of the most ancient calendars, which our ancestors relied on. The moon revolves around the Earth and creates a rhythm - lunar month, the basis of the calendar.

Why does the Moon influence a person? It affects all liquids that are on Earth, and therefore also affects us, because we are 80% “water”. Moreover, the impact is felt not only and not so much on a physiological level, but on a psychological one.

- a complex and stressful process, it takes away large number strength, time, nerves. It is better to start moving when you are cheerful, confident and calm. And he will tell you about favorable days for moving lunar calendar.

Let's figure out which days are favorable for moving in 2018.

Astrologers' opinion: when is the best time to move?

Astrologers say that the best time to move is the waxing Moon, and a couple more days in its third and fourth phases. If you are moving into temporary housing, such as a hostel or hotel, choose days when the Moon is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra or Gemini. And if you are moving permanently, then the Moon in Scorpio, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn will suit you.

What days are unfavorable for moving? Eclipses, Mercury retrograde when the Moon is out of course, as well as the so-called "Satanic" days, days of deception - 9, 19, 23 and 29. Astrologers generally recommend being skeptical of everything you are told on a "Satanic" day, and do not plan any serious decisions for it.

Mercury retrograde in 2018 falls on:

  • from 23.03 to 15.04;
  • from 26.07 to 19.08;
  • from 17.11 to 6.12.

Eclipses in 2018:

  • Full moon: January 31st.
  • Partial sunny: February 16th.
  • Partially sunny: July 13th.
  • Full moon: July 28th.
  • Partially sunny: August 11th.

Calendar: which days are favorable for moving in 2018

And now - a table with all the favorable and unfavorable days a year ahead. You can immediately plan trips and moves - both temporary and permanent.

When is the best time to move:

January 2 5 7 8 14 21 22 24 25 26
February 1 5 8 10 14 15 16 17 18 21 27
March 1 2 5 8 11 12 13 14 21 22 26
April 2 4 8 12 13 14 20 21 28
May 3 6 10 11 12 13 14 20 21 28 30
June 3 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 21
July 3 7 10 11 12 13 21 22 26
August 5 13 16 21 22 23 24 25 30
September 3 6 13 14 17 18 26
October 1 5 12 13 14 21 23 30
November 3 5 12 13 14 15 18 22 23 28
December 6 10 11 12 17 18 19 23 24 30

Pay attention to eclipse days and Mercury retrograde!

What days are favorable for moving according to folk signs?

What about folk signs? Our ancestors believed that moving on Tuesday would be the happiest - on this day nothing will interfere with you, and any undertakings related to changes in life will succeed.

Yes, and logically this is reasonable: during the day on weekdays there are fewer traffic jams and fewer orders from moving companies. Taking time off from work and moving on Tuesday is a well-informed decision.

Our ancestors considered Semenov’s day, September 14, to be especially favorable for moving. As you can see, according to the lunar calendar it is also considered successful. Therefore, if you are not in a hurry and can start planning much in advance, schedule your move for September 14, 2018.

And don’t forget to let the cat into the house first!

Today, when belief in omens has firmly entered our lives, when many of us determine a favorable date, a favorable day/days for moving according to the lunar calendar or guided by the rules of Feng Shui, it is worth approaching the study of this issue thoroughly, once and for all, as they say, to place all the i's are dotted. Who knows, maybe a favorable day according to the lunar calendar will allow your move to go without a hitch, if you fully believe in omens. But, I must say, you can’t do it without the help of professionals. So if you are about to move to new apartment or in new home, we will help you plan everything down to the smallest detail.

Let us help you plan your move correctly

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Moving is an important matter, and it needs to start when favorable numbers calendar If you decide to change your location, plan this event in advance. Don't move in the summer (if possible, postpone the move until the fall). Please note that it is better not to move on dates that are not on the list, as this is not the most favorable period for this event.

The influence of the Moon on the life of the planet has long been established by scientists. Being in Earth's orbit, it controls all the ebb and flow of water bodies, and there is also a certain dependence of plant growth on its movement around our planet.

Paying attention to all these facts, it should be taken into account that people’s lives are also influenced by the satellite. Even in ancient times, there were beliefs that described lunar influence on events in a person's life.

Even if you throw away all prejudices, you can catch some connection yourself. The phases of the Moon affect both a person’s physiological well-being and emotional state, not to mention the mystical side. Therefore, when planning important events, you should take this factor into account.

Astrologers have long deduced a certain pattern of power of influence, thanks to which there are a large number of lunar calendars that affect all spheres of human life. These tables highlight specific days on which it has either a positive or negative impact on significant events.

The influence of stars on determining common features character of a person at birth, but we should also not forget about the further impact they have. Combined with the mysticism of the Moon, one should pay tribute to their power. It all depends on the movement of the satellite and its location in the constellations of the Zodiac signs.

When planning an event such as moving, which in itself affects future fate, it is necessary to take into account the factor of cosmic influence. To do this, you don’t need to do the calculations yourself. lunar phases and its passage in a certain house of the zodiac, because there are already ready-made tables.

Moving is usually not planned in one day, and this event is associated only with positive emotions. To maintain the mood and to avoid negative influence extraneous factors, you should check the day of this event with the lunar calendar developed for such an occasion.

Astrologers have specifically studied the influence of lunar phases on this event so that you can attract the positive charge that the mystical influence of the Moon gives. The dates indicated in the table will affect your luck when moving.


Aries love change, so a change of residence always ends well for them. In the year of the Rooster, astrologers recommend that purposeful representatives of this sign move. For Taurus, 2017 is not the most successful period for home changes, so it is better to focus on arranging the old “nest”.

Cancers can move only when they were unlucky in their old place. It is better for Leos to move towards the northwest. New housing will bring improved health to Virgos, move to the south. Libra needs to move towards the east for changes in his personal life.

Absence financial well-being- a reason to pack things for Scorpio; moving abroad this year is especially lucky. Capricorns are associated with stability, so moving is not a good idea. Pisces and Aquarius can change housing if they want to make truly significant life changes.


Let’s figure it out together and study together what folk wisdom dictates to us in this regard, which days of the week are more suitable for organizing a move, and which are less suitable and why.

  • Monday. I would like to immediately add – “it’s a hard day.” This day is popularly considered not particularly favorable for planning new affairs and settling in a new place. Popular wisdom advises to wait. But you won't have to wait long.
  • Tuesday. It has long been called the day of travel and new discoveries. People believe that on this day you will be lucky.
  • Wednesday. Unfavorable for moving to a new house or a new apartment. People say that if you move on Wednesday, you won’t stay long in the new place, and if necessary, you won’t even get guests.
  • Thursday. Promises a fair wind. The day is neutral in all respects. To move is to move.
  • Friday. Almost Monday's sister. On this day of the week it is better not to start new things and not to go on the road. Put off new beginnings until the next day, for example.
  • Saturday. This is just Tuesday's sister. The day when things get going, work goes well, and all undertakings are accompanied by success. Are we moving?
  • Sunday. A day that definitely needs to be devoted to rest. You rest. And we'll take all the most difficult work on yourself.


If you haven’t found the answer to the question of when is the best time to move, neither in the lunar calendar nor in folk wisdom, all that remains is to turn to eastern philosophy and thus make luck work for you. According to Feng Shui, when you choose a home, you choose your destiny. By changing your place of residence, you can confidently try to change your destiny. Why not?

  • The rules of Feng Shui moving teach us to choose a day (this can be done using the Feng Shui calendar, which is now available for free sale). Always and in any case, the date of birth of the owner of the house will be favorable for moving.
  • Feng Shui rules for moving also warn us to move to a new apartment in the evening and at night. It would be nice if your apartment moving passed in 1 day. We can easily arrange this.
  • You cannot enter a new home empty-handed. It is believed that every family member should bring something with them. It is better to contribute the most valuable things first, as this contributes to prosperity and family well-being.

There are situations in life when you have to leave your usual place of residence and move to another. This is completely no coincidence, since each of us is looking for something better for ourselves and our loved ones. In this article we will look at which days are favorable for moving in the coming 2017.

The most successful numbers

Every month has favorable days for moving. For example, in January, fate promises good luck to those who decide to move on the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 8th, and 29th. These numbers in February will be 3 and 4. There are also many lucky days in March - 2, 3, 4, 30 and 31. There are slightly fewer periods for change in April. The best day will be the 27th.

From May to August, astrologers do not recommend moving at all. The beginning of autumn, namely the days of September, may not be the best time for change, but there are still several successful periods - on the 3rd, 4th and 30th. And in October, it is best to change your place of residence on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th. There are also few days in November - the 24th and 25th. And in December, the numbers 1, 2, 21, 22, 23, 28 and 29 will be favorable. All other days that are not included in the list are either unsuitable or neutral, so you should not start important matters regarding moving on them.

Change of residence according to horoscope

Aries always strive for something new, so moving for them always ends successfully. This sign moves only if there is a goal, and the coming year of the Rooster is favorable to those who are active and purposeful. Taurus loves consistency, so it is not advisable to start moving in 2017. It is better to direct all your efforts to creating comfort in the home where you currently live. Geminis cannot imagine their life without changes, so in the New Year they are shown moving and new beginnings.

Representatives of the constellation Cancer can plan to change their place of residence only if they do not see further development and prospects in the old one. Leos will be able to feel the fullness of existence, but only if their move is carried out in the north-west direction. Virgos in 2017 can move if they need it to improve their health. The best direction will be south. Libras who dream of finding happiness in their personal lives should move to the East. This move will be successful, since the Rooster gives everyone, without exception, the opportunity to tune in to the wave of love and romance.

If Scorpio feels problems in the financial sphere, you can start packing your bags.

Sagittarius will discover new perspectives for themselves. To do this, representatives of this sign must leave their native lands and go abroad. Capricorns love stability, so moving is, in principle, undesirable for them. And if you decide to leave your home, then it is better to do so for those who are at a young age. Aquarius and Pisces who decide to move will be able to experience significant changes. Their lives will be filled with significant events. It is worth mentioning separately about Pisces, since a change of place of residence should be associated for them with training or subsequent career development.

Moving to a new place of residence sometimes becomes a real stress for a family. The need to leave your “familiar” place, collect what you have acquired over many years and move it all to a new apartment is not an easy task. To ensure that your move brings only positive emotions, find out where you need to move. Younger family members usually suffer from having to part with old servants and school friends. The elders are worried that the move will go as smoothly as possible, and that the new home will make the family’s life better and more comfortable.

All these worries and worries imbue the event with negative energy. It can have a bad effect on the move: it can “pull” negativity towards the new apartment and create corners in it for unhappiness to penetrate into the life of the family. Helps to avoid this proper organization process. It includes agreeing on the date of the move according to the lunar calendar, horoscope, Feng Shui, as well as carrying out some cleansing rituals.

Favorable and unfavorable days for moving

First important point- when to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar. The Moon is the closest cosmic body to Earth. It has the maximum influence on all processes occurring on the surface of our planet. Causes ebbs and flows, changes in the psyche of people and disturbances in the energy shell of the Earth.

When our space satellite is in an active phase, it has a stronger effect on people. The waning moon is less aggressive. In this regard, the question arises whether it is possible to move to the waning moon or whether this is not advisable. Experienced astrologers believe that moving should be planned for the waxing moon, not the waning moon. In the first phases of growth, the satellite does not yet carry negative energy.

Don't plan to move during a full moon! In this phase, the satellite is as aggressive as possible. It accumulates all negative processes, promotes confusion and release dark side human nature. When moving on a full moon, the family will take with them all the bad things that tormented them and prevented them from living happily in the old house.

If moving to the waning moon is inevitable, the family should try to prepare for it as best as possible: observe a number of traditions, invite a brownie, clean the new home, arrange the furniture correctly. It is equally important to choose the best day for all these actions.

Numerology plays the first role in planning important events. The following dates are considered successful days for relocation: 2, 7, 11, 16, 21, 25. The 5th, 13th, 19th, 26th and 29th are considered undesirable.

We change housing according to the horoscope

They choose favorable days for moving to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar and horoscope. The sign of the head of the family matters. Astrologers consider the following to be good for changing housing:

  • for Aries, Cancer and Taurus - the year of the snake, rooster, dog, bull, tiger;
  • for Scorpios, Libra and Gemini - the year of the rooster, pig, rat, dragon, horse and sheep (goat);
  • for Sagittarius, Leo and Capricorn - the year of the tiger, dragon, sheep (goat), dog and monkey;
  • for Pisces, Aquarius and Virgos - the year of the horse, rooster, dragon, pig and rat.

Moving according to Feng Shui rules

Having determined favorable days for moving to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar and horoscope, it is also important to follow the rules of harmonious organization of living space (in Eastern practices - “feng shui”). Eastern sages say: “When choosing a new home, a person chooses his own destiny.” For this reason, you need to look for housing in a “good” place:

  • away from large enterprises, plants and factories;
  • closer to nature (but not near the forest!);
  • in an energetically clean corner (find out if there was previously a cemetery on the site of the building).

The second important point is the duration of the move itself. It is highly desirable that all things be transported to the new apartment within 1 day. Don't drag out your move for several days! This will create a time gap that will turn into a tunnel for negative energy.

Leaving old house, it is important to leave it in order: remove garbage, unused wrapping paper, boxes, throw away old things. This symbolizes cleansing of everything unnecessary in life. When a person frees himself from the trash present in his habitat, he opens the door to new achievements and events. Throws out the bad, makes room for the good.

Upon arrival, you also need to behave correctly. You absolutely cannot cross the threshold of a new home empty-handed for the first time. Each family member should bring with them something valuable and dear to them. This action creates a good aura, and subsequently attracts wealth and all kinds of prosperity to the house.

In the first days in a new place, you need to try not to quarrel. The home should be filled with positive energy. It is important to plan in advance where what furniture will go. So, according to the rules of Feng Shui, the bed should not be located directly opposite the door, but slightly to the side. Also, don’t hang it opposite entrance doors mirror. It will repel positive energy flows and expel wealth from the home.

Moving on the Moon in 2019

For those who want to plan their move according to the lunar calendar, astrologers offer a little hint on next year. All favorable moments and signs celestial bodies they collected favorable dates in a single set. So, in 2019, the lunar calendar recommends choosing the following days for moving to a new apartment:

  1. January: 7, 12, 23, 29.
  2. February: 1, 2, 26, 27.
  3. March: 1, 3, 12, 23, 31.
  4. April: 13, 19, 22, 27, 29.
  5. May: 2, 5, 8.
  6. June: 4, 7, 9, 21, 28, 30.
  7. July: 15, 17, 24.
  8. August: 2, 5, 7, 19, 25.
  9. September: 3, 12, 16, 18.
  10. October: 4, 9, 26.
  11. November: 6, 8, 19, 20, 24.
  12. December: 1, 6, 18, 22.

Preparing to move to a new home

We determined the day when it is best to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar, and coordinated it with our plans. Where to start moving so that it brings the maximum for the family? good changes in fate?

First of all, you need to get rid of old things that littered the space of your previous home. Boots that are damp in the pantry, cracked dishes, torn linen - feel free to send all this to the landfill! Carefully pack the necessary and good things into boxes, label them so as not to confuse where the warm sweaters are and where the dishes are, and put them against the wall closer to the exit.

Then clean up the apartment you are leaving. Take out the trash, wash the floors. It’s worth tidying up not only the apartment, but also the landing. Such general cleaning will become a symbolic farewell to the old housing. It will help you get rid of the “anchors” that tie you to this place and prepare for a new life.

Ritual of inviting a brownie

In past centuries, the brownie was considered the main protector and guardian of order in the house. He looked after the cattle and kept records of supplies. They tried their best to please the brownie. The satisfied “owner” always helped the household. When the family moved to another place, the brownie was sure to be taken with them.

What is needed for the ceremony

To transport a brownie, you will need the following things:

  • a broom, which was usually used to clean the apartment;
  • a basket (if you don’t have one, you can use any clean box);
  • a small pillow or feather bed to cover the bottom of the basket;
  • saucer;
  • milk.

How is the ceremony of inviting a brownie carried out?

The ritual is very simple. First, a broom is taken from the old house. The brownie loves to hide in the twigs of this working tool. So the housewife, who took her old broom to her new home, will almost certainly transport the little secretive “owner” who guards the comfort of the house.

The second way to invite a brownie is related to a basket. Its bottom needs to be covered with something soft - a small pillow, a feather bed - so that in the end you get something similar to sleeping place for a cat. While the family is getting ready, the basket needs to be taken outside the threshold for 10 minutes old apartment. During this time, the brownie will climb onto this carefully prepared bed and in this form will move to a new home.

Upon arrival, the basket must be placed in any free room. While no one is looking, the brownie will get out of it and begin to settle into the apartment. To immediately put the capricious “owner” at ease, he needs to pour a little milk into the saucer. The little brownie probably got tired and hungry during the journey.

What days are good for moving?

They plan to move to a new apartment according to the lunar calendar, horoscope and the appropriate day of the week. Some days contribute to success in big things. Others are considered not particularly successful. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are considered bad. Sunday is traditionally dedicated to God, so neither preparations nor the relocation itself can be planned on it. But Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are considered lucky. Plan your move for these days!

Signs that will help with housewarming

Some signs and rituals also help to create a good atmosphere in your home. It’s great if, after arriving, the family was able to immediately meet and communicate on a positive note with their new neighbors. It is also good if on the day of relocation the street goes snowball. This is for wealth. The cat is always the first to be let into the home. The animal brings with it good energy peace and wealth.

If you previously lived in an apartment, you need to open all the taps and let the water flow. The energy of the previous residents, all their troubles and misfortunes, will go with it. Housing can also be cleaned with wormwood. The plant has the ability to drive away dark entities. Burn a sprig of wormwood and fumigate the room with this smoke.

When is it necessary to carry out rituals of cleansing and protecting the home?

Carry out cleansing rituals immediately after moving (no later than the first 3 days).

A simple ritual of cleansing your home with holy water

Water consecrated in church is considered one of the most powerful means of getting rid of negativity. It can also be used to clean your home. The cleansing ritual is very simple. It only takes a couple of minutes, so it can be done immediately after moving.

What is needed for the ritual

All you need is a little water blessed in the church. Nothing more.

How to perform a ritual

All corners of the apartment are sprinkled crosswise with holy water 3 times. The same needs to be done with windows and doors.

Cleaning the apartment with salt

Salt is considered a favorable substance for cleansing procedures of both physical and energetic properties. Salt kills bacteria, which is why it is used to preserve food. This substance has the same effect on subtle matters: it cleanses the energy field and drives out evil.

What is needed for the ritual

To carry out the ceremony you will need a small pack of salt (preferably sea salt) and several saucers.

How to perform a ritual

Salt should be scattered in small handfuls into saucers, and then placed around the house for 7 days. At the end, the spent salt is poured into one bag and buried away from the house. She takes away all negativity into the earth.

The power of fire to cleanse your home of negativity

Fire also has powerful energy. This element, like no other, is capable of incinerating evil entities, damage, the evil eye, and the ill will of envious people.

What is needed for the ritual

12 new candles are needed.

How to perform a ritual

We offer an ancient pagan ritual that is performed alone. The hostess lights the candles and arranges them in a circle, reciting the spell:

“Great Father Svarog, separate reality from Navi, day from night! Fire will cleanse everything between earth and heaven. The spell will burn in him and what was said will come true. Truly."

The candles must burn out completely. Fire will clear the energy field. After this, you can live in the house without fear of any negative influences.